Ogun music track By King Sunny Ade 
 In this current work Babalawo Obanifa will document in detail the true life history Of Ogun and how Ogun undergo deification as Orisa. The concluding part of the work will also correct many already misinformation about orisa  Ogun  by different authors and website owners such as Wikipedia and others so that such erroneous misinformation about Orisa Ogun will not be pass to future generation.
Who is Ogun     ?               
Before I go deeply into this discussion we must be able to distinguish between Ogun who is an Irunmole and Ogun that is an Orisa. The truth is that Ogun that is Irunmole is not born of human being. Ogun that is Orisa is born of human being .Ogun that is Orisa is the one that usurp all the duties and name of Ogun Irunmole  and he is the is the spiritually recognize  deity as Ogun. The focus of this work will be majorly focus on Orisa Ogun which is the recognized deity as god of iron in Yoruba spirituality. Ogun which is now god of Iron was born to Tabutu and Ororinna in Ile Ife.Tabutu is the father of Ogun while Ororina was his mother. Only little account is made known about his growing up. The little that is known about him is that he is a brave and great hunter, he is also a very brave warriors as well as first recognized Alagbede (black smith) in Yoruba land. Ogun was the first black smith that innovate the use of metal for production of useful farm implements and implement for war and hunting. Babalawo Obanifa is using this medium to correct the writing of some writers who claim that Ogunladin is s first black smith in Ile Ife.Ogun lakaye is the first to use metal. Ogunladin may have be one of the prominent spiritualist recognized Blacksmith. But sure he is not the first. Ogun be an adventurous hunter and a great warrior journey out of Ile Ife out of his own volition to a deep far forest which is known as Ire –Ekiti today. He established the town and become the first King of Ire. He reign there and people from other domain will call him to help them during the war whenever  they are face with crises because Ogun is the most powerful warrior in Yoruba Land when he lives. Before Ogun chose Ire as his permanent base He had fight series of war across Yoruba land and beyond establishing himself as a great hunter and warrior of repute and lord of Blacksmith across the land. The first son begotten by Ogun is known as Ire. Oral account make available to me , make us known that that there occur a time that some group of kings come to Ire Ekiti to approach  Ogun from current part of present Ondo. Their requests is that Ogun should come and serve as Mercenary solider to protect their town against the war from enemies. Ogun agreed  Ogun now chose His son Ire to oversee the affairs of Ire Kingdom pending the time he will come back from the battle. Ire (the offspring of Ogun) continues to steer the affairs of the town in absence of his father and he perform incredibly well. But for many years that no one was able to give accurate numbers for. No one was able to give me precice numbers in my research. The preponderance of submissions is that Ogun did not come back to Ire for many years. Even his child Ire have married and get Children and grandchildren who is now an adult. This is what make the Elders of the town assume that probably Ogun might have died or too old and Infirm to come back. Since his son instead of him during his absence have perform incredibly well .They deem it feet to officially recognize him as their king. And  the kingdom was name Ire. The town begin to grow. The towns have grown and Increase in geometric proportions in compare to the time that Ogun left Ire.
Few years later ,Ogun finally come back from war. When he arrives at the outskirt of the town he discovered that the face of the town have change. Everywhere have change the towns have even become exceedingly increase in population and size. He met some group of chiefs holding meeting at the outskirt of the town. Since Ogun left, there has be change in administrative structure of the town. His son Ire have set up a council of elders headed by  Olomondire . This council of Elders comprises of the chiefs, the princes and important dignitaries in the town.Their duty is  to look into the welfare of the town and administration. During their meeting which they usually hold every sixteen days the mode of communication is usually non-verbal. They use symbol and body language in communication. It is only after they are through with food and other item that they will begin to communicate verbally. It is this meeting that this people are holding at the outskirt of the town when Ogun arrive. He sight and recognized some chiefs. He greet them none of them reply him. He told them he was thirsty none of them even answer him or explain anything to him. Yet he sees many gourd of palm wine in front of them. He asked for whereabouts of his son Ire , no answer from any of them  Ogun view this as a contempt and disrespects and this what make him remove his sword and begin to behead them. It is at this point that one of the chiefs cry and shout that Ogun you are Killing your own grand children. On hearing this Ogun sheath his sword and he check the gourd and discover that there no any palm wine in it, that it is just empty gourd that they left standing. When this chief have explain everything to Ogun that they are on oath not speak any time they are in the meeting , that is while they did not answer him when he is asking them about his son Ire.and that there is no any palm wine inside those gourd hence they did not offer him to drink. It is instructive  that is where the taboo of noting standing empty bottle of drinks, wine or palm wine after you consume the content originate in Yoruba culture. It is as a result of that incident at Ire. When Ogun listen to this chief he felt embarrassed and depressed for his anger and impatience. The most painful part is  that ,he killed his own grandsons and other leaders governing the town with his son Ire, he decided that he will not go back to see his son Ire,he said he will go back to where he is coming from. But on his way back when he was still within Ire Ekiti  at spot known as Iju , he met an extremely aged farmer within his hurt. Ogun looked feasibly distressed, But when this Old man saw him he discover that Ogun must be a very powerful warrior from his looks. He sense that he is angry and hungry. The Old man  do Isipe(the act of consoling and calming an angry or distress individual) try to calm Ogun. He pleaded with Ogun to eat Esunsu/Isu sisun(roasted yam and  drink palm wine .Ogun obliged to the pleading and eat and drink palm wine that is when Ogun explained the whole event to him. After Ogun have eaten He removed his sword and insert it  on ground and he begin to enter the ground alive, he left all his crown and implement of war at that spot that spot is known as Iju in Ire Ekiti up till today. .He order the old man to find a way  to relay his message to his son  Ire.however he command this man and his lineage will become his priest that will be venerating him   annually. And that the man must never set his eyes on his son Ire the way he Ogun have refuse to set his eye on his son because he is last person that share out of his power. The man obliged he never set his eye on Ire till death. In Babalawo Obanifa personal research to Ire –Ekiti The elders there make me know that The family of this Old man that do Isipe for Ogun that day is still know as Elepe(one who appeal or calm people) lineage in Ire Ekiti up till today. And it from that family that they do choose Elepe Who is the chief priest who venerate Ogun In Ire town up till date. And up till to day Chief Elepe in Ire don’t see eye to eye with king of Ire till death do them apart this is based on the commandment of Ogun from time immemorial. This is life history of Ogun . This piece is authoritative because it is base on Oral interview and field  rwork conduct by Babalawo obanifa himself in Ire-ekiti

From my explanation earlier you have seen how Ogun become become  a deity. Since then some lineage as had adopt Ogun as their family Orisa which always work for them. And almost any group of people or individual whose activities relate to the use of iron and metal do harness the energy of Ogun to their advantage. Gun  due to his track record as one of Orisa that make his indelible mark in anal of Yoruba spiritual history. People do revere him for favor because he is in charge of iron and anything of engine or metallic object any form of engine is inclusive be it motor, ship or plane. The energy of ogun do protect his devotees against iron and metallic accident like motor accident, ship capzising.plane crash etc. Ifa has authoritatively  refer to Ogun as pathfinder. That open way to wealth. Hence he is the one of the Orisa do venerate by many business people.



Any iron or metal object starting from knife,cutlass,gun,hoes, car,ete anything Iron or metal can be used as symbol of Ogun. Some time it can be consecrated. Setting of Ogun shrine is another work entire you read Babalawo obanifa work on how to set up Ogun shrine.


One or more of the following item cannbe use to propitiate Ogun.They are:
Isu susnun(roasted yam)

 Agbado yiyan(fried maize),
Iyan(pounded yam)
Obi oloju merin(kola nut with four lobes)
Aja (dog)
Epo pupa(red palm oil)
igbin (snails)
 eyele (pegion)
Agbo (ram)
Ekururu(ground and boiled white beans)
Orogbo (bitter kola)
Atare(alligator pepper).


Below is the original sample of Oriki Ogun(ogun praises)and different Odu Ifa that Babalawo Ifa preist) or Aworo (ogun preist) can used to to invoke energy of Ogun and pray with it.
After necessary ijuba and homage done either by the babalawo or Aworo Ogun.
He will proceed to invoke the spirit of ogun thorough some of his panegyric to bring it presence to the ritual for the person in question.. The name of the person for home the ritual is done will be mentioned. If the person for whom the ritual is to be done is not presence the name of the person and his or her mother name is all that is required. Some people do try to get pictures of the person involved but this is irrelevant it the name that matter. Then you can proceed with the following verse to invoke  ogun for protection and road Opening
Ogun lakaaye
Osin imole
Onile owo
Olona ola
Ejemu Oluwonron
Adigirigiri re ibi ija
Eni to lona a to waye
Ogun alada meji
O n fi ikan San oko
O n fi ikan yena
Ọjo ogun n ti  ori oke bo
Aso ina lo fi  bora
Ewu eje lowo
Ogun onile owo
Olona  ola
Ogun onile Kongun kongun ode orun
Olomi ni ile feje we
Olaso nile fimo kimo bora
Ogun apon leyin iju
Egbe lehin omo orukan
Ogun meje logun mi
Ogun alara ni n gba aja
Ogun onire a gba agbo
Ogun onikola a gba igbin
Ogun Elemona a gba Esunsu
Ogun Akiran a gba Iwo agbo
Ogun onigbajamon  a je ekuru funfun
Ogun gbenagbena Eran ahun ni je
Ogun makinde ti dogun leyin odi
Bi o ba gba tapa a gba aboki
A gba ukuuku a gba kemberi
Nje nibo lati gbe pade ogun?
A pade ogun nibi ija
A pade ogun  nibi ita
A pade ogun nibi agbara eje ti nsan
Agbara eje ti ndeni lorun
Bi omi ago
Bomode ba ndale
Ki o mase da Ogun
Oro Ogun leewoo
Ara Ogun kan go go go
Orisa ti n gba Ile, gba oko
Alaimokan eniyan ni wipe bi ogun ba gba Ile
Ohun a si gba oko lo
Tani ko sai  mon wipe Orisa to gba Ile
Le gba oko, gba odo lowo eni
Ogun ma je ki ri ija re oo
Bi e gun iyan Nile, bi e ro oka lodede
E dabo e toju ti ogun sile
Nitori ogun loroko, ogun lo pa ajuba
Ogun dakun dabo
Lana aje imi
Lana oro imi
MA je ki rin lojo ti ebi n pa ona


Ogun lakaaye (Ogun whose affluence is all over the world)
The king among all the dieties
One whose house is full of money
One with pathway to riches
One who own the Cheitancy Title of Ejemu Of Iworan city
One who is smartly armed and equipped with weapon when ever is going to fighting spot
One who divinely clear the path through wich we come to this world
Ogun who own two cutlass
He uses one of it to clear Bush for farming activities
He use the other one to clear a pathway
When ogun is decending from the above
You cover your body up with the cloak of fire
You wear a  clothe of blood
Ogun whose house is full of money
Whose pathway lead to riches
Ogun who own innumerable houses in heaven
One whose house is full of water but still bath with blood
One whose house is full of cloth, but still wear palmfrond
One with redish eye ball
The supporter of the orphans
My ogun is of seven variety
It is Ogun Alara that eat dog
It is Ogun onire that eat ram
It is Ogun Onikola that eat snail
It is Ogun Elemona that eat roasted yam
It is Ogun Akiran that eat Ram horn
It is ogun onigbajamon that eat Ekuru funfun
It is Ogun gbenagbena that eat tortoise
Ogun Makinde has turned into Ogun of foreign land
If it didn't take Tapa, It will  take Aboki
It will take Ukukuku, and Take Kemberi
Where do we meet Ogun?
You meet him at fighting spot
Or where there is conflicts
You meet him when the pool of blood is flowing
The pool of blood that can match you to neck
Like water inside a keg
If a child is found of betraying
He should never betray ogun
Matter with ogun is delicate
Ogun is extremely strict and Frank
The orisa that took over the house and the forest
It only am ignorant person that will say if Ogun take over the house
He will go to the forest
Who doesn't know that a diety that take over a house, can take over both the forest and river from one possession
Ogun don't afflict me with your anger
If you make pounded yam and yam flower food in the house
Kindly preserve portion of Ogun
It is Ogun that is use for farming
It is ogun that is use to prepare the shelter
Ogun I implore you
Open pathway of wealth for me
Open pathway of prosperity for me
Don't let me journey on a day of misharp

After this has been done, you can recite other incantations from ifa verse, at each stage of the items steps for the rituals.
For example you can recite odu ifa odi meji thus in furtherance of your prayer for protection and road opening at the cause of the rituals. The odi meji goes thus

Odidi fenu digun
Amotekun ni gbe okeree fo ohun yara
Eni gbo ohun oligburo loke
A ni bi ko terin
O  po just efon lo
Difa fun irin wowo ti se aremon ogun
Ojo ti irin wowo ba bale
Ijo na ni irin wowo n Segun ota
Ki emi babalawo Obanifa Segun gbogbo ota
Ki Segun osi ati afaito

It is Odidi that use it own mouth to prevent war
It is Amotekun that make sounds from far distance, as if it was in nearby room
The person that hear Ologburo voice from far distance
Will  say if it not up to an Elephant
It must be pretty bigger than a buffalo
Cast ifa divination reading Irinwowo who is Aremon Ogun
It on the day that Irinwowo descend on land
It is that same day that he will conquer enemies
Let I babalawo Obanifa conquer enemies
Let me conquer poverty, lack and all adversities

Going through many work in circulation ,I discovered that there have been a lot of misinformation about this Orisa  Ogun. In this aspect we will examine some of this malformation and make necessary correction to make sure that the posterity did not digest the wrong information.
The correct name of Orisa Ogun is Ogun. So other adulterated spelling  like  Gu, Oggun,Ogou has recorded is some tradition such as Loa,Vodun and latin America version can not be said to be correct spelling of Ogun.

Eroneous Myths  about Orisa Ogun
The Wikipedia information on Ogun which describe him as In Yoruba religion, Ogun is a primordial orisha who first appeared as a hunter named Tobe Ode. He was the husband of Oya. He is said to have been the first Orisha to descend to the realm of Ile Aiye ("Earth"), to find suitable place for future human life. In some traditions he is said to have cleared a path for the other gods to enter Earth, using a metal ax and with the assistance of a dog. To commemorate this, one of his praise names, or oriki, is Osin Imole or the "first of the primordial Orisha to come to Earth". He is the god of war and metals.[2][1][3]
In his earthly life Ogun is said to be the first king of Ife. When some of his subjects failed to show respect, Ogun killed them and ultimately himself with his own sword. He disappeared into the earth at a place called Ire-Ekiti, with the promise to help those who call on his name. His followers believe him to have wo ile sun, to have disappeared into the earth's surface instead of dying. Throughout his earthly life, he is thought to have fought for the people of Ire, thus is known also as Onire. Is not a coorect  information about Ogun. If you read this version of Wikipdei Inforamation abou Ogun is a misleading Inforameyion You will notice that their every say on wikpedi is antiteica to information I get rawfrom real source in Ire –Ekiti.
Copyright: Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone whatsapp contact : +2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic  or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission from the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract legal consequences

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