In this work Babalawo Obanifa will document the mythological and historical account behind the practice of Eluku cult as an Orisa. Little information is known about Orisa Eluku because those who practice the cult made everything about it strictly secretive and confidential, Hence only scanty few exceptional Babalawo can boast and come out publicly to write or talk about it without any form of intimidation from any quarters, when he reveals or document genuine information about this Orisa. This accounts for the reason  why there are  little or no information at public domain on this Orisa. In this work I will document some detail about this Orisa to prevent the extinction of genuine information about this Orisa for future generation. Orisa Eluku is not really a popular Orisa in Yoruba land, because his cult did not cut across all Yoruba, rather than its practice is restricted to certain town like Ijebu And Egba, Abeokuta and the Awori, but it is instructive to note that this Orisa originally belong to the Ijebu people. Hence Orisa Eluku can be said to fall into the category Of Orisa Adugbo- Orisa Adugbo is any Orisa that its practice and worship is restricted to certain family or town but it followers and worship is not cut across all town in the Yoruba Land. Orisa Eluku falls into this category. Orisa Eluku itself is believe to be born as human being and live as Human during his life time .Myth make available to us make us known that Eluku is born to one powerful king  known as Oniloku. This Oniloku is believed be king of  Iraye. He is royal by blood. He was a very powerful diviner and a spiritualist. He has many followers during his life time. As a result of his extra ordinary spiritual feats, He was  deify as Orisa after his demise because history made it available that after his death, all his power is still available to his follower hence he was deify as a deity. It is believe that Eluku cult through the power of Orisa Eluku can communicate with the spirits of the dead. They can also help infertile woman to become fertile.   Orisa  Eluku is of one of the unpopular Orisa in Yoruba land and it is only  popular among the Ijebu and Egba people in Yoruba land. This Orisa mode of operation is synonymous with the way Oro cult is been practice. The membership of Eluku cult is restricted to Male. It is only men that are allow to enter Eluku groove. Everything about the ritual Of Eluku can only be perform by male. Hence this work will authoritatively assert that it is wrong for anybody to claim that he initiate a female into Orisa Eluku cult or for any female to claim to be an Eluku priestess. Because these day we see women claiming to be a member of Eluku cult, It is instructive that ssuch women may have fall into fraudulent hand or she may be deceiving the public. The same way it is forbidden for woman to be a member of Oro cult that is same way it is forbidden for women to be member of Eluku cult.  The reason behind lack of adequate Information about Orisa Eluku is simple; Eluku is believed to be a defied spirits of the ancestors. Eluku cult only allow member who are male that have been officially initiated to the cult to participate in it activities. The performance of any ritual activities  Of Eluku cult by it member is usually take place in the dead of the night and usually take place outside the town and this can only occur once a year. Their mode of operation is like that of Oro cult. Before the Eluku cult proceed to their procession. They will have through the town crier made pronouncement imposing curfew or restriction of movement on  all women and men who has not be initiated to Eluku cult. On the night of the procession of Eluku  ritual ceremony which usually happen once a year, all the women and even men who has not be initiated into the Eluku cult will lock themselves indoor that night. When the entire street have been clear of movement of human being in the dead of the night. The member Of Eluku cult will gather their selves together at their temple and begin to make procession to Eluku grove which is usually located in far distance outside the town. Some of them will begin to make a very shrill scaring loud noise to scare people away while the rest will begin to sing song In praise of Orisa Eluku. Though Eluku cult prohibit any person to share this secret of the cult in writing format, but if will continue that way everything about this Orisa will go into extinction. In this work I will document some of little tips about the procession of Eluku cult during their annual ritual. With due respect to the people concern, take note, we have grown in this aspect of Yoruba spirituality both in practice and research beyond intimidation from any quarters.
 Immediately the cult member assemble at their temple. The will begin to make procession toward the Eluku grove which is usually at the outskirt of the town. The member of the cult follow the chosen among them whom they believe is usually spiritually possess by Eluku energy. They will be shouting

Pele baba
Pele  Eluku
Ara Iraye
We hail you father
We hail you Eluku
The inhabitant of Iraye.
 Other will be begins to sing thus:

Kun wenwen
Omo d’egbe
Omo dayo
Kun wenwen
The children have become an association
The children have bring joy
The cult has varieties of other songs they do sing while they are on  procession. The one above is just one of the samples out of their songs.
While this  is going on some of the of the cult will be making strange shrill sound to create fear in the mind of people who may heard them. And some of them will be chanting the praises or eulogy of thus:
Eluku ara Iraye
Omo Oba Oniloku
Emukuru Olorun gagara
Emuren se itan gbu
Omo apa-teneten-pa-tin
Omo era kun agbon
Ha ree
Ko bar i, ko wo firi
Ina ale yi se o de\
Eluku the inhabitat of Iraye
The prince of Onikolu
Emukuru Olorun gagara
Emuren se itan gbu
Omo apa-teneten-pa-tin
Omo era kun agbon
Ha ree
Ko bar i, ko wo firi
Ina ale yi se o
That is  how the will shout, sing and praise Eluku till they get to the grove and perform the ritual
When Eluku is coming back home from the grove. The member of the cult will be shouting Eluku n bo o(Eluku is coming) on hearing this any women or an uninitiated men that is not member of eleku cult will run into the house and lock their door.
On the procession back home Eluku will be singing in company of other cult members. The people will be giving him gift. Eluku don’t take gift himself. It is one of his aide who  is also a member that will be taking the gift on behalf of Eluku. It this aide that is allows to enter the house and collect the gif of money or other items from such individual whether woman or man. It is  this aide that will now go and disclose to Eluku the name of the person who present him with the gift or money and amount of such money or  gift .Eluku in turn will pray for such person who present him with the gift from a afar because the person will only hear the voice because he cannot see Eluku himself/herself unless he is member of Eluku cult.
How Eluku Spread Beyond Ijebu Land To Abeokuta,Egba and Awori
 At initial stage in Yoruba  land the Only part of Yoruba that practice Eluku cult and worship is Ijebu. It from Ijebu that the cult of Eluku was borrows to other places. History have that there is one man   known as Oba Ige who have one beautiful wife known by the name Aninku. They have been married for many years but they have no child of their own. This makes the duo to go for Ifa consultation on how they  can get solution to their childlessness. Ifa advise the couple to move from their current location to other town and that they should get involved in the worship of Orisa Eluku. But Orisa Eluku can only be find in Ijebu Land. The couple offer the ebo of plenty  tubers of yam,a dog, local lighten lamp and money. They then proceed to Ijebu to have the Orisa Eluku, when they have this consecrated element, it was given to Oba Ige been the male because Eluku is male Orisa. When they get back to Egba they buy land from a king known as Onikopa in exchange for two of their slaves. They place the Orisa Eluku on it. After a year the couple gave birth to a female known as Efude. Be a woman he cannot continue the practice of Eluku cult . Her parent marry her to Oba Onikopa.It is this Oba Onikopa that firmly establish the practice of ELuku cult in Egba .it is from Egba that this cult spread to Abeokuta and the Awori. History have it that it is because of solution of sterility  that make people of Abeokuta to bring Eluku cult to Itoko in Abeokuta then before it become annual practice there too up till date
Burial rite for Eleku cult member
The discussing of Eleku will not be complete without discussing the burial rite of the cult members. Many people avoid Eleku cult because of the mystery behind the burial of the cult. But the truth is this , the secrecy that the member of the cult attached to it is too much. And there is no much to it. The stages involve in burial of Eluku cult members goes thus:
Isihun- this is the first stage in the burial rite of any Eluku cult members. By Isihun we are referring to the process where the family member of the deceased with  break the news about the death  of the deceased to the living member of the cult. For the family of the deceased to be able to break the  news of the death of a member of the cult to other member .they will need to provide the following  item, one cock,kola nut,bitter kola, one bottle of red  palm oil and money .These items will be present to the member of the cult by the family of the deceased ,they can  then intimate them about the death and officially invite them to come and carry out appropriate burial rites on the deceased according to norms of the cult.
On the seventh day of the burial the family of the deceased will carry the following items  again to the cult member. The items are ; money, I6 tuber of yam,16 dry cat fish, one new clay pot, one new spoon, salt two calabash, 9 lamp .  This will be supply to the cult  in the morning.
In the evening when the cult member wants to visit the house of the deceased, the children of the deceased will present two sleeping mat, kola nut, bitter kola, a sheep. And money for the cult.
Copyright: Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone whatsapp contact : +2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission from the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract legal consequences

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