In this current work Babalawo Obanifa will embark on full documentation of the meanings, origin, and history of the name of Orunmila in Yoruba Ifa spirituality. The aim of this current work is to authoritatively correct some erroneous and incorrect interpretations of Orunmila’s name as document by some previous armchair foreign authors and some indigenous academics writers. The work will also correct the erroneous widespread of the meanings of Orunmila’s name as orally pass down to some practicing Babalawo and Ifa devotee of this generation. To be sincere with ourselves, majority of practicing Babalawo of this generation did not actually know the correct meanings of the name of Orunmila whose name they use in practicing, in my course of research and interview with many practicing Babalawo, I discovered that it is only few of them that genuinely know the original meanings, origin and history behind the name of Orunmila, This did not exclude the young, old and even the chieftaincy title holder among them. I discover that majority of modern day Babalawo rely on the meaning provide for them as the meaning of the name of Orunmila by some armchair foreign authors and some indigenous academic writers. As a practicing diviner myself with fully- fledged knowledge of Ifa, I have not come across the work Of any arm chair foreign authors or any indigenous academic writers that actually give correct meaning of the name of Orunmila,They are all err in their writing about the meaning of this name. The major focus of this work is to correct such errors. It is instructive to note that the writer of this work (Babalawo Obanifa) is a practicing diviner and an established authority in the field of Yoruba Ifa spirituality, so any knowledge share and document in this work are practical knowledge that is acquired by day-to-day hands on experience in Ifa practice and research. So this work remains a master authoritative piece on the meaning, origin and history of the name of Orunmila either for this generation or the posterity. We have reached a stage in the evolvment of Ifa spirituality that the educator their selves need to be educated. We must teach the truth we should not spread false information. The goal of education is in the advancement of knowledge and dissemination of truth. As a result it is the goal of every teacher in tradition to improve their selves, not because they are not good enough, but because they can even be better. So if you come across this work, you should be able to swallow your pride and make amendment where necessary irrespective of whom you are in respect of your age, color, or ranks.

Origin and Meaning Of Orunmila Name As Document By Babalawo Obanifa

 The widely erroneous circulated meaning that has been attributed as the meaningsOrunmila’s name has advance by many previous writer and authors on this topic under discussion is that Orunmila  mean, ‘ orun ni o mo ati la ’ which can literarily translated to mean that it is only heaven that knows the way to salvation. There other school of thought that believe that Orunmila name mean ‘ Orun ni o mon eni to ma la’ that is it only the heaven that knows who will be wealthy. These two meaning is the widely circulated meanings about Orunmila as documented by many foreign and indigenous academic writers. Some practicing Babalawo Also believe these to be the meaning of Orunmila’s name. The problem with these meaning are; Those who make those assertion was unable to present and produce the Odu Ifa ( Ifa scriptural stanza) that back up the assertions. So with due respect these previous assertions even though it is most widely circulated one as the meaning of Orunmila’s name .The assertions is wrong, It should be regarded as a spiritual misinformation that need to be corrected henceforth. The original meanings of the name of Orunmila  is derived from Odu Ifa  Irosun Ogunda , also known as Irosun Eguntan. Odu Ifa  Irosun Eguntan  make it clear that the name Orunmila is derived from the Yoruba words ‘’ Orun ni o mon oola Ija ‘’ which can literarily translated to mean it is only heaven that knows the peace maker. It can also be simply be put forth as‘Orun ni o mo Ilaja’ that is ,it is heaven that knows how the act of peace making. This Odu Ifa Irosun Eguntan make us known that in the beginning of the creation of the universe. There was A great fight between heaven and earth. No one on earth or heaven was able to settle the fight. It took the intervention Of Olodumare (God) before the dispute is settled. The inhabitant of heaven and earth was so amazed that what come forth from them after the fight is that ‘Orun mon wo la’ which can literarily be translated to mean it is heaven that know how to settle the dispute for them. This Odu Ifa makes us know that it from this statement that the name Orunmila evolve. So in the light of this sense the Original meaning of the Name of orunmila is ‘peace maker’. The Odu Ifa Irosun Ogunda that gives credence to this assertion goes thus:

Orunmila ni o di paraamilla
Ifa mo ni O di Paaramilla
Dia fun Ode Aye
A bu fun Ode Orun
Nijo ti won jija ajangbula lo si ile Olodumare…….
Orunmila said it is a matter of settlement of dispute
I said it is a matter of settlement of dispute
This was Ifa declaration for Orunmila
When they embark on irreconcilable dispute to the palace of Olodumare.

The Odu Ifa Irosun Eguntan quoted above make us know that in the ancient period. On one fateful day Ode Orun( hunter in heaven) sent his wife to a market on Isalu Aye (earth). The people on earth were did not recognized who this woman is, as a result they maltreated and beat her mercilessly. Ode Aye ( hunter on earth) did know this women from anywhere, but when he observed the kind of suffering and humiliation they subject this woman to, he rescue her from them. When this woman got back to her abode in Isalu Orun(heaven). He explained everything that transpired in the market or earth to her husband Ode orun(hunter in heaven) and how Ode Aye (hunter on earth) rescue her without knowing her before. Ode Orun was very happy. He sent an emissary to Ode aye expressing his gratitude and also invite Ode Aye for meeting at depature point between Isalu orun (heaven) and Isalu Aye(earth) in three days’ time.  They both honor the invitation and meet their selves at the appointed location on the date stated. Each of them comes with a gourd full of palm wine to the venue. When they see each other, they are very glad. They shake hand and hug each other; they exchange each god of palm wine with each other as a gift. They begin to drink together and they were so happy that each party is sharing their secret with each other of their niche of the universe they inhabit with each other. While they are drinking they are both dropping the foam from the gourd of their palm wine on a spot to soften the soil.
In the end they both agreed to make a covenant with each other, that the spot where they put the foam should become a snare for both human and animals. They dig the spot very deep and they cover it up with dry leaves to look like real land, so that any human or animal that fall into the pit will not be able to come out again on its own. They also covenant that anything that fall into the pit will be divided equally between the two of them. It was also stated in terms of the covenant that any person the first reach the venue to see their catch will divided such catch into two equal part, and take his own and leave the for the  other party. When an antelope fall inside the trap pit. They share it equally as agreed. When a deer fall into this pit they share it equally as agreed. But there comes a day that dog of Ode Orun(hunter in heaven) fall into this trap pit. Ode Aye(Hunter on earth) was the first to get there. Instead of him to release the dog been his friend dog. He divided the dog into two leaving the rest for Ode Orun as they agreed in their covenant. Ode Orun was extremely angry at this cruel behavior of Ode Aye. As a result he went to beg Esu Odara with a rat to avenge his dog form him against Ode Aye. When Ode Aye’s mother was in the bush fetching leaves Esu Odara hypnotise her to stray and she went to fall inside the trap pit.It is the same Esu Odara that quickly went to inform Ode Orun about the incidence. Ode orun hurry there and he split Ode Aye’s mother to two equal part. Take half it with him. He was about to leave the spot when Ode Aye arrived.
When he discovered that his mother has been split by Ode Orun. He became extremely infuriated. He said Ode Orun will not claim that he didn’t know his mother.Ode Orun make a counter allegation too that Ode aye will not say he can’t recognized his dog before he split it to two earlier. This allegation and counter allegation lead to serious fight between the duo. Nobody was able to settle it for on earth and in heaven. It took the intervention of Olodumare(God) who make  who take the half-body of Ode Aye mother’s body and miraculously attached  it to the other half and he handed over his mother to him alive. When Ode Aye knows that is mother is alive .He amicably settles the dispute with Ode Orun. The inhabitant of heaven and earth was so happy that they exclaim that ‘ Orun mon won la’(It is heaven that know how to make peace between them) which is believe that the name Orunmila is derived from the aforementioned words.
But the same Odu Irosun Eguntan makes it known that from the day of the settlement of the dispute Ode Aye and Ode Orun was unable to see each other again face to face. But they still interact by communicating with voice interaction. It happen that one day Ode Orun comes across five eggs. He decided to take three and leave two for Ode Aye. Ode Orun take keep his own three egg. When he went to check the spot where he has kept his own three egg the second day. He found two thousand unit of money there. He packs the money and go. He  went to check the eggs the second day. He found another two thousands unit of money he packs it. From the money he was able to make some good things for himself. He then comes to the boundary  and ask Ode aye. He said,
Ode Aye pele oo
Otise se se  eyin re Ijeta
O ni sise ni mo se je o
Ba wo lo se ri lenu re
O ma dun ladunju
Haa! O tan o,o ku o
Iwo Ode aye ko tun ni laa mo
Eyi o wu ki a gbe Ile Aye se
Orun ni mon ni ila o
Ode aye I greet you
Oooooo(I am answering as well)
What did you do with the eggs of three day ago?
I cooked and eat it
How did it taste in your mouth?
It is very sweet
No matter what happen
Ode aye you can never become wealthy anymore
No matter what we do in this world
It is heaven that know who will be wealthy.
 When Ode orun asked Ode Aye what did he do with his egg, The answer was that he cooked it and eat. Ode Orun said ‘Ha Haa! O tan o,o ku o,Iwo Ode aye ko tun ni laa mo ‘No matter what happen,Ode aye you can never become weathy anymore) Ode Aye quickly retorts that Eyi o wu ki a gbe Ile Aye se,Orun ni mon ni ila o that is No matter what we do in this world ,It is heaven that know who will be wealthy. It is believe in Yoruba cosmology that that is how the word Orun-nila evolve, which is now popular called Orunmila.
This is the valid cosmological spiritual account of how Orunmila name evolve.
There are host of other meanings of the name of Orunmila that is derived from  Oriki(eulogy) of Orunmila. In this work Babalawo Obanifa will document in detail meanings of each Oriki (eulogy) of Orunmila , belives of our forefathers that bring forth such eulogy and citation of different scared Ifa stanza that give rise to such names.The genuine  Oriki(eulogy) of orunmila goes thus;
Orunmila opitan
Barami Agboniregun
Oloja larin Ebora
Ibikeji Olodumare
Obiriti  A pijo-iku –da
Oluwa mi amoimotan,  a ko mo tan ko se ke
A ba  mo tan iba se ke
Oluwa mi Olowa ayere
Omo Elesin Ile-Oyin
Omo Olope kan to sanra dogi-dogi
Oluwa mi opoki a-mu-ide soju
Eekan ko je ki ekun o hora
Asaka- saaka  akun
Omo osogini Tapa ti n wewu ninii
Omo oso pa ide mowo pa ide mese , o mbeere a tepa oje
Oluwa igbo,Omo iyan birikiti Inu Odo
Omo igba ti n so ope jia jia
Iku dudu Atewo
Oro ajepo ma pon
Agiri Ile-Ilogbon
A bolowu –di-were ma ran
Oluwa mi a-to ba –jaye, Oro a-bi-iku-jigbo
Oluwami Ajiki
Oluwa mi Ajige
Ogege Oba Agbaye gun
Odudu ti n du ori Emere ko ma ba baje
Atori eni ti ko suhan se
Omo elejo ti n rin mirin –mirin lori ewe
Omo arin ti n rin  owo Sakasaka.
 Orunmila the great historian
Barami Agboniregun
The witness to the act of choosing destiny
King among the deities
The second in rank to Olodumare
He who is more effective than medicine
He who miraculously avert the date of death
My lord the indecipherable, If you are decipherable you could be easily appease
My lord the Olowa Of Ayere
 The offspring Of Elesin Ile-Oyin
The offspring of one with plump palm tree
My lord with eyes make of Brass
It is nails that prevent leopard from scratching his body
One with plenty of beads
The Ofspring Of Osogini Tapa that wear immaculate cloth
The offspring of wizard the wear brass on his hand and leg and still demanding for staff made of lead
My able lord,The offspring of big pounded yam in the mortal
The offspring of climbing belt that shake palm tree incessantly
Iku dudu Atewo
The divinity that eat red palm oil without becoming fair in color
Agiri Ile-Ilogbon
He  who help in packing cotton wool without turning it to tread
Oluwami Ajiki
Oluwa mi Ajige
The king who balance the world
He who gives longevity to child that would have died prematurely
The offspring of two snake that run fast on the leaves.

From the eulogy of Orunmila above a lot of things can be say
For us to understand the meanings of  eulogy of Orunmila .it will be useful to the reader if I examine aech phrase one by one and  explain what it means and as well citesacred Odu Ifa stanza That give rises to that names.
Eleri Ipin Ibikeji Olodumare(The witness to the act of choosing destiny, The second in rank to Olodumare)
It is believe in Yoruba Ifa spirituality and cosmology that Orunmila is the second in rank to Olodumare.Olodumare has choosing Orunmila as the second in rank to him. He  do show him every things he do, and he give him privilege tto witnees everything  hr create ,Hnece Orunmila is caleed Eleri Ipin Ibikeji Olodumare(The witness to the act of choosing destiny, The second in rank to Olodumare). Olodumare allow Orunmila to share some of attribute.
What is it that make Orunmila aswer the eulogy Eleri Ipin Ibikeji Olodumare(The witness to the act of choosing destiny, The second in rank to Olodumare).
Orunmila as Eleri Ipin(The witness to the act Of choosing destiny)
In Yoruba Ifa spirituality  Orunmila is believe to be the witness to act of choosing destiny (Eleri Ipin) because of the following factors:
(i)                 It is Olodumare and Orunmila that perform the act of naming all things in  heaven at the dawn of creation.
(ii)               Orunmila is regarded as the witness of the act of choosing destiny because he is the one ordained by Olodumare as the leader and king of all the Irunmole and Orisa  in heaven and on earth.
Olodumare and Orunmila in Naming Ceremony at Heaven
It is believe that Olodumare and Orunmila locked theirselve up in the house in heaven to the exclusion of others when doing naming ceremony for all things.  The leading Ifa scriptural authority on this assertion is derived from holy Odu Ifa Ejiogbe.  It is instructive that Odu Ifa Ejiogbe that I will cite below in buttress of this assertion  no babalawo should  chant it orally without pouring gin and red palm oil on ground .Ifa say;
Oju n pon Olodumare
Oju n pon Orunmila
Olodumare ni ki Orunmila rubo
Orunmila ni ki Olodumare rubo
 Won jumon yan Elila kokan ati
Ogboogbokanla ni ebo fun ara won
Orunmila rubo
Olodumare na rubo
Igba  Olodumare ati Orunmila rubo tan
Bi won ti n jumon rin lo
Won jinu sinu ofin nla kan
Won si wa nibe fun ojo pipe pelu opolopo ebi
Oree awon mejeeji ti won sile jade
Ninu iponju yii ni won wa ti Edun fi w aba won
O ni haa Olodumare kilode
O yara lo n wa eso igi wa fun won je ninu ofin nibe
Oju won wale ,won sinn i imi lati goke
Nigbati won gun oke tan
Sibesibe  nitori ara won ko ti bo sipo
Won lo ti ara won mon Odi ti an pen i Odi Ikomo lode  Orun
Olodumare ati Orunmila lo ti ara won mon Ile Ikomon lode Orun
Gbogbo Orun lo n ke Idaro tani yi o silekun ohun?
Etu gbo o siwaju  o lo kan ilekun ohun
Beeni Orunmila lati inu ile wipe
Tani n kan ilekun Osin kaakaa?
Tani n kan Ilekun Osin lelele?
O dahun, o ni emi Etu Obeje ni
Sugbon Orunmila dahunsi pe
Etu Obeje Olodumare ni ki o dehin
O ti  ba won lo si Ikomo ri
Benii Etu Obeje pada sehin
Edu gbo o ni oun yoo ba won silekun
Beeni Orunmila beere wipe
Tani n kan ilekun Osin kaakaa?
Tani n kan Ilekun Osin lelele?
O dahun o ni emi Edu ni, Ibaaraa  afi’ja gb’oko
Sugbon Orunmila dahun sii pe , Edu Ibaaraa
Olodumare ni ki o dehin
O tii  imon Igbana ri
Tabi o ti ba won lo si ikomon ri
Beeni Edu Ibaara pada sehin
Agbonrin gbo o ni oun yoo ba won silekun
Beeni Orunmila  wipe
Tani n kan ilekun Osin kaakaa?
Tani n kan Ilekun Osin lelele?
O dahun o ni emi Agbonrin Odogija  onila afifen ni
Sugbon Orunmila dalohun wipe
Agbonrin Odogija  Olodumare ni ko dehin
O ti mon Igbaana ri
Tabi ba won lo si Ikomon ri
Beeni Agbonrin Odogija pada sehin
Ira gbo ,o ni oun yi o lo ba won silekun
Beeni Orunmila beere wipe
Tani n kan ilekun Osin kaakaa?
Tani n kan Ilekun Osin lelele?
O dahun wipe emi Ira oniwo kan soso ni
Sugbon Orunmila dalohun
Ira oniwo kan soso Olodumare ni ki o pada
O ti i mon Igbanaa ri
Tabi o tii ba won lo si ikomo ri

Ariwo ta lode Orun ,wi pe tani yo bani si’lekun Osin?
Nigba ti Edun gbo
O jade wa ,o ni oun yi o ba won de ibe wo
O fi owo kan Ilekun
Orunmila beere wipe
Tani n kan ilekun Osin kaakaa?
Tani n kan Ilekun Osin lelele?
O dahun,o ni emi Edun ni o
Sugbon Orunmila dalohun wipe
Iwo Edun oloju foki-foki
Iwo Edun olowo pojopojo dehin
O mon Igbana
Tabi ba won de Ibe ri
Edun dahun wipe
Oju mi meji foki-foki
Mo fi ka Ibo fun Olofin je
Owo mi meji pojo-pojo
Mo fi ka ibo fun Olofin je
Orunmila dalohun wipe
 Edun Olowo pojo-ojo, elese pojo-pojo
Edun oloju foki-foki ma tun roar
Itan ti o pa sile ma too gee
Igba nan i Edun silekun wo ile ikomon
O mu ekun se ekun igbe
O mun ohun se ohun Iyere
Ogidan  Edun ma n ba won to ire.
Ogidan Edun ma n ba won lo
Otoo ni Edun won ile
Sugbon won ti yan ipin tan ko to de.
Olodumare was in distress
Orunmila was in distress
Olodumare advised Orunmila to offer Ebo
Orunmila advised Olodumare to offer Ebo
The advised each to offer one cow and two thousand two hundred unit of money as Ebo
Orunmila offer the Ebo
Olodumare offer his Ebo
After they both complied in offering of the Ebo
 As they are walking along together
They fall into big Abyss
They were in the abyss for many days suffering from starvation
They were tired and unable to come out of the abyss
They were in this distress when Edun meet them there
He exclaim Haa Olodumare
He quickly run around to be plucking all kind of fruit for them in the abyss to eat
When they become relax ,they garner strength to come out of the abyss
When they come out
They are yet to fully recuperate
They go straight to lock their self-up inside a  bock known as Ikomon in heaven.
Olodumare and Orunmila lock their selve up in the abode  for ceremony of naming of newly born-child in heaven
The whole were concerned and lamenting who will open the locked door?
When Etu(deer) heard of this he go forward to knock the door
Orunmila answer from inside the house
Who that knocking the Osin’s door in such hard manner?
Who is that knocking Osin’s in such persistent manner.
He answered that, it is me Etu Obeje
Orunmila reply him , Etu Obeje Olodumare order you to go back
You have never witness any naming ceremony before
That is how Etu Obeje goes back
When Edu heard of this, he said he will help them in opening the door
Orunmila answer from inside the house
Who is that knocking the Osin’s door in such hard manner?
Who is that knocking Osin’s  door in such persistent manner?
She  reply it is me Edu , Ibaaraa  afi’ja gb’oko
Edu , Ibaaraa  afi’ja gb’oko Olodumare order you to go back
Orunmila reply from the house
You have knowledge of such time
Nor witness any naming ceremony before
That is how Edu goes back.
When Agbonrin heard of this he said he gets the door open
And Orunmila answer from inside the house
Who is that knocking the Osin’s door in such hard manner?
Who is that knocking Osin’s in such persistent manner?
It is me Agbonrin Odogija  onila afifen ni( one with beautifully pattern line
But Orunmila answer him that Agbonrin Odogija  onila afifen ni Olodumare order you to go back
When Ira heard Of this, He said he will be of help in opening the door
Orunmila answer from inside the house
Who is that knocking the Osin’s door in such hard manner?
Who is that knocking Osin’s  door in such persistent manner?
He  reply it is me Ira oniwo kan soso
Ira oniwo kan soso Olodumare order you to go back
Orunmila reply from the house
You have no knowledge of such time
Nor witness any naming ceremony before
That is how Ira oniwo kan soso goes back.

There is hullabaloo in heaven on who is going to open this closed door of Osin
When Edun heard of this
He comes forward
He said he will try his own luck
He knocked the door
Orunmila answer from inside the house
Who is that knocking the Osin’s door in such hard manner?
Who is that knocking Osin’s  door in such persistent manner?
He it me Edun
But Orunmila reply him that you Edun
With disgusting eye balls
You Edun with weak legs
You have no knowledge of such time
Nor witness any naming ceremony before
Edun reply that it is with my two ugly eye that I use to pluck frunit for Olofin to eat
It is with  my two weak legs that I used to pluck fruits for Olofin to eat
Orunmila retort,Edun enough of your story
That is how Edun was allow to go in
He  begin to sing Iyere Ifa
Ogidan Edun has assemble well with them
Edun goes with them
It is true that Edun was Allow in
But the act of choosing destiny has been completed.
From the extract of Odu Ifa Ejiogbe above we can deduce that it is only Orunmila that is allow to be with Olodumare when human are choosing their destiny hence Orunmila earn the nickname Orunmila as Eleri Ipin(The witness to the act Of choosing destiny) .
Orunmila is regarded as the witness of the act of choosing destiny because he is the one ordained by Olodumare as the leader and king of all the Irunmole and Orisa  in heaven and on earth
There are other Ifa scriptural stanza from the same Odu Ifa ejiogbe that establish how Orunmila was made the leader   and the king of all the divinities both in heaven and earth. Examine this extract of Ifa stanza from Odu Ifa Ejiogbe where Ifa says:
Bi a ba dupe oore ana , a o ri omiran gba
Dia fun Ori
Ori n lo si Awujo Irunmole lo pa Obi oore
Ebo ni won ni ko se
Ori rubo
Ori nikan lo ma pa Obi larin Igba Irunmole to yan
Expression of gratitude for kindness of yesterday, will beget another act of kindness
This was Ifa divination for Ori
When is going to throw kolanut in midst of other Irumonle

He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Ori is the only who is able to throw Obi succefully among the Irunmole.
In this extract of Odu Ifa  Ejiogbe just cited above  , there was a time at the dawn of the creation that Oldumare Obi Oore also known as Obi Alaase( The kolanut of blessing /kolanut of authority). He is in search of who will be able to split and throw the Kolanut succefully among the Irunmole(divinities). Ogun tried to throw the kolanut but he was not succefull. He sat there t. all the divinities try their luck they are not successful. They sat there it is only Ori that was able to.
 Orunmila as Ibikeji Olodumare(The second in rank to Olodumare).
There are various reason that earn Orunmila the eulogy as Ibikeji Olodumare(The second in rank to Olodumare). The reason advance for this eulogy as put forth by our fore father is:
(1)   Orunmila co-exist with Olodumare when at dawn of the creation when noting has evr been created except the spoken words
(2)   Orunmila is the only deity that can subdue  Esu

Orunmila co-exist with Olodumare when at dawn of the creation when noting has evr been created except the spoken words
 This assertion of co-existence of Orunmila with Olodumare before the creation Of any thing was explain in Odu Ifa ejiogbe thus;
Oju n pon Olodumare
Oju n pon Orunmila
Olodumare ni ki Orunmila rubo
Orunmila ni ki Olodumare rubo
 Won jumon yan Elila kokan ati
Ogboogbokanla ni ebo fun ara won
Orunmila rubo
Olodumare na rubo
Igba  Olodumare ati Orunmila rubo tan
Bi won ti n jumon rin lo
Won jinu sinu ofin nla kan
Won si wa nibe fun ojo pipe pelu opolopo ebi
Oree awon mejeeji ti won sile jade
Ninu iponju yii ni won wa ti Edun fi w aba won
O ni haa Olodumare kilode
O yara lo n wa eso igi wa fun won je ninu ofin nibe
Oju won wale ,won sinn i imi lati goke
Nigbati won gun oke tan
Sibesibe  nitori ara won ko ti bo sipo
Won lo ti ara won mon Odi ti an pen i Odi Ikomo lode  Orun
Olodumare was in distress
Orunmila was in distress
Olodumare advised Orunmila to offer Ebo
Orunmila advised Olodumare to offer Ebo
The advised each to offer one cow and two thousand two hundred unit of money as Ebo
Orunmila offer the Ebo
Olodumare offer his Ebo
After they both complied in offering of the Ebo
 As they are walking along together
They fall into big Abyss
They were in the abyss for many days suffering from starvation
They were tired and unable to come out of the abyss
They were in this distress when Edun meet them there
He exclaim Haa Olodumare
He quickly run around to be plucking all kind of fruit for them in the abyss to eat
When they become relax ,they garner strength to come out of the abyss
When they come out
They are yet to fully recuperate
They go straight to lock their self-up inside a  block known as Ikomon in heaven.
From the Odu Ifa ejiogbe above we can see that Orunmila and Olodumare are separate from other creature.He is the only Irunmola that have ever instructed Olodumare to oferr ebo(sacrifice) and Olodumare complied.  Hence he is regarded as second in rrank to Olodumare.

Orunmila is the only deity that can subdue  Esu
 In another stanza in holy Odu Ifa Ejiogbe . Ifa  make us know that it is only Orunmila among all the Irunmole that have power to overcome and subdue             Esu ,hence Olodumare himself expressly stated that it is only Orunmila alone among all the Irunmole that he allow to have access to him with contempt. See what Odu Ifa Ejiogbe say In favor of this assertion
Eni buruku n salo kuro loju Olodumare
Olodumare n kigbe pe e muu
Eni buruku te’se monrin o n lo
Beeni a ko le ri eni mu sile ninu gbogbo Irunmole to pe si Iwa’run
Eni buruku la won koja pata-pata
O wa kan Orunmila
Orunmila mu sikun
O fa pada lo ba Olodumare
Olodumare gbe si ewon
Olodumre ni ki Orunmila joko ti Ohun
O ni Orunmila nikan ni ko ma ri oun fin ninu gbogbo Irunmole.
A wicked person is running from the presence of Olodumare
Olodumae shouted that he should be apprehend
The wicked person keep to his toe and begging to move
There is none among all the Irunmole in heaven that was able to apprehend him
When he get to Orunmila
Orunmila swiftly catch him with ease
He handed him over to Olodumare
Olodumare then incarcerate him
Olodumare order Orunmila to sit beside him
He makes pronouncements that it is only Orunmila that is allow to disrespect him among all the Irunmole(divinities).
From the Odu Ifa above
discover that it Only Orunmila that Olodumare allow among all the irunmole to sit beside him. This Odu Ifa is cited here o show the origin of eulogy of Orunmila as Ibikeji Olodumare(second in rank to Olodumare) and how he earn that title.
Oluwa mi amoimotan,  a ko mo tan ko se ke  ,A ba  mo tan iba se ke(My lord the indecipherable, If you are decipherable you could be easily appease)
The sentence in sub-head above will be examine and explain one-by-one for sake of easy comprehension on the part of the reader.
 Oluwami(My Lord)
The word Oluwa mi (my lord) is usually used in Yoruba culture and spirituality to givehonor and respect for anybody in authority or anyone or entity who is in higher hierarchy above the user of such word. So in Our culture there are many instances where wife do use this word Oluwa  mi (my Lord) for their husband.  The children can use this word for their revered parent. The workers can use it for their employer. The subject is found of using these words also for their King, chiefs or ruler. It is this value they inculcate into spirituality. In almost all instances in Yoruba culture and spirituality each devote of each divinities is found of using the word Oluwa mi (My lords) in eulogizing such divinity Orunmila is not exception hence he answer the Oluwa mi (my lord). It is instructive to note that the lord in this context is not referring to God (Olodumare)
 Amoimontan(the indecipherable)
 The phrase Amoimontan(the indecipherable) is used in describing Orunmila  in his eulogy because it is believe that nobody on earth including all the Irunmonle(divinities) was  able and will be  able to unravel the secrets, mystery behind  the power and knowledge of Orunmila. As we shall see below there are many Odu Ifa that give credence to the indecipherable and in discernible nature of Orunmila in both human and spiritual nature.
The Irunmole conspire against Orunmila but they are able to unravel his mystical nature. On this see what Odu Ifa Irosun Osa have to say:
Afefe nla n sori Igi oko herehere
Efufulele n se ewe agbon nikooro-nikooro
Dia fun Orunmila
A bu fun gbogbo Irunmole nijo ti won n ko osiri mon Orunmila
Won gbe Ile lati Ode lo sidi oke Iponri Orunmila ninu Iyewu Orunmila
Ebon i won ni ki won o se
Orunmila nikan ni n be leyin to rubo…..
It is the gentle breeze that blow the tree top in gentle manner
It is great wind that blow the coconut palm tree haphazardly
This was Ifa consultation make for Orunmila
And all the Irunmole (divinities) when they embark on conspiracy against Orunmila
They were all advised to make bo
It is only Orunmila that complied….

In this Odu Ifa Irosun Osa cited above , it make revelation that there is a point in time that all the Irunmole  conspire againt Orunmila to unravel his power. They dug hole from outside to inside his room to bottom point of His Oke Iponri. Orunmila through Ifa consultation was advised to offer he-goat as Ebo. He was advised to dig the Centre where he placed his Oke –Iponri and bury the he-goat alive. He complied .He removed the Oke iponri.Immedaitley after the observance of the Ebo , there was heavy rainfall. That flooded the whole dug by Irunmole and they were unable to succed in that mission .
Orunmila have the ability to decipher any evil plot against him, while such plotter will not be able to know that Orunmila have such knowledge. One of the leading Ifa scriptural stanzas in support of this assertion can be derived from Odu Ifa Ogbe Ika. On this  Ifa says:
Kakaka l’awo  Kamiika
Kakaka l’awo kamiika
Dia fun orunmila
Nijo ti Orisa yi o so Oro sile de si Idi Isin
Ebo ni won ni ko se……..
Kakaka is the Awo of Kamiika
Kakaka is the Awo of Kamiika
This was Ifa revelation for Orunmila
The were advised to offer ebo.
According to this Odu there was a time in history that people from the household of Orunmila and that of Orisa often engage in struggle in plucking Isin(ackee apple fruits).Orisa was  very angry about this competition. He planned to put Poison on the ground at the bootom base of the Ackee apple tree to endanger Orunmila’schildre. He places the poison there unknow to him that Orunmila have during his Ifa consultion in previous day have the fore-knowledge of the evil plan. He has Offer sacrifice and warn the people from his house hold not to go to the Ackee apple trre for the next five days. Orisa also warn his children, but his children refus e and goo as a result they get affect by the poison.
Ifa make us known that Orunmila was so knowledgeable that is difficult for any divinities to outwit him. This are part of the thing that make Orunmila and indecipherable diety. There are other odu Ifa that give credence to this. for example Odu Ifa  Okaran Oturupon depict the witty nature of Orunmila and How Orunmila can Outwit other divinities. On this Ifa say;
Oyigi l’awo Oyigi
Oyigi l’awo Oyigi
Ati-dide la mon awon agba Ilesi
Dia fun Osanyin
Nijo ti n ba Orunmila leri pe ko le  yan ohun mebo
Ebon i won  ni ko se
O ko , ko ru …
Oyigi is the Awo of Oyigi
Oyigi is the Awo of Oyigi
It is the act unity in standing up after meeting that is use in identify the elders of Oyomesi council
This was Ifa make for Osanyin
When he said Orunmila lack the competency to prescribe him as items of Ebo
He was advised to offer Ebo
He refused….
In this Odu Okaran Oturupon  just cited above, what happen there is that Osanyin was one of the divinities and he is very knowledgeable. Because of his knowledge, he is very proud and lack courtesy. Orunmila told  him, Osayin with all your knowledge skills and prowess I can still make You as an Items for Ebo(sacrifice). Osanyin retort, now way. There is no one in this world including you Orunmila that can prescribe me as an Item for (Ebo) sacrifice. Osanyin told Orunmila that any day you are able to do that I will become your slave, but If it is me Osanyi that was able to achieve such,Orunmila you will become my slave.Orumila reply no problem. On the second day Osanyin goes to the forest to fetch leave and wood while Orunmila goes palace of Olofin to make Ifa consultation for Olofin. During the consultation the Odu Ifa  that appear is Okanran Oturupon. Orunmila list item for the Ebo. He said they will bring bundle of sticks to Olofin’s palace today and that bundle of stick must be included as part of the items of the Ebo.Olofin said no way. Nobody have ever bring bundle of sticks to this palace.Orunmila insist on this position any way. Olofin order his guard to man all the entrances and exit of the palace. If they see any of such they should bring the report to them. Unknown to them that one of the queen known by name as Samo-samo had sneak out of the palace to go and hang herself in the forest. The reason for this is simple. This queen has been married to the palace since her very tender age, she as been kept as a puder. The kings have never entered her room once nor have intercourse with her till his old age. That is the reason behind her sneaking out to commit sucide. When he got to the deep forest he met Osanyin and explain her tribulation to Osanyin.Osanyin told her that if he did not mind he can have sexual intercourse with her. The Queen agreed with joy. After the sexual intercourse .she express gratitude to Osanyin for such a lovely gesture. Osanyin then carry his wood decided to leave, but the hold him and call him back, she asked Osaying Wether Osanyin could follow her home, that she will keep Osanyin in her room. Osayin opine that that is a difficult task, how do I find my way to queen room. The women said she could hide Osanying inside a bundle of stick and smuggle him to her room in the palace. That is how Osanyin hidel inside the bundle of stick.The woman carry the bundle of the stick. But on getting to the entrance of the palace, she met waiting security guards who forcefully take the bundle of stick from her and take it to the king as items of Ebo(sacrifice )already predict by Orunmila. When the king see the manifestation of this miraculous prediction. He did not even bothered to ask the source of the bundle of stick, he quickly enter his chamber and present Orunmila with money and other items previously prescribed during the Ifa consultation.
When Osanyin notice this he quickly beging to wishper to Orunmila from inside the bundle of stick that;
‘ Orunmila pa mi sile ,ma pa mi sita, jowo fi mi se eru re, mo t i di eru re’  which mean ‘Orunmila don’t expose my secret, instead make me your slave, I am your slave’
Orunmila smile. He takes little out of the bundle of the stick and adds it to to the ebo.After the ebo he order  his apprentice to carry the bundle
 of stick home for him.
When Orunmila get home he order saying to come he said:
Osanyin jade ki o wa fi ori bale(Osayin come out and pay homage to me ) That is how osanyin become slave to Orunmila with all his knowledge.
Orunmila is indecipherable because any act of evil plan against him usually turned to good and work in his favor. One of the leading Odu Ifa In favor Of this Assertion is Odu Ifa is Odu Ifa Owonrin Meji  where Ifa said :
Bi teni yoo ba suhan araye ki le baje
Dia fun Orunmila nijo ti yo ba Esu sowo po
Ti Esu yi o ma ba tire je
Ebon i won ni ko se
O rubo
If a person is going to be fortunate, no one will be able to destroy his chances
This was Ifa consultation for Orunmila on the day he was going to patner in business with Esu
And Esu will be spoiling his chance of success…
In this Odu owonrin meji cited above, Ifa make us known that Esu took Oke mefa( one hundred twenty thousand unit of cowries) from Orunmila  to invest for him. Esu thinks of how he can cause business down fall for Orunmila he decided to use the money to buy an extremely aged woman as worker for Orunmila. The woman did not work for two week swhen she died. And Orunmila decided to give the woman a befitting burial. He buried her at nice conspicuous location. Unknow to him that this woman is a queen mother to two diiferent powerful king Oba of Biini and Oba Of Oyo. These two king have been in search of their mother wether dead or alive. News get to them how Orunmila buried one of his aged worker know as Samo samo. This two king get to know it their ,mother. The aproache Orunmila and pay him all the expensis and even. Esu Odara exclaim no one can even unravel this man
Orunmila is the only one among the Irunmole  and Orisa who have the  power to mend and redeem the unredeemable hence it is believe that nobody can  decipher him completely. One of the authoritative Odu Ifa in favour of this assertion is derive from Odu Ifa Irosun Meji. On this Ifa says:
Kaka ki aye Olufe obaje
Olusuwalu a tu aye Olufe se
Dia fun won ni Ife
Nigba aye Ife fo bi Igba
Ti aye Ife faya peregede bi Aso
Won ranse pe Olota nile Ado
Ki o wa tu Aye onife so bi igba
O de o se , o se ti
Won ranse si Erinmi lode owo
O de o se se , O se ti
Won ranse si Peepe lode Asin
O de o se se, o se ti
Won ranse si Ogun lode ire
O de o se se , o se ti
Won ranse si Dawoderi awo Imojubi
O de o se se , o se se ti
Won wa ranse si Orunmila  A-ti-kekere-finusogbon
Ki o wa tu  aye Ife so bi Igba
O ni ki won lo wa ewe Olusuwalu wa
Won ni won ko ri
Orunmila ti e ko bar i ewe Olusuwalu
E jewo obun ki daso ro yin
Won si dalohun wipe a jewo Obun daso rowa
O si fila re , o si mu ewe Olusuwalu jade
O si fi su iwa Ife lu
Igba nan i awon eye kekeke lo si ule won
Eku kekeke lo si ite won
Awon aro gidigba lo si isale Odo omi
Instead of the life of Olufe to be in disarray
Olusuwalu will mend Olufe’s life
This was Ifa consultation for them in Ife
When their life break into pieces like calabash
When their  life torn into pieces like shreds
They sent for Olota of Ado
That he should come and mend the life of Onife
He came, he tried to no avail
They sent for Erinmi in the city of  Owo
He came, he tried to no avail
They sent for Peepe from the city of Asin
He arrived, he tried to no avail
They sent for Ogun from the city of Ire
He arrived, he tried to no avail
They sent for Dawoderi the Awo of Imojubi
He arrived, he tried to no avail
They sent for Orunmila A-ti-kekere-finusogbon
To come and mend the life of Olufe
He instructed them to fetch Olusuwalu leaves for him
They said they cannot find the leaves
Orunmila said if you cannot find the leaves
Confess your ignorance so that I can help you
They reply him that we confess to our ignorance please help us
The he remove his cap and bring forth Olusuwalu leaves
He use it to mend the city of Ife
That is when small-small birds go to their nest
Small-small rats go to their hole
The big –big fish returned to the river bed.
From this extract of this Odu Irosun meji, it depict that Orunmila is capable of mending and redeeming all what other Irunmole cannot mend nor redeem.
Orunmila is deemed as indecipherable because of his wisdom to be able to do what all other Irunmole cannot do. One of the leading Odu Ifa buttressing this assertion is derive from holy Odu Ifa  Irete meji where Ifa said :
Ege ni ege Ife
Arugbo-Arugbo ni gun
Gbogbo Irunmole lo gun tii
Aja idi ege ki jeni o gun ege
Agbomomo idi ege ki jeni o gun ege
Akuko gagara idi ege ki jeni o gun ege
Ejo were-were idi ege ki jeni o gun ege
Ege mori sowo
O mehin sokun
O ma agbedemeji se kiki Ide
Orunmila nikan to mon ebo ru
To mon etutu ni titu nikan lo gun igi ege
Ogege mon de o Igi Agunla
Ege is the tree of wealth in Ife
Only the extremely aged person is allow to climb it
All the Irunmole (divinities) tried to climbed it to no avail
The security dog at bottom base of the Ege tree will not allow any body to climb it
The giant ram at the bottom base of Ege tree will not allow anybody to climb it
The giant cock at the bottom base of Ege tree will not allow anybody to climbed it
The tiny snake at the bottom base Of Ege tree will not allow anybody to climbed it
The top branches of Ege tree is full of money
Its back is full of expensive jewelries
While it middle is blessed with Brass
It is only Orunmila who know the act of making Ebo
Who know the act of making rituals?
That was able to climbed Ege tree
Here is Ege Tree, the tree that one climbed to become wealthy in Ife .
The Odu Ifa  Irete meji just cited above  explain about the mystical tree of wealth known as Igi Ege in ancient Ife city. The tree is blessed with wealth, money and expensive jewelries and brass as depicted by the Odu Irete meji above. But with all the blessing on this mystical tree, only the extremely aged person that have no strength again to climb to the topmost of the tree is allowed to climb it. There four mystical creature that is serving as a security guard at the bottom base of this tree. They are; dog, ram, cock and a snake. Whenever any person is trying to climb this tree it is these four creature that will chase that person away. All the Irunmole have tried to climb the tree to no avail. Orunmila decided to climb it. Orunmila take down his Oke Iponri and make Ifa consultation on how he can succefuly climbed the tree. Ifa advised Orunmila to offer Akasu eko kan (one wrap corn meal) ,Eepo Isu(yam peels) eku kan (one rat) and  Yagan gbigbe (maize).  Orunmila complied he carried all the material to the bottom base of the tree. He beging to climb, when the dog want to attack him he throw Akasu eko kan (one wrap corn meal) to the dog as the dog begun to eat , he leave Orunmila alone. The ram come to drag Orunmila from climbing the tree Orunmila throw the Eepo Isu(yam peels) to ram .ram begin to eat, he left Orunmila alone. When the snake want to attack Orunmila ,he throw the rat the snake ,the snake was busy swallowing the rat while Orunmila continue with climbing of the Ege tree. When the cock jump at Orumila in attempt to attack and prevent him from climbing the tree , Orunmila  throw the dry maize to the cock. The cock was busy eating the maize when Orunmila have reach the topmost part of Ege tree. That is how Orunmila become extremely wealthy. and he do what other Irunmole have hitherto failed to do.
It is instructive to note that all the assertions and Odu Ifa stanza cited above to buttress such assertion about Orunmila depicted how all the Irunmole divinities was unable to decipher Orunmila because he is more knowledgeable that all the Irunmole in everything. Even the Odu ifa Owonrin meji itself make us known that Esu itself that is a god of trickster was unable to deciper Orunmila.It is instructive to note that the view expressed here is not that of Babalawo Obanifa .It is the scared position of Ifa scripture as given to us by our ancestors.

But it is instructive to note that it is not only the Irunmole (divinities) that was unable to decipher Orunmila , Ifa make us known that even inanimate element of creation such as water, fire, sun, moon ,time and season  etc. was unable to decipher Orunmila.
Fire,sun,moon and rain cannot decipher Orunmila .The leading Ifa scriptural authority  in support of this assertion is derive from Odu Ifa Ogbe Osa where Ifa says:
Ina Awo Ijogbo
Oorun Awo  Ijoogbo
Osupa ni Awo ala-tanseere
Ojo giiri-giiri Awo Isalu Orun
Awon mererin n ba Orunmila se Ota
Nijo ti won ni won n jumo bow a ba Orunmila ja
Won ni ki Orunmila rubo
O rubo…….
Fire is the Awo of the act of burning forest
Sun is the Awo of the act of burning forest
Moon is the Awo of illumination
Heavy rainfall is the Awo of Isalu Orun
The four of them conspire as enemy against Orunmila
They conspire to go and fight Orunmila
Orunmila was advised to offer sacrifice he complied……
According to this Odu Ifa Ogbe Osa cited above, when Orunmila got wind  of the conspiracy and enmity of Ina (fire),Oorun(Sun) Osupa(moon) and Ojo giiri-giiri against him .He quickly consult his Oke Iponri. Ifa advised him to offer igba iyan merin(four plates of pounded yam) and Awo obe meta(three pot of soup). He was advised to place the items on the road that four of these aforementioned enemies of Orunmila will pass to his house. He complied .Ina (fire) was the one in front leading them .When he got to the spot of the food he took one plate of pounded yam one one pot of soup for himself.It is Oorun(sun) that is following the fire,when he get to the spot also He took one plate of pounded yam and one pot of soup for himself, The same thing apply in the case  of Osupa(The sun). But Ojo giiri-giiri was the last among them when he get to the spot he only found one plate of poundedyam but no any pot of soup. He was very angry he think his fellow conspirator aginst Orunmila are traitor. He begin to run after them, he overtake Ina (fire ) and kill him, He overtake Orun(sun) and killed him) , He overtake Osupa(moon) and killed him. That is how their conspiracy against Orunmila becomes abortive.
In this same sacred Odu Ifa Ogbe –Osa just cited above there is another sacred stanza giving
Credence to the inability of anything in nature to decipher Orunmila. In the same Odu Ifa Ogbe Osa Ifa says:
Igba Emi won n pa loja-loja
Won n pa lerinkin- lerikin
Won dijo ti won o pa Orunmila
Won ni Orunmila ni Iku kan
Orunmila bi Oke iponri
Ki ni ohu se ti Igba Emi to n boy i o pa ohun
Won ni ko ni Aha otin kan ko gbe si ehinkule
Orunmila rubo……..
The immature farm produce are killing the kings
They are killing the influential in the society
They fix a date to kill Orunmila
They said Orunmila is the next on the agenda to die
Orunmila make Ifa consultion how he can escape the imminent death
He was advised to offer a bowl of gin as ebo
He should place it at his barkyard
He complied…
The Odu Ifa Ogbe Osa cited above makes us known that Emi (Immature farm produce such as yam, maize ete.) are like a whole human beign in the ancient period. They fixed a date to kill orunmila, but Orunmila as complied with the term of the Ebo as prescribe above. When ever any of them come after they exchange greeting Orunmila will instruct him to go to backyard to drink a cup of wine, any one of them that drink out of the wine will die instantly that is how Orunmila Overcome all of them.
 There is other leading Ifa scriptural stanza  in OduIfa Irete Eguntan  where Orunmila exhibit high mettle of competency over fire.so fire as element was unable to decipher Orunmila. On this Ifa say:
Kimi rere , ki n je o rere
Dia fun Orunmila
Nijo ti a n da Ina Oro de gbogbo Irunmole lehinkule Ajaruuwa ni’Ife
Won ni ki Orunmila ru Agbe Omi meji ati obidiye meji lebo
O rubo
If you greet me appropriately, I will answer you appropriately…
This was Ifa reavelation for Orunmila
When all Irunmonle is going to be testes with Fire at th backyard of Ajaruuwa in Ife
According to the Odu Ifa Irete Egutan just cited above. At the dawn of creation before any Irunmole will be accorded respect for purpose of worship. The people usualy subject such Irunmole to test of competency known as Ina Oro. The Ina Oro been refer to here is situation  where  be require to jump over a gulf of flame without getting hurt. No Irunmole was able to go through the fire unscatted. When it turn to the turn of Orunmila Orunmila wmake ifa onsultaion on how he can succefuly jump the fire.He was advise to tied two gourg of water to his arm one on his right arm and other on his left arm he complied that is how he was able to overcome the fire.
Orunmila is indecipherable because time and space have no power over Orunmila. Year, months, day and season have no power over Orunmila. The leading Odu Ifa buttressing this assertion can  be  found in holy Odu Ifa Odi –Ogbe whre Ifa says;
Awon Akeresohun, Awon Adagba Sohun
Dia fun Orunmila nijo ti Iku n Kan Ile re ree
Nijo ti gbogbo Loja-loja ati gbogbo Lerikin-lerikin mon oruko Iku ti
Ti iku fi n pa won kiri
Orunmia gbe oke _Iponri re kale Iku o pa ohun ni dafa si
Woni ko ru kan ti o fi egunsi itto-kan se eyin re
Ki o gbe si orita
Orunmila rubo
O bori igba ati akoko nipa mimo oruko won
Awon Akeresohun, Awon Adagba Sohun
Make Ifa consultation for Orunmila when Iku(death) want to kill him
When all the king and influential people did not know the name of Iku (death)
And Iku(death) is killing them
Orunmila make Ifa consultaion on how to escape   the imminent death
He was advised to offer ebo with sigidi
He should place it at the cross road.
 He overcome the spirit that kill people in certain time and season by identify their names.

All these previous cited and explained Odu is giving credence to the reason while Orunmila is deem as Amoimontan(the indecipherable). This work is culled from Babalawo Obanifa unpublished work.

Copyright: Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone whatsapp contact : +2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission from the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract legal consequences

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