Click on the video to Watch & Download  OLAMIDE - SPIRIT (LYRICS VIDEO)

In this brief work Babalawo Obanifa will documents one the preparation available in Yoruba spirituality to overcome any kind of excessive fear and phobia. When an individual is suffering from excessive phobia. They will say the person is suffering Ilaya. The kind of spiritual formula that is used to take care of such syndrome is known as Ogun Ilaya. Below are documentation of one the spiritual formula that can be use to overcome any kind of phobia.

Alakan meji to nja(two crabs that are fighting)

Ewe Amunimuye(leaves of Emiliapraeter missa)

Odindi ataare kan (A whole alligator pepper)

Agbari Monu()


You will burn the entire aforementioned items to fine powder.


The person will licking it small small. He/she will become extra ordinarily bold.

Copyright :Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone and whatsapp contact :+2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

IMPORTANT NOTICE : As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission from the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract legal consequence

Click on the video to Watch & Download  OLAMIDE - SPIRIT (LYRICS VIDEO)
In this brief work Babalawo Obanifa will documents one the preparation available in Yoruba spirituality to overcome any kind of excessive fear and phobia. When an individual is suffering from excessive phobia. They will say the person is suffering Ilaya. The kind of spiritual formula that is used to take care of such syndrome is known as Ogun Ilaya. Below are documentation of one the spiritual formula that can be use to overcome any kind of phobia.

Alakan meji to nja(two crabs that are fighting)
Ewe Amunimuye(leaves of Emiliapraeter missa)
Odindi ataare kan (A whole alligator pepper)
Agbari Monu()
You will burn the entire aforementioned items to fine powder.

The person will licking it small small. He/she will become extra ordinarily bold.
Copyright :Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone and whatsapp contact :+2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.
IMPORTANT NOTICE : As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission from the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract legal consequence

 Clique no vídeo para assistir e baixar OLAMIDE - SPIRIT (LYRICS VIDEO)



 Neste breve trabalho, Babalawo Obanifa documentará a preparação disponível na espiritualidade iorubá para superar qualquer tipo de medo e fobia excessivos.  Quando um indivíduo sofre de fobia excessiva.  Dirão que a pessoa está sofrendo com Ilaya.  O tipo de fórmula espiritual usada para cuidar dessa síndrome é conhecido como Ogun Ilaya.  Abaixo está a documentação de uma fórmula espiritual que pode ser usada para superar qualquer tipo de fobia.

 Alakan meji to nja (dois caranguejos que estão lutando)

 Ovelha Amunimuye (folhas de Emiliapraeter missa)

 Odindi ataare kan (uma pimenta de jacaré inteira)

 Agbari Monu ()


 Você queimará todos os itens mencionados acima em pó fino.


 A pessoa vai lambê-lo pequeno e pequeno.  Ele / ela se tornará extraordinariamente comum em negrito.

 Direitos autorais: Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, telefone e whatsapp: +2348166343145, local Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

 AVISO IMPORTANTE: Com relação ao artigo acima, todos os direitos reservados, nenhuma parte deste artigo pode ser reproduzida ou duplicada de qualquer forma ou por qualquer meio, eletrônico ou mecânico, incluindo fotocópia e gravação ou por qualquer sistema de armazenamento ou recuperação de informações sem permissão prévia por escrito  do detentor dos direitos autorais e do autor Babalawo Obanifa, fazê-lo é considerado ilegal e atrairá conseqüências legais

  Haga clic en el video para ver y descargar OLAMIDE - SPIRIT (VIDEO DE LETRAS)



  En este breve trabajo, Babalawo Obanifa documentará la preparación disponible en la espiritualidad yoruba para superar cualquier tipo de miedo y fobia excesivos.  Cuando un individuo sufre de fobia excesiva.  Dirán que la persona está sufriendo Ilaya.  El tipo de fórmula espiritual que se usa para cuidar ese síndrome se conoce como Ogun Ilaya.  A continuación se encuentra la documentación de una de las fórmulas espirituales que se pueden utilizar para superar cualquier tipo de fobia.

  Alakan meji a nja (dos cangrejos que luchan)

  Oveja Amunimuye (hojas de Emiliapraeter missa)

  Odindi ataare kan (Una pimienta de cocodrilo entera)

  Agbari Monu ()


  Quemará todos los elementos mencionados anteriormente en polvo fino.


  La persona lo lamerá pequeño pequeño.  Él / ella se volverá extra ordinariamente audaz.

  Copyright: Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, teléfono y contacto de WhatsApp: +2348166343145, ubicación Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

  AVISO IMPORTANTE: Con respecto al artículo anterior, todos los derechos reservados, ninguna parte de este artículo puede reproducirse o duplicarse de ninguna forma ni por ningún medio, electrónico o mecánico, incluyendo fotocopias y grabaciones, o por cualquier sistema de almacenamiento o recuperación de información sin permiso previo por escrito.  del titular de los derechos de autor y del autor Babalawo Obanifa, hacerlo se considera ilegal y tendrá consecuencias legales

  Cliquez sur la vidéo pour visionner et télécharger OLAMIDE - SPIRIT (VIDÉO LYRIQUE)

  BABALAWO OBANIFA -Obanifa Documentaires extrêmes


  Dans ce bref travail, Babalawo Obanifa documentera l’une des préparations disponibles dans la spiritualité yoruba pour surmonter toute forme de peur excessive et de phobie.  Lorsqu'un individu souffre de phobie excessive.  Ils diront que la personne souffre d'Ilaya.  Le type de formule spirituelle utilisée pour traiter ce syndrome est connu sous le nom d'Ogun Ilaya.  Vous trouverez ci-dessous la documentation d’une formule spirituelle qui peut être utilisée pour vaincre toute forme de phobie.

  Alakan meji to nja (deux crabes qui se battent)

  Ewe Amunimuye (feuilles d'Emiliapraeter missa)

  Odindi ataare kan (un piment d'alligator entier)

  Agbari Monu ()


  Vous brûlerez tous les éléments susmentionnés en une poudre fine.


  La personne va le lécher petit petit.  Il / elle deviendra extra ordinairement audacieux.

  Copyright: Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, contact téléphonique et whatsapp: +2348166343145, lieu-dit Ile Ife osun, Nigeria.

  AVIS IMPORTANT: En ce qui concerne l’article ci-dessus, tous les droits réservés, aucune partie de cet article ne peut être reproduite ou dupliquée sous quelque forme ou par quelque moyen que ce soit, électronique ou mécanique, y compris la photocopie et l’enregistrement, ou par tout système de stockage ou de récupération des informations sans autorisation écrite préalable.  titulaire du droit d'auteur et l'auteur Babalawo Obanifa, cela est considéré comme illégal et entraînera des conséquences juridiques


 BABALAWO OBANIFA克服过度恐惧和任何形式的恐惧症的机会-Obanifa极端纪录片


 在这篇简短的著作中,巴巴拉瓦·奥巴尼法(Babalawo Obanifa)将记录约鲁巴灵性方面的准备工作,以克服任何种类的过度恐惧和恐惧症。 当某人患有过度恐惧症时。 他们会说这个人正在遭受Ilaya的折磨。 用来治疗此类综合症的精神公式称为Ogun Ilaya。 以下是一个可以用来克服任何恐惧症的精神公式的文档。

 Alakan meji到nja(两只正在战斗的螃蟹)


 Odindi ataare kan(整个扬子鳄胡椒)

 Agbari Monu()




 这个人会舔它小小的。 他/她将变得异常胆大。

 版权:Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa,电话和whatsapp联系人:+2348166343145,位于尼日利亚Ile Ife osun省。

 重要声明:关于上述条款,保留所有权利,未经事先书面许可,不得以任何形式或通过任何方式(包括影印和录制的电子或机械方式或任何信息存储或检索系统)复制或复制本文的任何部分 版权持有人和作者Babalawo Obanifa的行为,被认为是非法的,并将引起法律后果

  OLAMIDE - SPIRIT (LYRICS VIDEO) देखने और डाउनलोड करने के लिए वीडियो पर क्लिक करें

  BABALAWO OBANIFA -Obanifa चरम वृत्तचित्रों द्वारा हर किसी के लिए अतिरिक्त शुल्क और किसी भी तरह की छूट के लिए शुल्क


  इस संक्षिप्त कार्य में बाबलाव ओबनिफा किसी भी तरह के अत्यधिक भय और भय को दूर करने के लिए योरूबा अध्यात्म में उपलब्ध तैयारी का दस्तावेजीकरण करेगी।  जब कोई व्यक्ति अत्यधिक फोबिया से पीड़ित होता है।  वे कहेंगे कि व्यक्ति इलैया पीड़ित है।  इस तरह के सिंड्रोम की देखभाल के लिए जिस तरह के आध्यात्मिक फार्मूले का इस्तेमाल किया जाता है, उसे ओगुन इलैया के नाम से जाना जाता है।  नीचे एक आध्यात्मिक सूत्र का दस्तावेज़ीकरण किया गया है जिसका उपयोग किसी भी प्रकार के भय को दूर करने के लिए किया जा सकता है।

  अलकन मेजी को nja (दो केकड़े जो लड़ रहे हैं)

  ईवे अमुनिमुये (एमिलियाप्रेटर मिस्सा के पत्ते)

  ओडिन्डी अटारे कान (एक संपूर्ण मगरमच्छ काली मिर्च)

  अगबारी मोनू ()


  आप पूरे उपरोक्त वस्तुओं को ठीक पाउडर में जला देंगे।


  व्यक्ति इसे छोटा छोटा चाट जाएगा।  वह अतिरिक्त रूप से बोल्ड हो जाएगा।

  कॉपीराइट: बबालावो पेले ओबासा ओबनिफा, फोन और व्हाट्सएप संपर्क: 13:48166343145, स्थान इले इफ ओसुन राज्य नाइजीरिया।

  महत्वपूर्ण सूचना: जैसा कि ऊपर दिए गए लेख के अनुसार, सभी अधिकार सुरक्षित हैं, इस लेख का कोई भी भाग किसी भी रूप में या किसी भी तरह से इलेक्ट्रॉनिक या मैकेनिकल द्वारा फोटोकॉपी और रिकॉर्डिंग या किसी भी जानकारी के भंडारण या पुनर्प्राप्ति प्रणाली से पूर्व लिखित अनुमति के बिना दोबारा तैयार या नकल नहीं किया जा सकता है।  कॉपीराइट धारक और लेखक बबालावो ओबनिफा से, ऐसा करना गैरकानूनी माना जाता है और कानूनी परिणाम को आकर्षित करेगा

 انقر على الفيديو لمشاهدة وتحميل OLAMIDE - SPIRIT (LYRICS VIDEO)

 سحر للتغلب على الخوف المفرط وأي نوع من الرهاب بقلم بابلو عنيفة - عنيفة


 في هذا العمل الموجز ، سيقوم بابالاو أوبانيفا بتوثيق إحداها المتوفرة في روحانية يوروبا للتغلب على أي نوع من الخوف المفرط والخوف.  عندما يكون الفرد يعاني من الرهاب المفرط.  سيقولون أن الشخص يعاني إيليا.  ويعرف هذا النوع من الصيغة الروحية المستخدمة لرعاية مثل هذه المتلازمة باسم Ogun Ilaya.  فيما يلي توثيق لأحد المعادلات الروحية التي يمكن استخدامها للتغلب على أي نوع من أنواع الرهاب.

 Alakan meji to nja (سلطعونان يقاتلان)

 إوي أمونيموي (أوراق إيميليابرايترا ميسا)

 أوديندي أتاري كان (فلفل تمساح كامل)

 أجباري مونو ()


 سوف تحرق العناصر المذكورة أعلاه بالكامل إلى مسحوق ناعم.


 الشخص سوف يلعقها صغيرة.  هو / هي سوف تصبح جريئة جدا عادة.

 حقوق الطبع والنشر: Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa ، الهاتف واتس اب الاتصال: +2348166343145 ، موقع Ile Ife osun ولاية نيجيريا.

 إشعار هام: فيما يتعلق بالمادة أعلاه ، جميع الحقوق محفوظة ، لا يجوز إعادة إنتاج أو نسخ أي جزء من هذه المادة بأي شكل أو بأي وسيلة ، سواء كانت إلكترونية أو ميكانيكية ، بما في ذلك التصوير والتسجيل أو أي نظام لتخزين المعلومات أو استرجاعها دون إذن كتابي مسبق  من صاحب حقوق الطبع والنشر والمؤلف Babalawo Obanifa ، فإن القيام بذلك يعتبر غير قانوني وسيؤدي إلى نتيجة قانونية
A perusal Of World Of Islam.

The Quran Nurtures Intellect and Shapes Reason
Trapped in Matter

Man is made of body and soul. The former represents the physical, and the latter the metaphysical level of existence. As such, man is a microcosm. In it, the macrocosm or universe, and the entire idea, as well as phenomenon of existence are reflected.

Man is the crown of Almighty Allah’s divine creativity act. He created him with His Own Hands (Sa'ad, 75) and in His Own Image (Sahih Muslim). Having fashioned him in due proportion, He also breathed into him of His Spirit (al-Sajdah, 9).

By means of Allah’s creative will and power, man was thus transformed from frail and inconsequential clay to a being with a superior dignity, standing, and purpose. He was made Allah’s vicegerent on earth. He was honored and favored far above most of Allah’s creation (al-Isra’, 70).

Hence, man has been invested with countless signs (ayat). They generously testify to the existence, greatness, and munificence of the Creator. The signs are manifested as much in the smallest as in the grandest aspects and features of man’s being and life. It follows that man’s multi-tiered existence is an ontological book that ought to be studied first and foremost by everyone. Each person should start with his personal volume.

Balance Between Matter and Spirit

However, man was not a finished product, in the sense that his terrestrial self and status connoted an end in themselves. Rather than being goals desired for their own sakes, the earthly man and his existential context were meant to be but means for attaining something else. The extraordinary, especially spiritual and intellectual capacities given to man, are expected to propel him to fulfill his high destiny.

This physical world with man’s physical dimension in it was meant to be a launching pad for man’s most genuine and most valuable personal and collective undertakings. The aim is the spiritual realm and the successes associated with it. All the obstacles that stand in the way should be eliminated at all costs.

Matter is just the carrier of the spiritual domain, deriving its meaning and purpose from it. The body is the carrier of the soul. Since it belongs to a lower grade of existence, matter feels comfortable with spirit, and the body with the soul, even if they fail to admit and appreciate it.

However, the same does not hold true as regards to the spiritual kingdom. The soul does not feel comfortable coexisting with matter. It feels imprisoned and trapped, hence restless. It yearns for freedom and independence, and for its heavenly source and origins. It pines for a reunion with its corresponding realm of purity, virtue and impeccability.

While mired in cohabiting with the deficiencies of matter, the soul accepts only the prospect of conquering and controlling matter. It aims to subdue it to its noble goals. Unquestionably, man’s entire life is an endless confrontation between matter and spirit, and between his body and his soul. Man can attain peace and happiness only when the spiritual side of life and of his very self prevails, and when matter becomes grounded and used only to serve a higher order of spiritual meaning, value, and experience.

It is owing to this that in Surah al-Fajr, Allah identifies His servants who succeeded in their earthly mission as tranquil souls in complete rest and satisfaction, well-pleased (themselves) and well-pleasing to their Lord (al-Fajr, 27-30).

The Consequences of Entrapment

That is a natural way. Nevertheless, it is grossly aberrant and repugnant if in man’s life matter prevails and the spiritual dimension is inhibited or suppressed. Such is furthermore unnatural and breeds correspondingly unnatural consequences for man and his well-being.

With it, man denies the spiritual components to perform their intended task of stimulating life and injecting it with a true meaning, spirit, and purpose. Man also divests himself of an opportunity to elevate his complete being along with his wearisome life struggles to the higher planes of heavenly substance and

denies the spiritual components to perform their intended task of stimulating life and injecting it with a true meaning, spirit, and purpose. Man also divests himself of an opportunity to elevate his complete being along with his wearisome life struggles to the higher planes of heavenly substance and worth.

In materialism (believing that nothing exists except matter and that material possessions and physical comfort are more important than spiritual values) man goes against his very nature and the nature of life en bloc. From the very beginning since the dawn of the scientific revolution, man set himself on a collision course with every intrinsic spiritual and moral quality of life.

The results of such a philosophy are astounding. While man has made some remarkable progress in a number of scientific and technological fields, he failed himself twice as much in a number of other more critical fields. Upon those fields man’s fundamental humanness, sociability, sustainable future, and the true meaning of pleasure, happiness, peace and prosperity, depend. For humankind, it was a case of one step forward, two or three steps back.

One of the greatest corollaries is that the modern materialistic man has forsaken the needs of his soul. He became trapped in matter, gradually suffocating in such a dire state. Worlds of non-material opportunities for man and his cultural and civilizational enriching have been excluded thereby, crippling his innate vast potentials and talents.

This is a main reason why modern materialistic man suffers greatly from numerous and unidentifiable mental as well as spiritual disorders. Most conditions originate from the implications of the verity that people are disoriented and wedged in matter. They comprehend and live their lives wrongly. Their worldviews are seriously flawed. They do not live. They merely exist, just as the matter they worship does.

Accordingly, despite the vastness of the universe and the complexity of life, people remain stuck on the planet earth only (on a single plane), and live solely in order to enhance their physical comfort. There, in addition, due to the gravitational forces and the inherent shortcomings of man, people likewise get stuck on a very tiny segment of the earth’s crust. They live on a small piece of earth and, in the end, get interred in yet a smaller piece. From clay people are created; they spend their lives failing to transcend the parameters of clay (matter) and wondering what life actually is and why they are part of it; to clay people are eventually returned, where they become clay yet again.

When Almighty Allah says in the Qur’an (al-Baqarah, 24; al-Tahrim, 6) that the fuel of Hellfire will be people and stones, the message might be – and Allah knows best – that the fuel, in fact, will be of a similar kind: stones and hardened clay, that is, people who reduced themselves and their life missions to the rank of clay only.

In other words, Hell-bound people are like terracotta: blocks (mere soulless bodies) formed from clay, with a hardness and blast resistance comparable to stone. No other incorporeal qualities do their lives and bodies contain.

Moreover, despite the longevity of the universe and life, people are granted only a tiny fraction of time. They can move neither forward nor backward in time. They are trapped in a moment. Their lives account but for a short series of moments. Man is born in a moment, in a moment he lives, and in a moment he dies. Man formerly was nothing; he lived a life that on a heavenly scale of value and consequence was equivalent to nothing; and when he dies, he returns to nothingness and oblivion whence he once originated.
The Most Painful Form of Claustrophobia

In other words, people are imprisoned in matter which controls every aspect of their lives. People are matter’s slaves, consciously or otherwise.

Materialism is an ontological form of slavery. People do not own themselves. They are being owned. They cannot think properly on their own, for they are being “watched” and manipulated all the time.

All such matter is “dark matter.” Together with its twins: “black holes,” it sucks all life, all meaning and all beauty out of one’s life.

On the whole, what an existential story that is!

Even the Holy Qur’an alludes to such a horrible state when it on two separate occasions describes a psychological consequence that results from disobeying divine injunctions. It says that the condition of those who resort to such a wrongdoing is like the one caused by the earth which, with all its vastness, appears as though closing in on them (al-Tawbah, 25); or like the one caused by the earth which, with all its vastness, appears as though closing in on them, and their own souls appearing likewise (al-Tawbah, 118).

Indeed, this is the most excruciating form of claustrophobia (the fear of being in a small space or confined area and unable to escape).

AAs a remedy, the Qur’an highlights the concept of sharh al-sudur (expansion or dilation of breasts and hearts). The Qur’an equates guidance and faith with the opening and expanding of breasts and hearts, just as it equates falsehood and disbelief with making breasts and hearts tight and constricted “as if they were climbing up into the sky. This is how Allah dooms those who disbelieve” (al-An’am, 125).

However, as a reward for the righteous, the Qur’an emphasizes the idea of Paradise as an abode as vast as the heavens and the earth, “which has been readied for the God-conscious” (Al ‘Imran, 133). This verse, and another one in Surah al-Hadid, verse 21, clearly call attention to the vastness and extensiveness of Paradise, as opposed to the smallness and constriction of the earth and its transitory life.
This means that the reward of the righteous people will not be confined only to their heavenly gardens and palaces. Rather, the whole Paradise – the whole heavenly universe – will be their home and at their disposal. They will not be restricted to one place as they were in this world, where just for reaching the moon, mankind’s nearest neighbor in space, man had to struggle hard for years and expend excessive resources only to overcome the difficulties of a short journey. In Paradise, the whole universe will be accessible to the righteous. They will be able to see whatever they would desire from their stations and be able to visit whichever place they would like, easily (al-Maududi).

It is no wonder, then, that the (materialistic) world’s suicide rate is very high. Despite possessing things, people feel empty, worthless, and cold. Despite the ostensible progress, people feel deceived and abandoned. On their very earth, in their very houses, and in their very selves... people feel incompatible, outsiders, and unwanted. All this generates a sense of incurable hopelessness, anxiety and ennui, which inexorably leads to suicidal thoughts. Such lives are so boring and meaningless to be lived.

Allah thus warns the deluded and self-centred ones along the lines of their actual life condition (material captivity, or entrapment): “You shall not walk arrogantly on the earth, for you can neither rend the earth asunder nor attain the height of the mountains” (al-Isra’, 37).

Also: “You, the assembly of jinns and men! If you have the power to get away from the boundaries of the heavens and the earth, then get away! You cannot get away except with Our authority” (al-Rahman, 33).

The Most Painful Form of Claustrophobia

In other words, people are imprisoned in matter which controls every aspect of their lives. People are matter’s slaves, consciously or otherwise.

Materialism is an ontological form of slavery. People do not own themselves. They are being owned. They cannot think properly on their own, for they are being “watched” and manipulated all the time.

All such matter is “dark matter.” Together with its twins: “black holes,” it sucks all life, all meaning and all beauty out of one’s life.

On the whole, what an existential story that is!

Even the Holy Qur’an alludes to such a horrible state when it on two separate occasions describes a psychological consequence that results from disobeying divine injunctions. It says that the condition of those who resort to such a wrongdoing is like the one caused by the earth which, with all its vastness, appears as though closing in on them (al-Tawbah, 25); or like the one caused by the earth which, with all its vastness, appears as though closing in on them, and their own souls appearing likewise (al-Tawbah, 118).

Indeed, this is the most excruciating form of claustrophobia (the fear of being in a small space or confined area and unable to escape).

As a remedy, the Qur’an highlights the concept of sharh al-sudur (expansion or dilation of breasts and hearts). The Qur’an equates guidance and faith with the opening and expanding of breasts and hearts, just as it equates falsehood and disbelief with making breasts and hearts tight and constricted “as if they were climbing up into the sky. This is how Allah dooms those who disbelieve” (al-An’am, 125).

However, as a reward for the righteous, the Qur’an emphasizes the idea of Paradise as an abode as vast as the heavens and the earth, “which has been readied for the God-conscious” (Al ‘Imran, 133). This verse, and another one in Surah al-Hadid, verse 21, clearly call attention to the vastness and extensiveness of Paradise, as opposed to the smallness and constriction of the earth and its transitory life.
This means that the reward of the righteous people will not be confined only to their heavenly gardens and palaces. Rather, the whole Paradise – the whole heavenly universe – will be their home and at their disposal. They will not be restricted to one place as they were in this world, where just for reaching the moon, mankind’s nearest neighbor in space, man had to struggle hard for years and expend excessive resources only to overcome the difficulties of a short journey. In Paradise, the whole universe will be accessible to the righteous. They will be able to see whatever they would desire from their stations and be able to visit whichever place they would like, easily (al-Maududi).

It is no wonder, then, that the (materialistic) world’s suicide rate is very high. Despite possessing things, people feel empty, worthless, and cold. Despite the ostensible progress, people feel deceived and abandoned. On their very earth, in their very houses, and in their very selves... people feel incompatible, outsiders, and unwanted. All this generates a sense of incurable hopelessness, anxiety and ennui, which inexorably leads to suicidal thoughts. Such lives are so boring and meaningless to be lived.

Allah thus warns the deluded and self-centred ones along the lines of their actual life condition (material captivity, or entrapment): “You shall not walk arrogantly on the earth, for you can neither rend the earth asunder nor attain the height of the mountains” (al-Isra’, 37).

Also: “You, the assembly of jinns and men! If you have the power to get away from the boundaries of the heavens and the earth, then get away! You cannot get away except with Our authority” (al-Rahman, 33).
Is There Any Hope Left?

Modern materialistic man is aware to some extent of the nature of his predicament. That is why he desperately tries to do something about it. However, all his approaches and strategies are downright wide of the mark, while time is running out.

The problems caused by worshiping matter cannot be solved by more matter and within the orb of matter alone. People cannot do the same things over and over again and expect different results. Albert Einstein calls that tactic Insanity

ACertainly, intensifying and broadening a worship-like attitude towards matter is not the way either. Developing a quicksand into which entry could be swift and easy, but from which extrication would be impossible, is not what man needs today.

And that is exactly what modern divorced-from-spirituality-and-morality science – as the only claimed hope - offers. As exciting, promising, and forward-marching as science is, it is also positively deceptive, misleading, and anticlimactic. In the long run, it is set to perpetuate the woes of mankind.

Man is made of body and soul. The former represents the physical, and the latter the metaphysical level of existence. As such, man is a microcosm. In it, the macrocosm or universe, and the entire idea, as well as phenomenon of existence are reflected.

Man is the crown of Almighty Allah’s divine creativity act. He created him with His Own Hands (Sa'ad, 75) and in His Own Image (Sahih Muslim). Having fashioned him in due proportion, He also breathed into him of His Spirit (al-Sajdah, 9).

By means of Allah’s creative will and power, man was thus transformed from frail and inconsequential clay to a being with a superior dignity, standing, and purpose. He was made Allah’s vicegerent on earth. He was honored and favored far above most of Allah’s creation (al-Isra’, 70).

Hence, man has been invested with countless signs (ayat). They generously testify to the existence, greatness, and munificence of the Creator. The signs are manifested as much in the smallest as in the grandest aspects and features of man’s being and life. It follows that man’s multi-tiered existence is an ontological book that ought to be studied first and foremost by everyone. Each person should start with his personal volume.

Balance Between Matter and Spirit

However, man was not a finished product, in the sense that his terrestrial self and status connoted an end in themselves. Rather than being goals desired for their own sakes, the earthly man and his existential context were meant to be but means for attaining something else. The extraordinary, especially spiritual and intellectual capacities given to man, are expected to propel him to fulfill his high destiny.

This physical world with man’s physical dimension in it was meant to be a launching pad for man’s most genuine and most valuable personal and collective undertakings. The aim is the spiritual realm and the successes associated with it. All the obstacles that stand in the way should be eliminated at all costs.

Matter is just the carrier of the spiritual domain, deriving its meaning and purpose from it. The body is the carrier of the soul. Since it belongs to a lower grade of existence, matter feels comfortable with spirit, and the body with the soul, even if they fail to admit and appreciate it.

However, the same does not hold true as regards to the spiritual kingdom. The soul does not feel comfortable coexisting with matter. It feels imprisoned and trapped, hence restless. It yearns for freedom and independence, and for its heavenly source and origins. It pines for a reunion with its corresponding realm of purity, virtue and impeccability.

While mired in cohabiting with the deficiencies of matter, the soul accepts only the prospect of conquering and controlling matter. It aims to subdue it to its noble goals. Unquestionably, man’s entire life is an endless confrontation between matter and spirit, and between his body and his soul. Man can attain peace and happiness only when the spiritual side of life and of his very self prevails, and when matter becomes grounded and used only to serve a higher order of spiritual meaning, value, and experience.

It is owing to this that in Surah al-Fajr, Allah identifies His servants who succeeded in their earthly mission as tranquil souls in complete rest and satisfaction, well-pleased (themselves) and well-pleasing to their Lord (al-Fajr, 27-30).

The Consequences of Entrapment

That is a natural way. Nevertheless, it is grossly aberrant and repugnant if in man’s life matter prevails and the spiritual dimension is inhibited or suppressed. Such is furthermore unnatural and breeds correspondingly unnatural consequences for man and his well-being.

With it, man denies the spiritual components to perform their intended task of stimulating life and injecting it with a true meaning, spirit, and purpose. Man also divests himself of an opportunity to elevate his complete being along with his wearisome life struggles to the higher planes of heavenly substance and

Listening to this denigration, one cannot help but sympathize with its author, for he is so mired in the world of matter that he thinks nothing else can exist. Matter is the measure of all things, so he could not think in terms other than its properties - in this particular case, tools and technologies.

Such people live in a cocoon of scientific – and materialistic - superficiality and ostentation. In essence, they never prove anything. They only exacerbate their own deficiencies and flaws.

The gist of Plato’s allegory of the cave, or Plato’s Cave, may well be applied to the case of this type of people. They live their lives chained to the walls of their distorted intellectual “caves”. While inside in such a state, they develop their own concepts, interpretations and experiences, attempting to impose them on everybody else, both inside and outside their “caves.” For them, no other realities, much less other realms or “caves,” are likely to exist.

Two Women, Two Inspirations
Jessica Cox: First licensed armless pilot.
Let’s look at the picture above. Anything special? It shows a young woman with a plane behind her. A nice picture. Wait, the woman seems to be armless. Probably a silly Photoshop job. Well, Photoshop is indeed an enormously creative tool to transform a lot of special images, but that would be hardly anything meaningfully special.

This picture is special not because of Photoshop, or not even because the young woman (33) is armless. Of course, a life being armless is indeed special and may God bless her for the wonderful smile on her face. But the real reason this woman and the picture are super-special is because this armless woman is a fully licensed pilot. Meet Jessica Cox from Arizona, USA. She is the first licensed armless pilot. Now it sounds special enough. Right? But it gets better.

She is armless not because of any accident, but she was born with a rare birth defect. Well, what can courage and resolution do? How can they help a person to accomplish his or her dream? The name Jessica Cox is the answer, for example. Being born as armless not only has not taken away her captivating smile, but also has not deterred in the least from anything she wanted in life. Did I say that she is even more special than being an armless pilot? Well, watch out. She is also the first armless black-belt holder in the American Taekwondo Association. “Using her feet as most people use their hands, she is able, among other things, to drive a car, … to type on a keyboard (25 words per minute), to pump her own gas, and to put in and remove her Contact lenses.” [Link] To learn more about this extraordinary woman, read her autobiographical work, quite meaningfully titled " Disarm Your Limit: The Flight Formula to Lift You to Success and Propel You to the Next Horizon (2015)."

Reem Al-Marzouqi, designer of the car that can be driven without hands.
Now let’s look at this above picture. The readers might ask, well, what is special about this? Also, this is picture of a woman in hijab. What is that girl doing with a car behind her? Hopefully, she is not a driver and in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, where contradicting Islam, women are barred from driving. Only recently, due to the courtesy of a young new all-powerful, unquestioned prince, that right is being gradually granted, a right that was never in conflict with Islam. Well, she is not from Saudi Arabia, and the story is not special because she can or does drive.

The issue of hijab is relevant here because there is a growing tension in the West due to Muslim women covering themselves in various degree: Burkini, Burka, Scarf (headcovering), etc.  The mayor of Cannes labeled it a "symbol of Islamic extremism." Prime Minister Manuel Valls claims the burkini symbolizes Islam's "enslavement of women." [Chicago Tribune] Well, anyone can think anything he or she wants. But just like how to cover or not to cover is one’s choice and it does not symbolize violence (including violence to any culture), it also is not a limit for those who want to transcend “limits.”

Meet Reem Al-Marzouqi (25). She is an Emirati young woman, also an engineer. What makes her special?  We know UAE has the tallest this, biggest that, etc. But Reem is the first citizen of the UAE to be granted a patent in the United States of America for designing a car that can be driven without hands. A young hijabi Engineer is granted such a patent. That in itself is special. But her design is for cars to be driven without hands. Without hands? Meaning, armless? Yes. That’s what makes this a related story and an inspiration for all. If Cox symbolizes courage and resolution, Reem symbolizes care and ingenuity.

How are these two stories related?

Inventors/innovators need not just inspiration, but also ideas or problems that they can solve.  Reem’s inspiration and source of idea was Jessica Cox. Reem once watched a TV interview on Inside Edition with Jessica Cox. She came to learn
that even though Jessica is the world's first licensed armless pilot, she also had difficulties with driving cars, especially for long distances, using only her feet. Indeed, when attempting to drive car once, the privilege was suspended due to violation in safety rules.

Reem was deeply inspired by Jessica’s courage and resolution and her accomplishments, but she was also deeply moved due to Jessica’s limitation in driving cars. Just like it happens with inventors and innovators, something makes bulb light up inside their head. Her care, combined with talent/ingenuity, moved her to undertake a project so that armless individuals like Jessica could drive as well.

The outcome?

Reem dedicated herself to solve the problem and ultimately came up at the age of 25 her original invention, a "Lower Extremity Vehicle Navigation Control System" for which she was also granted a U.S. patent. “The system uses a steering lever, an acceleration lever and a brake lever which are entirely foot-controlled, allowing people to drive a car without the use of their upper body.  The system is the first of its kind ...” [Link]
I find the two stories deeply inspiring. Jessica Cox shows the humanity that we gracefully accept what we are as a blessing from God and try the best to reach our potential – indeed, sky is the limit in a proverbial sense here, and Reem al-Marzouqi, a young Muslim woman, steps forward to facilitate more freedom to those who are constrained like Jessica Cox. We need to think at the level of humanity and rise above our pettiness and parochialism. Courage and resolution, combined with ingenuity and a little care, can help us push many frontiers, make positive differences to life of others, and make this world a little better place. This also constitutes an essential dimension of the Qur’anic dictum amal as-salihat, generally translated and understood as good, virtuous or righteous deeds, but in essence these deeds are not to be merely self-serving, but positively and affectionately touching other lives.

… [T]hose who attain faith and do righteous deeds('amilu as-salihat) We shall bring into gardens (Jannah) through which running waters flow, therein to abide beyond the count of time: this is, in truth, God's promise - and whose word could be truer than God's? [The Qur’an 4/an-Nisa/122]

The author is an economist and Islamic Finance expert in the Gulf Region. He can be reached at: You can also visit his website at:

The author is an economist and Islamic Finance expert in the Gulf Region. He can be reached at: You can also visit his website at:

As the dark winter nights grow longer and longer, Jews, Christians, and Muslims, who cry for the globally oppressed people such as the Rohingyas of Myanmar and the Uighurs in China, should celebrate the Jewish holy days of Hanukah. It can hold out hope that in the long run, faith and trust in God will give all victims the strength to rebuild their lives after the Jahili leaders, who crush innocent civilians will be gone.

Hanukah (December 22-30, 2019) is a special festival for Muslims and Jews. It (Hebrew for Dedication) refers to the re-dedication of the ancient Temple in Jerusalem after it was profaned in 168 BCE by an idol installed in it, by the Syrian Greek king Antiochus IV. It also refers to the dedication and valor of all those who joined in the resistance to the attempt by the political ruling powers to force the Jews to abandon their God given religion, and conform to Greek forms of worship and culture. Abandoning circumcision was one example.

Those who resisted were Muslims (Arabic for faithful followers of the one and only God's will) and their dedication eventually led to religious freedom and national independence for the Jews living in the Land of Israel.

The oppression of Judaism by Antiochus IV, the Syrian Greek king, was the first known attempt at suppressing a minority religion, but unfortunately not the last. Other well-known attempts were the three century long Roman persecution of Christianity, and the persecution of Prophet Muhammad(Peace Be Upon Him) and his followers by the great majority of the pagan Arabs in Makkah.
All three religions emerged from their varying periods of persecution stronger than ever, and this is the ongoing spiritual lesson of the Hanukah lamp that once lit by faithful believers, filled with hope and trust in God; lasts longer than anyone else thinks possible.

In 200 BCE, King Antiochus III of Syria defeated Egypt and made the Land of Israel a part of the Seleucid Empire. King Antiochus III, wanting to conciliate his new Jewish subjects, guaranteed their right to "live according to their ancestral customs" and to continue to practice their religion in the Temple of Jerusalem. However, in 175 BCE, his son Antiochus IV invaded Judea, to put in power a more pro-Syrian high Priest.

As the first century CE Jewish historian Josephus relates: "The king came upon the Jews with a great army, took their city by force, slew a great multitude of those that favored Egypt, and sent out his soldiers to plunder them without mercy. He also spoiled the temple (erecting an idol in it that looked like himself, and thus) put a stop to the daily offerings (to God) for three years and six months."

When the Temple in Jerusalem was looted and services stopped, Judaism was outlawed. In 167 BCE Antiochus IV (who named himself ‘God Manifest ') ordered an altar to Zeus be erected in the Temple. He banned circumcision and ordered pigs to be sacrificed at the altar of the Temple. This provoked a large-scale revolt. Mattityahu, a Jewish priest, and his five sons Jochanan Simeon, Eleazar, Jonathan, and Judah led a rebellion against Antiochus. By 165 BCE the Jewish revolt against the Seleucid monarchy was largely successful. The Temple was liberated and (Hanukah) rededicated. The festival of Hanukkah was institut

Judah Makabee ordered the Temple to be purified, and a new altar built in place of the one polluted by pig's blood. According to the Torah, pure olive oil was needed for the menorah in the Temple, which was required to burn day and night throughout the year. However, there was only enough pure oil found to burn for one day, and it would take a week to prepare a fresh supply of pure oil for the menorah.

Some said we should delay the Hanukah of the Temple for a week. Others said kindle the Temple Menorah and pray for it to last until new pure oil could be made. The menorah was lit; and it did not go out prior to the arrival of the new pure oil. An eight-day festival was declared by the Makabees to commemorate this miracle.

The reason for the Hanukah lights is not to "light the house within", but rather to "illuminate the house without," so passersby should see it and be reminded of the holiday's miracle. Thus, lamps are set up at a prominent window or near the door leading to the street. Some Ashkenazim (Jews from European Lands) have a separate menorah for each family member (customs vary), whereas most Sephardim (Jews from Muslim Lands) light one for the whole household.
According to the rabbis of the school of Rabbi Shamai, one should light eight candles on the first night, seven on the second night, and so on until only one candle is lit the last night of Hanukah. The lesson of the school of Shamai I think is that Hanukah celebrates the victory of the Makabees over the forces of assimilation. By decreasing the candles one by one we can observe how hard it is to see a daily reduction of light. Only at the end, when we go from one to none, do we suddenly realize that a steady decline in Jewishness leads, in a few decades for a person, or a few generations for a community, to extinction.
The opposite opinion comes from the school of Rabbi Hillel, who say we increase the number of candles each night for; “one must ascend in matters of holiness." Faith helps us grow stronger when we face challenges. This is one of life’s’ great miracles. Hope makes a difference. Don’t curse the darkness; light a candle.
Although Shamai’s warning is necessary, the miracle lies in the human response to a challenge. The Halachah (Fiq) is according to Hillel for a Jew must strive to go higher and higher in matters of light- i.e. Torah, Mitzvot and deeds of loving-kindness. Hillel’s way is the most optimistic because one light  which is used for lighting all the others, teaches us that the impact of one person's actions are cumulative and widespread.
AToday Hanukah is no longer a minor holiday as it was in Medieval times. Today, correctly understood, the issues it raises and the lessons it makes us aware of, make it one of the most important holy days in the Jewish calendar.
As the Bible states; there is a time for everything… a time for war and a time for peace. (Ecclesiastes 3:8) And as the Qur’an states: “'Believers, be steadfast in the cause of God and bear witness with justice. Do not let your enmity for others turn you away from justice. Deal justly; that is nearer to being God-fearing.” (5:8)
The oil reminds us that the hope for peace is stronger than the power of military might, and the victory of successful reconciliation is the best victory of all. Everyone knows how important for Muslims is fasting during Ramadan, and daily worship and prayer; but few know that Islam considers reconciling people better than many acts of worship.

Prophet Muhamma
LProphet Muhammad said: "Should I not tell you what is better in degree than prayer, fasting, and charity?" They (the companions) said: "Yes." He said: "Reconciling people, because grudges and disputes are a razor (that shaves off faith)." (Ahmad, Abu Dawood, and At-Tirmithi)

May we all shift from dreams of victory, lesser Jihad to visions of reconciling people, the greater Jihad. For the Prophet said: "The one who reconciles people is not considered a liar if he exaggerates what is good or says what is good." [Ahmad]

This is an excellent guide to dealing with the three-generation old Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Rather than focusing mostly on what the other side did to us, we all should focus on how the conflict has hurt all of us, and how much better our future would be if we could live next to each other in peace.
Allen S. Maller is an ordained Reform Rabbi who retired in 2006 after 39 years as the Rabbi of Temple Akiba in Culver City, California. His web site is: Rabbi Maller blogs in the Times of Israel. His book ‘Judaism and Islam as Synergistic Monotheisms: A Reform Rabbi's Reflections on the Profound Connectedness of Islam and Judaism’ (31 articles previously published by Islamic web sites) is for sale ($15) on Amazon.
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Onions: Where Sweet Meets Tangy

Category: Featured, Highlights, Life & Society Topics: Food, Health, Nutrition

Whether raw or sautéed, pickled or fried, onions always bring the unique taste of sweet and tangy to every meal. Known for their zesty flavor and pungent scent, they release chemicals that can irritate our eyes when chopped. Despite the tears, it doesn’t stop us from adding them to our favorite dishes. This delicious vegetable is packed with nutrients and brings bold flavor to salads, soups, meat, and seafood dishes.

The geographic origin of the onion is unknown due to its ancestor plant, the wild onion, being extinct. However, its use and cultivation go as far back as the Bronze Age of civilization. Ancient records exist of their cultivation in Western and Eastern civilizations, as far back as 5000 BCE. Onions were especially valued for their flavor, long shelf, and use in herbal and traditional medicine. Known as the bulb onion or common onion, it has a papery skin covering a shiny bulb with a notable strong smell.

The more well-known variety of onions come in three basic colors: yellow, red, and white. Yellow onions, or brown onions, referred to as red in some European countries, have a strong flavor due to the high sulfur content. They also have quercetin, a bitter flavored flavanol used as an ingredient in beverages and foods. About 90% of the onions grown in the United States are yellow onions. They are used to make French onion soup, sautéed dishes, and shish kebabs. When caramelized, they turn dark brown, giving a savory flavor.

Red onions, known as purple onions in Europe, are brightly colored with red-purplish skin and white flesh. Generally eaten raw or lightly cooked, red onions are often used to garnish salads. Their reddish skins add a pop of color and sharp taste to a sea of leafy green vegetables. They have a mild to sweet flavor and are higher in fiber and flavonoids when compared to yellow and white onions.

White onions have a sweet and mild taste and are considered a staple food in Mexican cuisine. They are golden brown when sautéed. Small white onions, known as boiler onions, are used in soups, stews, casseroles, and salads. There is also a certain type of white onion known as a sweet onion. Its low sulfur and high-water content make it less smelly and milder than other onions. Plus, you won’t cry when you cut them!

There are other types of vegetables that belong to the onion family, such as leeks, chives, shallots, and spring onions. Because they have long, thin green shoots, most people don’t associate them with bulb-shaped onions. Green onion, or scallions, also belong to this family. Processed forms of onions are available such as onion powder and dried minced onions. These can be a great substitute for when there’s no time for cutting. Onion salt, a mixture of salt and ground onion powder, is also a quick way to add flavor to any meat or vegetable dish.

Onions are mentioned in the Quran as one of the many delicious vegetables requested by the Children of Israel.  “And [recall] when you said, "O Moses, we can never endure one [kind of] food. So call upon your Lord to bring forth for us from the earth its green herbs and its cucumbers and its garlic and its lentils and its onions. "…” (Quran 2:61)

Onions are tasty, but they cause smelly breath, which can be bothersome to your fellow worshippers at the mosque. Therefore, the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him [PBUH]), encourages us to avoid attending the mosque after eating onions. Of course, some simple dental hygiene can combat this problem. Some toothpaste and mouthwash go a long way! Narrated Mu'awiyah ibn Qurrah: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) forbade these two plants (i.e. garlic and onions), and he said: He who eats them should not come near our mosque. If it is necessary to eat them, make them dead by cooking, that is, onions and garlic.

If it is necessary to eat them, make them dead by cooking, that is, onions and garlic.—Sunan Abi Dawud, Book 27, Hadith 3818. Cooking to death, a phrase still used in culinary culture, means cooking them for a long period of time. Your friends, family, and your fellow worshippers at the mosque will appreciate it.

Onions have many health benefits. One medium-sized onion has 44 calories. "Onions are super-healthy," says Victoria Jarzabkowski, a nutritionist with the Fitness Institute of Texas at the University of Texas at Austin. "They are excellent sources of vitamin C, sulfuric compounds, flavonoids, and phytochemicals." Vitamin C helps regulate our immunity, tissue repair, and iron absorption. Vitamin C is also an antioxidant, a compound that helps prevent damage caused by free radicals or harmful molecules. They also contain Vitamin B, including folate (B9) and pyridoxine (B6), and potassium. Vitamin B promotes metabolism, red blood cell production, and nerve function. Potassium is good for cardiovascular health, bone strength, and muscle strength.

Want to know how to avoid “onion eyes?” Cutting onions in a small pool of water can help keep the gases from contacting your eyes. Cutting the onion near running water, using a fan, or opening a window for a fresh source of air also helps. Refrigerating the onions before use reduces the enzyme reaction rate. Also, the more one exposes themselves to cutting onions, the less tears there will be.
Kelly Izdihar Crosby is an artist and editorial assistant living in Atlanta, GA.

Reprinted from the Fall 2019 issue of Halal Consumer© magazine with permission from the Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of America (IFANCA®) and Halal Consumer© magazine.

Coming of the Prophet According to Bible

Category: Faith & Spirituality, Featured, Highlights Topics: Bible, Prophet Jesus (Isa), Prophet Muhammad (S)

According to the Quran, Prophet Muhammad's coming was foreshadowed by earlier prophets and their scriptures. Surah 7:157 states, "Those who follow the messenger, the unlettered prophet of whom they find written in their sources, in the Torah and the Gospel. He directs them to what is just and forbids them from evil. And he permits them wholesome things and forbids them filthy things. He removes their burden for them, and the yokes that were on them." This verse is explicitly clear that the earlier divine scriptures foretold the coming of the Prophet Muhammad. Let us highlight those passages in the Bible that refer to the coming of the prophet, Prophet Muhammad.

First, we read in John 1:19-21:

This is the testimony of John, when the Jews sent to him priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him, "Who are you?" And he confessed and did not deny, but confessed, "I'm not the Christ." They asked him, "What then? Are you Elijah?" And he said "I am not." "Are you the Prophet?" And he answered, "No".

From this conversation between John the Baptist and Jewish priests, we learn that the Jews are awaiting the coming of three distinct people: the Christ, Elijah, and the Prophet. We now know that Jesus was the Christ and Messiah whom the Jews denied but the Muslims later affirmed. This leaves Elijah and the Prophet. With respect to Elijah, it is believed by Jews and some Christians that he has not yet returned but will do so to announce the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

Thus, we need to account for The Prophet. Even today the Jews are still awaiting his arrival and the Christians believe Jesus Christ was the Prophet. This latter assertion of Christians is impossible because it is clear from John 1:21 as well as John 1:25 that "The Prophet" is a separate and distinct person from Elijah and the Christ. John 1:25 states "Why than are you, John the Baptist, baptizing, if you are not the Christ, nor Elijah, nor the Prophet?" The questioning priests were trying to identify whether John the Baptist was one of these three individuals. The knowledge of the coming of these three was known not only by Jewish priests but also ordinary Jews. This is supported by John 7:40-41 which clearly identifies the distinction that Jewish people are making with regard to Jesus of Nazareth. John 7:40-41 states, "Some of the people, therefore, when they heard these words were saying this certainly is the Prophet. Others were saying, 'This is the Christ.'" Hence, we can reasonably assert that the Prophet and the Christ are two separate and distinct men of God.

We know that Jesus Christ was a prophet, just as John the Baptist was. On the other hand, Muslims claim that Prophet Muhammad was the Prophet that Jews were asking about in the above passage. In fact, in the entire Quran, which is longer than both the Torah and the New Testament, the name "Muhammad" appears only four times. God addresses Prophet Muhammad as "the Prophet" or "the Messenger". However, the Jews came to deny his Prophet Hood when they learned that he was the descendant of Ishmael and a non-Jew. Obviously, this is not a valid reason to reject any prophet of God, let alone the Prophet. The fact is that the Jews believed then and even today that they alone are God's chosen people. If such a claim were true, what would have happened to all the Gentiles who had not received divine guidance, especially the descendants of Ishmael as they had a covenant with God? We as Muslims believe that it would be an act of injustice if God had exclusively sent guidance to Jews while neglecting other communities.

Moreover, it was prophesied that there would come a time when the prophet would be passed from Judah and the Children of Israel to another community.

In Isaiah

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Indian police attack on students unites Indians in protest

Category: Asia, Featured, Highlights, World Affairs Topics: Hindutva, India, Indian Muslims

AND so Prime Minister Modi and his Man Friday, the home minister, seem to have lost the plot, which they were destined to do anyway. They had embarked on a mission from Gujarat in 2002 to “unite the Hindus and divide the rest” with a communal purpose enshrined in Hindutva.

With the widely disputed Citizenship Amendment Act and the National Register of Citizens (NRC) they were hoping to get a clean shot at India’s secular constitution. The citizenship act was enacted to exclude Muslims from a law that would open the doors apparently to refugees of every religious stripe from three countries — Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan. The chief ministers of Hindu-majority West Bengal, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Chhattisgarh and Delhi’s Arvind Kejriwal have put the spoke in Modi’s wheel. They say they won’t implement the unconstitutional law.

Rather than uniting Hindus against Muslims, what the duo have succeeded in doing is to alienate their own hardcore allies, namely the right-wing Shiv Sena and those erring Hindutva fans that had elected the Bharatiya Janata Party government in Assam. The Modi-Shah pair has thus sparked a fire that now threatens to singe them and engulf the country.

Muslims and non-Muslims have been staging unprecedented rallies in scores of cities. Two were killed in police firing in Assam and serious injuries were feared in police action against students of Delhi’s Jamia Millia University. Clearly, the BJP has bitten off more than it can chew. The Assamese and other denizens of north-eastern states may be making a regressive demand in wanting alleged Muslim migrants to be expelled. But they do not want the Hindus to stay either. This flies in the face of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh’s promise that no Hindu would be forced to leave the country. The battle lines are drawn.

The chief ministers of Hindu-majority West Bengal, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Chhattisgarh and Delhi’s Arvind Kejriwal have put the spoke in Modi’s wheel.
A cursory survey shows that it is no longer a Hindu-Muslim binary for the BJP. The Shiv Sena, not a great anchor of support for Muslims, walked out of the vote on citizenship amendment, calling it communal. Interestingly, the Modi-Shah duo has done something that Nehru and Gandhi must have died craving for. They managed to successfully invoke unusual praise for Jawaharlal Nehru and Mahatma Gandhi from Pakistan’s foreign ministry of all the places. It is another matter that the expression of affection is late by 70 years when it could have shepherded history towards a revolutionary possibility. Yet, the fact that it has come at all is significant.

Modi’s opponents are challenging the essential reason for the new law, to exclude Muslims and include everyone else from the three Muslim-majority countries in South Asia. The north-eastern states see this as a betrayal, while the rest of the opposition sees it as an affront to the constitution, in particular the preamble, which promises equality to all citizens in the secular project called India.

Women have been at the forefront of the protests in Assam and elsewhere. Savour the poem by Parinitha Shetty, a much-loved woman writer-activist. The poem I refuse to be has been rather well-received (and trolled) on the social media.

The gripping lines sum up the fight majority of Hindu men and women are fighting hand in hand with Muslims against Modi’s and Shah’s majoritarian worldview. Writes Shetty:

“I refuse to be the Hindu you want to shape me into.

I refuse to be the Hindu vote which will sustain the insane authority of your power.

I refuse to be the saffron of your Hindu flag that you bear like a sword ready to kill.

I refuse to be the Hindu for whom Rama can only be worshipped in the

“I refuse to be the Hindu you want to shape me into.

I refuse to be the Hindu vote which will sustain the insane authority of your power.

I refuse to be the saffron of your Hindu flag that you bear like a sword ready to kill.

I refuse to be the Hindu for whom Rama can only be worshipped in the temple you will build after reducing a mosque to rubble.

I refuse the citizenship of your Hindu Nation in which Muslims will not be my equals as fellow citizens.

I refuse to be a Hindu who does not recognise that dead soldiers are the price we pay

For dividing ourselves as Hindus from those who are our own.

I refuse to be a Hindu who is made to recognise herself in the images of inhuman monsters you hold before me and which you claim are my reflections in a mirror.
I refuse to be the Hindu for whom Rama can only be worshipped in the temple you will build after reducing a mosque to rubble.

I refuse the citizenship of your Hindu Nation in which Muslims will not be my equals as fellow citizens.

I refuse to be a Hindu who does not recognise that dead soldiers are the price we pay

For dividing ourselves as Hindus from those who are our own.

I refuse to be a Hindu who is made to recognise herself in the images of inhuman monsters you hold before me and which you claim are my reflections in a mirror.

I refuse to allow you to crush the many-splendoured, many hued, glorious, joyous, infinitely spiritual, creatively mutating and deeply compassionate possibilities of being a Hindu,

into the slogan of hate

into the rhetoric of fear

into the prison of bigotry

into the law of the tyrant

into a fragmented nation.

I refuse to be the Hindu you want me to be And I will defy every effort of yours to dehumanise me And shape me into that monstrous creature you call by the name Hindu.”
The current phase of the Modi-Shah plot was recently tested in Jammu and Kashmir. Badgered Kashmiris more so today than ever before want not to be part of India, but they are stopped from acting on this quest with brute military force. Indian Muslims, on the other hand, have always taken a more involved view. They toiled to make the country work in a spirit of secular democracy as promised by the largest democracy’s founding fathers. Muslims had everything to gain from the secular statute as the guarantor of a multicultural polity, and much to lose from its disuse. They know now that they are no longer alone in the tryst.

AJawed Naqvi is Dawn’s correspondent in Delhi.

( Published in Dawn, December 17th, 2019 )

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Jesus (PBUH) - The Spiritual Ascetic

Category: Faith & Spirituality, Featured, Highlights Topics: Heart, Materialism, Prophet Jesus (Isa) Values: Devotion, Spirituality

The Prophet's saying "make zuhd from the dunya" [Ibn Majah] does not imply a disregard for this world, but rather an awareness of the transient nature of the worldly material things which are insignificant in relation to the permanence of what Allah promises ... "All that is with you is bound to come to an end, whereas that which is with God is everlasting. And most certainly shall We grant unto those who are patient in adversity their reward in accordance with the best that they ever did." [Qur'an 16:96].

Zuhd in perspective

Zuhd entails abandoning whatever of this world that does not bring about benefit in the Hereafter. Zuhd resides in the heart, and is practiced by ridding the heart of enslavement from the unwarranted desire and the over-attentiveness to things that are temporary. It entails your being more certain in what Allah has in store for you, than your are about what you have in your hand . As Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said; "When Allah desires goodness for his servant, He grants the capacity of abstention from materialism, a desire for the Hereafter and an insight into his own faults".

Zuhd of 'Isa/Jesus (pbuh)

'Isa/Jesus (pbuh) was the embodiment of the true zaahid. Ka'b al-Ahbar said; Jesus the son of Mary would walk bare-footed, claiming nothing in the way of shelter, finery, wares, garments, or money; of the latter he would procure only enough to subsist for the day. Once the sun would set, he would align himself and pray until morning. He would restore sight to the blind, heal those afflicted with leprosy, and revive the dead - all with the license of God. He was ascetic in matters of this world, vigorously exuberant towards the hereafter, ever-vigilant in his devotions to God. He was an itinerant who wandered the earth.....It was then that God raised him up to the heavens.

The Messiah (pbuh) said: "Asceticism / Abstention from materialism revolves around three days; Yesterday, which has passed and from it you should seek admonition / learn a lesson; Today, in which you should increase your preparation; Tomorrow of which you know not what is holds. [Musnad Ahmed]

The Messiah (pbuh) said: "O Children of Israel! I have been positioned on earth with a particular status, and there is neither pompousness nor arrogance. Do you know where my residence really is?" They said, " Where is your residence, O Spirit of Allah." The Messiah replied, "My home is any place of worship, my perfume is water, hunger is the flavoring of my food, my feet are my transport, my lamp at the night is the moon, my blanket in the winter is (the rising of the sun) east of the earth, my food is basic, my fruit and flowers are whatever grows from the earth, my garment is wool, my motto is fear of Allah and I accompany the sick and the poor. I sleep while I have nothing and I wake up while I have nothing, and yet there is no one on earth wealthier than I." [Bihaar al-Anwaar]

Taking a Collective Lesson from the Messiah (pbuh) Muslims and Christians do have differing perspectives on Jesus' life and teachings, but his spiritual legacy, as a righteous and principled guide, his mission as a Prince of Peace offers an alternative opportunity for people of faith to recognize their shared religious heritage. Christians and Muslims would do well to reflect on the verse in the Quran reaffirming Allah's eternal message of spiritual unity: "Say: 'We believe in God and the revelation given to us and to Abraham, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and message given to Moses and Jesus, and that given to (all) Prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, t his spiritual legacy, as a righteous and principled guide, his mission as a Prince of Peace offers an alternative opportunity for people of faith to recognize their shared religious heritage. Christians and Muslims would do well to reflect on the verse in the Quran reaffirming Allah's eternal message of spiritual unity: "Say: 'We believe in God and the revelation given to us and to Abraham, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and message given to Moses and Jesus, and that given to (all) Prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and it is unto Him that we surrender ourselves.'" [Quran 2:136]


Shaykh Sadullah Khan is the Director of Impower Development International

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Harmony Between Descendants of Prophets

Category: Faith & Spirituality, Featured, Highlights Topics: Interfaith, Jews, Prophet Ishaq (Isaac), Prophet Ismail (Ishmail), Prophets Values: Peace, Respect, Unity

For over a decade I have written more than 70 articles about positive Islamic-Jewish connections that have been posted on Muslim websites. And for 25 years, Rabbi Ron Kronish, the Founding Director the Interreligious Coordinating Council in Israel (ICCI) has been doing such work in Israel. He has recently written the following article, which I am going to elaborate upon. Every year Jews in synagogues worldwide read Genesis chapters 21 and 22 on the first and second days of Rosh Hashanah; the Jewish New Year Festival.

Rabbi Kronish writes: “I have always been mindful that on these very special days—our “High Holidays”—we read about [Prophet Ishmael as well as [Prophet] Isaac. Reading about the patriarch of the Arab people is part of our Jewish tradition because these foundational events are essential to our identity as Jews. Chapter 21—the story of the birth and banishment of Ishmael—establishes our Jewish connection to all of God’s non-Jewish children.

“When God saw that Ishmael was suffering and about to die, the text tells us that the Tawhid God of the Hebrew Bible hears the voice of all children, including Ishmael, where they are at, in their existential situations, in their suffering and misery, as well as in their joyous and hopeful moments, anywhere in the world. This is a universal God, as we learned earlier in Genesis, whereby every human being is created in the image of God.

“After these events we next hear about [Prophet] Ishmael a few chapters later, when [Prophet] Isaac and [Prophet] Ishmael meet again (Genesis 25:9) at the funeral of their father {Prophet] Abraham. Estranged brothers (or sisters) meeting at the funeral of a parent; ever heard of that in today’s families?

“Rabbi Harold Kushner, the editor of the Conservative movements Etz Chaim commentary on the Torah, offers this poignant commentary on this verse: “Isaac and Ishmael are reunited at their father’s funeral, a sign that Ishmael has changed his ways and matured. Although he could not have forgotten how his father treated him; Prophet Ishmael had [long ago] forgiven Abraham for having been a less-than-perfect father.”.

Islamic and Jewish tradition both agree that Prophet Abraham visited Prophet Ishmael’s distant home on at least two different occasions to make sure that his family relationships were suitable.

These pre and post funeral reconciliations would be why the Torah describes Abraham as ‘contented’ in his old age. Can we see this as a very good model for family reconciliations [today by] forgiving old hurts? And can it also become a model for the descendants of Prophet Ishmael and Prophet Isaac, contemporary Arabs and Israeli Jews, to find the grounds to attain post military funerals, forgiveness, and reconciliation?

“Can the descendants of Isaac and Ishmael reconcile with each other, and reduce the number of  funerals [in the Middle East]? In other words, can Jews and Muslims in the contemporary world coexist with one another? In Israel? In America? Wherever Jews and Muslims are living in the same communities, countries and regions?”

Rabbi Kronish’s answer is Yes. “But it is not that simple. Jews and Muslims have to overcome some deeply ingrained negative stereotypes of each other. Some of this comes from our understanding –or purposeful misunderstanding — of our sacred texts, which can be very problematic and often lead to negative stereotyping.

Some of it comes from our limited understanding of our histories, which are often inaccurate and incomplete. Much of it comes these days from the mainstream media and from social media, which often spread disinformation about each other’s religions and cultures viciously and viral

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Aung San Suu Kyi: The Bama Supremacist

Aung San Suu Kyi representing Myanmar at the UN court in The Hague. Source:
Category: Asia, Featured, Highlights, World Affairs Topics: Aung San Suu Kyi, Human Rights, International Court Of Justice, Myanmar, Rohingya

An extraordinary event took place on Thursday (December 12, 2019) in The Hague, the Netherlands. An  International Court of Justice (ICJ) panel wound up the first phase of a legal process aimed at determining whether Myanmar committed an act of genocide against the Rohingya ethnic minority. It is the first step toward justice for the Rohingya people: our world’s longest-suffering and most persecuted people.

In August 2017, under the pretext of counterterrorism operation, the Buddhist-dominated Myanmar military launched a genocidal campaign that killed tens of thousands of Rohingya Muslims and drove nearly a million of them into the neighboring Bangladesh.

The case against Myanmar was brought about by the tiny African nation of The Gambia whose attorney general and justice minister, Abubacarr Marie Tambadou, urged the ICJ to impose protective “provisional measures” to prevent further killings and genocide of the Rohingya people in Myanmar.

Aung San Suu Kyi, the de facto leader of Myanmar, appeared at the world court to defend the indefensible. She responded to the accusation by dismissing it as an “incomplete and misleading factual picture of the situation.” The violence had been triggered by terrorist attacks from the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA), she claimed. She argued that the UN court should not have jurisdiction: “Myanmar requests the court to remove the case from its list.”

Suu Kyi’s defense was simply farcical. When Suu Kyi rose to denounce genocide charges against her country at the “world court,” three victims of Myanmar’s genocidal campaign were sitting close behind her – disbelieving and seething with anger. The three - Hamida Khatun, Yousuf Ali and Hasina Begum - had travelled from the sprawling Kutupalong refugee camp outside Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh to sit on the legal delegation attending the ICJ’s emergency hearing.

Those Rohingya victims were not the only ones who were irritated with what they were hearing from Suu Kyi, once touted – rather wrongly - as the ‘democracy-icon’ by the international community. She has long proven to be a fake icon who is utterly immoral, a Bama supremacist and a bigot.

The Rohingya survivor - Ali arrived in The Hague with a treasured archive of personal Myanmar documents and photographs, which he displayed with pride. “They say we are Bengali immigrants, but these papers show we have a right to residency,” he said. “I brought these papers so that [Suu Kyi] could not lie about us not belonging. There should be equal rights for all the groups in the country. She has persecuted us, and we need to let the world know. It was very difficult to remain silent in court.”

Suu Kyi remains unrepentant and is in the denial of the truth to this very day. One may recall her interviews with the press during the European tour in June of 2012 when she said that she did not know whether the Rohingya people were Myanmar nationals or illegal Bengali immigrants. Her answer raised eyebrows in many quarters. Just as she demonstrated once again in her ICJ response, she would not even utter the ‘R (Rohingya)’ word, which has been a taboo in Buddhist Myanmar to deny the very existence of this very people. The Rohingya are wrongly depicted as outsiders simply because of their religious and ethnic identities that are dissimilar to the Buddhist majority living inside today’s Myanmar (formerly Burma). Deliberately ignored are the facts that their forefathers (the so-called Bengalis) were the first settlers to the coastal territories of Arakan (Rakhine) before the Mongoloids (the Tibeto-Burmans) moved in there in the second half of the 10th centu.
Walk on Water: The Wisdom of Jesus

Category: Faith & Spirituality, Featured, Highlights Topics: Dhikr (Rememberance Of Allah), Prophet Jesus (Isa) Values: Hope, Knowledge, Love, Patience, Wisdom

The following sayings of Jesus (peace be upon him) from traditional Arabic sources are excerpted from Walk on Water, a book by Hamza Yusuf:

According to Ahmad, Jesus peace be upon him was known to have said, "Virtuous action does not consist in doing good to someone who has done good to you that is merely returning a favor. A virtuous action consists in doing good to those who have wronged you." (Ahmad)

According to Malik b. Anas, Jesus, the son of Mary, said, "Do not speak much without remembering God, for by doing so, you harden your hearts. Surely a hard heart is distant from God though you are unaware. Do not, like lords, look at the faults of others. Rather, like servants, look at your own faults. In truth, humanity is comprised of only two types, the afflicted and the sound. So show mercy to the afflicted, and praise God for well-being." (Muwatta of Malik)

According to Hilal b. Yusuf, Jesus, the son of Mary, said, "If a day of fasting comes upon one of you, let him oil his hair and beard; let him moisten his lips lest others know he is fasting. If he gives alms with his right hand, let him conceal that from his left; should he pray, let him draw the curtain across his door. Surely, God apportions praise to people just as provision is apportioned." (Ibn al -Mubarak)

According to Salim b. Abi al-Ja'd, Jesus, the son of Mary, said, "Work for God and not for your stomachs. Look at the birds: they rise up at dawn and enter into the evening having neither planted nor harvested, yet God provides for them. Now if you say to me, 'Our stomachs are so much larger than those of birds,' look then at the oxen, the wild beasts, and the donkeys; they neither plow nor harvest the earth, yet God provides for them as well. Beware of the luxuries of this world, and fear them, for the luxuries of this world are filth in the sight of God." (Ibn Al -Mubarak )

The following sayings of Jesus (peace be upon him) from traditional Arabic sources are excerpted from Walk on Water, a book by Hamza Yusuf:

According to Ahmad, Jesus peace be upon him was known to have said, "Virtuous action does not consist in doing good to someone who has done good to you that is merely returning a favor. A virtuous action consists in doing good to those who have wronged you." (Ahmad)

According to Malik b. Anas, Jesus, the son of Mary, said, "Do not speak much without remembering God, for by doing so, you harden your hearts. Surely a hard heart is distant from God though you are unaware. Do not, like lords, look at the faults of others. Rather, like servants, look at your own faults. In truth, humanity is comprised of only two types, the afflicted and the sound. So show mercy to the afflicted, and praise God for well-being." (Muwatta of Malik)

According to Hilal b. Yusuf, Jesus, the son of Mary, said, "If a day of fasting comes upon one of you, let him oil his hair and beard; let him moisten his lips lest others know he is fasting. If he gives alms with his right hand, let him conceal that from his left; should he pray, let him draw the curtain across his door. Surely, God apportions praise to people just as provision is apportioned." (Ibn al -Mubarak)

According to Salim b. Abi al-Ja'd, Jesus, the son of Mary, said, "Work for God and not for your stomachs. Look at the birds: they rise up at dawn and enter into the evening having neither planted nor harvested, yet God provides for them. Now if you say to me, 'Our stomachs are so much larger than those of birds,' look then at the oxen, the wild beasts, and the donkeys; they neither plow nor harvest the earth, yet God provides for them as well. Beware of the luxuries of this world, and fear them, for the luxuries of this world are filth in the sight of God." (Ibn Al -Mubarak )

It is related that Jesus, the son of Mary,  said, "It is of no use to know something if one does not act upon it. In truth, an abundance of knowledge only increases one in pride if one does not act accordingly." (Ahmad)

Once someone asked Jesus,"How are you able to walk on water?" Jesus replied, "With certainty." Then someone said, "But we also have certainty!" Jesus then asked them, "Are stone, clay, and gold equal in your eyes?" They replied, "Certainly not!" Jesus responded, "They are in mine." (Ahmad)

Jesus, the son of Mary, was known to have said, "Love of this world is the source of every wrong action, and there is much harm in wealth." They asked, "What is its harm?"

Jesus replied, "Its possessor is never safe from pride and arrogance." They said, "What if he is free of those two? Is there still harm?" Jesus responded, "Yes, for by nurturing his wealth, he is diverted from the remembrance of God." (Ahmad)

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