In this current work Babalawo Obanifa will document some hidden facts about Ogboni Fraternity,Ogboni mode of initiation and Ideology. With due respect to the body concern, Babalawo Obanifa did not through this work disparage  Ogboni fraternity ,rather than I through this work embark on full scale  documentation of how Ogboni evolve ,complete details and their mode of initiation of members into the cult as well as the ideology of Ogboni fraternity. This work will be useful to the general public and future generation who want know how Ogboni evolve, their mode of initiation and ideology. This work will also be useful to Ogboni fraternal members who may lack the detail knowledge of how Ogboni come into existence in the first place, and the real reason while Ogboni cult come into existence as oppose to the later adulterated practice of it by some sect for vainglorious end. Reader of this work should have it in mind that the writer of this work (Babalawo Obanifa ) is a practicing diviner and  an established authority in field of Yoruba Herbal Medicine and spirituality, so everything reveal and document in this work is from practical perspective. Don’t ask me whether I am a member of Ogboni or how I came about my detail knowledge of Ogboni fraternity. I can authoritatively said this ;that Babalawo Obanifa  have grown  spiritually in field of African spirituality beyond trying to seek to be a member of any cult or fraternal groups, rather than people who are members of such group  can  seek my counsel and guidance on how to sail through life successfully. I sincerely hope that the statement above has answered any of your anticipated questions and quest. I am not a member of any cult group. This work will  be an incomplete work if I just jump into Initiation or how one can become member of Ogboni cult  and their ideology ,if I did not first do justice to how Ogboni itself come to existence.


 There is no how we will discuss origin of Ogboni without discussing Orisa Edan and there is known how we will discuss Orisa Edan without discussing Ogboni. If you
have been an ardent follower of Babalawo Obanifa documentaries. You will have an inkling of how Ogboni evolve because I discuss some detail on how Ogboni come into existence in my previous work on Orisa Edan. The truth remain that if you  ask some Ogboni cult members how Ogboni society  come into existence majority of them did not have correct answer to this except that they are member and they know that they were initiated to the cult.  For sake of detail comprehensiveness of this work I will reveal here again How Ogboni come into existence. Orisa Edan cannot be discuss in isolation without discussing Ogboni cult. Ogboni cult cannot be discuss without discussing orisa Edan,the two entity are intertwined and interdependent. But Orisa Edan is the orisa (spiritual force or the diety) while members of Ogboni or Osugbo cult are the followers or worshiper of the orisa Edan. For the sake of easy comprehension my explanation on Orisa Edan an Ogboni or Osugbo cult will be in stages or faces.

In the ancient time in Yoruba land as evidence by Ifa sacred scriptural verse and oral historical facts handle down by people before me. It  is clear that there is nothing like Ogboni cult or society in existence. Even orisa   edan was in Isalu Orun (heaven)  she never come down to the Isalu aye (earth) with her contemporaries Irumonle(dieties). As Ifa sacred  scripture point it out, that during this period there was chaos in the world. There was oppression of the weak by the strong. There was injustice. The king and Ruler abuse their power with no one to check them. Everything was in state of total disarray. This is what prompted orunmila to cast ifa divination reading to find  solution to the problem or how the world will be peaceful and orderly. The odu ifa that appear on ifa divination tray (opon ifa) that day is Ogunda meji .It is in this odu ifa that Ifa instructs Orunmila to invite Orisa Edan from Ikole Orun (heaven) To come to Ikole aye (earth) to bring peace, justice, orderliness and good governance to the world. This can be deduce from odu ifa ogunda meji I cited above where Ifa say :
Ololo babalawo Edan
 lo difa fun Edan
A ki gbo iku Edan
Yooro ledan ma n se
Oluto aye si wa lona
Adifa fun orunmila, abu fun Edan
Eyi ti yi o to Ile aye
Bi Eni to afoku igba
Gbogbo aye to Ile aye ti paabo ni o jasi
Se ni won fa Ile aye ya perepe afoku igba
Orunmila lo si ode Orun
O pe Edan ojugba re  wa sile aye
Ebo ni won ni ki won se
Won rubo
Ebo lo gba wa kale  a ri eyin  iku
Ebo ni o gba wa kale  areyin Arun
Ebo lo gba wa kale areyin gbogbo ogun


Ololo is the ifa preist of Edan
Cast ifa divination reading for Edan
We will never hear of Edan's death
Edan always live long in good health
The peace maker of the world is still on her way
Cast ifa divination reading for Orunmila and his contemporary Edan
One who will fix the world
As if fixing a broken calabash
The people try to fix the world, alas all their efforts is abortive
Instead they broke the world like a broken calabash
Orunmila then went to heaven to bring Edan his contemporary
They were both instructed to carry out sacrifice wish they did.
It is the sacrifice that save us we overcome death
It is the sacrifice that save us we overcome diseases
It is the sacrifice that save us we overcome  all malevolences forces
It is clear from the ifa scriptural verse above that orisa was invite by orunmila to this world to bring peace and stability to this world. Orisa Edan came to this world base on orunmila request. On Edan Arrival to isalu aye (world)  He bring with her system of justice, law enforcement, fairness and equity. Her major method in achieving this is through a method where sages and elderly knowledgeable and powerful  members of the community were selected or chosen to oversee the affair of each community. This people are the one who see to peaceful co-existence of the people, they prevent oppression, they checked the ruler and the ruled.. This section of people are nickname as Ogboni or Osugbo.


In my previous explanation above , I make mention of the invitation of orisa Edan to this world by orunmila, to maintain stability in the world. On arrival of Edan from isalu Orun (heaven)  to Isalu area (earth) she brought with her a method by which the sages or Elderly wise people  in the community were selected to guarantee peaceful Co - existence and stability in the community. The group of chosen elderly sages are refer to as Ogboni or Osugbo. Ogboni is the popular name of this cult. But is some part of yoruba land this sect is also known as Osugbo. In places like Ijebu and Egba land ogboni is known as Osugbo. The word Ogboni itself is derived from Two Yoruba words, Ogbo  Eni (which can be translated in English to mean Mature Elderly person),while Osugbo also derived from two yoruba words  Osu  gbo (which can be translated in English to mean turlst of hair on the head of an old person) although some people said it mean Ogbo dirin) that aged and still strong like iron) I must say with due respect that the third view don't give correct meanings of how the word Ogboni is derived although it is a relevant terms in ogboni cult. So from my explanation above you can be clear what orisa Edan is, and what ogboni is. So Edan is an Orisa, the followers of Edan as an Orisa are called the Ogboni. Any devotee of orisa Edan is automatically an Ogboni. In ancient time ogboni is not really a separate cult from ifa spirituality when ogboni cult first started. Ogboni with fear of olodumare perform function of society stability. Their function at beginning of the world range from spiritual, and political function. Conservation and preservation of tradition. They serve as a town Council, the exercise jurisdiction over civil and criminal court, the serve as Electoral college in selecting of new King, they also have power in ancient time to dethroned the king or paramount cheifs that are despot or bad . they also serves as check and balance in checking the excess of the ruler.
These groups of Elderly are usually selected from different walk of life ragging from hurting, to trade, farming, spiritualist like herbalist and ifa preist, people in egungun cult. So at the end the group usually consists of very powerful knowledgeable people in magic, spirituality, occultism, economic, health etc. These set of people called ogboni then are expected to be a man of honour, righteous, and upright. The existing members usually have method of admitting new member. This is usually through initiation. It is through this initiation process that would pass through stages namely spiritual cleansing or purification, coding and decoding of language, occultism, mythisim, oath taking, certain behavior and language etc.

This group of people or cult Called ogboni then is usually consists of people that matter and experience from different works of life as I said earlier but is usually head by Oluwo who must be a versatile seasons practicing ifa preist, Oluwo is at the top hierarchy of the Ogboni structure follow by Apeena, iya abiye, Aro, Odofin, iyamokun, iya idi Agba and other miscellaneous ranks that space and time will not allow to mention.
Ogboni or Osugbo major symbol is Edan. And the meetings or converging location is called Iledi or simply Ile (this two words is use to describe ogboni shrine or temple or any place dedicated for their meetings, worship or carrying out their activities) Edan which is the major symbol of power, authorities of ogboni is known by different names by the initiate, some called it 'Abeni, Iya, Ajibola etc'

Edan is usually iron or brass image both female and male. It usually consecrated with some items I prefer to withheld to myself. And place in Iledi (supra) this Edan both the famale and male are refer to in Ogboni cult as Iya (mother)  the two images of Edan is been referred to as Onile (the owner of the house) the image of edan both male and female has been said to represent by  people before me to mean interdependence of male and female in balancing the world. It also represents heaven and health. The third opinion by some modern spiritualist and occult that the two image of edan both male and female represent Adam and Eve is just a biblical allusion that has no basis in a yoruba spirituality as regards the original coming to existence of what is called Ogboni.

With the coming of European to Africa during colonialism, Ogboni cult begin to lose it functions to the colonialists who brings new systems of administrative justice. There are police, English court, and executioner instead of using spirituality and ancient Africa knowledge in administration of society as before. Hence since the society no longer need ogboni cult to protects them from any despot king, there is law court to do that. The members of the cult who has been already privileged and institutionalized in occultism, herberolgy, magic, wisdom of trade and commerce and politics begin to use the cult and the secrets and power involves to advance their own personal interest, in the area of business, politics and area of professional career. This is what draw the attention of many members of the society who is longing for connection and success or influence in certain areas of life begins to seek to get initiated to the cult. As a result many Muslims and Christians begin to get initiated into the cult. This is the beginning of the syncretizim in Ogboni /Osugbo cult. Then ogboni cult now look more of social club rather than spiritual organization it was abinitio as laid down by ifa.

As I  explained earlier coming of colonialists which make ogboni cult lose their relevant in governance make member to use their power and wisdom to advance their personal economic and political cum professional interest. They begin to help one another to succeed, to gain prominence and success and influence and connections, so members of society begin to see that member are actually blossom in business, politics, judiciary, legal practice and music. Hence people in other religions faith like Christianity and Islam who are already familiar with international cult like freemasonry, Amorc etc,  begin to get their self initiated to the cult.
Matter come to and head in year 1914. Arch deacon Oginbiyi came home from abroad to form the Reform Ogboni fraternity. That is the beginning of Dichotomy between Ogboni Aborigines and Reform Ogboni Fraternity. The Reformed Ogboni Fraternity(ROF) Inc. was founded by a reverend gentleman Archdeacon TAJ Ogunbiyi, CBE, L.Th. Christianity came to Nigeria with British Fraternities hand in hand. The British Fraternity became very fashionable among our people, such that everyone at that time wanted to belong to the Freemasonry or the Lodge. The reality on the ground was how to bled the typical African with Christianity. This was the genesis of the thought to visit the ancient Fraternity of the Ogboni. Ogboni is as old as the Yoruba race.
Venerable Rev T.A.J Ogunbiyi CBE LTh founded the ROF INC on the 18th Dec 1914 at Obun Eko in Lagos Nigeria .The original name of the fraternity was EGBE “OGBONI ONIGBAGBO ” which means in English language “OGBONI FRATERNITY OF THE CHRISTIANS”.As time went on the founder considered it necessary to admit non-Christians, provided such entrants embrace a non-idolatrous belief in God . that is how Muslim and some even people in the aborigines begins to join. He replace Edan in the box with Bible. But some Ile place Edan in the middle,quran and Bible is not excluded the reform ogboni fraternity is govern by constitution section two of their constitution state their aims and objectives clearly. It states thus
To associate for the promotion of the Principle of Universal Fatherhood of God - the All-Seeing Eye, and Universal Brotherhood of Man, without any discrimination as to Race, Colour, Creed, Sex, Religion or Political Affiliation.

To associate for the principal purpose of knowing God better such that all the undertakings of the fraternity will be in accordance with His Holy will.

To encourage the diffusion of the practice of benevolence, charity and chastity.

To offer assistance (as a bounding duty) to all poor and distressed members and non-members, without detriment to themselves and their connections, or injustice to others who are not members of this Fraternity.

To see to the mortal remains of any deceased members by providing a coffin or financial assistance up to a reasonable cost and to give his/her remains a decent deposit in the bosom of Mother Earth.

To inculcate in all members, the constant practice of the Golden Rule, "to do unto others (members and non-members) as one would wish them to do unto him
To provide necessary funds for the successful prosecution of the business of the Fraternity, according to this Constitution.

To keep and obey the Laws and Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and those of any other Country in which one resides.

With regard to this last point, the ROF clarifies that the organization does not represent any particular political interest.

But The criteria criteria of becoming a member of Reform Ogboni fraternity is more clear and precise as their constitution state it section three thus :

Membership shall be opened to all who embrace a non-idolatrous faith in God.
An applicant for membership shall be at least Twenty One years (21), if male, and Forty years old (40) if Female, PROVIDED that any applicant who is the wife of a member may be initiated if she is not less than Thirty years old (30.
A member may propose for admission a female offspring or near relation who is a spinster or divorcee of not less than Thirty years (30) of age on giving a written undertaking of good behaviour of such applicant.
Any female applicant who is married at the time of application and whose husband is not a member of the fraternity must produce a letter of consent from her husband. (ROF 30 May 2010d, Sec. 2)
Section 15 of the Constitution further details the requirements and procedures for initiation and enrolment of new members as follows:

Applicant shall write an application naming three (3) members as referees of which at least preferably two (2) shall be members of that lledi. All applications for membership shall be submitted to the Apena of the Conclave for the onward consideration of the Executive Body.

Applications shall be read by the Apena at the open Conclave meeting and after there is no preliminary objection the applicant shall be issued with form.

Applications and admission fees which shall be determined from time to time by the Supreme Council shall be paid by the Applicant to the Apena in the presence of one (1) of his/her sponsors. There shall be a Character Investigation Committee in every Conclave.

No candidate shall be admitted until thorough investigation as to his/her character has been made by that Committee which reports its findings to the Executive Body of the Conclave for final decisions. In the case of a female candidate, the applicant shall further be introduced or referred to the lyabiye and her Erelu together with a copy of the completed form 3 for thorough enquiries, and their report shall be passed to the Executive Body of the lledi. It shall be the duty of the Apena of every Conclave to send Notice of application for admission on R.O.F. Form 4 to:- The Conclaves in the Division in which the home town or birth place of the applicant is situated. The Conclaves in the Region in which the applicant seeks admission, and The Central Registry of the Fraternity, at the Reformed Ogboni Fraternity Headquarters, 38 Abeokuta Street, Ebute-Metta, Lagos, Nigeria.

Thereafter the Apena of the Conclave shall, at the next ldaji meeting of the Conclave read out the particulars of the Applicant of the Conclaves as stated in the R.O.F. form 4 so that all members may be aware of the particulars of the applicant. The name shall be read out at two (2) more subsequent monthly ldaji meeting for all members to make enquiries about the Candidate and to have opportunity to raise an objection privately to any member of the Executive Committee of the Conclave. (i) The details of the Candidate must be presented to the Divisional Council of the Conclaves to which the application is directed for the consideration and approval or rejection of the Divisional Council before the initiation of the Candidate. (ii) The candidate shall be interviewed by the Executive Body of t he Conclave to determine his/her suitability. (iii) If there is no objection by any member of the Conclave or members of the Fraternity or from any other Conclave within the stipulated 3 months and approval of the Divisional Council the Candidate may be initiated in open Conclave. Candidate (male/female) for initiated must be presented to the lyabiye before they are initiated. If the candidate is rejected either by any member of the Conclave itself or by any member in the Branches or in any Region or division or from the Headquarters of the Fraternity, his/her name shall be forwarded to the Divisional Council to which the Conclave belongs and the Central Registry of the Fraternity for record purpose. Objection to a candidate shall be on reasonable grounds; 
and what is reasonable in this connection is primarily a matter for the Division, and if necessary an appeal shall lie to the Executive Council. All candidates shall be initiated according to the approved rituals before enrolment as members after rituals in open Conclave and in regular ldaji Meeting day. By special dispensation of the Olori Oluwo and/or the Olori Apena on behalf of the Supreme Council, a deserving candidate may be initiated without the above formalities.

Forces recruitment is not allow in reform ogboni fraternity their constitution govern the the process so child initiation is not allow, you must become of age. However in ancient ogboni aborigines force recruitment is allowed. Because a member may pledge his son to replace him or children who has been use in carry  out some dreadful activities of the cult can be forced to join under compulsion to prevent such child from exposing its secret.


For any individual to become member or get initiated into Ogboni cult. He she will need to go through someone who is already a member.  The member of the cult will be the one to tell the leader of the Iledi. The leader of Iledi is usually the Oluwo. Such member will inform the Oluwo that he intend to bring a new member to join the cult on certain fix date of the meeting of the conclave. This fix date will be ratify by Oluwo of that Iledi. Oluwo will give his Approval that would-be member should go and prepare himself/herself  for that day in question. This member will be an intermediary  who will be the one to relay the message back to the would-be member.

Below are the lists of items that a person that want to get initiated to Ogboni cult must prepare before the fix date for the initiation.They are:

Eku gbigbe meji (two dry rat)

Eja gbigbe meji (two dry fish)

Ide emu kan ( one keg of Palm wine)

Oti schinap kan (one bottle of Gin)

Moinmoin( a  variety of local spices ground cook beans)

Ekuru funfun ( white ground cook beans)

Orogbo (bitter kola)

Obi abata(kola nut with four lobes)

Ataare (alligator pepper)

 Opa aso funfun meji (two yards of pure white clothes)

 Owo (money) this is optional  because some Ile don’t demand money for initiation depend on perceive connection and influence of new initiate.
After all these items have been ready on the date fixed for the initiation. An already member of Ogboni who is serving as an intermediary member for the new person who want to join the cult will bring all the items and the initiate –to-be in front of the door of Iledi. The initiate to –be will wrap himself with the two yards of the white clothe .He will wrap  wrap one yard  of the clothes from the bottom downward .while the second yard of the clothe  will be used to cover his left shoulder downward. They will used another pieces of white cloth that is tick enough to prevent  him from seen anything to blindfold his face . After all this might have been complied with the initiate-to-be will be made to stand at the front door entrance of Iledi (ogboni groove).
The already- member of Ogboni will then knock the door with knuckle three time thus: ko-ko-ko

Below are the original step-by-step involve that will take place inside the Iledi after the knocking of the door. It normally involves interaction from the people outside and people inside. The people outside are the initiate-to-be and his intermediary or agent who is already a member. While the people inside are Oluwo and all other already initiated members of Ogboni cult.   The stages will go thus:

Outside: Knocking the door ko-ko-ko

Inside Iledi: They will respond Atiku-Tikuri( That is the door closer have close the door)
Outside Iledi: They will say Onikele-yokele( that closer of the door should remove the rod)

Inside Iledi:They will respond Eja ni Abi Akan ( is it fish or crab)

Outside Iledi: They will respond It is Akan)

Inside Iledi: Awo ni abi Ogberi (it is an initiate or not)

Outside Iledi: They will respond Awo ni(that is it is an initiate)

Inside Iledi: Kini akankun fi n kan kun(Which items is the knocker is using to knock the door)

Outside Iledi : Eku meji Oluwere ni o fi n kan (he is  knocking with two dry rats)

Inside : kini o tun fi n kan kun(which again is he using to knock)

Outside Iledi: Eja meji Abiwegbada(two fishes)

 Inside Iledi: Kini o tun fi n kan kun( what else is he using to knock)

Outside Iledi: they will respond  Pelu Ogburu aso funfun( with  a pure white clothe)

Inside Iledi: Kini o tun fi kan ( what again is he using to knock)

Outside Iledi: Pelu Ogbo( with bitter kola)

Inside Iledi: Kini o tun fi n kan(what else is he using to knock)

Outside Iledi : pelu Akopa Obi ( with Split Kolanut)

Inside Iledi : kini o tun fi n kan (what agin is he using to knock)

Outside Iledi: Pelu atare ,ekuru,moinnoin etce ( with alligator pepper,variities of ground beans foods etc.

Inside Iledi:wo bi o ba to wo , Asikun ti sikiun (Enter if you know yopu are competent the the door keeper has open the door).

During the whole period that this ritual is going on the Initiate to be will remain blindfolded ,he will be in dark. After the permission to enter has been granted . The intermediary who stand with the initiate-to –be  who is already an initiated member of Ogboni cult will  will open the door and use his left toes to touch the ground of Iledi three times and tell the new initiate to do so and he will enter the Iledi with his back and will instruct the new initiate to enter the Iledi with his back as well. The face of the new initiate must still remain cover or blindfolded during  this period.
 After these they take little by little all out of the foods the new initiate bring  for initiation. They will rain down a lot of curses on the food  and tell the new initiate that If he reveals what he hear today to anybody all the curses he heard they rain on the food will  yours. They will said Onile will take his /her life if he reveals their secrets. This curses is done with a lot of incantation and invocation of various powerful spiritual words.
 After this They will bring the new Initiate in front Of Edan. They will menion his/her name and name of his mother. They will through the Kolanut to Edan to ascertain whether the Edan have accepted the new initiate as one of her disciple or children. If two out the kolanuts open their face up and two face down it mean yes. The Edan have accepted the new Initiate. If not different ritual will be continue until Edan accept the kolanut throwing. After this the bring one Hen out of the ones bring by the new initiate. They will kill the hen  and used the blood of the hen to rub the  Edan which is usually two. The will put liitel ou of the blood on the split kolanut. The new initiate will be aske to eat out of it.while other member present will eat out of it. The new initiate will be asked to kiss a two piece of the Edan.
The member present will echo Omu Iya dun(Our mother breast is sweet) Other will respond Ajomu (we will suck it together).

The initiate will   be made to stand and the Oluwo who is the leader and number person in the Iledi will shout loudly  Eiwoya-yaa three times

Members :will reply Ayagbo-Ayato

Oluwo Iledi: Eriwo yaa three time again

Members: will reply Ayaagbo –Ayato

Oluwo Iledi- will say Eriwo yaa Three times on third Occasion

Memners: will then reply  Ayagbo,Ayato, Ayaje-Ayamu .

They will then remove the Blindfold that they to cover the face of the new initiate. Once his face his open he has already become a members. He will now be able to see other members . It is at this stage that most member understand the hypocrisy of the so called most of the moredern religion leaders because at this stage you will see most of top pastor of big churches, prophets and prophetess that people run to in the society, He will see most of the to chief Imam, Sheik, Reverend Fathers and Alfa in both Christianity and Islamic religion that they are members of this cult . But base on curse during his or her oath he /she will not be able to be revealing their names.

After this there will be ineraction with him he will kno days of their mettting ,code of communication and mode of dress. This three element are very important

Meetings Of Ogboni Cult

 The meeting of Ogboni cult members is usually Itadogun(every seventeen days interval).
This is subject to exception as Oluwo of Iledi can call for emergency meeting if the need arises. As oppose to what many people claim that the Ogboni don’t conduct their meeting during broad day light. The Ogboni can conduct their meeting any time . but mostly they meet in the evening and night.

Mode of dressing Of Ogboni Cult Members

Ordinarily Saki, shaki or Itagbe (design neck towel) is identity of dressing that can be used to identify any member of Ogboni cult. The Itagbe is normally use by them to cover their shoulder. Ogboni member are found of wearing plenty of bead to create air of intimidation around them.

The mode of dressing of chieftain title holder among Ogboni cult is different and conspicuous. They are found of wearing large trousers with double wrappers. Their neck, hand, and lehs will be decorated with beads in their multitude. They also put their shaki on the shoulder. The chieftain holder usual have Iron staff they carry around as a symbol of authority. If it is this chief that carry this Iron itself He must carry it on the right hand. Ho ever other low rank member among the cult re allow to carry the iron in fron of the learder o special occasion.

Greeting Among the Ogboni  Cult Members

 When ever Ogboni members want to greet their self they use left hand to shake themselves instead of the right hand.

 The mode of exchange of oral greeting is Omu Iya dun(our mother’s breast is sweet) while the Other will respond Ajomu(we will suck it together).
Symbol  of Ogboni
 The symbol of Ogboni  cult is usually pair  Edan that is place  inside  a Coffin


There are usually annual festival of Ogboni, Asipa who serve as the public relation officer of the Ogboni cult will be the one to announce the date of the festival. This usually occurs once a year.
The process simply involve consecration or reactivation of the Edan.

Consecration or Annual re-activation of Edan Ogboni  As Document By Babalawo Obanifa

 To consecrate  Edan Ogboni or re-activate Edan Ogbon for annual festival The following leaves
are needed and they must be obtains fresh. They are

Ewe Odundun(leaves of Bryphyllum pinnatum)
Ewe otito(leaves of Ipomea alba)
Ewe sesefun( leaves of Gloria simplex or Gloria  superb)
Ewe Ogbo( leaves of Parquentina Nigrescens)
Ewe tete( leaves of Amaranthus Viridis)
Igbin( a land snail)
Ori(shea butter)
 Otin schanap ( one bottle of gin)

The entire aforementioned leaves will be put inside a bowl. You will pour one bottle of Gin on it. You will break the snail and drain it water and put it on it.pour water on it. The Edan will be remove from the coffin in if is during annual Ogboni festival it will be put on it you will squeeze the leaves together with the Edan   and use it to wash the pair of Edan. You will add Shea butter and Palm oil to it. After it you will use kolanut throw to determine which Animal the Edan will take .After ascertaining the animal through Obi divination. They will buy the animal and kill it and use it blood on the Edan. It is instructive to note that what many people from other religion and Islam write about Edan that It is human being they do kill for it is 100% pathological lies.
 After this the Edan can be be place in the coffin back. When they continue with all other ceremonies strictly for the enjoyment and relaxation of their member.

It is instructive that what is reveal hear is not a consecration method use by Ogboni or Osugbo cult, so it is not deems to be secret of Ogboni cult.

Edan tako tabo (Edan image male and female) Eje Alangba tako tabo (blood of Agama lizard or ordinary female lizard) ewe esinsin  FUNFUN (fresh leave of Tragia Spatulata) ewe ina (leave of horned cucumber). One bottle of gin, omi agbede (water use by black Smith to cool hot iron) use the water and to squeeze the leaves. Put your edan inside it for seven days. Remove it it will be energise for purposes you want it for. Don't forget to use iyerosun ifa divination powder to imprint odu ifa ogunda meji and pour it inside the mixture on the third day.
Oriki Edan
Edan oo
Iya mi Abeni
Oro ti gbenu Iledi dun yanmu yanmu
Alabenu as sasi
Iku aye
Ajibola, ojeegun osika
Laani, ojeegun eke
Pooye ti maju odale
Eni  ti aa Lu gba ki
Abomo - on po bi erupe
Iye omo aboja gborogboro
Abiamo ti daso bo omo lojo otutu
Heepa monle
Ko ku, ko je ki omo re oku
Ko run ko je ki omo re Orun
Oro ti foru oganjo rin
Agbani lowo ogun Oso
Agbani lowo ogun aje
Agbani lowo ogun aye gbogbo Pata
Dabo re bomi iya.


Edan I invoke thee
The spirit that talk from Ileedi
The one with umbrella under wish people seek solace
The death on earth
Ajibola the Divinity who chew the bone of the wicked
Laani, the Divinity who chew the bone of the liar
Pooye, one who suck the blood of the betrayer
The one whom we beat Agba drum for.
One who has children who is as plenty as land. The mother with very long sash
The mother that cover her child with cloth in the colds
Your majesty diety
She didn't die nor allows her child to die
She didn't fall sick nor allow her child to fall silk
The spirit that walks around the night
One who rescue one from the claw of evil wizard
One who safe one from the claw of witches
One who safe one from all evil hands.
Protect me mother ase.

Meaning  Of Iledi Ogboni
The word Iledi is derived from the word Ile –Idinu which mean the house of keeping secret.
Iledi is the house where Ogboni members meet. They meet every seven day and every seventeen days.

 Inside Iledi there  are different apartment and each apartment have its own purpose. They are :

Apata Odaju(The rock of no mercy): Apata  Odaju is arpatment inside Iledi where Ogboni pass jughment on any erring meber or outsider who offend them.

Ojubo Iya (Edan shrine) : Inside Iledi there is usually a small coffin that conatin a pair of  consecrated Edan  Inside It.

Koto Oku Awo( Pit for death  Initiate): Inside Iledi there is A big Hole where they bury the remains of cheitancy title older who is a member of the cult.
Ikoko Ape: This is a big spiritual pot inside Iledi that the cult can use to summount the spirit of anybody who offebd them for whtever purpose they want.

Koro Isura: koro Isura is where they keep some spiritual preparation both benevolence and malevolence.

Ilu gbedu tabi Agba Iledi _This is a big drum that is also a symbol of an established Iledi

Iyewu agba: This is a scared room where they hanged the body of the deceased chief  among them as part of burial rite, they will obtain its water. The water is collected as part of  ingerident to prepare oath taking on new members.

Arrangement of ranks in Ogboni Cults

It is not all member of the cult that know the secret of Ogboni cults. However there are most Six important meber that must know the secret of the cult.They are :Oluwo,Apena,Aro,Odofin,Lisa and Olori Erelu who is the most aged woman among them. We will examine each in seriatim.
Oluwo: Oluwo is simply transalted to mean the lord of Mystries.He is the number one member who steer the affair of the ogboni cult.
Apena: Apena simply mean the caller of people. He the one who call people to come to meeting as well he stand by the door to as question from the people oustised durin the initiation of new mebers to the cult.
Aro: The function of Aro is to adjudicate dispute.He is a good listener who listen to parties to dispute and settle it for them.
Odofin: Odofin is the protocol Officer of the Cult. He is in charge of admitting of new member and expelling of erring members
Lisa :Lisa is the second in rank to Oluwo his function is to advise Oluwo on important matters

Olori Erelu: This is the woman among them who reprenst the women member of the cult in the conclave .She usualy  An older woman as woman under the thirty years of age can not hold position of Erelu in Ogboni cult.
Osorun;: Osorun is an assistant or Deputy Apena

Ejemu/Ojumu: Ojuman is the the welfare officer of the cult. He is in charge of welfare like burial of memebers and other traditionerl ritual and rite of the cult
Asipa: Asipa is the treasurer  or finacer officer of the cult. He is the one in charge of spending
Asalu;This is a man that collect dues for the cult he also serve as janitor of Iledi

Baala : this is the man in charge of food,drinks and ceremianlactictibies of Iledi that demand the attention of the members

Otunabade: This is the screening officer of the ogboni cult who scrutinse and do background chectk on new member to be admiited into the cult

Baseere: this is the man in charge of music and drumming in Iledi

Baagbimon:This is one of the chief adviser to the cult

Babaaloja : This is the man in charge of public market

Baase:This is the chef or man who is in charge of cooking for the conclave

Iyalaje: This is the woman in charge of collecting dues

Iyalate:This is the woman in charge of selling spiritual items and good for the member of Iledi

Iya abiye: This is the woman in charge of taking care of pregnant woman and children of the mebre of the cult and the general public

Lika:Like is the woman who screen and invisgate new meber to be admitted to the cult
Iyabese_This is  a role of Asipa in female form

Yeyelufe  is the most aged woman of the cult who see to the affair of other women.

In my future work I will touch on nitty grity of burial ceremony within Ogboni fraternity.

Copyright: Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone whatsapp contact : +2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission from the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract legal consequences

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