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This work will document some of the meanings of seeing hut in dream from the perspective of Yoruba spirituality and culture. The Yoruba words for Hut is Aba/Abule. In the course of this work Abule will be used. By hut in this sense we are referring to an often small and temporary dwelling of simple construction. Seeing hut in dream as the case of every other dream symbol can have negative or positive meaning. The meaning to be attribute to huts dream will depend on the content and context of the dream. Below are some of the meaning of seeing hut in dream as document by Babalawo Obanifa.
TI A BA LALA RI ARA WA NINU ABULE TUNTUN (IF YOU SEE YOURSELF INSIDE A NEWLY BUILT HUT): any kind of dream of this nature connotes peace of mind, success and happiness.
TI A BA LALA RI OGBO ABULE TO RI JAKU -JAKU (IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAM AN OLD WORN OUT HUT WITH DEGENERATING LOOK): This kind of dream is a negative warning dream. It connotes an imminent danger and loss. It is warning dream of imminent hazard.
TI A BA SUN SINU ABULE LOJU ALA (IF YOU SLEEP INSIDE THE HUT IN YOUR DREAM):This kind of dream is a warning dream .warning the dreamer about an imminent ailment or sickness.
TI A BA LALA TI ABULE WO LOJU ALA(IF YOU AN HUT FELL OR GET DEMOLISH IN YOUR DREAM):This kind of dream connote an imminent death of some one close to you such as mother or father.
TI A BA LALA TI A N KO ABULE LOJU ALA (IF YOU SEE YOUR SELF BUILTING AN HUT IN DREAM):This kind of dream connote You will achieve peace and success cum protection through hard work.

TI A BA LALA RI ABULE TO N JONA (IF YOU SEE AN HUT ENGULF BY FIRE IN DREAM): In any kind of dream of this nature it is a warning that some enemies are trying to stage physical or spiritual attack from enemies. It is a warning dream.
Copyright :Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone and whatsapp contact :+2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.
IMPORTANT NOTICE : As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission from the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract legal consequence

 Clique no Vedio acima para assistir e baixar Alan Jackson - Remember When (Official Music Video)



 Este trabalho documentará alguns dos significados de ver cabana em sonho a partir da perspectiva da espiritualidade e cultura iorubá.  As palavras em ioruba para Hut é Aba / Abule.  No decorrer deste trabalho, o Abule será usado.  Por um lado, neste sentido, estamos nos referindo a uma moradia geralmente pequena e temporária de construção simples.  Ver a cabana no sonho como o caso de qualquer outro símbolo do sonho pode ter um significado positivo ou negativo.  O significado a ser atribuído ao sonho das cabanas dependerá do conteúdo e do contexto do sonho.  Abaixo estão alguns dos significados de ver cabana em sonho como documento de Babalawo Obanifa.


 TI A BA LALA RI ARA WA NINU ABULE TUNTUN (SE VOCÊ SE VER DENTRO DE UMA CABRA RECENTEMENTE CONSTRUÍDA): qualquer tipo de sonho dessa natureza conota paz de espírito, sucesso e felicidade.

 TI A BA LALA RI OGBO RESPEITA A RI JAKU -JAKU (SE VOCÊ VÊ NO SEU SONHO UMA CABINE VELHA DESENHADA COM OLHAR DEGENERANTE): Esse tipo de sonho é um sonho de aviso negativo.  Conota um perigo e perda iminentes.  É um sonho de advertência de perigo iminente.

 TI A BA SUN SINU ABULE LOJU ALA (SE DORMIR DENTRO DA CABANA DO SEU SONHO): Esse tipo de sonho é um sonho de advertência. Advertindo o sonhador sobre uma doença ou doença iminente.

 TI A BA LALA TI ABULE WO LOJU ALA (SE VOCÊ CABE OU CABE EM DEMOLIÇÃO NO SEU SONHO): Esse tipo de sonho conota a morte iminente de alguém próximo a você, como mãe ou pai.

 TI A BA LALA TI N A KO ABULE LOJU ALA (SE VOCÊ VÊ A SI MESMO CONSTRUIR UMA CABANA NO SONHO): Esse tipo de sonho conota Você alcançará paz e sucesso com a proteção através do trabalho duro.

 TI A BA LALA RI ABULE A JONA (SE VOCÊ VÊ UM CAVALEIRO POR FOGO NO SONHO): Em qualquer tipo de sonho dessa natureza, é um aviso de que alguns inimigos estão tentando encenar ataques físicos ou espirituais dos inimigos.  É um sonho de aviso.

 Direitos autorais: Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, telefone e whatsapp: +2348166343145, local Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

 AVISO IMPORTANTE: Com relação ao artigo acima, todos os direitos reservados, nenhuma parte deste artigo pode ser reproduzida ou duplicada de qualquer forma ou por qualquer meio, eletrônico ou mecânico, incluindo fotocópia e gravação ou por qualquer sistema de armazenamento ou recuperação de informações sem permissão prévia por escrito  do detentor dos direitos autorais e do autor Babalawo Obanifa, fazê-lo é considerado ilegal e atrairá conseqüências legais

  Haga clic en el Vedio arriba para ver y descargar Alan Jackson - Remember When (Official Music Video)



  Este trabajo documentará algunos de los significados de ver la cabaña en sueños desde la perspectiva de la espiritualidad y cultura yoruba.  Las palabras yoruba para Hut son Aba / Abule.  En el curso de este trabajo se utilizará Abule.  Por choza en este sentido nos estamos refiriendo a una vivienda a menudo pequeña y temporal de construcción simple.  Ver la choza en el sueño como el caso de cualquier otro símbolo de sueño puede tener un significado negativo o positivo.  El significado que se atribuirá a las chozas del sueño dependerá del contenido y el contexto del sueño.  A continuación se presentan algunos de los significados de ver la cabaña en sueños como documento de Babalawo Obanifa.


  TI A BA LALA RI ARA WA NINU ABULE TUNTUN (SI SE VE A TI MISMO DENTRO DE UNA NUEVA CUBIERTA): cualquier tipo de sueño de esta naturaleza implica paz mental, éxito y felicidad.

  TI A BA LALA RI OGBO ABULE A RI JAKU -JAKU (SI VES EN TU SUEÑO UNA ANTIGUA COLINA RESUELTA CON MIRADA DEGENERADORA): Este tipo de sueño es un sueño de advertencia negativa.  Connota un peligro inminente y pérdida.  Es un sueño de advertencia de peligro inminente.

  TI A BA SUN SINU ABULE LOJU ALA (SI DUERMES DENTRO DE LA CHOZA EN TU SUEÑO): Este tipo de sueño es un sueño de advertencia. Advierte al soñador acerca de una enfermedad o enfermedad inminente.

  TI A BA LALA TI ABULE WO LOJU ALA (SI CAEN O SE DEMOLE EN TU SUEÑO): este tipo de sueño connota la muerte inminente de alguien cercano a ti, como la madre o el padre.

  TI A BA LALA TI A N KO ABULE LOJU ALA (SI VES A TU MISMO CONSTRUYENDO UNA CHOZA EN SUEÑO): este tipo de connotación de sueño Alcanzarás la paz y el éxito con la protección a través del trabajo duro.

  TI A BA LALA RI ABULE A N JONA (SI USTED VE UN HOGAR ENGULF POR FUEGO EN SUEÑO): En cualquier tipo de sueño de esta naturaleza, es una advertencia de que algunos enemigos están tratando de organizar el ataque físico o espiritual de los enemigos.  Es un sueño de advertencia.

  Copyright: Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, teléfono y contacto de WhatsApp: +2348166343145, ubicación Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

  AVISO IMPORTANTE: Con respecto al artículo anterior, todos los derechos reservados, ninguna parte de este artículo puede reproducirse o duplicarse de ninguna forma ni por ningún medio, electrónico o mecánico, incluyendo fotocopias y grabaciones, o por cualquier sistema de almacenamiento o recuperación de información sin permiso previo por escrito.  del titular de los derechos de autor y del autor Babalawo Obanifa, hacerlo se considera ilegal y tendrá consecuencias legales

  Cliquez sur le Vedio ci-dessus pour regarder et télécharger Alan Jackson - Remember When (Official Music Video)



  Ce travail documentera certaines des significations de voir la cabane dans le rêve du point de vue de la spiritualité et de la culture yoruba.  Le mot Yoruba pour Hut est Aba / Abule.  Au cours de ce travail, Abule sera utilisé.  Par hutte, nous entendons dans ce sens une habitation souvent petite et temporaire de construction simple.  Voir la cabane dans le rêve comme le cas de tout autre symbole de rêve peut avoir une signification négative ou positive.  Le sens à attribuer aux huttes de rêve dépendra du contenu et du contexte du rêve.  Vous trouverez ci-dessous une partie de la signification de voir la cabane dans le rêve comme document de Babalawo Obanifa.


  TI A BA LALA RI ARA WA NINU ABULE TUNTUN (SI VOUS VOUS VOYEZ DANS UNE HUTTE NOUVELLEMENT CONSTRUITE): tout type de rêve de cette nature évoque la tranquillité d'esprit, le succès et le bonheur.

  TI A BA LALA RI OGBO ABULE TO RI JAKU -JAKU (SI VOUS VOYEZ DANS VOTRE RÊVE UNE ANCIENNE HUTTE USÉE AVEC UN REGARD DÉGÉNÉRATEUR): Ce genre de rêve est un rêve d'avertissement négatif.  Il évoque un danger et une perte imminents.  C'est un rêve d'avertissement de danger imminent.

  TI A BA SUN SINU ABULE LOJU ALA (SI VOUS DORMEZ DANS LA HUTTE DANS VOTRE RÊVE): Ce type de rêve est un rêve d'avertissement. Avertissant le rêveur d'une maladie ou d'une maladie imminente.

  TI A BA LALA TI ABULE WO LOJU ALA (SI VOUS UNE HUTTE EST TOMBEE OU OBTENEZ LA DEMOLITION DANS VOTRE REVE): Ce genre de rêve connote la mort imminente d'une personne proche de vous comme une mère ou un père.

  TI A BA LALA TI A N KO ABULE LOJU ALA (SI VOUS VOYEZ VOTRE AUTO-CONSTRUCTION D'UNE HUTTE EN RÊVE): Ce genre de rêve connote Vous obtiendrez la paix et le succès protection cum grâce à un travail acharné.

  TI A BA LALA RI ABULE TO N JONA (SI VOUS VOYEZ UNE HUTTE ENGULF PAR LE FEU EN RÊVE): Dans tout type de rêve de cette nature, c'est un avertissement que certains ennemis essaient de mettre en scène des attaques physiques ou spirituelles de la part des ennemis.  C'est un rêve d'avertissement.

  Copyright: Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, téléphone et contact WhatsApp: +2348166343145, emplacement Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

  AVIS IMPORTANT: En ce qui concerne l'article ci-dessus, tous droits réservés, aucune partie de cet article ne peut être reproduite ou dupliquée sous quelque forme ou par quelque moyen que ce soit, électronique ou mécanique, y compris la photocopie et l'enregistrement ou par tout système de stockage ou de récupération d'informations sans autorisation écrite préalable  du titulaire du droit d'auteur et de l'auteur Babalawo Obanifa, le faire est considéré comme illégal et entraînera des conséquences juridiques

 Klicken Sie auf das Vedio oben, um Alan Jackson anzusehen und herunterzuladen - Remember When (Official Music Video)



 Diese Arbeit wird einige der Bedeutungen des Sehens einer Hütte im Traum aus der Perspektive der Yoruba Spiritualität und Kultur dokumentieren.  Die Yoruba-Wörter für Hut sind Aba / Abule.  Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird Abule eingesetzt.  Mit Hütte meinen wir in diesem Sinne eine oftmals kleine und vorübergehende Behausung einfacher Bauart.  Hut im Traum zu sehen, wie es bei jedem anderen Traumsymbol der Fall ist, kann eine negative oder positive Bedeutung haben.  Die Bedeutung, die einem Hüttentraum zugeschrieben wird, hängt vom Inhalt und Kontext des Traumes ab.  Im Folgenden sind einige der Bedeutungen des Sehens einer Hütte im Traum als Dokument von Babalawo Obanifa aufgeführt.


 TI A BA LALA RI ARA WA NINU ABULE TUNTUN (WENN SIE SICH IN EINER NEU GEBAUTEN HÜTTE SEHEN): Jeder Traum dieser Art bedeutet Seelenfrieden, Erfolg und Glück.

 TI A BA LALA RI OGBO ABULE ZU RI JAKU -JAKU (WENN SIE IN IHREM TRAUM EINE ALTE HÜTTE MIT ENTGENERIERENDEM BLICK SEHEN): Diese Art von Traum ist ein negativer Warnungstraum.  Es bedeutet eine unmittelbare Gefahr und einen Verlust.  Es warnt vor drohender Gefahr.

 TI A BA SUN SINU ABULE LOJU ALA (WENN SIE IN IHREM TRAUM IN DER HÜTTE SCHLAFEN): Diese Art von Traum ist ein Warnungstraum, der den Träumer vor einer bevorstehenden Krankheit warnt.

 TI A BA LALA TI ABULE WO LOJU ALA (WENN SIE EINE HÜTTE FÄLLEN ODER IN IHREM TRAUM ZERSTÖREN LASSEN): Diese Art von Traum bedeutet den bevorstehenden Tod von jemandem, der Ihnen nahe steht, wie Mutter oder Vater.

 TI A BA LALA TI A N KO ABULE LOJU ALA (WENN SIE SEHEN, DASS IHR SELBST EINE HÜTTE IM TRAUM BAUT): Diese Art von Traum verbindet Sie mit Frieden und Erfolg und Schutz durch harte Arbeit.

 TI A BA LALA RI ABULE TO N JONA (WENN SIE EINEN HÜTTENGULF BEI FEUER IM TRAUM SEHEN): In jeder Art von Traum dieser Art ist es eine Warnung, dass einige Feinde versuchen, physische oder spirituelle Angriffe von Feinden auszulösen.  Es ist ein Warnungstraum.

 Copyright: Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, Telefon- und WhatsApp-Kontakt: +2348166343145, Standort Ile Ife Osun, Bundesstaat Nigeria.

 WICHTIGER HINWEIS: In Bezug auf den obigen Artikel, alle Rechte vorbehalten, darf kein Teil dieses Artikels in irgendeiner Form oder auf irgendeine Weise, elektronisch oder mechanisch, einschließlich Fotokopieren und Aufzeichnen, oder durch ein Informationsspeicherungs- oder -abrufsystem ohne vorherige schriftliche Genehmigung reproduziert oder vervielfältigt werden  Dies gilt als rechtswidrig und zieht rechtliche Konsequenzen nach sich

  Нажмите на Vedio выше, чтобы посмотреть и скачать Alan Jackson - Remember When (Официальное музыкальное видео)

  СМЫСЛЫ ХИСТЫХ МЕЧТЕЙ БИБАЛАВО ОБАНИФА-ОБАНИФА экстремальные документальные фильмы


  Эта работа документирует некоторые значения видения хижины во сне с точки зрения духовности и культуры йоруба.  Йоруба слова для Хат это Аба / Abule.  В ходе этой работы Abule будет использоваться.  Под хижиной в этом смысле мы имеем в виду часто маленькое и временное жилище простой конструкции.  Видение хижины во сне как в случае любого другого символа сна может иметь отрицательное или положительное значение.  Смысл быть атрибутом мечты хижин будет зависеть от содержания и контекста сна.  Ниже приведены некоторые из значений видения хижины во сне как документа Бабалаво Обанифы.


  TI A BA LALA RI ARA WA NINU ABULE TUNTUN (ЕСЛИ ВЫ ВИДИТЕ СЕБЯ В НОВОМ СТРЕЛКЕ): любой вид такой природы означает спокойствие, успех и счастье.

  TI A BA LALA RI OGBO ABULE RI JAKU-JAKU (ЕСЛИ ТЫ ВИДЕШЬ В СВОЕЙ СТРЕЛКЕ СТАРАЮЩУЮ Хижину с дегенеративным видом): Этот вид снов - это сон с негативным предупреждением.  Это означает неизбежную опасность и потерю.  Это предупреждающая мечта о неминуемой опасности.

  TI A BA SUN SINU ABULE LOJU ALA (ЕСЛИ ТЫ СНА ВНУТРИ Хижины в своей мечте): Этот вид сна - предупреждающий сон, предупреждающий мечтателя о неминуемой болезни или болезни.

  TI A BA LALA TI ABULE WO LOJU ALA (ЕСЛИ ТЫ ХИЛКА ПОЛНОСТЬЮ ИЛИ УНИЧТОЖАЕТСЯ В СВОЕЙ МЕЧТЕ): Этот вид сна означает неизбежную смерть близкого вам человека, такого как мать или отец.

  Т. И. Б. LALA TI A N KO ABULE LOJU ALA (если вы видите вашу собственную личность хижина застройки во сне): Этот вид мечты обозначените Вы добьетесь мира и успеха диплома защиты благодаря упорному труду.

  TI A BA LALA RI ABULE N N JONA (ЕСЛИ ВЫ ВИДИТЕ Хижину, наполненную огнем во сне): В любом виде сна такого рода это предупреждение о том, что некоторые враги пытаются устроить физическую или духовную атаку со стороны врагов.  Это предупреждающий сон.

  Авторское право: Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, телефон и контакт WhatsApp: +2348166343145, местоположение Ile Ife osun штат Нигерия.

  ВАЖНОЕ УВЕДОМЛЕНИЕ. Что касается статьи выше, все права защищены, ни одна часть этой статьи не может быть воспроизведена или воспроизведена в любой форме или любым способом, электронным или механическим, включая фотокопирование и запись, или любой системой хранения или поиска информации без предварительного письменного разрешения.  от правообладателя и автора Babalawo Obanifa, это считается незаконным и влечет за собой юридические последствия


 BABALAWO OBANIFA-Obanifa极端纪录片对梦境的寓意


 这项工作将从约鲁巴的灵性和文化的角度记录一些在梦中见到小屋的意义。 在约鲁巴语中,小屋的词是Aba / Abule。 在此工作过程中,将使用Abule。 从这个意义上说,小屋指的是一个简单建筑的通常很小的临时住所。 将梦境中的小屋看作其他梦境符号的情况,可能具有消极或积极的意义。 梦到小屋的意义取决于梦的内容和背景。 以下是巴巴拉沃·奥巴尼法(Babalawo Obanifa)所著的在梦中看到小屋的一些含义。

 TI BA BALA RI BUBE N JO(如果您发现自己在梦想中的小屋内):这种梦想

 TI A BALALA RI ARA WA NINU ABULE TUNTUN(如果您在新建成的小屋内看到自己):这种性质的任何梦想都意味着内心的平静,成功和幸福。

 TI A BALALA RI OGBO推销给RI JAKU -JAKU(如果您梦D以求的外观使老朽的小屋变得简陋):这种梦想是一种消极的警告梦。 它意味着迫在眉睫的危险和损失。 这是即将来临的危险的警告梦。

 TI A BA SUN SINU ABULE LOJU ALA(如果您睡在梦中的小屋里):这种梦是一个警告性的梦,警告梦者即将来临的疾病或疾病。

 TI A BALALA TI ABULE WO LOJU ALA(如果您梦H以求或梦想破灭):这种梦想意味着即将离世的某个人(例如母亲或父亲)即将死亡。

 TI A BALALA TI A N KO BUBU LOJU ALA(如果您看到自己在梦中建造小屋):这种梦想意味着您将通过努力获得和平与成功并得到保护。

 TI巴拉拉·里·纳瓦(如果您在梦中梦见火中吞噬了小屋):在这种性质的梦想中,这是一个警告,警告某些敌人正试图对敌人进行物理或精神攻击。 这是一个警告的梦想。

 版权:Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa,电话和whatsapp联系人:+2348166343145,位于尼日利亚Ile Ife osun省。

 重要声明:关于上述条款,保留所有权利,未经事先书面许可,不得以任何形式或通过任何方式(包括影印和录制的电子或机械方式或任何信息存储或检索系统)复制或复制本文的任何部分 版权持有人和作者Babalawo Obanifa的行为,被认为是非法的,并将引起法律后果

  उपरोक्त वेदियो पर क्लिक करके देखें और एलन जैक्सन डाउनलोड करें - याद रखें कब (आधिकारिक संगीत वीडियो)

  BABALAWO OBANIFA-Obanifa चरम वृत्तचित्रों से बाहर आने के सपने


  यह काम योरूबा आध्यात्मिकता और संस्कृति के परिप्रेक्ष्य से सपने में झोपड़ी देखने के कुछ अर्थों का दस्तावेजीकरण करेगा।  हट के लिए योरूबा शब्द आबा / अबुले है।  इस कार्य के दौरान अबुले का उपयोग किया जाएगा।  इस अर्थ में झोपड़ी से हम साधारण निर्माण के अक्सर छोटे और अस्थायी निवास का उल्लेख कर रहे हैं।  सपने में झोपड़ी देखना हर दूसरे सपने के प्रतीक के मामले के रूप में नकारात्मक या सकारात्मक अर्थ हो सकता है।  सपने को झोपड़ी के लिए विशेषता होने का अर्थ सपने की सामग्री और संदर्भ पर निर्भर करेगा।  नीचे सपने में झोपड़ी देखने के कुछ अर्थ बाबलाव ओबनिफा द्वारा दस्तावेज के रूप में दिए गए हैं।

  टीआई ए बीए लाला आरआई एबी टू एन जॉय (यदि आप देख रहे हैं कि आप सपने में एक बड़ी चोट हैं): इस तरह का सपना

  टीआई ए बीए लाला आरआई आरएआरए एनआईए एनब्यू एबीटाउन (यदि आप खुद को एक नए रूप में खरीदते हैं, तो देखें): इस प्रकृति का किसी भी प्रकार का सपना मन की शांति, सफलता और खुशी को दर्शाता है।

  TI A BA LALA RI OGBO ABULE को RI JAKU -JAKU (यदि आप अपने DREAM AN OLD में लगे हैं तो DEGENERATING LOOK के साथ काम करें): इस तरह का सपना एक नकारात्मक चेतावनी वाला सपना है।  यह एक आसन्न खतरे और नुकसान को दर्शाता है।  यह आसन्न खतरे के सपने को चेतावनी दे रहा है।

  तिवारी ए बीए सन सिनु अब्बू लोजा एएलए (यदि आप अपने सपने में सोते हैं): इस तरह का सपना एक चेतावनी सपना है। एक आसन्न बीमारी या बीमारी के बारे में सपने देखने वाले को।

  TI एक बीए LALA TI ABULE WO LOJU ALA (यदि आप अपने सपने में कोई काम कर सकते हैं या प्राप्त कर सकते हैं): इस तरह का सपना माता या पिता के रूप में आपके किसी करीबी की आसन्न मृत्यु को दर्शाता है।

  TI A BA LALA TI A N KO ABULE LOJU ALA (यदि आप DREAM में अपना चयन कर रहे हैं, तो देखें): इस प्रकार का स्वप्न का अर्थ आप कड़ी मेहनत के माध्यम से शांति और सफलता सह संरक्षण प्राप्त करेंगे।

  TI A BA LALA RI ABULE TO N JONA (यदि आप DREAM में FIRE INFRE IN FIRE से डरते हैं): इस प्रकृति के किसी भी प्रकार के सपने में यह चेतावनी है कि कुछ दुश्मन दुश्मनों से शारीरिक या आध्यात्मिक हमले करने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं।  यह एक चेतावनी का सपना है।

  कॉपीराइट: बबालावो पेले ओबासा ओबनिफा, फोन और व्हाट्सएप संपर्क: 13:48166343145, स्थान इले इफ ओसुन राज्य नाइजीरिया।

  महत्वपूर्ण सूचना: जैसा कि ऊपर दिए गए लेख के अनुसार, सभी अधिकार सुरक्षित हैं, इस लेख का कोई भी भाग किसी भी रूप में या किसी भी तरह से इलेक्ट्रॉनिक या मैकेनिकल द्वारा फोटोकॉपी और रिकॉर्डिंग या किसी भी जानकारी के भंडारण या पुनर्प्राप्ति प्रणाली से पूर्व लिखित अनुमति के बिना दोबारा तैयार या नकल नहीं किया जा सकता है।  कॉपीराइट धारक और लेखक बबालावो ओबनिफा से, ऐसा करना गैरकानूनी माना जाता है और कानूनी परिणाम को आकर्षित करेगा

 انقر على Vedio أعلاه لمشاهدة وتحميل Alan Jackson - تذكر عندما (فيديو موسيقي رسمي)

 معاني أحلام الكوخ بقلم بابلو عنيفة-عنيفة


 سيوثق هذا العمل بعض معاني رؤية الكوخ في الحلم من منظور روحانية يوروبا وثقافتها.  كلمات اليوروبا لهوت هي أبا / أبو.  في سياق هذا العمل سيتم استخدام Able.  عن طريق كوخ في هذا المعنى نحن نشير إلى مسكن صغير في كثير من الأحيان ومؤقت من البناء البسيط.  رؤية كوخ في الحلم مثل حالة كل رمز حلم آخر يمكن أن يكون له معنى سلبي أو إيجابي.  يعتمد معنى أن تكون السمة إلى أحلام الأكواخ على محتوى الحلم وسياقه.  فيما يلي بعض معنى رؤية كوخ في الحلم كوثيقة من Babalawo Obanifa.

 TI a BA LALA RI ABULE to N JO (إذا رأيت أنك في داخل كوخ من الحلم): هذا النوع من الحلم

 TI a BA LALA RI ARA WA NINU ABULE TUNTUN (إذا كنت ترى نفسك داخل مبنى حديث التصميم): أي نوع من الحلم من هذه الطبيعة يدل على راحة البال والنجاح والسعادة.

 TI a BA LALA RI OGBO ABULE إلى RI JAKU -JAKU (إذا رأيت في أحلامك ، فقد تلاشى ذلك مع نظرة تحطيمية): هذا الحلم هو حلم تحذيري سلبي.  إنه ينطوي على خطر وشيك وشيك.  إنه حلم يحذر من خطر وشيك.

 TI A BA SUNU SUU ABULE LOJU ALA (إذا كنت تنام داخل كوخ في أحلامك): هذا النوع من الحلم هو حلم تحذيري. تحذير الحالم حول مرض أو مرض وشيك.

 TI a BA LALA TI ABULE WO LOJU ALA (إذا كنت قد سقطت أو حصلت على الهدم في أحلامك): هذا النوع من الحلم يشير إلى وفاة وشيكة لشخص قريب منك مثل الأم أو الأب.

 TI a BA LALA TI A N KO ABULE LOJU ALA (إذا رأيت نفسك تقوم ببناء كوخ في أحلامك): هذا النوع من الحلم يشير إلى أنك ستحقق السلام ونجاح حماية نائب الرئيس من خلال العمل الجاد.

 TI a BA LALA RI ABULE to N JONA (إذا رأيتَ كَانًا غارقًا في النار في الحلم): في أي نوع من الحلم من هذه الطبيعة ، إنه تحذير من أن بعض الأعداء يحاولون شن هجوم جسدي أو روحي من أعداء.  إنه حلم تحذير.

 حقوق الطبع والنشر: Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa ، الهاتف واتس اب الاتصال: +2348166343145 ، موقع Ile Ife osun ولاية نيجيريا.

 إشعار هام: فيما يتعلق بالمادة أعلاه ، جميع الحقوق محفوظة ، لا يجوز إعادة إنتاج أو نسخ أي جزء من هذه المادة بأي شكل أو بأي وسيلة ، سواء كانت إلكترونية أو ميكانيكية ، بما في ذلك التصوير والتسجيل أو أي نظام لتخزين المعلومات أو استرجاعها دون إذن كتابي مسبق  من صاحب حقوق الطبع والنشر والمؤلف Babalawo Obanifa ، فإن القيام بذلك يعتبر غير قانوني وسيؤدي إلى نتيجة قانونية

Meaning of Hut dreams According to Different Culture s And Spirituality.

Hut Dream Symbol  3
Hut – A hut is one of many “home” dreams, indicating your level of security and comfort in your current life. Dreaming that you live in a hut indicates a deep level of dissatisfaction with your current life, and a feeling that your needs are not being met. Further details about the hut give even further insights into the meaning of this dream.

For instance, if the roof leaks or the walls feel like they might fall down, this shows that you are afraid that your life’s security is quickly crumbling away. On the other hand, if the hut is not your residence but is just a place in your dream, the meaning of this symbol also depends on the circumstances and emotions surrounding the dream symbol.

Note: If you have had a dream related to this dream symbol or would like to add something that is related to this topic please leave comment below. Comments are a great way to interact with others who are dreaming about similar topics.
Hut dream meaning

Period of sadness and loneliness.

Related dreams
Hut To dream that you live in small hut is a sign that you will shortly have a house of your own, in your dream, you visit a little hut which is inhabited, it shows that you will be invited to partake of the hospitalities of some family. Lucky lottery dream...

Hut Dreaming of a hut, denotes indifferent success. Dreaming that you are sleeping in a hut, denotes ill health and dissatisfaction. To see a hut in a green pasture, denotes prosperity, but fluctuating happiness....

Hut When you see a hut in a dream, then such dream shows the main needs and conveniences. Perhaps the dream suggests you to be simpler and not so needy, because the human being needs less than they think they need....

Hut It indicates misery and solitude unless you are refuging on it, then it indicates that you will be comforted by friends....
Hut Dreaming of a hut or being inside of the hut indicates afflictions, hardships, accidents, poverty, or at least failure of what the dreamer most craves. If there are several huts or cottages that appear in the dream and they’re close to each other, it suggests that there will be family...

Hut, seeing or being in it Hard work....
Childhood family feelings; basic uncomplicated situation or relationship.

It can link with memories of holidays or a relationships on holiday. It can link with work and how you do it – with quality or slipshod.

There are often a lot of sexual indications in connection with dream huts. Also a hut, especially if it is a native type hut can indicate ones primitive feelings and urges.

In some initiation rites for males, the boys live in huts shaped like a dragon or crocodile. This is a symbol of a young boy’s struggle to become independent of the mother and the power of the unconsciousness. In a similar way a sweat lodge in a heated hut or tent has a similar note of initiation, in which the dreamer changes from one level to another – a boy into a man; a girl into a woman; a woman or man into an elder of the tribe/family.

 Example: There was a girl about 17 and she lived in a small hut that was made up of wood and covered in banana leaves (dead). She was living on her own until a boy about 17 as well came to live with her. He was very sexy but the two were not dating or anything. It was like a room mate. Well the girls father that lived a few huts away (the huts were spaced pretty far apart, like 3 acres apart, but it was a small village) the place seemed to have no bad weather anytime or anything; it was sunny all the time and everyone had tanned skin. No one ever got sunburned. Well the father came over and saw the boy and thought that they were having sex but they weren’t. The girl went to her father and explained that he saw things wrong. So they got on better.

Example: I looked and saw it was badly done, and was seeing how to smooth it. But the place I was going to work was across the estate about three hundred yards away, where there were a lot of small huts. Then I was driving away with the thought I was going to start work the next morning.

Example: We walked a bit further and came to a hut beside the road. we laid down behind the hut in some long grass to make love but suddenly I saw a snake and jumped up. It turned out to be only a bicycle pump but by now we were aware of other people nearby and the moment had gone.

Useful Questions and Hints:

What was my relationship with the hut?

Did I face any trials or was it in any way sexual?

Was I in a tribal or primitive environment?

See Settings in Dreams – Techniques for Exploring your Dreams – Plot of the Dream – Jesse Watkins Enlightenment


To dream of a hut represents a perspective on a situation where you have the bare necessities or basics. Having just a enough to get through something.
Dream Symbol: hut

A hut or any other small, simple residence can represent:

The owner or the owner's life
Having only the basic necessities to get along
See also: house storage area barn

Category(s): Places Objects

Using this Dream Dictionary
Tips to Understand Dream Meaning
Dream symbol meanings are different for each person. It's IMPORTANT to consider:

Personal meaning - What the dream symbol means to you, what it reminds you of, how it makes you feel.
Context - How the dream symbol appears in the dream. For example, in a dream about a bee - what was the bee doing, how and where it was doing it, and how did you feel about it?
Look beyond the obvious - A dream is often about something other than its obvious meaning. Physical events in the dream commonly represent mental or emotional matters.
What Does Your Dream Mean?
About Dream Symbols
This dream dictionary gives suggested meanings of dream symbols. A dream symbol often means something different in different dreams. There is no standard meaning of a dream symbol or dream that is accurate for all dreams. Dream meaning is very subjective, and your dream symbol may mean something completely different from the meaning listed in this dream dictionary.

IMPORTANT: This dream dictionary gives suggested meanings of dream symbols. There is no single "standard meaning" of a dream symbol or dream. Dream meaning is very subjective, and your dream symbol may mean something completely different from the meaning listed in this dream dictionary. I am not a therapist. If you are experiencing physical or psychological problems, or if you are distressed, consult a medical professional.

Association: - Basic needs or old needs, - retreat, - modesty. Question: - Where in my life I am ready to be content?

In the positive sense: 'Place is also in the smallest hut' - in this sense a symbol for security under modest circumstances - and for a 'sure place' in a menacing situation, a symbol for shelter for (limited) time. In the negative sense: The small house (translates: our body) in whose narrowness the soul can take damage and the unconscious may give the instruction to go out more from itself, not always to bake only small bread rolls, but to act even something, so that one comes out of the instantaneous narrowness. Hut (Kate) can also point out to the fact that one may not be presumptuous, but should be content with the achieved. Also the admonition to more patience can stand behind it. If one lives in a poor hut, one must presumably wait long, until the life situation changes favourably.


see or are in it: you must endure your sufferings patiently, - small relations and small income,
seek in it shelter: joy,
follows grief
decorate: a secret love affair.
(European ones).:

expression to be content with him what gave the destiny, - reminder to the satisfaction,
see: meant patience in the grief, - moderate success,
see one on a green meadow: if prosperity means with unsteady luck,
call in in one: one will seek shelter from the hard demands of the life,
stay in one: if means heavy work,
live in a wretched one: one will enter in a nice new flat,
sleep in it: if bad health and discontent announces.

see: modest life, heavy work,
see burning: Accident in the family,
seek in it shelter: after long hopes the luck also comes to you,
must live in it: the way to your luck will still be long.
(See also

Hut Dream - Interpretation and Meaning.

4.7/5 out of 87 votes.
Hut Dream Meaning:

To dream of a hut is reflective of necessity of food, protection, simple comfort and obtaining of basic and indispensable necessities. The hut symbolizes the modesty on all the things but without limitations, without cold or hunger and assuring the good one to live. Dreaming of a hut made of timber is alerted the search of sense to your life looking for the spiritual satisfaction without material necessities. If you dream of a hut of zinc or brass you should look for your road being a faithful trustworthy of the rules of the giving and receiving, as well as of the detachment fundamentally.

On the other hand, this type of dream cleans the soul, it adjusts the senses and it elevates the love to the fellow-being for itself, improving your personal position before the spaces social, familiar, religious, labor and professionals. As dream with it formulate magic, you think and adjust your vision of the life and of the things.
Hut - A hut is one of many "home" dreams, indicating your level of security and comfort in your current life. Dreaming that you live in a hut indicates a deep level of dissatisfaction with your current life, and a feeling that your needs are not being met. []

at does a cabin mean in your dream?

Cabin Dream Meaning.
Generally, a cabin in a dream suggests a partnership, union or marriage will not bring you the expected happiness.

The cabin stands for feeling “trapped” in a partnership. There seems to be a problem with one's family in life. If the cabin is closed and you try to enter but you are finding it difficult to gain access then you are under a threat of a secret betrayal. To have “cabin fever” in a dream denotes ill thought out plans. A log cabin seen in the dream indicates that you need go back to nature.

Often, cabins are found in the woods in dreams. Alternatively, you could have seen a cabin as a home or holiday home. If the dream featured a wood this suggests that in order to progress in life you need to meditate and conduct some grounding work. Dreaming of a cabin in the woods means that, there is an emphasis on nature and being able to take the time to relax and enjoy the good things in life. It is not uncommon to need to go for a walk in the woods or connect in regards to nature after having such a dream.

To see a wooden style cabin in the dream indicates success in life, it suggests not only being in control in life but also indicates that it is important to try to get to the bottom of an issue and make some vast decisions. Cabin of a ship in a dream suggests that you may focus on legal issues in life. To dream of living in a cabin suggests there is a problem in life will affect your love affairs.

In your dream…

You live in cabin alone.
You travel by 1st / 2nd / 3rd class cabin.
You live in cabin with your close person.
You live in cabin with a stranger.
You booked a cabin on a big ship.
You cannot find your cabin.
You lost the key from your cabin.
You visit somebody’s cabin.
You are sleeping in a cabin.
You are in a train cabin.
You are in a beach cabin in your dream.
You are travelling in a cabin car.
You are in a motorcycle cabin.
You are in a cabin cruiser in the dream.
You are in a wood cabin in the woods in your dream.
Someone chases you and you hide in a wood cabin in the woods.
You are in a log cabin in the dream.
You have “cabin fever” in the dream.
Detailed dream meaning of a cabin

Abandoned cabin dream meaning

If you see an abandoned cabin in your dream then this is negative.  it is associated with a stark warning that you may encounter some minor discomfort, nature dream dictionaries surprisingly in abandoned cabin means to be careful in water. This obviously isn’t the most modern interpretation of dreams. An abandoned cabin in most modern dream dictionaries to note that you feel other people are not given you the attention you need.

You live in cabin alone in the dream

To be alone in a cabin suggests that you need peace in life and go get away from everyone. the cabin represents the need for peace and tranquality. To see a cabin near a mountain indicates the need to move forward in life. The cabin if in a wood denotes that problems will soon dissolve.

Log cabin dream meaning

Having a dream of a log cabin signifies possible transformation and possibly new opportunities on the horizon. If the log cabin is cosy and welcoming then this suggests that you will enjoy positive time socially. If you see yourself inside a locking cabin then this can indicate changes are on the horizon and you have to depend upon yourself.  In ancient dream dictionaries a log cabin indicates that you need solitude and seclusion from others. As this is a natural environment, especially the wood that can  represent the finer things in life. It indicates that you will get close to somebody and connect with them.

Beach cabin in a dream

A beach cabin in your dream illustrates your emotions. The symbol of the beach hut in a dream suggests somebody may trick you. The beach hurt represents transformation, it can be a message from the unconscious mind that somebody will be cunning and work behind your back. This will emotionally affect you as the beach is also connected to water which is the sea and therefore your emotions.

Cannot find the cabin in your dream or lost the key
To not be able to find the cabin in your dream, alternatively to music in the able to enter the cabin suggest that you will find it difficult to make time for peace and tranquillity. The cabin indicates a time of solitude and reflection in your life,  and not being able to enter suggests the you do need to take the time required  to understand what you really want from life.

Travel in a train cabin

If you dream that you are traveling as a passenger in a cabin, then, in reality, you should try to control your behavior in order to protect yourself. This is protecting yourself from a range of frivolous actions.

If you see yourself sat in a restaurant cabin of a train, having a meal (such as the orient express) this dream suggests you will be making a long journey in life.  To travel on a freight cabin or in a subway cabin or a tram is a warning of rash acts that may entail upsetting others. If the cabin in which you are travelling in a dream is slowly creeping uphill, then you may lose trust in others that will cause many losses. Entering a crowded cabin full of passengers implies that you will remain true to your duty. In no attempt to turn off your chosen path will succeed. To ride on the roof of the cabin in rain and bad weather portends a great misfortune. To travel first class indicates success, second class travel things will be difficult but you will resolve problems in life. Third class travel in a dream suggests a new start in life.
You live in cabin with a stranger or someone you know.

To live in a cabin with someone unknown denotes that you will be stuck in your own thoughts in life. You need to meditate in life and think about what you want. To live in a cabin with someone you know is the opposite meaning, it indicates that you  need to move swiftly in life in order to obtain what your goals are.

Live in a cabin in a dream

The meaning of the dream involving a cabin depends on how it was structured in the dream, so, if in a dream you went in a wretched, cramped, gloomy, untidy, uncomfortable cabin (or just observed this from the outside), do not expect any good news in the next two weeks. Be more attentive in business, because the likelihood of something going wrong is likely. To observe a light, cozy, expensive, comfortably equipped cabin suggests that soon you will have fun with and socialize. To live in a wooden cabin in the dream suggests a new environment, this could be a new home or a place of work. To be traveling in a cabin or to feel people are constantly looking at you while travelling in a cabin suggests that you will need to participate in the search for something or someone important. If you dream that you are locked in a cabin, then in some worldly situation, close ones will not give you a choice. They lock themselves away to avoid contact.

To see a cabin on a ship dream meaning

A boat cabin seen in a dream acts as a symbol of the difficulties connected with budgetary and financial affairs. To see a cabin in the dream that is on a boat but not a traditional “cabin” suggests difficulties in a relationship. If  you are in the ship's cabin, is considered significant trouble will soon affect your life. The cabin at sea suggests someone close will be the main cause of your troubles. It is probably due to a commercial enterprise that will be the object of legal proceedings in the future. You will not be able to provide evidence that testifies in favor of innocence if the cabin was full of water in a dream. If in a dream you entered the cabin of the a large ship, then events in life will occur according to plan; also, soon you will have a pleasant experience or a positive event. You will celebrate together with friends and family. The cabin of a sunken ship is an omen of an imminent disaster or a major quarrel with a close relative that will cause you problems for a long time. This dream should be perceived as a council to be more cautious in business and take proper care of loved ones.

Someone chases you and you hide in a wood cabin in the woods
This can be rather petrifying dream can suggest that the people will come to you for advice, you just want hideaway,  being chased is symbolic meaning that you want to escape in reality.  if you are being chased by a murderer in a dream and you end up in a log cabin in this dream somewhat common. Being chased by murderer denotes difficult times ahead, the fact that you hide away in the wood cabin indicates that the only way you can come these problems is to hide yourself away in order to get the results to combat problems in your life.

Ancient cabin dream meanings…

The dream in which you noticed the cabin is an omen of an early, but not too significant, success.
If in your dream you saw yourself sleeping in an unfamiliar cabin, then in life you should take care of your own health. Such a dream symbolizes your discontent with your destiny; it seems to you that life is rather unfair for you.

The abandoned cabin, which appeared to you in a dream, signals your inadmissible careless attitude to your own health in real life. If you do not take any effective steps, do not look after your health and try to strengthen it, then in the near future you will experience serious ailments.
If you dreamed a dream in which there was a lonely standing cabin in a bright green meadow, then in reality you will find prosperity in business and, probably, in your personal life. However, you should not flatter yourself - prosperity will be short-lived.
Feelings that occurred during a dream of a cabin…

Safety, peace, comfort, fear, discomfort, uncertainty.

Dreams About Houses
What does a dream about a house mean?

House Dream Meaning.
In dream psychology, “houses” are related to our own psyche.

A house represents the temple of the mind a reflection of our mental state. The house is a reminder to look after yourself and that you need to think about the exterior of your life. An empty house means missed opportunities. The upper floors can imply your own mind and brain. The middle floors the chest, the first floor indicates your digestive system and ground floor your legs and feet. Dreams about houses can include many things, it could be a past house, new house, moving house, purchasing a house or even just a house that you have never been in before. There is a question that is often left with you after waking “what does the house mean!” I have experienced dreams of houses throughout my life. I remember when I was about 10 years old I had a dream of a house. About a year later we moved into that house. I must say, as I have got older (in my forties) I rarely now dream of houses I am going to live in. I last had a dream about a house 6 months ago, I dreamed of a detached house by a river with flats in the back garden. Houses and rooms in dreams can appear in many ways and have different meanings.
Dreams about houses are extremely common. The truth is, everyone has a house dream every now and then. In dream lore, the house represents our internal thoughts. Every room is associated with how we are “feeling.” The house dream might range from frightening experience to an inspiring or enlightening dream. This is due to the fact that houses are a part of our everyday life. In fact, we live in rooms most of the time right! I am going to answer the dream symbolism and significance so scroll down.
Dreaming about your old house: We have all had dreams about a childhood house, or a home that you lived in the past. This dream can indicate that you are having feelings of the past. An old house seen in a dream is quite a positive omen it is like a bridge that connects us to a new horizon. There can be fulfillment if the old house was in good shape. This can imply that you will think about actions that you have set yourself.
What’s the dream meaning of a house? As I have already mentioned above, in health the house can represent parts of the body. So take note, of what you could see in the dream and the rooms. To see a house on fire in a dream illustrates something needs repair and points to poor health. To dream of a house denotes dissatisfaction in your “home” life. In older dream lore, this dream indicates a desire to start a new life or change something and represents “you.” To dream that the house is chasing you means that you’re running away from something you’re carrying inside. If the house was flying or floating, it represents your hidden feelings. This dream means you are currently in the process of soul-searching. However, it can mean that you are struggling with feeling enlightened or aware. This dream means that you will have high expectations for yourself, even if everyone else expects nothing from you. A luxurious house can represent your own ambitions and advancement to reach your goals. Watching a house collapse in a dream can indicate not reaching goals. I am going to quickly run over some popular dreams of the house here: A balcony is connected to how people see us. A glass house in a dream can be a reflection that things are going to succeed in the future. To clean a house  in a dream implies you wish to clean up your goals. Seeing cleaners cleaning a house represents a future that is bright. A bird in a house in a dream indicates that you are feeling trapped in life. Water or floods inside a house indicates that you are feeling emotional about problems going forward. A dusty house in a dream according to my older dream books indicates you are trying to cover up something important. A water leak in a dream or a burst pipe can suggest that someone will provide some emotional complications going forward. A house that is falling down or “falls” in a dream can indicate that something is not what it seems. Moving house in a dream is a suggestion you will move from one phase to the next. Someone breaking into a house in a dream can indicate that you feel “threatened” in waking life.

What does do dream about a house fire mean? Dreams about a house fire can represent that you are feeling areas of your life not as a sea. It can be quite a worrying dream but it is common to see your house burning down. The flames spiritually connected to protection and purification. If you set your own house on fire it indicates you wish to change. Seeing a house on fire that you do not know in real life suggests that you are content with your life you are suffering from a lack of energy. To be inside your house when it is on fire, in a dream, indicates that there is something that you need to take note of immediately. If firefighters entered the home in a dream it can suggest you are going to be rescued by a hero. If you escape the house fire it can suggest that you are on the road to a better future. The biblical meaning of a house on fire can represent cleansing as well as destruction. If we turn to dream psychology, Sigmund Freud believed that a fire is connected to our thoughts and desires in life, and that you need to review these. The home as I already mentioned is a representation of the "self." So, bringing this together the dream about a house fire can indicate that you need to start a new.
What is the Islamic interpretation of a new house in a dream? Many of you have contacted me about the Islamic meaning of a house dream so I have carried out some research to find out the meaning. The Islamic interpretation of seeing or buying a new house in a dream is associated with abundance and progress. You will experience success on both personal and professional level. Houses in dreams also represent how you see yourself. To get the right interpretation, you must pay attention to details such as the color, the size and the type of house.  If you dreamed of the front of a house like a front door or porch, it represents the part you’re showing to the world. It can imply that you are pretending to be something you’re not and people see you as mysterious and calm. However, if you dream of the back of a house, it denotes the secrets and emotions you’re trying to keep to yourself. If the house was brand new in your dream, it also represents some new beginnings and expanding your horizons. To move into a brand new home indicates transformations on a personal level. The new house also reveals your wish to change or upgrade your life.

What does moving house mean in a dream? What does moving house or seeing yourself in an “unknown house” in a dream mean? Houses in dreams is quite interesting. It can indicate the feeling of “moving” from one situation to another in a symbolic way. The dream could include many aspects of the house. A dream could feature: moving to a new house, moving into a new apartment, packing and moving, moving in with someone or even moving to a new city. The dream of “moving” does indicate a change. Changing one's way of thinking and the obstacles we find when going through life. Often, I have come across moving dreams like this that are related to changes in relationships with a partner. This can indicate either an argument or your subconscious telling you how to “deal with fears” in life.
What is the dream meaning of building a new house? If you are building a new house or someone else is building a home for you in your dream, it implies that you need to work on aspects of your personality and improve your attitude. Sometimes, seeing a construction site can indicate that you need people to help you improve life and upgrade your career. I like to say: a little help never hurt anyone. Often, these dreams appear when we need relaxation to cope with the emotional chaos.

Alternatively, such a dream represents your transformation from someone carefree into a matured, responsible person. The construction of a new house in your dream denotes the transitional phases you’re going through. Maybe you are becoming more aware of your emotions? A new home indicates that you are ready to enter the world with a completely different mindset than the one you’ve had before. Everyone will be very surprised by the positive changes you will apply in your life.

What does it mean to see an unfinished house in a dream? To dream of an unfinished house reveals the things you keep postponing in your waking life. It can mean you are waiting for someone else to do the job for you, but no one will because you need to do this on your own. If you are exhausted then this dream is common. We all get tired in our modern life. Keep your head above water and continue swimming through life until you reached the right focus in life. And once you do, everything will become a lot easier. Alternatively, this dream might represent the unspoken words and feelings you keep inside.

What is the dream meaning of house construction? To dream of construction on your house symbolizes a busy mind. A building is a positive omen that indicates you are trying to figure out something on your own. Or you are trying to understand how something works. Maybe you’re too focused on an idea. The dream also denotes some inner transformation. You’re working on yourself in order to improve your education in life. This dream can imply leaving your past behind and that you are creating the “new you.” A brick building in your dream often symbolizes your personality and behavior. It also represents your family and how you’re trying to improve your relationship with some family member. The dream also signifies your comprehension or intellect.

What does a wooden house symbolize in a dream? To dream of a wooden house indicates misunderstandings in dream lore. Wood is a natural material and can also imply that grounding is required. One minute you will feel proud of yourself, while in the next one, you will feel sorry for the mistakes you’ve once made and let your guilty conscience take over your mood. To live in a wooden house foretells some problems in your love life. It can represent feeling “stale” or not being able to communicate. A log cabin in a dream can indicate a new phase in life. A log cabin in the dream can indicate that you have certain expectations, hiding in a log cabin means focus is required.

To see someone else’s wooden house in your dream suggests that you should work on your attitude around new people. Running to a wooden house implies changing for better. In older dream lore seeing a house (that is not yours) but is wooden indicates becoming more aware. A derelict wooden home in dreams implies learning new things, acquiring wisdom and knowledge. To build a wooden house or have someone build it for you in your dream refers to the questions you want to ask your partner but don’t have the courage.

What does it mean to see a tree growing in the house during the dream? This is quite an interesting dream and a user emailed me to ask what it means to see a tree inside a house, if you see a tree growing in a house it can imply that you are trying to ground yourself. Spiritually it is important to “ground” yourself once in awhile. I like to sometimes meditate thinking that I am a tree and my roots go into the earth. This clears away negative energy, If the tree is
This clears away negative energy, If the tree is green and it is growing inside a house this can signify happy and content times in the future. If the tree is dying and this represents your current mental state and that you need rest and recuperation to move forward in life.

What does a big house mean in a dream? Seeing a big house in a dream often represents the fact that you may expect to receive communications in the future. There is an association with problems involving money if the house was particularly large. To dream you enter a big house is a very good sign, it is a sign that you’re going to set goals for your career. To dream, you see yourself or other people in a big house foretells that you will shortly receive some joyful news according to older dream lore.

What does dreaming of a small house mean? Small houses are positive in the dream state. Dreaming of a dolls house represent false prospects as long as the house itself was in good order. Seeing a lovely garden along with the small house can indicate a change is coming. This dream often reminds me of small houses in Alice In Wonderland. In dream psychology “small houses” in dreams can represent we are not reaching our goals and can imply you will solve issues and problems going forward.

What does seeing a red brick house mean in a dream? Red bricks spiritually represent our own building blocks. It can imply that you are safe and you are feeling content. As a house is normally built of bricks, the red brick shows us that in life we need to build our own desires and objectives. A brick is rectangular in shape and spiritually this means that you need to hold things together in a durable state. An old red brick house can indicate feeling worried about the future.

What does buying a house in a dream mean? As I have already mentioned the house represents you. Buying a house in a dream can suggest that you will focus on clear goals and buying a new property is connected to a new start. If you are single then buying a house in a dream could represent a new lover. If your dream involved arranging a mortgage on a home this can mean that  your finances will improve. To view a new house or move into a new house can also represent a better future in life. To buy a new house in a dream can represent something unexpected.

What’s the significance of pink house in a dream? As you might assume, pink is associated with sweetness, love, joy, happiness, affection, kindness but also fakeness. Why fakeness? Well, a Barbie is often dressed in pink and she’s made out of plastic, meaning people have already accepted the concept of plastic dressed in pink clothing. However, pink also represents your feminine qualities such as sensitivity, the strong intuition that’s never wrong and compassion.

If you had a dream that features the color pink means you’re trying to transform your attitude into a more pleasant one. In other words, you’re trying to become a better person for you and the people you love. This dream also foretells benefiting from your past actions. If you dreamed of a pink house, your dream has a totally different meaning. As you know, the house in dreams reveals how you see yourself. To see a pink house means you’re enjoying the perfect image but you’re not acting according to your instincts and desires. To live in a plastic house also symbolizes your naivety and future transformation.
What is the meaning of yellow house in a dream? A yellow house in dreams is linked to lightness, hopefulness, clear intellect, strong intuition and positive mindset. You’re the person who always looks at the bright side of everything, even when things seem impossible to handle. You never give up because you’re born a fighter. To dream of yellow symbolizes your shining aura. You’re a walking inspiration and believe it or not, people admire you for who you are, even if they won’t admit. The yellow color is also associated with jealousy and obsession. You don’t want others to touch what’s yours. And perhaps, this is your only personality disadvantage. This dream can mean being obsessed with the people you love.

What does an unfinished house mean in a dream? To see a half-built house, or that a house is not complete represents you are feeling incomplete. You must learn how to enjoy your own company more. Learn how to survive on your own. There is a message in this dream of not to depend on other people. Otherwise, you might end up hurt and devastated. You can’t understand jealous people but you don’t even realize that you’re one of them.

What does it mean to dream of a mansion? I kept having a dream of a mansion. This had a library and piano. The house in dreams symbolizes your current mental state and your self-image. Seeing or being inside a castle or mansion symbolizes your endurance and determination. The moment you decide to realize your dreams will be the moment you start a new life.

What do houses mean in dream psychology? I have touched on this in the opening paragraph. Dreams about houses are extremely common.  You may have various themes that feature house, in dream psychology the house is a representation of yourself. Sometimes we can dream of moving house, seeing home but we don’t recognize, living in a property that we don’t know alternatively childhood house. Depending upon the actual home, this represents our internal thoughts. Every room is associated with how we’re “feeling.” The house dream might range from frightening to inspiring or enlightening. This is due to the fact that houses are a part of our everyday life. In fact, we live in rooms most of the time.

What is the spiritual meaning of a house in a dream? A house in a dream can symbolize infinite possibilities. To dream of your own house reflects your desire to move, buy a new house, or take on a new project that will encourage your imagination. However, this dream also reflects your internal unconscious experiences. Ask yourself how you felt during the dream. What caused you to feel that way? By doing this you can’t interpret your dream and enrich your knowledge. Don’t just focus on one dream symbol but explore the entire house, your emotional state, and experiences you’ve had while dreaming.

What do dreams about haunted house mean? Dreaming about a haunted house can relate to your life, the haunted house often appears when we are feeling afraid or worried about future. To walk into a haunted house illustrates emotional confusion. If you are seeing the haunted house from a spectator’s perspective it can often indicate deception. Haunted houses often connected to somebody’s fear and signify the there is something that frightens your life. Haunted house dreams are relatively not that, and you need to take note when the haunted house pleasing your dream.

What is the meaning of specific size and condition of houses in dreams? If you remember the size and condition of the house it might help you interpret your dream and understand its meaning better. Was the house in ruins or abandoned? Maybe neglected? If yes, perhaps, your dream is trying to warn you to take better care of yourself. Are you feeling neglected by someone? Or hurt because something has ended in waking life? In dream psychology, the house represents the “self” often the reflection of the house in your dream are your thoughts.

Regarding the size, if the house is too small to get into in your dream, it indicates how you feel about yourself. One can relate to the size of the house to feeling small and weak at the time. Often “smaller” houses in dreams indicate feel like there's not enough space for personal development and spiritual growth. To dream about a large house denotes how you feel inside. I do feel that large houses in dreams indicate that in time you will need to focus on “yourself” more. To dream of a larger house often symbolizes emptiness. But it all depends on how you felt about the house in during your dream.

If you felt content and happy this dream means you’re satisfied with your personal growth and career achievements. But if you felt like there was something missing, it represents the emptiness you feel inside.  If you dream of an abandoned or haunted house? it might reflect on how you feel at the moment – empty. Are you overwhelmed by emotions in your waking life but still can’t get rid of the numbness inside your heart? Are you a hypersensitive person who’s tired of being sick and tired? To dream of an old house means you need to focus on transformation. You should apply the changes in your life that you wanted for so long. When dreaming of an old and abandoned house, ask yourself: “Have I abandoned myself? What change will make me feel good about myself again?

What does it mean to dream of many houses? To dream of multiple houses can indicate that you're aware of the new opportunities and possibilities. Think of the house which symbolizes your inner self, meaning that many houses signify other parts of your personality. Alternatively, your dream might symbolize different time periods in your life along with the endless options for future change. To dream of your grandparent’s house or your childhood home means that you’re still attached to your past life. These dreams increase your awareness and remind you that it’s time you let go of your past. To see many different houses in your dream might seem a bit confusing. But once you wake up, your dream can be easily interpreted. Obviously, you're under pressure to chose between many options and new opportunities.

What does it mean to see snakes in a house? It might seem like a horror movie in your dream, but if you see snakes in a house it can suggest you will be tempted by something in life. Seeing snakes hiding in a house can indicate there is hidden deception. Seeing multiple snakes is also connected to emotional wellbeing. Slithering snakes in a house can imply that you should not be afraid to create your own objectives in life. Being trapped in a house full of snakes symbolize deep drive to focus on a new life. A single snake in your house can be a representation of someone who is dishonest.

What does it mean to dream of extra rooms in a house? To dream of extra rooms or other places and objects in a house that don't actually exist in your waking life might symbolize new developments. Or it might reveal a part or aspect of yourself that you didn't know existed. These dreams can make you feel confused, alarmed or existed at the same time. Alternatively, your dream might represent the right time to do self-research and explore your soul.

What does it mean to dream of a bathroom? To dream of a bathroom represents your way of letting go. No matter if it's a person or something that no longer serves you or makes you feel happy. Your dream reveals how you deal with things that no longer belong or don't want to belong in your life. As you already know, a bathroom is a place where you practically "let go" and become the most vulnerable and authentic version of yourself. Meaning, if your dream of a busy bathroom, it denotes the lack of privacy in your life. Same goes for abandoned, flooded or rundown bathroom. This can mean you are practically putting other people's needs before your own. And it might have a negative effect on your life.

If you dream of a nice, well-functioning bathroom, it can indicate that you're taking good care of yourself. You're not allowing anyone to tell you what to do or when. You put yourself first. You're doing the right thing because if you don't put yourself first, who else will? This type of dream is also helping associated with not being judgemental to other people.

What does it mean to dream of a bedroom? To dream of a bedroom will help you understand the most intimate and private parts of your personality. The bedroom in your dream reflects your emotions, deep desires and the way of thinking. These dreams help you identify whether you're feeling insecure or confident about yourself.

I have had many dreams about the bedroom, seeing someone in your bed can indicate that you need to feel comfort towards other. To be in someone elses bedroom in a dream also reveals how you feel about relationships. If you dream of yourself alone, it means you're not ready for a serious relationship, even if you might be a part of one already. Married people who dream of being alone in their bedroom often miss their privacy and freedom. But if you're single and dream of being alone in the bedroom, it means you miss having someone around. If you dream of being with someone unknown from the opposite sex, you're questioning your own identity. The bedroom reflects your suppressed sexuality and needs.

What does it mean to dream of a living room? The living room is the place you bring friends and relatives to hang out with. It's where you watch TV with your family, play with the kids or your pets, relax while reading a book on the sofa, or simply watch a movie with your partner on Sunday night. But what does it mean in dreams? To dream of a living room represents your social life and the part of yourself that you invite others to see or experience. Try to remember the items present in your living room in the dream. Was there something missing or added in the room? These details can help you interpret your dream and show you what to focus on improving your social life.

What does it mean to dream of a kitchen? The kitchen is the heart of the home and has multiple functions. It’s the place where you share food with family and friends. To dream of the kitchen reflects your soul, heart, your spiritual beliefs, and how you take care of your mind, body, relationships and inner peace. However, the kitchen might symbolize other things as well. When dreaming of the kitchen, ask yourself: "What plans am I cooking for myself? Are these plans right?” If you dream about the entire kitchen, except the kitchen sink, it means you have everything in excellent order. If your dream of too many cooks in a kitchen, it says that you allow too much outside influence to determine your life. Someone is trying to leave a negative impact on your life and sabotage your success. To ask what's cooking in your dream foretells new opportunities you will create for yourself. I did come across quite an interesting dream meaning, "cooking" in your kitchen represents fraud and dishonesty. I am not sure how true this is. Seeing yourself cooking a meal in a dream can indicate a fresh start.

What does it mean to dream of a dining room? The dining room is the social area of your home. It relates to the kitchen and the living room. It’s where you associate with nourishment and food. To dream of the dining room represents the way you take care of yourself, your spirit of close ones. These dreams reveal your emotional state. Are you feeling disconnected or deprived somehow? If yes, leave aside the superficial relationships that make you feel lonely and focus on establishing deeper connections. It can also imply lacking real connection in life.

What does it mean to dream of a basement? The basement is a common symbol in dreams because it often represents the unconscious mind. The characteristics of the basement in your dream might give you some clues on your dream’s interpretation. If you saw a dark basement, it means you lack motivation and inspiration in waking life. Also, it means that you're not seeing something just yet.

If you explored the basement in your dream, it indicates that you should explore your soul and the emotions you've been hiding for so long. The objects you saw in your dream often signify your mental state. How the basement was organized in your dream reveals how you deal with your emotions in waking life. Seeing many boxes means you're hiding too many secrets and act opposite of what you're feeling. According to some dream experts, to dream of a basement means you're hitting "rock bottom" in waking life and you are ready to embrace a new beginning a

There is a hidden message here: you need to review and make peace with your memories. If you dream of a crowded attic, it means that your dream is practically begging you to face what you've been ignoring for so long. Find a way to let go of what's hurting you in silence.

What does it mean to dream of windows? To dream of windows reflects your perspective and outlook. For example, if you dream of windows tightly closed with blinds and curtains, it means that you're acting cold to the outside world. Closed curtains can represent a closed person who refuses to get much involved with people. An open window, on the contrary, represents your openness to new relationships, and outside information. If you could see the moon through a window in your dream, it reflects the feminine energy and overwhelming emotions.

To dream of seeing darkness through the window reflects how you view the world and life in general at the moment. It can mean you lack awareness and motivation. To dream of watching the stars through a window reflects your great potential and endless hope. If you saw a broken window represents vulnerability, healing, and distorted view. Also, the broken window in your dream denotes an opportunity to make thing right. To see the sun through a window represents joy and enlightenment.

What does it mean to dream of a hallway? To dream of walking down a hallway filled with closed doors is one of the most common dreams. If you had such dream, it reflects your wish to explore life, yourself and everything that draws your attention. It also represents your potential options for the future. To find yourself unsure which door to open reveals your insecurity in waking life. There are some decisions you need to make around. But to make the right decision, you must listen to your intuition which you rarely do. The hallway in your dream state symbolizes your overall health and how you feel in your own skin. If the hallway was neglected, it means you're not feeling comfortable with the person you've become. When you dream of a hallway, try to remember the details that might help you interpret your dream. Explore where the hallway is leading you, where you want to go next, what obstacles you're facing and how you feel while walking down this hallway. Did you feel scared or insecure? Or maybe excited and determined? If you're not sure where the hallway is leading you, it might reflect your lack of self-awareness in your waking life. You're in desperate need to know yourself more.

What does it mean to dream of a porch? The porch is a social spot of the home, greeting walkers and welcoming guests. To dream of a porch might reflect how outgoing you are. Are you more comfortable with people or you feel better in your own company? To see a porch swing might reveal your playfulness. To see chairs on a porch reveals your openness with people. To have no chairs on your porch in a dream represents your limited social interactions and closed character.

What does it mean to dream of closets? We use closets to hide or store things. This is why we think of a closet as a very personal space. To dream of one represents your awareness. Unlike the basement and attic where you hide your thoughts and memories, the closet represents the things you consciously hide from the world.

For a closet to feature in a dream is often associated with anxiety and fear because of the possibility for someone to discover a secret. To sort your stuff in a closet in your dream has a positive interpretation. You have your mind in order and you are ready to reveal whatever you've been hiding from the world. You’re finally comfortable in your skin.

What does it mean to dream of a roof? A roof is what separates you from the outside world. It appears in dreams to remind you how well you are sheltering yourself from your spiritual, social, psychological or physical environments. If you dream of a leak on your roof, it means that there's a possible danger ahead. Your attention is drawn by something or someone at the moment. To dream of a roof represents the need to increase insight into your spirit. A thatched roof in a dream can indicate that you need to get back to nature.

The roof in your dream might give you insight on your personal limitations, just like the rest of the house exterior. If you dream of a fortified house, it represents your closed personality. For the roof to be missing from the house in a dream can imply keeping your fears and insecurities very well from the world. But hiding your flaws from the world won't make you feel better. Accepting yourself will. To dream of a porous house with many breaks and leaks denotes your vulnerable personality and the limitations that you feel. These dreams occur to remind you to re-evaluate yourself and seek for new actions that will restore your life balance.

What does it mean to dream of a floor or the ceiling? Dreams which involve the ceiling or the floor might help you identify what is influencing you in your waking life. If you see a leak in a ceiling in your dream, it represents the memories of past and the thoughts related to it. Your past is demanding your attention in order for you to forgive and let go. The ceiling also reflects your personal self-imposed limitations. It's there to make you wonder if you're happy with those limitations and all the boundaries you're not crossing.

The floor, on the other hand, reflects your stability. It shows if you're a grounded person. To see holes in the floor in your dream represents an unconscious feeling that are influencing your thoughts and actions in your waking life. If you find bumps coming up through the floor it represents something that's "bugging you."

What does it mean to dream of a backyard? The backyard of a house represents your unconscious mind, inner peace, and the secrets that you choose to keep to yourself. A scruffy backyard can imply changes in life. I always say, pay attention to the objects in the backyard. They can help you interpret your backyard dream better. The condition of the backyard in your dream can help you gain insight into your soul. If you saw a fence in the yard, it represents the boundaries that could either leave you feeling trapped or vulnerable – depending on the condition of the fence. If you see some of your childhood objects in the backyard, it’s related to how people affect your life. If you saw a garden, it helps you gain insight into your personal development. What are you growing in the garden? If the garden is neglected in your dream, it means you're neglecting your personal growth. What is the dream you've given up on and you knew you weren't supposed to? If the garden was wild and overgrown, it reveals the wild side of your personality.

What does it mean to dream of windows? To dream of windows reflects your perspective and outlook. For example, if you dream of windows tightly closed with blinds and curtains, it means that you're acting cold to the outside world. Closed curtains can represent a closed person who refuses to get much involved with people. An open window, on the contrary, represents your openness to new relationships, and outside information. If you could see the moon through a window in your dream, it reflects the feminine energy and overwhelming emotions.

To dream of seeing darkness through the window reflects how you view the world and life in general at the moment. It can mean you lack awareness and motivation. To dream of watching the stars through a window reflects your great potential and endless hope. If you saw a broken window represents vulnerability, healing, and distorted view. Also, the broken window in your dream denotes an opportunity to make thing right. To see the sun through a window represents joy and enlightenment.

What does it mean to dream of a hallway? To dream of walking down a hallway filled with closed doors is one of the most common dreams. If you had such dream, it reflects your wish to explore life, yourself and everything that draws your attention. It also represents your potential options for the future. To find yourself unsure which door to open reveals your insecurity in waking life. There are some decisions you need to make around. But to make the right decision, you must listen to your intuition which you rarely do. The hallway in your dream state symbolizes your overall health and how you feel in your own skin. If the hallway was neglected, it means you're not feeling comfortable with the person you've become. When you dream of a hallway, try to remember the details that might help you interpret your dream. Explore where the hallway is leading you, where you want to go next, what obstacles you're facing and how you feel while walking down this hallway. Did you feel scared or insecure? Or maybe excited and determined? If you're not sure where the hallway is leading you, it might reflect your lack of self-awareness in your waking life. You're in desperate need to know yourself more.

What does it mean to dream of a porch? The porch is a social spot of the home, greeting walkers and welcoming guests. To dream of a porch might reflect how outgoing you are. Are you more comfortable with people or you feel better in your own company? To see a porch swing might reveal your playfulness. To see chairs on a porch reveals your openness with people. To have no chairs on your porch in a dream represents your limited social interactions and closed character.

What does it mean to dream of closets? We use closets to hide or store things. This is why we think of a closet as a very personal space. To dream of one represents your awareness. Unlike the basement and attic where you hide your thoughts and memories, the closet represents the things you consciously hide from the world.

For a closet to feature in a dream is often associated with anxiety and fear because of the possibility for someone to discover a secret. To sort your stuff in a closet in your dream has a positive interpretation. You have your mind in order and you are ready to reveal whatever you've been hiding from the world. You’re finally comfortable in your skin.

What does it mean to dream of a roof? A roof is what separates you from the outside world. It appears in dreams to remind you how well you are sheltering yourself from your spiritual, social, psychological or physical environments. If you dream of a leak on your roof, it means that there's a possible danger ahead. Your attention is drawn by something or someone at the moment. To dream of a roof represents the need to increase insight into your spirit. A thatched roof in a dream can indicate that you need to get back to nature.

The roof in your dream might give you insight on your personal limitations, just like the rest of the house exterior. If you dream of a fortified house, it represents your closed personality. For the roof to be missing from the house in a dream can imply keeping your fears and insecurities very well from the world. But hiding your flaws from the world won't make you feel better. Accepting yourself will. To dream of a porous house with many breaks and leaks denotes your vulnerable personality and the limitations that you feel. These dreams occur to remind you to re-evaluate yourself and seek for new actions that will restore your life balance.

What does it mean to dream of a floor or the ceiling? Dreams which involve the ceiling or the floor might help you identify what is influencing you in your waking life. If you see a leak in a ceiling in your dream, it represents the memories of past and the thoughts related to it. Your past is demanding your attention in order for you to forgive and let go. The ceiling also reflects your personal self-imposed limitations. It's there to make you wonder if you're happy with those limitations and all the boundaries you're not crossing.

The floor, on the other hand, reflects your stability. It shows if you're a grounded person. To see holes in the floor in your dream represents an unconscious feeling that are influencing your thoughts and actions in your waking life. If you find bumps coming up through the floor it represents something that's "bugging you."

What does it mean to dream of a backyard? The backyard of a house represents your unconscious mind, inner peace, and the secrets that you choose to keep to yourself. A scruffy backyard can imply changes in life. I always say, pay attention to the objects in the backyard. They can help you interpret your backyard dream better. The condition of the backyard in your dream can help you gain insight into your soul. If you saw a fence in the yard, it represents the boundaries that could either leave you feeling trapped or vulnerable – depending on the condition of the fence. If you see some of your childhood objects in the backyard, it’s related to how people affect your life. If you saw a garden, it helps you gain insight into your personal development. What are you growing in the garden? If the garden is neglected in your dream, it means you're neglecting your personal growth. What is the dream you've given up on and you knew you weren't supposed to? If the garden was wild and overgrown, it reveals the wild side of your personality.

What does it mean to dream about multiple houses? The meaning of houses appearing in a dream can be rather interesting. In my experience you may come across someone with a malevolent nature if you dream of multiple houses in a dream. You are probably visiting this page as you had a dream about a house and your wondering what an earth it means. Seeing rows of houses can indicate your own mental toughness and achievement in life. I believe strongly that this dream is positive, it is a message to embrace your own confidence and the fact you are taking on challenges for growth. The dream essentially underpins how we see ourself and others. Not so long ago I kept dreaming of houses and walking around homes that I have never seen in real life.

Does a dream about a house represent your self? Yes, when you a dream about houses, it is symbolic of your “self” houses are a representation of you and your life. I like to think that dreams about houses generally mean that no matter what happens in life try to look after “you.” No matter what other circumstances and imagery that will present in the dream, a house is the representation of the expression of the unconscious of your sense of personal identity. Whatever the dwelling, whether a hotel room, an apartment, grass hut, a trailer, or any other types of houses.

How you perceive the house view in your dream matters greatly. The back of the house is the hidden or private part of your life. The front of the house connects to the persona, what you display to the world around you. What is in your house in the dream is a representation of various, compartments aspects of life. Alternatively, the dream of alternate angles or side views, it could mean that your connection to the world is limited, inaccurate or partial.

In order to interpret the dream about houses well, you will need to check out the style, the size, and reflection of abundance levels as it will play a key role in the meaning of your dream. Consider what emotions are evoked when you see the house in your dream and what comes up when comparing it to
ng it to your home in your waking life.

What do dreams about houses with many rooms mean? Dreams about houses with many rooms hidden indicates that you have many options open to you at the moment. As I already mentioned the rooms can indicate parts of yourself. Rooms hiding in a dream relates to aspects of your personaility that are “hidying” from you.

What do empty rooms in dreams mean? If you are observing the empty room from afar in your dream, then it denotes that, your current wishes and desires are not going to materialize even if you try hard to accomplish them.  Alternatively, an empty room could be a sign that you are feeling empty inside you. It seems like everyone has abandoned you and thus, no shoulder to cry on. If you succumb to the negative feelings and you start having self-pity, the depression might last for a while.

What does it mean to dream of a mansion? A mansion on a grand scale in your dream could mean that you are currently opening yourself up to abundance which is greater than what you are on at the moment. I once dreamed of a mansion and this had a library which is where my dream was focused. It was all about educating myself. Depending on your current level of self-esteem, the dream could reveal a level of inappropriate grandiosity. Alternatively, it could be symbolic of deeper humility level emerging within you.

What does a dream about an abandoned house mean? A ruined or creepy house in a dream can be associated with things / or problems in the past. When you have a dream about an abandoned house, it represents people who were in your past life and who are no longer in your present life. You are all ready to embrace the future with its challenges without having to look back into your past. If there was any negativity, it will definitely remain in your past.

What does it mean to dream of a wrecked house? A wrecked house in your dream is a sign that, currently,  your life is in chaos. I’m sorry you had this dream. You could be going through emotional or psychological problems which are making you feel angry or depressed. In order to regain control of the current situation, you will need to get rid of the negative feelings. Otherwise, it might make it impossible for you to operate normally. If the house fell over or was crumbling this can indicate that you are feeling “on edge” at the moment.

What does it mean to dream about a dirty house? Many times I dreamed of a dirty house. A dirty house in your dream represents hurt, probably from the past. Your current situation or relationship could be the reason for this dream. Maybe you are feeling like certain difficult times are not going to end because, the problems keep on coming. In order to get rid of the problems, you will need to think of the good times you had and have a positive mindset.

What does it mean to dream of moving in with someone? Having a dream where you are moving in with someone is an indicator that, you are yearning to have a deeper relationship with this particular person. In case the person in question is your emotional partner, the dream denotes that, you would like your relationship to go to the highest level possible.

What does it mean to dream of someone's house? Someone’s house seen in your dream is an indication that, you have a lot to learn about yourself. You could be having feelings and memories which are buried deep down on you and you are trying to force yourself to forget them. If you are unable to get help from friends and family, you will seek professional help and your insecurities will be a thing of the past.

What does it mean to dream of a childhood house? If you dream that you are visiting a childhood house, consider it a very common dream which allows you to transform as you explore the patterning you adopted from your family. You will need to consider the aspects that make the home different from what it was when you used to live there. Noting the difference is important as it will make you recognize the difference between yourself and your childhood family. It shows that you are a unique variation of the line you carry forward. But if there were no variations, then it means that you are no different from the line you carry, you inherited everything from your parents.

What does it mean to dream of being homeless? If you dream that you are homeless, it means you are going to be disappointed and your authority will be undermined.  Your confidence will be lost due to something unexpected happening to you which you least expected. To regain your confidence, you will need to get in touch with your family and friends and stop thinking about the past.

What does it mean to dream of changing houses? Changing house in your dream is an indicator that, you could have a change in your belief system and some personnel changes. You are likely going to have a different perspective on life and the way you used to view some things. You will need to embrace these changes because it is something you actually need in your life.

What does it mean to dream of a house that does not have walls? A house that does not have walls in your dream is a sign of lack of privacy in your life. You have this feeling that, your business is always invaded by other people, but you find it hard to chase them away. After the dream, you will need to set boundaries in your life before the same people cause havoc in your life.

What does it mean to dream about an old house? Seeing an old house in your dream is a sign of your old life and your way of thinking which is all in the past now. Whatever you are currently doing could make you lapse back in this old ways and habits. It could be an addiction or a bad habit which you could have been involved in in the past. You will need to be strong and resist these habits from re-entering your life.

What does it mean to dream of a damaged house? A damaged house in your dream, then it means that you are having worries about your family. Alternatively, the dream could reflect how your family is faring on and it looks like if not all is well with it. You will need to work harder to keep your family’s life in order.

What does it mean to dream about a disappearing house? A disappearing house in your dream is a sign that you are not grounded in your life. Certain relationships or circumstances in your life are making you feel hurt. You are feeling helpless because you don’t know how to overcome the feelings and at the same time, you don’t want to disclose to people that you are hurting and that you are unappreciated by your partner.  You will need to take a stand in your life and stop letting others control you in any way.

What does a flooded house mean? A dream where your house is flooded completely, it is a sign that your emotions are overflowing at the moment.  You could have done something which triggered this feeling and you already know what it is. You will need to embrace the feeling of getting in touch with your feelings is not bad, and you will need to understand your emotions.

What does it mean to dream of a house robbery? When you have a dream where you see someone breaking into a house, it is a sign that you are undergoing some financial difficulties. You are going to have money issues in the days to come which will make your life to be very difficult. At the moment, you will need to refrain from investing money in any project as it will not come out well instead, you will just have to count losses.

What does it mean to dream of not having a house? Not having a house is a representation of bad luck. Your career and personal life will face some challenges. You will need to be patient, wait until this period is over before engaging in anything meaningful because all your engagements will be followed by bad luck. The good thing about it is that the period will not last for a very long time.

ud Hut dream interpretations
Islamic dreams about Mud Hut find dream interpretations. Meanings & explanations for Mud Hut dictionary!
Mud Dream Explanation — (See Mire; Tattoo)

Black mud Dream Explanation — (See Sludge)

Soil and Mud Dream Explanation — These symbolize grief, sorrow and fear. Their magnitude depends on how much soil or mud is seen.

Mire Dream Explanation — In a dream, mire also means stagnation, disrupting communications, the past, pride about one's wealth, or it could mean apostasy. If the color of mud turns from black into red in a dream, it means moving from one's country to another, or from one wife to another. During a drought, if one sees mire or mud in his dream, it means rain. Mire inside a well in a dream means an inheritance, or the surfacing of blessings, or any related interpretations to what a well represents in a dream.

House Dream Explanation — • A bright, well-illuminated house: A polite and virtuous woman.
• A dark house: An ill-tempered and mean person.
• Entering a house sprinkled with water: Trouble with a woman and worries as much as there was humidity and mud, but which will disappear.

Diving Dream Explanation — (Pearl fishery; Plunge) If one sees himself diving into the ocean for pearls in a dream, it indicates his attachment to worldly treasures. If one sees himself diving into the waters and finds out that he could get nothing out of it except mud in his dream, it means distress caused by someone in authority.

Crossing a River Dream Explanation — Crossing a river or stream suggests relief from grief, sorrow and fear. But if such a river or stream contain mud, filth or continues to swell, it suggest the observer of the dram will break off his relationship with his neighbour, son or an intimate friend and establish new relations with someone else. In spite of this he will keep contact with the one with whom his relationship is severed.

Passing of Stools Dream Explanation — Seeing oneself passing stools means he will lose wealth equal to the extent of stools passed. Or he will conduct himself in such a manner as will cause him harm. If so much stools are passed that it takes the from of mud, rain or floods then there is no good to be expected from such a dream. Perhaps it could mean he will be terrorized by the authorities.

Clay Dream Explanation — Construction clay in a dream means benefits and money. Seeing clay in a dream also could mean death. If one sees himself waking in mud or wet clay, and if he works with it in a dream, it means falling sick or suffering from disgrace. Dry clay in a dream means money, while wet clay means righteousness. Eating baked clay in a dream means backbiting others, untruth or slander. If a sick person sees clay in his dream, it means his death. (Also see Bricks)

Sludge Dream Explanation — (Black mud; Scum; Slum; Profits; Capital for business; Glad tidings; Dominance) In a dream, a sludge means good news and particularly if one cannot find clean water near it. If a poor person trips into sludge in a dream, it means that his will satisfy his needs. If an unmarried person sees sludge in his dream, it means that he will get married, and he will have a family, a fatherin-law and a mother-in-law. Though this gain of his will be accompanied with trials and difficulties. Nevertheless, it will also remain under control.

Clay Dream Explanation — (Argillite; Argillateous; Mortar re; Mud; Plaster) In a dream, clay means sickness, disgrace or ignominy, except for one who works with clay or builds structures with it, then in his case, seeing clay in his dream means benefits, religious awareness and developing faith and certitude. Dry clay in a dream represents a cut in one's earnings or living on a budget. If one sees himself plastering the walls of his house with wet clay in a dream, it means that he is a righteous person. If one sees himself eating clay in a dream, it means that he swindles money.

Sing Dream Explanation — • Dreaming that there is

Sing Dream Explanation — • Dreaming that there is singing in some place: Lies will separate those who love each other and covetous and evil-eyed persons will deceive others because, says Ibn Siren: “The first, ever, to have sung and wailed was damned Satan, may God curse him.”
• Singing nice poems or songs on a harmonious note and with a loud but pleasant voice: Good dream for singers, composers, and their bands. Singing with a harsh voice and without melody: Unemployment and misery.
• Walking in the mud and singing: Good dreams, especially for those who sell lutes.
• Singing in the bathroom: Equivocal statements.

Piss Dream Explanation — • Pissing sand or mud: The dreamer performs his ablutions neither properly nor regularly.
• Pissing fire:  (1) The dreamer will have a powerful son.  (2) The dreamer will have a son who will become a thief.
• Pissing a lion: The dreamer will have an unjust son.
• Pissing worms: The dreamer will be prolific.
• Pissing a snake: The dreamer will have a son who will turn hostile to him.
• Pissing a she-cat: The dreamer will have a girl by an Oriental woman born in a coastal area.
• Pissing a fish: The dreamer will have a girl from a woman he brought from a coastal area, like the shores of the Arabian Sea.

Mire Dream Explanation — (Mud) To sink, stick, or walk in mire in a dream means fear, distress, difficulties and adversities. The same interpretation is given for muddling in the rain waters, or walking in the rain. If a sick person sees mire in his dream, it means suffering from a prolonged illness. Walking out of mire in a dream means recovering from an illness. Walking in mire in a dream also means imprisonment, poverty, or sufferings caused by one's sinfulness and lack of attending to his religious duties. If a woman sees mire in her dream, it may mean that she may shortly conceive a child.

Dye Dream Explanation — • A woman dreaming that her hands are tattooed: She will use her makeup to achieve what is right. If the tattoo was made of mud, it means that she uses her rosary quite often. If the drawings on her hands get mixed up, harm will befall her children.
• A woman seeing her hand dyed or tattooed with gold:  (1) She is giving her money to her husband.  (2) Her husband will bring her joy.
• A man dreaming that his two legs are dyed and tattooed: His parents will die.
• A woman seeing her legs dyed and tattooed: Her husband will die.

Tattoo Dream Explanation — If a person sees his hands tattooed with henna in a dream, it means that he cheats to earn his livelihood, or that he tricks others to get what he needs. Consequently, he will be exposed and his enemy will rejoice at his misfortune. If a woman sees her hands tattooed in a dream, it means that she will trick someone to repossess her rightfully owned jewelry. If the tattoo is made with gold in the dream, it means performing an old but a polite trick. If the tattoo is done with mud in the dream, it means praising Allah Almighty.

Dwellings Dream Explanation — If such dwellings are built of mud or plaster, this will be a reflection on his adverse conditions. If one enters such dwellings, then walks out of it in a dream, it means that he will become sick and nearly die of his illness before he recovers from it. If one walks out of it angry in a dream, it means that he will be imprisoned. If he sees someone entering his house in a dream, it means that someone will know his intimate life, or that an insolent person will become a close family friend, then betray his trust and have a secret affairs with one's wife.

Dye Dream Explanation — Dye, in general, means respectability and that the dreamer is either secure from poverty or concealing it.
• Dying one’s beard with henna—lawsonia: The dreamer follows in the footsteps of the Muslims  Holy Prophet.
• Dying one’s hair but not the beard: The dreamer guards the secrets of his head  (chief).
• Dying both the hair and the beard: The dreamer is concealing his poverty and

• Dying both the hair and the beard: The dreamer is concealing his poverty and asking people to give him power.
• If the dye sticks to the hair: Prestige will be restored, but only for a while, and the dreamer will display his contentment. However, he will ultimately be uncovered.
• Dying with mud or gypsum  (plaster of Paris): Will ask for money and be humiliated publicly for such a request.

Stool Dream Explanation — Also see Toilet. In general, anything that comes out of the stomach of humans or animals symbolizes money. Whether it is good or bad depends on its smell, its dirt, and its harm to people. If it is a non-personal dirt, like mud, it means public fear from the ruler. Stool, or shit in vulgar terms, represents benefit from injustice or relief.
• Easing out:  (1) No more worries.  (2) Will give alms.
• A person about to travel dreaming of having passed too much stool:  (1) Will not travel.  (2) Will fall into the hands of highwaymen.
• Finding, winning, or eating filth:  (1) Dirty money with repentance.  (2) A statement made out of greed, which the dreamer will regret.
• Passing dry and solid stool: Will spend some money, perhaps forcibly.

Hand mill Dream Explanation — If one sees a huge hand mill in the center of a town in a dream, it means war and destruction and especially if he sees it grinding rocks or emitting fire or sparks. Otherwise, it means a plague if the hand mill is grinding spoiled and moldy grains, mud, or spoiled meat. If one sees the millstone tilted in a dream, it means rising prices. If the hand mill is turning with nothing to grind in the dream, it means toiling aimlessly. If the hand mill turns using a wheel in the dream, it means prosperity. If one sees the hand mill turning and not grinding in a dream, it means travels. If it turns for no useful purpose in a dream, it denotes the nearing of one's death. A pair of small hand grinders in a dream represent two loathsome partners that no one can correct or guide.

Dream Interpretation Hut

Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Hut
The meaning of your dream subject, Hut, according to the ancient dream books and from 10,000 Dreams interpreted by Gustavus Hindman Miller, is detailed below:

To dream of a hut, could denote indifferent success.

To dream that you are sleeping in a hut, could denote ill health and dissatisfaction.

To see a hut in a green pasture, could denote prosperity, but fluctuating happiness.


Now click Interpreting Dreams for important information on Dream Interpretation and how to interpret your dreams.

Dream Interpretation
Free Dream Dictionary - H
Sleeping Trouble
A vast range of highly informative and dependable articles have been produced by the Siteseen network of entertaining and educational websites.

AuthorHollye Hurst, Ph.D.

How to explore a dream symbol? Let’s start with a common dream image –  a house. A house in a dream may be a grand castle or a simple hut. The dream house can appear as a spacious urban loft, a cozy country cottage or an intriguing igloo. A house in a dream may be totally unfamiliar to you or one as easy to recognize as your childhood home or grandmother’s house. The setting of the dream is very important. Any storyteller of literature or film knows the importance of setting and a house appearing in a dream is an important part of its setting.

When pondering the meaning of a dream image you can begin by reflecting upon your actual life experience. In the case of a house, contemplate your actual experience of home – isn’t it an extension of you? In this sense the house in a dream can reflect your current state of being both psychologically and physically. A house is your very own personal and intimate space. It is your inside, private and personal space that is separate from the outside, public space. It is a protected space that reflects who you currently are. This reflection on both the universal nature of a dream image and on your personal experience reveals the meaning of the symbol in your dream.
To get down to the basics, it can be helpful for the dreamer to imagine they’re describing what the dream image is to an individual who is from another planet and who has no familiarity with life on earth. This technique is useful because it helps break through preconceived notions about dream symbols, particularly those we would consider familiar, like a house. A dreamer may associate a house with a place of security, comfort, protection, familiarity or belonging. But whatever words the dreamer chooses, in Dream Discovery™ the dreamer’s own words reveal the meaning of the dream image for them.

If a dreamer explored an unfamiliar house in their dream it may indicate they are in a time ripe for new possibilities they have yet to explore in waking life. In this case the dream is encouraging the dreamer to be open to new life experiences that their conscious mind might dismiss.
A house is a complex and personal dream symbol. The different areas of a house in a dream may represent different realms of the dreamer’s psychological world. Unfamiliar rooms may indicate there are unexplored areas within, new internal potentials to experience. If the dreamer did not explore a room or area due to anxiety while dreaming, they can explore that space by re-imagining themselves there. At My Dream Life we call this  Dream Re-Living™ because it brings the dream to life in the present moment. Another option is to use the dream incubation method on subsequent nights to Re-Live the dream again while sleeping and explore that space (as described in the Dream Life Blog “Creative Dream Problem Solving”).
Here at My Dream Life we support the dreamer in exploring options, even anxiety producing ones, rather than avoiding them since the same fears will likely return in another dream and may be limiting the dreamer in daily life. Dreamers can have confidence in exploring the unknown in a dream since their psyche is leading them there to experience something yet revealed, resolved or realized – a new chapter in life.
As a reflection of who you are, a house in a dream that is familiar to you can be a marker of time. It is fairly common to dream of returning to a house you knew in childhood. A dream of a house from the past may reflect a wish to return to a time of childhood openness. However a familiar house can also signify a recurrence in the dreamer’s life of concerns or issues from a past era and it can be helpful to consciously make that association.
For example, one dreamer had several dreams in the setting of her childhood home from ages 11-16. When engaged in dream discovery she remembered that era in her life as clearly marked by her parent’s divorce. In her current waking life she was
dream discovery she remembered that era in her life as clearly marked by her parent’s divorce. In her current waking life she was once again experiencing similar feelings of insecurity in her relationships and had been surprised by some of her behavior. The dream clearly communicated that the childhood experience of her parent’s divorce was being stimulated by her current situation. The dreamer’s waking mind did not have this insight. It needed the help of her dreaming mind. Understanding that her current behavior was linked to a past experience gave this dreamer enough perspective to feel more free in the situation since she could now make choices more consciously. And, as is often the case, the dream gave the dreamer more guidance for being successful in her situation.
 Here are some questions to guide dreamers in continuing to discover the meaning of a house in a dream – similar questions can be used for other dream symbols
How does it feel to experience this particular house?  It should be emphasized that the dreamer’s own words reveal the meaning of the experience for them. Does the house feel inviting? Interesting? Foreboding? Sad? Briefly describe the personality of this house. Imagine the house had a voice to express itself – what would it say?
What are your personal associations about this house? Does it seem familiar? Has the dreamer ever experienced a similar environment? If the house is familiar, explore any associations to this particular house and the time period the dreamer recalls when they think about this house.
Is the space small or large? How does the dreamer experience the smallness or spaciousness? Does it feel confining or cozy? Overwhelming or welcoming with possibility?
What is the lighting like? How does it feel? Does it provoke a mood? What are the colors?  What feelings do the colors invite?
Is the house new and modern? Or is it old? Does it seem to need repairs?

Cliff House, San Francisco, 1894

What is unique or interesting about this particular house? Since dream symbols can be viewed as reflecting an aspect of the dreamer is there anything about this house that seems like the dreamer’s personality or current circumstances? Is there anything about it the dreamer wishes  they experienced more in waking life? In the case of a house image an example might be a feeling of spaciousness or security in life. If the dreamer gave the house a voice, what might this dream house have to say?
The dreamer’s own experience and insight reveals the meaning of the dream for them.
In a nutshell, what is happening in or around this house? Does the situation seem to reflect current concerns, challenges, dilemmas or perhaps desires in the dreamer’s waking life? In the dream, who lives in the house? How does the dreamer feel about the inhabitants? Are they familiar? What are the contents of this house? Do any objects seem significant? Familiar?
Is the house on a single floor or are there various levels? What is the setting, is it urban or rural? Is it located in an upscale enclave or a destitute hinterland? Is it on a dead end street or in the middle of a freeway?  Surrounded by water? Perched on a perilous cliff? Anything is possible in a dream!
The different areas of a house in a dream may represent different realms of the dreamer’s psychological world. If the dream activity takes place in a particular part of the house is it the kitchen, attic, bedroom or bathroom? Different rooms suggest different activities and meaning. For example, the attic and the basement are typically where things from the past are stored.

If the dream activity takes place in the kitchen what does the dreamer associate with a kitchen?  To get down to the basics, how would they imagine describing a kitchen to someone from another planet? Generally, a kitchen  is a place of change and transformation. The raw becomes the cooked and provides nourishment. The kitchen is also involved with the preservation of health. What are the specifics of this particular kitchen in the dream?
The bathroom is a also a place associated with the preservation of health through activities related to cleanness, release and elimination. It is a very private space and can also be associated with feelings of shame. Does the dreamer have more specific associations? The bedroom is the other very private space and one we associate with rest, sex and surrender to sleep (and dreams!).
Conversely the porch, portico or gateway is a threshold or place of transition between the outer, public world and the inner, private life. This is the space where both guests and strangers may first appear and be invited in or may intrude into our private space.
As a reflection of the dreamer’s state of being, the house in a dream can reflect not only the dreamer’s current psychological state but also their physical well-being. If the house is in need of repair or is otherwise in disarray, the dreamer might consider getting a medical check especially if they have been ignoring what they think is an insignificant symptom.
If the house has missing or broken windows, the dreamer’s associations to windows can offer insight. Does the dreamer describe windows as keeping warmth inside or as a protection from the elements?  Or do they focus on windows as a place of transparency where others can view the dreamer’s inner dwelling space and the dreamer can keep abreast of what lies beyond their inner sanctum? Among other things, missing or broken windows can suggest personal boundaries in relationships may be broken and need attention.
Finally, in Dream Discovery™ the dreamer would ask how are the specifics of this dream image relevant to my life experience right now?  This is always an important question since, even though dreams can sometimes refer to previous times, they tend to reveal something we may not be paying attention to now or need to sort out in our current life.
Discovering Other Dream Symbols
Dreamers can use the questions offered here as a reference for beginning to explore other dream symbols. You might first try it with another common dream symbol such as a vehicle that can express how you’re experiencing your current capacity for navigating through life. Dreamers gain fluency in symbolic language by contemplating the various meanings for dream symbols and considering the parallels between these associations and what is happening in daily life.
Keeping a dream journal offers the opportunity to explore dream images over time. The Dream Discovery Workbook is a guided dream journal produced by My Dream Life and available here. Participation in a dream group supports dreamers in learning the language of symbols and reflecting upon the multiple levels of meaning of dream images. You’re most welcome to JOIN US at My Dream Life in a Dream Circle.

A dream dictionary cannot reveal the depth of your dream experience. Dream dictionaries that give a specific meaning for a dream symbol are helpful only as a starting point for becoming familiar with symbolic language.
Some people interested in dreams theorize that there are typical meanings associated with symbols that persist across diverse cultures and times and these can be cataloged for general reference in a dream dictionary. There is an element of truth in this however the personal feelings and associations of the dreamer reveal much more about the dream’s specific meaning and message for them than a dream dictionary ever will. For example, a tiger in a dream can mean one thing to someone whose favorite childhood toy was a stuffed tiger and something quite different to a person who goes on safari. As mythologist Joseph Campbell cautioned, “Don’t lose the message in the symbol. When the symbol is considered a fact, you’ve mistaken the message.”
It is important to remember that the dreamer’s own experience and insight reveals the meaning of their dream symbol that is personal to them. At My Dream Life the Dream Discovery philosophy holds that a single dream image can have multiple meanings for an individual and those meanings can evolve over time as the person continues to reflect upon the image. An extraordinary depth of self-awareness and wisdom can be inspired from discovery of your dreams.
Dream symbols are like multi-faceted diamonds. When we appreciate a dream symbol from different points of view, the light of consciousness illuminates each facet in all its uniqueness revealing multiple meanings for all dreamers.
Part of the value of a dream group is that the wisdom of your dream will speak to everyone in the group and other dreamers’ responses will enrich your own experience of your dream.

My Dream Life Dream Circles offer fun and accessible opportunities to learn about dreams through live interactive experiences with the synergy and support of a small group of dreamers like yourself and a professional mentor. You’re most welcome to JOIN US in a Dream Circle or CONTACT HERE for a Dream Consultation.
Got your Dream Discovery Workbook? It’s a guided dream journal. Find out more – DREAM DISCOVERY WORKBOOK: A GUIDED DREAM JOURNAL.


Are you ready to uncover hidden and forbidden meanings of your dream about nipa hut? Click and reveal mysterious and secret meanings of dreaming about nipa hut by interpretations of the dream's symbolisms in various cultures.
Short meaning: the dreams of nipa hut may augur relaxation, allegiance and intimate friendship.

Complete meanings of the nipa hut dream's symbols
Hut / Hut / Hut /
By Eveline Augustus
When you see a hut in a dream, then such dream shows the main needs and conveniences. Perhaps the dream suggests you to be simpler and not so needy, because the human being needs less than they think they need….Read more…

Fire can awaken people's strong feelings, such as envy, lust and passion; it can destroy everything, also brings the great purification breeding new life. In Chinese traditional concept, fire is closely related to luck and wealth. Therefore, there are many interpretations to the dreams about fire. From the positive perspective, it symbolizes passion, desire and wealth; from the negative perspective, however, it means frustration, anger, worry or destruction. If you often dream about fire, or dream about dealing with fire, working near the fire, or being in a fire and feeling thirsty, it may suggest that you will suffer from the diseases like hypertension and you'd better check in the hospital in time.

If a man dreams about fire, it indicates that he is full of hope and confidence for the career.

If a woman dreams about fire, it indicates that she is full of love and hope for the life.

Dreaming about a blazing fire is a good sign which indicates good fortune and getting promoted. For young people, it also suggests that you are full of hope, confidence and love for life and career.

Dreaming about piles of fire suggests that you may get promoted in the near future.

Dreaming about feeling burnt by a fire suggests that the new situation may get you into trouble. If you are not burnt, it indicates that you will have good news.

Dreaming about being burnt to death by a fire suggests that you are afraid of the coming new situation or new relationship.

Dreaming about your house on fire suggests that you will live a rich life and have abundant property, or you will soon get what you want. Dreaming about the fire was put out indicates that you will suffer financial loss or lose the love.

Dreaming about others' houses or other buildings on fire suggests that your relatives or friends may ask you for emergency relief, or the factors which have been holding you back will be eliminated and you can start all over again.

Dreaming about escaping from a fire indicates that you will overcome all difficulties to achieve success.

Dreaming about rescuing someone from a fire indicates that you will have a sincere friend helping you to get over difficulties and really caring about your health.

Dreaming about putting out a fire as a firefighter indicates that you may suffer financial loss. So at this time, you should not borrow from others or lend money to others to solve the economic crisis to avoid a dispute in the future.

Dreaming about a mountain on fire may indicate the disaster. On the one hand, you should try to avoid approaching the sea, lake, river or other places with water, including the swimming pool. On the other hand, you may be stolen, so you should watch your money and valuables, and especially be careful of the thief while going out.

Dreaming about fireworks falling on your body suggests that you are vulnerable to temptation, and you should restrain yourself with a strong will.

Dreaming about fireworks in the sky suggests that someone you know will have good news, or one of your family members may get promoted or salary increase.

Dreaming about a fireball flying in the sky indicates that you will have keen intuition and predict with miraculous accuracy recently. If you are a student, you may guess the test questions correctly.

Dreaming about a spark in the dark indicates that your new plan will be carried out smoothly and you may achieve success if you are planning to do something or learn a new skill.

Dreaming about burning wildfire indicates good fortune and increased income. If you are a businessman, you will have plentiful treasures and thriving business, and you may expect a large amount of revenue.

Dreaming about burning firewood indicates that you are falling in love and deeply attached to your lover; you two meet every day and you should keep a cool head appropriately.

Dreaming about overlooking the distant fire indicates that you should be cautious because you may make mistakes due to negligence, such as forgetting the time and missing the appointment, so you need to be extremely careful.

Dreaming about walking with a torch indicates that you will make a substantial progress in love and the one you have been pursued or the one who has no interest in you at first will be moved by your true feelings. If you really love the one, you will win his/her favor with your long pursuit.
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Dreams Starting With H

Letter H

Hacking: A dream that you are hacking into someones computer suggests that you are trespassing into places, peoples business or situations but it is not your place to do so. On the other hand, if others are hacking into your computer it indicates your openness and susceptibility with people. Your unconscious is telling you that people are walking over you and you need to stop letting so many people in because you are weak. You need to learn how to have some faith in yourself and how to put yourself in a place where people cannot take advantage of your insecurities.

Hag: A hag in your dream symbolizes a motherly figure. Depending on how the hag acts and is portrayed in your dream is how you see yourself in motherhood.

Hail: Hail is frozen water that hurts when it falls on you. When you dream of it falling all around you then it means that you feel attacked in some situation and it is bringing you down emotionally. If you are inside listening to the hail falling on the roof then you are trying to avoid these feelings that you are experiencing due to the problems in your life because you know it is only going to be temporary.

Hair: In depth analysis:   Dreaming about your hair can be quite vivid as it brings our attention to self reflection and image.  These symbolic dreams are usually presented to us by either our hair falling out, growing long and even changing color.  If you noticed your hair falling out it could be connected with self confidence, poor sex drive and virility.  It is also possible that you might have unconscious feelings of feeling inferior, insecure and vulnerable.  If you hair is turning grey suggests you being more wise and mature. If your hair is messy and full of knots then it means your life is in chaos at the moment due to your lack of organization of thoughts.

Haircut: Cutting your hair in a dream is similar to making hairstyle changes. The dream is suggesting that you are changing your ways of thinking. If someone is cutting your hair it implies that you feeling weakened or brought down by someone. It also means chopping off the past, getting rid of those dead ends to start a new.

Hairpiece: When you dream of putting on a false hairpiece or wearing one, it means that you are trying to be someone you are not and give off a false impression. If you lose the hairpiece then you are getting rid of the false impressions people have of you, you are trying to correct your image. It could also mean that you are losing whatever is protecting your head from losing control.

Half: Something seems to be incomplete and missing its other half or is it half full? What is your reaction to the dream? If you feel like you have gotten half way there then this is a good sign, keep working to complete your goals. If you feel disappointed then something is incomplete in your waking life and someone or something is not allowing you to make it complete.

Hall: A dream of a hall symbolizes social activities. If it is empty or you are unable to feel comfortable in the situation in the dream then you feel awkward in social meetings. On the other hand if it is full and you are interacting with other then you are satisfied with your current relationships.

Halloween: Halloween is another important dream symbol. You could be getting an insight into the life after death or maybe your shadow archetype. You could be reminiscing the past of your childhood days when going and getting candy seemed more exciting. On the other hand you could be longing for excitement in your life. Your unconscious could be informing you of other parts of your soul that you do not realize in your conscious life. Otherwise, it could simply mean that you feel to hide and put on a disguise from rest of society.

Hallucination: If you dream of hallucinating it suggests that you are trying to release your emotions. What are you hallucinating about? You probably feel uncomfortable in the situation you are currently in and things do not seem real enough to you.

Hallway: A dream of a hallway signifies a journey of self. You are trying to organize your life and transforming in many ways. If it is a hallway that seems to be never ending then you feel stuck in a situation and you do not know how to get out.

Halo: A halo is representative of angelic attributes and enlightenment. It could also mean that you are trying to attain these perfect characteristics that we believe exist in angels.

Ham: Ham is a form of nourishment and providing energy. If you are eating ham in your dream then you need energy in your waking life. If you just see ham then you need to learn how to indulge in emotional impulses.

Hamburger: Similar to ham, you need to let loose in order for you to feel ful
Hammer: A dream about a hammer suggests that something needs to get done and it needs a lot of work to be completed. If you are using the hammer then you are determined to put the work in to get things done.

Hammock: A hammock is symbolic of relaxation and taking things easy. You may need to take some time for yourself and decide what you want in life. If you are lying in the hammock then you need to be careful not to spend too much time alone to get rid of relationships. You should be careful cause if you fall off the hammock then you have been too involved with taking care of others that you feel to guilty to take time for yourself in your waking life.

Hamster: A dream of a hamster is representative of your ability to understand your emotions and you know the difference between infatuation and love when it comes to your sex life.

Hand: Hands are one of the most useful body parts and we depended on them so much in our daily lives.  Hands connect us from one another, they represent work, love and friendship.  They are very symbolic in many different cultures especially in Buddhism, where Buddhas hands are held in front of his heart showing his teaching are straight from his heart. In the Middle East the Hamsa meaning five in Arabic is a palm and fingers that protects one from bad eye.   Depending the context of your dream the meaning of your hands can alter.  If your hands where bitten, injured or pulled implies an issue pertaining to moving forward.  These issues can be related to work, friends and relationships that could be effected.  Holding someones hand in your dream shows a connection and unity between the two people. Your right hand might be a metaphor for you ‘right hand man’.  To see someone else hand is a message your unconscious telling you that you need to accept the help being offered to you or you need to look for help. If it is your hand outstretched then you should reach out and help someone.

Handcuffs: Dreaming of being handcuffed represents your feelings of being tied down to a situation or being held back and suppressed. You feel like if someone is being possessive of you. On the other hand, if someone else is being handcuffed or you are handcuffing someone it means that you are being too controlling and over protective of others.

Handicap: A dream of being handicapped symbolizes you being unable to complete everyday tasks and do well.  You feel like you need to find new ways of dealing with problems.  To be in a wheelchair suggests feelings of overall helplessness. A wheelchair is a symbol of dependency and the reliance on the help of others.

Handkerchief: Need to wipe away some tears? A handkerchief in your dream suggests that you will be shamed or something is going to cause you pain. If the handkerchief is dirty or damaged it means it would be caused by a friendship.

Handle: The dream is a metaphor of your having a handle on things in your life. Alternatively, if the handle is broken it represents that you do not have control of what is going on in a situation in your life.

Handshake: Shaking someones hands in your dream represents a fresh start or conclusion of something. You have finalized and agreed to something or with someone.

Hanging: Dreaming of a hanger implies that you are learning to deal with something which could be dealing with life or a problem. If you witness a hanging it symbolizes characteristics that you want to get rid of in yourself. If you are hanging yourself it indicates feelings of fright that you would be framed for something. You are trying to run away from whatever responsibilities that you have left. Hanging clothes in your dream denotes that you are clearing your mind.

Hang Ups: Dreaming that you keep getting calls that keep cutting off means that you are having trouble communicating with people.

Hard Drive: When you hard drive crashes in your dream it suggests that you feel burdened with too much information and feel you are about to crash.

Harmonica: A harmonic
Harmonica: A harmonica in a dream is a metaphor for harmony.  You need to find things in your life that would make you more relaxed and at peace.

Harp: Generally, dreaming of musically instruments represent relaxation. A harp signifies peace found in spirituality.

Harvesting: When you dream of harvesting crops it represents the work you have to do in order to reach your aspirations. You will reap what you sew. If you grew up in a similar environment, the dream just serves as memories.

Hat: A hate symbolizes protection of the head and thoughts. If you change your hats in your dream it indicates that you are confused and have many conflicting ideas lately. If you are wearing a hat in your dream it denotes that you are keeping certain characteristics a secret and concealed for no one to see. If you wear different hats then it represents your different tasks and positions you play in your life. A top hat symbolizes status and prosperity. If you lose the top hat it means you are fearful of losing your rank and power in life.

Haunted: In depth analysis: These dreams are usually metaphoric donating to areas in your life that have been left neglected and now its coming back to haunt you.  The house is represented as your mind/psyche or where building or place is something that you have built up in your consciousness.  It never means an actually haunting just a clue to bring awareness to aspects of guilt that has built up over time.

Hawk: In depth analysis:  A hawk in dreams symbolize great vision, intuition and wisdom.  They are birds of prey with the ability to see things from miles away shows your ability to navigate though life.  They bring are awareness to reaching highest of heights possibly connecting us with higher consciousness.
Hazard:This dream could be a warning from your unconscious, pay close attention to it. Otherwise you just need to look at your life from the bigger picture and proceed with caution.

Head: Seeing a head in your dream represents intuition and knowledge. If someone is trying to take your head of it suggests that you are not looking at things in the right way. Whatever problem is causing you trouble you should pay attention to the facts and truth and stop letting your vision be blurred. If you have two heads in your dream it means that you need to allow others to help you out. Sometimes others could help us better than we can help ourselves. Also two minds work quicker than one.

Head Lice: In depth analysis: These gross dreams actually give you a heads up of what might be going on in your mind. Negative thoughts appear to be lice emanating from your head.

Headline: Reading the headline from a newspaper article is a message from your subconscious. Try and relate it to your life to see what it means.

Headstone: A headstone in your dream signifies something or someone that is dead to you. The message on it could serve a purpose as well, try and relate it to your life.

Hearing:  These dreams connect us to our ears that connect us to our listening. If you are unable to hear others might suggest to listen more, or it could suggest that people do not hear you.

Hearse: A hearse suggests that you need to make some changes in your life in order to move forward.  A symbol of death suggesting a rebirth as the old is now gone.

Heart:  When you dream anything related to the heart represents love as it connects deep in our emotions. These might be stored memories, experiences and past hurt that is being repressed, appearing in your dream as a metaphor. Dreams of being shot or stabbed in the heart link us to the people who may have hurt you emotionally, as its time to forgive and heal. If you have some heart surgery it implies that you may be in need of working on your heart (emotions/empathy)

Heart Chakra: Known as the balance point of all the other Chakras, the heart or the fourth (green) is located at the lower center of the chest. This Chakra deals with love and relationships and represents the energy center for an individual’s happiness and feelings of compassion. If this is blocked you may experience lack of love and care for others.  Dreaming of this chakra lets you know to open your heart to let the divine light shine through.

Heartbeat: Hearing heartbeat in your dream indicates that you are not being open and honest with your feelings to yourself. On the other hand, if you feel worried or afraid of something in your waking lifer then the heartbeat in your dream is expressing it.

Heaven: When you dream of heaven it represents that you want to discover pure bliss. Since you cannot feel the same way in your waking life, you find happiness in dreams of such nature. These dreams might connect you to your higher self, a possible need to connect on a more spiritual level.

Heavy: Dreaming of something being too heavy to carry relates to your situation in your life. You are carrying too much weight that you are unable to handle. Stop trying to do so much, carry little each day and you would get through things faster.

Hedge: A dream of a hedge implies that something is holding you back and hindering you from moving forward. While trimming it would suggest that you are getting used to it and learning how to be optimistic with things.

Heel: Having a dream of your heel implies being at a low stage. Whether it means you are susceptible to things because of depression or you are just allowing things to go by unsaid, you need to learn how to pick yourself up. Do not let others walk over you. Also consider the pun on the word heal perhaps something is causing you heartache? You might need some love so you could feel better.

Height: Being at a high level of a place in your dream means that you have attained your greatest aspirations in life.
Hell: Hell in dreams can translate to your own self created misery. These dangerous emotions such as anger or resentment is stuck to you, or a sense of being different or unwanted.  If your life in the past was full of regret and guilt for all the wrongs you have done, you may encounter hell being unresolved. As a metaphor you will be burned for all the wrongs you may have done.  However these dreams help you find your own peace when you recognize your past.

Helm: Being at the helm of a ship suggests that you are in charge of where you are going. You also have the strength and determination to get there. However, if another person is at the helm it denotes that someone has a big part to play in your decisions in life.

Helmet: Helmets are meant to protect the head and dreaming of them represents precisely the same thing. You need to keep your feelings and views safe.

Help: When you dream of helping someone it suggests that you are very accepting and understanding. You make the necessary sacrifices in order to meet others half way. If you know the person you are helping in your dream and you do not like them in reality or they seem to be an enemy in the dream then it symbolizes that you need to compromise a little.  If you need someone to help you or you feel helpless in your dream then it means you are a bit confused and lonely in life. You may need someone to help guide you and a friend to keep you company.

Herd: Are you a follower and not a leader? Having a dream of a herd indicates that you are a follow fashion. You do not make trends but you just go with the flow.

Hermaphrodite: If you are feeling a bit lost and confused about your sexuality then the thoughts manifest themselves into dreams of hermaphrodites.

Hermit: Being a hermit in a dream suggests that you want to be left alone or you feel lonely. Stop letting life get you down, go out and have fun with your friends.

Hero:  Connected to the ‘hero archetype’ in Jungian psychology. Connected to the ego the hero represents the process of overcoming obstacles to achieve specific goals. In your dream it is an emotional symbol that signifies your deepest wishes and feelings.
Hex: When you put a hex on someone in your dream it signifies your spiteful and ruthless behavior. If someone is putting a hex on you in your dream then someone is being cruel towards you. You are sensitive to whatever is happening.

Hickey: Hickeys do not signify anything sexual. Dreaming of having one suggests that you are feeling overwhelmed and as though something is sucking your energy. You are not unable to think properly for some reason because of how weak your feel.

Hide ‘N Seek: Are you the one hiding or seeking? If you are hiding things then you are trying to make sure something is concealed. Dreaming of playing hide n seek, and you are hiding, it indicates that you are trying to hide something but you know that it is constantly as risk to being exposed. On the other hand, if you are seeking, it means you are on a quest for more information. If it is a bunch of younger children then you are just reminiscing your past.

Hiding: Someone seems to be trying to conceal information. This dream implies that you are trying to protect yourself from someone by hiding things. If possible, try and confront the situation instead of running from it.

High Chair: When you dream of a high chair it suggests that you want to have a better look at a situation. If you are sitting on a high chair it represents your habit of thinking you are better than others. You think people need to look up to you because you feel you are at a higher level than them.

High Heels: High heels are symbolic of feminine power. The dream indicates that you are confident in yourself and know you are able to make a change as a woman.

High School: High school is a time where you learn a lot about yourself and go through puberty. Are you still in high school? If you are not and you dream of this time in your life, it denotes feelings and relationships that you had. These can be repressed or stored memories, possibly aspects of your personality that needs to grown up. Taking a test or exam are common dream symbol that have nothing to do with high school but your organization.

Highlighter: Seeing a highlighter in your dream signifies wisdom and clarification. Pay attention to what you are highlighting for a better understanding of the dream.

Highway: Dreaming of a highway symbolizes your journey in life. Using the infrastructure of the roads you could relate it to how you feel in your waking life. For example, if you are on a bumpy highway it means that you have many challenges coming your way.

Hijack: Having something hijacked from you represents that someone or some situation has taken your power from you. It has caused you to lose control of a certain part of your life. If a plane as been hijacked it represents anxiety about flying due to current terrorist problems.

Hiking: The dream symbolizes your strength and ability to strive for what you want in life. You will be very successful in life because of these characteristics.

Hill: Dreams of hills are analogous to difficulties of attaining your ambitions. If you are on top of the hill it signifies you have been successful in reaching where you wanted to go. It could also mean that you have the ability to reach the top if you continuing going in your waking life. These dreams can also be connected with spirituality (see mountain).

Hippie: You do not care about what society is trying to force you to think. The dream symbolizes your liberty to express yourself.

Hex: When you put a hex on someone in your dream it signifies your spiteful and ruthless behavior. If someone is putting a hex on you in your dream then someone is being cruel towards you. You are sensitive to whatever is happening.

Hickey: Hickeys do not signify anything sexual. Dreaming of having one suggests that you are feeling overwhelmed and as though something is sucking your energy. You are not unable to think properly for some reason because of how weak your feel.

Hide ‘N Seek: Are you the one hiding or seeking? If you are hiding things then you are trying to make sure something is concealed. Dreaming of playing hide n seek, and you are hiding, it indicates that you are trying to hide something but you know that it is constantly as risk to being exposed. On the other hand, if you are seeking, it means you are on a quest for more information. If it is a bunch of younger children then you are just reminiscing your past.

Hiding: Someone seems to be trying to conceal information. This dream implies that you are trying to protect yourself from someone by hiding things. If possible, try and confront the situation instead of running from it.

High Chair: When you dream of a high chair it suggests that you want to have a better look at a situation. If you are sitting on a high chair it represents your habit of thinking you are better than others. You think people need to look up to you because you feel you are at a higher level than them.

High Heels: High heels are symbolic of feminine power. The dream indicates that you are confident in yourself and know you are able to make a change as a woman.

High School: High school is a time where you learn a lot about yourself and go through puberty. Are you still in high school? If you are not and you dream of this time in your life, it denotes feelings and relationships that you had. These can be repressed or stored memories, possibly aspects of your personality that needs to grown up. Taking a test or exam are common dream symbol that have nothing to do with high school but your organization.

Highlighter: Seeing a highlighter in your dream signifies wisdom and clarification. Pay attention to what you are highlighting for a better understanding of the dream.

Highway: Dreaming of a highway symbolizes your journey in life. Using the infrastructure of the roads you could relate it to how you feel in your waking life. For example, if you are on a bumpy highway it means that you have many challenges coming your way.

Hijack: Having something hijacked from you represents that someone or some situation has taken your power from you. It has caused you to lose control of a certain part of your life. If a plane as been hijacked it represents anxiety about flying due to current terrorist problems.

Hiking: The dream symbolizes your strength and ability to strive for what you want in life. You will be very successful in life because of these characteristics.

Hill: Dreams of hills are analogous to difficulties of attaining your ambitions. If you are on top of the hill it signifies you have been successful in reaching where you wanted to go. It could also mean that you have the ability to reach the top if you continuing going in your waking life. These dreams can also be connected with spirituality (see mountain).

Hippie: You do not care about what society is trying to force you to think. The dream symbolizes your liberty to express yourself.
Hitchhiking: Someone is jumping on others to get to higher positions. The dream suggests that you are taking the easy way out and relying on other people to get you further. You did not work for where you are at now since you used people in order to get there. Picking up a hitchhiker in your dream implies that you are letting people walk all over you. You are too generous, learn how to help people who need it.

Hitler: A dream where Hitler is involved symbolizes power, tyranny and cruelty. Possibly connected to the shadow part of your personality that has been left in the dark.

Hit-man: A hit man, in your dream, represents some characteristic that you want to get out of you. Consider how the person who is being gunned down or targeted is acting for more significance.

Hives: Dreaming of having hives suggests that you are anxious about something in your life.

Hobby: When you dream that you have a new hobby it indicates that you should recognize and accept your abilities. Stop repressing things that you could enjoy.

Hold: Holding something in your dream represents how you are dealing with things in your life. You influence situations and people easily. Try to relate the meaning of the object to your life. Perhaps it simply symbolizes an object that you are very fond of and feel you need to protect.

Hole: Dreaming of a hole in the ground indicated things you have done that have gone unnoticed. Alternatively, you might be feeling as though something is missing in your life. Could it be you are feeling a need to fill that hole to become complete.  If you fall into a whole it implies that you are have taken a fall and feel trapped. Have you tried to reach someone but dug a hole too deep for you to get out? If there is a hole in your garments it symbolizes your imperfection and errors in your beliefs. On the other hand, you may need a new wardrobe and your unconscious is telling you, go out and treat yourself!

Holidays: Does the specific holiday in your dream serve any significance to your waking life? Perhaps you just need a break from the hustle and bustle of life so you can relax.

Hollywood: When you dream of Hollywood, it represents your feeling of wanting to be part of that celebrity and glamorous lifestyle. If you feel lost in the dream then it means you need to come back to reality and focus on more realistic goals.

Holocaust: Do you feel that people are blaming you for something you did not do? If you dream that you are part of the holocaust it suggests that you are feeling criticized and attacked by some higher power although you did nothing wrong. Also, your own feelings about the holocaust may come into play in your dream as well.

Hologram: Your unconscious is trying to tell you to stop looking at things piece by piece and put everything together. The dream means that you need to look at the entire picture in order to understand what is going on.

Holy Grail: Have you lost a sense of spirituality? Maybe you are on the search to find what you lost and regain aspects of yourself once again.

Home: In depth analysis: Dreaming of your home is unique to every dreamer as no two people share the same lives. Homes are are the places we reside in for comfort, rest, rejuvenation and shelter.  They also contain past memories, events, experiences that we may have forgotten about.  The house is a representation of our psyche/mind and you will need to investigate the purpose of the contents inside. This is a part of you, a substructure that has molded you to who you are today. Going back to your childhood home brings us back to old memories and experiences that have been ignored.

Homecoming: Turn the words around and consider the pun on the words that your unconscious put together to be coming home. Are you expecting someone or longing for someone to return? Otherwise to dream of a homecoming means that you need to embrace your past as a learning experience that made you who you are. Stop trying to get rid of it and just use it
Hornet: Dreaming of hornets brings your attention to possible trouble in the near future. If you are stung it suggest someone might have it out for you. They also could be a symbol of your shadow, the unknown aspects of yourself that has the ability to be revengeful and vengeful. If you see a hornets nest suggest danger is around you and to proceed with caution.

Horoscope:  Could this be a sign from your unconsciousness?  You could have met someone of that horoscope that could mesh well with you. Try to understand the connection of with that particular sign.

Horseback Riding: Dreaming that you are horseback riding is indicative of superiority, sensuality or success. You are positive in your ambitions and know that you will reach a superior position if you are not already at that stage. On the other hand, it implies that you will be devious in your approach to success.  If you are the horse in your dream is wild and you are unable to control it it indicates that you are letting your fervor lead you astray from your goals.

Horseshoe: Seeing a horseshoe which is not faced downward in your dream symbolizes fortune, luck and accomplishments in your life. On the other hand, if it is upside down then it denotes the total opposite.

Hose: A dream of a hose has two meanings, it either signifies the male penis or it represents you are overcoming your emotional pain. Try to figure out your feelings to understand the dream.

Hospital: Hospital dreams are signals from your unconscious suggesting a need to rest and heal aspects of your mind, body and soul.  A hospital is a place where you come in damaged and leave healthy, alternatively it might be a positive dream for change in your life.

Hostage:  Being held hostage by someone is usually a metaphor for being controlled by others.  They have the power over as you are vulnerable  in your movements.   You may feel trapped in some aspect in your life and you are needing to break free.

Hot: When you dream of being hot it indicates feelings of intimacy or anger. Some situation is probably causing you frustration and you should figure it out before your temper is released. Otherwise your sensuality is on its prime lately, you have to release it somehow or you would get sexually frustrated.

Hot Air Balloon: Dreaming of a hot air balloon implies that you want someone to notice you and look up to you. On the other hand it could also mean that your temper is getting worse as a situation goes on.

Hot Pepper: Something is heating up! The hot pepper in your dream indicates that your life needs some excitement in it. Otherwise, some situation or person is causing your temper to heat up.

Hourglass: An hourglass in your dream represents you have a deadline coming up. You are worried that you would not be finished in time.
House: In depth analysis: Houses in dreams are symbolic to the dreamer as no two people share the same lives. Homes are are the places we reside in for comfort, rest, rejuvenation and shelter.  They also contain past memories, events, experiences that we may have forgotten about.  The house is a representation of our psyche/mind and you will need to investigate the purpose of the contents inside. This is a part of you, a substructure that has molded you to who you are today. Going back to your childhood home directs you to areas in your mind that need attention.  Each floor of the house would be used as a metaphor to symbolize areas of your psyche.  The basement connects the dreamer to the unconsciousness part, the forgotten areas that need attention.  The bedroom brings awareness to intimacy and love.  Places like the attic and the closet are areas where memories and experiences are stored and needing to come out. Being locked out of the house symbolizes your feelings of being an denied and ignored by people in your life. If your house is broken into it implies that you feel someone is taking advantage of you.

Houseboat: A dream of having a boat in your house means control over your emotions. Water represents your feelings so look at the state of the water if you want to find out your emotional state.

Housekeeper: When you dream of a housekeeper it means that someone is helping you sort out your life. Someone is helping you with your *housework. On the other hand it represents someone trying to control how you handle matters in your life.

Housework: Dreaming of housework indicates a need for something new and exciting in your life. You are fed up of the old things in your life and cleaning out the cobwebs!

Howling: Any dream of howling signifies your feelings of being alone. You are afraid of something and feel helpless.

Hugging: Someones in need of some TLC! If you are hugging someone then you are a loving person, if you are reaching out for a hug then you need some tender loving care. Then again it could just be symbolic of the closeness you feel with someone.

Hula Hoop: If you just see a hula hoop in your dream indicates you are not doing anything but going around in circle. On the other hand if you are spinning the hula hoop around you then you are learning to balance your life and handle your tasks in a way so it becomes a routine to you.

Humming:  Humming in your dream indicates ignorance to your unconscious, you are being stubborn. When you hear humming in your dream it means that something or someone is annoying you and you cannot get it to go away.  The humming sound like “OMMM” is related to the Buddhist mediation technique to bring inner peace, a time for prayer.

Hummingbird: In depth analysis: Dreaming of a hummingbird is symbolic of your inability to focus and stay with one thing or person at a time. They have the ability to go backwards in flight very fast. This might be connected with going back in your past.

Hunger: What are you missing in your life? Dreaming of being hungry indicates you are missing something in your life which is causing you dissatisfaction. It could also mean that you are not nourishing your mind or body properly and your unconscious is telling you to fuel your system.

Hunting: Dreaming of hunting represents precisely this. You are searching for certain things in your life which could be sensual or a solution to a problem. Pay attention to what you are hunting for in the dream and relate it to your life. If you are hunting and kill an animal indicates parts of yourself that you think you need to get rid of.  If you are being hunted then you feel attacked by someone or some situation that you seemed caught in and it is troubling you. Seeing some else hunting in your dream represents your need for advice and help to solve something that is hindering you from progressing. If the person kills an animal then they will help you find a solution but you must take advice from those offerin
you help.

Hurdles: When you dream of hurdles it is representative of problems in your life, things that could slow you down but you have the control to overcome them. If you jump over hurdles and racing to win suggests that you know what you want in life and you would pass anything in your way to reach then end and succeed. Otherwise, if you cannot seem to jump over the hurdles then you are letting things slow you down from reaching your ambitions.

Hurricane: In depth analysis: Dreams of hurricanes are symbolic to our unconscious emotions or possible future events that have the ability to destruct.  A hurricane forms deep in the ocean (unconsciousness) the unseen as it might be sunny on your end, it is building up and ready to hit.  You will have to decipher if this is connected to you or others around you that have the capabilities to destruct.

Hurry: When you dream of being in hurry it represents your brain is rushing with so many thoughts that it does not have enough time to process it all. You have a lot going on in your life and the time seems to be passing you by. Just pace things and organize so that you could get everything done.

Hurt: Is something bothering you? You are hurt from a past or current problem but you do not want to admit it. However, in order to move on and stop hurting you need to do so.

Husband: A dream of a husband, if you have one in your waking life, represents your feelings towards him and the relationship. If you do not have a husband in reality but dream of having one it signifies your desire to settle down. It could also mean your projection of a real husband and what you want in your future husband or your present husband.
Hut: Dreaming of a hut is your unconscious telling you to be grateful for what you have in life. You have what you need and that’s good for your survival other things would come when necessary.

Hydrant: A fire hydrant holds water so that it could supply the mains. Therefore seeing one in your dream is a good symbol, it represents a fresh beginning in your life. If the fire hydrant

Hyena: A dream of a hyena represents bad qualities of gluttony and filth or simply a clown. You seem to be relying on others way too much and taking advantage of their generosity with your wit to benefit yourself. A hyena could also symbolize someone who makes everyone laugh with their jokes.

Hypnosis: Dreaming that you are hypnotized signifies your restrictions and how you are easily persuaded. If you cannot be hypnotized for whatever reason it indicates that something is causing you worry and you cannot seem to be relaxed or helped by anyone but yourself. If you are the hypnotist then you feel that you have control of people and their emotions.

Hysterectomy: Dreaming of a hysterectomy does not necessarily mean that you are going to have one; it signifies a progress in life. Usually when women have hysterectomy when they dream of being attacked or raped it is because they feel violated from the surgery.

by Gustavus Hindman Miller, 1901


And being warned of God in a dream that they should not return to Herod, they departed into their own country another way.
—Matthew ii, 12.

To see a haggard face in your dreams, denotes misfortune and defeat in love matters.
To see your own face haggard and distressed, denotes trouble over female affairs, which may render you unable to meet business engagements in a healthy manner.

If you dream of being in a hail storm, you will meet poor success in any undertaking.
If you watch hail-stones fall through sunshine and rain, you will be harassed by cares for a time, but fortune will soon smile upon you. For a young woman, this dream indicates love after many slights.
To hear hail beating the house, indicates distressing situations.

If a woman dreams that she has beautiful hair and combs it, she will be careless in her personal affairs, and will lose advancement by neglecting mental application.
For a man to dream that he is thinning his hair, foreshadows that he will become poor by his generosity, and suffer illness through mental worry.
To see your hair turning gray, foretells death and contagion in the family of some relative or some friend.
To see yourself covered with hair, omens indulgence in vices to such an extent as will debar you from the society of refined people. If a woman, she will resolve herself into a world of her own, claiming the right to act for her own pleasure regardless of moral codes.
If a man dreams that he has black, curling hair, he will deceive people through his pleasing address. He will very likely deceive the women who trust him. If a woman's hair seems black and curly, she will be threatened with seduction.
If you dream of seeing a woman with golden hair, you will prove a fearless lover and be woman's true friend.
To dream that your sweetheart has red hair, you will be denounced by the woman you love for unfaithfulness. Red hair usually suggests changes.
If you see brown hair, you will be unfortunate in choosing a career.
If you see well kept and neatly combed hair, your fortune will improve.
To dream you cut your hair close to the scalp, denotes that you will be generous to lavishness towards a friend. Frugality will be the fruits growing out therefrom.
To see the hair growing out soft and luxuriant, signifies happiness and luxury.
For a woman to compare a white hair with a black one, which she takes from her head, foretells that she will be likely to hesitate between two offers of seeming fortune, and unless she uses great care, will choose the one that will afford her loss or distress instead of pleasant fortune.
To see tangled and unkempt hair, life will be a veritable burden, business will fall off, and the marriage yoke will be troublesome to carry.
If a woman is unsuccessful in combing her hair, she will lose a worthy man's name by needless show of temper and disdain.
For a young woman to dream of women with gray hair, denotes that they will come into her life as rivals in the affection of a male relative, or displace the love of her affianced.
To dream of having your hair cut, denotes serious disappointments.
For a woman to dream that her hair is falling out, and baldness is apparent, she will have to earn her own livelihood, as fortune has passed her by.
For man or woman to dream that they have hair of snowy whiteness, denotes that they will enjoy a pleasing and fortunate journey through life.
For a man to caress the hair of a woman, shows he will enjoy the love and confidence of some worthy woman who will trust him despite the world's condemnation.
To see flowers in your hair, foretells troubles approaching which, when they come, will give you less fear than when viewed from a distance.
For a woman to dream that her hair turns to white flowers, augurs that troubles of a various nature will confront her, and she does well if she strengthens her soul with patience, and endeavors to bear her trials with fortitude.
To dream that a lockFor a man to caress the hair of a woman, shows he will enjoy the love and confidence of some worthy woman who will trust him despite the world's condemnation.
To see flowers in your hair, foretells troubles approaching which, when they come, will give you less fear than when viewed from a distance.
For a woman to dream that her hair turns to white flowers, augurs that troubles of a various nature will confront her, and she does well if she strengthens her soul with patience, and endeavors to bear her trials with fortitude.
To dream that a lock of your hair turns gray and falls out, is a sign of trouble and disappointment in your affairs. Sickness will cast gloom over bright expectations.
To see one's hair turn perfectly white in one night, and the face seemingly young, foretells sudden calamity and deep grief. For a young woman to have this dream, signifies that she will lose her lover by a sudden sickness or accident. She will likely come to grief from some indiscretion on her part. She should be careful of her associates.

Should you visit a hair-dresser in your dreams, you will be connected with a sensation caused by the indiscretion of a good looking woman. To a woman, this dream means a family disturbance and well merited censures.
For a woman to dream of having her hair colored, she will narrowly escape the scorn of society, as enemies will seek to blight her reputation. To have her hair dressed, denotes that she will run after frivolous things, and use any means to bend people to her wishes.
Hairy Hands

To dream that your hands are covered with hair like that of a beast, signifies you will intrigue against innocent people, and will find that you have alert enemies who are working to forestall your designs.

To dream that you put a halter on a young horse, shows that you will manage a very prosperous and clean business. Love matters will shape themselves to suit you.
To see other things haltered, denotes that fortune will be withheld from you for a while. You will win it, but with much toil.

To dream of seeing hams, signifies you are in danger of being treacherously used. To cut large slices of ham, denotes that all opposition will be successfully met by you. To dress a ham, signifies you will be leniently treated by others.
To dream of dealing in hams, prosperity will come to you. Also good health is foreboded.
To eat ham, you will lose something of great value. To smell ham cooking, you will be benefited by the enterprises of others.

To dream of seeing a hammer, denotes you will have some discouraging obstacles to overcome in order to establish firmly your fortune.

If you see beautiful hands in your dream, you will enjoy great distinction, and rise rapidly in your calling; but ugly and malformed hands point to disappointments and poverty. To see blood on them, denotes estrangement and unjust censure from members of your family.
If you have an injured hand, some person will succeed to what you are striving most to obtain.
To see a detached hand, indicates a solitary life, that is, people will fail to understand your views and feelings. To burn your hands, you will overreach the bounds of reason in your struggles for wealth and fame, and lose thereby.
To see your hands covered with hair, denotes that you will not become a solid and leading factor in your circle.
To see your hands enlarged, denotes a quick advancement in your affairs. To see them smaller, the reverse is predicted.
To see your hands soiled, denotes that you will be envious and unjust to others.
To wash your hands, you will participate in some joyous festivity.
For a woman to admire her own hands, is proof that she will win and hold the sincere regard of the man she prizes above all others.
To admire the hands of others, she will be subjected to the whims of a jealous man. To have a man hold her hands, she will be enticed into illicit engagements. If she lets others kiss her hands, she will have gossips busy with her reputation. To handle fire without burning her hands, she will rise to high rank and commanding positions.
To dream that your hands are tied, denotes that you will be involved in difficulties. In loosening them, you will force others to submit to your dictations.
See Fingers.

To dream of distributing handbills over the country, is a sign of contentions and possible lawsuits.
If you dream of printing handbills, you will hear unfavorable news.

To find yourself handcuffed, you will be annoyed and vexed by enemies. To see others thus, you will subdue those oppressing you and rise above your associates.
To see handcuffs, you will be menaced with sickness and danger.
To dream of handcuffs, denotes formidable enemies are surrounding you with objectionable conditions. To break them, is a sign that you will escape toils planned by enemies.

To dream of handkerchiefs, denotes flirtations and contingent affairs.
To lose one, omens a broken engagement through no fault of yours.
To see torn ones, foretells that lovers' quarrels will reach such straits that reconciliation will be improbable if not impossible.
To see them soiled, foretells that you will be corrupted by indiscriminate associations.
To see pure white ones in large lots, foretells that you will resist the insistent flattery of unscrupulous and evil-minded persons, and thus gain entrance into high relations with love and matrimony.
To see them colored, denotes that while your engagements may not be strictly moral, you will manage them with such ingenuity that they will elude opprobrium.
If you see silk handkerchiefs, it denotes that your pleasing and magnetic personality will shed its radiating cheerfulness upon others, making for yourself a fortunate existence.
For a young woman to wave adieu or a recognition with her handkerchief, or see others doing this, denotes that she will soon make a questionable pleasure trip, or she may knowingly run the gauntlet of disgrace to secure some fancied pleasure.

To see yourself handsome-looking in your dreams, you will prove yourself an ingenious flatterer.
To see others appearing handsome, denotes that you will enjoy the confidence of fast people.


To dream that you see and recognize your own handwriting, foretells that malicious enemies will use your expressed opinion to foil you in advancing to some competed position.

To see a large concourse of people gathering at a hanging, denotes that many enemies will club together to try to demolish your position in their midst.
See Execution.

If you see a hare escaping from you in a dream, you will lose something valuable in a mysterious way. If you capture one, you will be the victor in a contest.
If you make pets of them, you will have an orderly but unintelligent companion.
A dead hare, betokens death to some friend. Existence will be a prosy affair.
To see hares chased by dogs, denotes trouble and contentions among your friends, and you will concern yourself to bring about friendly relations.
If you dream that you shoot a hare, you will be forced to use violent measures to maintain your rightful possessions.
See Rabbit.

To dream that you maintain a harem, denotes that you are wasting your best energies on low pleasures. Life holds fair promises, if your desires are rightly directed.
If a woman dreams that she is an inmate of a harem, she will seek pleasure where pleasure is unlawful, as her desires will be toward married men as a rule. If she dreams that she is a favorite of a harem, she will be preferred before others in material pleasures, but the distinction will be fleeting.

To dream of a harlequin cheating you, you will find uphill work to identify certain claims that promise profit to you. If you dream of a harlequin, trouble will beset you.
To be dressed as a harlequin, denotes passionate error and unwise attacks on strength and purse. Designing women will lure you to paths of sin.

To dream of being in the company of a harlot, denotes ill-chosen pleasures and trouble in your social circles, and business will suffer depression. If you marry one, life will be threatened by an enemy.

To dream of possessing bright new harness, you will soon prepare for a pleasant journey.

To hear the sad sweet strains of a harp, denotes the sad ending to what seems a pleasing and profitable enterprise.
To see a broken harp, betokens illness, or broken troth between lovers.
To play a harp yourself, signifies that your nature is too trusting, and you should be more careful in placing your confidence as well as love matters.

To dream of harvest time, is a forerunner of prosperity and pleasure. If the harvest yields are abundant, the indications are good for country and state, as political machinery will grind to advance all conditions.
A poor harvest is a sign of small profits.

A poor harvest is a sign of small profits.

To dream you are eating hash, many sorrows and vexations are foretold.
You will probably be troubled with various little jealousies and contentions over mere trifles, and your health will be menaced through worry.
For a woman to dream that she cooks hash, denotes that she will be jealous of her husband, and children will be a stumbling block to her wantonness.

To dream of a hassock, forebodes the yielding of your power and fortune to another. If a woman dreams of a hassock, she should cultivate spirit and independence.

To dream of losing your hat, you may expect unsatisfactory business and failure of persons to keep important engagements.
For a man to dream that he wears a new hat, predicts change of place and business, which will be very much to his advantage. For a woman to dream that she wears a fine new hat, denotes the attainment of wealth, and she will be the object of much admiration.
For the wind to blow your hat off, denotes sudden changes in affairs, and somewhat for the worse.

A hatchet seen in a dream, denotes that wanton wastefulness will expose you to the evil designs of envious persons. If it is rusty or broken, you will have grief over wayward people.

To dream that you hate a person, denotes that if you are not careful you will do the party an inadvertent injury or a spiteful action will bring business loss and worry.
If you are hated for unjust causes, you will find sincere and obliging friends, and your associations will be most pleasant. Otherwise, the dream forebodes ill.


To dream of a hawk, foretells you will be cheated in some way by intriguing persons. To shoot one, foretells you will surmount obstacles after many struggles. For a young woman to frighten hawks away from her chickens, signifies she will obtain her most extravagant desires through diligent attention to her affairs.
It also denotes that enemies are near you, and they are ready to take advantage of your slightest mistakes. If you succeed in scaring it away before your fowls are injured, you will be lucky in your business.
To see a dead hawk, signifies that your enemies will be vanquished.
To dream of shooting at a hawk, you will have a contest with enemies, and will probably win.

If you dream of mowing hay, you will find much good in life, and if a farmer your crops will yield abundantly.
To see fields of newly cut hay, is a sign of unusual prosperity.
If you are hauling and putting hay into barns, your fortune is assured, and you will realize great profit from some enterprise.
To see loads of hay passing through the street, you will meet influential strangers who will add much to your pleasure.
To feed hay to stock, indicates that you will offer aid to some one who will return the favor with love and advancement to higher states.

To see a person's head in your dream, and it is well-shaped and prominent, you will meet persons of power and vast influence who will lend you aid in enterprises of importance.
If you dream of your own head, you are threatened with nervous or brain trouble.
To see a head severed from its trunk, and bloody, you will meet sickening disappointments, and the overthrow of your dearest hopes and anticipations.
To see yourself with two or more heads, foretells phenomenal and rapid rise in life, but the probabilities are that the rise will not be stable.
To dream that your head aches, denotes that you will be oppressed with worry.
To dream of a swollen head, you will have more good than bad in your life.
To dream of a child's head, there will be much pleasure ill store for you and signal financial success.
To dream of the head of a beast, denotes that the nature of your desires will run on a low plane, and only material pleasures will concern you.
To wash your head, you will be sought after by prominent people for your judgment and good counsel.

To dream of seeing rich headgear, you will become famous and successful. To see old and worn headgear, you will have to yield up your possessions to others.

To dream of a hearse, denotes uncongenial relations in the home, and failure to carry on business in a satisfactory manner. It also betokens the death of one near to you, or sickness and sorrow.
If a hearse crosses your path, you will have a bitter enemy to overcome.

To dream of your heart paining and suffocating you, there will be trouble in your business. Some mistake of your own will bring loss if not corrected.
Seeing your heart, foretells sickness and failure of energy.
To see the heart of an animal, you will overcome enemies and merit the respect of all.
To eat the heart of a chicken, denotes strange desires will cause you to carry out very difficult projects for your advancement.

To dream that you are oppressed by heat, denotes failure to carry out designs on account of some friend betraying you. Heat is not a very favorable dream.
Heather Bells

To dream of heather bells, foretells that joyous occasions will pass you in happy succession.

If you ascend to heaven in a dream, you will fail to enjoy the distinction you have labored to gain,, and joy will end in sadness.
If young persons dream of climbing to heaven on a ladder, they will rise from a low estate to one of unusual prominence, but will fail to find contentment or much pleasure.
To dream of being in heaven and meeting Christ and friends, you will meet with many losses, but will reconcile yourself to them through your true understanding of human nature.
To dream of the Heavenly City, denotes a contented and spiritual nature, and trouble will do you small harm.


To dream of hedges of evergreens, denotes joy and profit.
Bare hedges, foretells distress and unwise dealings.
If a young woman dreams of walking beside a green hedge with her lover, it foretells that her marriage will soon be consummated.
If you dream of being entangled in a thorny hedge, you will be hampered in your business by unruly partners or persons working under you. To lovers, this dream is significant of quarrels and jealousies.

To dream that you fall heir to property or valuables, denotes that you are in danger of losing what you already possess. and warns you of coming responsibilities. Pleasant surprises may also follow this dream.

If you dream of being in hell, you will fall into temptations, which will almost wreck you financially and morally.
To see your friends in hell, denotes distress and burdensome cares. You will hear of the misfortune of some friend.
To dream of crying in hell, denotes the powerlessness of friends to extricate you from the snares of enemies.

To dream of seeing a helmet, denotes threatened misery and loss will be avoided by wise action.

To dream of hemp, denotes you will be successful in all undertakings, especially large engagements. For a young woman to dream that some accident befalls her through cultivating hemp, foretells the fatal quarrel and separation from her friend.
Hemp Seed

To see hemp seed in dreams, denotes the near approach of a deep and continued friendship. To the business man, is shown favorable opportunity for money-making.

To dream of hens, denotes pleasant family reunions with added members.
See Chickens.

To dream of herbs, denotes that you will have vexatious cares, though some pleasures will ensue.
To dream of poisonous herbs, warns you of enemies.
Balm and other useful herbs, denotes satisfaction in business and warm friendships.


To dream of a hermit, denotes sadness and loneliness caused by the unfaithfulness of friends.
If you are a hermit yourself, you will pursue researches into intricate subjects, and will take great interest in the discussions of the hour.
To find yourself in the abode of a hermit, denotes unselfishness toward enemies and friends alike.

To dream of seeing herring, indicates a tight squeeze to escape financial embarrassment, but you will have success later.

To dream of the hide of an animal, denotes profit and permanent employment.

To dream that you have hidden away any object, denotes embarrassment in your circumstances.
To find hidden things, you will enjoy unexpected pleasures.
For a young woman to dream of hiding objects, she will be the object of much adverse gossip, but will finally prove her conduct orderly.

Hieroglyphs seen in a dream, foretells that wavering judgment in some vital matter may cause you great distress and money loss. To be able to read them, your success in overcoming some evil is foretold.
High School

To dream of a high school, foretells ascension to more elevated positions in love, as well as social and business affairs. For a young woman to be suspended from a high school, foretells she will have troubles in social circles.
High Tide

To dream of high tide is indicative of favorable progression in your affairs.

To dream of climbing hills is good if the top is reached, but if you fall back, you will have much envy and contrariness to fight against.
See Ascend.

To dream that you admire well-formed hips, denotes that you will be upbraided by your wife.
For a woman to admire her hips, shows she will be disappointed in love matters.
To notice fat hips on animals, foretells ease and pleasure.
For a woman to dream that her hips are too narrow, omens sickness and disappointments. If too fat, she is in danger of losing her reputation.

To dream of hissing persons, is an omen that you will be displeased beyond endurance at the discourteous treatment shown you while among newly made acquaintances. If they hiss you, you will be threatened with the loss of a friend.

To dream that you are reading history, indicates a long and pleasant recreation.

To dream that your child is affected with hives, denotes that it will enjoy good health and be docile.
To see strange children thus affected, you will be unduly frightened over the condition of some favorite.

To dream of seeing a hoe, denotes that you will have no time for idle pleasures, as there will be others depending upon your work for subsistence.
To dream of using a hoe, you will enjoy freedom from poverty by directing your energy into safe channels.
For a woman to dream of hoeing, she will be independent of others, as she will be self-supporting. For lovers, this dream is a sign of faithfulness.
To dream of a foe striking at you with a hoe, your interests will be threatened by enemies, but with caution you will keep aloof from real danger.

To dream of seeing fat, strong-looking hogs, foretells brisk changes in business and safe dealings. Lean hogs predict vexatious affairs and trouble with servants and children.
To see a sow and litter of pigs, denotes abundant crops to the farmer, and advance in the affairs of others.
To hear hogs squealing, denotes unpleasant news from absent friends, and foretells disappointment by death, or failure to realize the amounts you expected in deals of importance.
To dream of feeding your own hogs, denotes an increase in your personal belongings.
To dream that you are dealing in hogs, you will accumulate considerable property, but you will have much rough work to perform.

To dream of a holiday, foretells interesting strangers will soon partake of your hospitality. For a young woman to dream that she is displeased with a holiday, denotes she will be fearful of her own attractions in winning a friend back from a rival.
Holy Communion

To dream that you are taking part in the Holy Communion, warns you that you will resign your independent opinions to gain some frivolous desire.
If you dream that there is neither bread nor wine for the supper, you will find that you have suffered your ideas to be proselytized in vain, as you are no nearer your goal.
If you are refused the right of communion and feel worthy, there is hope for your obtaining some prominent position which has appeared extremely doubtful, as your opponents are popular and powerful. If you feel unworthy, you will meet with much discomfort.
To dream that you are in a body of Baptists who are taking communion, denotes that you will find that your friends are growing uncongenial, and you will look to strangers for harmony.

To dream of visiting your old home, you will have good news to rejoice over.
To see your old home in a dilapidated state, warns you of the sickness or death of a relative. For a young woman this is a dream of sorrow. She will lose a dear friend.
To go home and find everything cheery and comfortable, denotes harmony in the present home life and satisfactory results in business.
See Abode.

To dream of hominy, denotes pleasant love-making will furnish you interesting recreation from absorbing study and planning for future progression.

To dream of being homesick, foretells you will lose fortunate opportunities to enjoy travels of interest and pleasant visits.

To dream that you commit homicide, foretells that you will suffer great anguish and humiliation through the indifference of others, and your gloomy surroundings will cause perplexing worry to those close to you.
To dream that a friend commits suicide, you will have trouble in deciding a very important question.
See Kill.

To dream that you see honey, you will be possessed of considerable wealth.
To see strained honey, denotes wealth and ease, but there will be an undercurrent in your life of unlawful gratification of material desires.
To dream of eating honey, foretells that you will attain wealth and love. To lovers, this indicates a swift rush into marital joys.

To see or gather, honeysuckles, denotes that you will be contentedly prosperous and your marriage will be a singularly happy one.

For a young woman to dream that she is wearing a hood, is a sign she will attempt to allure some man from rectitude and bounden duty.

To dream of a hook, foretells unhappy obligations will be assumed by you.

To dream of a hoop, foretells you will form influential friendships. Many will seek counsel of you. To jump through, or see others jumping through hoops, denotes you will have discouraging outlooks, but you will overcome them with decisive victory.

To dream of hops, denotes thrift, energy and the power to grasp and master almost any business proposition. Hops is a favorable dream to all classes, lovers and tradesmen.

To dream that you hear the sound of a horn, foretells hasty news of a joyful character.
To see a broken horn, denotes death or accident.
To see children playing with horns, denotes congeniality in the home.
For a woman to dream of blowing a horn, foretells that she is more anxious for marriage than her lover.

To dream of a hornet, signals disruption to lifelong friendship, and loss of money.
For a young woman to dream that one stings her, or she is in a nest of them, foretells that many envious women will seek to disparage her before her admirers.

To dream of having your horoscope drawn by an astrologist, foretells unexpected changes in affairs and a long journey; associations with a stranger will probably happen.
If the dreamer has the stars pointed out to him, as his fate is being read, he will find disappointments where fortune and pleasure seem to await him.

If you dream of seeing or riding a white horse, the indications are favorable for prosperity and pleasurable commingling with congenial friends and fair women. If the white horse is soiled and lean, your confidence will be betrayed by a jealous friend or a woman. If the horse is black, you will be successful in your fortune, but you will practice deception, and will be guilty of assignations. To a woman, this dream denotes that her husband is unfaithful.
To dream of dark horses, signifies prosperous conditions, but a large amount of discontent. Fleeting pleasures usually follow this dream.
To see yourself riding a fine bay horse, denotes a rise in fortune and gratification of passion. For a woman, it foretells a yielding to importunate advances. She will enjoy material things.
To ride or see passing horses, denotes ease and comfort.
To ride a runaway horse, your interests will be injured by the folly of a friend or employer.
To see a horse running away with others, denotes that you will hear of the illness of friends.
To see fine stallions, is a sign of success and high living, and undue passion will master you.
To see brood mares, denotes congeniality and absence of jealousy between the married and sweethearts.
To ride a horse to ford a stream, you will soon experience some good fortune and wi

To ride a horse down hill, your affairs will undoubtedly disappoint you. For a young woman to dream that a friend rides behind her on a horse, denotes that she will be foremost in the favors of many prominent and successful men. If she was frightened, she is likely to stir up jealous sensations. If after she alights from the horse it turns into a pig, she will carelessly pass by honorable offers of marriage, preferring freedom until her chances of a desirable marriage are lost. If afterward she sees the pig sliding gracefully along the telegraph wire, she will by intriguing advance her position,
For a young woman to dream that she is riding a white horse up and down hill, often looking back and seeing some one on a black horse, pursuing her, denotes she will have a mixed season of success and sorrow, but through it all a relentless enemy is working to overshadow her with gloom and disappointment.
To see a horse in human flesh, descending on a hammock through the air, and as it nears your house is metamorphosed into a man, and he approaches your door and throws something at you which seems to be rubber but turns into great bees, denotes miscarriage of hopes and useless endeavors to regain lost valuables. To see animals in human flesh, signifies great advancement to the dreamer, and new friends will be made by modest wearing of well-earned honors. If the human flesh appears diseased or freckled, the miscarriage of well-laid plans is denoted.
of well-laid plans is denoted.

To dream of a horseshoe, indicates advance in business and lucky engagements for women.
To see them broken, ill fortune and sickness is portrayed.
To find a horseshoe hanging on the fence, denotes that your interests will advance beyond your most sanguine expectations.
To pick one up in the road, you will receive profit from a source you know not of.

To dream of horseradish, foretells pleasant associations with intellectual and congenial people. Fortune is also expressed in this dream. For a woman, it indicates a rise above her present station.
To eat horseradish, you will be the object of pleasant raillery.

To dream of a horse-trader, signifies great profit from perilous ventures.
To dream that you are trading horses, and the trader cheats you, you will lose in trade or love. If you get a better horse than the one you traded, you will better yourself in fortune.

If you dream that you are a patient in a hospital. you will have a contagious disease in your community, and will narrowly escape affliction. If you visit patients there, you will hear distressing news of the absent.

To dream of living in a hotel, denotes ease and profit.
To visit women in a hotel, your life will be rather on a dissolute order.
To dream of seeing a fine hotel, indicates wealth and travel.
If you dream that you are the proprietor of a hotel, you will earn all the fortune you will ever possess.
To work in a hotel, you could find a more remunerative employment than what you have.
To dream of hunting a hotel, you will be baffled in your search for wealth and happiness.


To dream of building a house, you will make wise changes in your present affairs.
To dream that you own an elegant house, denotes that you will soon leave your home for a better, and fortune will be kind to you.
Old and dilapidated houses, denote failure in business or any effort, and declining health.
See Building.

To dream that you are a housekeeper, denotes you will have labors which will occupy your time, and make pleasure an ennobling thing. To employ one, signifies comparative comfort will be possible for your obtaining.

If you dream of hugging, you will be disappointed in love affairs and in business.
For a woman to dream of hugging a man, she will accept advances of a doubtful character from men.
For a married woman to hug others than her husband, she will endanger her honor in accepting attentions from others in her husband's absence.

To dream that you are overcome with humidity, foretells that you will combat enemies fiercely, but their superior force will submerge you in overwhelming defeat.
See Air.

To dream of a hunchback, denotes unexpected reverses in your prospects.

To dream that you are hungry, is an unfortunate omen. You will not find comfort and satisfaction in your home, and to lovers it means an unhappy marriage.

If you dream of hunting, you will struggle for the unattainable.
If you dream that you hunt game and find it, you will overcome obstacles and gain your desires.

If you hurt a person in your dreams, you will do ugly work, revenging and injuring.
If you are hurt, you will have enemies who will overcome you.

To hear the roar and see a hurricane heading towards you with its frightful force, you will undergo torture and suspense, striving to avert failure and ruin in your affairs.
If you are in a house which is being blown to pieces by a hurricane, and you struggle in the awful gloom to extricate some one from the falling timbers, your life will suffer a change. You will move and remove to distant places, and still find no improvement in domestic or business affairs.
If you dream of looking on de'bris and havoc wrought by a hurricane, you will come close to trouble, which will be averted by the turn in the affairs of others.
To see dead and wounded caused by a hurricane, you will be much distressed over the troubles of others.

To dream that your husband is leaving you, and you do not understand why, there will be bitterness between you, but an unexpected reconciliation will ensue. If he mistreats and upbraids you for unfaithfulness, you will hold his regard and confidence, but other worries will ensue and you are warned to be more discreet in receiving attention from men.
If you see him dead, disappointment and sorrow will envelop you.
To see him pale and careworn, sickness will tax you heavily, as some of the family will linger in bed for a time.
To see him gay and handsome, your home will be filled with happiness and bright prospects will be yours. If he is sick, you will be mistreated by him and he will be unfaithful.
To dream that he is in love with another woman, he will soon tire of his present surroundings and seek pleasure elsewhere.
To be in love with another woman's husband in your dreams, denotes that you are not happily married, or that you are not happy unmarried, but the chances for happiness are doubtful.
For an unmarried woman to dream that she has a husband, denotes that she is wanting in the graces which men most admire.
To see your husband depart from you, and as he recedes from you he grows larger, inharmonious surroundings will prevent immediate congeniality. If disagreeable conclusions are avoided, harmony will be reinstated.
For a woman to dream she sees her husband in a compromising position with an unsuspected party, denotes she will have trouble through the indiscretion of friends. If she dreams that he is killed while with another woman, and a scandal ensues, she will be in danger of
e indiscretion of friends. If she dreams that he is killed while with another woman, and a scandal ensues, she will be in danger of separating from her husband or losing property. Unfavorable conditions follow this dream, though the evil is often exaggerated.

To dream of a hut, denotes indifferent success.
To dream that you are sleeping in a hut, denotes ill health and dissatisfaction.
To see a hut in a green pasture, denotes prosperity, but fluctuating happiness.

To dream that you see, or gather, hyacinths, you are about to undergo a painful separation from a friend, which will ultimately result in good for you.

To dream that you are afflicted with hydrophobia, denotes enemies and change of business.
To see others thus afflicted, your work will be interrupted by death or ungrateful dependence.
To dream that an animal with the rabies bites you, you will be betrayed by your dearest friend, and much scandal will be brought to light.

If you see a hyena in your dreams, you will meet much disappointment and much ill luck in your undertakings, and your companions will be very uncongenial. If lovers have this dream, they will often be involved in quarrels.
If one attacks you, your reputation will be set upon by busybodies.


To dream of hearing hymns sung, denotes contentment in the home and average prospects in business affairs.
See Singing.

To dream that anyone has acted the hypocrite with you, you will be turned over to your enemies by false friends.
To dream that you are a hypocrite, denotes that you will prove yourself a deceiver and be false to friends.

To dream of hyssop, denotes you will have grave charges preferred against you; and, if a woman, your reputation will be endangered.

Pizza Dream Interpretation
By DreamMaster on May 26, 2016
Dreaming about food such as Pizza can be a common, generally speaking, seeing or eating pizza in dreams represents choices and variety. Try to pay attention into the context and location of pizza related dreams to help you make the best dream pizza interpretations.

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Pizza Eating or Ordering Dreams
Dreaming about ordering pizza either via phone or at a pizza shop like Pizza Hut or Dominos and deciding the type of ingredients, it indicates that you value choices, you want to be able to make your own decisions. If you are having trouble to order in the dream, it indicates that you are not sure about your inner desires and wants.

If the pizza ordered in dream is missing or have little ingredient, it suggests that you are lacking or feeling deprived of something. If the dream pizza has wrong ingredient, suggests that you may be put together with unwanted people with difficult personality on your team.

Seeing a pizza being baked in an oven, or at one of that fast fire baking pizza store like Pieology or Blaze Pizza, implies that you have a great desire on how something will turn out. You want to feel good about positive situations and you are anxious to see how things play out.

To make your own pizza from scratch in the dream, relates to you putting together a huge project that will need the help from many. Consider the type of ingredients or process that you may be having hard time with, they can potentially relate to issues with your waking life task.

Dream About Different Pizza Related Items
Frozen Pizza
Dreaming about frozen pizza indicates that you are saving your money for a rainy day. Perhaps you have had recent fortunes and is considering about putting the profit away. If you are buying a frozen pizza, it implies that you should save more money for the future. To eat a frozen pizza directly, suggests that you are eating into your future savings.
Microwave Pizza
Microwaving pizza or eating a microwave pizza in the dream means that you are being hasty about your projects at hand, you are rushing for results. Because of such, the results will not be as good as it can be.

Pizza Dough
Dreams of Pizza Dough relates to the potential that you may have. For example, eating or throwing away an uncooked pizza dough may suggest that you are letting your potential going into waste.

Pizza Box
Seeing pizza box in a dream suggests that an important message will be deliver or said in the near future.

Pizza Delivery
To get pizza delivered to you in the dream, indicates that you want to achieve abundances and choices without putting in much work. If you are the pizza delivery guy in the dream, it suggests that you are a messenger. You may be relaying important messages that you have little to no control of.

Sushi Dream Interpretation
Dreaming about sushi symbolize certain raw emotions that you have yet to deal with. Someone
Alcohol Liquor Dream Interpretation
Alcohol in the dream denotes contentment and satisfaction that you have made in the past,
Barley Dream Interpretaton
To see or eat barley in your dream signifies good health, progress, and abundance. You
Bacon Dream Interpretation
Bacon in your dream symbolizes certain staples and essentials. It refers to earning a living
Tea Dream Interpretation
To dream about tea, represents satisfaction and contentment in your life. You are setting up
Random Dream Meanings
The Dreams Alphabet And What They Mean

Dream alphabet is one guide that aid people how to organise their dreams alphabetically in our diary or archive. It is the best set of order. Every of our dream needs a good starting from A — Z . All our dreams have to be written down in order to generate meanings from the word of God. In Gen 1, we read that God created the heaven and the earth. This was done through organising and directing. His vision and plans for mankind was superb. Meanwhile we shall be running series of dream alphabet on this platform in our subsequent post. Stay tuned!

Seeing yourself under the earth meaning the rulers in darkness has been sent to fight you with determination of your ancestors, you have to pray with the Psalm or you will go extra miles in this battle of your ancestors’. Ps. 91, 121, 59, with 3 days fasting prayer time, 9, 12, 3, 6


This is a bad sign of danger and trouble coming. This dream may be directed to you or anybody in the dream. If the dream indicates fatal road accident, then it safe to say that the spirit of untimely death is ravaging. Soak yourself and family with the blood of Jesus. The powers of the devil behind this dream may want to fold your plans. Sometimes, through this dream, God might be sending a warning not to embark the journey. This is the area you need to listen and obey His word. It could bring fear and anxiety. Reject it. Pray with Ps 23.4


This means a life of rejection and hatred. It is a bad sign that no one wants to help you after hearing your story of life. Not everyone you share your story to, bewise. If you dream of abandonment, that shows that someone has forgotten you. Do you have someone who has promised to help you? This dream may disallow him not to render the help. but I pray that you will be remembered in Jesus name. Pray with Ps121:11


This is an awesome dream. With this kind of dream, you are guarantee flying abroad. In a nutshell, abroad dream means a person blessing or glory is about to be spread abroad like Father Abraham. When yourself flying abroad and you landed their safely, congratulations, you have defeated stagnancy and overcome success. If it happens you were unable to fly abroad, or miss your flight as the case maybe, kindly go for deliverance because that could be your last opportunity if care is not taken, God will help you in Jesus name.


Acid is the instrument of darkness. When acid dream becomes so serious, it means you have enemy of progress who is after your life. If the person wickedly poured the acid chemical on you in the dream, it shows that the enemy wants to hinder you, and kill your beauty. Once your skin is damges, it kills the interest of people not to move closer to you. This dream can scatter affairs! Also This acid dream normally occured between woman to woman. Acid is a spiritual chemical that destroy people. Pray with Psalm 28


Accommodation in the dream is a sign of peace and comfort. If you see yourself in a good accommodation is good, if it is bad one, its also a good dream. The most important thing here is that you have a place to stay and live. But if you find yourself accommodating people into your house, I urge you keep doing your goodness, one day, it will pay better for you. Do good at all times one day, you may entertain or accommodate the Holy Spirit. When you are in trouble, this dream should calm you down. In everything, give thanks to God. Pray with Ps 55:22, 1 Peter 5:7

ALCOHOL: To drink alcohol is to harbor sin and fornication. If you drink alcohol in the dream, it means that you are putting your life at a great risk or loss. It could lead to death, memory loss and severe sickness. Those who still drink alcohol should repent before problems multiplies Isa 59:2, Rom 8:35

8. ANT: If you see ant in your dream whether on your bed or in your rooom, sometimes you should ask yourself this question: “Whats ants doing in my room? That should give you a meaning that their presence over there is evil but destruction. You cannot see ants in the dream and expects to grow and prosper. From the ant world, they are angent of darkness that against peoples success. So this kind of enemy work harder to make sure someone fall down at last. If they are much, it indicates problem. Reject it. Pray and fast for 3 days with Ps 28

9. ACTING; The bible says the gift of a man will make a way for him. so what this mean is that God wants you to make use of your talents, gifts and potentials. A a clear symbol that you should never relent on your dream. in a clear term, this dream means you are on the pathway of success and favour.

10. ADDICTED: Addiction is a something that you cannot do without. So if you are addicted to good thing, for instance, reading the bible in the dream, you will be addicted to become a teacher in the physical realm or better said, good things will follow you. but If you dream finding addiction in bad thing, that bad thing will produce bad fruits in your life. Whats your own addiction? Is it negative or positive? deal with it today. John 8:36

ADOPTION: Adoption is a case of adopting a child. If you dream where you adopt a child in the dream, if you are an expected mother, congratulations, God has decided to use that child to invite and open your womb. If this dream is regularly, kindly visit a government where you may wish to adopt a child of your desire. Care for the baby and take the baby as your child. You shall see the result of this positive aspect of this dream in Jesus name. (Isa 65:24)

12. ALMOST THERE BUT NEVER. If you are a candidate of this dream, kindly go for deliverance. Every time you dream where you are close to your breakthrough, all of a sudden, a demonic animal or spirit would hinder you. (Oba 1:17)

13. ANIMAL: Seeing animal pursuing you in the dream which indicates spiritual assassins. Enemy always uses snakes, dogs, cats, cows etc, to trouble their victims in the dream. It is dangerous when you keep seeing animals, for instance, snakes biting you, dog barking at you, cat pursing you as if you have aggreement with him. All this dream means that your foundation is weak. It is time stand up and destroy every ancestral powers using strange animals to attack people at the edge of their breakthrough. Going for deliverance is advisable! (Is 54:15–17)

16. APPEARANCE: This is what we called look. If you dream where your appearance is good , it shows that you will soon receive favour. This dream opens doors of blessings and breakthrough. Appear to people well. But if you dream where your appearance is so bad, it opens doors for rejection, shame and lack. This is a place where people begin to mock you. On the other hand, if your dream where people condemn you for your holy holy apperance, dont worry, this is the place of the scriptue for you (1 Cor 6:19–20, 1 Sam 16:7)

17. APPOINTMENT: This is a symbol of supernatural divine favour. Whatever you are believing God for, is it job, contract job or advancement to a higher level, it is a season of answers prayers. Give God thanks and do not be static.

18. ARREST: This is a spiritual imprisonment and manipulation. When you see police etc that arrest you for the crime you did not committ, It is the plans of the devil to cage you in the prisonyard of delay, setback and regret. If you fail to pray against it, it could catch up with you. But more often than not, pray against any false allegation. Spiritual arrest is the total arrest of your dreams. When a man is arrested in the dream, his dreams becomes useless. When a woman is arrested in the marriage, her marriages suffers. I decree your helper of destiny will not face arrest in Jesus name


Seeing these peculiar men of God in your dream, praying or doing deliverance for you mean you will be free from your present problems. If they are rebuking you there is a hidden sin in your life, do all your best to resist sin because the sin is your hindrance to the door of your success.


In your dream you see yourself being attacked by hoodlums or thief and you are robbed and wounded. This means that enemies had fulfilled one mission in your life whether familiar or financially to recover back you loses 3 days white fasting, use this Ps. 83 get olive oil read this Psalm into it on each prayer hour 9, 12, 3, 6 for the period of 3 days, get yourself anointed and declare your loses to return fasting in Jesus Name. Psalm. 27.

20. AXE

In your dream you handle an axe or you use it to cut tress or chase your enemies. It is a good dream during your hard and difficulties of life you will always triumph over your enemies but be faithful with God always.


Seeing an apple in the dream means fruitfulness, recovery and prosperity


If seeing aeroplane crash and you saw the explosion with terrible flaming fire burning you will hear news that we shake the part place you saw the accident.
If you heard aeroplane crash and burn in the sky falling, any area good news will be alarm in that place
iii. Seeing landed is a sign of arrival of good thing to come, pray with night vigil for fast manifestation.

Seeing self-ascending a hill is a sign of incoming progress in present venture.
Descending from ill, it points to gradual loss in business or failure in a planned. For stability, pray over this Psalms 123, 3 days fasting. If seen self softly climbing mountain it’s a bad omens in your endeavors. It means struggle and difficulties. pls. kindly use the direction in number two for solution on fasting and Psalms.


Seeing an angel in your dream means God’s presence and guidance is with you no matter your condition relaxes though you may be in danger at that moment.
If seen angel or angels in your dreams telling to do things that are contrary to the word of God that’s satan transforming as angel of light don’t follow or carry the instruction in your reality because if you do may leads you to personal regression. 1 Cor.11:14

25. ANT

Seeing them in many inside your sugar or otherwise, meaning your gain effort will be eaten or transfer to another person. 2 days fasting with 2 days night of prayer, use this Psalm 24, 50 your progress will return speedily recovery.


Seeing yourself sitting on the ashes, speaking of your level of status in life and this is lowest problematic of life. Psalm 18 with two days white fasting enemy want this to happen to you, you’ve to deliver yourself.
If seeing someone came to rescues you from this place which mean at your status presently you’ll be transform into glorious life be happy and be prayerful always.


If one is hit in dream is a serious attack from the forces of darkness. There’s much to talk about this dream, contact man of God for more detail or three (3) days fasting with Psalm.24, for effective action in your prayer hour of prayer 12, 3, 6, 9pm daily. Check the prayer point at the back.
If you short people with arrow in your hand in your dream it’s a weapon of victory at the present situation and you’ll in no matter your present challenges.


If you see this animal in your dream or you are attach by this animal, one of the darkness power living around your premises or work at your office, be careful of how you expose your issues when talking together. Micah.7:5, the answer into this situation is to be careful how you behave among people that smile with you when you appear to them.
If you kill this beast in your dream with hand or otherwise you’ll be victorious in your locality or familiarity.


Use the Blood of Jesus Christ within as follows:-

if the wicked dream of retrogression persist, in within three days bled the Blood of Jesus Christ into water for thirty mutinies before you sleep in three days.
if eating, sexual and otherwise evil as meeting self at the same spot in the dream continue in your life, within seven days bled the Blood of Jesus Christ for an hour for each day into water drink and bath before sleeping for seven days
if persist or don’t see changes please Email me or call I’ll rely with under twenty four hours

31. BAG

If you carry bag traveling school or business bag, it is a dream of transition in your endeavor and what you need is found inside the bag, you will prosper in any engagement of connection.

32. BAIL

Seeing your have been bail out of prison or other yards by someone you know or unknown, mean your term problems will solve be determine, your prayer had been answer, financially you will be surprise physically. Give thank most in your prayer.


If seen yourself baking a beautiful cake or bread, this dream is also a fulfillment in endeavor keep on drying in your venture you will make it
If the cake or the bread is burnt is a bad omen, this means you may not see gain in your business during this time if you don’t want this to happen, 7 days fasting and prayer, time 9, 12, 3, 6, during the prayer and fasting time get olive oil and water, pray into this materials and use this Psalms 128, 129 and 130.


If you seeing yourself eating banana in a dream is a bad omen and problematic in venture, prayer of affliction has to be prayer for with Psalm 86 for 7 times into a cup of water and drink it.
If you are giving in a big basket with unripe is a fair dream, your expectant will not be eluded during your expenses


It is a sign of fruitfulness in venture, if cooked it another transformation of changes in status and levels together with your mate you will reach higher.


If you seen a banner written a word in it in your dream, means God is sending a divine message unto you, be watchful in prayer and fasting to know God’s messages for your people.
If the banner is black is a bad omen, mean the enemy assign your area for bad work be prayerful that the assignment of enemy will not overcome you, because God want you to know this


If you seen yourself been pray in tongue and fire is around with power of God, this also is called Baptism
If seen yourself been dip into Rivers water is also called Baptism, be prayerful to help yourself the more.


Seen yourself without shoe walking in your dream means a symbol of incomplete in your business, you must pray to recover it back with Psalm. 126 with 3 days fasting, and you will testify.
If you are with shoe neat and smart in your leg, belief during this you will be above your fellow, no matter your situation, be happy.


If you see yourself in the barrack of soldiers, means know that you have been captured by the power of darkness, there premises is not secure with civilian, pray for total deliverance for yourself if not it will be difficult to be delivered later in your life, Psalm 46 into olive oil and anoint yourself for 3 days fasting, time for prayer 12, 3, 6, 9 and a dream will follow to deliver you and your total freedom of shekels of darkness.


If you seen a lawyer advocating for you, no matter your condition divine help will manifest to intercede on your behalf and you will win in any circumstance


Seen yourself in this condition and situation meant it may appear the same in the physical world, pray against this spirit, it will make you to elude blessing and opportunities get a water read Psalm 49 seven times drink and bath with 2 days fasting, from hence you are welcome into new world of success and boldness.

42. BEE

Seen this insert in your dream chasing you and bitten, mean you must stop speaking against some people around you or in your family, they may be in power of darkness, be careful how you use your mouth against men of great status in the spirit world.

43. BELL

Hearing the bell of prayer in your dream, mean during the time you have to come closer to God and his word.
Seeing yourself ringing the bell in the church or in the street preaching means it’s a message from heaven unto you and unto your generation, see the prophet for this


Seeing yourself blind in the dream is a bad omen, mean the enemy had showed you what to happen or what has already happened that you may not see the end of your life even the good thing people use to see, immediately you wake up use the Psalm 11, 12, 13 in water for 7 times in 7 days drink and bath on the last day with 7 days fasting.
If seen blind beggar in your dream begging for money and you give he or her money is a bad dream meaning the enemy had capture your treasury.
iii. If person you know blind in your dream is a straight forward dream pray for the person. This is hiding meaning


Seen yourself in the boarding school with your mate mean you have been trying to be above your mate or friends but it’s impossible, read this powerful Psalm 102 into water and pray aggressively for DESTINY fulfillment 7 days into the water with 7 days fasting, time of prayer 12, 3 , 6 and 9.


If seen this creature in your home mean you have been possessed by one spirit
If seen this demon in your offices mean your business had been incarnate by the evil people around you. If you see this demon in your shop mean doom in your venture and it will cause problem of dept solution, 3 days fasting, get water, read this Psalms 27, seven times in each hour of prayer 12, 3 6, and 9 for the period of 3 days fasting, drink and bath with your choice of soap and sponge, victory is sure.


Seen a bottle cover with seal corked and wine is inside, it’s a good dream
Seen it been corked and empty is a bad omen, 3 days fasting and use this Psalms 72 and 38 for prayer to be refilling your success and spiritual ability.

48. BAT

Some of your friends or your neighbors are using double mind with you, so refrain from trusting them or somebody closer to you is about to betray your trust, trust God only


This is evidence of failure in your venture because it does not hold water pray effectively inside a water or small nylon bag of pure water for 3 days each bag for 3 day and fasting, use the water for sprinkling


This is a symbol attack on your glory. evidence of evil forces against you. 3 days dry fasting with Psalm. 59, 83, hour of reading 12 noon, 3, 6, 9pm before prayer.


Seeing the Holy Bible in your dream and you are reading or a passage was giving to you is a message from God. If burnt or stolen in your dream or stolen is bad omen that’s the enemy wants the word of God or your spiritual life to be unaccomplished. Pray for restoration in spirit and physical, 3 days to regain your low estate. Psalm.23, 24, 25


Sure evidence of spiritual cleansing or change of behavior on certain relevant issues. You will definitely change for good result character
If seen self secretly or publicly bathing with sponge and soap no matter your status or situation you will see divine improvement in your endeavors.

53. BALL

Seeing if in dream is a sign of unreliable friendship. Holding it tight means under any situation, their tricks will leak into your hand. If a woman, refrain from unreliable man or boys men who are in love with you for personal satisfaction only


Seeing them together in a different types in their creature is a sign of evil force are holding a meeting, which could be against the person who stumbles on them in his or her dream, in this situation, no need of panicking as doing so this will give them access to win, go on 3 days fasting with the following Psalm 124, 50, 83 use the name of Jesus Christ to rebuke such forces in prayer as for sword of fire to go on your behalf. Rearing bird in a cage, this is a point of your gain been given to feed the other people, use the upper Psalm and pray for restoration of your ventures.

54. BANK

Seeing yourself line up for or awaiting cash, mean you should continue in prayer unexpectedly you will be surprise by money, miracles, prosperity and soon.
If the banker harassed or quarreled with you in your dream, it’s a doom omen 3 days fasting with Psalm 120 to deliver yourself from money hijacker.
iii. If the Bank is robbed in your dream, mean devourer had been attacking your prayer blessing prayer of Psalm 27, 83, 102 will conquer them in 3 days fasting.


Seeing it in dream means you have to be careful on how you use your tongue. James 3:2


Pool of blood , it’s a sign of death, portends dream as auto accident is on the way or similar situation that will happen by blood, 3 days white fasting to avert such situation with Psalm 28, 50, and 86 in water drink and bathing.
57. BOSS

Seeing yourself in dream as a Boss over people and you started controlling men calling you as their master, this is evidence of low estate in the physical world, to reach the top will be unreasonable for such fellow, three days white fasting with the honey to break and salt daily.
If seeing self-holding a head of sward or shape cutlass in your hand at the edge of controlling people to help each other in the field of harvesting or whistle in your mouth blowing to control men and women you’ll be great and future leader soon.


Seeing bullets being put in your gun is a sing of superiority in the spirit realm and physical realm, be careful don’t negate things against yourself.
Seeing it given to you in large numbers, prepare for confrontation that you will overcome very soon.
iii. Stolen in your dream is a bad omen for this is the work of enemy. 3days fasting with Psalm 109, 90 the Lord will return your stolen ability physically and spiritually. Follow the prayer at the back.

59. BUS

Seeing buses lining in the garages, be careful with the word you speak to those who senior you or else you will be attack by this seniors unknowingly.

60. BUSH

Is seeing yourself in the bush and you see a lining road to the town mean in your present situation or present problem there is going to be testimony.
Meeting yourself in the bus in dream without direction show your present struggle will not yield any result, pray and fast 2 days for pull up of God. Call upon the Lord to make a way for you. Exodus 14:15–22.


Seeing in the dream your house is burning and shouting all over places, calamities in bulk will speedily happen unknowingly by stopping this, 3 days white fasting with night vigil, for this calamities to be powerless over you and your families. Follow the back prayer.


Seeing a bakery bread and bread is made out of oven in dozen sizes with fresh colour it’s an incoming prosperity in business venture.
Seeing yourself buying butter big fresh bread’s a sign of incoming mercy by someone you know.
iii. If the bread is burn or eating by another person in your dream, it is a bad omen, 3 days fasting with Psalm 1, 24, 145 prayer of recovery in business ventures.

Seeing a bakery bread and bread is made out of oven in dozen sizes with fresh colour it’s an incoming prosperity in business venture.
Seeing yourself buying butter big fresh bread’s a sign of incoming mercy by someone you know.
iii. If the bread is burn or eating by another person in your dream, it is a bad omen, 3 days fasting with Psalm 1, 24, 145 prayer of recovery in business ventures.


Having it in dream is a cautionary sign against the hearer on an issue he/she is interested in, be careful of peeping into unknown matters.


If seeing a single broom in your dream, This is bad omens; it may be directed to anybody, even your enemy. This is not good physically and spiritually.strong/strong sign of worthlessness because one cannot be useful or make places clean, pray for multiple help in your strong endeavor use Psal m 4

Using Bunches of broom to kills flies in your and showsIf they are rebuking you there is a hidden sin in your life, do all your best to resist sin because the sin is your hindrance to the door of your success. status of weapon against enemy’s conspired no matter how things will appear in your confrontations you will win places and rulerships of confronters.ol


Seen yourself in the dream been bury is a bad omen, find out your situation through the spirit of God, mean go to God’s messenger (Prophet/Pastor) for counseling
Seen yourself among the people in the burial ceremony range, mean somebody will die in that period why you will be among them, be prayerful that you may not left out by money


If you seen butchers in the market cutting meat, means the enemy are on there distributing human flesh, pray that non of your family will be victim with this Psalm 91 for ransom and recovery, 122.
If using bunch of broom to sweep means a drastic economic change will take place in your life


If you seen yourself harvesting this kind of cultivated plant means progress and success of foreigner, money will be yours if you kindly wait for God to help you.


If you see empty calabash in you dream is a bad omen, it’s emptiness of life
If you see calabash full of sacrifices in your dream is a bad omen meaning someone using evil mind to use you and dump you.
III. If you see calabash with water in your dream means problematic in your ventures. Way out is 3 days fasting use this Psalm 83 pray aggressively with the Psalm to empower yourself and enemy we loose power over you in Jesus name.


Seeing a candle with light in your dream it’s a good dream, meaning greatness in your life had started don’t loose hope over yourself.
If you seen above one candle with light mean multi greatness in the venture of your success
III. If you seen seven candlestick with light it’s a symbol of God’s perfection end confirmation, that’s God is real in your life and your will be the light for many people in the future.

If you seen seven candlestick without light mean incompleteness with God, pray against your sin heartedly and repent with this Psalm 35, 38 pray for full empowerment

If you are under a beautiful canopy when sun or rain is on, mean someone will come to assist you in the time of your need.
If the canopy is removed by the power of wind or scotch by the sun is a bad omen meaning someone you trust will fail you suddenly trust God accurately in your endeavour.

If you seen cargo in your dream and open different resources is there is a good dream, mean your expectation will become manifestation believe remove doubt to make it happen in time.
If you see cargo in your dream open and empty, is a bad omens means what you have labour for another people have come to carry it away, quickly go into 3 days white fasting, get yourself anointed with oil and pray with this prophetic Psalm 140, 142, hour of pray 12, 3, 6, and 9 you will be restored totally.

If seen yourself or anybody repairing your house through carpe

If seen yourself or anybody repairing your house through carpentry work mean there’s going to be a transitions in your life, because your house symbolize your body, a good change, it may be character of venture.
If you seen stranger in your roof or your shop as a carpenter removing things without putting another back mean that’s a destroyer get yourself anointed for 3 days with fasting and curse the demonic carpenter to die with Psalm. 18, 20

Seeing this material beautifully on the floor may be your office, home, or shop is a sign of new breakthrough, no matter the condition and status of your business, the change of progress will come.
If the carpet is tire, rough and dirty, is a bad sign, get yourself involve into prayer and reject this portion by anointing your head with olive oil with 3 days fasting and prayer Psalm 20 repeatedly in aggressively.

If you are a business fellow and you saw in your dream cash register machine mean your work will have a lot of again not matter the situation of your business
If seen in your dream a stranger as your cashier in your shop or office while people are buying and paying to he or she, it is a bad omen, curse your devourer to death by using this Psalm 18, 21 with 3 days fasting to regain your loses income.

If you always see casket in your dream in other way you see yourself in it or people are crying for your death in the dream, meaning it simply death, it may appear to you in difficult way, get a prophet that know about dream to be notice without delay.
If seen someone you know in the casket dead is a symbol of long life.
III. If seen the casket prepared for your burial in your dream is broken and destroyed mean it’s a symbol of victory over sudden death be thankful by using the Psalm 21, 66 always in your quiet time.


Seen a cat or many cat in your dream is a symbol of enemy, mean one of your neighbors is using power of craft against you, if they attack in your dream use 3 days fasting with Psalm 68 in your prayer point and anoint yourself with olive oil.


Seeing yourself in the cemetery ground is a bad omen, mean death with timing, go and see the minister of God for emergence counseling because is a dangerous dream.
If seeing someone in this place in your dream means directive to the person someone close to you, be prayerful and watchful to avert this evil of un-timing death.

If receive a certificate in your dream, mean accomplishments in your venture, your life will be transform tremendously in your labour, be prayerful all the time.
If seen your certificate tear is a bad omen quickly get yourself anointed on that day of the dream with 5 days fasting using this Psalm 82 into water seven times drink and bath

If seen this creature in you dream is a sign of evil and bad omen, someone you know love to copy you, this how it look like enemy have come to hijack your blessing through your dream by the changing colour of chameleon, pray against satanic chameleon to die instantly or else things will not go fine, Psalm 94, 102 with 3 days fasting get a water and read this Psalm into it, hour or prayer 12, 3, 6, 9 and the chameleon man will die and afford friends.


If you seen chief justice in your dream helping you to advocate against your accuser and your offenders, mean you have to completely leave everything to God, He will fight for you or give your life to Jesus in total submission. God will be glorified in any situation you are.

If you see choir singing in glorious way in your dream, means God wants you to come closer to Him and to use praises for victory over your foes.
If you are the one among choir, changes is coming into your life dramatically that will give your spiritual life an upliftment.

If seen yourself smoking a cigarette or Indian hemp is a bad omen meaning you will go back into your old sinful lifestyles, be careful how you behave and be careful how react to your personal life presently, and how you talk, don’t copy anybody to sweet your feeling.
If you see someone you know smoking cigarette in your dream mean the same.

If seen yourself in the classroom of nursery, primary or secondary school and you wear their uniform is a bad omen mean backwardness in any endeavour. Prayer: rejecting arrow of backwardness and send it to sender instantly through 3 days fasting by using this prophetical Psalm. 64, and 140
If seen yourself in the classroom with some of elders in seriousness willing and teacher he or she in your front teaching all of you, mean you will be add more into your own experience and work, if you are a minister of God see this dream, God is teaching you another lesson in your ministry, don’t be afraid is also a good dream.

If you see yourself inside a mud of clay is a sign of problematic, read Psalm.88 with 3 days fasting, et yourself anointed with oil and pray eagerly to be deliver from sudden problems of enemies.


If seen a cloud in your dream with the glamour is a sign of transition of progress
If it’s a dark cloud is a problematic, mean there is a problem trying to invade your life, use this Psalm. 35, and 44 Ask God for a divine change in your ventures.

If seen yourself been trained by a coach in your dream, football or any other game and you are able to follow the instruction of your coach, yes it’s a messages to you during this time, listen to your parents, guardian or your teacher in the Lord
If your coach is warning or rebuking you seriously in the dream mean, you must stop bad things you are doing and get yourself being obedient to God and man


If this snake attack you mean your neighbors or close person or recognized are using bad mind against you be careful how you expose yourself before them
If you kill this serpent is a victory over your situation or somebody help you kill it in your dream, someone will help you and give you way out at the top of your problem.
III. If these snakes bite you as a bad sign go and narrate your dream to the minister of God for more explanation of this hidden dream and he or she will tell you what to do next or read Psalm 91 read it 50 times into water and drinks it.


Seen this symbol in your dream, mean blockage of blessing and resources, that’s
Attack is also the same thing in the physical life.

If this cobweb covers you is a bad omen, 3 days white fasting use this Psalm. 52 and 57
into water drink and bath, hour of prayer 12, 3, 6, 9 before sleeping.

If using your hand breaking cobwebs in the dreams or other object shows financial changes and transparency in your status.
COCK WITH COMB (Adult Male Chicken)

If you see this fowl in your dream humiliating you, meaning, some of the elder person around are quarreling with you without guilt, report him or her to God or pray against them


If seen this insect in your room means that sickness or disease in your body that’s affecting you negatively.
If seen in your shop it’s the same mean affecting your business, solution read Psalm. 14, 18 into water with 3 days fasting sprinkle the water into your shop or room (Read it 7 times in a day) and drink or bath).

If the cocoa in your dream is full of fruit and flourish is a good dream, the next year will be a glorious year of harvest, be happy no matter your conditions.
If the cocoa tree without fruit is fruitless meaning what you are doing right now will not bring increase of your expectation, prayer for fruitfulness with 3 days white fasting and get olive oil and water read this Psalm 54, 59 into this materials and claim your right aggressively by fire in the name of Jesus Christ. Drink and use for bath.

If you found in your dream a strong box of ornamental mean be patient always in your prayer and in your expectation, your future will be envy by your friends and families.


If you are given a coin in your dream is a sign of poorness, get yourself anointed with olive oil, and pray for 3 days with fasting to renounce affliction out of your life, Psalm 64, 120


Seeing yourself collapse suddenly in your dream is a bad omen, it may lead to downwardness or unbelievable backwardness. Get yourself anointed immediately into 3 days white fasting and pray against the situation using the Psalm 11, 12
If somebody known or unknown came and lift you up means no matter how your business is and the circumstances a divine help will manifest through man.

If seeing self in the cotton-wool field full of boll-wool is a good dream, at this period and years come and after you will experience wealth and land resources that we give you materials need at this moment.


Seen this white shell in your dream, or this is given to you in your dream means it’s an ancient of backwardness, the lower level of poverty is a bad omen, it’s not a wealthy life at all, you have to escape from the cage of the ancient convoyed by using this Psalm. 20, 21, 35, means a lot, get yourself anointed pray aggressively to be delivered.


If seen know that it’s the same meaning with horn of cow at letter.


It is a sign of backwardness, if you are running with your hands and legs you know it’s impossible in the physical world but mean there’s a progress you use your ability to supersedes above your levels. Continue in prayer.


This is a sign and status of powerless in the spirit, if not prayer man at the beautiful gate there’s no miracle again that can save, mean there is no way you can go forward or enemy can use this as evidence to confront their confronter, get yourself anointed with oil for seven days with seven days white fasting use Psalm 106, 80 you will have victory over your paralyzed.


There is children of seacoast (marine creature) living around your domain, be careful of them and stop or reduce playing with people relate you know or stop been a jester.


If it is cross of bad shape mean there’s a practicing of evil religious around you
It is the cross of good shape mean message, all the bad habit nail them to the cross

If seen them in unnumbered mean there’s going to be generation affection that we affect the citizen negatively


If given or found is a good dream, you are going into higher level which your generation had never reached.


It is a sign of fruitfulness in any effort or attempt if harvest abundantly in the dream.
If eating in the dream it’s also a good omen which mean at this time you’ll be part of benefits and profits.
If seeing spoiled in numbers or single is a bad omen and calamities over endeavors to elude this in your life three days white fasting use chapter Joel 2 read into water within three days morning and night, use it before sleeping at night within period of the fasting.

Seeing somebody carrying you with car is a
Seeing somebody carrying you with car is assured you will find grace in the side of somebody that’s closer or strange to you or any body.
If seeing your car stolen or hijacked by armed robber in the dream is a bad omen of lost glory of help in your venture 7 days with prophetic Psalm 124, 125. If you don’t do it, help will be far from you.
If car accident and blood everywhere in your dreams, it’s a bad omens and calamities programmed by enemies against you. Read Psalm 118 into water five times within 3 days use before you sleeps at night.

If it is full of water, hope of prosperity is real
If broken, it is also total shattered of hope, prayer and fasting is necessary with the following Psalms if on serious note Psalm 7, 124, and 126.
iii. If empty, mean hopeless situation, use the above Psalm and the prayer point at the back


If seeing in dream means fruitless effort, particularly if seen on desert which symbolizes barrenness. Pray with 2 days white fasting and Psalm to read 16, 54, 124.
If died is a good dream because your destiny will take new change and progress immediate effect.

If seeing in your dream ceremony as occasion and people are eating and drinking with high table guest, very soon joyful promotion will occur on your way because of your situation that is bad, you will be celebrated at last.

Seeing furniture only in glamour decoration means honour into higher level of dignity and economically. If sitting on it, it is the same.
If your physical chair at home, office or work place broken in the dream it’s a bad omen which mean you’ll lose your place and position in your authority realms. Use Joel 2, Psalm 118 with 5 days fasting call on your Creator for help and assistance day and night for restoration.

Seeing chains like the one used for criminal, means character, be perceived to change your behaviour because is necessary.
Seeing yourself band with chains means your involvements or bad behaviour could lead to arrest if not repented of.
iii. If seeing yourself band by soldier with guns in their hand, mean the demons had captured you already. This dream can come by sickness and sin, prayer of 3 days to loose yourself with this Psalm 125, 7, follow the back prayer point.


Seeing or capture alive in the dream, means positive active in your request and business.
Seen dead crab is bad omen mean a calamity event is on the way to progress in your expectations pray with Psalm 141, 70 and three days fasting nullify this evil plan of traitors in Jesus name and stand against it continually.

Seeing this with amount written on the cheque means money is on the way that will not be long to reach you.
Seeing being torn, stolen or lost in your dream or without amount written, is a sign of penny less (money less) in your effort to get money, 3 days white fasting with the following Psalms 102, 50, 124, for Divine restoration and recovery instantly.

It is a bad omen, although no one could say it is bad in physical realm but in dream. It is problematic. Three day fasting to avert the problems but if dream does not change before the completion of the 3rd day make it 7 days. Get clean water and plastic key so that one could used such water after the payer of psalms 124, 50, 83 drink, bathe and sprinkle your surrounding and be very skeptical in you dealing with people.
If pregnant and you are carry baby or playing with baby is good dream you’ll experience easy delivery be courageous.

Hearing it in dream is a sign of good news from some where.
If it occurs again, move closer to God in prayer church attendance and learning from scripture reading for confidence.
iii. Invited people around you to come to God, you we gain in any labour you are involved.


Seeing such in dream is an indication that you need to change your stand and be faithful to God through Jesus Christ. It means on other source of reliable solution your problem except through God only and it even mean a call to service.


Seeing in speed without limit this is bad omen, this stand for your Angry character, change the way you angry when come to an issues, change before it is too late, Psalm 109.
Or you may be warned, be careful of how you come into matter that will lead to fighting always being careful, you only know the beginning of every quarrel but the end maybe worst, be at peace in any issues! Pro.19: 20.

If successfully climbed in dream means an important objective will be realistically achieved.
If falling or broken at mid-point means an unexpected failure is in the monition. Prayer with this Psalms. 9, 124, 127. Check the prayer at the back or check site prayer on restoration of status.

Seeing in speed without limit this is bad omen, this stand for your Angry character, change the way you angry when come to an issues, change before it is too late, Psalm 109.
Or you may be warned, be careful of how you come into matter that will lead to fighting always being careful, you only know the beginning of every quarrel but the end maybe worst, be at peace in any issues! Pro.19: 20.

If successfully climbed in dream means an important objective will be realistically achieved.
If falling or broken at mid-point means an unexpected failure is in the monition. Prayer with this Psalms. 9, 124, 127. Check the prayer at the back or check site prayer on restoration of status.

If successfully climbed in dream means an important objective will be realistically achieved.
If falling or broken at mid-point means an unexpected failure is in the monition. Prayer with this Psalms. 9, 124, 127. Check the prayer at the back or check site prayer on restoration of status.

If not yet broken, has double interpretation
If the seed is ripped and usually white, your expectation will have the desired result
iii. If it is spoilt or black in colour, it is sign that expectation will be negative 2 days fast and pray with Psalms 124, 89, 88.

Seeing self cooking food in the dream, your effort on venture will be fulfilled in that period.
In what you are cooking fall and split into the fire, this is bad omen, 3 days fasting and prayer that you should not waste your time on what will not be successfully used.

Seeing this often is a bad omen, what you should be doing in the physical world as been practice in the spiritual world, one of the couple had negative mind to-ward the relationship, 3 day white fasting and prayer against evil spirit between two of you rapidly paralyzed with Psalm 24, 83, and 143.


Seeing self been coronate with traditional decoration, means the evil darkness forces had chosen the fellow as their leader, if want deliverance, 3 days white fasting and prayer of deliverance, don’t go outside when doing this. Stay some where to deliver yourself.
but if it’s english coronation you be great in life no matter whatsoever you may be passing through now.

It is a sign of incoming promotion or leadership elevation.
It is burnt, a sign of relegation.
iii. If suddenly remove from the head, it is also sign of relegation requires 7 days fasting and prayers with psalm 124, 50, 83, to recover. Follow the prayer it at the back.


If crossed successfully result is positive on expectation
If broken before crossing news from expectation is likely to be negative. Before it manifest fast and pray for 3 days, for total guidance.

Seeing cup in a dream with water or soft drink mean in your shop or office, your money or salary will be benefit to use.
If seeing without anything in your business there’s going to be famine 3 days fasting with Psalm 1, 23, 24, 102. Use the prayer.
Seeing self crying bitterly in dream, mean joyous incident will occur very soon.
If somebody died and you started crying bitterly in that dream the person in whom you dreamt about will surely have long live.

A sign of incoming prosperity and pleasure.
If is suddenly removed, it is relegation either economic or positional 3 days fasting with Psalm 124, 83, 127.

It is a symbol of spiritual power. When held, no hindrance in the bush can hold you back.
If stolen, it is a sign of overpowering by enemy pray and fast 3 days with following Psalms. 11, 124, 50. Be careful how you use your mind and mouth.

Seeing this by waiting young man to marry is successful dream, you will marry that year
If seeing as a young woman waiting for marriage is a bad omen, 3 days fasting and prayer with this following Psalm 121, 124, 125. Mean failure in marriage.

Seeing being carried or ride means someone you know or unknown will help you into a business journey successfully very soon.
If accident or stolen happen in the dream is a bad omen pray and fast 3 days against spirit of relegation in endeavors.



Seeing light in your hand in the darkness, mean God is with you in any state you are.
Without light inside darkness is a bad dream seven days fasting and prayer. Enemy will not overcome you suddenly. Use the prayer at the back.
Seeing somebody you knew that is sick now died in your dream, the person will arise from the sickness very soon.
If somebody you knew is sick and you now dream the person died and put in the coffin is a bad omen the person will die by the sickness.

Seeing this animal in dream mean some of your friends are unreliable. They have double dealing character, you have to be careful.
Seeing dog baking on you in the dream mean sin is arrange on your way be careful of whom you play with.
III. If bitten in the dream this is a bad omen, if the fellow do not pray very well it will lead to spiritual captive or sin without limit prayer of Psalm. 141, 70 and three days fasting for instant recovery and resurrection.

If playing with you or leaking your hand means some of your former sin trying to come back, be careful how you play with people around you but serious in issues.

Seeing it in dream is a sign of peace and satisfaction, it is an emblem of Holy Spirit and His manifestation in your life. Be faithful to the Lord read always John.14.


If drawing from the well, slightly well means there is fruit in present endeavor.
If there is water but very deep, you will labour before achieving your aim.
iii. Drawing water up successfully means present effort will yield fruit.

If you carry bucket of water to fill a large drum, means your effort on your venture will yield fruit don’t give up.
If the bucket is full of water and fall back midway means your present effort though bright it may seem will not yield fruit.
If seeing dry well no result in present venture, prayer and fasting for 3 days with Psalms. 52, 71, 72 use the prayer at the back.

If your dream fails to fulfill or could not be remembered, you pray with this Psalm. 124, 123, 125, 126. In water drinking and bathing to cast out spirit of dreadfulness. Your mind had occupy by spirit of dreadfulness, use the prayer at the back.


Drinking it in dream is a sign of incoming comfort and prosperity.
Serving people with it is lack of contentment, even through there is positive and guaranteed income you will not be contended financially, due to several demands. Read Psalms 83. Learn how to be contented and focus on yourself first.
In present reality, it refers to the condition of your business. The condition of the vehicle will clearly show the present posture of your business, for instance a care that is being pushed shows that the business is having serious problem.
It could sometime be a long term plan for this fellow deferred for safer period because of surrounding spiritual or physical enemies. See II Sam. 16:1–15

Drowning in dream without being rescued is a sign of bad omen in surrounding situations. If rescued there is hope of surviving from problems associated with using Psalms. 91, 121, 125. Use the prayer at the back


Seeing dry bones in the dreams is a sign of fruitless effort in business environment. A change of plan will definitely solve the situation with the following Psalms 46, 121, 125 plus three days fasting


If you are unable to hear very well in your dream it is a bad omen. It is a sign of controversy between your close relations, solution be careful how you transport a word and the meaning


If you find yourself under the death blow is a sign of death as it goes, get yourself anointed with oil to reject this portion totally by fasting for 2 days, use this Psalm 91, 125


If seen desk in your dream with offices equipment mean a transition in your ventures positively.


If you are despise in your dream by someone you know, meaning fighting is approaching be careful how you allow satan


It is a sign of blessing from Heaven upon you, this is blessing Heaven had given to you no matter your present situation you’ll excel.


If you pick or given this unusual precious stone in your dream mean you will meet unusual person in your life that will turn around your situation and business into reality at that time. Be expectant extra ordinary miracles.
If stolen from you in your dream bad omens even worst seven days with marathon prayers of Joel 2, Isaiah 62

If seen or reading is a sign of correction and improvement at the particular things you are involved.


It is a sign of mass burial, someone we be buried, you know or acknowledge


If in your dream things and days are dimming is a sign of enemy presence at that particular moment, if this occur in your dream pray against unfulfilment spirit in all your promises, use Psalm. 120, 18, 46


If seen yourself in dream as director of a company is a sign of doom what you suppose to be physically yet your position is not up to this level it is enemy trap. Pray and get yourself anointed fast 3 days white and use this Psalm 17, 35

DIRGE (Mournful Song of Music)

If you see and hear people singing this song in your dream mean very soon someone closer to you will die, it is a bad omen anoint yourself and reject it.

If you are in the position of sickness, you now dream and see a doctor you will recover very soon. If the doctor attends to you in your dream, the symptom will go without drugs.
If seeming self as doctor you will save people and animals, you will be a savior to save life at the prim of
If seen pharmacy, or doctors in your dreams descripts drugs for you in the dream it’s a way out to your presents illness or personal sickness.

It is a sign of problematic in your venture, meaning this is also sign of witchcraft is one of their instrument in there convoyed, get yourself anointed with oil immediately as you wake up and use this Psalm 46, 50 as your prayer point and the Lord will see you through


if you received dollars in the dream, it is a sign of increase, but you must pray and fast very well for this to come to pass, without your prayer, fasting and faith it will not manifest. 3 days white fasting use this Psalm 74, 120 hour of prayer 9, 12, 3, 6
In other words it mean superiority in the spirit if you’re given through envelop.

It is a sign of slothfulness in your venture though things will work out at last.


It is a sign of new chapter in your circular endeavor if opened easily without stress.
If lucked without a key and without opened till you wake up it’s a badl/ollistrongol
trong omen in ySeeing chains like the one used for criminal, means character, be perceived to change your behaviour because is

If your dream fails to fulfill or could not be remembered, this evil spirits work in your life, you pray and cast them out use this Psalm. 124, 123, 125, 126. In water drinking and bathing to cast out spirit of dreadfulness. Your mind had occupy by spirit of dreadfulness, use the prayer at the back.


Dreaming and seeing a dove in your room or around you is an emblem of Holy Spirit, God want you to humble yourself and He wants to live with you peacefully.
If attacked you in your dream is a bad omens check your character towards self and people.

It is a sign of superior enemy the old snake of the world, if seen confronting or attacking or pursue you in your dream, mean the kingdom of satan will war against you very soon or already engage with you in battle, pray for divine assistance from Heaven by 3 days white or dry fasting with Psalm 91 only for this. three times daily in prayer without stop.


If you dream in your dream which mean you have to know the deep and deeper things at T junction you are. Be careful at this time and take note yourself.


Seeing duvet in dirty, tear apart or burnt in your dream on your bed, it’s a bad omen of which the enemy symbol of attack through your sleeping endeavors as they have taking something important in your life. Solution is to pray and fast for two days in order to restore your glory, peace and protection in all endeavours. use Joel 2
Seeing clean in the dream, it’s a sign of peace and rest at this moment in your circumstance. Read Psalm 145
If seeing in your dream walking towards you or reluctantly with you it is a sign of doom correct yourself before God and man, Psalm 38, 39, 43. It is also your present situation pray against, reduction, limitation and backwardness seriously in your life.



It is a sign
of bad omen in your dream, because of bouncing back and repeated the same reflection word or songs. Deeply searching your sin and ask for forgiveness.


If seen an elephant in your dream, the meaning is both
in negative or li
positive. If seen this creature attacking you in your dream it’s a bad omen, meaning the power of darkness powerful than you are waging war against you, continue to stand in the power of Holy God of Heaven.
If seen this creature carrying you at the neck is a sign of been higher in the level of divine help no matter your journey may be at that particular time.

If you see someone embalmed in your dream, it is a bad omen, pray against sudden death is knocking at the door of the person very close to you.


If seen someone you know or yourself been enthrone mean you’ve been assigned to be leader and head of particular assignment that will last for long period and this will bring gain and fortune, wait in prayer always to run away from sin.


Seeing yourself receiving an envelope means you will receive a reward of your task for this appreciation reward.


If you see this minister of God in your dream may be on stage preaching, if seeing in your dream ceremony as occasion and people are eating and drinking with high table guest, very soon joyful promotion will occur on your way because of your situation that is bad, you will be celebrated at last.if seeing on your television or talking to you, whatever he or she tells you to do pls. do it and you will prosper in your life. He or she represented God on earth.
If Fighting with a man of God in your dream please be careful how you gossip about things of God you can be a victim.
If seen this female sheep in your dream mean God had made you a shepherd or guardian over some people at this particular time place, continue your mission over people secure.

If attacked in your dream be careful how you underestimate people around you take note.

If seeing in such devastating destruction, means a mishap, accident or warning, restorative prayer need to be intensified, fast and pray for 3 days with these Psalms 124, 50, 46, 90, white fasting is recommended if serious on note, if this dream continued plus your fasting to 7 days you will win that time.


Seeing earthworm every were in your dream is a sign of problematic and incoming doom, 3 days with Psalms 59, 145 in water for bathing only be careful how you trust people.


Seem this bird soar higher, the coming news and unexpected promotion in endeavours is expectant.
If seeing this bird fighting you in your dream is sign that the enemy is using your helper to fight you prayer of 3 days for the enemy to scatter because of you if you like with fasting.


Giving any type of food to eat or swallow in dream is a poison
If spiritually strong and it is rejected, it is a good omen.
iii. Eating meat or fish cooked, given by friend or any one you know, the person is your enemy, be careful with him or her. The plan of the enemy will not materialize after all. Use the following Psalm 123, 59, 140 with three days fasting in clean water for drinking and bathing and sprinkling in your rooms.

Continuation of eating, sensual and fighting in the dreams

The spirit foundational stuck in their victim by the early meal at the beginning of the feeding in the dream, the food, and sex, fighting and otherwise in the dream is poison to soul of Admaic nature. All the active instruments of destruction belongs to the close enemy of soul in the spirit realms, as these become ashes in the spiritual belly of the victim and firmed foundation against the victim and do more in automatic continuation from the starting point to the end. This will continue to occurrence no matter the spiritual appliances to this implication no way-out except from these steps.

Confession and changes old sins, transgressions and iniquities committed knowingly or unknowingly. All this offences strengthen the continuation of eating, sex, fighting, see dead people, retrogression, suppression, oppressions, afflictions, depressed in the dreams against the freedom and etc., this freedom is a processing and patient as you continue in the Will of God.
If sinned against witch, wizard, your father or your mother and otherwise people, as satanic emissaries, all this can strengthen all the affection protracted mentioned above in your dream. Concerning your parents they maybe in cults or belongs to other society, if not they may cursed you and you’ll be under the strong spell word of satanic emissaries as transgressor.
If truly one deny the truth or your parents deny the truth in solemn way as victim in the case one can have evil dreams in continuation as will affected the life without a solution. These examples can be as sin against true man of God, against the true church of God, and against the work true work of God. One can have bad dream without solution until revelation to this.
The solution is to:-

Confess your sins, transgressions, and iniquities by asking for mercy in any area knowingly and unknowing.
Bind the demons in change of the dream experiences and cast them out by faith.
Recover the losses and opportunities you have lost in these personal experiences.
Disconnect any other root or way you’re denied to operate in the high places of life.
Fortified yourself spirit, soul and body with the Blood of Jesus
Ask from God grace to strengthen you always in deny them again and forever in the dream or physical life.
Truly confess Jesus Christ in any or other place such as before men or without men.
Believe in yourself and in your word as you say it! Don’t let anything tell you y


Seeing this in your dream you have offended this parents when they are yet alive, confess your sins, transgressions and iniquities to a man of God. You will be free from curses.
Eating with dead parents or any dead person is a symbol of sudden death or terrible sickness. Seven days prayer and fasting with Psalm 91, 25, 59, 90.

Seeing your self in the midst of elders doing meeting always. You are among evil forces unconsciously the solution will be proved by three days fasting and prayer of night vigil.


If it happens in or dream, means in one way or the other God will use your enemy for you. That is why we should not be on the look out for revenges but allow God always for necessary justice.
Seeing shopping with your enemy and he or she buy you things in the grocery shop you’ll see favor more in this time, be peace full.

This is a symbol of incoming poverty and sorrows. Think on how you spent money, to avert these Psalm. 1, 23, and 48.


if given many or single white egg in dream means mercy and grace, people will show to the person.
If the egg is broken or black in color this is bad omen meaning you may struggle to make it and lead to void in life and future this is bad omen 3 days prayer and fasting with Psalm.13, 12, 24 for recovering of fortune and inheritance right.

Seeing if flowing away gently shows that the baffling problem will find its way out after all.
If in the erosion means an economic problem or a related issue is likely to burst out pray and fast added to win your superior enemy with Psalm 124, 50, 141 use the prayer at the back.

Seeing self participating in examination means among your mate you will not lag behind them.
Seeing self-failed exam and feel sorrowful whatever you’re passing through will bring out joy for you read this Psalm9, 125, 150
iii. If one cannot participate in the examination is a bad omen, mean backwardness, cast the spirit of backwardness out with three days fasting and repent of your ancestor’s sin to God.


If your right eye is having problem in dream means someone closer very close to you may be loved one, husband, wife or children may be in sickness, it can cause you to spend unexpected money. Direct your prayer line to such people fast and pray for 3 days with Psalm 124 and 105.



Excreting faeces in dream in the toilet, mean the enemy will not be allowed to cage you, during this particular time, because what they have poison had been excreted out.
Seeing scrap on the wall is minor failure on your business pursued, seven days fasting with Psalm 1, 124, 29, 50, 23, 120.FARM FROG
Seeing in dream is a bad omen, is a sign of terrible disease or sickness, 3 days prayer and fasting with, psalm, 24, 59, 125


Meeting self on a spot in the forest mean pursuit without direction and result in your success stagnancy, for restoration and recovery pray with white fasting in 3 days call on Jehovah Exodus 13, and 14 His make way in the wilderness of life He will make ways for you too.

If many like those reared and are in good shape, means personal business is in good economic condition, but if they are dying or uncared for symbolized poor state of self-employment
If carrying food around and feeding them with different color of fowls mean you will spend money that will not bring income or gain to you, 3 days prayers and fasting for restoration. Psalm 46, 123


If funeral song is heard in dream is proverbial aid realistic 7 days prayer and fasting should offered to avert such occurrence if the dreams occur again visited man of God for counseling use Psalm 60, 46 and 109.

Seeing self working as farmer mean your effort on your venture will abundantly gives fruitful result, when you are in hardship situation be patient.
Seeing a dry farm is a point of unfruitfulness in what you are doing at that present 3 days fast and pray with this Psalm. 124, 60, 143.

Seeing it in dreams in retrogressive or backwardness in your pursuits unless serious restorative white prayer and fasting for 3 days are offered. Use Psalm 1, 24, 141, 89.
If one relaxes in it, show it manifestation

Is a sure sign of incoming sickness and inward diseases. Call on God to restore you back He’s your Creator. Deuteronomy 28
If you seeing someone you know in the position is symbol of changes positive level with the fellow.

If this appears in dream, means spiritual enemies are at work against an eminent personality in the society. If the tree is felled successfully, prevent prayer need to be offered against their plan 7 days white fasting with Psalm. 124, 50 and 83.


If you dreamt, witches, wizards or other evil forces may use their faces as camouflage to destabilize the family, pray with Psalm 46, 91, 125 every day


If fell down in dream, refers to status and standing that such fellow may suffer relegation in business or in society this is the work of the enemy, prayer of stability need to be offered with the following Psalm. 46, 59, 83 and 3 days fasting. O Lord restore me!


If seeing yourself or somebody cutting your nail means changing and up level in your endeavor business.
If the cutting involves blood mean be careful of how you fear and risk in what will not bring gain or profit in your business but vanity.

If a standing dry tree is seen, means present pursue endeavor infertile is bad omen
Gathering firewood for your cooking at the time of challenges is a sign of doom and continuous poverty.
Seeing it in dream also means the same seven days fasting with this Psalm 124, 25, 140 to hardly rebuke stead backwardness in your life and business, also ask for glorious life you’re destined to fulfilled on earth.

Seeing yourself fighting with wild animals male or female, this dream pointing you into awareness and to be careful in everything you are about to say whenever there’s a quarrel, this animals are human being and they are agent of evil forces in this world, this shows thee power, be prayerful, the Lord will give victory over them, if you’re careful to let the Lord fight for you. Psalm 109,
Seeing yourself fighting your friends in the dream, the enemy is using this as a sign of divisions against you and your friends be careful also create a genuine love to win your enemy. Psalm 109.
Settle fighting in the dream mean replacement in between quarreling people.

Seeing or caught alive, in dream is a sign of good omen in business venture.
Dead fish symbolize doom in business ventur.
Dried fish if buying, you will overcome some closer enemy that’s close friend or relative.
4.Eating fresh cooked fish or smoked fish is a sign of sickness. 3 days fasting and prayer for spiritual strength and to excrete the poison far above and over your life in drinking water.

Catching fish with it is a sure sign of success in set goal.
Catching fish with hook is also good, depend on what you have caught
Few catches of symbolize minor success in endeavor
4.Without fish in fish hook or nets is a sign of failure in expectations. For success use Psalm. 124, 141, 48. Use the prayer at the back always.


1.Seeing it in dream is an evident of failure and worthlessness. 3 days white fasting with Psalm 48, 24, and 124. Use the prayer point at the back for guidance.

2.If seeing dead in all over places it’s a great sign in your ventures as you move on into drastically blessing because the enemy’s agents are dead.


Seeing yourself flying boldly above mountains, rivers and soon in the dream is a sign of spiritual power and superiority over your enemies.
Inability to lift up yourself symbolize lower in spiritual power three days fasting with Psalm 123, 46, 123 use the prayer point for divine change.

Seeing self-playing dribble and score goals on the field filled with multitude, is a good omen. Continuing prayer you have reach the peak of success.
Seeing yourself hold the ball in your hand is a sign of favour in business achievements. Peace!
Seeing yourself playing with unable to score, means enemies are too powerful on you, pray with fast 3 days white use this Psalms 124, 62, for the lifting up

If you and your father are fighting in the dream is bad dream, mean the curses of your fathers’ house they are at work to stop your progress, pray and fast 3 days white with the Psalm 68, 89, 120
If you see your father and he’s seriously annoyed and complaining in your dream mean you have done something wrong to this your old man or God in the same with the appearing of your father, find out your sin and it shall be well.
III. If you see your father happy and smiling with you in your dream, mean you will find he’s favour or God in the same mode to you is a good dream and favor. Be happy.


If seeing something in your dream that causes fear is a bad omen in your endeavour pray against incident that will cause the same physically, Read Psalm 124 seven times into water drink and bath.


If seen fig tree with fruits on the tree in your dream, it is a good and prosperity dream that will affect global life

If seen fig tree with fruits on the tree in your dream, it is a good and prosperity dream that will affect global life


If you are watching film traditionally or foreign film in your dream theater or on the screen by television, mean what you see on the show is a properly what to happen within seven day or a month, be careful how you allow to use your though.


If seen yourself come out of flooding means the problems you are facing now will soon be over relax.
If seen yourself standing or swimming in the midst of flooding is a problematic in your next journey of progress to remove the problems, seven days white fasting with Psalm. 102, 55, hour of prayer 12, 3, 6, 9 complete your seven days signs and wonder will follow you dramatically.

If you are planting flowers in you dream, mean you will work with money, its is a sign of fruitlessness
If you are given a beautiful flower in your dream, mean you will receive embrace that will not profitable or fruitful.

If seen yourself at the fountain of water and you drink from it in your dream, mean the events that will change your local or nation into positive goodness you be at the part of the gain.


If seen this dangerous animal in your dream, mean enemy at their work or to devour your goodness, to prevent yourself use Psalm 91, 121, 125 read this seven times into water sprinkle it into your home and shops.


If you see many fruits in one place in your dream, mean your labour at this time will not be valid, be prayerful and fast for this to manifest faster.


Seeing frog in your room mean a hidden or expose sickness is in your body or even summon on your body. Anoint yourself with anointed oil and cast out the demon by faith and it will obey you. James 5:14–15
Seen this creature killed by you or someone in your dream, it’s a sign of total victory over the enemy’s on the particular area you live as challenges subdue.
If seen in your food, clothes or luggage’s, it’s a signs or symbol of attack on you at this present by witchcraft manipulation against your glory to be poisoning your life and way against self. Ask the Lord for divine assistant and help from Jesus Christ in all your expectations to come true, read Psalm 11 in eleven times into water to bath self for total cleanse.


Seeing a loaded vehicle in the garage portends assurance in endeavor
Vehicles without passengers in dream are a sign of disappointment, pray and fast 3 days with psalm. 24, 124,125.
III. Seeing large bus parked side-by-side means be careful with your saying among your colleague. For the disappointment not to occur 3 days prayer and fasting to rebuke spirit of disappointment shapely with this psalm 104, 125, 129.


If seeing a garden full of robust garden eggs are sign of success in a pursued endeavor.


Seeing wearing or given in dream is a sign of affliction to off this, pray with fasting 3 days, to remove garment affliction of enemies over you with psalm 124, 109.


Seeing goats in dream is a sign of close enemies, deception and rebellion.
It also represents stubbornness in spiritual realm, change your character, attitude and behaviors towards God and men.
seeing this creature in plenty its a sign of rebellion human generation on earth as being in the dream Matthew 25:31–46

Seeing yourself with this mean success will be complete in your life very soon, pray for fast manifestation. Psalm.104, 109


It is a sign of funeral if one visit the yard constantly pray and fast for 3 days with this psalm 124, 143,125 if occur constantly visit trusted man of God for prayer and deliverance.


Seeing or holding a gun in dream symbolized high spiritual power or superfluity level with Ability
If stolen or something negative happen to the follow this is also sign of poor spiritual power, loan and fast for 3 days for restoration. Read this psalm. 91, 59, 83.
iii. Hearing the sound of gun in dream, symbolize news that is likely to upset the mind, relaxes you will be happy at the end of all time.


If seen yourself playing any games with person you know in your dream this is also a sign for you to know about the fellow be careful how you reveal your matter to people.
If you win at any game you may be playing in your dream is a sign of successful in your labour.
III. If you lose in any game you may be playing in your dream is a bad sign, if you do not want bad thing to happen get yourself anointed with three days white fast in aggressive prayer and use this Psalm 35, 20 pray for changing of status.


If you are standing or seating in the mist of garden in your dream is a bad omen mean is a place of fruitless, no matter your effort in your endeavor pray for divine progress with psalm 60, 64 that God should put you in the fruitfulness changing of circumstance.


If you see gate open for you in your dream mean there is a way out for your expectation
If the gate is lock behind you in your dream is a bad omen use psalm 24 read it seven times in a day to unlock the gateway of success in your venture fast three day break 7pm or 8pm.

If seen giant man or woman in your dream attacking you, it’s a sign of superior enemy. Pray with fast four days for more power in your life to be effective in the fire of God.


If you are given gold in your dream, is a sign of unstoppable goodness that’s unique, don’t play with prayer be serious in focus.
If someone comes and ask for your gold and you gave him or her in your dream is a very bad omen, meaning no matter how you pray against your enemy without receiving the gold back your effort will be valid until you get your gold back, get yourself anointed with 6 days white fast use this Psalm 23, 24, 25, hour of prayer 12, 3, 6, 9 daily. Pray for restoration and recovery quickly.

If seen Governor Come to you in your dream, meaning a change is coming expect this and be prayerful towards God’s promises.
If seen yourself won the governorship in your dream, mean your future is certainly fortunate, come closer to God in prayer and indeed.
III. If seeing this positioned person in your dream and he or she attacked you mean you will be rejected at the pointed of appointment of elevation it’s a bad omen which mean you’ll be rejected by your divine helpers. Pray for your recovery and divine assistant in all your endeavors.


If seen this insect in your dream eating your things is a sign of devourer in ventures, pls, pay and be faithful in your tithes and offerings, pray and fast against it three days fasting Psalm 60, 28


If seen yourself at the grave in your dream, mean enemy has been planning death around you, pray and fast for three days to overcome any plan of death around you with Psalm 70, 72


If someone greets you in your dream with respect is sign of transition how you are going to be embrace by people
If you are greeting with handshake in your dream a new friend will appear very soon.
III. If you are greeted wrongly in your dream be careful fighting is knocking on the door and take it easy in any situation.


If you see grinder machine in your dream working, mean the problem in the same situation will be vanish unknowingly.


If seen in plenty and bags its sign of prosperity
If seen in a cup its sign of problematic, three days fasting Psalm 71

If seen this fowl in your dream is a sign of how you behave among your friends and God.

Guinea Pig

If seeing eating your food and stuff, it’s a bad omen which mean the divert and devourer sent to your ventures or to your treasury. To recover this fast for five days with Ps. 126, 127 and 136 into water to bath yourself at the end of each day of your fasting before you sleep at night. Pray for quick restoration in all endeavors.
If rearing this creature in the dream in your house, it’s a sign of secret sickness or illness that is in your body or yet to show up in your body because this house is your body and the creature is a strange creature in your house. White fasting for three days. Prayer is deliver me oh Lord from any secret or hiding sickness that are yet to show up in my life and future in Jesus Name. use Matthew 10:19–20 repeat this Scriptures word seven times in the morning, afternoon and evening fir the period of your fasting time.
If you trap or killed this creature in your dream, it’s a good signs in your endeavors and great fortune will follow instantly without delay. Praise God if you have this dream.

If you see your gum teeth clean and clear is a symbol of clarity and security over your family
But if your gum teeth are wounded and bleeding it’s a problematic in your family. Pray against family problem that wanted to rise suddenly against your family with three days fasting and Psalm 28, 50, 55.

It is a sign of fruitfulness; the groundnut farm is incoming prosperity.
The dry one in the bottle is a sign of token miracle in your life.
III. If the dry one is burnt is a bad omens, pray against the power of useless spirit with Psalm 60, 70 three days fasting.


It is a sign of transition if you are playing it in your dream, be careful to serve God
If you see this instrument of music broken in your dream is a sign of doom, enemy are on the way to turn joy to sadness pray in three days fasting use Psalm 21, and 28


If you have a new cut in your dream and you look good is a sign of changing characters
If look ugly is a sign of bad character
III. If it is cut roughly and scatter in your dream is a sing of enemy hijacking your right and they have given it to someone, get your self anointed with oil use Psalm 35 read it seven times a day with three day fasting you will recover with faith.


If see handcuffed in your dream means enemy had captured you already, it may be in bad characters or attitudes towards unconvinced of other, is a bad omen. Seven days white fasting, Psalm 30 68, 98, pray aggressively to be deliver, call for God’s help to help you.


If you are harvesting any crops or plants is a sign of gain in your daily task, be careful of how you speak about your dream to people you trust, it is a good dream.
If someone you don’t know is harvesting on your farm in your dream, mean enemy are on the way to over throne you over your right, get yourself anointed, three days white fast break it 7pm or 8pm use this Psalm 80, 102, 135, hour of prayer 12, 3, 6, 9 the victory will breakthrough in your ventures

If seen in your dream been wounded is a sign inconvenience in your venture, Seeing it in dream is an evident of failure and worthlessness. 3 days white fasting with Psalm 48, 24, and 124. Use the prayer point at the back for guidance.
2.If seeing dead in all over places it’s a great sign in your ventures as you move on into drastically blessing because the enemy’s agents are dead.

two days fasting use this Psalm 60, 97 that the Lord should lift you up in your endevours that cause this wound


If you see in your head is a sign of weakness, it’s enemy will, to abolish the enemy’s wishes, get yourself anointed with oil pray heatedly with Psalm 70, 25, 102, 121 in three days fasting


If you are admitted in the hospital in your dream, if you are sick, you will soon get healed and better.
If you are not sick but dreamed you are being admitted to hospital is bad omen means your former sickness is about to come back, get yourself anointed with use Psalm 82, 83 read it seven times daily into water drink and bath with three days fasting

If seen yourself at the hotel enjoying in your dream, means the business you are called to do will not give profit that will satisfy you.


If seen yourself singing hymn with hearted praise, mean God is calling you for praise Him as preacher and singer.


Seeing yourself been carry inconvenienHYMN-BOOK/olt heavy load in the
dream mean your present situation will be inconvenient if not praying about it, two day fast with psalm 9 and 92 as prayer poin/strongHEELt.


Good news is on the way if one heard it in dream.


Seeing yourself shaking hand with hands means an old friend will appear or you will meet new faces of peaceful friends you have never know before that will help.


It’s a sign of inconvenience. No matter how rich dependants will hinder the prosperity. Cautionary be faithful, in your tithes and offerings and use your money for God and people need before enemies over come you, and pray for forgiveness of sins, transgressions and your iniquities of the past life.

Seeing a hill cover
ing entire road is a sign of unexpected blocked, it could be financial or spiritual, 3days fast and prayer against hindrances.
If the hill is removed or climbed successful, is a sign of achievement or success in pursued endeavour.


Seeing yourself on the horse running or walking means a journeys with confidence fruitfulness.
If falling on the horse is a bad omen prayer in three days for straight and ableness.
If horse attacked you it’s a bad omen be careful how you underestimate people under your leadership or dominions they can be useful in time of your help and need tomorrow.


Seeing honey comb or its liquid given to you or you eat it, symbolizes prosperity in all business and endeavor.
If taken from you in the dream it’s a bad omen, it will be hard for you in life to possess your possession in life. For recovery use Joel 2 in three day fasting and prayer restoration.

Seeing it in dream shows the mind of people intending to confront you on some issues.
Pursuing you, mean enemies could confront you any time from that night. Seeing the horn of cow means you confront them back with is prayer of 3 days with fasting.


It is a sign of peace in your labour if used
If ice block is fallen like rain on you and every where in your dream is a sign of incoming peace and prosperity, be prayerful to see it happen.
III. If the ice block turning in red colour that is a sign of doom and calamity pilgrim, four days white fasting with, Psalm 18, 24, 35, 91, against slander of heaven and earth you’ll win in Jesus Name.


If you seen yourself worshiping an idol in your dream, mean the enemy are on the way to repeat your former problems, in other way the idol sprit of your parenthood house are demanding your attention to come back for them, if you are in bad condition this is a temptation that we last in even doom of your life, get yourself anointed first use Psalm 150, 140, pray heartedly to God to forgive your generational sin and to break the curse of it with three days fasting, the victory is sure


If seen holding it in your dream is a sign of great power and supremacy mean in your national you be their leader very soon no matter your present situation.
If someone come and takes it from you or break suddenly is a sign of problematic in your nationality, get yourself anointed with oil and fast for seven day to avert your glory back without compromise use Psalm 80, 83

Seeing your instruments spoiled in the dream and you started repairing it, means your work by that time will be fruitful and progress.
Seeing your instruments being anew in your shop, you will receive a new contract or a new person that will connect you in favor, a partner in business traces.
Seeing your instruments spoiled unrepeatable or stolen, it’s a bad omens in your endeavors mean dryness in your work possessions, pray for mediate recovery use Joel 2, Isaiah 62 in three days white fasting and anoint your place of work and your instruments.


Meaning spiritual infirmities and irresolute lacking firmness of character or a strong will to give alms to a destitute life in your endeavor as a person, Pray and fast 3days with psalm 140, 50.

IRON (Clothes Presser)

Seeing yourself using it to press your cloth means within the period you will look good in your cooperate society.
Seen shocked, stolen or burnt your hand, clothes or skins is a bad amen be careful how you handle thing that come to your life or how you come into people issues that doesn’t concerning you.
If hot iron fell down in your room and break by accident in your dream, it’s a bad omen be always prayerful and watch in spirit sense over your household.


A sad event is in the offing fast and pray against sudden calamities 3days in order to event such event. Psalm 56, 80


It could be direct dream to self, hence it should be interpreted to suit situation that surround the person.
If to overseas country serious prayer must follow it up before its manifestation because satan had seen the plan ahead and witness it, he wish to double cross it, prayer and fasting 7days while follow this psalms 104, 59, 43, into clear water bathing and sprinkle around you also.

Seeing a judges in your dream, judge or execution in judgment against you, be careful of people you are fighting, quit and want for God to if fight on your behave.
If seeing the judge smile to you in your dream don’t be afraid heaven will fight for you.

If seen yourself drinking juice any colour it may be meant at junction of receiving your miracle it going to be easy for you to receive it.
If it fell from your hand and split on the ground mean your convenient right it going to be elude, pray against hijacking spirit with three days fasting Psalm 35, 94

If seen yourself in the middle of tropical jungle forest which mean presently you’re in need and you shouldn’t be afraid and help suddenly occur as a way, or someone leads you out, no matter your condition, you will come out of it very soon, because you have come out of ruthlessly, helplessness of life, unconstrained position at the same period. Praise Jesus all the time.
If found yourself in the middle of the tropical jungle forest without way help or way out, assistant, this is the realm of ruthlessly, unconstrained, cruelly, pitilessly, untamed, unrestrained, unruly, anxious, disheveled, inaccurate of life and no man come to your aids, means the enemy has hand over your soul to the spirit of problematic over your life to be inconvenience throughout the journey, pray for deliverance with three days fasting call on the Lord Jesus your maker. Isaiah 49, 50 and Jeremiah 33 stand in personal night vigil to rescue yourself and to place you into your proper position on time.


Failure to pronounce this Name in your dream, when an evil force controls you shows lower situation and spiritual powerless you are. For more power behind the Name of Jesus Christ, 3days fasting and prayer. Luke 21–15
Seeing the Lord Jesus Christ in your dream means divine encounter in your realm of life and spiritual status, you are growing beautifully and you’ll never remain the same again and again. Great dream!


Seeing the tree in the dream-incoming prosperity of money that will come for that cannot be thief in life.
Giving a kola in the dream, mean it’s symbolizes incoming portion of money that will come for that particular time.
iii. Seeing been eaten kola in dream raw or dry is a description of poison, pray inside water with psalm 89, 124, 50 to drink.


If seeing in dream mean direction to successful in life.
If seeing the key brake, stolen, lust or change in your hand, it is a bad luck programming of failure from the enemy, it’s a plan three days prayer and fasting with Psalm 24, 59,109.

If seeing knife in dream cut your hand and blood seeing mean you shouldn’t use your mouth against yourself in any matter you are not concern, be careful how you speak.
If someone use knife against you and you’re mark or cut with blood means warning, be careful how you contribute into strange matter and they can use your word against you. Be careful how you come into peoples issues of two or more around you or people that are far off.

If it happens in your dream means calamity or unexpected mishap will happening, with this unstoppable pray and fast 3 day with psalm 46,124,129.


It is a sign of power and authority in one level, if put into lamp is a sign of power increase during the time.
If dry, put on the ground or into water is a sign of fruitlessness in labour, three days fasting using Psalm 85, 86 pray for recovery in sevenfold.

If seen kettle boiling hot water on the fire mean during this time you most be careful handle matter around you carefully.


If seen yourself with king’s dialogue together in your dream mean a transition is coming into your difficult situation, if you can wait your past and present situation will be a story.
If the king is angry with you in your dream, mean you have offended one of powerful man or woman, remedy is to reconcile and resume the issue people.
III. If seen you’re crown in a modern way is a fortune of the future be prayerful to be there.


It is a place of transformation, if the meal is prepared and ready you will see a change in your ventures your expectation will manifest


If seen them in your dream is a sign of enemy children, mean some children around your environ are growing for evil, be prayerful to disable their power, and cover yourself with the Blood of Jesus Christ. Psalm 23, 68, 83


If broken and wounded seriously in your dram means your future will be brutal, sickness and wound, pray heartedly to assign your future for recreation and future healing, in other word is your future position that can cause downwardness in your venture get yourself anointed into seven day fasting and use Psalm 77, 60, and 59



It is a sign of humility and peace during this time.


No matter your problem and situation, if this lamp is with light, you will surely come out into city of God on earth. You will be seeing be your helpers.


Seeing ladder in dream symbolizes progressive plan is in the making.
Climbing it means same but closer to manifestation.
iii. If it is successfully climbed means the progress will definitely come to light.


Progress can never surface in present struggle. Ask God to help you 1 chr.4:9–10
If other source of water flows in there is hope in this employment. Utilize the income effectively.
If the water suddenly changes colour, enemies are at work, 3days prayer with the following psalm 50, 70, 125.

High illuminati
Psalm 16, 18
III. If the laundry man says your cloth is not with him or stolen is a bad omen mean the plan of enemy is about to be fulfilled get yourself anointed into three days fasting use Psalm 35, Job 18 for divine recovery in your fortune.


If you see wings and garment of lawyer on yourself in your dream mean you will be use in certain level to help some people and to rescue them out of danger.
If seen lawyer advocating for you in the court in your dream no matter your situation God will intervene to help you by man or woman.
III. If seen lawyer pointing against you in the court mean guilty accusation, enter into court of God by seven days fast and renounce your accuser with Psalm. 35, 54, 63, hour of prayer 12, 3, 6, 9 the victory is sure.


Seen the tree of lemon in your dream and full of lemons mean your journey has yield increase that we not hurt you.
If seen single lemon is a bad omen, mean your effort will be paid with token result, pray against spirit of elusive in ventures in three days fasting Psalm74, 102 pray to God for help physical assistant.

If you know and see this animal in your dream chasing or angrily chasing against you in your dream, mean the higher power in cultist person had been offended be your transgression, be careful how you use your mouth to speak against anybody to be more empower than them. Use Psalm 89 seven times repeatedly for a week
If your kill this creature it’s a symbol of divine victory in your endeavors challenges, begins to praise God always even it may not occur physically but praise Him.

If seen this scrap in your skin in your dream mean is a sign of hatred and quarrel, for this not to happen three days white fasting for the spirit of leprosy to leave you immediately effect with Psalm, 38, 129 drinking and bathing for good three days.


If seen yourself receiving a lesson is a sign of improvement in your knowledge and understanding.


If you received a white envelop with white letter mean good news
If your letter is brown letters is a bad news, pray against sudden bad news that will cause you to surfer by using three day fasting, Psalm 59, 64

If in your dream you are given new license, in circular job or business mean elevation in your venture be happy and prayerful.
If your driving license is ceased by police in your dream mean your work will be taken away form you very soon, if you don’t want this seven days fasting and take your right back with authority of Jesus Christ the saviour in every hour of prayer 12, 3, 6, 9

If you see caged lion in your dream mean the enemy had been bound under limit.
If seen this dangerous animal in your dream chasing you is a bad omen the higher secret occultism man is leaving around you, they have move power that you, pray to have dominion over them by three days white fast for Holy Ghost to empower you for sings and wonders, you will overcome them.
III. If seen a lion with crown on the higher mountain and far away from you, that is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah.

IV. If lion or lions chasing your enemy’s that are chasing you I mean people that are attacking you in your dream means God is on your side. Don’t be afraid He appear in His superiority.
It is a sign of female human agent of satan living around your environment, they have power spiritually and physically, don’t despise prayer always and they are dangerous to wound in physical and spiritual,
If they are fighting you in the dream enter into fasting of seven days to regain more power and to have dominion over them on their realm by using Psalm 18, 69, 57

If your lips is wounded sore in your dream mean your husband or wife life is in danger be careful how you use your mind against your spouses. Pray for restoration in your family with three days fasting and Psalm 68, 102, 74


If you lust after man or woman to have sex with them means enemy cage, though enemy had seen something good in you to drill out by using this, get yourself anointed with oil for three days use Psalm 35 only, the spirit of lust may have been injected into your spirit by this dream, look out for deliverance
Be careful how you meditate on sex as practical in your heart ask for forgiveness read Psalm 51, and 62

If you find yourself in this joyful mood in your dream is a bad omen this is what you suppose to do physically, get yourself anointed with olive oil and read Psalm 62, 69 for God to help you and to lift you up surprisingly in your business.



Seen a magician doing magic in your dream mean be careful how you wanted to turn kobo money into million of naira or penny into dollar.


Seeing yourself in the magistrate court in your dream mean you will soon involve in small problems that we belted you by money, problematic dream pray for five days fasting and psalm 17, 82, and 106.


If seen self-drinking cold Malt drink in your dream meaning the bad situation will soon go, even very soon be forgotten, be prayerful to be fulfilled and to be celebrated.


If seen self-drinking cold Malt drink in your dream meaning the bad situation will soon go, even very soon be forgotten, be prayerful to be fulfilled and to be celebrated.


If seen world map in your dream mean God want you to know you are his frontiers, you we travel into very far countries, keep yourself from sin, if sin involve it will not be possible.
if you seen the map of your nation, God is speak to you that new thing will happen or occur that we shake the nation, news good or bad, be prayerful that we not affect you physically.


If seen yourself at the middle of a market buying or selling, mean your fortune is used by source of your familiar gods in your fathers’ household.
If you find yourself in the midst of unknown market is a sign of confusion in your endeavors and in your involvements, pray with three days fast and call upon God of psalm by using psalm 1, 18, 30.


If seeing yourself been mastery over works as controller mean what you suppose to be doing physically is been transfer spiritually.
If someone is mastery over you sent you many work is a bad omen the enemy had not forgives you heartedly, go to man of God to report he or she the Lord will fight for you spiritually and physically.


This is a sign of worthlessness among your mate, get Olive oil and amount yourself for divine elevation and promotion by using Psalm 60 and 64 with three days fasting.


If given in pieces or bundles is a sign of incoming caution, be careful yourself in any matter that involves you


If you are looking at yourself inside the mirror in your dream and seen another person, mean that’s how you’re, it is the work of enemy that elude your physical blessing.
If you seen yourself inside mirror in your dream looking good and charming mean there going to be a change how people disrespect or dislike you, people will change to help, or in other word your old age in circular.

If biting in your dream and you kill them, a victory over some problems that govern your life presently.

If biting in your dream and you kill them, a victory over some problems that govern your life presently.


If seeing yourself praying on the mountain with some people mean God want you to come closer to Him be careful how you draw yourself back in the work of God
If you see yourself on the mountain top mean a sign highest level in your spiritual being business always be prayerful, don’t proud

If seen musician singing (The worldly musician) be careful how you follow people speaking the same bad word before it too late for demon to overthrown your spirit.
If seen be careful how you allow hatred or nature hatred in your heart, forgive anybody so that you can be free in all your endeavors.

Seeing mad man in dream, mean be careful of how you think or worry about your present life, give everything to God and read Psalm 16, 87 for transformation


Seeing this farm with robust yield is a sign of prosperity.
Without fruit is a sign of loss in present venture pray with psalm 124, 144, 140, for recovery.

It is a sign of prosperity if ripped.
Unripe attracts patience in desire.
Rotted or decaying mean loss in business venture 2 days fasting and prayer with psalm 24, 124, 50.

If seeing in dream is a sure sign of worthlessness just as faces or excreta on the walls, pray and fast for 3 days with Psalm 124, 39 and 129.
Seeing vomiting, coming out of your body, or in your clothes it’s a sign of deliverance and restoration of yourself from the dead world of the close enemy that are stronger than you be praiseful to Jesus Christ every day.
Seeing in your work, house or in your working instruments shows the secrets of your enemy’s had been lick out, get anointed oil and anoint the place or the object with word of God and read Psalm 90, 91 and 118 loudly one chapter in three times.


Fighting with masquerade in dream means spiritual struggle with familiar enemies.
Ganging up with them symbolizes low spiritual power.
iii. Masquerade chasing in the dream means closer friend is your enemy’s be careful with those you reveal your heart to, prayer and fasting for successful recovery 3 days hours of prayer 12, 3, 6 and 9 pm.


It is a sign of sudden death expect prayer of restoration to remove this embargo.
If the dressing is incomplete, the victim may not die offer much care, prayer and fasting for 7 days with Psalm 124, 48 and 143.
iii. Seeing marriage preparation for a known person but neither the bride nor the bridegroom is present show clearly that the two will marry themselves.


Shows a serious problem is on the way. 3 days fasting and prayer with Psalm 24, 59, 70 and 143 help yourself here pray the Psalm.


Seeing ringing in your dream and you pick it and receive it and heard the caller receiver clearly, good thing is on your way being expecting.
If receiving but not hear clearly, is a bad omen pray with psalm 44 to not receive confusion messages.

Some portion of money was giving to you in the dream it will come to pass.
Large cash gift in dream is a sign of doom in business
iii. Experiencing wealth also Symbolize doom and object poverty. Fasting and prayer with psalm.1, 124, and 59

Experiencing object poverty or spending money in dream shows economic condition will improve drastically. Go for counseling.

½ or ¼ of moon is a sign of down-ward trend in endeavour
Full moon is a sign of progress and exhalation in endeavor that will arouse the attention of all and sundry.

If affected in dream indicates that the affected person is surrounded with problems be it economic or social pray with 3days fasting and read psalm 1, and 124.


Seeing glow robust in the dream and started harvesting, it’s a good sign in your adventure such as business, home and spiritual life presently, it’s also a joy in your quest in life if not found in moldy place.
Cooked or given to eat in a dream it’s a bad omen for eating this, mean sickness to one of your system in the inner organ or more, this is the work of the witches desires against their victim, so at this time run away from things you love most, place you loved most and choice of food you also love most to be eating both at home or anywhere at this period. If eaten three days white fasting with Isaiah 40, 56, and 65 read into water three times in a day at the period of your fasting day before you break and bathing before sleep at this period for cleansing in inner and the spirit all together.

Seeing it and drumming in your dream is a symbol of progress.
Being the celebrant with drummers in action is a bad sign pray with psalm 124, 23, and 143, in 3 days.

Newly established business or diversion into such is on the way, prayer for stability psalm 9, 124, 125.


If happen when wake up from sleep renounce immediately.
If it’s common pray with psalm 141 and curse to death anything that may involve.

If black nylon bag is given in dream, also this dream is bad, evil forces had hand over sickness which the roof will not be discover, pray and fast for 3 days in water for drinking only psalm 24,18,140.


If by standing people didn’t mock you, men will come to aid.
If mocked in the dream, desire will be fail or any progress pursue will not be fulfilled. 3 days prayer and fasting with Psalm 1, 124,140.

If seen someone born a new baby mean miracle of unusual will happen in the life the fellow and every eye we see it.
If the baby dies is a bad omen, three days fasting, Psalms 91, 1 and 140.

If you bought a new car in your dream is a good dream, you will go out and put your money into worthless business you think, it will help, pray before you do any big things.
If you are given a car key that’s a sure assurance to come wait patiently for it.

If you are reading a newspaper in your dream and you understand it meaning, news is coming to comfort your bad situation.


If you are hearing a strange noise is a bad omen three days fasting to change it into good noise and happiness, Psalms 64 and 70.
Originally published at on

To see the letter "C" in your dream symbolizes being average. It may also be a pun on "seeing". The dream is drawing your attention to something that you need to see or take notice. Pay attention! Alternatively, it may indicate the name or initial of a person. TOP


To dream that you are hailing a cab suggests that you need to ask for help in order to be able to move forward in some waking situation.

To dream that you are in a cab indicates that you are being taken for a ride. Someone is taking advantage of you. TOP


To see or dream that you are in a cabana signifies your need for an escape or vacation. You may be feeling overwhelmed by a waking problem and need some downtime. TOP


To watch a cabaret in your dream indicates your need to acknowledge your sensual side.  TOP


To see or eat cabbage in your dream suggests that you should not waste time with petty things in your life. You live and thrive on life's challenges. Alternatively, the dream refers to your unwise choices or decisions. You need to rethink some of your decisions.  TOP


To see or dream that you are in a wood cabin indicates that you will succeed via your own means.  It suggests that you are self-reliant and independent, yet still remain humble. You prefer the simpler things in life.

To dream that you are in a ship cabin indicates that are seeking some refuge from your emotions. TOP


To see a cabinet in your dream symbolizes the female body and/or the womb. Alternatively, you may be hiding some family or personal secret. Consider the contents and condition of the cabinet for more clues.

To dream that someone rearranged your cabinets suggests that somebody is overstepping your boundaries.  TOP


To see a cable in your dream represents your stamina and durability. If the cable is frayed or broken, then it signifies a lack of strength.

To dream of cable television signifies your openness and how you communicate with others. TOP

Cable Car

To see or ride in a cable car in your dream signifies the compromises that you make in life. Sometimes you have to go along with the masses in order to maintain the peace. Alternatively, the dream represents life's journey. You are headed in the right direction.  TOP


To see or be in a caboose implies that you are last in line for something. You are feeling shortchanged. Alternatively, dreaming of a caboose serves as a reminder that you will eventually get to where you need. It is not always about being first or finishing first. TOP


To hear the sound of cackling in your dream signifies illness and loss. TOP

To see a cactus in your dream suggests that you are feeling invaded, that your space is being crowded into and that you are being suffocated.  The prickly spines of the cactus represent the boundary you are trying to establish between your personal and private. Or you feel the need to defend yourself in some way. Alternatively, the dream implies that  you have found yourself in a sticky situation. Perhaps you need to adapt to your existing circumstances instead of trying to change them. TOP

*Please See Also Succulents.


To dream that you are dissecting a cadaver indicates that you are ready to reveal or expose an aspect of yourself that you have been hiding.

To see a cadaver in your dream represents a part of yourself that has died. Alternatively, dreaming of a cadaver means that you tend to give everything you have in a situation or relationship.

Ca dillac

To see a Cadillac in your dream suggests that you are driven to succeed. Your ambition will take you far in life. TOP


To see a caduceus in your dream symbolizes health concerns. The dream may be telling you that you need to take better care of yourself. TOP

Caesarian Section

To dream that you are having a caesarian section implies that you need help in order to get your idea or project off the ground. You can not do it by yourself. A more direct interpretation of this dream may represent your anxieties of having a C-section in real life. TOP


To dream that you are at a cafe represents your social life. The dream is telling you that it is time to call up old friends and catch up with what they are all up to.  TOP


To dream that you are in a cafeteria denotes that there may be a lot of issues "eating" you up inside. TOP


To dream that you are in a cage indicates that you are experiencing inhibitions and powerlessness in some areas of your life. You are feeling restricted, confined and restrained in a current relationship or business deal. Somebody may be keeping a short leash on you, where you are lacking the freedom to act independently.

To dream that you are putting a wild animal into a cage signifies that you will succeed in overcoming your rivals and fears. It is also symbolic of your ability to control you animalistic rages and anger.

To see a bird in a cage suggests that you are feeling limited in your expression and a sudden lost of freedom. You may be experiencing frustrations and an inhibited spirituality. The dream may also imply that you are feeling like a "jail bird". TOP

Cage Fighting

To dream that you are cage fighting indicates that you are feeling restricted or confined in a current relationship. An aspect of yourself is fighting to be expressed or let out.

To watch a cage fight represents conflicting ideas or beliefs.  TOP


To see a cake in your dream indicates that you need to learn to share and allocate your workload instead of trying to do everything yourself.  Cakes also symbolize selfishness or the feeling of not getting your fair share. More positively, the dream may represent your accomplishments and achievements. Consider also the metaphor a "piece of cake" or some situation that is easy.

To see a partially eaten cake in your dream signifies missed and lost opportunities.

To dream that you are buying a cake suggests that you have accepted the rewards and recognition you are getting for our work.  You are learning to be comfortable in the spotlight. TOP


To dream that you are eating calamari indicates that you are feeling battered or beaten. However, you are tough. Hang in there! TOP


To see a calculator in your dream suggests that you need to thoroughly think through some problem and carefully evaluate your choices.  You need to lay out some sort of plan or outline. The symbol may also be a metaphor for someone who is "calculating", cunning and scheming. TOP

To see a calculator in your dream suggests that you need to thoroughly think through some problem and carefully evaluate your choices.  You need to lay out some sort of plan or outline. The symbol may also be a metaphor for someone who is "calculating", cunning and scheming. TOP


To see a calendar in your dream represents the passing of time and past events. The dream may also be a reminder of a special event, appointment or important date in your waking life. TOP


To see a calf in your dream symbolizes immaturity and inexperience. You need to develop certain qualities. TOP


Known as the Golden State, to dream of California, refers to your desire for instant wealth. It may also suggests that you are looking for fame. If you live in California, then the dream may just be a reflection of your reality. TOP


To see or use a caliper in your dream reflects your concerns about not measuring up to the standards or expectations of others. Alternatively, dreaming of a caliper means that you need to be careful in making a decision or judgment.  TOP

Ca lla Lily

To see calla lilies in your dream symbolize new beginnings, rebirth and longevity. In particular, a white calla lily represents purity, simplicity or elegance. Alternatively, the calla lily refers to a commitment.  TOP

Calling Card

To see or use a calling card in your dream indicates that there is someone that you need to reach out to. If the calling card has the name of someone you know on it, then it means that their presence is with your spiritually, even though they may not be with you physically. Something in your waking life is reminding you of this person.  TOP


To dream that you have calluses symbolize hard work. You have be laboring over a difficult task or situation. TOP


To dream that you are calm denotes a fulfilling life. You find contentment and satisfaction in what you have.

To dream that someone is trying to calm you down suggests  that you will experience many setbacks, especially if you continue to let your emotions run out of control. TOP


To see calomel in your dream indicates a rivalry.

To dream that you are taking calomel signifies that you are being manipulated and taken advantage of. It is time to open your eyes and not allow yourself to be stepped on. TOP


To see your calves in your dream symbolize movement and your ability to jump from situation to situation. In particular, if you are admiring your own calves, then it denotes a needy or codependent relationship. TOP


*Please See Video Camera .


To see a camel in your dream denotes that you need to be more conservative; you are carrying too many responsibilities, burdens and problems on your shoulders. Consider the common phrase, "the straw that broke the camel's back". You tend to hold on and cling on to your emotions instead of expressing and releasing them. Learn to forgive and forget. Alternatively, the camel represents your stamina.

To dream that you are petting a camel indicates that you are ready to let go of some of the burdens, responsibilities or emotional baggage that you are carrying around. TOP


To see or wear a cameo in your dream represents an aspect of yourself that you are trying to express. Perhaps you are showing your delicate and feminize side. Alternatively, the dream may be a pun on a "cameo" appearance that you are making at some social gathering. TOP


To see a camera in your dream signifies your desires to cling on and/or live in the past. Alternatively, it may indicate that you need to focus on a particular situation. Perhaps you need to get a clearer picture or idea.

To dream that the camera is broken indicates that you are ignoring an issue or refusing to see the big picture.

To dream that you cannot find your camera to take a picture implies that you are not focusing on the matter at hand. Your attention is too easily diverted. Alternatively, the dream refers to forgot
To see or dream that you are on a hidden camera indicates that you feel that you are being scrutinized. All eyes are on you.  TOP


To dream that you are in camouflage suggests that you are hiding  your true self and feelings. You are concealing who you really are. Alternatively, there is a situation in your waking life that is making you want to blend into the background and not get noticed. TOP


To dream that you are living in a camper indicates that you need to move on with some situation or some aspect of your life. You may be dwelling on a situation and it is time to move forward. Alternatively, you may be expressing your desire to be more independent and self-sufficient. TOP


To start or see a campfire in your dream represents sharing and companionship. You need to open yourself to others and allow others to get to know you. TOP


To dream that you are camping indicates a need for relaxation and a long-deserved break.  You need to be more in touch with nature and go back to a more basic and simpler life. Alternatively, it refers to your social circle and support group. You are looking for a sense of belonging, but at the same time be self-sufficient and independent.  TOP


To dream that you are on a campus indicates your need to expand your thinking/knowledge and challenge yourself mentally. TOP


To see a can in your dream indicates that there is something in your past that you need to hold on to and preserve. The dream may also be a pun on how you "can" do something. Don't underestimate your abilities and talents.

To see canned foods in your dream symbolizes the emotions that you are keeping inside. TOP

Can Opener

To see a can opener in your dream indicates your willingness to accept new ideas and new concepts. It may also be a symbol of reassurance and a way to tell yourself that "I can" do something. TOP


To dream that you are in Canada depends on your own personal associations with the country. If you have never been to Canada, then you will need to draw on your own preconceptions and feelings of the country.  TOP


To see a canal in your dream symbolizes restraint and constricted emotions. It also suggests that you are unyielding in your thinking and beliefs, which may hinder you in the pursuit of your goals. You are being too controlling. TOP


To see a canary in your dream represents happiness and harmony. Alternatively, the dream could indicate your desires for a relationship or that a new relationship is blossoming. TOP


To dream that you are canceling an appointment or plans suggests that you are afraid to confront some matter. You don't want to face the facts.

Dreaming that your flight was cancelled indicates that you are feeling helpless or trapped by some situation. You feel you are being held back, either physically or mentally. TOP


To dream that you have cancer denotes hopelessness, grief, self-pity, and unforgiveness. You feel you are wasting your life away. This dream also represents areas in your life which are bothering you, disturbing you, and hurting you in some emotional way. An emotional issue is eating away at you.

To dream that you are being treated for cancer signifies a positive change in your life.

To dream that someone has cancer indicates that you need to change your negative way of thinking before it eats away at you. Start being more positive.

To dream that someone is a Cancer sign symbolizes your tendency to keep and hold on to everything. You have a lot of power and influence. The Cancer sign also indicates that you tend to be sensitive, moody and emotional. You are also very family oriented. TOP


To see a burning candle in your dream signifies that good luck and hope will be coming your way in small and steady amounts. You are in a comfortable stage in your life and may be seeking spiritual enlightenment. Lit candles are also symbolic of intellect, enlightenment, awareness or the search
To see a burning candle in your dream signifies that good luck and hope will be coming your way in small and steady amounts. You are in a comfortable stage in your life and may be seeking spiritual enlightenment. Lit candles are also symbolic of intellect, enlightenment, awareness or the search for truth.

To see an unlit candle denotes feelings of rejection or disappointments. You are not utilizing your fullest potential. If you try to light the candle, but it won't light, then it represents grief. You are in denial about something.

To see a candle blow out in your dream indicates that you are surrendering a significant aspect of yourself. You are letting go of something that used to be important to you.

To watch the candle burn down to nothing in your dream signifies your fears of aging and dying. Alternatively, it represents a fear of sexual impotence.

To see a red colored candle in your dream symbolizes some intimate or romantic relationship. You may not be giving the relationship a fair chance and are dismissing it before you invested sufficient time to learn more about the other person. On the other hand, you may just not be feeling any chemistry or passion. TOP

Candle Wax

To see candle wax in your dream indicates that there is too much activity going on in your life. You may need to slow down and take a breather. Alternatively, it may symbolize the passage of time. TOP


To see or eat candy in your dream symbolizes the joys and the special treats in life. It also represents indulgence, sensuality and/or forbidden pleasure. You may be devoting too much time to unimportant issues. A more direct interpretation suggests that you are eating too much candy and sweets. TOP

Candy Apple

To see or eat a candy apple in your dream is a reminder that you can have too much of a good thing. You need to show restraint in some area of your life. TOP


To see or use a cane in your dream suggests that you are in need of some support and advice. The cane may also represent someone you trust and can rely on.

To dream that you are being caned indicates that you are being forced into submission or obedience. Someone is trying make an example of you. Alternatively, the dream symbolizes self-guilt.

To dream that you are caning someone signifies pent up aggression. Pay attention at who you are caning. You may harbor some ill feeling or anger toward this person. This person could also represent an aspect of your own self.  TOP


*Please See Marijuana .

Canned Food

To see or eat canned food in your dream implies that you are keeping your emotions bottled up inside. You feel that it is not the appropriate time to express your true desires. TOP


To see cannibalism in your dream symbolizes a destructive and forbidden desire or obsession. Metaphorically, cannibals consume people's lives, along with their energy. Thus, this dream may then denote an aspect of your life (career, relationship, children, etc ), which is consistently draining your enthusiasm and vitality.

To dream that you are a victim of cannibalism represents feelings of being "eating alive" by work, a relationship or a situation in your waking life. TOP


To see a cannon in your dream suggests that there is something drastic that needs to be done immediately. According to the Freudian school of thought, the cannon symbolizes the penis.  TOP


To see a cannonball in your dream indicates that you are harboring some anger or aggression and it is weighing your down. TOP


To see a canoe in your dream represents serenity simplicity, and independence. It is also a reflection of your emotional balance. You are moving ahead via your own power and determination.


To see a canopy in your dream symbolizes protection. You may also be elevated to a prominent position. TOP


To see or eat cantaloupe in your dream implies that you put forth a tough image, but are sensitive on the inside. Metaphorically, cantaloupes

To see or use a canteen in your dream suggests that you are looking to easily and conveniently satisfy your emotional needs. TOP


To see a canvas in your dream symbolizes potential and possibilities, especially if the canvas is blank. Consider the significance of what is on the canvas, as it is an aspect of your subconscious. TOP


To see a canyon in your dream represents your subconscious mind and hidden feelings. It may point to emotions and relationships that you did not recognize. TOP


To see a cap in your dream signifies informality and ease. It also suggests that you need to be more tolerant of others. TOP

Cap And Gown

To wear a cap and gown in your dream indicates that you are transitioning into a higher level in your life. You are ready to move on to the next stage.

To see someone in a cap and gown in your dream symbolizes your successes and accomplishments.  TOP


To see or dream that you are wearing a cape indicates that you are trying to shield yourself from being emotionally hurt. It may also mean that you are trying to cover-up or hide something. TOP

Capital Punishment

*Please See Death Penalty.


To dream that someone is a Capricorn signifies fears of inadequacy. You are afraid that you are not measuring up. Alternatively, it denotes your drive, tenacity and ambition. TOP


To dream that your boat has capsized represents your avoidance in confronting uncomfortable feelings and/or situations.  TOP


To dream that you are a captain indicates that you are taking charge of your emotions and confronting the issues that are bothering you.

To see a captain in your dream represents your powerful influence over others.  TOP


To dream that you are held captive suggests that you are feeling trapped in some aspect or circumstances of your waking life. You may feel trapped in your career, relationship or life in general. Alternatively, captivity dreams indicate something you are refusing to acknowledge or something that you are in denial about.  TOP

To dream that you are driving a car denotes your ambition, your drive and your ability to navigate from one stage of your life to another. Consider how smooth or rough the car ride is. If you are driving the car, then you are taking an active role in the way your life is going. However, if you are the passenger, then you are taking a passive role. If you are in the backseat of the car, then it indicates that you are putting yourself down and are allowing others to take over. This may be a result of low self-esteem or low self-confidence.  Overall, this dream symbol is an indication of your dependence and degree of control you have on your life.

Driving a new car means that you are headed toward a new direction or goal. You are deviating from your original life path.

To dream that you drive your car into a body of water or that it rolls into water implies that you are in for an emotional journey.  To see a car underwater in your dream points to feelings of regret or sadness over an abandoned goal.

To dream that your car is buried suggests that you are feeling weary about pursing someone else's dreams instead of your own. You are afraid to let others down.

To dream that your car flipped over or rolled over implies that some significant event is preventing you from achieving your goals. You feel that you have to put your own life on hold.

To see or dream that a car is being crushed represents disappointments occurring in your waking life. You are lacking ambition and goals.

To dream that your car won't start indicates that you are feeling powerless in some situation.

To dream that you forget or can't find where you parked your car indicates that you are dissatisfied or unhappy with an aspect of your waking life. You do not know what you really want to do with your life or where you want to go.

To dream that your car has been stolen indicates that you are being stripped of your identity.  This may relate to losing your job, a failed relationship, or some situation which has played a significant role in your identity and who you are as a person. If you dream that you are stealing a car, then it implies that you are trying to take credit for someone else's work. It may also mean that you are downplaying the role that others had in your success.

To dream that your car is overheating suggests that you are expending too much energy. You need to slow down or run the risk of being burnt out. You are taking on more than you can handle. It is time to take a breather.

To see a parked car in your dream suggests that you need to turn your efforts and energies elsewhere. You may be needlessly spending your energy in a fruitless endeavor. Alternatively, a parked car may symbolize your need to stop and enjoy life.

To dream that you are almost hit or were ran over by a car suggests that your lifestyle, beliefs or goals may be in conflict with another's. It may also be symbolic of a jo lting experience or injured pride. If you dream that you hit or ran over someone with a car, then it implies that you have hurt someone in order to move ahead in life.

To dream that you are unable to roll up the windows of your car suggests that  you are showing some hesitation and reservation about the direction that you are taking in life or the path that you have chosen.

To see a haunted car in your dream represents unfinished goals. You had started off on a path or journey, but never reached the end. Perhaps life had taken you on a different direction that you had planned or intended.

To dream that no one is driving a moving car suggests that you need to reassess your level of control over your life. You are unwilling to take responsibilities for your actions.

To buy a car in your dream refers to your commitment to some important life decision you have made.

To see or drive a car that looks like a cat refers to your free and independent spirit. If you are almost hit by a car that looks like a cat, then it suggests that you are hindering someon
Car Alarm

To hear or set off a car alarm in your dream implies that you are headed on the wrong path. The dream is alerting you to change  your direction and alter your course. TOP

Car Battery

To see your car battery in your dream symbolizes your stamina.

To dream that your car battery is dead suggests that you are overwhelmed and overworked. You need to slow down and set some time for yourself or else run the risk of collapsing from exhaustion. TOP

Car Carrier

To see a car carrier in your dream indicates that you are lacking direction and have no goal of your own. You are letting others make decisions for you. You are going with the flow. TOP

Car Dealership

To see or dream that you are in a car dealership refers to some decision that you need to make about where you want to go in life. You are trying to figure out your life path.  TOP

Car Seat

To see an infant car seat in your dream implies that you are in control of someone else's direction or destiny in life. Alternatively, the dream refers to the beginning stages of your life journey. You are just getting started on an important path. TOP

Car Show

To dream that you are at a car show suggests that you are drawn to a flashy lifestyle which may not necessarily be who you really are.

To dream that you are showing off your car at a car show implies that you are proud of your accomplishments and achievements. You are seeking recognition for your work. TOP


To eat or lick caramel in your dream indicates a sweet and satisfying situation will eventually turn into "sticky" problem. If it sounds too good to be true, then it is really too good to be true. TOP


To dream that you are part of a caravan means that you will achieve your goals with the support of others. You do not need to do things by yourself. TOP


To see the carburetor in your dream represents emotional, spiritual and physical balance. TOP


To see a carcass in your dream indicates that you are feeling emotionally torn. You feel that you are literally being ripped apart.  TOP


To see a cardboard box in your dream indicates a lack of protection against risk. TOP


To see a cardinal in your dream represents vitality and happiness. It also may mean being in first place or your position at the front. TOP


To dream that you are playing a game of cards represents your ability to strategize in various areas of your life. In particular, diamonds indicate wealth and materialism, clubs indicate work and industry, hearts indicate happiness in love, and spades indicate troubling times and disappointments.

To dream that you are shuffling cards signifies indecision. You need to reevaluate your choices.

In particular, dreaming of the king of heart card symbolizes a compassionate male figure in your life. It may also mean that you are that compassionate person. TOP


To dream that you are loading or carrying cargo refers to a heavy load that you are carrying around.  You are feeling overburdened or overwhelmed.

If you are unloading cargo in your dream, then it indicates that you are ready to rid yourself of the extra weight, negative habits and/or excesses that are holding you back. It is time to let go.


To dream that you have been carjacked suggests that you have lost your direction in life. You feel that circumstances in your life has lead you on a different course.  TOP


To see carnations in your dream symbolize light-heartedness, vitality and joy. Alternatively, it may represent bachelorhood. Consider the color of the carnation for additional significance. TOP


To see a carnelian in your dream represents passion, lust, sexuality, or matters of the heart.  It also indicates a need for spiritual healing. TOP


To dream that you are at the carnival represents falsehoods and deception. If you observe freakish sights, then it denotes a lack of harmony in your domestic life. Much sorrow will arise in what were thought to be pleasant times.

To dream that you are on a carnival ride suggests that you are going in circles. It may also symbolize cheap thrills.

To dream that you run away with the carnival denotes that you will be involved in or closely connected to the entertainment field.  TOP


To dream that you are caroling signifies joy, harmony and tranquility. You are in a festive and upbeat mood.  The dream may also be a pun on someone who is named "Carol". TOP


*Please see Merry Go Round.


To see a carp in your dream indicates that you need to put aside your pride and ego and not let it get in the way of friendships and relationships. Alternatively, the carp is symbolic of patience, perseverance, determination, tenacity, courage and success.  TOP


To see or dream that you are a carpenter indicates that you are confronting and overcoming your obstacles. Alternatively, it suggests that you need to change your way of thinking and readjust your attitude.


To see a carpet in your dream represents your way of protecting yourself from life's harsh realities. Alternatively, a carpet symbolizes luxury, comfort or richness. Consider the condition and designs of the carpet and how it parallels the foundation that you have laid for yourself in life. Perhaps the dream is telling you that you are refusing to confront some issue and instead are sweeping it under the carpet?

To dream that you are installing or laying down carpet suggests that you are trying to make your life more comfortable.  The dream may also be analogous to the planning of something. You are laying out  some new project or endeavor.

To dream of a magic carpet implies your desires and wishes to escape from a situation, relationship, or responsibilities. The dream is similar to a flying dream, so you may want to look up flying. TOP

*Please See Also Red Carpet.

To see an old-fashioned carriage in your dream suggests that your ways of thinking may be too outdated and antiquated. The carriage is also a symbol of power and status. TOP

Carrom Board

To see or play with a Carrom Board in your dream implies that you need to focus on your goals. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you are trying to shield or protect a loved one from some problem or issue. TOP


To see a carrot in your dream signifies abundance and fertility. It may also symbolize a lure as in the idiom "to dangle a carrot".

To eat a carrot in your dream indicates clarity. You are seeing something more clearly.  TOP


To dream that you are being carried suggests that you are feeling like a burden to somebody. You need to be more independent and take on more responsibilities. Alternatively, it may elude to romance.  TOP


To dream that your real life is depicted in a cartoon world suggests that you are perceiving the world in a comical and unserious manner. This dream may also serve as an escape from the stressful realities of your life. It is your way of obtaining moments of lightheartedness and fun. Additionally, you need to learn to laugh at yourself and at your mistakes.

To dream that you are watching cartoons indicates that you are not taking life seriously. TOP

*Please See Also Cartoon Character.


To dream that you are doing cartwheels represent poise and balance in your life or the need to regain balance. You need to handle life's obstacle and stress with more fortitude.

To dream that you have difficulties doing cartwheels suggest that you do not have confidence in your own abilities. It may also mean that you are lacking discipline and are exhibiting some struggles in your life. There is an imbalance between work and pleasure.   TOP


To dream that you are carving a piece of wood symbolizes spiritual and creative energy. Metaphorically, you are transforming subconscious energy into conscious awareness. Consider whether the carving is purely ornamental or utilitarian.

To dream that you are carving some meat indicates that you are trying to rid yourself of certain feelings. You may be distancing yourself from your emotions and analyzing them from an objective standpoint. Alternatively, some person or situation is violating an aspect of your life. TOP


To dream that you are at a carwash indicates that you need to clean up your self-image. You are ready for a fresh start. TOP


*Please See Money.

Cash Register

To see a cash register in your dream represents financial worries and concerns. You are assessing your financial situation. On the other hand, you may be expecting monetary gains.  TOP


To see or dream that you are a cashier indicates that you are re-evaluating your life and what you have accomplished.  Alternatively, it suggests that you have removed yourself out of some situation. You have "checked out". TOP


To feel or wear cashmere in your dream symbolizes luxury. You strive for the finer things in life. Alternatively, dreaming of cashmere suggests that you are looking for warmth and comfort in your relationships.


To dream that you are in a casino signifies the risk-taker within you. If you are a reserved or passive person, then the dream suggests that you should take a chance. If you are not, then it implies that you need to make a more informed decision instead of relying on fate. TOP


To see a casket in your dream symbolizes the womb. It also signifies your thoughts and fears of death. If the casket is empty, then it denotes irreconcilable differences. Alternatively, the coffin represents ideas and habits that are no longer of use and can be buried. In particular, if the casket is white, then it refers to lost innocence. TOP

To see a body in a casket in your dream signifies that you are going through a period of depression. You may feel confined, restricted and that you are lacking personal freedom. There
To see a casket in your dream symbolizes the womb. It also signifies your thoughts and fears of death. If the casket is empty, then it denotes irreconcilable differences. Alternatively, the coffin represents ideas and habits that are no longer of use and can be buried. In particular, if the casket is white, then it refers to lost innocence. TOP

To see a body in a casket in your dream signifies that you are going through a period of depression. You may feel confined, restricted and that you are lacking personal freedom. There may be a dead or decaying situation or issue in your life that you need to address. It is time to end this situation or relationship.


To dream you are making a casserole symbolizes new ideas or a new phase in your life.  TOP

Cassette Tape

To see a cassette tape in your dream suggests that there is worth and truth in what you are saying. Alternatively, the dream means that you need to get out of the same rut. You are going around in a loop. TOP


To see a cassowary in your dream refers to your shy nature. You try to avoid confrontation and arguments. TOP


To dream that you are wearing a cast suggests that your motion is being inhibited in some way. Or that you need to show some restraint in an area of your life. Consider which part of the body is in a cast. Alternatively, a cast symbolizes a time of healing and discipline. TOP


To see, hear or play with castanets in your dream  represents little annoyances and irritations in your waking life. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor that you need to "cast-a-net". Perhaps you are looking for some assistance. TOP


To see a castle in your dream signifies reward, honor, recognition, and praise for your achievements. You are destined to a position of power, wealth, and prestige. Alternatively, the dream indicates your desire to escape from life's daily problems.

To dream that you live in a castle represents your extreme need for security and protection to the point where you may be isolating yourself from others. Perhaps the dream parallels a waking situation where it  has put you on the defensive.

To see a castle door in your dream indicates that you have missed a huge and/or profitable opportunity, especially if you are standing outside the castle door. If you are standing inside the castle door, then it means that you have let your success and ego distance you from others.  TOP


To dream of a castration signifies your overwhelming fears that you have lost your virility. You are feeling the pressures of your sexual performance. Alternatively, it represents a lack of creativity, power or strength. TOP

To see a holy child in your dream indicates that you are undergoing an important transformation in some aspect of your life. You are ready to confront some childhood pain trauma and move forward with your life.

Holy Grail

To dream that you are on the quest for the Holy Grail indicates wish fulfillment. You are trying to find yourself or are looking for some aspect of yourself that may have been suppressed or forgotten.

Holy Spirit

To dream of the Holy Spirit indicates your connection with God. You are looking for guidance to stay on the right path. The dream may be a sign that you have accepted and received the Holy Spirit as part of your daily life.

Holy Water

To drink or splash holy water in your dream represents a need for spiritual cleansing and rejuvenation. You are seeking calmness and tranquility.


To see your home in your dream signifies security, basic needs, and values. You may be feeling at "home" or settled at your new job or environment. Alternatively, the dream represents your basic needs and priorities.

In particular, to see your childhood home, your hometown, or a home that you previously lived in, indicates your own desires for building a family and your family ideologies. It also reflects aspects of yourself that were prominent or developed during the time you lived in that home. You may experience some unfinished feelings that are being triggered by some waking situation. Alternatively, the dream may represent your outdated thinking.

To dream that you cannot find your way home indicates that you have lost faith and belief in yourself. It may also signify a major transition in your life.

Home Improvements

To dream of making home improvements or working on home improvement projects refers to improvements that you need to make on yourself. Consider the type of improvement made in the dream for additional analysis. If you are adding onto your home, then it suggests that you need to expand your way of thinking. You need a wider perspective on things. If you are re-roofing in your dream, then it suggests that you need to raise your goals. You need to set your sights higher.


To dream that you are at a homecoming event suggests that you need to acknowledge the past and recognize those former relationships that has brought you to where you are today. Perhaps you need to express some gratitude to those who supported you along the way. Alternatively the dream may be a pun on "coming home" or returning home.


To dream that you are homeless indicates that you are feeling powerless and insecure. You are unsure of yourself and where you are headed.

Seeing someone who is homeless in your dream is a reminder to cherish and value what you already have. If you dream that you are mean or cruel to the homeless, then it implies that you are taking what you already have for granted.

To dream that there is a homeless family living in your garage indicates that something is missing in your life. Perhaps you are headed in the wrong direction. Your current path is leaving you unfulfilled and unsatisfied. Alternatively, the dream means that you need to be more resourceful and make the best of an undesirable situation.


To dream that you are being homeschooled symbolizes an important lesson that you can only learn from your parents or from some aspect of your home life. Alternatively, to dream of homeschooling refers to some area where you need to better focus your attention.


To dream of your hometown indicates that you may be experiencing some unexpressed feelings. You may feel that you are not able to fully express your emotions. This could be triggered by some unfinished feeling in your waking life. The dream could also reflect aspects of yourself that were prominent or developed when you were living in your hometown. Did you abandon certain values or ideals when you moved to the big city? Did you forget some aspect of yourself and who you really are?


To dreTo dream that you are doing homework symbolizes the lessons that have learned or are learning. Pay attention to the assignment in your dream and figure out how it can be applied to your waking life. Alternatively, the dream represents your anxieties about your ability and performance. If you have a homework assignment that is due in real life, then the dream may just be your preoccupation and worry over the assignment.


*Please See Murder .


If you are not homosexual in your waking life and dream that you are homosexual represents a union with aspects of yourself. It is symbolic of self-love, self-acceptance, and compassion. If you are uncomfortable with homosexuality in your dream, then it suggests some fears or anxieties about femininity (if you are female) and your masculinity (if you are male). You may be experiencing some insecurity in your relations with the opposite sex.

To dream that the guy you like in real life is gay represents your anxieties and fears that he won't like you back. By seeing him as gay, then it would be easier for you to dismiss your feelings for him because you have no chance with him.

Dreaming that you are in a relationship with someone who is homosexual in real life implies that you are looking for specific qualities as represented by this person. Alternatively, being in a relationship with a homosexual person means that you are looking for something unattainable in your current relationship.

On a side note, it is common for expectant fathers to have dreams of homosexual encounters.

If you are homosexual in your waking life,  then the dream is simply a reflection of your own self.


To dream that someone is honest to you implies that you are seeking the truth. You feel that you are being mislead in some way in your waking life. Someone is not being open about their motives or feelings.


To see honey in your dream denotes that you need to be less meek and more honest in communicating with others. You need to assert yourself and make sure you are heard. Alternatively, seeing or eating honey in your dream represents gentleness, sweetness, compassion, wisdom, peace, longevity and joy. It is also symbolic of fertility and productivity. The dream may also be a pun on the "honey" in your life.

To see a honey bear jar in your dream represents a love one. If the honey bear is talking, then it refers to some advice that you should listen to or consider.


To see a honeycomb in your dream suggests that you are trying to hold on to the sweetness and pleasures that you are experiencing in your life. It is also symbolic of your desire for love and affection.


To see or eat honeydew in your dream implies that you are in a relaxed state in your relationship. You feel at ease and that you can be yourself. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor for something you want your significant other (honey) to do.


To dream that you are on your honeymoon indicates that you are expressing some fear in your sex life. You may also be expressing a desire for some new excitement in your relationship. Perhaps you are nervous about some new turn that the relationship is taking. Alternatively, the dream may represent your desires for a dream honeymoon. You are looking forward to a getaway.


To see honeysuckle in your dream symbolizes your ambition and drive. Alternatively, it represents eroticism, lust and sexuality. You have a lot of love to give.


To see a hood in your dream signifies that you are hiding and cowering from a person or situation. You or someone may be deceitful about something. Consider also the saying, "having the hood pulled over your eyes".

To see the hood of a car in your dream symbolizes your protective emotional cover. You tend to hide your true feelings. If you dream that the hood of the car is damaged, then it represents the emotional hurts you have experienced or are going through in your waking life.




To see a hood in your dream signifies that you are hiding and cowering from a person or situation. You or someone may be deceitful about something. Consider also the saying, "having the hood pulled over your eyes".

To see the hood of a car in your dream symbolizes your protective emotional cover. You tend to hide your true feelings. If you dream that the hood of the car is damaged, then it represents the emotional hurts you have experienced or are going through in your waking life.


To wear a hoodie in your dream signifies warmth and comfort. Alternatively, wearing a hoodie implies that you are hiding from something or someone. You are trying to cover-up your true feelings about some matter.


To see a hoof in your dream represents balance, grace, and discipline.  To dream that the hoof is broken indicates you inability to balance various aspects of your life.  You are lacking discipline.


To see a hook in your dream suggests that you are caught in some mischief and deceit. It also indicates your quest for material gains or feelings of deprivation. There is a force that is drawing you toward a certain direction, thinking or habit.

To dream that you are catching something with a hook suggests that you need to acknowledge and incorporate some aspect or characteristic into your self-image. Alternatively, the dream refers to a sexual relationship. It may refer to your love or sexual relationship and issues of intimacy.


To see or smoke a hookah in your dream represents ease and relaxation. Alternatively, it refers to the difficulties your are facing in your waking life.  You may be bottling up your emotions.


*Please See Prostitute.


To dream that you are playing hookie from school or work suggests that you are trying to "ditch" or avoid some responsibility. You are not owning up to your duties. It also denotes self guilt.


To see a hoopoe in your dream signifies betrayal. Someone is working against you. Alternatively, the dream represents filial responsibility and devotion.


To dream that you are hopping implies that you need to get both feet off the ground in order to move forward in life. If you are in a hopping race, then it means that you need to act quickly if you want to get ahead.


To dream that you are playing hopscotch represents your childish and/or immature behavior. Alternatively, it may indicate your tendency to jump from task to task or not being able to stay in one place.


To see the horizon in your dream symbolizes a new beginning or a somber conclusion. The horizon represents your goals and future plans. You are in a continual state of growth, rebirth, and regeneration.


To dream of a horizontal line or something that is horizontal symbolizes the material world and physical plane.


To see or hear a horn in your dream signifies your need to pay attention to your inner voices and intuition. Alternatively, you may be bragging and "blowing your own horn".

To see the horns of an animal in your dream represent conflict and confrontation. You are at odds with someone. Alternatively, the dream also means that you have a hardened shell.


To see a hornet in your dream signifies disappointments and anger. It symbolizes troubles and danger ahead for you. You may be letting your anger and temper get the best of you.

To dream that you are stung by a hornet is an indication of revenge and vengeful attitudes. It may also be a metaphor for some stinging remark.

To see a hornet's nest in your dream represents a lingering threat or a bitter confrontation that you should avoid.


To read the horoscopes in your dream indicate that you are expressing some concerns about your future. Consider the significance of the astrological sign. What does the horoscope says and how it can applied to your waking life. The dream may offer a significant message or some advice.


To dream that you are in horror over something symbolizes genuine fear and parallels your waking feelings of horror.

Dreaming of horrific things implies that you are numb by the things around you. You are becoming too indifferent.


To see a horse in your dream symbolizes strength, power, endurance, virility and sexual prowess. It also represents a strong, physical energy. You need to tame the wild forces within. The dream may also be a pun that you are "horsing around". Alternatively, to see a horse in your dream indicates that you need to be less arrogant and "get off your high horse". If the horse has two heads (one on each end), then it implies that you are being pulled into two different directions. Perhaps your strength or power is being divided. Or you are confused about some sexual matter.

To see a black or dark horse in your dream signifies mystery, wildness, and the unknown. You are taking a chance or a gamble at some unknown situation. It may even refer to occult forces. If the horse is white, then it signifies purity, prosperity and good fortunes. To dream that you are being chased by a white horse may be a pun on chaste. Perhaps you are having difficulties dealing with issues of intimacy and sexuality.

To see a dead horse in your dream indicates that something in your life that initially offered you strength is now gone. This may refer to a relationship or situation. Consider the phrase "beating a dead horse" to indicate that you may have maximized the usefulness of a certain circumstance.

To see a herd of wild horses in your dream signifies a sense of freedom and lack of responsibilities and duties. Perhaps it may also indicate your uncontrolled emotions. If you are riding a wild horse, then it represents unrestrained sexual desires.

To dream that you are riding a horse suggests that you are in a high position or position of power. Alternatively, it indicates that you will achieve success through underhanded means. You lack integrity. If you are riding a horse that is out of control, then it means that you are being carried away by your passions.

To see an armored or medieval horse in your dream refers to your fierceness, aggression, power and/or rigidity. You may be too confrontational. Alternatively, you may be trying to protect yourself from subconscious material or sexual desires that is emerging.

T o dream that you are bathing a horse represents a renewal of strength and vigor. You are experiencing a burst of energy in some aspect of your life.

To dream about a talking


To see a horseshoe in your dream signifies luck and success in your endeavors. It may also indicate a wedding in the near future. If the horseshoe is turned downward, then it has the opposite meaning and is considered unlucky. All the energy that you are putting into a project may not be worthwhile.


To see a hose in your dream is symbolic of how you are directing and expressing your emotions. A hose represents renewal, rejuvenation and cleansing. You need to heal those emotional wounds so that you can continue to grow as a person.  Alternatively, a hose may be a metaphor for sex and sexual gratification. Or it may be a pun that you are "getting hosed" or blindsided in some situation.


To see or dream that you are in a hospital symbolizes your need to heal or improve your physical or mental health. You need to get back to the flow of everyday life. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you are giving up control of your own body. Perhaps you are afraid of losing control of your body.


To dream that you have hospitality denotes your generosity and kindness toward others. You do things without expecting anything in return.


To dream that you are a hostage indicates that you are feeling victimized or powerless. You feel limited in your choices or physically immobilized. Perhaps this dream is paralleling some situation/difficulties in your daily life or relationship. Alternatively, to dream that you are a hostage suggests that a part of yourself is not fully expressed.


To dream of hostility suggests that you are repressing these feelings in your waking life and they are manifesting in your dream. You need to find a way to confront and deal with these hostile feelings.


To dream that you are hot signifies passion and heated emotions. It may reflect a situation that is potentially dangerous or a relationship where you are getting burned. Alternatively, the dream may represent a person who is great looking or perhaps you are lusting after someone. On the other hand, you may be feeling beautiful.

Hot Air Balloon

To see or dream that you are in a hot air balloon suggests that it is time to overcome your depression. The dream may be a metaphor indicating that you are losing your ground or your foothold on some situation/problem. Alternatively, it represents the process of  individuation and your quest to fulfill some spiritual needs. Perhaps, you want to be elevated in someone's eyes.

Hot Chocolate

To make or drink hot chocolate in your dream symbolizes contentment, warmth and love.

Hot Dog

To see or eat a hot dog in your dream is phallic symbol representing masculinity, sexual energy, and vigor. Alternatively, a hot dog refers to simple and short-lived pleasures.

Hot Dog Cart

To see or eat at a hot dog cart in your dream implies that you are not investing enough time to cater to your emotional or sexual well-being.

Hot Pepper

To see or eat hot pepper in your dream symbolizes your hot temper. A debate or argument is becoming heated. Alternatively, it suggests that you need to add a little fire and spice into your relationship.

Hot Sauce

To see or taste hot sauce in your dream implies that you need to add some pizzazz to your life. Perhaps you are in need of a jumpstart in some area. Hot sauce also refers to fire, drive, and passion.

Hot Spring

To see a hot spring in your dream symbolizes relaxation. You are feeling at ease. Alternatively, the dream may refer to your emotions. Perhaps you are feeling "steamed' about something.

Hot Tub
To dream that you are in a hot tub indicates that you are unveiling aspects of your subconscious. Alternatively, it refers to relaxation and recuperation. You are looking to escape from your daily problems. The dream may also be a metaphor suggesting that you are in a lot of hot water or that you are in deep trouble.


To see a hotel in your dream signifies a new state of mind or a shift in personal identity. You are undergoing some sort of transition and need to move away from your old habits and old way of thinking. You need to temporarily escape from your daily life. Alternatively, the dream may imply a loss in your personal identity.


To see a hound in your dream indicates that you are sticking your nose into other people's business. Something or someone may be "hounding" you. You will not be able to run away from it until you confront the issue or the person.


To dream about the hour refers to a passage of time. The dream may serve to remind you of an appointment, deadline, or anniversary. Consider the significance of a particular number or any superstitions that may be associated with a particular hour. AM and PM times refer to how aware you are about a particular thought or situation. For example,12pm represents some confrontation or turning point.

To dream about happy hour represents sensual enjoyment, stimulation, and relaxation. You are filled with inspirational power and enlightenment. Alternatively, it indicates avoidance in dealing with your problems and in facing your anxieties.


To see an hourglass in your dream denotes that time is running out for you. This may be a deadline that you have to meet for school or work. Alternatively, an hourglass represents a situation that is being turned upside down.


To see a house in your dream represents your own soul and self. Specific rooms in the house indicate a specific aspect of your psyche. In general, the attic represents your intellect, the basement represents the subconscious, etc. If the house is empty, then it indicates feelings of insecurity. If the house is shifting, then it suggests that you are going through some personal changes and changing your belief system. To dream that a house has no walls represents a lack of privacy. You feel that everyone is looking over your shoulder or up in your business.

To see an abandoned house in your dream implies that you have left behind your past. You are ready to move forward toward the future.

To dream that you are cleaning your house signifies your need to clear out your thoughts and get rid of old ways. You are seeking self-improvement.

If you live with others in your waking life, but dream that you are living alone suggests that you need to take new steps toward independence. You need to accept responsibilities and be more self-reliant.

To see an old, run-down house in your dream represents your old beliefs, attitudes and how you used to think or feel. A situation in your current life may be bringing about those same old attitudes and feelings. Alternatively, the old house may symbolize your need to update you mode of thinking. If you see messy and/or dilapidated houses in your dream, then it implies that an aspect of your own life is in chaos. You may be suffering from some emotional or psychological clutter. You need to release these feelings in order to regain control. To dream that your house is damaged indicates your waking concerns about the condition of your house.

To dream of a house that looks beautiful from the outside and/or downstairs, but the upstairs is falling apart implies that you are too concerned with outward appearances that your mental and emotional health is being neglected.

Dreaming that a house falls down a level without collapsing suggests that you are suppressing your feelings or thoughts. You may be trying to shut out loved ones.

To dream that you are inside a stranger's house indicates that there is something that you have yet to discover about

**See The Meaning In Action: " Haunted House ". Please See Also Room .

House Sitting

To dream that you are house sitting means that you are tending to the needs of others and putting their needs first instead of your needs. You are neglecting aspects of your own self. Alternatively, dreaming of house sitting indicates that you are trying to be someone you are really not.


To see or live in a houseboat in your dream suggests that you are extremely in tune with your emotions. You know how to express your emotions in a healthy way. Consider the condition of the water to indicate how you are feeling. Alternatively, the dream may mean that you need to find time to escape for life's daily demands.


To dream that you have a houseguest represents your accommodating nature. You tend to cater to the needs of others before your own. If you dream of an unwanted houseguest, then it indicates a realization that you are being taken advantage of in some area of your life.


To dream that you have a housekeeper indicates that someone may be trying to run your life from the sideline or background. They may be dominating or manipulating you in some way. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you need to sort out your problems and emotions. It is time to get your life in order.


To dream that you are a housewife suggests that your work is never done. There is always something that needs to be tended to. Alternatively, you may be feeling undervalued.


To dream that you are doing housework suggests that you are making changes in your lifestyle and the way you are living. You are doing away with your old ways and habits and starting anew. Alternatively, the dream may just be a reflection of the monotony of your daily life. Do something adventurous.


To see or ride in a hovercraft in your dream signifies your ability to adapt to various environments and situations. You have control over your emotions. Alternatively, the dream means that you are well-grounded, even though you appear to be flighty at times.


To dream that you are howling represents wounded feelings and hidden fears.

To hear howling in your dream refers to loneliness or solitude.


To see a hubcap in your dream represents continuity and repetition. Your life has become monotonous.

To dream that a hubcap fell off your tire indicates that you need a break from the monotony. You are ready to try something different.


To dream that you are hugging someone symbolizes your loving and caring nature. You are holding someone or something close to your heart. Alternatively, it may indicate your need to be more affectionate.

To dream that someone is hugging you suggests that you need to let down your guard and allow your true feelings to show. It also means that you need to allow yourself to heal emotionally.

Hula Dancing

To hula dance in your dream represents an appreciation and celebration of life. You are living life to the fullest.

To see hula dancing in your dream symbolizes joy. Pay attention to the message that the dance is trying to convey.

Hula Hoop

To see a hula hoop or to hula hoop in your dream indicates that some aspect of your life is taking you in circles. You are going nowhere.

Hula Skirt

To see or wear a hula skirt in your dream signifies your need for more leisure time or your desires to escape. It is synonymous with Hawaii. Perhaps you are in need of a vacation.


To dream that it is humid suggests that you may be lacking some understanding in a situation. As a result, you are feeling anxious.


*Please See Incubator .


To see or use a humidifier in your dream suggests that you are looking for a fresh infusion of ideas within your creative or work life. Alternatively, the dream means that you are in need of a spiritual renewal or cleansing.


To see or drive a Hummer in your dream suggests that you have little or no regard for othe

To see or drive a Hummer in your dream suggests that you have little or no regard for others. You have a larger than life attitude and exhibit a sense of entitlement. Alternatively, the dream may highlight the need to conserve. Do not max out your resources if you don't need to. The hummer may also be a sexual innuendo to represent your desire for oral sex.


To dream that your ear is humming or that you hear humming suggests that you need to have some balance in your life. You need to balance all the demands in your daily life.

To hum in your dream suggests that there is something that you are trying to block from your conscious. You are in denial about something. Alternatively, it signifies boredom.


To see hummingbirds in your dream suggest that seemingly small ideas and concepts can possess much potential and power. Alternatively, it symbolizes your flighty thoughts and frivolous ideas. The hummingbird may also be seen as a metaphor for your inability to commit to a relationship.


*Please See Laughing.

Humpty Dumpty

To see Humpty Dumpty in your dream suggests that you need to exercise care in some fragile situation. Alternatively, it refers to some irreversible plan or action. You can not go back to the past; you need to just accept the consequences of your actions.


To see a hunchback in your dream indicates that you are feeling burdened by your daily responsibilities and problems. Alternatively, the dream may be telling you that you need to stand tall.


To dream that you are hungry signifies a feeling of unfulfilment in some area of your life. You may be starving for love. recognition, power, sex, wealth, or fame. You are longing to achieve something that you have desired for awhile. Alternatively, the dream may simply be that you are really feeling hungry and it is being manifested in your dream.


To dream that you are hunting suggests that you are seeking or pursuing some inner desire, either emotional or physical. You may be "hunting" for a solution or for a sexual conquest.

To dream that you hunt and kill an animal signifies that you are trying to repress or destroy an instinctive part of yourself.

To dream that you are being hunted indicates that you are being overwhelmed by life's challenges.

To see someone else hunting an animal in your dream suggests that you are trying to locate a hidden aspect of your own self. You be trying to indirectly approach a challenge or situation.


To see hurdles in your dream symbolize the barriers and obstacles that are in your way throughout your life. If you jump over the hurdles, then it indicates that you are goal-oriented and do not let anything get in your way of your success. If you knock over the hurdle, then it represents difficulties. You will need to work hard in order to achieve your goals.


To see a hurricane in your dream indicates sudden unexpected changes occurring in your life. You may be experiencing some destructive and powerful emotions.

To dream that you are swept up in a hurricane suggests that both your mental and emotional forces are building up inside and making themselves known. You may be literally consumed by your emotions. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you are being pressured and pushed against your will toward something you do not want to do.

To dream that you are in a hurry suggests that may be unprepared for a situation. There is a  lack in your planning of things. Alternatively, to dream that you are in a hurry means that you are feeling out of place. This dream may also be a literal reflection of your daily life where you feel that you are always in a rush. And that there is not enough time to do all the things you want to do. The dream may occur due to this type of stress.


To dream that you are hurt signifies wounded emotions or feelings that you may have suppressed. You need to address these feelings in order to properly heal.


To see your husband in your dream signifies the waking relationship with your husband and the subconscious feelings you have towards him. The dream may be trying to focus on hidden elements that you are not addressing in your waking life.

To dream that you have a husband (but you do not in your waking life) symbolizes some sort of partnership and/or commitment. Often, your dream husband represents the qualities of your father in which you projected onto this figure or the masculine side of your own personality.

To dream that your husband has no teeth or is wearing dentures implies that he is not being honest or truthful about some matter. Perhaps he is hiding something.

To dream that you are searching for your husband implies that you feel he is not always there for you. You are feeling disconnected and neglected, both emotionally and physically.


To see or live in a hut in your dream represents the basic necessities and comforts. You need to simplify your life and get back to the bare basics.  Accept what you already have and know that that is enough.


To see hyacinth in your dream symbolizes severe jealousy.


To see or dream that you drive a hybrid car suggests that you need to be more environmentally aware. You play an important role in the grand scheme of things. Do not underestimate what one person can do. Alternatively, the dream may be telling you that you need to be more resourceful.


To see a hydra in your dream signifies a huge obstacle that is standing in your way toward your goals. Perhaps the dream is trying to tell you that you need to "use your head". Alternatively, the dream symbolizes rebirth, regeneration and fertility.


To see a hydrant in your dream symbolizes renewal and rejuvenation. You are ready to make a fresh start.

To dream of a bursting fire hydrant indicates an outburst of emotions. You need to acknowledge and express you pent up anger and feelings before they explode.

Hydraulic Jack

To see or use a hydraulic jack or lift in your dream signifies your willpower and internal strength. Dreaming of a hydraulic leak is equivalent to some idea or feeling emerging from the subconscious.


To see a hydroplane in your dream suggests that you will get through an emotional issue with relative ease.


To see a hyena in your dream indicates greed or uncleanness. It also suggests that you are overwhelmed with responsibilities. You feel that someone is relying on you too much. Alternatively, a hyena represents someone in your waking life who has a sense of humor or someone who is laughing at you.


To dream that you are a hypnotist represents your powerful influence over others.


To dream that you are hypnotized signifies your limitations. You are being influenced or swayed by others.

To dream that you fail to be hypnotized indicates that trouble is looming over you. You are the only one who can confront the problem and rise above it.


To dream that you are a hypocrite implies that you are feeling divided about an issue.

Dreaming that someone is being a hypocrite indicates that you are questioning someone's action. You need to trust your instincts.


To dream that you have hypothermia suggests that you are feeling emotionally numb. You may be lacking compassion for someone in your life.

ompassion for someone in your life.


To dream that you have a hysterectomy indicates that you are going into  new stage of growth in your life.  However if you dream that your father or mother performed the hysterectomy, then it suggests that your father or mother has wronged you in some way. You may even feel violated.

Women who have had hysterectomies in real life often experience dreams of being attacked or assaulted.  Such dreams represent the body's feelings of being violated by the surgery.


By admob45

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The Meaning of Houses In Dreams

Houses in dreams are the symbolic representation of the dreamer’s sense of self.  No matter what other imagery or circumstances may present themselves in a dream, a house should be considered an unconscious expression of your sense of personal identity.  This also applies to any home-like dwelling, such as an apartment, hotel room, trailer, grass hut or any of the possibilities of “home” that exist in the imagination.

The perspective or view of the house takes on specific meaning.  The front of a house connects to the persona, the part of you that you show the world.  The back is what is private or hidden.  What you discover on the inside reflects various, compartmentalized aspects of yourself.  Side views or alternate angles may connect to presenting yourself in the world in a limited, partial or inaccurate fashion.

The size, style, condition and reflection of abundance levels will play a key role in interpreting this symbol in a dream.  You will need to consider both the feelings evoked by the house in the dream itself, as well as what comes up for you when comparing it to your actual, waking-life home.  Whatever shades of meaning you glean from your dream must be interpreted as reflecting an unconscious expression of self.

A mansion on a grand scale may indicate a sense of opening yourself up to greater levels of abundance.  This could also be revealing a level of inappropriate grandiosity, depending on your current levels of esteem.  Conversely, a moment in life that feels constraining and steeped in lack might evoke a dream image of a house that is more hovel than home.  Yet, this same image could be a symbolic representation of deeper levels of humility emerging within you.

A new house might mean a new sense of self is on the horizon, or needs to be.  An older, dilapidated model reflects feelings in sync with such a visual image.  Adding an extension indicates such an expansion may be occurring on a personal level.  A house on fire is expressing that powerful levels of transformation are afoot.  Whatever the Dreaming Lens is offering you about a house should be incorporated into an interpretation of your sense of self at the time of the dream.

If you dream of a specific home from an earlier time in your life, you are looking at the person you are today as a direct result of what was going on back then.  This can refer to occurrences in the environment associated with the home and the people in it, as well as developmental issues based on your age at the time, which brings us to our next concept.

Dr Michael Lennox

Dreams About Houses – Interpretation and Meaning
Drams about houses are fairly common. We dream about our own house or somebody else’s house almost in all of our dreams.

We usually just see some familiar parts of the house and our brain instantly recognizes it as a particular house. Dreams about houses can vary depending on other symbols in a dream and the overall situation that was occurring in the dream.

Dream about a house in general

Dream about a house represents you inner self. Certain rooms inside you house can even have important symbolism. For example, if you had a dream about the basement of your house then this dream represents your subconscious mind.

On the other hand, dreams about the attic represent your intelligence. If you had a dream about with someone in the basement, then your subconscious mind is reminding you about something you forgot about this person.

Dream about an empty house

If the house is empty, then this dream indicates a feeling of emptiness inside you. You feel like everybody has left you and you have no one to be your shoulder to cry on. This period of depression might last for a while especially is you succumb to these bad feelings.

Dream about the house changing

If a house changes suddenly in your dream, then there will be some personal changes and changes in your belief system. Perhaps you are going to realize some things which are completely going to change the way you look at life. This change is definitely something you need right now so embrace it and make the best out of it.

Dream about a house without walls

If you had a dream that your house has no walls, then this dream is a representation of lack of privacy. You feel like other people are always getting involved in your business and you can’t chase them away from you. You need to set up boundaries in your life before their actions hurt your progress in any way.

Dream about an empty home

If you live with others and you had a dream that you are alone in the house, then this dream suggests that you need be more independent in life.

You must accept responsibility and be more self-reliant. If you are alone in the house because you threw everyone else out, then this dream indicates you have problems with your confidence.

Dream about an abandoned house

Dream of an abandoned house represents your past life and people who are no longer present. You are ready to go forward into the future.

Everything that happened in the past is behind you and you’ve let go of all the negativity in your life.

Dream about an old house

An old house in your dream is a representation of your old life and the way of thinking that you had long time before. Your current actions are now leading towards these old habits and way of thinking. This can be a representation of an addiction or something bad you have been doing in the past.

Before these habits enter your life again, chase them away and don’t go back.

Dream about a wrecked house

If you saw a wrecked house in your dream, then this dream represents that your life is in real chaos.

You may have some psychological or emotional problems that are making you feel depressed or angry. You need to get rid of these feelings in order to regain control of the current situation, before It gets too late.

Dream about a damaged house

If you had a dream that your house has been damaged, then this dream represents worries you have about your family.

This dream can also be a reflection of the situation in your family life, and things aren’t looking very good at the moment.

Dream about cleaning a house

If you had a dream about cleaning your house, then this dream represents you need to get rid of all the negativity and bad things in your life. You are seeking for improvement in every way possible. This road won’t be easy but this is something you have to do.

Dream about a new house

If you saw a new house in your dream, then this dream is a symbol o a new chapter in your life or a new start.

You are b

Dreams About Mud – Interpretation and Meaning
Mud can appear often in our dreams. In reality, it symbolizes dirt or even trouble we got ourselves into. When we can’t get out of the mud, it means we can’t get out of problems in our life.

In dreams, mud can have different meanings both positive and negative.

Dream about mud in general

Mud in our dreams symbolizes troubles and obligations in our life. The way we move through mud or the amount of mud around is very important for further interpretation.

In general, mud symbolizes responsibilities and troubles we have to take care of which can be related to our personal life or our business life.

Dream about mud all around you

If you had a dream in which mud was all around you, then you will undergo changes that are going to be major.

These changes are going to be personal but also related to your work. Perhaps you will receive a job offer that will require for you to move to a new city.

Along with this great opportunity, a big change in your personal life is going to happen.

Even though changes aren’t always easy, it is very important for you to embrace this change and go along with it. Many beautiful things are waiting for you, only if you accept this change.

Dream about a city covered in mud

When you saw a village or city covered in mud, in your dream, then you need to be careful.

This dream is a very strong omen and you might get in some kind of trouble.

Be very careful who you trust and don’t rush into partnerships that seem suspicious.

Danger could be lurking from somewhere, so make sure you double-check your every step.

This symbol in a dream is considered to be a warning about the problems that will occur in your surroundings.

These problems could even be political or related to some kind of natural disaster.

Dream about gold covered in mud

Dreams about gold covered in mud symbolize your plans.

Something you worked hard on is about to fail, so be prepared for the consequences.

This dream can also represent changes in political or leadership positions in your country.

It is not unusual for us to sense that things like this are going to happen and the way we express this intuitive feeling is usually through dreams.

Dream about someone covered in mud

When someone was smearing mud on his body or you just had a dream about someone covered in mud, then you need to be careful about your health.

If you have a condition you know about, it is best to visit a doctor and ask for an opinion.

Perhaps problems that were calm for a while are about to appear again.

It is always better to prevent illness than to treat it, so make sure you are responsible when it comes to your health.

Dream about serving mud as a meal

When you had a dream about mud on your plate, this dream brings you positive news.

You can expect some kind of winning in your life, either on lottery or in form of a promotion.

Wealth and prosperity are about to enter your life, so you can start investing or planning projects related to money.

Debt you were struggling with in the past period is going to be covered by an unexpected money flow, so you will be able to afford yourself something nice.

Dream about mud in water

If you had a dream about mud in the water or muddy water, then a natural disaster might occur in your city.

Weather is about to get completely uncontrollable, so make sure you get all of your valuable things somewhere safe.

Alternatively, this dream can also represent suspicions you have when it comes to a certain person.

There is definitely something fishy about this person’s behavior, and you still have to discover what it is.

Dream about children playing in mud

When you had a dream about children playing in the mud, you might discover something interesting about a person in your life. the secret you are about to discover is going to be something major, so be very careful how you act after finding it out.

Alternatively, this dream can also represent your desire to be mo

This article is about a type of spirit. For other uses of Orisha, see Orisha (disambiguation).
Orisha (spelled òrìṣà in the Yoruba language, and orichá or orixá in Latin America) are spirits sent by (Olodumare, Olorun, Olofi) in Yoruba religion.[1] to guide creation and particularly humanity on how to live and succeed on Ayé (Earth).Most Òrìṣà are said to have previously existed in the spirit world (òrun) as Irumole and incarnate as human beings here on Earth (ayé). Others are said to be humans who are recognized as deities upon their deaths due to extraordinary feats.[2]

Many Òrìṣà have found their way to most of the New World as a result of the Atlantic slave trade and are now expressed in practices as varied as Santería, Candomblé, Trinidad Orisha, Umbanda, and Oyotunji, among others. The concept of orisha is similar to those of deities in the traditional religions of the Bini people of Edo State in southern Nigeria, the Ewe people of Benin, Ghana, and Togo, and the Fon people of Benin.[2][3]

Number Edit

Yoruba tradition often says that there are 400 + 1 Òrìṣà, which is associated with a sacred number. Other sources suggest that the number is "as many as you can think of, plus one more – an innumerable number." Different oral traditions refer to 400, 700, or 1,440 orisha.[4][5][1]

Beliefs Edit

Practitioners traditionally believe that daily life depends on proper alignment and knowledge of one's ori. Ori literally means the head, but in spiritual matters, it is taken to mean a portion of the soul that determines personal destiny.[3]

Some òrìṣà are rooted in ancestor worship; warriors, kings, and founders of cities were celebrated after death and joined the pantheon of Yoruba deities. The ancestors did not die, but were seen to have "disappeared" and become òrìṣà. Some orishas based on historical figures are confined to worship in their families or towns of origin; others are venerated across wider geographic areas.[3]

Ashe Edit
Ashe is the life-force that runs through all things, living and inanimate. It is described as the power to make things happen. It is an affirmation that is used in greetings and prayers, as well as a concept of spiritual growth. Orìṣà devotees strive to obtain Ashe through iwa-pele, gentle and good character, and in turn they experience alignment with the ori, what others might call inner peace and satisfaction with life. Ashe is divine energy  that comes from Olodumare, the creator deity, and is manifested through Olorun, who rules the heavens and is associated with the sun. Without the sun, no life could exist, just as life cannot exist without some degree of ashe. Ashe is sometimes associated with Eshu, the messenger òrìṣà.[6] For practitioners, ashe represents a link to the eternal presence of the supreme deity, the orishas, and the ancestors.[7]

The concept is regularly referenced in Brazilian capoeira. Axé in this context is used as a greeting or farewell, in songs and as a form of praise. Saying that someone "has axé" in capoeira is complimenting their energy, fighting spirit, and attitude.[1]
Pantheon Edit

The òrìṣà are grouped as those represented by the color white, who are characterized as tutu "cool, calm, gentle, and temperate"; and those represented by the colors red or black, who are characterized as gbigbona "harsh, aggressive, demanding, and quick tempered". As humans do, orisha may have a preferred color, food, or object. The traits of the orisha are documented through oral tradition.[5]

Ayra (Ara in the Yoruba language)
Babalu Aye (Obaluaye in the Yoruba language)
Iroco (Iroko in the Yoruba language)
Iya Nla
Logun Ode (Logunede in the Yoruba language)
Olumo (The patron deity of Abeokuta)
Oronsen (The patron deity of Owo).
Oshun (The patron deity of Osogbo)
Oshunmare (Osumare in the Yoruba language)
Oya (The patron deity of the River Niger)
Shango (The patron deity of Oyo)
Yewa (Orisha)

References Edit

^ a b c "African Religions". Merriam-Webster's Encyclopedia of World Religions. Merriam-Webster. 1999. p. 20. ISBN 9780877790440.
^ a b Kevin Baxter (on De La Torre), Ozzie Guillen secure in his faith, Los Angeles Times, 2007
^ a b c "Orisha". Encyclopædia Britannica. Chicago, Ill.: Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
^ Clark, Mary Ann (2002). "Children of Oduduwa". Then We'll Sing a New Song: African Influences on America's Religious Landscape. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. p. 93. ISBN 9781442208810.
^ a b Falola, Toyin (2016). Encyclopedia of the Yoruba. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. pp. 84–85. ISBN 9780253021441.
^ Robert D. Pelton (1989). The Trickster in West Africa: A Study of Mythic Irony and Sacred Delight. University of California Press. ISBN 978-0-520-06791-2.
^ Cynthia Duncan, Ph.D., About santeria
Further reading Edit

J. Omosade Awolalu, Yoruba Beliefs & Sacrificial Rites. ISBN 0-9638787-3-5
William Bascom, Sixteen Cowries.
Lydia Cabrera, El Monte: Igbo-Nfinda, Ewe Orisha/Vititi Nfinda. ISBN 0-89729-009-7
Raul Canizares, Cuban Santeria.
Chief Priest Ifayemi Elebuibon, Apetebii: The Wife of Orunmila. ISBN 0-9638787-1-9
Fakayode Fayemi Fatunde (2004) Osun, The Manly Woman. New York: Athelia Henrietta Press.
James T. Houk, Spirits, Blood, and Drums: The Orisha Religion of Trinidad. 1995. Temple University Press.
Jo Anna Hunter, "Oro Pataki Aganju: A Cross Cultural Approach Towards the Understanding of the Fundamentos of the Orisa Aganju in Nigeria and Cuba". In Orisa Yoruba God and Spiritual Identity in Africa and the Diaspora, edited by Toyin Falola, Ann Genova. New Jersey: Africa World Press, Inc. 2006.
Baba Ifa Karade, The Handbook of Yoruba Religious Concepts, Weiser Books, York Beach, New York, 1994. ISBN 0-87728-789-9
Gary Edwards (Author), John Mason (Author), Black Gods – Orisa Studies in the New World, 1998. ISBN 1-881244-08-3
John Mason, Olokun: Owner of Rivers and Seas. ISBN 1-881244-05-9
John Mason, Orin Orisa: Songs for selected Heads. ISBN 1-881244-06-7
David M. O'Brien, Animal Sacrifice and Religious Freedom: Church of the Lukumi Babalu Aye v. City of Hialeah.
S. Solagbade Popoola, Ikunle Abiyamo: It is on Bent Knees that I gave Birth. 2007. Asefin Media Publication
Robert Farris Thompson, Flash of the Spirit.
Robert D Pelton, The Trickster in West Africa  chapters on Eshu and Legba. 1989. University of California Press
J Lorand Matory, Black Atlantic Religion. 2009. Princeton University Press
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List of African mythological figures
Further information: Traditional African religion and Afro-American religion
This is a list of African spirits and/or deities  found within the traditional African religions. This list also covers spirits and/or deities found within the Afro-American religions—which mostly derives from traditional African religions.

This is a dynamic list and may never be able to satisfy particular standards for completeness. You can help by expanding it with reliably

Nana Buluku
Nana Buluku, also known as Nana Buruku, Nana Buku or Nanan-bouclou, is the female Supreme Being in the West African traditional religion of the Fon people (Benin, Dahomey) and the Ewe people (Togo).[1][2][3] She is the most influential deity in West African theology, one shared by many ethnic groups other than the Fon people, albeit with variations. For example, she is called the Nana Bukuu among the Yoruba people and the Olisabuluwa among Igbo people but described differently, with some actively worshipping her, while some do not worship her and worship the gods originating from her.[1][4]

Nana Buluku

Nanã as pictured in Candomblé.
Venerated in
West African Vodun  based religions (Candomblé, Louisiana Voodoo, Haitian Vodou) and Dahomean religion
Personal information
Mawu and Lisa
In Dahomey mythology, Nana Buluku is the mother Supreme Creator who gave birth to the moon spirit Mawu, the sun spirit Lisa and all of the Universe. After giving birth to these, she retired and left the matters of the world to Mawu-Lisa, according to the Fon mythology. She is the primary creator, Mawu-Lisa the secondary creator and the theology based on these is called Vodun, Voodoo or Vodoun.[5]

Africa Edit

The Vodoun religion of the Fon people has four overlapping elements: public gods, personal or private gods, ancestral spirits, and magic or charms.[5] In this traditional religion of West Africa, creation starts with a female Supreme Being called Nana Buluku, who gave birth to the Mawu, Lisa and created the universe.[5] After giving birth, the mother Supreme retired, and left everything to Mawu-Lisa (Moon-Sun, female-male) deities, spirits and inert universe. Mawu-Lisa created numerous minor imperfect deities. In Fon belief, the feminine deity Mawu had to work with trickster Legba and the snake Aido Hwedo to create living beings, a method of creation that imbued the good, the bad and a destiny for every creature including human beings. Only by appeasing lesser deities and Legba, in Fon theology, can one change that destiny. This appeasing requires rituals and offerings to the lesser gods and ancestral spirits, who are believed to have ability to do favors to human beings.[5][6][7]

South America and Caribbean Edit

As millions of West Africans were captured and enslaved during the colonial era, then shipped across the Atlantic to work on sugarcane, cotton and tobacco plantations, they brought with them their religious ideas, including those about Nana Buluku. She is celebrated as Nanã in Candomblé Jejé and Tambor de Mina and as Nana Burukú in Candomblé Ketu, where she is pictured as a very old woman, older than creation itself. She is found in French, Dutch and British West Indies in particular, such as among the African-heritage communities of French Guiana, Suriname, Guyana, Brazil, Trinidad, Martinique, Haiti and other Caribbean islands.[8][9]

References Edit

^ a b Teresa N. Washington (2005). Our Mothers, Our Powers, Our Texts: Manifestations of Àjé in Africana Literature. Indiana University Press. pp. 63–64. ISBN 0-253-00319-9.
^ Greene, Sandra E. (1996). "Religion, History and the Supreme Gods of Africa: a Contribution To the Debate". Journal of Religion in Africa. Brill Academic Publishers. 26 (2): 122–138. doi:10.1163/157006696x00037.
^ Toyin Falola; Nana Akua Amponsah (2012). Women's Roles in Sub-Saharan Africa. ABC-CLIO. p. 70. ISBN 978-0-313-38545-2.
^ Geoffrey Parrinder (2014). West African Religion: A Study of the Beliefs and Practices of Akan, Ewe, Yoruba, Ibo, and Kindred Peoples. Wipf & Stock. pp. 28–29. ISBN 978-1-4982-0492-7.
^ a b c d Molefi Kete Asante; Ama Mazama (2009). Encyclopedia of African Religion. SAGE Publications. pp. 270–273. ISBN 978-1-4129-3636-1.
^ Sara A. Rich (2009), The Face of "Lafwa": Vodou & Ancient Figurines Defy Human Destiny, Journal of Haitian Studies, Vol. 15, No. 1/2, Haitian Studies Association 20thAnniversary Issue (Spring/Fall 2009), pages 262-278
^ Cosentino, Donald (1987). "Who Is That Fellow in the Many-Colored Cap? Transformations of Eshu in Old and New World Mythologies". The Journal of American Folklore. 100 (397): 261. doi:10.2307/540323.
^ Patrick Taylor; Frederick I. Case (2013). The Encyclopedia of Caribbean Religions. University of Illinois Press. pp. 742–746, 1134–1139. ISBN 978-0-252-09433-0.
^ Miller, N. L. (2000). "Haitian Ethnomedical Systems and Biomedical Practitioners: Directions for Clinicians". Journal of Transcultural Nursing. 11 (3): 204–211. doi:10.1177/104365960001100307

West African Vodun
This article is about the West African religion. For other uses, see Voodoo.
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Vodun (meaning spirit in the Fon and Ewe languages, pronounced [vodṹ] with a nasal high-tone u; also spelled Vodon, Vodoun, Vodou, Voudou, Voodoo, etc.) is practiced by the Fon people of Benin, and southern and central Togo; as well in Ghana, and Nigeria.

It is distinct from the various traditional African religions in the interiors of these countries and is the main source of religions with similar names found among the African diaspora in the Americas, such as Haitian Vodou; Dominican Vudú; Cuban Vodú; Brazilian Vodum (candomblé jeje and tambor de mina); Puerto Rican Vudú (Sanse); and Louisiana Voodoo.

Theology and practice Edit

A vodoun market in Lomé, Togo, 2008.
Vodun cosmology centers around the vodun  spirits and other elements of divine essence that govern the Earth, a hierarchy that range in power from major deities governing the forces of nature and human society to the spirits of individual streams, trees, and rocks, as well as dozens of ethnic vodun, defenders of a certain clan, tribe, or nation. The vodun are the center of religious life. Perceived similarities with Roman Catholic doctrines such as the intercession of saints and angels allowed Vodun to appear compatible with Catholicism, and helped produce syncretic religions such as Haitian Vodou. Adherents also emphasize ancestor worship and hold that the spirits of the dead live side by side with the world of the living, each family of spirits having its own female priesthood, sometimes hereditary when it's from mother to blood daughter.

Patterns of worship follow various dialects, spirits, practices, songs, and rituals. The divine Creator, called variously Mawu or Mahu, is a female being. She is an elder woman, and usually a mother who is gentle and forgiving. She is also seen as the god who owns all other gods and even if there is no temple made in her name, the people continue to pray to her, especially in times of distress. In one tradition, she bore seven children. Sakpata: Vodun of the Earth, Xêvioso (or Xêbioso): Vodun of Thunder, also associated with Divine Justice[1], Agbe: Vodun of the Sea, Gû: Vodun of Iron and War, Agê: Vodun of Agriculture and Forests, Jo: Vodun of Air, and Lêgba: Vodun of the Unpredictable.[2]

The Creator embodies a dual cosmogonic  principle of which Mawu the moon and Lisa  the sun are respectively the female and male aspects, often portrayed as the twin children of the Creator.[3] Lisa is the sun god who brings the day and the heat, and also strength and energy. Mawu, the moon goddess, provides the cool of the night, peace, fertility, and rain. To give this in a summed aspect, a proverb says ‘When Lisa punishes Mawu forgives.[4]

Legba is often represented as a phallus or as a man with a prominent phallus. Known as the youngest son of Mawu, he is the chief of all Vodun divinities[5]; in his Diasporic portrayal, Legba is believed to be a very old man who walks on crutches.[6] Being old he is seen as wise, but when seen as a child he is one who is rebellious. It is only through contact with Legba that it becomes possible to contact the other gods, for he is the guardian at the door of the spirits.[7] Dan, who is Mawu's androgynous son, is represented as a rainbow serpent, and was to remain with her and act as a go-between with her other creations. As the mediator between the spirits and the living, Dan maintains balance, order, peace and communication.

Other popular Lwa, or spiritual entities include Azaka who rules over agriculture, Erzuli has domain over love, and Ogoun who is in charge of war, defense and who stands on guard.[8]

All creation is considered divine and therefore contains the power of the divine. This is how medicines such as herbal remedies are understood, and explains the ubiquitous use of mundane objects in religious ritual. Vodun talismans, called "fetishes", are objects such as statues or dried animal or human parts that are sold for their healing and spiritually rejuvenating properties. Specifically, they are objects inhabited by spirits. The entities that inhabit a fetish are able to perform different tasks according to their stage of development. Fetish objects are often combined together in the construction of "shrines", used to call forth specific vodun and their associated powers.[9]


Priestess Edit
The Queen Mother is the first daughter of a matriarchal lineage of a family collective. She holds the right to lead the ceremonies incumbent to the clan: marriages, baptisms and funerals. She is one of the most important members of community. She will lead the women of a village when her family collective is the ruling one. They take part in the organisation and the running of markets and are also responsible for their upkeep is vitally important because marketplaces are the focal points for gatherings and social centres in their communities. In the past when the men of the villages would go to war, the Queen Mothers would lead prayer ceremonies in which all the women attended every morning to ensure the safe return of their menfolk.

The high priestess is the woman chosen by the oracle to care for the convent. Priestesses, like priests, receive a calling from an oracle, which may come at any moment during their lives. They will then join their clan's convent to pursue spiritual instruction. It is also an oracle that will designate the future high priest and high priestess among the new recruits, establishing an order of succession within the convent. Only blood relatives were allowed in the family convent; strangers are forbidden. In modern days, however, some family members to enter what is described as the first circle of worship. Strangers are allowed to worship only the spirits of the standard pantheon.

Demographics Edit

About 17% of the population of Benin, some 1.6 million people, follow Vodun. (This does not count other traditional religions in Benin.) In addition, many of the 41.5% of the population that refer to themselves as "Christian" practice a syncretized religion, not dissimilar from Haitian Vodou or Brazilian Candomblé; indeed, many of them are descended from freed Brazilian slaves who settled on the coast near Ouidah.[10]

In Togo, about half the population practices indigenous religions, of which Vodun is by far the largest, with some 2.5 million followers; there may be another million Vodunists among the Ewe of Ghana, as a 13% of the total Ghana population of 20 million are Ewe and 38% of Ghanaians practise traditional religion. According to census data, about 14 million people practise traditional religion in Nigeria, most of whom are Yoruba practising Ifá, but no specific breakdown is available.[10]

European colonialism, followed by some of the totalitarian regimes in West Africa, have tried to suppress Vodun as well as other traditional religions.[11] However, because the vodun deities are born to each clan, tribe, and nation, and their clergy are central to maintaining the moral, social and political order and ancestral foundation of its village, these efforts have not been successful. Recently there have been moves to restore the place of Vodun in national society, such as an annual International Vodun Conference held in the city of Ouidah in Benin that has been held since 1991.[12]

Dahomean religion
The Dahomean religion was practiced by the Fon people of the Dahomey Kingdom. The kingdom existed until 1898 in what is now the country of Benin. People taken from Dahomey to the Caribbean used elements of the religion to form Vodou and other religions of the Afro-Caribbean diaspora.[1][2]

Mawu and Lisa Edit

Lisa (male) and Mawu (female), married twin siblings of Nana Buluku, are the creator spirits, occasionally combined as Mawu-Lisa, an androgynous spirit. Mawu-Lisa created the world and made it orderly, then made plants, animals, and humans; the entire process took four days.

The first day, Mawu-Lisa created the world and humanity;
The second day the earth was made suitable for human life;
On the third day, humans were given intellect, language, and the senses;
Finally, on the fourth day, mankind received the gift of technology.
Offspring-spirits of Mawu and Lisa Edit

Da and Gu
Other spirits Edit

Zinsu and Zinsi
See also Edit

West African Vodun
References Edit

^ Akyeampong, Emmanuel (2014). Africa's Development in Historical Perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. p. 452. ISBN 9781107041158.
^ Anderson, Jeffrey (2015). The Voodoo encyclopedia : magic, ritual, and religion. Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO. ISBN 9781610692090.
External links Edit

Vodoun Culture Haitian Vodoun as chronicled by native Haitians
Baba Baba'Awo Awoyinfa Ifaloju, showcasing Ifa using web media 2.0 (blogs, podcasting, video and photocasting)

Fon people
The Fon people, also called Fon nu, Agadja or Dahomey, are a major African ethnic and linguistic group.[1][2] They are the largest ethnic group in Benin found particularly in its south region; they are also found in southwest Nigeria and Togo. Their total population is estimated to be about 3,500,000 people, and they speak the Fon language, a member of the Gbe languages.[1]

Fon people

"Dahomey Amazon" by Élisée Reclus (1905)
Total population
4–5 million
Regions with significant populations
Benin (39% of its population) and Nigeria (less than 1% of its population)
Related ethnic groups
Aja, Ewe, Yoruba, Haitians
The history of the Fon people is linked to the Dahomey kingdom, a well-organized kingdom by the 17th century but one that shared more ancient roots with the Aja people.[2] The Fon people traditionally were a culture of an oral tradition and had a well-developed polytheistic religious system.[3] They were noted by early 19th-century European traders for their N'Nonmiton practice or Dahomey Amazons – which empowered their women to serve in the military, who decades later fought the French colonial forces in 1890.[4][5]

Most Fon today live in villages and small towns in mud houses with corrugated iron gable roofs. Cities built by the Fon include Abomey, the historical capital city of Dahomey on what was historically referred to by Europeans as the Slave Coast. These cities became major commercial centres for the slave trade. A significant portion of the sugar plantations in the French West Indies, particularly Haiti, Dominican Republic and Trinidad, were populated with slaves that came from the Slave Coast, through the lands of Ewe and Fon people.[6]

Origin Edit

The Gbe language area. Map of the Fon (purple) and other ethnic groups, according to Capo (1998). Since the seventeenth century, the Fon have been concentrated in the Benin region and the southwestern part of Nigeria.
The Fon people, like other neighboring ethnic groups in West Africa, remained an oral tradition society through late medieval era, without ancient historical records. According to these oral histories and legends, the Fon people originated in present-day Tado, a small Aja town now situated near the Togo-Benin border. Their earliest rulers were originally a part of the ruling class in the Aja kingdom of Allada (also called Ardra kingdom).[2][6]

The Aja people had a major dispute, one group broke up and these people came to be the Fon people who migrated to Allada with king Agasu. The sons of king Agasu disputed who should succeed him after his death, and the group split again, this time the Fon people migrated with Agasu's son Dogbari northwards to Abomey where they founded the kingdom of Dahomey sometime about 1620 CE. The Fon people have been settled there since, while the kingdom of Dahomey expanded in southeast Benin by conquering neighboring kingdoms.[2]

The oral history of the Fon further attributes the origins of the Fon people to the intermarrying between this migrating Allada-nu Aja group from the south with the Oyo-nu  inhabitants in the (Yoruba) Kingdoms of the plateau. These Yorubas were known as the Igede, which the Ajas called the Gedevi.[7][8] The fusion of the immigrant Aja conquerors and the original Indigenous Yorubas of the Abomey plateau thus created a new culture, that of the Fon.

Although these oral traditional origins has been passed down through the generations, they are not without controversy. The claim to a[clarification needed] origin from within Allada is not recorded in contemporary sources before the late eighteenth century, and is likely a means of legitimating the claim and conquest of Allada by Dahomey in the 1720s. [9] These claims can also be interpreted as a metaphorical expressions of cultural and political influences between kingdoms rather than actual kinship.[10]
History Edit

"Amazon King Apron", Dahomey : the nineteenth century
While references and documented history about the Fon people are scant before the 17th century, there are abundant documents on them from the 17th century, particularly written by European travelers and traders to West African coasts.[11] These memoirs mention Ouidah or Abomey. Among the most circulated texts are those of Archibald Dalzel, a slave trader who in 1793 wrote the legends, history and greedy slave trading practices of the Fon people in a book titled the History of Dahomey.[12] Modern era scholars have questioned the objectivity and accuracy of Dalzel, and to what extent his pioneering book on Fon people was a polemic or dispassionate scholarship.[12]

In the 19th century and early 20th century, as the French presence increased and then the colonial period began in the Benin and nearby regions, more history and novels with references to the Fon people appeared, such as those by Édouard Foà,[13] N. Savariau,[14] Le Herisse and M.J. Herskovits' anthropological study on Fon people published in 1938.[11]

These histories suggest that Fon people's kingdom of Dahomey expanded in early 18th century, particularly during King Agaja's rule through the 1740s, reaching the Atlantic coast from their inland capital of Abomey.[2] During this period, 200 years after Portugal had already settled in the Kongo people lands on the Atlantic coast of Central Africa in the 16th century, there were numerous plantations in the Caribbean and Atlantic coastline of South America, which had already created a booming demand for slaves from the European traders. The expanded territory of the Dahomey kingdom was well positioned to supply this transatlantic trade and the 18th and 19th century history of the Fon people is generally presented within this context.[2][15][16]

Slavery, Bight of Benin Edit
The Fon people did not invent slavery in Africa, nor did they have a monopoly on slavery nor exclusive slave trading activity. The institution of slavery long predates the origins of the Fon people in the Aja kingdom and the formation of the kingdom of Dahomey. The sub-Saharan and the Red Sea region, states Herbert Klein – a professor of history, was already trading between 5,000 and 10,000 African slaves per year between 800 and 1600 CE, with a majority of these slaves being women and children.[17] According to John Donnelly Fage – a professor of history specializing in Africa, a "slave economy was generally established in the Western and Central Sudan by about the fourteenth century at least, and had certainly spread to the coasts around the Senegal and in Lower Guinea by the fifteenth century".[18]

Slave shipment between 1501 and 1867, by region[19][note 1]
Region Total embarked Total disembarked
Kongo people  region 5.69 million
Bight of Benin 2.00 million
Bight of Biafra 1.6 million
Gold Coast 1.21 million
Windward Coast 0.34 million
Sierra Leone 0.39 million
Senegambia 0.76 million
Mozambique 0.54 million
Brazil (South America) 4.7 million
Rest of South America 0.9 million
Caribbean 4.1 million
North America 0.4 million
Europe 0.01 million
By the 15th century, Songhay Empire rulers to the immediate north of the Fon people, in the Niger River valley, were already using thousands of captured slaves for agriculture.[17] The demand for slave labor to produce sugarcane, cotton, palm oil, tobacco and other goods in the plantations of European colonies around the globe had sharply grown between 1650 and 1850. The Bight of Benin was already shipping slaves in the late 17th century, before the Fon people expanded their kingdom to gain control of the coast line.[20] The Fon rulers and merchants, whose powers were established on the Atlantic coast between 1700 and 1740, entered this market.[18] The Fon people were divided on how to respond to the slave demand. Some scholars suggest that Fon people and Dahomey rulers expressed intentions to curtail or end slave trading, state

Colonial empire Edit
The French rule removed the king and royals of the Fon people, much like the British and German colonial rule did in neighboring areas, but they all kept the system of plantations.[25] The only difference, so states Patrick Manning – a professor of World History specializing on Africa, for the next seventy years was that the French colonial state, instead of the former king of Fon people, now decided how the surplus (profits) from these plantations were to be spent.[25] The French colonial administrators made some infrastructure improvements to improve the plantation profitability and logistics to serve French colonial interests.[26]

The French rulers targeted slavery in Benin, they outlawed capture of slaves, legally freed numerous slaves, but faced resistance and factional struggles from previous local slave owners running their farms. The slavery that continued included those that was lineage-related, who cohabited within families in the region. The Fon aristocracy adapted to the new conditions, by joining the ranks of administrators in the French rule.[25]

Taxes new to the Dahomey colony's people, which the French called impôt, similar to those already practiced in France, were introduced on all ethnic groups, including the Fon people, by the colonial administrators. Payment of these were regularly resisted or just refused, leading to confrontations, revolts, arrests, prison terms and forced labor.[27] These complaints gelled into an anti-colonial nationalism movement in which the Fon people participated.[27] France agreed to autonomy to Dahomey in 1958, and full independence in 1960.[28]
Religion Edit

Main articles: Dahomey mythology and West African Vodun

The deities of Fon people. Some Fon have converted to Christianity or Islam, while retaining their traditional religious practices called Vodun or "Ifa.".
Some Fon people converted to Christianity or Islam under the influence of missionaries during the colonial era, in Benin and in French West Indies colonies, but many continued their traditional religious practices.[29] While Islam arrived in the Benin area between 11th and 13th centuries, Christianity was adopted by Dahomey ruler Agonglo who came to power in 1789, and his Fon royalty supporters, with missionaries welcomed.[30] According to Steven Mailloux, the missionaries attempted to integrate the old concepts of Fon people on cosmogenesis to be same as Adam-Eve, and their Legba to be Christian Satan, teachings that led to syncretism rather than abandonment.[31]

The Fon people, states Mary Turner, have generally proven to be highly resistant to Christianity and Islam, even when brought over as slaves in a new environment as evident in Afro-Jamaican[32] and other African influenced cultures with ties to the Slave Coast.[33] They have generally refused to accept innovative re-interpretation of Fon mythologies within the Abrahamic mythical framework.[34] The priests of the Fon people, contrary to the expectations of the missionaries, adopted and re-interpreted Abrahamic myths into their own frameworks.[35]

Traditional beliefs Edit
The traditional Fon religion is regionally called Vodoun, Vodzu or Vodu, which is etymologically linked to Vodun – a term that refers to their theological concept of "numerous immortal spirits and deities".[6][36]

The religious practice of the Fon people have four overlapping elements: public gods, personal or private gods, ancestral spirits, and magic or charms.[3] Thus, the Vodoun religion is polytheistic. The Fon people have a concept of a female Supreme Being called Nana Buluku, who gave birth to the Mawu, Lisa and created the universe.[3] After giving birth, the mother Supreme retired, and left everything to Mawu-Lisa (Moon-Sun, female-male) deities, spirits and inert universe. Mawu-Lisa created numerous minor imperfect deities. In Fon belief, the feminine deity Mawu had to work with trickster Legba and the snake Aido Hwedo to create living beings, a method of creation that imbued the good, the bad and a destiny for every creature including human beings. Only by appeasing lesser deities and Legba, in Fon theology, can one change that destiny. This appeasing requires rituals and offerings to the lesser gods and ancestral spirits, who are believed to have ability to do favors to human beings.[3][37][38] A typical traditional home compound of the Fon people has a Dexoxos, or ancestral shrine.[3] The charms are locally called gbo, gris gris, ju ju, or obeah, involve leaves, herbs, smoke and these are offerings to public or personal gods of each family.[3]

In 1864, eight Fon people were executed in Haiti on allegations of murder and cannibalism from Voodoo. Later scholars have questioned the lack of evidence, and whether the Bizoton trial was a product of prejudice.[39][40]
While many Fon identify as Christian, the majority continue to practice Benin's traditional religion Vodun. The Fon have priests and mediums who receive the spirits on the occasion of the great festivals. The cult of the sacred serpents in the temple of Whydah had some importance, but eventually fell into disuse.[41] Practice can involve drumming to induce possession by one of these gods or spirits. Together with other cultural groups from the Fon homeland region such as the Yoruba and Bantu, Fon culture merged with French, Portuguese or Spanish to produce distinct religions (Voodoo, Mami Wata, Candomblé and Santería), dance and musical styles (Arará, Yan Valu).[citation needed]

In the French colonies, such as Saint-Domingue (now Haiti), the Christian missionaries confiscated and burnt the statues and religious objects of the Fon people, but this did not end their practices. They rebuilt their icons again.[42] The Fon people and their government have reversed the colonial attempts to culturally change them. After the end of the colonial era, January 10 has been declared an official annual holiday in Benin dedicated to Vodun gods.[43]

Society and culture Edit

The silk-cotton dress of Fon people's royalty or noble (Islamic style[44]) and scepter.
The Fon people are traditionally settled farmers, growing cassava, corn and yams as staples.[1] The men prepare the fields, women tend and harvest the crop. Hunting and fishing are other sources of food, while some members of the Fon society make pottery, weave clothes and produce metal utensils. Among the cash crops, palm oil plantations are common in Fon people's region. The Fon culture is patrilineal and allows polygyny and divorce. A man with multiple wives usually lived in a compound with each wife and her children occupying a separate hut. A collection of compounds formed a village, usually headed by a hereditary chief. In contemporary times, tradition patrilineal clan-based living and associated practices are uncommon.[1]

Funerals and death anniversaries to remember their loved ones are important events, including drumming and dancing as a form of mourning and celebrating their start of life as a spirit by the one who died, can last for days.[45][46]

The Fon culture incorporated culture and shared ideas with ethnic groups that have been their historical neighbors. Many of their practices are found among Yoruba people, Akan people, Ewe people and others.[47]

Dahomey Amazons Edit
A notable part of the Fon people's society was their use of female soldiers in combat roles over some two centuries. Over 3,000 women trained and served as regular warriors to protect the Fon and to expand its reach. The women warrior's brigade was led by a woman.[48][49]

Given the oral tradition of Fon people, when women joined as warriors in Fon society is unclear. The earliest European records, such as those of Jean-Pierre Thibault, suggest that the tradition dates back to the early 18th century or even earlier.[48] These gender roles were foreign to the European travelers, and early fictional stories in European media are considered unreliable by many scholars.[4]

also Edit

Dahomey Amazons
Notes Edit

^ This slave trade volume excludes the slave trade by Swahili-Arabs in East Africa and North African ethnic groups to the Middle East and elsewhere. The exports and imports do not match, because of the large number of deaths and violent retaliation by captured people on the ships involved in the slave trade.[19]
References Edit

^ a b c d Fon people, Encyclopædia Britannica, undated, 1.7 million population, Retrieved June 29, 2019
^ a b c d e f g h i j Elizabeth Heath (2010). Anthony Appiah; Henry Louis Gates (eds.). Encyclopedia of Africa. Oxford University Press. pp. 482–483. ISBN 978-0-19-533770-9.
^ a b c d e f Molefi Kete Asante; Ama Mazama (2009). Encyclopedia of African Religion. SAGE Publications. pp. 270–273, 257, 412. ISBN 978-1-4129-3636-1.
^ a b Robin Law (1993), The 'Amazons' of Dahomey, Paideuma: Mitteilungen zur Kulturkunde, Bd. 39 (1993), pages 245-260
^ Alpern, Stanley B. (1998). "On the Origins of the Amazons of Dahomey". History in Africa. Cambridge University Press. 25: 9. doi:10.2307/3172178.
^ a b c d Patrick Taylor; Frederick I. Case (2013). The Encyclopedia of Caribbean Religions. University of Illinois Press. pp. 742–746, 1134–1139. ISBN 978-0-252-09433-0.
^ Sandra T. Barnes (1997). Africa’s Ogun, Second, Expanded Edition: Old World and New. Indiana University Press. p. 49. ISBN 0-253-11381-4.
^ Law, Robin (1991). The Slave Coast of West-Africa 1550-1750. Oxford: Clarendon Press. p. 27. ISBN 0-19-820228-8.
^ Miller, Joseph C. (1980). The African Past Speaks: Essays on Oral Tradition and History. Folkstone: Archon Books. p. 31-4. ISBN 0208017844.
^ a b Patrick Manning (2004). Slavery, Colonialism and Economic Growth in Dahomey, 1640-1960. Cambridge University Press. pp. xv–xvi. ISBN 978-0-521-52307-3.
^ a b I. A. Akinjogbin (1966), Archibald Dalzel: Slave Trader and Historian of Dahomey, The Journal of African History, Cambridge University Press, Vol. 7, No. 1 (1966), pages 67-78
^ Le Dahomey, Édouard Foà (1895), BnF: National Library of France (in French)
^ L'agriculture au Dahomey N. Savariau (1906), A. Challamel, Marseille, France, Exposition nationale (in French)
^ Law, Robin; Mann, Kristin (1999). "West Africa in the Atlantic Community: The Case of the Slave Coast". The William and Mary Quarterly. 56 (2): 307. doi:10.2307/2674121.
^ Herbert S. Klein (26 April 2010). The Atlantic Slave Trade. Cambridge University Press. pp. 53, 64–65, 53–68. ISBN 978-1-139-48911-9.
^ a b Herbert S. Klein (2010). The Atlantic Slave Trade. Cambridge University Press. pp. 7–9. ISBN 978-1-139-48911-9.
^ a b Fage, J. D. (1969). "Slavery and the Slave Trade in the Context of West African History". The Journal of African History. Cambridge University Press. 10  (03): 393–404. doi:10.1017/s0021853700036343.
^ a b David Eltis and David Richardson (2015), Atlas of the Transatlantic Slave Trade, 2nd Edition, Yale University Press, ISBN 978-0300212549; Archive: Slave Route Maps, see Map 9; The transatlantic slave trade volume over the 350+ years involved an estimated 12.5 million Africans, almost every country that bordered the Atlantic Ocean, as well as Mozambique and the Swahili coast.
^ Patrick Manning (2004). Slavery, Colonialism and Economic Growth in Dahomey, 1640-1960. Cambridge University Press. pp. 1–3, 12–15. ISBN 978-0-521-52307-3.
^ a b Herbert S. Klein (26 April 2010). The Atlantic Slave Trade. Cambridge University Press. pp. 64–65, 53–68. ISBN 978-1-139-48911-9.
^ Rosanne Marion Adderley (2006). "New Negroes from Africa": Slave Trade Abolition and Free African Settlement in the Nineteenth-century Caribbean. Indiana University Press. p. 99. ISBN 0-253-34703-3.
^ Anne Caroline Bailey (2005). African Voices of the Atlantic Slave Trade: Beyond the Silence and the Shame. Beacon Press. pp. 69–75, 175. ISBN 978-0-8070-5512-0.
^ CHRONOLOGY - Who banned slavery when? Reuters
^ a b c d Patrick Manning (2004). Slavery, Co

Aja people
For the ethnic group in South Sudan, see Aja people (South Sudan).
The Aja are an ethnic group of native to south-western Benin and south-eastern Togo.[1] According to oral tradition, the Aja migrated to southern Benin in the 12th or 13th centuries from Tado on the Mono River, and c. 1600, three brothers, Kokpon, Do-Aklin, and Te-Agdanlin, split the ruling of the region then occupied by the Aja amongst themselves: Kokpon took the capital city of Great Ardra, reigning over the Allada kingdom; Do-Aklin founded Abomey, which would become capital of the Kingdom of Dahomey; and Te-Agdanlin founded Little Ardra, also known as Ajatche, later called Porto Novo (literally, "New Port") by Portuguese traders and the current capital city of Benin.

Total population
Regions with significant populations
Benin, Togo
Related ethnic groups
Ewe, Fon

History Edit

Those Aja living in Abomey mingled with the local tribe, thus creating a new people known as the Fon, or "Dahomey" ethnic group. This group is now the largest in Benin. Another source claims the Aja were the rulers of Dahomey (Benin) until 1893, when the French conquered them.[citation needed] Currently, there are approximately 500,000 Ajas in an area straddling the border between Benin and Togo, 50 kilometres (30 miles) long and 30 km (20 mi) wide.

The Aja speak a language known as Aja-Gbe, or simply 'Aja'; only 1-5% are literate in their native tongue. According to one source, voodoo originated with the Aja. There are three dialects: Tàgóbé (in Togo only), Dògóbè (in Benin only), and Hwègbè (in both countries). Many are trilingual, also speaking French and Fongbe, the lingua-franca of southern Benin, while Ewe is spoken as a second language by those Aja living in Togo and Ghana.

Due to severe land shortages in the densely populated Togolese-Beninois border region mentioned above, many Aja have migrated in recent years, seeking arable land for subsistence farming or work in urban centers. There are a significant number of Aja living throughout the coastal region of Benin and Togo, southern Nigeria and Gabon. The urban centers of Cotonou, Lome, Lagos and Libreville all have significant Aja migrant populations.

The Aja, Fon, Ewe, Ga-Adangbe accounted for most of the people carried to the Americas from the Bight of Benin, Togo and Ghana in the transatlantic slave trade prior to the late eighteenth century (when Yoruba people became the more common captives from the region).[2]

References Edit

^ Asiwaju, A. I. (1979). "The Aja-Speaking Peoples of Nigeria: A Note on Their Origins, Settlement and Cultural Adaptation up to 1945". Africa: Journal of the International African Institute. 49 (1): 15. doi:10.2307/1159502. ISSN 0001-9720.
^ Paul E. Lovejoy, Transformations in Slavery, 3rd ed. (New York: Cambridge UP, 2012), 79-80.
Further reading

External links

Allada is a town, arrondissement, and commune, located in the Atlantique Department of Benin.

Commune and city

Location in Benin
Coordinates: 6°39′N 2°09′E
Atlantique Department
 • Total
381 km2 (147 sq mi)
Population (2002)History Edit

In the mid-sixteenth century, Allada (then called Grand Ardra, or Arda) had a population of about 30,000 people.[2]

The original inhabitants of Ardra were ethnic Aja.[3] According to oral tradition, the Aja migrated to southern Benin around the 12th or 13th centuries, coming from Tado, on the Mono River in modern Togo. They established themselves in the area that currently corresponds to southern Benin, until c. 1600, when three brothers – Kokpon, Do-Aklin, and Te-Agdanlin – split the rule of the region amongst themselves: Kokpon took the capital city of Great Ardra, reigning over the Allada kingdom, while his brother Do-Aklin founded Abomey (which would become capital of the Kingdom of Dahomey) and their brother Te-Agdanlin founded Little Ardra, also known as Ajatche, later called Porto Novo (literally, "New Port") by Portuguese traders (which is the current capital city of Benin).

 • Total
The current town of Allada corresponds to Great Ardra (also called Grand Ardra, or Arda), which was the capital of a Fon kingdom also called Allada (the Allada kingdom), which existed from around the 13th or 14th century (date of the initial settlements by Aja people, reorganized as a kingdom c. 1600) until 1724, when it fell to the armies of neighbour Kingdom of Dahomey. The present-day commune of Allada covers an area of 381 square kilometres and as of 2002 had a population of 91,778 people.[1]

Notable citizens and residents Edit

The Haitian revolutionary, Toussaint L'Ouverture, was the son of Gaou Guinou, himself the son of the ruler of the Allada who was captured and enslaved.[4] There is a statue of L'Ouverture in the north of the town.[5]

Demographics Edit

The main town demographics:

Year Population[6]
1979 12 022
2008 (estimate) 21 833
References Edit

^ "Communes of Benin". Statoids. Archived from the original on 2 January 2010. Retrieved January 5, 2010.
^ Monroe, Cameron. "Urbanism on West Africa's Slave Coast". American Scientist. Retrieved 24 September 2014.
^ Asiwaju, A. I. (1979). "The Aja-Speaking Peoples of Nigeria: A Note on Their Origins, Settlement and Cultural Adaptation up to 1945". Africa: Journal of the International African Institute. 49 (1): 15. doi:10.2307/1159502. ISSN 0001-9720.
^ Beard, John R. (1863). Toussaint L'Ouverture: A Biography and Autobiography. Boston: James Redpath. p. 35. Retrieved 18 January  2015.
^ Butler, Stuart (2019) Bradt Travel Guide - Benin, pgs. 100
^ "Allada". World Gazetteer. Archived from the original on 2013-02-09. Retrieved 2008-12-19.
Further reading Edit

Saheed Aderinto, African kingdoms: an encyclopedia of empires and civilizations, 2017 Google docs preview

This Benin location article is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it.

Kingdom of Ardra
The Kingdom of Ardra, also known as the Kingdom of Allada, was a coastal West African kingdom in what is now southern Benin. It was named for its capital, the modern Allada, which was also the main city and major port of the realm.

The city and kingdom were supposedly founded by a group of Aja migrants from Tado, a settlement along the Mono River, in the 12th or 13th century.[1][2][3] Its kings "ruled with the consent of the elders of the people".[2] The state reached the peak of its power in the 16th and early 17th centuries, when it was an important source of slaves for the Atlantic trade. By the mid-15th century, the city of Allada had a population of approximately 30,000 people, while the state as a whole had a population of nearly 200,000 people by the 16th century.[3][4]

Name Edit

The name is variously spelled Ardra, Ardrah,[5] Ardres, Hardre, Arda, Arada, and Arrada. It is also sometimes known by its capital's present-day name Allada.

Foundational legend Edit

According to the Fon oral tradition, the Aja settlers that established themselves in the area of present-day Allada arrived in southern Benin around the 12th or 13th centuries coming from Tado, on the Mono River. They established themselves in the area that currently corresponds to southern Benin, until c. 1600, when three brothers — Kokpon, Do-Aklin, and Te-Agdanlin — split the rule of the region amongst themselves: Kokpon took the capital city of Great Ardra, reigning over the Allada Kingdom, while his brother Do-Aklin founded Abomey (which would become capital of the Kingdom of Dahomey) and their brother Te-Agdanlin founded Little Ardra, also known as Ajatche, later called Porto Novo  (literally, "New Port") by Portuguese traders (which is the current capital city of Benin).[3]

History Edit

Founded by Aja settlers, the settlement of Allada was in 1600 the most prominent of Aja states, bordering the nearby Oyo Empire, to which the King of Allada was vassal and tributary. Although it was an inland kingdom, Allada maintained control of some sea ports such as Offra, Jaquin and Whydah, thus making Allada important in the growing slave trade business, which also granted Allada the economic means to pay its duties to Oyo. Between 1640 and 1690, about 125,000 slaves were sold from Allada, peaking at about 55,000 during the 1680s alone.[3]

Originally a part of the Allada Kingdom, the city of Abomey went on to become capital of a new kingdom, the Kingdom of Dahomey, which grew strong enough to challenge the nearby Oyo Kingdom, with Dahomey finally vanquishing it and establishing itself as the main Kingdom in the region.

By the late 1690s, the growth of Dahomey had severely restricted Allada's supply of slaves from the north, while simultaneously Whydah surpassed Allada as a primary source of slaves from West Africa. This greatly weakened Allada's comparative power in the region.[3] In 1724, the Kingdom of Dahomey invaded the Kingdom of Allada; in three days, the King of Dahomey's troops slaughtered thousands of Allada's warriors and citizens. More than 8,000 of Allada's population were taken as prisoners and sold into slavery in the New World.[6]

Seaside fort Edit

Slaves used to be captured from enemy tribes and passed on to European slavers bound for the Americas, the route which by repute the father of Toussaint L'Ouverture, the famous general that started the Haitian revolution that lead Jean-Jacques Dessaline to liberate Haiti, had taken.[7][8]

Connection to Toussaint L'Ouverture Edit

According to the Toussaint Louverture Historical Society,[9] Toussaint L'Ouverture, the Haitian revolutionary and first Black governor of Haiti, was the grandson of Gaou Guinou, the heir – either son[10] or brother[9] – of the King of Allada killed during the invasion by the Kingdom of Dahomey in 1724.

To quote from their sources, "Gaou Guinou, Minister of War and younger brother of the King of Allada, rather than succeeding to his father and ascending naturally to the throne, chose then to accompany his vanquished soldiers in exile. He was given a hammock on board of a slave ship"[6][9] that sailed to the island of Hispaniola, where the slaves were sold in Haiti.


References Edit

^ Asiwaju, A. I. (1979). "The Aja-Speaking Peoples of Nigeria: A Note on Their Origins, Settlement and Cultural Adaptation up to 1945". Africa: Journal of the International African Institute. 49 (1): 15. doi:10.2307/1159502. ISSN 0001-9720.
^ a b "Benin: History". Columbia Encyclopedia. 2000. Retrieved 16 February 2019.
^ a b c d e Filippello, Marcus (2017). "Allada". In Aderinto, Saheed (ed.). African Kingdoms: An Encyclopedia of Empires and Civilizations. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO. pp. 7–9. ISBN 978-1-61069-579-4.
^ Monroe, J. Cameron. "Urbanism on West Africa's Slave Coast". American Scientist. Archived from the original on 13 January 2014. Retrieved 24 September 2014.
^ The Modern Part of an Universal History, Vol. XVI, Bk. xvii, Ch. vii, London, 1760.
^ a b Cornevin R. — Histoire du Dahomey, 1962, p.105
^ Beard, John Relly (2012). Life of Toussaint L'Ouverture, the Negro Patriot of Hayti. UNC Press. Preface. ISBN 9781469607887.
^ "History of the Kingdom of Dahomey". KMLA. 1 September 2007. Retrieved 16 February 2019.
^ a b c Beauvoir, Max G. "Highlights of the life of Francois-Dominique Toussaint Louverture". Toussaint Louverture Historical Society. Retrieved 16 February  2019.
^ Beard, John R. (1863). Toussaint L'Ouverture: A Biography and Autobiography. Boston: James Redpath. p. 35. Retrieved 18 January  2015.

Gaou Guinou
Gaou Guinou was an African prince and sometime the King of the Allada and the Fon people. He was reportedly captured and enslaved by his brother, Hussar, and his wife, Queen Aitta in 1724.

According to Haitian oral traditions, Gaou Guinou's father, Soso, died in 1724 and left two sons to fight for the succession: Hussar and Gaou Guinou. Hussar fled to Abomey  while Gaou Guinou, the younger brother, took power of Great Ardra.[1] Hussar then allied himself with Agaja, the ruler of Dahomey, and returned to battle his brother for the throne thereafter. He was ultimately victorious, and sold Gaou Guinou into slavery after his capture.

The former king is said to have eventually arrived in today's Haiti, where he soon started a family. This family is believed to be the family of Haiti's founding father, Toussaint L'Ouverture. Whilst still constrained to the life of a slave, Guinou nevertheless enjoyed certain privileges within the confines of his owners estate. This included being allocated a portion of land and the labour of five enslaved africans to work it.[2]


Jamaican Maroon religion
The traditional Jamaican Maroon religion  otherwise known as Kumfu[1] was developed by a mixing of West and Central African religious practices in Maroon communities. While the traditional religion of the Maroons was absorbed by Christianity due to conversions in Maroon communities, many old practices continued on. Some have speculated that Jamaican Maroon religion helped the development of Kumina and Convince. The religious Kromanti dance is still practiced today but not always with the full religious connotation as in the past.[2]

Jamaican Maroon religion
Slave era
Merged into

History Edit

What can be deduced today about the religions origins points to the idea that it is founded upon Akan religion but syncretized  with other African beliefs. This is evident by the many specifically Akan aspects found in the religion.[3]

Very little was written about the original religion of the Jamaican Maroons because of little contact Maroons had with the outside world. What was written at the time by Bryan Edwards (a British slaver and planter) was the practice of Obeah by Maroons. When Anglican Christian churches were established in Maroon towns the traditional religion began to be practiced separately from Christianity and served a different religious purpose. As other non-Anglican churches appeared in Maroon communities they rallied against traditional Maroon beliefs and they became less popular. Today the Kromanti dance still is practiced on occasion even by self identified Christians.[4]

Beliefs Edit

Cosmology Edit
According to the faith a supreme deity named Yankipong rules the cosmos and is generally unconcerned with human life. Below Yankipong exists ancestor spirits called "duppies", "jumbies", or "bigiman". These spirits have hierarchies of their own and can be communicated with by humans so their powers can be used for worldly matters. The matter of spirits and their influence on Earth is considered to be Obeah (although the use of that specific term is controversial and some instead call it "science").[4] It is believed that the omnipotent god "Yankipong" is the Jamaican Maroon's conception of the omnipotent god Nyame from Akan religion.[3] Other Akan deities are reported to have been recognized like Asase Yaa and Epo. The Akan based word "Kumfu" was used for the total spiritual system and understanding of the world.[1]

Practices Edit
See also: Kromanti dance
A priest of the religion is referred to as a "kumfu-man". The word "kumfu" itself has its origins Twi language.[3]

Ceremonies are involved in Jamaican Maroon religion but no worship of the god Yankipong is practiced, unlike in traditional Akan religion.[3] An important ceremony of the religion is the Kromanti dance which involves the direction of a "fete-man" (ritual specialist) and the sacrifice of an animal to the pakit (ancestral spirit). The purpose of the dance is for participants to be possessed by ancestral spirits.[5] The Jamaican Maroon Creole  language is used during the Kromanti dance ceremony when addressing people possessed by old Maroon ancestors.[citation needed]

Also Edit

References Edit

^ a b Gardner, William James (1909). History of Jamaica, From Its Discovery To The Year 1872. Appleton & Company. p. 184. ISBN 978-0415760997.
^ Bilby, Kenneth (1981). The Kromanti dance of the windward maroons of Jamaica.
^ a b c d Payne-Jackson, Arvilla; Alleyne, Mervyn (2004). Jamaican Folk Medicine: A Source of Healing.
^ a b Taylor, Patrick; Case, Frederick (2013). The Encyclopedia of Caribbean Religions: Volume 1: A - L; Volume 2: M - Z.
^ "Caribbean Religions: Afro-Caribbean Religions". Retrieved February 27, 2019.

Akan religion

Adinkra symbol representing the omnipotence and omnipresence of Nyame
Akan religion comprises the traditional beliefs and religious practices of the Akan people of Ghana and eastern Ivory Coast. Akan religion is referred to as Akom (from the Twi word akom, meaning "prophecy"). Although most Akan people have identified as Christians  since the early 20th century, Akan religion remains practiced by some, and is often syncretized with Christianity. The Akan have many subgroups (including the Fanti, Ashanti, the Akuapem, the Wassa, the Abron, the Anyi, and the Baoulé, among others), so the religion varies greatly by region and subgroup.

Similar to other traditional religions of West  and Central Africa such as West African Vodun, Yoruba religion, or Odinani, Akan cosmology consists of a senior god who generally does not interact with humans and many gods who assist humans.

Anansi the Spider is a folk hero, who is prominent in Ashanti folktales, where he is depicted as a trickster and wise. In other aspects of Akan spirituality, Anansi is also sometimes considered both a trickster and a deity associated with wisdom, responsible for creating the first inanimate humans, according to the scholar Anthony Ephirim-Donkor.[1]. This is similar to Legba, who is also both a trickster and a deity in West African Vodun.[2]

Deities Edit

Creator God Edit
Followers of Akan religion believe in a supreme god who created the universe. He is distant and does not interact with humans.

The creator god takes on different names depending upon the region of worship, including Nyame, Nyankopon, Brekyirihunuade  ("Almighty"), Odomankoma ("infinite inventor"),[3] Ɔbɔadeɛ ("creator") and Anansi Kokuroko ("the great designer" or "the great spider").[4] It is occasionally said that the creator god is a part of a triune deity or triad, which consists of Nyame, Nyankopon and Odomankoma.[5]

The Supreme Creator is an omniscient, omnipotent sky father. His wife is Asase Yaa  (also known as Mother Earth), considered second to God.[6] Together they brought forth two children: Bia and Tano.[7]

Abosom Edit
The abosom, the lower deities or spirits, assist humans on earth. These are akin to orishas in Yoruba religion, the vodun in West African Vodun and its derivatives, and the alusi in Odinani. Abosom receive their power from the creator god and are most often connected to the world as it appears in its natural state. Priests serve individual abosom and act as mediators between the abosom and mankind. Many of those who believe in these traditions participate in daily prayer, which includes the pouring of libations as an offering to both the ancestors who are buried under the land and to the spirits who are everywhere.

Nsamanfo Edit
The Nsamanfo are the ancestors. They are sometimes referred to as ghos

Nsamanfo Edit
The Nsamanfo are the ancestors. They are sometimes referred to as ghost.

In the Americas Edit

Jamaica Edit
Main article: Jamaican Maroon religion
According to Long, Akan (then referred to as "Coromantee") culture obliterated any other African customs and incoming non-Akan Africans had to submit to the culture of the majority Akan population in Jamaica, much like a foreigner learning migrating to a foreign country. Other than Ananse stories, Akan religion made a huge impact. The Akan pantheon of gods referred to as Abosom in Twi were documented. Enslaved Akan would praise Nyankopong (erroneously written by the British as Accompong, not related to the Maroon leader Accompong [Twi: Akyeampong]); libations would be poured to Asase Yaa (erroneously written as 'Assarci') and Epo the sea god. Bonsam was referred to as the god of evil.[8] Kumfu (from the word Akom the name of the Akan spiritual system) was documented as Myal and originally only found in books, while the term Kumfu is still used by Jamaican Maroons. The priest of Kumfu was called a Kumfu-man.[9]

The Jamaican Maroon spirit-possession language, a creolized form of Akan, is used in religious ceremonies of some Jamaican Maroons.

Myal and Revival Edit
Kumfu evolved into Revival, a syncretic Christian sect. Kumfu followers gravitated to the American Revival of 1800 Seventh Day Adventist movement because it observed Saturday as god's day of rest. This was a shared aboriginal belief of the Akan people as this too was the day that the Akan god, Nyame rested after creating the earth. Jamaicans that were aware of their Ashanti past while wanting to keep hidden, mixed their Kumfu spirituality with the American Adventists to create Jamaican Revival in 1860. Revival has two sects: 60 order(or Zion Revival, the order of the heavens) and 61 order(or Pocomania, the order of the earth). 60 order worships God and spirits of air or the heavens on a Saturday and considers itself to be the more 'clean' sect. 61 order more deals with spirits of the earth. This division of Kumfu clearly shows the dichotomy of Nyame and Asase Yaa's relationship, Nyame representing air and has his 60 order'; Asase Yaa having her 61 order of the earth. Also the Ashanti funerary/war colours: red and black have the same meaning in Revival of vengeance.[10] Other Ashanti elements include the use of swords and rings as means to guard the spirit from spiritual attack. The Asantehene like the Mother Woman of Revival, has special two swords used to protect himself from witchcraft called an Akrafena or soul sword and a Bosomfena or spirit sword [11][12]

Suriname Edit
Winti is an Afro-Surinamese religion which is largely derived from both Akom and Vodun  with Vodun gods such as Loco, Ayizu and so on. [13]

Haiti Edit
Haitian Vodou is a syncretic religion that combines Vodun with several other African religions in addition to influences from Catholicism. Here latent influences of Akan beliefs can be seen in the incorporation of Anansi as one of the Lwa worshiped in the Haitian religion. He is often depicted as maintaining the connection between the living and their deceased ancestors.[14]


Sources/ further reading

Nyame (or Onyamekopon) is the God of the Akan people of Ashanteland of Ghana.[3] His name means "he who knows and sees everything" and "omniscient, omnipotent sky god" in the Akan language.

Nyame (Ono nya me)
Lord of the Sky

Adinkra Symbol: Gye Nyame
Asase Ya
Function Edit

Was the adinkra people, Gyaman or German symbol representing their version of Creation? The symbol, "Gye Nyame" means, "there is nothing but creation or God". The Akan people usurped the symbols when the Akan Chieftain once imprisoned Nana Adinkra, chief of Gyaman and his Entourage. The akan Chief had his scribes copy the adinkra symbols and then appropriated them into their culture and change the meaning to fit what today means "there is nothing except God" in the Twi language of the Akan. However, the adinkra people who originated the symbol knew nothing of Christianity and invented the symbol independent from its use and meaning today in akan culture. The Gyaman people are also Asanti.

Family Edit

Nyame is the husband of Asase Ya. It means God created the earth and its fertile productive elements.

Nyame and Anansi Edit

A giant python once terrorised the Ashanti people, who then prayed to Nyame. Nyame was tired of a human named Kwaku Anansi, the "Spider Man", boasting about his so-called wit and intelligence, and as a punishment, assigned him with the task of dealing with the python.

Anansi tricked the python into eating a heavy meal and consuming strong wine. When the snake fell unconscious, Anansi summoned the villagers to beat the creature and drive it away. Nyame was pleased with Kwaku’s wit and blessed him with tremendous wisdom and life.

See also Edit

Akan religion
References Edit

^ God of waters.
^ Also god of waters.
^ Egerton Sykes, Alan Kendall (2001). Who's who in non-classical mythology. Routledge. p. 144. ISBN 9780415260404. Retrieved 2010-05-24.

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Asase Ya
Asase Ya (or Asase Yaa, Asaase Yaa, Asaase Afua;[1] is the Earth goddess of fertility[2] of the Ashanti people ethnic group of Ashanti City-State of Ghana.[3] She is also known as Mother Earth or Aberewaa.[4]

Asase Ya
Earth Goddess
Goddess of the Ashanti people 🇬🇭 ethnic group
Asase Yaa is the wife of Nyame the Sky deity, who created the universe.[5][6] Asase Yaa gave birth to the two children, Bea and Tano.[2][3] Bea is also named Bia.[2][3]

Asase Yaa is also the mother of Anansi, the trickster, and divine stepmother of the sacred high chiefs.[2][3]

Asase Yaa is very powerful, though no temples are dedicated to her, instead she is worshipped in the agricultural fields of Ashanti City-State.[2][3]

Asase Yaa's favoured Ashanti people are occupationally Ashanti workers in the agricultural fields and planet Earth is her symbol.[2][3]

Asase Yaa Worship Edit

The Ashanti people of Ashanti City-State regard Asase Ya as Mother Earth, the earth goddess of fertility, the upholder of truth, and the creator Goddess who comes to fetch Ashanti people's souls to the otherworld (Planet Jupiter) at the time of death.[7][8][9][10] She is credited as being the nurturer of the earth and is considered to provide sustenance for all.[11] When a member of the Ashanti people ethnic group wants to prove his (or her) credibility, he (or her) touches his (or her) lips to the soil of Ashanti City-State and recites the Asase Ya Prayer-Poem.[7][8][9][10] Another tradition holds that because Thursday is reserved as Asase Ya's day, the Ashanti people generally abstain from tilling the land of Ashanti City-State on that day.[7][8][9][10]

Asase Ya Prayer-Poem Edit

Asase Ye Duru is the Adinkra Symbol of Asase Ya the Ashantis Goddess. Asase ye Duru means; The Earth has weight (symbol of providence and the divinity of Mother Earth and this symbol represents the importance of the Earth in sustaining life). Divinity of the Earth. Providence Power/Authority, Wealth and Might. Ashanti Twi: Tumi nyina ne asase (All power emanates from the earth) and Asase ye duru sen epo (The earth is heavier than the sea).[12]
Prayer Poem To Asase Ya[13]
First stanza
Old Woman Earth ....
She who Lent the Rights..
Of Cultivation to the Living ....

My Prayer to You, of Thanksgiving.
Second stanza
"Earth, When I am about to Die,
I Lean on you.
Earth, While I am Alive,

I Depend on You".
Third stanza
Lilacs in your Hair .. Ever Present Mother
In each Grain of Sand is thy Story.
Fourth stanza
Giver of Nkwagye the Salvation of Life
And Nkwa to live Life without Strife

To your Everlasting Glory.
Fifth stanza
That Man is Tame is thy Domain...
Giver of Law and Ethics

Scales of Justice.
Sixth stanza
With Each Field I till..
With Thee I am Still
And when Death comes to Claim..
I become One with thy Fame

Bringing Life to the Land with my Will.
Seventh stanza
The Fertile Fields and the Woman's Yield
All Have felt thy Hand
Hail and Thanks Be Great Mother

For your Back upon which we Stand.
Eight stanza
Upholder of Truth, our Lady Fair
To kiss the dust of thy Breast...

Is proof of the Tale.
Ninth stanza
Hail Great Mother
Whose Love is in the Earth
Thy gifts to your Children

Are an Unending source of Mirth.
Tenth stanza
A Smile to the Lips with a Song in the Heart
Praises we Sing, when the Plantings to Start.
Eleventh stanza
Hail bringer of Life, bringer of Law and Order
Hail Old Mother Earth, your Children
Have Crossed the Border

Into the Lands of Sweetness and Heart.
Twelfth stanza
Asase Yaa, Aberewa, Asase Efua
Names without End do we Call You
Blessed Be, Asase Yaa

To Be Cherished Forever, We Adore You.
The Abosom in the Americas (Jamaica) Edit

Worship of the Asase Ya goddess was transported via the transatlantic slave trade and was documented to had been acknowledged by enslaved Akan or Coromantee living in

The Abosom in the Americas (Jamaica) Edit

Worship of the Asase Ya goddess was transported via the transatlantic slave trade and was documented to had been acknowledged by enslaved Akan or Coromantee living in Jamaica.[14][15] Jamaican slave owners did not believe in Christianity for the Coromantee and left them to their own beliefs.[14][15] Hence an Ashanti spiritual system was dominant on the plantation.[14][15] According to Jamaican historian and slave owner Edward Long, creole descendants of the Ashanti coupled with other newly arrived Coromantee joined in observation and worship of the Ashanti goddess Asase Yaa (the English people  recorded erroneously as 'Assarci').[14][15] They showed their worship by pouring libations and offering up harvested foods.[14][15] Other Ashanti Abosom were also reported to be worshipped.[14][15] This was the only deity spiritual system on the island, as other deities identities in the 18th century was obliterated because of the large population of enslaved Coromantee in Jamaica, according to Edward Long and other historians who observed their slaves.[14][15]

See also Edit

Akan religion
References Edit

^ Historical dictionary of women in Sub-Saharian Africa. Author: Kathleen E Sheldon.
^ a b c d e f African Traditional Religion in Biblical Perspective by Richard J. Gehman
^ a b c d e f Egerton Sykes; Alan Kendall (2001). Who's who in non-classical mythology. Routledge. p. 144. ISBN 978-0-415-26040-4. Retrieved 2010-05-24.
^ Opokuwaa, Nana Akua Kyerewaa (2005-01-01). The Quest for Spiritual Transformation: Introduction to Traditional Akan Religion, Rituals and Practices. iUniverse. ISBN 9780595350711.
^ "Family tree of Litungas".
^ Gyekye, Kwame (1995). An Essay on African Philosophical Thought: The Akan Conceptual Scheme. Temple University Press. ISBN 9781566393805.
^ a b c "Goddess Asase Yaa". journeyingtothegoddess. 2011-04-12. Retrieved 2016-02-25.
^ a b c Frances Romero (2011-04-22). "Top 10 Earth Goddesses: Asase Yaa". Time. Retrieved 2016-02-25.
^ a b c Loar, Julie (2010). "Goddesses for Every Day: Exploring the Wisdom & Power of the Divine Feminine" (google) (1/1): 149.
^ a b c Skye, Michelle (2010). "Goddess Aloud!: Transforming Your World Through Rituals & Mantras" (1/1): 39.
^ Opokuwaa, Nana Akua Kyerewaa (2005-01-01). The Quest for Spiritual Transformation: Introduction to Traditional Akan Religion, Rituals and Practices. iUniverse. ISBN 9780595350711.
^ Valentina A. Tetteh (22 April 2006). "Adinkra - Cultural Symbols of the Asante people" (PDF). (PDF). St. Lawrence University. p. 9. Retrieved 2016-02-25.
^ "Prayer Poam for the Goddess Asase Yaa". Retrieved 2016-02-25.
^ a b c d e f g "Chapter I: Ashanti Cultural Influence In Jamaica". Retrieved 2016-02-25.
^ a b c d e f g Long, Edward (1774). "The History of Jamaica Or, A General Survey of the Ancient and Modern State of that Island: With Reflexions on Its Situation, Settlements, Inhabitants, Climate, Products, Commerce, Laws, and Government" (google). 2 (3/4): 445–

Akwasidae Festival
The Akwasidae Festival (alternate, Akwasiadae) is celebrated by the Ashanti people and chiefs in Ashanti,[1] as well as the Ashanti diaspora.[2] The festival is celebrated on a Sunday, once every six weeks.[1] The Akwasidae Festival is next only in importance to The National Day celebrations.[3]

Akwasidae Festival/Kwasi festival

Manhyia Palace Museum where the festivals are held in [Accramost times Kumasi
Observed by
Ashanti of Asanteman
Festival of commemoration of ancestors
Marks the seasons and the timings for various agricultural activities
Sunday, once every six weeks
9 times per year
Observance Edit

The Akan annual calendar is divided into nine parts, each lasting approximately six weeks but varying between 40–42 days in a period; the celebration of this period is called the Adae Festival. The Adae Festival has two celebration days: the Akwasidae Festiveal is celebrated on the final Sunday of the period, while the Awukudae Festival is celebrated on a Wednesday within the period. The Friday preceding 10 days to the Akwasidae is called the Fofie (meaning a ritual Friday). As the festival is always held on Sundays (Twi in Kwasidae), its recurrence could be after 40 or 42 days in accordance with the official Calendar of Ashanti. During the last Akwasidae of the year, which coincides with the Adae Kese Festival, special attention is given to make food offerings and donations for helping people.[2] The festivals of Adae are not interchangeable as they were fixed from ancient times.[4]

Observance Edit

The Akan annual calendar is divided into nine parts, each lasting approximately six weeks but varying between 40–42 days in a period; the celebration of this period is called the Adae Festival. The Adae Festival has two celebration days: the Akwasidae Festival is celebrated on the final Sunday of the period, while the Awukudae Festival is celebrated on a Wednesday within the period. The Friday preceding 10 days to the Akwasidae is called the Fofie (meaning a ritual Friday). As the festival is always held on Sundays (Twi in Kwasidae), its recurrence could be after 40 or 42 days in accordance with the official Calendar of Ashanti. During the last Akwasidae of the year, which coincides with the Adae Kese Festival, special attention is given to make food offerings and donations for helping people.[2] The festivals of Adae are not interchangeable as they were fixed from ancient times.[4]

Practices Edit

The rites on this day relate to honouring personal and community ancestors. A gathering called Akom occurs in which drumming, dancing and singing are a normal celebration to honour Abosom (lesser gods in the Akan tradition) and Nsamanfo (spiritually cultivated ancestors). Food offerings include special items such as eto (mashed African yam), garnished with hard-boiled eggs. Every Ashanti celebrates this festival.[2] For those Ashanti who do not observe the festival of Odwira, the Akwasidae is very important to commemorate their ancestors.[5]

On this day, the Asantehene (King of Ashante) meets his subjects and subordinate chiefs in the courtyard of the Manhyia Palace.[6] The Golden Stool (throne) is displayed at the palace grounds in the presence of the king, and people visit in large numbers, singing and dancing.[7] The king holds his durbar on the occasion of the festival, and people have the liberty to shake hands with him. Before holding the durbar, the king goes in a procession in a palanquin decorated with gold jewelry. He also witnesses a colourful parade, from his palace grounds at Kumasi. Participants of the parade include drum beaters, folk dancers, horn-blowers and singers.[8] As it is festival of paying respect to ancestors, the king visits the Bantama Mausoleum and offers worship not only to his ancestors' chairs (stools), but also to the skeletal remains of his ancestors.[8] It is argued that, the king do not worship the stools and the ancestors, however to pay them homage.

also Edit

Ashanti Yam Festival
Adae Festival
Adae Kese Festival
Awukudae Festival
References Edit

^ a b "Festivals in Ghana". Retrieved 27 December 2011.
^ a b c Opokuwaa 2005, p. 92.
^ Fuller 2004, p. 103.
^ Braffi 2002, p. 10.
^ Ayisi 1992, p. 83.
^ "Manhyia Palace". Ghana Retrieved 24 November 2012.
^ Pierre 2004, p. 55.
^ a b "Ghana Festivals". Ghana Photographers Retrieved 24 November 2012.

Adae Kese Festival
Adae Kese Festival ("big resting place") is a celebration of the Ashanti. It glorifies the achievements of the Asante kingdom.[1][2] It is also the occasion when the purification ceremony of Odwira is performed at the burial shrines of ancestral spirits. Generally, this coincides with the harvest season of yam and hence the ritual was also called the "Yam custom" by Europeans.[3]

Adae Kese Festival

The Asante Golden Stool is displayed during the Adae Kese Festival.
Observed by
Ashanti of Asanteman
Festival establishing link and a level of faith and solidarity between the living and the ancestral spirits.
Annually; the 9th Adae Festival in an Akan calendar year

History Edit

The custom of holding this festival came into prominence between 1697 and 1699 when statehood was achieved for the people of Ashante after the war of independence, the Battle of Feyiase, against the Denkyira. The festival was observed subsequently to the establishment of the Golden Stool (throne) in 1700. The festival was a time to consecrate the remains of the dead kings; those remains had been kept in a mausoleum at the sacred burial ground of Bantama, a royal suburb of Kumasi. Adae Kese brought a link and a level of faith and solidarity between the living and the ancestral spirits. In its early times, this festival also had implications of sacrifice, both human and animal. The main festival used to be held first at Hemmaa, close to the king’s palace near the location of the ancestral shrine of the kings. The second and more important part of the festival was performed at Bantama, which also was the last burial ground of the Asante kings, and was known as the “notorious Bantama ritual" as the sacrifices involved were of large proportions. When the festival was announced, by beating of drums, people went into hiding for fear that they may be selected for the human sacrifice. As part of the ritual, sheep sacrifice was also involved. Whether human sacrifice was involved or not is a subject of debate, but the fact is that the African societies considered these rites as a "reunion between the living and the dead."[4]

Traditions Edit

The Adae Kese Festival follows the same rituals as the Adae Festival, however, a difference in the celebration rites is that the chief carries a sheep for sacrifice to the Stool.[5] The purification ceremony of Odwira  is celebrated during Adae Kese at the burial shrines of ancestral spirits. Generally, this coincides with the harvest season of yam, and hence the ritual was also called the Yam custom by Europeans.[5] It is celebrated at this season to thank the gods and the ancestors for a good harvest. The season is equally used to outdoor the new yam.

Adae Kese== Edit

Every five years, the Adae Kese Festival is hosted by the paramount ruler of the Asante in the capital city of Kumasi, Asanteman, and lasts for two weeks.[6] As a formal state celebration, it involves several villages and towns, within a traditional area known as Odwira,[2] uniting Ashanti from all walks of life (Odwira means to purify). Asantehene, the titular ruler of Kumasi, holds a colourful durbar of chiefs and their queens on this occasion when they all turn up in full regalia. Dancing to the beats of drums is part of the pageantry. The festival is also the occasion when people pledge their confidence in the present king of the Ashante. Some of the deserving people are given awards of recognition on this occasion. The king also holds a very private celebration within his palace chambers along with the designated members of the royal family and other officials.[1]

Adae Kese== Edit

Every five years, the Adae Kese Festival is hosted by the paramount ruler of the Asante in the capital city of Kumasi, Asanteman, and lasts for two weeks.[6] As a formal state celebration, it involves several villages and towns, within a traditional area known as Odwira,[2] uniting Ashanti from all walks of life (Odwira means to purify). Asantehene, the titular ruler of Kumasi, holds a colourful durbar of chiefs and their queens on this occasion when they all turn up in full regalia. Dancing to the beats of drums is part of the pageantry. The festival is also the occasion when people pledge their confidence in the present king of the Ashante. Some of the deserving people are given awards of recognition on this occasion. The king also holds a very private celebration within his palace chambers along with the designated members of the royal family and other officials.[1]

See also Edit

Adae Festival
Akwasidae Festival
Awukudae Festival
Ashanti Yam Festival
References Edit

^ a b "Adae Kese Festival". Official web site of Ghana.Travel Corporation. Archived from the original on 27 December 2011. Retrieved 24 November  2012.
^ a b "African Festivals: Adae Kese". African. Net. Retrieved 24 November  2012.
^ RAgAwukudae Festival
Awukudae Festival (meaning: "Wednesday ceremony",[1] is a traditional Ashanti festival in Ashanti. Like the Akwasidae Festival, celebrated on a Sunday, Awukudae is part of the celebrations within the Adae Festival  cycle. The festivals of Adae are not interchangeable, having been fixed from ancient times.[2]

Awukudae Festival

Flag of Ashanti with the Golden stool symbol at the center
Observed by
Ashantis of Ashanti
Ashanti festival
Festival of ancestral rites
Wednesday ceremony
Nine 40 days
9 times per year
Observance2005, p. 42.
^ Agorsah 2010, pp. 42-43.
^ a b Roy 2005, p. 2.
^ Asante, Molefi Kete; Mazama, Ama (26 November 2008). Encyclopedias of African Religion. SAGE. pp. 36–. ISBN 978-1-4129-3636-1. Retrieved 21 November 2012.
Bibliography Edit

Agorsah, E. Kofi (2010). Religion, Ritual and African Tradition: AfricanFoundations. AuthorHouse. pp. 42–43. ISBN 9781449005528. Retrieved 24 November 2012.
Roy, Christian . (2005). Religion Traditional festivals. 2. M – Z. ABC-CLIO. p. 2. ISBN 9781576070895. Retrieved 24 November 2012.

Observance Edit

The festival is observed on Wednesday, and its recurrence could be after 40 or 42 days. It is celebrated particularly in the Eastern Region. It is one of the two forms of Adae, the other being Akwasidae, which is celebrated the third Sunday after Awukudae.[3] The observance is an ancestral rite by the chiefs and elders of the Akan clan around Kumasi. The Tuesday which falls 8 days before Awukudae is known as Kwabena; and the Saturday following Awukudae is known as "Memeneda Dapaa". The festival announcement is made by drummers the evening before on "Dapaa" day. After every eight Awukudae Festivals, the "Adae Butu" ritual marks the start of the Odwira festival.[4]

Traditions Edit

Awukudae Festival is marked by Wo tu adae  (announcing the day's celebration) drumming on the day preceding it and on Wednesday morning. Atumpan drums and single-air drums perform, but not Fontomfrom drums. In the forenoon, ceremonies are carried on in the Stool-House.[5] The drumming symbolizes the seeking of protection for the guardian ancestral deities to the soul of the ruling king and it unifies the people under his reign.[1] It is believed that Nsamanfoɔ and other ancestors are wandering around to see if this festival is being observed properly. On this occasion, it is also a practice to give donations for charitable causes such as feeding the hungry and helping the sick. On this day, Akamfoɔ people consider travel as dangerous and hence remain at home, as it is an emotional day for them.[6]

See also



Orisha, also spelled orixa or orisa, any of the deities of the Yoruba people of southwestern Nigeria. They are also venerated by the Edo of southeastern Nigeria; the Ewe of Ghana, Benin, and Togo; and the Fon of Benin (who refer to them as voduns). Although there is much variation in the details of the rituals and mythology of these deities among these West African peoples, the underlying religious concept is essentially the same.
he head also has other values associated with it that derive from the hierarchical nature of Yoruba social life. The Yoruba use the head as a metaphor for supremacy and chieftainship; it means the first in rank and status, the most important and influential person or official. Age, which is priority in time, is highly valued and respected, and it is also an important aspect of status and ranking.

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Types Of Orishas

The Nigerian scholar J. Omosade Awolalu divided the orishas into three categories: primordial divinities, deified ancestors, and personified natural forces and phenomena. These categories are not rigid, and in some cases they overlap.

Primordial divinities

In West African religions and in traditions that have been influenced by them, primordial divinities are those that existed long before the creation of the world as it is now known. Some of these orishas are primordial in the sense that they existed before the creation of human beings. They emanated directly from God without any human aid. They are ara orun, people of heaven. They came from heaven, and they still reside there. Other orishas are irunmole, the earth’s first inhabitants that are now sacred beings dwelling on and in the earth.

Deified ancestors

Deified ancestors are people who lived in this world after it was created and had such a profound impact upon it that their descendants have continued to promote their memory. They were kings, culture heroes and heroines, warriors, and founders of cities who had a major influence on the lives of the people and on Yoruba society through their contributions to culture and social life. In the Yoruba tradition these were individuals who were able to establish control over a natural force and make a bond of interdependence with it, attracting its beneficent action toward themselves and their people while sending its destructive aspects onto enemies. To achieve this degree of control and interdependence, the ancestors made offerings and sacrifices. Later these ancestors disappeared—often, according to tradition, in a remarkable manner, such as by sinking into the ground, rising into the heavens on chains, committing suicide and not dying, or turning to stone. Such a disappearance was not true death; rather, it was the occasion of the ancestor’s metamorphosis into an orisha. Several primordial divinities have oral traditions stating that they were once the chiefs or kings of still existing Yoruba towns.

When these ancestors disappeared and became orishas, their children began to sacrifice to them and to continue whatever ceremonies the orishas had performed when they were on earth. This worship was passed on from one generation to the next. In their native areas, people formed groups that worshipped and venerated these orishas and secured a place for their cult group in the religious and social organizations of the towns where they lived. Eventually a local orisha’s cult might spread to other towns and become more widely known. The worship of other deified ancestors, however, remained confined to the towns where it originated, even sometimes restricted to particular families or lineages.

Personified natural forces and phenomena

From the Yoruba point of view, any element of the natural world that has manifold and useful functions for human beings has a spirit dwelling in it. There are many spirits of this kind, but some of them are so preeminent that they supersede all others; they too are orishas. Among them are the earth; rivers, lakes, and lagoons; and mountains, certain trees, and the wind. Worship is directed at the orisha that dwells within the natural phenomenon, often at the site where the natural phenomenon manifests itself.

These specific forces of nature are part of the orisha because the cult of the orishas directs itself toward them. The orishas, however, are only one aspect of these natural forces. An orisha is that part of a natural force that is disciplined and controllable and that can be cultivated by people using ritual means. There is always the other part—the part of the natural force that can be explored but never completely known, the aspect of nature that will always remain wild and escape definition. To the benefit of human beings, the orishas mediate between humanity and these forces of the natural world by putting the tamable aspects of nature under human control while standing between humanity and that part of nature that cannot be tamed, hemmed in, or controlled by human beings.

Orisha worshipperfs see the tamed natural force and the deified ancestor as indissolubly linked. This unity is represented by a witnessing object that acts as the material support of an orisha’s power to command and cause things to happen. A collection of these objects, even if it is not permanent, constitutes an altar where the orisha is present and can be addressed through prayers and offerings. In this context the altar may be referred to as the orisha or as the orisha’s face. Everything that went into forming these witnessing objects—from leaves, earth, metal, pottery, or animal bones to the incantations and sacrifices that praised and coerced the orisha’s many powers to lodge in one place—becomes part of the object’s (and the orisha’s) secret.

Transmission Of Orisha Beliefs Outside Africa

During the 18th and 19th centuries thousands of Yoruba, Bini, Ewe, and Fon people were enslaved, uprooted, and transported to the Americas. In some locations in the Caribbean and South America, they were able to reestablish the worship of the orishas and maintain it during slavery and after its abolition. In the social and cultural environments of the Americas, the orisha concept underwent some subtle but significant changes. Orisha devotion became a profound influence upon the emergence of such new religions as Vodou in Haiti and Santería in Cuba.

Contemporary Practices Of Orisha Devotees

The general idea of the orisha as a deified ancestor whose descendants perpetuate the ancestor’s practices is reflected in the self-identification of the members of an orisha cult group’s priesthood as that orisha’s “children.” This idea also undergirds a practice of secrecy that excludes from some part of an orisha’s ceremonies people who have not been initiated into its priesthood. However, it becomes the responsibility of the orisha’s human descendants to transmit to subsequent generations the objects and secrets through which human beings can interact with the orisha. Because each orisha has particular occupations, places, skills, preferences, diseases, problems, capabilities, and misfortunes with which it is closely associated, devotees—through the orisha’s priesthood—can make appeals to the orisha that is best able to resolve the problem they are experiencing. It is the orishas who are the guardians and explicators of human destiny. Despite the ascendance of Christianity and Islam, many Yoruba and other West Africans still turn to the orishas for help, aid, and advice in the great and small problems of life.

In Conversation with an Orisa Priestess

The average Nigerian consider traditional religions as the practice of bad magic or “Juju”. According to Nigerian movies, Juju is used to twist situations, events and even people in your favor. But a chat with Òrìsà priestess, Omítọ̀nàdé Ifáwẹ̀mímọ́ debunks these myths peddled by Nollywood.
As you walk down the streets of Tanke Okeodo, Ilorin, you would come across toddlers waddling behind their mums dressed in hijabs. They imitate their parents and grow up never deviating from their religion. This is what it means when Yorubas say ó bá a nínú ilé ni. She met the tradition at home. Omítọ̀nàdé Ifáwẹ̀mímọ́ Ẹgbẹ́ladé was born into a family of Òrìsà worshippers. At 5, she already knew the intricacies of Òrìsà practice. As do many 5-year-olds in Christian homes today. However, while her father Baálẹ̀ Olúkúnmi Ẹgbẹ́ladé is a renowned religious leader and priest, her mother is a Christian. This does not affect their relationship in any way and as Omítọ̀nàdé says, they celebrate each other.
Omítọ̀nàdé clamors against the demonization of Yoruba spirituality. In 2015 she spoke at an Ake festival panel, which was where we first met. She reminded us that before Islam and Christianity came to Yoruba land, Òrìsà prevailed. In 2016, she presented a paper at the University of Ibadan titled ‘Roles and Acceptability of Indigenous Religion for National Development’ during the Cultural Day Colloquium. She called on the Government to promote indigenous languages in official spaces and support traditional medicine as it is a viable source of revenue for the country. In a subsequent article titled ‘Drums in African Tradition Religion’, she stressed the importance of music in Òrìsà worship. Just as humans have their favorite genres so do Òrìsàs. Ṣàngó and Yẹmọja prefer the bàtà drums while the agogo bells are unique to Ifá.
Many fail to realize that Òrìsà worship is as valid and as distinct as any other religion that exists. In a bid to explore this, Iyaolorisa and I exchanged messages discussing her faith.
Mariam Sule-Izuagbe — What does the word ‘Juju’ mean to you?
Omítọ̀nàdé Ifáwẹ̀mímọ́ — Juju means bad charm to me. And the word does not exist in Yoruba spirituality.
Mariam Sule-Izuagbe — Let’s talk about Yoruba Indigenous religion…
Omítọ̀nàdé Ifáwẹ̀mímọ́ — Yoruba religion comprises the traditional, religious and spiritual concepts and practice of the Yoruba people. In Yoruba spirituality, we can’t do without our Ori. Ori is you — the essential divinity in you that struggles to maintain consistency with your chosen destiny on your behalf. Even in the worship of our head guardian Òrìsà, it is Ori that determines the quality of our relationship with Òrìsà. It is because the Irunmole and Òrìsà put their Orí before them, it made them their mission to be accomplished on terrestrial earth. When we give sacrifice to Òrìsà, we are asking the blessing of the Òrìsà on behalf of our Ori.
Mariam Sule-Izuagbe — Who is the Irunmole?
Omítọ̀nàdé Ifáwẹ̀mímọ́ — Irunmole are the messengers of Olodumare. They descended from ikole orun to ile aye. They were those supernatural beings that first visited Ikole Aye (earth) and actually made earth habitable for human beings. The Òrìsà are also messengers of Olodumare. They were born just like men and lived in exemplary ways of Irunmole. They didn’t die on earth but were deified. We have 801 Irunmole. Igba Irúnmolè olùk’òtún. Igba Irúnmolè olùk’òsì. Òkànléní erínwó Irúnmolè tán ń t’òrun bò wá’lé Ayé ( 200 Irunmole at the right-hand side, 200 Irunmole at the left-hand side, 401 Irunmole descended from ikole orun to ile aye). This assertion made it known that 200 Irunmole are always at the right hand and another 200 are at the left hand side of Olodumare while the remaining 401 were the ones that came from ikole orun to ile aye.

Mariam Sule-Izuagbe — And what is their purpose?
Omítọ̀nàdé Ifáwẹ̀mímọ́ — Their purposes are many. They help us support the development of spiritual consciousness. They help us develop of Suuru(patience) and Iwa pele(balanced character). They help us get in tune with the universal energies. They help us know who we truly are and know our divine role here on earth.
Mariam Sule-Izuagbe — Where does Ifa come in?
Omítọ̀nàdé Ifáwẹ̀mímọ́ — Ifa is a system of divination. Ifa is the esoteric word of Olodumare. Literally, Ifa is just like a bible or Quran. It contains the verses of the literary corpus that is known as Odu Ifa. It has 256 corpus. It is the embodiment of the totality of human existence. Ifa is consulted for guidance and assurance. Orunmila is the great interpreter of Ifa.
Mariam Sule-Izuagbe — Orunmila, the Òrìsà of wisdom and divination?
Omítọ̀nàdé Ifáwẹ̀mímọ́ — Yes, but all Òrìsà are for divination. They are channels we used to communicate to Olodumare. Only Orunmila devotees make use of Opele and Ikin Ifa and Olorisa(Orisa devotee) make use of Erindilogun(sixteen cowries) for divination. I am an Òrìsà priestess. My area of specialty is on divinity, divination, initiation, Òrìsà propitiations and so on.
Mariam Sule-Izuagbe — How did you come to be an Òrìsà priestess?
Omítọ̀nàdé Ifáwẹ̀mímọ́ — One does not just choose to become an Òrìsà priest/priestess. Òrìsà chose me. Being initiated into any Òrìsà may make you a devotee. However, to become a practicing diviner (priest or priestess) takes years and years of diligent study.
Mariam Sule-Izuagbe — What made Òrìsà choose you? What are the markings of the chosen one?
Omítọ̀nàdé Ifáwẹ̀mímọ́ — Divination. That’s all.
Mariam Sule-Izuagbe — I read about Erindilogun lightly when I was writing our article about cowries. I learned that the positions the cowries land on tell about a person. What do they say? Is it possible to tell a person’s past or future?
Omítọ̀nàdé Ifáwẹ̀mímọ́ — The things they say are personal. And yes, it is possible to tell a person’s past, present, and future. Because we have 3 ways we modify one’s Ori or destiny in Yoruba spirituality.
1. Through either Ifa or Òrìsà divination
2. Through Ifa or Òrìsà propitiations
3. Through Ifa or Òrìsà initiation
Mariam Sule-Izuagbe — If I wanted something specific like a child or money, what would I have to do?
Omítọ̀nàdé Ifáwẹ̀mímọ́ — We can’t do anything except we do divination. Only then will the Òrìsà put us through to find the solution. The divination requires consultation fee, person’s birth name, and mother’s name.

Mariam Sule-Izuagbe — Is there any particular reason for using the mother’s name and not the father’s name?
Omítọ̀nàdé Ifáwẹ̀mímọ́ — Though both of them are our progenitors (isese), we came through our mothers. Ifa Odu Ogunda Owonrin states:
Baba eni isese eni
Iya eni isese eni
Isese labo kato bo Orisa
This means: “it is our mothers and our fathers who are our isese. It is isese we pay homage to before paying homage to orisa”. But mother is a deity. Yeye omo l’oloro omo. One’s mother is the architect of one’s fortune.
Mariam Sule-Izuagbe — What are some of the misconceptions about your religion that you’d like to debunk?
Omítọ̀nàdé Ifáwẹ̀mímọ́ — We are not idol worshippers. I practice Òrìsà spirituality. The word “Òrìsà” doesn’t translate to idol or god. Òrìsà is Òrìsà or deity. Olodumare proves its existence through nature. Each Òrìsà represents nature. Sango is the Òrìsà of thunder and lightning. Osun, Yemoja, Olokun, Òrìsà of waters. Osanyin is the Òrìsà of herbs, leaves and roots and many more. We only have icons not idols of Òrìsà. Icon or implement of Sango is Edun ara (Thunderstone), Ogun is iron or metal, Esu is yangi stone and many more. Nollywood has done more harm than good to Yoruba spirituality. We need to correct the misconception and misinterpretation. They have fixated the negative impression that our people dwell in. However, our people have been brainwashed and whitewashed by colonial mentality. We need to question everything we see. Don’t stop asking questions, only then, would we be enlightened. We need to tell our stories ourselves.
Mariam Sule-Izuagbe — I totally agree with retelling our stories. Chinua Achebe said that until the lions tell their story, the tale of the hunt would always glorify the hunter. JuJu is committed to taking actions challenging the demonization of African culture, we hope that the stigma and religious intolerance will be a thing of the past in the future we create. How can we, as people can change the perspective of Yoruba spirituality that is currently being peddled?
Omítọ̀nàdé Ifáwẹ̀mímọ́ — Like I said, the main issue is lack of understanding and ignorance. For years, a lot of misinformation and lies have been spread about our traditional practices, and that’s the root of the problem. We need to promote public discourse about Òrìsà spirituality. This should include writing blogs, articles to newspapers, short videos on YouTube, and even symposiums at universities and other learning institutions. The goal is to challenge the general perception through the same media used to spread misinformation. Truly a lot of information about Òrìsà worship is secret knowledge and this allows people to spread lies. This does not mean that we should bring out esoteric knowledge, but just a bit of it and the tenets of the belief should be made accessible to everyone. It took years to spread the negative perception about Òrìsà spirituality, so changing it will not happen immediately but every attempt to change the perception of people with true information goes a long way. The approach has to be systematic. For lack of better words, we have to make it “pop” and attractive. Traditional Indian spirituality is trendy today, but it is not so different from Òrìsà worship. I think the only difference is the way it has been portrayed to the world and that’s what we need to work on.
Mariam Sule-Izuagbe — Thank you for sitting with me to have this talk. Modupe pupo.
Omítọ̀nàdé Ifáwẹ̀mímọ́ — Ko tope. No problem

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Taking a good look at our condition in the Diaspora, we as decedents of Africans must reflect on our history. We must ponder on the journey which our forefathers endured. It is because of their desire to survive and overcome against all odds that we are here today. Are we any different than our forefathers? I would like to say that we are not. We have within ourselves all that glorious energy and will to endure the harshest of conditions life may throw our way. We have the power within us to overcome and conquer any and all obstacle because they are within us. There is a tremendous spiritual energy working within the hearts and soul of our people. This energy is stimulating our psyche to the point wherein we can't help but believe there is truly a merciful God in the midst of all of this world

In my opinion, I believe the Yoruba tradition of Ifa-Orisa sits at the top of the pyramid of every practical, theoretical, and traditional practice or study. Again, this is simply my opinion.

I awakened to my spirituality in a very horrible way. I’ve written about this here many times before but it was my spirituality, my awakening, that pushed me to Ifa. As a matter of fact, after my awakening, I was told to go to a church that I did not grow up in: Revival/Zion. While in the revival church, I began to use the wisdom that my sweet Padrino had taught me years before to show the way of studying nature to the Bishops and Pastors of my church. Eventually, same church, or should I say the same Christian God, sent me to Africa… to Ifa.

Now this post is about the spirituality behind Ifa and Orisha as a traditional practice.

In this post, I will try my best to explain what is happening behind what you see.
In Nigeria, Ifa traditional practice is the study and veneration of nature as pure energy. What I mean by “pure energy” is this: Every leaf, every stem, every flower, etc.  all have a particular animistic energy that allows it to work for human beings and the earth.

These energies are all of Light.

*Note: No energy that comes up on our Earth Plane is ever dark. They are all Light. When that energy gets ready to play a “negative” role in our lives, that energy now manifests itself as dark. Malevolent beings are seen as dark beings, but they are actually Light beings that take on the “role” of dark when something needs to happen (i.e. car crash, natural disasters, even obeah, etc.) in order for something to change. Darkness is necessary because everything begins with it. Like a pregnancy, it gives way to form, i.e. change, ideas, physical manifestations, “knowing”, what is tangible, what has arrived, etc.

But Let’s Start With The Babalawo

A Babalawo, before becoming independent and working as a Babalawo for the community, must go through extensive training. Within the training, they will learn many things. Not only how to understand the use of the oracles and the verses attached to each odu, but also how to use nature for medicines (spiritually) or for work to aid humankind. Now, the master of the Awo in training also had a master, and so did the master before him and before him etc. So in Ifa, everything is handed down orally.

What is not realized by some is that those old masters are the ones who now sit beside the Awos in their non-physical form and continues to teach in spirit.

A newly trained Awo can cast Ifa, but it also depends on how open his spirit is to receive the information from generations of non-physical, well-trained masters. These non-physical masters will not only teach him while he works or studies, but also while he sleeps.

So some Babalawos will know extensive knowledge about odus without ever having been taught by their physical master. It would be a “knowing” that they develop, and this “knowing” is what is given to them by non-physical teachers.

Everything in life is spiritual, whether you know it or not. Nothing is ever mechanical.

Ifa Traditional Medicines
A leaf burnt to make a medicine instantly becomes a spirit. How? Because there was a spirit attached to this leaf before it was used for this preparation. This is why every tree and every leaf has a name, just like every human being has a name. So, if I wanted John to go to the shop for me, I would call him by his name and send him on errand.

Just like calling John, the Awo has to use incantation to “wake up” the medicine in order for it to now become “alive” and go out to work for the human it will be given to. By “alive” I mean that the medicine has now become a messenger. If you have used the Herb & Prosperity Medicine from the shop this is how that medicine works.

Now, when I send John to the shop, John needs a mode of transportation. When the Awo makes the medicine, it will now use the breeze to carry it through. If the medicine was for prosperity, it will use the breeze to search for avenues to bring prosperity. Because the breeze is an element of nature and a force within itself, it will now become activated by this medicine, and the two work together for the benefit of the human.
How is this knowledge given so that it can be passed along through generations? All of this knowledge is not only passed down through training, but also through non-physicals (a spirit still alive and conscious). The more a non-physical assists the human in evolution and growth is the more that non-physical elevates into Light Continuum.

The spirituality behind tradition is the activation of non-physical beings who must also be propitiated always. Therefore, the reverence and sacrifice to the ancestors and your Ori are important. It is the non-physicals or those from the ancestral world that will lead someone from Iceland or Greenland all the way to tradition without them ever having heard of it before. They, the spirits, are like salt, which without it, the food can never be good. They act as an activation for everything spiritual that needs to be done or learned.

What Happens When You Are InitiatedHow is this knowledge given so that it can be passed along through generations? All of this knowledge is not only passed down through training, but also through non-physicals (a spirit still alive and conscious). The more a non-physical assists the human in evolution and growth is the more that non-physical elevates into Light Continuum.

The spirituality behind tradition is the activation of non-physical beings who must also be propitiated always. Therefore, the reverence and sacrifice to the ancestors and your Ori are important. It is the non-physicals or those from the ancestral world that will lead someone from Iceland or Greenland all the way to tradition without them ever having heard of it before. They, the spirits, are like salt, which without it, the food can never be good. They act as an activation for everything spiritual that needs to be done or learned.

What Happens When You Are Initiated

I spoke to someone yesterday who was a part of a particular spiritual house in America. She practices a system similar to that of the Yorubas, although she is not initiated. During our conversation, she informed me that she had done a ceremony to receive Elekes (ìlẹ̀kẹ̀ in Yoruba).

After the reading, I asked her “Who will initiate you?” and after she told me, I wished her the best, but being who I am, I could not end the conversation without sharing some information.

If a person needs to be initiated to Ifa, a trained and competent Babalawo who is the reprensentative of Orunmila on Earth and has the Ase to pass over will be the one to do this type of initiation. If you initiate to an Orisa, the Babalawo will call the custodians of that particular Orisa to assist him. The custodians hold the Ase (power/rights/rituals) to that Orisa, therefore it is they who can pass it over correctly. However, it is compulsory for a Babalawo to be present during an Orisa initiation due to the necessary odu and sacrifices that will be needed.

Neither a Babalawo nor an Olorisa can do an Orisa initiation by himself.  Every person involved comes with their own Ase to impart.

Getting initiated to Ifa is a very big protection for many things, which I will explain soon. Getting initiated to an Orisha, on the other hand, is like having your personal guardian angel support your destiny. However, as I said before, Ifa is a guide. So imagine someone directing you: make a right here, don’t go there, go straight, avoid there, etc. This is the role of Ifa. The interesting part is that everything Ifa is guiding you away from or guiding you towards are all things written by you (your spirit). You were literally the author of your own destiny.

Initiation to Ifa is an amazing rights of passage to your spiritual journey, evolution and elevation. However, there are some that initiation is a must for. There can be many reasons for this: a chosen destiny, to save a life (or lives), healing, to collect a great blessing, to stop an ill fate, to rewrite a destiny for the better, for protection, etc.

Before initiation,This does take time but what it does is ground and balances a person spiritually, emotionally, psychologically, physically and then some. For some, the process can be gradual, but then no baby is born and walks out of the hospital.

This is why Ifa initiation is recommended to be done first because Ifa is the guide. It is through Ifa that one will now know not only the Orisa that rules his or her head but also the Orisa(s) that he or she will need to support him or her through their life.

You do not have to be Yoruba to embrace this tradition. Ifa’s children spreads far and wide across the world. It does not matter if you are Christian, Muslim, or something else, if Ifa is in your blood, Ifa will find you.

Getting Ifa is like being handed a book of your own destiny. The title of the book is your Odu and inside of this book are all the things you have written for your life before coming to Earth; both the good and the bad. As the Babalawos read your book and interpret, they see many things: wealth and plenty of children, or famine and poverty. However, because we create our realities, initiation helps you rewrite your destiny. So if famine, poverty, untimely death or illness was in the future, with Ifa’s guidance (i.e. a sacrifice, medicine, taboo, etc.) that unfortunate future can be changed.

Observe the image above which was taken during an Obatala initiation. Everything used during initiations  has its specific meaning and symbolism. From the cloth they wear, to the way the cloth is tied, to the markings (a coded language) written upon the head and body, to the movements or sounds made, and propitiations. All of this is done ritualistically in the calling down of the energy (Orisha).

What Energy Has To Do With Initiations

a person may feel their life is unaligned. They may experience many things: obeah, confusion, difficulties, they may feel lost, or drawn to a particular or many roads of spirituality, at times life may just become too hectic. If we were to take an X-RAY of that person’s life, the X-RAY may look something like this:

After initiation, and adhering to taboos and keeping up with sacrifices, the person will now become aligned with their destiny. Therefore, what has been tangled before now gradually begins to untangle, until finally those chaotic lines straighten out. This is when the initiate has become aligned totally with their destiny and the X-RAY now looks like this:

The entire initiation process is a process of transference, shifting and manipulation of energy. I use the image above to show you the hundreds (or thousands) of dots floating around. Those are energies, or spirits.

So the “force” (Orisa) that is called upon you now becomes “apart” of you. In a metaphorical way, it sits atop your head and you and it have become one. As time goes on, you will begin to take on characteristics of that Orisa. This will take time as the Orisa develops overtime within the person. So the older you get, is the more that energy binds itself with you.

We ascribe gender to Orishas only for better understanding of the human due to limitations of the mind. However, Orishas are pure energies and therefore genderless. Shango, for example, is seen and described as masculine because of the harshness of lightening and thunder and the rage within fire. In human form, these are masculine traits. Osun is seen as feminine because the river is seen as soft, sweet, clean and flowing.

When these energies are now placed alongside or within any type of ancestral spirits or statues or ascribed a new personality, that pure energy is no longer pure. If you put a masculine pure energy and change it to a feminine energy, and that feminine energy is not pure but is instead ancestral, then that once masculine energy has lost its purity. So what happens when that new energy is given to someone during initiation? It is like a hybrid and just as that energy has been crossed or tainted, so will now the human become. This, fortunately, is not the case in Africa.

The Yorubas have mastered the art of manipulating energy correctly.

Initiation includes certain sacrificial rights, the feeding/propitiation and invocation of energies and inviting them into the space through acts and symbolic language. It is further advanced through sound such as drumming, singing and dancing. The words, melody, and tune all work to create a passageway for that particular energy or source to come down. In other words, we are calling “spirits/live energies” and calling them into this space. It is to create frequency which will act as a signal to the particular Orisa you are seeking to come.

So this is a part of what I mean by “passing along Ase” because it is the custodians of the Orisa that will know the correct rights and rituals or insignia to bring in the Orisa.

In the world of Occult, you can not call a spirit unless you know his signature, otherwise everything can turn upside down for that person.

Each initiate, including the new initiate, carries the Ase of that Orisa. That Ase stays within that individual and grows more and more and more as he develops further into his spirituality. So, the custodian passing along his Ase is him or her passing along that energy. The longer one has been initiated or has been a custodian of that Orisa is the more powerful and potent his or her Ase becomes.

There are so many things to know in understanding Ifa-Orisha from a metaphysical point of view. There is much to learn because most of us on the other side of the world were not born within the tradition.

It was a journey for me to get to Ifa (the struggles I had in my life), but I have arrived, and at my best. I have brought my children along, and I believe this is the best thing I have ever done for them.

Obara Meji

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Christianity, Islam, and Orisa-Religion
Three Traditions in Comparison and Interaction

J. D. Y. Peel
The Anthology of Christianity
Oakland, CA:  University of California Press , December  2015.  312 pages.
 $40.00. Paperback.  ISBN  9780520285859.  For other formats: Link to Publisher's Website.
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The Yoruba of southwestern Nigeria are exceptional for the copresence among them of three religious traditions: Islam, Christianity, and the indigenous orisa religion. In this comparative study, at once historical and anthropological, Peel explores the intertwined character of the three religions and the dense imbrication of religion in all aspects of Yoruba history up to the present. For over 400 years, the Yoruba have straddled two geocultural spheres: one reaching north over the Sahara to the world of Islam, the other linking them to the Euro-American world via the Atlantic. These two external spheres were the source of contrasting cultural influences, notably those emanating from the world religions. However, the Yoruba not only imported Islam and Christianity but also exported their own orisa religion to the New World. Before the voluntary modern diaspora that has brought many Yoruba to Europe and the Americas, tens of thousands were sold as slaves in the New World, bringing with them the worship of the orisa.

Peel offers deep insight into important contemporary themes such as religious conversion, new religious movements, relations between world religions, the conditions of religious violence, the transnational flows of contemporary religion, and the interplay between tradition and the demands of an ever-changing present. In the process, he makes a major theoretical contribution to the anthropology of world religions.

About the Author(s)/Editor(s)/Translator(s):
J.D.Y. Peel (1941-2015) died shortly before this book went to press. He was professor Emeritus of Anthropology and Sociology at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. This is his last major work.

Categories: anthropology  comparative religions  history theology  ritual  violence  Africa  Christianity Islam  indigenous religions new religious movements
Keywords: Orisa, Yoruba, Nigeria, Atlantic slave trade
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Volume 51, Issue 3 July 1981 , pp. 724-745
How man makes God in West Africa: Yoruba attitudes towards the Orisa
Karin Barber
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 07 December 2011

The idea that gods are made by men, not men by gods, is a sociological truism. It belongs very obviously to a detached and critical tradition of thought incompatible with faith in those gods. But Yoruba traditional religion contains built into it a very similar notion, and here, far from indicating scepticism or decline of belief, it seems to be a central impulse to devotion. The òrìṣà (‘gods’) are, according to Yoruba traditional thought, maintained and kept in existence by the attention of humans. Without the collaboration of their devotees, the òrìṣà would be betrayed, exposed and reduced to nothing. This notion seems to have been intrinsic to the religion since the earliest times. How can such an awareness be part of a devotee's ‘belief’? Rather than speculate abstractly, as Rodney Needham does (Needham 1972), about whether people of other cultures can be said to ‘believe’ at all, it seems more interesting to take a concrete case like the Yorba one where there is an unexpected–even apparently paradoxical–configuration of ideas,  to ask how these ideas are constituted. Only by looking at them as part of a particular kind of society, with particular kinds of social relationships, can one see why such a configuration is so persuasive. The notion that men make gods is by no means unique to Yoruba thought. It is present to some degree in a number of traditional West African religions, and in some, such as the Kalahari one, it can be seen in an even more explicit form than in the Yoruba one. A comparison may help to show how it is the constitution of social relationships which makes such a notion not just acceptable but central to the religious thought of the society.


COPYRIGHT: © International African Institute 1981
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Cowrie Shell Divination & Ifa Spiritual Tools
Sango ~ Orisa of Fire
Sango is one of the most well loved and charismatic of the orisa. Also known as arira, “light and fire that flashes here and there in the sky”, he is not to be mistaken as the son of Oranmiyan and the one time Alaafin of Oyo. It is very important to distinguish between irunmole and humans, who because of their feats and behavior in life, were elevated to irunmole status while alive. This myth of Sango the irunmole as the Alaafin of Oyo seems to be very prevalent in the diaspora but is soundly rejected in Yorubaland. Odu Ifa (Owonrin Wori) clearly state that any reference to Sango in the Kingdom of Oyo is due to the King of Oyo naming his two sons, Ajaka, and the other Sango, because of the latter’s character and powers similar to that of the ancient orisa Sango. There is a difference between humans who were given title as an orisa because of their feats during life, and the irunmole. Hardly anyone uses the word “orisa” in Yorubaland, they use irunmole when speaking of the forces which humans have anthropomorphized to call orisa. Ifa speaks in parables, and even when talking about which orisa had many “wives” and seemingly human endeavors, there is a deeper meaning if we look into the matter. There is a spiritual meaning beyond what our human mind wants to make fit so neatly with our own lives and social environment.

Sango is known as the Lord of Thunder, a master herbalist, and one who metes out Justice by means of the thunder and fire that he can blow from his mouth, and his use of the many thunder stones he throws to strike his enemies down. He dresses in a tunic and skirt of strips of cloth covered with cowrie shells in intricate designs and plaits his hair in the fashion of a woman. Many statues and icons are mistakenly thought in the diaspora to be those of female orisa when in fact they are depicting Sango with a bosom as he is also an orisa linked to fertility.

Sango’s nature is very masculine, straight forward, bold, confident, energetic, brilliant and confident. Children of Sango are usually very attractive, tall and slim limbed, adventurous and have little patience with slow thinkers. This is due to Sango being a brilliant strategist and tactician; a natural leader who rallies people around him. Magnetic, intelligent, Sango uses his talents to push strategies and plans through to a successful outcome. He is capable of succeeding in all matters of Justice and just as capable to relish the fruits of his conquests and victories after the battle is won.

Many praise oriki recite his virtues:
Ino loju, ino lenu: fire in the eyes and mouth.
Aa fi igba ita segun: One that won battle with 200 stones.
Onimu nsimu, eke nsa: Sango is working and the dishonest are nervous and fleeing.
Oloju orogbo, elereke obi: One that has eyes of bitter kola and cheeks of obi seeds.
Sango lomo aa ja maa jebi: Wherever and whenever Sango fights, judgment is always on his side
Ayanyan ino, akata yeriyeri: Light and flames that blow here and there.
Sango lo mewe , emi ko mewe: I do not know how to use herbs and leaves, but Sango knows very well)

Sango possesses both male and female devotees, and while in trance can eat fire, walk on coals, and carry a live brazier of coals on the head or place coals in their mouths. Sango is owner of the most spirited dancing and his leaps and high kicks are fantastic to watch as he dances to the very fast paced beat of his signature drumming.
Sango priests can be seen in Yorubaland performing feats of magic such as cutting the eyes, tongue, skin with a machete and within seconds the wound will stop bleeding and heal up before the eyes. They pierce the skin with needles, swords, nails, razors and suffer no permanent damage. Sango makes the human body impervious to injury while manifested and he is linked to the sacred Baobab tree which is also the only tree in the forest that can withstand fire and remain standing.  Baobab tree bark, roots, leaves and fruit and its use in Ifa medicine/preparations is sacred to Sango and at the tree’s base after a thunderstorm, Sango’s edun ara ( a smooth stone shaped like an ax head), can often be found along with smaller thunder stones. Devotees search for these after thunderstorms to use in their devotion and for protection.

Sango was historically married to Oya, the river orisa, who rises up to create rain drenched wind storms and tempests, and some say it was actually she who gave the power of fire to Sango. What is certain is that wherever Oya arrives, Sango soon follows. He is a strict enforcer of justice and detests liars, thieves, dishonesty and insincerity. The children of Sango are also very astute in the judgement of character and do not tolerate liars, will fight passionately to defend those who are wronged, and take vengeance on those of bad action and character. They must always strive to those ideals of honesty and truth.
Some of the symbols of Sango are his two headed axe, or ose, and this is always in his shrine along with an upturned mortar, the edun ara on a clay plate covered with palm oil and many small stones which are used to fight enemies. His colors are red, white and some black, the cloth is usually always elaborately covered with cowrie shells. There can be bata drums and there is always a seere, a small gourd which is used in the shrine offerings and its larger cousin can also be used as a musical instrument when covered with a net of beads called a shekere, in the diaspora. The seere gourd has a long history with Sango and you will never find one without the other.

The Story of Sango and the Seere
A verse from Oyeku Rete says:
…Adifafun sere ti o fe Igbadun leyin Sango Thus declared Ifa oracle to Seere that wanted to pair up with Sango.
Seere is the one that announced the arrival of Sango to the townspeople, just as the Oba’s messenger who runs before the arrival of the King, that Sango would soon be coming to help the people solve their physical and spiritual problems and afflictions, as well as pray for their material needs. After Seere’s announcement, Sango would appear and immediately solve their problems. He performed as a physician using herbs and leaves (contained in the magical Seere) as well as foreseeing and predicting the future. Almost all of the people would give them money, fine cloth and many other gifts for assisting them overcome their troubles. When Sango and Seere reached their home one day to divide their gifts, Sango said that he would take the larger share, simply because he was the doctor attending to the people, while Seere only summoned for them. Seere rejected the notion and said they were full partners so they should either share the gifts equally or they should split up. Both of them agreed to dissolve their partnership and went their separate ways. Then, whenever each of them went out to work alone, people said, “this is not the real Seere! The Seere we know announces the arrival of Sango!”. The same happened when Sango went out, people said, “the coming of the real Sango we know is always announced by Seere!”. So both starved and they didn’t receive any food, gifts, or money as recognition from the people. Unbeknownst to each other they now separately went to consult the Ifa oracle. Ifa then revealed to them that they should settle the dispute that had arisen between them so they can have progress in life. They became partners again and Seere continued to announce the arrival of Sango and contain his ewe, leaves for Ifa medicine (ewe oogun). It is for this reason that since that day Seere the gourd is always found in most shrines next to the ota of Sango.

Product Description
This volume rests on the crucial recognition that Yorba culture has extended far beyond the boundaries of Nigeria. For members of Yoruba diaspora, temporal and geographic distance has not fully erased their memory or cultural activism. Orisa worship remains one of the most prominent and recognizable evidence of this connection. With millions of Orisa practitioners in the world, Yoruba gods are very much alive and form part of the Nigerian and Yoruba diasporan religious experience. This Volume seeks to introduce new ideas, perspectives, and methodologies on Orisa worship. The chapters reflect a multi-disciplinary approach to orsia study, covering a wide range of topics such a divination, the practice of Santeria, festivals and songs, the creation of the orisa-based communities within the United States, and globalization of cults. Most importantly, the volume documents the survival of religious practices, and its important role of reinforcing cultural values within a community as well as empowering its members to progress in the modern world.

TOYIN FALOLA is the Frances Higginbothom Nalle Centennial Professor in History at the University of Texas at Austin. His is also a follow of the Nigerian Academy of Letters and a Distinguished Teaching Professor. He is the author of numerous books, including his memoir A Mouth Sweeter than Salt and The Power of African Cultures. In recognition of his devotion and contribution to the study of Africa, Falola’s colleagues presented him with festschriften; The Transformations of Nigeria: Essays in honor of Toyin Falola and The Foundations of Nigeria; Essays in Honor of Toyin Falola.

ANN GENVOA is a doctoral candidate at the University of Texas at Austin. She is completing her Ph.D. on Nigeria, and is the recipient of the Patrice Lumumba Fellowship from the Center of African and African-American Studies at the University of Texas. She is the co-author of The Politics of the Global Oil Industry and a chapter contributor to edited volumes including The Dark Webs: Perspectives on Colonialism in Africa and Yoruba Identity and Power Politics.

Cultural Studies, History/AFRICA

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*The dog in Orisa’s box when she puts it back away*
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Orisa Is Not Idol Worship
Religion, Tradition Comments Off on Orisa Is Not Idol Worship 13,953 Views

The word”IDOL”, is derived from the Greek word, ‘EIDOLON’ which simply means, “image”. In the continent of Africa, I have not seen, read of or heard about the image of ‘GOD’ demonstrated in one form or the other whether in the form of a picture, mould, carving or drawing which can conveniently provoke and promote the thought of Man to realizing the possible ‘morphology’ (shape or form) of God. It is quite clear to an African that ‘Olodumare’ (God) is transcendental and hence, it borders down on abomination and self-deceit to represent God in a form whatsoever.

It is to be recognized that images of objects can be formed concrete or verbal. Hence, to the mind of every African, God becomes a formless Force of Supremacy (Megaforce) duly recognized as real, active, alive and omnipresent governing the earth and heavens, indeed, the universe!

It is emphatically certain, in all the above (as earlier explained ) in the way of “service” of the. Supreme Force by the African-man (at the instance of the Deities), through propitiations, that there is no noticeable “image” of any form that is worshipped; real objects of Nature that found favour-use with the Deities (while on earth) are only assembled to serve as the substratum to magnetize the spirit of the Deities under propitiation – as such Deities are believed by the African as the intermediaries btween him and God when invoked or appealed to (by supplication or otherwise); or they (Deities) cross his path-ways to God when unrecognzed or neglected or abandoned.

Logically, it should be recognized that there is a difference between worshipping “something” and standing before something” to worship something as a way of (better) service to the original something best known to the intermediates. And so, to recognize, call or identify Traditional Religion (Ifa) as Idol-worship” calls for a better brain to scrutinize, examine, and admit (for criterion-justification of sanity) when the true meaning of the word, Idol (derived from Greek, Eidolon) means “imega”. Hence, it is a misuse of word by men of mean reasoning who wallow in dersion and unwarranted condemnation of “that” which belongs to them, when, especially, they find themselves wanting in deep and meaningful researches into that which belongs to them. Africans are, by no means, idol-worshippers in their ways of service to the Supreme Force as they act in consonance with reality of existence of Man on earth vis-a-vis the Deities ‘et al’.

“Ifa” says; ‘That’ with which they are born wins not their admiration. It is the foreign ideals that they embrace very readily Divined for the (baited) hook which goes with the fish (in the waters)
Now, howbeit, that all the goodies(of life) that are out of our reach. Let the hook (of good fortune) plus our inner (spiritual) head bait them all to our gainful advantage.
(Irete+Ogbe) Aboru aboye….

Written and Source By: Prince Adeyinka Ojopagogo
ICIR, Social Media Officier

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Ilera Lagba Tradomedical Healing ▶ ‎Asiri ogun ibile
(ORISA AJE/ wealth). - everybody was run to have aje/wealth,
and Aje is a Godess of wealth and economic prosperity, this
orisha aid the accumulation of wealth and prevent dwindling
of one’s economic growth, aje olokun seni ade, omon bibi inu
olokun ni (Aje is the daughter of olokun) aje is an extremely
paramount Orisa that anybody who really wants wealth,
economic prosperity , growth and maintenance of wealth
should have in his or her possession. Aje is the spiritual
energy that is responsible for the control of wealth, trade,
economic growth, prosperity, and any type of currency,
anybody who have consecrated aje and appease it or
Propitiate well will never lack behind in any form of trade.
People give offering for aje to make wealth should come to us
and been make our business been going well like people who
sales thing, people also received aje for them life for making
wealth come to them, or in our company or any sales thing ,
Aje can be Propitiate with ekuru funfu (white ground boil
beans) eyele(pigeon) obi oloju merin (kolanut with four lobes
You can make order for fully individualise spiritually
consecrated aje for your self, business, or household from
babalawo, the offering should been give to aje so we can been
getting much better money or received aje, some work like
elephants and gain little profit! So aje helping for getting much
money! May aje/wealth would not be our enemies Ase Ase

Ifa Orisa Calendar
1 Ogun/Osoosi/Orisa Oko
2 Sango/Oya
3 Obatala/Egungun/Iyaami/Sanpanna
4 Ifa/Esu/Osun/Aje/Yemoja/Olokun
5 Ogun/Osoosi/Orisa Oko
6 Sango/Oya
7 Obatala/Egungun/Iyaami/Sanpanna
8 Ifa/Esu/Osun/Aje/Yemoja/Olokun ***
9 Ogun/Osoosi/Orisa Oko
10 Sango/Oya
11 Obatala/Egungun/Iyaami/Sanpanna
12 Ifa/Esu/Osun/Aje/Yemoja/Olokun X
13 Ogun/Osoosi/Orisa Oko
14 Sango/Oya
15 Obatala/Egungun/Iyaami/Sanpanna
16 Ifa/Esu/Osun/Aje/Yemoja/Olokun
17 Ogun/Osoosi/Orisa Oko
18 Sango/Oya
19 Obatala/Egungun/Iyaami/Sanpanna
20 Ifa/Esu/Osun/Aje/Yemoja/Olokun
21 Ogun/Osoosi/Orisa Oko
22 Sango/Oya
23 Obatala/Egungun/Iyaami/Sanpanna
24 Ifa/Esu/Osun/Aje/Yemoja/Olokun ***
25 Ogun/Osoosi/Orisa Oko
26 Sango/Oya 0
27 Obatala/Egungun/Iyaami/Sanpanna
28 Ifa/Esu/Osun/Aje/Yemoja/Olokun
29 Ogun/Osoosi/Orisa Oko
30 Sango/Oya
31 Obatala/Egungun/Iyaami/Sanpanna
*** = Itadogun
X = Full Moon
0 = New Moon

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by Philip J. Neimark
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Carried to the Americas by slaves, the 8,000-year-old philosophy of Ifa originated with the Yoruba peoples of West Africa. Ifa's enduring message of strength and inner peace, one that offers a way to harmonize our spiritual and worldly aims, is enjoying a resurgence of popularity in the West. Written by an avid student and accomplished practitioner, The Way of the Orisa ...more
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September 30, 2016 in film festival
Texas folks come out for my film screening

The FilmFest — Celebration Africa,
Bringing the best in thought-provoking films celebrating African culture and experience.

The Waco Cultural Arts Festival's cinema component, will screen four films Friday and Saturday. The Nigerian short film “Oya: Something Happened on the Way to West Africa” will follow the festival’s opening reception at 6:30 p.m. Friday. 9/30/16

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Practical Steps to Developing Ifa/Orisa Daily Devotions
by Joanna "Orisalase" Hopkins
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Sat, October 12, 2019
12:00 PM – 2:00 PM CDT

Cedar Ridge Nature Preserve
7171 Mountain Creek Parkway
Dallas, TX 75249
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Develop daily/weekly practices of propitiating higher self (Ori), ancestors (Egun) and forces of nature (Orisa) in the Isese tradition.

Baba Kola Abimbola and Chief Omilana Fagbenro-Amusan will discuss the why, the what, and the how to building a daily practice of worship and propitiation of Ori, Egun, and Orisa. Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in hands on demonstrations. Co-Facilitators Daphne "Osunlade" Edwards and Joanna "Orisalase" Hopkins will make sure that time is built in for Q&A. Ifa/Orisa practitioners of all levels are welcome. Children sixteen and under are free of charge. Students age 17 to 21 (with ID) can make a donation at the door. Adults can register through eventbrite. Funds are collected to defray the cost of providing this unique experience to not only gather for fellowship, but for deep learning. Thank you in advance for your participation and support. Ire o

from heaven at the same time.  They descended to lloya with chain like the other Orisa.  Obarese was a powerful man during his time on Earth and had many magical elements at his disposal.  Oranfe is Obarese’s  older brother.  Because of his power, Oranfe wanted Obarese to leave his domain.  Oranfe has thunder (Ara) and is first god that had the power where fire could come out from his mouth.  Obarese can cause rain to fall whenever he wants.   Ifa was consulted , and Oranfe told Obarese that he is to have a wife.  Oranfe then slapped the rib of Obarese and changed the rib into a woman.  The name of the woman is Osere.
Osere and Obasrese proceeded on their journey to leave the domain of Oranfe.  They stopped at three locations.  The first land was Igbodo and they relaxed well there and they want to stay.  Oranfe then appeared to his brother and told him that he and his wife must proceed on with their journey.  Obarese carried out his Ifa and Odu, he then perform ritual and he prayed to Olodumare. There was a tree where he and his wife were sitting and he directed his magic to the tree and the tree turned to a hill.  This hill remains in Ife to today and is still the site of great magic and ritual.
Obarese continued on his journey.  He stopped next in Gidi Ogbo.  He met people that were joyful, they were celebrating an Ifa festival.  They welcome him with pounded yam and melon soup and he want to start eating.  Oranfe appeared to Obarese again and told him that he couldn’t eat the soup and had to continue on the journey.  Obarese again took out his Opon Ifa and Odu and performed a ritual, he turned the soup into a great stone.  This stone is still in Gidi Ogbo and is worshiped today.
Oranfe said that he had to move beyond river bank.  Obares went to a place Igbo Ogbe.  Obarese was afraid to cross the river.  Oranfe said he should not fear and once he gets to the other side he will tell him what to do.  After he crossed the river to the other side, Oranfe said that from that moment on, Obarese should never again come into his domain except for Oranfe’s festival.
Obarese  never went again into his brother’s domain and he continued his life.  He performed one wonder where he prayed to Olodumare to have yam grow during the Harmattan when nothing can grow.  He reached a new home during the Harmattan and his family needed food but was unable to plant yam.  He prayed and performed a ritual for the yam to grow in three days.  The yam grew plentiful at the end of three days:
oko su lojo oko
oko ko isu awure legbe
He was also the first man to plant and grow the palm wine tree in one day and to take the palm wine out that very day.  He had access to many powers.
During the reign of one Olofin, the people of the Ife communities were dying of hunger.  The herbalists were unable to take care of them.  During that time rain did not fall.  The Olofin called a priest to come and find the solution but they could solve the problem.  The people of the town told the Olofin that Obarese had the power to call for rain.  Olofin called  Obarese to come and solve this problem and he told Olofin that he will solve but he will  need 6 pounded yam, rat fish and other material to perform the ritual.  With this he had a power pot called Ikoko Elemeji, which he used to make the sacrifice and perform the ritual.  During the ritual he was sang this song:
tojo nika losoro tojo nika losoro
iran je tan iran mu
tan tojo losoro
They called the (ojo ) rain.  From that night the rain came.  The Olofin said that he was a real powerful man and gave him his own respect.  The other dieties became jealous and said he must leave their domain.  He went to his friend Oluorogbo he give him his ikoko elemeji.  Oluorogbo told Obarese that he wouldn’t betray him. Whenever the festival for Obarese was performed the rain would fall, they had to just call him and he will bring the ase.  With that Obarese left that place.  At the end of the day the Olofin began to beg to call the Obaro his friend Oluorogbo he give him his ikoko elemeji.  Oluorogbo told Obarese that he wouldn’t betray him. Whenever the festival for Obarese was performed the rain would fall, they had to just call him and he will bring the ase.  With that Obarese left that place.  At the end of the day the Olofin began to beg to call the Obarese back.  Obarese accepted and agreed to come back to his home.  He went to see Oluorogbo and asked for his ikoko elemeji and he gave it back.
Another wonder that was performed by Obarese was when he was in the town of Ijugbe.  Obarese one day was looking for an olo (grinding stone).  He was in the process of making a powerful medicine.  There was a tortoise that lived near his home.  He saw the tortoise and turned him into a grinding stone to complete the medicine.  This grinding stone is still in the Ijugbe shrine today.  It is still used to make very powerful medicine.
Abon is a young woman that became an old woman.  She stopped by the house of Obarese and asked Obarese if she could stay the night.  At dinner time,  Obarese wanted to eat pounded yam for dinner and he asked the older woman if she would like to eat pounded yam, she didn’t want pounded yam but wanted only egg.  She wanted 16 eggs.  Obarese’s wife became angry because of the inconvenience of fixing 16 eggs.  Obarese told his wife to be calm, and gave the old woman 16 eggs making them one at a time.  She ate the eggs and they showed her the room for her to sleep in that night.  When the morning came, Obarese went to the farm.  When he returned his wife was very upset because the old woman had not come out of the room.  Obarese knocked on the door, then began to pull the door and it was stuck.  He pulled very hard and the door opened.  The room was filled with money and ileke , akun iyun and all other assorted ileke .  The wife became scared and forced the door shut.  Obarese opened it again and the old woman walked out and become the beautiful lady.  Obarese was very angry with his wife Osere, and when very powerful men get angry some curses will fly out.  Because of this, Osere was stricken with pox on her face and couldn’t leave the house again because she was embarrassed.  From that time on, Obarese was a very wealthy man and never wanted for anything.
Orisa Obarese is the first to use ileke, akun iyun and other things to make beautiful clothing and also to wear it around his neck and he has his own special beads.
omo akun po nijugbe

3 days trip itineary for orisa in Dec

Picklu2015 · 35 forum posts
Kolkata (Calcutta), India
4 years ago

Would like to know if there is any possible 3 days travel itineary for orisa (except Puri) from Kolkata. I shall be accompanied with wife & parents.


5 replies
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TravellianMahesh · 4 years ago
New Delhi, India · 496 forum posts
#1 of 5 ·

(With Satpada Dolphin Spotting at Chilka Lake)

(2nights/3days Package)



Our cab will receive guests at Bhubaneswar  Station/Airport, after refreshment guests will leave to Bhubaneswar local sightseeing. visit Nandan Kanan Zoo (Tiger Safari & Lion Safari), Khandagiri & Udaygiri Caves, ISKCON Temple, Lingaraj Temple, Kedar Gouri Temple, Rajarani Temple, Mukteswar Temple, Dhauligiri, Shakshi Gopal Temple, Raghurajpur Crafts Village later arrive at Puri. Evening will be in leisure at sea beach, Overnight stay at Puri.


Morning after Breakfast guest will leave for Lord Jagannath Darshan later leave for Chilka Lake (Satpada), Cruise inside lake and spot dolphins. On the way visit Alarnath Temple & Maa Baliharchandi Temple. Evening will be in leisure at sea beach, Overnight stay at Puri.


Morning after Breakfast guest will check out from hotel and leave for Bhubaneswar via Konark. On the way visit Ramachandi Temple, Chandrabhaga Beach, Konark Temple, afternoon guests will drop at Bhubaneswar Station.

Harihar P · 2 years ago
Bhubaneswar · 47 forum posts
#2 of 5 ·
You can take a Tour package from Patra Tours And Travels with Best budget price.

Day-1: Bhubaneswar - Puri

On Arrival at the Bhubaneswar airport you’ll be met by one of our representatives outside the exit gate. Just keeps a look out for a friendly man holding a placard with your name on it. The representative will take you to your car, from where you’ll be transfer to puri hotel Rooms Check-In at 2 Hour Sea bath and visit on jagannath temple,Gundicha Temple, & Golden Bech has its own lovely serenity. Overnight at Puri.

Day2 - Puri - Chilika(satapada) - Puri

Morning after breakfast transfer to Chilika lake  at Satpada ( largest brackish water lake ). Take the boat cruise to visit the Irrawaddy Dolphins, Sea Mouth, Red Crab Island. It takes around 5 hours by Boat & alarnath temple brahmagiri then drive to and back to puri visit on Lokanath Temple, Sonar Gouranga Temple, Bedi Hanuman Temple. Over night at puri .

Day3 - Puri - Konark - Bhubaneswar

Morning After breakfast Transfer to konark visit to Konark Sun temple ( one of the world famous heritage site & famously known as Black Pagoda). Enroute visit to Ramchandi temple & Chandrabhaga beach (one of the finest beaches with a long stretch of clean sands & the beach has its own lovely serenity) then drive to bhubaneswar enroute visit Dhauli Hills (Shanti Stupa) India’s famous Buddhist Hill Puri enroute visit on Pipili (the applique work village), then visit on famous city temples along with Lingaraj Temple, Mukteswar temple, and Khandagiri & Udaigiri Jain caves After lunch break visit to Nandankanan Zoo ( closed on Monday ).This Zoo is famous for the white tiger safari and Botanical garden, then dropped at Bhubaneswar airport by our driver. Your Tour ends here with sweet memories.

Contact their website :

Abhay_Parmar · 2 years ago
Vadodara, India · 2,332 forum posts
#3 of 5 ·

Since you have said except puri, you can cover all the sights in bhubaneshwar in 2 days and take a day tour of Chilika in your time of 3 days.

There are various options to explore the places depending on your budget you can engage hired vehicle for each day or can take a seat in OTDC's conducted tours.

Rajesh_Patnaik · 2 years ago
Bhubaneswar, India · 298 forum posts
#4 of 5 ·
You can spend a day in Bhubaneswar  and do the sightseeing.

2nd day - plan for a visit to Chilka, Barakul. You can take a boat ride to Kali Jai

(plural orisas)

Alternative spelling of orisha.

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Christianity, Islam, and Orisa-Religion: Three Traditions in Comparison and ...
By J.D.Y. Peel, John David Yeadon Peel


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AonThe Way of Orisa
Empowering Your Life Through the Ancient African Religion of Ifa
by Philip J. Neimark
On Sale: 01/01/1900

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Carried to the Americas by slaves, the 8,000-year-old philosophy of Ifa originated with the Yoruba peoples of West Africa. Ifa's enduring message of strength and inner peace, one that offers a way to harmonize our spiritual and worldly aims, is enjoying a resurgence of popularity in the West.
Written by an avid student and accomplished practitioner, The Way of the Orisa provides an exhilarating introduction to the orisa, the powerful messenger spirits who act as our personal guardians. Through fables, rituals, prayers and simple guidelines, Philip Neimark shows how we can further our personal and professional goals by cultivating the loving support of orisa energy.
Joyous, wise and eminently practical, The Way of the Orisa brings a vibrant ancient tradition to contemporary life.
Description: pr. Siria Eufratense II; m. Sergiopoli
Past and Present Ordinaries

Benedito Paulo Alves de Souza † (28 Jul 1933  Appointed - 3 Apr 1946 Died)
Franciszek Salezy Korszyński † (7 May 1946  Appointed - 3 Nov 1962 Died)
Józef Benedykt Kurpas † (23 Nov 1962  Appointed - 19 May 1992 Died)

Historical Summary

information not available at this time

Affiliated Bishops, Living

Affiliated Bishops, Deceased

Benedito Paulo Alves de Souza † (Titular Bishop: 28 Jul 1933 to 3 Apr 1946)
Franciszek Salezy Korszyński † (Titular Bishop: 7 May 1946 to 3 Nov 1962)
Józef Benedykt Kurpas † (Titular Bishop: 23 Nov 1962 to 19 May 1992)

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here’s an expression: I hate to say I told you so. Well I don’t hate it at all. I enjoy it quite a bit, actually.

And when it comes to Overwatch’s newest character, I told you so. Granted, so did a lot of other people, but so what? My theory was terrific. The best theory. Everybody thinks so.

There wasn’t a snowball’s chance in Numbani that the newest addition to the game would be a little girl.

I’m even more pleased that it wasn’t a third human woman. Instead, we got Orisa, an Omnic centaur-like creature that Blizzard describes as an anchor-tank, or someone the rest of the team can rally ’round.

Orisa is a really cool character. Not only is she a robot, she’s also sort of animal-like, or bug-like, combining my wish list for either a robot (like Bastion) or an animal (like Winston) into one. She’s also basically a combination of Bastion and Reinhardt, with maybe a touch of a few other characters. In other words, she’s totally new and she’s a blast to play.

I’ve played her in the Public Test Region and find her way more fun to play than the other two newbies, Sombra and Ana. That might just be personal bias, but it’s how I feel.

Orisa has a laser machine gun for her primary weapon, tosses an orb that sucks opponents toward it as her secondary, and can momentarily make herself really tough with the shift button. She can also toss shields out in front of her, and her Ultimate grants the rest of the team an attack buff. It’s a really useful, intuitive skill set, though I found myself tossing those shields way too far out in front of me.

Check out some gameplay, skins and so forth in the below video I recorded last night:

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Erik Kain
I write about video games, TV and movies.


ORISA OKO was a poor hunter, solitary save for his fife and his dog. If ever he lost his way out in the fields or the forest, he would begin to play some plaintive melody on his fife, and the sounds would lead the faithful dog to his side to guide him home.
 He earned a meagre living by trapping in his nets guinea-fowls on the land of rich farmers, but because of his solitary life and his habit of silence, he was respected as a man possessed of secret knowledge which he did not care to divulge.
 As years went by, he grew too old for hunting, and took up his residence in a cave. People now thought him more mysterious than ever, and came to him for advice about the future, so that in a short time he won great renown as a soothsayer. From far and near people came to consult him, and in this way he managed to live very comfortably.
 In those days witchcraft was punished p. 13 by death, and it became the custom in the country that anyone suspected of the evil art should be dragged to Orisa Oko’s cave. If the soothsayer found him innocent, he led him forth by the hand, but if he were judged guilty, his head was cut off and thrown to the waiting crowd by the demon Polo, which Orisa Oko kept in the cave.
 This went on until the old hunter’s death. His followers now wished to continue the practice, and so they hid in the cave a very strong man to act as the demon Polo. When anyone accused of witchcraft was brought to the cave, his head was usually cut off and thrown out as before.
 However, it once happened that a very tall and muscular man was suspected of magic arts, and his accusers succeeded in dragging him to the cave. A large crowd waited with eagerness to learn the result. What was their dismay to see the head of the supposed “demon” come rolling out of the cave, for the strong man had proved too much for him, and soon reappeared unharmed and triumphant.
p. 14
 The people were indignant to learn how they had been deceived, and from that day the cave of Orisa Oko was deserted.

Sacred-Texts African Index Previous Next

A NOBLEMAN of Ile-Ife had a beautiful and virtuous wife named Moremi, and a handsome young son, Ela.
 The country of the Ifes was at that time subject to fierce raids by a tribe called the Igbos, who were of such an uncanny appearance in battle that the Ifes thought them not human, but a visitation sent by the gods in punishment for some evil. In vain did they offer sacrifices to the gods; the raids of these strange beings continued, and the land was thrown into a state of pamc.
 Now the heroic Moremi, desiring to bring an end to this condition of affairs, resolved to let herself be captured during one of the raids, so that she might be p. 15 carried as a prisoner to the land of the Igbos and learn all their secrets.
 Bidding farewell to her husband and her little son, she went to a certain stream and promised the god of the stream that, if her attempt was successful, she would offer to him the richest sacrifice she could afford.
 As she had planned, she was captured by the Igbos and carried away to their capital as a prisoner. On account of her beauty she was given to the King of the Igbos as a slave; and on account of her intelligence and noble heart she soon gained the respect of all and rose to a position of importance.
 Before she had been in the country very long, she had learnt all the secrets of her enemies. She found that they were not gods but ordinary men. On going into battle they wore strange mantles of grass and bamboo fibre, and this accounted for their unnatural appearance. She also learned that because of these mantles of dry grass, they were much afraid of fire, and that if the Ifes were to rush among p. 16 them with lighted torches, they would quickly be defeated. As soon as it was possible, she escaped from the palace and from the territory of the Igbos and returned to her own people. Her tidings were joyfully received at Ile-Ife, and shortly afterwards the Igbos were utterly defeated by the trick Moremi had suggested.
 Moremi now went to the stream and made a great sacrifice of sheep, fowls, and bullocks; but the god of the stream was not satisfied and demanded the life of her son.
 Sorrowing, Moremi was forced to consent, and sacrificed the handsome boy Ela. The Ifes wept to see this sad spectacle, and they promised to be her sons and daughters for ever, to make up for her loss.
 But lo! Ela as he lay upon the ground was only half dead, and when the people had departed, he recovered consciousness and sprang up. Making a rope of grass, he climbed up to heaven, and it is certain that he willSacred-Texts African Index Previous Next

p. 18
A HANDSOME stranger once came into a certain village and strolled about among the people in mysterious silence. All the maidens admired him and wished that he would choose one of them for his bride. But he said nothing, and at last walked away into the forest and disappeared from sight.
 A month later the stranger came again, and this time one of the maidens fell so much in love with him that she resolved to follow him into the forest, as she could not bear to be separated from him.
 When the stranger looked back and saw her coming behind him, he stopped, and begged her to return home; but she would not, and exclaimed: “I will never leave you, and wherever you go, I will follow.”
 “Beautiful maiden, you will regret it,” replied the stranger sadly, as he hurried on.
 After a while he stopped again, and once p. 19 more begged her to retrace her steps; but she made the same reply, and again the handsome stranger said in sorrowful tones: “You will regret it, beautiful maiden!”
 They went far into the depths of the forest, and at length reached a tree at the foot of which there lay a leopard-skin. Standing under the tree, the stranger began to sing a melancholy song, in which he told her that though he was allowed once a month to wander about in villages and towns like a man, he was in reality a savage leopard and would rend her in pieces as soon as he regained his natural form.
 With these words he flung himself upon the ground, and immediately became a snarling leopard and began to pursue the terrified girl.
 But fear gave such speed to her feet that he could not overtake her. As he pursued her he sang that he would tear her in small pieces, and she in another song replied that he would never overtake her.
p. 20
 For a great distance they ran, and then the maiden suddenly came to a deep but narrow river, which she could not cross. It seemed as if the leopard would catch her after all. But a tree, which stood on the river-bank, took pity on her and fell across the river, so that she was able to cross.
 At last, nearly exhausted, she came to the edge of the forest and reached the village in safety. The leopard, disappointed of its prey, slunk back into the forest, and the handsome stranger was never seen again.
some day return to reap the benefits of his mother’s noble sacrifice.

WTHE Bat is half a bird and half a rodent, and lives partly on the earth and partly in the air, but both rats and birds shun him, and this is why:
 The rats, his cousins, were once fighting a great battle with the birds, and Bat fought in their midst.
 But when he saw that the birds were likely to be victorious, he left the rats and flew up into the air to fight on the side of the birds.
 Both the rats and the birds were disgusted at this cowardly action, so they ceased from fighting one another and all combined to attack the Bat.
 Since that day he has been forced to hide in dark places all day, and only comes out in the evening when his enemies cannot see him.
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Orisa Ibeji
Ahmed Yerima
Published by: African Books Collective
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Ahmed Yerima�s play celebrates the phenomenon of twins among the Yoruba people. Orisa Ibeji is also about man�s fear of death and love of life; destiny and reincarnation; and the place of the gods in human affairs. Yerima employs simple and beautiful language, dynamic characters and deft skill to navigate the labyrinth that is Orisa Ibeji.

The Yoruba : Olorun and Orisa

 Ra Nu
7 years ago

Two problems commonly arise with general accounts of Yoruba religion. Firstly, they often fail to indicate just how extensive are the variations from town to town. Some idea of this can be gained from comparing the detailed accounts of specific communities, such as Bascom’s study of Ife, (1944), Morton-Williams’ studies of Oyo and Egbado (1964a,1967a), or Ogunba’s study of Ijebu (1967). Secondly, some of the accounts, particularly by theologians, tend to make Yoruba religious thought appear far more systematic and coherent than it in fact is. Articulate informants like the babalawo may be able to describe the system as it appears to them, though even here there may be problems (Bascom, 1960: 405). But their accounts remain individual constructions rather than generally accepted bodies of dogma. Most actors are concerned with a body of folklore and ritual technique which will help them in everyday life, and both may vary from place to place. A body of folklore like the Ifa verses (Bascom, 1969b) may present a number of apparently inconsistent versions of the Yoruba world-view. It is not necessary to attempt to reconcile them, and there are obvious difficulties in doing so.
The Yoruba cosmos contains Olorun or Olodumare, the supreme deity; the orisa or lesser divinities; ancestral spirits, and a number of other categories of spiritual beings. Man is made up of both corporeal and spiritual elements, the latter having a variety of functions. These are related to Yoruba beliefs about destiny and reincarnation. Fulfilment of one’s destiny is achieved through avoiding the wrath of the orisa and the attacks of witches and sorcerers. This is done with the help of the orisa and the ancestors, and through piety, divination and sacrifice.

Olorun is to the Yoruba a rather distant figure, apparently playing little part in the day-to-day affairs of men. Idowu uses the analogy of the Yoruba oba who is responsible for the affairs of his kingdom, but who has little contact with his subjects, as most of his dealings with them are through the orisa. He argues that the orisa are, nevertheless, only the ministers of the deity, whose supremacy is clearly recognised. He is the creator, the final arbiter of heavenly and worldly affairs, omniscient, immortal and pure, and the source of all benefits to mankind (Idowu, 1962: 38-56).

The number of orisa worshipped by the Yoruba is very large, though they range in importance from those worshipped by only a single descent group in a single town to those whose cult is found throughout the area. Their nature and origins are varied. Some are personifications of natural features, such as hills or rivers, or of natural forces. Others are divinised heroes given cosmic attributes, such as Sango, the Oyo divinity of thunder and, by tradition, an early Alafin.[1] The important divinities lead hierarchies of minor ones with similar characteristics, symbols and functions. The ‘hard’ orisa are led by Ogun, the divinity of iron, hunting and war, while the benign ‘white’ orisa, particularly important to women, are led by Orisanla, the Yoruba creator. The parallels between these hierarchies and the Yoruba political system are obvious.Before the spread of the world religions, there was a close relationship between cult membership and descent (Bascom, 1944: 1ó8; 1969a: 77ó 8). A person normally attended the rituals of the orisa which his own parents had followed, and contributed to their cost, but would only be initiated into a cult if ‘called’, through dreams, sickness, possession or divination. If a woman prayed to an orisa for a child and her request was granted, the child would probably worship the orisa throughout its life. In some areas, the father asked a diviner at birth which orisa his child should follow.

Initiation into a cult involves lengthy training, and can be a period of intense emotional crisis. The cults of some orisa, particularly the ‘hot’ or ‘strong’ ones, involve spirit possession (Verger, 1963; Prince, 1964: 105-9). This usually affects women, though the Sango cult is an exception. The Sango possession priest, or elegun, is a man, but he is dressed in the clothes and hairstyle of a woman. During the Sango festival, he dances in a trance state and gives displays of power. In Ogbomoso in 1971 these included fire-eating, apparently piercing the lips with an iron needle, and turning leaves into cigarettes. During the initiation process, a lengthy torpor is produced, during which behaviour patterns appropriate to the orisa are learned. During the festivals, certain clues, like a particular type of drumming, are enough to send the initiate into a trance state.

Orisa worship involves three types of ritual. Firstly, there are private individual rites, carried out in the house, usually early in the morning. The worshipper greets his orisa, and divines with a kola nut what the prospects are for the day (Awolalu, 1970). Secondly, there are the regular rituals at the orisa’s shrine, and the cycle of these is based on the four-day Yoruba week.[2] Thirdly, there are the annual festivals, much more elaborate affairs involving a large proportion of the population of the town as well as cult members from elsewhere.

The ruler plays an important unifying role in religious life in the town, and the major festivals involve a procession to the palace to greet him and bestow on him the blessing of the orisa. Rulers are expected to participate in the annual festivals on behalf of their community, whatever their own religious beliefs. There are other links between religious and political organisation. In Oyo, many of the chiefs are also cult officials, and some of the most important cults have representatives in the palace (MortonWilliams, 1964a). The Sango cult was important in the administration of the provinces. It was controlled from the capital, and some of the ilari were initiates who could threaten supernatural sanctions, as could the Alafin himself. Elegun from other parts of the kingdom had to come to the capital for the final stages of initiation and to collect their ritual paraphernalia (Westcott and MortonWilliams,1962). Cult officials had to be called in when certain types of misfortune occurred. Sango priests were responsible for purificatory rites when a house was struck by lightning, and the victims had to pay heavy fees for their services. Albinos, hunchbacks, dwarfs and pregnant women were sacred to Orisanla, and had to be buried by his priests, while the clothes and bodies of smallpox victims were disposed of by the priests of Sopona. In the early colonial period, the Sopona cult was banned by the British when the cult members were suspected of spreading the disease deliberately

The major orisa in a Yoruba town have their shrines and priests with their distinctive dress and insignia. Each orisa has its favourite sacrificial offerings, and its followers observe a distinctive set of food taboos. The same basic symbolism often permeates all aspects of ritual. The followers of Orisanla wear white cloth, and the usual offerings are also white, such as boiled yams or snails cooked in shea butter. Each cult has its own rituals, music, oral literature, dances and divination techniques. To their followers, the orisa bring the benefits of health, wealth and children, but they punish neglect, impiety and the breaking of taboos.
Omítọ̀nàdé Ifáwẹ̀mímọ́ is an Orisa priestess who is also a graduate of Economics from the Obafemi Awolowo University. She was a guest at the last Aké Arts and Books Festival where she participated in a panel about the plurality of the African religious space. I caught up with her with a few questions of my own.


Tell me about yourself, your educational background.

My name is Ẹgbẹ́ladé Omítọ̀nàdé Ifáwẹ̀mímọ́. I live in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. I practice African Traditional Religion. I am a Yemọja Priestess, also versed in Ifá. I am a graduate of Ọbáfẹ́mi Awólọ́wọ̀ University, Ilé-Ifẹ̀, Ọṣun State where I studied Economics Education.

Tell me about your interest and knowledge of Ifá and Oriṣà worship. How did it begin, and why?

What interests me in Ifá and Òrìṣà worship is that it can help our people to connect with their Guardian Orìṣà and the ancestors. And in doing so, help them to follow their destiny and to be the best person they can be.

Ifá and Òrìṣà worship are the original spiritual practices in Africa especially in Yorùbáland. In Yorùbáland where the religion comes from, the worship, rituals and traditions were mainly family-based. The practice of Ifá/Orìsà is a spiritual path to transformation, a transformation from the inside out, that begins with you as an individual and ends with you as an individual. Ifá worship is different from Òrìṣà worship.

Ifá worship is practiced by a Babaláwo or Ìyánífá. Ifá is the esoteric word of Olódùmarè. Ifá is the connector between mankdind and Olódùmarè. Ọ̀rúnmìlà is the intermediary between Ifá and Olódùmarè. Ọ̀rúnmìlà is the Òrìṣà of wisdom, prophesy and ethnics. Babaláwo or Ìyánífá are believed to be able to contact Ọ̀rúnmìlà during their divination, rituals. They make use of Ọ̀pẹ̀lẹ̀ and Ikin Ifá as their means of divination. While Òrìsà Worship is being practiced by Babalórìṣà or Ìyálórìṣà. Òrìṣà are considered as ministers of Olódùmarè and intermediaries between humanity and Olódùmarè. Òrìṣà are human beings who once lived on earth and who performed in an exemplary way. They were later venerated as Òrìṣà after their death… people like Ṣàngó, Ọya, Ọ̀ṣun, Yemọja et al. Òrìṣà devotees make use of Ẹ̀rìndílógún (Sixteen Cowries) for their divination.
Ifa Orisa worship began from time immemorial. My take is that as mankind evolved and became aware of natural phenomena and the works of Olódùmarè around them, they found that all these things couldn’t have just come to being on their own, hence the need to reverence a Supreme Being (Olódùmarè). You know the Supreme Being provides its existence through nature like water, fire, wind… which represent each Òrìṣà. It is this belief that helped maintain our ecosystem.

Something I’ve always wondered about, what’s the difference between Ọbàtálá and Ọrúnmìlà?

Ọ̀rúnmìlà is different from Ọbàtálá in terms of their functions but they are both Òrìṣàs. Ọ̀rúnmìlà is also known as Ẹlẹ́rìí Ìpín (the witness of human destiny). It is believed that he knows everything about man and can give advice as to any events. Ọ̀rúnmìlà was charged with the function of using his profound wisdom, knowledge and understanding of divination to put the chaotic earth in order. He knows the past, present, future and this is why he is called Akéré f’inú ṣọgbọ́n (the small one with the mind full of wisdom). While Ọbàtálá also known as Òrìṣà Nlá, Osogiyan, Ọbalùfọ̀n, Olúfọ̀ the god of creativity, purity, albinism, hunchback, paralysis. He is the eldest Òrìṣà and is held responsible for the creation of earth and of human bodies…

How did you decide which of the deities you would worship? Or has one particularly been in your family?

My Guardian Òrìṣà is Yemọja. The Yorùbá believe that we are all born with a specific destiny that is a purpose in life. And before our soul came to the earth we have made the decision as to what our destiny was to be and in so doing, we choose our birth Odù (one of the Ifá Corpus or the Sixteen Cowries), Guardian Òrìṣà and Guardian Ancestors to help us guide our path of destiny. My Path of Destiny was guided by the means of divination called Ẹ̀rìndílógún (Sixteen Cowries). It revealed my Guardian Òrìṣà, which is Yemọja, did the initiation and all sorts. The Òrìṣà has been guiding me on my Path when I keep to the taboos and weaknesses I was given during the initiation. Although they have been worshipping the Òrìṣà in my family before I was born… Ká sọ pé mo báa nílé ni *blushing*smiles*

o, for people like me, ethnic/native Yorùbá children, whose parents never sought information about our birth Odù, Guardian ancestors, etc, is there a modern way to find it? If so, how? I know that we’re descended from Ogún worshippers and professionals, and it is reflected in our Oríkì. But nothing has been mentioned about a birth Odù.

Yes, there is a modern way to find it, which is through Ifa/Orisa divination. You might be a descendant of Ogun, yet it might not work with your own Personal head/Inner Head. It may be another Orisa. It can never be mentioned, you know the birth Odu is Spiritual… You can get to know your birth Odu during the initiation processes or while the initiation is being held.

How have you coped with being an African spiritual worshipper in a country where Islam and Christianity have taken over the public spaces?

It has not been an easy one, but I thank Olódùmarè and Orí that I have always been the best. lol. Our people have turned away from it because of ignorance also they lack self knowledge. But I do try my best to enlighten them in my own little knowledge that I have in African spirituality. So help me Olódùmarè.

There is something fascinating about the tolerance of specifically Yorùbá religious beliefs for plurality that has allowed them to live in peace with other religions, even though the other religions haven’t given them the same courtesy. What part of the religious worldview of the Yorùbá do you think is responsible for that kind of tolerance of plurality and dissent?

In my own view the Yoruba traditional religion preaches peace and harmony in all forms, in the absence of peace (alaafia), iwure (Prayer) tends to hang. This had in turn made Yoruba Traditional adherents to tolerate foreign beliefs. Before the introduction of other religions, Yorubas lived comfortably with each other, and it was never documented in any of the oral scripture of Yoruba religion that some are non believers….In addition, Ifa have talked about other religions in details..

What misconceptions about Òriṣà worship would you like to enlighten them about if you can?

There is a misconception in Èṣù being a Satan or He is a depiction of evil. Èṣù is not Satan!!! This is a grave misconception of who Èṣù is in the Yorùbá tradition. The Èṣù Láàlú we worship in Yorùbá tradition is totally different to Satan/Shaitan in their Bible or Quran. Èṣù is among 801 Irúnmọlẹ of Olódùmarè whose actions and purpose on earth falls within the jurisdiction of Olódùmarè. Our own Èṣù has never opposed the will of Olódùmarè. He’s the one who bore our wishes up to Olódùmarè. He stand for justice and equity. All his attributes of power, wisdom, knowledge and skills are all given to him by Olódùmarè for the purpose of his mission on earth. He does not have the power or gut to contest the position of Olódùmarè. So, there is no correlation of any form between Satan/Shaitan and Yorùbá’s Èṣù Láàlú.

ow long has it taken you to learn the process of Ọrìṣà priesthood, and what are the challenges?

It has been 20 yrs now that I have been in the learning process of the Òrìṣà Priesthood, and I am still learning. You know Ifá is a body of knowledge that is wide. Being a Priest/Priestess has procedures and traditional rites (initiation, learning of Ẹ̀rìndílógún et al). There are also a lot which are best known to oneself or personal.

Yeah, and speaking of that, let me ask you something else I may have asked you before. How hard is the memorization of the Odù Ifá? Because the survival of the Ifá divination systems has been because of generations of elders passing the knowledge down through words. How good must one’s retention be to be a successful priest or priestess? Can one just write things down rather than just commit them to memory? What role can technology play?

Culture is dynamic and ways of life evolve. Memorization is the first step/key—like learning ABC. But with the invention of technology, this has really assisted the means of learning by literal documentation and even oral recitations that can be seen on YouTube and other links that promotes Ifa divination. Learning through elders, like you’ve said will lay the template on which other learning improvements and advancements will strive. Technology will play the role of catalyst.

Of all the Odù Ifá, which is your favorite and why?

Ọ̀sẹ́ Òtúrá is my favorite Odù Ifá. Because it speaks about women. It says if they are not given honor and respect then they can become angry and have the ability to destroy the world. The Odù Ifá teaches us not to use our eyes to undervalue a woman. *blushing* *smiles*

Do you have mentors in Yorùbá spirituality, and how has the journey been so far?

My father is the main driver of my knowledge in African spirituality. He has really dedicated all his time to feeding me. Also, I wine and dine with the elders like Bàbá Awo Abíọ́dún Agboọlá, Bàbá Solomon Ọ̀ṣundárà, Ìyálórìṣà Ayọ̀délé, Iya Logunede, etc to seek for knowledge in Òrìṣà worship. The Journey have been so so beautiful and fun.

How do you think the interest in African spirituality can be stimulated in the country, and most of the misconceptions reduced?

Firstly I think that most importantly practitioners of the faith have to be shining examples of exemplary character in any area of life they find themselves. This would raise questions and pique people’s interests.

Secondly, as the world is now a global village, the good gospel of the faith must be propagated via publicity, public enlightenment… Example like the walk/movement for Èṣù we did last year December…

Finally question from me: a friend of mine, a devout Christian, wants me to ask you if your belief allows you to date or marry people who do not share your mode of worship.

Of course Yes. My religion accepts all humanity, no discrimination.

Thank you for your time.

Ire gbogbo

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