Watch/&Download:- Davido – Flora My Flawa(Official Vedio)
In this current work Babalawo Obanifa will document in detail some of the meanings of seeing snow in dream from the perspective of Yoruba spirituality and culture. By snow within the context of this work we are referring to an atmospheric water vapor frozen into ice crystals and falling in light white flakes or lying on the ground as a white layer. The name for snow in Yoruba language is knows as Eyinyin /Yinyin. As in the case of every other dream symbol. Seeing snow in dream may have either positive or negative meanings. The meaning to be given to any snow dream will usually depend on the contents and context of such dream.  Below are detail documentation of some of the meaning of seeing snow in dream as document by Babalawo Obanifa.

TI A BA LALA RI TI YINYIN N WO LASIKO EERUN/OGBE ILE(IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT SNOW IS FALLEN IN DRY SEASON): When you see in your dream that snow is falling in dry season. This is a warning dream about an imminent loss, sickness or wastage. If you have this kind of dream If you are a merchant or business person. You will need to be very careful where you invest your money so it will not end up in money miss road(loss)
TI A BA LALA TI YINYIN N RO NIGBA OJO (IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT THE SNOW IS FALLING IN RAINING SEASON): In any kind of dream of this nature it connotes blessing and taking of right decision etc.
TI A BA LALA TI YINYIN N WO LASIKO OYE (IF YOU SEE IN YOUR DREAM THAT SNOW IS FALLING DURING HAMMARTAN IN YOUR DREAM):In any kind of dream where the dreamer see that snow is falling in harmmattans. This kind of dream connotes an imminent thing of sadness that is about to occur.
TI A BA LALA TI YINYIN DUDU N WO (IF YOU DREAM AND SEE FALLING BLACK COLOR SNOW):In any kind of dream where the dreamer see a black color snow falling. That kind of dream connote  that the dreamer is will soon experience some catastrophe or heard some bad new break to him such as new of death of love ones, loss of business, fire outbreak bad news on business deal.
TI YINYIN BA RO LU WA LARA GIRI-GIRI(IF AN HEAVY SNOW IS FALLEN ON YOU)-In any kind of dream where an individual see that heavy snow is fallen on them . This kind of dream is telling the dreamer to prepare himself and pray against an imminent oppression from people above him/her.
TI A BA LALA TI A N HE EYINYIN NINU (IF YOU SEE YOUR SELF PICKING SNOW IN THE RAIN):In any kind of dream where you see yourself picking snow in the rain. This is a positive message dream telling the dreamer that he/she will enjoy peace of mind, success, and blessing.

TI A BA LALA TI YINYIN N YO TO N DI OMI(IF YOU DREAM AND SEEING SNOW DISOLVING AND  TURNING TO WATER): The dream of his nature is a positive message dream .Telling the dreamer to allow his/her mind to be at peace
TI A BA LALA TI A MU YINYIN LOJU ALA(IF YOU  SEE YOURSELF  EATING SNOW ): This kind of dream connote  peace and blessing.

Copyright :Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone and whatsapp contact :+2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.
IMPORTANT NOTICE : As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission from the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract legal consequence

 Assista / faça o download: - Davido - Flora My Flawa (Official Vedio)



 Neste trabalho atual, Babalawo Obanifa documentará em detalhes alguns dos significados de ver a neve nos sonhos da perspectiva da espiritualidade e cultura iorubá.  Pela neve no contexto deste trabalho, estamos nos referindo a um vapor de água atmosférico congelado em cristais de gelo e caindo em flocos brancos claros ou deitado no chão como uma camada branca.  O nome da neve na língua iorubá é conhecido como Eyinyin / Yinyin.  Como no caso de qualquer outro símbolo de sonho.  Ver a neve nos sonhos pode ter significados positivos ou negativos.  O significado a ser dado a qualquer sonho de neve geralmente depende do conteúdo e do contexto desse sonho.  Abaixo está a documentação detalhada de alguns dos significados de ver a neve nos sonhos como documento de Babalawo Obanifa.

 TI A BA LALA RI TI YINYIN NO WO LASIKO EERUN / OGBE ILE (SE VOCÊ VÊ NO SEU SONHO QUE NEVE CAI NA ESTAÇÃO SECA): Quando você vê no seu sonho que a neve está caindo na estação seca.  Este é um sonho de advertência sobre uma perda iminente, doença ou desperdício.  Se você tem esse tipo de sonho, se é um comerciante ou uma pessoa de negócios.  Você precisará ter muito cuidado onde investe seu dinheiro para que não acabe em dinheiro perdendo estrada (perda)

 TI A BA LALA TI YINYIN NO RO NIGBA OJO (SE VOCÊ VÊ EM SEU SONHO QUE A NEVE CAI EM TEMPORADA CHUVA): Em qualquer tipo de sonho dessa natureza, conota bênção e tomada de decisão correta etc.

 TI A BA LALA TI YINYIN NO WO LASIKO OYE (SE VOCÊ VÊ NO SEU SONHO QUE NEVE ESTÁ CAINDO DURANTE HAMMARTAN NO SEU SONHO): Em qualquer tipo de sonho em que o sonhador vê que a neve está caindo em perigos.  Esse tipo de sonho conota uma coisa iminente de tristeza que está prestes a ocorrer.

 TI A BA LALA TI YINYIN DUDU N WO (SE VOCÊ SONHA E VÊ A NEVE COR PRETA): Em qualquer tipo de sonho em que o sonhador vê uma neve preta cair.  Esse tipo de sonho indica que o sonhador experimentará em breve alguma catástrofe ou ouvirá um novo e ruim rompimento, como o da morte de entes queridos, perda de negócios, surto de incêndio e más notícias nos negócios.

 TI YINYIN BA RO LU WA LARA GIRI-GIRI (SE UMA NEVE PESADA CAIR EM VOCÊ) - Em qualquer tipo de sonho em que um indivíduo vê que uma neve pesada cai sobre eles.  Esse tipo de sonho está dizendo ao sonhador que se prepare e ore contra uma opressão iminente das pessoas acima dele.

 TI A BA LALA TI EYINYIN NINU (SE VOCÊ VÊ A SUA PICA NA NEVE NA CHUVA): Em qualquer tipo de sonho em que você se vê pegando neve na chuva.  Este é um sonho positivo que diz ao sonhador que ele / ela desfrutará de paz de espírito, sucesso e bênção.

 TI A BA LALA TI YINYIN NO YOUNG N OMI (SE VOCÊ SONHA E VÊ NEVE DESOLVIR E VOLTAR À ÁGUA): O sonho de sua natureza é uma mensagem positiva. Diga ao sonhador que permita que sua mente esteja em paz

 TI A BA LALA TI A MU YINYIN LOJU ALA (SE VOCÊ VÊ COMER A NEVE): Esse tipo de sonho conota paz e bênção.

 Direitos autorais: Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, telefone e whatsapp: +2348166343145, local Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

 AVISO IMPORTANTE: Com relação ao artigo acima, todos os direitos reservados, nenhuma parte deste artigo pode ser reproduzida ou duplicada de qualquer forma ou por qualquer meio, eletrônico ou mecânico, incluindo fotocópia e gravação ou por qualquer sistema de armazenamento ou recuperação de informações sem permissão prévia por escrito  do detentor dos direitos autorais e do autor Babalawo Obanifa, fazê-lo é considerado ilegal e atrairá conseqüências legais

 Ver y descargar: - Davido - Flora My Flawa (Vedio oficial)



 En este trabajo actual, Babalawo Obanifa documentará en detalle algunos de los significados de ver la nieve en sueños desde la perspectiva de la espiritualidad y cultura yoruba.  Por nieve en el contexto de este trabajo nos estamos refiriendo a un vapor de agua atmosférico congelado en cristales de hielo y que cae en forma de escamas blancas claras o que yace en el suelo como una capa blanca.  El nombre de nieve en idioma yoruba se conoce como Eyinyin / Yinyin.  Como en el caso de cualquier otro símbolo de sueño.  Ver nieve en sueños puede tener significados positivos o negativos.  El significado que se le dará a cualquier sueño de nieve generalmente dependerá de los contenidos y el contexto de dicho sueño.  A continuación hay documentación detallada de algunos de los significados de ver nieve en sueños como documento de Babalawo Obanifa.

 TI A BA LALA RI TI YINYIN N WO LASIKO EERUN / OGBE ILE (SI VES EN TU SUEÑO QUE LA NIEVE CAE EN TEMPORADA SECA): Cuando ves en tu sueño que la nieve cae en la estación seca.  Este es un sueño de advertencia sobre una pérdida inminente, enfermedad o desperdicio.  Si tienes este tipo de sueño Si eres un comerciante o una persona de negocios.  Deberá tener mucho cuidado donde invierta su dinero para que no termine en el camino perdido (pérdida)

 TI A BA LALA TI YINYIN N RO NIGBA OJO (SI VES EN TU SUEÑO QUE LA NIEVE ESTÁ CAIENDO EN LA TEMPORADA DE LLUVIA): En cualquier tipo de sueño de esta naturaleza connota bendición y toma de la decisión correcta, etc.

 TI A BA LALA TI YINYIN N WO LASIKO OYE (SI VES EN TU SUEÑO QUE LA NIEVE SE CAE DURANTE HAMMARTAN EN TU SUEÑO): En cualquier tipo de sueño en el que el soñador vea que la nieve está cayendo en los daños.  Este tipo de sueño connota una cosa inminente de tristeza que está a punto de ocurrir.

 TI A BA LALA TI YINYIN DUDU N WO (SI USTED SUEÑA Y VE NIEVE COLOR NEGRO DE NIEVE): En cualquier tipo de sueño donde el soñador ve caer una nieve de color negro.  Ese tipo de sueño connota que el soñador pronto experimentará una catástrofe o escuchará alguna nueva mala noticia para él, como la nueva muerte de los seres queridos, la pérdida de negocios, el estallido de incendios, malas noticias en los negocios.

 TI YINYIN BA RO LU WA LARA GIRI-GIRI (SI SE LE ENCUENTRA UNA NIEVE PESADA) - En cualquier tipo de sueño en el que un individuo vea que caen fuertes nevadas sobre ellos.  Este tipo de sueño le dice al soñador que se prepare y ore contra una opresión inminente de las personas que están por encima de él.

 TI A BA LALA TI A N HE EYINYIN NINU (SI VE TU NIEVE SELECCIONANDO EN LA LLUVIA): En cualquier tipo de sueño donde te ves recogiendo nieve bajo la lluvia.  Este es un sueño de mensaje positivo que le dice al soñador que disfrutará de tranquilidad, éxito y bendición.

 TI A BA LALA TI YINYIN N YO TO N DI OMI (SI SUEÑAS Y VES LA NIEVE DISOLVERSE Y GIRAR AL AGUA): El sueño de su naturaleza es un mensaje positivo de sueño. Le dice al soñador que permita que su mente esté en paz

 TI A BA LALA TI A MU YINYIN LOJU ALA (SI TE VES COMER NIEVE): Este tipo de sueño connota paz y bendición.

 Copyright: Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, teléfono y contacto de WhatsApp: +2348166343145, ubicación Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

 AVISO IMPORTANTE: en lo que respecta al artículo anterior, todos los derechos reservados, ninguna parte de este artículo puede reproducirse o duplicarse de ninguna forma ni por ningún medio, electrónico o mecánico, incluyendo fotocopias y grabaciones, o por cualquier sistema de almacenamiento o recuperación de información sin permiso previo por escrito  del titular de los derechos de autor y del autor Babalawo Obanifa, hacerlo se considera ilegal y tendrá consecuencias legales

  Regarder / Télécharger: - Davido - Flora My Flawa (Vedio officiel)

  SIGNES DE BABALAWO OBANIFA -Obanifa extreme documentaries


  Dans ce travail en cours, Babalawo Obanifa décrira en détail certaines des significations de voir la neige en rêve dans la perspective de la spiritualité et de la culture yoruba.  Par neige dans le cadre de ce travail, nous faisons référence à une vapeur d’eau atmosphérique gelée en cristaux de glace et tombant dans des flocons blanc pâle ou reposant sur le sol en couche blanche.  Le nom de neige en langue yoruba est connu sous le nom de Eyinyin / Yinyin.  Comme dans le cas de tout autre symbole de rêve.  Voir la neige en rêve peut avoir une signification positive ou négative.  La signification à donner à tout rêve de neige dépendra généralement du contenu et du contexte de ce rêve.  Vous trouverez ci-dessous une documentation détaillée de la signification de voir la neige en rêve, document de Babalawo Obanifa.

  LASIKO EERUN / OGBE ILE (SI VOUS VOYEZ DANS VOTRE RÊVE QUE LA NEIGE EST TOMBÉE EN SAISON SÈCHE): Lorsque vous voyez dans votre rêve, la neige tombe en saison sèche.  C’est un rêve d’avertissement concernant une perte, une maladie ou un gaspillage imminent.  Si vous avez ce genre de rêve Si vous êtes un commerçant ou un homme d'affaire.  Vous devrez faire très attention à l'endroit où vous investissez votre argent pour qu'il ne finisse pas en argent manquer route (perte)

  TI A BA LALA TI YINYIN N RO NIGBA OJO (SI VOUS VOYEZ DANS VOTRE RÊVE QUE LA NEIGE TOMBE EN PLUIE): Dans tout type de rêve de cette nature, cela signifie bénédiction et prise de bonne décision, etc.

  LASIKO OYE (SI VOUS VOYEZ DANS VOTRE RÊVE QUE LA NEIGE TOMBE PENDANT HAMMARTAN DANS VOTRE RÊVE): Dans n'importe quel type de rêve où le rêveur voit que la neige tombe dans les harmmattans.  Ce genre de rêve évoque une tristesse imminente sur le point de se produire.

  TI A BA LALA TI YINYIN DUDU N WO (SI VOUS RÊVEZ ET VOYEZ LA CHUTE DE COULEUR NOIRE): Dans n'importe quel type de rêve où le rêveur voit une neige de couleur noire tomber.  Ce genre de rêve signifie que le rêveur va bientôt connaître une catastrophe ou entendre une nouvelle rupture, comme la mort de ses proches, la perte de son commerce, une épidémie d’incendie, de mauvaises nouvelles en matière d’affaires.

  TI YINYIN BA RO LU WA LARA GIRI-GIRI (SI UNE FORTE NEIGE TOMBE SUR VOUS) -Dans n'importe quel type de rêve où un individu voit que de la neige épaisse leur tombe dessus.  Ce type de rêve consiste à dire au rêveur de se préparer et de prier contre l'oppression imminente de la part de personnes supérieures à lui.

  TI A BA LALA TI N EYINYIN NINU (SI VOUS VOYEZ VOTRE AUTO-PRISE DE LA NEIGE DANS LA PLUIE): Dans n'importe quel type de rêve où vous vous voyez ramasser de la neige sous la pluie.  C’est un message positif qui dit au rêveur qu’il aura tranquillité d’esprit, succès et bénédiction.

  (Le rêve de sa nature est un message positif. Dire au rêveur de laisser son esprit s'apaiser.): Le rêve de sa nature est un message positif.

  TI A BA LALA TI A MU YINYIN LOJU ALA (SI VOUS VOUS VOYEZ VOUS MANGER DE LA NEIGE): Ce genre de rêve évoque la paix et la bénédiction.

  Copyright: Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, contact téléphonique et whatsapp: +2348166343145, lieu-dit Ile Ife osun, Nigeria.

  AVIS IMPORTANT: En ce qui concerne l’article ci-dessus, tous les droits réservés, aucune partie de cet article ne peut être reproduite ou dupliquée sous quelque forme ou par quelque moyen que ce soit, électronique ou mécanique, y compris la photocopie et l’enregistrement, ou par tout système de stockage ou de récupération des informations sans autorisation écrite préalable.  titulaire du droit d'auteur et l'auteur Babalawo Obanifa, cela est considéré comme illégal et entraînera des conséquences juridiques

  Anschauen / & Herunterladen: - Davido - Flora My Flawa (Official Vedio)



  In dieser aktuellen Arbeit wird Babalawo Obanifa detailliert dokumentieren, was es bedeutet, Schnee aus der Perspektive der Yoruba-Spiritualität und -Kultur im Traum zu sehen.  Unter Schnee wird im Rahmen dieser Arbeit ein in Eiskristallen gefrorener atmosphärischer Wasserdampf verstanden, der in hellweiße Flocken fällt oder als weiße Schicht auf dem Boden liegt.  Der Name für Schnee in Yoruba-Sprache ist Eyinyin / Yinyin.  Wie bei jedem anderen Traumsymbol.  Das Sehen von Schnee im Traum kann positive oder negative Bedeutungen haben.  Die Bedeutung, die einem Schneetraum beigemessen wird, hängt normalerweise vom Inhalt und Kontext eines solchen Traums ab.  Nachstehend finden Sie eine detaillierte Dokumentation einiger der Bedeutungen des Sehens von Schnee im Traum als Dokument von Babalawo Obanifa.

  TI A BA LALA RI TI YINYIN N WO LASIKO EERUN / OGBE ILE (WENN SIE IN IHREM TRAUM SEHEN, DASS SCHNEE IN DER TROCKENSAISON GEFALLEN IST): Wenn Sie in Ihrem Traum sehen, dass Schnee in der Trockenzeit fällt.  Dies ist ein Warnungstraum vor einem drohenden Verlust, einer Krankheit oder einer Verschwendung.  Wenn Sie diese Art von Traum haben Wenn Sie ein Kaufmann oder eine Geschäftsperson sind.  Sie müssen sehr vorsichtig sein, wo Sie Ihr Geld anlegen, damit es nicht zu Geldverlust kommt.

  TI A BA LALA TI YINYIN N RO NIGBA OJO (WENN SIE IN IHREM TRAUM SEHEN, DASS DER SCHNEE IN DER REGENSAISON FÄLLT): In jeder Art von Traum dieser Art bedeutet es Segen und das Treffen der richtigen Entscheidung usw.

  TI A BA LALA TI YINYIN N WO LASIKO OYE (WENN SIE IN IHREM TRAUM SEHEN, DASS SCHNEE WÄHREND HAMMARTANS IN IHREM TRAUM FÄLLT): In jeder Art von Traum, in dem der Träumer sieht, dass Schnee in Harmmattans fällt.  Diese Art von Traum bedeutet eine unmittelbar bevorstehende Traurigkeit.

  TI A BA LALA TI YINYIN DUDU N WO (WENN SIE SCHWARZEN SCHNEE TRÄUMEN UND SEHEN): In jeder Art von Traum, in dem der Träumer einen schwarzen Schnee fallen sieht.  Diese Art von Traum deutet darauf hin, dass der Träumer bald eine Katastrophe erlebt oder eine böse neue Pause für ihn gehört hat, wie zum Beispiel der Tod der Liebsten, der Verlust des Geschäfts, der Ausbruch eines Feuers, der schlechte Nachrichten über Geschäftsabschlüsse.

  TI YINYIN BA RO LU WA LARA GIRI-GIRI (WENN EIN SCHWERER SCHNEE AUF SIE FÄLLT) - In jeder Art von Traum, in dem eine Person sieht, dass schwerer Schnee auf sie gefallen ist.  Diese Art von Traum fordert den Träumer auf, sich vorzubereiten und gegen eine bevorstehende Unterdrückung von Menschen über ihm zu beten.

  TI A BA LALA TI A N EYINYIN NINU (WENN SIE IHR SELBST SCHNEE PICKEN IM REGEN SEHEN): In jeder Art von Traum, in dem Sie sich selbst beim Schneepicken im Regen sehen.  Dies ist ein positiver Botschaftstraum, der dem Träumer sagt, dass er / sie Seelenfrieden, Erfolg und Segen genießen wird.

  TI A BA LALA TI YINYIN N YO TO N DI OMI (WENN SIE SCHNEE TRÄUMEN UND SEHEN, LÖSEN SIE SICH UND WENDEN SIE SICH ZU WASSER): Der Traum seiner Natur ist ein positiver Botschaftstraum. Sagen Sie dem Träumer, dass er seinem Geist erlaubt, in Frieden zu sein

  TI A BA LALA TI A MU YINYIN LOJU ALA (WENN SIE SCHNEE ESSEN): Diese Art von Traum bedeutet Frieden und Segen.

  Copyright: Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, Telefon- und WhatsApp-Kontakt: +2348166343145, Standort Ile Ife Osun, Bundesstaat Nigeria.

  WICHTIGER HINWEIS: In Bezug auf den obigen Artikel, alle Rechte vorbehalten, darf kein Teil dieses Artikels in irgendeiner Form oder auf irgendeine Weise, elektronisch oder mechanisch, einschließlich Fotokopieren und Aufzeichnen, oder durch ein Informationsspeicherungs- oder -abrufsystem ohne vorherige schriftliche Genehmigung reproduziert oder vervielfältigt werden  Dies gilt als rechtswidrig und zieht rechtliche Konsequenzen nach sich

  Смотреть / & Скачать: - Давидо - Флора Май Флава (Официальное Ведио)

  СМЫСЛ ВИДЕНИЯ СНЕГА В МЕЧТЕ БАБАЛАВО ОБАНИФА -Обанифа экстремальные документальные фильмы


  В этой текущей работе Бабалаво Обанифа подробно документирует некоторые значения видения снега во сне с точки зрения духовности и культуры йоруба.  Под снегом в контексте этой работы мы имеем в виду атмосферный водяной пар, замерзший в ледяные кристаллы и падающий в легкие белые хлопья или лежащий на земле в виде белого слоя.  Название снега на языке йоруба известно как Eyinyin / Yinyin.  Как и в случае любого другого символа мечты.  Видеть снег во сне может иметь как положительное, так и отрицательное значение.  Значение, которое нужно придать любому снежному сну, обычно зависит от содержания и контекста такого сна.  Ниже приведена подробная документация о значении видения снега во сне в качестве документа Бабалаво Обанифы.

  TI A BA LALA RI TI YINYIN N WO LASIKO EERUN / OGBE ILE (ЕСЛИ ВЫ УВИДЕТЕ В СВОЕЙ МЕЧТЕ, ЧТО СНЕГ ОСУЩЕСТВЛЯЕТСЯ В СУХОМ СЕЗОНЕ): Когда вы видите во сне, что в сухой сезон выпадает снег.  Это предупреждающий сон о неизбежной потере, болезни или потере.  Если у вас есть такой вид мечты, если вы торговец или деловой человек.  Вы должны быть очень осторожны, когда вкладываете свои деньги, чтобы это не привело к потере денег (потеря)

  TI A BA LALA TI YINYIN N RO NIGBA OJO (ЕСЛИ ВЫ УВИДЕТЕ В СВОЕЙ МЕЧТЕ, ЧТО СНЕГ ОСУЩЕСТВЛЯЕТСЯ В ДУХОВОМ СЕЗОНЕ): В любом виде такой мечты это означает благословение и принятие правильного решения и т. Д.

  TI A BA LALA TI YINYIN N WO LASIKO OYE (ЕСЛИ ВЫ УВИДЕТЕ В СВОЕЙ МЕЧТЕ, ЧТО СНЕГ СОХРАНЯЕТСЯ ВО ВРЕМЯ ГАММАРТАНА В СВОЕЙ МЕЧТЕ): В любом виде сна, где мечтатель видит, что снег падает во вредных веществах.  Этот вид сна означает неизбежную грусть, которая вот-вот произойдет.

  TI A BA LALA TI YINYIN DUDU N WO (ЕСЛИ ВЫ МЕЧТИТЕ И ВИДИТЕ СНИМАЮЩИЙ ЧЕРНЫЙ ЦВЕТ СНЕГА): В любом виде сна, где мечтатель видит черный цвет падающего снега.  Такого рода мечты означают, что мечтатель скоро переживет какую-то катастрофу или услышит какой-то плохой новый прорыв для него, такой как новый случай смерти влюбленных, потеря бизнеса, вспышка пожара плохие новости о коммерческой сделке.

  TI YINYIN BA RO LU WA LARA GIRI-GIRI (ЕСЛИ ВАМ ТЯЖЕЛЫЙ СНЕГ ПАДАЕТ) - В любом сне, когда человек видит, что на него падает сильный снег.  Этот вид снов говорит мечтателю подготовиться и молиться против неминуемого угнетения со стороны людей над ним.

  TI A BA LALA TI A NEY EYINYIN NINU (ЕСЛИ ВЫ УВИДЕТЕ, ЧТО ВЫ САМ ВЫБИРАЕТЕ СНЕГО СНЯТЬ В ДОЖДЕ): В любом виде сна, где вы видите, как вы собираете снег в дождь.  Это позитивная мечта, сообщающая мечтателю, что он / она будет наслаждаться душевным спокойствием, успехом и благословением.

  TI A BA LALA TI YINYIN N N TO N DI OMI (ЕСЛИ ВЫ МЕЧТИТЕ И ВИДЕТЕ СНЕГО РАСТВОРЕНИЯ И ПОВЕРНУТЬ ВОДУ): Мечта о его природе - это позитивное послание мечты. Говоря мечтателю, чтобы его ум пребывал в покое

  TI A BA LALA TI A MU YINYIN LOJU ALA (ЕСЛИ ВЫ ВИДИТЕ СЕБЯ, ЕДЯ СНЕГ): Этот вид мечты означает мир и благословение.

  Авторское право: Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, телефон и контакт WhatsApp: +2348166343145, местоположение Ile Ife osun штат Нигерия.

  ВАЖНОЕ УВЕДОМЛЕНИЕ. Что касается статьи выше, все права защищены. Никакая часть этой статьи не может быть воспроизведена или воспроизведена в любой форме или любым способом, электронным или механическим, включая фотокопирование и запись, или любой системой хранения или поиска информации без предварительного письменного разрешения.  от правообладателя и автора Babalawo Obanifa, это считается незаконным и влечет за собой юридические последствия

 观看/下载:-Davido – Flora My Flawa(官方视频)

 巴巴拉沃·奥巴尼法(BABALAWO OBANIFA)-Obanifa极限纪录片


 在目前的这本书中,巴巴拉沃·奥巴尼法(Babalawo Obanifa)将详细记录从约鲁巴(Yoruba)灵性和文化的角度看梦中雪的一些含义。 在这项工作中,降雪是指大气中的水蒸气,它们被冻结成冰晶并掉入浅白色薄片或以白色层的形式躺在地面上。 约鲁巴语中的雪的名字被称为艾因/银因。 就像其他所有梦境符号一样。 在梦中看到下雪可能具有积极或消极的意义。 赋予任何雪梦的含义通常取决于该梦的内容和背景。 以下是Babalawo Obanifa撰写的有关梦中见雪的一些含义的详细文档。

 提拉·巴拉拉·里因因因诺·拉西科·埃伦/奥比(ERUN / OGBE ILE)(如果您在梦中看到雪在干季中倒下):当您梦见雪季是干燥季节。 这是关于即将发生的损失,疾病或浪费的警告梦。 如果您有这种梦想如果您是商人或商人。 您将需要非常谨慎地将钱投资于何处,以免最终落入金钱之路(亏损)

 TI A BALALA TI YINYIN N RO NIGBA OJO(如果您在梦中看到雪正在降临雨季):在这种性质的梦中,它意味着祝福和做出正确的决定等。

 TI A BALALA TI YINYIN N WO LASIKO OYE(如果您在梦境中看到HAMMARTAN期间雪正在降落):在任何做梦的梦中,梦者看到降雪都在降噪中。 这种梦想意味着即将发生的悲伤。

 TI A BALALA TI YinYIN DUDU N WO(如果您梦见并看到坠落的黑色雪):在任何种类的梦中,梦者都会看到黑色的雪花飘落。 这种梦想意味着梦想家很快就会经历一场灾难或听到对他不利的新突破,例如新死的爱人,生意中断,火警爆发坏事。

 提因因巴罗·鲁瓦·拉·拉·吉里·吉里(如果有沉重的雪落在你身上)-在任何梦中,一个人看到大雪都落在他们身上。 这种梦想告诉做梦者准备自己,并为他/她上方的人们即将来临的压迫祈祷。

 提拉巴拉·艾因因纽努(如果您在雨中看到自己的摘雪):在任何一种梦想中,您都会看到自己在雨中摘雪。 这是一个积极的信息梦,告诉梦者他/她将享有内心的平静,成功和幸福。

 TI A BALALA TI印银N到N DI OMI(如果您梦见并看到雪崩和倒水):关于他本性的梦想是一个积极的信息梦想。告诉梦想者让他/她的思想安宁

 TI A BA LALA TI A MU YINYIN LOJU ALA(如果您看到自己的进餐雪):这种梦想意味着和平与祝福。

 版权:Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa,电话和whatsapp联系人:+2348166343145,位于尼日利亚Ile Ife osun省。
 重要声明:关于上述条款,保留所有权利,未经事先书面许可,不得以任何形式或通过任何方式(包括影印和录制的电子或机械方式或任何信息存储或检索系统)复制或复制本文的任何部分 版权持有人和作者Babalawo Obanifa的行为被认为是非法的,并将引起法律后果

  देखें / डाउनलोड करें: - डेविडो - फ्लोरा माय फ्लैवा (आधिकारिक वेदियो)

  BABALAWO OBANIFA -Obanifa चरम वृत्तचित्रों द्वारा DREAM में एक चित्र देखने की योजना


  इस वर्तमान कार्य में बाबलाव ओबनिफा योरूबा आध्यात्मिकता और संस्कृति के परिप्रेक्ष्य से सपने में बर्फ देखने के कुछ अर्थों का विस्तार से वर्णन करेंगे।  इस कार्य के संदर्भ में बर्फ के द्वारा हम एक वायुमंडलीय जल वाष्प का उल्लेख कर रहे हैं जो बर्फ के क्रिस्टल में जमे हुए हैं और हल्के सफेद गुच्छे में गिर रहे हैं या सफेद परत के रूप में जमीन पर पड़े हैं।  योरूबा भाषा में बर्फ के लिए नाम Eyinyin / Yinyin के रूप में जाना जाता है।  जैसा कि हर दूसरे सपने के प्रतीक के मामले में होता है।  सपने में बर्फ देखना सकारात्मक या नकारात्मक अर्थ हो सकता है।  किसी भी बर्फ के सपने को दिए जाने का अर्थ आमतौर पर ऐसे सपने की सामग्री और संदर्भ पर निर्भर करेगा।  नीचे सपने में बर्फ देखने के कुछ अर्थों का विस्तार से दस्तावेजीकरण किया गया है जैसे कि बाबलावो ओबनिफा द्वारा दस्तावेज।

  TI A BA LALA RI TI YINYIN N WO LASIKO EERUN / OGBE ILE (अगर आप अपने सपने में देख रहे हैं, तो क्या ड्रोन सीजन में है): जब आप सपने में देखते हैं कि शुष्क मौसम में बर्फ गिर रही है।  यह एक आसन्न नुकसान, बीमारी या अपव्यय के बारे में एक चेतावनी का सपना है।  यदि आपके पास इस तरह का सपना है यदि आप एक व्यापारी या व्यवसायी व्यक्ति हैं।  आपको बहुत सावधानी बरतने की ज़रूरत है जहाँ आप अपने पैसे का निवेश करते हैं इसलिए यह मनी मिस रोड (हानि) में समाप्त नहीं होगा

  TI A BA LALA TI YINYIN N RO NIGBA OJO (यदि आप अपने सपने में देख रहे हैं, जो बरसात के मौसम में फैल रहा है): इस प्रकृति के किसी भी प्रकार के सपने में आशीर्वाद और सही निर्णय लेना आदि शामिल हैं।

  TI A BA LALA TI YINYIN N WO LASIKO ओए (यदि आप अपने सपने को देखते हैं, तो आपके सपने में हरमन को डर लगता है): किसी भी तरह के सपने में, जहां सपने देखने वाला देखता है कि हिमपात में बर्फ गिर रही है।  इस तरह का सपना दुख की एक आसन्न चीज को दर्शाता है जो होने वाली है।

  TI A BA LALA TI YINYIN DUDU N WO (यदि आप सपने देख रहे हैं और ब्लीड कलर पता चल गया है): किसी भी तरह के सपने में जहां सपने देखने वाले को काले रंग की बर्फ गिरती दिखाई देती है।  इस तरह के सपने देखते हैं कि सपने देखने वाला जल्द ही कुछ तबाही का अनुभव करेगा या उसके लिए कुछ बुरा नया तोड़ सकता है जैसे कि प्यार करने वालों की मौत का नया, व्यापार का नुकसान, व्यापार सौदे पर आग का बुरी खबर।

  TI YINYIN BA RO LU WA LARA GIRI-GIRI (अगर आप पर भारी पड़ रहा है) - किसी भी तरह के सपने में, जहां कोई व्यक्ति देखता है कि उन पर भारी बर्फ गिर गई है।  इस तरह का सपना सपने देखने वाले को खुद को तैयार करने और उसके ऊपर के लोगों से आसन्न उत्पीड़न के खिलाफ प्रार्थना करने के लिए कह रहा है।

  TI A BA LALA TI A N HE EYINYIN NINU (यदि आप अपनी पसंद का चयन बारिश में देख रहे हैं): किसी भी तरह के सपने में जहां आप खुद को बारिश में बर्फ उठाते हुए देखते हैं।  यह सपने देखने वाले को यह बताने वाला एक सकारात्मक संदेश है कि वह मन की शांति, सफलता और आशीर्वाद प्राप्त करेगा।

  TI A BA LALA TI YINYIN N YO to N DI OMI (यदि आप सपने देख रहे हैं और पता चल रहा है और पानी की खोज कर रहे हैं): उसकी प्रकृति का सपना एक सकारात्मक संदेश का सपना है। सपने देखने वाले को अपने मन की शांति के लिए अनुमति देना।

  TI A BA LALA TI A MU YINYIN LOJU ALA (यदि आप खुद को खा रहे हैं पता है): इस तरह का सपना शांति और आशीर्वाद को दर्शाता है।

  कॉपीराइट: बबालावो पेले ओबासा ओबनिफा, फोन और व्हाट्सएप संपर्क: 13:48166343145, स्थान इले इफ ओसुन राज्य नाइजीरिया।
  महत्वपूर्ण सूचना: जैसा कि ऊपर दिए गए लेख के अनुसार, सभी अधिकार सुरक्षित हैं, इस लेख का कोई भी भाग किसी भी रूप में या किसी भी तरह से इलेक्ट्रॉनिक या मैकेनिकल द्वारा फोटोकॉपी और रिकॉर्डिंग या किसी भी जानकारी के भंडारण या पुनर्प्राप्ति प्रणाली से लिखित अनुमति के बिना पुन: प्रस्तुत या दोहराया नहीं जा सकता है।  कॉपीराइट धारक और लेखक बबालावो ओबनिफा से, ऐसा करना गैरकानूनी माना जाता है और कानूनी परिणाम को आकर्षित करेगा

  Watch / & Download: - Davido - Flora My Flawa (فيديو رسمي)

  معاني رؤية تساقط الثلوج في الحلم بقلم بابلو عنيفة - الأفلام الوثائقية


  في هذا العمل الحالي ، سيوثق Babalawo Obanifa بالتفصيل بعض معاني رؤية الثلوج في المنام من منظور روحانية وثقافة يوروبا.  عن طريق الثلج في سياق هذا العمل ، نشير إلى بخار الماء في الغلاف الجوي المتجمد في بلورات الجليد ويسقط في رقائق بيضاء فاتحة أو ملقاة على الأرض كطبقة بيضاء.  يُعرف اسم الثلج بلغة اليوروبا باسم Eyinyin / Yinyin.  كما هو الحال في كل رمز حلم آخر.  رؤية الثلج في المنام قد يكون لها معان إيجابية أو سلبية.  عادةً ما يعتمد المعنى الذي يعطى لأي حلم ثلجي على محتويات وسياق هذا الحلم.  فيما يلي وثائق تفصيلية لبعض معنى رؤية الثلوج في الحلم كوثيقة من إعداد Babalawo Obanifa.

  TI a BA LALA RI TI YINYIN N WO LASIKO EERUN / OGBE ILE (إذا كنت ترى في أحلامك ، فإن الثلج يتساقط في موسم الجفاف): عندما ترى في حلمك أن الثلج يتساقط في موسم الجفاف.  هذا حلم تحذيري حول خسارة وشيكة أو مرض أو إهدار.  إذا كان لديك هذا النوع من الحلم إذا كنت تاجرًا أو رجل أعمال.  ستحتاج إلى توخي الحذر الشديد حيث تستثمر أموالك حتى لا ينتهي الأمر بالمال (الخسارة)

  TI a BA LALA TI YINYIN N RO NIGBA OJO (إذا كنت ترى في أحلامك بأن الثلوج تتساقط في موسم الأمطار): في أي نوع من الحلم من هذا النوع ، فإنه يعني نعمة واتخاذ القرار الصحيح وما إلى ذلك.

  TI a BA LALA TI YINYIN N WO LASIKO OYE (إذا كنت ترى في أحلامك ، فإن الثلج يتساقط أثناء الدوران في أحلامك): في أي نوع من الحلم يرى الحالم أن الثلج يتساقط فيه.  هذا النوع من الحلم يدل على شيء وشيك من الحزن على وشك الحدوث.

  TI a BA LALA TI YINYIN DUDU N WO (إذا كنت تحلم وترى تساقطًا للهبوط الأسود المتساقط): في أي نوع من الحلم حيث يرى الحالم تساقط ثلوج سوداء اللون.  هذا النوع من الحلم يشير إلى أن الحالم سيواجه قريباً بعض الكارثة أو يسمع بعض الراحة الجديدة السيئة له مثل الجديد من موت أحبائهم ، وفقدان العمل ، وتفشي أخبار سيئة عن صفقة تجارية.

  TI YINYIN BA RO LU WA LARA GIRI-GIRI (إذا كان ثلوج ثقيلة تسقط عليك) - في أي نوع من الحلم حيث يرى الفرد أن الثلوج الغزيرة تسقط عليها.  هذا النوع من الحلم يخبر الحالم أن يعد نفسه ويصلي ضد اضطهاد وشيك من أشخاص فوقه.

  TI a BA LALA TI A N HE EYINYIN NINU (إذا رأيت نفسك تلتقط ثلجًا في المطر): في أي نوع من الحلم حيث ترى نفسك تلتقط الثلج في المطر.  هذا حلم رسالة إيجابية تخبر الحالم بأنه سوف يستمتع براحة البال والنجاح والبركة.

  TI a BA LALA TI YINYIN N YO to N DI OMI (إذا كنت تحلم وترى تساقط الثلوج وتحول إلى الماء): حلم طبيعته هو حلم رسالة إيجابية. إخبار الحالم بالسماح لعقله بالراحة

  TI a BA LALA TI A MU YINYIN LOJU ALA (إذا كنت ترى نفسك تساقط الثلوج الأكل): هذا النوع من الحلم يتضمن السلام والبركة.

  حقوق الطبع والنشر: Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa ، الهاتف واتس اب الاتصال: +2348166343145 ، موقع إيل إيف أوسون ولاية نيجيريا.
  إشعار هام: فيما يتعلق بالمادة أعلاه ، جميع الحقوق محفوظة ، لا يجوز إعادة إنتاج أو نسخ أي جزء من هذه المادة بأي شكل أو بأي وسيلة ، سواء كانت إلكترونية أو ميكانيكية ، بما في ذلك التصوير والتسجيل أو أي نظام لتخزين المعلومات أو استرجاعها دون إذن كتابي مسبق  من صاحب حقوق الطبع والنشر والمؤلف Babalawo Obanifa ، فإن القيام بذلك يعتبر غير قانوني وسيؤدي إلى نتيجة قانونية

Meanings Of snow dream From Other Spirituality and Culture

Spiritual Meaning of Snow

Nothing is as it appears. What lies beneath the enchanting snowflakes floating gently from heaven to earth? From whence do these white angels originate? Is this heaven speaking to us?
Mysticism teaches that everything in the physical universe has a spiritual counterpart.  Just as a teardrop is a manifestation of human emotion, and anger is an expression of repressed energy, so physical phenomena actually evolve from and are a manifestation of a spiritual reality. Thus snow is a channel of energy, it is a Divine voice speaking to us through visual imagery so that we can experience it with our bodily senses.
Meteorologist may perceive snow to be a result of pressure systems and precipitation levels; physicist will recognize the subatomic particles that create snow; but the mystic sees the cosmic energy that snow manifests and the facets of our psyche that it illuminates.
Let us explore the spirit within the snow.
Water in all its forms is a symbol of knowledge. Descending water represents the transmission of knowledge from a higher to a lower place, the flow of information from teacher to student. On a cosmic level, rain and snow reflect different ways in which divine energy flows to us from a higher spiritual plane.
Water flowing downward thus describes G-d’s way of transmitting His energy to us and represents the conduit through which our material existence and G-d interact. The purpose of existence is to create unity between G-d and man, so that we, in our limited, material existence can become integrated and unified in an intimate and equal relationship with G-d. To achieve this neither the Divine nor the human can be compromised. Unity achieved on G-d’s terms would annihilate our identities, our existence. Can we (our egos, vanities, and needs) co-exist with G-d who is infinite, uncontained and undefined? And unity attained on our material, finite terms would compromise G-d, because He would have to limit Himself to our existence.
If water – the divine wisdom – were to flow continuously, it would totally submerge and obliterate, not allowing space for any other existence. So water flows in various measures to allow for the transmission to be internalized. Sometimes water flows as rain and sometimes it freezes to different degrees producing snow, hail or sleet, which are all metaphors for the teacher monitoring and transforming the flow into forms that the student can contain and assimilate.
Rain is a transmission that is more on Divine terms. Admittedly it falls in drops which symbolizes some level of contraction, but it flows continuously like a stream of information retaining its fluidity and it is absorbed quickly into the earth.
Ice on the other hand, is a transmission that is more on the recipient’s terms. The information has solidified into a compact state so that the student can internalize it. The flow has ceased and turned into a solid form, so the student is not overwhelmed by the continuous flow of new ideas.
Snow is an intermediary state between fluid water and solid ice. In order to appreciate the spiritual implications of this, we need to examine the properties of snow.
A snowflake needs at least two components in order to form. In addition obviously to cold air, it requires water droplets (vapor), and a nucleus. The nucleus is made up of dust, minerals or other microscopic particles in the air. A snowflake is formed when water takes shape around these microscopic particles and the cold air turns it into ice crystals. Thus snow has two components: water and earth – earth being the particles, and the water being the droplets. Earth is the material world – without any recognition of G-dliness; water is the knowledge of G-d – divine energy without any containers. Thus snow, being half heaven and half earth provides the perfect intermediary between these two worlds.
Snow consists of separate snowflakes that are actually independent properties – each comprised of about 100 ice crystals. Snowflakes cling to each oths – each comprised of about 100 ice crystals. Snowflakes cling to each other but they are not intrinsically one. In contrast, water is one unified entity. Although it consists of droplets, each drop joins with another and they become one body of water. What is the symbolism of this in the flow of knowledge?
When a teacher has to reach out to a student who is far beneath his or her level of knowledge and understanding, he or she cannot allow the water to just flow freely, it has to be dressed up in metaphors and it has to be paced. In order for the student to understand a new concept, the teacher needs to create a point of reference by using examples, anecdotes, stories, and analogies. Thus snowflakes represent the need to explain gradually, step by step, in a language that is accessible to the student.
Snow falls gently and silently, teaching us in our own process of educating others and educating ourselves, that we need gentleness. If we educate with a sledgehammer – with unceasing rain pour – it will simply submerge and destroy the crops. Even when it rains on earth, science tells us that on a higher level, the beginning process could have originated in snowflakes. So snowflakes are a symbol of that first gentle step.
Who has not been awed by the beauty of the city or countryside covered in snow? The serenity and whiteness of snow attracts us. We sense the purity of snow when we wake up in the morning and the streets, which are so often filled with grime, are all covered with a white blanket of snow. Snow is a great equalizer – no matter how big the building, or the car, whether a Lexus or a Hyundai, they’re all covered equally by the snow. Snow has the ability to cover over the impurities of life and remind us of our own purity.
So snow is heaven speaking to us – speaking to us through purity, speaking to us gently and gradually on our terms. Snow is the intermediary stage between heaven and earth; ice is a little closer to the level of earth; sleet is in between snow and ice. Thus every weather condition sends us a message and lesson –  whether it’s rain, snow, ice, sleet or hail.
Ultimately, the intention is that the snow should melt and turn to water. Once the snow falls and blocks our driveways and streets, we want it to melt. In the education process the student needs to pause which requires a freezing of the water, but then at some point it has to melt and integrate into our system in order for us to grow.
The idea of educating through metaphor is further expressed through the numerical secret of snow.  The gematria (numerical equivalent) of the Hebrew word sheleg (snow) is 333 (shin=300, lamed=30, gimmel=3). It says in Kabbalah that sheleg is the gematria of three times the letter alef. When you spell out the letter alef, it is 111. (Alef, lamed, and fei is 1+30+80=111.) So 111 times 3 is 333 which is sheleg.
What is the significance? The verse states, “Vayidaber Melech Shlomo shaloshes alafim moshel  – King Solomon, (the wise one) spoke in 3,000 metaphors.” The number 3,000, three elefs (elef is one thousand), is snow. (The letter alef also refers to the word elef, 1,000.) So snow relates to the concept of three thousand metaphors.
What’s the relationship between the two? Sheleg, snow, is the concept of metaphor itself. The spiritual dimension of snow serves as an intermediary between Divine energy and the universe. Snow is the concept of explaining knowledge in metaphor. Its cosmic significance is this: To understand the process of how G-d created the universe, G-d could not allow the borders of divinity and spirituality to just flow ceaselessly and annihilate the boundaries of existence. G-d had to contain it, and the way He contained it is reflected in snow.
The mystique of snow is precisely because of its dual quality of heaven meeting earth, water meeting land. Next time you look at the snowflakes gently dropping from heaven, blanketing earth in its white embrace, remember that you are witnessing a kiss – the kiss of the Divine and the mundane.


To see snow in your dream represents a fresh start or purification of some area of your life. A new feeling of security or a second chance. Experiencing something has come to an end. A new sense of clarity. Alternatively, snow may symbolize spiritual peace and tranquility.

Negatively, snow may reflect how harsh or cold a cleansing experience is. A very unpleasant new beginning or feeling as though you're being punished. Emotional isolation. Feeling "out on the cold" or like you got a "cold shoulder." A loss, a breakup, or an unpleasant ending of some kind.

Melting snow represents obstacles or fears that are dissolving.

To dream of playing in the snow represent enjoyment or relaxation after a troubling experience. Alternatively, the dream is a sign that you are taking advantage of an opportunity.

To dream finding something in the snow represents the discovery of hidden talents or abilities within yourself. You may have discovered a new opportunity. It may also reflect new feelings of acceptance or forgiveness after a difficult experience.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing snow falling on a street. In real life he had solved a nagging health problem. The snow falling reflected the new beginning with his improved health.

now Dream Interpretation

4 years ago
Snow in dreams can have different meanings depending on the context of the dream. Always take into how you feel and how you interact with the snow itself within the dream to get an accurate interpretation. Be sure to take other symbols and events into consideration why trying to interpret your snowy dreams.

We will first lay out some general concepts of seeing and experiencing snow within your dream. Then we will go deeper into the various symbols that snow may mean.

Lastly, take into consideration whether or not you live in an area with consistent yearly snowfalls. If your area gets snow falls every year, then some of the actions or symbols here can mean much less. For example, building a snowman could mean less if you have made snowman often in life. The reason is that your dream may be a simple reflection or recall of your actual life experience, instead of having deeper secondary meaning.

General Snow Dream Symbols

Snow as a state of cold emotion in Dreams
Snow, as a form of water, often relate to the state of your emotions and how you feel about things. A dream featuring snow indicates the area where you feel cold and emotionally distant. Snow dreams can occur at time where you feel emotionally exhausted, say at the time of a break up. The dreamworld that you have created may feature a snowy weather together with your ex boyfriend/girlfriend or ex wife/husband. The snow backdrop or weather can symbolize a period of time where your heart feels cold and alone.

Snow as a method of hiding and forgetting
Snow, as a natural concealer, can hide things that you want to be hidden. If the snow covers objects in full in your dream, you may want a particular area to be hidden or even forgotten.

Snow as a beginning of an end to a new beginning
When the dream’s background includes thawing or melting snow, it indicates that a whole new beginning is just starting. The cold winter is coming to an end, and you are ready to embrace the warmer spring once the snow melts away. The melting snow can represent new hope and personal growth.

Snow as a Magical White and Pure Dream Symbol
Together with the sunlight, starlight or moonlight, the experience of snow is truly magical white and pure. The snow in this context is a sign of deep emotional peace and a sense of psychological clearance. The presence of snowflakes can also be magical to help you appreciate every little thing in life.

Snow as a dream representation of a confused feeling
The falling of snows can often block your views and line of sight. With the snow falling at full force, it may be time to slow down or even stop. Think about your future courses of actions before pressing ahead against with your venture or goals.

General Snow Dream Context Symbols

Dream About Snow Storm or Blizzard
Experiencing a snow storm is a powerful symbol within your dream. With the snow falling down hard, you are stuck with where you are and you have trouble seeing your surroundings. In addition, the weather will be cold and you will often feel a hopeless feeling if you are in the midst of it without protection.

Snow storm dreams typically represent difficult, hopeless, and loveless times in your life. Time to stop what you are doing if you feel depressed while having a snow storm dream. Seek shelter and support from your family and friends before you gather yourself again.

If you are feeling cold and freezing within the snow storm dream, it verifies that your heart is turning cold. Everything or everyone around you feels distant and isolated.

Dream About Snow Out of Season
Depending on the timing of the snow fall that you see throughout the year out of season, they can have slightly different dream meanings. However, if the snow fall is a heavy snow storm, then the snow storm symbolism of confusion and depression overtake these definitions.

Seeing Snow in Summer in a Dream means that you will be pleasantly surprised.

Seeing Snow in Autumn or Fall in your dream means that you will achieve success in business. As your planned product launches or other time sensitive projects may be able to start earlier.

Seeing Snow in Spring in your dream means that you may face minor difficulties in situations.

If the snowfall is peaceful and without a season backdrop from your dream’s mind, then it symbolizes falling in you and giving your heart to someone else.

Dream About Driving on or Walking through Snow
Moving about in a snow road or field either in a vehicle or on foot requires extra attention. The snows may have covered up some unseen potholes that can be . The dream is a reminder that you should be extra cautious during this time of life, move slowly and prepare for your every moves. Watch out for hidden obstacles that can put yourself at danger.

If the heavy snow is falling while you are traveling, it suggests that other factors will cloud your judgments in making decisions. Your subconscious mind is teaching to stay calm no matter what the situation. If the time really gets bad, stop and rest before you can move again.

Dream About Eating Snow
Eating snow in the dream reflects your inner mind’s display of innocence and youth. Eating the white snow also takes a part of that purity and perfection into yourself. Perhaps you would like to be more pure and innocent in your own thoughts. You will get rid of your troubles easily and be more like your much younger self.

Dream About Plowing or Shoveling Snow
Plowing or Shoveling Snow filled roads means that you work hard and only do good deeds for the others. Consider how you feel or the occasion of having to shovel the snow out of your roadway or driveway. Are you happy, angry, or tired when you do the deed. The dream may be a good place for you to reflect your own motivations in helping others.

If you are shoveling or clearing the snow out of your own driveway, the action represents that the worst or winter is over, and you are now preparing for a new chapter in your life. However, you need to put in extra effort to prepare that starting roadway, or else it can become slippery and hard to travel.

Dream About Snow Avalanche
Similar to a Tidal Wave or Tsunami dream symbol, Snow Avalanche is a deadly force that can cover and destroy everything in its path. In a sense, snow avalanche is typically triggered by your own aggressive behaviors which causes chain effects. For example, a gunshot or explosives can effectively trigger and start the avalanche. Dreaming about snow avalanche means that you need to be on the look out for your self-destructive behavior or habits.

The snow avalanche can also be a violent attempt at destroying and covering up any past events. Perhaps you have had some major events happened recently, and you want to hide all traces of it and forget about your past.

Dream About Buried in Snow
Consider whether or not you can get out the snow yourself, or if you are completely trapped by the weight of the snow. To be buried in snow can be a sign of “feeling snowed under”, if you cannot get out, it represent that the responsibility is too much for you to handle. This is especially true if the snow burying dream occurs after an Avalanche. Some big accident has happened, and you cannot escape other than becoming trapped deep under the layers of heavy snow.

If you buried yourself completely in the snow on purposes, it suggests that there are parts of you that you do not want others to know. You want to keep all or a part of yourself hidden from others and keep as a secret.

Dream About Snow and Mountaintop
Dreams with fully snow capped mountaintop or peaks completely foretells the fulfillment of your goals. The opposite holds true if the snow does not cover the mountain peak in your dream, your wishes and goals are not likely to be fulfilled. Other tasks and distractions is likely to stop you.

If the mountain peak snow is starting to melt in the dream, it signifies a start or a transition to a whole new period of your life. The winter is ending and you should prepare for a new beginning.

Dream About Snow’s Quality
Dirty Snow on the Ground
The Dirty or tainted snow represents that your heart and mind is no longer pure and innocent.

Dirty Snow Falling from Sky
The dream suggests that your health will take a turn for the worse.

Big Snowflakes
You will have serious discussions with your loved ones.

Pure White Snow
It symbolizes a person whom you think is perfect in life. It also symbolizes a stable and harmonious marriage.

Snow In Dreams
What does snow mean in your dream?

Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings

If you are “snowed under”, it means that you are at a loss in your current circumstances.

When the words of snow are uttered, I automatically cross-check a distant memory of seeing snow. It is really a perceptual spiritual experience in dreams. Dreaming of snow is associated with cleanness, clarity, and a possible fresh start ahead. A stage in your life is over and there is a new beginning coming. Since snow is water in solid form, it symbolizes something in life will take shape and be more concrete going forward. The water connection makes the snow appear in dreams in association with our inner feelings, maybe because you have been suppressing your thoughts lately and they remained frozen, which means it is time to reanimate them. Spiritually, the snow represents your beauty and serenity, as well the melting of your problems. There is different types of snow such as hard snow, soft snow, powder snow (which is light and generally fluffy) and of course artificial snow. I will cover all these meanings in this dream interpretation, I’m Flo and welcome to my website, just scroll down to find your dream.

What does it mean to dream of snow falling? There are 1 septillion snowflakes that fall on the United States every year that is (1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) Snow is synonymous with our perceptions of past experiences of snow. Do you remember as a child playing in the snow? This dream could just be a memory of the past. Every single snowflake is unique and if you look at the snowflake you will see intricate patterns. They are actually beautiful. Did you also know that the snow is not white, it is rater a translucent but the reflection does result in us thinking it is white.  Ok, I am getting carried away with the wonderful facts of snow. But, this all means something in a spiritual context to see snow falling in your dream.

As snow is translucent it often indicates a problem in life that you just cannot see. Also as snow can fall at speeds (up to 9 mph) it indicates that there is something that is worrying you that is just around the corner. If you dream about snow sports, you may desire relaxation and freedom. Hazards are plenty in the snow. We can experience closed roads, damage, and blizzard-like winds. If you are currently experiencing a snowy winter, and you're stocking up on hot chocolate and Netflix then this dream just symbolic. It is what Freud described as a symbol of our own perception. Scroll down to see some spiritual meanings of this dream because you will never know the dream might actually mean something!

What is the general dream interpretation of snow? Sometimes seeing snow in a dream is the sign of growing old, this is the “general” meaning in ancient dream books. For a man, this could refer to his fear if impotent. If the snow melts, this portends softening of the heart. The snow can represent a cold personality or even frigidity and loneliness. A snow fight is a positive dream. However, sinking in snow could mean that your feelings for someone you used to love have cooled off. It is possible that dreaming of snow foretells a change in your personal relationships. Having a hard time walking through deep snow means that you will soon worry about someone unnecessarily.

In general, snow, hail, or ice could portend that your most secret desires will not come true. Dreaming of melting snow  tells you there is something you do not pay attention to and slowly gets out of control. This dream is an omen for dangers and temporary difficulties. Dreaming of yourself seeing snow suggests that you might be cheated by a woman. If you see snowflakes in your dream, it means unhappiness ahead.

Seeing dirty snow in your dream indicates anxiety, emotional confusion, stress, fear of rejection or failure, being misled, and confusion. Clean snow is an omen for strength, economy, stagnation, waiting, rigidity, and passivity. If you are walking in the snow sure of yourself, this refers to your trust in the other people or in your loved ones. If you are walking in the snow unsure of yourself, this means caution, especially in relation to others, distrust, doubt, and a fear of being wrong. To see powder snow is positive it denotes according to Sigmund Freud a way to approach problems that are troubling your subconscious mind.

If you experience the fear of freezing in a snowy landscape, this suggests that you probably are in situations in which you not only feel your close relationships could freeze or even come to an end, but also that you might have a hidden fear of life or failure, especially in regard to finances and your love affairs. This dream could also make a reference to a possible cold attitude in a relationship with others, your tendency to isolate yourself, and not express any warmth and love to other beings. You should change quickly if you do not want to end up lonely. Dreaming of being surrounded by snow in your dream is an indicator that you are an observer of difficulties and hardships which you may be encountering.

Ok, this is from ancient dream books, so I will also look at more recent definitions too! In dreams to see yourself surrounded by snow indicates a new phase of life. During winter we sometimes long for the spring or summer temperatures. You could have dreamed of dangerous driving conditions or that you were shoveling your driveway. To dream of positive spiritual adventures in the snow indicates that you will spend time with people you love.

What does it mean to dream of deep snow? Foot high drifts of snow can indicate in dreams an adventure on a deeper level. Spiritually, it indicates your soul and spirits will be renewed if you dream of deep snow. It is inherent of the challenges that you will face in life. Just like the breathtaking beauty of snow. To see an avalanche in a dream indicates that you will be completely thrown into a task. To be buried in snow indicates a situation that will require you to realize some great gifts in life. To see a ski pole, or lose one in deep snow indicates that you will coach others. To ski in deep snow in dreams means you are going to coach and find this personally gratifying, it doesn't matter if you win or lose this is a positive dream. To see a snowy mountaintop indicates our sharing in life. Maybe you need to share with others to enjoy the real “happiness” that being on earth can offer us. If you are an athlete in the dream and conduct sports in deep snow this can indicate that you plan to engage in a new phase of life. Deep snow can also look blue in some cases this is due to the fact the snow has multiple layers and appears to absorb the red and blue light. To see snow a different color indicates changes are on the horizon! To see yourself in the middle of a frozen lake fishing through a hole indicates an enjoyable time in life. To catch a fish can often mean a new phase of life is on the horizon. To scoop slush from the hole indicates that you are trying to remove obstacles in your life right now!

What is the dream psychology of seeing snow? In winter people gain a bit of weight and the libido is lost, this is important when looking at the Freudian interpretation of this dream. He believed most dreams are connected to our sexual urges. In the book, Cambridge Companion to Freud by Jerome Neu it mentioned that the phrase “the snow is white” is just the same as drinking water when we are thirsty. It could just mean therefore, you would like it to snow in waking life.  According to famous dream interpreter, Carl Jung indicates that the presence of snow can give a brand new perspective on a situation in waking life.

Take note of the other symbols in this dream when trying to determine its meaning. Occasionally, snow can be associated with love, so it is crucial to understand the context of the dream. Psychologically, snow in dreams indicates coldness, and in this context, the dream may end up indicating the need for you to unfreeze your emotions. Snow can symbolize purity, attractiveness, and gentle consistency.

What does it mean to dream of being trapped in snow? Being trapped in snow during your dream could be rather worrying, especially if the dream actually turned out to be a nightmare.  There are many reasons could see us being trapped in snow, it could possibly mean that there are problems that surround you at the moment.

What does it mean to dream of melting snow? To see water or snow melting in your dream indicates that new changes are on the horizon - and this dream is connected with your emotion. If you see the snow melting into freshwater, perhaps floating in a river or lake and this can suggest that you will find challenging ways to overcome problems. To dream that snow is melting and evaporating can indicate you're offsetting a change in your career.

What does it mean to see snowy roads in a dream? If you see yourself driving on snowy roads the dream means you are fully aware of your surroundings and you will overcome problems on your journey in life. If you could see snow falling on the road in a dream it implies you will succeed but without an emotional impact. Your alertness will serve as a guide to make you feel self-assured and relieved of all events in your life.

What does it mean to dream of eating snow? If in your dream you see yourself eating snow, it denotes that, you are receptive and open-minded to the opinions, ideas, beliefs, and ideologies that others have. Your education or upbringing could be the reason as to why you have a high awareness that you are dependant on others as well as you need to help them too. It is a dream which symbolizes that you understand the concept of unity in diversity.

What does it mean to dream of snow sports? Snow sports can come in many different varieties. From skiing to snowboarding. This dream generally indicates there is a dilemma on whether to help someone in a difficult predicament which will include many different things. To be on a snowboard or to see yourself skiing on the snow indicates something will positively occur and make you feel positively awestruck! There is a renewal of your should due to an experience you are likely to undertake in life.

What does it mean to see melting snow in your dream? Melting snow in your dream implies that you are hanging onto irrational fears and anxieties of some unimportant things in your life at the moment.

What does it mean to dream of seeing snow on mountaintops? Seeing snow on mountaintops in the dream is a sign that, you have a great ambition. It indicates that you could be achieving goals in life. The goals, though not yet achievable, could make it possible for people who would otherwise not respect you, to do so. To climb a snow-covered mountain indicates your goals will be realized.

What does it mean for a female sledding on snow in your dream? A female sledding on snow in your dream is a symbol of hardships and difficulties which you would go through to attract a man of your dream. It is a sign that there is stiff competition for the same man and thus it is a dream which is reminding you to be prepared to apply your best tactics to win him over to your side.

What does it mean to get lost in the snow in your dream? Seeing yourself lost in the snow in your dream is a sign that you are going to get involved in long personal and professional struggles. It could be as a result of wrong decisions made and miscalculations regarding relationships, undertakings or family life in the past which have caused you to undergo what you are incurring.

What does it mean to observe snowfall in slow motion in your dream? Observing slow falling snow in your dream can suggest something or someone has brought sadness into your life, I am sorry this is the ancient meaning. Discouragement and disappointment have been featured in your life recently, according to old dream books. This maybe due to a relationship that failed to kick off or failed in some way.

What does it mean to dream of big snow banks? Seeing big snow banks in your dream could imply that, you are going to experience peace, contentment, and happiness in your life. Your desires and pleasures are going to come true because you don’t lust for the amassing of great wealth or gaining widespread fame. You are easy to please, you forgive your offenders easily, and your wishes are modest. Your life is simple, and thus, you live easy.

Walking on snow in your dream? Seeing yourself walking in the snow is a sign that you are in deep affection and love that you feel for your partner or children. It is a dream that is trying to give you a focus on the fact that in life love overrules everything. Now, you should be grateful that you have someone who loves you and you love them back; this is a wonderful dream to have. To walk in the snow and be chased by the abominable snowman indicates problems in life, but you can overcome anything!

What does it mean to see both snow and ice in your dream? Seeing snow and ice in your dream at the same time means in old dream books - you are a lucky person. It symbolizes a season of plentiful harvest after good farming. But, of course, this is older dream meanings. Your experience and hard work are in life is what is going to enable you to reap a bumper harvest. So maybe a new job is on the horizon?

Snow falling irregularly in your dream? Seeing snow fall at irregular intervals in your dream is a positive sign which denotes memorable moments and good times which you are spending with your partner. It seems you are doing good things together like sharing meals, watching movies, and this is creating a strong bond. The small things in life result in a magical experience with your loved ones. In case you are married, such a dream is an indication of being happily married, happy and peaceful, material abundance and profound love.

What does snow melting in your hands in your dream mean? A scene in your dream where you see the snow melting in your hands denotes that, before indulging in a certain project, you need to know that things are going to work out well in the future. There is a focus on financial backing and a strong mind which will see you through the whole process of advancement! Alternatively, it could mean that you are developing a strong relationship that is focused on commitment, maturity, emotional and financial stability.

What does it mean to witness both snow and rain at the same time in a dream? When you witness snow and rain in the same dream, it is a sign that you are going to receive good news followed by some negative news, according to psychic paper on dreams by Nicola Graham in the 1930s. Very strange right! This means that you will be joyful then followed by an awkward situation - in quick succession. Yes, this can cause you to have emotional confusion. It is a dream which foretells of receiving good news first which make you extremely happy. I am not sure, spiritually how much of this is true but if this happens then make sure you contact me!

What does it mean to observe snow whiteout in your dream? A whiteout is associated with your visibility being affected by snow. Normally when driving. So, in your dream, this will result in a heavy snowfall. But what does it mean in dreams? Dreaming of observing a snow whiteout is a sign that there will be a commotion in your social circle where there will be blame game due to blunders committed and nobody willing to bear the blame. Whether the issue is resolved or not, someone has to get blamed, and you emerge victoriously.

What does it mean to dream of snow in the summertime? Snow falling in the summertime during a dream is a sign that you are going to experience pleasant surprises. It could be due to recent changes in your life to improve your situation; there are other changes which will occur that you had not foreseen and which is going to turn your life around to be in a better position.

What does it mean to see footprints in the snow in your dream? Seeing someone’s footprints fading in snowfall is not a great omen - meaning that, your inner thoughts which are clouded with skepticism and doubt that is likely to cause you to show antisocial behavior thus making you fall out of your social circle. You might end up shying off from your friends and family who have been supportive of you all this while, but you now view them with suspicion. There is a danger which is likely to grow due to this trait of yours as you might develop paranoia.

What does it mean to see an animal’s fresh tracks in snow during your dream? To see dog tracks in the snow can indicate a friend will need your help. A deer tracks in the snow indicate care and spiritual enlightenment. Seeing an animal’s fresh tracks of snow foretells of you becoming persevering and persistent due to the prevailing circumstances around you. To see small tracks in the snow but you are unable to identify the animal indicates that there is going to be a long time until your success. Hard work The dream reminds you that there is nothing which can be too big or too difficult to prevent you from achieving your goals as long as you have a big heart and a determined mind.

What does it mean to struggle to walk in snow during a dream? A dream where you are struggling to walk in snow is a sign of the struggle that is present in your waking life. It could be that you are facing problems or jumping through tough hurdles and obstacles in either your professional career or your personal life. This dream will come as no surprise if you have faced recent problems.

What does it mean to see an animal’s fresh tracks in snow during your dream? To see dog tracks in the snow can indicate a friend will need your help. A deer tracks in the snow indicate care and spiritual enlightenment. Seeing an animal’s fresh tracks of snow foretells of you becoming persevering and persistent due to the prevailing circumstances around you. To see small tracks in the snow but you are unable to identify the animal indicates that there is going to be a long time until your success. Hard work The dream reminds you that there is nothing which can be too big or too difficult to prevent you from achieving your goals as long as you have a big heart and a determined mind.

What does it mean to struggle to walk in snow during a dream? A dream where you are struggling to walk in snow is a sign of the struggle that is present in your waking life. It could be that you are facing problems or jumping through tough hurdles and obstacles in either your professional career or your personal life. This dream will come as no surprise if you have faced recent problems.

What does a dream of snow falling on the ground in a hot country? If you see yourself observing snow falling on the ground in a hot country then it denotes a great change coming your way. You are going to undergo a series of changes which will be in connection with your physical appearance, career, marital status, project or business. The positiveness or negativity of the changes will depend on how you perceive life from your point of view. To see snowfall in the desert generally means a new change!

What does it mean to be trapped in a house due to snow in a dream? Ummm. Spiritually, seeing yourself stuck in a house during your dream, due to the snow indicates you are going to go through a series of bad luck. There is a tough situation which is going to occur in your career, personal life or current project which will test your limits! You may end up winning the battle if you gather the patience you need! Try to focus on a positive solution in life.

What does it mean when it snows then rains in a dream? A snow dream where you are trying to determine whether it is snowing or raining is indicative of your desire to lead a life which is based on your values and beliefs. It is a reflection of your resistance to the lifestyle of others and not being ready to venture into territories outside your comfort zone. According to ancient dream books happiness is yours if it snows then rains in your dream.

What does it mean to walk barefoot on snow in your dream? A dream where you walk barefoot on snow is a sign of a worrying time - which is about to happen.  Being barefoot in a dream is quite a substantial spiritual experience. It can suggest that you need to review your spending patterns. You could be of the opinion that just because in the past you have been working hard, you deserve to reward yourself and that is why you are spending lavishly. It is a dream which acts as a warning that, you need slow down - when it comes to spending. Otherwise, you will lose track of your finances.

What does it mean to be a spectator of a snow-induced sports activity in your dream? In order to define the dream, we need to return to older dream interpretations. Being a spectator of a snow-related activity or game is an indication that you need recreation or rest. It denotes that, very soon you are going to recuperate from your daily activities and go for a holiday just to relax and have fun, but it will be for a short period.

What does it mean to see a backyard covered with snow in your dream? A backyard covered in snow is a symbol that there is going to be happy in the family. You are going to rely on a member of your family who is very close to you. If in your dream you go outside and discover a snowman it means that the person whom you are going to lose is elderly. You may encounter someone cold but sincere.

What does it mean in a dream to see your hair covered with snow? Having snow covered white hair is a sign that you are going to receive great pleasure in the near future. So lucky you! There is a possibility of receiving wonderful news or going on new adventures. You could meet new friends shortly. The dream is a sign that, you are going to receive good news. Snow white hair in your dream or hair that is colored with snow is a sign that you are going to find a new skill. You are going to embrace a lucky time in life.  It can foretell that you will become successful. It is the right time to start dreaming and putting your goals into reality.

What does it mean to dream of being a child in snow? Seeing yourself touching snow in your dream, as a child denotes isolating yourself. If you're a child in the dream then this can relate to our inner child and the fact we need care.  coat in your dream, it is a sign about the wall you have built around yourself for self-protection. Having snow on your end and rain on your father’s end is the realization of feeling stronger towards your family rather than distancing yourself. The image in the dream will automatically make you realize that it is important to be close to your family because that is where you will draw your strength from.

What does it mean to dream of clearing your driveway of snow? A scene where it is snowing, and you clear your driveway is a sign of steady progress. You are heading towards your goals, and are trying to beat all the odds, using your own willpower and motivation to get where you need to be. To clear snow from your car indicates you will cease ruthless efforts and clean your outlook on life.

What does a snowman mean in a dream? Snowmen in dreams is generally positive it means that you have the potential to deal with any emotional requirements. You must also give yourself permission to choose the way that you behave in life. The snowman represents a wealth of wisdom and experience. A dream where you are fighting with a snowman is indicative that you have fears in your waking life. If you see yourself trying to get rid of the snowman, or the snowman is running after you indicate problems you are trying to escape from in waking life. It means you are fighting back.

What does it mean to dream of a snowball fight? Snow is a representation of isolation if used as a “weapon” therefore, in this dream it indicates, you feel there is a lack of support. If you see a snowball fight in your dream, it is a warning which foretells of a negative time that will be caused by financial decisions. It could be that you are surrounded by individuals who can support you.

What does it mean to see a log cabin covered in snow in a dream? A happy life is predicted if you dream of seeing a log cabin surrounded by beautiful snow. It could be as a result of the people around you are somewhat exciting or controversial. If you look out the window of the log cabin and see snow - it is a sign that you are ready to move out of your comfort zone. The image of falling snow is indicative of you feel like a spectator while everyone else is living a vigorous, happy life. Seeing a roaring fire in the log cabin means that, there is a manifestation of the developments taking place in your life.

What does it mean to look out a window and see snow? Observing snowy weather through a window in your dream is a sign that you are looking for answers, but the problem is that, as of now, you are not getting the answers to the questions you have. As you are behind glass in this dream it can spiritually mean that people who are surrounding you are not ready to share information with you. Until the weather calms down around you, it might be hard for you to get any answers.

What does a snowy road in your dream? A snowy road is an indicator that you should follow a better path in life. What do trees covered with snow in your dream mean? Seeing trees covered with snow in your dream denotes that, you are being forewarned of spiritual development. Trees indicate grounding and you need to focus on that work. You could be translating spiritual and cultural developments in your community. To see a row of snow-covered trees indicates the spirit of cooperation, unity, collectivity, and moral values of high standards.

What does an avalanche mean in your dream? To see an avalanche of snow in your dream is indicative of receiving discouragement and disappointment in equal measures which are making you feel vulnerable in life. The dream is reminding you that your emotions are deep when it comes to change. Change your ways and make sure that you treat people the way you would want them to treat you in return.

What does it mean to brush off snow in a dream? A dream of cleaning or brushing off snow can denote hardships, conflicts in life. If you brushed the snow from your car it indicates a change in life. Now, to brush off snow from your body indicates a positive change is on the cards. When you dream that you are washing or rubbing snow from your body, it means you are a lucky person. Your aspirations, ambitions, dreams, and desires regarding your career, personal life, your undertakings, business, and everything will go well for you!

What does it mean spiritually to get stuck in a snowbank in your dream? When you visualize yourself stuck in the snow in your dream, it implies that there are a number of positive events which will shadow your life. The good news is that your businesses will prosper, your plans will work out, and you are going to progress well in your projects. Everything will work out as you expect. To see yourself deep in a snowbank is actually rather positive. The great news is that happiness is coming your way unexpectedly, and this is creating a joyful atmosphere in the future. So lucky you!

What do snowballs in your dream mean?  To dream of large balls of snow indicates a time in life where you need to focus on yourself. Snowballs can represent the fact you need to step away from problems. To be a target of a snowball fight is an indicator that, you are going to encounter issues with your relatives concerning money. Old dream dictionaries denote that seeing small snowballs could result in a task that will take time and drain you of your energy.

What does it mean to dream of flying over a snow-covered ground in your dream? A dream where you see yourself flying over a vast landscape of snow implies that you are going to succeed in a partnership. You, together with your partner will be bringing out the best in one another regarding skills and talents which will in time compliment both of you. If you see yourself looking down at a snow-ridden landscape in a dream - it can indicate that you will create harmony in your working environment - you will gain more success and happiness.

What does a snow-covered ground in your dream mean? A dream where you see snow covering the ground without any footprints is a sign of unrewarded efforts. You may be in the process of seeking answers to questions which are in your subconscious mind - or you are taking an interest in an evasive person or elusive object. It could also suggest that you are trying to get to know more about a mysterious phenomenon happening in your life. Are you interested in psychic affairs?

You could be trying to develop a business enterprise, but it seems all your efforts are not being rewarded - keep on trying - this is the spiritual message when you see snow on the ground. Seeing valleys and landscapes covered with snow denotes the end of a long season of misfortunes and bad luck that have been present in your life. After a period of misery and suffering, you are about to enter into a season of plenty and empowerment.

What does it mean to dream of a wall of snow? Financial stability in your life is the key message when you dream of a wall of snow. This is a great dream denoting a higher position regarding a career, wealth, ownership or career advancement. Due to your wisdom, you are going to use whatever you receive to invest in profitable projects and businesses for the future stability of your family.
What does it mean to dream of a blizzard? A blizzard is basically snow which has fast speeds of around 30-35 mph and it is considered rather a severe storm, we often notice that your visibility is lost when encountering a blizzard. But what does it mean in our dreams? There are two types of blizzards, firstly a severe one which reaches around 45mph and a ground blizzard that is more focused on strong winds. So, it might freak you out after waking up to seeing a heavy blizzard in a dream. It can mean that you are feeling things are unsettled and difficult at the moment. If you see the storm blow down power lines, houses and trees it can just be a reflection of how you are feeling in life. To struggle in a lizard is basically energy from our psyche that is locked away. It can mean you are trying to gain control of your life to focus on your own habits in life. There is conflict but you can overcome anything!

What does it mean to feel snow touch your body in your dream? If you feel snow touch your skin, foretells sexual fulfillment and satisfaction. If you are in a romantic relationship or have met a new partner then this dream can indicate your sexual fantasies.

What does it mean to dream of snow glittering in the sun? To dream of seeing snowflakes glittering in the sun, it implies that you are going to embark on a new job possibility. The sun shining on snow in a dream indicates a possible wedding, a birthday or a family reunion. It is a rare occasion, but when this dream occurs, you will enjoy the warmth and togetherness of being in the company of people who are on the same wavelength as you.

What does it mean to shovel snow in your dream? To dream that you are shoveling snow is an indication that you are involved in a project or activity which needs your devoted energy and time. To see yourself clear away snow from a sidewalk, or laying salt in your dream indicates that a problem in life will leave you feeling drained physically and emotionally. Alternatively, it could be symbolizing legal issues involving you and other people in your circle.

What do large snowflakes in your dream mean? Each snowflake is unique, no two are the same. Sometimes we have particularly strange dreams. A dream where you see snow falling in large flakes can denote a problem in life. The good news is that you will overcome these problems or issues. Seeing large snowflakes also reveals an opportunity to take a more integrated approach to achieving your goals.

Falling into snow in your dream? A scene where you see yourself falling into snow in a dream foretells of the sporadic and temporally period of difficulties in your current business or career. All you need to remember is to spend wisely as you wait for things to stabilize. A scene of fluffy powder snow falling on the ground in your dream is a sign of happiness.

What does it mean to dream of seeing yourself caught in a snowstorm in your dream? To see a massive snowstorm in a dream can indicate a time of great adventure. If you notice sleet then this indicates a new phase of life is on the horizon. Accumulating snow in a dream can indicate extreme approaches to problems.  After reviewing many dream dictionaries to see yourself caught in a snowstorm is a sign that you are feeling emotionally depressed and stressed.

In your dream you may have: You see snow. The snow is indoors. You walk in the snow. You are covered in snow. A mountain covered in snow. Snow sports. The snow melts. A snow fight. Walking through deep snow. Snowflakes. Positive things will happen in life if: You enjoyed the snow. You felt good in the dream. The snow was clean and sparkling. You felt happy to see snow.

Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of snow: Happy. Cold. Afraid. Upset. Surprised. Content. Amazed. Curious. Enjoying. Sources: Dream Meanings, Occult magazine (1910), Interpret your dream, London Times (1880), The Jungian Dreamwork Manual (1980) Strephon Kaplan- Williams, Dream Alchemy (1991), Dream learnings (1923) author unknown, Dreams and the occult (date unknown paper and magazine) Dream Interpretation as a Psychotherapeutic Technique By Frederick L. Coolidge, Peretz Lavie, Alison

The Meaning of Snow in a Dream

Welcome to the second day of the Dream Well advent calendar!  Today I am writing about snow.  Even in the southern hemisphere and places that rarely see snow, a white Christmas can still evoke a strong sense of tradition and even nostalgia.  What is it that is so evocative about snow?

Snow in dreams can have many different meanings.  When we dream of elements such as fire, water, ice and snow they can can often relate to our emotions, literally how we “feel” about things.  A dream filled with snow may indicate there is an area of life where we feel cold or emotionally distant about something.  Snow covers like a blanket, and it conceals things.  Snow in dreams can come at periods when we are emotionally hibernating, but this need not necessarily be a bad thing.  Maybe there has been a difficult period and this is the time to retreat inwards to heal.  Or maybe you have felt overwhelmed with feelings in the past, and feel it would be easier and safer to just close off your emotions a while.  When snow means this in dreams, in future dreams look for signs of thawing and new shoots appearing, as this can indicate the period of retreat is coming to an end, the winter of the soul is becoming warmed by the sunlight of new hope and personal growth, and it is time to re-emerge back into the world.

But snow in dreams can mean many other things.  The whiteness and purity of snow can symbolise a period of spiritual cleansing that is profoundly uplifting, especially if there is sunlight, starlight or moonlight shining on it.  These kinds of dreams may also indicate a time of deep emotional peace, a relief from grieving, or a sense of psychologically clearing things that have been distracting and superfluous in life.

A snow storm may indicate that we feel confused, that we cannot see the way we need to progress clearly.   This may be a good time to stop pressing ahead with a certain venture or goal and just wait things out until the situation becomes clearer.  To be buried in snow can be a sign of “feeling snowed under” and perhaps unable to cope with all the demands that we feel are placed on us a particular time. When the environment is hostile, it is wise to seek shelter – and the same is true metaphorically.  Find friends, support or “go within” until the outside world is a kinder place.   Alternatively, dreaming of skiing across snow may indicate that we are not really addressing our deeper feelings, and just “skating across the surface” of an issue we know needs much deeper attention.  If the skiing feeling is liberating though, this may mean coming to terms with some of those deeper issues.

Snow in dreams can also be magical.  We know that every snowflake is unique, so to dream of the beauty or individuality of a single snowflake may be a sign of a wonderful appreciation of our own special place in the universe, or an increasing awareness of how uniquely valuable every human being is.

Snow dreams can be soft and gentle, or barren and cold.   And just as all snow eventually melts, so too do all feelings change.  Snow dreams ask us to consider what is going on inside, what needs to be healed, or strengthened or released, and what we would like to reveal when eventually the sunshine returns to clear the landscape again.


Snow is a symbol of purity, beauty, pride, whiteness, isolation, etc. If the white snow covered everything in your dream, it may be the embodiment of your inner depression, and shows that your feelings are just like a frozen snowland - you restrain yourself from falling in and escape from the colorful life. The dream about snow can be a symbol that reminds you to be more hospitable to those around. Your life will become colorful because of your passion.

If you are a woman, to see falling snow suggests you always think of others in daily life and no worries can make you lose smile.

If you are pregnant, the dream about falling snow indicates a pretty and healthy baby boy.

If you are a patient, the dream about falling snow indicates the dirt within your body will be cleared away and you will pull through soon.

If you are a businessman, to see snow falling suggests you may do business in a distant country.
The dream about snow slide suggests you will get a stupendous sum.

The dream about heavy snow or falling snow is a good sign of improved luck. A good fortune will befall you and you will get an unexpected surprise. But if the sky turned black or some other dark color in the dream about snow, it indicates a possible disease, inner depression or difficulties in getting along with people. The dream about dark road in snow can be a sign of something bad.

The dream about white snow falling from the sky implies you may get promoted at work recently.
If you are a man, the dream about falling snow suggests you are reliable and never covet little advantages, thus trusted by others and live a well-off life.

If your house was full of snow in the dream, it means something annoying will make your family ill at ease and in a fret.

If the trees in your yard were covered with snow in the dream, it suggests someone may invest for you or you will get good returns from the investment project.

The dream about melting snow and ice indicates a heart of steel will soften or a possible opportunity for what you are fighting for.

The dream about unmelted snow in the melting snowdrift suggests you will be busy running about something in smooth progress for a good end and to avoid certain losses.

The dream of slipping on a frozen road  indicates a possible abnormal behavior, probably tipping over a lunch box and making a fool of yourself in the public.

The dream about snowflakes or residual snow on your body indicates a funeral, a major change and other disasters.

The dream about a blanket of snow  suggests a trouble making you do not know where to go. At this time, you'd better ask the elder generation for help and advice.

The dream about thick snow indicates you might be overwhelmed by work. But don't worry, your efforts will be paid and your hard work will lead to great success beyond your expectations.

The dream about a snowstorm indicates that you may encounter some problems in the near future and feel upset.

The dream about a snow mountain with the rising sun means you want to get married.

If the heavy snow sealed the mountain  passes in your dream, it means you may receive some very important good news.

The dream about a snowball fight is a good omen of well-off life.

The dream about had snowball fight with friends indicates you will handle the interpersonal relationship properly.

The dream about tumbling about and playing in the snow suggests a favorable turn in love relationship. The cold war between you will be temporary and your relationship will revive soon. If a snowman appeared in the dream, your relationship will become more stable.

If you ate snow in the dream, it means your relationship will be fruitful - you will be comforted spiritually and physically, and feel happy.

If you followed the footprints in the snow  in the dream, it implies you will follow a renowned person or work on sorting out the great achievements of great men.

If you were buried in the snow, the dream suggests your opinion is correct but you will be isolated by people around due to misunderstanding.

Dreams About Snow – Meaning and Interpretation

Snow is made of frozen water. Water symbolizes emotions, so this dream can be related to your feelings, indicating you might be repressing them. It might also signify the need to express your emotions more.

These dreams can also be related to cleanness and clarity. They can indicate fresh starts and new beginnings. Such dreams might indicate something in your life which is about to take shape.

Dreams about snow sometimes indicate changes in your love life. These dreams might also signify resolving problems.

Snow can represent some cold and distant personality in your life. Sometimes snow in a dream might signify getting old.

Dreams about snow sports may signify your desire for relaxation.

Dreams About Snow – Interpretation and Meaning

Dreaming about snow in general. If you dreamed about being surrounded by snow or seeing snow, such a dream signify not paying much attention to the struggles of the people around you. Maybe you will have a dilemma whether to help someone or not, with the risk of being considered insensitive

Dreaming about dirty snow. If you saw dirty snow in a dream, such a dream is not a good sign, indicating emotional confusion, anxiety, stress, fear of failure or rejection.

Dirty snow can also be a sign of your humble nature, always ready to make the first move towards reconciliation.

Dreaming about white and clean snow. If you dreamed about watching a pure white snow, such a dream is not a good sign and might indicate grave health problems. Maybe it indicates getting seriously ill.

A dream about clean snow might also signify your strength, passivity, stagnation, or waiting for something.

Dreaming about walking on snow. If you walked on snow in your dream, such a dream might signify some good things coming into your life soon. This dream might signify a new fabulous job, going on a dream journey, new and exciting business venture, etc. It is a sign of various pleasurable opportunities, which will make you happy.

Dreaming about struggling while walking through the snow. If you dreamed about walking with difficulties through snow, such a dream is not a good sign, indicating distress in the near future.

Dreaming about being caught in a snowstorm. If you were caught in a snowstorm in your dream, such a dream might indicate being depressed and emotionally distressed. Maybe you cannot accept some things or situations in your life, which cannot be changed.

It’s important to confront those issues, otherwise you might get stuck in the past, and that is wrong, because you won’t be able to progress in life and accomplish anything.

Dreaming about being lost in the snow. If dreamed about being lost in a heavy snow in the middle of nowhere, such a dream might indicate a period of professional and personal difficulties, caused by your irrational decisions and miscalculations in the past.

Dreaming about snowflakes. If you saw snowflakes in your dream, such a dream is not a good sign, indicating unhappiness and sorrow ahead.

Dreaming about observing beautiful fluffy snow falling. If you dreamed about looking at the snow falling on the ground, such a dream is not a good sign, and might signify sadness and separation in the near future. You might be left out in the cold by your spouse or partner, because you don’t have any means to support your family.

Maybe you lost your job or some other thing happened which ruined your financial stability.

Dreaming about snow slowly falling. If you observed snow slowly falling in your dream, such a dream might not be a good sign, indicating sadness coming into your life, for some reason. Maybe you will be disappointed by a relationship, or a failed project you’ve been working on. Maybe you will even end up depressed and isolated because of that.

Dreaming about snow falling in big flakes. If you observed snow falling in big flakes in your dream, such a dream is not a good sign and indicates bad luck, depression, discontentment or regret.

Dreaming about a snow covered landscape.  If you observed a beautiful snow covered landscape in your dream, such a dream might signify the end of a period of misfortune and bad luck in your life. Maybe this dream signifies the start of improvement and prosperity.

Dreaming about snow on the mountaintops. If you dreamed about snow on mountaintops, such a dream might symbolize your great ambition. Maybe you have some big goals, you are hoping to achieve, but unfortunately, this dream is usually a sign of disappointment and failure of your goals.

Dreaming about throwing snowballs at someone. If you dreamed about throwing snowballs at someone, such a dream might warn you about being cautious in regards to financial matters with your family members. Maybe someone will try to deceive you or trick you, to get a bigger piece of the cake. You should be careful, in order to avoid such scenario.

Dreaming about being afraid of freezing. If you dreamed about being afraid of freezing to death in some snowy landscape, such a dream might signify your feelings about some close relationship, possibly ending soon.

Maybe you fear life, or you fear failure in your love life or finances.

Maybe you have a cold approach to others, or tend to isolate. You probably don’t show your feelings much.

Dreaming about shoveling snow. If you were shoveling snow and clearing it away from the pavements and road in your dream, such a dream might signify being involved in some time and energy consuming project, which might leave you exhausted and drained.

Sometimes this dream might signify some boring legal problems with some people.

Dreaming about eating snow. If you ate snow in a dream, such a dream might signify being open to new things and ideas. Maybe you believe we are all connected and related somehow.

Dreaming about snow melting. If you saw snow melting in your dream, such a dream might signify becoming more emotional.

It might also indicate not paying attention to something, which is slowly getting out of control.

This dream might signify temporary difficulties and danger.

Dreams about melting snow might also signify irrational fears.

Dreaming about snow melting in your hands. If you dreamed about snow melting in your hands, such a dream might signify the need to prepare yourself before embarking on some new project, to ensure its success. This dream signifies being ready, responsible, mature and stable.

Dreaming about a wall of snow. If you saw a wall of snow in your dream, such a dream is a very good sign, indicating your financial stability. It is a sign of advancement in regards to wealth and property ownership. Your career is probably blossoming as well. This dream is a sign of continuous success in the upcoming period. You will enjoy your good life and financial independence.

Interpretation of a dream about snow

Seeing snow.
Snow falling.
Actions with snow

The image of snow seen in a dream can have both positive and negative interpretations. In order to get the detailed meaning of the night plot, you should remember the details of the dream.

Seeing snow.

To see snow in a dream is a symbol of change, inner detachment, and secret intentions. If you see dreams about snow in winter time, you shouldn’t pay attention to them; it is just a reflection of what we see during the day. If you see snow in a warm season, this dream has a deep meaning. Seeing snow in fall or summer is a symbol of welfare, good news and feeling well. A Psychoanalytic dreambook  treats such a vision as sexual attraction. A woman who saw a dream about snowfall  has a nig desire to have a baby. Such dream for a man is a sign of not spent sexual potential.

According to Miller, snow in a dream is a symbol of life without troubles and strong health. Color, quantity, texture of precipitation – these conditions play a big role in understanding your dream.

Clean snow is a warning about a possible hard disease. Dirty snow predicts recovery and improvement of health. Dreams about winter, cold and snow usually have a warning character. If you saw blood on the snow, you should be careful, since you can face some danger or accident in real life.

Snow in the house is a sign of inevitable scandal in the family; you are too alienated from the members of your family and do not understand them. Seeing a lot of snow on the house roof and in the yard is interpreted in a different way by different dreambooks. People’s dreambook considers it a symbol of grief; as for the English dreambook, it considers it a sign of justification of your deeds and victory over ill-wishers.

The dreambooks consider snowdrift a favorable sign meaning wealth, welfare and sufficiency. The bigger and brighter it was, the better is the dream interpretation. Falling into a snowdrift is associated with joy and enjoying life.

The snow-capped peak or mountains  in the snow, in accordance with the dreambooks, symbolize our cherished dreams, goals, aspirations. If you were looking at the mountain peak in a dream, this means that your enthusiasm is pushing you to active deeds to achieve your goal. Climbing up a mountain in the snow predicts success in the issue no one believed in.

Feeling frost in a dream predicts thunder. Signs of frosts mean worsening of affairs, a black stripe in life. It is desirable to wait and do nothing for some time.

Snow falling.

If the snow in your dream fell in warm or hot summer weather, this image predicts a pleasant surprise and joy. Heavy snowfall seen in a dream predicts financial problems in future. But you may be sure that these problems will be temporary and you will avoid crisis.

If you recently had a quarrel with your partner and saw snow flakes falling in a dream, this is a symbol of reconciliation and restoring your relations. Otherwise such dream predicts sorrows and worsening of your mood.

If you were sitting at home and  watching the snow fall behind the window, this plot reflects cooling of feelings towards your beloved person, unwillingness to change something in a relationship, missed opportunities.

Seeing a dream about the first snow is a promise of changes for the better. If wet snow melts, falling to the ground, the vision notifies of unfair accusations against you from people you care about.

Blizzard, snowstorm seen in a dream are harbingers of emotional unrest, a revolution in your soul. Getting into snowstorm in a dream is a symbol of disappointment, devastation and ruined hopes. A snowstorm that subsided shows your power to fight back the depression and get out of a difficult situation.

Snow avalanche coming from above  is a symbol of sudden news that will bring a number of pleasant chores. If you find yourself swamped with an avalanche and cannot get out of it, then be prepared for a sudden offer that cannot be refused.

Actions with snow.

Walking or running on snow in a dream means amazing changes for the better. Hardly moving in deep thick snow  is a symbol of obstacles or difficulties in relations with your partner.

If a snowstorm sweeps toward you, the dreambooks warn you about trials, litigation that will end well for you.

Walking on a clean and untouched snow field indicates problems because of lack of contact with the opposite sex. Running or walking barefoot on the snow  is a warning of poverty, bankruptcy.

If someone was sweeping away his traces from a snowy road, suspicions about ill-wishing friends will make you withdraw into yourself. If you know this person, he will soon stop communicating with you and you will lose connection soon.

Falling into snow in a dream reflects inability to influence the situation and shows your dependence on others. Getting out of snow blockage means you will successfully overcome all the existing obstacles.

If you got lost in a snowy forest  among snowdrifts and couldn’t find the way out, such dream predicts bad luck and losses.

Any winter games seen in a dream have positive interpretations. Playing snowballs in a dream is a promise of having a good time in a good company. Rolling around the snow has the same interpretation.

Sculpting a snowman in a dream symbolizes your being unsatisfied with the work you do not like and wasting your time in vain.

A hare running on white snow in a dream means you will need to solve a difficult task and take risks to succeed.

To ride a sleigh on the winter road predicts a struggle for the attention of her beloved, rivalry, if seen by a young girl.

Cleaning the snow in a dream predicts hard work and a lot of efforts. Cleaning the snow with a shovel is a warning that you should get ready for some difficulties. Cleaning snow with your hand in a dream means that the problems appeared on your fault and you have to solve them on your own.

According to Miller, if the snow was melting, this image represents empty worries. If you were melting the ice, this image predicts a lot of efforts in order to achieve the goals that you set.

Dreams About Snow – Meaning and Interpretation

There is some magic in beautiful snowflakes, tiny and yet so complex and ultimately artistic filigree work from the skies. It is hard to resist the magic of snow, even for those sensitive to cold winter temperatures and all those that feel gloomy over short chilly days.

The enchanting crystals of ice, lace decorations that come in the most unbelievably beautiful patterns and shapes, sparkling hoarfrost, reflections of streetlights over snowy pavements, all of those images make us feel as we have entered another, magical dimension.

Snow, as a natural phenomenon, has been put in various constructs of humankind. Since the first time people have seen it, snow has been having numerous symbolical meanings, all around the world.

Snow, just as the change of seasons, represent another of nature phenomena humankind has always been forced to adapt to.

In different cultural systems, show has different meanings, which greatly depends on a place on earth people live in.

Just as many other climate phenomena have been explained through concepts of magical and mystical, snow also carries mysterious symbolical meanings. Many of natural phenomena humankind has not been capable of understanding were ascribed some supernatural, strange forces.

Today, of course, we know how snow is made, but that fact does not change our way of seeing snow as something profoundly exceptional, inspiring and magical.

The magic of snow

Symbolism of snow is wide and all present; the magic and the mystery of snow has been mentioned even in parts of the world where it is never snowing. Just as it is the case with other natural phenomena, cultural conceptions of snow are many.

It has been considered something that is, at the same time, dangerous, powerful and frightening, but also enchanting and beautiful.

Thick, sparkling snow cover represents the ultimate peace, tranquility, static; all of vegetation and a great part of living creatures spend days of winter resting, sleeping, not moving and taking only a little action, if taking any action at all.

On the other hand, snowstorm represents something totally opposite; it is a symbol of raging nature, of its invincibility, of its rule over our world.

Raging snowstorm has always been seen as something out of this world; even the most skeptical ones, those who would find a sober, scientific explanation of everything, sometimes doubt if there is something more to it.

Snow represents many things, from beauty, purity and peace, to invincibility, danger and threat. Just think of those scary snowy wastelands of Arctic that has swallowed numerous of brave polar lands’ explorers and their mighty ships.

Snow also symbolizes purity, divinity, beauty and perfection. It stands for things unstained by any impurity.

It is a common metaphor found in art and literature; many poets would describe a beautiful, gentle and fragile virgin as a lady of a skin so pure and pale, as first snows of the year.

Snowflakes, one of the best examples of nature’s artsy hands’ creations stand for perfection, creativity and uniqueness.

Snow is also associated with death and its inevitability. It is associated with descending of vegetation and winter sleep of the living life, so, symbolically, it also represents death and coldness.

It sometimes symbolizes hard times; in old tales you could rarely find snow described as a phenomenon that is desired; because people were more dependant of natural resources at the time.

Nature’s cycles have taught people to gather food for cold winter months, when all of their crops are asleep under merciless, but beautiful cover of ice and snow.

The thickness of snow cover, the frequency and amount of snowfalls, the length of winter, those have always been natural phenomena associated with activity of forces unknown to people.

Dreams about snow

Dreams about snow could be particularly interesting and variable. For some people, dreams about snow are relaxing and soothing, while for others are discomforting and disturbing.

It all depends on personal opinions on snow and winter, but also on a great number of factors related to certain dream.

Was there a snowfall or just a landscape covered in snow? What were you doing in the dream? Have you only seen snow from the inside or were you out, freezing?

There are so many different scenarios in which snow can take specific form in your dream, so it is good to recall as many details as you can.
However, the energy of that dream will be decided upon your feelings related to it. Dreams about the strongest and the most expressive of natural phenomena, such as rain, thunder, wildfire and, of course, snow, are commonly associated with intense emotions.

Snow, as an element of a dream, often reflects feelings of loneliness, sadness, being distant from people, deep sorrow, self-pity and so on.

However, it could also reflect feelings of calmness, tranquility, even harmony and peace. Sometimes, snow reflects the idea of purity, divinity and perfection.

It all depends on a dreamer. However, in all of scenarios, snow symbolism has a strong effect and it could help a dreamer better understand his or hers current situation in waking life.

Dreams about seeing snow

Dreams about seeing snow, such as in dreams about seeing a landscape covered with snow reflect deeply rooted emotions, related to sense of loneliness or solitude and a sense of being distant from other people.

At first, it sounds as those dreams have negative meaning, but that is not always the case.

If you feel lonely and sad in reality, this dream is a reflection of such emotions, obviously, but it could also have another side.

Dream in which you see a snowy wasteland may reflect your deep need to actually be alone and make a better insight into your own heart’s desires. You have been letting others control your life for long and it actually makes you feel distant more and more.

You want to separate from everything and take some time for yourself. It could be hard, not having anyone around, but it could also be helpful, healing and eye opening.

However, if you are looking at a snowy street or a landscape from inside a warm, cozy home, it means you feel content with your life or that you have to realize that you have all the reasons to be happy.

Your environment is safe and secure and it offers you many opportunities to relax and enjoy; you only have to be aware of that.

If you are seeing snow while you are with another person, that means you have amazing support in your life; you have people who will be by your side even in cold and hard times.

Dreams about snowflakes

Dreams about snowflakes are amazing and good. If you dream about carefully studying the shape and pattern of snowflakes, it is a reflection of your need to analyze everything in your life, in order to find the best way to make it better.

You are a creative perfectionist and this dream only proves that, so go for it. Dream about snowflakes imply you will soon put your imagination into reality.

On the other hand, snowflakes may appear perfect, but they are not forever; they disappear quickly once you touch them, for example.

In that sense, snowflakes in dreams symbolize beauty of the moment and inevitability of ending of things.

That said, this dream suggests you should live for the moment, meaning you should appreciate and enjoy all things you now have. Melting snowflakes in dreams symbolize the end of all things to come, the cycle of existence on a minor plan.

There are truly precious things around you, but you have to open your eyes and notice them.

These things are unique, just as snowflakes are unique, even if they might appear similar.

Each person has a story to tell, that is another message of this dream.

Dreams about snow falling

If you dream about snow falling, this means a period of purification comes your way; you need some kind of restart, new beginnings. If the weather is calm and the snow is falling, it means you will soon discover some new roads to step onto.

This is a positive dream and it also reflects your inner peace and calmness about changes.

It means you are fine with that and that you have accepted a new chapter of your life is about to begin. Falling snow covers the earth, right?

That said, falling snow in a dream represents a period of rest, sleep, a status quo phase of life.

It suggests you should not rush; you have to be patient and wait for different tim
you have to be patient and wait for different times. Do not be afraid to wait; anxiousness will not help, because there is still an order of things that is out of your power to control.

Be calm and save your resources for the right moment.

Dreams about playing in snow

If you dream about playing in snow, it means you have probably become tired of responsibility and work.

Everyone needs some time to have fun, to feel like a child and just let go of all the stress and negativity present in everyday life. This dream suggest you should put all of worries, all of duties and tasks aside, at least for a short time and to pamper yourself a bit.

This dream could also mean there are some really good opportunities in front of you and you should definitely grab them.

Otherwise, they will just pass you by and disappear, just as snow melts away. Open your eyes and ears and go for things that intrigue your imagination. Even if you are suspicious, it could be worth of trying.

Dreams about finding something in snow

If you dream that you have found an object in the snow, the meaning depends on the item you found, but the symbolism of snow makes it more interesting.

Dreams about finding things in snow are usually associated with a dreamer’s inner potential and talents and skills he or she is unaware of in waking life.

For example, if you dream about finding some specific tools, it means you should try doing something with those in reality. Each of objects found in snow in dreams suggest there are things you feel deep inside, but are unaware of.

It could be metaphors of your desires, talents, emotions in general. Since it has been founding snow, it means you have either forgotten about these ideas or that you have still not discovered them.

This type of dream is positive and serves as a good guideline for life.

Dreams about a snowman

Interestingly, but dreams about a snowman are not good and are often associated with emotional coldness, distance, sadness and loneliness. A snowman in a dream represents a mask, a fake smile we put on our face in reality in order to appear well in front of others.

This dream suggests you should open up, at least to your closest ones. Maybe you think they have stopped caring about you, but the truth is that they think you are completely fine.

It could mean you are pushing your loved ones away, unintentionally. You act as if you are strong, which could make you arrogant and reserved at the same time. Think if it is so.

Alternatively, snowman in a dream could represent what it is in reality; a cause for joy and fun with friends and family.

Dreaming about snow is symbolic of both negative and positive emotions and situations surrounding you in your waking life. At times, snow dreams can represent the foretelling of an unexpected illness.
If your dream is centered around watching the snow fall, it means that you are facing a time of change and renewal. You are feeling spiritual, cleansed, optimistic and calm about approaching new beginnings. Melting snow in your dream can symbolize that problems in your waking life are starting to melt away. You are beginning to let go of feelings you have been holding back and are getting ready to face obstacles that may be coming toward you.
Snow dreams can also reflect that life can be harsh and cold at times. Dreaming that you are surrounded by a blizzard can indicate turmoil in your waking life, with little or no support from family and friends. You may feel that you have been abandoned or left out in the cold. You may also feel that you are having difficulty getting in touch with your own feelings, or that you are harboring feelings or memories that you are not willing to accept. Take this as a sign that you may need to focus on being more communicative with others.
Dirty snow in a dream can indicate the need for reconciliation with someone, a loss of innocence, or that something in your waking life has been tarnished. Dreaming of playing in the snow, making snow angels or a snowman can mean that you should set aside time for some much needed fun and relaxation. Finding something in the snow can be symbolic of uncovering hidden talents within you, even perhaps related to your intuition. It may be that you have dug up a part of your emotional self that has been buried for quite some time and that you need to put it to good use once again.

For more information about dreams and their meanings,
visit the Dreaming Room.

Dreams about Snow – Interpretation and Meaning
Dreams about snow are not unusual and we all probably had them at least once. Snow usually reminds us of something beautiful and festive, but for some people snow can be a depressing and unlikeable memory.

Our dreams can have different meanings depending on the overall situation you had a dream about and the other symbols that were in your dream.

Snow can have different meanings in our dream and we are going to explain several of them in our article.

Dream about snow falling

If in a dream you see the snow falling from the sky, then this dream symbolizes joy. You will probably find more time for important people in your life and show them how much you care about them and how much you love them.

You have probably neglected these people in the past, even though they were always there for you when you needed them.

You will also try to release them from the pressure and stress you are feeling at work, and focus all of your attention to them.

Dream about a very deep snow

When in a dream you see very deep snow, it means you are going to remember certain unpleasant memories. It is possible that you have not had a carefree childhood and early life, like other children had, because you were forced to grow up and become mature at a very early age. This carried good and bad things within, and you tried to burry all of the bad ones

But sometimes it happens that your emotions simply get back onto the surface and you wonder why all of this had to happen to you.
To dream that you are going through deep snow is a symbol of heavy emotional memories. It would be for the best to leave all of this behind and continue living your life without looking back.

Fears that you have accumulated over the years should be your force for moving forward in life and making new and better memories.

Dream about a melting snow

If you are in a dream where the snow is melting, then this suggests that the good times are about to roll. You will probably receive many new business offers and opportunities that you have to use in order to advance in your career and life. if you had some problems at work, then they are all going to be resolved and taken care of in the best possible way.

You will come to a realization that everything you need for success is in your hands, and that nothing can stop you on your way to success.

Dream about cleaning snow

If in a dream you were cleaning snow, then this means that you are a responsible person. You are a person who does not run away from its commitments and doesn’t let anybody down.

You should definitely try finishing everything on time and don’t allow others to sabotage your work or tell you how you should act.

This dream can also represent a commitment you have taken on and someone might be relying on you to finish this project.

Make sure you don’t let this person down, because he or she will definitely be important for your future.

Dream about a snowball fight

If you had a dream about a snowball fight, then this dream represents a fight you are going to get into with someone. This person is probably going to be someone who is close to you and you won’t be able to avoid this fight in any way.

This fight might even start of as a joke but it will definitely escalate into something more serious. This outcome will be unexpected for you and you will probably have problems managing the situation.

If the person with whom you are going to get into a fight, is important to you, then you should stay away from harsh words and control yourself the best way you are going to be able in that situation. But, after this, your relationship will not be the same.

Dream about being trapped in the snow

Dream about being buried in the snow or trapped in the snow, is a representation of worries and problems you are currently in. This dream symbolically represents your stress and anxiety, and you simply can’t escape from it, even in your dreams.

This dream can also be a representation of anxiety you are currently feeling because of an upcoming event. This event is something important for you and might even determine your career or personal life. This is why you are feeling like you are trapped inside snow and you don’t know how to escape.

To ease of your anxiety,

To ease of your anxiety, you should try doing something relaxing or something you enjoy doing to take your mind of these thoughts.

Dream about dirty snow

If you had a dream about dirty snow, then this dream represents injustice or humiliation someone has caused you. you are remembering your enemies and people who have hurt you along the way, and the dirty snow represents the bad relationships you have in your life.

These people have made a huge impact on your life, but certainly not in a good way.

This dream also represents your spirit and your kindness that always gets used by others and you don’t know how to make them realize that you are a human being too and how to make them appreciate everything you are doing for them.

Dream about eating snow

If you were eating snow in your dream, then this dream represents your way of seeing the world around you and the openness of your mind. You are someone who accepts others the way they are and you enjoy their good qualities and understand the bad ones.

This dream is also a representation of a brilliant idea you might have come up with, that will bring you a lot of success and a lot influence in the world. Don’t miss out on this opportunity you are about to receive to make your idea a reality, and make the best out of it.

Dream about snow on the ground

If you had a dream about snow on the ground, then this dream is a representation of good luck and prosperity you are about to experience in your life.

You have probably been through a lot of problems and now you are finally going to see the results of your hard work and dedication. For the first time, after a long period of time, you are going to be happy where you are in life and where your life is going.

Make sure you use this period to achieve everything that seemed impossible only a short while before, and don’t waste time thinking about the past.

Snow - Meaning of Dream
HomeSInterpretation of a dream «Snow»

White snow in a dream portends further strengthening of your health. If you take snow in your hands and start to eat, this dream is a symbol of the collapse of all ideals.

Dirty snow that falls from the sky means that the dreamer's health will worsen.

If you see snow that falls and melts in the dream, it is an allusion to the fact that in a short time you will be free from fears that live in your soul, and you will become stronger mentally.

If you dream of big flakes of snow, then in reality you will have a serious conversation with someone who is particularly close to you, or you even love him/her.

Falling snow in the dream is the personification of excessive personal ambitions, because of which surrounding people who you love may be offended, or your plans remain unfulfilled.

If you make snowballs with falling snow it is a sign that you are burdened by family troubles to much. Most likely, you are dissatisfied with the achievements of your children, although this is a private matter. It is possible that your children will upset you and you will feel very bad.

If you see yourself walking on the white snow, and white snowflakes fly around you, then the dream means that it is time to repent of your behavior and of bad deeds. This dream suggests that it is time to correct own mistakes, which you did a lot.

Dirty snow falling in a dream symbolizes that the dreamer will have to overcome a lot of life tests that require firm approach.

White snow in a dream is a symbol of a sinless person, who does only good deeds.

Blizzard, which swirls white snowflakes, predicts a happy and financially secure life. And if the dreamer is wandering through tremendous snow-banks, then the dream may indicate that his/her life has all sorts of obstacles that will be overcome easily.

And if you clear a road from the falling snow, it means that in reality you are doing good deeds, and help people if they need. After all, people were born to do good deeds in life. If you create snow figurines, it means that in reality you are a boastful and conceited person.

Gray, snow falling around you, according to D. Lohff, refers to both your physical and spiritual cleansing. Dreaming of falling snow, according to Tsvetkov, portends a romantic date or a good time with your loved one. In conclusion, all of the above, it can be noted that the snow falling from the sky, is a sign of purity and liberation from difficult problems.

White and clean snow cover represents a long and happy married life. And if the snow is dirty, then you should seek for physical and spiritual purification.

HomeMInterpretation of a dream «Mountain»

While interpreting, what mountain means in the dream, you need to remember if it was covered in snow. In fact, in these dreams, snow top is very important. For example, if the mountain is covered with snow in the dream, it is a good sign. It predicts the fulfillment of the goal, even though all the difficulties and obstacles. After seeing such dream, a person should accumulate all strength, and in any case do not stop there. Even if it seems that everything goes wrong, and not like you want, in the end, the goal will be achieved and dreams will come true.

But if you see the mountain peak not covered in snow, it means that it is better to leave the business and do something new. This dream means that you spend forces out for unnecessary deals. The undertaking will not bring you any success and happiness for which you hope. Therefore, even if at the moment it seems that you need to achieve the goal no matter what, though, you should stop. Over the time, the one who dreamed of mountaintop with no snow will realize meaninglessness of own actions.

If you happen to see a mounting with no plants on it, it means that something disturbs you in real life.

On contrary, if the mountains are overgrown by the forest, it means that somebody lies to you or betray to, and you trust this person. So when you see such a sign, you need to take a closer look to own surroundings and to treat some people with caution.

If you conquer summit of the mountain and climbed to the very top of it, it is a sign of a great success.

If someone happened to see such a dream, it means that he/she can move without fear to own targets, because success will certainly accompany him/her and will never leave.

But, if you see yourself going down the mountain, it is a symbol of changes of values, and prediction of failure in business. This dream is a warning. It must be taken into consideration, and you should abandon own plans.

As in a dream, in addition to mountain you notice a mountain river that descends from the top, it means that you will shortly be able to overestimate something in life and look at the situation from the other point of view. Usually, after such dreams, people take though unexpected for themselves, but absolutely right decision.

If a person sees a mountain in the dream, it is a symbol of some goal or task that he/she sets. And, when a symbol is unfavorable, it is best to stop undertaking. Anyway, eventually it becomes clear that it really made ​​no sense.

Meaning of Dream «Snow»

Dream Interpretation:
Material Aspects

If you are seeing snow in your dreams, it means you are procrastinating and avoiding dealing with your problems directly. However, in material terms, seeing snow in dreams can be indicative of profits in your business. Snow is white and pure and this is why you can expect to get relief from your illness when you see it in your dream. It also means that you have found a way of dealing with the problems and hardships in your life.

Psychological/emotional perspectives

Snow feels very cold to touch, and you are emotionally frigid or cold if you see snow in your dreams. Seeing snow in different scenarios can mean different things for the dreamer. It could mean that you are feeling left out in the cold with others ignoring you in real life. If you see melting snow in your dream, it means that you have learnt to accept and express your emotions in front of others. Do you see dirty snow in your dreams? Do not worry as it is a good omen indicating the fact that you have finally become mature. Frozen is the word that comes to our mind when we think of snow. But seeing snow in dreams can also be indicative of transformation in our thoughts and feelings.

One aspect of snow that makes it special for love life is its coexistence with fire that is its opposite. If you see fire and snow together in your dreams, it signifies, love, passion, and companionship. Pure and clean snow in dreams indicates a process of purification of thoughts and feelings. If you see melting snow, it means that your worries and problems are getting dissolved in real life. You are being overwhelmed by your emotions if you see an avalanche in your dreams.

Original Meaning

Snow is considered a symbol of purity in real life. When you see ground covered with snow in your dreams, it indicates a protective covering for you in real life. But in general, seeing snow in dreams reflects emotional frigidity. You have a need to confront your emotions and repressed feelings. If you find yourself caught in a snowstorm or a blizzard in your dreams, it means you are overwhelmed by your own emotions. If you are a girl and see falling snow in your dreams, it means that you will soon receive a letter from the man who will marry you shortly.

#24 Biblical Meaning of Snow in Dreams & Interpretation

The snow is falling ferociously and there you are standing in your summer clothes. There is no one around so you panic, but fortunately, you wake up.

is all but just a dream. At times, our dreams are so vivid that the feelings we felt during dreaming are too real to forget.

Other times they get so strange you just can’t go through the day without looking up its meaning. So what exactly is the biblical meaning of snow in dreams?

Table of Contents [hide]
Common Snow Dream Scenarios – Meaning and Interpretation
The first snowflake
Snow covered view
Melting snow
Getting cold in the middle of the snow
Buried in snow
Playing in the snow
Finding something in a snow
Why do you dream about snow?
You feel a distinct emotional isolation.
You are looking forward for materialisation.
A fresh start may come your way.
Common Snow Dream Scenarios – Meaning and Interpretation

To dream about snow means change is coming into your life. It is said to signify purification or a new beginning. In a more spiritual sense, the snow represents serenity and peace. In a deeper aspect, snow is a solid form of water; and water generally symbolizes knowledge.


The act of snow falling means the transference of knowledge from a higher place to a lower one. Relating it to real life, it could mean the transmission of information from a mentor to his apprentice.

Because of its state, the information passed this time is solid too, enough for the student to internalize it.

The first snowflake

Every snow, no matter how heavy, always starts with the gentle drop of a single snowflake. Having this scenario in a dream symbolizes the beginning of learning.

It may also mean gentleness, in comparison with how slowly, carefully, and silently the first snowflake falls.

Snow covered view

A countryside or a cityscape under a blanket of snow can take anybody’s attention and immediately solicit awe. The whiteness and brightness of snow suggests purity and tranquillity.

At the same time, it gives off a vibe of equality, reminding us that anything – no matter how big or small, can be covered up by snow.

Seeing such can also bring about a sense of relief and satisfying uplift that suggests spiritual cleansing.

Melting snow

Snow melting in your dream embodies dissolving fears and disintegrating obstacles. Another meaning suggests integration of learning.

When snow covers the whole place, we would definitely wish for it to liquefy. When compared with the learning process, snow is that frozen solid information and the melting signifies how the learning is applied for growth and progress.

Getting cold in the middle of the snow

Getting caught up in a snow could bring about a nasty experience and a very uncomfortable feeling to a point it could even be painful.

Dreaming of this situation symbolizes emotional turmoil. It could mean being in a circumstance where you would have to face an unfavourable or unpleasant ending like a loss, a breakup, a failure, etc.


A snowstorm itself tells about inner conflict and emotional confusion. In a real blizzard, your first instinct is to stop, try to stay calm, seek refuge and wait for it to pass before pressing ahead on ventures.

Dreaming about blizzard then metaphorically means that it is the best time for a significant and maybe life-changing pause.

Buried in snow

This can be quite literal. Dreaming of being buried under a pile of snow indicates a feeling of being too emotionally or psychologically burdened.

You may feel that the weight on your shoulders is too heavy and that the demands on you are impossible to cope up with. If you find yourself in such situation, it is always best to find a sanctuary to heal.


Skiing in your dream signifies a shallow management of what is actually happening. Instead of dealing with your inner emotions and acknowledging whatever it is, you “skid” your way across the surface.

However, if the act gives a satisfaction, perhaps then those deeper issues that have been bothering you are coming close to resolution.

Playing in the snow

If you find yourself in a dream, enjoying the snow and playing, you are in control of your emotions. This scenario represents resilience.

After all those troubling times, you emerge blithe. It is also suggested that playing in the snow indicates a taking advantage of opportunities.

Finding something in a snow

To dream of finding something in a snow symbolizes discovery of hidden abilities that has always been innate. It also represents recovery from an unpleasant experience and an unearthing of a new opportunity.

Why do you dream about snow?

You feel a distinct emotional isolation.

As humans, we always have certain episodes where we like to reflect about life; and we suddenly come to realize missed opportunities which may have caused regret, depression, and unhappiness.

You might be dreaming about snow because you feel that you have unresolved issues with your inner self, pent up emotions that have never been addressed, and deeper feelings that have never been resolved.

You seek reunification with yourself, for clarity, and a fresh start. Read more: 10 Dreams About Snow : Meaning & Interpretation

You are looking forward for materialisation.

You have indistinct plans and goals you are unsure about. You walk with caution because of trust issues, and doubts with everyone and everything that’s been happening around you.

If this is the case, your dream might be the answer to your anxiety. Since snow is the solid form of water, it symbolizes something in your life that will soon take its shape.

A fresh start may come your way.

You plan on taking a different path, changing directions, and doing some straightening up in your life. You want to be renewed spiritually and mentally. You are searching for a brand new perspective and a new purpose of your existence.


The biblical meaning of snow is so diverse that it depends on how you have seen it in your dream.

Snow dreams can go from magical to unpleasant. There are slow snowfalls and blizzards which accordingly symbolize gentleness and emotional mayhem.

However you dreamt, it is best to always reflect on how you are as a person. Consider your inner feelings. Point out the emotions that need to heal and strengthen those that already bring about the best in you.

Snow Dream Meaning

Have you had a dream of snow recently? Our ancestors attributed healing powers to snow and used it in various magical rituals. It was believed that snow helps with eye pain and can remove freckles or other small cosmetic defects. Dreams of snow were given particular attention due to its magical and spiritual properties.

In general, the dream of snow is a sign of some change, probably internal or mental change, rather than physical change. However, the interpretation of this dream may vary depending on the amount or color of the snow, the season when you dream about snow or what you do with the snow.

Those who have never experienced snow or live in a place where it has never snowed should pay extra attention to this dream. You should also pay extra attention if you dream of snow in the summer.

Falling snow

Summary: Courage. A weight off your shoulders.

If you see snow falling in a dream, it means that you finally decided to do something you didn’t have the courage to do for a long time or that you were constantly postponing until later. You will be brave and have courage to step out of your comfort zone. It’ll take the weight off your shoulders.

Walking in snow

Summary: Positive news.

The dream of walking in the snow symbolizes good things coming into your life, especially if you leave visible footprints behind. It can be positive news or the fulfillment of your dreams.

This dream can have a negative interpretation if you walk barefoot. It can predict loneliness or fear of loneliness. snow dream meaning

Melting snow

Summary: Reconciliation. Forgiveness.

Melting snow in a dream is not only about warming the relationship, but also about dissolving long-standing difficulties, forgiveness, reconciliation, the realization that forgiveness is the key to life harmony.

Your relationship will be warmer and you and your partner will become more emotionally open to each other. snow dream meaning

Fall (slip) on snow

Summary: Disappointment in love. Loss of trust.

The dream of falling on the snow means that your relationship with your partner is going to be very disappointing. Trust in the relationship will disappear and it will be hard to find it again.


Summary: Financial improvement.

Snowdrifts in a dream predict an improvement in your financial situation. It symbolizes financial security or financial freedom; you don’t have to be dependent on someone just for the money.

Avalanche covering you

Summary: A two-faced person. Unhealthy relationship.

Did you dream of an avalanche that covered you? Beware of the person who first wakes your interest and respect, but then you find out that they have several faces. It may also indicate a relationship that is unhealthy and toxic, but you are still in it because you are addicted to the relationship or are afraid of being alone.

Slipping on the snow-covered ice

Summary: Missed opportunity.

Dream Meanings and Interpretation

Dreaming of snow is common, especially if you live in a climate where snow is a regular part of life. Snow can have a lot of different symbol meanings in a dream, so it is important to think about what it might mean for you if you have a dream about it!


Dreaming of snow is common, especially if you live in a climate where snow is a regular part of life. Snow can have a lot of different symbol meanings in a dream, so it is important to think about what it might mean for you if you have a dream about it!


Snow is a form of frozen/cold water, and in our dream it can symbolize changing or cold emotions. Water symbolizes emotion in almost all dreams, so acknowledging snow as a form of water is helpful, especially if the dream has a lot of other emotional tones or a certain mood to it.

Other times in dreams, snow can be a symbol for a fresh start. The changing seasons of winter can mean that you are considering changes in your life.

Snow can have various meanings in a dream and often the meaning strongly depends on your own preference for snow. Do you see it as beautiful and calming or does it cause you greater hardship and discomfort in waking life?

Your perception will greatly affect the meaning of this dream! Also, it is important to look toward the context of the snow in the dream to determine the meaning of it.

A field of freshly laid snow can often appear to be a blank canvas – something new and fresh.

Of course, if you find snow to be dreadful and unpleasant, you might see that same field of snow and think of it as being desolate, dead and empty! Identifying your moods in the dream is very helpful in knowing what exactly the snow or winter might symbolize for you.


To see pure white snow: The color white is a symbol of spirituality and purity. To dream of pure white snow could indicate that you are entering into a season of cleansing and deeper spiritual growth.

To see a large patch of snow blanketing the earth: This could point toward some aspect of yourself or your life you are trying to hide or cover up. Or, it could mean you are looking to start over with a fresh outlook on a situation.

To see individual snowflakes: Snowflakes are one of a kind so to see a snowflake in your dream could indicate your knowledge of the fact you are a completely unique being.

To see a snowstorm: This may suggest there is some area of your life that is unclear to you and you are not able to see the outcome. This is especially true if you notice a lot of clouds in the dream.

To see snow melting: This is a strong indicator that a cold or dark area of your life is beginning to thaw and you can expect to see a new beginning or new growth in this area.

To be playing in snow: Are you sled riding or building a snowman? This often means you are looking at life with a playful and innocent attitude. You may also be reflecting on happier times in your life, or are hopeful to have something fun and joyful to celebrate.

To be stuck in the snow: If you dream your car or other vehicle is stuck in the snow, this could be a sign of emotions which need to be released. They may be “frozen” in time or very negative and cold and need to be acknowledged and released. You may also wish to look at the dream meaning of being trapped – is there something in your life you are trying to overcome or feel blocked by?

Do you have any thoughts on what snow means in dreams? Is there a dream experience you would like to share? Tell us what you think in the comments below!

Snow dream interpretations
Islamic dreams about Snow find dream interpretations. Meanings & explanations for Snow dictionary!

Snow Dream Explanation — Snow in a dream means profits, or it could mean a cure for an illness. If snow and fire coexist beside one another in a dream, they represent love, passion and companionship. If one sees snow in its season, then it means washing away one's difficulties and exposing one's enemies or jealous companions. Seeing snow in other than wintertime in a dream means an illness, paralysis, or obstacles hindering one's travel plans, or it could mean sufferings, swearing, or deceit.

Snow Dream Explanation — A heavy snow storm in a dream means oppression, while a light snowfall or flurries mean benefits to one's town. Melting snow in a dream means dispersal of agony, or it could mean the end of depression. Like rain, snow in a dream is a sign of divine mercy and a good harvest. When heavy, it represents a calamity, and when light, it is a blessing. Standing under a snowfall in a dream signifies enemy blows. (Also see Snowball)

Hail, Ice, Frost and Snow Dream Explanation — these symbolize sorrow, grief and the punishment of Allah Taala. But, if a small quantity of hail is seen in a place where it normally hails, it heralds verdure and lushness.

Snow White Dreams Meaning

Snow White

Snow White، To dream of Snow White may represent feelings about being “woken up” or inspired by a perfect person in your life. For example, one woman dreamed of Snow White because she felt her second husband “woke her up” to true love.

Negatively, Snow_White may reflect feelings about you or someone else being too perfect or sensitive to have to face a problem yourself. A sign that you are too concerned with believing that you need to wait for someone else to perfectly solve your problems.

To see or ride a skateboard in your dream indicates that you have the gift of making any difficult situation look easy. You carry yourself with style, grace and composure in the hardest of situations. Alternatively, the dream signifies your free and fun-loving side. 


To dream that you are at a skatepark means that you are not afraid of confronting obstacles that may stand in your way. You confront these obstacles head on without hesitation.


To dream that are skating symbolizes your ability to maintain a balance in your life.  You are progressing through your life's path and working toward your goal. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor that you are "skating" over some matter. In other words, you are just getting by. Perhaps you are tying to avoid some issue or not devoting enough attention to a problem.

To dream that you are skating on ice indicates satisfaction with a current project. Consider also the phrase "skating on thin ice" to suggest that you may be on the verge of overstepping your boundaries or taking certain risks in your waking life.

Skeeball Machine

To see or play with a Skeeball machine in your dream indicates that you do not let slim chances of success deter you from going after your goals.


To see a skeleton in your dream represents something that is not fully developed. You may still in be the planning stages of some situation or project.  Alternatively, a skeleton symbolizes death, transformation, or changes. You need to get to the bottom of some matter. The skeleton may also be a metaphor for "skeletons in your closet." Do you have something to hide?

To see someone depicted as a skeleton signifies that your relationship with them is long dead.

Skeleton Key

To see a skeleton key refers to old emotions or memories that you have stored or locked away.


To see or draw a sketch of yourself in your dream suggests that you need to view a situation from a different perspective. The dream may also be a metaphor that you need to "draw out" or recognize some aspect of yourself.


To  dream that you are skiing suggests that you are pushing yourself and putting your mental and/or physical ability to the test. You are your own fiercest competitor.

If you dream that you are wearing skis and going about your day, then it points to your daily challenges. The dream may also imply that you are feeling awkward in a situation. Perhaps you are headed in the wrong direction. In particular, if you are trying to climb up a ladder while wearing skis, then it indicates that you are succeeding despite those around you telling you that you will fail.

Ski Jump

To perform a ski jump in your dream represents a new project or relationship that is taking off quickly. How you land is indicative of the degree of success of the project or relationship. If you tumble, then it means that you need to slow down. If you land gracefully, then you need to stay the course and keep on the track. If you go down the ski jump without skis, then it suggests that you are not completely ready for the task ahead. You are unprepared. This may also be a variation of a flying dream .

Ski Lift

To see or ride a ski lift in your dream indicates that you are achieving new heights and overcoming your fears. You have a command over your emotions and are confronting those feelings and inhibitions that you have repressed. You are close to bringing them to the surface.

Ski Mask

To see or wear a ski mask in your dream refers to a dark secret you are keeping. Alternatively, it refers to your desire for anonymity in a situation.

To see someone in a ski mask represents the shadow aspect of your persona.


*Please see Pan .


To dream of your skin represents protection or shield of your inner self. It serves as a physical boundary and how close you let others get to you. Alternatively, your skin indicates that you are being too superficial or shallow.

To dream that your skin is covered with rashes or other skin deformities signifies your fear of facing a harsh reality. You are afraid of making a wrong impression. The dream may also be a pun that you are making a rash decision. If you dream that your skin has been burned, then it implies that you are unwilling let down your guard. Your line of defense has been compromised. This dream may also be a metaphor that you are "getting burned" or humiliated by someone or some situation.

Dreaming that your skin is melting, deteriorating, or developing holes implies that you are losing your defenses. Your guard is down. Alternatively, the dream means that you are being worn down.

To dream that your skin is orange signifies self-love. You are content with who you are.

To dream that your skin is different color suggests that you are not being true to yourself. Look up the specific color for additional meaning. If your skin is darker than your true skin, then it may mean that you are trying to hide or blend into the background. If it is lighter than your true skin, then it symbolizes fear. Alternatively, it may be a sign of sickness. Perhaps a call to the doctor is in order.


To dream that you or someone else is skinless suggests that you are having difficulties in sensing your emotional and psychological world.  You are experiencing anxieties about how you are being perceived by others. You need to look beyond the superficial and find the truth about yourself and about others.


To dream that you are skinning an animal implies that you want to make your animalistic desires known.

To dream that you are skinning yourself means that you are revealing your true self. You want others to know exactly who you are.


*Please see Thin.

Skinny Dipping

To dream that you are skinny dipping indicates that you are freely and openly exploring aspects of

o dream that you are skinning yourself means that you are revealing your true self. You want others to know exactly who you are.


*Please see Thin.

Skinny Dipping

To dream that you are skinny dipping indicates that you are freely and openly exploring aspects of your subconscious.


To dream that you are skipping suggests that you need to be more light-hearted. You may need to take a friendlier approach toward a situation. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor that you have skipped something important.


To dream that you are wearing a skirt represents the signals and hidden messages that you are conveying or sending out. It also symbolizes femininity and your sense of sexuality. The dream may also be a metaphor on an issue that you are "skirting" around over and not confronting head on.

If you are a man and dream that you are wearing a skirt, then it indicates that you need to acknowledge the emotional aspects of  your personality.


To see a skull in your dream symbolizes danger, evil or death. Alternatively, a skull represents the intellect or  secrets of the mind. You are keeping certain things hidden.

To dream that a skull is talking to you suggests that aspects of yourself that you have suppressed or rejected is starting to come back to the surface. These aspects will not be denied any longer and must be dealt with on a conscious level.

To dream that a skull is trying to swallow you indicates that you are literally being consumed by some danger .


To see a skunk in your dream suggests that you are driving people away or turning them off.  Alternatively, the dream indicates that your suppressed anger is on the verge of exploding. You are not expressing your true feelings even though you do not agree with a decision.

To smell a skunk or to dream that the skunk is spraying indicates fear. Someone in your waking life may be threatened by you especially if you are being sprayed by the skunk. Alternatively, the dream means that it is time to confront your repressed anger. 


To look up at the clear blue sky in your dream denotes hope, possibilities, creativity, peace and freedom of expression. As the saying goes "the sky's the limit." If the sky is cloudy and overcast, then it foretells of sadness and trouble.

To see a green colored sky in your dream symbolizes high hopes. The strange color of the sky helps to instantly draw your attention to it. The color green and the sky itself both represent hope, nature or creativity. So these are the qualities that you need to focus on. It is also indicative of a positive outlook and prosperous future.

To see a red colored sky in your dream represents looming danger. Alternatively, it suggests that something is coming to an end. If the sky is white, then it symbolizes desires. If you dream of a colorful sky in your dream, then it denotes romance.

To dream that the sky is falling represents your fear of the unknown. You feel that your hopes and dreams have been shattered. Perhaps you have been too idealistic and the dream is an attempt to bring you back to reality.

To dream that something is falling out of the sky signifies your pessimistic attitude. You are losing perspective on a situation. If the object is getting closer and casting a shadow on you, then it indicates that you are being ignorant about some situation. You need to get out from under the shadow and gain a different perspective on things.

Dreaming that the sky lowers itself and touches the roof of your house suggests that you may be setting your sights or goals too low. Perhaps you are lowering your standards. Alternatively, to dream that the sky is touching your roof represents spiritual guidance. Something or someone is looking out for you.


To dream that you are skydiving represents your high ideals. Sometimes you need to compromise your ideals and be more realistic of your expectations.


To see or install a skylight in your dream represents

To look up at the clear blue sky in your dream denotes hope, possibilities, creativity, peace and freedom of expression. As the saying goes "the sky's the limit." If the sky is cloudy and overcast, then it foretells of sadness and trouble.

To see a green colored sky in your dream symbolizes high hopes. The strange color of the sky helps to instantly draw your attention to it. The color green and the sky itself both represent hope, nature or creativity. So these are the qualities that you need to focus on. It is also indicative of a positive outlook and prosperous future.

To see a red colored sky in your dream represents looming danger. Alternatively, it suggests that something is coming to an end. If the sky is white, then it symbolizes desires. If you dream of a colorful sky in your dream, then it denotes romance.

To dream that the sky is falling represents your fear of the unknown. You feel that your hopes and dreams have been shattered. Perhaps you have been too idealistic and the dream is an attempt to bring you back to reality.

To dream that something is falling out of the sky signifies your pessimistic attitude. You are losing perspective on a situation. If the object is getting closer and casting a shadow on you, then it indicates that you are being ignorant about some situation. You need to get out from under the shadow and gain a different perspective on things.

Dreaming that the sky lowers itself and touches the roof of your house suggests that you may be setting your sights or goals too low. Perhaps you are lowering your standards. Alternatively, to dream that the sky is touching your roof represents spiritual guidance. Something or someone is looking out for you.


To dream that you are skydiving represents your high ideals. Sometimes you need to compromise your ideals and be more realistic of your expectations.


To see or install a skylight in your dream represents enlightenment. You are receiving guidance from a higher source. The dream also highlights your connection to your spirituality.


*Please see Video Chat.


To see a skyscraper in your dream represents your high ideals, creativity, accomplishments and imagination. You always aim high at whatever you do. The skyscraper is seen as a metaphor for the foresights and achievements of man. Alternatively, the dream represents the phallus.


To see skywriting in your dream represents a spiritual message. It signifies a connection and union between the spiritual realm and the physical realm.  You are looking for some reassurance.


To dream that you are being slandered indicates that you are reevaluating your own values and questioning identity.

Dreaming that you are slandering someone implies your growing mistrust of others. You are suspicious of everyone's intentions. 


To dream that you are slapped in the face indicates carelessness. You either feel unappreciated or betrayed.

To dream that you slap someone suggests that you are harboring some repressed anger and deep-seated rage.

Dreaming of someone slapping someone else implies that you are not taking responsibility or stepping up to resolve issues that concern you in your waking life. You tend to watch things happen instead of taking control.


To see slate in your dream symbolizes possibilities, potential, information and knowledge. You are open to criticism, ideas and opinions.


To see or slaughter an animal in your dream signifies a loss or an end to an aspect of yourself. Consider the significance of the animal being slaughtered. If you dream that a lamb is being slaughtered, then it represents a loss of innocence. If a pig is being slaughtered, then it signifies an end to your greedy or lazy nature.

Dreaming that dogs are being slaughtered or disemboweled represent a bitter ending to a friendship. It indicates betrayal and/or misplaced trust.


To see or dream that you are in a slaughterhouse


To see a sled in your dream signifies childishness.

To dream that you are sledding represents your fun-loving personality and open-minded perspectives on life.


To see or use a sledgehammer in your dream suggests that you need to break down the walls that you have created around you.

Sleep Talking

To dream that you are sleep talking or that someone told you that you were talking in your sleep means that you are feeling distant with someone who you were once close with. There is a lack of communication or understanding in the relationship. Alternatively, sleep talking in your dream is a sign that there is something you are afraid of talking about.


To dream that you are sleeping denotes peace of mind. Alternatively, it means that you are ignorant of the conditions an d circumstances around you. If you dream of sleeping together with someone (in a non-sexual manner), then it suggests that you are avoiding some issue or situation that is being symbolized by the person. If you do not know this person, then it indicates that you are refusing to recognize a negative or hidden aspect of yourself. Sleeping may also be synonymous with death in that it beckons renewal and new beginnings.

To see someone sleeping in your dream is a reflection of yourself and your own subconscious mind. It is telling you that you may not be alert or informed about a particular situation. More specifically, to see your parent(s) sleeping implies that you are turning a blind eye to certain things that would normally bother you. To see your boyfriend sleeping in your dream indicates that you are refusing to see a problem in the relationship. You are afraid to confront or bring up the issue.

Sleeping Bag

To see a sleeping bag in your dream represents warmth and protection. You are expressing a desire to slowly explore the realm of your subconscious. Alternatively, a sleeping bag may be analogous to regressing back to the womb where you were completely dependent.

Sleeping Beauty

To see Sleeping Beauty in your dream symbolizes eternal beauty. The dream may also be trying to tell you that you are oblivious to some situation. There is something that you are completely overlooking.

Sleeping Pill

To see or take a sleeping pill in your dream indicates that you are choosing to be ignorant about a situation. You are not taking a proactive approach to life's decisions and are refusing to see the reality of things. Alternatively, the dream may mean that you are determined to make a fresh new start for yourself.


To dream that you are at a sleepover indicates that there is a situation that you are refusing to see or accept. You need to be more alert and pay attention to what is going around you. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you need to let your guard down and learn to be more open and receptive.


To dream that you are sleepwalking suggests that you are feeling emotionally detached from others. You are out of touch with what is happening around you. Alternatively, the dream means that you are stuck in a routine where you are doing things by rote. There is a lack of excitement and energy in your life. You are just going through the motions.


To feel sleepy in your dream suggests that you are letting an opportunity pass you by if you do not take action. You need to pay more attention to your surroundings. Perhaps you are lacking knowledge or awareness in some area or issue.


To notice your sleeves in your dream suggests that you need to protect yourself against your adversaries or haters out there. The dream may also be a metaphor that you need to roll up your sleeves and prepare for some hard work ahead.


To dream that you or somebody is on a slide indicates that you are experiencing some instability in your waking life. You have lost your grip on a situation or relationship.

To dream that you are sliding represents a loss of control.  meanings by


To see

To see or feel slime in your dream represents your inability to place your trust in someone. The dream may be a metaphor for some one is a slimeball.


To see or play with a slingshot in your dream represents the negative aspects of your childhood. You are feeling defensive about something. The dream may be brought about by some waking conflict that mimic your experiences from childhood.


To see or play with a Slinky toy in your dream denotes your flexibility and adaptability to any situation. It also indicates your ability to take action quickly.


To dream that you slip on something suggests that you are forcing yourself to do something that you do not really want to do.

To dream that you are wearing only a slip represents your individualism. You are trying not to be like everyone else and wanting to find your own way. You are showing courage by standing by your own beliefs. Alternatively, wearing a slip indicates that you are revealing a part of yourself that was once unknown.


To  see or wear slippers in your dream suggest that you are feeling sluggish and/or insecure. You feel that you do not have a strong foothold in some situation. Alternatively, wearing slippers represent domesticity, ease, comfort, and/or relaxation. This dream symbol may mean that you need to relax. Or you are relaxing too much and are being lazy.


To dream that you are walking on slippery ground indicates a lack of progress in some endeavor. You need to rethink your course. Alternatively, it symbolizes caution. You need to be careful in what you say and do; otherwise you might get yourself into trouble.

Slot Machine

To see or play a slot machine in your dream suggests that you need to be more careful with your spending. Or you need to allocate your time and energy to something more productive. Alternatively, a slot machine symbolizes luck and chance. Perhaps the dream is telling you to take a gamble on something. Go for it.

If you dream that the slot machine is broken or malfunctioning, then it means that you are feeling emotionally or financially drained.


To see a sloth in your dream indicates your passivity in a situation. You need to assert yourself and make your presence known. The sloth is also symbolic of gentleness, laziness or lack of ambition.

Slow Motion

To dream that you are moving in slow motion suggests that you are feeling powerless, anxious or frustrated. You are currently going through a hard time in your waking life and experiencing tremendous stress, which is almost immobilizing you. 


To see sludge in your in dream represents your rejected or shameful emotions. It also symbolic of low esteem. Consider the source and color of the sludge to pinpoint what emotion your dream may be highlighting.

Slu gs

To see slugs in your dream indicate that you are progressing through life in a slow, steady, and persistent manner. Perhaps you are moving painfully slowly toward a goal. Alternatively, the dream may be a pun on "feeling sluggish".

To dream that slugs are coming out from inside your body suggest that you are having difficulties expressing some aspect of your emotion. Consider where in your body are the slugs coming out from.

Slumber Party

*Please See Sleepover.


To dream that you live in the slums indicates your negative outlook, deteriorating thoughts and crumbling ideals. You are feeling sorry for yourself and letting your own negative thinking take over your frame of mind. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you have poor self image or poor health.


To dream that someone or something is smaller than usual represents feelings of insignificance, helplessness and unworthiness. Alternatively, you may be literally trying to "knock" this person down to size. Perhaps it suggests that  you or someone in your life has an inflated ego and need to be taught a lesson.

To dream that you are small and everyone is normal sized suggests that you are su

To dream that someone or something is smaller than usual represents feelings of insignificance, helplessness and unworthiness. Alternatively, you may be literally trying to "knock" this person down to size. Perhaps it suggests that  you or someone in your life has an inflated ego and need to be taught a lesson.

To dream that you are small and everyone is normal sized suggests that you are suffering from low self-esteem and/or a sense of helplessness. Perhaps you are being overlooked.


To dream that you are smart indicates that you hold the knowledge to make some important decision in your life. The dream is reaffirming your abilities to proceed with whatever you want to do. Don't underestimate yourself. Alternatively, the dream may be making up for your insecurities about your brain power.


To see or use a smartphone in your dream represents your immediate connection to the world around you. Someone out there is always listening. On the other hand, these connections may be giving you a false sense of community or feeding into your feelings of inadequacies.

To dream that your smartphone screen is cracked suggests that you have been careless about what you are saying or sharing with others. Perhaps the dream is telling you that your perception is flawed or skewed.


To smell something in your dream indicates your past experiences and feelings you associate with that particular smell. Your dream is trying to convey a feeling with a familiar smell or scent. Alternatively, the scent may be part of your real environment which you have incorporated into your dream.

To smell death in your dream refers to a situation that has long been dead. It is time to stop dwelling on the past and move on.

Smelling Salts

To dream that you are using smelling salts suggests that you need to pay attention to or focus on some goal or urgent matter. If the smelling salts are not working on you or they have the opposite effect, then it means that you are refusing to acknowledging some truth or issue that is right in front on you.


To dream that you or others are smiling means that you are pleased with your achievements and approve of the decisions you have made. You will be rewarded for the good things you have done for others. Alternatively, a smile indicates that you are in search of something or someone that will  make you happy.


To see a smiley face in your dream symbolizes approval and validation of your actions. The dream symbol is providing you with reassurance that you are on the right track.

To see different smiley faces in your dream represents your range of emotions. You are feeling emotionally overwhelmed. Alternatively, the dream suggests that your feelings are being trivialized or that someone is discounting how you feel.


To see smog in your dream symbolizes your negative emotions. You may be feeling upset and fearful of a situation or relationship. Alternatively, smog suggests that you have not fully understood a situation to make an informed decision.


To see smoke in your dream indicates some sort of trouble that is entering your life. You are suffering from confusion and anxiety. In particular, if the smoke is black, then it means that you are not seeing some situation or problem clearly. If you dream of white smoke, then it implies that your emotions are clouding your judgment. Alternatively, white smoke symbolizes an agreement or consensus.

To breathe or see secondhand smoke in your dream suggests that your ignorance in some matter is doing your harm.

Smoke Detector

To see or hear a smoke detector in your dream represents a potentially harmful situation that requires your quick action and fast response. You need to react quickly or else deal with the consequences. Consider what waking situation is in need of your immediate attention. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you are able to see through someone's facade or true intentions. You are able to get to

oke Detector

To see or hear a smoke detector in your dream represents a potentially harmful situation that requires your quick action and fast response. You need to react quickly or else deal with the consequences. Consider what waking situation is in need of your immediate attention. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you are able to see through someone's facade or true intentions. You are able to get to the heart of the matter.

Smok e Rings

To blow smoke rings in your dream refer to your carefree and relaxed attitude. You don't care what others think of you.

To see smoke rings in your dream indicate that your judgment is being clouded. You are lacking focus.

Smoke Stacks

To see a smoke stack in your dream suggests that there is something rising out of your subconscious and into your awareness. There is a situation that requires your immediate attention before it gets out of hand. Alternatively, a smoke stack symbolizes industry and hard work.  A smoke stack may also be seen as a phallic symbol and refer to sexual release.


If you do not smoke in waking life and dream that you are smoking, then it indicates that you are trying to shield yourself and others against your emotions. You have trouble letting others in. The dream may also be a metaphor for an addictive relationship or habit in your waking life.

To see someone smoking in your dream depends on your own personal associations with smoking. However, it often indicates some sort of dissension, disagreement or rebellion.


To make or drink a smoothie in your dream is analogous to how your life is going. It is a "smooth" road ahead for you.


To dream of smudging implies that you need to rid yourself of some negative energy in your life. It is time to make a fresh, clean start. Alternatively, dreaming about smudging refers to your character flaws.


To dream that you are smuggling something indicates that you are trying to claim what you feel is rightfully yours. Alternatively, the dream means that you are feeling locked out or denied of something. Consider what you are smuggling for additional significance.


To see a snail in your dream suggests that you are being overly sensitive. You are feeling inhibited, but desire to be more outgoing and energetic.  Alternatively, a snail suggests that you are making steady progress toward a goal.  You need to go at your own pace.


To see a snake or be bitten by one in your dream signifies hidden fears and worries that are threatening you. Your dream may be alerting you to something in your waking life that you are not aware of or that has not yet surfaced. If you dream that a snake is submerged in water, then it implies that you are unknowingly letting your emotions influence aspects of your life. If the snake tangles itself, then it represents a subsiding threat. Something that you thought was going to be a problem has resolved itself. Alternatively, the snake may be seen as phallic and thus symbolize temptation, dangerous and forbidden sexuality. More specifically, to see a snake on your bed suggests that you are feeling sexually overpowered or sexually threatened. You may be inexperienced, nervous or just unable to keep up. If you are afraid of the snake, then it signifies your fears of sex, intimacy or commitment. The snake may also refer to a person around you who is callous, ruthless, and can't be trusted. As a positive symbol, snakes represent healing, transformation, knowledge and wisdom. It is indicative of self-renewal and positive change. In particular, if you dream of a multi-colored or brightly colored snake, then it is a clear warning about something bad happening. Dreaming of a red snake highlights the positive characteristics of the snake, as well as your fiery passion. Seeing a green snake in your dream indicates a misunderstanding. It also symbolizes someone who is not as bad as you had assumed.     meanings by

o see a baby snake in your dream means that you are underestimating some threat in your waking life.

To see the skin of a snake in your dream represents protection from illnesses.

To see a snake with a head on each end in your dream suggests that you are being pulled in two different directions. You are feeling overburdened and do not know whether you are coming or going. Your actions are counterproductive. Perhaps the dream represents some complicated love triangle. Alternatively, the dream signifies your desires for children. If you see a two-headed snake in your dream, then it refers to cooperation and teamwork in some relationship.

To dream of a snake without a head or without any eyes implies that you are refusing to see the danger in a situation. Alternatively, it means that you are being blindsided. To see a bodiless snake in your dream refers to some biting or cutthroat remarks.

To dream that a snake is being beheaded indicates that there is an issue that you are not confronting. You are refusing to face your fears.

To see a dead snake in your dream means that a threat has passed.

To dream that you are eating a live snake indicates that you are looking for intimacy or sexual fulfillment. Your life is lacking sensuality and passion. If you vomit or throw up the snake, then it may mean that you are overcompensating for something that is lacking in your life. You may be rushing into something.

To dream that a snake is eating another snake represents your drive and determination to succeed at whatever cost.

If you are eaten by a snake in your dream, then it means that someone is taking advantage of you. Dreaming of a snake eating your child represents someone who you fear is harming your child in some way. Perhaps you do not trust your child's judgment and are afraid that she is being manipulated by others.  The dream may also symbolize your fears of letting go.

Dreaming of a snake that is eating people signifies ruthlessness. Perhaps you are dealing with someone in your waking life who shows no mercy or sympathy.

If you dream that you find snakes in every hotel room, then it means that you are moving toward a questionable or risky direction in your life.

** ** *Go to Common Dreams: Snake Dreams for further analysis. See The Meaning In Action: " Two Snakes , " Snakes Everywhere! ", " Raining Snakes " & " Snakes Jumping At Me "

Snake Charmer

To see or dream that you are a snake charmer refers to control over your sexual desires.


To see a snapdragon in your dream symbolizes forgiveness and kindness. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor that you are being snappy.


To see or wear sneakers in your dream suggest that you are approaching through life with ease and little obstacles. It also denotes comfort and satisfaction with yourself and who you are. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you lead an active life and are always on the go.

In particular, dreaming of foamposite sneakers means that you want others to take note of your actions.


To dream that you are sneaking around indicates that you are feeling ashamed of your actions or are lacking self-confidence in achieving your goals. If dream that you are sneaking around with somebody, then it implies that you feel others are not supportive of the relationship. If you are sneaking into someone's personal property, then it points to your insecurities.


To dream that you sneeze indicates a life of ease and joy. Alternatively, it suggests inner healing.


To hear or sniffle in your dream signifies a growing problem in your waking life, especially if it is not dealt with properly. You are not expressing yourself in an effective way.


To dream that you are a sniper or are being attacked by one represents hidden aggression that you need to acknowledge. You need to express your anger in a more controlled and healthy manner.


To dream that you snitch on someone indicates insecurity. You are feeling threatened.

Dreaming that someone is snitching on you refers to your fear of being discovered or exposed. You are hiding something that is weighing on your conscience.


To dream that you are being a snob indicates your tendency to prejudge and look down on others. Perhaps you have misjudged a situation.


To dream that you are snoozing signifies ignorance. You are unaware or oblivious to the problems that are surrounding you and are letting opportunities pass you by. Consider the phrase "you snooze, you lose".


To dream that you or someone is snoring indicates that you are completely oblivious to what is going around you. Life is passing you by. The dream may also be a reflection of your waking surroundings. You have incorporated the actual sound of snoring (by you or by your sleep partner) into your dream scenario.


To dream that you are snorkeling suggests that you are exploring your emotions and trying to understand why you feel the way you do about certain things. It may also indicate that you are looking back at past emotions and what you can learn from those experiences.  meanings by


To dream that you are picking snot out of your nose indicates that you are ready to confront some subconscious material.

To dream that your nose is full of snot implies that you are being stuffy, unyielding and rigid. If you try, but cannot get the snot out of your nose, then it means that you are unable to be your true self. Something or someone is restricting you from fully expressing yourself.


To see a snout in your dream suggests that you have a keen sense of smell. The dream may be analogous to your ability to sniff out some problem or suspicious activity. Pay attention to your intuition. Also consider the animal that the snout is from.


To see snow in your dream signifies your inhibitions, unexpressed emotions and feelings of frigidity. You need to release and express these emotions and inhibitions. Alternatively, snow means that you are feeling indifferent, alone and neglected.  If the snow is melting, then it suggests that you are acknowledging and releasing emotions you have repressed. You are overcoming your fears and obstacles. If you are driving in the snow, then it means that you need to be extra cautious about how your approach your goals.

To see dirty snow in your dream refers to a lost in innocence, impurity and uncleanness. Some aspect of yourself or situation has been tainted.

To dream that you are watching the snow fall represents a clean start and a fresh, new perspective. It is indicative of spiritual peace and tranquility.

To dream that you are playing in the snow indicates that you need to set some time for fun and relaxation. Alternatively, the dream means that you need to take advantage of opportunities that arise; otherwise such opportunities will disappear.

To dream that you find something in the snow suggests that you are exploring and accessing your unused potential, abilities, and talents. You have uncovered some hidden talent and ability within yourself. It may also refers to a need to forgive.

Snow Fox

To see a snow fox in your dream highlights your feelings of loneliness, either by choice or by circumstances. You are experiencing an isolation period.

Snow Globe

To see a snow globe in your dream signifies your desires for peace and serenity. Consider
The dream may indicate that you are longing for some aspect of your past.

To dream that you are inside the snow globe suggests that you are feeling stuck in your life. You feel that you are in a rut doing the same thing and going to the same places. Alternatively, the dream means that you are not expressing your emotions. You are keeping too much inside and as a result, you are feeling trapped.


To dream that you or someone is snowboarding indicates that you are overcoming your fears. You are utilizing your skills.


To see snowdrops in your dream symbolize rebirth, hope, and new opportunities after a period of inactivity. You are emerging from a time of darkness with a fresh attitude. The dream may also be a metaphor for snow dropping or snow falling. Perhaps you are preoccupied with the weather and hope that it doesn't ruin your plans.


To see a snowflake in your dream represents purity and perfection. It also signifies your individuality and uniqueness.

Snow man

To see a snowman in your dream suggests that you are emotionally cold or frigid. Perhaps you have been a little cold-hearted and insensitive. Alternatively, a snowman is symbolic of playfulness, holiday cheer and time of togetherness.


To see or ride on a snowmobile in your dream indicates that you are taking advantage of the opportunities made available to you while they last. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you are confronting your repressed emotions.


To dream that you are wearing snowshoes means that you are unbothered by negativity. You keep going even when others try to hold you back or tell you that you can't do it.


*Please See Blizzard .


To dream that you are wearing a snowsuit means that you are trying to protect yourself from negativity. You are shielding yourself from anymore emotional hurt. Alternatively, the dream highlights your physical limitations and boundaries.

Soa p

To see soap in your dream indicates that you need to wash away some of your past emotions or memories. You may also be feeling emotionally dirty or guilty and are trying to wash away the shame. Perhaps you need to confess something.

To dream that something of value turn into soap suggests that you are not taking care of the things you treasure. Something you value is being washed down the drain.

Soap Opera

To dream that you are in or watching a soap opera indicates that your life is like a drama. Perhaps you are identifying with a character in the soap opera. Also consider the title of the soap opera. For example, "All My Children" may refer to some drama you are experiencing with your children. "Guiding Light" suggests that you need more spirituality in your life.


To dream that you are soaring through the air symbolizes freedom from restrictions. You have successfully escaped or gotten out from a burdening situation or relationship.

Please see also Dream Moods' Common Dreams: Flying.


To dream that you are playing soccer suggests that you are suppressing your sexuality or aggression and expressing it in a more socially acceptable manner. From a Freudian perspective, sports generally serve as a disguise for attitudes about sex as a aggressive act.  Hence soccer can be seen as a pun on "sock her". Alternatively, the game of soccer parallels to how you function and how you run your life when confronted with challenges. You need to be able to think quickly on your feet, if you are going to succeed. The soccer game also reflects you competency, integrity, strengths and weaknesses.


To dream that you are playing soccer suggests that you are suppressing your sexuality or aggression and expressing it in a more socially acceptable manner. From a Freudian perspective, sports generally serve as a disguise for attitudes about sex as a aggressive act.  Hence soccer can be seen as a pun on "sock her". Alternatively, the game of soccer parallels to how you function and how you run your life when confronted with challenges. You need to be able to think quickly on your feet, if you are going to succeed. The soccer game also reflects you competency, integrity, strengths and weaknesses.


To dream about society in general represents your connection to those around you. You need to expand your relationships and create a cooperative network.


To see a socket in your dream suggests that you need to reenergize and revitalize yourself. Alternatively, the dream may be a pun on "sock it". Is there something or someone that you want to take out your aggression on?


To dream that you are wearing socks signifies warmth and comfort. Alternatively, to see socks in your dream indicate that you tend to yield to other's wishes. You are flexible and understanding in your thinking.

To see a single sock in your dream is a pun on hitting someone or being hit. Or perhaps the dream means that you have been hit with some surprising information or news.


To dream that you are laying sod indicates that your hard work and effort will pay off in the end. You are laying out a firm foundation for you and your family.


To drink soda in your dream indicates that you need to be more bubbly or vivacious. Liven up! Alternatively, the dream suggests that you need to be refreshed or rejuvenated.

If the soda is bitter, sour or off-tasting, then something or someone is preventing you from enjoying life to the fullest. Something is holding you back from fully expressing yourself.


*Please See Couch.


To dream that you are playing or watching softball indicates that you need to stay within your own limits and capabilities. Don't overdo things. Alternatively, softball symbolizes relationships and how the masculine aspects (shape of the bat) are in opposition to the feminine aspects (ball).


To see software in your dream represents your personality traits, behaviors and habits. Consider the type of software. If you dream that you are installing or downloading software into your computer, then signifies your ability to adapt to a new way of thinking of a different way of doing things. Alternatively, the dream may be a sexual innuendo for the penis.


To feel something soft in your dream signifies a warm and welcoming situation. Perhaps the dream is telling you that you are too rough or hard and need to soften up.


To see or be in contact with soil in your dream symbolizes growth and fertility. It also represents a solid foundation for life. You need to approach your goals with practicality. If the soil is hard and dry, then it indicates that you are not being true to yourself. You are trying to hide under a hard shell. The dream may also be analogous to something that is "soiled" or tainted.

So lar Panel

To see or install solar panels in your dream mean that you are receptive to spiritual advice and guidance. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you are feeling physically and/or emotionally drained and need to explore an alternative source of energy.

Solar System

To see the solar system in your dream suggests that you are lacking direction in your life. You have a wandering mind. If applicable, look up the specific planet for additional significance in the Dream M**ds dream dictionary.


To see or dream that you are a soldier signifies discipline, structure, rigidity and your staunch attitude. You are imposing your opinions and feelings on others. Alternatively, a soldier means that you are preparing yourself to do battle over an issue. You feel the need to To dream that you are an ex-soldier represents your ability to yield in your decisions and your way of thinking. You need to change your approach toward your goal.


To dream that you are playing solitaire indicates that some action needs to be completed before you can move onto the next phase.  Success is a step by step process; it will not happen immediately. Alternatively, playing solitaire in your dream may imply that you are isolating yourself. You want to succeed on your own terms. 


To dream of the summer solstice symbolizes abundance and fertility. It also represents enlightenment. Perhaps you have more clarity on a problem or situation that has been bothering you.

To dream of the winder solstice symbolizes rebirth and rejuvenation. The dream signals new beginnings.


To dream that your or someone is doing a somersault suggests that you like to do things in excess. You need to show some restraint.


To dream that you are a sommelier represents your role in someone else's decision making process. You are good at offering your advice to others.

To see a sommelier in your dream indicates that you are looking for advice on some decision or the direction you should take in life.


To see your son in your dream signifies your ideal, hopes, potential, and the youthful part of yourself. On the other hand, to see your son in your dream may not have any significance and may be simply mirroring your waking relationship with him. The dream may also be a pun on "sun".

If you do not have a son and dream that you are searching for him represents the undeveloped masculine aspect of your own self. You need to acknowledge the youth and child in you.

So n-In-Law

To see your son-in-law in your dream means that you are going with the flow. You don't like to cause trouble or create disagreements.


To hear or write a song in your dream indicates that you are looking at things from a spiritual viewpoint. Consider the words to the song that you are dreaming about for additional messages. The lyrics can represent a message from your subconscious. Or the lyrics can serve as your voice to express how you are really feeling. Alternatively, the song may be communicating some advice about a situation or relationship.


To see or dream that you are getting a sonogram signifies a new and developing phase in your life. Perhaps you are starting a new relationship, switching jobs or relocating. The dream may also reflect your actual concerns about a pregnancy or your desires to have children.


To see soot in your dream symbolizes immortality.  In particular, if you are covered in soot, then it signifies your subconscious and the negative aspects of yourself. It is the part of yourself that you fear or are ashamed of.


To see or dream that you are a sorcerer represents your talents, inner strengths, and creative ability.  Your mind is squarely set on achieving your goals.


To dream that you have sores on your body suggest that you are keeping in some negative emotions and attitudes that need to be released and expressed. Consider the symbolism of the body area where the sores are located.  Perhaps the dream is an indication that you are still feeling "sore" and resentful about some situation or relationship.

To feel sore in your dream indicates that you are feeling worn down by some emotional issue.


To dream that you are in or join a sorority signifies personal growth and social changes that you are experiencing in your life. You need to expand your awareness and knowledge. The dream is also symbolic of the bounds of sisterhood and togetherness. If you are in a sorority in your waking life, then the dream may just be a reflection of the waking relationship and bear no special significance.


*Please See Depression.


To dream that you are sorry parallels waking feelings of regret or remorse. Some residual feelings that you have when you ar

To dream that you are sorry parallels waking feelings of regret or remorse. Some residual feelings that you have when you are awake can often express themselves in your dream, especially if it is weighing on your mind. Alternatively, the dream may be giving you a nudge to say "sorry" to someone.

To hear someone say sorry in your dream highlights forgiveness and letting go.


*Please See Organize.


To dream that you have a lack of soul or no soul suggests that you are feeling spiritually lost. You need to find yourself and find what will makes you feel whole as a person.

To dream that your soul is leaving your body represents your feelings of self-gu ilt. You may have compromised your own beliefs and values. Perhaps you are feeling numb and out of touch with those around you. It is time to change some vital part of your waking life in order to feel fully alive and whole again.

To dream that you switch souls with your friend implies that you are not accepting yourself as you are. You drive yourself crazy comparing yourself to others and as a result, you suffer from low self-esteem.

To dream that you marry someone in order save their soul refers to the sacrifices you are making in that situation or relationship. You always play the role of the protector in the relationship and try to shield others from being hurt.

Soul Patch

To see someone or dream that you have a soul patch refers to your eccentric thinking. You are vocal about your opinions and thoughts.


*Please See Noise

Sound Waves

To see or make sound waves in your dream indicates that you are in tune with your own feelings or the feelings of others. Alternatively, sound waves symbolize the ups and downs of your emotions.


Similarly to food, to dream about soup represents emotional hunger or nourishment. In addition, soup also signifies comfort and healing. Consider the contents inside the soup and its symbolism.

S our

To taste something sour in your dream refers to some resentment in your emotional state of mind. The dream may be analogous to a relationship that is going "sour."


To dream of the direction south indicates life, expectations, and questions. Alternatively, the dream may symbolize love, passion and warmth. Or the dream may be a metaphor that a plan has "gone south" or gone awry.

South America

To dream about South America suggests that you are trying to resolve some conflict or conquer the obstacles in your life. Alternatively, the dream also refers to spontaneity.

South Pole

To dream that you are in the South Pole represents the challenges and hardships in your waking life and your ability to endure it all.

To dream that you live in the South Pole symbolizes your survival skills.


To buy or shop for a souvenir in your dream means that you need to focus on the positive aspects of your life. Look past the negativity.

Dreaming about a souvenir is symbolic of life experiences. Material things are not as important as the experiences and memories you create.


To dream that you are sowing seeds represent new beginnings and ideas. You are laying the groundwork for some major groundwork. The dream may also be a metaphor for sex or some sexual act.


To see or eat soybean in your dream implies that you are expressing some health concern. Perhaps, you need to adapt a healthier lifestyle. Alternatively, the dream suggests that there is some decision or situation that you are thinking hard about. In Spanish, "soy" means "I am" and thus the dream could be a pun on the self.


To dream that you are at a spa suggests that you need to take time out and pamper yourself. Perhaps you need to come clean and wash away some old secrets, pains, or guilt. It is time to let your emotions out and begin the healing process.  Start fresh.


To see or dream that you are in space represents exploration and independent thinking. You are broadening your horizons and view. Alternatively, the dream mthe dream may be a metaphor that you are "spacing out".  You need to return your concentration back on your future and goals. Or the dream may be a pun on your need for more "space" in a relationship or situation.

Space Shuttle

To see a space capsule or a space shuttle in your dream signifies exploring the unknown. It parallels a situation in your waking life where you find yourself in a new surrounding.

Dreaming of a space shuttle launch implies that a project, relationship or idea is about to take off in a sudden and spectacular way. You are moving toward a goal with full momemtum.


To see a spaceship in your dream symbolizes your creative mind. It denotes a spiritual journey into the unknown and signals self-development and self-awareness. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you need to take on a different perspective, no matter how bizarre or unusual it may be.

Dreaming that spaceships are falling out of the sky and crashing into earth implies that your ideas may be too outlandish and far-fetched. Perhaps you have set unrealistic goals for yourself and you are just setting yourself up for failure.

**See The Meaning In Action: " Spaceship In The Old West " & " End Of The World "


To see the ace of spades in your dream symbolize spontaneity, mischievous, and/or heartlessness. It also represents authority and extreme competitiveness. You are afraid of losing.

*Please See Also Shovel .


To see or eat spaghetti in your dream symbolizes longevity, nourishment and abundance. Alternatively, eating spaghetti indicates that you find yourself entangled in some messy relationship or uncomfortable position. Perhaps you are not sure how to end a relationship or situation.

Snow Dream Meaning and Interpretations  1
Snow Dream Symbol –  The old saying ‘snowed under’ means you have so much to do or concentrate on you do not know where to start. Everything may seem to be of equal importance. You may even feel totally overwhelmed. Maybe you are uptight about what is going on and you need to chill out to see the big picture. You need to prioritize. You may even be afraid of losing something close to your heart. Falling snow is a magical sight and brings new perspective.

Snow in a dream can also mean y
you will win or inherit a large sum of money sometime soon. This is what you wish for and the universe will deliver. Dreaming of a snowstorm or blizzard indicates you will meet someone new who becomes your lover. If you are already in a committed relationship, this can mean your relationship is wonderful and you are living in blissful happiness.

Dreaming of fresh, clean snow symbolizes new beginnings and insight. Something is coming to an end in your life. Be open to new possibilities. Snow symbolizes things are about to take shape as it is solidified water. It can be a message about suppressed feelings. Have you closed yourself off to the world? It can be that you need to unthaw a little to move forward.

Allow the sun to melt away your problems. However, dirty snow indicates depression and anxiety over many parts of your life. Walking clumsily through the snow is a sign there are relationships and situations around you that you may mistrust. You may be unsure of your involvement, or of the people pushing you take part. It can also mean you fear making the wrong choices.

A man dreaming of snow can relate to a fear of growing older. This may be in relation to his sexuality. Melting snow refers to the softening of a cold, frigid heart. Snow is a warning that if you remain this way it will lead to being lonely in old age. Having a snow fight means happiness and joy. But sinking knee deep into the snow can represent your feelings of love for someone have disappeared.

Note: If you have had a dream related to this dream symbol or would like to add something that is related to this topic please leave comment below. Comments are a great way to interact with others who are dreaming about similar topics.

Dream Meaning of Snow

Seeing snow in a dream symbolizes interest and benefits, being cleared of slander, escape obsessions, getting out of a scrape.

Snow that doesn’t a job on you and snowing in the raw in a dream indicates that you will enter in the peaceful process, to see that everywhere is snow-covered indicates that people around you will get out of hole thank to you.

Eating snow indicates that you will get rid of your troubles easily and you will talk your problems in your relation out. To see someone is eating snow indicates that you will get an interest over one of your friends and you are introduced to a person that you will reap the benefit of him. To see an animal eating snow indicates that someone will drop the idea of harm you as he is afraid of you.

Playing snowball, making snowball and figures in a dream indicates that you will get rid of your obsessions, you will feel relieved, and you will have the chance to get your old successes focusing on the old matters you showed success.

Shovelling snow, cleaning the snow in a dream symbolizes being treated, finding a remedy for patients, recovery from famine, the beginning of the abundance and plentifulness.

Walking on the snow symbolizes of gaining reputation. Walking on the snow without a trace in a dream indicates that you will be successful in a business that you will carry out in a secret way from your family and relatives.

Melting snow in a dream indicates that the obstacles will be removed, people with health problem will get rid of his trouble, and you will afford advantage through someone who asked for your help.

Seasonless snow symbolizes of falling in love, setting your heart to someone or a benefit work.

Being covered in snow, trying to go out under snow indicates that you will give yourself a rough time trying to do a work by yourself instead of working together.

Seeing snow in a dream symbolizes interest and benefits, being cleared of slander, escape obsessions, getting out of a scrape.

Snow that doesn’t a job on you and snowing in the raw in a dream indicates that you will enter in the peaceful process, to see that everywhere is snow-covered indicates that people around you will get out of hole thank to you.

Eating snow indicates that you will get rid of your troubles easily and you will talk your problems in your relation out. To see someone is eating snow indicates that you will get an interest over one of your friends and you are introduced to a person that you will reap the benefit of him. To see an animal eating snow indicates that someone will drop the idea of harm you as he is afraid of you.

Playing snowball, making snowball and figures in a dream indicates that you will get rid of your obsessions, you will feel relieved, and you will have the chance to get your old successes focusing on the old matters you showed success.

Shovelling snow, cleaning the snow in a dream symbolizes being treated, finding a remedy for patients, recovery from famine, the beginning of the abundance and plentifulness.

Walking on the snow symbolizes of gaining reputation. Walking on the snow without a trace in a dream indicates that you will be successful in a business that you will carry out in a secret way from your family and relatives.

Melting snow in a dream indicates that the obstacles will be removed, people with health problem will get rid of his trouble, and you will afford advantage through someone who asked for your help.

Seasonless snow symbolizes of falling in love, setting your heart to someone or a benefit work.

Being covered in snow, trying to go out under snow indicates that you will give yourself a rough time trying to do a work by yourself instead of working together.
The meaning of the dream symbol: Snow

Added: 4 September
Snow symbolizes a freezing point in life. Snow dreams indicate coldness and dry nature. You need to be smart enough to understand a close relationship between your snow dreams and real life situations.
Let's find out what they mean in your dreams:

Snow represents attraction, purity, relaxation and flexibility. The freezing of water to snow and melting in the form of water again relates to the flexible nature of a person. To see a snow mountain in dreams may relate your stubbornness in a particular situation. These dreams are indications that a change of a current situation is expected and things will take a new shape altogether.
Some beliefs related to snow also state that these dreams speak about growing old. Seeing a huge snow ball in dream reflects distress. To dream about a dirty snow is a bad omen. It denotes anxiety, failure, stress, insecurity and rejection. On the other end, to dream about a clean white snow denotes profits, purity, stability and peace.
Notice a few things in your snow dreams, as these are quite commonly experienced.
- Covered in snow
- Playing a snow sport
- Watching snow sports
- The melting of snow
- Snow flakes
- Fighting with the snow balls
- A snow mountain
- An avalanche of snow

Most Common Snow Dreams:
To be covered in Snow: To dream about being covered in snow is a sign of pure feelings. It means that you do not have ill feelings for anyone. This attitude will bring respect in others` heart for you.
To Fight in Snow: To dream about a snow fight is a sign of contentment. It means you really wish to relive those memories of childhood and engage in kiddie fights with your family and friends. Do not miss this moment of childish acts irrespective of whether it is snowing or not.
Snow Melting from the Mountain: To dream about a snow mountain melting is an indication of things getting out of your hands. You might face some situations where things will get out of control. These could be minor business losses or arguments with family members. Any type of snow in a dream indicates extreme fatigue.


Islamic Dream Interpretation by Ibn-i Sirin
Snow in a dream means profits, or it could mean a cure for an illness.lfsnow and fire coexist beside one another in a dream, they represent love, passion and companionship. Ifone sees snow in its season, then it means washing away one’s difficulties and exposing one’s enemies or jealous companions. Seeing snow in other than wintertime in a dream means an illness, paralysis, or obstacles hindering one’s travel plans, or it could mean sufferings, swearing, or deceit.
A heavy snow storm in a dream means oppression, while a light snowfall or flurries mean benefits to one’s town. Melting snow in a dream means dispersal of agony, or it could mean the end of depression. Like rain, snow in a dream is a sign of divine mercy and a good harvest. When heavy, it represents a calamity, and when light, it is a blessing. Standing under a snowfall in a dream signifies enemy blows. (Also see Snowball)


Often its important to note the emotions you feel in a dream. If the snow seems to have a fresh and wonderful feel to it it may link to some new situation in your life. Perhaps you are thinking about as new job or something like that. But snow can associate with lots of things such as coldness and Christmas. One main meaning of snow is the link with delays and problems in general. Snow hinders momentum and may symbolise a lack of real momentum in a relationship or within you yourself after an illness.

QUESTIONS to help you make associations(pick the one that makes most sense to you)
- Have you had to suffer lots of delays and feel lack there is a total lack of progress in some way?
- Did the fresh new snowfall match some fresh new start in your life?
- Did you wake up cold in bed?
- Have you just been ill and still not recovered?

KEY WORDS : Cold, Christmas, delays, fresh, lack of momentum

KEY PHRASES(Pick a quote which captures your feelings right now. Think especially of the day before the dream) :
- "I am cold"
- "lack of momentum"
- "delays"
- "a new start"
- "Christmas"
- "not recovered from illness"

Example dream : A snow dream symbolised the dreamer sensing that something was wrong with a friend. She felt her friend was cold and distant. Snow symbolised these harsh and difficult times in their friendship. The dreams meaning dealt with this theme of "harsh and difficult times in their friendship" and the dream captured this wider thought "I sense that my friend is being cold and distant. It not easy for me at the moment since I seem to be depressed right now."
Example dream : Snow in a dream symbolised the terrible conditions at the time. It had been one of the harshest winters that the dreamer could remember. The previous day was particularly bad and the dreamer had had to work in unbearable conditions. The snow was a literal symbol for the harsh winter conditions the day before.
Example dream : Snow in a dream linked to the dreamers inability to get along with her sister
Example dream : Snow in a dream linked to the dreamer thinking about her husband who wanted a divorce. She thought they were destined to be together - the snow symbolised this romance being at its lowest point.
Example dream : A dream about an igloo took place whilst the dreamer was talking with his ex girlfriend. The igloo is a cold place and is a metaphor for him being "out in the cold". The dream probably captures this type of thought "I am out in the cold still. But I sense that we might get back together again."
Example dream : A snow storm was linked to the dreamer worrying about losing her boyfriend who was much younger than herself. The snow storm symbolised the fear of rejection.
Example dream : A dream in the deepest winter was linked to the dreamer watching a DVD the night before about paratroopers fighting in deep winter. Their hardship was something he could identify with as he had lots of hardship in his life.
Example dream : A dream about snow took place just after the sad death of the dreamers son in real life. The snow symbolised the sadness but also a fresh perspective after a long talk the night before.
Example dream : Snow in a dream was linked to the dreamer having a bad day. The snow symbolised the delays and hassle during that day.
Example dream : A dream with snow on the ground was symbolic of the dreamers cold emotions at the time and general unhappiness. The dreams meaning linked to this theme of a "cold mood" within the context of this real life feeling "I have been getting some good help from some friends to help with my depression. But recently I am in a very cold mood and want to be by myself."
Example dream : Snow in a dream was linked to the dreamers low mood as she was very depressed and upset at bumping into her ex. Sometimes snow can be fresh and exicting and can be associated with good feelings. But often snow is cold and depressing and links by association

m » S » Snow
Dream «Snow»
Snow — a reflection of purity of thought. Reflection of frozen feelings and / or emotions.

Miller’s dream book

To see snow in your dreams, denotes that while you have no real misfortune, there will be the appearance of illness, and unsatisfactory enterprises. To find yourself in a snow storm, denotes sorrow and disappointment in failure to enjoy some long-expected pleasure. There always follows more or less discouragement after this dream. If you eat snow, you will fail to realize ideals. To see dirty snow, foretells that your pride will be humbled, and you will seek reconciliation with some person whom you held in haughty contempt. To see it melt, your fears will turn into joy. To see large, white snowflakes falling while looking through a window, foretells that you will have an angry interview with your sweetheart, and the estrangement will be aggravated by financial depression. To see snow-capped mountains in the distance, warns you that your longings and ambitions will bring no worthy advancement. To see the sun shining through landscapes of snow, foretells that you will conquer adverse fortune and possess yourself of power. For a young woman to dream of sleighing, she will find much opposition to her choice of a lover, and her conduct will cause her much ill-favor. To dream of snowballing, denotes that you will have to struggle with dishonorable issues, and if your judgment is not well grounded, you will suffer defeat. If snowbound or lost, there will be constant waves of ill luck breaking in upon you.

Hasse’s dream book

Dreams about snow symbolize the need to confront repressed emotions. To find yourself in a snowstorm suggests you are failing to enjoy some long-expected pleasure. To see snow in the summertime, or to see the sun shining through landscapes of snow, foretells that you will conquer adversity and come into power. To dream of throwing snowballs means you will have to struggle with embarrassing issues.

Esoteric Dream Book

White net - to the hospital, get on the disease in the hospital, if in a dream there are other people that someone the disease will affect you indirectly. Gray, dirty, melting - to recover from minor illnesses: allergies, colds, sprains. Play in the snow, build a snow - lung disease, colds, sore throat. Snowfall - sadness, illness of relatives.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (short)

Purification. Cleanliness. Virginity. Clean start; a new look at the world; New Beginnings.

Dream book of the Maya

Good znachenieEsli you had a white snow, now is a good time to take a trip. To have a pleasant journey, pour black coffee night snow. ZnachenieEsli you had a bad black snow, very soon someone will betray you. To avoid this, ugostite his worst enemy hot chocolate.

Noble dream book of N. Grishina

Snow — cooling in relations / temporary peace of damage. Snow, barely covered the ground - do not pay attention to the difficult time, it will soon pass. Walk in the snow - feast. Through the deep snow to go - people survive cooling. Falling snow - good news. In the blizzard hit - a vital storm that will soon pass. Get lost in a snowstorm - tumult leads you to despair, do not yield to him. Snowstorm of warm room watching out the window - life will pass you by storm. Babu see snow or sculpt - coldness in relation to your loved ones. Melting snow - the revival of hope and feelings.

New family dream book

If you had a snow, then your life is all right. You are healthy, you are all right at home, and no service troubles you do not disturb. Caught in a dream in a blizzard - is likely you will experience mental confusion. You will be hard to rejoice even to what you've been waiting for. Ate snow in a dream - you are invited to crash ideals. Dirty snow, seen in a dream, foretells that your pride will be pacified. You make peace with those who had never loved and even despised. Melting snow means that fear will turn joy. A dream in which you are looking through a large window .
irty snow, seen in a dream, foretells that your pride will be pacified. You make peace with those who had never loved and even despised. Melting snow means that fear will turn joy. A dream in which you are looking through a large window at the falling snow flakes, portends a fight with a loved one and financial difficulties. Rising above snow-capped mountains in the distance symbolize the upcoming implementation of your ambitious desires and undeserved success. Sparkling in the sun snow landscape means that unkind still settle fortune to you, and you will reach the long-anticipated power. Girl who had a dream that she is rolling in his sleigh through the snow, will defend his chosen. Seen in a dream foretells a snowball fight a legal battle with relatives. If you dream that you are lost in the snow - get ready for a long losing streak.

Chinese dream book of Zhou-guna

Going — soon to be a great success and profit; falls on you - success in all matters; covers your house and yard - mourning; falls without touching your body - in mourning for older family members.

Assignation; walk in the snow - a pleasant surprise.

To dream of earth covered with snow - a sign of well-being: you save an unblemished reputation, despite attempts by enemies to discredit you. Walk in a dream in the snow with his betrothed means that your fiancee will grant you goodness and kindness. Good sleep - see that you caught a blizzard and scare you. This means that the destiny has prepared for you a difficult test, but you are well equipped with all the adversity and overcome it.

White, clean - to the hospital, you will fall sick in the hospital, if in a dream there are other people, then someone's illness will affect you indirectly. Gray, dirty, melting - to recovery from minor illnesses: allergies, colds, sprains. Play in the snow, build a snow - lung disease, colds, sore throat. Snowfall - grief, illness of relatives.

See — a change in the life of wandering in the snow - you get into trouble falling - obstacles to fall in the snow - the difficulty in the affairs of melting - good views in large drifts - happiness.

Symbolizes stagnation, rigidity, frigidity.

If you dream of snow - so long as your life is not true disasters, whether illness or service woes. If you are caught in a dream blizzard - so you expect sadness l disappointment because of the inability to rejoice to what you've been waiting for. This dream is always accompanied by mental confusion. If you eat snow in a dream - You will wreck the ideals. If you dream of dirty snow - so your pride will be pacified and reconciled to you those who will despise you arrogantly. If you dream of melting snow - then your fear will turn joy. If you dream you are looking through the glass at the snow falling in large flakes - is harbinger of what you quarrel with your sweetheart and alienation worse financial difficulties. To dream of snow-capped mountains in the distance means that your ambition to bring you an undeserved success. If you dream about the sun shining snowy landscape - so unkind to you submit your fortune and you will have the power. If a girl dreams that she is rolling in his sleigh through the snow - so it will have to overcome strong resistance, defending his chosen. If you dream of playing in the snow - it portends you a family dispute with unscrupulous descendants and your position must be well-founded, that justice was on your side. If you dream that you are lost in the snow and can not get out from behind snow drifts - so you expect a long series of failures.

See snow — so far in your life, no real trouble, whether it be a disease or service woes;

You caught the storm - the sadness, frustration due to the inability to rejoice to what you've been waiting for, mental confusion;

There is snow - the collapse of ideals;

Dirty snow — Your pride will be pacified and reconciled to you those who will despise you arrogantly;

Melting snow — your fear will turn joy;

Look through the windonat the falling snow in flakes - a quarrel with his beloved, your alienation worse financial difficulties;

See the snow-capped mountains in the distance - your ambition to bring you an undeserved success;

Sparkling in the sun snowy landscape - unkind to you submit your fortune and you will have the power;

For girls — is rolling in his sleigh through the snow - you will have to overcome strong resistance, defending his chosen;

A snowball fight - family litigation with unscrupulous descendants and your position must be well-founded, that justice was on your side;

Lost in the snow, or you can not get out from behind the snow drifts - a long series of failures.

Also see. Glass, Mountain, Sun, Sunny.

To fertility.

If you dream of snow, it means that, despite the apparent prosperity, you expect trouble in the affairs and health problems.

To dream of a blizzard means frustration, sadness and frustration. Try not to lose the power of the spirit.

If you eat snow, then wait for the failures in the implementation of planned.

If you dream of dirty snow, it predicts the hurt feelings. You might be to seek reconciliation with the person who looks down on you.

Seeing melting snow means that your fears are groundless. Soon you will have a reason to celebrate.

If you dream that you are out of the window watching the falling snow flakes, in life you have to face financial problems caused by the worsening of relations with your loved one.

To dream of a snow-capped mountain peaks means that your ambition will not help you in achieving goals.

Snow, sparkling in the sun, meaning that you can handle all the difficulties and achieve success.

If a young woman to dream that she is riding on a sled, in life it can mean a lot of problems on the way to her favorite.

If you dream that you are playing in the snow, then in reality you will have to defend their interests. However, you run the risk of losing, if you're not confident enough in their abilities.

A dream in which you brought snow, means that your path of life, there are lots of trouble.

They say the snow dream, it will be a laugh out of someone. If you dream of winter, snow, it is said that someone has stopped loving someone. If you dream about a man who walks barefoot in the snow, it is a sign that the big drop in poverty. Snow - a surprise. How will feel it behind the frost will tear. Snow - all will be well. Snow - tryst; go snow - a pleasant surprise.

Aesop’s dream book

The symbol indicates surprise or deception. This is due to the nature of the phenomenon: the snow was perceived by the people as a surprise, a comparison with sugar ends of the appearance of the snow and the unavailability of sugar to the common people. Trying to make out that the window: snow or rain - you aim to make life in their law, but realize that the inevitable is stronger than you. To dream is smooth fabric with no traces of snow - you can not figure out what is of interest, because in this case everything is against you; rely on intuition because it prompts will not be. To dream that there is snow in the sugar bowl - an unexpected dirty trick on the part of relatives. To dream that on a summer day went heavy snow with big fluffy snowflakes - you will be pleasantly surprised; Wait a surprise; life will turn to you from an unexpected angle; you do not suspect about the prospects, but they soon will be opened in the most unexpected moment. You propose to buy snow that fell out two years ago - you become the subject of attention of the person in which you strongly need some time ago but have not heard from him and did not wait for support response to a request. See a person sweeps the snow tracks - a suspicion, anxiety, nerves, and an unwillingness to communicate with old friends. Seeing the hare, which confuses the tracks in the snow - to think through complex, difficult and quite sensitive issue that can be solved only by the courage. In the dream figure sculpt snow - you do not have the time to realyou do not have the time to realize the desire to pursue hobbies; you feel that you are in the wrong business. Snowball - you have close contact with children, childhood friends; have to remember the skills that you have not used. Melt the snow - have to exert a lot of effort to achieve the desired result; do not expect instant success; easy profit.

Dream book of the Yellow Emperor

Primary elements — metal, water. Elements - the dry, cold. Emotions - sadness, fear. Organs - lungs, colon, kidneys, bladder. The planets - Venus, Mercury. Keep ice / g in the hands of sleep / stand bare feet, though there is a cold and freeze, but nothing external prevents escape - a symbolic manifestation of inner fear, depression and apathy. Ice or snow in a dream in the hands hold / stand barefoot - yin-state cold outside as a reflection of internal processes. Dominating the kidneys elements - cold. Kidneys are afraid of the cold, and stored in the kidneys will of man to life. External cold disease weakens the will of man, and the loss of internal control is a dreamlike image of ice and snow, which is voluntary and freezing dreamer. Sleep can not be considered entirely unfavorable: own body, while still having the willpower to resist, warns the dreamer that ignorance of our emotions opens the door for kidney disease already weakened lungs. The decline of the internal forces and leads to confusion in business, and then the depression will be life threatening to freeze elements. But it's too late. Get away from the cold, with snow - start to struggle, to seek a way out of the impasse. Chop the ice to melt ice / snow and drinking water is a symbol of the beginning out of the psychological impasse: a manifestation of the internal forces, restoring the balance between hot and cold, the resumption of proper blood circulation in the channels of the heart (heat) and kidney (cold). The water from the melted snow and ice is considered to be the most beneficial to health (water of life), so in a dream foretells illness recovery. Sleep is favorable and even after a hard winter promises a good spring for the dreamer. Suck ice and snow to meet the demand for water - in a weakened body is not strong enough to break the run around physically and psychologically abnormal situation. The body tries to get a supply of fresh energy at any cost and losing the last warmth. Dream foretells failure or disease and advises that it does not, relax, gain strength, and check out the selection of ends and means of achieving it. Rejoice in his sleep cold, experiencing a dream exaggerated need for it / walk barefoot in the snow / snow showering themselves - all of which means a dangerous excess of emotion, trying to extinguish a fire that cold outside. Internal opportunities dreamer (and he knows it) exceed the external feasibility. Skin is the symbol of the adequacy of the cold, sober, calm, the comparison of the desired and possible. The cold numbs the excesses threaten self-confidence self-confidence, which will draw up an action plan adequate reality. Sleep is favorable: the body has power not only to restore the inner balance, but also to prevent its possible violation, the adequacy of a guarantee of success and health. Yet the dreamer should be more cautious and avoid the Napoleonic plans. A look at the area of ​​ice and snow from the sedation and pleasure-beneficial: it corresponds to the rhythm of the body and the winter season healthy kidneys. With fear, sadness and longing to see, especially at dusk, unfavorable: the weakened body, the discrepancy own rhythms winter season, weak kidneys and lungs.

Dream book of Health

Falling snow - a symbol of the coming life changes; Going through the deep and loose snow - a sign of possible danger to life and injuries, as well as conflict, stress; Walk barefoot in the snow - you do not have enough proximity to nature, the body - you do not have enough proximity to nature, the body needs hardening as a means of increasing resistance to disease; See the melting snow - to the favorable development of life situation.

Children's Dream Book

White snow in your dream - means death cover, which will cool the ardor of your heart. Perhaps frustrated loved one.

Lunar Dream Book

Snow — to fertility.

Snotolkovatel (1829)

If you dream of snow - so long as your life is not true disasters, whether illness or service woes.

If you are caught in a dream blizzard - so you expect sadness and frustration due to the inability to rejoice to what you've been waiting for. This dream is always accompanied by mental confusion.

If you eat snow in a dream - You will be the collapse of ideals.

If you dream of dirty snow - so. Your pride will be pacified and reconciled to you those who will despise you arrogantly.

If you dream of melting snow - so. Your fear will result in joy.

If you dream you are looking through the glass at the snow falling in large flakes - is harbinger of toga that you quarrel with your sweetheart and alienation worse financial difficulties.

To dream of snow-capped mountains in the distance means that your ambition to bring you an undeserved success.

If you dream about the sun shining snowy landscape - so unkind to you submit your fortune and you will have the power.

If a girl dreams that she is rolling in his sleigh through the snow - so it will have to overcome strong resistance, defending his chosen.

If you dream of playing in the snow. - It portends you a family dispute with unscrupulous descendants and your position must be well-founded, that justice was on your side.

If you dream that you are lost in the snow and can not get out from behind the snow drifts - so you expect a long series of failures.

Medieval dream book of Daniil

See snow - to the delight of.

Dream book of lovers

If you had a dream in which you eat snow, it means that you will be disappointed in his chosen one, so in love at all.

A girl who dreams that she rides in a sleigh through the snow, in reality will be fighting for the love of his chosen.

Look at the snow falling through the glass - a sign of a quarrel with his beloved (lover).

Nostradamus’s dream book

To dream of snow in all its forms, on trees, storms, etc., is a dream of very good omen which shows you will have success in business or investments, but if you should eat the snow this will presage a long period of sadness for the dreamer.


If you dream about snow - so long as your life, no real troubles, whether illness or business troubles. Alternative interpretation of what does it mean when you dream about snow

If you dream about snow, it means that, despite the apparent prosperity, you expect trouble in business and health problems. To dream of a blizzard is frustration, sadness and frustration. Try not to lose the power of the spirit. If you eat snow, then wait for the failures in the implementation of the plan. If you dream of dirty snow, it predicts disadvantaged pride. You might be to seek reconciliation with the person who looks at you from above. See melting snow means that Your fears are groundless. Soon you will have a reason for joy. If you dream that you are out of the window watching the falling snow flakes, then in life you have to face the financial problems caused by the deterioration of relations with someone you love. To dream of the snow-capped mountain peaks means that your ambition does not help you to achieve the goal. Snow, sparkling in the sun, means that you will cope with all the difficulties and achieve success. If a young woman dreams that she is riding on a sled, then in life it can mean a lot of problems on the way to her beloved. If you dream that you are playing snowballs, the reality you will have to defend their interests. However, you run the risk of losing, if you're not confident enough in their abilities. A dream in which you are covered with snow, meaning that on your path of life you expect a lot of trouble.

Henry Rommel

Snow-covered landscape — a symbol of fertility of the land, or happiness in love.Go on snow - a pleasant surprise.Newly fallen snow, fluffy and white, promises joy and pleasure; dense, packed - a reward for a job.Generally snowy whiteness symbolizes wealth and prosperity.Falling snow - to obstacles in affairs; snowdrifts - fortunately in his personal life; become powdered with snow - to the fulfillment of desires; sink into the snow or walk along darkened, melting snow - to adversity and temptation.Fall into the snow - parting with someone you love.Play snowballs - a family lawsuit with the heirs.Stuck in snowdrifts - experience failure around.If you dream eat snow, waking you lost faith in their ideals and idols.Large flakes of snow outside the window predict a quarrel with a loved one, and financial difficulties.

Miller’s dream book

If you dream about snow - so long as your life, no real troubles, whether illness or business troubles. If you dream you caught the storm - so you expect the sadness and frustration due to the inability to enjoy what you've been waiting for. This dream is always accompanied by mental confusion. If you eat snow in a dream - you expect the collapse of ideals. If you dream of dirty snow - means. Your pride will be pacified and you are reconciled to those who will despise you arrogant. If you had a melting snow - means. Your fear will result in joy. If you dream you are looking through the window at the falling snow in large flakes - a harbinger of a toga, you quarrel with your lover and alienation aggravated financial difficulties. To dream of snow-capped mountains in the distance means that your ambition to bring you an undeserved success. If you dream of shining in the sun snowy landscape - so unkind to you fortune subservient to you and you will have power. If a girl dreams that she is rolling in a sleigh through the snow - so it will have to overcome strong resistance, defending the elect. If you dream about playing snowballs. - It portends you a family dispute with unscrupulous descendants and your position must be well founded, that justice was on your side. If you dream that you are lost in the snow, or can not get somewhere because of snow drifts - so you expect a long series of failures.

Russian Dream Book

The fun, laughter.

Dream interpretation of Simon the Zealot

See - change in life; profit health; wander through snegu- get into trouble; drops - the obstacles; fall in the snow - difficulties in cases; melting - good views; in large drifts - happiness.

What Your Weather Dreams Are Trying to Tell You

When was the last time you dreamt of weather? Unless you happened to have watched a doomsday natural disaster film before bed or have recurring nightmares linked to a weather phobia, it probably wasn't last night. But if you ever have noticed weather in your dreams, especially severe weather, you know that it can be a very unsettling memory long after you've awaken.

Don't be too quick to put it out of your mind! Just as weather is significant to our daily operations, in the dream world, weather is said to represent our real life emotional and mental inclinations.

What are your true emotions trying to tell you? Decipher their message by matching the weather in your dream to the weather event, conditions, and seasons listed here.


Thomas Vogel / Getty Images

To see white, fair-weather clouds represents inner peace and harmony. It could mean an issue in your waking life is nearly resolved.

To dream of walking on a cloud signifies you have a sense of control over a situation and are feeling "on top of things."

ltura Science / Stone / Getty Images

Tornadoes represent volatile or destructive people, situations, or relationships in your life.

To be in a tornado can mean that you're feeling overwhelmed or out of control.

To dream that the wind is blowing symbolizes your energy or drive and may suggest that you should work harder at achieving your goals.

Strong or gusty winds tend to represent trouble or stress you're dealing with in your waking life.


rnelia Doerr / Getty Images

To dream of winter signifies ill health, depression, and misfortune. It can also signal that a period of reflection and introspection is needed.

Dream Moods A-Z Dream Dictionary.


If you have a dream that you are driving in snow, this usually means that there are a lot of unforeseen changes in your life that are bound to take place soon, some that you are not sure how to approach just yet, but you will soon be tasked with finding a way to deal with them and it is important for you to keep a level head and make sure that you try your best to see as far ahead of you as you can. Foresight could save your life. A little foresight could save you a lot of trouble here.

If you have a dream where you are driving ice this can mean that you feel like you aren’t the one that is choosing your own path. There is a certain path that you know you need to go down, but your progress this far has been unsteady and unsure and you have constantly been curving, threatening to veer off course. Well, the very fact that you’re having this dream at all is proof that you should continue on this path because it will lead you to good places. You are in fact on the right path and as long as you stick to it, good things will come to you.

Seeds Dreams
(see Flowers, Garden, Vegetables)

Read all about the Sacred Symbolism and Meaning of Flowers…

Seeds represent untapped potential, being the semen that fertilizes in earth’s womb. Each type of seed holds a wealth of promise, if properly sown, watered, and cared for. What attributes are you trying to develop, and how conscientiously are you tending those seeds?

Separation Dreams
(see Divorce)

An alternative type of desertion dream.

Seeing something that is whole divide into two parts equates to either a situational separation (such as in relationships), or purposefully separating your conscious self from a portion of subconscious awareness/feelings.

Separation into several sections may reveal your own multifaceted nature and parts of yourself that you are unwilling or unable to recognize consciously. This can also be an indicator of multiple personality disorder; however, any such serious malady should be professionally determined, not assumed or hypothesized.

Separating yourself from a person or situation in a dream is often a signal from your subconscious that you are actually ready to break those ties and venture out alone.

Servant – Servitude Dreams
(see Jobs, Professions, Workers)

Giving of yourself freely, but perhaps in excess.

Being in a situation or relationship in which one person is dominated by another’s rules, ideas, expectations, and/or requirements.

Discovering that those around you are taking advantage of your good-hearted nature by having you wait on them hand and foot. Remember to say “no” once in a while!

Seven Dreams
(see Numbers)

The unfolding of mystical relationships and the understanding of universal truths. Alternatively, a renewed focus on spiritual matters as they pertain to you personally.

Marvels. There are seven wonders in the world, seven colors in the rainbow, etc.

Inventive energy that comes to fruition. Biblical creation took seven days, including God’s day of rest.

Dreaming about Numbers can be a sign your higher self is urging you to learn about Numerology and the sacred meaning of Numbers.

Also, make sure to use our Numerology Calculator and discover your Life Path, Destiny, Personality, Soul and Career Numbers!

Learn all about the spiritual Numerology meaning of the sacred Number Seven.

Sewing Dreams
(see Fabric, Needle)

The need to repair a relationship, a system of belief, or any other situation that has somehow been allowed to disintegrate, or torn apart by negativity.

Sewing machines represent having all the tools you need to fix a situation. Don’t be afraid to rely on your wisdom, talents, and insight.

Thread symbolizes the lines of fate and destiny that we all work within and weave. To break a thread is a negative omen of bad fortune or mishaps on the horizon.

Sexual Encounters Dreams
Aspects of physical relationships that you may be unwilling to recognize, or those about which you feel timid. For example, some people are uncomfortable talking about what really makes them feel good, or about what types of things they fantasize.

Fears and uncertainties about your physical performance in bed.

Unexpressed desires toward specific individuals. Sometimes these people are unobtainable and uninterested. In this case, the dream allows you to live out the fantasy in a socially acceptable manner.

Shadow Dreams
(see Black, Darkness)

Dark forces that threaten to undermine your spiritual quest. Note that these forces can also come from within.

Your own shadow or alternate persona. For the goodness to mean something quantifiable we must all overcome this darker side of the soul.

Shadow boxing represents an internal argument you’re having with your sense of morality.

Not having a shadow equates to someone with a soulless character, without depth or passion. In earlier times, anyone who did not bear a shadow was considered cursed, like vampires.

Sheep Dreams
(see Animals, Wool)

Learn all about Spirit, Totem & Power Animals!

A symbolic representation for a passive, shy, or docile person.

A sign that you, or someone you know, are too easily led astray by strong or charismatic people.

Black sheep represent the shadow, or feelings of isolation and rejection. Alternatively, this may reveal you are unafraid to pursue your own way, despite others’ opinions.

Among Christians, an emblem of those saved by grace.

Hebraic: Wealth, purity, and innocence. This was the only creature acceptable for the Passover observance.

Dreams about sheep could be symbolic of The Year of the Sheep in the Chinese Zodiac.

Shepherd Dreams
Being able to guide and control yourself or others. If the shepherd is seen with a flock, the flock represents those people whom you guide, or the characteristics within yourself over which you are exerting management.

Gentle love and concern that always maintains a respectful distance.

Ship Dreams
(see Boat, Water)

Water is symbolic of the subconscious. Learn about the Element of Water so you can better understand what your dream is trying to tell you.

Shoes Dreams
(see Barefoot, Clothes, Foot)

Dreams about shoes can have the following symbolism in your life:

Old, torn shoes symbolize snares along the path, or long, hard roads traveled to obtain your heart’s desire. These can also reveal a tendency to always fall back on what’s comfortable and known to you, instead of taking risks.

Boots are protective, so this dream may portend some rough footing ahead for which you should prepare.

Wearing unusual shoes in a dream may indicate a need to see things differently. Try looking at this situation from another perspective (e.g., “walking a mile in someone else’s shoes”).

The kind of shoes seen in the dream can reveal how you walk through life. For example, seeing baby shoes means that you’re very unsure of things, and compensate by moving slowly. Ballet shoes can disclose a person who either tiptoes through difficult situations, or someone who has unique grace and mobility.

Trying on shoes represents testing various options until you find the perfect one (e.g., “if the shoe fits, wear it”).

Wearing new shoes symbolizes change and transitions with which you may not be totally comfortable yet.

In Egypt and Greece, shoes were part of fertility rights, which is how they became part of marriage rituals today. So, the throwing of a shoe or seeing numerous shoes following behind you in a dream represents productivity or abundance.

Small shoes symbolize virginity, or being naive about worldly matters, as in the story of Cinderella.

Shopping Dreams
(see by item, Money, Prices)

Signage Dreams
Dreams about signs can have a variety of symbolic meanings:

Read any sign that appears in your dream, be it a highway marker, a street sign, an advertisement, or whatever. The messages thereon will often provide clues to the deeper meaning of your dream, if not unlock its meaning for you completely.

Traffic signs: On the dream plane, each traffic sign has some synonymous meaning to what it signifies to a car’s driver. For example, stop signs mean just that- stop whatever you’re doing and look all around for signs of danger or trouble. A yield sign indicates that you’re probably being too rigid and need to learn the value of flexibility. Signs for roadwork usually reveal that the path ahead may be a little bumpy or slower moving than you might like, so prepare to be patient. One that reads “no shoulder” shows that you overexposed yourself in some situation, and need to back off a bit for your own good.

Exit sign: We look for exits when we want to find the way out of a building. From what or whom are you trying to withdraw?

Street signs: If these signs are those that you pass regularly in your travels, consider this a circumstantial dream that needs no further explanation. On the other hand, street names can have very symbolic meanings. For example, one called “Normal Avenue” might reveal thoughts about your own sense of normalcy, and how you fit in with your peer group.

Written advertisements can show up in numerous places in your dream, from being part of a newspaper to appearing on a supermarket wall. The meaning for each is interpreted similarly to street signs, using the product name or use as the key. For example, a vitamin ad might be constructed as an admonition to take better care with your health, whereas an ad for a cruise chip might reveal a personal desire to take a vacation, or get more in tune with the water element.

Silver Dreams
(see Colors, Metals, Moon)

Depending on what is seen as silver, this may be an alternative type of coin or money dream.

An emblem of the feminine, lunar, intuitive nature.

Something within yourself that you treasure. See what shape the silver takes for more interpretive value. For example, seeing a silver heart may reveal that you consider a loving nature very valuable, and

Something within yourself that you treasure. See what shape the silver takes for more interpretive value. For example, seeing a silver heart may reveal that you consider a loving nature very valuable, and an essential part of your being.

Tarnished silver shows disuse or poor upkeep. What is it that’s being neglected?

Sinking Dreams
(see Directions)

Not realizing that you’re retreating from the real world, or a situation, only to be in worse trouble.

In quicksand: Losing your identity to a group, corporation, or set of circumstances. Alternatively, having your mobility or normal escape mechanism impeded by a person or situation.

Feeling hopelessly swallowed up by problems, emotions, or a relationship.

If this is not a frightening or uncomfortable sensation, it may be that you are traveling into your own subconscious, the animal nature, or Super Ego, and integrating the content.

If a boat is sinking, this can symbolize the end of a relationship, partnership, or other joint efforts, particularly profitable ones.

Six Dreams
(see Numbers)

In mainstream religions, six is often associated with evil, such as the number of the Beast (666) in the Book of Revelation.

Protection. The six-pointed Star of David, the emblem of Judaism, was frequently used as a protective talisman, bearing specific potency against evil.

An alternative type of crystal symbol, as many natural crystals have a hexagonal form.

May also be considered a number of completeness, as creation took six days, with God resting on the seventh (see Seven).

Among some Native American tribes, this is the number of mental or emotional strength.

Dreaming about Numbers can be a sign your higher self is urging you to learn about Numerology and the sacred meaning of Numbers.

Also, make sure to use our Numerology Calculator and discover your Life Path, Destiny, Personality, Soul and Career Numbers!

Learn more about the Numerology meaning and symbolism of the Number 6.

Size Dreams
(see Magnification)

How large or how small things look in a dream is a very revealing factor. For example, seeing yourself as minute might indicate that your self-esteem needs work. Conversely, seeing someone in giant form reveals idolization, sometimes to a dangerous point that a person cannot possibly live up to in reality. Over- or underemphasized objects can be interpreted similarly, like a large heart equating to an immense capacity to give and receive love, or a tiny wall indicating something you see as only a very small obstacle to your goals.

Narrow or wide: Narrow might reveal narrow-mindedness, while wide angles show more openness and receptivity.

Skunk Dreams
(see Animal, Smells)

Learn all about Spirit, Totem & Power Animals!

Self-assertion and confidence. The skunk’s scent is a protective odor, but it is uniquely its own.

Getting the respect one is due. Skunks do not like confrontation, and usually withhold their spray until no other option is left. Have you been holding back in some area where recognition of your abilities is long overdue?

Irritating people or situations. Being sprayed by a skunk causes all kinds of distress, most of which stems from frustration about being in the wrong place at the wrong time!

Sky Dreams
(see Blue, Clouds, Space)

Frequently a masculine symbol. Both Hindus and Native Americans speak of “father sky” (see Men).

An alternative, higher level of awareness. Possibly a type of flying or ascent dream.

The transcendent, limitless self. An image that reconnects the dreamer to her/his heritage as a universal being (see Star).

Slum Dreams
(see Garbage, Poverty)

Disorderly, chaotic, or corrupt thoughts.

Financial or personal difficulties that create impoverished sensations, or lower self-esteem.

A subconscious editorial on urban conditions. How do you see this area? Is it improving or getting worse, and what role do you play in making things different?

An indicator of personal health. If the buildings are badly run-down, and litter lies everywhere, you’re probably not eating right or getting enough rest.

Smells Dreams
(see Incense, Perfume)

On the dream plane, smells frequently engender memories of past experiences and our reactions to those experiences. Like other senses, the way we feel about each aroma is very personal, and should be interpreted accordingly.

Smoke Dreams
(see Fire, Fog, Incense)

Dreams about smoke generally include fire. Learn all about the Element of Fire so you can delve deeper into the meaning of your dreams!

Not being completely truthful with yourself or others (e.g., “putting up a smoke screen”) in order to avoid an issue.

If you see yourself or someone else smoking a cigarette, this may be an oral fixation, or a symbolic substitution for other desires.

What feelings are you allowing to fester inside? Where there’s smoke, there’s fire, and something is definitely burning!

A type of message or oracle. The Native Americans sent smoke signals to communicate with one another, and many ancient civilizations used the smoke from sacrificial fires for divination. In this case, see if images appear in the smoke, and watch its direction of movement for more interpretive material.

Smoking a pipe is indicative of peace, and the sealing of a bond, especially if the pipe is offered to someone else, or shared around a group.

Snake Dreams
(see Animals, Dragon, Lizard)

Learn all about Spirit, Totem & Power Animals!

Dreams about snakes are incredibly psychic dreams and very powerful omens.

In the Old Testament, the snakes were the emblem of temptation and evil.

Greco-Roman: A symbol of renewed health and well-being. Note that the caduceus, a symbol of physicians, appears as two snakes entwined on a staff.

Transformation and development. The snake sheds its old skin to make room to grow.

Being bitten by a snake is not a bad omen, as it might seem initially. Instead, because of the snake’s regenerative power, it represents a new awareness develoransformative/regenerative abilities.

Snow Dreams
(see Clouds, Ice, Rain, Sun, Water)

Cold or distant demeanors that cover up one’s true feelings.

Feeling momentarily halted, frozen, or paralyzed by external forces that will eventually give way.

A temporary barrenness or time of rest that leads to personal growth and refreshment.

Individuality, and asserting that sense of self without remorse or uncertainty. Note that no two snowflakes are ever alike.

Snowperson: Indifference or frigidity toward men or women, depending on the gender indicated in the sculpture. Alternatively, trying to mold others into an image that you find pleasing, but one with which they may not be comfortable.

A snow storm represents confusion or the inability to see things clearly due to external hindrances.

Water is symbolic of the subconscious. Learn about the Element of Water so you can better understand what your dream is trying to tell you.

What Is The Spiritual Meaning Of Snow in The Bible?
What Is The Spiritual Meaning Of

What Is The Spiritual Meaning Of Snow in The Bible?

Good Morning Friends,

Yesterday’s Sunday Funny Pages had several comics that focused on making snowmen. And I guess it is appropriate because the ice storms have hit the Mideast with a vengeance. And a glacier the size of Delaware is about to break off into the North Atlantic. But here in Florida we rarely sees ice and snow and in fact, last week we were the only place in the United States that it did not snow. The thing is that Florida is kind of like the climate which Jesus experienced. The obvious difference is that we do not have mountains and clefts to retain the snow. Snow is not unheard of here in Florida but it is rare and does not last long. Still, I think some will be feeling a little of the cold this MLK Day in more than one way. And though some may feel the choice of scripture for the day is insensitive, know that my desire is to warm the hearts of those who realize that Jesus is the transformer of everything in all forms and colors regardless of the images used to explain it. So we are going to explore some scripture on snow. And we will perhaps even consider if we would rather be hiding under the covers this morning or if we truly are seeking forgiveness from the comforter that might just show up as a blanket of snow in some places. So, What Is The Spiritual Meaning Of Snow in The Bible?

Scripture: Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.

Psalms 51:7 (NRSV)

From whose womb did the ice come forth, and who has given birth to the hoarfrost of heaven?

From whose womb did the ice come forth, and who has given birth to the hoarfrost of heaven?

Job 38:29 (NRSV)

Come now, let us argue it out, says the Lord: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be like snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool.

Isaiah 1:18 (NRSV)

His appearance was like lightning, and his clothing white as snow.

Matthew 28:3 (NRSV)

His head and his hair were white as white wool, white as snow; his eyes were like a flame of fire,

Revelation 1:14 (NRSV)

He it is who makes the clouds rise at the end of the earth; he makes lightnings for the rain and brings out the wind from his storehouses.

Psalm 135:7 (NRSV)

The Lord says, “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.”

Isaiah 43:19 (NIV)

Message: The effects of sin and forgiveness are before us each day. They are brought into focus when we realize that guilt cools our confidence. Guilt freezes our relationships. Guilt keeps us stuck in the cold past with the threat of an ice age. Then there is a point in our lives when we hopefully realize that we are depraved sinful creatures that must be brought to repentance to be cleansed and forgiven. The experience is like a cool drink on a hot day. The image is of a transformation of dark clouds into this amazing thing called snow. It is a symbol of purity and cleanness but more importantly an example of transformation so we might reflect God in our lives. Scripture referencing snow is found in some of the most beautiful passages of the Bible. And the message it brings should amaze us. Friends, we are living in such a place in the universe where God has made possible a water cycle. Water evaporates into the sky and the clouds and they hold a mind boggling amount of water even though they are floating above us. Most things get denser and denser as the temperature cools. Water does this too as it gets colder until something miraculous happens. When water crystallizes into ice the molecules it is made of get farther apart and it sometimes turn into snow that reflects light even though it is cold and burns as fire. Friends, the message is not about color but transformation and a cycle of life that reflects the light of Christ. And sometimes in the cycle we might expect things to get colder until we huddle together…expand together… realizing that God is in control of a process that is beyond our full comprehension.

Pray for that day when we join with God as a blanket of snow even though we each are but a snowflake. Pray that those who grow cold find warmth in the amazing forgiveness and healing of God. Pray that people carrying the burden of guilt in the winter of life be given the blanket of believing. Pray we experience forgiveness in the warmth of each other’s spirit. Pray we repent. Pray we thank God for bearing our sins. Pray God mold us into the person we were designed to be. Pray we be an emotional strength for others when they face a cold and cruel world. Pray that even if we are called the frozen chosen we never let our love grow cold.
Pray that those who grow cold find warmth in the amazing forgiveness and healing of God. Pray we rejoice in the mystery of it all. Pray we realize that though work in not yet finished God has a plan to use us all and that it is more than a dream.


John Lawson

If you dream of snow, it means that, despite the apparent prosperity, you will have troubles in your affairs and health problems. To see snowstorm in a dream portends frustration, sadness and disappointment. Try not to lose your strength of mind. To dream of eating snow presages failures in the implementation of your plans. To see dirty snow in a dream predicts wounded pride. You might seek reconciliation with the person who is looking down upon you. To see melting snow signifies that your fears are groundless. You will soon have an occasion for joy. If you dream of watching falling snow flakes through the window, you will have to face financial problems in reality due to a complication of relations with your boyfriend/girlfriend. To dream of snow-covered mountain peaks means that your ambition will not help you to achieve your goals. Snow, sparkling in the sun, signifies that you will cope with all the difficulties and score success. If a young woman dreams of sledding, in real life it can mean a lot of problems on the way to her boyfriend. To play at snowballs in a dream signifies that in reality you will have to battle for your interests. However, you run the risk of losing, unless you are confident enough in your abilities. To be covered with snow in a dream portends a lot of troubles in your life.

Snow in general
Dreaming that you are seeing snow or surrounded by snow is an indication that you could be a mere observer to the hardships and difficulties that the people around you are going through in reality. You would be faced with the dilemma of helping these people out of their predicament, thereby risking your own life and limb, or of ignoring their pleas for help and being accused of callousness and indifference. It is up to you to call the shots.

Caught in a snowstorm
To dream that you are caught in a snowstorm signifies emotional distress and depression. It alludes to your inability to accept the things that could not be changed and your irrational tendencies to dwell on what-ifs and might-have-beens. There is a danger that you might get stuck in your unfortunate past. You might be so absorbed in your own version of reality that your thoughts could render you virtually immobile and unable to move forward or ever accomplish anything at all.

Eating snow
To dream that you are catching and eating snowflakes is an indication of your open-mindedness and receptiveness to ideas, opinions, ideologies, and beliefs other than your own. Your upbringing or education may have something to do with your awareness that no one could live by themselves, and human lives are intrinsically related and connected. This dream symbolizes your profound understanding of the concept *unity in diversity*.

Impure snow
Dreaming that you are seeing impure snow on the ground is a sign of sheer humility. The hurt and injustice caused by other people to you in the past would not deter you from initiating or making the first attempt at reconciliation with your transgressors, even if they receive your peace offering with a smirk or a hint of insincerity. Your genuineness and kind spirit would eventually cause them to have a change of heart.

Melting snow
Dreaming that you are observing melting snow is an indication of your hanging anxieties or irrational fear of some silly thing that you could not place at the moment. However, your constant fidgeting could actually make you fully aware of your surroundings and the dangers that might lurk in your midst. As a result of your alertness, you would feel considerably relieved and self-assured.

Fluffy snow falling on the ground
To dream that you are looking out the window and observing snow falling on the ground depicts a gloomy scenario of separation and sadness. Your spouse or your partner could be leaving you soon because you could no longer support your family or relationship. You may have recently lost your job or your business may have failed. The absence of your loved one could leave you devastated, both emotionally and money-wise.

Snow on the mountaintops
Dreaming that you are observing snowcapped mountaintops from a distance is a symbol of great ambition. This vision indicates that you could be setting lofty goals for yourself but your plans of action to achieve these goals may fall short. Nevertheless, if only for your brazenness and sheer audacity, you would earn the respect of the people around you that you otherwise might not deserve.

Snow-covered landscape
To dream about observing the landscape of snow-covered mountains and valleys glistening under the sunlight is a bittersweet sign of the impending end of a long period of bad luck and misfortunes in your life. After experiencing so much suffering and misery in real life, this vision could usher in the beginning of your empowerment and prosperity. As a result, people would respect and admire you, which is something that you have longed for ever since you can remember.

Sledging on fresh snow for a female
A woman dreaming that she is sledging through heavy snow is a sign of the hardships and difficulties it would entail to attract and snag the man of her dreams. This could mean fierce competition and proverbial hair-pulling matches with other equally qualified women who also desperately want the guy to themselves. This dream reminds her to be fully prepared to employ even the most unconventional means to win the guy over if she is really dead serious.

Throwing snowballs
Dreaming that you are with someone and throwing snowballs at each other is a clear warning that you should exercise extreme caution when resolving financial issues with family members, some of whom might be consumed by greed and envy and do everything in their power to deceive you to advance their dubious monetary agenda. This would require you to maintain an unbending stance regarding communal property and inheritance in order to forestall any attempts at gaining unfair control of your rightful claims.

Being lost in the snow
Dreaming that you are trudging through heavy snow and realizing you are in the middle of nowhere and unable to find your way home portends a long period of personal and professional struggles. You may have made bad decisions and serious miscalculations as regards your relationships, family life or undertakings in the past that have all led to your current predicament.

Walking on snow
To dream that you are walking on snow is a sign that brings a lot of promise. You could soon land a dream job, start an exciting business venture, embark on a journey of a lifetime, receive a surprise gift of great value, be able to do what you love, or anything that would bring you so much joy you could not ask for anything more.

Dreaming that you are observing snow slowly falling to the ground is an ominous vision that could bring sadness in real life. You could soon be facing a lot of disappointment and discouragement from a botched relationship or a failed project. These events could cause you to withdraw more and more from your social circle and might result in depression if left unchecked.

Falling into the snow
Dreaming that you are falling into the snow connotes sporadic and temporary periods of difficulty in your present career, business or project. The global economic uncertainty is most likely to blame for your current woes, but you would have very little control of the situation. Hence, you may have to tighten your belt a little bit for the time being.

Big snow banks
To dream that you are seeing snow banks alongside the road is a sign of happiness, peace and contentment. You may have simple pleasures and desires in life and take no interest in amassing great wealth or attaining widespread fame. You could easily be pleased, your modest wishes easily granted, offenders easily forgiven, work easily done. For you, life is simple and should be lived exactly in that way.

White and clear snow
Dreaming that you are staring at pure, unadulterated, blindingly-white snow is a telltale sign of grave health problems. You could fall seriously ill and land in a hospital for ignoring early signs of bodily pain or symptoms of some dreaded disease. If someone else is looking at snow in your dream, it is a stern warning that you should avoid any kind of contact with the person in question to make sure you do not contract their contagious disease or get infected yourself.

Walking in snow with your lover
Dreaming that you are taking a walk with your spouse or partner along a snow-covered path is a metaphor for deep love and affection. It tells you that you could not be any more fortunate for having the person of your dreams who truly cares for you and makes you complete. Of course, your spouse or partner would feel the same way about you.

Snow falling as big flakes
Dreaming that you are witnessing giant snowflakes falling to the ground is bad luck. It is a premonition of great depression, discontentment and regret. You might fall deeper into this pit of hopelessness unless you muster enough strength and will power to turn your life around by rethinking your directions in life and leaving your old self behind.

Snow and ice
If you are a farmer or gardener dreaming about snow and ice at the same time, you are a lucky person. The vision of snow and ice symbolizes a season of good farming and plentiful harvest. Coupled with hard work and experience, you should expect to reap the fruits of your labor in the form of higher yields and far better returns of investment than the last harvest season.

Shoveling snow
Dreaming that you are shoveling and clearing off snow from a pavement is a sign that you might be involved in some activity or project that would take a lot of your time and energy, leaving you physically drained and exhausted. This may be the reason for your crankiness and irritability. This dream vision could also symbolize legal squabbles involving you and some people in your circle which would require you to participate in lengthy proceedings and court appearances, and you would be bored out of your wits.

Snow as sporadic flakes
Dreaming that you are observing snow falling at irregular intervals is a good sign that translates to good times and memorable moments spent with your spouse, partner or current fling. Doing things together, such as sharing a meal or watching a movie, would be enough to make your day. It is the simple joys in life that you would look forward to as long as you have each other to share the magical experience. If you are a married woman, this dream is an indication of a happy married life characterized by happy and peaceful coexistence, profound love and material abundance.

Snowflakes glistening in the sun
Dreaming that you are staring at snowflakes that glisten as they fall under the sunlight signifies a happy gathering of family and friends on a special occasion. It could be a birthday, a wedding anniversary or a clan reunion. Such an occasion may seldom happen, but when it does, you would savor every minute of warmth and togetherness and being in the company of people who mean so much to you. The feelings of joy and contentment would remain in you long after your loved ones have gone back to their respective households.

Snow melting in your hands
Dreaming about snowflakes falling and melting in your hands is a reminder that before taking a plunge into some project, you should have the proper training, technical knowhow, financial backing and right mind to undertake such a project and tackle all its intricacies to ensure a greater percentage of success. This could also be true in other respects, such as developing an intimate relationship, which entails maturity, commitment, and financial and emotional stability.

Feeling snow touching you
Dreaming about snow touching your skin and giving you a shiver is a metaphor for a satisfying and fulfilling sexual life. You may be currently involved in a romantic relationship or have just recently met a person who shares your sexual fantasies. Each encounter would be a new discovery, as well as another chance to explore and experiment on new ways to make your partner extremely satisfied and happy.

Snow followed by rain
To dream about snowfall followed by rain is a sign that you could soon receive good news and bad news in quick succession. This could elicit contradictory feelings of joy and sadness almost at the same time, giving rise to your emotional confusion. First, you would be handed the good news, and your wide grin would indicate your excitement and happiness. The bad news would come next, and your grimace would give your disappointment and sadness away.

A wall of snow
Dreaming about a formidable wall of snow is a sign of financial stability. You may be currently leading a highly comfortable life or would soon be in a good position in terms of wealth, property ownership and career advancement. All indicators would point to your success as you continue to invest in profitable projects and business ventures, or climb up the corporate ladder for your exemplary work performance. Because of this, you would be able to enjoy your financial security and freedom.

A snow whiteout
Dreaming that you are observing a whiteout and its blinding effects depicts a scene of commotion within your social circle where all members would engage in the blaming game for a series of blunders of which no one would be willing to take full responsibility. Regardless of whether the issue would be resolved, or whether someone would finally take the blame, you would be able to get around it and might even emerge a hero.

Endless snow-covered ground
Dreaming that you are staring at the snow-covered ground that stretches to the horizon without any tracks or footprints is a metaphor for your unrewarded curiosity. It indicates that you may be seeking answers to questions that have been nagging you, or taking a keen interest in an elusive object or evasive person, or attempting to broaden your knowledge about some mysterious phenomenon, or trying to develop some business acumen, but you would not succeed. People may be fiercely protective of their privacy or could be hesitant to share their trade secret or business skills for fear that competing with you might jeopardize their interests and stakes.

now falling in summertime
Dreaming that you are watching snow falling in summer depicts an event full of pleasant surprises. Due to some recent changes you have made in your life in an effort to improve your situation, other changes and improvements which you had not foreseen would soon take place in some kind of a chain reaction that would turn your life around and put you in a far better position than where you are now.

Someone offering to buy snow
Dreaming that someone is offering you to buy snow is a strange but welcome sign. Soon people would give you a lot of attention and importance, and you would find yourself the object of their affection and love. It would surprise you that not too long ago, you were yearning for the same treatment, and no one would pay attention or everybody was too busy looking at someone else. All of a sudden, they would smother you with praises and words of admiration short of groveling on the floor in awe of you or declaring you a saint.

Snow covering someone's footprints
Dreaming that you are looking at footprints softly fading amidst a snowfall is a sign of bad luck. It indicates that your inner thoughts may be marred by doubt and skepticism, which could cause you to exhibit antisocial traits and force you out of your social circle. You might even grow aloof with your own family and friends, the very people you are supposed to trust but now regard with suspicion. If this goes on, there is a real danger it could develop into paranoia, and it is all downhill from there.

Trees snowed-in
To dream of snow-laden trees poses a dangerous trap. It speaks of your inability to move on from your ugly past which could be bearing you down and keeping you from pursuing other dreams. If you continue to live in regret, you might not be able to see through the thick snow of your past failures and beyond the horizon where a bright future and the promise of success could have long been waiting for you.

An animal hiding its tracks in snow
Dreaming about an animal trying to hide its tracks in the fresh snow is a sign that calls for persistence and perseverance on your part to solve a problem or overcome difficulties which are currently slowing you down on your path to success. This dream vision is a reminder that no obstacle is too difficult for a determined mind and a big heart.

Flying over snow-covered ground
Dreaming that you are flying over vast land completely covered in snow is a vision of success in partnership. You and your spouse or partner may have complementary traits, skills and talents, and your relationship could be bringing out the best in both of you. As a result of working in great harmony and perfect unison, you would find more happiness and success.

Inspecting snowflakes
To dream that you are inspecting snowflakes and admiring their intricate patterns is a cause for celebration. You would soon meet a person whose bubbly personality is infectious and endearing. This person's enthusiasm and energy would bring a smile to your face and a positive change in your heart, helping you develop a positive attitude toward yourself and others and become a better person each day. On the other hand, this dream also indicates that a famous personality or someone of great authority might take notice of your talent and skill and could serve as a guide in propelling you to success in just a short time.
success in just a short time.

Struggling to walk in snow
Dreaming that you are trudging with great effort through snow is a sign of struggle. You could soon go through some obstacles and hurdles appearing in your personal or professional life, your business or undertaking. In fact, these would come as no surprise since they had long been anticipated and taken as part of your plan for success, so you would have an easy time tackling them and solving them to your advantage.

Snowbanks in summertime
To dream about a snowbank in summertime is a representation of the ironies of life. You work so hard and yet you earn so little. You show kindness to a needy person and you get robbed. You eat right and exercise regularly and you learn you have some form of cancer. Everything seems to be working against you, and nothing you ever do is right. Before reaching for that noose, though, consider looking at it from a completely different angle and you might find wisdom.

Being targeted by snowballs
Dreaming that you are being snowballed by someone or a group of people is a sign that you may be embroiled in a tug-of-war between you and relatives or members of your family concerning rightful claims to inheritance that once belonged to them. This may include lengthy litigation and several court appearances which could take a lot of your time and energy. You should be aware that this bickering could turn nasty and you could become a victim of betrayal by a member of your own family.

First snow falling on the ground
Dreaming that you are observing the first snowfall connotes change. You would go through a series of transformations in your life which may have something to do with your physical appearance, marital status, career, business or project. Whether these changes are positive or negative would depend on your outlook on life.

Getting stuck in a snowbank
To dream that you or your car is stuck in a snowbank and you are unable to get yourself or pull the car out is a sign that favorable things are coming your way. You would find that your plans are taking shape, your business is picking up, your job is going well and your projects are completed on time. Everything seems to be running smoothly at this point in your life, and just when you think you have had enough blessings already, more positive things would present themselves to you in the near future.

Being lost in the snow
Dreaming that you are trudging through heavy snow and realizing you are in the middle of nowhere and unable to find your way home portends a long period of personal and professional struggles. You may have made bad decisions and serious miscalculations as regards your relationships, family life or undertakings in the past that have all led to your current predicament.

Walking on snow
To dream that you are walking on snow is a sign that brings a lot of promise. You could soon land a dream job, start an exciting business venture, embark on a journey of a lifetime, receive a surprise gift of great value, be able to do what you love, or anything that would bring you so much joy you could not ask for anything more.

Slowly falling snow
Dreaming that you are observing snow slowly falling to the ground is an ominous vision that could bring sadness in real life. You could soon be facing a lot of disappointment and discouragement from a botched relationship or a failed project. These events could cause you to withdraw more and more from your social circle and might result in depression if left unchecked.

Falling into the snow
Dreaming that you are falling into the snow connotes sporadic and temporary periods of difficulty in your present career, business or project. The global economic uncertainty is most likely to blame for your current woes, but you would have very little control of the situation. Hence, you may have to tighten your belt a little bit for the time being.

Big snow banks
To dream that you are seeing snow banks alongside the road is a sign of happiness, peace and contentment. You may have simple pleasures and desires in life and take no interest in amassing great wealth or attaining widespread fame. You could easily be pleased, your modest wishes easily granted, offenders easily forgiven, work easily done. For you, life is simple and should be lived exactly in that way.

White and clear snow
Dreaming that you are staring at pure, unadulterated, blindingly-white snow is a telltale sign of grave health problems. You could fall seriously ill and land in a hospital for ignoring early signs of bodily pain or symptoms of some dreaded disease. If someone else is looking at snow in your dream, it is a stern warning that you should avoid any kind of contact with the person in question to make sure you do not contract their contagious disease or get infected yourself.

Walking in snow with your lover
Dreaming that you are taking a walk with your spouse or partner along a snow-covered path is a metaphor for deep love and affection. It tells you that you could not be any more fortunate for having the person of your dreams who truly cares for you and makes you complete. Of course, your spouse or partner would feel the same way about you.

Snow falling as big flakes
Dreaming that you are witnessing giant snowflakes falling to the ground is bad luck. It is a premonition of great depression, discontentment and regret. You might fall deeper into this pit of hopelessness unless you muster enough strength and will power to turn your life around by rethinking your directions in life and leaving your old self behind.

Snow and ice
If you are a farmer or gardener dreaming about snow and ice at the same time, you are a lucky person. The vision of snow and ice symbolizes a season of good farming and plentiful harvest. Coupled with hard work and experience, you should expect to reap the fruits of your labor in the form of higher yields and far better returns of investment than the last harvest season.

Shoveling snow
Dreaming that you are shoveling and clearing off snow from a pavement is a sign that you might be involved in some activity or project that would take a lot of your time and energy, leaving you physically drained and exhausted. This may be the reason for your crankiness and irritability. This dream vision could also symbolize legal squabbles involving you and some people in your circle which would require you to participate in lengthy proceedings and court appearances, and you would be bored out of your wits.

Snow as sporadic flakes
Dreaming that you are observing snow falling at irregular intervals is a good sign that translates to good times and memorable moments spent with your spouse, partner or current fling. Doing things together, such as sharing a meal or watching a movie, would be enough to make your day. It is the simple joys in life that you would look forward to as long as you have each other to share the magical experience. If you are a married woman, this dream is an indication of a happy married life characterized by happy and peaceful coexistence, profound love and material abundance.

Snowflakes glistening in the sun
Dreaming that you are staring at snowflakes that glisten as they fall under the sunlight signifies a happy gathering of family and friends on a special occasion. It could be a birthday, a wedding anniversary or a clan reunion. Such an occasion may seldom happen, but when it does, you would savor every minute of warmth and togetherness and being in the company of people who mean so much to you. The feelings of joy and contentment would remain in you long after your loved ones have gone back to their respective households.

Snow melting in your hands
Dreaming about snowflakes falling and melting in your hands is a reminder that before taking a plunge into some project, you should have the proper training, technical knowhow, financial backing and right mind to undertake such a project and tackle all its intricacies to ensure a greater percentage of success. This could also be true in other respects, such as developing an intimate relationship, which entails maturity, commitment, and financial and emotional stability.

Feeling snow touching you
Dreaming about snow touching your skin and giving you a shiver is a metaphor for a satisfying and fulfilling sexual life. You may be currently involved in a romantic relationship or have just recently met a person who shares your sexual fantasies. Each encounter would be a new discovery, as well as another chance to explore and experiment on new ways to make your partner extremely satisfied and happy.

Snow followed by rain
To dream about snowfall followed by rain is a sign that you could soon receive good news and bad news in quick succession. This could elicit contradictory feelings of joy and sadness almost at the same time, giving rise to your emotional confusion. First, you would be handed the good news, and your wide grin would indicate your excitement and happiness. The bad news would come next, and your grimace would give your disappointment and sadness away.

A wall of snow
Dreaming about a formidable wall of snow is a sign of financial stability. You may be currently leading a highly comfortable life or would soon be in a good position in terms of wealth, property ownership and career advancement. All indicators would point to your success as you continue to invest in profitable projects and business ventures, or climb up the corporate ladder for your exemplary work performance. Because of this, you would be able to enjoy your financial security and freedom.

A snow whiteout
Dreaming that you are observing a whiteout and its blinding effects depicts a scene of commotion within your social circle where all members would engage in the blaming game for a series of blunders of which no one would be willing to take full responsibility. Regardless of whether the issue would be resolved, or whether someone would finally take the blame, you would be able to get around it and might even emerge a hero.

Endless snow-covered ground
Dreaming that you are staring at the snow-covered ground that stretches to the horizon without any tracks or footprints is a metaphor for your unrewarded curiosity. It indicates that you may be seeking answers to questions that have been nagging you, or taking a keen interest in an elusive object or evasive person, or attempting to broaden your knowledge about some mysterious phenomenon, or trying to develop some business acumen, but you would not succeed. People may be fiercely protective of their privacy or could be hesitant to share their trade secret or business skills for fear that competing with you might jeopardize their interests and stakes.

Snow falling in summertime
Dreaming that you are watching snow falling in summer depicts an event full of pleasant surprises. Due to some recent changes you have made in your life in an effort to improve your situation, other changes and improvements which you had not foreseen would soon take place in some kind of a chain reaction that would turn your life around and put you in a far better position than where you are now.

Someone offering to buy snow
Dreaming that someone is offering you to buy snow is a strange but welcome sign. Soon people would give you a lot of attention and importance, and you would find yourself the object of their affection and love. It would surprise you that not too long ago, you were yearning for the same treatment, and no one would pay attention or everybody was too busy looking at someone else. All of a sudden, they would smother you with praises and words of

Someone offering to buy snow
Dreaming that someone is offering you to buy snow is a strange but welcome sign. Soon people would give you a lot of attention and importance, and you would find yourself the object of their affection and love. It would surprise you that not too long ago, you were yearning for the same treatment, and no one would pay attention or everybody was too busy looking at someone else. All of a sudden, they would smother you with praises and words of admiration short of groveling on the floor in awe of you or declaring you a saint.

Snow covering someone's footprints
Dreaming that you are looking at footprints softly fading amidst a snowfall is a sign of bad luck. It indicates that your inner thoughts may be marred by doubt and skepticism, which could cause you to exhibit antisocial traits and force you out of your social circle. You might even grow aloof with your own family and friends, the very people you are supposed to trust but now regard with suspicion. If this goes on, there is a real danger it could develop into paranoia, and it is all downhill from there.

Trees snowed-in
To dream of snow-laden trees poses a dangerous trap. It speaks of your inability to move on from your ugly past which could be bearing you down and keeping you from pursuing other dreams. If you continue to live in regret, you might not be able to see through the thick snow of your past failures and beyond the horizon where a bright future and the promise of success could have long been waiting for you.

An animal hiding its tracks in snow
Dreaming about an animal trying to hide its tracks in the fresh snow is a sign that calls for persistence and perseverance on your part to solve a problem or overcome difficulties which are currently slowing you down on your path to success. This dream vision is a reminder that no obstacle is too difficult for a determined mind and a big heart.

Flying over snow-covered ground
Dreaming that you are flying over vast land completely covered in snow is a vision of success in partnership. You and your spouse or partner may have complementary traits, skills and talents, and your relationship could be bringing out the best in both of you. As a result of working in great harmony and perfect unison, you would find more happiness and success.

Inspecting snowflakes
To dream that you are inspecting snowflakes and admiring their intricate patterns is a cause for celebration. You would soon meet a person whose bubbly personality is infectious and endearing. This person's enthusiasm and energy would bring a smile to your face and a positive change in your heart, helping you develop a positive attitude toward yourself and others and become a better person each day. On the other hand, this dream also indicates that a famous personality or someone of great authority might take notice of your talent and skill and could serve as a guide in propelling you to success in just a short time.

Struggling to walk in snow
Dreaming that you are trudging with great effort through snow is a sign of struggle. You could soon go through some obstacles and hurdles appearing in your personal or professional life, your business or undertaking. In fact, these would come as no surprise since they had long been anticipated and taken as part of your plan for success, so you would have an easy time tackling them and solving them to your advantage.

Snowbanks in summertime
To dream about a snowbank in summertime is a representation of the ironies of life. You work so hard and yet you earn so little. You show kindness to a needy person and you get robbed. You eat right and exercise regularly and you learn you have some form of cancer. Everything seems to be working against you, and nothing you ever do is right. Before reaching for that noose, though, consider looking at it from a completely different angle and you might find wisdom.

Being targeted by snowballs
Dreaming that you are being

Being targeted by snowballs
Dreaming that you are being snowballed by someone or a group of people is a sign that you may be embroiled in a tug-of-war between you and relatives or members of your family concerning rightful claims to inheritance that once belonged to them. This may include lengthy litigation and several court appearances which could take a lot of your time and energy. You should be aware that this bickering could turn nasty and you could become a victim of betrayal by a member of your own family.

First snow falling on the ground
Dreaming that you are observing the first snowfall connotes change. You would go through a series of transformations in your life which may have something to do with your physical appearance, marital status, career, business or project. Whether these changes are positive or negative would depend on your outlook on life.

Getting stuck in a snowbank
To dream that you or your car is stuck in a snowbank and you are unable to get yourself or pull the car out is a sign that favorable things are coming your way. You would find that your plans are taking shape, your business is picking up, your job is going well and your projects are completed on time. Everything seems to be running smoothly at this point in your life, and just when you think you have had enough blessings already, more positive things would present themselves to you in the near future.

Being snowed-in
If you dream that you are stuck in a house and it looks like you will be snowed in for a while, you could go through a period of bad luck. A very difficult situation may turn up in your personal life, career or current undertaking which would test your limits and drive you to the point of losing faith and giving up. You might actually lose the battle if you do not have the patience and the will to persevere despite the odds.

Brushing snow off by hand
Dreaming that you are brushing off snow with your own hands is an indication that your current problems, failures and hardships are likely the result of your own negligence and shortsightedness. You may have grown too complacent to pay attention to minor problems and inconveniences in the past, which allowed them to accumulate and gradually inundate your life to a point that you may already find impossible to disentangle.
Trying to tell snow from rain
Dreaming that you are trying to figure out whether it is snowing or raining outside is a symbol of your desire to lead a life which is solely based on your own beliefs and values. This vision reflects your resistance to other sets of views or lifestyles, and your hesitance to explore uncharted territory outside of your comfort zone. But sooner or later, destiny may take over, alter the course of your life and take you somewhere you truly belong, whether you like it or not.

Washing or rubbing body with snow
Dreaming that you are washing or rubbing your body with snow is luck in the strictest sense of the word. There is a good chance that all your dreams, ambitions, plans, aspirations and desires concerning your personal life, your career, your business, your current undertakings, and everything else in between could be achieved in one clean sweep which you imagined could only happen in movies, making you slap your face several times in complete disbelief as you try to recall what good you could have possibly done in the past to deserve all this.

Walking barefoot on snow
Dreaming that you are walking barefoot in the snow is a disaster waiting to happen. If you are extra careless with spending, you could be in deep financial trouble. You would think that your hard work and sacrifices in the past deserve to be rewarded, so you may feel entitled to indulge your every whim. This dream reminds you to go slow on your spending or you could end up losing everything.

Someone standing in the snow
Dreaming that you are staring at someone standing in the snow is an indication that you may regard that person with great suspicion and skepticism, and that person may feel the same way about you. Because of this, both of you would often engage in mind-guessing games which could turn out to be physically draining and could take a toll on your health, without ever realizing that your notions of each other are unfounded and untrue.

Snow-related games and activities
Dreaming that you are a spectator or participant of some snow-related game or activities indicates a period of rest and recreation. You would soon take a break from the daily grind and embark on a pleasurable trip to your favorite destination, where you could do whatever you want albeit for a short period of time.

An avalanche of snow
Dreaming that you are witnessing an avalanche in progress is a sign that you could soon receive a barrage of disappointing and discouraging news that would hit you like rapid gunfire and weaken your morale. If you are a victim in the avalanche, this vision is reminding you of the universal law of nature which has biblical origins - *You sow what you reap*. Therefore, you should treat people the way you would want them to treat you.

Snow covering backyard
Dreaming of seeing a snow-covered backyard is a symbol of death in the family. You could soon lose a member of your family who is closest to you. Their passing away would leave a gaping hole in your heart and life may never be the same again. If you go outside and discover that snowflakes do not touch your body in the same dream, you may lose an elderly member of your family.

Crawling up the stairs when it snows (Archived)
Making your way up the stairs in your dream illustrates your slow yet steady progress towards your goals. Despite the odds against you, you choose to persevere, hence this vision reveals the enormous willpower and motivation you possess. Furthermore, snow in dreams usually represents feelings of isolation. Perhaps you feel like no one is supporting your goals and aspirations to succeed. When you are left alone, overlooked or misunderstood, you have to rely on your own skills and resilience to trudge the path you chose for yourself.

A city during snow (Archived)
The presence of snow in dreams generally means some of your loved ones will experience challenges and hardships in reality. Your dilemma would be whether you are going to extend a helping hand, and get entangled in their affairs in the process, or turn a blind eye to their plight and be accused of being callous. Meanwhile, taking pictures with your camera is an indication of nostalgia. You could decide to give your opinion by giving advice to your struggling loved ones. These pieces of advice will come from your own past struggles and experiences.

Dreams symbols are linked to the emotions that we associate with them. Fresh white snow is symbolic of purity and goodness. Slushy and muddy old snow could be symbolic of delays and problems of any kind
SNOW IN DREAMS: Understanding dreams is not so difficult. In practice dream symbols translate into certain words within the English language. For instance a "snow" can simply translate into the word "delay" and the dream capture an everyday thought such as "I am getting frustrated by all these delays". In that way your dream pinpoints a key feeling, the type of feeling that you would write down in a diary or tell a best friend.
In practice snow dreams have several symbolic meanings. Here is the full list.
- "lack of momentum" (heat often denotes progress so cold can link symbolically to lack of progress. Was there a lack of progress yesterday? Are wanting more momentum with something?)
- "delays" (Snow brings with it delays and problems. What delays have you had which give you a similar sense of your day being disrupted?)
- "feeling cold whilst asleep" (Often we are aware of what is happening whilst we are asleep so if you have been feeling a bad chill during sleep or you wake up very cold then the snow could be a symbol for that. Such dreams are very interesting, though they do not mean much. They simply mean "I was very cold whilst I slept")
- "good feelings" (If you see fresh snow you feel good. Did you get a fresh and new feeling yesterday?)
- "Christmas" (Have you been thinking about Christmas? Have you been making preparations for Christmas? If so then your dream may link to these actual thoughts about Christmas)
- "illness" (Snow can link to delays and problems and so if you are ill then snow expresses your frustration with illness and all the delays associated with that)
- "disagreements" (Snow can be associated with all sorts of negative things and a snow dream could be your minds way of pointing to disagreements and similar problems)
- "incompatible" (Snow can express negative feelings so if you realised your incompatibility with someone)
- "lacking romance" (Snow can express unhappiness and so if you are lacking romance then your dream of snow is probably highly associated with that. The cold and problems with snow are metaphors for this lack of romance)
- "unhappy" (Snow can often make you feel unhappy. There is a lack of sunlight and you cannot get out. So if you feel unhappy the snow could be your minds way of expressing these unhappy feelings)
- "harsh winter weather" (Snow maybe just a symbol for cold weather. Does the weather forecast predict lots of snow? Where you thinking about an incident or memory which included snow? If so the dream is quite literal. The snow represents cold weather and some thoughts which involved col weather)
- "rejection" (snow can be linked to all kinds of negative metaphors. If you feel rejected then the snow can link to those feelings of unhappiness and rejection)
- "positive feelings" (Snow can have all sorts of meanings many of which have opposite meanings. Snow could be your minds way of expressing positive feelings. If snow is not such a common site where you live then its something refreshing and fills you with positivity? If your dream seems positive then that's maybe because it captures positive feelings and your positive outlook)
- "frustrations" (Did you feel particul

In the dream world, dreaming of snow reveals important aspects. Its white colour and pure appearance is represented by purity and peace. It is primarily related to the dreamer’s deepest feelings and emotional states. Many authors indicate within the meaning of dreams that it has to do with positive moments, full of prosperity. Taking into account the characteristics and context in which that dream happened.

Cold and white are the main characteristics of this element of nature. A message from the subconscious reveals that we are going through very difficult times. It should be noted that dreaming of snowfall has consequences and value depending on what has been lived or what has been realized. It may have different connotations of your feelings at the time of awakening, which we will discuss later.

What happens if I dream of a lot of snow? What symbolize dream to spend months snowing and never stops? All questions will be answered by analysts who are in charge of interpreting dreams. Which will teach you the multiple variants associated with the meaning of dreaming about snowfall.

Contents [hide]
Dream of white snow
Dream of snow avalanche
To dream that snow falls
Dream of ice and snow
Dream of snowstorm
Dream of snowflakes
Dream of a lot of snow
Dream of snow on the ground
Dream of snow and water
Dream of snow and mountains
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The snow in dreams indicates to the dreamer positivism in life, that is, symbolizes serenity, good times, tranquility. It is mainly due to the white color of snow, which for the dream world and for real life represents light and peace.

Always keep in mind how you interact with snow in sleep to achieve a more accurate interpretation. Be sure to specify symbols to find the revelations of their snowy dreams. First we will establish general concepts to experience snow within the dream. Then we will delve into what it can represent.

Usually, these types of dreams are full of nostalgia and melancholy, where people who observe snowfall feel serenity and at ease with sleep. It is also associated with the arrival of golden years, the advance of age, the permanence of youth in memory.Don’t think that dreaming about snow doesn’t matter, on the contrary, it has a origin, a cause, a why. Everything has an explanation.

Snow, because of its water form, is related in the interpretation of dreams as the state of emotions. It indicates that you’re around meaningless people and that makes you emotionally distant. Snow dreams can happen especially when you feel exhausted, disappointed, for example, in a love breakup. The dream world that your subconscious has created can snow with your former emotional partner. Deep down dreaming of snow symbolizes that your heart feels lonely and cold.

On the other hand, other analysts indicate that it may be difficult to make decisions, factors that cloud your senses approach. Your subconscious is warning you to stay calm to take action. If in the dream time suddenly turns white, there are setbacks that will make you go from one mood to another. It’s not healthy.

Regardless of where you are, you may be involved in it or just be observers, it symbolizes luck in the meaning of snow dreams. You are faced with a great event, near and possible event in real life, which will make you lucky, in the economic, work or personal aspect. If in the dream you feel full of peace, this means that the person feels free, full of all aspects. It’s a good sign that good things are coming.

Similar to the interpretation of seaquake or tsunami dreams, the avalanche of nine represents the lethal force that can destroy and cover everything in your path. These dreams are triggered by their own inappropriate and aggressive behaviors.

Example, explosives or a shot can trigger an avalanche. Also, be aware of habits that affect or self-destruct you. As well as violent attempts to cover up events that occurred in the past. Or that you’ve had situations that happened recently and that you want to forget completely.

The fall of the snow symbolizes blockage in projects you want to start. If the snow is falling hard, it’s time to stop and take things slow. Think carefully about the actions to be carried out in an orderly manner before moving forward with your objectives.

Other meanings of snow dreams are interpreted that there will be drastic changes in your emotional state. You may be going through stages in your life where you are not clear about your goals. It’s time to take time with yourself and think about the priorities that are important in your life.

It is a very good sign, as it symbolizes that despite the delays or inconveniences that may exist in your life, your businesses or projects will arise. Efforts will clear the picture by overcoming obstacles. Ice and snow are known to be different, ice is solid, however its meaning is similar but to a greater degree; it can hurt by its characteristics. It represents delays, extensions, you have let a long time pass those feelings of sadness that prevent you from moving forward and that will gradually solidify your soul.

It implies that you’re going through some tough times which you’ll get out of sooner or later. Remember that after the storm always comes the calm, don’t despair you will get ahead. Snowstorms are always accompanied by cold moments and sadness, even though snow symbolizes tranquillity, they have a negative connotation of depression.

It is common for people who have these dreams to experience emotions in their life. If you’re having a hard time, you’ll have these kind of dreams, where you won’t be able to get out so easily and you’ll feel very cold. Same that is interpreted solitude uncomfortable.

If you dream of snowflakes from your room or home, symbolize protection, you feel safe from the problems around you. You don’t really care about these setbacks because they know you’ll be able to deal with them because of your abilities and family members who will protect you at all times.

Also other interpretations of soils are that your desires have come true very soon. You want to live new experiences with your loved ones. If you have dreamed of a single snowflake means purity and perfection, you find yourself in search of loving relationships or projects you want to develop in the future.

To dream that it snows a lot symbolizes bonanza in your projects, either at professional or work level. There are approaching successes for all those ideas that you have in mind, even those that you are carrying out. Analysts of the interpretation of dreams reveal, according to their perception, a lack of self-confidence.

You’re going through moments where you feel inferior for not getting what you want. But this situation is only temporary, you must act with reason. This dream has a double positive and negative interpretation, as much snow represents a loss of time and stagnation.

It symbolizes insecurity before decisions. Personal stability is unbalanced and wobbles. You’re in a new phase of life, which you shouldn’t have experiences, because of them, doubts and you look vulnerable. Walking through the snow is a reminder that you must be cautious at certain stages of your life, prepare for your movements, and move very slowly. Beware of hidden obstacles that can put you in danger.

The snow gives a feeling of solitude and cools, while the water inspires great intense emotions that are translated into infinite. Check out what’s causing you sadness that you’ve been experiencing lately. Analogues claim that you feel positive, you love to be comfortable with yourself. There is no circumstance preventing you from resting quietly. Dreaming of snow and water will make you feel relaxed and peaceful, you will get up with a feeling of good vibes and a desire to live life to the fullest.

The union of ice

eam Symbol: snow leopard

snow leopard
Thriving in an environment that most would consider unfriendly or harsh. Strength in action (especially through silence) and personal power. Decisiveness, the attitude of "act now, think later," extremely in touch with basic instincts. Smooth in action and capable, with an edge of danger. Dreaming of this animal can represent:

Having too much of one of these qualities, or that you could benefit by being less this way
Not having enough of one of these qualities, or that you could benefit by being more like this
Someone or something in your real life with whom you associate one of these qualities (an event, situation, threat, etc.)
For more clues, pay attention to what the animal was doing or any particular characteristic that stood out.

Meaning of the dream: for a farmer, abundant harvest. for others, substantial gains in laborsee snow 78
Description: unexpected noveltymuch snow 10
Interpretation of the dream: small woeslittle snow 67
Translation: poverty, financial difficulties

alps with snow 16
Dream description: struggles to dealvintage snow 64
Meaning: manic depressionflock of snow 29
Translation of the dream: emotional shallownesssnow storm 72
Interpretation: misunderstanding in love

walking on snow 41
Sense of the dream: provocations by subjectcampaign with snow 75
What does it mean: economic improvementcyclone snow 39
Meaning of the dream: change of situationice or snow 4
Description: prosperity in your businessmountains with snow 82
Interpretation of the dream: major help
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powdery snow 84
Translation: momentary whimfrozen snow 70
Dream description: doubts tormentingdirty snow 4
Meaning: discretion and prudencesnow piled 88
Translation of the dream: satisfactions and gainssnow off season 90
Interpretation: windfall gainsfalling snow 56
Sense of the dream: unexpected novelty

snow on the footprint 67
What does it mean: inner conflictsthe amount of snow 71
Meaning of the dream: enmities with womenroll in the snow 8
Description: favors deniedsliding on the snow 7
Interpretation of the dream: coldness in loveroad with snow 85
Translation: hard timecrawling on the snow 20
Dream description: physical discomfortsnow avalanche 51
Meaning: impressionability and nervousness
 chilled by snow 36
Translation of the dream: realization of hopesbank of snow 2
Interpretation: a special message has been given to you from the spiritual realmjanuary with snow 27
Sense of the dream: experiencesnow day 22
What does it mean: challenges to overcomewinter snow 18
Meaning of the dream: lost objectsfootprint in the snow 67
Description: small changesamassing snow 9
Interpretation of the dream: you so stubbornlyhood snow 54
Translation: family relations thesis
flocking snow 29
Dream description: achievements difficultditch with snow 78
Meaning: lack of ideasmass of snow 12
Translation of the dream: adventures difficultsnow on the ground 57
Interpretation: relationships relaxingdeep snow 65
Sense of the dream: inconstancy affectionsshovelful of snow 89
What does it mean: painful contrastssnow white 56
Meaning of the dream: Your passion has surprised yousnow-covered mountain 7
Description: Please obtainedfrozen to death in the snow 65
Interpretation of the dream: intentions tenaciousblack dress 73
Translation: sorrowsblack berries 45
Dream description: health disordersblack beard 14
Meaning: drop heavy responsibilityblack ox 74
Translation of the dream: malice of neighborsblack sideburns 81
Interpretation: you are arrogant
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Snow Leopard Symbolism & Meaning
Craving a lot of quiet time? Pursuing the Shaman’s path? Snow Leopard as a Spirit, Totem, and Power Animal can help! Snow Leopard teaches how to find balance and center yourself during times of stillness so you can access the otherworldly realms of the Shaman. Delve deeply in Snow Leopard symbolism and meaning to find out how this animal spirit guide can still, calm, and enlighten you.

Snow Leopard Table of Contents
Snow Leopard Symbolism & Meaning
Spirit Animal
Totem Animal
Power Animal
Nepal & Tibet Symbolism
Pakistan Symbolism
Snow Leopard Dreams
Far Eastern Symbolism
Back to all Mammals
Back to all Spirit Animal Meanings

Snow Leopard Symbolism & Meaning
The stunning Snow Leopard can hunt in total darkness, sensing and seeing things that other creatures cannot. In the world of Spirit Animals, this represents perception, awareness, and recognition not only of our surroundings but opportunities therein. Additionally, Snow Leopard bears three distinct colors – white of purity and Spirit, black for the enigmatic and enchanting, and brown – the hue of the Earth Element. Blended together we have the symbolism of remaining well-grounded while exploring the mystical, magical world and communing with the Divine.

The Nepalese people have stories of Lamas who could shapeshift into Snow Leopards. In this form, they sought out important curative herbs. Here Snow Leopard medicine embraces transformation and the Healer’s arts. In this region, the presence of Snow Leopards actually protects crop fields that livestock would otherwise eat gleefully.

Snow Leopards live in high mountains. These regions are sacred and pure, and as such, they attract other Mountain Spirits. Here, Snow Leopard remains somewhat a loner. He represents dynamic power, beauty and the sharp edge of danger; this is why Shamans felt Snow Leopard, a worthy animal for traveling the realms.

Lightworkers tell us that Snow Leopard medicine includes the power of stillness, inner strength, grace, and freedom. It is sad that such an amazing creature is so rare. Snow Leopard is a protected endangered species. Other than when they want to breed, Snow Leopard leads a life of solitude much like the Hermit of the Tarot. Extending this, Snow Leopard embodies the characteristics of awareness, focus, and keen observation. They wait, conserving their energy until the best opportunity shows itself. Snow Leopard feels no need to “chat up” their plans. Rather, they write them into the very matrix of their spiritual DNA aiming for superior performance and manifestation.

Snow Leopard isn’t really a multi-tasker. He prefers tackling one situation at a time. In this, he reminds us of the importance of balancing our responsibilities in an orderly manner. Don’t simply give away your power. Work with your intuitive self and discern the most important matters and focus on them first.

Snow Leopard lives in areas where his markings protect him. Camouflage is necessary for the human creature too! When we are out of our element or over-exposed, Snow Leopard represents a strategic means of disguise and moving to the background. From this place, Leopard safely turns his attention and awareness to core passions and how to achieve them.

Snow Leopard Spirit Animal
When Snow Leopard comes into your life, it is a call from the Earth Mother, asking you to open yourself to your intuitive nature. Snow Leopard is the keeper of ancient wisdom. The more receptive you are, the more you will absorb Snow Leopard’s insights and lessons.

If you have felt yourself at center stage and its uncomfortable, Snow Leopard has come to move you into safer grounds. Walk away from the spotlight and keep a low profile; this will actually help you achieve your goals more smoothly

In nature, Snow Leopard attacks from behind. Ask yourself if you are hiding behind people or feel uneasy in face-to-face encounters. Its ok to be cautious, but at the same time, there are moments when we need to look people in the eye, discerning truth. Keep your life in balance between being conservative and affable as the situation requires.

Finally, another message from Snow Leopard spirit animal is avoiding the temptation to be quick in your anger. Yes, we can’t hold that negativity in. Rather we need to find productive ways of releasing it. Take your time to vet your words and argument (or as mom would say, count to 10).

Snow Leopard Totem Animal
Those born with a Snow Leopard totem are incredibly self-reliant. Throughout your life, you seem to be forever delivering news – both good and bad. Somehow you are the messenger of the Animal Spirits.

Snow Leopard people are amazingly perceptive and balanced. People in your life have a hard time hiding things from you or surprising you, much to their frustration. Add to that your natural psychic abilities and you are often frightening accurate about people and situations.

If this is your totem, you find that you need quiet time on a regular basis; this brings you back into center and helps you think clearly. When problems come up the last thing you want is 101 opinions. Your relationship with your inner voice is vital.

Many born with the Snow Leopard totem find themselves drawn to the paths of a Shaman or healer where strong intuitive aptitude opens doors for insight. There are days when Snow Leopard feels as if they are between the worlds – with one foot on the earthly plane and the other with Spirit; this can be a tad disconcerting, but it keeps you highly attuned to other-world messages.

Snow Leopard people naturally honor life’s cycles. They come across as mysterious and intense. If you ever need someone to keep a secret, seek out someone with a Snow Leopard totem. They value silence.

Snow Leopard Power Animal
If you have a chatty Cathy personality that sometimes gets on people’s nerves, Snow Leopard is a perfect Power Animal ally. Being silent is difficult for many people in part because our world is filled with noise. However, time with Snow Leopard teaches you how powerful silence can be for your health both physically and spiritually. Rather than talking out all your energy, now you can reserve it and direct it to important goals.

Another reason for reaching out to Snow Leopard is when you’re put in the role of a leader and aren’t wholly comfortable with it. Snow Leopard reminds you that your intuitive senses help you understand people and coordinate them effectively. Don’t give into fear and come to know your proverbial territory intimately. People will slowly reveal themselves for boon or bane.

Snow Leopard Nepal & Tibet Symbolism
In the Northern regions of Nepal, there are a great many shamanic beliefs still in practice. It is part of this culture, and rich in ritual and taboos. For example, some herders cannot roast meat. Otherwise, they incur the wrath of Snow Leopard who will come for their flocks.

It is said that the Snow Leopard came into this incarnation to atone for sins. When a hunter kills the creature, the sins of the Leopard become those of the hunter. Mind you this is a rare occurrence since killing the Snow Leopard is considered sinful as well.

Another belief in this area has to do with shapeshifting. When a person turned into a Snow Leopard, they did not need to eat for days. In harsh times of famine, this was a way to improve the chance of survival.

Snow Leopard Nepal & Tibet Symbolism
Pakistani people regard Snow Leopard as a mountain spirit, protector and partner with the world between worlds. He walks freely in the sacred high mountains where purity rules. Here Snow Leopard remains aloof, which has helped with conservation efforts for this lovely creature.

By the way, it is not just the Shaman who can transform himself into animal likenesses. The Snow Leopard also has this power. Stories tell of him becoming everything from a horse to a dog to blend into a situation.

There is a regional story of Otter and Snow Leopard. Female Snow Leopards live in the mountains. They come to the edge of waters by the night of a full moon. Here Otter mates with Snow Leopard. When ready to give birth, Snow Leopard returns to the water. Male children become Otters, and female cubs return to the mountains with Mother Snow Leopard.

Snow Leopard Dreams
Seeing a Snow Leopard in dreams means that someone whom you think is friendly actually has ulterior motives that undermine your plans. Snow Leopard may also portend news arriving at your doorstep soon.

Far Eastern Snow Leopard Symbolic Meanings
The Bishkek honor the Snow Leopard as a symbol of their culture and the mountain ecosystem that is matchless. In Central Asia Snow Leopard appears on heraldry and on the City Seal of Almaty.

Moving to Turkey, Snow Leopard appears on heraldry and has been named the state animal for Himachal Pradesh in Northern India.

China will have a dedicated Snow Leopard reserve in 2020. The name for Snow Leopard in this region translates as snow mountain hermit.

Snow Leopard Symbolic Meanings Key
The Hermit


To dream of a road represents life goals and direction.

To see a zigzag, curvy, or bumpy road in your dream symbolizes a similar life path ahead, particularly of a life journey filled with hurdles and setbacks. You may bump into sudden challenges down the road.

To dream of a dark road suggests gloomy and even frightening decisions you might make.

To dream of seeing a smooth road bordered by lush green and flowers embodies consistent improvement and a steady progression up the social ladder. If the road is straight and narrow, then it denotes a well-crafted strategic plan.

To dream of seeing an unknown road foretells struggles with a new endeavor. Perhaps the task at hand will bring more frustration than satisfaction. It may turn out to be a waste of time.

To dream that a threatening creature is on a road symbolizes an antagonistic situation or person you face in your waking life. It is an obstacle that you need to conquer despite the difficulties presented.


To dream of snow represents your reservations and reluctance to deal with certain issues and situations. Instead of keeping these feelings hidden, you need to communicate them effectively. It is also possible that you are feeling 'left out in the cold' and others are ignoring you. If the snow is melting then it implies that you accept and understand your emotions and have found a way to express them. You are managing to work through your hardships and problems.

To see dirty snow in your dream implies that you have reached a new level of maturity. You no longer hold the opinions and beliefs that you did when you were younger. Your life has been drastically altered in a negative way.
To dream that you are watching the snow fall symbolizes a new beginning and a change in your outlook. It means that you feel calm and serene.

To dream that you are playing in the snow implies that you are feeling overworked and requiring some rest and enjoyment.

To dream that you find something in the snow indicates that you are seeking to develop your hidden possibilities and skills. Perhaps you have discovered that you have an aptitude for a certain skill. It may also suggest that you need to absolve yourself or someone else of a transgression.

To dream of a snowman implies that you tend to be distant with others and display aloofness. It's possible that you are being uncaring and inconsiderate regarding the needs of others. It may also represent your fun-loving nature and your desire to be with those you love.

To dream of a roadblock denotes challenges in your career or personal life. You can still increase your level of determination in trying to conquer the obstacles that come your way.

To dream of a snowflake symbolizes your search for excellence and decency.


*See Blizzard.
Road Signs 

To dream of road signs corresponds to counsel and messages that your unconscious is trying to impart. Consider the etire text of the road sign and how its message applies to certain aspects of your daily life.

To dream that somebody is snowboarding implies that you have been able to face your anxieties and develop your potential.

To dream that you have become lost or that your way has become unclear, is a warning to be careful. Your waking life affairs may fall to ruin.

Dreaming of a car is often a representative of personal aspects and characteristics.
It can also represent spiritual direction and presence of strong motivation. For example, to dream about driving a car indicates your will to succeed, your determination, and your talents for moving from one aspect of your life to a different one. Try to recall how bumpy or comfortable the ride in this car was. It also depends whether you are the driver or just along for the ride. This will represent your role in life as either a participant or an observer. If you are in the backseat, this represents your low self-image and that you are allowing those around you to take control of your direction. You need to evaluate your self-esteem issues. This dream represents the level at which you are dependent upon others and the amount of direction you maintain within your own life.

If you dream about being in a car crash, it indicates worry about failing something, while a crashed car catching a fire denotes new pressure and anxiety.

If you're in a car being driven recklessly whether you are the driver or passenger, it indicates a lack of responsibility or afraid of engaging on something.

To dream that your car is stolen suggests that your personality is being taken away from you. This could be related to a loss of employment, relationship, or another circumstance in which your sense of self plays a role. If your car is overheating, you may be spending too much effort and should take it easy or risk burning out. You could be accepting too much responsibility and this will lend itself to destruction.

To dream about being in a parked car represents that you should focus your energies on some other aspect of your life. Your current situation may be fruitless. Also, a parked car may indicate that you should slow down and take a moment to savor life. If you cannot find your parked car, then this suggests that you are lost in life and need to find direction.

To dream of going reverse indicates a development of falling back into old habits and behavior, or turnaround of a decision.

To dream that you are nearly hit by a car represents that your ambitions in life may not be in line with others' ambitions. You could have also experienced a wounded ego or traumatic situation.


To dream of a yeti implies a need to learn to balance your rational and reasonable side with your more volatile, instinctive, and emotional side.

To dream of driving a Jeep indicates a willingness to take a risky shortcut in order to cover all bases in a current situation.

Driving with another over rocky terrain suggests a possible meeting with a determined person. There is an unconscious message to keep your focus in a current situation and to be wary of getting too far ahead of yourself.

To dream of a winding lane suggests an important undertaking or short journey. Note the surroundings and how they make you feel.

To come to a fork in the lane implies an important decision is about to be made in your life.


To dream of a storm implies that you are experiencing extreme hardships and shocking misfortunes in your life. The storm may also symbolize suppressed feelings, terror, hostility, or wrath.

On a more positive note, the storm indicates that your personality is emerging to the surface. To dream that you take cover in a storm implies that the hardships and obstacles will only last a short time. You will be able to overcome them. You possess stamina and intensity to overcome these issues.

To dream of sleeping in an igloo indicates a need for emotional protection and suggests a pained heart. Igloos also imply a release of raw emotion after an emotional trauma. Trust that a release is beneficial at this time, as the result is revelation of a warm and loving heart.

To dream of a zigzag may indicate a feeling of indecision or out-of-character behavior. Conversely, it may represent a defensive feeling about a particular issue you are currently facing.

To see an albino in your dream is a symbol of decency, honor, and infinity. You should have an open mind and consider the perceptions and beliefs of others.

To dream that you are afraid of the albino figure represents an unsubstantiated worry you harbor towards the welfare of someone who is of great importance to you. It may also signify your refusal to accept the truth.

To dream of the gutter represents humiliation and misery.

To find articles of value in the gutter implies that others will be interrogating you about your entitlement to specific items or possessions.

Snow in Dreams

Snow in dreams represent many things, depending on their context:

Snow can mean gentleness, as snow is white and fluffy, it can symbolize who you are as a person, or the characteristics of a person you care about. This can be seen as a time of peace in your life, or a time of relaxation. Accept this time of peace and let it take you in.

When covered in snow, snow represents the idea of hiding or being hidden. Your mind is trying to repress memories or trying to hide things that you wish to get out of your life. You may not necessarily be in a state of happiness, but you’re trying to relieve yourself of some problem in your life.

Snowstorms represent chaos in one’s life. It is all fluttered and unorganized, and it’s getting in the way of you doing what you need to do. Perhaps you need to organize yourself, and allow yourself to walk past the storm. You can’t allow the snow to block your view on your goals. Walk forward in progression until you see a clearer day.

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Guide and Resources on Snow in Dreams
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OCTOBER 11, 2015
Snow is usually considered as an indication of purity and beauty.

However, to dream that snow is covering up everything could be an ominous sign suggesting that the dreamer may suffer from thought suppression.

Dream about snow falls in the day time is usually an auspicious sign indicating that the dreamer will get some surprisingly good news.

Dream of snow falls in the night-time or in the dark sky heralds that the dreamer may have problems getting along with other people.

Dream about witnessing an avalanche suggests that the dreamer may experience a relationship crisis or need to complete a high volume workload.

Dream about being an avalanche victim implies that the dreamer will be able to make remarkable achievements.

Dream about snow falling on trees means that the dreamer will get funding for a project or get high returns on investments.

Dream of snowmelt tells that a situation will take a favourable turn.

Dream about being buried or trapped in the snow denotes that the dreamer’s right idea may be misinterpreted.

Dream about eating snow is an ill omen suggesting that the dreamer may have to experience a period of tough time.

Dream about playing in the snow is a good omen representing that the dreamer will enjoy good luck in love.

Dream about a snowman tells that the dreamer will be able to keep a stable and loving relationship.

Dream about a snow storm is an ill omen suggesting that the dreamer may experience distress, anxiety or a sense of loneliness.

However, dream about having a snow storm in a mountain predicts that there will be some important good news.

For a businessperson to dream about snow falls, predicts that the dreamer will have a good chance to expand the business into an oversea market.

ZhouGong’s Dream Dictionary

houGong’s Dream Dictionary

In Chinese culture, dreams are usually linked to a virtual person named ZhouGong after a popular book under the title ZhouGong’s Dream Dictionary which has been passed down from thousands of years ago. The book believes that the objects or scenes that show up in dreams imply the dreamer’s health and mental status as well as the things that are going to happen.

Dream interpretations and dream meanings provided here are for entertainment purposes only. makes no claim, nor endorses, the accuracy, intent or utility of any dream interpretation provided above.

Dreams Dictionary: Meanings of Dreams
Find out what your dreams mean. Psychologist World's dream dictionary has over a thousand entries on kinds of dream.

o Dream of Angels – Meaning and More
by Aya Hajime 393 Comments

Angels are messengers from God. They protect us, guide us, or carry out other heavenly tasks.

Therefore, angel dreams symbolize a greater force that is watching over us, directing us, sheltering us, or trying to show us something important, which is hidden. The important part about angel dreams, is in translating the message within, based on what is currently happening in our spiritual and physical life.

The message can be a shared joy of something divine that has happened, a blessing of good things to come, or a warning of something we should prepare for.

Interpreting Our Dream About Angels

About Angels
To interpret our dream, we want to pay special attention to the angels.

What were the angels wearing? What is the color and texture of their wings?
What were the angels carrying?
Is there only a single angel or multiple angels?
Are our dream angels male or female?
What were the actions or expressions of the angels?
What were the angels wearing

The color and material of the angel’s clothes and wings, are part of the message that they convey.

White clothes and wings indicate purity, peace, blessings, and rejuvenation. We may be at peace with ourselves and our life. Alternatively, the white angels may be telling us that to achieve inner peace, we need to seek greater spiritual support, need to be cleansed, and need to focus on the purity of our actions.
Colorful clothes and wings suggest playfulness and joy. We may be looking forward to something happy and hopeful in our future, which could be a new relationship, new job, promotion, inheritance, or some other good fortune.

Black clothes and wings signal a warning of some kind. Our physical or spiritual well-being could be in danger, we could be burdened by sin or guilt, and we may need to take some action to heal ourselves.

What were the angels holding

The items held by the angels or carried on their person, will also have great significance. We want to examine each object carefully, explore what each of them symbolizes, as well as what they each mean to us.

Objects of knowledge such as a book or scroll, indicates greater clarity for the future, and confidence in our actions.
Objects of war such as a sword or staff, signals that we may be experiencing some inner turmoil in our life or some disturbance in our soul. We may need to do battle to regain our spiritual equilibrium.

Objects of love and peace such as an olive brand or a dove implies hope, care, devotion, and self-sacrifice. We may have a difficult journey ahead of us, but we have faith in a brighter future.
Food and drink suggests that we are in need of spiritual nourishment. We may be feeling depleted and tired as a result of our daily struggles. The angel may be telling us that we need to take some time for ourselves, and refocus on our inner self and spiritual well-being.

Number of angels

A single angel indicates a purity of purpose and action. We need to cast off distractions, and focus on the thing that is most important to us.
Three angels signals harmony, completeness, and the divine. Indeed, the triad or trinity is a powerful symbol with deep roots in culture and history. In Greek mythology there are three Fates, the triad also plays a central role in Celtic religion, and of course, there is the Holy Trinity. Therefore, a message carried by three angels is very potent, and may involve all of our body, mind and spirit.

Multiple angels suggest good fortune, divine support, or spiritual fortitude. Angels guard and guide us. Therefore, having multiple angels watching over us, is a sign of great protection, and also an indication of a promising future.
If we are one of the angels in our dream, then likely, we have done something good and pure, we are planning to embark on a journey of spirituality, or planning to do God’s work.

Male or female angels

Femininity is associated with the Venus symbol, which captures love, beauty, prosperity, and fertility.
Masculinity is associated with the Mars symbol, which captures war, savagery, guardianship, and virility.
The masculinity or femininity of the angels in our dreams, also constitutes part of the message that they carry.

Finally, actions and expressions are also important. What did the faces of the angels convey, and how did we feel in their presence?

A calm expression indicates that we are looking for some peace and quiet. Our life may be hectic at the moment, and we may need some protection from our daily noise and activity. We may be seeking sanctuary, some time for reflection, or spiritual comfort.
A happy expression signals that we are feeling confident about our present and future. It may also signify a recent positive achievement, or the expectation of some imminent good news.

A sad expression suggests future challenges and possibly heartache. However, we have a guardian angel watching over us, so we will ultimately prevail.
An angry expression implies some mistake, wrong-doing, or sin. We need to admit our mistake, make amends, and try to do better in the future.
Similarly, the actions of our dream angels also carry meaning. An angel that is brandishing a sword in warning, will have a different message than one who is handing us his sword, or one who is standing still, with his sword pointed to the ground.

If we are being handed something, then we may need to perform an important task, or go on a quest for our spiritual well being. The nature of the task or quest will rely on the object handed to us. On the other hand, an angel standing with his sword pointed down, may be guarding us from something. Perhaps we need to be vigilant, check our spiritual defenses, and watch out for sinful temptations that may lead us astray.

Actions may also indicate immediacy of the message, in particular, whether we need to attend to it very soon, sometime in the near future, or NOW!

The environment surrounding our angel is also important. An angel standing in the middle of a storm, signifies spiritual turbulence, whereas one who is standing in a calm pool of water, signifies peace and relaxation.

Are Dream Angels Real?

When we dream of angels, there is always the question of whether the angels are real and sent by God, or whether they are a manifestation of our subconscious mind.

Studies show that a large percentage of Americans believe in angels.

A poll in 2008 by the Baylor University Institute for Studies of Religion, shows that 55% of 1700 respondents, believe that they were protected from harm by a guardian angel.
A 2007 Pew poll revealed that a whopping 68% of respondents believe that angels or demons are active in our world. Up to 20% describe encounters with either a heavenly or demonic being.
However, some argue that angel dreams and visitations are the result of our subconscious mind only. They further propose that visitations that occur during the day could be the result of lucid dreaming. It could also be the result of a hallucination or trance.

Are angels real?

As with all things spiritual, that is difficult to prove or fully disprove. The belief in angels, I think, is a very personal thing.

Free Dream Symbols: Water, Rivers, Oceans and Ice

Doug Addison

Hey Dreamers! People seem to love my blogs on dreams. So, here are some of my favorite water symbols to help you interpret dreams. If you are remembering your dreams, you are on the right track. The next step is to write them down and figure out what God is saying through them.

Symbols do change from dream to dream, and from dreamer to dreamer. But there are common themes that you can apply to your dreams about water. Here is what I have found:

Water, oceans, beaches, rivers, ice
Water can represent aspects of spiritual life, while oceans often represent humanity. Beaches can symbolize people, because multitudes are compared to the grains of sand on a beach (see for example Genesis 22:17). But the beach can also represent a time of recreation, especially if you live near it.

Rivers can point to moves of God and it is important to recognize the context of the water. Is it moving fast or is it barely moving, almost still?

Ice and snow can represent things of the Spirit that are being saved for later.

Swimming in water can represent the spiritual aspect of life. Although swimming can be good, notice the context of the water: is it clear or dirty, fast flowing or stagnant, or shallow or deep?

Context is key
The context of how you are swimming in water will help you understand more  about what is happening with your spiritual life. Let’s look at context using swimming as our example.

If you are swimming in clear water, it means that your spiritual life is refreshing and life-producing. Swimming in dirty water indicates that some issues might need to be addressed or healed. If you are swimming in fast-flowing water, get ready for things to accelerate and get really exciting. Swimming in stagnant water indicates that you may be stuck and need to start moving again. If the water is shallow, this indicates that you might be too comfortable and need a challenge. Swimming in deep water shows that you are maturing spiritually and possibly taking more risks.

Of course, remember that these are generalizations.

More dream symbols
Here are some more symbols you might have encountered:

Boat:              organizations or personal job or ministry, depending on the type of boat
Bridge:           transition, season change
Dam:              things being held back, power
Fish:               sport, people, gift to help others, outreach-oriented
Floods:           major move of the Spirit, cleansing of old ways, warning of disaster
Ice:                 move of the Spirit that will come later, slippery time
Lighthouse:    spiritual guidance, keeps you from danger
Ocean, sea:    large move of the Spirit, humanity, great influence, many people
Oyster:            situation that may produce a spiritual blessing
Rain:               blessing, refreshing time in the spirit, unclear time, move of God
Swimming:     move in the spirit, recreation, spiritual life
Water:             the spirit, spiritual life, Holy Spirit, the spiritual realm, refreshment

Next steps
I would challenge you to keep a dream journal or a pad of paper next to your bed to write down your dreams right away. When you encounter a dream with some aspect of water, ask God to help you with the interpretation and use these key symbols just to start. You can find out more about dreams in my book Understand Your Dreams Now: Spiritual Dream Interpretation.

Keep dreaming!


Doug Addison

Doug Addison is a prophetic dream interpreter, speaker, writer, Life Coach, and stand-up comedian. Doug travels the world bringing a message of love, hope, and having fun! His unique style helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God’s supernatural love and power. Doug is an award-winning author of seven books. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California.

Dreams about houses / homes /apartments- what do they mean? (dream interpretation on houses and homes)

Dream Interpretation:  house/home/residence in dreams – what do they mean?

Have you dreamt of houses or apartments, then these are often images on your personality / who you are. Especially if it is your own home in the dream – whether it actually looks like the home you live in, in reality, or not. If it is a different home in the dream, it may just be a picture of a new and different version of you – something you can become or are becoming. The different rooms (including 1st floor, attic, basement, etc.) will then be pictures on the sides of your personality. Your house might of course also simply mean your house. The following describes the importance of housing / homes (houses and apartments) in dreams.

A house – typical meaning in dreams.

A house / home has a protective function. When we are there we are mostly secure; we feel at home. In this picture, the house (where we live), is that which “surrounds” us, the home in which we feel at home, and thus the personality (and related behaviors) that characterizes us and in which we “feel at home in.” Some psychologists would call it our “self” – an image of who we are.

Rooms / spaces as images on the sides of our personality.

In addition to the above, the different rooms in the house – known and unknown – represent aspects of ourselves – known and unknown. I for example dreamt that I moved into a new apartment, where I found a door to a basement which I did not know was there. The basement was filled with brushes, colors, and all kinds of paint equipment, which actually belonged to the previous owner. I realized that I had some artistic / painting skills, which I did not use, but which I earlier had made ​​great use of. In this context, the basement is as an image on my unconsciousness, as it lies beneath my consciousness (ground floor). I have subsequently used my drawing skills in the processing of my dreams. I have drawn important symbols in my dreams, and whilst working on this, I caught sight of what the specific dream symbol in a specific dream symbolized. Similarly, different rooms in the house, as mentioned earlier, are pictures on the sides of our personality.

If we in the dream are afraid to go into a certain room, this will typically be about our relationship with that part of our personality that space represents. If we for example know that this space is filled with musical instruments and we do not dare to go into it, it can be about a fear of living out our musical sides in reality. A fear can be triggered by an inhibiting mindset of “it’s low status / wrong to play music” (something you might have gotten with you from home).

Upper floors of the house / home can represent more intellectual and spiritual sides of us. The facade is similar to our façade – the way we want to be seen on the other, where the contents of the house can look quite different than the “polished” / clean facade. A central place in the home is the kitchen – this is where we are nurtured – in dreams this is the mental nourishment. Is the kitchen in a dream an uncomfortable place to be, it may be an image that we give ourselves mental/spiritual sustenance in an inappropriate way, through harmful thoughts, etc.

The childhood home in dreams.

If we dream about our childhood home, it’s usually something in us that is shaped by/points back to events in our childhood. In addition to the above, the kitchen/dining room in our childhood home is often a place where we have had very socializing moments with our parents and possibly siblings. There can be many patterns – especially how we communicate as part of a family. The dreams here can show how we have learned appropriate/inappropriate ways of being with our dear ones on. Have you dreamt of a house/home – perhaps your childhood home, then don’t hesitate to write in the comment box below.

NOTE: Dreams are 100% individual, and when you dream about houses and/or homes, it’s almost certainly about something else for you than it is for your friend, who also dreamt about houses and/or homes. Dream interpretation / dream analysis is sometimes a difficult art, and a particular interpretation of a dream is only correct if you feel “affected” by it. Therefore, it is not certain that the above mentioned interpretations are relevant to you.

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Color Dreams: What Do Colors in Dreams Mean?

Red, Blue, White, Black, Yellow, Purple, Green, Pink, Orange… Each Has it’s Own Meaning!

What Do Colors in Dreams Mean?

If you’ve landed on this page from our Dream Dictionary, then you are seeking to “flesh out” your dream. Think of yourself as a detective, looking for more clues!

First, an answer to an age-old question, “Do we dream in color?” Absolutely! The problem is that we often take colors for granted in our dreams – the sky is always blue and the grass is always green, so these details seldom stand out to us.  It’s when they do stand out to us  that we have to look at the meaning of the color, itself, even more so than the object because the object, itself, is probably simply a vehicle to represent the color.

Also see the “Final Word About Dream Colors” at the bottom of the page for more dream interpretation information.

Black.  Black is a fascinating color in dreams because it can be symbolic of several contrasting things. Why? Because our vocabulary includes this striking color “across the board.” Black can symbolize beauty (Black is Beautiful), mystery (Bat-Man, Cat Woman…), and darkness. You have to look at the emotions within the dream. If the dream is of a black cat, the symbolism could go one of two ways – because “black cats” are, historically thought of as mysterious and bad luck, you could be cautious of something in your daily life. If, however, you’re like me and adore  black cats, they could simply symbolize beauty and love. A black raven indicates mystery.  Black clothing (like cats) also goes one of two ways – it can indicate a desire to “slim down” something in the dreamer’s life or it could indicate grief or loss.

Black hair and/or skin is indicative of beauty. Raven-Haired beauty, Tall, Dark and Handsome…

In westerns, before color came into play, villains and heroes were often distinguished by their color of hat. The “good guys” wore the light hats and the “bad guys” wore the dark hats. For this reason, if you dream of a white hat, it’s a positive vibe and if you dream of a black hat, your dream has a negative vibe.

Blue can mean several different things in dreams but is usually associated with peacefulness and Spirituality. The color blue, itself , invokes feelings of peacefulness, tranquility, and calmness. The reasons for this are the things we most associate with the color blue – lakes, oceans, and the sky. These are peaceful, uplifting settings and the color blue benefits from the association.

Naturally, blue is also symbolic of “Heaven,” as we know Heaven lies beyond the sky. When we look Heavenward, we see the blue sky – which makes this particular color one of the most Spiritual colors. Dreaming of anything blue (particularly if is the color of the sky), often speaks to our Spiritual life. As with all dreams, you have to examine the overall “theme” or “vibe” of the dream, along with accompanying emotions to find your analysis or interpretation. If the vibes and emotions are negative, you probably feel that your Spiritual life (or that of someone you love) isn’t where you want it to be.

If your dream has positive emotions associated with it, the opposite is true – you feel at peace with your Spiritual side.

If the hue of blue is, say, Navy or another “variety” of blue, you may be seeking to express yourself differently – to stand out from the crowd, so to speak.

Brown. Brown is associated with brunettes, wood, expensive furniture, brown eyes, UPS, and many colors in nature. This is one of those colors where dreamers have to ask themselves, “What does brown symbolize for me?” Typically, brown is a comforting, steady color and this is where the dream interpretation begins.  It indicates you are comfortable with life and with whatever it is you are dreaming of.

Coral. (also see orange) While coral is, generally speaking, a shade of orange, if you “registered” the color in your dream as “coral,” it may have an extra meaning. When we dream of  special colors (that is to say colors which are not the primary colors on a color wheel), the entire complexion of our dream analysis changes. These dreams indicate a great desire to stand apart from the rest – to assert our individuality and to be acknowledged for doing so, thank you very much.

Gold. While the color gold could be considered a form of yellow, it is in its very own class when we’re looking at dream colors. The reason for this is that it has its own meaning – and it’s a potent one, at that. Gold symbolizes wealth and is, generally, considered the ultimate “find” or “goal.” Because of this, gold in a dream often indicates the dreamer is either looking for something valuable to him/her or feels they have already found (or been handed) something “golden” – like an opportunity.

Gold can also symbolize a wedding ring or engagement ring. Many individuals who are either planning a wedding or wish they had a wedding to plan dream of gold as a symbolism of wedding ri
Gold can also symbolize a wedding ring or engagement ring. Many individuals who are either planning a wedding or wish they had a wedding to plan dream of gold as a symbolism of wedding rings.

Green. Similar to blue and brown, green is a color we associate with nature. Green is perceived as a calm, tranquil color and dreaming of green usually reflects these symbols. More times than not, dreaming of green symbolizes harmony and a feeling of peacefulness.

Green can also indicate envy (green-eyed monster) and money (obvious reasons). The dreamer has to examine their dream’s details and emotions to determine which of these meanings green represents in their dream.

Before you think an envy dream is 100% bad, see what envy dreams mean in our dream dictionary.

Orange. Fun times! Dreaming of orange is kind of like a trip to the carnival. It denotes playfulness and happiness. As with all colors, you need to ask yourself what this color means to you. If, say, you are a Baltimore Orioles fan, this may symbolize your team or baseball for you. If you dream of orange fruit, it is probably more about the fruit than the color.

I mean, what other color is an orange going to be?!

Red. Red is, above all else, symbolizes feelings of  NOTICE ME! PAY ATTENTION! It’s a color that refuses to be ignored. Dreaming of red could mean your subconscious mind is telling you that you’re ignoring something (someone?) very important and that you need to pay attention.

Red can also represent blood. This could indicate a fear of illness or injury – it could also be the brain’s way of acknowledging or reliving a recent injury or brush with danger.

For Christians, such as myself, the blood of Jesus is a very Spiritual symbol and could speak of Spiritual matters.

Red can also indicate beautiful red hair or a certain red-head in your life.

Because of Valentine’s Day hearts, red can indicate love and romance as well.

Silver. I’ll just admit it, right up front, silver is a hard one to wrap dream analysis fingers around. It can go so many different ways! We’ll run them down and you can determine, yourself, which analysis best fits your situation.

Silver often stands for aging – as in silver hair. Usually, we think of grey/gray hair as that – gray/grey. However, this hair color that comes with maturity is often thought of as “silver” as well. For this reason, silver can stand for aging, maturity, aging gracefully, and distinction. I only name the positive aspects of aging, here, because if the term “silver” stands out to you, in relation to aging, you’re thinking about it beautifully and there are no negative feelings attached to your dream.
Silver can stand for riches and wealth – much like gold does.
Also like gold, silver can symbolize an engagement or wedding ring – a ring they have, will soon have, or wish they had.
Silver can signify “second best” to some people. Think of the Olympics – Gold is the best, Silver second-best. Some people dream of silver when they feel that their work (or they, themselves) are second best or second in someone’s affections.

White. White, generally speaking, stands for purity (snow), peacefulness (dove), and freedom (clouds). It can also stand for cleansing – think of bleaching laundry, for example. When bleach is added to whites, it removes all traces of dirt and the result is a blindingly white garment.  Dreaming of white can indicate cleanliness or cleansing – one that has taken place or one the dreamer feels needs to take place.

Yellow. Yellow indicates happiness and even playfulness. It’s one of the most cheerful colors and to see it in a dream usually indicates the dreamer is in good humor!

Final Word About Dream Colors

After reading the entry above for the color(s) in your dream, you may want to also ask yourself the following questions, for an even more personal dream interpretation and analysis:

Does this color represent something strongly from your childhood? Could the green stand for your mother’s kitchen appliances, for example? Could the red be symbolic of your favorite bicycle? Many times the colors in our dreams actually symbolize something from our past and our mind is journeying back there – either for comfort or closure.
Does the color represent a favorite sports team? I associate blue with UK Basketball, red with St. Louis Cardinals baseball, and orange with Denver Broncos Football as much as I do anything else – so when I dream of these colors, I often realize that the dream often came right after a game or after I was thinking about one of my teams.

Could the color represent someone? If the color in question is one you strongly associate with someone in particular (eye color, hair color, favorite color, color they frequently wear or even the color you last saw them wear…), the dream interpretation suddenly becomes more about them than anyone or anything else. They’re on your mind!
What Are Lucid Dreams?

If you’re interested in lucid dreams and want to know how you can have lucid dreams, yourself, see What are Lucid Dreams on Dream Prophesy. These fascinating dreams are worth the minimal amount of effort it takes for you to “set the stage.”


Welcome to Dream Prophesy, the website of your dreams! Find the meanings to your dreams with our extensive dream dictionary, dream guide, and dream blog.


 Guest Author - Aisling Ireland

This time of year some people are dreaming of snow literally, not just in the figurative "I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas" way. If you are having snow dreams, read on to discover what your snow dream is trying to say.


Snow is water and water typically represents the emotions and/or the unconscious and/or the intuition. Since snow is frozen one might conclude that snow therefore represents an emotional coldness or a kind of emotional paralysis. Or one might believe that snow might mean that the intuition is somehow blocked--information may be received but the ability to trust it or act upon it is missing.

Something else to consider when you are interpreting your snow dream is the condition of the snow. Is it white? Is it a nice snow or is it a driving blizzard or a serious snowstorm? Is the snow falling at an odd time of year? Snow that is brown or off color may indicate feelings of innocence lost. Snowstorms or blizzards may indicate feeling emotionally overwhelmed or unable to see one's way through a situation such as the way one might feel if caught in a 'blinding snowstorm'.

Color Symbolism

There is another characteristic to snow--its color. Snow is white. White is often a symbol of purity. In alchemy, white was the symbolic color of purification: the color of having stripped oneself bare of all that was no longer needed to move on to a higher level of existence. In dreams white may symbolize new beginnings. It may also be symbolically related to baptism which is another symbol of the beginning of new life. Looked at from this vantage point, snow might symbolize a new beginning, a new relationship not only to one's emotions and intuition but to one's Self. Remember though, white is a beginning color--this is the start of something new, not the completion of the process.

Return to Innocence

Snow may also symbolize innocence. Rarely is there a child who is not exciting at the prospect of snow or who is fascinated by it. A dream of snow may be indicating that you are regaining some of your ability to look at the world through an adult's eyes but with the wonder of a child's heart.

Snow White Wordplay

A dream of white snow may also be a play on words. Think of the fairy tale "Snow White" which is a wonderful tale of individualization. In the process of individualization, Carl Jung spoke of snow as being symbolic of the white stage of the anima--a time in the individuation process when the 'female' aspect of the soul is being purified or seen for who she truly is rather than simply remaining a unconscious projection of images of women in the waking world. If "Snow White" resonated with you as a child, you might consider rereading it and seeing if any ideas pop up in relation to your dream.

Individuation brings us to another characteristic of snow. It is said that no two snowflakes are alike so it is possible that a snow dream may be pointing to a profound level not only of purification but of individuation--a reaching of an authentic Self unhindered by the ideas, thoughts, and projections of others.

Wish Fulfillment

Snow dreams happen throughout the year and if you relate positively to snow and it is falling at an odd time of year, this may indicate an unexpected, happy event in your life. Snow can be a symbol of hope or a symbol of a wish fulfilled as those who are in fact "Dreaming of a White Christmas" will attest!

Until next time, sleep well and dream out loud!

*~Aisling Ireland~* is an ordained Interfaith Minister, available for weddings and commitment ceremonies and a Spiritual Counselor providing dream interpretation and Tarot readings. To make an appointment check out her website at: Sang-Realta Spiritual Counseling

How to Interpret the Meaning of Your Dream
Updated on August 23, 2019

Susana Smith  more
Susana has a background in Psychology and Counseling and a special interest in dream interpretation.

Can You Be Honest Enough With Yourself to Find Out What Your Dreams Mean?

Dreams are an amazing fact of human existence.

Where else can we experience first hand such rich emotions, such a variety of experience and such incredible journeys?

Dreams challenge us to be honest about who we are. They give us fruitful information about what we want, what we fear, what causes us pain, our insecurities, and the things that are holding us back in life.

But first decoding, and then accepting, the information provided is not always easy. Especially when our dreams touch on the painful, difficult stuff hidden away in our psyches.

The good news is that acknowledging and accepting what's going on in our subconscious and unconscious minds carves a path to liberation which brings so much positivity into our lives.

Self-awareness, self-knowledge, a strong connection to our inner selves, and an awareness of our emotions are the treasures on offer when we truly understand ourselves.

Our subconscious is like our own personal therapist, and we’d be wise to listen to her.

This guide to dream interpretation will explain many of the most important elements you'll need to interpret your dreams accurately and help you reap the benefits of taking the time to do so.

Why Do We Dream?

Theories on why we dream have evolved and changed through the centuries but I believe we are closer now than ever before to being able to understanding what our dreams mean.

Sigmund Freud was one of the first modern psychologists to ask the question, "why do we dream"? His theory was that it was a way for us to process feelings - particularly anxiety and desire. It can be difficult in day to day life to express all our feelings.

Here's an example of what I'm talking about:

There were a couple of women at work that I was not getting on very well with. They'd organised an event for all the staff to attend but had not told me about it or invited me to it. I had a lot of feelings about it but didn't feel confident enough to say anything to them. So the feelings stayed inside.

Initially I felt angry, then confused, then sad and disappointed.

I didn't have anyone to talk to about these emotions at the time so while I did acknowledge them, they were not expressed in any way. Guess what! A few nights later I had a dream about how angry and sad I am about it all. I shout at them, I scream at them about how unfair it is, then I cry. My emotions definitely got expression.

On this occasion I was aware of my feelings and so the dream meaning was obvious to me. At other times I will not consciously recognize the feelings in the dream because I have used a defense mechanism to protect me against them. In most cases dream feelings are our true ones, the only exception I have come across is a sabotage type dream (see more about that below).

The Unconscious Mind
In the unconscious live the thoughts and feelings that we are so afraid of that we’re not even aware of their existence.

For instance children that have gone through extremely traumatic events frequently do not remember the occurrence although their behavior can display signs of trauma, such as an inability to form close relationships.

The mind protects us from destructive events using defense mechanisms such as repression, denial, dissociation and distortion and consequently, feelings of anxiety and annihilation are withheld from consciousness.

The Subconscious Mind
The subconscious mind is also largely unconscious in that we do not normally use it in our waking state but it can be accessed, and information gathered from it, in certain circumstances.

An example of this is when hypnosis is used to remember a number plate that a witness could not consciously recall.

On the same lines, information we didn’t know we had absorbed comes out in our dreams very clearly. For instance picking up small cues from other people's body language that are not consciously recognized but nonetheless noted in the mind.

The Conscious Mind

The conscious mind is everything that we are aware of when we are awake and interacting in our environment; facts, figures, knowledge, language, self awareness, direct perception, opinions, personal identity – the I of our experience.

The way this relates to dreaming is that unconscious, subconscious and conscious material will be expressed in dreams. I believe this is an effort of the self to integrate into a state of health and wholeness in much the same way as our biological body does.

In the dreaming state we are presented with information that if acknowledged and processed, can help us become more emotionally, mentally and spiritually healthy. That is why I think it is important to develop an understanding of dreams that includes all of these elements.

The Intellectual Level - Thought Processing

Throughout our daily lives we are bombarded with information. We think continuously - how to solve this problem, do something more effectively, our beliefs and perceptions of the world are constantly challenged.

These are but a few of the kinds of things we may think about. We learn completely new skills, new ways of doing things, new ways of relating.

The list is endless.

Just like a computer we need to defrag and put all of this information into some kind of order to stop us from getting slow and bogged down and possibly, to prevent us from becoming insane.

Dreaming does this for us.

Our mind is so good at processing thoughts in the dream state we can actually learn things; solve problems and create inventions.

There is no definitive answer in scientific circles about why we dream although there are many theories. The theories range from the belief that they serve no real purpose to them providing an essential function in keeping us sane by processing unexpressed feelings and making new connections in the brain.

While I do enjoy the science part of it, scientists are long way from being able to tell us how we could dream about a relative dying 200 miles away at the very moment they pass away.

Many people report experiences like this or know someone who else who has. Often the dream experience makes no logical sense in a scientific way.


I believe that dreaming serves several functions and one of the most interesting to me is the spiritual one. Our self is constantly working towards integration and health on all levels.

When we are dreaming I believe that unencumbered with our physical body and far away from the busyness of everyday life, we can more easily connect with our energy bodies, our higher self, our spirit guides and universal energy.

We can access information that we would not normally be able to in our ordinary waking state. The exception to this is the meditative state which also enables connection to the subtler parts of ourselves and universal energies.

Discover the Function and Theme of Your Dream

You can figure out what your dream means by identifying which of the following functions it may be trying to serve.

For example, if you watched a movie about vampires and then had a dream about vampires that night, the most logical function of that dream, taken from the list below, would be "Organizing Knowledge & Experience."

Your brain took in certain elements of the movie, and your dream organized those elements into your existing knowledge base.

There are many other functions of dreams and as you get more practiced in dream interpretation, you'll find they fall into some clear themes or categories.

The Main Functions of Dreams

Expressing and processing emotions
Maintaining or improving mental health
Providing information on what we want, need, think, or feel
Giving sexual release
Organizing knowledge and experiences—defragging the mind like a computer
Learning (making connections)
Helping with problem solving (creativity, thinking out of the box, new inventions, finding solutions)
Providing wish-fulfillment (e.g. having a sexy dream about being with someone you have a crush on)
Connecting to spiritual realities (rare!)
10 Dream Themes You Need to Be Aware Of

You will not need to worry that your dream about messing up your job interview is anything but an expression of anxiety and fear.

Of course, our dreams are often composed of a variety of themes and you will need to be able to pick out which bits are what but this will come easily with a little practice.

See if you can recognize having any of these types of dream...

1. Straight Talking Dreams
Some dream symbols can be shown very subtly making them difficult to get to the root of, others come with fanfares blazing that show us information very clearly.

The latter is the "straight talking dream".

We dream about talking to our boss about how we are feeling unappreciated at work or discuss with our partner that we want to save money for a new house.

We dream that we fight with someone we are angry with or make love with someone we have feelings for.

Even if we were not consciously aware of these thoughts and feelings before the dream, our "straight talking" dream will give us very clear information about what we want, need, think or feel.

2. Problem Solving Through Our Dreams
While asleep our minds are often busy solving problems. These can be of varying nature from relationship problems to creating new inventions.

As a child I used to learn math in my sleep. I can remember working out how to do long division while dreaming - we had been learning it in class but I didn't fully understand it until my dream.

My eldest daughter dreamed she could ride her bike - that day I made sure we got her bike out and lo and behold she could ride it.

What are you learning or creating when you are asleep?

3. Information About Aspects of Our Health
If you ever dream of talking to a doctor in your dream pay close attention to it.

Our dreams can give us clear messages about areas of our physical health that need attending to. If you dream about talking to a doctor who tells you something is wrong with a part of your body - get it checked out.

You may also have dreams where you are talking with a wise person, healer, counselor, deceased relative, or friend.

In this kind of dream we are often working through a problem and getting advice from our trusted person. I remember I had the following dream when I was going through a very difficult time in my life. It could also be classed as a psychic dream.

In my dream I was talking to my great grandmother who had passed away some years ago. I was telling her all about the situation I was in and how difficult it all was while she listened patiently.

When I had finished she gave me the warmest, loving smile, held my hand, and with the the deepest sincerity she said, "you know that everything passes, even this difficult situation will be in the past in a few months from now."

Of course she was correct, no difficulty lasts forever and it gave me great comfort. It also aided my spiritual, mental and emotional health at that time because I knew I would get through this difficult patch.

When I was very depressed after the death of another dear grandmother I kept dreaming that someone would burst in the room and disturb me. Whatever I was doing in my dream I would get disturbed.

When I really looked at these dreams what they were telling me was that I was disturbed. I was not in a good mental state at the time and my dreams were telling me to pay attention and get help. There was no avoiding the pain of grief. It kept bursting into

There was no avoiding the pain of grief. It kept bursting into my life, just as my dream showed me.

4. Sabotage
These are the dreams where our internal saboteur is in charge. They seem to turn up when we've made a positive step in the right direction in our lives.

For instance, when we stop a destructive behavior like overeating or we bring a new element into our lives like working towards a life long wish. These dreams express a part of ourselves that want to keep things as they are no matter how destructive. Some people would call this internal saboteur the ego.

These dreams can be very distressing and more like nightmares. They attempt to show you every reason why your new way of doing things is completely wrong.

For instance if you have stopped overeating you could dream that you get slimmer and slimmer until you get so thin you can hardly stand up and that people are laughing at you because you are so bony.

If you have a dream like this acknowledge yourself for providing it and carry on with your new behavior. Don't allow the internal saboteur to sway your commitment to your goals.

5. Expressing Our Anxieties, Worries and Fears
Depending on how much of a worrier you are you may have many dreams of this nature.

We are worried about an upcoming job interview and dream that we get there too late. Or we get into the interview room and can't speak or get our presentation wrong or that we are still in our pajamas.

We are scared about showing our vulnerability to others and dream we are naked in a public place.

We're expecting a baby and are anxious about the birth. Consequently we dream about all the things that could go wrong. The baby coming early, or late, or in an inappropriate venue, or via emergency c-section. Dreams during pregnancy are often some of the most vivid and most disturbing.

. Processing & Releasing Emotions
It can be difficult in day to day life to express all our feelings. Some of them aren't socially acceptable and some would not be appropriate expressed in certain environments like the workplace - we could get into a lot of trouble.

What happens when we have an experience that produces emotional arousal is that it will stay in the body if unexpressed. Holding emotions in like this causes lots of stress on our bodies and minds.

During REM sleep we process these unresolved feelings and the feelings can be safely discharged.

7. Organizing Thoughts, Feelings and Experiences
The mind will try to organize and make sense of all our experiences. Particularly when unexpected and/or distressing things happen to us our unconscious minds will be busy trying to make sense of it all.

For example when a relative dies suddenly and unexpectedly, we are in an accident or we have a disagreement with someone.

During our dreaming state we will often go over the same event over and over, providing different outcomes and solutions, looking at every minute detail - replaying it until we have consolidated and absorbed the experience.

8. Wish Fulfillment
Dreams are quite often simply expressing our desires. For instance we dream about being with someone we are attracted to (maybe having sex with them), or that we have loads of money, or we are in our dream job.

Wish fulfillment dreams can also be of the negative type like dreaming of killing someone we do not want in our lives anymore or rejecting someone who has hurt our feelings.

They don't mean that these things are going to happen in waking life, simply that we'd like them to.

9. Nightmares
While distressing, nightmares can tell us a great deal about ourselves. In particular, they tell us about what we fear, what causes us the most emotional pain, and what is holding us back in life.

Nightmares usually express deep feelings and thoughts that we are unconscious of.

That's why they're so frightening; they bring to our attention emotions that we perceived to be threatening, devastating, and/or overwhelming at some point in our past.

The occurrence of a nightmare is a sign that we're now ready to deal with these emotions, and that we need to deal with them for the sake of our emotional, mental, or spiritual health.

This statement may sound obvious, but it's surprising how many of us don't understand that our nightmare is telling us about something we are frightened of or anxious about.

Take the time to discover its meaning, and you'll benefit in the long term.

10. Prophetic and Psychic Dreams
There’s a strong myth that all of our dreams foretell the future, and this is simply not true. That’s not to say that it doesn’t happen—I've had quite a few myself.

Dreams can occasionally give us information about future events (which is where the myth comes from). However, unless we have highly developed psychic abilities, these are usually few and far between.

This begs the question, “How do we know when our dream is prophetic?” Unfortunately, the answer is we can’t know until the event we dreamed of takes place.

A lot of people have experienced dreams that involve ESP or, what we might call, psychic events. Again, these are quite rare. Most people might be lucky to have one or two of these in their lifetime. They include:

Dreams of a deceased relative or friend (accompanied by feelings of joy, peace, and love)
Seeing a deceased person we do not know
A dream involving extra sensory perception (ESP), such as seeing an event in our sleep that is taking place at the very moment we are sleeping
Seeing angels, spirit guides, or religious figures
Visions of past lives
Out-of-body experiences
Astral travel
Those who have had these kinds of dreams report that they are exceptionally vivid, and that the emotions are particularly intense. There is also a sense of watching the scene as an observer rather than being involved in it.

10. Prophetic and Psychic Dreams
There’s a strong myth that all of our dreams foretell the future, and this is simply not true. That’s not to say that it doesn’t happen—I've had quite a few myself.

Dreams can occasionally give us information about future events (which is where the myth comes from). However, unless we have highly developed psychic abilities, these are usually few and far between.

This begs the question, “How do we know when our dream is prophetic?” Unfortunately, the answer is we can’t know until the event we dreamed of takes place.

A lot of people have experienced dreams that involve ESP or, what we might call, psychic events. Again, these are quite rare. Most people might be lucky to have one or two of these in their lifetime. They include:

Dreams of a deceased relative or friend (accompanied by feelings of joy, peace, and love)
Seeing a deceased person we do not know
A dream involving extra sensory perception (ESP), such as seeing an event in our sleep that is taking place at the very moment we are sleeping
Seeing angels, spirit guides, or religious figures
Visions of past lives
Out-of-body experiences
Astral travel
Those who have had these kinds of dreams report that they are exceptionally vivid, and that the emotions are particularly intense. There is also a sense of watching the scene as an observer rather than being involved in it.

Understanding Dream Language

Believe it or not our dreams are trying to be obvious. And they will be once you learn these few simple facts about dream language.

Dream language contains a variety of elements. These include:

Common Expressions
Written and spoken words
Music and song lyrics
Homophones and homonyms
Recent and past events
Common Expressions
Visual representations of common expressions turn up in our dreams all the time.

Imagine a dream where you are holding onto a bulls' horns. Is it telling you to grab the bull by the horns? i.e: go for what you want.

What if you dreamed of being in your garden and were looking under the stones? It might mean "leave no stone unturned".

See if you can spot any common expressions in your dreams. They are often giving us good advice about how to proceed.

Written & Spoken Words & Songs
Words, however they present themselves, will be important in helping you to decipher your dream.

Last night I dreamed that I was at a meeting at work with all my colleagues and my boss kept telling me to be quiet when I wasn't even saying anything. A word kept popping into my thoughts - it was "victimization".

This had a lot of relevance to me since that's how I have been feeling at work lately though I hadn't yet managed to put a word to it.

This is a good example showing one way that words can present themselves in dreams.

Other ways are road signs, words written down on paper or on a wall, advertisements or what someone is saying to us.

Maybe important messages are being expressed through song. Does your dream have a theme tune?

Really listen to the words of the song to find out what your dream is telling you.

Homonyms & Homophones
Homonyms are words that are spelled and sound the same but have different meanings. For example the cross. This could mean the christian symbol, being angry or crossing the road.

Homophones are words which have the same sound but are spelled differently and have different meanings. For instance, bee and be.

The way that we recognize if these kinds of symbols are present in our dream is by getting in touch with the word.

If, in your dream, there was the symbol of the cross, what do you feel when you see it in your minds eye?

Do you feel cross/angry?

Do you feel a spiritual connection?

Or something else?

Is the bee that is buzzing around you in your dream telling you, "to just be"?

The Relevance of Recent and Past Events in Dreams

Homonyms & Homophones
Homonyms are words that are spelled and sound the same but have different meanings. For example the cross. This could mean the christian symbol, being angry or crossing the road.

Homophones are words which have the same sound but are spelled differently and have different meanings. For instance, bee and be.

The way that we recognize if these kinds of symbols are present in our dream is by getting in touch with the word.

If, in your dream, there was the symbol of the cross, what do you feel when you see it in your minds eye?

Do you feel cross/angry?

Do you feel a spiritual connection?

Or something else?

Is the bee that is buzzing around you in your dream telling you, "to just be"?

The Relevance of Recent and Past Events in Dreams

Recent Events

Events from our daily lives come up a lot. Sometimes it is because our minds are trying to process and organize what has recently happened. At other times, recent events are handy symbols to represent other information.

Past Events, People, and Places

We also frequently see things from our past in our sleep. They are usually telling us that there is something from our past that needs understanding or resolving. We will often find that the issue is also prominent in our lives right now.


If you dream about a house you lived in as a child, ask yourself what was happening in your life at the time you lived there.

Did your parents separate?
Did you change schools?
Was it a particularly happy time?
Ask yourself why your mind would want you to revisit that time again.
Are there things or issues from that time that are still holding you back?
Did you make decisions based on events in the past that are no longer relevant or useful?
Do you need to recapture a certain quality or feeling?

Pay Attention to Your Emotions

The emotions we experience in our dreams is one of the most important aspects of dream interpretation to consider.

Believe it or not, our dreams are trying to be obvious. And what will help make the meaning obvious is identifying the primary emotions in your dream.

Understanding dream language can take a bit of practice, but once you get into the right mindset, you’ll find that the majority of your dreams can be interpreted fairly quickly.

An Example of Why Emotions in Dreams Are Important
If you are driving a fast car in your sleep and feel exhilarated, this could mean that you're progressing at a great speed in some area of your life, and you are finding it exciting.
But what if you are driving a fast car and feel terrified of crashing? The meaning will be vastly different. If could mean that you are traveling too fast in an area of your life and feel out of control.
What if you are driving in a fast car that can only go up to 10 miles an hour, and you feel impotent and frustrated? Then you will need to look at what is holding you back in your life, whether it be an inside or outside circumstance.
Make a special note of your feelings in relation to each symbol that appears in your dream. This valuable information will help you determine what the message is.

Interpreting Dream Symbols

As you know our dreams contain a whole range of symbols - anything from a potato to a princess or a devil to a delphinium.

How you feel about the symbol and what words you would use to describe it will tell you what that symbol means to you.

Using these two simple steps will be far more useful to you than any dream dictionary will ever be.

This is the key to dream interpretation.

You can relate every adjective that you would use to describe the symbol, to yourself or a part of yourself.

E.g. frozen water = frozen emotions
car out of control = you out of control
house with no walls = you have no boundaries

N.B. Adjectives are describing words such as big, strong, funny, closed, broken, sparkly, red, weak, thick, tall, low, etc... etc.

Become Your Dream Symbol

If you are having trouble deciphering the meaning of a dream symbol you can have a conversation with it.

Close your eyes and see the symbol in your minds eye. What words come immediately to mind as you look at it? Scary? Powerful? Disgusting? Friendly? Warm?

If it's a person or animal you can ask it, "What do you want to tell me?" Ask questions and listen to the answers no matter how surprising

A Word About Culture

The culture we have grown up in will greatly affect the symbols that appear in our dreams and the meaning they have for us. Colors have different meanings in different cultures.

In Europe and America red means danger or passion, while in China it means good luck.

A bull in the dream of a Spaniard would have a different meaning to a bull in the dream of an American cattle rancher.

That's why we need to look at what the symbol means to us as individuals - this will give us a great deal more useful information than a dream dictionary will.

10 Common Dreams and Clues to Interpret Them

Below are three common dreams with some points to consider in order to accurately interpret them.

1. Dreams of Death

The meaning of death in dreams can be varied and complex and you will need to connect with your feelings and the symbols presented to get an accurate interpretation of what it means for you.

Here are some of the more common meanings of death in dreams:

A part of you has died, which can be either positive or negative.
You are trying to kill a part of yourself that you don't like or don't want.
You want to kill off someone else - get them out of your life.
You want to kill a part of someone else that you don't like.
Your anxiety about death and dying - your own and/or someone else's passing.
A new phase in your life.
Expression of grief for someone that has died.
Your mind trying to come to terms with the death of a loved one.
A spiritual awakening.
The reason I say that death in dreams is complex is because meanings can often be reversed. For instance in your dream you may kill someone else because you hate something about them but in reality the part you hate could be a part of yourself that you have projected onto them and then proceed to kill.

It can be a lot less threatening for our minds to cope with seeing negative qualities in others rather than in ourselves.

2. Dream of Teeth Falling Out

Dreaming of your teeth falling out can have a variety of explanations. Here are a few. Remember to connect to your feelings about it to get a better understanding of what it means for you.

Are you talking too much?
Teeth can symbolize solidity and decisiveness - are you losing your
Milk teeth fall out to make way for new adult teeth - is there something you
are discarding (an aspect of yourself or old habits) to create space for
something new to grow?
Anxiety about your appearance.
Anxiety about growing old.
Are you having trouble getting your teeth into something? (lack of focus
and/or commitment)
Are you dealing with a loss of an emotional nature?
3. Sex Dreams

Dreams of sex are often simply wish fulfillment though there are some other common meanings listed below. Sex dreams can be fun, exciting or highly distressing depending on the beliefs you have about sex.

If you have been brought up with the belief that homosexuality is wrong for example, it would be very distressing to dream of making love with someone of the same sex.

Whatever your beliefs try to be kind to yourself and not judge yourself harshly for any dreams that do not fit in with your normal belief system.

You dream of sex with someone you (consciously or unconsciously) have an attraction to.
You are sexually frustrated and need release.
You are experimenting with sexual practices you feel you cannot act out in waking life.
You are anxious about your sexual abilities.
You are anxious about a sexual difficulty such as impotence.
Two parts of yourself are uniting or integrating.
You are integrating into yourself a quality that you admire in another.
Expression of unacknowledged sexual preferences.
Expression of deep love for someone (whether you are attracted to them or not).
4. Dreams of Your Partner Being Unfaithful

Dreams of Your Partner Being Unfaithful

Dreams of your partner cheating on you are most often an expression of your own anxiety and/or insecurity. Rarely they can be your intuition about actual cheating but rule out all other possibilities first.

Are you scared your partner will leave you?
Do you have low self esteem and/or confidence and wonder whether you deserve your partner?
Have you or your partner cheated on each other or other partners before and you are worried this will happen again?
Do you have problems with trusting people?
Do you find it difficult to trust yourself?
Are you attracted to someone else?
5. Dreams of Being Naked

What is your dream of being naked telling you? It will depend greatly on how you feel about it in your dream. Are you embarrassed? Ashamed? Free? Liberated? Vulnerable? Scared? Indignant? Exposed? Natural? Exhilarated?

If you experienced a negative emotion in relation to your nakedness it could mean:

You are feeling very vulnerable at the moment.
You are scared of being exposed in some way.
You have problems with your relationship with your body.
You are hiding something you need to share.

If you experienced a positive emotion in relation to your nakedness it could mean:

You feel totally free.
You feel liberated from a problem, set back or difficulty.
You are at one with your physical nature.
You enjoy your body.
You are being completely honest about who you are, what you want or need.

6. Dreams of Being Chased

Dreams of being chased are very common, often recurring and usually very scary. They are frightening because our unconscious mind is trying to tell us something that we have blocked from awareness either totally or partially, in an effort to avoid uncomfortable feelings.

The question you need to ask yourself is, "What am I running away from?"

A part of myself?
Knowledge about a situation?
What or who are you afraid to face?

You can resolve to confront what is chasing you for the next time you have the dream. Ask the thing/person that is chasing you, "What do you want?"

You can do this while you awake also.

Simply find a bit of quiet time when you will not be disturbed, focus your mind on the thing/person who was chasing you and imagine what they would say when you ask them, "What do you want to tell me?"

7. Dream of Having a Baby

Here are some of the more common explanations for dreaming about having, or giving birth to a baby.

If you are pregnant you are likely anxious about the birth or what
motherhood might bring.
If you are trying for a baby this dream fulfills your wish.
This may express an unconscious desire to have a baby so be extra careful
to use your contraception.

Do you feel the need to be babied?
Do you feel dependent on others?
This often signifies a new beginning, a new idea or a new project.
New insight into old problems.
Birth of something new within yourself.
New spiritual awareness.
8. Dreams of Falling

Dreams of falling can occur as a result of the changes in consciousness when we are falling asleep or waking up. They can also represent that you are:

Heading for a fall.
Feeling out of control.
Feeling a loss of control.
Falling in love.
Falling on your face.
A fallen woman.
Are you scared of failure? (falling down)
Do you like taking risks?
9. Dreams of Flying

With flying dreams it will depend again on how you feel when you are flying. Do you feel free? Exhilarated? Scared? Out of control? Your feeling will tell you what it means.

Are you feeling flighty or grounded in your life at the moment?
Are you 'up in the air' about something?
Do you feel you can soar above your problems?
Do you feel as free as a bird?
Do you have the ability to be objective - see the overall situation?
Do you feel in control of your life at the moment?
Or out of control?
10. Dreams Involving Animals

When interpreting animal symbols, I often ask myself, "What special characteristics does this animal embody?"


The eagle soars freely high above the earth. Therefore, the eagle has a broad perspective of what is below and will be able to "take in the whole picture." Do you already see the whole picture, or you do need to take a more objective view of something? Maybe you need to look at things from another perspective.
The eagle is strong and powerful. Do you feel strong and powerful or does someone in your life embody these qualities?
The eagle is a skillful hunter. Do you need to hunt something down or do you feel like someone is hunting you down?

Are you feeling stung by something that happened recently or by something someone said?
Bee is a homophone of "Be." Is your dream of bees telling you to just "be" yourself?
Think about what is special about bees. Bees are very busy, productive, and industrious creatures. They work cooperatively for their survival. They swarm together for protection and to attack. They are hive creatures: the group is more important and more powerful than the individual. They produce a nourishing food (honey). Do one of these things prick your intuition about what bees mean to you?
Is My Dream Going to Come True in the Future?

This topic is covered right at the end of this guide to dream interpretation but wondering if the dream is going to come true is usually the first question people ask when they want to understand their dream.

Culturally, there seems to be a strong belief that the purpose of our dreams are to tell us about the future.

While dreams can occasionally give us this information, (which is where this belief comes from), there are many other important functions of dreaming, particularly on the intellectual, emotional and spiritual levels.

The truth is that the vast majority of dreams we have are not portraying events of the future.

This is a way in which dream dictionaries can be misleading because half of the symbol descriptions are apparently telling us about the future.

For instance, according to one dream dictionary if you dream about a coconut this is supposed to mean that money will come to you.

A coconut could mean abundance but it would depend on all the details of the dream, what a coconut represented in your culture and what a coconut means TO YOU.

Rest assured that your dream is usually relaying information about the present or past and how it has affected you. When you analyse your dream it's important to come from this angle.

What Does Your Dream Mean?

Use the tips and information in this dream interpretation guide to help you work out what your dream is trying to tell you. Remember that dream symbolism is very literal and make sure you pay attention to your emotions for those all important clues.

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