7 reasons why you should eat bitter kola and bitter leaves

7 reasons why you should eat bitter kola

Bitter Kola also known as Garcinia kola is a tropical flowering plant found in western and central Africa and it produces brown, nut-like seeds.

It has been used in African culture for centuries for both traditional and medicinal purposes. It contains dimeric flavonoid, lipase inhibitor which is believed to have many healing benefits.

In Yoruba land it is called Orogbo. The Hausas call it Miji-goro, while it is called Akiilu by the Igbos.
Health benefits of bitter kola

Bitter Kola was eaten mostly by the elderly people because of their belief that it could prolong life. But the truth is that researches in modern science have revealed that bitter kola contains chemical compounds that will help the breakdown of glycogen in the liver and has other medicinal uses which account for its longevity property in man.
Bitter kola is anti-poison too, it has the ability to repel evil men and spirits, it could sound superstitious but it works.

The naturalist even said that the seed and the bark of bitter kola should be eaten together in cases where food poisoning is suspected, “it helps to detoxify the system”. Indeed, it really works!

This write-up highlights seven health values of bitter kola and why eating it should be encouraged:

1. Bitter kola and malaria

Considerable experimental studies found that chemical constituents in bitter kola have anti-malaria properties. That aside, traditional healers have for many years prescribed bitter kola for the treatment of malaria infections.

Researchers who reported that bitter kola had anti-malaria effect in the 2010 issue of Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, from a survey of plants used by traditional healers in the Democratic Republic of Congo, attributed this to its quinones content.
Health benefits of bitter kola

Bitter Kola was eaten mostly by the elderly people because of their belief that it could prolong life. But the truth is that researches in modern science have revealed that bitter kola contains chemical compounds that will help the breakdown of glycogen in the liver and has other medicinal uses which account for its longevity property in man.

“Bitter kola is anti-poison too, it has the ability to repel evil men and spirits, it could sound superstitious but it works.

The naturalist even said that the seed and the bark of bitter kola should be eaten together in cases where food poisoning is suspected, “it helps to detoxify the system”. Indeed, it really works!

This write-up highlights seven health values of bitter kola and why eating it should be encouraged:

1. Bitter kola and malaria

Considerable experimental studies found that chemical constituents in bitter kola have anti-malaria properties. That aside, traditional healers have for many years prescribed bitter kola for the treatment of malaria infections.

Researchers who reported that bitter kola had anti-malaria effect in the 2010 issue of Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, from a survey of plants used by traditional healers in the Democratic Republic of Congo, attributed this to its quinones content.

Further more, kolaviron, the powerful chemical compound found in bitter kola, was reportedly tested on a malaria parasite and found to inhibit malarial activity.

2. Bitter kola and lung functions

Bitter kola (Garcinia kola) has been used for centuries to treat chest colds in traditional medicine, but research has taken a look and found out why it is effective. A study in the 2009 issue of The Internet Journal of Pulmonary Medicine, performed on mice, reports that Garcinia kola improved respiratory function after 28 days of use of a Garcinia extract.

Written by Simon Adekunle of the Ekiti State University in Nigeria, the study shows that Garcinia kola works by dilating the alveolar ducts and sacs in the lungs by improving the strength of the fibers in the lung tissue. Bitter kola’s beneficial lung properties are attributed to its high antioxidant content.

3. Bitter kola and eye pressure (Glaucoma)    

An increase in eye pressure can lead to glaucoma, according to a report from The New York Times Health Guide. Researchers at Lagos University Teaching Hospital in Nigeria tested the effectiveness of eye drops that contained 0.5 percent extract of Garcinia kola. The results of their study, published in the January 2010 issue of Middle East African Journal of Opthamology, showed that the opthamolic solution that contained the Garcinia significantly reduced eye pressure when used twice a day.

4. Bitter kola and weight loss

Bitter Kola has been known to be a natural hunger suppressant and also increases the urge to drink more water.

5. Bitter kola and HIV/AIDS

Bitter kola is a potent antibiotic which could be efficacious in the treatment of HIV and AIDS. A researcher with the Nigeria Natural Medicine Development Agency (NNMDA), Mrs. Chinyere Nwokeke said that bitter kola could be used in treating opportunistic infections associated with HIV.

She said: “Bitter kola is highly recommended in the treatment of HIV and AIDS because of its antibacterial, detoxification, and cleansing properties”. She also said that the chemical, Saponin, in bitter kola is responsible for its cleansing effect. Saponin is mainly used as tonic for the liver, it enhances the functions of the liver and gall bladder.

6. Bitter kola and male fertility

Garcinia kola, also called bitter kola is sometimes believed to cure impotence. Frequent taking of bitter kola boosts a man’s performance in bed with a woman.
Remedy and osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis, characterised by pain, inflammation and limited movement in the joints, according to the National Institutes of Health. Causes of osteoarthritis can include joint injury, obesity and aging.

Since many arthritis sufferers prefer natural herbal medicines to other pain relievers and medications, researchers at Obafemi Awolowo University in Nigeria tested the effects of Garcinia kola against arthritis symptoms. The results of the study, written by Olayinka O. Adegbehingbe and published in the July 2008 issue of the Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research, conclude that Garcinia kola significantly reduced inflammation and pain and increased joint movement in subjects that had osteoarthritis symptoms.

Another importance of bitter kola is that its repels snakes. It can be used to chase snakes away. For snake prevention, spread it around the building.

It would be recalled that Nigeria’s world renowned Professor, Maurice Iwu during the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) said bitter kola could be used to prevent EVD.

10 amazing health benefits of bitter leaf

Bitter leaf is a leafy green plant that contains high amounts of iron and is used in cooking different types of soups and stews in Nigeria. This leaf thereby functions as a vegetable when it is being cooked and eaten as food

Bitter leaf is a leafy green plant that contains high amounts of iron and is used in cooking different types of soups and stews in Nigeria. This leaf thereby functions as a vegetable when it is being cooked and eaten as food

The scientific name of this plant is Vernonia amygdalina, it is known as Ewuro to the Yorubas, Onugbu by the Igbos and Chusa-doki  by the Hausas.

It is known for its characteristic bitter taste which turns sweet after a while. Every part of this plant is bitter even though its bitterness is highly beneficial to the body. It is also known for its medicinal purposes and is often used as a home remedy in the treatment of certain ailments.

There are so many health benefits accrued to bitter leaf and it would be awesome for people to include it more in their diets in order to promote healthy living. Luckily for Nigerians, this plant grows almost everywhere; some people have it in their compounds as weeds while some plant it.

Bitter leaf could also be used in giving life lessons; the bitter-sweet taste of the plant shows the amount of hard work and toil people have to put into their dreams in order for them to reap a bounty harvest. This means that bitterness comes before sweetness.

Find below some of the health benefits of taking bitter leaf:

1. Useful in toning vital organs

The liver is one of the most important organs in the body, there are many vital functions that it performs. It is the largest organ in the body and it helps in the production of bile acid which is important for fat metabolism.

Bitter leaf helps in maintaining the liver as it helps it to function properly. The liver is a delicate organ that should not be damaged, it is healthy for people with liver problems to drink water boiled with the bitter leaf.

2. Helps in the control of cholesterol

Including bitter leaf in your diet would help you reduce the cholesterol in your body. High level of cholesterol promotes Alzheimer, stroke and heart attack.

This means consuming bitter leaf would help reduce the bad cholesterol (LDL) while increasing the good cholesterol.

3. Helps to fight breast cancer

Ten out of hundred women are at risk of having breast cancer; in order to reduce the chances of developing breast cancer, it is important to maintain a healthy weight and be physically active.

Including bitter leaf in your diet can help lessen the risk of breast cancer. Bitter leaf also increases breast milk production in nursing mothers.

4. High in antioxidants

There are some antioxidant properties contained in bitter leaf. When this plant is being cooked and eaten, it helps fight diseases. It would also help reduce the growth of precancerous cells that may be found due to oxidation.

5. It aids digestion

Bitter leaf (like every other vegetable) can assist the body with digestion as it contains fibre. It could also be used as a purgative when stomach problems like constipation are being experienced. It also helps the body to get rid of worms.

6. Helps in the treatment of fever

Bitter leaf can help in the treatment of fever; the juice is being extracted by squeezing the leaves. Taking this would help reduce pain and help the body to function well.

7. Essential for skin treatment

Bitter leaf contains some antibiotic and anti-fungal properties that could help cure skin diseases. Skin reactions like ringworm, eczema could be treated using bitter leaf.

8. Helps in detoxifying the body

Another importance of bitter leaf lies in its cleansing ability. It could be used to cleanse the body and also as a cure for piles.

9. Regulation of sugar level

Diabetic patients can take bitter leaf as it helps in the regulation of sugar level in the blood. It also helps repair impaired pancreas as it helps the pancreas to release the right amount of insulin needed to maintain the right sugar level in the blood. The juice from this leaf is highly beneficial to the body.
10. Helps in weight loss

Those who are interested in shedding weight can take bitter leaf as it helps in increasing metabolism which is highly helpful in maintaining a healthy weight.

6 homemade remedies to solve your facial skin problems

Do you know that you really don't have to break the bank in other to get a healthy glowing spotless beautiful face? There are very simple and homemade remedies to whatever facial skin problems you may be having. Here are a few things you can do to have a spotless, glowing, beautiful face.

1. Banana mask

Do you know that banana is packed with some incredible amount of nutrients, it contains vitamin E, A, and B, as well as a reasonable amount of potassium. So in fixing your beauty problems banana is a great option. Mash a ripe banana and apply on your face and skin. Let it sit on your face for 15 minutes and then rinse it off with cold water.

2. Semolina flour
A simple mixture of semolina flour with milk can actually give you the clean, glowing skin you desire? Make a mixture of semolina and milk, apply to your face, and leave it until it dries. Wash away with warm water.

P. S not semovita oh!!

3. Egg

Even though they smell funny when raw and we all hate to have it near our bodies , Eggs are high in protein, minerals, and vitamins which are very effective in repairing your skin. Take the white of the egg, yogurt and lemon juice, beat it until it forms a paste. Apply it all over your face. Leave it for 15 minutes and then wash it off with warm water.

4. Lemon juice

Lemons are always very useful when it comes to skin problems because it is rich in Vitamin C, which helps in skin lightening. Thus, this remedy helps you to get rid of spots and blemishes and paves the way for clear, flawless skin.

Sugar is a great exfoliant and lemon can be used to brighten skin. Mix the juice of a lemon with sugar to make a paste. Scrub it over your face in circular motion and leave it for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water, being sure that all the sugar has dissolved away.
5. Milk and honey

If you are are looking for a glowing face, a little milk and honey mixture can do the magic. Add two table spoons of milk and a table spoon of honey whisk together and then apply on your face. Allow it to sit for a couple of minutes then wash your face.

6. Potato slice

Potatoes contain natural enzymes that have bleaching properties. Hence, using a potato slice for treating spots, blemishes, and discolorations can help you get that clear, flawless skin. Slice a potato into half take one side rub on your face and wash off you can do this daily. For best results.

Benefits of aloe vera on face overnight

If you have not yet heard about possible benefits of aloe vera on face overnight, it’s the rightest time to figure the things out. It’s already a proved fact that aloe vera is a perfect means to cure many issues but not that many people know how to use it and which benefits it can give. Let’s find out a little more about it.

ow to use aloe vera on face?

As a rule, when somebody speaks about the use of aloe vera, the part that’s meant is the pulp from its leaves. However, sometimes, washed leaves are mashed whole, together with the outer peel because it, too, contains a range of useful elements and has positive therapeutic powers. There are different ways of usage of aloe vera leaves, depending on the condition you are treating, whether you have fresh leaves or the ready pulp.
It has been discovered recently that application of aloe vera pulp or juice overnight is a perfect way to receive everything the plant can give you without much effort. At night, your skin is able to absorb more of the useful substance from aloe vera, so it may be a great idea to try applying it for the night and watch the result.

Here’s a range of benefits of aloe vera on face:

It’s a polyfunctional mask
As a rule, people use it as a facial mask that needs to be removed after the application but the best effect it can give is given exactly if you leave it on your face for the night. What does such a mask do?

First of all, it can help you lighten your skin. No matter what the tone of your skin is, aloe vera can help you slightly lighten it. This effect is especially visible if you have darker areas on your face. Applying aloe vera directly onto them can significantly reduce pigmentation and make your skin more elastic.

Then, aloe vera as a night mask can help you treat and eventually completely fight acne. The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory powers of the aloe vera pulp can help you a lot when it comes to the treatment of breakouts and the appearance of new ones.

The best thing about aloe vera as an acne means is that it can be applied even to super sensitive skin areas, which would be impossible with the majority of anti-acne means. Aloe vera is also effective against post-acne blemishes.

As a lightening agent, aloe vera is able to reduce pigmentation in darker eyelids and also reduce the darkness of circles around the eyes. In addition to this, when applied onto the eye area, aloe vera is able to reduce puffiness and moisten the skin perfectly well. You will notice the reduction of fine lines in the eye area almost after the very first application.
Aloe vera is a great thing that reduces irritation and dryness on the skin that’s affected by sun and wind. Aloe vera reduces flaking and dryness, returns elasticity and healthy glow to the skin and gives it a fresh color.

Not all people know that oily skin needs moisture, too. They degrease the skin and dehydrate it. Aloe vera is a natural moisturizer for oily skin that regulates the production of sebum and keeps the skin healthy all the time. The best effect is achieved when the remedy is applied overnight day after day.
It’s a treatment for broken skin
No matter, actually, which wounds you have, aloe vera can heal them. Damage caused by wind or sun, cracked lips, wounds in the corners of your mouth – all this can be fought effectively with the help of aloe vera and its soothing powers. What’s more, small scratches, inflammations and other wounds on your face will not get infected because of the antibacterial powers of the remedy.

It’s a gentle but effective exfoliant
When applied overnight, aloe vera can even exfoliate dead skin cells from your face and boost all the regeneration processes effectively. This is a power that has not yet received any wide recognition but it’s useful to keep it in mind.

It’s good for hair
When applying aloe vera for face, apply them all over, involving your eyebrows and hairline. Aloe vera will make the hair healthy and strong, give your brows and hairline thickness and shine, and you will never know what dryness and itching are.

The most common and effective aloe vera
Depending on the problem you are treating and the form of aloe vera you have, the methods of application and usage may differ. For instance, if you are treating dryness, mixing aloe vera juice or gel with several drops of coconut oil will give you the best moisturizer ever that’s quickly absorbed and gives your skin all the benefits of both the components.

If you are treating acne, it makes sense to add something that will enhance the power of aloe vera (like essential oils or extracts from respective plants) or, instead, use the purest aloe vera gel that you can only find.

If you need to reduce puffiness and fine lines around the eyes, apply pure aloe vera gel onto the eye area and wear the sleeping eye mask, which is filled with a kind of gel and can be kept in the fridge before wearing. If you have no such possibility, freeze some aloe vera gel and apply it with the help of the cubes.
You can also enrich your existing creams and lotions by adding some pure aloe vera gel to them. However, make sure that you will be able to use these remedies within a very short period of time. Even kept in the fridge, aloe vera gel is able to lose its potential powers and positive effects within a very short while.

The same refers to the freshly made aloe vera products. If you are into making them yourself, out of freshly cut aloe leaves, make sure that you don’t cut more than you can use immediately. You should not think that the more you apply the better the effect will be. It’s recommended to apply exactly as much as is enough to leave your face slightly shiny. If you have applied too much, you need to wipe away the excess.

What are the main natural aloe vera benefit
Aloe vera is a unique plant. It contains about 2000 of active elements and chemical compounds and has no match among other representatives of the flora. The pulp of its leaves (that’s used in cosmetic purposes) contains a range of essential oils, organic acids, flavones, tars and vitamins, amino acids, poly- and monosaccharides, a number of microelements, and certain alkaloids.

Such a content make it a powerful beauty and health care remedy that can cope with complicated skin issues and other health problems.

When applied onto skin to cure certain skin issues, aloe vera (its pulp) can kill several types of fungi and even viruses, improve the condition of hair and reduce hair loss, improve blood circulation, treat allergic reactions, and kills a range of bacteria like staphylococcus, streptococcus, and other bacilli.
Due to these features, aloe vera for skin is able to treat inflammations, deep wide wounds with a vast surface, dermatitis, rashes, psoriasis, eczema, acne, scalds, and so on. The best forms in which you can apply aloe vera onto such areas is either pure gel or a spray.

These are the main aloe vera benefits for skin that you can enjoy during the night with the help of simple and pleasant overnight packs. If you still haven’t tried this effect, you should definitely try the amazing consequences of just applying the aloe vera gel or juice onto your cleansed skin.

Use black seed oil to improve your hair health
Every woman dreams of having a beautiful hair, but only few are that lucky. However, there is one secret which originated from the Eastern counties, that can fix this problem. It is called black seed oil. This oil has been used for many centuries as an effective medicinal and beauty product. There is an old Eastern saying: "Black seeds are capable of treating anything except for death". Black seeds are indeed useful for the human body, they help the internal organs work better, stimulate the heart and liver and makes your skin and hair healthy.

Black seed oil for hair

It consists of minerals that are crucial for having nice and healthy hair: sodium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, brass, potassium, zinc and vitamins C, E, K, D, P, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, A.
It is a magical elixir for treating scaly scalp, dandruff, hair loss, baldness and gray hair. It also makes your hair grow faster.
Black seed oil has an anti-inflammatory effect which fights various fungus diseases, regenerates skin cells and strengthens hair bulbs.
Black seed oil cleanses the scalp pores, makes hair silky and soft by moisturizing it.
It prevents hair breakage.
Black seed oil also produces natural collagen.

Other positive effects of black seed oil

It fights liver cirrhosis.
It normalizes the level of cholesterol.
It prevents blood clots.
It is useful to treat the flu, cough and bronchitis.

How to use black seed oil

Mix black seed oil and olive oil together and apply it onto your hair and scalp, massaging gently. Wash your hair after 10 minutes. Do this procedure twice a week.
Doctors and beauticians advise you to take two teaspoons of black seed oil in the morning and in the evening. This way, the oil not only has a positive impact on your system but it also makes your hair silkier and thicker treating the invisible problems which cause hair loss.
How to use black seed oil for hair loss?

You can create different types of hair mask using black seed oil. Just combine it with honey, aroma oils, yogurt and see which one works the best for your hair. Black seed oil is rather thick which is why it is necessary to combine it with something lighter to make it easier to apply.

As we can see, black seed oil has a lot of advantages, but like any product, there might be some risks, so it is advisable to consult your doctor before using it. You can also test a small amount on your skin before applying it on your head or ingesting it.

Palm kernel oil for hair growth: easy tricks every lady should know

Palm Kernel oil has a lot of benefits. It is full of vitamins and is good for our body. But how about the hair? If you are looking for a great way to keep you hair moisturized and healthy then today is your lucky day. We have some great tricks that every lady should know. Continue reading to learn more about the benefits of palm kernel oil for hair.

There are many people that are skeptical when it comes to palm oil. They believe it's not good for our health and therefore it should not be used. But the truth is that the regular palm oil is usually made from the pulp of the palm fruit.

On the other hand, the kernel oil is made from the seed that is inside of the African Oil palm. The oil is quite valuable, because in order to get it, you need to roast a lot of seeds. And this oil is great for our health! Let’s quickly cover the main benefits for our body and after that we will talk more about the benefits for our hair.

1. It's a source of unsaturated fats and no trans-fat!

Great for skin, bones and joints and also good for cooking!

2. No cholesterol

That’s why you can use it instead of butter while cooking. People who have high cholesterol will really appreciate palm oil.

3. It is rich in vitamins K, A and E

It helps the body get rid of the toxins, keeps your skin healthy (vitamin A), help your bones (vitamin K) and also prevents eye disorders (vitamin E).

4. It is filled with antioxidants

It has great anti-aging benefits so you don't have to worry about wrinkles on your face for a long time.

As you can see, the kernel oil is something you should add to your daily routine! Now it is time to talk about the benefits that it brings to your hair.

Palm kernel oil for hair growth
Palm Kernel oil is full of various nutrients that are very valuable in when it comes to your health. It has the palmitic acid and already mentioned vitamins K, A, E, and antioxidants. The mix of nutrients help the hair to grow faster and stay healthy. The antioxidants that are found in kernel oil maintain the collagen in the hairs, keeping together the follicles and preventing hair loss.

Palm kernel oil is a great option for those who suffer from thinning, dry or dull hair. It acts as a conditioner and softens the hair. Besides softening, the palm kernel oil improves hair growth. It moisturizes the hair’s shaft which can help the hair to grow longer and shinier.

The palm kernel oil makes your hair stronger and thicker if you use it regularly. Your hair will be soft, shiny and bouncy. The oil also moisturises the skin of your scalp, so you no longer have to suffer from itchy hair.

It is a great choice for those who have curly natural hair. The palm kernel oil is non-greasy and very light, so it is easy to use and provides the best moisture for your hair!

How to make palm kernel oil at home?
Since it is great for your hair and skin, many people will want to make the palm kernel oil at home. You can skip this step and just use the products that already have kernel oil in them. For instance, there are shampoos and conditioners with kernel oil as an ingredient. You can also buy the kernel oil itself. If you are still willing to make the palm kernel oil at home, then you will need palm fruits, water, hammer and a lot of will and strength! Ready? Let’s get started then.

1. Place the palm fruits into a pot and add water to cover the fruits.

2. Cook them until all of them are soft. It will take about 20-25 minutes.

3. Sieve the water and pour the fruits into a mortar.

4. Use the pestle and pound the fruits until the skin separates from the kernel.

5. Take the kernel and spread them on a tray.

6. Leave the kernel under the sun to dry, it will take some time.

7. Take the kernel and, using your hammer (and strength!) smash the kernel, separating the nuts from the shell.

8. Place the nuts on a tray and leave them under the sun to dry for at least one hour.

9. Pour the dried nuts into a pot and leave them on a medium heat.

10. Stir from time to time with a spoon. Eventually it will become oily. When it’s oily, cover the pot and reduce the heat to minimum.

11. In a few minutes, the oils that are in the nuts will separate.

12. Scoop the hot oil into a ceramic bowl and leave to cool.

Remember, this may not be safe and you have to be careful - the oil is quite flammable so maybe it is better to buy the palm kernel oil instead of making it on your own unless you know what you're doing.

As you can see, palm kernel oil is great not just for your skin and body but for your hair too. Try it out and you will see the results in no time!

Top 10 ☀ benefits of black seeds oil

Black Seed or Nigella Sativa is filled with various beneficial elements. Take a look at the short list:

- Amino Acids;

- Omega 6 Acids;

- Omega 3 Acids;

- Vitamins;

- Super Foods;

- Minerals.

It has been known for centuries that black seed oil benefits are enormous. Even in ancient Egypt, people had a bottle filled with black seed oil. The women of Ancient Egypt believed that it could protect hair, skin, and nails from the sun.

It`s a good source of various exclusive cure properties. Black seeds have the following properties:

- Anticoagulant;

- Anti-histamine;

- Anti-fungal;

- Anti-inflammatory;

- Antiviral;

- Anti-asthmatic;

- Anti-cancer;

- Anti-oxidant.

This is not an exhaustive list of all the black seeds oil uses! Just take a look at the short list of non-skin diseases that black seeds cure:

- Heart Health;

- Reduce allergies;

- Kill infections;

- Increase fertility rates;

- Increase your hair health;

- Reduce fever and flu symptoms;

- Treat Asthma;

- Treat Indigestion;

- Illuminates insomnia;

- Reduces and prevents spasms;

- Can cure a toothache;

- Prevent Diabetes.
This is a brief list of the non-skin diseases that can be treated by black seeds oil! Now, let`s take a look at the skin diseases!

Black Seed Oil for Skin

Where can you get black seeds oil? It`s processed from Nigella Sativa, and you can buy it on the internet for now. You can also extract oil from seeds by yourself but you need a compressor for that. Some beauty experts also advice to mix the oil with some honey and then apply on the skin. As for how to use black seed oil! Just apply it on the damaged area of your skin.

Black Seed Oil Benefit

Eczema is an inflammation of the skin. It usually leaves red and itchy patches. Black seed oil can provide fantastic nutrient elements that can eliminate the red patches on your skin. In addition, it will help to keep your skin healthy!

2. Psoriasis treatment

It`s a skin condition where you notice pink plaques on your body. These plaques do not give you any comfort as they can be quite itchy! You might also find yourself feeling embarrassed if anyone sees your pink plaques. Why don`t you use black seed oil to fight the problem! Just apply it every day, and soon you will see the results!

3. Acne Treatment
Acne is a nightmare for teenagers! Even adults often suffer through it. Why does it happen? There can be various reasons including an unsavoury environment or just allergy to something! Also, acne can be a symptom of hormonal imbalance. You can try to apply black seeds on your acne, but you may need to consult a dermatologist first!

4. Burns Treatment

Depending on the level of burns, black seeds oil can treat them. Still, do not overestimate the potential healing effects of black seed oil. Studies only show that it`s safe to apply the oil only on second-degree burns or less. According to Diamond Herbs, due to the anti-inflammatory properties, black seeds can help to regenerate the epidermis.

5. Fungal Treatment

It`s a common infection caused by dermatophytes. One of the black seed oil benefits is its anti-fungal properties. Therefore, it can help to treat various fungal infections, like jock itch, ringworm, athletes foot and nail infections.

6. Ring Worm Treatment

It`s another fungal infection that can be easily treated with the oil. Do not forget to apply black seeds oil several times a day. After a few weeks, you will get the desirable results!

7. Bruises Treatment

Nobody is safe on this planet. You can easily get a bruise by bumping into something! Bruises happen when you damage your skin and blood cells! Due to the anti-inflammatory effects of the oil, you can easily get rid of bruises.

8. Rosacea Treatment

It`s a common issue forolder women. Rosacea does not look good on your face. It gives it an odd colour. Therefore, it`s very easy to be embarrassed by this skin disease. You can apply black seed oil on your face to decrease Rosacea effect.

9. Skin Cancer
Cancer is another great problem for humanity. So it`s best to prevent cancer than to fight it! Nigeria is one of the hottest countries in the world and sun is cruel to Nigerians. Too much sun can definitely damage your skin or increase your chances of getting cancer. Black seeds are the proven remedy against cancer. Still, do not use them as the only remedy. Follow your doctors` prescriptions to fight cancer.

10. Skin Complexion

Black Seed Oil is another great beauty product to restore your skin health. The natural qualities of the oil are so powerful that you can see the effect in just a few days!

Black Seed Oil Sides Effects

There is not enough evidence connected with black seeds oil sides effect. Most of the unpleasant cases happened due to the wrong dosage and misusage of the oil. Research is still ongoing, but no evidence of sides effects have been found. Nevertheless, it`s recommended to consult your doctor before using the oil!

The magical hair treatment that is chebe powder
Lately, everyone has been curious about how to use chebe powder for hair growth. We have compiled our favourite methods that will make your hair strong, healthy, soft and moisturised, and you will be able to grow it out like you have always wanted. Join us, as we discuss the most efficient and effective ways of using this natural remedy.

Ways of using chebe powder for hair

Lately, chebe powder has been all the rage among people who struggle to grow out their hair. This magical natural remedy has swept the nation, and it continues making waves in the beauty community.

There are two things all of these methods have in common. First, you should do a test on a strand of hair and see if you have an allergic reaction to one of the chebe powder ingredients. If you do, you should not try these methods. Second, do not let the powder get to your scalp, as it might cause irritation and dandruff after prolonged use.

Now that you are forewarned, let’s get to our methods!

Chebe powder and karkar oil method
For this method, you are going to need chebe powder, karkar oil and shea butter. When you get the necessary ingredients, follow these simple steps:

Mix shea butter with karkar oil until you get a slightly liquid-y mixture. There should be enough to cover all of your hair.
Section the hair and wet it. You can use a spray bottle to make it more convenient.
Apply your mixture to the hair and then add the chebe powder on top. Do this to all of your sections and make sure the powder is not touching the scalp.
When you feel like your hair is properly covered and moisturised, braid it up.
Remove the excess oil from the braids and spray them with water.
Leave the braids for up to 5 days, then unbraid the hair and repeat the process. If you notice buildup, wash your hair thoroughly before going through with the procedure. If all is fine, you can repeat the treatment without washing out the previous one.

LCO method

You might have heard of the LCO or the LOC method, where L stands for liquid, C stands for cream, and O stands for oil. Well, in this case, the C stands for chebe paste, and this is how this method works:

Make a paste out of your chebe powder by adding the ingredients of your choice, such as natural oils, perfumes and butters.

Moisturise your hair with some water.
Apply the chebe paste to your hair. Cover all of it to the tips, but avoid the scalp.
Leave the paste in for up to 3 hours.
When the time is up, wash it off with water.
Apply the oil of your choice to the hair and put it up in braids or twists.
This process should be repeated every 5-7 days for the best results.

Overnight method
This method is one of our personal favourites, as it is perfect for lazy afternoons or nights, so you do not have to worry about your hair looking somewhat unusual. It also involves using several deliciously smelling ingredients, which means that there is a fair chance that you will most likely get a craving for a midnight snack in addition to your shiny beautiful hair.

For this recipe, you should mix mango butter, cocoa butter, jojoba oil and honey until you get to your desired consistency, and add a teaspoon of chebe powder. Apply the mixture to your hair, braid it and wrap it up to make sure it all stays in. You can wash it off in the morning and go about your day, or you can leave it in. However, it might be best to wash it out, as you will smell too delicious for your own good!

These are not the only ways you can incorporate chebe powder into your hair routine. You can make a conditioner out of it by mixing the powder with some coconut oil, moisturiser out of shea butter and chebe powder that you do not have to wash out; an addition to your pomade for when you braid your hair. The sky is the limit. Just make sure you use it regularly to get the best results.
Chebe powder benefits

Now that you know how you can use this magical natural remedy, it is time for us to tell you a little bit about the chebe powder results, so that you know what you are signing up for. Here are some of the benefits of this hair treatment:

Thickened hair. Thanks to chebe powder’s near-magical qualities, your hair will get thicker after continuous use of the treatment. This will make your hair appear healthier and fuller, and it will also help you to grow your hair faster.
Reduced hair loss. As your hair becomes thicker after using chebe hair powder, this also makes it less prone to breakage. Moreover, your hair follicles will also become stronger after using the powder for prolonged time. Thus, you will notice significant decrease in shedding, which is great if you are trying to grow out your hair.
Moisturised locks. One of the biggest issues for everyone with naturally curly locks (particularly type 4c) is dry and brittle hair that cannot keep the moisture in. With chebe powder, you can forget about this problem, as it can help your hair retain the vital moisture for longer, making it healthy and shiny.
If all of this is not enough, then you should keep your measuring tape close, as you will be able to see improved hair growth in no time. With each use of the chebe powder, your hair is going to get healthier, fuller and longer, and you will be see the results in a short while.

Does all of this sound too good to be true? Do you not believe that chebe powder could help you grow out your hair? Well, then do not take our word for it, try it out yourself! Compared to many other treatments, it is an inexpensive natural solution, so what do you have to lose? Give it a shot, and then come back here and tell us all about your results!

5 best tips on how to use onion for better hair growth

Onion is a magical plant. This vegetable is not only great for your overall body health but also can work well for your hair. Learn how to use onion for hair growth, and you will explore all the awesome benefits of onions.

Onion benefits for hair

How safe is it to use onion juice for hair? Are there any advantages of this method? Has it helped anyone to add some health to his or her hair?

Each of us has to trim hair periodically. It is a good way to make it healthier and help it grow faster. When your hair becomes sick, it stops growing, becomes extremely thin and you start to notice suddenly that you keep losing it. The curing methods and home remedies can take a lot of your time and you should be patient and search for different working solutions.

Is onion good for hair growth? Let us look at the positive effect it offers in real life:

Healthier follicles – human hair that loses its shine and brightness has ill follicles. Onions contain many useful elements, including sulfur which is important for regenerating follicles and bringing life and power into them.
Stronger hair – when your follicles and hair are enriched with sulfur, your hair would become much stronger. Using onions for treating it can minimize the breaks and solve the thinning problem.
Graying delay – because onions are rich on antioxidants, you can achieve a nice and healthier effect if you use its juice for your hair treatment. Regular procedures can even help to delay the graying age problems.
Dandruff treatment – different vegetables, including onions, are capable of helping our bodies to fight bacteria. The antibacterial properties of onion masks and juice can make human scalp healthier and, as a result, you will get rid of the dandruff issue.

Improved growth – antioxidants' level grows when you treat your hair with onion vitamins, and the growing cycle can be optimized with time and hair growth improves if you continue regular treatment procedures.

How to prepare onion for hair growth

There are multiple recipes for making onion juice for your hair. We would love to share some of the most interesting ‘how to prepare’ tips and you can test them all and choose the methods that work the best for you.

1. Making onion juice for hair

To enjoy the amazing onion benefits for hair, you can do the simplest thing of all. Here is the recipe:

Take 2-3 medium-size onions. Wash a knife and cut each bulb into several parts (water helps to prevent tears).
Use a blender. Place the pieces inside and grind them into juice.
Place the blended onions into a bowl and pour in some water.
Take another bowl and a piece of cloth. You need to filter onion juice and get rid of vegetable pieces.

Your onion juice is ready for hair treatment.

How to prepare onion for hair growth

There are multiple recipes for making onion juice for your hair. We would love to share some of the most interesting ‘how to prepare’ tips and you can test them all and choose the methods that work the best for you.

1. Making onion juice for hair

To enjoy the amazing onion benefits for hair, you can do the simplest thing of all. Here is the recipe:

Take 2-3 medium-size onions. Wash a knife and cut each bulb into several parts (water helps to prevent tears).
Use a blender. Place the pieces inside and grind them into juice.
Place the blended onions into a bowl and pour in some water.
Take another bowl and a piece of cloth. You need to filter onion juice and get rid of vegetable pieces.

Your onion juice is ready for hair treatment.
Onions + olive oil

Everybody knows how great oil is for skin, nails and hair. Making the masks with onions and olive oil can be beneficial for faster hair growth. Here is the quick recipe:

You need a bowl, where you should add three tablespoons of raw onion juice.
Mix it with 1-2 tablespoon of olive oil.
The mixture is ready to be used on your hair and scalp.
3. Onions + honey

You can enhance the effect of raw onions by adding some honey. Here is how it works:

Make raw onion juice. 0.25 of a cup would be enough.
Add one tablespoon of honey into onion juice.
Mix everything really well and apply.
4. Onions + yogurt

We do not talk about fruit yogurt sold in the market. You need fresh natural yogurt without any fruits and mixtures. Here is what to do:

We will be using a bowl. Pour in some juice from raw onions into it.
Add 2 tablespoon of plain homemade yogurt into the bowl.
Mix them together, creating a mask for using on your hair.
5. Onions + curry leaves

When you combine several useful ingredients, you receive a healthy mixture that is rich in vitamins. Learn what you can do:

Wash several curry leaves and place them into a blender or cut into tiny pieces before blending.
Add the leaf paste into a bowl. Pour in 2 tablespoons of raw onion juice into it.

Mix the two ingredients really well before applying this natural and useful paste into your hair roots and scalp.

How to use onion juice for hair growth

The application of different onion masks is easy:

You can apply this mask on top of your head (make sure you massage the juice into your scalp) and leave like this for 10-20 minutes.
Use shampoo to wash onions off and remove the strong smell. Remember that your scalp will become healthier, stronger and you would grow hair with onion.

How often are onion masks needed? Try to do this at least once a week for 2-3 months in a row, and you will see amazing results.
Some tips to consider:

Apply only juice or paste with onions that have no pieces.
Wash the onion masks with milk shampoo and use hair conditioner afterwards.
Do not apply onion juice/paste at once if this is the first time you are preparing this mixture (do some tests beforehand and see how your head reacts).
If you are afraid of the strong onion smell, you can add some vital oils with the scent you love into your mixtures.
Do not live oil masks overnight because this could irritate your scalp skin and lead to negative impact instead of benefits.
If you see no positive effect in hair growth after applying masks for up to 3 months, it is better to stop this home treatment and talk to your doctor.
It is better if you prepare fresh onion juice for each new mask (if you freeze this juice, it could lose its healthy properties).
If your regular shampoo doesn’t completely remove the onion smell from your hair, you are advised to switch to shampoos with a citrus-fruit base or apply rosemary-water or lemon-water mixture to rinse your hair after washing.

The guides on how to grow hair with onion are simple to follow. You will have to rely on time, stay patient, and add products and methods that would stimulate faster growth in your everyday life. Boosting your body cells and elements to grow quicker should also influence the volume of your hair, making it stronger, puffier, thicker, and much prettier. It is incredible that the regular kitchen staple can be so helpful for your hair as well. Such home-based hair-loss remedy can do miracles.

Do you know how to make your hair growth? - Best home remedies
The standards of feminine beauty at all times presupposed the presence of long healthy tresses. Each of us is trying to grow hair throughout life. Unfortunately, not all attempts are successful. Bad ecology, constant stress, poor diet, lack of time for hair care - all this destroys our dreams of long tresses. However, despite this, we have a chance to grow hair with natural home remedies for hair growth!

What if the hair does not grow? It does grow, but it happens very slowly ... Try home remedies for hair growth! There are many popular recipes for natural home remedies for hair growth, which give visible results rather quickly.

According to the medical source, the average rate of hair growth is 1-1.5 cm per month. Someone's hair grows faster (up to 3 cm per month), someone slower (less than 1 cm). The reason a significant difference lies in our genes and lifestyle. So before you start looking for the answer to the question of how to accelerate the growth of hair, pay your attention to their nutrition and personal care.

How to accelerate hair growth
Approach to solving complex problems.

Vary your diet. It should be fresh and natural products (more vegetables, fruits, cereal porridges). Then the body gets all of the necessary for hair growth vitamins from food.

Keep a healthy lifestyle. Avoid smoking and alcohol, which slows metabolism. Exercise: it speeds up the metabolism and helps the body cleanse itself.

How To treat your hair? How to make home remedies for hair growth fast? Do not ask how to speed up hair growth at home, if a couple of weeks before that did perm or have dried them with hydrogen peroxide. Harm the shock of hair dye remover hair, frequent blow-drying and styling regular curling.

Use home remedies for hair growth. Of course, there are many ready-made cosmetic products for hair care. But the most accessible of them are usually not effective and efficient are expensive. If you do not want to throw money down the drain, use proven means of simple components.

Mustard mask for home remedies for hair growth

You will need:

dry mustard powder - 2 tablespoons,
sugar - 2 teaspoons,
egg yolk - 1 units.
water (hot) - 2 tbsp.

To use this one of the best home remedies for hair growth - Mix all ingredients and apply on dry hair roots. In length rub any vegetable oil. Watch your feelings: if you have some very unusual and unpleasant feelings, wash it off with warm water, and the next time add less sugar or a little vegetable oil. Keep the mask for 30-60 minutes (depending on the burning sensation). Repeat not more than 1-2 times per week. Such masks are very effective at home for the growth and density of hair. But do not use it frequently as you risk drying up the hair or the scalp, which can cause the occurrence of dandruff.

Nicotinic acid for hair growth

Unlike nicotine, which is one of the most powerful poisons, nicotinic acid, is health-friendly and is used in modern natural home remedies for hair growth. If you use niacin it improves scalp circulation and has beneficial effect on the hair follicles.

To prepare this mask you will need:

Nicotinic acid - 2 ampoules,
aloe juice - 1 tbsp.
Mix the ingredients and apply on the scalp (dry or wet). Leave on for 1.5 hours and rinse. When using a mask, you should feel some heat without burning or discomfort.

Pepper tincture for hair growth

Among the popular recipes for home remedies for hair growth pepper tincture (and masks with it) is considered to be one of the most effective. Its effect is to strengthen the blood microcirculation in the scalp, which nourishes the hair follicles nutrients. Be careful with pepper tincture, if you are susceptible to an allergic skin reaction. And get ready for the fact that the mask will burn- without it. It`s impossible to get a wonderful effect.

To prepare the tincture of pepper you will need:

red pepper ( "light") - 5-6 pieces,
alcohol 40% - 1 bottle.

Finely chop the peppers and add a bottle of Alcohol 40% mixture. Put it in a dark place for a week. The mixture for natural home remedies for hair growth is ready!

To prepare the mask for this one of the home remedies for hair growth fast you will need:

pepper tincture - 1 tablespoon,
brandy - 1 tablespoon,
burdock oil - 1 tablespoon,
lemon juice - 1 tablespoon,
honey - 1 tablespoon,
yolk - 1 pc.
Thoroughly mix all ingredients and apply the mask to the roots of the hair. Cover with a plastic bag, wrap a towel and soak for an hour. Wash off with shampoo mask (take care of your eyes!)

Castor oil for home remedies for hair growth

Castor oil contains fatty acids, which nourish the roots and the hair over the entire length. It is suitable for any hair, regardless of their colour and fat content. This can be named one of the hair growth remedies in a week.

Apply the oil on the scalp and dry hair roots.
Wrap the head package, cover with a towel and leave for 30 minutes.
Rinse with warm water with shampoo
Use castor oil 1-2 times a week.

Add to the best home remedies for hair growth massage shower, or in a circular motion with fingertips, follow the general recommendations on nutrition and healthy lifestyles, and your hair will soon delight you with strong growth and a beautiful shine!

Therefore, if you want to find a good idea for home remedies for hair growth, you might need to stick to these particular pieces of advice. Moreover, you would need to pay attention to your hair. It means that you need to eat properly and have a good rest as your hair response to any problems. Try to avoid stress and anxiety. It`s a nice idea to follow home remedies for hair growth recipes, but you would also need to pay attention to the environment. It`s also necessary to consult with doctors about the medicine you take. Some of the medicaments can stimulate hair loss. It means that you would need to pay double attention to this kind of remedies.

Every man should know these benefits of onion for his health

The ancient Sumerians and Egyptians called onion the plant of the Gods and believed that the whole world is arranged on the model of a multi-layer bulb. In Ancient Egypt, it was a symbol of energy and immortality, so it was eaten in large numbers. The ancient Greeks valued it as a medicine, but rarely added onions to their food, considering it a food of the common people because of the sharp smell. Roman Legionnaires used a lot of this vegetable, believing that it makes warriors fearless. Keep reading to know more about onion benefits for men.

Health benefits of onions for men

What are the health benefits of onions for men? We strongly believe that every man should know about the advantages of this strong vegetable to his overall health. Onions do not only help to increase cholesterol, regulate blood sugar, and support the heart in tone but also strengthens the immune system and work as a preventive remedy for many threats to men's health. Onion is not only a great addition to any dish and a beneficial vegetable, but it has an inexhaustible number of benefits for men's body.

1. Increases libido

In the onion, there are chromiums and seleno, which act as an aphrodisiac. It is known that chromium minerals contribute to the rapid flow of blood to the men's area. In turn, this improves men's sexual performance.

2. Strengthens the male reproductive organs

Useful substances contained in onions contribute to the smooth flow of blood throughout the body, which increases the duration of sexual intercourse.

3. Increases testosterone levels

Testosterone is a male hormone that plays an essential role in the reproductive system. This special hormone is significant in the production of seminal fluid. It also affects the development of bone and muscle tissue.
What are white onion benefits for men: onion diet tips to fight adenoma

Onion diet is a very effective way of dealing with adenoma. Unfortunately, a high percentage of men struggle with this health problem all over the world.

Onion is appreciated for its ability to clean the vessels from toxins, reduce blood pressure, and cleanse the body as a whole. The effect is increased by nuts and sunflower seeds that are added to the onion diet, then recovery occurs much earlier due to the increased content of nutrients.

The diet is designed for a month. On the morning of the first day, half an hour before eating, you need to eat a small raw onion. On the second day at the same time, instead of onions, you need to consume 50 g of raw peeled sunflower seeds. On the third day, before breakfast on an empty stomach, eat about 75 g of kernels of walnuts. On the fourth day, you again need to eat raw onions and so on.

During the month, you must strictly adhere to the consumption of onions, seeds, and nuts, without changing the sequence and without missing days. The effect will be noticeable after the first two weeks, but at the end of the allotted period, the body needs a break for two to three months, after which the diet can be repeated.
Benefits of eating raw onions everyday

Onions have other unique health benefits you can enjoy:

A natural antibiotic. Onions help a lot with viral and colds, but many people do not know that this vegetable is considered as a home remedy for streptococci, tuberculosis sticks, and dysentery.
Strong immune system. In addition, onion strengthens the immune system, and it is extremely useful to use for preventive purposes. So to be on a safe side and prevent yourself from colds and infections, it is better to include onions in your daily diet.
Activation of metabolism in the body. Onions lead to blood purification and remove excess fluid from the body. This vegetable helps to stimulate the digestive process and copes well with abdominal pain. It is highly recommended to use onion juice for this purpose.
Skin benefits. Thanks to the carotene, which is contained in onion in large quantities, many people use it for cosmetic purposes and for making various cleansing masks.
Disinfectant properties. Onion is very often used during military operations, as it can kill germs and acts as an antibiotic. It is enough to put the onion or its leaves on the wound, and it will be completely free from germs and possible infections. Onions are also useful for various kinds of inflammation both inside the body and external wounds.

As you have noticed onion is a vegetable that must be in the diet of every man. Eat onions every day and stay healthy.
These products will make you lose weight

Looking for a healthy diet? People joke that women who eat whatever they want and yet do not get fat are, witches. But even if you do not belong to this category of ladies, do not be sad. You can easily find harmony with your body too. In this article, we will tell you how to lose weight quickly and also about foods for weight loss fast.
Well, if we forget about jokes, can you really eat enough and not only not get fat, but lose excess weight? It turns out, you can!

No, of course, getting loosing weight while continuously eating hamburgers, fried potatoes and cakes, is not possible without the help of black magic. But still, you can become slim even without a hunger strike! The best way to lose weight is to stick to a healthy diet.

How to lose weight naturally?

So, what can you eat for lunch for weight loss? Any raw, cooked, stewed or baked vegetables, including potatoes (but fried in cream or vegetable oil - in no case), meat, fish, poultry cooked in the same ways. In the afternoon you can eat only rye bread, and it is better to replace it with dietary crunches. As for a dessert you can eat fruit. It is necessary to drink water,coffee/tea, a glass of freshly squeezed juice is quite welcome, but they are not counted as water.
Cheese in quantities of up to 50 grams per meal is not prohibited throughout the day. Diary products (yogurt, etc) without additives, but it is better to use it as a supplement to the main meal, and not in between. So, as a dessert, you can also eat normal-fat yogurt without additives.
We would like to draw your attention to the fact that you should not consume canned food because you need absolutely no extra salt, preservatives and sugar.
Mayonnaise, sour cream and other sauces (even self-made) in large quantities during lunch are undesirable. What then to fill a salad with? Try lemon juice with condiments or vinegar. It is also allowed to use a small amount of vegetable oil (any you can find). Such sauces as ketchup, mustard are not forbidden, but you can use them only in small quantities, because they contain sugar.

You need to eat lunch at the standard time, depending on your needs, from about 12 to 15. For lunch, you can eat soup or a salad - for one meal. But all of them should be comparable among themselves according to the lists of products. For example, if there are potatoes, pasta, beans, corn, potato in the soup, it should be boiled on the water.

The most common questions about products

In the afternoon, you can eat rolls and sushi (except fried), but not too much of them, because they include white rice, which is not recommended for people who want to lose weigt; canned fish (the exception among canned products) only in its own juice.

All the allowed cereals cannot be cooked on milk, because sweet or unsweetened porridges cooked on milk can contribute to weight gain. If you have a normal digestion, allow yourself such breakfast or lunch. If you have no idea about your condition, go to a nutritionist, only then you can ask questions 'How do not I lose weight?'. You can cook the porridge on the water, then add some milk.

The optimal percentage of fat content of dairy products is 5-6%.

Soup for weight loss

Do not give up your favorite soups. After all, they improve the work of the stomach and accelerate the digestion of food, preventing it from being stored in fat. By the way, you can use the vegetarian broth, since it's tasty and it also significantly reduces the number of calories consumed for lunch - after it, you do not eat more than you need.

Soup saturates well, but not for long. If you absolutely can not do without it, we advise you to reduce the regularity of including it in the menu up to 3-4 times a week. Also, give preference to soups not made with meat broth.

Since potatoes and pasta cannot be mixed with meat, fish, chicken, and seafood, the choice of foods should be treated very carefully.

Weight loss foods
Celery and ginger. They sccelerate metabolic processes. Therefore, a fresh note of celery or a sharp ginger bitterness in a fruit, vegetable or meat dish will not only be appropriate but also useful for the shape.
Black pepper. This spice is one of the most effective in the splitting of fat.
Meat products for fast weight loss: boiled or braised rabbit meat, white chicken, and turkey meat. These dietary types of meat are not only low-calorie, low-fat, but also very useful. Especially the rabbit one, which is considered the most valuable dietary product, is 90% absorbed in our body (beef - only by 60%) and at the same time it contains the most protein and unsaturated fatty acids, as well as a mass of trace elements, vitamins, and 19 amino acids. And it never causes allergies.
Broccoli. It contains chrome, which reduces the pathological cravings for sweets. Just one cup of boiled broccoli a day is enough to provide yourself with a daily dose of chrome.
Water. If you drink at least 2.5 liters of fluid, the metabolism will improve.

Never eat watching TV. Otherwise, your brain will connect these two actions to each other and you will always be chewing when a television series or football match is on. And you'll eat more than you need. Always eat slowly - so the food will be better absorbed, and less food will be required. Do not be afraid to get up from the table half-hungry - the signal of saturation goes to the brain after 20 minutes, so that the feeling of satiety will catch up with you, but a little later.
Alas, some gastronomic restrictions still have to be considered. But, fortunately, there are very few products forbidden to a person that wants to lose weight. It is necessary to forget about spicy and salty snacks which stimulate allocation of gastric juice, and, hence, appetite. Also forget about food with preservatives which is not only poorly absorbed, but also prevents other food.

So salty and canned foods, along with fatty sausages and pies, in which there is an excess of salt and hidden fat, are now your enemies! Ready sauces (ketchup, mayonnaise, and others) will not help you too. And also say goodbye to alcohol.

You can eat sweets or any dish you want to eat very much, but only using tiny portions. By the way, get yourself small plates and saucers, so as not to put too much.

Best diet plan for weight loss

What are the best diet plans for weight loss? These are certainly those not requiring extra hard effort. Is there a diet plan for vegetarians? We know all these answers. Check them out!
It does no matter whether you are a woman or a man, sometimes we all need to lose some weight. The holidays come, and you just cannot say no to another bite of your favorite cake or cut the calories while visiting your family. No matter what the reason is, sometimes we all need to get rid of some extra weight.

On top of that, losing weight is not only about the way you look. It concerns your health and the general condition of your wellbeing. That is why we have decided to gather the most efficient diet plans that will fit your needs. You will find a diet plan for weight loss in seven days, a diet plan for those who are breastfeeding, a diet plan that will help you lose weight in a month, and a diet plan for vegetarians. So, keep reading to get all the useful information you need.

A diet plan to lose weight in seven days

The first diet plan we will introduce you to was once invented by General Motors. The idea behind it was to help employees lose extra weight without any supplements or artificial pills added. All it takes is sticking to a very strict diet that is based on natural products in moderation.

No excessive training sessions or fasting is involved. Only careful and smart eating habits.

The seven days diet goes as follows:

Day 1. Fruit only

No limitation on the variety of fruit you are allowed to eat on this day. The specialists say that since you are absolutely new to this diet, your body will need a day like this to get used. That is why eat any fruit you like in whatever amount you want and enjoy the day. The only limitation is to stay away from bananas. Other than that, everything will do. However, keep in mind that you cannot eat vegetables or any other food and bear in mind that doctors recommend drinking at least eight glasses of water on this day. It might not be easy, but remember these rules in mind to achieve the success of the diet plan.
Day 2. Vegetables only

Now is the time for you to eat only vegetables now. You can eat them boiled or steamed. However, do not use any oil when cooking, as this is a different sort of nutrients you should not receive on this day. Some vegetables you can eat raw; however, boiled are easier to digest. If you are a big fan of potatoes and want to eat them during the day, make sure to cook them for breakfast, and not for the other courses. The diet specialists state that eating beans and boiled cabbage is especially useful. Be ready to use the bathroom more frequently on this day. And stick to drinking at least 12 glasses of water on this day as well.

Day 3. Fruit and vegetables

On this day you are welcome to eat both types of food you ate on the days before. The only restriction here is that bananas and potatoes are off-limits. For the rest of the day, you ae allowed to eat as many fruit and vegetables as possible. Try not to mix them when eating, so you can, for instance, have vegetables in the morning and then fruit for lunch. Again, drink lots of water and do not eat any other food no matter how much you want it.

Day 4. Milk and bananas

You might think that this is not enough to keep you fed and happy, but you will be surprised to learn that eight bananas and three glasses of milk you are entitled to on this day are an exact amount of food you will need to lose weight with this diet plan. Just make sure not to eat all of them right away and spread out what you have throughout the day. Just take one banana and a cup of milk for breakfast, then repeat the same for lunch and dinner and have a banana every time you feel hungry. This will make you feel nurtured and won’t let you starve.

Day 5. Rice and tomatoes

The fifth day might seem a little harsh for you, as you are only allowed to eat a cup of rice and up to 8 tomatoes. This day seems will be a long one, but your body will work properly, as you will start losing weight on this day with the acids that are produced. Stick to drinking more than usually. So, you can even have more than twelve glasses of water.

Day 6. Rice and veggies

On this day, you will get more food. The specialists of the General Motors allow you to have a cup of rice during your lunch break and lots of vegetables of any kind throughout the rest of the day. On this day you will feel how your organism starts getting rid of the extra weight, so you will have to use the bathroom more often as well.

Day 7. Rice, vegetables and fruit juice

After all the days of cravings and starvation (at least it might feel so despite the benefits if this diet for your health), you will finally get to eat what you like on this day. Dieticians note that you can start your day with a cup of rice. This is exactly how much of it you need to keep the weight loss process on the go. Then you can eat any vegetables you want and drink some fruit juice.

Diet plan for weight loss for a month

If you want to lose weight but not in such a short time, then you can use the other system we will show you here. It is not hard, yet requires strict discipline and has to be followed in the precise way described by the dieticians.

So, let’s see what this diet is all about and see if it is something you might save and use later for your own health improvement.

Here is what you should stick to when following this diet plan in general before we get into more details about restrictions for each week. First of all remember that during this month you should stay away from salt whatsoever. If you are eating after 7 p.m., your food should contain no salt. Try not to drink sparkling water. It will do no good to the effect of this diet on your weight.

If you opt for juices, make them from fresh fruit and do not consume ones you got at the store. And when it comes to physical exercises, try to have at least thirty minutes of regular exercises every day to increase the influence the diet will have on your body. Try to breathe properly or even apply the tips of prominent therapists on breathing activities.

So, as we have established the ground rules, let’s proceed with the plan itself to see what you can or cannot eat during this month.

Week 1

During this week you will have to keep eating at the same time to increase the use of the diet. Therefore,

7 a.m. drink some green tea, but not too strong. Have at least two cups of weak tea an hour before you have breakfast. Also, add some soaked almonds and a kali mirch to the drink and swallow it all together.

8 a.m. You are allowed a piece of brown whole-grain bread along with some dressing or salad leaves.

Around 10 a.m. you can have a fruit of your choice. No special restrictions for this meal, but only one.

Lunch: have some salad before you proceed to the dinner itself. This will stimulate the proper functioning of your brain and your stomach. After the salad, you can have some bran chappati and a cup of dal. This will keep you fed and prevent any starvation.

Around 4 p.m. you should have some tea with a couple of biscuits. Don’t eat too much no matter how tempted some sugary food would look like to you now.

Around 6 p.m. you can get some salad again even before you consume anything else. Then, proceed to another chapati and a bag of vegetables that can be cut and mixed into a salad, too.

Several hours before you go to bed, you can have another fruit to prevent the cravings. No restrictions on the type of fruit, but keep in mind that only one is allowed.
During this week, you will lose weight very quickly. The following weeks you will find it harder to lose weight, so enjoy the results after this one.

Week 2

7 a.m. Have some green tea or drink that is made out of tulsi leaves. To make this water, you will need a few cups of water and not more than five leaves of this plant. You can also add some almond nuts to the drink. Just swallow all this together before you had breakfast.

8 a.m. You are allowed a piece of brown whole-grain bread along with some dressing or salad leaves.

Around 10 a.m. you can have a fruit of your choice. No special restrictions for this meal, but only one.

Lunch: have some salad before you proceed to the dinner itself. Then you can have a sandwich. However, if you don’t eat egg whites in your sandwich, you can replace them with paneer filling.

Around 4 p.m. you are allowed either one cup of milk or some tea and only two biscuits.

Around 6 p.m. you can have some salad, and after you are finished with I proceed to bran chappati and a mix of vegetables again.

Now, before you go to bed, you can consume one fruit of our choice, but not more than this.

Week 3

7 a.m. have some tea with the leaves from the last week as well as the same nuts. Swallow all this and wait an hour until breakfast.

8 a.m. have 250 ml of milk and just one fruit you want.

Around 10 a.m. you can pick up and eat one fruit, you have selected.

Lunch: you are allowed on bran chappati and only one veggie.

Around 4 p.m. you can have some milk or tea (it is up to you) and two biscuits. Other than that you can replace the cookies with some homemade popcorns).

Around 6 p.m. you can have a little bit of roasted chicken or fish and some salad. Apart from that, for those of you who do not eat meat, you can opt for either a cup of dal or a cup of vegetables accompanied with the same amount of curd.

Several hours before you go to bed, have some fruit. Remember that you can only have one.

Week 4

7 a.m. have some tea with the leaves from the last week as well as the same nuts. Swallow all this and wait an hour until breakfast.

8 a.m. you are finally allowed to have some coffee (but only the cold one) and some toasts on brown bread.

Around 10 a.m. have some fruit and wait for the lunch to come.

Lunch: this time your lunch will be able to try several meals of your choice. Among your choices are a cup of sprouts and some fruit; two cups of any veggies and a bit of salad; a cup of vegetables and a whole-grain brown bread toast; a cup of kadhi and a bit of rice.

Around 4 p.m. you can have some tea and the same range of options as for the previous week.

Around 6 p.m. you can have a cup of veggies and a bran chappati.

 – Top Enjoy the benefits of the General Motors diet plan for seven days and all the advantages it will bring to your life and general health condition.
Enjoy the benefits of the General Motors diet plan for seven days and all the advantages it will bring to your life and general health condition.

Before you go to bed, you can have fruit.

People claim that with this diet some of them lost around ten kilos. So, fat from different parts of their bodies gets removed. So, maybe you can try this method too especially if you are looking for a vegetarian diet plan for weight loss.
A diet plan while breastfeeding

Dieting while breastfeeding is a tricky business. That is the reason why we have decided to have a separate section for you on this. To explain to you what to eat while breastfeeding both to get all the necessary nutrients you and your baby need and to lose weight. We do not have an extensive plan of what you can or cannot eat during this time. However, we have a list of things that should be your primary food during this stage.

Thus, try to eat more of these foods during this time:

Fresh organic veggies;




Egg whites;

Lea beef;


Eat these foods in small portions throughout the day to maintain the healthy diet and not get too many calories throughout the day. By eating foods from this list and cutting the other options, you will get the proper amount of nutrients and calories, and not gain weight in the process.

These are the diet plans we believe to be the most efficient. They will promote significant weight loss and won’t cause too many troubles to your body. On the contrary, they will help your organism refresh and stay fresh and healthy.

Tags and keywords: diet plan for weight loss, diet plan for weight loss female, diet plan for weight loss in 7 days, diet plan for weight loss vegetarian, diet plan for weight loss in one month, diet plan for weight loss while breastfeeding

Top 10 easy and cheap hair loss home remedies
There is nothing more attractive for women then having thick hair. It represents the natural health of women. Therefore, hair loss treatment for women is an extremely crucial question. Nevertheless, hair loss treatment for men is also quite an idea to follow. Having strong hair qualities is connected with different characteristics, like ageing, environmental effects, smoking, stress, genetic factors, harmonic misbalance and using of medical products. Still, if you have a desire that your hair be strong and vitally full, then you need to get more vitamins to the hair. You can count more than 100 000 strands on your scalp and you can loss about one hundred of them per day, but if it`s more, then you need to be ready to treat your hair carefully.

Coconut milk
What can be the best hair loss treatment if not coconut milk? Coconut milk is a rich protein product that can surely make your hair stronger. You can make some good uses with coconut milk, here is one of the recipes for your healthy hair growth.

Get some fresh coconut milk with grating coconut to a pan of water.
Let it flow from coconut for five minutes and then strain it.
When it`s cool, you apply the coconut milk to your scalp. Leave this substance for twenty minutes on your scalp and then wash it with shampoo.
It`s one of the most welcomed hair loss treatment products that you can use at home.

If you have a desire to know which product is filled with omega-3 fatty acids, then flaxseeds can be your answer. They can prevent hair loss and provide a flexible option for hair growth. If you want to have maximum effect for hair loss treatment, then you need to do next:

Consume at least one tablespoon of ground flaxseeds. You can consume it with water or milk. Try to do this procedure in the morning. Moreover, you can also add flaxes seeds to your dishes, to smoothies or salads.
You may also take flaxseed oil and apply it to your hair. If you manage to apply flaxseeds oil to your hair, then you might expect that they get much stronger and healthier.

Licorice Root

It`s one of the best hair loss treatment remedies that you can find on the internet. Liquorice roots have mollifying properties, which helps to open pores and gets of irritation and dry skin. This hair loss treatment is good for baldness, hair loss and dandruff.

Get one cup of milk, then add a quarter teaspoon saffron and a tablespoon of ground liquorice root. Mix the substance thoroughly.
Apply this mixture to your head and leave it for one night.
Wash your head in the morning.
Follow this remedy twice a week to keep your hair loss treatment process.
Get some vitamins with adding licorice root into your tea.

Aloe Vera

If you want to find a good hair loss treatments product at home with enzymes, then you might need to stick to Aloe Vera. It has alkalizing properties, that can help your hear to bring pH with a more desirable level. This promotes grater hair growth. Aloe Vera can be used on a regular purpose for reducing scalp inflammation and redness, give some strength to the hair and alleviate dandruff. Try to use Aloe Vera gel and juice.

Apply Aloe Vera juice or gel to your scalp.
Leave this substance for few hours on your head. Then wash it with lukewarm water.
Repeat this process for few times per week.

Onion Juice

One of the best components for Onion is high sulfur content. It greatly helps to improve blood circulation in your head. Therefore, it reduces inflammation and redness processes on your head. It should be also mentioned that onion has antibacterial properties that can help you to deal with parasites and infections on your scalp. If you want to have maximum effect from onion juice in the hair loss treatment, then you would need:

Extract the juice from onion. You may get it by simply grating and strain onions. You will need to apply juice directly to the scalp. Leave the juice for thirty minutes and then wash it off. Do not forget to shampoo your hair after this procedure.
You might get quite a fascinating hair loss treatment by mixing Aloe Vera gel and Onion Juice. Maybe you can add at least one tablespoon of olive oil for greater effect. Apply this mixture onto your scalp and leave it for thirty minutes. Then wash this mixture off and do not forget to shampoo your head afterwards.
Repeat these procedures twice a week, and with time you can see the effect.


It`s another great hair loss treatment product that you can use. Fenugreek seeds are filled with antecedents that can surely affect your hair growth. Therefore, it can perfectly help you to rebuild hair follicles. It should be mentioned that they contain nicotinic acid and proteins that helps hair growth.

Soak one cup of fenugreek seeds. Leave it in water overnight.
Grind them in the morning to make a paste.
Apply the paste onto your hair and cover your hair with it. You would need to wash this substance from your hair after forty minutes.
Use this remedy every morning for at least a month.

Indian Gooseberry

Indians provided people with a new idea of fast hair grows. This all can happen with the use of Indian gooseberry. The other name for this hair loss treatment product is amla. Indian Gooseberry is rich for vitamin C. It means that it can fill you with the vitamin which you need to consume for good hair growth. Moreover, the gooseberry is provided with exfoliating, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. They can provide a good use to your head and scalp.

Mix a tablespoon of Indian gooseberry and lemon juice together. Mix it until you get completely undividable substance.
Massage this mixture into your scalp thoroughly. You would need to cover your head with a shower cap.
You will need to sleep with this substance overnight.
Do not forget to wash off the substance in the morning.
Indian gooseberry might be a good idea for your scalp and head in the question of hair loss treatment products.

Hair Oil Massage
It might be one of the first steps that you need to get in the question of hair loss treatment. Try to massage your scalp with appropriate hair oil. If you manage to do that properly, then you might increase the blood flow to your hair follicles. Moreover, it can increase your chances of getting strength hair and get your scalp condition better. It can also give you some point of relaxation and releasing stress.

Try to check amla oil, castor oil, olive oil, almond or coconut oil. Try to add a few drops of rosemary essential oil to increase your chances of getting faster results. You might need to check other oils, like wheat germ oil, argan oil and emu oil.

Choose one of the oils mentioned above and massage it into your scalp and hair.
You will need to do this at least once a week.


If want to find a juice saturated with carbohydrates, then you might need to check the beetroot juice. This plant is filled with vitamins C and B, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, protein and carbohydrates. All these nutrients are good for hair loss treatment.

Include some fresh juice from beetroot into your diet. You might also be fancy of carrot juice, lettuce juice, alfalfa juice, spinach juice that can be a good arsenal for your hair loss treatment.
You can use alternative variant of hair growth, like grinding few beetroot leaves into the boiled water and add some henna in it. Apply this paste mixture into your scalp. You will need to leave it for twenty minutes, then wash it off. Repeat this procedure several times per week to get results.

Chinese Hibiscus

The Chinese hibiscus can be another great element for your hair loss treatment procedures. It can also provide addition hair growth. The Chinese Hibiscus can be a perfect cure for dandruff. If you have a desire to get your hair loss treatment with the Chinese hibiscus, you would need to do next:

Mix two cups of coconut oil and 10 Chinese Hibiscus.
Heat this mixture, then try to strain it into the oil.
Use this mixture to apply into your hair before going to bed. Wash this mixture in the morning.
Repeat this procedure few times per week.
You might also use this flower in your tea as it`s filled with nutrient elements that can surely fill your body.


As it was mentioned. If you have a desire to have strong and healthy hair, then you need to make some efforts to make it. Surely, your genes might have given you an advantage regarding good and healthy hair. Still, you might also need to pay attention to the hair loss treatment products.

Still, there are other elements of the earth that can surely help your hair loss treatments. You might also need to pay attention to the environment. It`s also necessary to eat well and as our body response accurately to not healthy eating. Moreover, you would need to avoid stress and anxiety if you want to keep your hair.

1 easy and natural solution for hair loss and bald head
Who says baldness and hair loss has no remedy – whether in males and females?

“I hated my bald head, it started when I was 22; 10 years later I found a simple natural solution that helped me stop hair loss in 10 days and re-grow my lost hair within 21 days!”

My story, ordeal, trials, errors and eventual breakthrough to my hair loss problem have inspired and helped over 25 persons regain their confidence.

My battle with hair loss started back in secondary school. Insults like moon head and baldie made it difficult for me to be bald and proud. Literally, I had no social life then; that was almost 2 decades ago.

Never did I think I would have to worry about losing my hair, but looking back I now understand why. My grandfather on my mom's side was bald and my dad has thin hair in the front and a bald spot in the back. One of my aunties battled serious hair loss too, that was when I knew women suffer from hair loss too.

What Was In Store For Me? Who Knows?

I grew quite accustomed to looking at my hair in the mirror analyzing the situation. I would spend at least an hour or so a day combing my hair and seeing it get thinner. The hair in the front was getting thin, invisible looking, limp, and it was receding at a rapid rate. I was also actually seeing what would become an almost bald spot on the back of my head. Overall, I couldn't believe it was happening to me. I would constantly be in the mirror trying to downplay the situation.

"Oh it is going to stop. There is no way I could be going bald"

Well it was happening, I was losing my hair. When losing your hair you start to shed more and grow less. I was finding hair all over the place. My hair brush was full of hair all the time and my pillow had hair on it also. And the shower drain was no picnic either. I had hair everywhere falling from my head.

I Started To Look For Answers And Solutions

Back then the Internet was new so the only way I knew how to look was in papers, books, magazines, and on TV. I was desperate; my hair was thinning quite fast and I was willing to try anything to save it.

After weeks of research, I found a Canadian company that had a shampoo, conditioner, and a topical solution used for hair loss.

Though was quite pricy but what could a desperate me have done? I called and ordered it via the help of an old friend there with my meager savings of course. I used it for about 5 months, but it didn't work!

My hair was still thinning, receding and even looking like it's burning. So I stopped. After that I started to look again and I found a business outfit, more like an expensive hair clinic somewhere in Ikoyi Lagos that had a treatment for hair loss. Their system of treatment is based on Micro-Scalp Pigmentation. Very expensive and unsure; I couldn’t afford it, so I looked the other way.

I Kept Looking For Answers For Months

I came across numerous products and I tried the ones that made sense at the time, but nothing worked at the long run. I was even referred to a traditional medicine practitioner somewhere in Owo town in Ondo state. There, the dirty looking old man gave me some mixture that looked like poo from a diarrhea patient and instructed me to massage my head with it every morning.

I did that for almost 7 months, and nothing worked at the end.

After that, I went to another hairpiece clinic that was at Lekki. They recommended I massage my hair with a type of shampoo and conditioner formulated for thinning hair. It makes sense to use a shampoo and conditioner that is made for thinning hair, so I started using it and I use it to this day. But at the end of the day I was still losing my hair and I was still averaging an hour a day in the mirror studying the situation and I still kept looking for answers.

Well after weeks and months of praying, one of two answers came.

The Solution Came Like A Miracle!

This solution stops hair loss 10 short days, then opens the closed hair follicles (that maks your hair not grow) and starts regrowth within 21 days.

Top 9 health benefits of eating raw onions every day
Eating raw onions

Onion is a popular vegetable all over the world. It grows all year round, and it is a flavor element for most dishes. Nigerians, for example, love to add white, green, yellow and red onions to their dishes because this vegetable adds a unique flavor and makes you healthier.

If cooked onions can have sweet taste and nice flavor, eating raw onions can sound like a problem at first. Still, the raw vegetables provide you with more vitamins and useful elements that is why it is better to eat them raw.
Health benefits of onions

What does onion do for the body? Why would you prefer eating raw onions instead of cooking this popular vegetable?

We will list some of the top health benefits of eating onions for men and women you should know about.

1. Stronger immune system

Eating raw onions can be useful for your immune system. This useful product enriches our bodies with antioxidants and creates a ‘wall’ to protect you from free radicals.

Add more onions to your meals and salads and your immune system will easier fight with different bacteria and viruses. In other words, you will feel much better than most people who do not like onions. You will not catch the flu as often as others and you will recover quicker.

Is this really possible? How? We know the answers. According to doctors, each raw onion has quercetin. This plant flavonol helps the human body fight allergies and cold symptoms such as sneezing.

Healthier heart

Do you want your heart to be healthier and stronger? This is one of the most important raw onion health benefits. Experts believe that raw onion lowers the risks of heart and heart attacks.

Onion juice influences your blood pressure, reduces it and works as prevention to platelets and clusters. There are different studies of the influence of onion on the human heart, and some of them suggest that this vegetable has a positive effect. Each onion you eat helps your blood regulation, improves cholesterol levels and makes the heart stronger.

3. Easier breathing

Onions help to relax your muscles, and this can result in easier breathing. For example, if you have asthma, you might ease its symptoms if you eat raw onions every day. However, it is extremely important for every patient with asthma to talk to their doctor before trying to eat onions as a treatment against such condition.

4. Improved digestion

The cool benefits of eating onions for men and women include improved digestive system. Thanks to fiber contained in the vegetable, onion is great for better digestion.

By the way, when you start eating raw onions, you will get enough fiber for the development of the right bacteria in your body. Human intestines need the right bacteria for better functioning and prevent different problems such as diarrhea or stomach ulcer.

Lower risk of cancer development

Women and men can enjoy numerous onion benefits and reducing the risks of gastric and oral cancer is one of them.

Experts believe that every person who eats onions at least 2-5 times per week also protects his or her body and reduces the possibility of developing different types of cancer.

Some studies also have shown that raw yellow onions help to ease the condition after chemotherapy because it can reduce insulin resistance.

6. Stronger bones

It doesn’t matter if you are young or getting older, you should take care of your health. Eating vegetables is great for your body because they all are an amazing natural source of vitamins.

Onions are rich in calcium which is a necessary element for the bones. Those people who consume these vegetables in the raw state easily reduce the possibilities of bone fractures by about twenty percent. This is really nice, so think about adding this vegetable to your family meals.

7. Reduction of blood sugar

Raw onion health benefits include the control of blood sugars. The elements contained in red onions, for example, can help with reducing the level of glucose for a while.

In other words, if you have diabetes you can talk to your doctor about adding onions to your everyday meals.

8. Improved hair and skin

Those women and men who take care of their skin and wish to enjoy healthier hair have noticed how onion consumption helps with improving their skin and hair.

9. Antiseptic benefit

You already know that raw onions can make your immune system more powerful, but this is not the only advantage of consuming these impressive vegetables.

If you have mouth infection, you can use onion as your natural antibiotic. Just cut raw onions into slices and eat with other vegetables or bread or alone. You can also add onions to salads and eat it fresh with a little bit of vegetable oil.
Onion benefits: Nutritional elements

Here are the main components of the vegetable:

Antioxidants – quercetin
Vitamins – C, B6, K, B7, B9, A
Minerals – calcium, chromium, copper, zinc, iron, phosphorus
Dietary fibers
Low fat
Energetic levels

Most of us avoid eating raw onions and prefer replacing them with other vegetables and flavors because of the strong smell and the fact that onions can make you cry while you slice or chop them.

Is it possible to reduce the ‘effect of tears’ and mask ones breath after eating onions? Everything is possible. The onions, your hands, and even knife should be wet when slicing onions, this will reduce the strong smell of onion.

If you want to get rid of the unpleasant smell from your mouth after eating raw onions you are advised to eat walnuts, almonds, or pine nuts. You can also mask your onion breath by chewing a mint or menthol gum after consuming your daily serving of this veggie.

Stay healthy and make sure you are not allergic to this product before you consume it. Eat onions without crying and enjoy all the health benefits of this vegetable.

Top 15 health benefits of ginger and garlic mixture

If you are still searching for the natural methods of making your health better, this article is right for you! Let’s look through the health benefits of ginger and garlic!

Actually, ginger has always been used as both medicine and seasoning for more than 500 years. In the middle ages, it was used as a way to cure the plague. Nowadays, it is used to cure different diseases from simple sniffles and colds to rheumatoid arthritis.
Also, it is used to decrease some particular tumors in people who are in pain of rheumatoid arthritis. According to scientific researches, ginger weakened the symptoms in 55% of people, who suffer from osteoarthritis, and 74% of people, who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis. Taking into consideration the health consequences of different medicines, ginger seems to be much secure and more cost-effective alternative.
Health benefits of garlic and ginger

So, let’s look through the main health benefits of ginger and garlic mixture!

1) Digestion

Digestion plays a key role in keeping you healthy. Ginger can be helpful in digestion by controlling high sugar levels. In the case where these sugar levels are very high, the stomach will not be able to work as it should. So, ginger quiets the stomach brings it to a normal condition. Garlic has been thought to keep the digestive system running smoothly and is particularly helpful in swelling or irritation of the stomach.

Speaking about the garlic, it is no less important. The restorative functions of the garlic have been known to the ancient Egyptian people, who gave garlic to slaves that were building the pyramids in order to raise their stamina and efficiency.
Also, garlic, like ginger, decreases the tendency of blood clotting. Additionally, it leads to better blood flow throughout the whole body, not only in the coronary arteries. It operates as a vasodilator by generating blood pressure to drop and blood vessels to expand.

Basically, the essential oils in the garlic are emitted through the lungs, what means that it is especially effective for the purification of respiratory system.

Helps with blood clots

Both ginger and garlic have medicinal characteristics, which allow them to reduce the blood clotting. According to Motley Health, it was claimed that ginger has been shown to reduce 60% of the production of thromboxane, which is a forceful blood clotting stimulant. Garlic also induces the blood vessels to increase, reducing blood pressure, as well as keeping the blood from clotting.

Diarrhea is a rather difficult problem to have, but from scientific researches, both garlic and ginger can help to overcome the symptoms of diarrhea. As for ginger, it helps with any stomach gas and spasms, and garlic is able to even destroy all harmful bacteria, which are in your intestines.

4) Sexual activity

In general, ginger enhances blood circulation, which can immediately improve the male stimulation. It has also been listed as an aphrodisiac and ginger has been scientifically proven to enhance sexual desire. Garlic also has been used throughout centuries as an aphrodisiac and has been known to enhance libido and stamina.

Diarrhea is a rather difficult problem to have, but from scientific researches, both garlic and ginger can help to overcome the symptoms of diarrhea. As for ginger, it helps with any stomach gas and spasms, and garlic is able to even destroy all harmful bacteria, which are in your intestines.

4) Sexual activity

In general, ginger enhances blood circulation, which can immediately improve the male stimulation. It has also been listed as an aphrodisiac and ginger has been scientifically proven to enhance sexual desire. Garlic also has been used throughout centuries as an aphrodisiac and has been known to enhance libido and stamina.
So, it is believed that garlic can help in the situation of impotency, and such a treatment continues in many communities till today. This means you can try to treat yourself with garlic and ginger mixture for several months before your doctor prescribes you some special medicines.

5) Respiratory diseases

Both ginger and garlic are known for their natural, antibacterial characteristics, and their ability to relieve congestion and loosen phlegm. So, ginger relieves congestion, softens aching muscles, and can soothe a sore throat. Garlic is considered to be an antibiotic and is often recommended for treating flu and colds.
While being used together, either in a supplement form, as a tea, or in meals, such as stews and soups, the combination of garlic and ginger can become an effective and beneficial medicine, when cold attacks.

6) Relieves arthritis symptoms

Drinking ginger tea can diminish or control swelling. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, ginger plays a great role in decreasing inflammation and has been used for this goal by traditional medicine for many years. According to the American Academy of Rheumatology, it contains natural ingredients, which are similar to those found in FDA-approved over-the-counter anti-inflammatory combinations.
Also, ginger can help to reduce your arthritis pain. However, make sure that you don't drink too much ginger tea. Excessive ginger consumption can lead to the inflammation of your stomach and intestines. Some researches confirmed that ginger can relieve pain.

7) Relief of flu and cold symptoms

Actually, drinking ginger tea can help decrease your cold symptoms. Ginger is thought to be the best medicine for colds in Chinese ayurvedic and traditional medicine. In general, ginger has antiviral characteristics, which can help to fight cold symptoms. Just drink ginger tea at least three times per day.

Also, ginger can help to reduce your arthritis pain. However, make sure that you don't drink too much ginger tea. Excessive ginger consumption can lead to the inflammation of your stomach and intestines. Some researches confirmed that ginger can relieve pain.

7) Relief of flu and cold symptoms

Actually, drinking ginger tea can help decrease your cold symptoms. Ginger is thought to be the best medicine for colds in Chinese ayurvedic and traditional medicine. In general, ginger has antiviral characteristics, which can help to fight cold symptoms. Just drink ginger tea at least three times per day.

You can prepare your ginger tea with either dried ginger powder or fresh ginger root. Just take one cup of boiling water and add either 1/2 tea spoon of powdered ginger or one tea spoon of the freshly grated ginger root. Leave it to infuse for about ten minutes.

Eating garlic during cold season is a great way to boost your immune system and keep off colds and flu. The old folk remedy is to eat a garlic bulblet, which is garlic that has been been immersed in honey at the first sign of a cold. So, try it and see whether it works or not. A better solution is to mix these amazing products and double the effect.
8) Motion sickness symptoms relief

Ginger tea can help to reduce some symptoms of motion sickness, such as nausea, etc. According to the Merck Manual of Medical Conditions, motion sickness includes such symptoms as a headache, cold sweats, nausea, excessive saliva production, an upset stomach, vomiting, breathing difficulties, and vertigo. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, ginger can be a safe alternative to prescription-based motion sickness medicines.

9) Bacterial and fungal infections

When it is bruised or crushed, garlic produces Allicin, which is a sulphuric ingredient that is a natural antibiotic. During the 1st world war, soldiers used crushed garlic on infected wounds gained in battles. So, if you decide to consume garlic in a tablet form, it will be much better to take powdered capsules. Because the processes used to produce garlic tablets, usually destroys the Allicin, which is very important.

10) Prevention of numerous kinds of cancer

Prostate cancer, bladder cancer, breast cancer, stomach cancer, and colon cancer have all been shown to have their tumors decreased after being treated with garlic and ginger. Moreover, vitamin B6 is considered to be able to help in cancer treatment. Why not to use double force?

11) Decreasing of morning sickness symptoms

Ginger can help to decrease morning sickness, a symptom experienced during pregnancy. According to the National Institutes of Health, morning sickness usually occurs at any time of the day. As for the common symptoms, such as nausea and vomiting, they can be decreased with ginger, claimed the American College of Nurse-Midwives.

Actually, symptoms of morning sickness can exacerbate as a result of foods kinds, hormonal fluctuations, fatigue, or stress. According to the National Institutes of Health, ginger and garlic products, especially tea, are effective for treating morning sickness.

12) Natural blood thinner

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, ginger can be used to support and nourish your cardiovascular health. Ginger is thought to be a natural blood thinner, as it makes your blood platelets less adhesive. It averts blood clotting. On the other hand, this can help to reduce your circulatory problems and blood cholesterol. For the cardiac tonic preparation, just mix one cup of boiling water with one to two tea spoons of freshly squeezed ginger.

Actually, the LDL cholesterol and the aortic plaque depositions, which gather on the walls of your body’s veins can be treated with garlic. According to scientific researches, garlic has amazing benefits when it comes to heart diseases.

13) Headache treatment

Ginger's effectiveness against headaches has been proven. Ginger has been shown to decrease the severity and symptoms of headaches by blocking prostaglandins (the chemicals, which can induce inflammation in the brain blood vessels). In addition, this anti-inflammatory power in ginger can lower the discomfort of headaches, flu, and colds.

Ginger is also the best remedy when it comes to stuffiness and bronchial congestion. The main compound, the gingerol, is a natural cough suppressant. So if you have a cough or you feel stuffy, then ginger can help you. It gives you an easier time when it comes to breathing.

14) Arthritis remedy

Ginger and garlic operate well together to decrease joint swellings in people who have rheumatoid arthritis. According to the latest study, it was found that ginger and garlic mixture can ease the symptoms in 55% of people with osteoarthritis, and 74% of people with rheumatoid arthritis.

15) Diabetes treatment

Ginger decreases the blood sugar levels. Actually, drinking 1 table spoon of ginger juice mixed with 1 glass of water in the morning can help to control the sugar level.

Garlic can also control blood sugar as it strengthens the level of insulin in the blood. This can help in the control of diabetes.

Garlic and ginger tea

Usually, garlic and ginger tea is thought to be a good treatment for colds and reducing the symptoms of the flu. Drinking the tea helps you take good advantage of ginger and garlic’s antibiotic and anti-inflammatory characteristics, as well as ginger’s reputation for relieving headache and easing nausea. By the way, ginger and garlic tea tastes delicious, particularly with honey and lemon.

Ginger garlic tea recipe


4 cups of water;
2-inch piece of fresh ginger;
1 garlic clove;
2-3 tbsp honey.

You need to peel the ginger and cut it into thin slices. Then cut the garlic clove in two parts lengthwise. Put the water, garlic, and ginger in a saucepan and boil. Let it simmer for about 15-20 minutes. Filter the tea into the cup and add some honey to taste. Actually, ginger and garlic tea is good for the body because of the vitamins and substances it has.

Ginger has anti-inflammatory characteristics. Garlic has antiseptic and antibacterial characteristics. Honey has antibacterial characteristics, which can help to speed up the healing process of the garlic and ginger. Also, it can draw water out of inflamed tissue, therefore leading to a decrease in pain and swelling.

You can put as much ginger to the pot, as you want. In a case when the tea is too potent for you, just water it by adding some boiled water to your portion. Residual pieces can be eaten or used for future extracts. By the way, chopped ginger can also be added to meals, in the form of spices.

Garlic, ginger, and honey cure


25 cloves of garlic;
1/2 cup of ginger juice (about 1,25 ml);
1/2 cup of lemon juice (about 1,25 ml);
1 cup of apple cider vinegar (250 ml);
1 cup of pure bee honey (340 g).

First of all, you need to mix ginger juice with lemon juice in a bowl. Then crush 25 cloves of garlic, and put them in a blender together with the juices. Mix as well as you can and add a cup of honey, a cup of apple cider, and vinegar. Afterwards, just pour this mixture blend into a glass jar, and put it in the refrigerator for at least 5 days before consuming it.

It is thought to be a good remedy for diseases. You need just to mix two table spoons of it into a glass of juice or warm water. The best dosage is two times per day, but make certain that one of them should be at night about an hour after supper.
Well, as you can see, ginger and garlic are very useful for our health. In this article, we looked through the main health benefits of ginger and garlic mixture. You can clearly see that garlic and ginger can be used to prevent illnesses as well as cure them Hope this article was interesting and useful for you! So, be healthy and good luck!

5 most effective ways ✌ to get rid of dark knuckles

Finally, the fastest ways for how to get rid of dark knuckles fast! Let’s look through the most effective methods! Follow this, and you no longer have to deal with dark knuckles and skin ever again!

Actually, having dark knuckles can be a rather difficult thing to deal with for women of color. Usually, you can have them naturally, or they could have been caused by excessive tanning, bleaching, exposure to extreme or hazardous washing agents, etc.

Very often, we get questions about how to fix this problem from women who have dark knuckles through one way or the other and do not know how to get rid of them.

Causes of dark knuckles

Before you start your fight against dark knuckles you should figure out what may have caused the problem. The first thing that needs to be mentioned is that it could be genetic, a health issue or based on how you use your hands. For example, dark knuckles can become more emphasized when you use a lightening cream or if you expose your hands to a lot of chemicals including bleach used for clothes, washing agents or excessive washing of hands.

So, you should know that if your hands work too much during the day and have come in contact with different chemicals, they should be treated properly in the evening. It is well-known that the skin around the knuckle is rather tough and any major chemical can influence the area so it can absorb necessary treatment.
Keep your head up! We will tell you how to get rid of dark knuckles fast.

The most effective methods

Method #1

You need to get a bottle of a good revitalizing lotion. Using a Q-tip, dip it in the lotion and apply it on your dark knuckles. Make sure to put on a thick layer of the lotion and ensure it gets absorbed into the skin. Later, in 5 minutes, clean it off or rub it in.

Method #2

For the second method, in order to moisturize your dark knuckles, you need to use raw shea butter (usually referred to as ori.). Take a scoop of the butter and rub all over your hands. You can use this method on your feet as well. Shea butter has characteristics that help to lighten the skin tone and moisturize the skin. It is also known as a very efficient dark knuckle cleanser.

Keep your head up! We will tell you how to get rid of dark knuckles fast.

The most effective methods

Method #1

You need to get a bottle of a good revitalizing lotion. Using a Q-tip, dip it in the lotion and apply it on your dark knuckles. Make sure to put on a thick layer of the lotion and ensure it gets absorbed into the skin. Later, in 5 minutes, clean it off or rub it in.

Method #2

For the second method, in order to moisturize your dark knuckles, you need to use raw shea butter (usually referred to as ori.). Take a scoop of the butter and rub all over your hands. You can use this method on your feet as well. Shea butter has characteristics that help to lighten the skin tone and moisturize the skin. It is also known as a very efficient dark knuckle cleanser.
Method #3

If dark knuckles are severe, for the first week after using the Shea butter, it will be better to wear a pair of non-sterile powder-free vinyl medical examination gloves on your hands. You should wear them overnight while you sleep. This procedure will help to lock in moisture and to begin the peeling process. Afterwards, just wash your hands with a mild scrub in the mornings.

Method #4

If the problem is not too severe, instead of medical examination gloves you can simply wear cotton gloves on your hands and a pair of cotton socks for your feet overnight. Keep wearing them for about two weeks.
Method #5

In general, using a scrub or skin polish is great for dark knuckles as well. A scrub is a perfect remedy for dark knuckles. Just scrub the dark areas twice a week to help exfoliate the skin and reduce the hyper-pigmentation.
So, if you have problems with skin pigmentation and dark knuckles, you now have some advice that can help. However, if you don't see any changes after using these tops, you should see a dermatologist. Note that a qualified dermatologist has to be a real doctor! Consulting with an uncertified beautician can lead to damaged skin. Take care of your hands and they will look well-groomed. Stay healthy and look great!

amazing health benefits of eating ewedu soup

Ewedu soup is the green slimy soup obtained from cooking the ewedu leaves; the English name of this plant is jute mallow with the botanical name Corchorus olitorius. This soup is usually cooked by Yoruba people in Nigeria.

The ewedu soup is mainly eaten with amala and can be combined with local bean soup which is locally known as gbegiri. Most people prefer combining it this way when they want to eat this soup. Apart from ewedu being one of the most important vegetables to the Yoruba people, there are so many health benefits attached to eating this soup.

Find below some of the health benefits attached to eating ewedu soup:

1. For the beautification of the skin

Ewedu leaves contain vitamins that increase the production of collagen in the body. This makes the skin more firm and beautiful. You should take this soup more often in order to have and maintain a beautiful skin.

2. It enhances bowel movement

Ewedu soup is an adequate source of fibre. This means that the soup is quite helpful in controlling weight. It also eases bowel movement and promotes the intestinal health.

3. It contains anti-oxidants

Ewedu soup contains anti-oxidants that are highly beneficial to the body. These anti-oxidants contained in the leaves protect the body from certain medical conditions and chronic diseases.

4. It contains beneficial micronutrients

Ewedu contains micronutrients that play important roles in the well-being of humans. They also help in the regulation of metabolism, heartbeat, and bone density. Generally, this reduces one chances of becoming ill as micro-nutrients and vitamins see to the well-being of the consumers.

5. Home remedy in the treatment of certain illness

Ewedu can also be used locally as it could be taken as a home remedy to ease certain illnesses that involve constipation, dysentery, and related stomach conditions.

6. It contains beta-carotene

Ewedu soup contains beta-carotene which is the main safe source of dietary vitamin A. This is important for normal  growth and development in the body.

It also strengthens the immune system and helps to improve vision. This means that consuming more ewedu soup could improve your eyesight and nourish your body at the same time.

7. Protection against degenerative diseases

Ewedu leaves contain vitamins A, C and E. These vitamins play a major role in the protection of the body from degenerative diseases. Vitamin A is essential for normal vision, immune system, and reproduction. It also promotes the proper functioning of organs like lungs, heart, and kidney.

The vitamin C obtained in ewedu leaves is essential for the proper of healing of wounds, it also works for the repair and maintenance of bones and teeth.

This vitamin also helps the body produce collagen; an important protein that is key in the formation of skin, tendons, cartilage, ligaments and blood vessels.

Beneficial and incredibly delicious recipe of edikaikong soup with ugu and waterleaf

According to the culinary traditions, the first dish is the most important. Everyone knows that having a hot soup is very crucial for health. Cooks around the world create delicious recipes of varying complexity. The easiest way is to cook food from those products that are easily available in your area. So use the secrets of the national Nigerian cuisine. From this article, you’ll find out how to cook vegetable soup with ugu and waterleaf.

Useful properties of vegetable soups

This dish is very nutritious but at the same time, light. It is quickly absorbed and improves digestion. Vegetable soup ingredients come with a lot of useful substances. In addition, the soups are usually less caloric than most dishes.

Filling and tasty vegetable soups are very necessary for people who care about their health. They are incomparable when it comes to their properties. Soups like this have an exquisite and gentle consistency, so they are very easily and quickly absorbed by the body. In addition, they are very beneficial since vegetables contain a lot of the vitamins and microelements we need.

Vegetable soups are ideal for those who prefer nutritional native dishes. These Nigerian cuisine are considered a favourite for most people.
Traditional Nigerian edikaikong soup

Let’s take a close look at the traditional Nigerian food. For many years, one of the most popular dishes in our country is the edikaikong soup. It's not too difficult to prepare You will get great health benefits. Efiks were the first tribes to begin preparing this dish. The name edikaikong is translated as "vegetable soup". It's an excellent source of vitamins, strength, and fibre.

If you want to try it stock up with these ingredients:

0,5 kilos of roasted/dried fish;
1 cup of crayfish;
from 10 to 12 cups of waterleaf;
6 cups of ugu leaf;
1 cup of palm oil;
average stock fish head;
meat you prefer (assorted is the best);
salt and pepper according to your taste;
3-4 cubes of Maggi or Knorr;
1 cup of periwinkles (may be not added if you don't like it);
ofor or achi (2 spoons);
onion (half cup).
The measurement may be adjusted if you would like to cook more or less food.

If you haven’t eaten periwinkles before be sure to try it out. In most Nigerian markets, it is sold in ready-made form.
How to cook vegetable soup?

The preparation is quite easy. You just have to follow few simple instructions:

Rinse the meat under water and put it in a large pot. Add the onion, spices, and cook the mixture for half an hour.
Wash the seafood and periwinkle under cool water and add them to the pan. Wait until the meat is about 3/4 soft compared to full readiness.
Rinse fish in hot water to get rid of dirt and sand, mix it with the rest of ingredients. If the fish is very dry, add it at the very beginning.
Slice ugu and waterleaves into small pieces. It’s convenient to buy already sliced leaves. Sellers often do it themselves. If you need to cut the leaves yourself, use a plate and a sharp knife.

Put the leaves in separate dishes and rinse with water to get rid of sand. It is recommended to do it very carefully. It's better to wash them before cutting, so this is an important reason to buy them unprepared. The fluted pumpkin can be washed before slicing, but you have to wash waterleaves after cutting.

For many people find it easier to learn recipes from video lessons. Below you can see how to make the delicious vegetable soup. The video is made in the usual Nigerian kitchen, not in a restaurant or hotel. So any person can repeat the process described at home.

It's a good illustration for the article above. Closely follow the process, take into account all recommendations and you will definitely get a tasty meal. Bon Appetit!

Use these 11 effective herbal remedies for long-lasting intimacy

Herbal cure for premature ejaculation in Nigeria has been used for many centuries as the only way to eliminate the problem intimacy not lasting long enough. Only in recent decades have scientists developed many new surgical and medications methods. But the tested home remedies are still as popular as the modern ones.

How long should an intimate act last? Doctors do not have an actual answer, there are so many factors to consider. But if ejaculation happened right after you began, then it is clearly premature. This is a problem to be dealt with otherwise it can lead to unhappiness and dissatisfaction between couple. Also, the man may begin to feel insecure.

Statistics show that 30% of Nigerian adult men go through this phenomenon. In addition, it is worth considering that men conceal such information so the real figures can be much higher.

Some feel shame while others think that this illness is incurable. Without dealing with the issue, this will only worsen the quality of their lives. Over time, their social life will suffer. They experience fear of failure, depression, and feelings of guilt.
A study was conducted with 1,200 Nigerian women. 50% of them said that they are ready to leave their partners if there is issue of premature ejaculation. Earlier studies show that women need at least 12 minutes of intimate contact to feel satisfaction.

Causes of premature ejaculation
Causes of premature ejaculation

Before giving traditional medicine a try, you should understand the reasons for quick ejaculation. If you know the causes, you can change your lifestyle and the problem will be solved.

In general, all the factors can be divided into two main groups: organic (physical) and psychogenic (psychological).

Among the most common organic causes of premature ejaculation are:

Inflammatory diseases in the genital area and abdominal cavity, including vesiculitis, prostatitis, etc.
Neurological ailments, such as diseases of the spine, damage to the pelvic bones, intervertebral hernia, Parkinson's disease.

Excessive sensitivity.
The list of psychological factors is more extensive. Premature ejaculation can be caused by the following factors of psychogenic nature:

Long-term abstinence from intimacy, especially during early adolescence.
Lack of experience in intimate relationships.
Frequent masturbation and the development of a conditioned reflex.
The feeling of anxiety due to past unsuccessful intimate contacts resulting in early ejaculation.
Irregular intimate life and lack of a constant partner.
Incorrect behavior of a woman who emphasizes a man's intimate problems.

It may be possible to deal with this problem only with a herbal cure for premature ejaculation. But in the event of any serious disease, one should first get rid of the underlying ailment and only then, start to make use of some of these traditional medicines.
Premature ejaculation home remedies

Ginseng. Thanks to the useful properties of this plant, you will experience orgasm later than usual, because it improves the function of the circulatory system, reduces anxiety, and lead to the rejuvenation of the body. As a result, your overall intimate activity will improve.
Ganoderma. Many generations of men used these herbs as a mixture with others or separately. Their health became stronger, and their personal life was much satisfactory.
Golden Chia also works well for shortcomings in a man's intimate life.
Glory Bower. Scientists claim that this herb has has a stronger effect than Viagra. It can be mixed with Cloves or Damiana.
Chinese Bur. Make a beneficial concoction from the leaves of this shrub.
Dandelion. Useful substances are contained in its root, leaves, and bark. Prepare the tea from these and drink it 1-2 times a day. You will notice positive changes in your masculine strength.
Peruvian Maca. This plant helps both men and women in their intimate life.
Cloves improve blood circulation to the reproductive organs and tones up the nervous system by relieving the man of anxiety. Try to grease your organs with clove oil. So you will dilate the blood vessels and stimulate the muscles.
White onion with honey. These products will improve your health if you eat them regularly.
Ginger increases the mobility and number of spermatozoa. You will gain complete control of your intimate life.
Green vegetables are enriched with antioxidants and vitamins. They significantly improve the quality of bedroom activities.. Include as many of such products as you can in your diet and eat them for as long as possible. You are guaranteed to notice the positive changes.
Keep in mind that these mixtures may have adverse effect. Even the safest herbal product can do harm rather than benefit you if you consume it in excessive amounts.

When used moderately, the above-mentioned remedies get rid of your health problems. Herbs reduce anxiety because they are endowed with strong aphrodisiac properties. It is strictly forbidden to use all of them at once. Add a few to your diet. And you will see results sooner than you think.

Useful tips for natural treatment of pelvic inflammatory disease
Pelvic inflammatory disease is a common problem for women (more than half of the patients who visit gynecologist are suffering from PID); it is an infection of the fallopian tubes, which results in an inflammation that could affect the ovaries. The pus formed as a result of the inflammation destroys the ovaries and causes severe pains and even infertility. It is better treated as soon as it develops, if it has reached extreme levels, one has to visit their doctor as soon as possible; however, in the early stages or for preventive purposes, it is possible to treat it naturally.
PID mainly develops in adult females and does not usually affect men because of their anatomical features, however, the transmission of venereal infections can cause its pathology. If a woman has PID, her partner should also go for a checkup. Before we go into the natural treatment of PID, let us talk briefly about its causes and symptoms.


PID can be caused by several pathogens (cocci, chlamydia, intestinal and tubercle bacilli, fungi). They penetrate the fallopian tubes through the uterus and sometimes the infection pathway can flow through the blood and intestines (right-sided PID may develop). In the first case, PID could arise due to negligence in operations (scraping of the uterus, abortion, use of a spiral). Viruses and bacteria can also be contacted during intimate contacts or due to improper personal hygiene.


Symptoms of PID include pain in the lower back and abdomen, elevated temperature (38-39º), chills, bloating and problems with urination. Chronic PID is accompanied by secretions and irregular monthly cycles; acute PID causes deterioration of the general health condition of women, its symptoms are similar to those of food poisoning (nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite, dizziness and weakness). In acute PID, pain occurs unexpectedly and abruptly, while in chronic PID its appearance is associated with menstruation or intimate contact.

There is a risk of confusing signs of PID with appendicitis, cystitis or stones in the urethra. Therefore, the underlying symptom is continuous secretions (purulent or foamy-purulent).
Classical pelvic inflammatory disease treatment

Laboratory tests can be used to identify inflammatory pathogens and antimicrobial agents and pain medications or physiotherapy could be prescribed to ease the situation.

Acute PID treatment begins with complete rest and ice on the abdomen. Lydase injection is used to eliminate the adhesions in the ovaries. Anti-inflammatory tampons are also inserted to help the woman heal.

If all of the above actions do not treat the the disease, an operation would have to be carried out to remove the tubes (for bilateral PID) or only the affected tube.

Natural treatment of PID

Certain natural treatments for PID are effective in close cooperation with classical medicine. Completely neglecting the latter could put a woman at risk of developing concomitant diseases (cystitis, colitis, infertility and ectopic pregnancy). Applying natural treatment of PID in combination with medical treatments will significantly speed up the healing process and help prevent complications.

Natural treatments of PID, in general, can be divided into three categories: baths, douching and drinking of decoctions or juices.
Clay baths

Place a very liquid clay solution in a capacious pelvis or bath. Dip your hands into the mixture for 20 minutes, then repeat the procedure with the soles of your feet. Dispose of the solution after the third use. Repeat the bath every 3-4 days.

If natural conditions and weather (warm season) allow, you can fully immerse yourself in the clay bath solution, with the exception of the head. To do this, excavate a large pit in the ground, fill it with warm water and high-quality clay; your mixture should be light in mass. Soak yourself in the bath for 30 minutes to 1 hour.

At the end of the procedure, wrap yourself up immediately, drink the herbal infusion and go to bed. The procedure can be repeated once in 3 - 4 days. The clay mixture should be changed after 7 uses.

Clay baths are especially recommended for women with chronic bilateral PID.

2. Herbal baths

To prepare this herbal bath, simply place berries and stems of juniper (50 grams) in a bucket of boiled water and leave it to infuse for 2 hours, then strain the mixture and take a bath with it.

If you cannot get junipers for this bath, you can use cabbages instead which are sold in almost every grocery store. For this recipe, simply boil fresh cabbage leaves in milk. The entire mixture should be poured into a bucket and placed under a chair with a hole cut in the middle. The woman then sits down on the seat and takes a steam bath.

Seated steam baths can be carried out with the decoction of forest hay, sheep's wool (unwashed) put into hot water or boiled radish mixed with olive oil. A single rule for all steam baths is daily application until the inflammation disappears completely.

3. Douching with herbal remedies

In order to remove the inflammation, folk medicine recommends douching with decoctions. Alternatively, you can use tampons soaked in a decoction. Always remember that the mixtures are most effective when hot.

For this purpose, you can use the bark of forest oak, chamomile flowers, nettle leaves and some other plants thoroughly mixed together. You need to take 2 tablespoons of the mixture, add them to a liter of water and boil for 15 minutes.

4. Herbal tea

To make a herbal tea, mix equal parts of chamomile and marigold thoroughly. Scoop 2 tablespoons of the mixture into 0.5 liter of boiling water and let it sit for 2 hours. Drink 1/3 cup of this tea 6 times a day (before or between meals). Continue the process for 2 months.

Fresh juices

It is recommended to drink the juice of one potato daily. Such a drink should be taken on an empty stomach and must be thoroughly shaken.

A tastier alternative is pumpkin juice. The dosage and time of usage are not limited (try to drink pumpkin juice and eat the dishes of this product as often as possible).

You can also try drinking nettle juice. Simply squeeze fresh nettle leaves through a gauze or sieve and dilute a teaspoon of the juice in 0.25 glass of water. Drink the solution 20 minutes before breakfast, lunch and dinner.


Every woman must know that abortion and the use of a spiral increases the risk of purulent PID. The less you interfere with the uterus, the less likely it is for unilateral or bilateral PID to occur.

Negligence in choosing a partner also increases the possibility of the emergence of chronic bilateral PID, since they could be the carrier of the infection.

It is is advisable for women to drink curdled milk often. This product significantly reduces the risk of chronic bilateral PID and other inflammatory processes.

Whichever method of treatment is chosen, a woman should completely refrain from intimate relations during the therapy. The correct education of girls from a young age (observance of hygiene of the reproductive organs, the instillation of standards of matrimonial fidelity and the observance of chastity before marriage) can prevent them from permanently becoming regular patients of gynecologists and protect them from PID

Pleasant and effective water therapy for weight loss - Best recipes

It is unlikely that anyone will argue with the fact that water procedures are both pleasant and useful. Even a normal shower relieves stress, invigorates, and improves mood. It is difficult to overestimate the benefits that a good shower brings to body. Water can cure many diseases and even prevent their occurrence. But, unfortunately, when it comes to official medicine, hydrotherapy is not too common. However, it is widely used in beauty parlors and SPA-salons. There, water is considered an indispensable assistant in the fight against obesity and cellulite. In this article, we’ll talk about water therapy for weight loss.
Water massage

Today, more clinics are making use of underwater and water therapy massage for weight loss. It is a pleasant procedure, which relaxes muscles, has a rejuvenating effect on the human body, and battles excess weight.

The pleasant warm water and massage relieve back pain, muscle spasms, and reduce stress and anxiety. The high temperature in the bathroom helps strengthen the immune system. It helps to fight against a variety of diseases, from viral infection to more serious problems.

Warm water therapy for weight loss allows for skin cleansing, removal of dead cells, and getting rid pollution. This procedure is an effective way to combat cellulite and small fat deposits. It gives the skin an excellent healthy appearance, stimulates the production of collagen in cells, increases its elasticity, and smoothens age wrinkles. Areas of skin that have insufficient circulation of blood get a healthy and beautiful appearance as a result of a regularly conducted water therapy.

An analysis carried out by specialists in the field of physiology showed that hot water with a temperature of 40°C and mixed with water massage causes an acceleration of metabolism by 30%.

The ethereal anti-cellulite oils are actively absorbed by the skin under the action of the water massage and enter the subcutaneous fatty layer where the cellulite is removed. Plus aromatic oils perfectly influence the metabolism, restore proper blood circulation and lymph flow, have a calming effect and relieve fatigue. With cellulite, it is best to use aromatic oils based on grapefruit, lemon, lime, mint, and rosemary.
How is water therapy for weight loss procedure conducted?

Water massage is carried out in the following ways:

Mixed water and air lead to

the formation of micro bubbles. The openings in spa pools or ordinary baths are called nozzles.
Through them, the movement of these small bubbles is directed. So, the supply of jets based on water and air can be independently adjusted: reduce or increase in intensity or simply change shape.
In addition, you can carry out manual water massage at home, for which you just need to purchase a special nozzle that can create jets of varying water pressure.

So, filling the bathroom with water, you can easily adjust the water flow, direct it to specific areas in order to get rid of excess fat or, just for the purpose of relaxation. This massage is carried out both when standing or sitting.
How is water therapy for weight loss procedure conducted?

Water massage is carried out in the following ways:

Mixed water and air lead to the formation of micro bubbles. The openings in spa pools or ordinary baths are called nozzles.
Through them, the movement of these small bubbles is directed. So, the supply of jets based on water and air can be independently adjusted: reduce or increase in intensity or simply change shape.
In addition, you can carry out manual water massage at home, for which you just need to purchase a special nozzle that can create jets of varying water pressure.

So, filling the bathroom with water, you can easily adjust the water flow, direct it to specific areas in order to get rid of excess fat or, just for the purpose of relaxation. This massage is carried out both when standing or sitting.
Please note that there are some contraindications which may lead to water therapy for weight loss side effects:

All diseases in acute stages of thrombosis;
Inflammation of the skin;
Infectious diseases;
Urolithiasis disease;
Hypertension in severe stages;
Myocardial infarction.
Slimming baths: get rid of extra weight and relax

In the fight against cellulite and extra weight, special baths are very useful. There are a lot of water therapy for weight loss success stories which mention this procedure. It helps to improve the processes of metabolism in the necessary areas, remove slags, and rejuvenate the skin. You can make use of the baths at home by purchasing a special sea salt in the drugstore.

Just add half a kilo of salt in a bath with water of no more than body temperature. You can pour also add a dozen drops of aromatic oil and a cup of freshly brewed green tea. Lie in the bath for almost half an hour. Then rinse yourself in a shower.

Baths with aromatic oils

Anti-cellulite baths with the addition of aromatic oils perfectly help to remove excess fluid from tissues and burn calories. Do them every 2 days, for at least three weeks. You can take the oil from the petals of the orange tree (neroli), as well as all kinds of citrus oils (orange, mandarin, lemon, and grapefruit), pine oil, bergamot. Dissolve a dozen drops in cream and pour the substance into the bath.

Turpentine for weight loss

More and more popular are interested in turpentine baths. To make such a bath, you need to buy a special solution of turpentine in the drugstore. Do not use chemical turpentine. You will only harm your skin.

Turpentine may be yellow (removes toxins, lowers blood pressure) and white (improves metabolism and blood supply, increases blood pressure). It is most effective to alternate them if the pressure is normal. It might be best to consult with a doctor.

It's better to make turpentine baths in the evening, not immediately after eating, but not when you're hungry. For a start, use 5ml of special solution for a bath. At the beginning, water should be just below the body temperature, but then you can gradually increase it to 40 degrees.

After taking a bath, for some time the burning of fat continues as well as increased secretion of perspiration. It is recommended to drink some tea afterwards. For preventive purposes, ten sessions 1-3 times a week are enough.

Different bath recipes

Tea baths: brew 4 small spoons of black tea, wait ten minutes, and pour it through a strainer into the bath.
Bath with lemon: thinly cut 2-3 lemons, pour in 0.5 liters of boiled water, wait for twenty minutes, and pour into the bath.
Orange bath: add bath salt to finely chopped fruits and 3 large spoons of olive oil, place the mixture in a bag of three layers of gauze, which is put in the bathing water.
Bath with honey: dilute 1 cup of honey in water and add to the bath. Soak yourself for about twenty minutes. Then rise and warmly wrap yourself. This procedure makes skin more silky and soft.
Bath with clay: dissolve 0.5 kg of clay in warm water. This bath improves blood flow, makes the skin supple and removes slags. Then you need to take a shower, wrap yourself in a fluffy towel and lie down for about twenty minutes.

Bath with cocoa: 1kg of sea salt, cinnamon, and vanillin - 1 small spoon each, 2 large spoons of coconut oil, jojoba and glycerin, 0.5 packs of cocoa. Put them all in a large container, add hot water, mix, and pour into the bath. The skin will then be smoothed out, becomes more tender and get rid of fat cells.
Note that results will not appear after the first procedure. You will have to do it constantly to achieve the desired goal. Also, do not forget about the right diet. Water therapy is an effective auxiliary method, but nothing prevents you from doing fitness, jogging, eating healthy food, and using other methods to lose weight.

Be beautiful, slim, charming, feel confident and comfortable in the body you always dreamed about!

Unripe plantain for ulcer treatment: Best recipes

At first glance, unripe plantain is the most common banana, but upon closer inspection, it turns out that it doesn’t resemble this fruit. Banana-vegetable has a hard rind, which is extremely difficult to remove.
The fruit is straight and oval, with a skin from light to dark brown in color, with white flesh. The taste of plantain significantly differs from the popular taste of its yellow counterpart. It is slightly sweet, very starchy, and somewhat reminiscent of zucchini.

In many countries they play a role of potatoes and act as a main source of staple food for the common people. Unripe plantains can show their real taste only when they are yellow.

Benefits of unripe plantain for stomach

Unripe plantain is rich in so many vitamins E, B2, PP, pectin, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, serotonin and starch. It is useful for those, who are suffering from ulcer and other diseases connected with gastrointestinal tract, as well as for diabetics, people who have atheroscleosis, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, anemia, nervous disorders and kidney disease.

Unripe plantain for ulcer treatment

Plantains subjected to heat treatment, significantly lose in calories and sugar, so that you can eat them if you suffer from excess weight and diabetes.

Plantain contains substances that kill bacteria that cause stomach ulcer. Antacid properties of the fruit are released if you consume it with milk. In general, antacids are intended for the treatment of acid-related diseases of the gastrointestinal tract by neutralization of the hydrochloric acid included in the composition of gastric juice.

Plantain flour

Due to the fact that the taste of green fruit doesn’t suit every person, as the alternative you can taste the meal that is much tastier, sweeter and softer. You can opt for plantain flour. Moreover, it is a great source of phosphorus, iron, magnesium, calcium, healthy protein and soluble plant fibers

The composition of plantain flour includes starch which can reduce the risk of diabetes, as this type of starch does not transform into glucose. Thanks to the large amount of fiber it is good for the prevention of colon cancer. Due to the large number of nutrients it strengthens the immune system.
Banana flour contains a lot of vitamin B6, which plays an important role in the body's enzymatic reactions. This vitamin is important for formation of protein and hemoglobin, which helps to supply oxygen to the body and to stabilize the level of glucose in the blood.

Unlike other types of flour, banana flour is gluten free. Therefore, it is recommended for patients with celiac disease. Besides, it helps the body to absorb calcium and for this reason it is useful for strengthening of bone tissues.
In Brazil banana flour is used for pasta production. The taste of green pasta is virtually indistinguishable from the taste of usual macaroni. They are of very high quality, have good aroma, taste and texture. This product contains almost no fat and is cheaper for manufacture.
How to cook plantain flour?

Plantain flour can be bought in health food stores and you can prepare it by yourself at home. But it is necessary to use only green unripe plantains.

First of all you need to clean your plantains (though sometimes we use the peel to add more fiber to the flour), then you need to cut plantains into slices and place in a preheated oven with the temperature of about 160 C. Use this method to dry them up until they are completely dry out and firm.
Then, let them stay cool and grind them in a blender or coffee grinder to a powder.
Sift them through a fine sieve.
Cooked product can be stored up to two weeks in a tightly sealed container.

Dosage and application
During the diet, the dosage should be not more than two tablespoons a day (about thirty grams). This amount is divided into three stages. Eat one dose of the flour for thirty minutes before meal, spreading it with water, juice, yogurt or low-fat natural yoghurt.

It can be also added to soups, cakes, salads. If you want to lose weight, it is better to take it before meals with beverage to reduce appetite.

You should not eat more than the specified dose of plantain, as this can provide you with unwanted calories. While eating, large amounts of available resistant starch may cause constipation.


You should taste banana flour with caution if you have high levels of potassium in blood, as there is quite a lot of it in this product.
Unripe plantain for ulcer

If you still have doubts how to cook it right, then read this guide.

Peel and wash your plantain;
Slice it and cut for small pieces;
Find big plastic container, get it dry;
Fill it with water – half of it or even more;
Put here your sliced plantain;
Shake the container and let it stay for fermentation for 2-3 days.
After this time it is ready for eating.
How to cure ulcer with unripe plantain?

The answer is quite simple – eat unripe plantain porridge. If you don’t know how to cook unripe plantain porridge, follow these steps:
Take several plantains, 1-2 onions, dried crawfish, spinach leaves or pumpkin leaves, salt or pepper, some water or broth, red palm oil.
Put all these ingredients into a large pot and make it boil. Reduce the heat to low-medium after 20-25 minutes of cooking. Check the plantains – they should be soft.
Mash this mixture and add the greens. Don’t forget to let it simmer for some minutes.

Add salt and pepper. Ready!

Banana rice

Boil one cup of rice in plenty of salted water so that it is not mushy. Pour off the water and make the rice dry;
Take 3 bananas and cut them into slices of medium size;
Fry them on both sides using 2 tbsp of butter;
Gently mix with rice;
Before serving, sprinkle black pepper and finely chopped parsley.
: Unripe plantain for weight loss

Now you know that plantain is extremely beneficial for your health, especially for ulcer treatment. All the recipes written here will help you cure ulcer and other gastrointestinal act related diseases.

Unripe plantain for weight loss: How to use?
What is Unripe Plantain if not your next fruit to be healthy. It has many benefits for your health as it can lower risks of heart diseases and its enrich on potassium. Sexologists also might say that unripe plantain can boost up your sexual energy and give you an unforgettable night. Is unripe plantain fattening? Certainly not! It`s one of the best things for weight loss!

Nutritional Value of Unripe Plantain

How many calories in unripe plantain? What can you get from eating this fruit?

0,9 milligrams of iron
55 milligrams of magnesium
47 grams carbohydrates
0.5 grams fat
1.9 grams protein
27.2 milligrams vitamin C
0.4 milligrams vitamin B6
1,6 milligrams of vitamin A

Only 181 calories!

What are the benefits of unripe plantain for weight loss?

Unripe plantain and weight loss work perfectly together. Unripe plantain contains a moderate amount of calories. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. If you want to lose some weight safely for your health, then you need to lose no more than 3-5 kg per week. It means to strict your diet up to 1000 calories per day. One unripe plantain contains 181 calories, so it can help you to calculate easily.
Fiber and Resistant Starch of unripe plantain. One large unripe plantain contains 4 grams of dietary fiber, which makes it a perfect fruit for weight loss. Dietary fiber helps you to burn fat. Starch provides glucose for energy which burns fat. Unripe plantain has the resistant starch which works way better than simple starch. It can be completely digested and give you no gram of overweight.

Carbohydrates in unripe plantain. It can work against weight loss for you. Carbs without starch or fiber can increase blood in sugar. It`s not healthy for people with diabetes. Moreover, you wouldn`t additional sugar as the energy for your body. Therefore, it may be stored as fat.

Amazing unripe plantain health benefits you should know

This exotic fruit on the shelves of our stores has always aroused the buyer's interest. Health benefits of unripe plantain have made it one of the most beloved fruits of all buyers around the world.

Banana is a very ancient tropical culture. It ripens on a banana tree and loves the warm and humid tropical climate. The period of full maturation from planting to harvesting is one year. A special interest and love were won by a yellow banana. Affordable price and good taste made it a frequent guest in our diet.

However, an unripe plantain deserves special attention. They are removed from the trees, being green. And the organization of proper transportation ensures full ripening of them in transit and the acquisition of these sweet berries by a sweetish taste. From the point of view of dietetics, unripe plantains may be useful (but sometimes harmful too) with their frequent use in food.

Unripe plantain health benefit
Unripe plantains of small size and a common bunch look very attractive. Their enormous dignity consists in an incredible amount of potassium. They can rightfully be called a natural source of this important substance for humans. Potassium participates in many segments of our body and also affects the functioning of almost all organs:

Normalization of blood pressure, which contributes to the improvement of the heart rate and protects against all kinds of diseases associated with a violation of cardiac dynamics. The use of unripe plantains can be a serious preventive maintenance of cardiovascular diseases. Unripe plantain is considered an important assistant to cardiologists, preventing hypertension and angina, and most importantly, the scourge of modern man, atherosclerosis;
Calcium is the main component of the bone system. Therefore, its use is able to fill the daily need of the body. According to the experts, it is enough to include one banana in your daily diet and the daily rate will be replenished in full. People who abuse salt and spicy food need to eat unripe plantains. Its properties to keep calcium in the body allow the formation of potassium in the body, which strengthens human bones. A positive effect on the replenishment of potassium will naturally affect the improvement of the teeth and hair. Unripe plantains are very useful for children of school age when the bone system is formed and strengthens, the milk teeth are replaced. During this period, it is very important to ensure that growing organisms receive all the basic elements for strengthening and growth;
The positive effect of this miracle fruit was noted by doctors in general on the digestive system. Banana pectins can stimulate the digestive tract, normalizing the work of the intestines. It is a good helper for people who suffer from constipation and frustration. Filling potassium deficiency in the body, unripe plantains restore the intestinal water balance. Indeed, having diarrhea, a person is dehydrated and loses very important electrolytes. An unripe plantain will perfectly solve this problem;
The presence of the composition of vitamin E can positively affect the skin condition. And carotene will have a soothing effect for people who are exposed to stressful situations and experiences;
A large amount of sodium in unripe plantains allows you to maintain the normal water-salt balance in the body. And this is an important factor for the muscular system. The necessary amount of sodium allows you to maintain the muscles in a tone, protects them from seizures and stress. This is especially important for people whose work is associated with heavy physical labor.

Unripe plantains will help in combating celiac disease
People suffering from one of the most severe hereditary diseases - celiac disease, are very limited in nutrition due to gluten intolerance contained in wheat and other cereals. Researchers from the University of Brazil have come up with an alternative diet that will help such patients not limit themselves to eating pasta.

The main thing is that this pasta was not from wheat flour but from the flour of an unripe plantain. A number of tasters took part in the study and recognized the positive effect of such a replacement.

Unripe plantain nutrition facts
Despite a number of factors that determine the positive properties of unripe plantains, you can still specify the number of exceptions in their application. With extreme caution, they should be introduced into the diet of young children in the age group from one to three years and nursing mothers. The increased amount of calcium and fatty acids will be difficult to assimilate and adapt for a small organism. Unripe plantain in pregnancy may be dangerous for the baby.

The individual approach should be conducted to those people, who suffer from diabetes and having problems with blood coagulability. The unripe plantain and diabetes often do ‘work out’ together.

In general, there are no restrictions for an adult in the intake of unripe plantains. This is truly a source of living energy. Therefore, people include it in their diet to support their activity, sports fans - to charge them with additional energy. They are used both in fresh and dried form.

Unripe plantain and weight loss
A large number of dishes include a banana. A very useful breakfast is considered to be oatmeal with the addition of fresh or dried banana. When choosing a diet for weight loss the unripe plantain can become one of the perfect options in the formation of a daily menu.

Cosmetology use of an unripe plantain
A special emphasis on this remarkable fruit is given in cosmetology. Its soft component, in the ensemble with honey, sour cream, oat bran and various useful ingredients, is often included in cosmetic masks for the face, neck, and hands. On the basis of a banana, people often prepare tonics, which have a wonderful toning effect and lotions for the face.

Unripe plantain flour benefits
Bananas are very hearty fruits. They are inexpensive, tasty and you can buy them at any store at any time of the year. Bananas are frequent guests on our table. They are added to desserts, pastries, drinks.

But ripe bananas have a lot of sugars, and consequently calories. Therefore, it is better to use unripe plantains when losing weight. The unripe plantain has about 80% of resistant starch, which is a very useful substance for weight loss.

Since the taste of green fruits is not to everyone's liking, the alternative is the flour, which is much tastier, nicer and softer. In addition, it is an excellent source of vitamins, minerals - phosphorus, iron, magnesium, calcium, as well as useful protein and soluble vegetable fibers.

Benefits of flour from unripe plantains for weight loss

Prevents the deposition of fats
A lot of starch-containing foods are quickly digested and transformed into glucose, which leads to increased blood sugar and, as a result, increased weight. Flour from unripe plantains contains resistant starches - a stable form of carbohydrates, which are not fully digested, and do not increase the level of sugar in the blood.

Eliminates cravings for sweets
A stable level of glucose in the blood does not provoke an appetite. And this means that you will get rid of the temptation to eat sweets and get extra calories.

Prolongs the feeling of fullness

Prevents the deposition of fats
A lot of starch-containing foods are quickly digested and transformed into glucose, which leads to increased blood sugar and, as a result, increased weight. Flour from unripe plantains contains resistant starches - a stable form of carbohydrates, which are not fully digested, and do not increase the level of sugar in the blood.

Eliminates cravings for sweets
A stable level of glucose in the blood does not provoke an appetite. And this means that you will get rid of the temptation to eat sweets and get extra calories.

Prolongs the feeling of fullness

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