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In this current work Babalawo Obanifa will reveal and document in detail some of the meanings of seeing bowl in dreams from the perspective of Yoruba culture and spirituality. By bowl within the  context of this work we are referring to  a round, deep dish or basin used for food or liquid. around container that is open at the top and is deep enough to hold fruit, sugar, etc. Though the traditional name for bowl in Yoruba language is known as Abo.  Seeing bowl in dream as in the case of any other dream symbol can have either positive or negative meaning. It can also be a warning dream issuing warning about imminent future occurrences. Below are detail documentation of some of the meanings of seeing bowl in dreams from the perspective of Yoruba culture and spirituality.
TI A BA LALA WIPE A RA ABO TUNTUN (IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT YOU BUY NEW BOWL): This kind of dream is a positive message dream. Telling the dreamer that he/she will experience new blessing and good fortunes. This may be in terms of job, property, spouse, or friendship. It is a positive message dream.
TI A BA LALA RI ABO ISANWO LOJU ALA (IF YOU SEE A FINGER BOWL IN YOUR DREAM): In any kind of dream where you see a finger bowl. It connotes that you have get yourself encumber in certain offences; that will make the general public have the wrong perception of you. You will need to take extra important step such as seeking forgiveness, making confession or doing thing to redeem your Image.The same interpretation apply when you see yourself rinsing your hands in finger bowl.
TI A BA LALA TI A N FO OWO WA NINU ABO ISANWO (IF YOU DREAM AND YOU SEE YOURSELF WASHING /RINSING YOUR HANDS INSIDE FINGER BOWLS). . It connotes that you have get yourself encumber in certain offences; that will make the general public have the wrong perception of you. You will need to take extra important step such as seeking forgiveness, making confession or doing thing to redeem your Image.The same interpretation apply when you see finger bowl in dream.
TI A BA LALA RI ABO ISANWO TO TI BAJE/TABI ABO ISANWO TO FO (IF IN YOUR DREAM YOU SEE A BROKEN OR OLD WORN OUT FINGER BOWL IN YOUR DREAM): In this kind of dream of this nature it connote an imminent deterioration of properties due to lack of maintenance on the part of the owner. It is a warning dream telling the dreamer to maintain his/her belonging to avoid deterioration or absolute destruction.
TI A BA LALA RI ABO TO KUN FUN OHUNJE TABI OBE SISE (IF YOU SEE A BOWL FULL OF FOODS OR COOKED SOUP IN DREAM): In any kind of dream where you see a bowl full to its brims either with foods or cooked foods. This kind of dream connotes blessings and honor for the and a lot of gain either in cash or kind to the dreamer on his/her choice of job, trade or profession.

TI A BA LALA TI A N  FI AHON LA ABO IJEHUN(IF YOU SEE IN  YOUR DREAM THAT YOU ARE USING YOUR TONGUE TO LICK A DISH OR BOWL IN DREAM):In any kind of dream where you see that after eating you are using your tongue to lick bowl in dream .This kind of dream connotes  austerity of foods or money.
TI A BA LALA TI A MU OMI LATI INU ABO ISANWO (IF YOU SEE YOURSELF EATING FROM A FINGERS BOWL): eating from Finger bowl connotes misapplications of skill set or knowledge. It is warning dream telling the dreamer to use what he has right.
Copyright :Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone and whatsapp contact :+2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

IMPORTANT NOTICE : As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission from the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract legal consequence

 Haga clic en el Vedio arriba para ver y descargar Lyta - Worry (Video oficial)



 En este trabajo actual, Babalawo Obanifa revelará y documentará en detalle algunos de los significados de ver un cuenco en sueños desde la perspectiva de la cultura y la espiritualidad yoruba.  Por cuenco dentro del contexto de este trabajo nos estamos refiriendo a un plato o cuenco redondo y profundo utilizado para alimentos o líquidos.  alrededor del recipiente que está abierto en la parte superior y es lo suficientemente profundo como para contener fruta, azúcar, etc. Aunque el nombre tradicional para tazón en idioma yoruba se conoce como Abo.  Ver un cuenco en sueños como en el caso de cualquier otro símbolo de sueño puede tener un significado positivo o negativo.  También puede ser un sueño de advertencia emitiendo advertencias sobre sucesos futuros inminentes.  A continuación hay documentación detallada de algunos de los significados de ver un cuenco en sueños desde la perspectiva de la cultura y espiritualidad yoruba.

 TI A BA LALA WIPE A RA ABO TUNTUN (SI VES EN TU SUEÑO QUE COMPRAS UN NUEVO BOWL): Este tipo de sueño es un mensaje positivo.  Decirle al soñador que él / ella experimentará nuevas bendiciones y buenas fortunas.  Esto puede ser en términos de trabajo, propiedad, cónyuge o amistad.  Es un sueño de mensaje positivo.

 TI A BA LALA RI ABO ISANWO LOJU ALA (SI VES UN TAZÓN DE DEDOS EN TU SUEÑO): En cualquier tipo de sueño en el que veas un cuenco con los dedos.  Connota que te has metido en ciertos delitos;  eso hará que el público en general tenga una percepción errónea de ti.  Tendrá que dar pasos adicionales importantes, como buscar el perdón, confesar o hacer algo para canjear su imagen. La misma interpretación se aplica cuando se ve enjuagarse las manos en un tazón.

 TI A BA LALA TI A N FO OWO WA NINU ABO ISANWO (SI USTED SUEÑA Y SE VE LAVANDO / ENJUAGANDO LAS MANOS DENTRO DE LOS BOLOS DEDOS).  .  Connota que te has metido en ciertos delitos;  eso hará que el público en general tenga una percepción errónea de ti.  Tendrá que dar un paso adicional importante, como buscar el perdón, hacer una confesión o hacer algo para canjear su imagen. La misma interpretación se aplica cuando ve un cuenco en el sueño.

 TI A BA LALA RI ABO ISANWO A TI BAJE / TABI ABO ISANWO TO FO (SI EN TU SUEÑO VES UN TAZÓN DE DEDOS ROTO O ANTIGUO EN TU SUEÑO): en este tipo de sueño de esta naturaleza, connota un deterioro inminente de  propiedades por falta de mantenimiento por parte del propietario.  Es un sueño de advertencia que le dice al soñador que mantenga su pertenencia para evitar el deterioro o la destrucción absoluta.

 TI A BA LALA RI ABO TO KUN FUN OHUNJE TABI OBE SISE (SI VE UN BOLO LLENO DE ALIMENTOS O SOPA COCINADA EN EL SUEÑO): En cualquier tipo de sueño donde ves un recipiente lleno hasta los topes, ya sea con alimentos o alimentos cocidos.  Este tipo de sueño connota bendiciones y honor por la gran ganancia en efectivo o amable para el soñador en su elección de trabajo, oficio o profesión.

 TI A BA LALA TI AN FI AHON LA ABO IJEHUN (SI VES EN TU SUEÑO QUE ESTÁS USANDO TU LENGUA PARA LAMAR UN PLATO O TAZÓN EN EL SUEÑO): En cualquier tipo de sueño donde ves que después de comer estás usando tu lengua  lamer un cuenco en sueños. Este tipo de sueño connota austeridad de alimentos o dinero.

 TI A BA LALA TI A MU OMI LATI INU ABO ISANWO (SI SE VE COMIENDO DE UN TAZÓN DE DEDOS): comer del tazón de los dedos denota malas aplicaciones de habilidades o conocimientos.  Es un sueño de advertencia diciéndole al soñador que use lo que tiene derecho.

 Copyright: Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, teléfono y contacto de WhatsApp: +2348166343145, ubicación Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

 AVISO IMPORTANTE: Con respecto al artículo anterior, todos los derechos reservados, ninguna parte de este artículo puede reproducirse o duplicarse de ninguna forma ni por ningún medio, electrónico o mecánico, incluyendo fotocopias y grabaciones, o por cualquier sistema de almacenamiento o recuperación de información sin permiso previo por escrito.  del titular de los derechos de autor y del autor Babalawo Obanifa, hacerlo se considera ilegal y tendrá consecuencias legales.


 BABALAWO OBANIFA-Obanifa极端纪录片在梦中的感觉


 在目前的这本书中,巴巴拉沃·奥巴尼法(Babalawo Obanifa)将从约鲁巴文化和灵性的角度详细揭示和记载在梦中看到碗的一些含义。 在本文中,碗是指用于食物或液体的圆形深盘或盆。 在顶部打开的容器周围,足够容纳水果,糖等。尽管约鲁巴语中碗的传统名称被称为Abo。 与其他任何梦境符号一样,在梦中看到碗可能具有积极或消极的意义。 发出即将发生的将来警告的警告梦也可以作为警告。 下面是从约鲁巴文化和灵性角度详细介绍梦见碗的一些含义的文档。

 TI A BALALA擦拭RA ABO TUNTUN(如果您在梦中看到要购买新碗):这种梦想是一个积极的信息梦想。 告诉做梦的人,他/她将经历新的祝福和好运。 这可能是在工作,财产,配偶或友谊方面。 这是一个积极的信息梦想。

 TI A BA LALA RI ABO ISANWO LOJU ALA(如果您在梦中看到手指碗):在任何一种梦想中,您都会看到指碗。 它意味着您在某些罪行上有自己的专心; 这会使公众对您的看法有误。 您将需要采取其他重要步骤,例如寻求宽恕,认罪或做事以赎回您的图像。当您看到自己的手在指碗中冲洗时,同样的解释也适用。

 瓦拉努瓦·阿博·伊桑沃(如果您梦见自己并且正在洗碗/洗手,请在手指内)。  。 它意味着您在某些罪行上有自己的专心; 这会使公众对您的看法有误。 您将需要采取其他重要步骤,例如寻求宽恕,认罪或做事以赎回您的图像。当您在梦中看到手指碗时,也适用相同的解释。

 TI A BALALA RI ABO ISANWO致TI BAJE / TABI ABO ISANWO致(如果在您的梦中看到破碎或破旧的手指碗):``在这种性质的梦中,这意味着即将到来的恶化 由于业主缺乏维护而造成的财产损失。 这是一个警告性的梦,告诉梦者保持自己的财产以避免恶化或绝对破坏。

 TI BALA RI ABO到KUN FUN OHUNJE TABI OBE SISE(如果您看到满满一碗食物或梦中的熟汤):在任何一种梦想中,您都会看到盛满食物或煮熟食物的碗满满其边缘。 这种梦想意味着对梦想家的祝福和荣誉,并从梦想家的工作,行业或职业选择中获得了很多现金或实物收益。

 TI A BA LALA TI AN FI AHON LA ABO IJEHUN(如果您在梦中看到自己正在用舌头舔碗或碗中的梦):在任何梦中,您看到吃东西后您正在用舌头 在梦中舔碗。这种梦意味着食物或金钱的紧缩。

 TI A BALALA TI A MU OMI LATI INU ABO ISANWO(如果您发现自己从手指碗进餐):从指碗进食意味着对技能或知识的误用。 这是警告梦,告诉梦者使用他的权利。

 版权:Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa,电话和whatsapp联系人:+2348166343145,位于尼日利亚Ile Ife osun省。

 重要声明:关于以上文章,保留所有权利,未经事先书面许可,不得以任何形式或通过任何方式(包括影印和录制的电子或机械手段)或通过任何信息存储或检索系统复制或复制本文的任何部分 版权持有人和作者Babalawo Obanifa的行为被认为是非法的,并将引起法律后果。

  देखने और डाउनलोड करने के लिए उपरोक्त वेदियो पर क्लिक करें - चिंता (आधिकारिक वीडियो)

  BABALAWO ओबनिफा-ओबनिफा चरम वृत्तचित्रों में सपने में उल्लुओं की मीनिंग


  इस वर्तमान कार्य में बाबलाव ओबनिफा योरूबा संस्कृति और आध्यात्मिकता के परिप्रेक्ष्य से सपने में कटोरा देखने के कुछ अर्थों का विस्तार और दस्तावेज करेंगे।  इस काम के संदर्भ में हम भोजन या तरल के लिए इस्तेमाल एक दौर, गहरी पकवान या बेसिन का उल्लेख कर रहे हैं।  कंटेनर जो शीर्ष पर खुला है और फल, चीनी इत्यादि रखने के लिए पर्याप्त गहरा है, हालांकि योरूबा भाषा में कटोरे के लिए पारंपरिक नाम अबो कहा जाता है।  सपने में कटोरा देखना किसी अन्य सपने के प्रतीक के मामले में सकारात्मक या नकारात्मक अर्थ हो सकता है।  यह आसन्न भविष्य की घटनाओं के बारे में चेतावनी जारी करने वाला एक चेतावनी सपना भी हो सकता है।  नीचे योरूबा संस्कृति और आध्यात्मिकता के परिप्रेक्ष्य से सपने में कटोरा देखने के कुछ अर्थों का विस्तार से प्रलेखन किया गया है।

  टीआई ए बीए लाला ने एक आरए एबीओ टुनटुन (यदि आप अपने सपने में देखें कि क्या आप नई बॉटल खरीद रहे हैं): इस तरह का सपना एक सकारात्मक संदेश सपना है।  सपने देखने वाले को यह बताते हुए कि वह नए वरदान और सौभाग्य का अनुभव करेगा।  यह नौकरी, संपत्ति, जीवनसाथी या मित्रता के संदर्भ में हो सकता है।  यह एक सकारात्मक संदेश का सपना है।

  टीआई ए बीए लाला आरआई एबीओ इस्नावो लोजू एएलए (यदि आप अपने सपने में एक नकली अंडा देखें): किसी भी तरह के सपने में जहां आप एक उंगली का कटोरा देखते हैं।  यह बताता है कि आपने कुछ अपराधों में खुद को मिला लिया है;  इससे आम जनता को आप के बारे में गलत धारणा होगी।  आपको अपनी छवि को भुनाने के लिए अतिरिक्त महत्वपूर्ण कदम उठाने की आवश्यकता होगी जैसे कि माफी मांगना, कबूल करना या काम करना। यही व्याख्या तब लागू होती है जब आप खुद को उंगली के कटोरे में अपने हाथों को धोते हुए देखते हैं।

  TI एक बीए LALA TI एक N FO OWO WA NINU ABO ISANWO (यदि आप सपने देखते हैं और आप अपने हाथों को खोलकर / अपने हाथों को बंद ब्लाकों से निकालते हैं)।  ।  यह बताता है कि आपने कुछ अपराधों में खुद को मिला लिया है;  इससे आम जनता को आप के बारे में गलत धारणा होगी।  आपको अपनी छवि को भुनाने के लिए अतिरिक्त महत्वपूर्ण कदम उठाने की आवश्यकता होगी जैसे कि माफी मांगना, कबूल करना या काम करना। यही व्याख्या तब लागू होती है जब आप सपने में उंगली का कटोरा देखते हैं।

  TI एक बीए LALA RI ABO ISANWO TO TI BAJE / TABI ABO ISANWO TO (अगर आपके सपने में है तो आप अपने सपने में एक ब्रोकर या पुराने काम को पढ़िए): इस तरह के सपने में यह एक आसन्न गिरावट को दर्शाता है।  मालिक की ओर से रखरखाव की कमी के कारण गुण।  यह सपने देखने वाला सपना है कि बिगड़ने या पूर्ण विनाश से बचने के लिए उसकी देखभाल करना।

  TI A BA LALA RI ABO को KUN FUN OHUNJE TABI OBE SISE (अगर आप भोजन में दालें या कूड़े के रूप में पकाया गया है तो देखें): किसी भी तरह के सपने में, जहाँ आप अपने कटोरे में पूरी तरह से खाद्य पदार्थों या पके हुए खाद्य पदार्थों के साथ देखते हैं।  इस तरह का सपना नौकरी, व्यापार या पेशे के लिए उसकी पसंद पर नकद में या उसके लिए सपने देखने वाले के लिए आशीर्वाद और सम्मान प्राप्त करता है।

  TI A BA LALA TI AN FI AHON LA ABO IJEHUN (यदि आप अपने सपने को देख रहे हैं, तो आप किसी भी तरह के सपने को देखने के लिए अपने सपने का उपयोग कर रहे हैं): किसी भी तरह के सपने में जहां आप देखते हैं कि खाने के बाद आप अपनी जीभ का उपयोग कर रहे हैं।  सपने में कटोरी चाटना। इस तरह का सपना खाद्य पदार्थों या धन की तपस्या को दर्शाता है।

  टीआई ए बीए लाला टीआई ए म्यू ओएमआई लेटी इनु एबीओ इस्नावो (यदि आप एक फिंगर्स बाउल से खुद को खा रहे हैं तो देखें): फिंगर बाउल से खाने से स्किल सेट या नॉलेज का गलत इस्तेमाल होता है।  यह सपने देखने वाले को सपने देखने वाले को यह बताने के लिए चेतावनी दे रहा है कि उसके पास क्या अधिकार है।

  कॉपीराइट: बबालावो पेले ओबासा ओबनिफा, फोन और व्हाट्सएप संपर्क: 13:48166343145, स्थान इले इफ ओसुन राज्य नाइजीरिया।

  महत्वपूर्ण सूचना: जैसा कि ऊपर दिए गए लेख के अनुसार, सभी अधिकार सुरक्षित हैं, इस लेख का कोई भी भाग किसी भी रूप में या किसी भी तरह से इलेक्ट्रॉनिक या मैकेनिकल द्वारा फोटोकॉपी और रिकॉर्डिंग या किसी भी जानकारी के भंडारण या पुनर्प्राप्ति प्रणाली से लिखित अनुमति के बिना पुन: प्रस्तुत या दोहराया नहीं जा सकता है।  कॉपीराइट धारक और लेखक बबालावो ओबनिफा से, ऐसा करना गैरकानूनी माना जाता है और कानूनी परिणाम को आकर्षित करेगा।

 انقر على Vedio أعلاه لمشاهدة وتحميل Lyta - قلق (فيديو رسمي)

 معنى الأوعية في الحلم بقلـم بابلو عنيفة - أبانيفة


 في هذا العمل الحالي ، سوف يكشف Babalawo Obanifa ويوثق بالتفصيل بعض معاني رؤية وعاء في الأحلام من منظور ثقافة اليوروبا والروحانية.  من خلال وعاء في سياق هذا العمل ، نشير إلى صحن دائري أو عميق أو حوض يستخدم في الطعام أو السائل.  حول الحاوية المفتوحة من الأعلى وعميقة بما يكفي لعقد الفاكهة والسكر وما إلى ذلك ، على الرغم من أن الاسم التقليدي للوعاء بلغة اليوروبا معروف باسم أبو.  رؤية وعاء في الحلم كما هو الحال في أي رمز حلم آخر يمكن أن يكون له معنى إيجابي أو سلبي.  يمكن أن يكون أيضًا حلمًا تحذيريًا يصدر تحذيرًا بشأن الأحداث المستقبلية الوشيكة.  فيما يلي وثائق تفصيلية لبعض معاني رؤية وعاء في الأحلام من منظور ثقافة اليوروبا والروحانية.

 TI a BA LALA يمسح RA ABO TUNTUN (إذا كنت ترى في أحلامك التي تشتريها وعاء جديد): هذا النوع من الحلم هو حلم رسالة إيجابية.  إخبار الحالم أنه / أنها ستختبر نعمة جديدة وحظوظا جيدة.  قد يكون هذا من حيث الوظيفة أو الممتلكات أو الزوج أو الصداقة.  إنه حلم رسالة إيجابية.

 TI a BA LALA RI ABO ISANWO LOJU ALA (إذا رأيت زبدة أصابع في أحلامك): في أي نوع من الحلم حيث ترى وعاء الإصبع.  هذا يعني أنك حصلت على نفسك في بعض الجرائم ؛  من شأنها أن تجعل الجمهور العام لديهم تصور خاطئ لك.  ستحتاج إلى اتخاذ خطوة إضافية مهمة مثل البحث عن المغفرة أو تقديم اعتراف أو فعل أي شيء لاسترداد صورتك. ينطبق نفس التفسير عندما ترى نفسك تشطف يديك في وعاء الإصبع.

 TI a BA LALA TI A N FO OWO WA NINU AB ISANWO (إذا كنت تحلم وترى بنفسك غسل / غسل أيديكم داخل أصابع أصابع اليدين).  .  هذا يعني أنك حصلت على نفسك في بعض الجرائم ؛  من شأنها أن تجعل الجمهور العام لديهم تصور خاطئ لك.  ستحتاج إلى اتخاذ خطوة إضافية مهمة مثل البحث عن المغفرة أو تقديم اعتراف أو فعل أي شيء لاسترداد صورتك. يتم تطبيق نفس التفسير عندما ترى وعاء الإصبع في الحلم.

 TI a BA LALA RI ABAN ISANWO إلى TI BAJE / TABI ABO ISANWO إلى FO (إذا كنت في أحلامك ، فقد رأيت كسرًا أو عجوزًا قديمًا في أحلامك): في هذا النوع من الحلم من هذه الطبيعة ،  الخصائص بسبب عدم وجود صيانة من جانب المالك.  إنه حلم تحذيري يخبر الحالم بالحفاظ على انتمائه لتفادي التدهور أو التدمير المطلق.

 TI a BA LALA RI ABO to KUN FUN OHUNJE TABI OBE SISE (إذا رأيت كوبًا ممتلئًا من الأطعمة أو حساء مطبوخًا في الحلم): في أي نوع من الحلم ، حيث ترى وعاءًا ممتلئًا بالحانات ، إما مع الأطعمة أو الأطعمة المطبوخة.  هذا النوع من الحلم يدل على النعم والشرف والكسب الكثير من المال سواء كان ذلك النوع أو النوع من الحالم على اختياره / الوظيفة أو التجارة أو المهنة.

 TI a BA LALA TI AN FI AHON LA ABO IJEHUN (إذا كنت ترى في أحلامك التي تستخدمها لسن لعق صحن أو وعاء في الحلم): في أي نوع من الحلم حيث ترى ذلك بعد تناولك لسانك  لعق وعاء في الحلم. هذا النوع من الحلم يعني تقشف من الأطعمة أو المال.

 TI a BA LALA TI A MU OMI LATI INU ABO ISANWO (إذا كنت ترى نفسك تتناول الطعام من وعاء أصابع): تناول الطعام من وعاء الإصبع يشير إلى سوء استخدام مجموعة المهارة أو المعرفة.  إنه تحذير يحذر من إخبار الحالم باستخدام ما لديه.

 حقوق الطبع والنشر: Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa ، الهاتف واتس اب الاتصال: +2348166343145 ، موقع إيل إيف أوسون ولاية نيجيريا.

 إشعار هام: فيما يتعلق بالمادة أعلاه ، جميع الحقوق محفوظة ، لا يجوز إعادة إنتاج أو نسخ أي جزء من هذه المادة بأي شكل أو بأي وسيلة ، سواء كانت إلكترونية أو ميكانيكية ، بما في ذلك التصوير والتسجيل أو أي نظام لتخزين المعلومات أو استرجاعها دون إذن كتابي مسبق  من صاحب حقوق الطبع والنشر والمؤلف Babalawo Obanifa ، فإن القيام بذلك يعتبر غير قانوني وسيؤدي إلى نتيجة قانونية.
Justaxposition of meanings Of seeings Bowl in Dreams From Other cultures and

Dream «Bowl»
Seen in a dream bowl, filled to the brim with soup, foretells receive a significant return to a profitable venture. There are out of the bowl - to contract on favorable terms for you.

Metal bowl promises an unpleasant conversation, you correctly understand and wrong give your opinion about the man who wants to hear it directly from you.

Bowl — a sign of the fragile family well-being and happiness short. Splintered wood bowl - a harbinger of an accident or illness.

Ancient Zedkielya dream book

A dream in which you eat or drink from a bowl, alerts you to the fact that in a short time you are destined to fall in love. but beware of hasty marriage. it will not bring you happiness.

Chinese dream book of Zhou-guna

Taz, a big bowl. - Presage the addition of reserves, the greatest happiness. Lift your pelvis, a bucket, and he is no longer the bottom. - Presage the ruin. Taz face wash, wash. - Presage the appearance of a beautiful concubine. Pots and bowls of different sizes. - Presage a joy to communicate with family.


As with many other symbols of receptivity, a bowl represents ultimate feminine wisdom and instinctive feeling as well as fertility. It thus becomes a symbol of the Great Mother. Because of its connection with instinctive feeling and intuition, a bowl can represent the ability to see the bigger picture. In ordinary life, scrying (technically, divining the future) uses the focus of intuition through the medium of a bowl of water. In dreams, such a bowl would indicate the possible development of clairvoyance. A bowl of food in a dream represents our ability to nurture and sustain others. A bowl of flowers can represent a gift or a talent, while on a more mundane level a bowl of water represents our emotional capacity.

Freud’s dream book

An empty bowl signifies want. Filled with food, it is a generally good omen, but the nature of the contents and the color of the bowl will determine the omen.

Dream book of the Wanderer

Bowl (chalice) — spiritual accumulation, development, dedication.


The filled — will carry within three days, empty - to adventure.

Culinary Dream Book

To drink in the heat of green tea from eastern bowls foretells you in the near future to meet something very pleasant in the midst of the most tedious activities.


As a dream that you wash the bowl, then and expect soon the guests.

Ukrainian Dream Book

As a dream that you wash bowls then wait and soon the guests.

The old meanings of this dream (pre 1900s) may be a reflection of the lack of patience and conflict that you have experienced in the daily life. A bowl connected to food in your dream means minor difficulties in the future.

If you dream of a bowl full of food, then this dream is very simple to interpret. If the bowl is full of fruit or food it represents that you can transfer your fears and your vulnerability in life to a positive situation. To dream of seeing a bowl of flowers shows that you will be much admired by others in the future. To see a washed bowl in your dream signifies a new interest resulting in much joy and happiness that will take over your time. To dream that you are washing up in a wash bowl indicates that you will be addicted with love and desire for someone close to you.

In your dream you may have...

You eat from a bowl.
You are washing a bowl.
A bowl with fruit.
A bowl with food.
A wash bowl.
A broken bowl.
Positive changes are afoot if...

Protect yourself in competing with others.
Save some money.
Be ready for important changes.
Detailed dream interpretation...

If in your dream you were eating out of a bowl it means that you need to protect yourself especially when competing with others. To dream of bowls that are old fashioned and vintage means times need to change. It is important to realize that if you find yourself bathing in a water bowl you will need to decide if you reject or accept any plans for the future. To see a broken wash bowl in your dream signifies small pleasure for you while giving pain to others.

Buying a bowl means trouble. If the bowl is made of clay, it foretells a long life. Seeing a bowl on your table suggests that your creativity will be rewarded. If you break a bowl in your dream, this predicts quarrel. Holding a bowl in your hand means you will be invited for a meal. To dream of a bowl full of food means you will not suffer from poverty.

Bringing water in a bowl is the sign that you may lose some of your material things. Closing a bowl with a lid tells you to save some money. Seeing a silver bowl indicates a promotion, while a gold bowl is the omen of a new and important job. A bowl with flowers means joy, luck and gains, as well as to expect a good change in your life. A clay bowl tells that you will gain a big wealth. A bowl made of nickel means marriage.

If you dream of a metal bowl, this is the omen of a lucky trip coming your way. A full bowl means abundance, while an empty one is the sign of difficulties. Filling up a bowl means good and pleasant company. Dreaming of a bowl with oil breaking is the sign of bad luck.

If you break a bowl in your dream, you will have news, reconciliation with an enemy, maybe even a disease in your life. Holding a bowl in your right hand means misunderstandings in your family. If you hold the bowl in the left hand, you will have unwanted and quarrelsome guests. A bowl could also suggest that you will experience a disappointment, and you should take care of your plans by not telling anyone about them.

A bowl could also mean love and revelation. Drinking from a bowl foretells a wedding. Eating with another person from a bowl means pleasure and happiness. If the bowl breaks while you are eating, this is the omen of frustration and remorse.

Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of bowl...

Happy. Enjoying. Feeling good. Joyful. Having fun. Content.
Represents well-rounded, balanced proportions, unless empty i.E.
A fair settlement or plan of action
Dream Meanings of Versatile by Versatile - Anonymous
As with many other symbols of receptivity, a bowl represents ultimate feminine wisdom and instinctive feeling as well as fertility. It thus becomes a symbol of the great mother.
Dream Meanings of Versatile by Versatile - Anonymous
Psychological / emotional perspective: Because of its connection with instinctive feeling and intuition, a bowl can represent the ability to see the bigger picture. In ordinary life, scrying (technically, divining the future) uses the focus of intuition through the medium of a bowl of water. In dreams, such a bowl would indicate the possible development of clairvoyance.
Dream Meanings of Versatile by Versatile - Anonymous
Material aspects: A bowl of food in a dream represents our ability to nurture and sustain others.
A bowl of flowers can represent a gift or a talent, while on a more mundane level a bowl of water represents our emotional capacity.
Islamic Dream Interpretation by Ibn-i Sirin
(Cup; Plate; Tray) In a dream, a bowl represents man’s money pouch or what his wife would like to receive from him. Ifone sees himselfreceiving a bowl filled with sweets in a dream, it means receiving abundance oflove from one’s beloved.
If the bowl is filled with sour food or some green raw vegetables in the dream, it means that animosity will develop on the part of his beloved, and it will provoke despise and fighting between husband and wife. Seeing a bowl in a dream also means increase in one’s earnings.

A bowl also represents a servant, a child, a daughter, a nanny, or a handmaiden. Licking a bowl in a dream represents one’s earnings, and it could mean that he has consumed his lot in this life, or that he has reached the term of his life in this world.
If one sees a large number of people gathering around a bowl to eat from it in a dream, it means a reunion of his clan, or it could represent the place of his dwelling.
If they are people of true actions, it means that they will become friendly with him.
If one urinates in a bowl or in ajar in a dream, it means that he will sexually abuse members of his own family. Abowl in a dream also represents one’s beloveds and its contents represent one’s love. Holding a bowl in a dream means a reunion with one’s beloved. (Also see Pot; Wooden bowl)
My Dream Interpretation by myjellybean
In dreams, a bowl symbolizes the womb and your sense of security. Consider the condition of the bowl and how it is treated or handled in the dream. This may offer clues as to how you feel you are being treated in a certain relationship.
Strangest Dream Explanations by Dream Explanations - Anonymous
Dreams of a bowl symbolize receptivity and the ability to hold a space for someone, or for yourself.
If the bowl is empty, then this dream is revealing that you are hungry for attention, energy, recognition and/or acknowledgment.
If the bowl is full, then this dream represents abundance.
Ten Thousand Dream Dictionary by Pamela Ball
1- A bowl of food in a dream represents our ability to nurture and sustain others.
A bowl of flowers can represent a gift or a talent, while a bowl of water represents our emotional capacity.
A bowl appearing in a dream has the same significance as a vase (see Vase).
A bowl of water represents the feminine, fertility and the receptive principle.
The Language of Dreams by Patrica Telesco
(see Abyss, Basket, Cauldron, Chalice)
Womanhood. In ancient Egypt, a symbol of the divine feminine principle and womb of origination.
Generative force and creativity. Babylonians regarded the cosmos as the mixing bowl of the Areat Goddess.
Cosmic powers and influences. Native Americans use an inverted bowl to represent the heavens, which are indirectly linked to the ancestors (see Space, Stars).
Consider the type of bowl for more meaning.
For example, a mixing bowl might represent your need to better blend the various components of your life into balance.

Dream «Bowl»
Seen in a dream bowl, filled to the brim with soup, foretells receive a significant return to a profitable venture. There are out of the bowl - to contract on favorable terms for you.

Metal bowl promises an unpleasant conversation, you correctly understand and wrong give your opinion about the man who wants to hear it directly from you.

Bowl — a sign of the fragile family well-being and happiness short. Splintered wood bowl - a harbinger of an accident or illness.

Ancient Zedkielya dream book

A dream in which you eat or drink from a bowl, alerts you to the fact that in a short time you are destined to fall in love. but beware of hasty marriage. it will not bring you happiness.

Chinese dream book of Zhou-guna

Taz, a big bowl. - Presage the addition of reserves, the greatest happiness. Lift your pelvis, a bucket, and he is no longer the bottom. - Presage the ruin. Taz face wash, wash. - Presage the appearance of a beautiful concubine. Pots and bowls of different sizes. - Presage a joy to communicate with family.


As with many other symbols of receptivity, a bowl represents ultimate feminine wisdom and instinctive feeling as well as fertility. It thus becomes a symbol of the Great Mother. Because of its connection with instinctive feeling and intuition, a bowl can represent the ability to see the bigger picture. In ordinary life, scrying (technically, divining the future) uses the focus of intuition through the medium of a bowl of water. In dreams, such a bowl would indicate the possible development of clairvoyance. A bowl of food in a dream represents our ability to nurture and sustain others. A bowl of flowers can represent a gift or a talent, while on a more mundane level a bowl of water represents our emotional capacity.

Freud’s dream book

An empty bowl signifies want. Filled with food, it is a generally good omen, but the nature of the contents and the color of the bowl will determine the omen.

Dream book of the Wanderer

Bowl (chalice) — spiritual accumulation, development, dedication.


The filled — will carry within three days, empty - to adventure.

Culinary Dream Book

To drink in the heat of green tea from eastern bowls foretells you in the near future to meet something very pleasant in the midst of the most tedious activities.


As a dream that you wash the bowl, then and expect soon the guests.

Ukrainian Dream Book

As a dream that you wash bowls then wait and soon the guests.
Bowl Dreams
A bowl in a dream represents receptiveness - the ability to accept new ideas.
If you dream of an empty bowl, it can be a sign that you are willing to listen to suggestions or to learn new ways of doing things. []

Bowl Dreams
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A bowl in a dream represents receptiveness - the ability to accept new ideas. (read all at source)
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This very much depends on context in the dream, and whether it is a bowl for washing, is being used as a container, a collecting receptacle, or in giving something. []


A ~[⇑] or any vessel that carries water can represent the uterus.
A mixing ~[⇑] represents the bowel because it is a pun on bowel and also because food stuffs are mixed in it. The foods being mixed in the ~[⇑] are indicative of foods you are being asked to eliminate from your diet. []

Wash-~[⇑] :
To bathe your face and hands in a ~[⇑] of clear water, denotes that you will soon consummate passionate wishes which will bind you closely to some one who interested you, but before passion enveloped you.
Wash-~[⇑] : ... []

Dream Dictionary
To dream of a wash-~[⇑], signifies that new cares will interest you, and afford much enjoyment to others. []

Dreaming of a ~[⇑] symbolizes the womb and sense of security. Consider the condition of the ~[⇑] and how it is treated or handled in the dream. This may offer clues as to how you feel you are being treated in a particular relationship.

Thesaurus Terms ... []

To see a ~[⇑] in your dream, symbolizes the womb and sense of security. Consider the condition of the ~[⇑] and how it is treated or handled in the dream. This may offer clues as to how you feel you are being treated in a particular relationship. []

A dream with a ~[⇑] symbolizes fertility and instinct. It suggests that you have the ability to see the wider view of something.
BOX ... []

American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller
Dreaming of a wash-~[⇑], signifies that new cares will interest you, and afford much enjoyment to others. []

To dream of a wash-~[⇑], signifies that new cares will interest you, and afford much enjoyment to others. []

Wash ~[⇑]
To see a wash ~[⇑] in your dream suggests that you are ready to was away past hurts or emotional scars that you are carrying.
Washboard ... []

Rose ~[⇑] on King Street
Morning of August 6, 2018. Monday. Reading time: 1 min 13 sec. Readability score: 76. My dream begins as a typical bathr
... []

Golden ~[⇑]-symbolic of the prayers of the saints, Rev. 5:8
Golden Cup-symbolic of being used by God, Jer. 51:7
Golden image-to dream of a golden object may be symbolic of an idol in someone’s life, Ps. 106:19 ... []

POT/PAN/~[⇑] - Vessel: Doctrine; traditions; a determination or resolve; form of the truth; a person. Romans 2:20; Jeremiah 1:13.
RADIO - Unchangeable: Unbelief; unrelenting; contentious; unceasing; tradition. Proverbs 27:15. []

~[⇑] - May symbolize the womb in which case you need to look to new possibilities in your life. May represent areas of your life that provide sescurity. []

Dream About ~[⇑] of Cherries
To see a ~[⇑] of cherries in the dream, it suggests that you should not take life so seriously. Take it easy and enjoy what life has to offer. []

To see hair in the ~[⇑] of the soup, shows the avarice and greed you will suffer from somebody else.
Psychological Meanings: ... []

She gave it milk in a silver ~[⇑] as well.I felt like it was going to die if we just stopped looking after it.It seemed as if she was trying really hard to keep the fetus alive and get it to grow and reach a healthier state.It seemed like a wilting man root fetus. []

Wading, Wadding, Wafer, Wager, Wages, Wagon, Wagtail, Waif, Wail, Waist and Shirt-Waist, Waiter, Wake, Walking, Walking Stick, Wallet, Walls, Walnut, Waltz, Want, War, Wardrobe, Warehouse, Warrant, Warts, Washboard, Wash-~[⇑], Washer Woman, Washing, Wasp, Waste, Watch, Water, Water-carrier, Waterfall, Water Lily, Waves, ... []

Having a dream vision of someone pouring water over the hands, whether it is from a ~[⇑], a faucet or a hose, is an indication of the goals and dreams which preoccupy your thoughts but which you do not readily share with others. []

Wash-~[⇑] To dream of a wash-~[⇑], signifies that new cares will…
Loom To dream of standing by and seeing a loom operated…
Ropes Ropes in dreams, signify perplexities and complications in affairs, and…
Printing Office To be in a printing office in dreams, denotes that… ... []

Like a carved wooden ~[⇑] but flat bottom. Inside was a gray mother like bird feeding her several (5-9) baby birds who were red. None of the red birds rushed to eat for the mother was sharing it evenly. Then a yellow from appears and also joins in on eating from the mothers mouth.. []

The puppy can then jump into your arms and you can hug it or you can use the same imagery of your dream and create another ~[⇑] of fruit, this time with fresh, lovely, clean fruit which you can then eat and become the most powerful person on Earth. []

Seeing a ~[⇑] of uncooked dough could also be a warning to watch out for the leaven. Jesus says it well in:
Matthew 16:6 "Then Jesus said to them, Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees." (GMR) ... []

Alley a long narrow place in your life; don't let others ~[⇑] you over; relax and play a little; you . Continue reading →
Almond ovaries; poison; lacking in protein; a beautiful almond-eyed person. Who is "nuts" in your life, or who are you . Continue reading → ... []

When childhood favourites feature in a dream, for example ice cream or a ~[⇑] of jello, it indicates a reawakening of the inner child within us all.
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That night in a moment of weakness, she eats a big slice of cake, and a ~[⇑] of ice cream. That night she dreams of being on a farm on a cloudy day, and watching in disgust as a big manure covered sow eats and sucks non-stop at her sloop. She is astonished and ashamed when she noticed what the sow was eating! ... []

It depends on what kind of fruit it is, but generally will sweet fruit symbolize something good and sour fruit will symbolize bad. If you dreamt about a ~[⇑] of fruit you might get rich.
The dream symbols are also available in an iPhone app which you can download from iTunes:
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A cherry can signify lust, female desire, and forbidden fruit. It also represents wholeness, as a circle does. Who in the dream is eating the cherries? Are they in a ~[⇑]? Are they beyond your grasp?
childbearing ... []

The answer, which we find in Proverbs is, ".the honour of kings is to search out a matter". If you seek God and find that the dream is from the devil, then just spit it out like a bone that you might find in your ~[⇑] of chicken soup. Jesus also ran into the devils along His journey here on earth. []

 See also: What is the meaning of Dictionary, Spirit, Woman, Love, House?

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In general:

Bowl (wrapping) often asks to escape from foreign influence. However, maybe it can be also interpreted in terms of facade. Bowl (vessel) with fruit, candy or drinks can announce a restful time, - partly the contents of the bowl must be interpreted, in addition.

The symbol of the lap, the sacrificial bowl also translates, - one sacrifices himself in the awake life maybe for somebody or dedicates himself (above all with women!) to somebody completely. If a bowl breaks, the love could also break. Are you from the type 'hard bowl, soft core'? As a dream symbol, as well as, otherwise: It is about the fact that under a hard, rough appearance a sensitive being is hidden - one must only know how 'to crack' the bowl.

The bowl symbolises abundance and contains the 'drink of the immortality'.


see: one will enjoy the respect of an important personality,
of glass: one sees through your plans,
of white porcelain: Wealth and luck,
of coloured porcelain: a glad party,
with flowers: Engagement,
of gold: an inheritance,
shop: you are in love,
hold in the hands: you receive an order while you something conceives and afterwards should transmit it,
get as a gift: our household is blest,
give away: you give away your love,
to drink passed got: one wants to calm you,
drink from it: a love affair will turn out adequate and profitable,
break: one stands at the beginning of a run of bad luck in dear things, - luck in the play,
(European ones).:

is to be understood as a spring of the rest after discomfort,
see to the drinking: if nice rest of the everyday life,
get passed: tells nice hours with a dear person in,
even other rich one: if brings wholesome loneliness,
hold one: one will soon receive a new order,
from one want to drink and find them empty: means laborious and unwieldy days,
of somebody get as a gift: if luck promises in the family life and in own family life,
break: brings restless hours,
a full one: one is soon invited or one will be able to welcome himself soon guests,
of full fruits, cakes, candy or such see: guests are to be expected, or one will be invited himself,
eggshells stray: one would like to escape from the influence of the parents.

see or of crystal glass: you will attain respect,
drink from it: Luck in dear things,
break: you will have to renounce your love,
shop: an invitation,
receive to the present: you will find loyal friends,
give away: you are everywhere a welcome guest.
(See also facade,' vessel')

Bowl dream meaning

To have interaction with full bowl, means pregnancy or spiritual rebirth. To see an empty bowl while you are dreaming, indicates refusal of deep inner emotions. Happy dreaming about bowl, has meaning of the womb and sense of security. Consider the condition of the bowl: is it broken or not; what color has bowl or what is inside bowl; and how it is treated or handled in the dream. These conditions may offer clues to you how to interpret your dream further by selecting other explanations of dreams: water, broken, brown, white or red and etc. If you can’t recollect additional information from your dream, then think how did you feel in the dream. If it was bad dream, then bowl may mean that you are being badly treated in a particular relationship.

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Dream of Bowl: Dream Interpretations in Zhougong’s Dream Dictionary

March 25, 2014 ricky

What is the dream meaning, symbols and interpretation about bowl? Let’s see the dream explanation as following:-

Dream of a bowl full of food implies that the dreamer is good at taking care of others and helping others. On the spiritual level, bowl in dreams symbolizes the principles of women, especially when it is filled with water.

Dream of a patterned bowl indicates that the dreamer had a gift or talent.

Dream of a bowl full of water represents that the dreamer is rich in emotions.

Dream of an empty bowl is a symbol of female intuition suggesting that the dreamer is an amicable person.

ZhouGong’s Dream Dictionary

In the Chinese culture, dream is linked with a virtual person called ZhouGong after a popular book ZhouGong’s Dream Dictionary which has been passed down from thousands of years ago. The book categorizes seven types of dream that people usually have during sleep. With thousand of years’ history, ZhouGong’s Dream Dictionary has been popular in China as well as in the Chinese communities for its excellence in explaining different dreams in particular those unusual and weird. While some believe that the book shows people’s superstition, others believe that the objects or scenes that show up in dreams have close relationship with the dreamer’s health or mental status.

Dream interpretations and dream meanings provided here are for entertainment purposes only. makes no claim, nor endorses, the accuracy, intent or utility of any dream interpretation provided above

The meaning of the dream symbol: Bowl

Added: 2 September
A full bowl predicts quarrels or disagreements with a partner. An empty bowl is a sign of tranquillity, quiet and rest.


Bowl Dream Explanation — (Cup; Plate; Tray) In a dream, a bowl represents man's money pouch or what his wife would like to receive from him. If one sees himself receiving a bowl filled with sweets in a dream, it means receiving abundance of love from one's beloved. If the bowl is filled with sour food or some green raw vegetables in the dream, it means that animosity will develop on the part of his beloved, and it will provoke despise and fighting between husband and wife. Seeing a bowl in a dream also means increase in one's earnings. A bowl also represents a servant, a child, a daughter, a nanny, or a handmaiden.

Bowl Dream Explanation — Licking a bowl in a dream represents one's earnings, and it could mean that he has consumed his lot in this life, or that he has reached the term of his life in this world. If one sees a large number of people gathering around a bowl to eat from it in a dream, it means a reunion of his clan, or it could represent the place of his dwelling. If they are people of true actions, it means that they will become friendly with him. If one urinates in a bowl or in ajar in a dream, it means that he will sexually abuse members of his own family. A bowl in a dream also represents one's beloveds and its contents represent one's love. Holding a bowl in a dream means a reunion with one's beloved. (Also see Pot; Wooden bowl)

Wooden bowl Dream Explanation — (Bowl) In a dream, a wooden bowl represents the world, or earning money from a business during a trip, while a porcelain or a ceramic bowl in a dream signifies earnings from a local business. A bowl in a dream also represents one's condition, state, or the management of his affairs. Licking a bowl, or licking one's fingers after cleaning the bowl with one's hand in a dream means consuming one's share in this world and the nearing of one's death.

Wooden bowl Dream Explanation — A wooden bowl in a dream also represents a woman, a housekeeper, the workplace, or one's shop. If one sees a gathering of people or scholars partaking in a sweet meal from a large wooden bowl in a dream, it represents a community project that unites people's hearts and allows them to share their knowledge. If one sees a group of people gathering to eat a fish or a piece of rotten meat in a dream, it means that a group of evil people are gathered to take advantage of a prostitute. (Also see Bowl)

Licking a bowl Dream Explanation — (See Lick; Wooden bowl)

Water in a Dish or Bowl Dream Explanation — If a person dreams of himself as holding or possessing water contained in a dish or bowl and he is conscious of himself as being in a state of tuhr (ie. Ceremonial purity) or on a journey in an unknown and strange place, then such a bowl of water symbolizes his life span. If he dreams of drinking all the water it means his life span is completed; he should now prepare for the hereafter. If he drinks the water partially it means he still has a number of years to live. The same interpretation is given if, instead of water, the contents of the bowl or dish is thareed: Pieces of bread steeped in broth.

Incident - a Bowl full of Ants Dream Explanation — A person said to the learned Imaam that has a glass bowl in which he eats his food. He saw in his dream that it is filled with ants. The Imaam asked him whether he has a wife. He said: “Yes”. Then he asked him whether he has a slave as well. He said: “Yes”. He said: “Drive him out of your home. There is no goodness in keeping such a slave”. The man returned home depressed and worried. When the wife saw him in a depresessed and worried. When the wife saw him in a depressed state she asked him the reason.

Incident - a Bowl full of Ants Dream Explanation — He related to him the advice of the Imaam. She asked him what he planned to do. He said he planned to sell. Him. She said: “In the at case you may as well divorce me.” It is said that he sold the salve to a teacher of his. When the wife learned of this she absconded in pursuit of the slave. The husband, on learning his immediately set off to look for her. He found her in the city of Harraan where she had repurchased the slave from his new master and married him.
Blood in a Cup, Bowl or Tray Dream Explanation — This symbolises sickness and the spending of one's wealth on some woman. Some say spending it on onseself.

The Prophet Muhammad's (Sallallaahu-Alayhi-wasallam) Drinking A Bowl Of Milk Dream Explanation — Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Umar: I heard Prophet Muhammad saying, "While I was sleeping, I saw a bowl full of milk was brought to me and I drank of it (to my fill) till I noticed its wetness flowing (in my body). Then I gave the remaining of it to 'Umar." They asked, "O Prophet Muhammad! What have you interpreted (about the dream)? He said, "(It is Religious) knowledge." (See Hadith No. 134) (Bukhari)

The Prophet Muhammad's (Sallallaahu-Alayhi-wasallam) Drinking A Bowl Of Milk Dream Explanation — Narrated Ibn 'Umar: I heard Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu-Alayhi-wasallam) saying, "While I was sleeping, I was given a bowl full of milk (in a dream), and I drank of it to my fill until I noticed its wetness coming out of my nails, and then I gave the rest of it to 'Umar." They (the people) asked, "What have you interpreted (about the dream)? O Prophet Muhammad?" He said, "(It is Religious) knowledge." (Bukhari)

The Prophet Muhammad's (Sallallaahu-Alayhi-wasallam) Drinking A Bowl Of Milk Dream Explanation — Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Umar: Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu-Alayhi-wasallam) said, "While I was sleeping, I was given a bowl full of milk (in the dream) and I drank from it (to my fill) till I noticed its wetness coming out of my limbs. Then I gave the rest of it to 'Umar bin Al-Khattab." The persons sitting around him, asked, "What have you interpreted (about the dream) O Prophet Muhammad?" He said, "(It is religious) knowledge." (Bukhari)

The Prophet Muhammad's (Sallallaahu-Alayhi-wasallam) Drinking A Bowl Of Milk Dream Explanation — Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Umar: I heard Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu-Alayhi-wasallam) saying, "While I was sleeping, I saw that a cup full of milk was brought to me and I drank of it and gave the remaining of it to 'Umar bin Al-Khattab." They asked. What have you interpreted (about the dream)? O Prophet Muhammad?" The Prophet Muhammad said. "(It is Religious) knowledge." (Bukhari)

The Prophet Muhammad's (Sallallaahu-Alayhi-wasallam) Drinking A Bowl Of Milk Dream Explanation — Ibn 'Umar narrated that the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) said: "While I was sleeping , I was brought a cup of milk and I drank from it. Then I gave what I had left to 'Umar bin Al-Khattab." They said; "How did you interpret it O Prophet Muhammad?" He said: "Knowledge."

Cookware Dream Explanation — (See Bowl; Pot)

Soup Dream Explanation — Sopped bread with meat and broth or soup in a dream represent man's livelihood. The amount of food one eats from a bowl of soup represents the portion of life one has spent, and the balance in the bowl represents what is left. Looking at a bowl of soup and being afraid to eat from it in the dream means longevity which is accompanied with comfort and ease. Eating fat-free soup in a dream means wishing for death because of one's poverty or illness. Soup with bread but without meat in a dream represents a high ranking position without benefits.

Toilet Dream Explanation — To fall into a toilet in a dream means imprisonment. Pouring honey or milk into the toilet bowl, or urinating blood in a dream means sodomizing. Looking into the toilet bowl and finding blood in it in a dream implies that one engages in the forbidden sexual intercourse with his wife during her menstrual period. A toilet in a dream also represents a guard. (Also see Bathroom)

Flour Dream Explanation — However, eating it in a dream means poverty. A bowl of wheat flour in a dream represents one's savings, or it could represent one's family and children. Mixing wheat flour to make bread in a dream means that a friend will travel to meet one's family. Mixing and kneading whole-wheat flour in a dream means faith, deputyship and victory over one's enemy. Flour in a dream means immediate profits, the surfacing of the truth and enjoying comfort after toiling.

Honeycomb Dream Explanation — If it is placed in a bowl in the dream, it means lawful profits. If one sees himself feeding it to the people in the dream, it means that he will chant the Quran with embellishment and awaits people's praises and request to encore his recital. Eating from a honeycomb with honey still in it in a dream means having sexual intercourse with one's own mother. Eating a honeycomb in a dream also could mean martyrdom, or mixing between diversified interests. Purified honey in a dream means good deeds, lawful earnings, displeasing one's parents, recovering from an illness, or testifying in a court of justice. (Also see Honey)

Ghee Dream Explanation — (Butter; Purified butter) In a dream, ghee represents knowledge, spiritual excellence or purity of faith that is free from doubt. Ghee in a dream also could represent a woman who can win people's hearts, though she exaggerates a little in her expressions of friendliness. If a woman sees herself unusually fat in a dream, it means that a swagger will take advantage of her. When ghee is seen in a bowl in a dream, it means knowledge, spiritual awakening for the right people, medicine for a sick person, or it could mean his recovery. Extracting ghee from butter in a dream means lawful and blessed earnings, prosperity, comfort, and healthy living.
Dream of Bowl: Dream Interpretations in Zhougong’s Dream Dictionary

April 8, 2014 ricky

Plastic Dream Interpretation

1 year ago
Plastic made objects in dreams typically suggests that you are being fake, artificial, and unsophisticated. You are easily reproduced and you are not unique nor true to yourself. It could also point to certain part of your life that you believe is disposable.

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Dream About Plastic Bag
Plastic bags in dreams, represents temporary burdens and responsibilities that you are carrying with you. You may not necessary want to deal with these issues, but you have to carry them with you. Be aware of taking on too much, as you might get stretched too thin.

Dream About Plastic Ring
Plastic rings in dreams, signifies the flexibility in your relationship with another. Your partner in life is very flexible and open minded to accept new ideas and thinking.

Dream About Plastic Chair
To sit on a plastic chair in the dream, signifies that your view or stance may be seen as unimportant. What you say or voice is likely to not matter to the others.

Dream About Plastic Cup, Plastic Bottle, or Plastic Bowl
To use plastic cup, plastic bottle, or plastic bowl for food or coffee, is a sign that you should not focus on the appearances. You will be able to get what you need and crave by looking deeper into things. Cheap package does not mean that you might get inferior food or dishes.

Dream About Plastic Containers
Dreaming about plastic containers, indicates that you need the ability to be flexible and mobile. You need a temporary place to store and protect your ideas and belongings. You will encounter situations where you cannot decide on the spot, and you will have to wait and see before you make the final decision. At the same time, you may need to be polite and “fake” and show your interest instead of a hard rejection.

Dream About Plastic in Mouth or Eating Plastic
To have a dream about eating plastic or holding plastic in your mouth, suggests that you are making certain casual decisions that might be harmful for the long term. For example, casual sex or casual gamble that might lead to more serious issues, even if they do not feel too serious at the time.

Dream About Plastic Surgery
Dreaming about undergoing plastic surgery at a hospital, indicates that you are rebuilding your self-esteem. Perhaps there are parts of your body and mind that you are not satisfied with. You are working your hardest for change those parts about you.

Dream About Plastic Surgeon
Plastic surgeons in dreams symbolize deliberate changes to personality and beliefs. Perhaps you wish your friends or family can help you to redefine yourself. Or your goal is to completely change how someone thinks or acts.

Dream About Broken Plastic
Broken or snapped plastic objects in the dream, represents that you have stretched or pushed certain ideas or actions too far. Things that had been once ok or flexible has now been pushed to the limit. Your old relationships are likely turn sour due to your aggressiveness.

Dream About Plastic Spoon
To see or use plastic spoon in the dream, indicates that you should take easy paying jobs. Try not to be so selective about jobs that will pay your bills. Those jobs may only be temporary and they will serve their purpose in the mean time.

Dream About Plastic Fork
Dreaming about using plastic forks in the dream, suggests that you wish to have more work and extend yourself, but your ability to complete projects may be limited.

Dream About Plastic Knife
Plastic knife in the dream, indicates that you wish to cut out certain relationship that does not really benefit you. The relationship is insignificant and you have nothing to worry about if you do call an end to it.

Dream About Plastic Wrap
Plastic wraps in dreams symbolizes the wish to protect something from falling apart. However, the help that you could offer is limited and basic.

Dream About Plastic Flowers
Plastic flowers in the dream is a sign that you are not being yourself. Perhaps you are trying too hard to impress people, specifically dates whom you are trying to impress. However, you do not like yourself when you behave in such way.

Dream About Plastic Recycle
Recycling plastic in the dream, indicates that you have concern for the environment. You want to have better control in areas of your life, where you could save and reuse money or time in several locations. Perhaps you try to stretch your dollars so that they could maximize their potential once you purchase something.

Dream About Plastic Credit Card
Plastic can sometimes be considered as “credit card“, if your dream about a card like plastic, it symbolizes that easy money or loan is in the horizon. However, you need to act responsibly or you will spend years paying back your debt.

Plastic Dream Interpretation

1 year ago
Plastic made objects in dreams typically suggests that you are being fake, artificial, and unsophisticated. You are easily reproduced and you are not unique nor true to yourself. It could also point to certain part of your life that you believe is disposable.

Complete Dream Dictionary Index
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Dream About Plastic Bag
Plastic bags in dreams, represents temporary burdens and responsibilities that you are carrying with you. You may not necessary want to deal with these issues, but you have to carry them with you. Be aware of taking on too much, as you might get stretched too thin.
Dream About Plastic Ring
Plastic rings in dreams, signifies the flexibility in your relationship with another. Your partner in life is very flexible and open minded to accept new ideas and thinking.

Dream About Plastic Chair
To sit on a plastic chair in the dream, signifies that your view or stance may be seen as unimportant. What you say or voice is likely to not matter to the others.

Dream About Plastic Cup, Plastic Bottle, or Plastic Bowl
To use plastic cup, plastic bottle, or plastic bowl for food or coffee, is a sign that you should not focus on the appearances. You will be able to get what you need and crave by looking deeper into things. Cheap package does not mean that you might get inferior food or dishes.

Dream About Plastic Containers
Dreaming about plastic containers, indicates that you need the ability to be flexible and mobile. You need a temporary place to store and protect your ideas and belongings. You will encounter situations where you cannot decide on the spot, and you will have to wait and see before you make the final decision. At the same time, you may need to be polite and “fake” and show your interest instead of a hard rejection.

Dream About Plastic in Mouth or Eating Plastic
To have a dream about eating plastic or holding plastic in your mouth, suggests that you are making certain casual decisions that might be harmful for the long term. For example, casual sex or casual gamble that might lead to more serious issues, even if they do not feel too serious at the time.

Dream About Plastic Surgery
Dreaming about undergoing plastic surgery at a hospital, indicates that you are rebuilding your self-esteem. Perhaps there are parts of your body and mind that you are not satisfied with. You are working your hardest for change those parts about you.

Dream About Plastic Surgeon
Plastic surgeons in dreams symbolize deliberate changes to personality and beliefs. Perhaps you wish your friends or family can help you to redefine yourself. Or your goal is to completely change how someone thinks or acts.

Dream About Broken Plastic
Broken or snapped plastic objects in the dream, represents that you have stretched or pushed certain ideas or actions too far. Things that had been once ok or flexible has now been pushed to the limit. Your old relationships are likely turn sour due to your aggressiveness.

Dream About Plastic Spoon
To see or use plastic spoon in the dream, indicates that you should take easy paying jobs. Try not to be so selective about jobs that will pay your bills. Those jobs may only be temporary and they will serve their purpose in the mean time.

Dream About Plastic Fork
Dreaming about using plastic forks in the dream, suggests that you wish to have more work and extend yourself, but your ability to complete projects may be limited.

Dream About Plastic Knife
Plastic knife in the dream, indicates that you wish to cut out certain relationship that does not really benefit you. The relationship is insignificant and you have nothing to worry about if you do call an end to it.

Dream About Plastic Wrap
Plastic wraps in dreams symbolizes the wish to protect something from falling apart. However, the help that you could offer is limited and basic.

Dream About Plastic Flowers
Plastic flowers in the dream is a sign that you are not being yourself. Perhaps you are trying too hard to impress people, specifically dates whom you are trying to impress. However, you do not like yourself when you behave in such way.

Dream About Plastic Recycle
Recycling plastic in the dream, indicates that you have concern for the environment. You want to have better control in areas of your life, where you could save and reuse money or time in several locations. Perhaps you try to stretch your dollars so that they could maximize their potential once you purchase something.

Dream About Plastic Credit Card
Plastic can sometimes be considered as “credit card“, if your dream about a card like plastic, it symbolizes that easy money or loan is in the horizon. However, you need to act responsibly or you will spend years paying back your debt.

Toilet Dream Meanings and Interpretations  16
Toilet Dream Symbol – a toilet is a place not only of defecation and urination but also of thinking and pondering the great questions in life. It is an actual truth that people who use their time on the toilet to be productive actually tend to be wealthier and more successful that those that focus on the task at hand. Don’t flush your chances for success down the toilet.

If you dream about a toilet it means that there is something smelly in your life that you need to clean out. It could be a friendship that is not productive to you or those around you. On the other hand, it could be that you are simply full of it.

Additional Toilet Dream Meanings

Toilet dreams are lucky and are all about your wellbeing. They can also mean you need to be more careful when it comes to being lucky in life. Dreams featuring a toilet are important and you should take notice of the messages that they bring you. These are important messages that teach you many things about what will occur in your future.

Dreaming of being in a toilet brings news of an important positive change about to take place in your immediate future. This will be something like an unexpected win from a lottery ticket or a windfall from afar. Being in a toilet pit covered in toilet waste brings great news you will have all the success you ever dreamed about.

An outhouse by the house indicates you will attain the wealth you desire. This can be in relation to the property you will eventually acquire. An unused toilet can mean you are not using your resources fully. This is a message to check hidden places for you may find financially profitable surprises.

A toilet still waiting for a connection to the water supply can mean you have large amounts of money tied up that you cannot directly access. This can mean you have investments that work towards a financially stable future, but you cannot use them just at a whim.

Dirty toilet

Dreams of a dirty toilet are about toxic thoughts, emotions, and relationships. Seeing a flooded filthy toilet warns that you have major problems that need sorting out immediately. A dirty toilet can also signify the problem you have communicating with others. This type of a dream is trying to shock you into waking up to yourself.

Dirty toilets can appear in dreams when you are too busy or uninterested in healing the problems within yourself. Seeing an overflowing toilet, you cannot flush, is a warning you have trouble getting rid of people who are toxic to your life. You hang on to all the old negativity and take it into the future. Do you have trouble getting rid of the negative people, thoughts, and things from your life?

Seeing something valuable flush down a dirty toilet is a sign you are letting something go but you are not sure you have done the right thing. Have you lost something important in your waking life? A flooded toilet can mean you repress your emotions and feelings. What are you holding back? You need to express yourself honestly to help you move forward in life.

When you dream of a toilet that is totally unusable then you need to listen to your inner child. There is something your subconscious wants you to know at this time. Dreaming of a full, dirty toilet bowl it indicates you need to address outdated thoughts and attitudes if you want a positive future. It all comes down to your choices.

Note* If you have had a dream related to this dream symbol or would like to add something that is related to this topic please leave a comment below. Comments are a great way to interact with others who are dreaming about similar topics.
The Meaning of Fish in Dreams
Updated on June 6, 2019

Sue B.  more
Sue has been an online writer for over eight years. She is a mother, social worker, writer, and dream interpreter.
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The Meaning of Fish in Dreams
Updated on June 6, 2019

Sue B.  more
Sue has been an online writer for over eight years. She is a mother, social worker, writer, and dream interpreter.
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Fish in Dreams

Dreams of fish swimming often represent insights from your unconscious mind, especially when associated with the ocean. Catching a fish represents insights that have been brought to the surface.

Dreaming of Fish Eggs

Eggs are often associated with potential and new beginnings. Seeing fish eggs in your dream may represent a new idea or new direction that is emerging from your unconscious.

Fish and Fertility

Fish are often seen as a symbol of fertility and personal growth. Seeing a fish swimming in your dream may symbolize conception. People often associate the image of sperm with fish in the ocean. Some women dream of swimming fish when they get pregnant.

The fish's place within the food chain may reveal a lot to the dreamer about where they think they are socially, their level of confidence, and their sense of power. | Source
A Play-on-Words With "Fish"

Common fish-related phrases may link the dreamer to the meaning of his/her fish dream. Consider the following: "like a cold fish," "fish out of water," or something that is "fishy" about a situation. Depending upon the nature of the fish, you may also want to consider phrases associated with being "lured" or "hooked" to something (or someone). A dream fish may also imply a slippery or elusive situation. Perhaps your dream could be telling you that "there are plenty of other fish in the sea" in regards to some relationship issue. Lastly, the dream could relate to "fishing for compliments" and show that you have a need for attention and recognition.

Eating or Cooking Fish in a Dream

Cooking and eating are often associated with nourishing the soul and are looked upon as spiritual in general.

Eating fish in a dream is often symbolic of the dreamer's beliefs, philosophy, or spirituality. Eating fish shows you are incorporating your new realizations into your identity. Cooking fish in a dream means the same thing as eating it but is focused more on preparation and the process the dreamer is undertaking in order to incorporate new information, new concepts, and new discoveries into who they are as a person in their waking life. How the dreamer is preparing the fish may give important insight into what the dreamer is struggling with during this inner transformation.

Cleaning Fish: Related to cooking and eating fish, cleaning fish in a dream suggests that you are altering your emotional expression in a way that will be presentable and acceptable to others. The dreamer is censoring him/herself and not expressing how he/she completely feels.

Dreaming of Dead Fish

A dead fish in a dream signifies disappointment and loss. This loss may be associated with power/wealth, an idea, a spiritual chapter of one's life, or infertility. Since fish are often associated with the unconscious, a dead fish may symbolize something old giving way to new growth and potential.

Death is an important symbol in dreams and can have both positive and negative associations for the dreamer. It is important to decipher if the dream is about an ending or a new beginning and if it is positive or negative for the dreamer. Ending something prematurely could have negative consequences, yet holding onto something too long can stunt the dreamer's personal growth and development.

Two fish in two separate bowls may relate to feeling disconnected from others. | Source
Dreaming of a Fish Tank or Fishbowl

A fish tank is the container of our emotions. The size and general quality of the fish tank will show the dreamer what state their emotions are in. Fish tanks, in general, indicate that the dreamer may be compartmentalizing their emotions, which may lead to losing touch with their full being. Dreaming of a fish tank may show you how you keep your feelings in check. If you are

Dreaming of a fish tank may show you how you keep your feelings in check. If you are watching the fish in a fishbowl, you may feel detached from society, as if your life is going nowhere or that you are swimming in circles in life.

Dreaming that you are living in a fish tank or bowl may mean you are feeling detached from society, but it may also mean that you are feeling the pressure of those around you. Consider the phrase "living in a fishbowl." Fish in fishbowls have nowhere to hide (catching them is like "shooting fish in a barrel"). The dreamer may feel judged, criticized, and scrutinized by others. This dream is most often associated with a family unit, a school setting, or a workplace.

Dreaming of catching a larger fish than anticipated may mean the dreamer feels he/she may not be able to handle what he/she is dredging up from the unconscious, that the idea or information is too large for them to handle. | Source
Dreaming of Someone Fishing

A fisherman in dreams suggests the dreamer is trying to catch something in his/her waking life.

Dreaming of fishing could mean the dreamer is confronting repressed emotions and bringing them to the surface. Ice fishing suggests the dreamer is breaking through a hardened emotional barrier and confronting difficult feelings from the unconscious.

Be careful with over-interpreting a dream. Fishing could also simply mean the dreamer needs leisure and relaxation.

Dreaming of a Fishing Rod

A fishing rod in a dream represents the tools and motivation you have necessary for your quest and exploration of your unconscious mind. You are ready to confront issues and emotions you have suppressed. Dreaming of the fishing rod may indicate to you that you are going to embark on an internal journey of self-discovery. If your dream is focused on the tools and planning and not the act of fishing, this may show that you are preparing for this personal quest and are close to gaining insight.

Dreaming of Fishhooks

Fishhooks in dreams may refer to an idea that you need to "catch." The dream may also indicate that you are getting hooked on something. A fishhook may also mean you are being tricked or manipulated into doing something or buying into a false idea.

Dreaming of Jellyfish

Jellyfish in dreams can mean a few different things, depending on the type of jellyfish; some can sting and are very dangerous, while others are simply harmless and spineless. A jellyfish may represent painful memories that are emerging from your unconscious. There may be hidden hostility or aggression in some aspect of the dreamer's waking relationships or situation. Dreaming of a jellyfish may also indicate feelings of inadequacy, uncertainty, and a lack of self-esteem. Perhaps you are having trouble standing up for yourself in a specific situation in your waking life, or perhaps you feel as though you have no spine and are not upholding your morals and what you believe and stand for.

If the jellyfish in your dream seems like a positive symbol, it may relate to going with the flow. Jellyfish move with the ocean. Perhaps you've been swept up by something larger than yourself and have found serenity.

Dreaming of Fish: The Christian Perspective on Dreams

The fish is also an ancient symbol of Christianity and dreaming of a fish may refer to the dreamer's beliefs and experiences within the Christian church. Look in any illustrated Christian book and you will find images of Jesus on a fishing boat. Even the apostles were referred to as fisherman or "fishers of men." Common proverbs such as, "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime" may also give meaning to a dream of fish.

Here are Bible verses which mention fish:

Mark 1:17: "Come after Me, and I will make you fishers of men."
Matthew 12:40: "...Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth."
Matthew 14:17: "And they said to Him, 'We have here only five loaves and two fish.'"
Luke 5:6: "And when they had done this, they caught a great number of fish, and their net was breaking."
Luke 24:42: "So they gave Him a piece of a broiled fish and some honeycomb."
John 21:6: "And He said to them, 'Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some.' So they cast, and now they were not able to draw it in because of the multitude of fish."
1 Corinthians 15:39: "All flesh is not the same flesh, but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fish, and another of birds."
According to "When threatened by Romans in the first centuries after Christ, Christians used the fish [symbol to] mark meeting places and tombs, or to distinguish friends from foes."

The fish symbol is still used to signify Christianity today. We often see fish bumper stickers on cars, for instance, as we drive on the highway or people with fish symbols on necklaces or t-shirts.

Dreaming of Fish: Alternative and Cultural Perspectives

Dreaming of a fish may relate to historical and/or cultural meanings of fish. Perhaps the dreamer is either from, is influenced by, or has studied these cultures.

Pagan: Great Mother goddess was often depicted as a fish or a woman with a fish over her genitals.
Chinese: Kwan-yin was often symbolized as a fish.
Indian: The goddess Kali was called the "fish-eyed one."
Egyptian: Isis was called the great fish of the abyss.
Greek: The Greek word delphos means both fish (dolphin) and womb.
Astrology: Fish are often associated with the astrological sign of Pisces.
Mediterranean: Various religions used fish, wine, and bread for their sacramental meal.
Scandinavian: Fish was eaten in the great goddess Freya's honor. The sixth day of the week was named "Friday" after her.
Middle Eastern: The goddess of Ephesus was depicted as a woman with a fish over her genitals.

Dreams About Toilets – Interpretation and Meaning
In this article we will talk about toilet dreams. These dreams usually mean that you are trying to eliminate something negative from your life. You may be trying to leave your past behind you or maybe to solve a problem that you have right now.

Whatever the reason is, you want to get rid of negative energy and negative things. Of course, there are also many other meanings related to these dreams.

Because of that it is important to take into account all details that you have seen in your dream and to analyze them.

Have you ever dreamed of a toilet? Have you only seen a toilet in your dream or you were trying to find it? Maybe you were not able to find a toilet or all the toilets were already busy.

It is also possible that you have a dream about a toilet without walls and doors. Maybe you have dreamed about a toilet seat or about a toilet seat cover.

These are only some of the most common situations that you can see in your dreams about toilets.

Now you will see a couple of dreams about toilets and you will also see how you can interpret these dreams.

When you see how these interpretations look like, you will be able to interpret your next dream on your own.

Dreams About Toilets – Interpretation and Meaning

Dreaming of seeing a toilet. If you have only seen a toilet in your dream, it means that there is something negative in your life, as we have already mentioned above. You may have some negative thoughts and beliefs, so you want to eliminate them. You have realized that there is something in your life that you actually don’t need, so it is better to get rid of it.

Dreaming of not being able to find a toilet. If you have dreamed that you could not find a toilet, it is a symbol of frustrations that you have in your life. There are so many obstacles on your way, so it is hard for you to face the problems you have.

You are feeling frustrated and also powerless in your real life. You don’t know what to do and how to overcome all the obstacles.

Dreaming of not being able to find a toilet that is available. If all the toilets in your dream were busy, so you could not find a toilet available, it means that you don’t think enough of yourself.

You always put the needs of other people in the first place, so you cannot meet your own needs. This dream is warning you to put yourself in the first place and to take more care of yourself.

Dreaming of the toilet outside. If you have dreamed that there was a toilet outside and it was the only available toilet, so you had to use it, even though other people were watching you, it means that you would like to have more privacy in your waking life.

It is important to mention that in this dream a toilet has no doors or walls. If you had this type of a dream, it is possible that you don’t have your own privacy, so other people are trying to know everything that is happening in your life.

Dreaming of cleaning a toilet. If you had a dream in which you were cleaning a toilet, it means that it is necessary to clean yourself as well. You may have too many problems in your life, so you have to get rid of them. You should eliminate your negative habits and beliefs and you should also get rid of your old bad experiences.

Dreaming of flushing a toilet. If you had a dream in which you were flushing a toilet, it is a symbol of undesirable situation in which you may be right now. This dream is warning you to let your old beliefs and negative thoughts go away from you.

They don’t have any value in your life, so it is best to get rid of them. Now it may be the time to move forward and to reach your goals.

Dreaming of a clogged toilet. If you had this dream, it means that there is something in your life that holds you back. You are unable to go on, because there are many problems that you haven’t solved yet. You are standing in one place and you cannot move forward.

You are feeling stucked and you don’t know how to react in this situation.

Dreaming of a toilet overflowing. If you have dreamed that a toilet was overflowing, so it could not flush, it means that you are in a bad relationship right now or you have a lot of false friends around you. But, you are not ready to eliminate these people from your life.

Dreaming of a flooded toilet. If you have dreamed of a flooded toilet, it means that you would like to express all your emotions towards someone in your real life. You cannot hide your emotions anymore, so it is time to express them.

Dreaming of a dirty toilet. If you have dreamed about a dirty toilet, it means that you have a lot of toxic thoughts and beliefs in your life. You don’t know how to solve your problems and you feel frustrated.

This dream is warning you to get rid of all negative things in your life. You have to start thinking positively and you also have to leave your bad experiences in the past.

Dreaming of a toilet seat up. If you had this type of a dream, it means that you are ready to confront all problems that you have in your waking life.

You have courage and you have d

LDreaming of a toilet seat down. If a toilet seat in your dream was down, it means that you don’t have enough courage to face the problems in your life.

Dreaming of a toilet seat cover. This dream is a good sign. You are ready to confront your problems and to solve them.

Dreaming of a cat in a toilet bowl. If you have seen in your dream that a cat was sitting in a toilet bowl and if it was looking at you, it means that there is a toxic friendship in your waking life.

You know that you have a false friend, but you don’t have courage to eliminate this person from your life.

Dreams Starting With Letter K
On this page you can find meanings of dreams which starts with letter K. Use CTRL + F for a quick search of terms with letter K, or a “search bar” on the top of the site to search the whole site for a specific term.

To eat kale in a dream means that someone is disturbing you, while seeing it symbolizes bad mood and anger.

To hear kettledrums in a dream symbolizes fights.

To find a key in a dream symbolizes gain and wealth, while to lose it suggests small fights. To see a key means that you will have a good maid. This dream also symbolizes happiness in love. If you have a large key in a dream it means that you will suffer abuse of some sort. A bundle of keys suggests gains.

Dreaming of kinsman means that you will anger someone.

Dreaming of kissing someone symbolizes returned love, while being kissed means that your lover will go on a trip. To steal a kiss warns you of dishonest love promises. This dream also symbolizes a short-term love relationship.

To kiss with a friend in a dream symbolizes reconciliation. Kissing dead people means death. To observe someone kissing symbolizes sorrow. If you are kissing with a loved one in a dream that suggests happiness after a troublesome period. Kissing with your wife or husband symbolizes family fights. Kissing with someone else’s wife or husband is a good sign that your plans will succeed.

Dreaming of dirty kitchenware symbolizes family fights, while clean kitchenware represents peace and harmony. Dreaming of breaking kitchenware warns you of many inconveniences.

Dreaming about kiwis symbolizes changes at work, progress and financial gain. For some people this dream can symbolize the opposite: troubles at work and financial loss.

Kneading dough bowl
If a bowl is full in a dream it symbolizes gains and respect in society. An empty bowl means that you will be in a pleasant company. It also symbolizes poverty.

A big knife symbolizes worries and lies, while a small knife represents fights and frauds. A pocket knife means that someone will haunt you. It also symbolizes failure. To lose a knife in a dream means that you will face an unpleasant surprise. Finding a knife means that someone will bring you joy. A rusty knife in a dream symbolizes sickness and danger.

To see a knight in a dream means that you will get a love offer. Be careful, danger is near.

If you see a knoll in your dream it means that you will be tricked by someone you thought of as a friend.

Tying a knot in a dream represents inconveniences and sorrow, while untying symbolizes success, prosperity and gains.

Dreaming of a knout means that you will be offended.


Are you ready to uncover hidden and forbidden meanings of your dream about empty bowl? Click and reveal mysterious and secret meanings of dreaming about empty bowl by interpretations of the dream's symbolisms in various cultures.
Short meaning: in a dream about empty bowl may illustrate amenity, worship and esteem.

By Jonathan Ambrosino
To have interaction with full bowl, means pregnancy or spiritual rebirth. To see an empty bowl while you are dreaming, indicates refusal of deep inner emotions. Happy dreaming about bowl, has meaning of the womb and sense of security. Consider the condition of the bowl: is it broken or not; what color has bowl or what is inside bowl; and how it is treated or handled in the dream. These conditions may offer clues to you how to interpret your dream further by selecting other explanations of dreams: water, broken, brown, white or red and etc. If you can’t recollect additional information from your dream, then think how did you feel in the dream. If it was bad dream, then bowl may mean that you are being badly treated in a particular relationship….Read more…

Wash Bowl
By Eveline Augustus
The dream in which you see the wash bowl denotes to the new activity that will bring lots of joy and happiness. The dream, in which you washed the face with the water from the washing bowl, denotes to new unseen feelings. If the washing bowl was broken, then it means you will receive the satisfaction by hurting the others.Read more…

By Jonathan Ambrosino
To have interaction with full bowl, means pregnancy or spiritual rebirth. To see an empty bowl while you are dreaming, indicates refusal of deep inner emotions. Happy dreaming about bowl, has meaning of the womb and sense of security. Consider the condition of the bowl: is it broken or not; what color has bowl or what is inside bowl; and how it is treated or handled in the dream. These conditions may offer clues to you how to interpret your dream further by selecting other explanations of dreams: water, broken, brown, white or red and etc. If you can’t recollect additional information from your dream, then think how did you feel in the dream. If it was bad dream, then bowl may mean that you are being badly treated in a particular relationship….Read more…
Wash Bowl
By Eveline Augustus
The dream in which you see the wash bowl denotes to the new activity that will bring lots of joy and happiness. The dream, in which you washed the face with the water from the washing bowl, denotes to new unseen feelings. If the washing bowl was broken, then it means you will receive the satisfaction by hurting the others.Read more…

Dream Meaning of Water

To see water in a dream refers to goodness, fruition and the fulfillment of wishes.

To see that you are thirsty and drink water too much in your dream means that an issue which you want too much will occur as soon as possible. If you drink water guzzle, it means that your financial desires will happen. If you drink it impassively, your spiritual deficiencies will be completed.

To dream that you couldn’t drink water although you are thirsty implies that you will take help from your sisters/brothers.

To dream that your home overflows indicates that you will have abundance and get out of whole, move to a larger and more comfortable house.

To see that your clothes get wet by falling into the water in your dream signifies that you will be slandered.

To dream that you don’t get wet after you fall into water implies that you will have a difficulty and overcome that easily. If you see a person who falls into the water in your dream, it denotes that you will prevent the slander about a person.

To walk on the water in your dream means that you will get a big heritage which will come from your relatives.

To see water flowing under the bridge in your dream symbolizes that you will meet with your old friend.

To see cloudy water in a dream indicates that you will face with an offer you didn’t wait.

To see clear water in a dream refers to a healthy life. Any kind of water which doesn’t give harm symbolizes marriage.

To see water in a glass, plate, bowl in your dream refers to child.

To see black water in a dream signifies bad woman. If you see bloody water in your dream, it is interpreted as respectable woman.

To see water inside pit in your dream suggests that you will need some more time for reaching your dreams. If you don’t take water from the pit, you will give up your dreams.

To see water in bathroom or Turkish bath in your dream refers to a spouse who has belief.

To see a sour, bitter or hot water in your dream means that one of your relatives will die.

To see that you drown or another person drowns in your dream indicates that rumor about you will occur.

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Dictionaries - Easton's Bible Dictionary - Bowl
Bowl [N]
The sockets of the lamps of the golden candlestick of the tabernacle are called bowls ( Exodus 25:31 Exodus 25:33 Exodus 25:34 ; Exodus 37:17 Exodus 37:19 Exodus 37:20  ); the same word so rendered being elsewhere rendered "cup" ( Genesis 44:2 Genesis 44:12 Genesis 44:16 ), and wine "pot" ( Jeremiah 35:5 ). The reservoir for oil, from which pipes led to each lamp in Zechariah's vision of the candlestick, is called also by this name ( Zechariah 4:2 Zechariah 4:3 ); so also are the vessels used for libations ( Exodus 25:29 ; 37:16 ).

These dictionary topics are from
M.G. Easton M.A., D.D., Illustrated Bible Dictionary, Third Edition,
published by Thomas Nelson, 1897. Public Domain, copy freely.



(1) The primitive Hebrews, like the wandering Bedouin of today, probably used bowls of wood, as less breakable than earthenware. Some hollow dish of the sort would be indispensable, even in the lowest stage of nomad life, to receive the milk of the flock, and as the common dish in which to serve the family meal. We have abundant proof, however, that vessels of earthenware of various sorts were in use by the settled peoples of Canaan in the earliest times. Many interesting specimens, characteristic of different peoples and ages, have been found by excavators of the PEF, especially recently by Flinders Petrie and Fred. Bliss at Tell el-Hesy (see Tell el-Hesy (Lachish), by Petrie, and A Mound of Many Cities, by Bliss) and by Macalister and others at Gezer, Taanach, Megiddo, etc. (see PEFS).

It was probably in some such dish--"a bowl fit for lords" (English Versions, "a lordly dish")--that Jael offered. Sisera a draught of sour milk (Judges 5:25; compare Arabic leben), and the bowl into which Gideon wrung the water from his fleece (Judges 6:38) is denoted by the same word (cephel; Septuagint lekane), though this may have been of earthenware instead of wood. Certainly the cephel was a dish of goodly size.

(2) Another word rendered sometimes "bowl" and sometimes "basin" is mizraq. It is used of the large silver bowls presented by "the princes of the congregation" (Numbers 7:13). See BASIN. It is also applied by Amos 6:6 to the costly bowls used by the nobles of Samaria in their debaucheries.

(3) A still larger bowl is mentioned by Jeremiah 35:5, the King James Version "pot" (gabhia`). This same word is used of Joseph's cup (Genesis 44:2):

"Put my cup, the silver cup, in the sack's mouth." As used at banquets it corresponds to the crater, from which the drinking cups (kocoth) were replenished. The material seems to have been uniformly silver. But see (4).

(4) Bowl is used in the King James Version to translation gabhia`, "the bowls made like almonds" (Exodus 25:33 the King James Version), as applied to the "cups" (Revised Version), or calyxes, used to ornament the golden candlestick (see \TABERNACLE\). It seems to have been an elastic term.

(5) The bowl of Zechariah 4:3 (gullah, found also in 5:2 correct text), is represented as the receptacle for oil in the candlestick of the prophet's vision. It is likewise used of "the lamp of life" (Ecclesiastes 12:6) and to designate the bowl- shaped capitals of Jachin and Boaz (1 Kings 7:41,42; 2 Chronicles 4:12,13).

(6) Bowl is found in Isaiah 51:17,22 the Revised Version (British and American), "bowl of the cup" (the King James Version "dregs of the cup"). Some think the second word here (qubba`ath koc) is a gloss to explain the unusual preceding word.

(7) In Re where the King James Version has "vial" (phiale) the Revised Version (British and American) has "bowl."


George B. Eager

The Meaning of Broken Things in a Dream

Something has broken, in your dream.  You may be devastated, strangely detached, or even relieved or elated.  You may want to fix the broken thing, hide it, forget it or simply not care what happens to it any more.  So what is the meaning of broken things in a dream?

You know I have written here previously about the many elements of the dream representing a part of the dreamer.  So a broken thing in a dream can be a “broken” part of you.  The most obvious thing I think people consider in themselves as being broken is the heart, followed by the spirit.  We can have big and small heartbreaks, crushing blows to the spirit or the slow erosion of hope and joy over many years.  Consider all these when you dream of something broken.  The end of a relationship, job or dream can all provoke dreams of broken things.

Sometimes though, when a dream dies inside, we don’t pay attention to it, or perhaps don’t want to admit it.  We want to let it go. We pretend we don’t care because there are so many logical reasons why we should give up on this thing that was once so special. The thing that held a treasured place in our heart.  We want to be mature, practical, logical.  And we let dreams go. Sometimes we have to. And that’s ok too. But the important thing is to acknowledge what is really going on. Don’t ignore it. When you let go of something precious, it is ok to mourn it, to feel sad. Dreams of broken things may be asking you to honour what is passing. Or they may be warning you to look at what’s really happening, and giving you a chance to mend a broken dream before it is beyond repair.

Another thing we refer to symbolically as breaking are “promises”. Have you broken any promises yourself? (To others, or to your Self…) Or have you been on the receiving end of broken promises? Broken things in your dreams may be exploring your feelings around these.

Often the broken things in the dream represent things that are broken for a very good reason. You can outgrow opinions, ideas and worldviews. As you mature and become wiser, previous perceptions of the world may need to be broken in order for a new perspective to come in. Broken windows and broken mirrors in dreams often reflect such change. Another positive thing to break are shackles – whether these be internal through limiting beliefs, or more external ones such as breaking out of a bad relationship, earning more money to escape a poverty situation or moving to a safer neighbourhood, breaking these ties can be a step to freedom. Sometimes it can be a positive thing to break the rules, though it may often require personal courage to do so. We can have a “break through” on many levels – at work, in relationships, or the direction of life. And spiritual growth is often presaged by the pain of old ways of living “breaking down”, followed by the transformation that can be symbolised as “breaking out” such as of an egg, or a cocoon. Broken things in a dream may reflect your emotional growth and spiritual evolution.

If you dream of something broken, you may wish to look at the puns around the word “break.” Is something in your life moving too fast, do you need to “put on the brakes?” Or have you become too involved in one area of your life, that perhaps you need to “take a break” from?

You may have read in other dream dictionaries that to dream of something often means the opposite of what you may think. I do not subscribe to this as a theory, but I do think it is worth noting how the solution to the “problem” of breaking is contained within the concept itself. To break something immediately implies the concept of whether or not the thing is repairable. A broken thing is just a thing. It is not, or was not alive, so we are not talking about life and death here – resurrecting from the dead, afterall, is a feat beyond most mere mortals! But a “thing” is not dead, it is broken. That is the within the scope of human capability to potentially alter. The question is, how broken is it?

In a dream

Another way we can consider the concept of “breaking” in a dream is through the symbol of a broken bone. Now in our modern society one broken bone is rarely seen as sure sign of a permanent end to anything. Broken bones hurt, broken bones limit the ability to function fully, but broken bones usually heal with time. Broken does not need refer to an end, but it may symbolise impaired ability for a time.

Which leads us to the ideas of functionality and usefulness. To dream of something broken may lead you to question if there is an area of your life that is no longer serving you well – what is not functioning as it should? And should this thing be repaired, left to heal on it’s own with rest and care, or discarded?

And of course, dreams of broken things may encourage you to consider what is not breakable…Perhaps your relationship is broken but you heart is not; or your heart is broken, but your spirit never will be…

Broken things in a dream bring up issues of:

loss and letting go
control, or lack of
repercussions of actions
pain and healing
transitons, impermanence
freedom and release
the physical versus the emotional or spiritual

The initial impression of a broken thing in a dream may seem sad, but look a little closer and you may discover a dream guiding you towards a different outcome, or supporting you through a change towards a brighter, and freer future.

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In the traditional Chinese view of the dream, dreaming of a fish means fortune. In Chinese, fish (“鱼”) has the same pronunciation with “余”and “裕”,which means richness. So, the dream of a fish is related to fortune and richness. And fish’s meaning in fortune is not only for its pronunciation. From ancient times, the fish has represented wealth in people's minds. Maybe the reason is that the fish caught is the real wealth for primitive people. Additionally, the fish also has the meaning of opportunity.

Big and Little/Small Fish Interpretation
Dreaming of a big fish means large wealth or happy event.
Your dream of little or small fishes mean something happy will happen in your love.

Many Fishes Interpretation
The dream about many fishes is usually related to your affection.

Fish in Water
Dreaming of a fish swimming in clear water is the symbol that you will get wealth and power, or the expression of your good mood or situation. It may also indicate that you will have unexpected income or promotion. However, if a woman has this kind of dream, her actions may be restricted by her husband.

If you dream of a fish struggling in shallow water, it shows that you may have some setbacks in your work and it’s difficult to make any progress. Or you may be demoted.

If you have a dream that you set a dying fish into water to let it come back to life again, it implies that you hope to get the proper position with your own ability and have a pursuit in career.

The dream of a fish jump in the water is an auspice, which means that your job is turning out to be right and your wealth is constantly increasing. However, if you dream of a fish jumping out of the water and falling on the ground, it warns you of thinking twice before acting. What’s more, if this fish finally goes back to the water, you will overcome all difficulties and succeed.

Live or Dead Fish
If the fish you dream of is alive, you may have a sea travel. In contrast, if the fish is died, it is an indication of disappointment and dismay. You may experience setbacks, have difficulties in work, or live a hard life.

Eating Fish
If you dream of eating fish, it indicates that your luck in love is not that good and it may also mean that you are healthy and happy.

Buy Fish or Get Fish as Present
If you dream of buying fish, you may get the relative’s inheritance or gift.

The dream that somebody gives you a fish as a present indicates that you will get properties or may be invited to attend a wedding. And if the fish you get is dried fish, you will have a surplus.

Fishing or Catching Fish
The dream of fishing usually means that you can resist the temptation.
If you are fishing on the river bank, there may be some setbacks in your interpersonal relationship.
If the water you are fishing in is clear so that you can see the fish nibbling at your bait, you may get what you want and achieve your aspirations.
The dream of catching a big fish shows that everything is going well. For example, women will marry rich men, those who want to be officials will become real and those seeking wealth will get it.

If a man dreams of catching the fish, it indicates that he will be faced with imminent disaster. However, a woman having this kind of dream may marry a rich man and live a happy life.

If a goldfish is got with a net, you may have adventures, for instance, you may meet your old friends suddenly in the street.

The dream of catching a fish by your hands is an indication of success. The larger the fish you caught is, the greater the success will be.

If you dream of wading to catch the fish, you will rely on your abilities and extraordinary courage to get your own wealth.

Riding Fish
The dream of riding on the fish and wandering freely in the water shows that you will be healthier and healthier.

Dream of Fish by Girls
A young girl’s dream of a fish indicates a handsome and talented husband.

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Dreams Dictionary: Meanings of Dreams
Find out what your dreams mean. Psychologist World's dream dictionary has over a thousand entries on kinds of dream.

Abandon, Abbey, Abbess, Abbot, Abdomen, Abhor, Abject, Abode, Abortion, Above, Abroad, Absalom, Absence, Abscess, Absinthe, Abundance, Abuse, Abyss, Academy, Accepted, Accident, Accordion, Accounts, Accuse, Aches, Acid, Acorn, Acquaintance, Acquit, Acrobat, Actor and Actress, Adam and Eve, Adamant, Adder, Addition, Adieu, Admire, Admonish, Adopted, Adultery, Adulation, Advancement, Adversary, Adventurer, Adversity, Advertisement, Advice, Advocate, Afraid, Afternoon, Affliction, Affrighted, Affront, Affluence, Agate, Age, Agony, Ague, Air, Alabaster, Alarm Bell, Album, Ale-house, Alien, Alley, Alligator, Alloy, Almanac, Almonds, Alms, Alms-house, Altar, Alum, Aluminum, Amateur, Ambush, America, Amethyst, Ammonia, Ammunition, Amorous, Amputation, Anchor, Andirons, Anecdote, Angels, Anger, Angling, Annoy, Antelope, Ants, Anvil, Anxiety, Apes, Apparel, Apparition, Apples, Apprentice, Apricot, April, Apron, Arch, Archbishop, Architect, Arm, Aroma, Arrested, Arrow, Art Gallery, Ascend, Asceticism, Ashes, Asia, Asp, Asparagus, Ass, Assassin, Assistance, Asylum, Astral, Atlas, Atonement, Attic, Attorney, Auction, August, Augur, Aunt, Aura, Autumn, Automobile, Author, Awake, Axe,
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Cab, Cabbage, Cable, Cabin, Cackle, Cage, Cakes, Calomel, Calves, Called, Calendar, Calm, Calumny, Camera, Cameo Brooch, Camels, Camp, Campaign, Cane, Cancer, Canal, Canary Birds, Candles, Candlestick, Canker, Cannon, Cannon-Ball, Canoe, Candy, Canopy, Cap, Captive, Captain, Cars, Cardinal, Cards, Carnival, Cart, Cartridge, Carving, Carpet, Carpenter, Carriage, Carrot, Cask, Cash, Cash Box, Cashier, Castle, Castor Oil, Castoria, Cats, Catechism, Caterpillar, Cattle, Cathedral, Cauliflower, Cavalry, Cavern or Cave, Cedars, Celestial Signs, Celery, Cellar, Cemetery, Chaff, Chains, Chair, Chair Maker, Chairman, Chalk, Chalice, Challenge, Chamber, Chambermaid, Chameleon, Champion, Chandelier, Chapel, Charity, Charcoal, Chariot, Chastise, Cheated, Checks, Checkers, Cheese, Chemise, Cherries, Cherubs, Chess, Chestnuts, Chickens, Chiffonier, Chilblain, Childbed, Children, Chimes, Chimney, Chocolate, Choir, Cholera, Christ, Christmas Tree, Chrysanthemum, Church, Churchyard, Churning, Cider, Cipher, Circle, Cistern, City, City Council, City Hall, Clams, Clay, Claret, Claret Cup and Punch, Clarionet, Clairvoyance, Clergyman, Climbing, Clock, Cloister, Clothes, Clouds, Clover, Cloven Foot, Club, Coach, Coals, Coal-hod, Coat, Coat-of-Arms, Cocoa

Dagger, Dahlia, Dairy, Daisy, Damask Rose, Damson, Dance, Dancing Master, Dandelion, Danger, Dark, Dates, Daughter, Daughter-in-law, David, Day, Daybreak, Dead, Death, Debt, December, Deck, Decorate, Deed, Deer, Delay, Delight, Demand, Dentist, Derrick, Desert, Desk, Despair, Detective, Devotion, Devil, Dew, Diadem, Diamonds, Dice, Dictionary, Difficulty, Digging, Dinner, Dirt, Disaster, Disease, Disgrace, Dish, Disinherited, Dispute, Distaff, Distance, Ditch, Diving, Dividend, Divining Rods, Divorce, Docks, Doctor, Dogs, Dolphin, Dome, Dominoes, Donkey, Doomsday, Door, Door Bell, Doves, Dowry, Dragon, Drama, Dram-drinking, Draw-knife, Dressing, Drinking, Driving, Dromedary, Dropsy, Drouth, Drowning, Drum, Drunk, Ducks, Duet, Dulcimer, Dumb, Dun, Dungeon, Dunghill, Dusk, Dust, Dwarf, Dye, Dying, Dynamite, Dynamo,
Eagles, Ears, Earrings, Earthquake, Earwig, Eating, Ebony, Echo, Eclipse, Ecstasy, Education, Eel, Eggs, Elbows, Elderberries, Election, Electricity, Elephant, Elevator, Elixir of Life, Elopement, Eloquent, Embalming, Embankment, Embarrassment, Embrace, Embroidery, Emerald, Emperor, Employee, Employment, Empress, Enchantment, Encyclopedia, Enemy, Engagement, Engine, Engineer, English, Entertainment, Entrails, Envelope, Envy, Epaulet, Epicure, Epidemic, Ermine, Errands, Escape, Estate, Europe, Eve, Evening, Evergreen, Exchange, Execution, Exile, Explosion, Eye, Eyebrows, Eyeglass,
Fables, Face, Failure, Fainting, Fair, Fairy, Faithless, Fakir, Falcon, Fall, Fame, Famine, Famish, Family, Fan, Farewell, Farm, Fat, Fates, Father, Father-in-law, Fatigue, Favor, Fawn, Fears, Feast, Feather, February, Feeble, Feet, Fence, Ferns, Ferry, Festival, Fever, Fiddle, Field, Fiend, Fife, Figs, Figure, Filbert, File, Fingers, Finger-nails, Fire, Firebrand, Fire Budget, Fire-engine, Fireman, Fireworks, Firmament, Fish, Fisherman, Fishhooks, Fish Market, Fish-net, Fish-pond, Fits, Flag, Flame, Flax, Flax Spinning, Fleas, Fleet, Flies, Flight, Floating, Floods, Flour, Flower, Flute, Flux, Flying, Flying Machine, Fly-paper, Fly-trap, Foal, Fog, Foot-log, Forest, Forehead, Fork, Form, Forsaking, Fort, Fortress, Fortune-telling, Fountain, Fowl, Fox, Fraud, Freckles, Friend, Frightened, Frogs, Frost, Fruit, Fruit Seller, Funeral, Furnace, Furs, Future,

Gaiter, Gallows, Gambling-house, Game, Gangrene, Gaol, Garbage, Garden, Garlic, Garret, Garter, Gas, Gas Lamps, Gasoline, Gate, Gauze, Gavel, Geese, Gems, Genealogical Tree, Geography, Ghost, Giant, Gift, Gig, Girdle, Girls, Glass, Glass-blower, Glass House, Gleaning, Gloomy, Gloves, Goat, Goblet, God, Goggles, Gold, Goldfish, Gold Leaves, Golf, Gong, Gooseberries, Gossip, Gout, Gown, Grain, Grammar, Gramophone, Grandparents, Grapes, Grass, Grasshopper, Grave, Gravel, Gravy, Grease, Greek, Greyhound, Grindstone, Groans, Groceries, Grotto, Guardian, Guitar, Gulls, Gun, Gutter, Gymnast,
Haggard, Hail, Hair, Hair-dresser, Hairy Hands, Halter, Ham, Hammer, Hand, Handbills, Handcuffs, Handkerchiefs, Handsome, Handwriting, Hanging, Hare, Harem, Harlequin, Harlot, Harness, Harp, Harvest, Hash, Hassock, Hat, Hatchet, Hate, Hawk, Hay, Head, Headgear, Hearse, Heart, Heat, Heather Bells, Heaven, Hedges, Heir, Hell, Helmet, Hemp, Hemp Seed, Hen, Herbs, Hermit, Herring, Hide, Hidden, Hieroglyphs, High School, High Tide, Hills, Hips, Hissing, History, Hives, Hoe, Hogs, Holiday, Holy Communion, Home, Hominy, Homesick, Homicide, Honey, Honeysuckle, Hood, Hook, Hoop, Hops, Horn, Hornet, Horoscope, Horse, Horseshoe, Horseradish, Horse-trader, Hospital, Hotel, Hounds, House, Housekeeper, Hugging, Humidity, Hunchback, Hunger, Hunting, Hurt, Hurricane, Husband, Hut, Hyacinth, Hydrophobia, Hyena, Hymns, Hypocrite, Hyssop,
Ice, Ice Cream, Icicles, Ideal, Idiot, Idle, Idols, Illness, Illumination, Image, Imitation, Implements, Imps, Inauguration, Incantation, Incest, Incoherent, Income, Increase, Independent, India Rubber, Indifference, Indigo, Indigestion, Indistinct, Indulgence, Industry, Infants, Infirmary, Infirmities, Influence, Inheritance, Injury, Ink, Ink-stand, Inn, Inquest, Inquisition, Insane, Inscription, Insolvent, Intemperance, Intercede, Intermarry, Interpreter, Intestine, Intoxication, Inundation, Invalid, Invective, Inventor, Invite, Iron, Ironing, Island, Itch, Ivory, Ivy,
Jackdaw, Jam, Janitor, January, Jar, Jasper, Jaundice, Javelin, Jaws, Jay-bird, Jealousy, Jelly, Jessamine, Jester, Jew, Jewelry, Jewels, Jew's-harp, Jockey, Jolly, Journey, Journeyman, Joy, Jubilee, Judge, Judgment Day, Jug, July, Jumping, Jumping-jack, June, Juniper, Jury, Justice,
Kaleidoscope, Kangaroo, Keg, Kettle, Key, Keyhole, Kid, Kidneys, Killing, King, Kiss, Kitchen, Kite, Kitten, Knapsack, Knee, Knife, Knife Grinder, Knitting, Knocker, Knocking, Knots, Krishna,

Knots, Krishna,
Label, Labor, Laboratory, Labyrinth, Lace, Ladder, Ladle, Lagoon, Lake, Lamb, Lame, Lament, Lamp, Lamp-post, Lance, Land, Landau, Lantern, Lap, Lap-dog, Lap-robe, Lard, Lark, Latch, Latin, Laudanum, Laughing, Laundry, Laurel, Law and Lawsuits, Lawns, Lawyer, Lazy, Lead, Leaking, Leaping, Learning, Leather, Leaves, Ledger, Leeches, Leeward, Legerdemain, Legislature, Legs, Lemonade, Lemons, Lending, Lentil, Leopard, Letter, Letter-carrier, Letter-file, Lettuce, Liar, Library, Lice, License, Life-boat, Life-insurance Man, Light, Lighthouse, Lightning, Lightning-rod, Lily, Lime, Lime-kiln, Limes, Limp, Linen, Linseed Oil, Lion, Lips, Liquor, Liver, Lizard, Load, Loadstone, Loaves, Lobster, Lock, Locket, Lockjaw, Locomotive, Locust, Lodger, Looking-glass, Loom, Lord's Prayer, Lottery, Louse, Love, Lovely, Lozenges, Lucky, Luggage, Lumber, Lute, Luxury, Lying, Lyre,
Macadamize, Macaroni, Machinery, Mad Dog, Madness, Madstone, Magic, Magistrate, Magnet, Magnifying-glass, Magpie, Malice, Mallet, Malt, Man, Manners, Man-of-war, Mansion, Manslaughter, Mantilla, Manufactory, Manure, Manuscript, Map, Marble, March, Mare, Marigold, Mariner, Market, Marmalade, Marmot, Marriage, Mars, Marsh, Martyr, Mask, Mason, Masquerade, Mast, Master, Mat, Match, Matting, Mattress, Mausoleum, May, May Bugs, Meadow, Meals, Measles, Meat, Mechanic, Medal, Medicine, Melancholy, Melon, Memorandum, Memorial, Menagerie, Mendicant, Mending, Mercury, Merry, Meshes, Message, Metamorphose, Mice, Microscope, Midwife, Mile-post, Milk, Milking, Mill, Mill-dam, Millet, Mine, Mineral, Mineral Water, Mining, Minister, Minuet, Minx, Mire, Mirror, Miser, Mist, Mistletoe, Mocking-bird, Models, Molasses, Moles, Money, Monk, Monkey, Monster, Moon, Morgue, Morning, Morocco, Mortgage, Morose, Mortification, Moses, Mosquito, Moss, Moth, Mother, Mother-in-law, Mountain, Mourning, Mouse, Mouse-trap, Mud, Muff, Mulberries, Mule, Murder, Muscle, Museum, Music, Musical Instruments, Mushroom, Musk, Mussels, Mustache, Mustard, Mute, Myrrh, Myrtle, Mystery,
Nails, Naked, Napkin, Navy, Nearsighted, Neck, Necklace, Necromancer, Need, Needle, Neighbor, Nephew, Nest, Nets, Nettles, News, Newspaper, Newspaper Reporter, New Year,

Nails, Naked, Napkin, Navy, Nearsighted, Neck, Necklace, Necromancer, Need, Needle, Neighbor, Nephew, Nest, Nets, Nettles, News, Newspaper, Newspaper Reporter, New Year, Niece, Night, Nightmare, Nightingale, Ninepins, Nobility, Noise, Noodles, Nose, Notary, November, Numbness, Numbers, Nuns, Nuptial, Nurse, Nursing, Nuts, Nutmegs, Nymph, Oak, Oar,
Oath, Oatmeal, Oats, Obedience, Obelisk, Obituary, Obligation, Observatory, Occultist, Ocean, October, Oculist, Odd-Fellow, Odor, Offense, Offering, Office, Offspring, Oil, Oilcloth, Ointment, Old Man, or Woman, Olives, Omelet, Omnibus, One-Eyed, Onions, Opera, Opium, Opulence, Oranges, Orang-utang, Orator, Orchard, Orchestra, Organ, Organist, Ornament, Orphan, Ostrich, Otter, Ottoman, Oven, Overcoat, Over-alls, Owl, Ox, Oysters, Oyster Shells
Pacify, Packet, Page, Pagoda, Pail, Pain, Paint and Painting, Palace, Palisade, Pall, Pall-bearer, Pallet, Palmistry, Palm Tree, Palsy, Pancake, Pane of Glass, Panorama, Panther, Pantomime, Paper or parchment, Parables, Paradise, Paralysis, Parasol, Parcel, Pardon, Parents, Park, Parrot, Parsley, Parsnips, Parting, Partner, Partnership, Partridge, Party, Passenger, Passing Bell, Password, Pasteboard, Pastry, Patch, Patent, Patent Medicine, Path, Paunch, Pauper, Pawn-shop, Peaches, Peacock, Pearls, Pears, Peas, Pebbles, Pecans, Pelican, Pen, Penalties, Pencil, Penitentiary, Penny, Pension, People, Pepper, Peppermint, Perfume, Perspiration, Pest, Petticoat, Pewter, Phantom, Pheasant, Phosphorus, Photography, Physician, Piano, Pickaxe, Pickles, Pickpocket, Picnic, Pictures, Pier, Pies, Pig, Pigeon, Pilgrim, Pill, Pillow, Pimple, Pincers, Pineapple, Pine Tree, Pins, Pipe, Pirate, Pistol, Pit, Pitcher, Pitchfork, Plague, Plain, Plane, Planet, Plank, Plaster, Plate, Play, Pleasure, Plow, Plums, Pocket, Pocketbook, Poinard, Poison, Poker, Polar Bear, Pole-cat, Police, Polishing, Politician, Polka, Pomegranate, Pond, Pony, Poor, Poor-house, Pope, Poplars, Poppies, Porcelain, Porch, Porcupine, Pork, Porpoise, Porter, Portfolio, Portrait, Postage, Postman, Post-office, Pot, Potatoes, Potter, Potter's Field, Poultry, Powder, Prairie, Prayer, Preacher, Precipice, Pregnancy, Present, Priest, Primrose, Printer, Printing Office, Prison, Privacy, Prize Fight, Prize Fighter, Procession, Profanity, Profits, Promenade, Property, Prostitute, Publican, Publisher, Puddings, Puddle, Pulpit, Pulse, Pump, Punch, Pup, Purchases, Purse, Putty, Pyramid,
Quack Doctor, Quack Medicine, Quadrille, Quagmire, Quail, Quaker, Quarantine, Quarrel, Quarry, Quartette, Quay, Queen, Question, Quicksand, Quills, Quilts, Quinine, Quinsy, Quoits,
Rabbit, Raccoon, Race, Rack, Racket, Radish, Raffle, Raft, Rage, Railing, Railroad, Rain, Rainbow, Raisins, Rake, Ram, Ramble, Ramrod, Ransom, Rapids, Raspberry, Rat, Rat-trap, Rattan Cane, Rattle, Raven, Razor, Reading, Reapers, Reception, Refrigerator, Register, Reindeer, Religion, Rent, Reprieve, Reptile, Rescue, Resign, Resurrection, Resuscitate, Revelation, Revenge, Revival, Revolver, Rheumatism, Rhinestones, Rhinoceros, Rhubarb, Rib, Ribbon, Rice, Riches, Riddles, Ride, Riding School, Ring, Ringworms, Riot, Rising, Rival, River, Road, Roast, Rocket, Rocking-chair, Rocks, Rogue, Rogue's Gallery, Roman Candle, Roof, Roof Corner, Rooks, Rooster, Roots, Ropes, Rosebush, Rosemary, Roses, Rosette, Rouge, Roundabout, Rowboat, Rubber, Rubbish, Ruby, Rudder, Ruins, Rum, Running, Rupture, Rust, Rye, Rye Bread,
Saddle, Safe, Saffron, Sage, Sailing, Sailor, Salad, Salmon, Salt, Saltpeter, Salve, Samples, Sand, Sanskrit, Sapphire, Sardines, Sardonyx, Sash, Satan, Sausage, Saw, Sawdust, Scabbard, Scaffold, Scaldhead, Scalding, Scales, Scandal, Scarcity, Scarlet Fever, Sceptre, School, School Teacher, Scissors, Scorpion, Scrap-book, Scratch, Scratch Head, Screech-owl, Screw, Sculptor, Scum, Scythe, Sea, Sea Foam, Seal, Seamstress, Seaport, Seat, Secret Order, Seducer, Seed, Sentry, Serenade, Serpents, Servant, Sewing, Shakers, Shaking Hands,

Saddle, Safe, Saffron, Sage, Sailing, Sailor, Salad, Salmon, Salt, Saltpeter, Salve, Samples, Sand, Sanskrit, Sapphire, Sardines, Sardonyx, Sash, Satan, Sausage, Saw, Sawdust, Scabbard, Scaffold, Scaldhead, Scalding, Scales, Scandal, Scarcity, Scarlet Fever, Sceptre, School, School Teacher, Scissors, Scorpion, Scrap-book, Scratch, Scratch Head, Screech-owl, Screw, Sculptor, Scum, Scythe, Sea, Sea Foam, Seal, Seamstress, Seaport, Seat, Secret Order, Seducer, Seed, Sentry, Serenade, Serpents, Servant, Sewing, Shakers, Shaking Hands, Shakspeare, Shampoo, Shanty, Shark, Shave, Shaving, Shawl, Shears, Sheaves, Sheep, Sheet Iron, Shells, Shelter, Shelves, Shepherd, Sheriff, Ship, Shirt, Shirt-studs, Shoemaker, Shoes, Shooting, Shop, Shot, Shotgun, Shoulder, Shovel, Shower, Shrew, Shroud, Sickness, Side, Siege, Sieve, Sigh, Silk, Silkworm, Silver, Single, Singing, Skate, Skeleton, Skull, Sky, Slander, Slaughter-house, Sleep, Sleigh, Sliding, Slighted, Slippers, Smallpox, Smoke, Snakes, Snail, Sneeze, Snouts, Snow, Snuff, Soap, Socialist, Soda Fountain, Son, Soot, Sold, Soldiers, Somnambulist, Sorcerer, Sores, Soul, Soup, Sovereign, Sowing, Spade, Sparrow, Spectacles, Spice, Spider, Spider-web, Spinning, Spirit or Specter, Spitting, Spleen, Splendor, Splinter, Sponges, Spools, Spoons, Spring, Spur, Spy, Spy-glass, Squall, Squinting, Squirrel, Stable, Stag, Stage Driver, Stain, Stairs, Stall, Stallion, Stammer, Standard-bearer, Stars, Starving, Statues, Stealing, Steeple, Steps, Step-sister, Stethoscope, Sticks, Stillborn, Stilts, Sting, Stockings, Stone, Stone Mason, Storage Battery, Store, Storm, Straw, Strawberries, Street, Street-poster, Struggling, Stumble, Stumps, Suckle, Suffocating, Sugar-tongs, Suicide, Sulphur, Sun, Sunshade, Surgeon, Surgical Instruments, Swallow, Swamp, Swan, Swearing, Sweeping, Sweetheart, Sweet Oil, Sweet Taste, Swelling, Swiss Cheese, Switch, Sword, Sybil, Symphony, Syringe,
Table, Tacks, Tadpole, Tail, Tailor, Talisman, Talking, Tallow, Tambourine, Tank, Tannery, Tape, Tapestry, Tapeworm, Tar, Tarantula, Target, Tassels, Tattoo, Taxes, Tea, Teacups, Teakettle, Tears, Teasing, Teeth, Telegram, Telephone, Telescope, Tempest, Temptation, Tenant, Tenpins, Tent, Terror, Text, Thatch, Thaw, Theater, Thermometer, Thief, Thigh, Thimble, Thirst, Thorns, Thread, Threshing, Throat, Throne, Thumb, Thunder, Tickle, Ticks, Tiger, Till, Timber, Tipsy, Toad, Tobacco, Tocsin, Toddy, Tomatoes, Tomb, Tongue, Toothless, Tooth-picks, Topaz, Tops, Torch, Tornado, Torrent, Torture, Tourist, Tower, Toys, Trade, Tragedy, Train, Traitor, Transfiguration, Trap, Traveling, Tray, Treasures, Trees, Trenches, Triangle, Tripe, Triplets, Trophy, Trousers, Trout, Trowel, Trumpet, Trunk, Truss, Trusts, Tub, Tumble, Tunnel, Turf, Turkey, Turkish Baths, Turnips, Turpentine, Turquoise, Turtle, Tweezers, Twine, Twins, Type, Typhoid, Ugly, Ulcer,
Umbrella, Uncle, Underground, Undress, Unfortunate, Uniform, United States Mail Box, Unknown, Urgent, Urinal, Urine, Urn, Usurer, Usurper,
Vaccinate, Vagrant, Valentine, Valley, Vapor Bath, Varnishing, Vase, Vat, Vatican, Vault, Vegetables, Vehicle, Veil, Vein, Velvet, Veneer, Ventriloquist, Veranda, Vermin, Vertigo, Vessels, Vexed, Vicar, Vice, Victim, Victory, Village, Vine, Vinegar, Vineyard, Violence, Violets, Violin, Viper, Virgin, Visit, Visions, Vitriol, Voice, Volcano, Vomit, Vote, Voucher, Vow, Voyage, Vultures,
Wading, Wadding, Wafer, Wager, Wages, Wagon, Wagtail, Waif, Wail, Waist and Shirt-Waist, Waiter, Wake, Walking, Walking Stick, Wallet, Walls, Walnut, Waltz, Want, War, Wardrobe, Warehouse, Warrant, Warts, Washboard, Wash-bowl, Washer Woman, Washing, Wasp, Waste, Watch, Water, Water-carrier, Waterfall, Water Lily, Waves, Wax Taper, Way, Wealth, Weasel, Weather, Weaving, Web, Wedding, Wedding Clothes, Wedding Ring, Wedge, Wedlock, Weeding, Weeping, Weevil, Weighing, Well, Welcome, Welsh Rarebits, Wet, Wet Nurse, Whale, Whalebone, Wheat, Wheels, Whetstone, Whip, Whirlpool, Whi

see or eat figs in your dream represent a positive turn of events. Figs are also often associated with sex, conception and eroticism.


To see mysterious figures in your dream indicates that you are experiencing confusion and ambiguity in some aspect of your life.


To see the figurehead of a ship in your dream suggests that you are seeking protection for your emotional well being. Consider what the figurehead resembles for additional clues.


To see figurines in your dream indicate that you are underestimating your own abilities and in yourself. You need to stop comparing yourself to others. Consider what the figurine depicts and how you are belittling that quality in yourself.

Filbert Nut

To see filbert nuts in your dream signify peace, harmony, and profitable business ventures.

To dream that you are eating filbert nuts denote true and dependant friends.


To dream that you are filing away your bills or other important documents indicates that you need to keep your life in order.

To see files in your dream symbolize your responsibilities and burdens. There is something important that that you need to tend to.

File Cabinet

To see a file cabinet in your dream suggests that you need to keep your facts and information straight. The file cabinet may also represent the memories or unnecessary details you keep stored in your mind  and need to retrieve from time to time.

To dream that the drawers of the file cabinet are wide open denote your openness toward other viewpoints, opinions, suggestions, and criticism.

To dream that the file cabinet is locked indicates that there is something that you do not want revealed to others. Alternatively, it may indicate that you are being close-minded.

File Cart

To see or use a file cart in your dream represents your inescapable responsibilities. A file cart may also have a similar interpretation as a file cabinet.


To see a nail file in your dream suggests that you need to smooth out the rough edges of your personality or your relationship with others. You may be a little too harsh and too abrasive toward others.


To dream that you are filling something indicates that you are replenishing your energies. It is symbolic of renewal and revitalization.


To dream that you are watching a film signifies that you are analyzing yourself and your own thoughts from an objective view. Alternatively, it represents old memories and the past. Perhaps there is something that you can learn from in the past.

To dream that you are developing or exposing film refers to a "developing" relationship or situation. Alternatively, it signifies the completion of a project or task. You are ready to enjoy and reap the benefits of your work. Consider the image that is being developed. If the image on the film does not come out, then it means that you are not ready for the outcome of a situation.


To see or use a filter in your dream implies that you need to be more cautious in how you express yourself. Think before your speak. Alternatively, a filter means that you need to accept  the positives and leave all the negativity behind.


To dream about your finances signify concerns with money or your worries over your limited resources. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor for your emotions and your ability to give love and affection.


To see a finch in your dream means that you are being underestimated based on your appearance or size. You feel others are pre-judging you.


To dream that you find something suggests that you are coming into contact with some aspect of your psyche or subconscious. You are recognizing a part of yourself that was previously repressed or undeveloped. Alternatively, it represents change.

Dreaming that you are looking for something, but can't find it refers to a lost of identity, direction in life, security, spirituality, etc depending on what the significance of the object . Look up the symbolism of the object that you are trying to find.

To dream that you find someone indicates that you are identifying new facets of a relationship. You may be taking the relationship to a new level and/or direction.


To notice your fingernails in your dream indicate that your defenses are up.  Consider the length of the nails, the color (if applicable), the condition, and the cleanliness of the nails for additional meaning to your dream. If you dream that your nails are long, then it signify your idleness. You are not taking action. If you are wearing fake fingernails, then it suggest that you are reaching out to others, but do not have their best interest in mind. You may be acting in a disingenuous way.

To dream that you broke a fingernail suggests that you are trying to avoid some situation or trying to get out of a responsibility. Alternatively, the dream may reflect your self image. You are overly concerned with how others perceive you.

To dream that you are polishing your fingernails represent glamour.

To dream that you are chewing your nails indicate that a problem is too tough to handle. You are not sure how to go about resolving a situation in your waking life.

To dream that your fingernails are growing rapidly refer to your desires to reach out to someone. You want to be able to extend a part of yourself to others.

To dream that a man has long red fingernails suggest that he is very in touch with his sensitivity and emotions. It may also relate to issues of sexuality and sensuality.


To dream that you are being fingerprinted indicates guilt. You are expressing some regret in your actions. Alternatively, the dream represents your identity and individualism.

To see someone else's fingerprints in your dream suggest that you are suspicious about something or someone.


To see your fingers in you dream symbolize physical and mental dexterity. They indicate manipulation, action and non-verbal communication. If you dream that your fingers fall off, then it suggests that you are letting a situation dominate you or dictate how you behave.  You may be literally losing your grip on life.  To dream that you are crossing your fingers symbolize optimism, success, luck and hope.

To dream that your fingers are injured or have been chopped off denote your anxieties about your ability to accomplish some demanding task or perform in some waking situation.

To dream of a finger pointing at you signifies self-blame or guilt. Perhaps you have done something and are afraid that you will be exposed.

To dream about your little finger represents mental power, intellect, memory, and the power of communication.

To dream of your index finger or forefinger symbolizes the number one. It also signifies authority, direction, and judgment. Your dream may be trying to make a point.

To dream of your middle finger denotes prudence, practicality, caution, responsibility, and hard work. Alternatively, the middle finger symbolizes the phallus or some insult.

To dream of your ring finger represents success, popularity and creativity. It also has associations with marriage, union, commitments and issues of the heart. In 15th century England, it was the ring finger that doctors used to mix and taste their concocted medicines and thus, the ring finger can be symbolic of healing or the need to be healed.


To dream that you finish something represents completion and achievement of your goals. You are ready to set your sights on something higher. 

Finish Line

To see the finish line in your dream means that your goals are within grasp. If the finish line is blocked off, then it indicates that you have put your own goals on hold. Due to circumstances in your waking life, you had to give up some of your aspirations.


To see a fir tree in your dream indicates your need for clarity in some situation.  It also symbolize an end to some aspect of your life and the beginning of something new.


Depending on the context of your dream, to see fire in your dream can symbolize destruction, passion, desire, illumination, purification, transformation, enlightenment, or anger. If you are not afraid of the fire and it is under control or contained in one area, then it is a symbol of your own internal fire and inner transformation. Something old is passing and something new is entering into your life. Your thoughts and views are changing. If the fire is encircling you and someone else, then it signifies your bond to that person. The two of you share something significant. The dream may be a metaphor for someone who is "fiery". It can also represent your drive, motivation, and creative energy. Alternatively, the dream may be warning you of some dangerous or risky activities. You are "playing with fire".

To dream that you are being burned by fire indicates that your temper is getting out of control.  Some issue or situation is burning up inside you.

To dream that a house is on fire indicates that you need to undergo some transformation. If you have recurring dreams of your family house on fire, then it suggests that you are still not ready for the change or that you are fighting against the change. Alternatively, it highlights passion and the love of those around you.

To dream that you put out a fire signifies that you will overcome your obstacles in your life through much work and effort. If you are setting a fire to something or even to yourself, then it indicates that you are undergoing some great distress. You are at the brink of desperation and want to destroy something or some aspect of yourself.

To dream that you can start fire with your hands represents anger that you are trying to repress. You have difficulty expressing yourself and tend to overreact.

To dream that you can bend fire refers to your ability to control your anger.

Dreaming of an invisible fire highlights a period of cleansing and purification. It is time to make a new start. Alternatively, an invisible fire means that you are underestimating your risks in some endeavor or activity.

To see a bird singing near a fire refers to someone who is consumed by their passion.

Dreaming about fire and water together symbolizes a polarizing issue in your waking life. You are going through an emotional conflict and it is pulling you in two directions.

**See The Meaning In Action: " Line Of Fire " & " Smell Of Fire "

Fire Drill

To dream of a fire drill represents something where you need to devote more attention to. Something requires your immediate action.

Fire Eater

To see or dream that you are a fire eater indicates that you are able to keep your anger and aggression under control. Alternatively, the dream may also be a metaphor that you are literally being consumed by your anger.

Fire Engine / Fire Truck

To see a fire engine in your dream suggests that you are tending to the needs of others and overlooking your own needs. You worry and stress out in situations that are beyond your control. Stop trying to be in the middle of things and stop trying to fix things. Trust that things will work itself out in the end. Use more discretion.

Fire Escape

To see or use a fire escape in your dream suggests that you need to distance yourself from a harmful situation. You need to give yourself space.

Fire Extinguisher

To see or use a fire extinguisher in your dream suggests that you are trying to get your emotions under control. Alternatively, the dream means that you need to let go of whatever anger you are still holding on to.


To see a fireball in your dream symbolizes some self-destructive force.


To see a firebrand in your dream symbolizes burning passion or some expressed anger. The dream may also be a metaphor to indicate someone who is causing you trouble.


To see a firecracker in your dream represents your outbursts. Your anger is being misdirected.

To light a firecracker in your dream suggests that you are trying to divert the negativity and bad karma away from you. You have a fresh new outlook on life.


To dream that you are fired from your job indicates that you are wanting to end some relationship or situation in your waking life.  It also suggests that you are repressing what you really desire most.


To see a firefighter in your dream represents your higher Self. You are experiencing a period of cleansing and purification. The firefighter is the symbol of a true hero and of hope.

To dream that you are a firefighter suggests that you need to cool off or douse a heated situation before it gets out of hand. You need to remain level headed even in the heat of the moment.


To see a firefly in your dream represents bright ideas that are coming out of your subconscious. It also refers to flashes of ingenuity.

Fireman Pole

To see or slide down a fireman pole in your dream represents dependability and security. Alternatively, the dream may be a phallic symbol.


To see a lit fireplace in your dream symbolizes contentment, warmth, and comfort.

To dream of lighting or stirring a fireplace suggests a burning a desire. You need to get to the heart of some matter or situation.

To see an unlit fireplace is indicative of low energy, disinterest, or disheartenment.

Fireplace Damper

To see a fire damper in your dream indicates the warmth of friends. You have a lot of love to offer. Alternatively, it may represent your pent up frustrations and anger. You are holding in your negative emotions. If the damper is broken, then it indicates a situation or relationship that has made you cold and bitter

Fireplace Damper

To see a fire damper in your dream indicates the warmth of friends. You have a lot of love to offer. Alternatively, it may represent your pent up frustrations and anger. You are holding in your negative emotions. If the damper is broken, then it indicates a situation or relationship that has made you cold and bitter.


To see fireworks in your dream symbolizes enthusiasm, creativity, and talent. It may also indicate that you are showing off and making a spectacle of yourself. Alternatively, fireworks represents release of some pent up or repressed feelings.

Firing Range

*Please See Shooting Range .

First Class

Dreaming that you are sitting in first class of an airplane means that you have achieved an important goal and are relishing in your success. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you are living the high life.

First Lady

To see the first lady in your dream represents poise and grace. If you are hugging the first lady, then you are embracing her qualities within yourself. Your personal feelings about the first lady will prevail in the significance of your dream. Alternatively, the dream may be a play on words and thus symbolizes your confidence and attitude about being number one in whatever you do.


To see fish swimming in your dream signifies insights from your subconscious mind. Thus to catch a fish represents insights which have been brought to the surface. In particular, catching a white fish in your dream means that you may be questioning your spiritual beliefs. Alternatively, a fish swimming in your dream may symbolize conception. Some women dream of swimming fish when they get pregnant. The fish is also an ancient symbol of Christianity and Christian beliefs. Consider the common phrases "like a cold fish", "fish out of water" or something that is "fishy" about a situation. It may also imply a slippery or elusive situation. Perhaps your dream could be telling you that "there are plenty of other fish in the sea", with regards to some relationship issue.

To dream that you are eating fish symbolizes your beliefs, spirituality, luck, energy and nourishment. It is food for the soul.

To dream of cooking fish indicates that you are incorporating your new realizations with your spiritual feelings and knowledge. 

To dream that you are cleaning fish suggests that you are altering  your emotional expression in a way that will be presentable to others. You are censoring yourself and not expressing how you completely feel.

To see fish bones in your dream refers to old insights, thoughts or views that have already been brought to light. You have processed these ideas and gained knowledge from it.

To dream that a small fish is attacking a bigger fish implies that you should not underestimate someone's ability because of their size. Consider whether you sympathize with the small fish or with the big fish for further significance of your dream.

To dream that an unusually large fish is attacking you suggests that you are avoiding some emotional issue that is growing into a huge problem. You are suppressing too much of your feelings that it is affecting your well-being.

Dreaming that a giant fish is trying to eat you means that some powerful people are trying to undermine you and your abilities.

To see a fish with legs in your dream suggests that you need to get out of your comfort zone in order to expand your awareness and knowledge.

Fish Eye

To notice or eat fish eyes in your dream means that you need to gain a wider perspective on some situation. If the fish eyes are exceptionally large, then your dream is trying to draw your attention to them. It is telling you that your view on a situation may be distorted. Your perception on something is wrong.

Fish Market

To dream that you go to a fish market signifies pleasure and joy.

To see decayed and rotting fish at the fish market denotes distress that will come in the disguise of happiness.

Fish Tank

To see or clean a fish tank in your dream indicates how you have full control of your emotions. You keep your feelings in check. If you are watching the fish in the fish tank, then you may feel that your life is going nowhere or that you are going in circles with your life.

To dream that you are living in a fish tank indicates that you are detached from society. You are withdrawn. Alternatively, the dream may mean that you are feeling the pressure of those around you. Consider the phrase of "living in a fishbowl". You feel that you are being judged, criticized and scrutinized.


To see a fisherman in your dream suggests that you are trying to catch or look for something in your waking life. Perhaps you are looking for an answer to a problem or decision.


To see fishhooks in your dream refer to an idea or concept that you need to grasp. The dream may also indicate that you are getting hooked on something or being hooked in. You may be deceived into doing or believing something.

To dream that you have fishhooks embedded into your scalp refers to your past relationships. You have yet to get over the relationship or you have yet to learn from the relationship. Alternatively, the dream implies that someone in your past still has a strong influence on your mind and the decisions you are making.


To dream that you are fishing indicates that you are confronting and bringing your repressed emotions to the surface. In particular, to dream that you are ice fishing suggests that you are breaking through a hardened emotional barrier and confronting difficult feelings from your subconscious. Alternatively, it represents your need for leisure and relaxation.

Consider the common phrase "fishing for compliments". Perhaps you are looking for attention.

Fishing Rod

To see a fishing rod in your dream represents your quest and exploration of your subconscious mind. You are ready to confront issues and emotions which you have suppressed.


To see a fishnet in your dream indicates a fear of being found out or caught in the act.

Fishnet Stockings

To see or wear fishnet stockings in your dream symbolizes sexiness, lust, and allure. The dream may be telling you that you need to be more daring.


To see a fishpond in your dream represents subconscious material that is slowly revealing itself.  Alternatively, it symbolizes feelings that you need to contain and keep in check.


To see a fist in your dream symbolizes anger, power and aggression. It is also indicative of your readiness to fight and defend yourself.


To dream that you are having a  fit signifies failing health and loss of employment.

To see others throwing fits denotes unpleasantness and coldness amongst your social and/or business circle.

Fitting Room

*Please See Dressing Room


To dream that you are fixing something indicates that you need to reevaluate and rethink a situation or relationship in your life.


To see your national flag in your dream signifies peace and/or prosperity. It may also bring about feelings of patriotism and duty to country. Or the dream is highlighting some political issue. If you see a flag of another nation, then it represents worldly issues.

To wave a flag in your dream symbolizes a warning or distress signal of sorts. An issue may be weighing on your mind. In particular, a white flag indicates surrender. You are giving up. Seeing a red flag suggests your mercilessness and danger. The dream may be telling you to stop something that you are doing. To see a checkered flag in your dream represents success and completion.

To see a flag at half mast in your dream indicates that you are mourning. You are unable to let go of the past.


To see a flagpole in your dream represents a sense of stability in your life. You may find that those around you are ready to support in your whatever you do or decide.


To see a flame in your dream symbolizes purification. The dream may also be a metaphor for "flaming" or some heated online argument or personal attack. Flaming also refers to someone who is overtly gay or an old flame could refer to someone from your past who you had a crush on or who you were in love with.

To dream that you are fighting flames implies that you will need to invest your best efforts and energy in your road to success and wealth.

*Please also see Fire .


To dream that you are dancing the flamenco represents passion and enthusiasm for life.


To dream that you are dancing the flamenco represents passion and enthusiasm for life.


To see a flamingo in your dream represents you sense of community and cooperation. It also indicates new experiences or situations. Alternatively, you may be overly concerned with your physical appearance.


To see or wear flannel in your dream represents comfort, relaxation and warmth. The dream could be telling you that you are in a comfortable place in your life. Consider the color or the type of flannel item for additional significance.


To see a flasher in your dream suggests that you are experiencing frustrations in your sex life. You are denying your sexual urges and needs.


To see a flashlight in your dream suggests that you are questioning certain issues about yourself. You may be trying to shed light on your deeper thoughts and/or subconscious feelings. It symbolizes sudden awareness, insight, and the ability to find your way in a situation. Alternatively, the flashlight may imply sexual activities.


To see a flashmob in your dream symbolizes unity and cooperation. Consider the significance of what the flashmob is doing. Alternatively, the dream implies that you need to coordinate some mass movement.

To dream that you are part of a flashmob represents your need to belong.


*Please See Thermos .


*Please See Compliment.


To taste or dream of different flavors in your dream suggests that you need to have more variety in your life. Consider the significance of the specific flavors (i.e. sour , sweet , salty ).


To see flax in your dream signifies prosperity.

Flea Market

To dream that you are at a flea market suggests that you are feeling undervalued or under-appreciated. You are selling yourself short. Consider the symbolism of the item you are buying and how you feel about it in the dream.


To see fleas in your dream signify that you will be provoked into anger and manipulated into retaliation by someone close to you.

To dream that fleas bite you signify that vicious rumors by false friends will slander your character.


To see fleece in your dream symbolizes a sense of security.


To notice your flesh in your dream represents a heightened sense of feeling and vitality. It symbolizes your sexual urges and physical desires.

To dream of flesh being eaten suggests that you are under tremendous stress and feel drained.


To see a large, rapidly moving fleet in your dream signifies a hasty change in the business market.

Fleur De Lis

To see a fleur de lis in your dream symbolizes spiritual power and control.


To see flies in your dream symbolize filth and dirtiness, either physical or emotional. It indicates feelings of guilt or a breakdown of a plan. Flies may also forewarn of a contagious sickness. Alternatively, the fly could represent an irritating and annoying person in your life. Perhaps someone does not know how to mind their business.

To dream that you kill or exterminate the flies indicate that you will redeem yourself and regain your honor after your fall from grace.

To see a white colored fly in your dream represents death. This may not necessarily be a physical death, but a metaphorical death. You will be undergoing some significant change to your lifestyle.

To dream that there is a fly in your ear implies that someone is trying to discretely tell you something that you don't want to hear.


To dream of an airline flight symbolizes a project that is about to take off. If the flight is delayed, then is suggests that you are unprepared in undertaking the project at hand.

To dream that you miss your flight or a connection or that it was cancelled indicates that you are feeling helpless and trapped by some situation. You feel that you are being held back, either physically or mentally. Alternatively, the dream may also suggest that you are feeling disconnected in some aspect of your life - work, relationship or home life.

To dream of flight signifies a new sense of freedom where you had previously felt restricted and limited.

*For an in depth analysis, click on  Common Dreams: Flying.

Flight Attendant

To see a flight attendant in your dream indicates travel plans in your future. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you are seeking help in a new project.

To dream that you are a flight attendant represents a new project that you need to take care of.


To see flint in your dream symbolizes endurance, durability, livelihood and longevity. Alternatively, the dream may signify the spark of some new idea.


To see something flipping signifies excitement.

To dream that you are flipping something indicates that you are feeling regret. The dream may also be a pun that you are driving someone mad or crazy, as in "flipped out".


To wear flippers in your dream indicates that you are moving quickly and effectively through some old emotional issues. You are ready to let go of the past and move ahead. Alternatively, the dream may be a pun on your inability to commit. You are going back and forth over some issue or decision.

Flip Flops

To see or wear flip flops in  your dream indicate that you are feeling relaxed and at ease. Or perhaps you need to find time to relax. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor that you are unable to commit to something. You are going back and forth over some issue or decision.


To dream that you are flirting or that someone is flirting with you represents your need for intimacy and affection. You may be about to enter into a serious commitment or relationship in the near future.

To dream that your spouse or significant other is flirting with someone else or that someone is flirting with your significant other indicates that you are feeling an emotional or physical distance from her or him. There is a lack of communication in the relationship. Or perhaps you are feeling inadequate and that you don't measure up.


To dream that you are riding on a parade float indicates that you are going along with the masses and with what everybody else wants. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you have a set path in life and know which direction you want to go.

To see a parade float in your dream indicates that you are being sidetracked or distracted from achieving your goals. You may even be purposely preventing yourself from pursuing your goals and desires because you fear that you will fail.


To dream that you are floating on air indicates satisfaction, contentment and acceptance of some situation. You are letting go of your problems and rising above obstacles. You are experiencing new-found freedom and gaining a new perspective on things. Nothing seems overwhelming or too difficult to handle. Alternatively, floating in your dream suggests that you are wandering through life aimlessly with no goals. You are just going with the flow.

To dream that you are floating in water suggests that you have a handle on your emotions.

To dream that you are floating, but are afraid to move suggests that you are questioning your own abilities. You are experiencing doubts in yourself.


To see a flock of birds in your dream represent a lack of objectivity in your decision-making and thinking process.


To dream that you are in a flood represents your need to release some sexual desires. If the flood is raging, then it represents emotional issues and tensions. Your repressed emotions are overwhelming you. Consider where the flood is for clues as to where in your waking life is causing you stress and tension. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you are overwhelming others with your demands and strong opinion. Still another interpretation could be your desire to wipe everything clean and make a fresh new start.

To see a gentle flood in your dream indicates that your worries over a certain matter will soon be swept away.

To dream that your house is flooded suggests that you are becoming overwhelmed by your emotions. To see houses under water implies that you are very comfortable with your own emotions. Alternatively, the dream may be a reflection of your housing situation. Perhaps you are "underwater" in your mortgage.


To see floodlights in your dreams symbolize your desire to open up and be understood. You need to try to shed as much light on a subject as you can.

To see a floodlight burn out symbolizes that you are being kept out in the dark about certain issues..


To see the floor in your dream represents your support system and sense of security. You have a firm foundation that you can depend on. The floor in your dream may also symbolize the division between the subconscious and conscious. Alternatively, the dream may  be a pun on being "floored" or being completely surprised. Perhaps you have been caught off guard about something. To kiss the floor in your dream implies that you are grateful for the life you have.

To see a polished or waxed floor in your dream indicates that you are keeping your subconscious suppressed. Consider the condition of the floor for further analysis.

To see a slanted floor in your dream indicates that you are deviating too far from your original plans and goals.

To dream about the floors of a building represents your level of understanding, awareness or success. The higher floors signify higher accomplishments and achievements. If you are in the lower floors, then it refers to more primal attitudes, the subconscious and/or sexuality. It also denotes failures. Consider the significance of the floor number and the type of building the floors are on.

To dream that the floor is made of rubber suggests that you are testing your limits. You are given certain freedoms to explore who you are. Alternatively, dreaming of a rubber floor signifies your forgiving or yielding support system. You are surrounded by people who accept you for your mistakes and flaws.

To dream that you are peeling away layers of flooring implies that you are getting to your subconscious level. Alternatively, the layers of flooring symbolizes the forgotten past. Sometimes you forget how or what got you to where you are today.



To notice the floorboards in your dream suggests that you are being protective of the things that are important to you. Alternatively, it indicates that you are guarded about something in your subconscious. If the floorboards are loose, then it means that you are unsure of the ground that you are standing on. You are feeling insecure about something that you should not be insecure about.


To floss in your dream suggests that you are trying to get to the root of some matter. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor that you are showing off and flaunting your material things. If your gums become bloody as a result of flossing, then it represents your fears and the negative consequences of your actions.


To see or eat a flounder in your dream represents indecision and how you are unable to commit to something. You are going back and forth over some issue or decision.


To see flour in your dream symbolizes a frugal but happy way of life. It also indicates hard work. This dream symbol may also be a pun on "flower".


To see colorful flowers in your dream signify kindness, compassion, gentleness, pleasure, beauty, and gain. It is also symbolic of perfection and spirituality. Your dream may be an expression of love, joy and happiness. Alternatively, flowers in dream, especially if they are blooming, represent your hidden potential and latent talents. Flowers can also denote a particular time or season. If the flowers are white, then it  symbolizes sadness. Consider the color of the flower and the type of flower for additional analysis.

To see withered or dead flowers in your dream denotes disappointments and gloomy situations. It may signal an end to a love relationship. Or it could indicate that you may not be utilizing your full potential and talents and letting it go to waste.

To dream that you receive a bouquet of flowers represents respect, approval, admiration, and rewards.

To see flowers blooming in barren soil signify that energy and cheerful nature will enable you to overcome your grievances. If you are picking flowers, then the dream symbolizes blooming love or a new developing relationship.


To see a flowerpot in your dream symbolizes the womb and the feminine aspects of yourself. It also represents protection and nurturance. Alternatively, a flowerpot means that you creativity is being contained.


To dream about fluffy things signify comfort, contentment, pleasure and peace in your current life. You are satisfied with how things are going. Alternatively, the dream may refer to your lofty goals. Perhaps you are being unrealistic. The dream may also point to a relationship or situation that is "all fluff and no substance."


To hear or play the flute in your dream indicates harmony in your life. Things are going smoothly for you. Alternatively, hearing the sound a flute, suggests sorrow and longing. You are experiencing a spectrum of emotions. The flute also symbolizes the phallus or a masculine component in your waking life.


*Please see Flies.

Fly Paper

To see fly paper in your dream indicates that you are involved in a slightly sticky situation.

Fly Trap

To see a fly trap in your dream denotes a malicious plan set forth against you.

To see a fly trap full of flies signifies minor embarrassments.

Food for thought? Dreaming about food refers to thoughts, ideas and beliefs. They are trying to convey an idea that you need to take in and digest mentally.

To see or eat almonds in your dream represents success and richness.

To see an almond tree in your dream signifies happiness. Wedded bliss is also in your near future.   TOP


To see apples growing in a tree in your dream symbolize knowledge, wisdom and great prosperity. Rewards are on the horizon for you. Consider also the common phrase, "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" which may imply that you need to take better care of your health.  Perhaps you need to go to the doctor.  Or the dream may also be a metaphor for an apple computer.

To dream that you are eating an apple denotes harmony, pleasure, and fertility. Alternatively, eating an apple in you dream symbolizes your sexual appetite, lustful desires, and sexual awareness.

To see green apples, represents developing love or love that has yet to blossom.

To see rotten or eaten apples in your dream, denotes that what you are striving and aiming for may not be fulfilling, and even harmful to you. It may also represent your carelessness.  TOP


To see apricots in your dream indicate that something is not what it seems. Perhaps you are in denial about something.

To dream that you are eating an apricot forewarns of approaching misfortune. If others are eating apricots, then it suggest that you will be surrounded by unpleasantness.   TOP


To  see asparagus in your dream, denotes prosperous times. TOP


To see bacon in your dream symbolizes essentials, staples, and life's supply. It may also be a play on the common phase "being home the bacon" to refer to earning a living.

To see bacon that has gone rancid in your dream, suggests a forbidden situation.    TOP


To see bananas in your dream, may be a metaphor for repressed sexual urges and desires.

To dream that you are eating bananas, indicate that your hard work  will be met with little rewards or gains.

To see banana peels in your dream implies that you need to be careful about slipping up and making a mistake. If the banana peels are rotting, then it represents some irreversible mistake.     TOP

Birthday Cake

To see a birthday cake in your dream indicates that the best of your wishes will be realized. It also represents your willingness to let people in and share your life with others.     TOP


To see blueberries in your dream represents your youth and the desire to recapture aspects of your youth. It is a symbol of eternity and optimism of the future. Alternatively, it may depict your depressed mood and sadden state of mind.   TOP


To eat bologna in your dream,  indicates financial insecurities. Alternatively, the dream may be a pun on something that is phony or nonsense.  TOP


To dream about breakfast, indicates the start of a new project or the beginning of a new stage in your life. Alternatively, your mind may already be thinking ahead on what to make for breakfast in the morning. It is not uncommon for your fleeting thoughts to be incorporated into your dream.     TOP


To see bread in your dream represents the basic needs of life. Bread may signify the positive qualities and great things you have learned on your journey of life. Alternatively, it suggests that you need to rise above the situation or rise for the occasion.    TOP


To see or taste butter in your dream, suggests that you are looking to be gratified in some area of your life.  You need to indulge yourself in life's pleasure.     TOP


To see a garden of cabbage, forewarns of getting yourself into poor and negative real estate deals. Purchasing property at this time will give you more trouble than it is worth.

To dream of eating cabbage, foretells of quarrels with family members.

To dream that you are cooking cabbage, forewarns of dental problems.    TOP

To see a cake in your dream indicates that you need to learn to share and allocate your workload instead of trying to do everything yourself.  Cakes also symbolize selfishness or the feeling of not getting your fair share. More positively, the dream may represent your accomplishments and achievements. Consider also the metaphor a "piece of cake" or some situation that is easy.

To see a partially eaten cake in your dream signifies missed and lost opportunities.

To dream that you are buying a cake, suggests that you have accepted the rewards and recognition your are getting for our work.  You are learning to be comfortable in the spotlight.   TOP


To see or eat candy in your dream symbolizes the joys and special treats in life. It also represents indulgence, sensuality and/or forbidden pleasure.    TOP


To see a carrot in your dream signifies abundance. It may also symbolize a lure as in the pun "dangle a carrot".    TOP


To see cheese in your dream symbolizes gains and profits. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor for something that is "cheesy" or lame. Or it could be saying that you need to smile more.   TOP


To see cherries in your dream, symbolize honesty and truthfulness or sweetness and good fortune. Alternatively, the dream may be telling you that "life is like a bowl of cherries". In other words, don't take life so seriously; take it easy.  TOP


To see chocolate in your dream signifies love, celebration and self-reward. It also denotes that you may be indulging in too many excesses and need to practice some restraint.   TOP


To see a coconut in your dream foretells that you will receive an unexpected gift of money.   TOP


To dream that you are eating, giving, receiving, or stealing cookies indicate that you are letting trivial matters and minor problems annoy you.

To dream that you are baking cookies signify feelings of optimism and increases. You may also experience a rise in status. If you dream that a freshly baked batch of cookies is out of reach, then it implies that someone else is trying to reap your rewards. In other words, someone is trying to take credit for your hard work. If you are able to get the cookies back, then it means that you are aware of your surroundings and of the people around you. You are regaining control.

To see or eat chocolate chip cookies symbolizes your guilty indulgences. If you are baking chocolate chip cookies, then it represents your connection to someone in an intimate and emotional way.

To dream that you are eating an oatmeal cookie suggests that it is okay to indulge once in a while.  TOP


To see corn in your dream signifies abundance, growth and fertility. Also consider the pun that something is "corny".   TOP


To see a tasty dessert in your dream represents indulgence, celebration, reward, or temptation. You are enjoying the good things in life.   TOP


To see or eat eggs in your dream, symbolize fertility, birth and your creative potential. Something new is about to happen. If the eggs are scrambled, then the dream represents your commitment on a set coarse. It may also mean that you need to accept the consequences of your actions.

To find a nest filled with eggs in your dream signifies some financial gain; the more abundant and bigger the eggs, the more significant the gain.

To see cracked or broken eggs in your dream represents feelings of vulnerability or a fragile state in your life. Consider the phrase, walking on eggshells. Alternatively, you may be breaking out of your shell and are comfortable with who you are.

To see bright colored eggs in your dream symbolizes celebration of a happy event.

To dream of rotten eggs, signify loss. You may have allowed some situation to take a turn for the worse. Alternatively, the dream is telling you that something may look fine on the outside, but as you delve deeper, you find that it is not what it appears to be. Perhaps something is too good to be true.

To see fish eggs in your dream represents an idea that has emerged from your unconscious.

Dreaming of only the egg whites refers to your support system in your new endeavor. It is also symbolic of your comfort zone and knowing your limitations.  TOP


To see or eat figs in your dream, represent a positive turn of events. Figs are also often associated with sex, conception and eroticism.  TOP

Filbert Nut

To see filbert nuts in your dream signifies peace, harmony, and profitable business ventures.

To dream that you are eating filbert nuts, true and dependant friends.   TOP


To dream that you are eating fish symbolizes your beliefs, spirituality, luck, energy and nourishment. It is food for the soul.

To dream of cooking fish indicates that you are incorporating your new realizations with your spiritual feelings and knowledge. 

To dream that you are cleaning fish suggests that you are altering  your emotional expression in a way that will be presentable to others. You are censoring yourself and not expressing how you completely feel.

To see fish bones in your dream refers to old insights, thoughts or views that have already been brought to light. You have processed these ideas and gained knowledge from it.   TOP


To see flour in your dream symbolizes a frugal but happy way of life. It also indicates hard work. This dream symbol may also be a pun on "flower".  TOP


To see food in your dream represents physical and emotional nourishment and energies. The different types of food can symbolize a wide range of things. Generally, fruit is symbolic of sensuality, meat represents animalistic desires, and vegetables pertain to healthy pursuits. Frozen foods may refer to your cold emotions and frigid ways. Eating certain foods also refer to qualities that you need to incorporate within your own self.

To dream that you are eating specific cuisines depends on your personal associations with it. Chinese, Italian, or Mexican food may be a go-to comfort food for you, while it may be a reminder of your home life or of mom's cooking other others. If you dream of eating a comfort food, then it indicates that you are looking for comfort in the wrong places.

To dream that you are hording or storing food, indicates a fear of deprivation. You do not trust what you already have.

To see or eat stale food in your dream, suggests that you are feeling sluggish and emotionally drained. You need to be invigorated and revitalized. To eat bad-tasting food, indicates some sourness or resentment in your emotional state of mind.  TOP


To dream that you are eating oysters, signifies that you will lose all your senses and morality in the pursuit of low pleasures and indulgences.

To see oysters in your dream, symbolize beauty, humility, wealth, wisdom, and a laid-back atmosphere. It may also indicate that you are closing yourself off and shutting others out. Alternatively, the dream may be telling you that "the world is your oyster". You need to go out and go after what you want and achieve your heart's desires.

To see oyster shells in your dream signifies that you will be frustrated in your attempt to secure the fortune of another.  TOP


To make or eat pasta in your dream represents your need for energy. Also consider the shape of the pasta and how it relates to a waking situation. Penne signifies your narrow perspective. Spaghetti noodles symbolize an entangling situation. Elbow shaped pasta represents your need to focus on yourself more. And corkscrew pasta means that some aspect of your life is out of control.  TOP


To see a peach in your dream represents pleasure and joy, You take pleasure in the minor, trivial things in life. The dream may also imply that something in your life is just "peachy" and going well. Alternatively, a peach may be indicative of lust and sensuality. Consider how it my be a metaphor for your sweetheart or loved one.  TOP


To dream about pepper, indicates that you need to put a little more spice and variety in your life. Alternatively, there may be something that is bothering or irritating you and your dream may be trying to point to the source.  TOP


To see a pickle in your dream signifies some anxiety, fear or realization that you will be in trouble.

Alternatively, a pickle may be seen as a symbol for the penis. Sexual messages from the unconscious are usually disguised in symbols.  TOP


To see  a pie in your dream symbolizes the rewards of your hard work. Perhaps you are reaching beyond your abilities.  Alternatively, the may may also have the same meaning as a circle. Or it could be a metaphor for getting your fair share, as in your "piece of the pie".   TOP


To see a pineapple in your dream represents self-confidence, ambition and success. You are self-assured in what you do. Alternatively, the pineapples symbolize hospitality. It could mean that you need to relax or take a vacation.

To eat a pineapple, indicates sexual problems and issues of losing control.  TOP


To see or eat pizza in your dream represents abundance, choices, and variety. It may also indicate that you are lacking or feeling deprived of something.  TOP


To see pomegranates in your dream signifies fertility, good health and longevity. It also indicates the allure/invitation of sex.  TOP


To eat or make popcorn in your dream, suggests positive growth. You are full of ideas. It may also indicate that some important fact or truth is being made aware to you. If the popcorn is unpopped, then it symbolizes potential.   TOP


To see or eat pork in your dream signifies your desire for normalcy and a routine. Alternatively, the dream may be a pun on overspending.   TOP


To see potatoes in your dream, represent your earthiness and simplicity. Alternatively, he dream may also be a metaphor that you are being a "couch potato" or that you are being lazy.

To see or eat mashed potatoes in your dream, suggest that you are experiencing concerns over financial matters.   TOP

Potato Chip

To see or eat potato chips in your dream symbolizes your overindulgent behavior.   TOP


To see a pretzel in your dream symbolizes devotion and life's sweet rewards. You are embracing life and extending yourself to help others.  Alternatively, it may indicate that you are preoccupied with some complex issue and are not sure how to handle it.  TOP


To see prunes in your dream symbolizes an emotional or creative blockage. It may also represent aging as implied by the metaphor "as wrinkled as a prune".  TOP


To see or plant radishes in your garden, signifies abundance and prosperity.

To dream that you are eating a radish, indicates some indiscretion or thoughtlessness on your part.  Perhaps the dream may be a pun on something that is "rad-dish" or coolish.   TOP


To dream that you are eating raisins, represents some negative force that is working against you. The dream may also be a metaphor for something or someone who is old and shriveled.  TOP


To see or eat raspberries in your dream, represent some precious or delicate matter.   TOP


To see grains of rice in your dream symbolizes success, prosperity, luck, fertility and warm friendships.

To dream that you are eating rice, denotes happiness and tranquility in the home.

To dream that you are cooking rice, signifies that new responsibilities will bring you much joy.

To see rice mixed with dirt in your dream signifies illness and separation from friends.  TOP


To drink rum in your dream indicates a lack of class and morality. You live a life of excess, pleasure and overindulgence.   TOP


To see rye or fields of rye in your dream symbolizes prosperity in your future.

To see or eat rye bread in your dream foretells of a cheerful and tranquil home.  TOP


To see saffron growing in your dream signifies a deceitful lover or false friend.

To dream that you are using saffron in food, denotes a peaceful resolution to your problems and quarrels.  TOP


To see sage in your dream signifies frugality and practicality.

To dream that you use sage in food, signifies that your extravagant lifestyle will leave you penniless in the end.  TOP


To see or eat a salad in your dream suggests that you need to express your feelings and take in the positive influences in your life needed for personal growth. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you are longing for nature and good health.

To dream that there is a bug in your salad represents worries and concerns about your health.   TOP

Salad Dressing

To see or eat salami in your dream suggests that you are having issues related to your self-image. It may also be indicative of sexual or relationship problems.    TOP


To see or taste salt in your dream represents a new found flare in your waking life. You are experiencing increased worth and a higher sense of zest and vigor. Alternatively, salt also symbolizes dependability, truth, and dedication. Consider the phrase of throwing salt on an open wound and how the dream may elude to some painful or difficult memory.

To dream that you are salting meat, symbolizes longevity. There is something that you want to hold on to and preserve.

To dream that you are throwing salt over your shoulder, represents protection or luck.  TOP


To see a sandwich in your dream, suggests that a lot of pressure and stress is being put on you. It also reflects your ability to do two things at once. Alternatively, a sandwich is just a sandwich sometimes.

To see or eat a fish sandwich in your dream indicates conflict between your spiritual beliefs and what is practical.   TOP


To see shrimp in your dream, suggests that you are feeling overpowered and insignificant.  TOP


To see or eat spaghetti in your dream symbolizes longevity, nourishment and abundance. Alternatively, eating spaghetti indicates that you find yourself entangled in some messy relationship or uncomfortable position. Perhaps you are not sure how to end a relationship or situation.   TOP


To dream of spice, suggests your need for variety in your life. You need to look at a situation/relationship from a different perspective/angle.  TOP


To dream that you are eating a steak, represents your animal instincts. The dream may be telling you to trust your instincts or that you need to utilize your instincts more.  The dream could also be a pun on "stake", as in having a claim to something.   TOP


To see or eat strawberries in your dream, signify your sensual desires and temptations. Strawberries are often associated with feminine qualities and female sexuality. Alternatively, to see strawberries in your dream, indicate that your ideas and goals are soon realized.  TOP

Sugar Cane

To dream that you are eating sugar cane is a good omen signaling vitality in health and prestige in your social circle.  TOP


To see syrup in your dream symbolizes sentimentality and nostalgia. Alternatively, you may have found yourself in a sticky situation.  TOP


To eat or make tamales in your dream symbolize togetherness and spiritual bonding. Alternatively, the dream represents the importance of learning from past generations.    TOP


To dream that you are making or drinking tea represents satisfaction and contentment in your life. You are taking your time with regards to some relationship or situation.   TOP


To see or eat tofu in your dream presents your versatility and adaptability to almost any situation. More directly, dreaming of tofu suggests that you need to start adapting a more healthier lifestyle.   TOP


To see tomatoes in your dream symbolizes domestic happiness and harmony.

To dream that you are eating tomatoes foretells of good health.  TOP


To see or eat a trifle in your dream symbolizes the various layers and multiple dimensions that make up your life. Perhaps the dream is a reminder that there are many depths to your personality. Or that you need some more pizzazz to your life.   TOP


To see or eat a turnip in your dream indicates that you will overcome your current problems. It is symbolic of compassion, wealth, or a bright outlook. Alternatively, the dream may suggest that whatever you are looking for will "turn up".

To dream that someone gives you a turnip, signifies an offering of friendship, compassion, and kindness.  TOP


To see vegetables in your dream signifies your need for spiritual nourishment. It may also indicate that you are lacking in a particular nutri


To see vegetables in your dream signifies your need for spiritual nourishment. It may also indicate that you are lacking in a particular nutrient.

To see withered vegetables in your dream, denotes sadness. The dream may also be a metaphor that you are "vegging".     TOP


To dream of drinking vinegar in your dream foretells of a worrisome and negative matter. You may be the object of jealousy.  TOP


To dream that you are eating a wafer, suggests that you need more diversity and spontaneity. You need to gain a better understanding of various facets in your life and incorporate them together. Alternatively, the wafer may symbolize something or some situation that you need to handle with care.  TOP


To see walnuts in your dream indicates that too much mental activity is being expended towards a task at hand. Walnuts also represent joy and abundance.

To dream that you crack a walnut, foretells that your expectations will collapse.  TOP


To see a watermelon in you dream represents emotions of love, desire,  lust, and fiery passion.  Pregnant women or women on the verge of their menstrual cycle often dream of such fruits, as watermelons.   TOP


To see grains of wheat in your dream indicate prosperity and abundance. Opportunities and doors are being opened. You are on your way to achieving your goals. Alternatively, wheat symbolizes resurrection, reincarnation and fertility.
To see a field of wheat in your dream signifies success in your goals.   TOP


To see whisky in bottles symbolizes your alertness, carefulness and protective nature.

To dream that you are drinking whisky alone, signifies your selfishness at the cost of losing friends.  TOP


To dream of drinking wine symbolizes festivity, celebration, companionship, satisfaction and success. You are content with the way your life is going. The dream may also be a pun on "whining" and how you like to whine about things. In particular, to dream that you are drinking red wine, signifies excess and sensuality. If you are drinking communion wine in your dream, then it represent some spiritual celebration or ceremony.

To dream that you are breaking wine bottles, signifies overindulgence in your desires and passion. Alternatively, it symbolizes the masculine.  TOP


To see or eat yams in your dream signifies sensuality and virility.  TOP

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