Chief Hubert Ogunde - EKUN ONIWOGBE
In this piece of work Babalawo Obanifa will make exhaustive commentaries on Odu Ifa  Iwori  Osa  also known as Iwori Awusa . The work will be useful to any practicing Babalawo or Ifa devotee who want to have an extensive knowledge of detail interpretations of Odu Ifa  Iwori Osa for purpose of practicing or personal use. The work will also be useful in providing detail knowledge of this Odu Ifa Iwori Osa  for those born under the star of Odu Ifa Iwori   Osa during their Itelodu(ifa initiation) or Ikosedaye (First Ifa consultation for new born baby).  The author of this work Babalawo Obanifa is a practicing diviner and an authoritative leading Ifa and Orisa theologian so any knowledge  and commentaries in this work is for actual spiritual practice. The work will examine among other things. What is Odu Ifa  Iwori Osa meaning and symbol?, Who are the affiliated Orisa and Irunmole with Odu Ifa Iwori Osa?  What are the taboos of Odu Ifa Iwori Osa? What are the favorable occupation or profession for those born under the star of Odu ifa Iwori Osa during their Itelodu or Ikosedaye? What  are the names that can be given to those born under the star Of Odu Ifa Iwori Osa During their Itelodu Or ikosedaye? Basic summary of information available for those born under this Odu Ifa Iwori –Osa during their Itelodu or Ikosedaye. Comprehensive detail of some sacred information available inside Odu Ifa  Iwori -Osa and commentaries Babalawo Obanifa divine commentaries on them.   These aforementioned will be discuss in detail in seriatim in this work.
What is Odu Ifa  Iwori Osa meaning and symbol?

An Odu Ifa  will be said to be Iwori Osa whenever we have one leg of Odu Ifa Iwori –Meji  on the right and One leg of Odu Ifa Osa Meji on the left side. The amalgamation of the two to become one  is what is refer to as Odu Ifa Iwori –Osa. Though Babalawo do nickname this odu Ifa as Iwori Awusa.When during Ifa consultation either via ohun-n –te-ale(Ikin ifa consultation using Iyerosun and opon Ifa) or Opele(ifa divination chain) if the symbol that appear is a reflection of one leg of Odu ifa Iwori meji on the right side and one leg of Osa  meji on the left side  such symbol is what is known as Odu ifa Iwori Osa in Yoruba Ifa spirituality. Below are image  Babalawo Obanifa personal depiction of image of Odu Ifa Iwori Osa on how it can appear on Ifa divination tray or Opele(divination chain).

                  Odu Ifa iwori Osa on Opon Ifa
              Odu Ifa Iwori Osa on Opele 

Who are the affiliated Orisa and Irunmole with Odu Ifa Iwori Osa?

By this question we are referring to other divinities or deities –Orisa and Irunmole  that those born under the star of Ifa Iwori Osaa during their Itelodu or Ikosedaye can harness their energy  along with Ifa in other to have successful and less problem free life. The commonly Identifiable divinities that their energies can easily be harness with Odu Ifa Iwori – Osa are:Ifa,Obatala,Orisa aje,Iyaami, and Ogun Each of these divinities have specific function they perform. Let examine each in turn:
Ifa -Ifa function for guidance and protection
Obatala-Obatala function for protection from litigation,defamation,legal matter, and give honor
Oris Aje-Aje function for economic elevation
Iyaami -Function for protection against diseases

What are the taboos of Odu Ifa Iwori Osa?

 By this question we are referring to those animate and inanimate object such as plants and animal and behavior or traits that those born under the star of Odu Ifa Iwori Osa must avoid in other to haves successful, healthy and less problem in their life. Below  are some of the identifiable taboo for those born under the star of Odu Ifa Iwori Osa:
1 . They must avoid keeping malice so that their blessing can easily come them
2. They must not eat or use tortoise for Ifa medicine to avoid legal matter that can lead to imprisonment
3. They must not feel embitter by the criticism that other make about their success so that they can achieve the desire height.
4.They must learn to corporate with other to avoids be consume by war
5. They must avoid eating black sheep or mutton to avoid diseases

What are the favorable occupation or profession for those born under the star of Odu ifa Iwori Osa during their Itelodu or Ikosedaye?
By this question we are referring to area or field of professions  where people that were born under the star of Odu Ifa Iwori Osa can chose and achieve success and comfort in life.People born under the star of this odu Iwori Osa  are more better as Ifa and orisa priestess .spiritualist,traderor merchant, drivers, pilot, medical and paramedical feiild,lawyer,arbitrator,judge,.
What  are the names that can be given to those born under the star Of Odu Ifa Iwori Osa During their Itelodu Or ikosedaye?
By this we are referring to the likely name that can be given to those born under the star of Odu Ifa Iwori –Osa These names are derived from the positive character in different stanza of Odu Ifa Iwori OsaThey exist in both male and female category respectively. Some easily identifiable one are:
Olaawin- The honor of the spirits
Olaawin- The honor of the spirits

Comprehensive detail of some sacred information available inside Odu Ifa  Iwori -Osa and commentaries Babalawo Obanifa divine commentaries on them


Ifa says there is  Ire of wisdom and blessing for the person to whom this Odu is reveals. Ifa says this person will be the person that will be able to settle the age-long irreconcilable disputes among certain group of people .Ifa say many people have try to settle this dispute and fail. But you will succeed in bring peace. His success in this matter will attract hatred and conspiracy from some quarters . He was however advised to be patient. Ifa says there is certain work that some people have try but fail. But when this person handles this project it will become a success. However, he must not get infuriated or angry as result of hatred and criticism that will follow. People will try tempt him to danger. However ifa  advised him to offer ebo with 4 snails and palm oil and money on this Ifa says:

Abata se hehe gboko
Dia  fun Orunmila
Baba yio lo bga Okun Aye mu
Ebo ni won ni ko se
O rubo
E roar feso se
Aye de hehehe
Aye de eso-eso
Bi o ba lowo laye ko se niwon-niwon
Owo de hehe
Owo deso eso
Bi o bani ire gbogbo lko se niwon-niwon
Ire de hehe-here
Ire deso eso
Abata se hehe gboko
This was Ifa message for Orunmila
Who want to amend the world to be alright?
He was advised to offer ebo he complied
If you  have money
Comport yourself moderately
Money is delicate, very delicate
Ifa have house
Comport yourself well
House is delicate, very delicate
If have all the ire
Comport yourself moderately
All ire is delicate very delicate
If the cord of word is severe it can be mend together
The world is delicate very delicate
Ifa advised the person to whom this Odu is reveals to offer ebo so that his/her mouth does not land him/her in trouble .he should offer ebo so that he will not face case of  defamation or slander that will land him or her in jail or that will make people to tight him with rope or handcuff. Ifa advise this person to be very cautious in his speech. On this ifa says
Oni sa
Ola sa
Dia fun Olabahun ijapa
Eyi ti o soreo
Ti oro enu you ko ba
O koti ogbonin si ebo
Esu airiu

Eri bi won se n fi okun di olabhun boo ko
Oni sa
Ola sa
This was Ifa message for Oloabhun Ijapa(tortorse)
Who will talk
And his speech will implicate him
He was advised to offer ebo
He refuses to complied
Failure to comply
Don’t you see
How tortoise is been tight with rope from the farm
Ifa says there is Ire of prosperity for the person to whom this Odu is reveal. Ifa says that this person will be bless with peace of mind, happiness and wealth. In fact, Ire of wealth in abundance will enter in the house of the client whom this Odu is reveals. He was however advised to be friendly with people, he should avoid malice and rancor because his blessing is coming to him through a friend. He was however advised to offer ebo with 16 pigeon and money. On this Ifa says
Gbabila Gbabila
Dia fun Iwori
Ti n rele osa lo ko ire aje wale
Won ni ko mo yan odi
Ko mon sib a yan binu
Won ni ko rubo
O rubo
Ile osa laje tib ere
Iwori rebe
O ria je ko wale
Gbabila omo olowo eyo
Iworii lo ile osa
Lo ko ire aje wale
Gbabila omo olowo eyo
Gbabila gbabila
This is Ifa message for Iwori
Who is going to the house of Osa to bring wealth home
He was advised not to keep malice
He was advised not to get angry with any one
He was advise to offer ebo
He complied
The prosperity starts to blossom in the house of Osa
Iwori was able to cart a lot of wealth home
Gbabila the child that have plenty of cowries
Iwori went to house of Osa and bring wealth home
Gbabila child with plenty of cowries
Ifa says that there is ire of success for the person to whom this Odu is reveal. Ifa advise this person to also avoid one man show. He/she should always seek cooperation and assistance of other people around him or her either in the family or place of work. Ifa says seeking corporation and partnership with ,others is what will make him achieve his desire objective and succeed. He should offer ebo with one keg of palm oli and one black color sheep and money. On this Ifa says:
Ogbo isu ni mu Iyan
Ogbo oju ona ni jin koto
Dia fun eleriwo ti won ni ko rubo tori Ogun
O koti ogboin si ebo
Eleriwo fowosopo
Igba Eleriwo bat ewe tagbe Ilu sepo la to segun
Ogbo isu ni mu Iyan
Ogbo oju ona ni jin koto
This was Ifa message for Eleriwo
Who was advised to offer ebo against imminent war
He refused to comply
Elero kindly cooperate
It when Eleriwo corporate with young and old that is when we became victorious

Ifa says that the person to whom this Odu is reveals usually face some year attack. This attack may be spiritual or physical , ifa says that the person to whom this Odu is reveals usually experience this attack every year. If this attack is spiritual it usually occur at might. And meet this person unaware ifa advised this person to offer ebo  with black sheep and money. Ifa says is through this ebo that this person will be able to overcome all the Ajogun(malevolence forces that is affecting this person.On this Ifa says:
Epo sere sere loju omi
Omi sere sere loju epo
Agbigbo homi
Dia fun Orunmila
Ti tiku tarun n kan ile ire ni  rire
Ti gbogbo Ajogun n kan ile baba ni lilo
Ebo ni won iko
O rub o
Ko pe ko jina
E w bani larusegun
Epo sere sere loju omi
Omi sere sere loju epo
Agbigbo homi
This was Ifa message for Orunmila
When death and sickness is knocking at his door
All malevolence force is try  to attack his home
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Not too long, Not too far
Come and meet us in midst of victory
Ifa  says there ire of victory over the affliction of Iyammi for the person to whom this Odu is reveal,Ifa  Says that the person to whom this Odu is reveal is been afflicted by iyaami.Ifa says they should use Ibo Ifa to divine to know what Orisala will take to fight for this person. Ifa advised this person to offer ebo with intestine of animals. On this Ifa says;
Aguntan ni o suwon suwon
Ko ma se ori borogidi borogidi
Dia fun Olawin
Ti yoo gbara ara kuro lowo aye
Won ni ko rubo elenini
O rub o
Olawin duri ti
Orisa duri tii
Ayae yee
Kini o nijogun o ja
Olaawin ni ko ni jogun o ja
Olawin ni o ni jogun oja
Aguntan ni o suwon suwon
Ko ma se ori borogidi borogidi
This was Ifa message for Olawin
Who will liberate himself from enemies
He was advised to offer ebo against detractor
He complied
Olawin supported him
Oosa supported him

Who will prevent occurrence of war against us
Who will prevent occurrence of war against us
Ifa says the person to whom this odu is reveals is suffering some financial set back. As a result he want to travel to another city or move to another town. Ifa says he should offer ebo so that he/she can become successful whenever he goes. He should offer ebo with pigeon and honey and money he should also as ifa what to use to feed Aje and feed it.On this Ifa says:
Dia fun olo Olootan
Ti baba re ku tan ti iya to fe fi ilu sile
Ebo ni won ko se
O rubo
O laje
This was Ifa message for the Offspiring of Olootan
After the death of his father
He find himself in midst of great suffering
He decide to levae the city
He was advised to ofeer ebo
He complied
He become rich
Copyright :Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone and whatsapp contact :+2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

IMPORTANT NOTICE : As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission From the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract legal consequences

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