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In this work Babalawo Obanifa will document some of the herbal formula available in Yoruba Herbal Medicine for the treatment of Cancer. The body of the work will explore in detail orthodox medical explanations on what is Cancer, causes and its treatments; while the concluding part will document varieties of herbal remedies available in Yoruba herbal medicine for the treatment of Cancer. It is however instructive to note that the information available in this work should not be regarded as substitute to the service of qualified trained health practitioners where the service of one is required. The term use for cancer in Yoruba herbal medicine is Arun Jejere. This work will put into documentation some of the remedies that can be used to treat cancer before it reaches deteriorating stage. What do we mean by Cancer? According to,Cancer can start any place in the body. It starts when cells grow out of control and crowd out normal cells. This makes it hard for the body to work the way it should. Cancer can be treated very well for many people. In fact, more people than ever before lead full lives after cancer treatment. But this definition is not concise as that of Rachel Nall, MSN, CRNA in her titled what to know about Cancer. According to Rachel Nall, MSN, CRNA ;Cancer is a broad term. It describes the disease that results when cellular changes cause the uncontrolled growth and division of cells. Some types of cancer cause rapid cell growth, while others cause cells to grow and divide at a slower rate.
Certain forms of cancer result in visible growths called tumors, while others, such as leukemia, do not.
Most of the body's cells have specific functions and fixed lifespans. While it may sound like a bad thing, cell death is part of a natural and beneficial phenomenon called apoptosis.
A cell receives instructions to die so that the body can replace it with a newer cell that functions better. Cancerous cells lack the components that instruct them to stop dividing and to die.
As a result, they build up in the body, using oxygen and nutrients that would usually nourish other cells. Cancerous cells can form tumors, impair the immune system and cause other changes that prevent the body from functioning regularly.
Cancerous cells may appear in one area, then spread via the lymph nodes. These are clusters of immune cells located throughout the body.
There are many causes of cancer, and some are preventable.
For example, over 480,000 people die in the U.S. each year from smoking cigarettes, according to data reported in 2014.
In addition to smoking, risk factors for cancer include:
Other causes of cancer are not preventable. Currently, the most significant unpreventable risk factor is age. According to the American Cancer Society, doctors in the U.S. diagnose 87 percent of cancer cases in people ages 50 years or older.
Is cancer genetic?
Genetic factors can contribute to the development of cancer.
A person's genetic code tells their cells when to divide and expire. Changes in the genes can lead to faulty instructions, and cancer can result.
Genes also influence the cells' production of proteins, and proteins carry many of the instructions for cellular growth and division.
Some genes change proteins that would usually repair damaged cells. This can lead to cancer. If a parent has these genes, they may pass on the altered instructions to their offspring.
Some genetic changes occur after birth, and factors such as smoking and sun exposure can increase the risk.
Other changes that can result in cancer take place in the chemical signals that determine how the body deploys, or "expresses" specific genes.
Finally, a person can inherit a predisposition for a type of cancer. A doctor may refer to this as having a hereditary cancer syndrome. Inherited genetic mutations significantly contribute to the development of 5–10 percentTrusted Source of cancer cases.


Innovative research has fueled the development of new medications and treatment technologies.
Doctors usually prescribe treatments based on the type of cancer, its stage at diagnosis, and the person's overall health.
Below are examples of approaches to cancer treatment:
  • Chemotherapy aims to kill cancerous cells with medications that target rapidly dividing cells. The drugs can also help shrink tumors, but the side effects can be severe.
  • Hormone therapy involves taking medications that change how certain hormones work or interfere with the body's ability to produce them. When hormones play a significant role, as with prostate and breast cancers, this is a common approach.
  • Immunotherapy uses medications and other treatments to boost the immune system and encourage it to fight cancerous cells. Two examples of these treatments are checkpoint inhibitors and adoptive cell transfer.
  • Precision medicine, or personalized medicine, is a newer, developing approach. It involves using genetic testing to determine the best treatments for a person's particular presentation of cancer. Researchers have yet to show that it can effectively treat all types of cancer, however.
  • Radiation therapy uses high-dose radiation to kill cancerous cells. Also, a doctor may recommend using radiation to shrink a tumor before surgery or reduce tumor-related symptoms.
  • Stem cell transplant can be especially beneficial for people with blood-related cancers, such as leukemia or lymphoma. It involves removing cells, such as red or white blood cells, that chemotherapy or radiation has destroyed. Lab technicians then strengthen the cells and put them back into the body.
  • Surgery is often a part of a treatment plan when a person has a cancerous tumor. Also, a surgeon may remove lymph nodes to reduce or prevent the disease's spread.
  • Targeted therapies perform functions within cancerous cells to prevent them from multiplying. They can also boost the immune system. Two examples of these therapies are small-molecule drugs and monoclonal antibodies.
Doctors will often employ more than one type of treatment to maximize effectiveness.
The most common typeTrusted Source of cancer in the U.S. is breast cancer, followed by lung and prostate cancers, according to the National Cancer Institute, which excluded nonmelanoma skin cancers from these findings.
Each year, more than 40,000 people in the country receive a diagnosis of one of the following types of cancer:
  • bladder
  • colon and rectal
  • endometrial
  • kidney
  • leukemia
  • liver
  • melanoma
  • non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
  • pancreatic
  • thyroid
Other forms are less common. According to the National Cancer Institute, there are over 100 typesTrusted Source of cancer.
Cancer development and cell division
Doctors classify cancer by:
  • its location in the body
  • the tissues that it forms in
For example, sarcomas develop in bones or soft tissues, while carcinomas form in cells that cover internal or external surfaces in the body. Basal cell carcinomas develop in the skin, while adenocarcinomas can form in the breast.
When cancerous cells spread to other parts of the body, the medical term for this is metastasis.
A person can also have more than one type of cancer at a time.
Improvements in cancer detection, increased awareness of the risks of smoking, and a drop in tobacco use have all contributed to a year-on-year decrease in the number of cancer diagnoses and deaths.
According to the American Cancer Society, the overall cancer death rate declined by 26 percent between 1991 and 2015.
When a person has cancer, the outlook will depend on whether the disease has spread and on its type, severity, and location.
Herbal Remedies For Cancer In Yoruba Herbal Medicine as Documents By Babalawo Obanifa
Oyin igan ati afara Oyin (Original wild honey with it bee Hive)
Omi eso Opon/Ope Oyinbo (natural pineapple juice/Anna comosus)
Ebu Alubosa Aayun (garlic powder /Allium Sativum)
Ebu Eso kumin dudu( Powder of Black Cumin seeds)

You will mix everything together in equal proportion.
The cancer patient will be drinking one shot of it two times daily.
Alubosa Onisu lopo (plenty onion bulb /Allium cepa)
Karoti tutu lopo (plenty fresh carrot  fruits)
Oyin Igan lopo(Original wild honey)

You will blend the Alubosa Onisu lopo (plenty onion bulb /Allium cepa),Karoti tutu lopo (plenty fresh carrot  fruits) together in equal proportion and obtain its juice. You will mix it with Oyin Igan lopo(Original wild honey).
Cancer patient will be drinking one shots of it two time daily
Ebu alubosa ayu  lopo (plenty garlic powder /Allium sativum)
Ebu Eso kumin dudu lopo ( Plenty powder of Black Cumin seeds)
Ebu Ribena lopo ( Plenty powder of black currant seed)
Oyin Igan gidi ( Original wild honey)
You will mix the aforementioned together in equal proportion.
Cancer patient will be drinking one shot of it two time daily.
Karoti tutu lopo (plenty fresh carrot  fruits)
Alubosa ayu tutu lopo(Plenty fresh garlic)
Omi Osan wewe(lime orange juice)
You will chop the Karoti tutu lopo (plenty fresh carrot  fruits),Alubosa ayu tutu lopo(Plenty fresh garlic) into pieces . You will pour it inside Omi Osan wewe(lime orange juice).
Cancer patient will be drinking half glass of it .two times daily.
Copyright :Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone and whatsapp contact :+2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

IMPORTANT NOTICE : As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission from the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract legal consequences

 Clique no Vedio acima para assistir e baixar a Clínica de Alimentos para Combate ao Câncer-Mayo



 Neste trabalho, a Babalawo Obanifa documentará algumas das fórmulas à base de plantas disponíveis na Medicina Herbal iorubá para o tratamento do câncer.  O corpo do trabalho irá explorar em detalhes explicações médicas ortodoxas sobre o que é câncer, causas e seus tratamentos;  enquanto a parte final documentará variedades de remédios fitoterápicos disponíveis na medicina herbal iorubá para o tratamento do câncer.  No entanto, é instrutivo observar que as informações disponíveis neste trabalho não devem ser consideradas como substitutas do serviço de profissionais de saúde qualificados, onde o serviço de um é necessário.  O termo uso para câncer na fitoterapia iorubá é Arun Jejere.  Este trabalho colocará na documentação alguns dos remédios que podem ser usados ​​para tratar o câncer antes que ele atinja o estágio de deterioração.  O que queremos dizer com câncer?  De acordo com, o Cancer pode começar em qualquer lugar do corpo.  Começa quando as células crescem fora de controle e eliminam as células normais.  Isso dificulta o funcionamento do corpo da maneira que deveria.  O câncer pode ser tratado muito bem para muitas pessoas.  De fato, mais pessoas do que nunca levam uma vida plena após o tratamento do câncer.  Mas essa definição não é concisa como a de Rachel Nall, MSN, CRNA, intitulada o que saber sobre Câncer.  De acordo com Rachel Nall, MSN, CRNA, câncer é um termo amplo.  Descreve a doença que resulta quando alterações celulares causam crescimento e divisão descontrolados das células.  Alguns tipos de câncer causam rápido crescimento celular, enquanto outros fazem com que as células cresçam e se dividam em uma taxa mais lenta.

 Certas formas de câncer resultam em crescimentos visíveis chamados tumores, enquanto outras, como a leucemia, não.

 A maioria das células do corpo tem funções específicas e tempo de vida fixo.  Embora possa parecer ruim, a morte celular faz parte de um fenômeno natural e benéfico chamado apoptose.

 Uma célula recebe instruções para morrer, para que o corpo possa substituí-la por uma célula mais nova que funcione melhor.  As células cancerígenas carecem dos componentes que as instruem a parar de se dividir e a morrer.

 Como resultado, eles se acumulam no corpo, usando oxigênio e nutrientes que normalmente nutrem outras células.  As células cancerígenas podem formar tumores, prejudicar o sistema imunológico e causar outras alterações que impedem o corpo de funcionar regularmente.

 As células cancerígenas podem aparecer em uma área e depois se espalhar pelos gânglios linfáticos.  Estes são grupos de células imunes localizadas em todo o corpo.


 Existem muitas causas de câncer e algumas são evitáveis.

 Por exemplo, mais de 480.000 pessoas morrem nos EUA a cada ano por fumar cigarros, de acordo com dados relatados em 2014.

 Além do tabagismo, os fatores de risco para câncer incluem:

 consumo pesado de álcool

 excesso de peso corporal

 inatividade física

 Nutrição pobre

 Outras causas de câncer não são evitáveis.  Atualmente, o fator de risco inevitável mais significativo é a idade.  De acordo com a American Cancer Society, os médicos nos EUA diagnosticam 87% dos casos de câncer em pessoas com 50 anos ou mais.

 O câncer é genético?

 Fatores genéticos podem contribuir para o desenvolvimento do câncer.

 O código genético de uma pessoa diz às células quando devem se dividir e expirar.  Alterações nos genes podem levar a instruções incorretas, e pode resultar em câncer.

 Os genes também influenciam a produção de proteínas pelas células, e as proteínas carregam muitas instruções para o crescimento e a divisão celular.

 Alguns genes alteram proteínas que geralmente reparam células danificadas.  Isso pode levar ao câncer.  Se um dos pais tiver esses genes, eles podem passar as instruções alteradas para os filhos.

 Algumas mudanças genéticas ocorrem após o nascimento, e fatores como tabagismo e exposição ao sol podem aumentar o risco.

 Outras mudanças que podem resultar em câncer ocorrem nos sinais químicos que determinam como o corpo implanta ou "expressa" genes específicos.

 Finalmente, uma pessoa pode herdar uma predisposição para um tipo de câncer.  Um médico pode se referir a isso como tendo uma síndrome hereditária do câncer.  Mutações genéticas herdadas contribuem significativamente para o desenvolvimento de 5 a 10 por cento da fonte confiável de casos de câncer.


 Pesquisas inovadoras alimentaram o desenvolvimento de novos medicamentos e tecnologias de tratamento.

 Os médicos geralmente prescrevem tratamentos com base no tipo de câncer, no estágio do diagnóstico e na saúde geral da pessoa.

 Abaixo estão exemplos de abordagens para o tratamento do câncer:

 A quimioterapia visa matar células cancerígenas com medicamentos que visam células que se dividem rapidamente.  Os medicamentos também podem ajudar a diminuir os tumores, mas os efeitos colaterais podem ser graves.

 A terapia hormonal envolve tomar medicamentos que alteram a maneira como certos hormônios funcionam ou interferem na capacidade do organismo de produzi-los.  Quando os hormônios desempenham um papel significativo, como nos cânceres de próstata e de mama, essa é uma abordagem comum.

 A imunoterapia utiliza medicamentos e outros tratamentos para estimular o sistema imunológico e incentivá-lo a combater as células cancerígenas.  Dois exemplos desses tratamentos são inibidores do ponto de verificação e transferência celular adotiva.

 Medicina de precisão, ou medicina personalizada, é uma abordagem mais recente e em desenvolvimento.  Envolve o uso de testes genéticos para determinar os melhores tratamentos para a apresentação específica de câncer de uma pessoa.  Os pesquisadores ainda não demonstraram que, no entanto, pode tratar efetivamente todos os tipos de câncer.

 A terapia de radiação usa radiação de alta dose para matar células cancerígenas.  Além disso, um médico pode recomendar o uso de radiação para reduzir um tumor antes da cirurgia ou reduzir os sintomas relacionados ao tumor.

 O transplante de células-tronco pode ser especialmente benéfico para pessoas com câncer relacionado ao sangue, como leucemia ou linfoma.  Envolve remover células, como glóbulos vermelhos ou brancos, que a quimioterapia ou a radiação destruíram.  Técnicos de laboratório fortalecem as células e as colocam de volta no corpo.

 A cirurgia geralmente faz parte de um plano de tratamento quando uma pessoa tem um tumor cancerígeno.  Além disso, um cirurgião pode remover os linfonodos para reduzir ou impedir a propagação da doença.

 As terapias direcionadas desempenham funções dentro das células cancerígenas para impedir que elas se multipliquem.  Eles também podem aumentar o sistema imunológico.  Dois exemplos dessas terapias são drogas de moléculas pequenas e anticorpos monoclonais.

 Os médicos costumam empregar mais de um tipo de tratamento para maximizar a eficácia.


 A fonte confiável de câncer do tipo mais comum nos EUA é o câncer de mama, seguido por câncer de pulmão e próstata, de acordo com o National Cancer Institute, que excluiu os cânceres de pele não melanoma desses achados.

 A cada ano, mais de 40.000 pessoas no país recebem o diagnóstico de um dos seguintes tipos de câncer:


 cólon e retal






 linfoma não-Hodgkin



 Outras formas são menos comuns.  De acordo com o National Cancer Institute, existem mais de 100 tipos de fontes confiáveis ​​de câncer.

 Desenvolvimento do câncer e divisão celular

 Os médicos classificam o câncer por:

 sua localização no corpo

 os tecidos que forma em

 Por exemplo, os sarcomas se desenvolvem nos ossos ou tecidos moles, enquanto os carcinomas se formam nas células que cobrem superfícies internas ou externas do corpo.  Os carcinomas basocelulares se desenvolvem na pele, enquanto os adenocarcinomas podem se formar na mama.

 Quando as células cancerígenas se espalham para outras partes do corpo, o termo médico para isso é metástase.

 Uma pessoa também pode ter mais de um tipo de câncer por vez.


 Melhorias na detecção do câncer, maior conscientização sobre os riscos do tabagismo e uma queda no uso do tabaco contribuíram para uma diminuição ano a ano no número de diagnósticos e mortes por câncer.

 Segundo a American Cancer Society, a taxa geral de mortalidade por câncer diminuiu 26% entre 1991 e 2015.

 Quando uma pessoa tem câncer, a perspectiva dependerá da propagação da doença e do tipo, gravidade e localização.

 Remédios à base de plantas para o câncer na medicina herbal iorubá como documentos por Babalawo Obanifa


 Oyin igan ati afara Oyin (mel selvagem original com ele abelha colmeia)

 Omi eso Opon / Ope Oyinbo (suco de abacaxi natural / Anna comosus)

 Ebu Alubosa Aayun (alho em pó / Allium Sativum)

 Ebu Eso kumin dudu (sementes de cominho em pó)


 Você misturará tudo em igual proporção.


 O paciente com câncer beberá uma dose duas vezes ao dia.


 Alubosa Onisu lopo (bastante cebola / Allium cepa)

 Karoti tutu lopo (muitas frutas frescas de cenoura)

 Oyin Igan lopo (mel selvagem original)


 Você misturará o Alubosa Onisu lopo (bastante cebola / Allium cepa), Karoti tutu lopo (muitas frutas frescas de cenoura) em igual proporção e obterá seu suco.  Você o misturará com Oyin Igan lopo (mel selvagem original).


 Paciente com câncer tomará uma dose duas vezes ao dia


 Ebu alubosa ayu lopo (bastante alho em pó / Allium sativum)

 Ebu Eso kumin dudu lopo (Bastante pó de sementes de cominho preto)

 Ebu Ribena lopo (Bastante pó de semente de groselha preta)

 Oyin Igan gidi (mel selvagem original)


 Você misturará o mencionado acima na mesma proporção.


 Paciente com câncer tomará uma dose duas vezes ao dia.


 Karoti tutu lopo (muitas frutas frescas de cenoura)

 Alubosa ayu tutu lopo (Alho fresco em abundância)

 Omi Osan wewe (suco de laranja limão)


 Você vai cortar o karoti tutu lopo (muitas frutas frescas de cenoura), Alubosa ayu tutu lopo (bastante alho fresco) em pedaços.  Você o derramará dentro do Omi Osan wewe (suco de laranja-limão).


 Paciente com câncer toma metade do copo duas vezes ao dia.


 Direitos autorais: Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, telefone e whatsapp: +2348166343145, local Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

 AVISO IMPORTANTE: Com relação ao artigo acima, todos os direitos reservados, nenhuma parte deste artigo pode ser reproduzida ou duplicada de qualquer forma ou por qualquer meio, eletrônico ou mecânico, incluindo fotocópia e gravação ou por qualquer sistema de armazenamento ou recuperação de informações sem permissão prévia por escrito  do detentor dos direitos autorais e do autor Babalawo Obanifa, fazê-lo é considerado ilegal e atrairá consequências legais

  Haga clic en el Vedio arriba para ver y descargar Cancer-Fighting Foods-Mayo Clinic •



  En este trabajo, Babalawo Obanifa documentará algunas de las fórmulas a base de hierbas disponibles en Yoruba Herbal Medicine para el tratamiento del cáncer.  El cuerpo del trabajo explorará en detalle explicaciones médicas ortodoxas sobre qué es el cáncer, las causas y sus tratamientos;  mientras que la parte final documentará las variedades de remedios herbales disponibles en la medicina herbaria yoruba para el tratamiento del cáncer.  Sin embargo, es instructivo señalar que la información disponible en este trabajo no debe considerarse como un sustituto del servicio de profesionales de la salud capacitados y calificados donde se requiere el servicio de uno.  El término uso para el cáncer en la medicina herbal Yoruba es Arun Jejere.  Este trabajo pondrá en la documentación algunos de los remedios que se pueden usar para tratar el cáncer antes de que alcance la etapa de deterioro.  ¿Qué queremos decir con cáncer?  Según, el cáncer puede comenzar en cualquier lugar del cuerpo.  Comienza cuando las células crecen fuera de control y desplazan a las células normales.  Esto dificulta que el cuerpo trabaje como debería.  El cáncer se puede tratar muy bien para muchas personas.  De hecho, más personas que nunca antes llevan una vida plena después del tratamiento contra el cáncer.  Pero esta definición no es concisa como la de Rachel Nall, MSN, CRNA en ella titulada qué saber sobre el cáncer.  Según Rachel Nall, MSN, CRNA; Cáncer es un término amplio.  Describe la enfermedad que resulta cuando los cambios celulares causan el crecimiento y la división descontrolados de las células.  Algunos tipos de cáncer causan un rápido crecimiento celular, mientras que otros hacen que las células crezcan y se dividan a un ritmo más lento.

  Ciertas formas de cáncer provocan crecimientos visibles llamados tumores, mientras que otros, como la leucemia, no.

  La mayoría de las células del cuerpo tienen funciones específicas y duraciones fijas.  Si bien puede parecer algo malo, la muerte celular es parte de un fenómeno natural y beneficioso llamado apoptosis.

  Una célula recibe instrucciones de morir para que el cuerpo pueda reemplazarla con una célula más nueva que funcione mejor.  Las células cancerosas carecen de los componentes que les indican que dejen de dividirse y que mueran.

  Como resultado, se acumulan en el cuerpo, utilizando oxígeno y nutrientes que normalmente nutren otras células.  Las células cancerosas pueden formar tumores, dañar el sistema inmune y causar otros cambios que impiden que el cuerpo funcione regularmente.

  Las células cancerosas pueden aparecer en un área y luego propagarse a través de los ganglios linfáticos.  Estos son grupos de células inmunes ubicadas en todo el cuerpo.


  Hay muchas causas de cáncer, y algunas son prevenibles.

  Por ejemplo, más de 480,000 personas mueren en los Estados Unidos cada año por fumar cigarrillos, según datos reportados en 2014.

  Además de fumar, los factores de riesgo para el cáncer incluyen:

  gran consumo de alcohol

  exceso de peso corporal

  la inactividad física

  nutrición pobre

  Otras causas de cáncer no se pueden prevenir.  Actualmente, el factor de riesgo no prevenible más importante es la edad.  Según la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer, los médicos en los EE. UU. Diagnostican el 87 por ciento de los casos de cáncer en personas de 50 años o más.

  ¿El cáncer es genético?

  Los factores genéticos pueden contribuir al desarrollo del cáncer.

  El código genético de una persona le dice a sus células cuándo dividirse y caducar.  Los cambios en los genes pueden conducir a instrucciones defectuosas y puede provocar cáncer.

  Los genes también influyen en la producción de proteínas de las células, y las proteínas llevan muchas de las instrucciones para el crecimiento y la división celular.

  Algunos genes cambian las proteínas que generalmente repararían las células dañadas.  Esto puede conducir al cáncer.  Si un padre tiene estos genes, puede transmitir las instrucciones alteradas a su descendencia.

  Algunos cambios genéticos ocurren después del nacimiento, y factores como fumar y la exposición al sol pueden aumentar el riesgo.

  Otros cambios que pueden provocar cáncer se producen en las señales químicas que determinan cómo se despliega el cuerpo o "expresa" genes específicos.

  Finalmente, una persona puede heredar una predisposición a un tipo de cáncer.  Un médico puede referirse a esto como un síndrome de cáncer hereditario.  Las mutaciones genéticas hereditarias contribuyen significativamente al desarrollo de 5 a 10 por ciento de casos de cáncer de origen confiable.


  La investigación innovadora ha impulsado el desarrollo de nuevos medicamentos y tecnologías de tratamiento.

  Los médicos generalmente recetan tratamientos según el tipo de cáncer, su etapa en el momento del diagnóstico y la salud general de la persona.

  A continuación se presentan ejemplos de enfoques para el tratamiento del cáncer:

  La quimioterapia tiene como objetivo matar las células cancerosas con medicamentos que se dirigen a las células que se dividen rápidamente.  Los medicamentos también pueden ayudar a reducir los tumores, pero los efectos secundarios pueden ser graves.

  La terapia hormonal implica tomar medicamentos que cambian el funcionamiento de ciertas hormonas o interfieren con la capacidad del cuerpo para producirlas.  Cuando las hormonas juegan un papel importante, como ocurre con los cánceres de próstata y de seno, este es un enfoque común.

  La inmunoterapia utiliza medicamentos y otros tratamientos para estimular el sistema inmunitario y alentarlo a combatir las células cancerosas.  Dos ejemplos de estos tratamientos son los inhibidores del punto de control y la transferencia celular adoptiva.

  La medicina de precisión, o medicina personalizada, es un enfoque más nuevo y en desarrollo.  Implica utilizar pruebas genéticas para determinar los mejores tratamientos para la presentación particular de cáncer de una persona.  Sin embargo, los investigadores aún no han demostrado que pueda tratar eficazmente todos los tipos de cáncer.

  La radioterapia usa altas dosis de radiación para matar las células cancerosas.  Además, un médico puede recomendar el uso de radiación para reducir el tamaño de un tumor antes de la cirugía o reducir los síntomas relacionados con el tumor.

  El trasplante de células madre puede ser especialmente beneficioso para las personas con cánceres relacionados con la sangre, como la leucemia o el linfoma.  Implica eliminar células, como los glóbulos rojos o blancos, que la quimioterapia o la radiación han destruido.  Luego, los técnicos de laboratorio fortalecen las células y las vuelven a colocar en el cuerpo.

  La cirugía a menudo es parte de un plan de tratamiento cuando una persona tiene un tumor canceroso.  Además, un cirujano puede extirpar los ganglios linfáticos para reducir o prevenir la propagación de la enfermedad.

  Las terapias dirigidas realizan funciones dentro de las células cancerosas para evitar que se multipliquen.  También pueden estimular el sistema inmunitario.  Dos ejemplos de estas terapias son fármacos de molécula pequeña y anticuerpos monoclonales.

  Los médicos a menudo emplean más de un tipo de tratamiento para maximizar la efectividad.


  La fuente de cáncer de tipo más común en los EE. UU. Es el cáncer de mama, seguido de los cánceres de pulmón y próstata, según el Instituto Nacional del Cáncer, que excluyó los cánceres de piel no melanoma de estos hallazgos.

  Cada año, más de 40,000 personas en el país reciben un diagnóstico de uno de los siguientes tipos de cáncer:


  colon y recto






  linfoma no Hodgkin



  Otras formas son menos comunes.  Según el Instituto Nacional del Cáncer, hay más de 100 tipos de fuentes confiables de cáncer.

  Desarrollo del cáncer y división celular.

  Los médicos clasifican el cáncer por:

  su ubicación en el cuerpo

  los tejidos que se forman en

  Por ejemplo, los sarcomas se desarrollan en huesos o tejidos blandos, mientras que los carcinomas se forman en células que cubren las superficies internas o externas del cuerpo.  Los carcinomas de células basales se desarrollan en la piel, mientras que los adenocarcinomas se pueden formar en el seno.

  Cuando las células cancerosas se propagan a otras partes del cuerpo, el término médico para esto es metástasis.

  Una persona también puede tener más de un tipo de cáncer a la vez.


  Las mejoras en la detección del cáncer, una mayor conciencia de los riesgos de fumar y una caída en el consumo de tabaco han contribuido a una disminución anual en el número de diagnósticos de cáncer y muertes.

  Según la Sociedad Estadounidense del Cáncer, la tasa general de mortalidad por cáncer disminuyó en un 26 por ciento entre 1991 y 2015.

  Cuando una persona tiene cáncer, el pronóstico dependerá de si la enfermedad se ha diseminado y de su tipo, gravedad y ubicación.

  Remedios Herbales Para El Cáncer En La Medicina Herbaria Yoruba Como Documentos Por Babalawo Obanifa


  Oyin igan ati afara Oyin (Miel salvaje original con colmena de abejas)

  Omi eso Opon / Ope Oyinbo (jugo de piña natural / Anna comosus)

  Ebu Alubosa Aayun (ajo en polvo / Allium Sativum)

  Ebu Eso kumin dudu (semillas de polvo de comino negro)


  Mezclará todo junto en la misma proporción.


  El paciente con cáncer tomará una inyección dos veces al día.


  Alubosa Onisu lopo (abundante bulbo de cebolla / Allium cepa)

  Karoti tutu lopo (muchas frutas frescas de zanahoria)

  Oyin Igan lopo (Miel salvaje original)


  Mezclará el Alubosa Onisu lopo (abundante bulbo de cebolla / Allium cepa), Karoti tutu lopo (muchas zanahorias frescas) en la misma proporción y obtendrá su jugo.  Lo mezclarás con Oyin Igan lopo (Original wild honey).


  El paciente con cáncer tomará una inyección dos veces al día


  Ebu alubosa ayu lopo (abundante ajo en polvo / Allium sativum)

  Ebu Eso kumin dudu lopo (Mucho polvo de semillas de comino negro)

  Ebu Ribena lopo (Mucho polvo de semilla de grosella negra)

  Oyin Igan gidi (Miel salvaje original)


  Mezclará lo mencionado anteriormente en la misma proporción.


  El paciente con cáncer tomará una inyección dos veces al día.


  Karoti tutu lopo (muchas frutas frescas de zanahoria)

  Alubosa ayu tutu lopo (Mucho ajo fresco)

  Wei de Omi Osan (jugo de naranja y lima)


  Cortará el Karoti tutu lopo (muchas frutas de zanahoria frescas), Alubosa ayu tutu lopo (Un montón de ajo fresco) en trozos.  Lo verterás dentro de Omi Osan wewe (jugo de lima y naranja).


  El paciente con cáncer tomará medio vaso de ella dos veces al día.


  Copyright: Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, teléfono y contacto de WhatsApp: +2348166343145, ubicación Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

  AVISO IMPORTANTE: en lo que respecta al artículo anterior, todos los derechos reservados, ninguna parte de este artículo puede reproducirse o duplicarse de ninguna forma ni por ningún medio, electrónico o mecánico, incluyendo fotocopias y grabaciones, o por cualquier sistema de almacenamiento o recuperación de información sin permiso previo por escrito  del titular de los derechos de autor y del autor Babalawo Obanifa, hacerlo se considera ilegal y traerá consecuencias legales

  Cliquez sur le Vedio ci-dessus pour regarder et télécharger la clinique des aliments contre le cancer-Mayo •



  Dans ce travail, Babalawo Obanifa documentera certaines des formules à base de plantes disponibles en phytothérapie Yoruba pour le traitement du cancer.  Le corps du travail explorera en détail les explications médicales orthodoxes sur ce qu'est le cancer, ses causes et ses traitements;  tandis que la partie finale documentera les variétés de remèdes à base de plantes disponibles en phytothérapie Yoruba pour le traitement du cancer.  Il est cependant instructif de noter que les informations disponibles dans ce travail ne doivent pas être considérées comme un substitut au service de professionnels de la santé qualifiés et qualifiés lorsque le service d'un seul est requis.  Le terme utilisé pour le cancer en phytothérapie Yoruba est Arun Jejere.  Ce travail mettra en documentation certains des remèdes qui peuvent être utilisés pour traiter le cancer avant qu'il n'atteigne un stade de détérioration.  Qu'entendons-nous par cancer?  Selon, le cancer peut démarrer n'importe où dans le corps.  Cela commence lorsque les cellules deviennent incontrôlables et évincent les cellules normales.  Cela rend difficile pour le corps de travailler comme il se doit.  Le cancer peut être très bien traité pour de nombreuses personnes.  En fait, plus de personnes que jamais mènent une vie pleine après un traitement contre le cancer.  Mais cette définition n'est pas concise comme celle de Rachel Nall, MSN, CRNA dans son intitulé ce qu'il faut savoir sur le cancer.  Selon Rachel Nall, MSN, CRNA; Cancer est un terme large.  Il décrit la maladie qui survient lorsque les changements cellulaires provoquent la croissance et la division incontrôlées des cellules.  Certains types de cancer provoquent une croissance cellulaire rapide, tandis que d'autres entraînent la croissance et la division des cellules à un rythme plus lent.

  Certaines formes de cancer entraînent des croissances visibles appelées tumeurs, tandis que d'autres, comme la leucémie, n'en produisent pas.

  La plupart des cellules du corps ont des fonctions spécifiques et une durée de vie fixe.  Bien que cela puisse sembler une mauvaise chose, la mort cellulaire fait partie d'un phénomène naturel et bénéfique appelé apoptose.

  Une cellule reçoit des instructions pour mourir afin que le corps puisse la remplacer par une cellule plus récente qui fonctionne mieux.  Les cellules cancéreuses n'ont pas les composants qui leur demandent d'arrêter de se diviser et de mourir.

  En conséquence, ils s'accumulent dans le corps, en utilisant de l'oxygène et des nutriments qui nourriraient généralement d'autres cellules.  Les cellules cancéreuses peuvent former des tumeurs, altérer le système immunitaire et provoquer d'autres changements qui empêchent le corps de fonctionner régulièrement.

  Les cellules cancéreuses peuvent apparaître dans une zone, puis se propager via les ganglions lymphatiques.  Ce sont des grappes de cellules immunitaires situées dans tout le corps.

  Les causes

  Il existe de nombreuses causes de cancer et certaines sont évitables.

  Par exemple, plus de 480 000 personnes meurent chaque année aux États-Unis en fumant des cigarettes, selon les données publiées en 2014.

  En plus du tabagisme, les facteurs de risque de cancer comprennent:

  forte consommation d'alcool

  excès de poids corporel

  inactivité physique

  mauvaise nutrition

  D'autres causes de cancer ne sont pas évitables.  Actuellement, le facteur de risque le plus important qui ne peut être évité est l'âge.  Selon l'American Cancer Society, les médecins aux États-Unis diagnostiquent 87% des cas de cancer chez les personnes âgées de 50 ans ou plus.

  Le cancer est-il génétique?

  Les facteurs génétiques peuvent contribuer au développement du cancer.

  Le code génétique d'une personne indique à ses cellules quand se diviser et expirer.  Des changements dans les gènes peuvent conduire à des instructions erronées et entraîner un cancer.

  Les gènes influencent également la production de protéines par les cellules, et les protéines portent de nombreuses instructions pour la croissance et la division cellulaires.

  Certains gènes modifient les protéines qui répareraient généralement les cellules endommagées.  Cela peut conduire au cancer.  Si un parent possède ces gènes, il peut transmettre les instructions modifiées à sa progéniture.

  Certains changements génétiques se produisent après la naissance et des facteurs tels que le tabagisme et l'exposition au soleil peuvent augmenter le risque.

  D'autres changements qui peuvent entraîner un cancer ont lieu dans les signaux chimiques qui déterminent la façon dont le corps se déploie ou «exprime» des gènes spécifiques.

  Enfin, une personne peut hériter d'une prédisposition à un type de cancer.  Un médecin peut appeler cela un syndrome de cancer héréditaire.  Les mutations génétiques héréditaires contribuent de manière significative au développement de 5 à 10% de sources fiables de cancers.


  Des recherches innovantes ont alimenté le développement de nouveaux médicaments et technologies de traitement.

  Les médecins prescrivent généralement des traitements basés sur le type de cancer, son stade au moment du diagnostic et la santé globale de la personne.

  Voici des exemples d'approches de traitement du cancer:

  La chimiothérapie vise à tuer les cellules cancéreuses avec des médicaments qui ciblent les cellules à division rapide.  Les médicaments peuvent également aider à réduire les tumeurs, mais les effets secondaires peuvent être graves.

  L'hormonothérapie consiste à prendre des médicaments qui modifient le fonctionnement de certaines hormones ou interfèrent avec la capacité du corps à les produire.  Lorsque les hormones jouent un rôle important, comme dans les cancers de la prostate et du sein, il s'agit d'une approche courante.

  L'immunothérapie utilise des médicaments et d'autres traitements pour stimuler le système immunitaire et l'encourager à combattre les cellules cancéreuses.  Deux exemples de ces traitements sont les inhibiteurs de point de contrôle et le transfert cellulaire adoptif.

  La médecine de précision, ou médecine personnalisée, est une approche nouvelle et en développement.  Il s'agit d'utiliser des tests génétiques pour déterminer les meilleurs traitements pour la présentation particulière du cancer d'une personne.  Cependant, les chercheurs doivent encore montrer qu'il peut traiter efficacement tous les types de cancer.

  La radiothérapie utilise un rayonnement à haute dose pour tuer les cellules cancéreuses.  De plus, un médecin peut recommander d'utiliser la radiothérapie pour rétrécir une tumeur avant la chirurgie ou réduire les symptômes liés à la tumeur.

  La greffe de cellules souches peut être particulièrement bénéfique pour les personnes atteintes de cancers liés au sang, tels que la leucémie ou le lymphome.  Il s'agit d'éliminer les cellules, telles que les globules rouges ou blancs, que la chimiothérapie ou la radiothérapie a détruites.  Les techniciens de laboratoire renforcent ensuite les cellules et les replacent dans le corps.

  La chirurgie fait souvent partie d'un plan de traitement lorsqu'une personne a une tumeur cancéreuse.  En outre, un chirurgien peut retirer des ganglions lymphatiques pour réduire ou empêcher la propagation de la maladie.

  Les thérapies ciblées remplissent des fonctions au sein des cellules cancéreuses pour les empêcher de se multiplier.  Ils peuvent également renforcer le système immunitaire.  Deux exemples de ces thérapies sont les médicaments à petites molécules et les anticorps monoclonaux.

  Les médecins utilisent souvent plus d'un type de traitement pour maximiser l'efficacité.

  Les types

  Aux États-Unis, la source de cancer de type le plus courant est le cancer du sein, suivi des cancers du poumon et de la prostate, selon le National Cancer Institute, qui a exclu les cancers de la peau non mélaniques de ces résultats.

  Chaque année, plus de 40 000 personnes dans le pays reçoivent un diagnostic de l'un des types de cancer suivants:


  colon et rectal


  un rein




  lymphome non hodgkinien



  D'autres formes sont moins courantes.  Selon l'Institut national du cancer, il existe plus de 100 types de sources fiables de cancer.

  Développement du cancer et division cellulaire

  Les médecins classent le cancer par:

  sa position dans le corps

  les tissus qu'il forme

  Par exemple, les sarcomes se développent dans les os ou les tissus mous, tandis que les carcinomes se forment dans les cellules qui recouvrent les surfaces internes ou externes du corps.  Des carcinomes basocellulaires se développent dans la peau, tandis que des adénocarcinomes peuvent se former dans le sein.

  Lorsque les cellules cancéreuses se propagent à d'autres parties du corps, le terme médical pour cela est métastase.

  Une personne peut également avoir plus d'un type de cancer à la fois.


  Des améliorations dans la détection du cancer, une sensibilisation accrue aux risques du tabagisme et une baisse de l'usage du tabac ont toutes contribué à une diminution d'une année sur l'autre du nombre de diagnostics de cancer et de décès.

  Selon l'American Cancer Society, le taux global de mortalité par cancer a diminué de 26% entre 1991 et 2015.

  Lorsqu'une personne a un cancer, les perspectives dépendent de la propagation de la maladie et de son type, de sa gravité et de son emplacement.

  Remèdes à base de plantes pour le cancer en phytothérapie Yoruba comme documents par Babalawo Obanifa


  Oyin igan ati afara Oyin (Miel sauvage original avec sa ruche d'abeilles)

  Omi eso Opon / Ope Oyinbo (jus d'ananas naturel / Anna comosus)

  Ebu Alubosa Aayun (poudre d'ail / Allium Sativum)

  Ebu Eso kumin dudu (Poudre de graines de cumin noir)


  Vous mélangerez tout ensemble dans une proportion égale.


  Le patient atteint de cancer en buvera une dose deux fois par jour.


  Alubosa Onisu lopo (bulbe d'oignon abondant / Allium cepa)

  Karoti tutu lopo (beaucoup de fruits frais de carottes)

  Oyin Igan lopo (Miel sauvage d'origine)


  Vous allez mélanger Alubosa Onisu lopo (beaucoup de bulbe d'oignon / Allium cepa), Karoti tutu lopo (beaucoup de fruits frais de carotte) ensemble dans une proportion égale et obtenir son jus.  Vous le mélangerez avec Oyin Igan lopo (Original wild honey).


  Un patient atteint de cancer en buvera un coup deux fois par jour


  Ebu alubosa ayu lopo (beaucoup de poudre d'ail / Allium sativum)

  Ebu Eso kumin dudu lopo (Beaucoup de poudre de graines de cumin noir)

  Ebu Ribena lopo (Beaucoup de poudre de graines de cassis)

  Oyin Igan gidi (Miel sauvage d'origine)


  Vous mélangerez les éléments susmentionnés dans une proportion égale.


  Un patient atteint de cancer en boit une dose deux fois par jour.


  Karoti tutu lopo (beaucoup de fruits frais de carottes)

  Alubosa ayu tutu lopo (Beaucoup d'ail frais)

  Omi Osan wewe (jus d'orange citron vert)


  Vous hacherez le Karoti tutu lopo (beaucoup de fruits frais de carotte), Alubosa ayu tutu lopo (Beaucoup d'ail frais) en morceaux.  Vous le verserez dans la wee Omi Osan (jus d'orange citron vert).


  Un patient atteint de cancer en boit un demi-verre deux fois par jour.


  Copyright: Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, téléphone et contact WhatsApp: +2348166343145, emplacement Ile Ife Osun, Nigeria.

  AVIS IMPORTANT: En ce qui concerne l'article ci-dessus, tous droits réservés, aucune partie de cet article ne peut être reproduite ou dupliquée sous quelque forme ou par quelque moyen que ce soit, électronique ou mécanique, y compris la photocopie et l'enregistrement ou par tout système de stockage ou de récupération d'informations sans autorisation écrite préalable  du titulaire du droit d'auteur et de l'auteur Babalawo Obanifa, le faire est considéré comme illégal et entraînera des conséquences juridiques

 Klicken Sie auf das Vedio oben, um die Krebs bekämpfende Lebensmittel-Mayo-Klinik anzusehen und herunterzuladen. •



 In dieser Arbeit wird Babalawo Obanifa einige der in der Yoruba Herbal Medicine verfügbaren Kräuterrezepturen zur Behandlung von Krebs dokumentieren.  Im Rahmen der Arbeit werden orthodoxe medizinische Erklärungen zu Krebs, seinen Ursachen und seinen Behandlungen im Detail erörtert.  Im abschließenden Teil werden verschiedene pflanzliche Arzneimittel dokumentiert, die in der Kräutermedizin von Yoruba zur Behandlung von Krebs erhältlich sind.  Es ist jedoch aufschlussreich anzumerken, dass die Informationen, die in dieser Arbeit zur Verfügung stehen, nicht als Ersatz für den Service qualifizierter ausgebildeter Ärzte angesehen werden sollten, wenn der Service eines solchen erforderlich ist.  Der in der Yoruba-Kräutermedizin verwendete Begriff für Krebs lautet Arun Jejere.  In dieser Arbeit werden einige der Mittel dokumentiert, die zur Behandlung von Krebs eingesetzt werden können, bevor er sich verschlechtert.  Was meinen wir mit Krebs?  Laut kann Krebs jeden Ort im Körper anlaufen lassen.  Es beginnt, wenn Zellen außer Kontrolle geraten und normale Zellen verdrängen.  Dies macht es dem Körper schwer, so zu arbeiten, wie es sein sollte.  Krebs kann für viele Menschen sehr gut behandelt werden.  Tatsächlich führen nach der Krebsbehandlung mehr Menschen als je zuvor ein erfülltes Leben.  Aber diese Definition ist nicht prägnant wie die von Rachel Nall, MSN, CRNA in ihrem Titel, was man über Krebs wissen sollte.  Laut Rachel Nall, MSN, CRNA, ist Krebs ein weit gefasster Begriff.  Es beschreibt die Krankheit, die entsteht, wenn Zellveränderungen das unkontrollierte Wachstum und die Teilung von Zellen verursachen.  Einige Krebsarten verursachen ein schnelles Zellwachstum, während andere dazu führen, dass Zellen langsamer wachsen und sich teilen.

 Bestimmte Krebsarten führen zu sichtbarem Wachstum, so genannten Tumoren, während andere, wie beispielsweise Leukämie, dies nicht tun.

 Die meisten Körperzellen haben bestimmte Funktionen und eine feste Lebensdauer.  Während es sich nach einer schlechten Sache anhören mag, ist der Zelltod Teil eines natürlichen und nützlichen Phänomens, der Apoptose.

 Eine Zelle erhält Anweisungen zum Sterben, damit der Körper sie durch eine neuere Zelle ersetzen kann, die besser funktioniert.  Krebszellen fehlen die Komponenten, die sie anweisen, sich nicht mehr zu teilen und zu sterben.

 Infolgedessen bauen sie sich im Körper auf und verwenden Sauerstoff und Nährstoffe, die normalerweise andere Zellen ernähren würden.  Krebszellen können Tumore bilden, das Immunsystem beeinträchtigen und andere Veränderungen verursachen, die den Körper daran hindern, regelmäßig zu funktionieren.

 Krebszellen können in einem Bereich auftreten und sich dann über die Lymphknoten ausbreiten.  Dies sind Cluster von Immunzellen, die sich im ganzen Körper befinden.


 Es gibt viele Ursachen für Krebs, und einige sind vermeidbar.

 Zum Beispiel sterben in den USA nach Angaben aus dem Jahr 2014 jedes Jahr über 480.000 Menschen an den Folgen des Zigarettenrauchens.

 Risikofaktoren für Krebs sind neben dem Rauchen:

 starker Alkoholkonsum


 körperliche Inaktivität

 schlechte Ernährung

 Andere Krebsursachen sind nicht vermeidbar.  Derzeit ist der wichtigste nicht vermeidbare Risikofaktor das Alter.  Nach Angaben der American Cancer Society diagnostizieren Ärzte in den USA 87 Prozent der Krebsfälle bei Menschen ab 50 Jahren.

 Ist Krebs genetisch bedingt?

 Genetische Faktoren können zur Entstehung von Krebs beitragen.

 Der genetische Code einer Person sagt ihren Zellen, wann sie sich teilen und verfallen sollen.  Veränderungen in den Genen können zu fehlerhaften Anweisungen führen und Krebs verursachen.

 Gene beeinflussen auch die Produktion von Proteinen in Zellen, und Proteine ​​enthalten viele Anweisungen für das Wachstum und die Teilung von Zellen.

 Einige Gene verändern Proteine, die normalerweise beschädigte Zellen reparieren würden.  Dies kann zu Krebs führen.  Wenn ein Elternteil diese Gene hat, können sie die geänderten Anweisungen an ihre Nachkommen weitergeben.

 Einige genetische Veränderungen treten nach der Geburt auf, und Faktoren wie Rauchen und Sonneneinstrahlung können das Risiko erhöhen.

 Andere Veränderungen, die zu Krebs führen können, finden in den chemischen Signalen statt, die bestimmen, wie der Körper bestimmte Gene entfaltet oder "exprimiert".

 Schließlich kann eine Person eine Veranlagung für eine Krebsart erben.  Ein Arzt kann von einem Erbkrebs-Syndrom sprechen.  Vererbte genetische Mutationen tragen signifikant zur Entwicklung von 5–10 Prozent der Krebsfälle bei.


 Innovative Forschung hat die Entwicklung neuer Medikamente und Behandlungstechnologien vorangetrieben.

 Ärzte verschreiben in der Regel Behandlungen, die auf der Art des Krebses, dem Diagnosestadium und dem allgemeinen Gesundheitszustand der Person beruhen.

 Nachfolgend finden Sie Beispiele für Ansätze zur Krebsbehandlung:

 Die Chemotherapie zielt darauf ab, Krebszellen mit Medikamenten abzutöten, die auf sich schnell teilende Zellen abzielen.  Die Medikamente können auch dazu beitragen, Tumore zu verkleinern, die Nebenwirkungen können jedoch schwerwiegend sein.

 Die Hormontherapie beinhaltet die Einnahme von Medikamenten, die die Wirkungsweise bestimmter Hormone verändern oder die körpereigene Produktionsfähigkeit beeinträchtigen.  Wenn Hormone wie Prostata- und Brustkrebs eine wichtige Rolle spielen, ist dies ein gängiger Ansatz.

 Bei der Immuntherapie werden Medikamente und andere Behandlungen eingesetzt, um das Immunsystem zu stärken und die Bekämpfung von Krebszellen zu fördern.  Zwei Beispiele für diese Behandlungen sind Checkpoint-Inhibitoren und adoptiver Zelltransfer.

 Präzisionsmedizin oder personalisierte Medizin ist ein neuerer, sich entwickelnder Ansatz.  Dabei werden Gentests verwendet, um die besten Behandlungsmethoden für die jeweilige Krebserkrankung einer Person zu ermitteln.  Die Forscher haben jedoch noch nicht nachgewiesen, dass es alle Arten von Krebs wirksam behandeln kann.

 Die Strahlentherapie verwendet hochdosierte Strahlung, um Krebszellen abzutöten.  Ein Arzt kann auch die Verwendung von Bestrahlung empfehlen, um einen Tumor vor der Operation zu verkleinern oder tumorbedingte Symptome zu verringern.

 Eine Stammzelltransplantation kann insbesondere für Menschen mit Blutkrebsarten wie Leukämie oder Lymphom von Vorteil sein.  Dabei werden Zellen wie rote oder weiße Blutkörperchen entfernt, die durch Chemotherapie oder Bestrahlung zerstört wurden.  Labortechniker stärken dann die Zellen und setzen sie wieder in den Körper ein.

 Eine Operation ist oft Teil eines Behandlungsplans, wenn eine Person einen Krebstumor hat.  Ein Chirurg kann auch Lymphknoten entfernen, um die Ausbreitung der Krankheit zu verringern oder zu verhindern.

 Gezielte Therapien erfüllen Funktionen in Krebszellen, um deren Vermehrung zu verhindern.  Sie können auch das Immunsystem stärken.  Zwei Beispiele für diese Therapien sind niedermolekulare Arzneimittel und monoklonale Antikörper.

 Ärzte wenden häufig mehr als eine Art der Behandlung an, um die Wirksamkeit zu maximieren.


 Die häufigste Krebsquelle des Typs Trusted in den USA ist Brustkrebs, gefolgt von Lungen- und Prostatakrebs, nach Angaben des National Cancer Institute, bei dem Hautkrebs, der kein Melanom ist, von diesen Befunden ausgeschlossen wurde.

 Jedes Jahr erhalten mehr als 40.000 Menschen im Land die Diagnose einer der folgenden Krebsarten:


 Dickdarm und Rektal









 Andere Formen sind weniger verbreitet.  Nach Angaben des National Cancer Institute gibt es über 100 Arten von Trusted Source of Cancer.

 Krebsentwicklung und Zellteilung

 Ärzte klassifizieren Krebs nach:

 seine Position im Körper

 die Gewebe, in denen es sich bildet

 Beispielsweise entwickeln sich Sarkome in Knochen oder Weichteilen, während sich Karzinome in Zellen bilden, die innere oder äußere Oberflächen des Körpers bedecken.  In der Haut entwickeln sich Basalzellkarzinome, in der Brust können sich Adenokarzinome bilden.

 Wenn sich Krebszellen in andere Körperteile ausbreiten, ist der medizinische Begriff dafür Metastasierung.

 Eine Person kann auch mehr als eine Krebsart gleichzeitig haben.


 Verbesserungen bei der Krebserkennung, ein besseres Bewusstsein für die Risiken des Rauchens und ein Rückgang des Tabakkonsums haben dazu beigetragen, dass die Zahl der Krebsdiagnosen und Todesfälle im Vergleich zum Vorjahr zurückgegangen ist.

 Nach Angaben der American Cancer Society ist die Gesamttodesrate bei Krebs zwischen 1991 und 2015 um 26 Prozent zurückgegangen.

 Wenn eine Person an Krebs leidet, hängt die Prognose davon ab, ob sich die Krankheit ausgebreitet hat und von Art, Schweregrad und Ort.

 Kräuterhilfsmittel für Krebs in der Yoruba-Kräutermedizin als Dokumente durch Babalawo Obanifa


 Oyin igan ati afara Oyin (Original Wildhonig mit Bienenstock)

 Omi eso Opon / Ope Oyinbo (natürlicher Ananassaft / Anna comosus)

 Ebu Alubosa Aayun (Knoblauchpulver / Allium Sativum)

 Ebu Eso Kumin Dudu (Pulver aus Schwarzkümmelsamen)


 Sie mischen alles zu gleichen Teilen.


 Der Krebspatient trinkt zweimal täglich eine Portion davon.


 Alubosa Onisu lopo (viel Zwiebelknolle / Allium cepa)

 Karoti tutu lopo (reichlich frische Möhrenfrüchte)

 Oyin Igan lopo (ursprünglicher wilder Honig)


 Sie mischen die Alubosa Onisu lopo (viel Zwiebelknolle / Allium cepa) und Karoti tutu lopo (viel frische Karottenfrüchte) zu gleichen Anteilen und erhalten ihren Saft.  Sie werden es mit Oyin Igan lopo (Original Wildhonig) mischen.


 Krebspatient wird zweimal täglich eine Portion davon trinken


 Ebu alubosa ayu lopo (viel Knoblauchpulver / Allium sativum)

 Ebu Eso kumin dudu lopo (reichlich Schwarzkümmelpulver)

 Ebu Ribena lopo (reichlich Pulver aus schwarzen Johannisbeersamen)

 Oyin Igan gidi (Original Wildhonig)


 Sie mischen die oben genannten zu gleichen Teilen zusammen.


 Krebspatient wird zweimal täglich einen Schuss davon trinken.


 Karoti tutu lopo (reichlich frische Möhrenfrüchte)

 Alubosa ayu tutu lopo (Viel frischer Knoblauch)

 Omi Osan Wewe (Limetten-Orangensaft)


 Sie hacken das Karoti Tutu Lopo (reichlich frische Möhrenfrüchte) und das Alubosa Ayu Tutu Lopo (reichlich frischer Knoblauch) in Stücke.  Sie werden es in Omi Osan Wewe (Limetten-Orangensaft) gießen.


 Krebspatient trinkt zweimal täglich ein halbes Glas davon.


 Copyright: Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, Telefon- und WhatsApp-Kontakt: +2348166343145, Standort Ile Ife Osun, Bundesstaat Nigeria.

 WICHTIGER HINWEIS: In Bezug auf den obigen Artikel, alle Rechte vorbehalten, darf kein Teil dieses Artikels in irgendeiner Form oder auf irgendeine Weise, elektronisch oder mechanisch, einschließlich Fotokopieren und Aufzeichnen, oder durch ein Informationsspeicherungs- oder -abrufsystem ohne vorherige schriftliche Genehmigung reproduziert oder vervielfältigt werden  Dies gilt als rechtswidrig und zieht rechtliche Konsequenzen nach sich

  Нажмите на Vedio выше, чтобы посмотреть и скачать клинику Food-Mayo Clinic для борьбы с раком •



  В этой работе Бабалаво Обанифа задокументирует некоторые из травяных формул, доступных в травяной медицине йоруба для лечения рака.  В основной части работы будут подробно рассмотрены ортодоксальные медицинские объяснения того, что такое рак, причины и способы его лечения;  в то время как заключительная часть документирует различные растительные лекарственные средства, доступные в фитотерапии йоруба для лечения рака.  Однако поучительно отметить, что информация, имеющаяся в этой работе, не должна рассматриваться как замена службы квалифицированных обученных практикующих врачей, где требуется обслуживание одного из них.  Термин «использование при раке» в фитотерапии йоруба - Арун Хеджер.  В этой работе будут документированы некоторые лекарства, которые можно использовать для лечения рака до того, как он достигнет стадии ухудшения.  Что мы подразумеваем под Раком?  Согласно, Cancer может запускать любое место в теле.  Это начинается, когда клетки вырастают из-под контроля и вытесняют нормальные клетки.  Это мешает организму работать так, как он должен.  Рак можно лечить очень хорошо для многих людей.  Фактически, больше людей, чем когда-либо прежде, ведут полноценную жизнь после лечения рака.  Но это определение не является кратким, как определение Рэйчел Нолл, MSN, CRNA в ее названии, что нужно знать о раке.  По словам Рэйчел Налл, MSN, CRNA; рак - это широкий термин.  Он описывает заболевание, которое возникает, когда клеточные изменения вызывают неконтролируемый рост и деление клеток.  Некоторые типы рака вызывают быстрый рост клеток, в то время как другие заставляют клетки расти и делиться с более медленной скоростью.

  Некоторые формы рака приводят к видимым опухолям, называемым опухолями, в то время как другие, такие как лейкемия, этого не делают.

  Большинство клеток организма имеют специфические функции и фиксированную продолжительность жизни.  Хотя это может звучать как нечто плохое, гибель клеток является частью естественного и полезного явления, называемого апоптозом.

  Клетка получает инструкции умереть, чтобы организм мог заменить ее новой клеткой, которая функционирует лучше.  В раковых клетках отсутствуют компоненты, которые инструктируют их прекращать делиться и умирать.

  В результате они накапливаются в организме, используя кислород и питательные вещества, которые обычно питают другие клетки.  Раковые клетки могут образовывать опухоли, ослаблять иммунную систему и вызывать другие изменения, которые мешают организму функционировать регулярно.

  Раковые клетки могут появляться в одной области, а затем распространяться через лимфатические узлы.  Это скопления иммунных клеток, расположенных по всему телу.


  Есть много причин возникновения рака, и некоторые из них можно предотвратить.

  Например, в США более 480 000 человек ежегодно умирают от курения сигарет, согласно данным, представленным в 2014 году.

  Помимо курения факторы риска развития рака включают:

  чрезмерное употребление алкоголя

  избыточная масса тела

  физическое бездействие

  плохое питание

  Другие причины рака не поддаются профилактике.  В настоящее время наиболее значимым непредсказуемым фактором риска является возраст.  По данным Американского онкологического общества, врачи в США диагностируют 87 процентов случаев рака у людей в возрасте 50 лет и старше.

  Является ли рак генетическим?

  Генетические факторы могут способствовать развитию рака.

  Генетический код человека сообщает его клеткам, когда делиться и истекать.  Изменения в генах могут привести к неправильным инструкциям и к раку.

  Гены также влияют на производство белков клетками, а белки несут многие инструкции для клеточного роста и деления.

  Некоторые гены меняют белки, которые обычно восстанавливают поврежденные клетки.  Это может привести к раку.  Если у родителей есть эти гены, они могут передать измененные инструкции своему потомству.

  Некоторые генетические изменения происходят после рождения, и такие факторы, как курение и пребывание на солнце, могут увеличить риск.

  Другие изменения, которые могут привести к раку, происходят в химических сигналах, которые определяют, как организм развертывает или «экспрессирует» определенные гены.

  Наконец, человек может унаследовать предрасположенность к типу рака.  Врач может относиться к этому как с синдромом наследственного рака.  Унаследованные генетические мутации вносят значительный вклад в развитие случаев заболевания раком на 5–10 процентов.


  Инновационные исследования стимулировали разработку новых лекарств и технологий лечения.

  Врачи обычно назначают лечение в зависимости от типа рака, стадии его постановки диагноза и общего состояния здоровья человека.

  Ниже приведены примеры подходов к лечению рака:

  Химиотерапия направлена ​​на уничтожение раковых клеток с помощью лекарств, которые нацелены на быстро делящиеся клетки.  Препараты также могут помочь уменьшить опухоли, но побочные эффекты могут быть серьезными.

  Гормональная терапия включает прием лекарств, которые изменяют работу определенных гормонов или влияют на способность организма производить их.  Когда гормоны играют значительную роль, как при раке простаты и молочной железы, это общий подход.

  Иммунотерапия использует лекарства и другие методы лечения для укрепления иммунной системы и стимулирования ее борьбы с раковыми клетками.  Двумя примерами такого лечения являются ингибиторы контрольных точек и перенос адоптивных клеток.

  Точная медицина, или персонализированная медицина, является новым, развивающимся подходом.  Это включает использование генетического тестирования, чтобы определить лучшие методы лечения для конкретного представления рака человека.  Однако исследователям еще предстоит показать, что он может эффективно лечить все виды рака.

  Лучевая терапия использует высокие дозы радиации для уничтожения раковых клеток.  Кроме того, врач может порекомендовать использовать радиацию, чтобы уменьшить опухоль перед операцией или уменьшить связанные с опухолью симптомы.

  Трансплантация стволовых клеток может быть особенно полезна для людей с раком, связанным с кровью, таким как лейкоз или лимфома.  Он включает в себя удаление клеток, таких как эритроциты или лейкоциты, которые химиотерапия или радиация разрушили.  Затем лаборанты укрепляют клетки и возвращают их обратно в организм.

  Хирургия часто является частью плана лечения, когда у человека раковая опухоль.  Кроме того, хирург может удалить лимфатические узлы, чтобы уменьшить или предотвратить распространение заболевания.

  Таргетная терапия выполняет функции внутри раковых клеток, чтобы предотвратить их размножение.  Они также могут повысить иммунную систему.  Двумя примерами этих методов лечения являются низкомолекулярные лекарственные средства и моноклональные антитела.

  Врачи часто используют более одного вида лечения, чтобы максимизировать эффективность.


  По данным Национального института рака, наиболее распространенным типом надежного источника рака в США является рак молочной железы, за которым следует рак легких и предстательной железы, который исключил немеланомный рак кожи из этих результатов.

  Каждый год более 40 000 человек в стране получают диагноз одного из следующих видов рака:

  мочевой пузырь

  толстой кишки и прямой кишки






  неходжкинской лимфомы


  щитовидная железа

  Другие формы встречаются реже.  По данным Национального института рака, существует более 100 типов надежных источников рака.

  Развитие рака и деление клеток

  Врачи классифицируют рак по:

  его расположение в теле

  ткани, которые он образует в

  Например, саркомы развиваются в костях или мягких тканях, в то время как карциномы образуются в клетках, которые покрывают внутренние или внешние поверхности тела.  Базальноклеточный рак развивается в коже, в то время как аденокарциномы могут образовываться в молочной железе.

  Когда раковые клетки распространяются на другие части тела, медицинский термин для этого - метастазирование.

  Человек также может иметь более одного вида рака одновременно.


  Улучшения в выявлении рака, повышении осведомленности о рисках курения и сокращении употребления табака способствовали ежегодному снижению числа диагнозов и смертности от рака.

  По данным Американского онкологического общества, общий уровень смертности от рака снизился на 26 процентов в период с 1991 по 2015 год.

  Когда у человека рак, его внешний вид будет зависеть от того, распространилось ли заболевание, а также от его типа, степени тяжести и местоположения.

  Травяные средства от рака в йоруба Фитотерапия как документы Бабалаво Обанифа


  Ойин иган ати афара ойин (оригинальный дикий мёд с пчелиным ульем)

  Omi eso Opon / Ope Oyinbo (натуральный ананасовый сок / Anna Comosus)

  Эбу Алубоса Ааюн (чесночный порошок / Allium Sativum)

  Эбу Эсо кумин дуду (Порошок семян черного тмина)


  Вы будете смешивать все вместе в равных пропорциях.


  Больной раком будет пить один выстрел два раза в день.


  Alubosa Onisu lopo (много луковицы / Allium cepa)

  Кароти пачка лопо (много свежих морковных фруктов)

  Ойин Иган Лопо (Оригинальный дикий мед)


  Вы смешаете Alubosa Onisu lopo (много луковицы / Allium cepa), Karoti tutu lopo (много свежих морковных фруктов) в равных пропорциях и получите его сок.  Вы смешаете его с Ойин Иган Лопо (Оригинальный дикий мед).


  Больной раком будет пить по одной порции два раза в день


  Ebu alubosa ayu lopo (много чесночного порошка / Allium sativum)

  Эбу Эсо кумин дуду лопо (порошок изобилия семян черного тмина)

  Эбу Рибена Лопо (порошок из семян черной смородины)

  Oyin Igan Gidi (Оригинальный дикий мед)


  Вы будете смешивать вышеупомянутое вместе в равной пропорции.


  Больной раком будет пить один выстрел два раза в день.


  Кароти пачка лопо (много свежих морковных фруктов)

  Alubosa ayu tutu lopo (много свежего чеснока)

  Оми Осан wewe (лайм апельсиновый сок)


  Вы будете нарезать ломтики Karoti tutu lopo (много свежих морковных фруктов), Alubosa ayu tutu lopo (много свежего чеснока).  Вы нальете это в Omi Osan wewe (лайм апельсиновый сок).


  Больной раком будет пить по полстакана два раза в день.


  Авторское право: Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, телефон и контакт WhatsApp: +2348166343145, местоположение Ile Ife osun штат Нигерия.

  ВАЖНОЕ УВЕДОМЛЕНИЕ. Что касается статьи выше, все права защищены, ни одна часть этой статьи не может быть воспроизведена или воспроизведена в любой форме или любым способом, электронным или механическим, включая фотокопирование и запись, или любой системой хранения или поиска информации без предварительного письменного разрешения.  от правообладателя и автора Babalawo Obanifa, это считается незаконным и влечет за собой правовые последствия


 BABALAWO OBANIFA-Obanifa极端纪录片在约鲁巴草药中的癌症治疗


 在这项工作中,Babalawo Obanifa将记录约鲁巴草药中可用于治疗癌症的一些草药配方。 该工作的主体将详细探讨什么是癌症,原因及其治疗方法的正统医学解释; 结论部分将记录约鲁巴草药中可用于治疗癌症的多种草药。 但是,提示性的是,在需要一项服务的情况下,不应将此项工作中可用的信息视为合格的经过培训的健康从业人员的服务的替代。 约鲁巴草药中的癌症一词是Arun Jejere。 这项工作将把可用于在癌症恶化之前治疗癌症的一些补救方法记录在案。 癌症是什么意思? 根据的资料,癌症可以在人体的任何部位开始。 当细胞失去控制并排挤正常细胞时开始。 这使身体很难按其应有的方式工作。 许多人可以很好地治疗癌症。 实际上,在癌症治疗后过着全生命的人比以往任何时候都多。 但是这个定义并不像雷切尔·纳尔(Rachel Nall),MSN,CRNA那样简明扼要,在她的标题《癌症知识》中有描述。 据MSN,CRNA的Rachel Nall称;癌症是一个广义术语。 它描述了当细胞变化导致细胞不受控制的生长和分裂时导致的疾病。 某些类型的癌症会导致细胞快速生长,而另一些类型的则会导致细胞以较慢的速度生长和分裂。


 人体的大多数细胞具有特定的功能和固定的寿命。 虽然听起来像是一件坏事,但细胞死亡是一种自然而有益的现象,称为细胞凋亡。

 细胞会接受死亡指令,以便身体可以用功能更好的新型细胞来代替它。 癌细胞缺乏指示其停止分裂并死亡的成分。

 结果,它们利用通常会滋养其他细胞的氧气和营养物质在体内堆积。 癌细胞会形成肿瘤,损害免疫系统并引起其他变化,从而阻止身体正常运转。

 癌细胞可能出现在一个区域,然后通过淋巴结扩散。 这些是遍布人体的免疫细胞簇。









 癌症的其他原因是无法预防的。 当前,最重要的不可预防的风险因素是年龄。 根据美国癌症协会的数据,美国的医生诊断出50岁以上的人中87%的癌症病例。



 一个人的遗传密码告诉他们的细胞何时分裂和死亡。 基因的改变可能导致错误的指令,并可能导致癌症。


 一些基因改变了通常可以修复受损细胞的蛋白质。 这可能导致癌症。 如果父母有这些基因,他们可能会将改变的说明传给其后代。



 最后,一个人可以继承某种癌症的诱因。 医生可能称其为遗传性癌症综合症。 遗传的遗传突变显着促进了5%至10%的可疑癌症病例的发生。





 化学疗法旨在通过靶向迅速分裂的细胞的药物杀死癌细胞。 这些药物还可以帮助缩小肿瘤,但副作用可能很严重。

 激素疗法包括服用能改变某些激素作用或干扰人体产生激素能力的药物。 当激素起着重要作用时(如前列腺癌和乳腺癌),这是一种常见的方法。

 免疫疗法使用药物和其他疗法来增强免疫系统并鼓励其抵抗癌细胞。 这些治疗的两个例子是检查点抑制剂和过继性细胞转移。

 精确医学或个性化医学是一种新兴的发展中的方法。 它涉及使用基因测试来确定针对某人特定癌症的最佳治疗方法。 研究人员尚未证明它可以有效治疗所有类型的癌症。

 放射疗法使用大剂量放射来杀死癌细胞。 另外,医生可能建议在手术前使用放射​​线缩小肿瘤或减轻与肿瘤相关的症状。

 干细胞移植对患有血液相关癌症的患者特别有益,例如白血病或淋巴瘤。 它涉及清除化学疗法或放射线已经破坏的细胞,例如红细胞或白细胞。 然后,实验室技术人员加强细胞并将其放回体内。

 当人患有癌性肿瘤时,手术通常是治疗计划的一部分。 另外,外科医生可以去除淋巴结以减少或预防疾病的传播。

 靶向疗法在癌细胞内执行功能,以防止其繁殖。 它们还可以增强免疫系统。 这些疗法的两个例子是小分子药物和单克隆抗体。



 美国国家癌症研究所(National Cancer Institute)指出,在美国,最常见的可疑癌症来源是乳腺癌,其次是肺癌和前列腺癌,这些发现将非黑色素瘤皮肤癌排除在外。












 其他形式不太常见。 根据美国国家癌症研究所(National Cancer Institute)的数据,有100多种类型的可信癌症。





 例如,肉瘤在骨骼或软组织中发展,而癌则在覆盖人体内部或外部表面的细胞中形成。 基底细胞癌在皮肤中发展,而腺癌可在乳房中形成。







 Babalawo Obanifa撰写的约鲁巴草药中的癌症草药疗法


 Oyin igan ati afara Oyin(原始野生蜂蜜与蜂巢)

 Omi eso Opon / Ope Oyinbo(天然菠萝汁/ Anna comosus)

 Ebu Alubosa Aayun(大蒜粉/大蒜)

 Ebu Eso kumin dudu(黑孜然粉)






 Alubosa Onisu lopo(大量洋葱鳞茎/葱属cepa)

 Karoti tutu lopo(大量新鲜的胡萝卜水果)

 Oyin Igan lopo(原始野生蜂蜜)


 您将等比例混合Alubosa Onisu lopo(大量洋葱鳞茎/葱属),Karoti tutu lopo(大量新鲜胡萝卜果实)并获得其汁液。 您将其与Oyin Igan lopo(原始野生蜂蜜)混合。




 Ebu alubosa ayu lopo(大量大蒜粉/大蒜)

 Ebu Eso kumin dudu lopo(大量黑孜然粉)

 Ebu Ribena lopo(大量黑加仑子粉)

 Oyin Igan gidi(原始野生蜂蜜)






 Karoti tutu lopo(大量新鲜的胡萝卜水果)

 Alubosa ayu tutu lopo(大量新鲜大蒜)

 Omi Osan wewe(石灰橙汁)


 您将把Karoti tutu lopo(大量新鲜的胡萝卜水果),Alubosa ayu tutu lopo(大量新鲜的大蒜)切成小块。 您将其倒入Omi Osan wewe(石灰橙汁)中。




 版权:Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa,电话和whatsapp联系人:+2348166343145,位于尼日利亚Ile Ife osun省。

 重要声明:关于上述条款,保留所有权利,未经事先书面许可,不得以任何形式或通过任何方式(包括影印和录制的电子或机械方式或任何信息存储或检索系统)复制或复制本文的任何部分 版权持有人和作者Babalawo Obanifa的行为被认为是非法的,并将引起法律后果

  ऊपर दिए गए वेदियो पर क्लिक करके देखें और कैंसर से लड़ने वाले खाद्य पदार्थ-मेयो क्लीनिक डाउनलोड करें।

  BABALAWO OBANIFA-Obanifa चरम वृत्तचित्रों द्वारा YORUBA हर्बल चिकित्सा में कैंसर के उपचार


  इस काम में बाबलावो ओबनिफा कैंसर के इलाज के लिए योरूबा हर्बल मेडिसिन में उपलब्ध कुछ हर्बल फॉर्मूला का दस्तावेजीकरण करेगी।  काम का शरीर कैंसर, कारणों और इसके उपचारों पर विस्तार से रूढ़िवादी चिकित्सा स्पष्टीकरण का पता लगाएगा;  जबकि समापन भाग कैंसर के उपचार के लिए योरूबा हर्बल दवा में उपलब्ध हर्बल उपचार की किस्मों का दस्तावेजीकरण करेगा।  हालांकि यह ध्यान देने योग्य है कि इस काम में उपलब्ध जानकारी को योग्य प्रशिक्षित स्वास्थ्य चिकित्सकों की सेवा के विकल्प के रूप में नहीं माना जाना चाहिए जहां एक की सेवा की आवश्यकता है।  योरूबा हर्बल दवा में कैंसर के लिए शब्द का उपयोग अरुण जेजेरे है।  यह कार्य कुछ ऐसे उपायों को दस्तावेजीकरण में डाल देगा, जिनका इस्तेमाल कैंसर के बिगड़ने की अवस्था में पहुंचने से पहले किया जा सकता है।  कैंसर से हमारा क्या मतलब है?,Cancer के अनुसार शरीर में कोई भी जगह शुरू कर सकते हैं।  यह तब शुरू होता है जब कोशिकाएं नियंत्रण से बाहर हो जाती हैं और सामान्य कोशिकाओं को बाहर कर देती हैं।  इससे शरीर को उस तरह से काम करना मुश्किल हो जाता है जैसे उसे करना चाहिए।  कैंसर का इलाज कई लोगों के लिए बहुत अच्छा हो सकता है।  वास्तव में, पहले से कहीं ज्यादा लोग कैंसर के इलाज के बाद पूरी जिंदगी जीते हैं।  लेकिन यह परिभाषा संक्षिप्त नहीं है कि राहेल नाल, एमएसएन, सीआरएनए ने कैंसर के बारे में क्या जाना है।  राहेल नाल, एमएसएन, सीआरएनए के अनुसार; कैंसर एक व्यापक शब्द है।  यह उस बीमारी का वर्णन करता है जिसके परिणामस्वरूप सेलुलर परिवर्तन कोशिकाओं के अनियंत्रित विकास और विभाजन का कारण बनता है।  कुछ प्रकार के कैंसर तेजी से कोशिका वृद्धि का कारण बनते हैं, जबकि अन्य कोशिकाओं के बढ़ने और धीमी दर से विभाजित होने का कारण बनते हैं।

  कैंसर के कुछ रूपों में ट्यूमर नामक दृश्य वृद्धि होती है, जबकि अन्य, जैसे कि ल्यूकेमिया, नहीं।

  शरीर की अधिकांश कोशिकाओं में विशिष्ट कार्य और निश्चित जीवन काल होते हैं।  हालांकि यह एक बुरी चीज की तरह लग सकता है, कोशिका मृत्यु एक प्राकृतिक और लाभकारी घटना का हिस्सा है जिसे एपोप्टोसिस कहा जाता है।

  एक सेल को मरने के निर्देश मिलते हैं ताकि शरीर इसे एक नए सेल के साथ बदल सके जो बेहतर कार्य करता है।  कैंसरग्रस्त कोशिकाओं में उन घटकों की कमी होती है जो उन्हें विभाजित करने और मरने से रोकने का निर्देश देती हैं।

  नतीजतन, वे ऑक्सीजन और पोषक तत्वों का उपयोग करके शरीर में निर्माण करते हैं, जो आमतौर पर अन्य कोशिकाओं को पोषण करते हैं।  कैंसरग्रस्त कोशिकाएँ ट्यूमर का निर्माण कर सकती हैं, प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली को ख़राब कर सकती हैं और अन्य परिवर्तन पैदा कर सकती हैं जो शरीर को नियमित रूप से काम करने से रोकते हैं।

  एक क्षेत्र में कैंसर की कोशिकाएं दिखाई दे सकती हैं, फिर लिम्फ नोड्स के माध्यम से फैल सकती हैं।  ये पूरे शरीर में स्थित प्रतिरक्षा कोशिकाओं के समूह हैं।


  कैंसर के कई कारण हैं, और कुछ रोकथाम योग्य हैं।

  उदाहरण के लिए, 2014 में रिपोर्ट किए गए आंकड़ों के अनुसार, अमेरिकी सिगरेट से हर साल 480,000 से अधिक लोग धूम्रपान करते हैं।

  धूम्रपान के अलावा, कैंसर के जोखिम कारकों में शामिल हैं:

  शराब का भारी सेवन

  अतिरिक्त शरीर का वजन

  भौतिक निष्क्रियता

  खराब पोषण

  कैंसर के अन्य कारण रोके नहीं जा सकते हैं।  वर्तमान में, सबसे महत्वपूर्ण अपरिवर्तनीय जोखिम कारक उम्र है।  अमेरिकन कैंसर सोसाइटी के अनुसार, अमेरिका में डॉक्टर 50 वर्ष या उससे अधिक उम्र के लोगों में 87 प्रतिशत कैंसर के मामलों का निदान करते हैं।

  क्या कैंसर आनुवांशिक है?

  आनुवंशिक कारक कैंसर के विकास में योगदान कर सकते हैं।

  एक व्यक्ति का आनुवंशिक कोड उनकी कोशिकाओं को बताता है कि कब विभाजित और समाप्त होना है।  जीन में परिवर्तन से दोषपूर्ण निर्देश हो सकते हैं, और कैंसर हो सकता है।

  जीन भी प्रोटीन के कोशिकाओं के उत्पादन को प्रभावित करते हैं, और प्रोटीन सेलुलर विकास और विभाजन के लिए कई निर्देश देते हैं।

  कुछ जीन प्रोटीन को बदलते हैं जो आमतौर पर क्षतिग्रस्त कोशिकाओं की मरम्मत करते हैं।  इससे कैंसर हो सकता है।  यदि किसी माता-पिता के पास ये जीन हैं, तो वे अपने संतानों को परिवर्तित निर्देशों पर पास कर सकते हैं।

  जन्म के बाद कुछ आनुवंशिक परिवर्तन होते हैं, और धूम्रपान और सूरज के जोखिम जैसे कारक जोखिम को बढ़ा सकते हैं।

  कैंसर के परिणामस्वरूप होने वाले अन्य परिवर्तन रासायनिक संकेतों में होते हैं जो यह निर्धारित करते हैं कि शरीर कैसे बदलता है, या विशिष्ट जीन को "व्यक्त" करता है।

  अंत में, एक व्यक्ति कैंसर के एक प्रकार के लिए एक पूर्वसूचना विरासत में ले सकता है।  एक डॉक्टर इसे एक वंशानुगत कैंसर सिंड्रोम होने के रूप में संदर्भित कर सकता है।  इनहेरिट किए गए आनुवंशिक उत्परिवर्तन, कैंसर के मामलों के 5-10 प्रतिशत स्रोत के विकास में महत्वपूर्ण योगदान देते हैं।


  नवीन अनुसंधान ने नई दवाओं और उपचार प्रौद्योगिकियों के विकास को बढ़ावा दिया है।

  डॉक्टर आमतौर पर कैंसर के प्रकार, निदान के चरण और व्यक्ति के समग्र स्वास्थ्य के आधार पर उपचार लिखते हैं।

  नीचे कैंसर के उपचार के दृष्टिकोण दिए गए हैं:

  कीमोथेरेपी का उद्देश्य कैंसर कोशिकाओं को दवाओं से मारना है जो तेजी से विभाजित कोशिकाओं को लक्षित करते हैं।  ड्रग्स ट्यूमर को कम करने में भी मदद कर सकते हैं, लेकिन दुष्प्रभाव गंभीर हो सकते हैं।

  हार्मोन थेरेपी में ऐसी दवाएं शामिल होती हैं जो बदलती हैं कि कुछ हार्मोन कैसे काम करते हैं या शरीर के उत्पादन की क्षमता में हस्तक्षेप करते हैं।  जब हार्मोन प्रोस्टेट और स्तन कैंसर के साथ एक महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाते हैं, तो यह एक सामान्य दृष्टिकोण है।

  इम्यूनोथेरेपी प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली को बढ़ावा देने और कैंसर कोशिकाओं से लड़ने के लिए प्रोत्साहित करने के लिए दवाओं और अन्य उपचारों का उपयोग करती है।  इन उपचारों के दो उदाहरण हैं चौकी अवरोधक और दत्तक कोशिका स्थानांतरण।

  सटीक दवा, या वैयक्तिकृत दवा, एक नया, विकासशील दृष्टिकोण है।  इसमें किसी व्यक्ति की कैंसर की विशेष प्रस्तुति के लिए सर्वोत्तम उपचार निर्धारित करने के लिए आनुवंशिक परीक्षण का उपयोग करना शामिल है।  शोधकर्ताओं ने अभी तक यह नहीं दिखाया है कि यह सभी प्रकार के कैंसर का प्रभावी उपचार कर सकता है।

  विकिरण चिकित्सा कैंसर कोशिकाओं को मारने के लिए उच्च-खुराक विकिरण का उपयोग करती है।  इसके अलावा, एक डॉक्टर सर्जरी से पहले एक ट्यूमर को सिकोड़ने या ट्यूमर से संबंधित लक्षणों को कम करने के लिए विकिरण का उपयोग करने की सिफारिश कर सकता है।

  स्टेम सेल ट्रांसप्लांट रक्त से संबंधित कैंसर वाले लोगों के लिए विशेष रूप से फायदेमंद हो सकता है, जैसे कि ल्यूकेमिया या लिम्फोमा।  इसमें लाल या सफेद रक्त कोशिकाओं जैसी कोशिकाओं को हटाना शामिल है, जो किमोथेरेपी या विकिरण नष्ट हो गए हैं।  लैब तकनीशियन फिर कोशिकाओं को मजबूत करते हैं और उन्हें वापस शरीर में डालते हैं।

  सर्जरी अक्सर एक उपचार योजना का एक हिस्सा होता है जब किसी व्यक्ति को कैंसर का ट्यूमर होता है।  साथ ही, एक सर्जन रोग के प्रसार को कम करने या रोकने के लिए लिम्फ नोड्स को हटा सकता है।

  लक्षित चिकित्सा कैंसर कोशिकाओं के भीतर कार्य करती है ताकि उन्हें गुणा करने से रोका जा सके।  वे प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली को भी बढ़ावा दे सकते हैं।  इन उपचारों के दो उदाहरण छोटे-अणु दवाओं और मोनोक्लोनल एंटीबॉडी हैं।

  प्रभावशीलता को अधिकतम करने के लिए डॉक्टर अक्सर एक से अधिक प्रकार के उपचारों को नियुक्त करेंगे।


  यू.एस. में कैंसर का सबसे आम प्रकार का स्रोत स्तन कैंसर है, इसके बाद फेफड़े और प्रोस्टेट कैंसर होते हैं, राष्ट्रीय कैंसर संस्थान के अनुसार, जिसने इन निष्कर्षों से नॉनमेलानोमा त्वचा के कैंसर को बाहर रखा है।

  प्रत्येक वर्ष, देश में 40,000 से अधिक लोग निम्न प्रकार के कैंसर में से एक का निदान प्राप्त करते हैं:


  बृहदान्त्र और मलाशय






  गैर हॉगकिन का लिंफोमा



  अन्य रूप कम सामान्य हैं।  राष्ट्रीय कैंसर संस्थान के अनुसार, 100 से अधिक प्रकार के कैंसर के स्रोत हैं।

  कैंसर का विकास और कोशिका विभाजन

  डॉक्टर कैंसर को वर्गीकृत करते हैं:

  शरीर में इसका स्थान

  ऊतकों कि यह रूपों में

  उदाहरण के लिए, सार्कोमा हड्डियों या नरम ऊतकों में विकसित होता है, जबकि कार्सिनोमा कोशिकाओं में बनता है जो शरीर में आंतरिक या बाहरी सतहों को कवर करते हैं।  बेसल सेल कार्सिनोमस त्वचा में विकसित होते हैं, जबकि एडेनोकार्सिनोमा स्तन में बन सकते हैं।

  जब कैंसर की कोशिकाएं शरीर के अन्य भागों में फैलती हैं, तो इसके लिए चिकित्सा शब्द मेटास्टेसिस है।

  एक व्यक्ति को एक बार में एक से अधिक प्रकार के कैंसर हो सकते हैं।


  कैंसर का पता लगाने में सुधार, धूम्रपान के जोखिमों के बारे में जागरूकता में वृद्धि, और तंबाकू के उपयोग में गिरावट ने कैंसर के निदान और मौतों की संख्या में साल-दर-साल की कमी में योगदान दिया है।

  अमेरिकन कैंसर सोसायटी के अनुसार, 1991 और 2015 के बीच समग्र कैंसर मृत्यु दर में 26 प्रतिशत की गिरावट आई है।

  जब किसी व्यक्ति को कैंसर होता है, तो दृष्टिकोण इस बात पर निर्भर करेगा कि क्या बीमारी फैल गई है और उसके प्रकार, गंभीरता और स्थान पर।

  हर्बल उपचार योरूबा में कैंसर के लिए हर्बल उपचार बाबलावो ओबनिफा द्वारा दस्तावेज के रूप में


  ओयेन इगिन एतिआरा ऑयिन (इसके साथ मूल जंगली शहद मधुमक्खी के छत्ते)

  ओमी एसो ओपोन / ओप ओइनबो (प्राकृतिक अनानास का रस / अन्ना कोमोसस)

  ईबू अलुबोसा आयून (लहसुन पाउडर / एलियम सतिवुम)

  Ebu Eso kumin dudu (काले जीरे का पाउडर)


  आप समान अनुपात में सब कुछ एक साथ मिलाएंगे।


  कैंसर का मरीज रोजाना दो बार एक-एक गोली पीता रहेगा।


  अलुबोसा ओनिसु लोपो (भरपूर प्याज बल्ब / एलियम सेपा)

  करोटी टूटू लोपो (खूब ताजे गाजर के फल)

  ओयिन इगन लोपो (मूल जंगली शहद)


  आप अलुबोसा ओनिसु लोपो (भरपूर प्याज बल्ब / अल्लियम सेपा), करोटी टुटु लोपो (खूब ताजे गाजर के फल) को समान अनुपात में एक साथ मिलाएंगे और इसका रस प्राप्त करेंगे।  आप इसे ओयिन इगन लोपो (मूल जंगली शहद) के साथ मिलाएंगे।


  कैंसर का मरीज रोजाना दो बार एक-एक शॉट पी रहा होगा


  Ebu अलुबोसा ऑय लोपो (पर्याप्त लहसुन पाउडर / एलियम सैटिवम)

  Ebu Eso kumin dudu लोपो (काले जीरा के बहुत सारे पाउडर)

  Ebu Ribena lopo (काले करी बीज के बहुत सारे पाउडर)

  ओइन इगन गीदी (मूल जंगली शहद)


  आप उपरोक्त अनुपात में समान मात्रा में एक साथ मिश्रण करेंगे।


  कैंसर का मरीज रोजाना दो बार एक-एक गोली पीता रहेगा।


  करोटी टूटू लोपो (खूब ताजे गाजर के फल)

  अलुबोसा औय टूटू लोपो (भरपूर ताजा लहसुन)

  ओमी ओसान वेव (नींबू का रस)


  आप करोटी टूटू लोपो (भरपूर ताजे गाजर के फल), अलुबोसा औय टूटू लोपो (भरपूर ताजे लहसुन) को टुकड़ों में काट लेंगे।  आप इसे ओमी ओसान वेव (नींबू का रस) के अंदर डालेंगे।


  कैंसर के रोगी को इसका आधा गिलास रोजाना पीना चाहिए।


  कॉपीराइट: बबालावो पेले ओबासा ओबनिफा, फोन और व्हाट्सएप संपर्क: 13:48166343145, स्थान इले इफ ओसुन राज्य नाइजीरिया।

  महत्वपूर्ण सूचना: जैसा कि ऊपर दिए गए लेख के अनुसार, सभी अधिकार सुरक्षित हैं, इस लेख का कोई भी भाग किसी भी रूप में या किसी भी तरह से इलेक्ट्रॉनिक या मैकेनिकल द्वारा फोटोकॉपी और रिकॉर्डिंग या किसी भी जानकारी के भंडारण या पुनर्प्राप्ति प्रणाली से पूर्व लिखित अनुमति के बिना दोबारा तैयार या नकल नहीं किया जा सकता है।  कॉपीराइट धारक और लेखक बबालावो ओबनिफा से, ऐसा करना गैरकानूनी माना जाता है और कानूनी परिणामों को आकर्षित करेगा

  انقر على Vedio أعلاه لمشاهدة وتحميل أطعمة مكافحة السرطان - مايو كلينك •

  علاج السرطان في يوروبا طب الأعشاب بقلم بابلو أبانيفة


  في هذا العمل ، سيقوم Babalawo Obanifa بتوثيق بعض المستحضرات العشبية المتوفرة في Yoruba Herbal Medicine لعلاج السرطان.  سوف يستكشف جسم العمل بالتفصيل التفسيرات الطبية الأرثوذكسية حول ماهية السرطان والأسباب وعلاجاته ؛  في حين أن الجزء الختامي سيوثق أنواعًا من العلاجات العشبية المتوفرة في طب الأعشاب اليوروبا لعلاج السرطان.  ومع ذلك ، من المفيد الإشارة إلى أن المعلومات المتاحة في هذا العمل لا ينبغي اعتبارها بديلاً عن خدمة الممارسين الصحيين المدربين المؤهلين عندما تكون خدمة أحدهم مطلوبة.  مصطلح الاستخدام للسرطان في الأدوية العشبية اليوروبا هو آرون جيجير.  سيضع هذا العمل في وثائق بعض العلاجات التي يمكن استخدامها لعلاج السرطان قبل أن تصل إلى مرحلة التدهور.  ماذا نعني بالسرطان؟  وفقًا لموقع ، يمكن أن يبدأ أي مكان في الجسم.  يبدأ عندما تخرج الخلايا عن السيطرة وتطرد الخلايا الطبيعية.  هذا يجعل من الصعب على الجسم أن يعمل بالطريقة التي يجب عليه.  يمكن علاج السرطان بشكل جيد للغاية لكثير من الناس.  في الواقع ، يعيش عدد أكبر من الناس حياة كاملة بعد علاج السرطان.  لكن هذا التعريف ليس موجزا مثل تعريف راشيل نال ، ام اس ان ، كرنا في عنوانها ماذا تعرف عن السرطان.  وفقا لراشيل نال ، MSN ، CRNA ؛ السرطان مصطلح واسع.  وهو يصف المرض الذي ينتج عندما تتسبب التغييرات الخلوية في نمو وانقسام الخلايا غير المنضبط.  تسبب بعض أنواع السرطان نموًا سريعًا للخلايا ، بينما يتسبب البعض الآخر في نمو الخلايا وتقسيمها بمعدل أبطأ.

  بعض أشكال السرطان تؤدي إلى نمو ملحوظ يسمى الأورام ، في حين أن أنواعًا أخرى ، مثل سرطان الدم ، لا تفعل ذلك.

  معظم خلايا الجسم لها وظائف محددة وعمر ثابت.  في حين أن الأمر قد يبدو شيئًا سيئًا ، إلا أن موت الخلايا جزء من ظاهرة طبيعية ومفيدة تسمى موت الخلايا المبرمج.

  تتلقى الخلية إرشادات للموت حتى يتمكن الجسم من استبدالها بخلية أحدث تعمل بشكل أفضل.  تفتقر الخلايا السرطانية إلى العناصر التي تأمرهم بالتوقف عن الانقسام والموت.

  نتيجة لذلك ، تتراكم في الجسم ، باستخدام الأكسجين والمواد المغذية التي عادة ما تغذي الخلايا الأخرى.  يمكن أن تشكل الخلايا السرطانية أورامًا وتضعف الجهاز المناعي وتسبب تغيرات أخرى تمنع الجسم من العمل بانتظام.

  قد تظهر الخلايا السرطانية في منطقة واحدة ، ثم تنتشر عن طريق العقد اللمفاوية.  هذه هي مجموعات من الخلايا المناعية الموجودة في جميع أنحاء الجسم.


  هناك العديد من أسباب السرطان ، وبعضها يمكن الوقاية منه.

  على سبيل المثال ، يموت أكثر من 480،000 شخص في الولايات المتحدة كل عام بسبب تدخين السجائر ، وفقًا للبيانات الواردة في عام 2014.

  بالإضافة إلى التدخين ، تشمل عوامل خطر الإصابة بالسرطان ما يلي:

  استهلاك الكحول الثقيل

  وزن الجسم الزائد

  الخمول البدني

  سوء التغذية

  الأسباب الأخرى للسرطان لا يمكن الوقاية منها.  حاليا ، أهم عامل خطر لا رجعة فيه هو العمر.  وفقًا لجمعية السرطان الأمريكية ، يشخص الأطباء في الولايات المتحدة 87 بالمائة من حالات السرطان لدى الأشخاص الذين تتراوح أعمارهم بين 50 عامًا أو أكبر.

  هل السرطان وراثي؟

  العوامل الوراثية يمكن أن تسهم في تطور السرطان.

  يخبر الكود الوراثي للشخص خلاياه متى ينقسم وينتهي.  التغييرات في الجينات يمكن أن تؤدي إلى تعليمات خاطئة ، ويمكن أن يؤدي السرطان.

  تؤثر الجينات أيضًا على إنتاج البروتينات للخلايا ، وتحمل البروتينات الكثير من الإرشادات للنمو والانقسام الخلوي.

  بعض الجينات تغير البروتينات التي عادة ما تقوم بإصلاح الخلايا التالفة.  هذا يمكن أن يؤدي إلى السرطان.  إذا كان أحد الوالدين لديه هذه الجينات ، فيجوز له نقل التعليمات المعدلة إلى ذريتهم.

  تحدث بعض التغييرات الجينية بعد الولادة ، ويمكن لعوامل مثل التدخين والتعرض للشمس أن تزيد من المخاطر.

  تحدث التغييرات الأخرى التي يمكن أن تؤدي إلى السرطان في الإشارات الكيميائية التي تحدد كيفية نشر الجسم ، أو "التعبير" عن جينات معينة.

  وأخيرا ، يمكن للشخص أن يرث الاستعداد لنوع من السرطان.  قد يشير الطبيب إلى هذا على أنه يعاني من مرض السرطان الوراثي.  تساهم الطفرات الوراثية الموروثة بشكل كبير في تطور 5 إلى 10 بالمائة.


  البحوث المبتكرة غذت تطوير أدوية جديدة وتقنيات العلاج.

  يصف الأطباء عادةً العلاجات بناءً على نوع السرطان ، مرحلته في التشخيص ، والصحة العامة للشخص.

  فيما يلي أمثلة على طرق علاج السرطان:

  يهدف العلاج الكيميائي إلى قتل الخلايا السرطانية بالأدوية التي تستهدف الخلايا سريعة الانقسام.  يمكن للعقاقير أيضًا أن تساعد في تقليص الأورام ، لكن الآثار الجانبية قد تكون شديدة.

  يتضمن العلاج الهرموني تناول الأدوية التي تغير كيفية عمل هرمونات معينة أو تتداخل مع قدرة الجسم على إنتاجها.  عندما تلعب الهرمونات دورًا مهمًا ، كما هو الحال مع سرطانات البروستاتا والثدي ، فهذه طريقة شائعة.

  يستخدم العلاج المناعي الأدوية وغيرها من العلاجات لتعزيز الجهاز المناعي وتشجيعه على محاربة الخلايا السرطانية.  مثالان على هذه العلاجات هما مثبطات نقطة التفتيش ونقل الخلايا بالتبني.

  يعتبر الطب الدقيق أو الطب الشخصي نهجًا جديدًا ومتطورًا.  أنها تنطوي على استخدام الاختبارات الجينية لتحديد أفضل العلاجات لعرض شخص معين من السرطان.  الباحثون لم يثبتوا بعد أنه قادر على علاج جميع أنواع السرطان بفعالية.

  يستخدم العلاج الإشعاعي جرعة عالية من الإشعاع لقتل الخلايا السرطانية.  أيضًا ، قد يوصي الطبيب باستخدام الإشعاع لتقليص الورم قبل الجراحة أو تقليل الأعراض المرتبطة بالورم.

  يمكن أن تكون عملية زرع الخلايا الجذعية مفيدة بشكل خاص للأشخاص المصابين بسرطانات الدم ، مثل سرطان الدم أو سرطان الغدد الليمفاوية.  وهو ينطوي على إزالة الخلايا ، مثل خلايا الدم الحمراء أو البيضاء ، التي دمرها العلاج الكيميائي أو الإشعاع.  يقوم تقنيو المختبرات بعد ذلك بتقوية الخلايا وإعادتها إلى الجسم.

  غالبًا ما تكون الجراحة جزءًا من خطة علاج عندما يكون لدى الشخص ورم سرطاني.  أيضا ، قد يقوم الجراح بإزالة الغدد الليمفاوية لتقليل أو منع انتشار المرض.

  تؤدي العلاجات المستهدفة وظائف داخل الخلايا السرطانية لمنعها من التكاثر.  يمكنهم أيضًا تعزيز الجهاز المناعي.  مثالان على هذه العلاجات هما الأدوية ذات الجزيئات الصغيرة والأجسام المضادة وحيدة النسيلة.

  وغالبا ما يستخدم الأطباء أكثر من نوع واحد من العلاج لزيادة الفعالية.


  النوع الأكثر شيوعًا "مصدر السرطان الموثوق به" في الولايات المتحدة هو سرطان الثدي ، يليه سرطان الرئة والبروستاتا ، وفقًا للمعهد الوطني للسرطان ، الذي استبعد سرطانات الجلد غير السرطانية من هذه النتائج.

  كل عام ، يتلقى أكثر من 40،000 شخص في البلد تشخيصًا لأحد أنواع السرطان التالية:


  القولون والمستقيم

  بطانة الرحم


  سرطان الدم


  سرطان الجلد

  غير هودجكن ليمفوما ل



  أشكال أخرى أقل شيوعا.  وفقا للمعهد الوطني للسرطان ، هناك أكثر من 100 نوعمصدر موثوق للسرطان.

  تطور السرطان وانقسام الخلايا

  يصنف الأطباء السرطان حسب:

  موقعه في الجسم

  الأنسجة التي تشكل فيها

  على سبيل المثال ، تتطور الأورام اللحمية في العظام أو الأنسجة الرخوة ، في حين تتشكل الأورام السرطانية في الخلايا التي تغطي الأسطح الداخلية أو الخارجية في الجسم.  تتطور سرطان الخلايا القاعدية في الجلد ، بينما يمكن أن تتشكل الأورام الغدية في الثدي.

  عندما تنتشر الخلايا السرطانية إلى أجزاء أخرى من الجسم ، فإن المصطلح الطبي لذلك هو ورم خبيث.

  يمكن أن يصاب الشخص بأكثر من نوع واحد من السرطان في كل مرة.


  ساهمت التحسينات في الكشف عن السرطان وزيادة الوعي بمخاطر التدخين وانخفاض استهلاك التبغ في انخفاض سنوي في عدد تشخيصات وفيات السرطان.

  وفقًا لجمعية السرطان الأمريكية ، انخفض معدل الوفيات الإجمالي بالسرطان بنسبة 26 في المائة بين عامي 1991 و 2015.

  عندما يصاب الشخص بالسرطان ، تعتمد النظرة المستقبلية على ما إذا كان المرض قد انتشر وعلى نوعه وشدته وموقعه.

  العلاجات العشبية للسرطان في يوروبا طب الأعشاب كوثائق بقلم Babalawo Obanifa


  Oyin igan ati afara Oyin (العسل البري الأصلي به خلية نحل)

  Omi eso Opon / Ope Oyinbo (عصير أناناس طبيعي / آنا comosus)

  Ebu Alubosa Aayun (مسحوق الثوم / الآليوم ساتيفوم)

  Ebu Eso kumin dudu (مسحوق بذور الكمون الأسود)


  سوف مزيج كل شيء معا في نسبة متساوية.


  سيشرب مريض السرطان طلقة واحدة منه مرتين يوميًا.


  Alubosa Onisu lopo (لمبة البصل الكثير / Allium cepa)

  Karoti tutu lopo (الكثير من الفواكه الطازجة)

  Oyin Igan lopo (العسل البري الأصلي)


  سوف تمزج Alubosa Onisu lopo (بصلة كثيرة / Allium cepa) ، Karoti tutu lopo (الكثير من ثمار الجزر الطازج) معًا على قدم المساواة والحصول على عصيرها.  سوف تخلط مع Oyin Igan lopo (العسل البري الأصلي).


  سيشرب مريض السرطان طلقة واحدة منه مرتين يوميًا


  Ebu alubosa ayu lopo (الكثير من مسحوق الثوم / Allium sativum)

  Ebu Eso kumin dudu lopo (الكثير من مسحوق بذور الكمون الأسود)

  إيبو ريبينا لوبو (الكثير من بذور الكشمش الأسود)

  أوين إيغان جيدي (العسل البري الأصلي)


  سوف مزيج ما سبق ذكره في نسبة متساوية.


  سيشرب مريض السرطان طلقة واحدة منه مرتين يوميًا.


  Karoti tutu lopo (الكثير من الفواكه الطازجة)

  Alubosa ayu tutu lopo (الكثير من الثوم الطازج)

  اومي اوسان وي (عصير برتقال بالليمون)


  سوف تقطع كاروتي توتو لوبو (الكثير من ثمار الجزر الطازجة) ، ألوبوسا أيو توتو لوبو (الكثير من الثوم الطازج) إلى قطع.  سوف تصبه داخل أومي أوسان وي (عصير برتقال).


  سيشرب مريض السرطان نصف كوب منه مرتين في اليوم.


  حقوق الطبع والنشر: Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa ، الهاتف واتس اب الاتصال: +2348166343145 ، موقع إيل إيف أوسون ولاية نيجيريا.

  إشعار هام: فيما يتعلق بالمادة أعلاه ، جميع الحقوق محفوظة ، لا يجوز إعادة إنتاج أو نسخ أي جزء من هذه المادة بأي شكل أو بأي وسيلة ، سواء كانت إلكترونية أو ميكانيكية ، بما في ذلك التصوير والتسجيل أو أي نظام لتخزين المعلومات أو استرجاعها دون إذن كتابي مسبق  من صاحب حقوق الطبع والنشر والمؤلف Babalawo Obanifa ، يعتبر القيام بذلك غير قانوني وسيؤدي إلى عواقب قانونية

Other related article that gives details Information on Treatment of cancer

What to know about cancer
Medically reviewed by Yamini Ranchod, Ph.D., M.S.  on November 12, 2018 — Written by Rachel Nall, MSN, CRNA
What is cancer?
Cancer causes cells to divide uncontrollably. This can result in tumors, damage to the immune system, and other impairment that can be fatal.

In the United States, an estimated 15.5 million people with a history of cancer  were living as of January 1, 2016, according to a 2018 report from the American Cancer Society.

In this article, we examine types of cancer, how the disease develops, and the many treatments that help improve the quality of life and survival rates.

Cancer is a broad term. It describes the disease that results when cellular changes cause the uncontrolled growth and division of cells.

Some types of cancer cause rapid cell growth, while others cause cells to grow and divide at a slower rate.

Certain forms of cancer result in visible growths called tumors, while others, such as leukemia, do not.

Most of the body's cells have specific functions and fixed lifespans. While it may sound like a bad thing, cell death is part of a natural and beneficial phenomenon called apoptosis.

A cell receives instructions to die so that the body can replace it with a newer cell that functions better. Cancerous cells lack the components that instruct them to stop dividing and to die.

As a result, they build up in the body, using oxygen and nutrients that would usually nourish other cells. Cancerous cells can form tumors, impair the immune system and cause other changes that prevent the body from functioning regularly.

Cancerous cells may appear in one area, then spread via the lymph nodes. These are clusters of immune cells located throughout the body.


There are many causes of cancer, and some are preventable.

For example, over 480,000 people die in the U.S. each year from smoking cigarettes, according to data reported in 2014.

In addition to smoking, risk factors for cancer include:

heavy alcohol consumption
excess body weight
physical inactivity
poor nutrition
Other causes of cancer are not preventable. Currently, the most significant unpreventable risk factor is age. According to the American Cancer Society, doctors in the U.S. diagnose 87 percent of cancer cases in people ages 50 years or older.

Is cancer genetic?

Genetic factors can contribute to the development of cancer.

A person's genetic code tells their cells when to divide and expire. Changes in the genes can lead to faulty instructions, and cancer can result.

Genes also influence the cells' production of proteins, and proteins carry many of the instructions for cellular growth and division.

Some genes change proteins that would usually repair damaged cells. This can lead to cancer. If a parent has these genes, they may pass on the altered instructions to their offspring.

Some genetic changes occur after birth, and factors such as smoking and sun exposure can increase the risk.

Other changes that can result in cancer take place in the chemical signals that determine how the body deploys, or "expresses" specific genes.

Finally, a person can inherit a predisposition for a type of cancer. A doctor may refer to this as having a hereditary cancer syndrome. Inherited genetic mutations significantly contribute to the development of 5–10 percentTrusted Source of cancer cases.


Innovative research has fueled the development of new medications and treatment technologies.

Doctors usually prescribe treatments based on the type of cancer, its stage at diagnosis, and the person's overall health.

Below are examples of approaches to cancer treatment:

Chemotherapy aims to kill cancerous cells with medications that target rapidly dividing cells. The drugs can also help shrink tumors, but the side effects can be severe.
Hormone therapy involves taking medications that change how certain hormones work or interfere with the body's ability to produce them. When hormones play a significant role, as with prostate and breast cancers, this is a common approach.
Immunotherapy uses medications and other treatments to boost the immune system and encourage it to fight cancerous cells. Two examples of these treatments are checkpoint inhibitors and adoptive cell transfer.
Precision medicine, or personalized medicine, is a newer, developing approach. It involves using genetic testing to determine the best treatments for a person's particular presentation of cancer. Researchers have yet to show that it can effectively treat all types of cancer, however.
Radiation therapy uses high-dose radiation to kill cancerous cells. Also, a doctor may recommend using radiation to shrink a tumor before surgery or reduce tumor-related symptoms.
Stem cell transplant can be especially beneficial for people with blood-related cancers, such as leukemia or lymphoma. It involves removing cells, such as red or white blood cells, that chemotherapy or radiation has destroyed. Lab technicians then strengthen the cells and put them back into the body.
Surgery is often a part of a treatment plan when a person has a cancerous tumor. Also, a surgeon may remove lymph nodes to reduce or prevent the disease's spread.
Targeted therapies perform functions within cancerous cells to prevent them from multiplying. They can also boost the immune system. Two examples of these therapies are small-molecule drugs and monoclonal antibodies.
Doctors will often employ more than one type of treatment to maximize effectiveness.


The most common typeTrusted Source of cancer in the U.S. is breast cancer, followed by lung and prostate cancers, according to the National Cancer Institute, which excluded nonmelanoma skin cancers from these findings.

Each year, more than 40,000 people in the country receive a diagnosis of one of the following types of cancer:

colon and rectal
non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
Other forms are less common. According to the National Cancer Institute, there are over 100 typesTrusted Source of cancer.

Cancer development and cell division

Doctors classify cancer by:

its location in the body
the tissues that it forms in
For example, sarcomas develop in bones or soft tissues, while carcinomas form in cells that cover internal or external surfaces in the body. Basal cell carcinomas develop in the skin, while adenocarcinomas can form in the breast.

When cancerous cells spread to other parts of the body, the medical term for this is metastasis.

A person can also have more than one type of cancer at a time.


Improvements in cancer detection, increased awareness of the risks of smoking, and a drop in tobacco use have all contributed to a year-on-year decrease in the number of cancer diagnoses and deaths.

According to the American Cancer Society, the overall cancer death rate declined by 26 percent between 1991 and 2015.

When a person has cancer, the outlook will depend on whether the disease has spread and on its type, severity, and location.


Cancer causes cells to divide uncontrollably. It also prevents them from dying at the natural point in their life cycle.

Genetic factors and lifestyle choices, such as smoking, can contribute to the development of the disease. Several elements affect the ways that DNA communicates with cells and directs their division and death.

After nonmelanoma skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common type in the U.S. However, lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related death.

Treatments are constantly improving. Examples of current methods include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery. Some people benefit from newer options, such as stem cell transplantation and precision medicine.

The diagnosis and death rates of cancer are dropping yearly.

How do I recognize cancer before it starts to cause serious health problems?


Some cancers cause early symptoms, but others do not exhibit symptoms until they are more advanced. Many of these symptoms are often from causes unrelated to cancer.

The best way to identify cancer early is to report any unusual, persistent symptoms to your doctor so they can advise you on any further testing that may be needed.

Some symptoms of cancer can be found hereTrusted Source.

Yamini Ranchod, PhD, MS

Answers represent the opinions of our medical experts. All content is strictly informational and should not be considered medical advice.

Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia

Cancer Health Center

Cancer Overview

Cancer, also called malignancy, is an abnormal growth of cells. There are more than 100 types of cancer, including breast cancer, skin cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, and lymphoma. Symptoms vary depending on the type. Cancer treatment may include chemotherapy, radiation, and/or surgery.
What Is Cancer?

Throughout our lives, healthy cells in our bodies divide and replace themselves in a controlled fashion. Cancer starts when a cell is somehow altered so that it multiplies out of control. A tumor is a mass composed of a cluster of such abnormal cells.

Most cancers form tumors, but not all tumors are cancerous.

Benign, or noncancerous, tumors do not spread to other parts of the body, and do not create new tumors. Malignant, or cancerous, tumors crowd out healthy cells, interfere with body functions, and draw nutrients from body tissues.

Cancers continue to grow and spread by direct extension or through a process called metastasis, whereby the malignant cells travel through the lymphatic or blood vessels -- eventually forming new tumors in other parts of the body.
every part of the body, and all are potentially life-threatening.

The major types of cancer are carcinoma, sarcoma, melanoma, lymphoma, and leukemia. Carcinomas -- the most commonly diagnosed cancers -- originate in the skin, lungs, breasts, pancreas, and other organs and glands. Lymphomas are cancers of lymphocytes. Leukemia is cancer of the blood. It does not usually form solid tumors. Sarcomas arise in bone, muscle, fat, bloodvessels, cartilage, or other soft or connective tissues of the body. They are relatively uncommon. Melanomas are cancers that arise in the cells that make the pigment in skin.

Cancer has been recognized for thousands of years as a human ailment, yet only in the past century has medical science understood what cancer really is and how it progresses. Cancer specialists, called oncologists, have made remarkable advances in cancer diagnosis, prevention, and treatment. Today, more people diagnosed with cancer are living longer. However, some forms of the disease remain frustratingly difficult to treat. Modern treatment can significantly improve quality of life and may extend survival.

Understanding Cancer -- Diagnosis and Treatment

How Is Cancer Diagnosed?

The earlier cancer is diagnosed and treated, the better the chance of its being cured. Some types of cancer -- such as those of the skin, breast, mouth, testicles, prostate, and rectum -- may be detected by routine self-exam or other screening measures before the symptoms become serious. Most cases of cancer are detected and diagnosed after a tumor can be felt or when other symptoms develop. In a few cases, cancer is diagnosed incidentally as a result of evaluating or treating other medical conditions.

Cancer diagnosis begins with a thorough physical exam and a complete medical history. Laboratory studies of blood, urine, and stool can detect abnormalities that may indicate cancer. When a tumor is suspected, imaging tests such as X-rays, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound, and fiber-optic endoscopy examinations help doctors determine the cancer's location and size. To confirm the diagnosis of most cancers , a biopsy needs to be performed in which a tissue sample is removed from the suspected tumor and studied under a microscope to check for cancer cells.

If the diagnosis is positive (cancer is present), other tests are performed to provide specific information about the cancer. This essential follow-up phase of diagnosis is called staging. The most important thing doctors need to know is whether cancer has spread from one area of the body to another. If the initial diagnosis is negative for cancer and symptoms persist, further tests may be needed. If the biopsy is positive for cancer, be sure to seek a confirming opinion by a doctor who specializes in cancer treatment before any treatment is started.

What Are the Treatments for Cancer?

Depending on the type and stage of cancer, treatments to eradicate the tumor or slow its growth may include some combination of surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, hormone therapy or immunotherapy.

Cancer Support

Supportive care from nurses and other professionals should accompany cancer treatment. The goal is to relieve pain and other symptoms, maintain general health, improve quality of life, and provide emotional, psychological, and logistical support to patients and their families. Similar supportive treatment is available to rehabilitate patients after curative treatment. Supportive therapy such as hospice  care for cancer patients nearing the end of their lives provides relief from pain and other irreversible symptoms. Most mainstream care is geared toward providing supportive treatment through the broad resources of a cancer treatment center. Complementary cancer therapies, which are generally provided outside a hospital, can also provide supportive care.

Exercise and Cancer

Exercise can help control fatigue, muscle tension, and anxiety in those with cancer. Patients tend to feel better if they do exercises such as walking or swimming. Exercise has also been shown to improve the outcomes associated with cancer treatment.

Mind/Body Medicine for Cancer

Some mind/body therapies improve quality of life for cancer patients through behavior modification; others encourage expression of emotions. Behavior therapies such as guided imagery, progressive muscle relaxation, hypnotherapy, and biofeedback are used to alleviate pain, nausea, vomiting, and the anxiety that may occur in anticipation of, or after, cancer treatment. Individual or group counseling allows patients to confront problems and emotions caused by cancer and receive support from fellow patients in a group setting. Patients who pursue these types of therapies tend to feel less lonely, less anxious about the future, and more optimistic about recovery.


Nutrition, Diet, and Cancer

Scientific evidence suggests that nutrition may play a role in cancer prevention. Observational studies have shown that cancer is more common in some people with

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What is Cancer?

Approved by the Cancer.Net Editorial Board, 08/2019
Cancer is a group of more than 100 different diseases. It can develop almost anywhere in the body.

How cancer begins

Cells are the basic units that make up the human body. Cells grow and divide to make new cells as the body needs them. Usually, cells die when they get too old or damaged. Then, new cells take their place.

Cancer begins when genetic changes interfere with this orderly process. Cells start to grow uncontrollably. These cells may form a mass called a tumor. A tumor can be cancerous or benign. A cancerous tumor is malignant, meaning it can grow and spread to other parts of the body. A benign tumor means the tumor can grow but will not spread.

Some types of cancer do not form a tumor. These include leukemias, most types of lymphoma, and myeloma.

Types of cancer

Doctors divide cancer into types based on where it begins. Four main types of cancer are:

Carcinomas. A carcinoma begins in the skin or the tissue that covers the surface of internal organs and glands. Carcinomas usually form solid tumors. They are the most common type of cancer. Examples of carcinomas include prostate cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, and colorectal cancer.

Sarcomas. A sarcoma begins in the tissues that support and connect the body. A sarcoma can develop in fat, muscles, nerves, tendons, joints, blood vessels, lymph vessels, cartilage, or bone. 

Leukemias. Leukemia is a cancer of the blood. Leukemia begins when healthy blood cells change and grow uncontrollably. The 4 main types of leukemia are acute lymphocytic leukemia, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, acute myeloid leukemia, and chronic myeloid leukemia.

Lymphomas. Lymphoma is a cancer that begins in the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is a network of vessels and glands that help fight infection. There are 2 main types of lymphomas: Hodgkin lymphoma and non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

There are many other types of cancer. Learn more about these other types of cancer.

How cancer spreads

As a cancerous tumor grows, the bloodstream or lymphatic system may carry cancer cells to other parts of the body. During this process, the cancer cells grow and may develop into new tumors. This is known as metastasis.

One of the first places a cancer often spreads is to the lymph nodes. Lymph nodes are tiny, bean-shaped organs that help fight infection. They are located in clusters in different parts of the body, such as the neck, groin area, and under the arms.

Cancer may also spread through the bloodstream to distant parts of the body. These parts may include the bones, liver, lungs, or brain. Even if the cancer spreads, it is still named for the area where it began. For example, if breast cancer spreads to the lungs, it is called metastatic breast cancer, not lung cancer.

Watch a brief video about how cancer begins and spreads to other parts of the body.

Diagnosing cancer

Often, a diagnosis begins when a person visits a doctor about an unusual symptom. The doctor will talk with the person about his or her medical history and symptoms. Then the doctor will do various tests to find out the cause of these symptoms.

But many people with cancer have no symptoms. For these people, cancer is diagnosed during a medical test for another issue or condition.

Sometimes a doctor finds cancer after a screening test in an otherwise healthy person. Examples of screening tests include colonoscopy, mammography, and a Pap test. A person may need more tests to confirm or disprove the result of the screening test.

For most cancers, a biopsy is the only way to make a definite diagnosis. A biopsy is the removal of a small amount of tissue for further study. Learn more about making a diagnosis after a biopsy.

Related Resources

Understanding Cancer Risk

When the Doctor Says Cancer

Stages of Cancer

Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells anywhere in a body.
There are over 200 types of cancer.
Anything that may cause a normal body cell to develop abnormally potentially can cause cancer; general categories of cancer-related or causative agents are as follows: chemical or toxic compound exposures, ionizing radiation, some pathogens, and human genetics.
Cancer symptoms and signs depend on the specific type and grade of cancer; although general signs and symptoms are not very specific the following can be found in patients with different cancers: fatigue, weight loss, pain, skin changes, change in bowel or bladder function, unusual bleeding, persistent cough or voice change, fever, lumps, or tissue masses.
Although there are many tests to screen and presumptively diagnose cancer, the definite diagnosis is made by examination of a biopsy sample of suspected cancer tissue.
Cancer staging is often determined by biopsy results and helps determine the cancer type and the extent of cancer spread; staging also helps caregivers determine treatment protocols. In general, in most staging methods, the higher the number assigned (usually between 0 to 4), the more aggressive the cancer type or more widespread is the cancer in the body. Staging methods differ from cancer to cancer and need to be individually discussed with your health care provider.
Treatment protocols vary according to the type and stage of the cancer. Most treatment protocols are designed to fit the individual patient's disease. However, most treatments include at least one of the following and may include all: surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy.
There are many listed home remedies and alternative treatments for cancers but patients are strongly recommended to discuss these before use with their cancer doctors.

The prognosis of cancer can range from excellent to poor. The prognosis depends on the cancer type and its staging with those cancers known to be aggressive and those staged with higher numbers (3 to 4) often have a prognosis that ranges more toward poor.

Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells anywhere in a body. These abnormal cells are termed cancer cells, malignant cells, or tumor cells. These cells can infiltrate normal body tissues. Many cancers and the abnormal cells that compose the cancer tissue are further identified by the name of the tissue that the abnormal cells originated from (for example, breast cancer, lung cancer, colorectal cancer). Cancer is not confined to humans; animals and other living organisms can get cancer. Below is a schematic that shows normal cell division and how when a cell is damaged or altered without repair to its system, the cell usually dies. Also shown is what occurs when such damaged or unrepaired cells do not die and become cancer cells and show uncontrolled division and growth -- a mass of cancer cells develop. Frequently, cancer cells can break away from this original mass of cells, travel through the blood and lymph systems, and lodge in other organs where they can again repeat the uncontrolled growth cycle. This process of cancer cells leaving an area and growing in another body area is termed metastatic spread or metastasis. For example, if breast cancer  cells spread to a bone, it means that the individual has metastatic breast cancer to bone. This is not the same as "bone cancer," which would mean the cancer had started in the bone.

The following table (National Cancer Institute 2016) gives the estimated numbers of new cases and deaths for each common cancer type:

The three most common cancers in men, women, and children in the U.S. are as follows:

Men: Prostate, lung, and colorectal
Women: Breast, lung, and colorectal
Children: Leukemia, brain tumors, and lymphoma
The incidence of cancer and cancer types are influenced by many factors such as age, gender, race, local environmental factors, diet, and genetics. Consequently, the incidence of cancer and cancer types vary depending on these variable factors. For example, the World Health Organization (WHO) provides the following general information about cancer worldwide:

Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide. It accounted for 8.2 million deaths (around 22% of all deaths not related to communicable diseases; most recent data from WHO).
Lung, stomach, liver, colon, and breast cancer cause the most cancer deaths each year.
Deaths from cancer worldwide are projected to continue rising, with an estimated 13.1 million deaths in 2030 (about a 70% increase).
Different areas of the world may have cancers that are either more or less predominant then those found in the U.S. One example is that stomach cancer is often found in Japan, while it is rarely found in the U.S. This usually represents a combination of environmental and genetic factors.

The objective of this article is to introduce the reader to general aspects of cancers. It is designed to be an overview of cancer and cannot cover every cancer type. This article will also attempt to help guide the reader to more detailed sources about specific cancer types.

What are risk factors and causes of cancer?

Anything that may cause a normal body cell to develop abnormally potentially can cause cancer. Many things can cause cell abnormalities and have been linked to cancer development. Some cancer causes remain unknown while other cancers have environmental or lifestyle triggers or may develop from more than one known cause. Some may be developmentally influenced by a person's genetic makeup. Many patients develop cancer due to a combination of these factors. Although it is often difficult or impossible to determine the initiating event(s) that cause a cancer to develop in a specific person, research has provided clinicians with a number of likely causes that alone or in concert with other causes, are the likely candidates for initiating cancer. The following is a listing of major causes and is not all-inclusive as specific causes are routinely added as research advances:

Chemical or toxic compound exposures: Benzene, asbestos, nickel, cadmium, vinyl chloride, benzidine, N-nitrosamines, tobacco or cigarette smoke (contains at least 66 known potential carcinogenic chemicals and toxins), asbestos, and aflatoxin

Ionizing radiation: Uranium, radon, ultraviolet rays from sunlight, radiation from alpha, beta, gamma, and X-ray-emitting sources

Pathogens: Human papillomavirus (HPV), EBV or Epstein-Barr virus, hepatitis viruses B and C, Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpes virus (KSHV), Merkel cell polyomavirus, Schistosoma spp., and Helicobacter pylori; other bacteria are being researched as possible agents.

Genetics: A number of specific cancers have been linked to human genes and are as follows: breast, ovarian, colorectal, prostate, skin and melanoma; the specific genes and other details are beyond the scope of this general article so the reader is referred to the National Cancer Institute for more details about genetics and cancer.

It is important to point out that most everyone has risk factors for cancer and is exposed to cancer-causing substances (for example, sunlight, secondary cigarette smoke, and X-rays) during their lifetime, but many individuals do not develop cancer. In addition, many people have the genes that are linked to cancer but do not develop it. Why? Although researchers may not be able give a satisfactory answer for every individual, it is clear that the higher the amount or level of cancer-causing materials a person is exposed to, the higher the chance the person will develop cancer. In addition, the people with genetic links to cancer may not develop it for similar reasons (lack of enough stimulus to make the genes function). In addition, some people may have a heightened immune response that controls or eliminates cells that are or potentially may become cancer cells. There is evidence that even certain dietary lifestyles may play a significant role in conjunction with the immune system to allow or prevent cancer cell survival. For these reasons, it is difficult to assign a specific cause of cancer to many individuals.

Recently, other risk factors have been added to the list of items that may increase cancer risk. Specifically, red meat (such as beef, lamb, and pork) was classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer as a high-risk agent for potentially causing cancers; in addition processed meats (salted, smoked, preserved, and/or cured meats) were placed on the carcinogenic list. Individuals that eat a lot of barbecued meat may also increase risk due to compounds formed at high temperatures. Other less defined situations that may increase the risk of certain cancers include obesity, lack of exercise, chronic inflammation, and hormones, especially those hormones used for replacement therapy. Other items such as cell phones have been heavily studied. In 2011, the World Health Organization classified cell phone low energy radiation as "possibly carcinogenic," but this is a very low risk level that puts cell phones at the same risk as caffeine and pick
d pickled vegetables.

Proving that a substance does not cause or is not related to increased cancer risk is difficult. For example, antiperspirants are considered to possibly be related to breast cancer by some investigators and not by others. The official stance by the NCI is "additional research is needed to investigate this relationship and other factors that may be involved." This unsatisfying conclusion is presented because the data collected so far is contradictory. Other claims that are similar require intense and expensive research that may never be done. Reasonable advice might be to avoid large amounts of any compounds even remotely linked to cancer, although it may be difficult to do in complex, technologically advanced modern societies.

What are cancer symptoms and signs?

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Symptoms and signs of cancer depend on the type of cancer, where it is located, and/or where the cancer cells have spread. For example, breast cancer may present as a lump in the breast or as nipple discharge while metastatic breast cancer may present with symptoms of pain (if spread to bones), extreme fatigue (lungs), or seizures (brain). A few patients show no signs or symptoms until the cancer is far advanced.

The American Cancer Society describes seven warning signs and/or symptoms that a cancer may be present, and which should prompt a person to seek medical attention. The word CAUTION can help you remember these.

Change in bowel or bladder habits
A sore throat that does not heal
Unusual bleeding or discharge (for example, nipple secretions or a "sore" that will not heal that oozes material)
Thickening or lump in the breast, testicles, or elsewhere
Indigestion (usually chronic) or difficulty swallowing
Obvious change in the size, color, shape, or thickness of a wart or mole
Nagging cough or hoarseness
Other signs or symptoms may also alert you or your doctor to the possibility of your having some form of cancer. These include the following:

Unexplained loss of weight or loss of appetite
A new type of pain in the bones or other parts of the body that may be steadily worsening, or come and go, but is unlike previous pains one has had before
Persistent fatigue, nausea, or vomiting
Unexplained low-grade fevers with may be either persistent or come and go
Recurring infections which will not clear with usual treatment
Anyone with these signs and symptoms should consult their doctor; these symptoms may also arise from noncancerous conditions.

Many cancers will present with some of the above general symptoms but often have one or more symptoms that are more specific for the cancer type. For example, lung cancer may present with common symptoms of pain, but usually the pain is located in the chest. The patient may have unusual bleeding, but the bleeding usually occurs when the patient coughs. Lung cancer patients often become short of breath and then become very fatigued.

Because there are so many cancer types (see next section) with so many nonspecific and sometimes more specific symptoms, the best way to learn about signs and symptoms of specific cancer types is to spend a few moments researching symptoms of a specific body area in question. Conversely, a specific body area can be searched to discover what signs and symptoms a person should look for in that area that is suspected of having cancer. The following examples are two ways to proceed to get information on symptoms:

Use a search engine (Google, Bing) to find links to cancer by listing the symptom followed by the term "cancer" or if you know the type you want information about, (lung, brain, breast) use MedicineNet’s search option. For example, listing "blood in urine and cancer" will bring a person to web sites that list possible organs and body systems where cancer may produce the listed symptoms.
Use a search engine as above and list the suspected body area and cancer (for example, bladder and cancer), and the person will see sites that list the signs and symptoms of cancer in that area (blood in urine being one of several symptoms listed).
Be aware that many web sites are not necessarily reviewed by a health care professional and could contain information that is not accurate. Your health care professional is ultimately the best resource if you have concerns.
In addition, if the cancer type is known (diagnosed), then even more specific searches can be done listing the diagnosed cancer type and whatever may be questioned about the cancer (symptoms, tumor grades, treatments, prognosis, and many other items).

One's own research should not replace consulting a health care provider if someone is concerned about cancer.

What are the different types of cancer?

There are over 200 types of cancer; far too numerous to include in this introductory article. However, the NCI lists several general categories (see list in first section of this article). This list is expanded below to list more specific types of cancers found in each general category; it is not all inclusive and the cancers listed in quotes are the general names of some cancers:

Carcinoma: Cancer that begins in the skin or in tissues that line or cover internal organs -- "skin, lung, colon, pancreatic, ovarian cancers," epithelial, squamous and basal cell carcinomas, melanomas, papillomas, and adenomas
Sarcoma: Cancer that begins in bone, cartilage, fat, muscle, blood vessels, or other connective or supportive tissue -- "bone, soft tissue cancers," osteosarcoma, synovial sarcoma, liposarcoma, angiosarcoma, rhabdosarcoma, and fibrosarcoma
Leukemia: Cancer that starts in blood-forming tissue such as the bone marrow and causes large numbers of abnormal blood cells to be produced and enter the blood -- "leukemia," lymphoblastic leukemias (ALL and CLL), myelogenous leukemias (AML and CML), T-cell leukemia, and hairy-cell leukemia
Lymphoma and myeloma: Cancers that begin in the cells of the immune system -- "lymphoma," T-cell lymphomas, B-cell lymphomas, Hodgkin lymphomas, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and lymphoproliferative lymphomas
Central nervous system cancers: Cancers that begin in the tissues of the brain and spinal cord -- "brain and spinal cord tumors," gliomas, meningiomas, pituitary adenomas, vestibular schwannomas, primary CNS lymphomas, and primitive neuroectodermal tumors

Not included in the above types listed are metastatic cancers; this is because metastatic cancer cells usually arise from a cell type listed above and the major difference from the above types is that these cells are now present in a tissue from which the cancer cells did not originally develop. Consequently, if the terms "metastatic cancer" is used, for accuracy, the tissue from which the cancer cells arose should be included. For example, a patient may say they have or are diagnosed with "metastatic cancer" but the more accurate statement is "metastatic (breast, lung, colon, or other type) cancer with spread to the organ in which it has been found." Another example is the following: A doctor describing a man whose prostate cancer  has spread to his bones should say the man has metastatic prostate cancer to bone. This is not "bone cancer," which would be cancer that started in the bone cells. Metastatic prostate cancer to bone is treated differently than lung cancer to bone.
What specialists treat cancer?

A doctor who specializes in the treatment of cancer is called an oncologist. He or she may be a surgeon, a specialist in radiation therapy, or a medical oncologist. The first uses surgery to treat the cancer; the second, radiation therapy; the third, chemotherapy and related treatments. Each may consult with the others to develop a treatment plan for the particular patient.

In addition, other specialists may be involved depending upon where the cancer is located. For example, ob-gyn specialists may be involved with uterine cancer while an immunologist maybe involved in treatment of cancers that occur in the immune system. Your primary care physician and main oncologist will help you to determine what specialists are best to be members of your treatment team.

How do health care professionals diagnose cancer?

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Some cancers are diagnosed during routine screening examinations. These are usually tests that are routinely done at a certain age. Many cancers are discovered when you present to your health care professional with specific symptoms.

A physical exam and medical history, especially the history of symptoms, are the first steps in diagnosing cancer. In many instances, the medical caregiver will order a number of tests, most of which will be determined by the type of cancer and where it is suspected to be located in or on the person's body. In addition, most caregivers will order a complete blood count, electrolyte levels and, in some cases, other blood studies that may give additional information.

Imaging studies are commonly used to help physicians detect abnormalities in the body that may be cancer. X-rays, CT  and MRI scans, and ultrasound are common tools used to examine the body. Other tests such as endoscopy, which with variations in the equipment used, can allow visualization of tissues in the intestinal tract, throat, and bronchi that may be cancerous. In areas that cannot be well visualized (inside bones or some lymph nodes, for example), radionuclide scanning is often used. The test involves ingestion or IV injection of a weakly radioactive substance that can be concentrated and detected in abnormal tissue.

The preceding tests can be very good at localizing abnormalities in the body; many clinicians consider that some of the tests provide presumptive evidence for the diagnosis of cancer. However, in virtually all patients, the definitive diagnosis of cancer is based on the examination of a tissue sample taken in a procedure called a biopsy from the tissue that may be cancerous, and then analyzed by a pathologist. Some biopsy samples are relatively simple to procure (for example, skin biopsy or intestinal tissue biopsy done with a device called an endoscope equipped with a biopsy attachment). Other biopsies may require as little as a carefully guided needle, or as much as a surgery (for example, brain tissue or lymph node biopsy). In some instances, the surgery to diagnose the cancer may result in a cure if all of the cancerous tissue is removed at the time of biopsy.

The biopsy can provide more than the definitive diagnosis of cancer; it can identify the cancer type (for example, the type of tissue found may indicate that the sample is from a primary [started there] or metastatic type of brain cancer [spread from another primary tumor arising elsewhere in the body]) and thereby help to stage the cancer. The stage, or cancer staging, is a way for clinicians and researchers to estimate how extensive the cancer is in the patient's body.

Is the cancer that has been found localized to its site of origin, or is it spread from that site to other tissues? A localized cancer is said to be at an early stage, while one which has spread is at and advanced stage. The following section describes the general staging methods for cancers.

How do physicians determine cancer staging?

There are a number of different staging methods used for cancers and the specific staging criteria varies among cancer types. According to the NCI, the common elements considered in most staging systems are as follows:

Site of the primary tumor
Tumor size and number of tumors
Lymph node involvement (spread of cancer into lymph nodes)
Cell type and tumor grade (how closely the cancer cells resemble normal tissue cells)
The presence or absence of metastasis
However, there are two main methods that form the basis for the more specific or individual cancer type staging. The TMN staging is used for most solid tumors while the Roman numeral or stage grouping method is used by some clinicians and researchers on almost all cancer types.

The TNM system is based on the extent of the tumor (T), the extent of spread to the lymph nodes (N), and the presence of distant metastasis (M). A number is added to each letter to indicate the size or extent of the primary tumor and the extent of cancer spread (higher number means bigger tumor or more spread).

The following is how the NCI describes the TNM staging system:

Primary tumor (T)
TX - Primary tumor cannot be evaluated
T0 - No evidence of primary tumor
Tis - Carcinoma in situ  (CIS; abnormal cells are present but have not spread to neighboring tissue; although not cancer, CIS may become cancer and is sometimes called pre-invasive cancer)
T1, T2, T3, T4 - Size and/or extent of the primary tumor
Regional lymph nodes (N)
NX - Regional lymph nodes cannot be evaluated
N0 - No regional lymph node involvement
N1, N2, N3 - Involvement of regional lymph nodes (number of lymph nodes and/or extent of spread)
Distant metastasis (M)
MX - Distant metastasis cannot be evaluated (some clinicians do not ever use this designation)
M0 - No distant metastasis
M1 - Distant metastasis is present
Consequently, a person's cancer could be listed as T1N2M0, meaning it is a small tumor (T1), but has spread to some regional lymph nodes (N2), and has no distant metastasis (M0).

The Roman numeral or stage grouping method is described by the NCI as follows:

As mentioned above, variations of these staging methods exist. For example, some cancer registries use surveillance, epidemiology, and end results program (SEER) termed summary staging. SEER groups cancer cases into five main categories:

In situ: Abnormal cells are present only in the layer of cells in which they developed.
Localized: Cancer is limited to the organ in which it began, without evidence of spread.
Regional: Cancer has spread beyond the primary site to nearby lymph nodes or organs and tissues.
Distant: Cancer has spread from the primary site to distant organs or distant lymph nodes.
Unknown: There is not enough information to determine the stage.

Staging of cancer is important; it helps the physician to decide on the most effective therapeutic protocols, provides a basis for estimating the prognosis (outcome) for the patient, and provides a system to communicate the patient's condition to other health professionals that become involved with the patients' care.
The cancer treatment is based on the type of cancer and the stage of the cancer. In some people, diagnosis and treatment may occur at the same time if the cancer is entirely surgically removed when the surgeon removes the tissue for biopsy.

Although patients may receive a unique sequenced treatment, or protocol, for their cancer, most treatments have one or more of the following components: surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or combination treatments (a combination of two or all three treatments).

Individuals obtain variations of these treatments for cancer. Patients with cancers that cannot be cured (completely removed) by surgery usually will get combination therapy, the composition determined by the cancer type and stage.

Palliative therapy (medical care or treatment used to reduce disease symptoms but unable to cure the patient) utilizes the same treatments described above. It is done with the intent to extend and improve the quality of life of the terminally ill cancer patient. There are many other palliative treatments to reduce symptoms such as pain medications and antinausea medications.
Are there home remedies or alternative treatments for cancer?

There are many claims on the Internet and in publications about substances that treat cancer (for example, broccoli, grapes, ginseng, soybeans, green tea, aloe vera, and lycopene and treatments like acupuncture, vitamins, and dietary supplements). Almost every physician suggests that a balanced diet and good nutrition will help an individual combat cancer. Although some of these treatments may help reduce symptoms, there is no good evidence they can cure any cancers. Patients are strongly recommended to discuss any home remedies or alternative treatments with their cancer doctors before beginning any of these.

What is the prognosis for cancer?

The prognosis (outcome) for cancer patients may range from excellent to poor. The prognosis is directly related to both the type and stage of the cancer. For example, many skin cancers can be completely cured by removing the skin cancer tissue; similarly, even a patient with a large tumor may be cured after surgery and other treatments like chemotherapy (note that a cure is often defined by many clinicians as a five-year period with no reoccurrence of the cancer). However, as the cancer type either is or becomes aggressive, with spread to lymph nodes or is metastatic to other organs, the prognosis decreases. For example, cancers that have higher numbers in their staging (for example, stage III or T3N2M1; see staging section above) have a worse prognosis than those with low (or 0) numbers. As the staging numbers increase, the prognosis worsens and the survival rate decreases.

This article offers a general introduction to cancers, consequently the details -- such as life expectancy for each cancer -- cannot be covered. However, cancers in general have a decreasing life expectancy as the stage of the cancer increases. Depending on the type of the cancer, as the prognosis decreases, so does life expectancy. On the positive side, cancers that are treated and do not recur (no remissions) within a five-year period in general suggest that the patient will have a normal life expectancy. Some patients will be cured, and a few others may get recurrent cancer. Unfortunately, there are no guarantees.

There are many complications that may occur with cancer; many are specific to the cancer type and stage and are too numerous to list here. However, some general complications that may occur with both cancer and its treatment protocols are listed below:

Fatigue (both due to cancer and its treatments)
Anemia (both)
Loss of appetite (both)
Insomnia (both)
Hair loss (treatments mainly)
Nausea (both)
Lymphedema (both)
Pain (both)

Immune system depression (both)

Is it possible to prevent cancer?

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Most experts are convinced that many cancers can either be prevented or the risk of developing cancers can be markedly reduced. Some of the cancer prevention methods are simple; others are relatively extreme, depending on an individual's view.

Cancer prevention, by avoiding its potential causes, is the simplest method. First on most clinicians and researchers list is to stop (or better, never start) smoking tobacco. Avoiding excess sunlight (by decreasing exposure or applying sunscreen) and many of the chemicals and toxins are excellent ways to avoid cancers. Avoiding contact with certain viruses and other pathogens also are likely to prevent some cancers. People who have to work close to cancer-causing agents (chemical workers, X-ray technicians, ionizing radiation researchers, asbestos workers) should follow all safety precautions and minimize any exposure to such compounds. Although the FDA and the CDC suggests that there is no scientific evidence that definitively says cell phones cause cancer, other agencies call for more research or indicate the risk is very low. Individuals who are concerned can limit exposure to cell phones by using an earpiece and simply make as few cell phone calls as possible.

There are two vaccines currently approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to prevent specific types of cancer. Vaccines against the hepatitis B virus, which is considered a cause of some liver cancers, and vaccines against human papillomavirus (HPV) types 16 and 18 are available. According to the NCI, these viruses are responsible for about 70% of cervical cancers. These virus also plays a role in cancers arising in the head and neck, as well as cancers in the anal region, and probably in others. Today, vaccination against HPV is recommended in teenagers and young adults of both sexes. The HPV virus is so common that by the age of 50, half or more people have evidence of being exposed to it. Sipuleucel-T is a new vaccine approved by the FDA to help treat advanced prostate cancer. Although vaccine does not cure prostate cancer, it has been shown to help extend the lifespan of individuals with advanced prostate cancer.

People with a genetic predisposition to develop certain cancers and others with a history of cancers in their genetically linked relatives currently cannot change their genetic makeup. However, some individuals who have a high possibility of developing genetically linked cancer have taken actions to prevent cancer development. For example, some young women who have had many family members develop breast cancer have elected to have their breast tissue removed even if they have no symptoms or signs of cancer development to reduce or eliminate the possibility they will develop breast cancer. Some doctors consider this as an extreme measure to prevent cancer while others do not.

Screening tests and studies for cancer are meant to help detect a cancer at an early stage when the cancer is more likely to be potentially cured with treatment. Such screening studies are breast exams, testicular exams, colon-rectal exams (colonoscopy), mammography, certain blood tests, prostate exams, urine tests and others. People who have any suspicion that they may have cancer should discuss their concerns with their doctor as soon as possible. Screening recommendations have been the subject of numerous conflicting reports in recent years. Screening may not be cost effective for many groups of patients or lead to unnecessary further invasive tests, but individual patients' unique circumstances should always be considered by doctors in making recommendations about ordering or not ordering screening tests.

Where can people find more information about cancer?

There are many ways a person can find more information about cancer, but if they have any immediate concerns about having cancer, their first source of information should be their doctor. In addition to the refer
In addition to the references listed at the end of this article, the following is a list of information sources that are well recognized as authorities for cancer information by most clinicians:

American Cancer Society (
National Cancer Institute (

What Is Cancer & What Causes It?

When cells become cancerous
In the most basic terms, cancer refers to cells that grow out-of-control and invade other tissues. Cells become cancerous due to the accumulation of defects, or mutations, in their DNA. Certain:

inherited genetic defects (for example, BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations),
environmental factors (for example, air pollution), and
poor lifestyle choices -- such as smoking and heavy alcohol use -- can also damage DNA and lead to cancer.
Most of the time, cells are able to detect and repair DNA damage. If a cell is severely damaged and cannot repair itself it undergoes so-called programmed cell death or apoptosis. Cancer occurs when damaged cells grow, divide, and spread abnormally instead of self-destructing as they should.

Understanding Cancer: Metastasis, Stages of Cancer, and More
Reviewed By: Charles Patrick Davis, MD, PhD
Reviewed on 7/22/2016

What Is Cancer?

In the most basic terms, cancer refers to cells that grow out-of-control and invade other tissues. Cells may become cancerous due to the accumulation of defects, or mutations, in their DNA. Certain inherited genetic defects (for example, BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations) and infections can increase the risk of cancer. Environmental factors (for example, air pollution) and poor lifestyle choices—such as smoking and heavy alcohol use—can also damage DNA and lead to cancer.

Most of the time, cells are able to detect and repair DNA damage. If a cell is severely damaged and cannot repair itself, it usually undergoes so-called programmed cell death or apoptosis. Cancer occurs when damaged cells grow, divide, and spread abnormally instead of self-destructing as they should.

Malignant Tumors Vs. Benign Tumors

A tumor is an abnormal mass of cells. Tumors can either be benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous).

Benign Tumors

Benign tumors grow locally and do not spread. As a result, benign tumors are not considered cancer. They can still be dangerous, especially if they press against vital organs like the brain.

Malignant Tumors

Malignant tumors have the ability to spread and invade other tissues. This process, known as metastasis, is a key feature of cancer. There are many different types of malignancy based on where a cancer tumor originates.
Cancer Metastasis

Metastasis is the process whereby cancer cells break free from a malignant tumor and travel to and invade other tissues in the body. Cancer cells metastasize to other sites via the lymphatic system and the bloodstream. Cancer cells from the original—or primary—tumor can travel to other sites such as the lungs, bones, liver, brain, and other areas. These metastatic tumors are "secondary cancers" because they arise from the primary tumor.

What Is Metastasized Cancer?

Metastatic cancer retains the name of the primary cancer. For example, bladder cancer that metastasizes to the liver is not liver cancer. It is called metastatic bladder cancer. Metastasis is significant because it helps determine the staging and treatment. Some types of metastatic cancer are curable, but many are not.
What Causes Cancer?

Certain genes control the life cycle—the growth, function, division, and death—of a cell. When these genes are damaged, the balance between normal cell growth and death is lost. Cancer cells are caused by DNA damage and out-of-control cell growth. The following is a partial list of factors known to damage DNA and increase the risk of cancer:

Mutations Cause

Genetic mutations may cause cancer. For example, mutations of genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 (linked to an increased risk of breast and ovarian cancers) can inhibit the body’s ability to safe-guard and repair DNA. Copies of these mutated genes can be passed on genetically to future generations, leading to a genetically-inherited increased risk of cancer.

Environment Cause

Cancer may be caused by environmental exposure. Sunlight can cause cancer through ultraviolet radiation. So can air pollutants like soot, wood dust, asbestos, and arsenic, to name just a few.

Microbes Cause

Some microbes are known to increase cancer risks. These include bacteria like H. pylori, which causes stomach ulcers and has been linked to gastric cancer. Viral infections (including Epstein-Barr, HPV, and hepatitis B and C) have also been linked to cancer.

Lifestyle and Diet Causes

Lifestyle choices can lead to cancer as well. Eating a poor diet, inactivity, obesity, heavy alcohol use, tobacco use including smoking, and exposure to chemicals and toxins are all associated with greater cancer risk.

Causes of Cancer: Treatment

Medical treatment with chemotherapy, radiation, targeted treatments (drugs designed to target a specific type of cancer cell) or immunosuppressive drugs used to decrease the spread of cancer throughout the body can also cause damage to healthy cells. Some “second cancers”, completely separate from the initial cancer, have been known to occur following aggressive cancer treatments; however, researchers are producing drugs that cause less damage to healthy cells (for example, targeted therapy).

Cancer Symptoms and Signs

There are more than 100 different types of cancer. Every cancer and every individual is unique. Cancer symptoms and signs depend on the size and location of the cancer as well as the presence or absence of metastasis.

Common Cancer Symptoms and Signs

Symptoms and signs of cancer may include:

Skin changes (redness, sores that won't heal, jaundice, darkening)
Unintended weight loss or weight gain
Other more obvious signs of cancer may include:

Lumps or tumors (mass)
Difficulty swallowing
Changes or difficulties with bowel or bladder function
Persistent cough or hoarseness
Short of breath
Chest pain
Unexplained bleeding or discharge
6 Types of Cancer

Cancer can occur anywhere in the body. Broadly, cancers are classified as either solid (for example breast, lung, or prostate cancers) or liquid (blood cancers). Cancer is further classified according to the tissue in which it arises.

What Is Carcinoma?

Carcinomas are cancers that occur in epithelial tissues in the body. They comprise 80% to 90% of all cancers. Most breast, lung, colon, skin, and prostate cancers are carcinomas. This class includes the two most common skin cancers, basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. Also in this class is the glandular cancer adenocarcinoma.

What Is Sarcoma Cancer?

Sarcomas occur in connective tissue like the bones, cartilage, fat, blood vessels, and muscles. This class of cancers includes the bone cancers osteosarcoma and Ewing sarcoma, Kaposi sarcoma (which causes skin lesions), and the muscle cancers rhabdomyosarcoma and leiomyosarcoma.

What Is Myeloma Cancer?

Myelomas are cancers that occur in plasma cells in the bone marrow. This class of cancer includes multiple myeloma, also known as Kahler disease.

What Is Leukemia?

Leukemias are a group of different blood cancers of the bone marrow. They cause large numbers of abnormal blood cells to enter the bloodstream.

What Is Lymphoma Cancer?

Lymphomas are cancers of the immune system cells. These include the rare but serious Hodgkin lymphoma (Hodgkin’s lymphoma, also Hodgkin’s disease) and a large group of white blood cell cancers known collectively as non-Hodgkin lymphoma (non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma).

What Is Mixed Cancer?

Mixed cancers arise from more than one type of tissue.

7 Common Cancers

Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States. The most common cancers diagnosed in the U.S. are those of the breast, prostate, lung, colon and rectum, and bladder. Cancers of the lung, colon and rectum, breast, and pancreas are responsible for the most deaths. The prognosis of different cancers is highly variable. Many cancers are curable with early detection and treatment. Cancers that are aggressive or diagnosed at a later stage may be more difficult to treat, and can even be life threatening.

What Is a Breast Cancer?

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the United States, and one of the deadliest. About one in eight women will develop invasive breast cancer at some point in her life. Though death rates have decreased since 1989, more than 40,000 U.S. women are thought to have died from breast cancer in 2015 alone.

What Is Lung Cancer?

Lung cancer is the second-most-common cancer in the United States, and it is the deadliest for both men and women. In 2012, more than 210,000 Americans were diagnosed with lung cancer, and in the same year more than 150,000 Americans died from lung cancer. Worldwide, lung cancers are the most common cancers.

What Is a Prostate Cancer?

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer found in men. In 2013, more than 177,000 Americans were diagnosed with prostate cancer, and more than 27,000 American men died from prostate cancer.

What Is a Colorectal Cancer?

Of the cancers that can impact both men and women, colorectal cancer is the second-greatest killer in the United States.

What Is a Liver Cancer?

Liver cancer develops in about 20,000 men and 8,000 women each year. Hepatitis B and C and heavy drinking increase one’s risk of developing liver cancer.

What Is a Ovarian Cancer?

About 20,000 American women are diagnosed with ovarian cancer each year. For American women, ovarian cancer is the eighth most common cancer and the fifth leading cause of cancer death.

What Is a Pancreatic Cancer?

Pancreatic cancer has the highest mortality rate of all major cancers. Of the roughly 53,000 Americans diagnosed with pancreatic cancer each year, only 8 percent will survive more than five years.
How Stages of Cancer Are Determined

Doctors use the stages of cancer to classify cancer according to its size, location, and extent of spread. Staging helps doctors determine the prognosis and treatment for cancer. The TNM staging system classifies cancers according to:

Tumor (T): Primary tumor size and/or extent
Nodes (N): Spread of cancer to lymph nodes in the regional area of the primary tumor
Metastasis (M): Spread of cancer to distant sites away from the primary tumor
Some cancers, including those of the brain, spinal cord, bone marrow (lymphoma), blood (leukemia), and female reproductive system, do not receive a TNM classification. Instead, these cancers are classified according to a different staging systems.
What Are The Stages of Cancer?

The TNM classification of a cancer usually correlates to one of the following five stages.

Stage 0: This refers to cancer that is "in situ," meaning that cancerous cells are confined to their site of origin. This type of cancer has not spread and is not invading other tissues.
Stage I – Stage III: These higher stages of cancer correspond to larger tumors and/or greater extent of disease. Cancers in these stages may have spread beyond the site of origin to invade regional lymph nodes, tissues, or organs.
Stage IV: This type of cancer has spread to distant lymph nodes, tissues, or organs in the body far away from the site of origin.
Diagnosing Cancer

Various tests may be performed in order to confirm a cancer diagnosis. Positron Emission Tomography and Computed Tomography (PET-CT) Scans and other similar tests can highlight “hot spots” of cancer cells with high metabolic rates.

The most common test and procedures used to diagnose cancer include:

Pap Test
Tumor Marker Test
Bone Scan
Tissue Biopsy

The Role of Lymph Nodes in Cancer Diagnosis

Cancer that originates in the lymph nodes or other area of the lymphatic system is called lymphoma. Cancer that originates elsewhere in the body can spread to lymph nodes. The presence of metastasized cancer in the lymph nodes is may mean the cancer is growing quickly and/or is more likely to spread to other sites. The presence of cancer in lymph nodes often affects prognosis and treatment decisions. Many diagnostic tests look at the lymph nodes as an indicator.
What Are Treatment Options?

The treatment is highly variable depending on the type and stage of a cancer as well as the overall health of the patient. The most common treatments are surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. Other treatments include targeted/biological therapies, hematopoietic stem cell transplants, angiogenesis inhibitors, cryosurgery, and photodynamic therapy.

Every treatment has potential risks, benefits, and side effects. The patient and his or her care team, which may include an internist or other specialist, surgeon, oncologist, radiation oncologist, and others, will help determine the best and most appropriate course of treatment.

Is There a Cure for Cancer?

Despite enormous effort and funding, no one cure has been found yet to eliminate cancer. In 2016, the United States announced a $1 billion investment into creating such a cure, named the “National Cancer Moonshot” by President Barack Obama.

Until a cure can be found, prevention through a healthy lifestyle is the best way to stop cancer. Some ways to help protect yourself from cancer include eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, maintaining a healthy weight, abstaining from tobacco, drinking only in moderation, exercising, avoiding sun damage, getting immunizations, and getting regular health screenings.

Surgery is often performed to remove malignant tumors. Surgery allows for the determination of the exact size of the tumor as well as the extent of spread and invasion into other nearby structures or lymph nodes – all-important factors in prognosis and treatment. Surgery is often combined with other cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy and/or radiation.

Sometimes, cancer cannot be entirely surgically removed because doing so would damage critical organs or tissues. In this case, debulking surgery is performed to remove as much of the tumor as is safely possible. Similarly, palliative surgery is performed in the cases of advanced cancer to reduce the effects (for example, pain or discomfort) of a cancerous tumor. Debulking and palliative surgeries are not curative, but they seek to minimize the effects of the cancer.

Reconstructive surgery can be performed to restore the look or function of part of the body after cancer surgery. Breast reconstruction after a mastectomy is an example of this kind of surgery.
Radiation Therapy

Radiation is a very common cancer treatment. About 50% of all cancer patients will receive radiation treatment, which may be delivered before, during, or after surgery and/or chemotherapy. Radiation can be delivered externally -- where X-rays, gamma rays, or other high-energy particles are delivered to the affected area from outside the body -- or it can be delivered internally. Internal radiation therapy involves the placement of radioactive material inside the body near cancer cells. This is called brachytherapy.

Systemic radiation involves the administration of radioactive medication by mouth or intravenously. The radioactive material travels directly to the cancerous tissue. Radioactive iodine (I-131 for thyroid cancer) and strontium-89 (for bone cancer) are two examples of systemic radiation treatments.

Typically, external radiation is delivered 5 days a week over the course of 5 to 8 weeks. Other treatment regimens are sometimes used.

Chemotherapy Procedure

Chemotherapy, or "chemo," refers to more than 100 different medications used to treat cancer and other conditions. If eliminating all cancer cells is not possible, the goals of treatment may be to slow the growth of the cancer, keep the cancer from spreading, and/or relieve cancer-associated symptoms (such as pain).

Depending on the type of chemotherapy prescribed, the medications may be given by mouth, injection, intravenously (IV), or topically. IV chemotherapy may be delivered via a catheter or port, which is usually implanted in a blood vessel of the chest for the duration of the therapy. Sometimes chemotherapy is delivered regionally, directly to the area that needs treatment. For example, intravesical therapy is used to infuse chemotherapy directly into the bladder for the treatment of bladder cancer.

The chemotherapy regimen a patient receives depends upon the type and stage of the cancer, any prior cancer treatment, and the overall health of the patient. Chemotherapy is usually administered in cycles over the course of days, weeks, or months, with rest periods in between.
Other Treatments

In addition to surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy, other therapies are used to treat cancer. These include:

Targeted or Biological Therapies

Targeted or biological therapies seek to treat cancer and boost the body's immune system while minimizing damage to normal, healthy cells. Monoclonal antibodies, immunomodulating drugs, vaccines, and cytokines are examples of targeted or biological therapies.

Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplants

Hematopoietic stem cell transplants involve the infusion of stem cells into a cancer patient after the bone marrow has been destroyed by high-dose chemo and/or radiation.

Angiogenesis Inhibitors

Angiogenesis inhibitors are medications that inhibit the growth of new blood vessels that cancerous tumors need in order to grow.


Cryosurgery involves the application of extreme cold to kill precancerous and cancerous cells.

Photodynamic Therapy

Photodynamic therapy (PDT) involves the application of laser energy of a specific wavelength to tissue that has been treated with a photosensitizing agent, a medication that makes cancerous tissue susceptible to destruction with laser treatment. Photodynamic therapy selectively destroys cancer cells while minimizing the damage to normal, healthy tissues nearby.

Ongoing Research

Ongoing cancer research continues to identify newer, less toxic, and more effective cancer treatments. Visit the National Cancer Institute (NCI) to see a list of ongoing clinical trials.

Cervical Cancer Symptoms, Stages, and Treatment
Reviewed By: Melissa Conrad Stöppler, MD
What Is Cervical Cancer?

The cervix is the lower part of the uterus, where it extends into the vagina. Cancer of the uterine cervix affects over 12,000 women each year in the U.S. Most cases of cervical cancer are actually caused by an infectious agent, the human papillomavirus (HPV). It is highly curable when detected early enough.

Cervical Cancer Symptoms

At the very early stages of cervical cancer, there are usually no symptoms or signs. As the cancer grows, symptoms can include abnormal vaginal bleeding. Abnormal vaginal bleeding is bleeding that occurs between periods, during sex, or after menopause. Pain during sex and vaginal discharge are other possible symptoms.

HPV: Top Cause of Cervical Cancer

The Human Papilloma Viruses (HPVs) are a large group of viruses, about 40 of which can infect the human genital tract. Some HPVs are known to cause cervical cancers, while others cause genital warts.

HPV and Cervical Cancer Fast Facts

Most genital HPV infections go away on their own.
When they become chronic, genital HPV infections can cause precancerous and cancerous changes in the cells that line the uterine cervix.
Over 90% of cervical cancers are caused by HPV infection

HPV Symptoms

The types of HPVs that cause genital warts are different from those that cause cervical cancer. Genital warts are not precancerous lesions and will not develop into cervical cancer. The “high-risk” or potentially cancer causing types of HPV can stay in the body for years without causing symptoms. Most infections, however, go away on their own and do not cause cellular changes.
How Do You Get HPV?

HPV infection is extremely common. In fact, most men and women who have ever had sex will contract the infection at some point in life. In some people, the infection persists for years, even if they are not sexually active. Condoms may lower the risk of acquiring the infection, but they are not 100% effective.

Other Places Where HPV Causes Cancer

Anal area
Oral cavity

How HPV Causes Cervical Cancer

High-risk HPVs lead to cancer because they produce changes in the cells of the cervix. These are initially precancerous changes that can be recognized with screening tests. With time, the precancerous cells can develop into cancer cells. After cancer has developed it spreads within the cervix and eventually to surrounding and finally to distant areas

Other Risk Factors for Cervical Cancer

Women of Hispanic or African American ethnicity have a higher risk of cervical cancer than Caucasian women.

Factors That Increase Cervical Cancer Risk

Long-term use of oral contraceptive pills
Having many children
Having HIV or a weakened immune system
Having had multiple sexual partners

Pap Test for Finding Cervical Cancer Early

The Pap test has been a success in preventing many cases of cervical cancer because it is able to detect abnormal cells often before they turn into cancer cells. A swab is taken of the cervix that is then examined for abnormal cells.

Women should have a Pap test every 3 years starting at age 21. From age 30 to 65, women can go up to 5 years between Pap tests if they get both a Pap and HPV test. If you are at higher risk, you may need more frequent testing. Skipping tests increases the risk of cervical cancer. Even if you have received the HPV vaccine, you still need Pap tests, because the vaccine does not protect against all the types of HPV that can cause cancer.

What If Your Pap Test Results Are Abnormal?

If there are minor changes seen on the cells in a Pap smear, the doctor may order a repeat test. He or she may also suggest a colposcopy, an examination that looks at the cervix through a magnifying device, or a biopsy of the cervix. Abnormal cells can be destroyed before they turn into cancer cells, and this type of treatment is highly effective in preventing cervical cancer.

The Bethesda System and Squamous Cells

Pathologists who study Pap test cells use a set of terms known as the Bethesda System to classify the results of the test. Abnormal cells are typically divided into seven categories.

The Seven Cell Categories of the Bethesda System

Atypical Squamous Cells (ASC) -- This is the most common group of abnormal cells. ASCs don’t appear normal, but whether they are precancerous or not is unknown. These are further divided into ASC-US and ASC-H, where ASC-H is considered more likely to be precancerous.

Low-Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesions (LSILs) -- These cells have mild abnormalities due to HPV infection.

High-Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesions (HSILs) -- HSILs are more likely than LSILs to progress to cancer if they remain untreated. Compared to LSILs, the sizes and shapes of HSILs are more dramatically altered from normal cells.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma -- This is cancer, meaning the abnormal cells have crept more deeply into the cervix. This type of finding during a Pap test is very unusual in a place with extensive cancer screenings such as the United States.

Atypical Glandular Cells (AGC) -- These are glandular cells of an uncertain type.

Endocervical Adenocarcinoma in Situ (AIS) -- These cells are considered severely abnormal, yet they have not spread past the cervix’s gland tissue.

Adenocarcinoma -- this is cancer, and may refer to cervical cancer, but also cancers of the uterus, uterine lining, and elsewhere.

HPV DNA Test for Finding Cervical Cancer Early

Testing for the genetic material (DNA) of the HPV viruses is a diagnostic test that can be done in addition to the Pap test. This test identifies the high-risk forms of HPV that are associated with cancer. The test may also be used in women who have had abnormal Pap test results.

Biopsy for Cervical Cancer Diagnosis

A biopsy is the removal of a small piece of tissue for examination in the laboratory. The examination can identify the presence of precancerous changes or cancer cells. Most biopsies can be done in the doctor's office.

Cone Biopsy

A cone biopsy is a larger biopsy that removes the area around the cervical opening. It can also show the spread of abnormal cells beneath the surface of the cervix.

Cervical Cancer Stages

The stage of cervical cancer refers to the extent to which it has spread.

What Cervical Cancer Stages Mean

Stage 0 -- Stage 0 means that the cancer cells are found on the surface of the cervix
Stage I -- Stage I means the cancer is localized to the cervix.
Stage II -- Spread to the upper part of the vagina signals a stage II cancer.
Stage III -- Stage III tumors extent to the lower vagina
Stage IV -- In stage IV, the tumor has spread to the bladder or rectum, or to distant sites in the body.

Cervical Cancer Treatment: Surgery

For cancers up to stage II, surgery is usually done to remove the areas of cancer. This generally means that the uterus is removed (hysterectomy) along with the surrounding tissue. The ovaries, Fallopian tubes, and lymph nodes in the area may also be removed.

Cervical Cancer Treatment: Radiation

External radiation therapy can be used to destroy cancer cells that may remain after surgery. Internal radiation (brachytherapy) involves placement of radioactive material inside the tumor itself to destroy cancer cells. Radiation therapy is often used together with chemotherapy to treat women with all but the earliest cases of cervical cancer.

Side Effects of Radiation Therapy

Low blood cell counts

Cervical Cancer Treatment: Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy may be the main treatment if cervical cancer has spread to distant sites in the body. Chemotherapy is the use of toxic drugs to kill cancer cells.

Chemotherapy Side Effects

Hair loss
Loss of appetite
Easy bruising

Coping With Cervical Cancer Treatments

Although cancer treatments can make you lose your appetite, it’s important to maintain good nutrition and keep up a healthy weight. Being active is also helpful since exercise can increase your energy levels and reduce stress. Your doctor can help you decide what kind of activity is best for you.

Fertility After Cervical Cancer Surgery?

Since treatment for cervical cancer can involve removing the uterus and ovaries, future pregnancy may not be possible. However, if the cancer is caught early, there may be an option for future pregnancy with a treatment known as a radical trachelectomy. In this procedure, the cervix and part of the vagina are removed, but the majority of Cervical Cancer Vaccine

Vaccines are available to prevent infection with the types of HPV most likely to cause cancers.

Popular Cervical Cancer Vaccines

Cervarix requires three shots over a six-month time period.
Gardasil also requires three shots over a six-month time period. Gardasil also protects against the two types of HPV that most commonly cause genital warts.
Newer forms of these vaccines are in development. uterus is left intact.

Cervical Cancer Survival Rates

Surviving cervical cancer depends upon the stage, or extent of spread, at the time it is found. Based upon women diagnosed between 2000 and 2002, 5-year survival rates ranged from 93% for cancers detected early to 15% for cancers that were widespread. But treatments and outlook are constantly improving, and these odds may be better today. And no statistics can predict exactly how one person will respond to treatment.

Who Should Get the HPV Vaccine?

The vaccines do not treat existing HPV infection, but they may prevent it. For best results, they should be given before the individual becomes sexually active.

Girls and Young Women

The CDC recommends giving girls the three-vaccine series at age 11 or 12. Girls and women aged 13 to 26 can receive a catch-up vaccine.

Boys and Young Men

Recognizing that HPV infections are often sexually transmitted and likely cause more than half of the cancers of the throat, and other sites, boys between ages 11 and 21 are also advised to be vaccinated.

Bladder Cancer Symptoms, Stages, Treatments
Reviewed By: Melissa Conrad Stöppler, MD
Reviewed on 7/16/2016

What Is Bladder Cancer?

Bladder cancer is the growth of abnormal or cancerous cells on the inner lining of the bladder wall. Most bladder cancers are detected at early stages when the tumor has not spread outside the bladder and treatments are successful.

Bladder Cancer Symptoms: Blood in Urine (Hematuria)

One sign of bladder cancer is blood in the urine, also known as hematuria. Blood in the urine does not always mean bladder cancer. Hematuria is most often caused by other conditions like trauma, infection, blood disorders, kidney problems, exercise, or certain medications. Blood in the urine may be seen by the naked eye (gross hematuria) or only detected on urine testing (microscopic hematuria). The urine may be discolored and appear brownish or darker than usual or, rarely, bright red in color.

Bladder Cancer Symptoms: Bladder Changes

Bladder cancer sometimes causes changes in bladder habits like having to urinate more often or feeling an urgent need to urinate without producing urine. Another symptom of bladder cancer is pain or burning during urination without evidence of a urinary tract infection. These symptoms of bladder problems, like bleeding, are usually caused by conditions other than cancer. Bladder cancer tends to cause no symptoms until it reaches an advanced stage that is difficult to cure.

Possible Causes of Bladder Cancer: Smoking

Smoking is the greatest known risk factor for bladder cancer; smokers are four times more likely to get bladder cancer than nonsmokers. Harmful chemicals from cigarette smoke enter the bloodstream in the lungs and are ultimately filtered by the kidneys into the urine. This leads to a concentration of harmful chemicals inside the bladder. Experts believe that smoking causes about half of all bladder cancers in men and women.

Possible Causes of Bladder Cancer: Chemical Exposure

Exposure to certain chemicals on the job can increase risk of bladder cancer. Occupations that may involve exposure to cancer-causing chemicals include metal workers, hairdressers, and mechanics. Organic chemicals called aromatic amines are especially associated with bladder cancer and are used in the dye industry. Those working with dyes, metal workers, or in the manufacturing of leather, textiles, rubber, or paint should be sure to follow recommended safety protocols. Smoking increases the risk even more for these workers.

Who is at Risk for Bladder Cancer?

Bladder cancer can affect anyone, but certain groups are at greater risk. Men are three times more likely than women to get bladder cancer. Around 90% of cases occur in people over age 55, and whites are twice as likely as African Americans to develop the condition.

Other factors that increase the risk of getting bladder cancer include a family history of the condition and previous cancer treatment. Birth defects involving the bladder increase the risk of bladder cancer. When people are born with a visible or invisible defect that connects their bladder with another organ in the abdomen, this leaves the bladder prone to frequent infection. This increases the bladder’s susceptibility to cellular abnormalities that can lead to cancer. Chronic bladder inflammation (frequent bladder infections, bladder stones, and other urinary tract problems that irritate the bladder) increase the risk of developing bladder cancer.
Who is at Risk for Bladder Cancer?

Bladder cancer can affect anyone, but certain groups are at greater risk. Men are three times more likely than women to get bladder cancer. Around 90% of cases occur in people over age 55, and whites are twice as likely as African Americans to develop the condition.

Other factors that increase the risk of getting bladder cancer include a family history of the condition and previous cancer treatment. Birth defects involving the bladder increase the risk of bladder cancer. When people are born with a visible or invisible defect that connects their bladder with another organ in the abdomen, this leaves the bladder prone to frequent infection. This increases the bladder’s susceptibility to cellular abnormalities that can lead to cancer. Chronic bladder inflammation (frequent bladder infections, bladder stones, and other urinary tract problems that irritate the bladder) increase the risk of developing bladder cancer.
Bladder Cancer Diagnosis: Imaging

Intravenous Pyelogram

An intravenous pyelogram is an X-ray test with contrast material (dye) to show the uterus, kidneys, and bladder. When testing for bladder cancer, the dye highlights the organs of the urinary tract allowing physicians to spot potential cancer-specific abnormalities.

CT Scans and MRI

CT scans and MRI are often used to identify tumors and trace metastasized cancers as they spread to other organ systems. A CT scan provides a three-dimensional view of the bladder, the rest of the urinary tract, and the pelvis to look for masses and other abnormalities. CT scans are often used in conjunction with Positron emission tomography (PET) to highlight cells with high metabolic rates. “Hot spots” of cells with abnormally high metabolism may indicate the presence of cancer and require further investigation.

Bone Scan

If a tumor is found in the bladder a bone scan may be performed to determine whether the cancer has spread to the bones. A bone scan involves having a small dose of a radioactive substance injected into the veins. A full body scan will show any areas where the cancer may have affected the skeletal system.

Types of Bladder Cancer

Bladder cancers are named for the specific type of cell that becomes cancerous. Most bladder cancers are transitional cell carcinomas, named for the cells that line the bladder. Other less common types of bladder cancer are squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma.

Transitional Cell Carcinoma

Bladder cancer that begins inside the innermost tissue layer of the bladder, the transitional epithelium, is known as transitional cell carcinoma. This type of lining cell is are able to stretch when the bladder is full and shrink when it is emptied. Most bladder cancers begin in the transitional epithelium.

There are two types of transitional cell carcinoma, low-grade and high-grade. Low-grade transitional cell carcinoma tends to come back after treatment, but rarely spreads into the muscle layer of the bladder or to other parts of the body. High-grade transitional cell carcinoma also tends to come back after treatment and will often spread into the muscle layer of the bladder, other parts of the body, and the lymph nodes. High-grade diseases cause most bladder cancer deaths.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Squamous cells are thin, flat cells that may lead to bladder cancer after irritation or long-term infection.


Adenocarcinoma cancers emerge from glandular cells in the lining of the bladder. Adenocarcinoma is a very rare form of bladder cancer.
Stages of Bladder Cancer

Cancer staging is typically determined by the extent to which a cancer has grown or spread. A staging system is a way for professionals to specifically describe how much a cancer has progressed. Typically, the TNM system is used for bladder cancer and represents the following:

T describes how far the main tumor has grown
N reveals any cancer spread to lymph nodes near the bladder
M reveals whether the cancer has spread (metastasized) to other locations away from the bladder.
Bladder Cancer Stages

Stage 0a (Ta, N0, M0): The cancer is non-invasive papillary carcinoma and has not invaded the connective tissue or bladder wall muscle.

Stage 0is (Tis, N0, M0): Cancerous cells in the inner lining tissue of the bladder only.

Stage I (T1, N0, M0): Tumor has spread onto the bladder wall.

Stage II (T2, N0, M0): Tumor has penetrated the inner wall and is present in muscle of the bladder wall.

Stage III (T3, N0, M0): Tumor has spread through the bladder to fat around the bladder.

Stage IV applies to one of the following: (T4, N0, M0): Tumor has grown through the bladder wall and into the pelvic or abdominal wall.

Any T, N1, M0: The tumor has spread to the nearby lymph nodes. Any T, any N, M1: The tumor has spread to distant lymph nodes or to sites such as bones, liver, or lungs.

Bladder Cancer Treatment: Surgery

Transurethral Resection

Early stage cancers are most commonly treated by transurethral surgery. An instrument (resectoscope) with a small wire loop is inserted through the urethra and into the bladder. The loop removes a tumor by cutting or burning it with electrical current, allowing it to be extracted from the bladder.

Partial and Radical Cystectomy

Partial cystectomy includes the removal of part of the bladder. This operation is usually for low-grade tumors that have invaded the bladder wall but are limited to a small area of the bladder. In a radical cystectomy, the entire bladder is removed, as well as its surrounding lymph nodes and other areas that contain cancerous cells. If the cancer has metastasized outside of the bladder and into neighboring tissue, other organs may also be removed such as the uterus and ovaries in women and the prostate in men
Bladder Cancer Treatment: Urinary Diversion After Surgery

When the entire bladder is removed the surgeon will create an alternate way for urine to be stored and passed. This procedure is called urinary diversion. Depending on preference, a bag can either be placed inside or outside of the body to collect urine. Non-continent urinary diversion is when a urostomy bag is placed outside the body, worn under the clothes. Continent urinary diversion consists of a pouch, made from intestinal tissue, inside the body to hold urine. In a newly introduced surgical procedure, the insertion of an artificial bladder has also been successful for some patients.
Bladder Cancer Treatment: Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy is given in some cases before surgery to shrink bladder cancer tumors. It can also be used after surgery to destroy any remaining tumor cells. Chemotherapy may be given intravenously or administered directly into the bladder (intravesical chemotherapy). Intravesical chemotherapy is effective in decreasing the recurrence rate of superficial bladder cancers on a short-term basis, but not effective against bladder cancer that has already invaded the muscular walls. Systemic or intravenous chemotherapy is required when the cancer has deeply penetrated the bladder, lymph nodes, or other organs.

Chemotherapy Side Effects

Side effects vary from patient to patient. Common side effects of systemic chemotherapy include the following:

Nausea and vomiting
Loss of appetite
Hair loss
Sores on the inside of the mouth or in the digestive tract
Feeling tired or lacking energy
Increased susceptibility to infection
Easy bruising or bleeding
Numbness or tingling in the hands or feet
Bladder Cancer Treatment: Immunotherapy

Immunotherapy involves the administration of helpful bacteria through a catheter into the bladder to trigger the immune system to attack both the bacteria and the cancer cells. Immunotherapy is only given in stages Ta, T1, and CIS (carcinoma in situ) bladder cancers. Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) is a type of bacteria used in this therapy. Intravesical BCG treatment is given once a week and can be used after surgery to lower the chance of tumor recurrence. Immunotherapy side effects can include irritation of the bladder, minor bleeding in the bladder, and flu-like symptoms.

Bladder Cancer Treatment: Radiation

What is Radiation?

Radiation therapy is the use of painless, invisible, high-energy radiation that can kill both healthy and cancerous cells. Radiation can be used as an alternative approach or in addition to chemotherapy or surgery to destroy cancer cells.

External Radiation

External radiation is produced by a machine outside the body. The machine aims a concentrated beam of radiation at the tumor. External radiation is typically given five days a week for five to seven weeks.

Internal Radiation

Internal radiation consists of inserting a small pellet of radioactive material inside the bladder. The treatment lasts several days and patients are required to stay in the hospital until the pellet is removed.

Radiation Side Effects

Radiation therapy also has side effects, which can include fatigue, nausea, skin irritation, pain with urination, and diarrhoea

Alternative Treatments for Bladder Cancer

There are no alternative or complementary therapies that have been shown to prevent or cure bladder cancer. Ongoing research studies are examining the role of green tea or broccoli sprouts as potential complementary treatments.

Bladder Cancer Survival Rates and Prognosis

Bladder Cancer Survival Rates

As with most cancers, survival rates are dependent upon the stage or extent of spread of the cancer when it is found. About 50% of bladder cancers are detected when the tumor is limited to the inner lining of the bladder, and 5-year survival rates for this early stage of cancer are nearly 100%. Cancers that have spread further typically have lower survival rates. Today the relative survival rates for all stages of bladder cancer are 77% at 5 years, 70% at 10 years, and 65% at 15 years.

Bladder Cancer Prognosis

The outlook for bladder cancer patients depends on the stage of cancer at the time of diagnosis. Patients with metastatic bladder cancer that has spread to other organs have an average life expectancy of 12 to 18 months. Recurrent cancer suggests a more aggressive type and a negative outlook for long-term survival for patients with advanced stage bladder cancer.

Sex After Bladder Cancer Treatment

The surgery for bladder cancer can damage nerves in the pelvis, making sex difficult.

Changes for Men

Some men may have trouble getting an erection, but in younger men, this may improve over time. Semen cannot be produced if the surgery involved removal of the prostate gland and seminal vesicles.

Changes for Women

In women, the uterus, ovaries, and part of the vagina are removed during radical cystectomy. This permanently stops menstruation and prohibits all future pregnancies. Women who undergo surgery for bladder cancer may also find that sex is less comfortable, and achieving orgasms may be difficult.
Bladder Cancer Prevention

There is no known way to prevent bladder cancer, but it is always advisable to follow a healthy lifestyle. Stop smoking and limit alcohol consumption to 1 to 2 drinks a day. A healthy diet contains lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and correct portion sizes of lean meats. Regular exercise and having checkups can also help you support your health and provide peace of mind. Avoid unsafe chemical exposures and keep protected if working with chemicals.
New and Experimental Treatments for Bladder Cancer

New treatments are being investigated for bladder cancer. These include photodynamic therapy, gene therapy, and targeted therapy. Clinical trials are available to test some of these or other new therapies.

Photodynamic Therapy

Photodynamic therapy uses a laser light and chemicals to kills cancer cells and shrink tumors. A few days before treatment, the patient is given light-sensitive compounds intravenously that sensitizes cancer cells to the light rays emitted by a laser. A small scope with a laser is then introduced into the bladder through the urethra and is aimed at the tumor.

Gene Therapy

Gene therapy refers to the introduction of cells with laboratory-altered DNA into the body in order to prevent the mutation and spread of cancerous cells or to attack cancerous cells and tumors by cutting off blood supply or causing internal cellular death to targeted cancer cells. Gene therapy often requires the use of a patient’s blood or bone marrow may in order to perform the procedure. Experimental in nature, gene therapy is a newly emerging procedure with a growing research base. Some scientists believe gene therapy may be the best way to find a cure for cancer.

Targeted Therapy

Targeted therapies are directed at limiting growth of cancer cells. Targeted therapy uses drugs to interfere with specific molecules involved in carcinogenesis and tumor growth.

10 Things Young Women Should Know About Breast Cancer
Reviewed By: Physicians' Review Network (PRN)
Reviewed on 6/21/2016

Breast Cancer in Women Under 40

Each year, nearly 13,000 women under age 40 will be diagnosed with breast cancer, making up about 7% of all breast cancer cases, and 40% of all cancers of women in this age group.

Throughout her lifetime, a woman has a 1 in 8 risk of developing breast cancer. No matter what your age you need to be aware of risk factors. In many cases of breast cancer early diagnosis is the key to survival.

This slideshow will tell you 10 things every young woman should know about breast cancer.
What is Breast Cancer?

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in American women, and it is the second most common cause of cancer deaths in women. (Lung cancer still kills almost 4 times as many women each year as breast cancer.) Breast cancer occurs rarely in men as well. There are about 230,000 new cases of breast cancer diagnosed in women the U.S. each year, and about 2,300 new cases diagnosed in men.

To understand breast cancer, it's important to learn the anatomy of the breast. Most of the breast is comprised of fatty (adipose) tissue, and within that are ligaments, connective tissue, lymph vessels and nodes, and blood vessels. In a female breast there are 12-20 sections within it called lobes, each made up of smaller lobules that produce milk. The lobes and lobules are connected by ducts, which carry the milk to the nipple.

The most common type of breast cancer is cancer of the ducts, called ductal carcinoma that accounts for just over 80% of all breast cancers. Cancer of the lobes (lobular carcinoma) makes up just over 10% of cases. The rest of the breast cancers have characteristics of both ductal and lobular carcinomas, or have unknown origins.

1. Know Your Breasts

While women under 40 only make up about 7% of all diagnosed breast cancer cases, breast cancer is a leading cause of death among young women age 15-34. It is important to know your breasts. Know how they feel, and have your doctor teach you how to do a proper breast self-exam, if you choose, to help you notice when there are changes that need to be examined by a doctor.
Know The Risk Factors

Younger women may have a higher risk for developing breast cancer with the following risk factors:

Certain inherited genetic mutations for breast cancer (BRC A1 and/or BRCA2)
A personal history of breast cancer before age 40
Two or more first-degree relatives (mother, sister, daughter) with breast cancer diagnosed at an early age
High-dose radiation to the chest
Early onset of menstrual periods (before age 12)
First full-term pregnancy when you are over 30 years old
Dense breasts
Heavy alcohol consumption
Sedentary lifestyle
High intake of red meat and poor diet
Race (Caucasian women have a higher risk)
Personal history of endometrium, ovary, or colon cancer
Recent oral contraceptive use
Breast Changes to Watch

Watch for changes to your breasts, and if you notice any of the following, see your doctor:

A lump in or near your breast or under your arm
Changes in the size or shape of your breast
Dimpling, puckering, or bulging of the skin
A nipple that has changed position or an inverted nipple (pushed inward instead of sticking out)
Skin redness, soreness, rash
Nipple discharge (could be a watery, milky, or yellow fluid, or blood)
Normal breast tissue may be lumpy, which is why it is important to know how your breasts normally feel. Most lumps are not cancer. Many women choose to perform breast self-exams so they will know if a new lump appears or an existing lump changes size. However, breast self-exams are not a substitute for mammograms.

These changes may not necessarily indicate that you have breast cancer, but they could and should be evaluated.
Be Persistent and Speak Up

Be your own health advocate and make sure you mention any breast changes or lumps to your doctor. Some patient concerns are dismissed because they are "too young" to have breast cancer. If you think you feel something, seek answers. Don't be afraid to get a second opinion and more information.

5. Find The Right Doctor

If you are diagnosed with breast cancer, it's important to find the right medical team to work with you. It may be tempting to stick with your first doctor, but it's always a good idea to get a second opinion and make sure you are seeing the right specialists for your type of cancer. You may see several different types of oncologists (cancer specialists), including medical, surgical, and radiation oncologists. The medical specialists you see should be well versed on all the new treatments and approaches including genetics and neoadjuvant therapy (chemotherapy before surgery). Make sure your doctors know the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) treatment guidelines which determine treatment based on stage of the disease and prognostic factors of the tumor that are considered the gold standard. You may also want a care-manager or caseworker to help you on your journey.

6. Know Your Medical History

It is important to know your family history and share it with your doctor. Women with a first-degree relative (mother, sister, daughter) with breast cancer have nearly twice the risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer as a woman who has no family history. Tell your doctor which family member(s) had breast cancer or other breast diseases, and how old they were when diagnosed.
Seek a Second Opinion

Most doctors will suggest getting a second opinion, and even if they do not, it is always a good idea. Most insurance will cover it. It's important to seek a specialist in breast cancer who is up to date on the latest treatments and can help you make the best decisions on how to proceed. You may discuss your diagnosis with another pathologist who can review your breast tissue slides and confirm a diagnosis, or another medical oncologist, surgical oncologist, or radiation oncologist to determine the best treatment choices.
Know It's OK to Ask Questions

Ask questions! You should be an active participant in your care. Your medical team should explain to you any medical terms you do not understand, explain your treatment choices, possible side effects, and expected outcome. Ask for references to additional specialists you can talk to so you can learn more about your breast cancer. If you have not yet been diagnosed with breast cancer but are at high risk, ask your doctors about testing and any preventive measures you can take.

Also don't be afraid to ask family and friends for support. Seek support groups with other people who are going through what you are, or who have gone through it. Bring a close friend or family member to your appointments to both take notes, or record your visit, and to encourage you to request clarification if anything is unclear. Express your feelings and concerns.
9. Do Some Research

If you are diagnosed with breast cancer, learn about your specific diagnosis. Understand what terms such as stage and grade mean, and how they impact your treatment options.

Helpful resources:
Young Survival Coalition
Facing Our Risk of Cancer Empowered (FORCE), for women at genetically higher risk of developing cancer. – guideline on breast cancer written for patients
Network With Other Young Women

It can feel isolating to be diagnosed with breast cancer at a younger age, but there is support available and it can be helpful to connect with other women your age who are going through what you are, or who have beat breast cancer. You can start by asking your doctor about any local support groups. In addition, you can find support groups by searching online.

Some resources to find support groups include:

The National Cancer Institute's Cancer Information Service (1-800-4-CANCER; 1-800-422-6237)
Local chapters of the American Cancer Society
Local chapters of Susan G. Komen for the Cure
Breast Cancer Prevention for Young Women

If you are a young woman there are some risk factors for breast cancer you can avoid.

Don't smoke
Exercise regularly
Eat a healthy diet, with an emphasis on plant foods
Limit consumption of red meats and processed meats
Maintain a healthy weight
Limit or avoid alcohol consumption
If possible, avoid shift work, especially at night
Changing your lifestyle and habits may not completely prevent you from getting cancer but it can lower your risk, especially if you have some unavoidable risk factors already such as a genetic history.

Additional Information on Breast Cancer

For more information about Breast Cancer, please consider the following:

American Cancer Society
National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc.
Susan G. Komen
National Cancer Institute
Breast Cancer: Where It Can Spread
Reviewed By: Laura J. Martin, MD
Reviewed on 12/1/2018

When Cancer Goes Beyond Your Breast

If your doctor told you that your breast cancer has spread to other parts of your body, it's at a more advanced stage than if it's only in your breasts. How far it has spread is one of the things your doctor will consider when she tells you the "stage" of your cancer. It's considered "metastatic" if it has spread far from your breasts. Every case is different. For some women, it becomes something they live with for a long time. For others, focusing on pain management and quality of life is the main goal.

Most Common Places It Spreads

It's still breast cancer, even if it's in another organ. For example, if breast cancer spreads to your lungs, that doesn't mean you have lung cancer. Although it can spread to any part of your body, there are certain places it's most likely to go to, including the lymph nodes, bones, liver, lungs, and brain.
Lymph Nodes

The lymph nodes under your arm, inside your breast, and near your collarbone are among the first places breast cancer spreads. It’s "metastatic" if it spreads beyond these small glands to other parts of your body. When you're diagnosed with breast cancer, your doctor should check lymph nodes near the tumor to see if they're affected. The lymph system helps drain bacteria and other harmful things from your body. You might not notice symptoms if your breast cancer is in these nodes.

When breast cancer is in your bones, pain is usually the first symptom. It can affect any bone, including the spine, arms, and legs. Sometimes the bone may be weak enough to break, but treatment often prevents that. If the cancer involves your spine, it can also cause problems with incontinence or going to the bathroom. You might also have numbness or weakness in a part of your body, like an arm or leg. That happens when there's pressure on the nerves of the spinal cord.

If breast cancer spreads to your liver, you may have pain in your belly that doesn’t go away, or you might feel bloated or full. You might also lose your appetite and lose weight. You may notice that your skin and the whites of your eyes are turning yellow, which is called jaundice. That happens because your liver isn’t working right.

Breast cancer can spread to the lungs or to the space between the lung and the chest wall, making fluid build up around the lung. Symptoms can include shortness of breath, a cough that won’t go away, and chest pain. Some people lose their appetite, leading to weight loss.

It's possible for breast cancer to spread to the brain. That can cause headaches that throw off your balance and make falls more likely. You may have numbness or weakness in one part of your body. You might act differently, or you could feel confused or have seizures.

You may need surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and medications. The drugs your doctor recommends will depend on your type of breast cancer. For instance, if your breast cancer is HER2 positive, in which a certain protein drives the growth, your doctor may choose targeted therapy as part of your treatment. Pain management is also key so you can feel as well as possible.
Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment
Reviewed By: Melissa Conrad Stöppler, MD
Reviewed on 7/12/2016
Breast Cancer Awareness

The outlook for women with breast cancer is improving constantly. Due to increased awareness, opportunities for early detection, and treatment advances, survival rates continue to climb. In the U.S., October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and the campaign is designed to increase breast cancer awareness. There are many organizations that support Breast Cancer Awareness Month and provide assistance within early detection plans. Organizations also put together breast cancer fundraisers such as walks and events that support breast cancer research and help fund patients with socio-economic disadvantages.
Breast Cancer Symptoms

Breast cancer may or may not cause symptoms. Some women may discover the problem themselves, while others may have the abnormality first detected on a screening exam. Common breast cancer symptoms include the following:

Non-painful lumps or masses
Lumps or swelling under the arms
Nipple skin changes or discharge
Noticeable flattening or indentation of the breast
Change in the nipple
Unusual discharge from the nipple
Changes in the feel, size, or shape of the breast tissue

Types of Breast Cancer

Inflammatory Breast Cancer

Inflammatory breast cancer is a rare type of cancer that often does not cause a breast lump or mass. As seen in this photo, it often causes thickening and pitting of the skin, like an orange peel. The affected breast may also be larger or firmer, tender, or itchy. A skin rash or reddening of the skin is common. These changes are caused by cancer cells blocking lymph vessels in the skin. Inflammatory cancer of the breast typically has a fast growth rate.

Invasive Ductal Carcinoma

Invasive (or infiltrating) ductal carcinoma (IDC) is the most common type of breast cancer. About 80% of all breast cancers are invasive ductal carcinomas. Invasive ductal carcinoma refers to cancer that has broken through the wall of the milk ducts and has invaded the breast tissues. Invasive ductal carcinoma can spread to the lymph nodes and possibly to other areas of the body.

Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS)

Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) is considered to be a non-invasive or pre-invasive breast cancer. Ductal means that the cancer starts inside the milk ducts, carcinoma refers to any cancer that starts in the skin or other tissue (including breast tissue) that line or cover the internal organs, and in situ means “in its original place.” The difference between DCIS and invasive cancer is that in DCIS, the cells have not spread through the walls of the milk ducts into the surrounding breast tissue.. DCIS is considered a ‘pre-cancer’, but some cases can transform into more invasive cancers.

Invasive Lobular Carcinoma

Invasive (or infiltrating) lobular carcinoma (ILC) is the second most common type of breast cancer after invasive ductal carcinoma. Lobular means that the cancer started in the milk-producing lobules, which empty out into the ducts that carry milk to the nipple. Invasive lobular carcinoma refers to cancer that has broken through the wall of the lobule and begun to invade the breast tissues. Invasive lobular carcinoma can spread to the lymph nodes and possibly to other areas of the body.

Mucinous Carcinoma

Mucinous (or colloid) carcinoma of the breast is a rare form of invasive ductal carcinoma. In this type of cancer, the tumor is composed of abnormal cells that “float” in pools of mucin, part of the slimy, slippery substance known as mucus. Mucus lines most of the inner surface of our bodies, such as our digestive tract, lungs, liver, and other vital organs. Breast cancer cells can produce some mucus. In mucinous carcinoma, mucin becomes part of the tumor and surrounds the breast cancer cells.

“Pure” mucinous carcinomas make up only 2-3% of invasive breast cancers. Approximately 5% of invasive breast cancer tumors have a mix of mucinous components in addition to other types of breast cancer cells.

Triple-Negative Breast Cancers

Testing negative for estrogen receptors (ER-), progesterone receptors (PR-), and HER2 (HER2-) on a pathology report means the cancer is “triple-negative”. These negative results indicate the growth of the cancer is not supported by the hormones estrogen and progesterone, nor by the presence of too many HER2 receptors. Therefore, triple-negative breast cancer does not respond to hormonal therapy (such as tamoxifen or aromatase inhibitors) or therapies that target HER2 receptors, such as Herceptin. However, other medicines can be used to treat triple-negative breast cancer.

Paget’s Disease of the Nipple

Paget's disease of the nipple is a rare form of breast cancer in which cancer cells collect in or around the nipple. The cancer usually affects the ducts of the nipple first then spreads to the nipple surface and the areola. A scaly, red, itchy, and irritated nipple and areola are signs of Paget’s disease of the nipple. One theory for the cause of Paget’s disease is that the cancer cells start growing inside the milk ducts within the breast and then break through to the nipple surface. Another possibility is that the cells of the nipple itself be

Causes of Breast Cancer

Certain genes control the life cycle—the growth, function, division, and death—of a cell. When these genes are damaged, the balance between normal cell growth and death is lost. Normal breast cells become cancerous because of changes in DNA structure. Breast cancer is caused by cellular DNA damage that leads to out-of-control cell growth.

Causes of Breast Cancer: Genetics & Mutations

Inherited genes can increase the likelihood of breast cancer. For example, mutations of genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 (linked to an increased risk of breast and ovarian cancers) can inhibit the body’s ability to safe-guard and repair DNA. Copies of these mutated genes can be passed on genetically to future generations, leading to a genetically-inherited increased risk of cancer.

Causes of Breast Cancer: Environment

Breast cancer may be caused by environmental exposure. Sunlight can cause DNA damage that leads to breast cancer through ultraviolet radiation. So can air pollutants like soot, wood dust, asbestos, and arsenic, to name just a few.

Causes of Breast Cancer: Lifestyle

Lifestyle choices can lead to breast cancer as well. Eating a poor diet, inactivity, obesity, heavy alcohol use, tobacco use including smoking, and exposure to chemicals and toxins are all associated with a greater breast cancer risk.

Causes of Breast Cancer: Medical Treatment

Medical treatment with chemotherapy, radiation, or immunosuppressive drugs used to decrease the spread of cancer throughout the body can also cause damage to healthy cells. Some “second cancers”, completely separate from the initial cancer, have been known to occur following aggressive cancer treatments.

Mammograms and Breast Cancer Prevention

Early detection of breast cancer is the key to survival. Mammograms are X-rays of the breast that can detect tumors at a very early stage, before they would be felt or noticed otherwise. During a mammogram, your breasts are compressed between two firm surfaces to spread out the breast tissue. Then an X-ray captures black-and-white images of your breasts that are displayed on a computer screen and examined by a doctor who looks for signs of cancer. Women at average risk have are recommended to have a mammogram every year starting at age 45. Starting at age 54, women are recommended to have a screening mammogram every 2 years as long as they remain healthy.

3D mammograms, or breast tomosynthesis, is a breast imaging procedure that also uses X-rays to produce images of breast tissue in order to detect abnormalities.

Breast Cancer Prevention: Breast MRI and Ultrasound

Breast MRI

MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) is a technology that uses magnets and radio waves to create detailed, 3D images of the breast tissue. Before the test you may be injected through an intravenous line, in the arm, with a contrast solution (dye). The contrast solution will allow potential cancerous breast tissue to show more clearly. Radiologists are able to see areas that could be cancerous because the contrast tends to be more concentrated in areas of cancer growth.

During a breast MRI the breasts are exposed as the patient lies flat on a padded platform with cushioned openings for the breasts. A breast coil surrounds each opening and works with the MRI unit to create the images. MRI imaging is a painless diagnostic tool. The test takes between 30 and 45 minutes.


Sometimes a breast ultrasound is ordered in addition to a mammogram. An ultrasound can demonstrate fluid-filled cysts that are not cancerous. Ultrasounds may also be recommended for routine screening tests in some women at a higher risk of developing breast cancer. During a breast ultrasound a small amount of water-soluble gel is applied to the skin over the area to be examined. Then, a probe is gently applied against the skin. You may be asked to hold your breath, briefly several times. The breast ultrasound takes about 10 minutes to complete.
Breast Cancer Prevention: Breast Self-Exams

Experts recommend that women be aware of their breasts and notice any changes, rather than performing checks on a regular schedule. Women who choose to do self-exams should be sure to discuss the technique with their doctor.

What is a Breast Self-Exam?

A breast self-exam is a way to check your breasts for changes such as lumps or thickenings. Early breast cancer detection can improve your chances of surviving the disease. Any unusual changes discovered during the breast self-exam should be reported to your doctor.
Lump in Breast: Could it be Cancer?

Remember that the majority (about 80%) of breast lumps are not due to cancer. Cysts, benign tumors, or changes in consistency due to the menstrual cycle can all cause benign breast lumps. Still, it's important to let your doctor know about any lumps or changes in your breast that you find.

Breast Cancer Biopsy

A biopsy is the most certain way to determine whether a breast lump is cancerous. Biopsies may be taken through a needle or through a minor surgical procedure. The results can also determine the type of breast cancer that is present in many cases (there are several different types of breast cancers). Treatments are tailored to the specific type of breast cancer that is present.

Needle Biopsies

A needle biopsy uses a hollow needle to remove tissue or cell samples from the breast. A pathologist studies the samples under a microscope to see if they contain cancer. There are two types of needle biopsies: core need biopsy and fine needle aspiration (fine needle biopsy).

Core Needle Biopsy
If a lump can be felt in the breast (palpable mass), a core needle biopsy may be performed. The doctor will use a small amount of local anesthetic to numb the skin and the breast tissue around the area. The doctor will insert the needle and remove a small amount of tissue to be examined.

Ultrasound-Guided Core Needle Biopsy
This is one type of biopsy for lumps or abnormalities that cannot be felt (nonpalpable mass). A core needle is placed into the breast tissue and ultrasound helps confirm the exact location of the potential cancer so the needle is placed correctly. Tissue samples are then taken through the needle. Ultrasound can see the difference between cysts and solid lesions.

MRI-Guided Core Needle Biopsy
For this test, you will be given a contrast agent through an IV. Your breast will be numbed and compressed and several MRI images will be taken. The MRI images will guide the doctor to the suspicious area. A needle will be used in the biopsy device to remove tissue samples with a vacuum assisted probe.

Stereotactic Biopsy
If the lump is nonpalpable you could be also given a stereotactic biopsy. Using a local anesthetic, the radiologist makes a small opening in the skin. A needle is placed into the breast tissue, and imaging studies help confirm the exact placement. Tissue samples are taken through the needle.

Surgical Biopsies

A surgeon makes a cut (incision) in the breast to remove tissue.

Open Excisional Biopsy
This surgery removes an entire lump and the issue is examined under a microscope. If a section of normal breast tissue is taken all the way around a lump, it is called a lumpectomy. In this procedure, a wire is put through a needle into the area to be biopsied. The X-ray helps to make sure it is in the right location and a small hook at the end of the wire keeps it in position. The surgeon uses the wire as a guide to locate the suspicious tissue.

Incisional Biopsy
An incisional biopsy is very similar to an excisional biopsy, but less tissue is removed. Local anesthetic will be used and you will also get IV sedation. An incisional biopsy removes part of the tumor, which means that more surgery may be needed to remove the remaining cancer.
Biopsy Results: Hormone-Sensitive Breast Cancer

A biopsy can tell whether the breast cancer has receptors for estrogen (ER-positive) and/or progesterone (PR-positive), indicating which hormone stimulates tumor growth. About two-thirds of breast cancers are hormone receptor-positive. Medications can be given that act to help prevent growth of the tumor from stimulation by these hormones.

ER-positive breast cancer is sensitive to estrogen, whereas PR-positive breast cancer is sensitive to progesterone. Both ER-positive and PR-positive breast cancers may respond to hormone therapy. Hormone receptor (HR) negative is a type of cancer that does not have hormone receptors and will not be affects by hormone blocking treatments.
Biopsy Results: HER2-Positive Breast Cancer

HER-2 (human epidermal growth factor receptor 2) is a protein that is expressed at a high level by about 20% of breast cancers. Having this receptor means the cancer tends to grow and spread faster than other forms of breast cancer. There are special targeted treatments available for this type of tumor.

Treatments specifically for HER2-positve breast cancer include:

Herceptin (trastuzumab)
Kadcyla (ado-trastuzumab emtansine)
Perjeta (pertuzumab)
Tykerb (lapatinib)
Breast Cancer Stages

Breast cancer stages are classified according to cancer tumor size, location, and extent of spread. Staging helps doctors determine the prognosis and treatment for cancer. The TNM staging system classifies breast cancers according to:

Tumor (T): Primary tumor size and/or extent
Nodes (N): Spread of cancer to lymph nodes in the regional area of the primary tumor
Metastasis (M): Spread of cancer to distant sites away from the primary tumor

TNM Breast Cancer Classification

The TNM classification of a cancer usually correlates to one of the following five stages:

Stage 0 Breast Cancer (Tis, N0, M0): This refers to cancer that is "in situ," meaning that cancerous cells are confined to the breast. This type of breast cancer has not spread and is not invading other tissues.

Stage I Breast Cancer: Stage I invasive breast cancer is broken up into subcategories known as IA and IB.

Stage IA breast cancer (T1, N0, M0) refers to the tumor measuring up to 2 centimeters and no cancer has spread outside the breast.

Stage IB breast cancer (T0 or T1, N1mi, M0) includes no tumor in the breast, but small groups of cancer cells in the lymph nodes. Stage IB could also be a tumor in the breast that is no larger than 2 centimeters and small groups of cancer cells in the lymph nodes.

Stage II Breast Cancer

Stage II invasive breast cancer is broken up into two subcategories known as IIA and IIB.

Stage IIA breast cancer (T0 or T1 or T2, N0 or N1, M0) includes no tumor in the breast, but cancer (larger than 2 millimeters) in 1 to 3 axillary lymph nodes or lymph nodes near the breast bone. Stage IIA can also include a tumor measuring 2 centimeters or smaller and cancer has spread to the axillary lymph nodes or a tumor 2-5 centimeters that has not spread to the axillary lymph nodes.

Stage IIB breast cancer (T2 or T3, N0 or N1, M0) refers to a tumor 2-5 centimeters and small groups (0.2-2.0 millimeters) of breast cancer cells in the lymph nodes or a tumor 2-5 centimeters with cancer in 1 to 3 axillary lymph nodes or lymph nodes near the breastbone. Stage IIB breast cancer can also include a tumor larger than 5 centimeters with no affected lymph nodes.

Stage III Breast Cancer

Stage III invasive breast cancer is broken up into subcategories IIIA, IIIB, and IIIC.

Stage IIIA (T0 to T3, N1 or N2, M0) refers to the tumor ranging from nonexistent to any size and cancer is found in 4 to 9 axillary lymph nodes or in lymph nodes near the breastbone. Stage IIIA can also include a tumor larger than 5 centimeters with small groups of breast cancer cells (0.2 to 2 millimeters) in the lymph nodes or a tumor larger than 5 centimeters with cancer in 1 to 3 axillary lymph nodes or lymph nodes near the breastbone.

Stage IIIB (T4, N0 to N2, M0) refers to a tumor of any size and has spread to the chest wall and/or skin of the breast in addition to cancer that has spread to up to 9 axillary lymph nodes or lymph nodes near the breastbone.

Stage IIIC (any T, N3, M0) refers to a tumor of any size and possible spreading to the chest wall and/or the skin of the breast as well as the cancer in 10 or more axillary lymph nodes or spread to lymph nodes above or below the collarbone or near the breastbone.

Stage IV Breast Cancer (any T, any N, M1): Stage IV breast cancer refers to breast cancer that has spread to other organs such as the lungs, distant lymph nodes, skin, bones, liver, or brain.
Breast Cancer Survival Rates

Breast cancer survival depends upon a number of factors. Cancers that are found early are often localized to the breast. Statistics on the survival rate of breast cancer are often given as 5-year survival rates. The 5-year survival rate is the percentage of people who live at least 5 years after being diagnosed with breast cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, women with early stage (stage 1) breast cancer have a 5-year survival rate of 100%. Women with breast cancer that has spread to distant sites in the body (stage 4) have only a 20% chance of surviving 5 years; but this rate can improve as treatment advances are made
Breast Cancer Treatments: Surgery

Breast-conserving surgery removes the cancer and some healthy tissue around it, but not the breast. Some lymph nodes under the arms may be removed for biopsy. If the cancer is near the chest wall, part of it may be removed. Breast-conserving surgery is also known as breast-sparing surgery, lumpectomy, partial mastectomy, quadrantectomy, and segmental mastectomy.


Mastectomy is the removal of the entire breast and all the surrounding tissue and possibly nearby tissues. There are different mastectomy surgeries available, depending on how much additional tissue is removed. The following are different types of mastectomies:

Simple mastectomy includes removal of the entire breast, but does not remove lymph nodes or muscle tissue.
Double mastectomy is when both breasts are removed.
Skin-sparing mastectomy includes keeping the skin over the breast intact. Breast reconstruction surgery is typically planned immediately after the mastectomy.
Nipple-sparing mastectomy keeps the breast skin and nipple intact and breast reconstruction surgery immediately follows.
Modified radical mastectomy combines a simple mastectomy with the removal of the lymph nodes under the arm
Radical mastectomy includes the removal of the entire breast, lymph nodes, and the pectoral muscles under the breast.

Breast Cancer Treatments: Radiation Therapy

High-energy beams of localized radiation are used to kill targeted cancer cells. Radiation therapy can be used after breast cancer surgery, or it may be used in addition to chemotherapy for widespread cancer. This treatment does have side effects, which can include swelling of the area, tiredness, or a sunburn-like effect. There are two ways to administer radiation therapy.

External Beam Radiation

A beam of radiation is focused onto the affected area by an external machine. The treatment is usually given five days a week for five to six weeks.


This form of radiation involves radioactive seeds or pellets that are implanted into the breast next to the cancer.
Breast Cancer Treatments: Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy drugs are given to kill cancer cells that are located anywhere in the body. It can be administered by a slow IV infusion, by pill, or by a brief IV injection, depending upon the drug. Sometimes chemotherapy is given after surgery to help prevent the cancer from recurring (adjuvant therapy). Side effects of chemotherapy can include an increased risk of infection, nausea, fatigue, and hair loss.

Chemotherapy drugs are given to kill cancer cells that are located anywhere in the body. It can be administered by a slow IV infusion, by pill, or by a brief IV injection, depending upon the drug. Sometimes chemotherapy is given after surgery to help prevent the cancer from recurring. Usually, chemotherapy drugs are given in cycles with certain treatment intervals followed by a period of rest. The cycle length and rest intervals differ from drug to drug.

Adjuvant Chemotherapy

If all visible cancer has been removed, there is still the possibility that cancer cells have broken off or are left behind. Adjunct chemotherapy is given to assure that these small amounts of cells are killed. Since some women have a very low risk of recurrence even without chemotherapy, it is not given in all cases.

Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy

Neoadjuvant chemotherapy is given before surgery. There is no correlation between neoadjuvant chemotherapy and long-term survival, but there are advantages to see if the cancer responds to the chemotherapy before surgical removal. This can also reduce the size of the cancer and allow for a less extensive surgery in some patients.

Chemotherapy for Advanced Breast Cancer

Chemotherapy can be used if the cancer has metastasized to distant sites in the body. In this case, doctors will determine the most appropriate treatment.

Chemotherapy Side Effects

Different drugs cause different side effects. Certain types of chemotherapy have specific side effects, but each patient’s experience is different. The following are common side effects of chemotherapy:

Pain (headaches, muscle pain, stomach pain, and pain from nerve damage)
Mouth and throat sores
Nausea and vomiting
Blood disorders
Changes in thinking and memory
Sexual and reproductive issues
Appetite loss
Hair loss
Permanent damage to the heart, lung, liver, kidneys, or reproductive system
Breast Cancer - Hormone Therapy

Some breast cancer cells are activated by female hormones estrogen and/or progesterone (ER- and PR-positive breast cancers). Hormone therapy can stop or slow the growth of hormone receptor-positive tumors by blocking the cancer cells from receiving the hormones they need to grow. Hormone therapy is usually given after surgery, but it can also be given to reduce the chance of developing breast cancer in women at high risk.

Targeted Drug Therapies for Breast Cancer

Targeted therapies are newer treatments for breast cancer patients. They utilize specific proteins within cancer cells, like the HER-2 protein. Targeted therapies can stop the HER-2 protein from stimulating tumor growth in cancer cells that have this protein. Targeted therapies have fewer side effects than traditional chemotherapy because they only target cancer cells. They are often used in combination with chemotherapy.

Breast Cancer Recovery

Breast cancer treatment can be both physically and emotionally exhausting. There are many changes taking place that may be difficult to cope with. “Chemobrain” is a term coined to describe the mental changes caused by chemotherapy treatment. Patients have experienced memory deficits and the inability to focus. Breast cancer treatments can also leave patients fatigued, which is normal.

It can be difficult to keep up with activities of daily life, and make patients feel isolated or overwhelmed. Friends and family can be invaluable sources of support and assistance during this time. Some people choose to join a local or an online support group to share their experiences and spread breast cancer awareness.

Breast Reconstructive Surgery

Many women opt to have reconstructive surgery after breast cancer surgery. Reconstructive procedures use implants or tissues obtained from other locations in the body. These procedures can be done at the time of mastectomy, or they may be performed months or even years later.


A tissue expander will be inserted un the skin, for a few weeks, to stretch the skin and allow a silicone-gel or saline implant to be inserted. Each week preceding the implant insertion, the tissue expander is filled to a desired volume until the patient is satisfied with their new breast size.

Tissue Flap Procedure

A women’s own tissue is taken from the abdomen or back to create a mound to reconstruct the breast. The tissue is sometimes kept attached to its original blood supply or it is disconnected and reconnected to a blood supply near the new location. Some patients also have nipple reconstruction, which is created using tissue from the back or abdomen flap. The nipple is then tattooed in order to resemble the color of a nipple. A prosthetic nipple is also an option and can be created by making a copy of your natural nipple.
Alternative to Reconstructive Surgery: Prosthesis

A prosthesis, or breast form, is an alternative to reconstructive surgery. A prosthesis offers the appearance of breasts without surgery. This is a device that is worn inside a bra or bathing suit to permit a balanced appearance when clothed. Breast prostheses come in many shapes, sizes, and materials (silicone gel, foam, or fiberfill interior). Breast prosthetic devices are often covered by insurance plans.

Is Breast Cancer Genetic?

Breast cancer occurs in both men and women, but it is about 100 times more likely to affect women than men. Women over age 55 and those with a close relative who have had the condition are at greatest risk for developing breast cancer. Still, up to 80% of women who do get breast cancer do not have a relative with the disease. Certain inherited genetic mutations dramatically increase a women’s risk of breast cancer. The most common of these are genes known as BRCA1 and BRCA2. Women who inherit mutations in these genes have up to an 80% chance of developing breast cancer.

The Breast Cancer (BRCA) Gene Test

Several tests are available to look for the Breast Cancer (BRCA) gene. A blood test can be given to analyze DNA mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2. Women who have inherited mutations have a much higher risk of developing breast cancer. The BRCA test is typically only offered to people who may have inherited the mutation. You may be a candidate for the BRCA gene test if you have the following:

Personal history of breast cancer
Personal history of ovarian cancer
Family history of breast cancer in parents, siblings, and/or children
A male relative with breast cancer
A family member with both breast and ovarian cancers
A family member with bilateral breast cancer
Two or more relatives with ovarian cancer
A relative with known BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation
Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry with a close relative with breast or ovarian cancer
Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry and a personal history of ovarian cancer

Breast Cancer Prevention

Factors that can raise the risk of getting breast cancer include not getting enough exercise, drinking more than one alcoholic drink per day, and being overweight. Breast cancer prevention also includes avoiding exposure to carcinogens, chemicals, and radiation from medical imaging. Some kinds of hormone therapy and birth control pills can also elevate risk, but the risk returns to normal after stopping these medications. Some studies have shown that regular physical activity may help lower the risk of recurrence in women who have survived breast cancer.

Preventative surgery (prophylactic mastectomy) may also prevent breast cancer. Bilateral prophylactic mastectomy is the removal of both breasts in order to prevent breast cancer. Women with a strong family history of BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations may choose to have bilateral prophylactic mastectomy in order to lower their risk of developing breast cancer.
Breast Cancer Research

Doctors continue to search for more effective and tolerable treatments for breast cancer. The funding for this research comes from many sources, including advocacy groups throughout the country. Many of the 2.5 million breast cancer survivors and their families choose to participate in walk-a-thons and other fundraising events. This links each individual fight against cancer into a common effort for progress.

Additional Information on Breast Cancer

For more information about Breast Cancer, please consider the following:

American Cancer Society
National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc.
Susan G. Komen
National Cancer Institute

Ovarian Cancer Symptoms, Signs, Stages
Reviewed By: Physicians' Review Network (PRN)
Reviewed on 5/3/2016

What Is Ovarian Cancer?

Ovarian cancer is a malignancy of the ovaries, the female sex organs that produce eggs and make the hormones estrogen and progesterone. Treatments for ovarian cancer are improving, and the best outcomes are always seen when the cancer is found early.
Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian cancer may not produce symptoms, particularly in the early stages. However, when symptoms do occur, they include abdominal bloating or a feeling of pressure, abdominal or pelvic pain, frequent urination, and feeling full quickly when eating. These symptoms, of course, occur with many different conditions and are not specific to cancer. You should discuss these symptoms with your doctor if they occur frequently and persist for more than a few weeks.
Risk Factor: Family History

Family history of ovarian cancer is a risk factor; a woman has a higher chance of developing it if a close relative has had ovarian, breast, or colon cancer. Inherited gene mutations, including the BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations linked to breast cancer, are responsible for about 10% of ovarian cancers. Talk to you doctor if you have a strong family history of these cancers to determine if closer medical observation may be helpful.

Risk Factor: Age

Age is the strongest risk factor for ovarian cancer. It is much more common after menopause, and using hormone therapy may increase a woman’s risk. This risk appears strongest in those who take estrogen therapy without progesterone for at least 5-10 years. It is not known whether taking estrogen and progesterone in combination also increases risk.
Screening Tests

Two ways to screen for ovarian cancer in its early stages are ultrasound of the ovaries and measurement of levels of a protein called CA-125 in the blood. Neither of these methods has been shown to save lives when used to test women of average risk. Therefore, screening is currently recommended only for women at higher risk.
Diagnosing Ovarian Cancer

Imaging tests like CT, MRI, or ultrasound can reveal an ovarian mass, but only a sampling of the tissue (biopsy) can determine whether the mass is cancerous. A biopsy is analyzed in a laboratory to determine whether or not the ovarian mass biopsied is due to cancer.

Stages of Ovarian Cancer

Staging of ovarian cancer refers to the extent to which it has spread to other organs or tissues. This is typically evaluated during surgery. Stages of ovarian cancer are as follows:

Stage I: The cancer is limited to the ovaries
Stage II: The cancer has spread to the uterus or other pelvic organs
Stage III: The cancer has spread to lymph nodes or lining tissues of the abdomen
Stage IV: The cancer has spread to distant sites, like the liver or lungs

Types of Ovarian Cancer

There are different kinds of ovarian cancer, depending on the type of cell within the ovary that gave rise to the cancer. The large majority of ovarian cancers are epithelial cancers, or carcinomas. These cancers begin in the cells that line the surface of the ovary. Sometimes, tumors of these cells are not clearly cancerous but still display some suspicious features. These are called tumors of low malignant potential (LMP) and are less dangerous than other kinds of ovarian cancer.
Ovarian Cancer Survival Rates

Five-year survival rates for ovarian cancer range widely, from 18% to 89%, depending on the stage of the cancer when it was diagnosed. However, these odds were based on women diagnosed from 1988 to 2001, and treatments are constantly improving, so the odds may be better for women diagnosed today. For LMP tumors, five-year survival rates range from 77 to 99%.

Ovarian Cancer Surgery

Surgery is not only used to diagnose and stage ovarian cancer, but it is also used as a first step in treatment. Surgery to remove as much of the tumor as possible is typically carried out. It is usually necessary to remove the uterus as well as the fallopian tubes, the unaffected ovary, the omentum, and any other deposits visible and over 2 cm in size if possible to thereby both debulk and stage the ovarian cancer. Biopsies are also usually also done of sites where ovarian cancer is likely to be spread even if it is not visible.


Chemotherapy is typically given after surgery for all stages of ovarian cancer. Chemotherapy drugs are usually given intravenously, or administered directly into the abdominal cavity (intraperitoneal chemotherapy). Newer medications have made such treatment more tolerable than in the past. It is often highly effective, especially if the ovarian cancer has been well debulked. Women with LMP tumors often do not require chemotherapy after surgery unless the surgical findings were initially of concern or tumors grow back.

Targeted Therapies

New therapies for ovarian cancer may be directed at blocking tumor growth by interfering with the formation of blood vessels to supply the tumor. The process of blood vessel formation is known as angiogenesis. The drug Avastin works by blocking angiogenesis, causing tumors to shrink or stop growing. Avastin is used in some other cancers, and it is currently being tested in ovarian cancer.

After Treatment: Early Menopause

If women have both ovaries removed, this triggers menopause if they are still menstruating. The resultant drop in hormone production when the ovaries are removed can elevate a woman’s risk for other conditions like osteoporosis. Regular follow-up care is important after all treatment for ovarian cancer.

After Treatment: Moving On

After treatment, women may find that it takes a long time to regain their energy. Fatigue is common after cancer treatment. A gentle exercise program is a very effective way to restore energy and well-being. Your doctor can help you determine what activities are best for you.

Risk Reducer: Pregnancy

Women who have never given birth are more likely to develop ovarian cancer than those who have biological children. The risk seems to decrease with every pregnancy. Breastfeeding may also decrease risk.

Risk Reducer: 'The Pill'

Women who have taken birth control pills have a lower risk of ovarian cancer. Taking the pill for at least five years reduces a women’s risk by about 50%. Birth control pills and pregnancy both stop ovulation, and some researchers think that less frequent ovulation lowers the risk of ovarian cancer.

Risk Reducer: Tubal Ligation

Tubal ligation (having your tubes tied) or having a hysterectomy while leaving the ovaries intact may both offer some protection against ovarian cancer.

Risk Reducer: Removing the Ovaries

Removal of the ovaries is an option for women with genetic mutations that increase their cancer risk. This option can also be considered for women over 40 who are undergoing a hysterectomy.
Risk Reducer: Low-Fat Diet

No definitive dietary changes have been shown to prevent ovarian cancer. Nevertheless, a study showed that women who consumed a low-fat diet for at least 4 years had a lower risk of ovarian cancer. Other studies showed that ovarian cancer may be less common in women who consume a lot of vegetables. More studies are needed to clarify any relationship between diet and ovarian cancer.

Ovarian Cyst Symptoms, Types, and Treatment
Reviewed By: Melissa Conrad Stöppler, MD
Reviewed on 8/9/2016

What Are Ovarian Cysts?

Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs that grow inside or on top of one (or both) ovaries. A cyst is a general term used to describe a fluid-filled structure. Ovarian cysts are usually asymptomatic, but pain in the abdomen or pelvis is common.

What Are the Ovaries? What Do the Ovaries Do?

The ovaries are reproductive organs in women that are located in the pelvis. One ovary is on each side of the uterus, and each is about the side of a walnut. The ovaries produce eggs and the female hormones, estrogen and progesterone. The ovaries are the main source of female hormones that control sexual development including breasts, body shape, and body hair. The ovaries also regulate the menstrual cycle and pregnancy.
What Is Ovulation?

Ovulation is controlled by a series of hormone chain reactions originating from the brain’s hypothalamus. Every month, as part of a woman’s menstrual cycle, follicles rupture, releasing an egg from the ovary. A follicle is a small fluid sac that contains the female gametes (eggs) inside the ovary. This process of releasing and egg from the ovary an into the Fallopian tube is known as ‘ovulation’.
What Causes Ovarian Cysts?

Sometimes a follicle does not release an egg during ovulation, and instead it continues to fill with fluid inside the ovary. This is called a ‘follicular cyst’. In other cases, the follicle releases the egg but the sac seals up again and swells with fluid or blood instead of dissolving. This is known as a ‘corpus luteum cyst’. Both of these conditions are types of functional ovarian cysts. Functional ovarian cysts are the most common type of ovarian cysts.

Ovarian Cyst Risk Factors

The following are potential risk factors for developing ovarian cysts:

History of previous ovarian cysts
Irregular menstrual cycles
Polycystic ovarian syndrome
Early menstruation (11 years or younger)
Tamoxifen therapy for breast cancer
What Are the Different Types of Ovarian Cyst?

The most common type of ovarian cyst is called a functional cyst. Functional cysts are usually not dangerous and often do not cause symptoms. If an ovarian cyst is non-functional, it is considered a ‘complex ovarian cyst.’

Functional Ovarian Cysts

There are two types of functional ovarian cysts: follicle cysts and corpus luteum cysts.

Follicular cysts contain a follicle that has failed to rupture and filled with more fluid instead. Corpus luteum cysts occur when the follicle ruptures to release the egg, but then seals up and swells with fluid. Corpus luteum cysts can be painful and cause bleeding. When bleeding occurs in a functional cyst, it is known as a hemorrhagic cyst.

Complex Ovarian Cysts

Other types of ovarian cysts may be associated with endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome (POS) and other conditions. Polycystic ovaries occur when the ovaries are abnormally large and contain many small cysts on the outer edges.

Non-cancerous growths that develop from the outer lining tissue of the ovaries are known as cystadenomas. A cyst can also develop when uterine lining tissue grows outside the uterus and attaches to the ovaries; this is known as an endometrioma.

Ovarian Cysts During Pregnancy

Ovarian cysts during pregnancy are usually functional ovarian cysts discovered in the first trimester. Ovarian cysts during pregnancy tend to resolve on their own before childbirth.
What Are Signs and Symptoms of Ovarian Cyst?

Many times ovarian cysts do not cause symptoms. When symptoms do occur, they may include the following:

Pain during intercourse or menstruation
Abdominal fullness
Unusual bleeding
Weight gain
Inability to empty the bladder completely
Breast pain
Aching in the pelvic region, lower back, or thighs
The following symptoms need immediate medical attention:

Severe abdominal pain that comes on suddenly (may be a a sign of a ruptured ovarian cyst)
Rapid breathing
Abdominal pain that occurs with vomiting and a fever
How to Test For Ovarian Cyst

Ovarian cysts can be diagnosed a few different ways. Once a doctor suspects an ovarian cyst, additional tests will be performed to confirm the diagnosis.

Pelvic and Transvaginal Ultrasound

Ovarian cysts are often detected during a pelvic exam. A pelvis ultrasound can allow the doctor to see the cyst with sound waves and help determine whether it is comprised of fluid, solid tissue, or a mixture of the two. A transvaginal ultrasound consists of a doctor inserting a probe into the vagina in order to examine the uterus and ovaries. The examination allows the doctor to view the cyst in more detail.

Laparoscopic Surgery

During laparoscopic surgery, a doctor will make small incisions and pass a thin scope (laparoscope) through the abdomen. The laparoscope will allow the doctor to identify the cyst and possibly remove or biopsy the cyst.

Serum CA-125 Assay

A cancer-antigen 125 (CA-125) blood test can help suggest if a cyst is due to ovarian cancer, but other conditions -- including endometriosis and uterine fibroids -- can also increase CA-125 levels, so this test is not specific for ovarian cancer. In some cases of ovarian cancer, levels of CA-125 are not elevated enough to be detected by the blood test.

Hormone Levels

The doctor may order a pregnancy test and assess hormone levels. Blood tests can also be performed to test for other hormones that may cause polycystic ovarian syndrome.


A fluid sample from the pelvis may be taken in order to rule out bleeding into the abdominal cavity. Culdocentesis is performed by inserting a needle through the vaginal wall behind the uterine cervix.
What Are the Treatments of Ovarian Cyst?

Many functional ovarian cysts do not require any treatment, and they often resolve on their own. Ovarian cysts -- especially fluid-filled cysts -- in women of childbearing age are often managed with watchful waiting. This involves undergoing a repeat exam 1 to 3 months after the cyst is discovered. If the cyst has disappeared or if there is no change, no treatment may be necessary.


Pain relievers such as ibuprofen can be used to help reduce pelvic pain. These anti-inflammatory medications do not help dissolve the ovarian cyst, they only offer relief to the symptoms. If a woman has frequent functional ovarian cysts, the doctor may prescribe hormonal birth control to prevent ovulation and decrease the risk of forming new cysts.

Ruptured Ovarian Cysts

Pain medications can help reduce the uncomfortable symptoms of a ruptured ovarian cyst. Usually surgery is not required, but a ruptured dermoid ovarian cyst (a type of benign tumor that contains many types of body tissue) may require surgery because the contents of the cyst are very irritating to the internal organs. Surgery may also be required for ruptured ovarian cysts if there is internal bleeding or the possibility of cancer.
Ovarian Cyst Surgery and Benefit

If an ovarian cyst continues to grow, does not resolve on its own, appears suspicious on ultrasound, or is causing symptoms, the doctor may recommend surgical removal. Surgery may be recommended more often for postmenopausal women with worrisome cysts, as the risk of ovarian cancer increases with age. An ovarian cyst may be removed surgically by laparoscopy or laparotomy. Laparoscopy involves the removal of the cyst by making several small incisions in the abdomen. The doctor will then use a camera and specialized instruments for removal of the cyst.

If the cyst is large or the doctor suspects cancer, the surgeon will perform a laparotomy, which involves a large abdominal incision. In some cases of ovarian cysts, an ovary and/or other tissues will have to be removed. A premenopausal woman who has one ovary removed will not become infertile nor go through menopause due to the procedure.

What Is the Prognosis of Ovarian Cyst?

The prognosis for women, especially premenopausal women, who have functional ovarian cysts is very good. Most of these cysts resolve within a few months on their own without treatment. The prognosis for women who have other types of ovarian cysts depends on a variety of factors. A woman’s age, health status, and underlying cause of the cyst all factor into the prognosis.


Hormonal stimulation of the ovary determines the development of a functional ovarian cyst. A woman who is still menstruating and producing estrogen has a more likely chance of developing a cyst. Postmenopausal women have a lower risk for developing ovarian cysts because they are no longer ovulating or producing large amounts of hormones. Younger women who are developing larger amounts of hormones are more likely to develop ovarian cysts than postmenopausal women.

Cyst Size

The size of a cyst directly corresponds to the rate at which they shrink. Most functional cysts are 2 inches in diameter or less and do not require surgery for removal. However, cysts that are larger than 4 centimeters in diameter will usually require surgery.

Can Ovarian Cysts be Prevented?

Although ovarian cysts cannot be prevented, regular pelvic exams can help diagnose any changes in the ovaries. If a woman is premenopausal and has recurrent functional ovarian cysts, birth control pills or other hormone therapy may help prevent new cysts from forming. Most ovarian cysts resolve on their own without treatment and are not dangerous

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