Babalawo Obanifa has been working assiduously on daily basis to bring light and undiluted knowledge of African Ifa  and Orisa spirituality available to the seekers around  the globe with little or no effort on their part. Prayer has been one of the major tools of communication by human being to the spiritual forces of the universe. There are dearth of work on prayer in Ifa and Orisa Spirituality. Hence Obanifa make this esoteric work available for the general public who seek the truth. The work here will serve as practical spiritual prayer guide to any Ifa and Orisa devotee around the Globe as well as anybody who have keen interest in African Ifa and Orisa spirituality. It is instructive that this work is strictly subject to copyrights law, nobody is allow to reproduce this work in any form for commercial purpose .it is made available for the use of mankind in the pursuit of their dream and happiness ..The whole work is culled from Babalawo Obanifa unpublished work

Iwure (Prayers) And Places Of Prayers IN Ifa And Orisa Tradition

Iwure (prayer) is the communication of our aims, needs, or intentions to Olodumare(God) Who create us.  It is a  direct address to Olodumare (God).Iwure which in English, is term as prayer  is derive from the Latin words  precari which mean  "to ask earnestly, beg, entreat" It   is an invocation or act that seeks to activate a rapport with an object of worship through deliberate communication. Considering it more from religion perspective, prayers are solemn request for help or expression of thanks addressed to Olodumare( God ) or another deities/ divinities that do act as  intermidiary between Olodumare (God)  and human beings.Wikipedia make a concise accurate reasons  and mode of prayers thus :'Prayer can be a form of religious practice, may be either individual or communal and take place in public or in private. It may involve the use of words, song or complete silence. When language is used, prayer may take the form of a hymn, incantation, formal creedal statement, or a spontaneous utterance in the praying person. There are different forms of prayer such as petitionary prayer, prayers of supplication, thanksgiving, and praise. Prayer may be directed towards a deity, spirit, deceased person, or lofty idea, for the purpose of worshiping, requesting guidance, requesting assistance, confessing transgressions (sins) or to express one's thoughts and emotions. Thus, people pray for many reasons such as personal benefit or for the sake of others (called intercession)' this description given is very accurate for our purpose.

Having known what prayer is and their usefulness. That brings us back to the major themes of this chapter; that is places of prayer. People in all religión be it Ifa or Orisa devotee, Christian or Muslim etc. do attach importance to places of prayer. Some usually beleive it is untill you go to shrine, temple, churches, mosque or Mountain before prayer can be answer. It is no doubt or debatable that prayers are easily answer in some places faster than the other. But since Olodumare (God) is beleive to be every where, even in your toilet, that is the reason why it is believe you can pray any where at any time and your prayer will be answer.

Spiritual and religion-wisely, places of prayer are classified into two, which are natural places of prayer and Man -made places of prayer. The natural places of prayer are places like Mountain, Hills,River,Stream,rocks,forests,Grooves,water fall,etc.while the man -made places of Prayer include Temples ,Altars, shrine, grave, etc..Whether you adopt man-made or natural places of prayer. There is no where your prayer can not be answer. Although in Ifa and Orisa tradition, in some cases during Ifa consultation Ifa may reveal that certain prayer should be carry out in certain places such as Mountain, Stream, river etc.

The leading Ifa scriptural authority,on the fact that human being can pray any where whether it is man- made or natural places of prayer is Odu Ifa Ogbe Ofun. In this odu Ifa says thus:

Baba halaholo
Baba halaholo
Emi o ma mobi tí oju Ifa wa o
Baba halaholo
Orisa tí o fi gbogbo Aye foju Orori si patapata
Baba halaholo


Baba halaholo
Baba halaholo
I dont know where Ifa places his grove
Baba halaholo
The diety that make the whole world its shrine
Baba halaholo
      Holy odu Ogbe-Ofun

This Ifa scriptural verse is giving credence to the ubiquitous nature of Olodumare that is, God is every where. Every where is the temple of God, your house, your place of work, your car, your toilet, your bathroom, your bedroom,, your Office, your dininig table or living room, any where you are, when you are eating, when you are bathing, driving, study etc. there is always the presence of Olodumare (God) any where where respiration can take place God is there and your prayer can be answer.

When is it Necessary to Pray ?
Prayer is an indispensable thing. You need Olodumare (God) in every thing you do. You need to pray when you are happy, when you are sad, when things are moving well for you, and when they are not, when you have sound health, and when you are sick, .in any condition you find your self. You need prayer, you dont wait untill you have certain problems in life before you pray. Hence it is important, if you pray every day. The pattern of Iwure (prayers) goes thus:

•Pray every morning when you wake up

•At noon

•In the evening or before bed time

•In the mid-night if possible you wake up you can pray.
It is instructive to note that keeping night vigil is not what makes the prayer answer. It is a matter of choice.You even needs your sound health to enjoy dividends of prayers. Praying at night should not take more than 25 to 30 minutes of your time; any thing contrary is absolutely abnormal, Olodumare that create you know you need your sleep at night that is while you  are naturally configure to sleep at night. Night prayer is only relevant in emergency cases that demand it,and is not a things to be engage upon frequently as many people has even turn it to their daily job in many religions today. Olodumare guide us (ase). Night prayer is usually relevant in the following cases:

(i)                 If you have nightmare or bad dream. Prayer is necessary when you wake up.
(ii)               If You experience or sense some strange attack on you or your house
(iii)             If there is Emergency situation or outbreak or human or natural disaster like war, riot, fire outbreak, arm bandit operation, etc prayer is are necessary.
•Pray every day
•Pray every five days (five days is what make a week in Yoruba tradition, that is why market day is usually slated to every five days in Yoruba land) so in short pray weekly
•Pray every month.
•Pray every year.

Prayers do not necessarily mean verbal outspokenness of words as many think. What matter is quietness of mind and concentration? So you can do your prayer daily without noise or any verbal communication that constitute nuisance to any body sitting next to you. And it is not the place where you pray that matter in most cases, it is your state of mind that matter and who you are. No wonder many pray in temples, churches, mosque,or shrine or mountain and their prayer are not answer, while some pray at the corner of their room or even in their bed And their prayer are answer by Olodumare (God ).May our prayer be answer always Ase.

Praying Positions in Ifa And Orisa Tradition

In this work babalawo Obanifa will examine critically the concept praying Positions in Ifa And orisa tradition. That is, what should be your position during prayer in front of Ifa or each orisa. Each orisa have their favorite position. But it's  instructive to note that it is not important or compulsory at all  to observe any of the position requires before you can pray in front of your IFA and any orisa. Because what usually dictate whether you will observe position requires for praying in front of your IFA or any orisa are usually range from :whether the orisa symbol or statue in question is present (it instructive to note that you can pray to any orisa whether their  symbol is present or not and your prayer will be effectively answer, because orisa are not symbol but energy, requisite praying Positions is not compulsory to observe when the orisa statue are not physically present or if you don't have one and you still want to pray in the name of that orisa,but if the orisa symbol in question is present at the place of your prayer,the presence of the orisa symbol will determine your praying Positions). The  neatness and hygienic of the environment where you want to pray with determine whether you will observe the position requires to in front of each orisa,for example it is not advisable or mandatory position to observe praying Positions such as kneeling down if the area is too unhygienic and cover by mud or rain erosion due to some reason. Your Health or Medical conditions can determine whether you will observe the praying Positions in front of any orisa, for example an extremely sick person is excluded from observing required praying Positions like standing, kneeling down, crouching, etc he or she is allow to pray in any positions that suits his or her health. It also apply to an heavily pregnant women. The purpose of prayer may also determine whether you observe some prayer position or go beyond. For example a person in extreme need or help can pray nakedly in front of his or Orisa Energy,some can humble their self and roll on ground in appreciation or in  request for other things.

Now let examine the position requires for praying in front of orisa energies. The position are :
ori Iduro (standing position) ori ibere(Crouching position), ori Ikunle (kneeling  position)  ori Ijoko(sitting position). But it is instructive that it not mandatory at to observe any of these positions when praying, and non observance of them does not in any way make your prayers or sacrifice less effective or potent. The leading ifa scriptural authority on this can be found in odu ifa Ose otura where ifa make it expressly clear that human being can adopt any praying Positions of there choice and that their  prayer will be answer. Ifa make it clear even if you pray in sleeping position your prayers will be answered, even when you are lying down if you pray your prayers shall be accepted , if you pray while walking your prayer will be answered. The ifa verse goes thus :

Ti a ba fe da ifa
Ka pe Eni ire ko bani dafa
Ki ifa ko ba le fin tototo
Ti a ba fe to eruu
Ka pe awon ato eru ki won bani to eru ohun
Ki eru ohun o ba le da ladaju...........
Bi mo duro bi mo wure
Ire mi ko saigba, aya fi ti ki ba se olusole lo bi oka
Bi mo bere bi bere bi mo wure
Ire mi ko saigba, aya fi ti ki ba Se Olusole lo bi ere
Bi mo Kunle bi mo were
Ire mi ko saigba, aya fi ti ki ba se olusole lo bi opolo elewu bobo
Bi mo joko bi mo wure
Ire mi ko saigba
Koda bi mo dubule bi mo wure
Ire ko saigba

If we want ifa divination reading
Let call good person to do ifa divination reading for one
So that our divination can be accepted
If we want to arrange item for sacrifice
Let allow the expert in that in it to arrange it for us
So that our sacrifice will be effective.......................
If I pray in standing position
My prayers shall be accepted unless it is not olusole that gives birth to oka
If I pray crouching position
My prayers shall be accepted, unless it is not Olusole that beget Ere
If pray when I am on my kneel
My prayers shall be accepted, unless If it is not Olusole that beget Opolo Elewu bobo
If I pray sitting position
My prayers shall be accepted
Even if  I pray when I am lying down
My prayers shall be accepted.

So you can see that any positions of praying is acceptable in Ifa and orisa spirituality. You can pray anywhere at any time your prayers will be answered. But these does not however mean that each orisa does not have their favorite praying position. Let me quickly examine praying Positions of each orisa. As I said earlier that the praying Positions in Ifa and orisa range from :Iduro (standing position) ibere tabi iloso (crouching praying position) Ikunle (kneeling praying Positions) ijoko (sitting praying position). Now I will examine each of this praying Positions in turn and list some of the orisa know to adopt and accepted them as praying position from their devotee.

This is when you maintain your standing position when invoking any orisa energy or praying to them. Some of the orisa that accept this kind of standing praying position are :

*. Esu (the diety of cross road)

*. Osun

*. orisa Osoosi

*. Orisa Ona (god  of the foot path or road)

*. Ogun (god of iron)

*. Ija

*. Aase

*. Asewele

*. Kori.

This is when you bend your knees and lower yourself so that you are close to the ground and leaning forward slightly when praying or invoking orisa energy. Some of the the popular know orisa energy that accepts this method of praying are :

*. Sango (god of thunder)

*. Oro

*. Obatala.


This is when you are in a position where one or both of your kneel on the ground during invocation or prayer. Some of the orisa and irumonle that accept this type of praying positions are :

*. Ifa  (Orunmila)

*. Olokun

*. Odu

*. Aje (orisa of wealth)

*. Oke(mountain)

*. Osun (osun accept both standing and kneeling praying position)

*. Oya

*. Edan

*. Egungun.

This is when you are in position in which the lower part of your body is resting on a seat or other types of support, with other part of your body vertical when you are praying or do invocation. The only orisa that accepts this praying Positions is ORI. Because ORI is believed to be above any orisa.

It is instructive to note that non observance of these prayer position thus not in any way render prayer or invocation less effective. It all depends on your circumstances, state if mind, and purity. OLODUMARE will always answer your prayers ase.

                    ‘Cleanness is next to Godliness’ ancient English proverb

This current work is set to address some malaise in the traditional circle. An attitudinal reorientation is needed to be able to make a lot Of practicing Babalawo,Ifa devotes,Orisa devotees  as well as anybody who is spiritually incline have answer to their prayer. It is not the beads you wear, how dirty your shrine and temple is with animals bone or other debris, How decay your teeth is, how unkempt your dress is, as it normally depict by many African or foreign movie, that bestow spiritual power on you or make your prayers answered. What make prayer answered and bestow spiritual power on you is the genuine knowledge of Ifa spirituality. Any  Babalawo or Orisa devotee  who is dirty, who keep dirty environment or shrine does not have sound knowledge of Ifa spirituality, and in most cases such people can find it difficult to have their prayers answers and that of the people they pray for. Ifa has authoritatively spell it out in Odu Ifa Oturupon Ofun that Physical cleanness and purity is the first essential key to make our prayer and rituals accepted. It state it clearly that dirtiness of body and spirit serve as an impediment that prevent prayer from been answered. It is therefore incumbent on anybody who want his her /prayer to be answer to maintain clean body and soul no matter   what is the region orientations of such person, in fact most of the cleanness rites been practice in most of the foreign religion are steal from ancient African spirituality .Cleanness is next to Godliness, this term has nothing to do with any religion whether Christianity or Islamic. In fact the term cleanness is next to Godliness predate Christianity and Islamic religion. The attribution of the saying to any of the religion is a stolen idea and concept. If you don’t know the term cleanness is next to godliness does not in any way ever appear in the Bible or Quran, rather than the saying is an ancient English proverbs emphasizing on the moral duty of human being to keep their self and surrounding. It is deem that physical cleanness is a sign of spiritual purity and goodness. The proverb itself does not have it origin in English tradition; The English people borrow it from the ancient Babylonian and Hebrew religion tract. The ancient Babylonian and Hebrew borrow most of their religion idea from African spirituality and they domesticate it to suit their setting .It is shameful today that many African don’t know this simple historical truth. That is how this concept evolves. That is why up till today theologian still find it difficult to known where the idea of cleanness and Godliness originated, because it is not in their scriptures Any pastors or Muslim clerics who can provide me with the stanza in their scriptures where this saying exist should a mail me .I bet none will mail, because the word never exist in those scripture, it is a borrow concept from African spirituality. So cleanness in this sense, we are referring to maintaining clean and hygienic body and environments as well as clear our mind of negative thoughts . Yours body must be clean; your house must be clean, car as well as anything you use. It is believe that when you are clean in body and mind as well as surroundings allow you to connect directly with spiritual entity and they can also connects with you. That is the reason most of the world religion lay emphasis of physical cleanliness before prayer. See what Odu Ifa Oturupon Ofun says on physical cleanness as a key to acceptance of prayer and sacrifice, If says in this Odu thus:
Erin sobosobo ni topo
Erin wesiwesi nit i odoko
Dokodoko aberin sewelesewele
Dia fun edun ,woni ki edun o bori Olu
Edun ji ko we owo teni-teni
O bo Ori Olu ,Ori Olu ko fin toto
Erin sobosobo ni topo
Erin wesiwesi nit i odoko
Dokodoko aberin sewelesewele
Dia fun Iro
Nijo ti n lo ree se Orun ajuwon Iresi
O ji Ko we esekasin Owuro
O bo Orun Ajuwon Iresi beeni ko gba
Emo lolo Awo Ilopo
Afribojo Awo Igbaruku
Orintele lo jobi Lo n pon Ika
 Dia fun Ikideere nijo tiblo se ifa fun Olofin
Oji ,O we owow teniteni
Oji, O we ese teniteni
O fi owo bu aso ala sihinsohun
O bo ori ori Olu  fin too
O boo run Ajuwon Iresi O si gba
 Nje  a rawo loni a riki dere
Ela sowodere ko gba obi je
Sadness is the smile of a widow
Attraction is the smile of an adulterer, an adulterer  laugh invitingly
This was Ifa divination for Edun, when he was told to appease Ori olu
He woke up ,he did not wash his hand and face
He make the appeasement of Ori Olu,but  his appeasement was not accepted
Sadness is the smile of a widow
Attraction is the smile of an adulterer, an adulterer  laugh invitingly
This was Ifa divination for Iro
He was told to appease the ancestor Of Ajuwon Iresi

He woke up without washing his legs
He appeased the ancestor of Ajuwon \Iresi, but his appeasement were not accepted
A clean Emo rat is Awo Of Ilopo
Afribobojo is the Awo of Igbaruku
Orintele eat kolanut and lick his fingers
This is Ifa divination for Ikideere, when he wants to make appeasements for Olofin
 He woke up and washes its hands neatly
He wash it leg neatly
Hu put neat white garment
 He make appeasement for ancestor of Ori olu, it was accepted
He make appeasement for ancestor Of Ajuwon Iresi ,it was accepted
 We have found a good Awo today, we have found Ikideere

Ela stretch forth your hand and accept the kola

From the extract of the Odu Ifa above,, we can see how Ifa authoritatively state it out clearly that for our prayers to be answer we must maintain clean body, cothing etc. we see in this stanza that those Awo who fail to maintain personal hygiene, when they make appeasements for people their prayer are not answer as see in the case of  Edun and Iro. But the Awo who maintains personal hygiene and body neatness, when he make appeasement for people. it is accepted, as seen in the case of Ikideere. .The message from this stanza is authoritatively applicable to any practicing Babalwo, Ifa devotees and any spiritually inclines person who want to maintain spiritual connectivity and want his prayers answered. This may account for the reason why may competent Babalwo do chant Odu Ifa Oturupon Ofun each time they want to throw kola nut for their client during prayer , in other for the Obi to be accepted

 Apart from spiritual advantages that cleanness can give to you, there are host of other advantages of cleanliness for human being socially, and physically some of it are:
 When you are clean in body and your surroundings and properties are clean this cans strengthen your body immunity system, secure you from diseases. Avoiding dirty people is part of cleanness .because they can transfer dirt to you or even diseases.
Wearing good and clean cloth, and tidy your environment help you to maintain your confidence and poise
Personal cleanness can help you to purify your soul and even shape your moral life,
Personal environmental cleanness give you sense of straight and clear thinking ability, you will know where your items.
Personal cleanness and hygiene can give others good impression of you.
Cleannes is key to acceptance of prayer and sacrifice.



In this work Babalawo Obanifa will document different items use for prayer in Yoruba culture and spirituality and their usage. In Yoruba spirituality almost 90% of prayers do require that certain items must be used for quick efficacy of such prayer. Sometime this items of prayer can be ones to eat or inedible depend on the items in question or purpose of the prayer. By prayer in this sense, we are referring to a solemn request for help or expression of thanks to God or another deity, wish may take forms of invocation, intercession or devotion. In Yoruba tradition, when you want offer a prayer, you will get all the items prescribe for such prayer through Ifa consultation, or conventional items needed for such prayers if it is meant for ceremony like, marriage, naming ceremony, coronation or prayer to certain Orisa/Irunmole etc. And when those items are available depending on the purpose of the prayer as explain earlier or the orisa/irunmole  the prayer is meant for. Then we will be taking the items one after the other and pray with it using the compatible Ifa verses or stanza that tally with the purpose of the prayers and the items in question. Anything said during prayer in Yoruba culture and traditions are all from Ifa verses. Effective words that can be used during prayer range from Ayajo ifa,Ofo,Ogede,Aasan. The foregoing aforementioned need detail explanation. Ayajo Ifa  is a complete quotation of certain Ifa verses with some incantatory interpolation that give complete detail of what give birth to a particular miraculous event in history scripturally. It is  the Ayajo Ifa that give birth Aasan,Ogede and Ofo.Aasan is incomplete quotation Of an Ayajo Ifa often for negative purpose or some time as a defense against spiritual attack. While Ofo is also an incomplete quoting of ifa verses without given attention to full detail of event in such verse , but mere taking out of the  part you need for your purpose, ofo is a reduce form of ayajo Ifa.  It is instructive to not that Ofo and Ogede can be have same definition, but Ogede can stand on its own and can be use ordinarily without any attach to any spiritual preparations such as oogun, but Ofo usually depend on spiritual preparation for it efficacy, It is when you want to use certain spiritual preparations you will then say its ofo to it. So in short whether you are using Ayajo ,Aasan , ogede or ofo , all you are doing is quoting from an ifa verse  wish you can either do intentionally or unintentionally, it can be in complete comprehensive form or incomplete comprehensive form.
The items for prayer in Yoruba tradition range from both animate and inanimate object such as plant and animals and other commondities. The most commonly identifiable one are :Omi(water), Oti(wine), Obi (kolanut),Orogbo (bitter kola),Atare(Alligator pepper),Oyin igan(wild honey),Iyo(salt),Ireke (Sugar cane),Ogede(banana),Ori (shea butter), Eyin (egg),Adiye(fowl),Igbin( snail) Konko (toad),Eyele(pegion) Obuko(he-goat),Elede ( Pig), Agbo ( ram)etc. Having list some of these commonly used items of prayers, shall go deep by taking them one after the other and explain how it can be used, ifa stanza and ofo that is compatible with each items and occasions of used will also be explain.
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Water is one of the most commonly used item during sacrifice and prayers and during marriage and naming ceremonies or when you want to pray in front of any Orisa/Irunmole symbol or before any prayer at all
General Usage:
You will hold the water and say :
 Omi re oo
Omi la bu we
Omi la bu mu
Ati ewe ati agba won ki ba omi se ote
Ati ewe ati agba won ki ba omi se ota
Ki omo araaye ma ba emi babalawo obanifa se ota
This is water
It the water we drinks
It is the water we bathe with
Both young and old don’t conspire against water
Both young and old dot make enemies with water
The people of this world should not turn to my enemies.
Using Water In Front Of Any Orisa Or Irumonle
It is one of the first things to do when you are in front of any Orisa or Irumonle temple or symbol and you want to offer prayer. The first thing you need to do is to pour water on the ground or the floor or even on such symbol itself before you offer your prayer. You will  then  say the following Ofo thus;
 Ka ta sile
Ka ta senu
Ka ma je kitile o po jut i enu lo
 Dia fun omi
Ti se egbon ire
 Kin la n ta sile ka to wure ?
Omi la n ta sile ka to wure
Let us pour on the ground
Let us pour in the mouth
Don’t let the one on the ground surpass the one in the mouth
This was Ifa declaration for water 
That normally precedes prayers
What do will pour down before observing prayers?
It is the water will pour down before observing prayers.
Using water For Prayer during
Naming Ceremony
The moderator of the naming ceremony or the Babalawo presiding, will take the water, pour little of it on the ground and says the following;

Omi aye re o

Omi labu we

Omi labu mu

Enikan ki ba Omi sota

Omi ki bale ko ma nipa rere

Ki o nipa rere nile aye

Ki aye mafe iwo omo tuntun,ki iwo na si ma fe ti aye.



This is water will use here on earth

Water is needed to take bath

Water is needed to drink

No one make himself an enemy of water

Mother does not spill on land without mark or impact

You(The new born baby) will have positive impact in this world

 The people of the world will shower you with love and affection, you will also do same in return

Ase (So may it be or so it shall be)

The people in attendant at the name ceremony, will also chorus  Ase

If the moderator is a Babalawo, he can go ahead and recite the prayer related to water along with this prayer. The leading authoritative common prayers for blessing water in Ifa can be seen in odu ifa Ejiogbe.where ifa says:

Alolo omi

Alolo omi

Ati waye Igun

Ati rorun Akala

Oju ro igunnugun toki

Dia fun Olomi tutu

Ti se aya agboniregun

Orunmila ni o di eke eku

Mo ni eewo Ife

Erigialo ko ni fi Olomi tutu  aya fun iku pa

Ohun re mati di Imule


 Extremely clean water

Extremely pure water

The coming to the world of the vulture

The going to the sky of the hornbill

The vulture feels unwholesome

These was ifa reveal for Olomitutu( the owner of cool water)

The wife of Agboniregun (Orunmila)

Orunmila says until a big chunk of rat

I say taboo of Ife

Erigialo (Orunmila) will not allow death to
kill  his wife Olomitutu (the owner of cool water)

They have indeed made a pact

After this has prayer has been done the officiating priest or moderator of the naming ceremony will use little of the water to touch the baby head. Give some to the mother of the baby to drink and share the rest with people sitting to touch their head too in prayer.
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Wine, especially alcoholics wine is one of the items needed for prayers in Yoruba spirituality.
It is normally use during prayer and it aid in activation of tongue for Ase.
General  Usage
The gin will be pour inside a cup, little out of it will be pour on ground. The following word can be used;

Oti kit ii
Oti kit e
Ki o ma ti
Gin never go insipid

Wine don’t suffer rejection
You will never go insipid
Usage of Wine for Prayer during Marriage Ceremony.
IF it is during marriage ceremony that the wine is about to be use. The wine will be open  and be pour in a cup. The Ifa stanza that can be use for this purpose is  derive from  Odu Ifa Ose – orogbe . The ifa stanza goe thus :

Asegbe awo oti
Dia fun oti
Oti n loo joye apenijoo
Ebon i won ni ko wa se
O gbo ebon be
O rubo
Nje Oti lo joye apenijo
Eyin omo pe Oti lo joye Apeluuwa
Oti lo joye apenijo
Ki omo arye gbarijo ba o re
Asegbe the awo of Oti
Was the Awo who make Ifa consultation for oti
When he was going to be honor with tile of crowd puller
Don’t you know that Oti is the Apeluuwa ( that wish is used to summon a whole community)
Oti has been given the title of crowd gatherer
May  people of this world gather to relate with you.
Usage of wine  For prayer During Naming Ceremony

The presiding person over the naming ceremony will also open the gin.pour little on land or floor. Put little on his mouth and say the following:

Oti ki ti

Oti ki te

Ki iwo omo tuntun yi ki o ma ti

Ki o ma te laye



Gin never go insipid

Wine don’t suffer rejection

The life of this child will never be insipid

He will not be humiliated in life


Little out of the gin can use to touch the child forehead.
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The kolanut that is normally use for prayers in Yoruba tradition is kolanut with four lobes. The kolanut is usually put in a bowl of water. It will be remove and  , prayer will be offer on it and it will then be split for throwing:
General Usage. You will hold the Obi and say ;
Obi ni bi iku
Obi ni bi arun
Obi ni bi ibi gbogbo
Ki o bi ibi gbogbo danu fun o
It is kolanut that pushes away dearth
It is kolanut that pushes away diseases
It is kolanut tht pushes away all bad forces
It should pull away all bad forces away from you.
 Usage Of kolanut For prayer During marriage Ceremony:
In Yoruba Culture it is generally in the habit of the bride family to demand certain number of kolanut during traditional marriage ceremony .it is normally use to pray for the aspiring couple for longevity of life. In observing such prayer one of the prayer that can be used for such purpose is odu ifa Ogbe ogunda also known as Ogbe Yonu. You will hold the kola nut and say the following prayer;
Ki a teni wekle-wele
Ki a sun wele
Ki omo eni  o le ban a owo woroworo
Ki o fi gbe ni sin
Ki o le ba juko obi obi luni ni poroporo
Dia fun Iyawo oju ona
Ti n re ile oko re
Ni afemojumon
Ti n lo re gba ase nile oko
Tio lo gba ase nile Ifa
Ebon i won ni ko se
O gbbo n be o rub o

Won ni a ri ohun fun Iyawo a fi Omo
Ero ona e gba obi Fun Ifa yemi
Let us spread the mat well
And sleep comfortably
So that one’s  children can spread their hand gently
And honor one with decent Burial after death
This was ifa divination for the betrothed woman
When going to her husband home early in the morning
And going to receive the blessing of her husband family
And the blessing of Ifa
She was advice to offer ebo she complied
They said will have nothing to give our wife expect good children
All the traveller please help us give obi to Ifayemi.

Using Kolanut For Prayer During Naming Ceremony
 kola nut will also be blessed and use to pray for the child the following way;

Obi ree o

Obi ni bi iku danu

Obi ni bi arun danu

Ki obi bi iku danu fun o

Ki obi bi arun danu fun o

Ki o bi gbogbo ajogun ibi danu fun o



This is kolanut

It push away death

It push away sickness

It will push away death for you

It will push away sickness for you

It will push away all malevolence forces for you


The person will chew little, give little to the mother of the new born child to chew little.

If the person presiding over the naming ceremony is a babalawo, He will go ahead to chant this to bless the obi an the child thus:

Adegunju Lawo Alaran

Itamuje lawo Itamupo

Oko lo ko obi wa sile aye

Gbagi lo ko Obi loju ona

Dia fun Okanleniwo Irunmole

Nijo ti won darijo ,won ni awon o ran obi nise

Adegunju fo soke o beju merin

Obi naa fo soke ,o beju merin

Alaraan fo soke, o be oju merinl

Ase obi nikan ni o mon ise ohun je

Nje ise ti a ran obi

Ki obi o jiyin

Ise ti a ran obi

Obi ki o ba omo tuntun lo bi gbogbo ajogun danu



Adegunju is the Babalawo of Alaraan

Itamuje is the Awo of Itamupo

Oko convey obi to the world

Gbagi is the one that met obi on the way

These were ifa declaration for 401 irunmole

On the day they all agree to send obi on errand

Adegunju jump up and split itself to four

Obi also jump up and split itself to four

Alaraan jump up and split itself to four

Obi also jump up and split itself to four

It is the only obi that will relay the message sent it, without error

Obi the errands we sent you

Let obi deliver the message well

The message we sent Obi

Obi should push away all the malevolence forces away from this child
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Bitter kola is also one of the important items of prayers. It symbolizes longevity, sound health and fertility. Whenever it an items of prayer, it will use to pray for longevity and sound health such as saying, Orogbo lo ni ki o gbo nile aye( that is it orogbo that say you should live long in the world).
 Generally one of the Ifa stanza that can be used to pray with orogbo for any purpose either marriage, naming ceremony etc is  a stanza from ejiogbe wish say :
Orogbo gbo
Osu gbo
Aja ni mo ro gbo tipe –tipe
Dia fun Igunungun
Ti se omo Olojongboro
Omo Alaafinn ti n ba won gbe ode ora
Igba ti n raye Alainiku
Ebon i won ni ko wa se
O gbebo < o rubo
A ki ri Opepe Igun
Arugbo Igun kangere
Orogbo lo ni ki o go sile aye
The strong matured Orogbo
And the aja make oro cult last long
These were ifa divination for Gunnugun
The offspring of Olojongboro
Ofsping Of Alaafin  living in the land of Ora
When going to be blessed with longevity of life
He was advised to oferr ebo
He complied
We can not see a youthful vulture
Only Old and feeble vulture
Old and cautious vulture
Orogbo, will let me live long on earth.
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Ataare like orogbo is also a symbol of sound health and fertility. It is also one of spiritual item to activate tongue during prayer or before incantation. One of the leading Odu Ifa that can be used when using Atare during prayer is in any setting is Odu Ifa Ogbe – irete .  it goes thus:
Eekananna owo mi  mi n ja ta
Ergi mi n jobi
Erigi jobi jatan tan
Ko to fi oti yonu
Inu ofifo lodun
Inu ofifo lagba
Inu felefele bi eni ebi n pa
 Di fun olofin Oribodeku
Igba tit i n raye alainiku
Ebo ni won ni ko se
 O rubo
 Orunmila elasode
If ma je ki bode ku ninu Awo
My fingers are use to tear alligator pepper for eating
My gums are for eating obi
Let the gum eat obi and ataare before mouth washing with liquor
Liquor on an empty stomach is unacceptable
An empty stomach sound like drum
Like the flat belly of an hungry man This was ifa divination for Orinbodeku
When he is going to spent his live in longevity
 He was advised to offer ebo He complied
Orunmila elasode
Don’t let  me die wretched among the fellow awo

 Alligator Pepper Usage during Naming ceremony
the moderator of the naming ceremony or the presiding Babalawo will then proceed to Atare(Allugator pepper) he can even chewing some seed out of it .He or she will offer the prayer with it for the new born baby thus:

Soso nile atare kun

Atare ki di tire laabo

A ki ba ile atare laabo

Ki ile iwo omo tuntun kun fun owo

Ki o kun fun ire gbogbo nile aye

Ara yiya niti atare

Ki aisan mafi ago ara re se ibugbe



The pods of atare (alligator) pepper is always full to the brim

Atare is never half-filled

No one met the pod of ataare half -filled

May the house of this new born baby filled with money

May his house full of all the good fortunes of life

Atare is alway found healthy

May the body of this new born baby, not  habour Diseases

Ase(So may it be or so it shall be)

The peoples in attendance will also say Ase.

If the moderator or the presiding person over the naming ceremony is a  babalawo,he can go further to bless the atare(alligator pepper ) with the following verse of ifa. Odu Irete meji  to bless the atare thus:

Mimo yereyere ni Oruko atare

Dia fun Odunjingi lojo ti se Ogbogbo  arun

Ebo ni woni ko se

Ogbebo nbe o ru bo.

Ko pe o, ko jina

E wa bani laiku kangiri

Aiku kangiri la bani lese orisa

Ki omo tuntun fi ilera lo ile aye


Extremely clean and plain is that of atare(Alligator pepper)

Make ifa for Odunjingi ,when he was terribly sick

He was advise to offer ebo

He obeyed

In not too distant future

Come and meet us sound health

This new born baby should enjoy his life with sound health


Honey is one of the important items of prayer in Yoruba tradition. It can be used to pray in any setting such as marriage, naming ceremony, Graduations, coronation or daily spiritual prayers. Because of the sweetness nature of this item, it is believe that if it is used for prayer. The life of the person that honey is used to pray for will be pleasant. Hence thy  ‘ didun didun ni  ti oyin, bi omode bar i oyin a so akara nu , ki aya re ki o loyin0 that is Hone is always sweet, when children see honey ,they throw away beans cake, your life should be as sweet as honey.’ . one of the leading ifa stanza that can be used to pray along with honey on any occasion is odu ifa  Ogbe – Oyeku where Ifa says :

Ogbe yeku baba amulu
Ori ogbo, ori ato ni babab edan
Ososro ni babab ojo
Dia fun gbatola
A bu fun gbatowo
Ebo ni won ni ki won se
Won rubo
Aye ye won  Aye ye Gbatola Aye ye gbatowo
Aye oyin ki koro
Ki aye re mas e koro
Ogbeyeku is the father of all combination
Longevity is the father of Edan
The torrent is the father of all rainfall
These were Ifa divination for  Gbatola ( take and lick )
And Gbatowo ( take and taste)
They were advised  to offer ebo
They both complied
Life pleased then both
The life of Gbatola is sweet and joyful
The life of Gbatowo is Is full of happiness
They life of honey is never bitter
Your life will be as sweet as honey.

Usage Of Honey During Naming Ceremony
The presiding person for the naming ceremony either Babalawo or any body designated for that purpose. He will go ahead and take the bowl or bottle of the Oyin (honey) .He will offer the prayer the following way.

Didun didun laa bale oyin

Ti omode ba ri Oyin a so Akara danu

A ki fi oyin senu tuto

Ki aye iwo omo tuntun o dun bi Oyin

Ki omo araye ma fe bi won se n fe ti Oyin


Honeycomb is always sweet

When a child taste honey , he discard Akara (Beans Cake)

No one taste honey and spite it away

May the life of this new born baby be sweet as honey

May the people of this world love you and find you ,the way they love honey


The people or attendee at the naming ceremony will also chorus Ase.

If the presiding person over the naming ceremony is a Babalawo,he can chant the stanza of Ejiogbe that was explained earliar in blessing the sallt it can also be use for honey.

After the iwure(prayer) with this item is complete .He will use his finger to touch the honey and use it to touch the head of the baby, he can taste the honey as well and pass the rest to the other attendee.Altenatively the honey  can be given to the mother of the new born baby to chew. And she will use little out of her saliva to touch the head of the new born baby.

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 Table salt is one of the items for prayer in Yoruba tradition, because of it ability to season food, it is believe that using salt for prayer can turn sadness to happiness in the life of the user. It can be used to bring societal acceptability for the user. Hence the prayers,  Didun ni iyo n dun, atewe atagba  won ki ko iyo lobe , yoyo la ba oyi yo yo ki araye ba e yo 9 salt is always  both young and old don’t reject or object to salt in cooking, people should rejoice with you. One of the leading ifa prayer that can be use when praying with salt on any occasion is odu Ifa   Irete Iwori. Here ifa says :

 Beruberu ni Awo Ilaberu
Sdunko – sodungba  awo ilu ka
afomidan werewere se ile Awo ile alakole o mesin
Dia fun Orunmila baba nasawo lo si ife ajate
Ebo ni won ni ko se
O rubo
Ifa ni yio bu iyo si
Open i yio bu iyo si
 Gbogbo oro ti ko ladun Ifa ni yoo bu Iyo si
Beruberu, the awo of beru land
Sodunk-sodungba Awo of Iluka
He who adorn his home with beautiful damsel is the resident Awo Of Alakole omesin
This was Ifa divination for Orunmila
When going to Ife Where their life has become tasteless without salt
He was advised to offer ebo .
He complied
Ifa will season then with salt
Ope ( sacred palm) will season them with salt
All the sour in our life Ifa will season them with salt.

Usage of salt for prayer during naming ceremony

The presiding moderator of the naming ceremony will also take Iyo (table salt) and  pray with it this way;

Iyo ree o

Iyo ni adun obe

Ki aye iwo omo tuntun dun ju iyo lo

Ki omo araye ma fi ire wa o ri bi won se n wa ti iyo


This is salt

Without salt, soup will not have sweet taste

The life of this newborn baby should be suitable than salt

The people of this world should shower you  with blessing of life the way they search for salt.

If the presiding moderator of the naming ceremony is a Babalawo, he can go ahead and chant a stanza of Ifa from Ejiogbe to bless the salt thus:

Eku keku ki run ko bori Asin

Eera keera ki run ko bori Ikamudu

Igikigi ki run ko bori ifon

Itakun kitakun ki fa ko bori Torokunbojo

Torokunbojo ni baba igi

Torokunbojo ni baba eeyan

Dia fun aye iyo

A bu fun aye Oyin

Ebo ni woni ki won o se

Ki ayee won o le loyin

Awon mejeeji si gbebo nbe

Orunmila je ki aye mi dun momo

Bi aye iyo ati oyin

Ki aye omo tuntun yi dun momo

Bi aye iyo ati oyin


No rat can smell more than the Asin rat

Not ant can overpower that of Ikamudu ant

No tree can emit odour that will be stronger than that of Ifon tree

There creeper that is greater than that of Torokunbojo

Torokunbojo is the father of all  trees

Torokunbojo is the father of all humans

These were ifa declaration for the life of salt

And life of honey

They were both advise to offer ebo

So that the life on earth can be sweet

So that it will be enjoyable

Both of them heard about the ebo

They performed it

Orunmila let my life be sweet

Like life of the salt and honey

Let the life of the new born baby be sweet

Like  life of Salt and honey


After this prayer has been offer by the moderator or presiding babalawo,He will use finger to touch the salt, and also  use it to touch the head of the new born baby, the same salt will be pass round.

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 This item of prayer is usually during marriage or naming ceremony. Because of the natural sweetness of Ireke it is believe using it for prayer will bring sweetness to the life of such person.  The leading ifa verse that can be chant when using sugar cane for prayer on any occasion is Odu Ifa Ogundameji .It goes thus;

Pankere wonjonwonjon Awo inu Igbo

Dia fun Oosanla Oseeremagbo

Ti yoo fadun fun Ireke

Ebo ni won ni ko se

O gbebo ,o rubo

Bi aba ni ire gbogbo lowo

Sebi bi aladun ara eni ni

Oosanla Oseeremagbo lo fadun fun Ireke

Ifa je ki ri adun ara mi je



The slender cane plant,is their Awo in the forest

He was the Awo who make ifa for Oosanla Ooseermagbo

Who shall give sweetner to Ireke (the sugar cane)

He was advise to offer ebo

He complied

If we have all good things of life in our possesion

Definetely it is our life sweetner

Oosala Oseeremagbo is the one who give sweetner to Ireke(sugar cane)

Ifa,I implore thy, let me enjoy the sweetness of my life

Usage of sugar cane for prayer Durin naming Ceremony

The moderator or the presiding Babalawo of the naming ceremony will take ireke(Sugar cane) and use  to bless the baby this way:

Ni agbo ni agbo ,ni ti ireke

Ti adun ,ti adun ni a n ba Ireke

Ki aye omo  tuntun yi dun ju ti ireke



Sugar always exit in group

May this newborn child never lead a solitary life

Sugar cane is always sweet

May this new born baby life always sweet


The peopl in attendance at the naming ceremony will say ase as well.

If the presiding person over the ceremony is a Babalawo or Ifa devotees, He can go on to chant Ogunda meji to invoke the blessing of Obatala for the child.the Babalawo can chant the a stanza of ogunda meji to blessbthe sugar cane and the baby,thus:

Pankere wonjonwonjon Awo inu Igbo

Dia fun Oosanla Oseeremagbo

Ti yoo fadun fun Ireke

Ebo ni won ni ko se

O gbebo ,o rubo

Bi aba ni ire gbogbo lowo

Sebi bi aladun ara eni ni

Oosanla Oseeremagbo lo fadun fun Ireke

Ifa je ki ri adun ara mi je

Olodumare je ki omo tuntun yi
ri adun aye je



The slender cane plant,is their Awo in the forest

He was the Awo who make ifa for Oosanla Ooseermagbo

Who shall give sweetener to Ireke (the sugar cane)

He was advise to offer ebo

He complied

If we have all good things of life in our possession

Definitely it is our life sweetener

Oosala Oseeremagbo is the one who give sweetener to Ireke(sugar cane)

Ifa,I implore thy, let me enjoy the sweetness of my life

Let this new born child enjoy the sweetness of life
By daily devotional prayers here we are referring to the act of discipline with which we should start and end our day with prayers. Here are some prayers for our daily activities.
Ifa prayer - Iwure owuro (morning Prayer or morning)

In this  work Babalawo Obanifa will examine the concept of morning Prayer in Ifa and orisa spirituality. Praying before you go out of your home to your daily activities is essential and prescribed by OLODUMARE and Orunmila.praying before you go out each day protect you from enemies, evil or catastrophe and it is also a way to attract blessings, success, sounds health and prosperity to your life. So it is expects for  every devotee of Ifa and orisa devotee and general public and any believer of Africa spirituality called ifa to pray each morning.
One of the most powerful ancient prayer been use by our forefathers who in Ifa and orisa tradition I will explain here for the purpose of daily use of it by ifa and orisa devotee around the world.

One of the most powerful morning Devotion prayer in Ifa and orisa spirituality can be found in odu ifa irete ogbe. The prayer goes thus :

Orunmila moni O di kutukutu
Ifa moni  odi Ajimu
Adabasusu Awo won lode Ajirikin
Difa fun won lode Ajirikin
Eni ti o ji ti o  ri Ikin ma n laje
Iwo lawo won lode Ajirikin
Eni ti o ba ji ti o bari  Ikin a ma bi omo
Iwo lawo won lode Ajirikin
Eni ti o ba ji ti o ba ri Ikin a ma ri omo, Aya, oko, ara lile ati  ire gbogbo
Adabasusu iwo lawo won lode Ajirikin
MO ji loni MO wo Ikin
OLODUMARE je ji rire gbogbo
Olodumare Oba Ajiki
Ogege Ogege agbayegun
Oba Ajuwape, modupe lowo re
Iwo lo ji mi dide lori ibunsun loni pelu ayo ati alafia
MO n jade lo loni lati lo se ise ojo mi
Mase je ki n ko ibi lona
Mase je ki ibi ko mi lona
Pami mon kuro ninu gbogbo ewu ojo oni ati titi aye
MA je ki ri ogun ejo elejo ati oran oloran
Gbe mi bori ota Ile ati ota ode
Ati  awon ti mo mon ati ota ti mi o mon
Gbe mi leke won
Pese ohunje ojo mi fun mi
Pese Aso gidi fun mi lati fi bora
Je ki ni igbadun ati idera ni ojo aye mi gbogbo
Fi emi  isotito ati iferan omo enikeji  si mi lokan aya mi
Je ki abo re daju lori gbogbo isise mi loni ati titi aye ase.


Orunmila I said it is early morning
I said it is good to embark on one daily activities early
Adabasusu (this name of ancient preist) is the their divining preist in the city of Ajirikin (that is the city where they see sacred palm nut early the morning) .
Cast ifa divination for them in the city of Ajirikin
Any body who wake up in the morning and see Ikin (sacred ifa nut) will alway have money
You are their practicing preist in the city of Ajirikin
Any body who wake up in the morning and see Ikin (sacred ifa palm nut) will always get children
You are their divining  preist in the city of Ajirikin
who ever wake up in the morning and see Ikin (sacrid palm nut of Ifa) will have, wife, husband, children, sounds health and all the good things of life
You are their divining preist in the city of Ajirikin
I  wake up today I am looking at Ikin
Olodumare let me  obtain all the good things of life
Olodumare you are the one who every human wake up to greet
You are the one who maintain the universal balance
You who every body pay homage to , I  give thanks to you
You are the one who wake me up today from my sleep, with sound health and joy
I am going out today, to embark on my daily activities
Don't let me run into problems
Don't let problem run into my life
Protect me from all the evil of today and for ever
Don't let run into litigation and anything that can implicate me
Help me to overcome all my enemies within and outside
All my enemies that I know and the one I don't know
Help me to overcome them
Provide my daily food for me
Provide me with good quality clothes to cover my body
Let me experience enjoyment and comfort all the day of my life
Put inside my heart the spirit to be honest and love my fellow human beings genuinely
Let your protection be certain over all my activities today and for ever ase.

Those who have have their hand of Ifa or have been initiated to ifa can alway do this prayer with their ifa every morning by looking straight at their Ikin with their eye wide open. But this is a general morning Prayer that any ifa or Orisa devotee can be adopted to communicate with OLODUMARE every morning whether you are initiated or not.


This work will document Iwure (prayers) that can be used to invoke Ori in the morning. The prayer can be used to invoke one Ori into action for favors. This prayer can be pray at any time, but it is good in the morning. This prayer can also be used by practicing Babalawo or Orisa devotees during Ori veneration or rituals. Here is an extract of one of the powerful Ori prayers that can be used for the aforementioned purpose.
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Ori mi pele o
Ori ateteniran
Atete gbeni ku  Oosa
Ko si Orisa ti dani gbe leyin Ori eni
Ori temi ni mo pe
Ori mi dakun dabo
Ko fiyedenu ,Ko fiye de gbogbo ara
Ori mi maje ki ri ibi iku
Ori mi ma je ki ri arun
Ma je ki ri ofo

Ori Jare ,dakun dabo
Fiyedenu ,Ko fi iye de Isale Ikun
Ori jare file temi bun mi
Ori dakun dabo fona temi han mi
Ori mi jare fise mi yin mi
Fi owo temi wo mi loko lodo
Ori pele o abaniwaye mase gbagbe
Ori mi pele o
Iwo labaniwaye  ma se gbagbe
Iwo ni mo sin wa ile aye
Ori eja ni eja fi n la ibu ija
Ori eni ni bani se ti a sowo asejere
Ori eye niba eye se ni orufi
Eye ki fo ko fori sogi
Ori mi dakun ,dabo
Ko fi iye denu,Ko fiye de gbogbo ara
Ori mi jare ma gbabode
Ori mi gbe ire ko mi lona
Ori mi yami ya ibi
Ori ya ibi ya mi
Ori agbe  ni gbe ire pade Agbe
Ori Aluko ni ja fun Aluko
Ori mi ja fun mi
Mo ti pa adie opipi bo ori mi loni
Iku ye lori mi
Arun ye lori mi
Ofo ye lori mi
Ori bami se ki ibi gbogbo o ye lorimi

Ori mi ba mi tun oro aye mi Babalawo Obanifa  se
Ori agbe lo ba agbe  se ti o ki Iye re bo Aro
Ori Aluko lo ba aluko se ti o ki iye re bo Osun
Ori lekeleke lo ba lekeleke se ti o fi fi iye re bo epo
Ori mi bami se ko soro mi dayo

Gbede ni ro koko lagbala
Ile ogbin ki gbona
Ori mi maje  ki ile o gbona mon mi
Ori maje ki ko agbako
Maje ki agbako ki o ko mi

Orin ni ba oloja se ti n fi nsowo jere
Ori mi je n se asejere
Ori gboro temi yewo sir ere
Maje ki n pofo
Ma je kin rofo
Maje ki se owo asedanu
Ori maje ki gunle si ebute ofo

Ori ma similo ma simibo
Alobo niti ada
Oko ni yoo sun oko
Ada yobo

Ori eni iwo lalabawaye eni
Ori mi ma pada leyin mi
Ori bami gbe eru temi dori
 Ma je ki si je
Ma je ki si mu
Ma je kisi ile te

Ori mi Apere
Se temi ni ire
To mi, gba mi
Fi aye mi fun mi
Ki ohun aridunu ma di ibanuje
Ori mi Apere
Iwo ni ato fi ara ti bi Oke
Ori se ona mi ni ire

Ori jare ,dabo
Ma da mi da oro temi
Ori ba mi gberu temi
Ori I hail you
The one who is faster than any Orisa in aiding one
No orisa can bless an individual without the consent of his or her Ori
I call upon my Ori
I implore you
Accept my plea whole heartedly
Ori don’t let me experience loss
Don’t let me experience death
Don’t let me suffer from diseases
Ori don’t let me suffer loss
I call upon my Ori

I implore you
Accept my plea whole heartedly
Blessed me with the house of my own
Ori please show me the right path to success
Ori please crown my efforts with success
Let me be protected anywhere I go
Ori I hail you
You who accompany one to this world without forgetting one
You are the one I follow to this world
It is the head of the fish that it uses to sail through the ocean
It is ones Ori that help ones to profit from ones trade
It is the head of the birds that help them to sail peacefully in the sky
The bird will not fly and hit its head with tree
My Ori don’t let me be unfortunate
Bring blessing to me on my way
My Ori should separate me from evil
And separate evil from me
I had kill a wingless feather hen to venerate my head
My Ori is protected  against death
I am protected against diseases
I am protected against loss

It is the head Of Agbe that bring  blessings to Agbe
It the head Of Aluko that fight for Aluko
My Ori should fight for me
I have use Adiye Opipi to appease my head
My Ori is immune me against death
My ori  is immune against the diseases
My ori  is immune against  loss
My Ori should immune me from all evil

My Ori should help  I Babalawo Obanifa to  have an improve life
It is Ori agbe that help  Agbe when It dip his feathers into Indigo
It is the head Of Aluko that assist Aluko  When It dip it feather into Osun(camwood)
It is the head Of  Lekeleke( cattle egret) that aid it ,when it did its feather into Efun(white chalk)
Ori aid me to have a blissful life
Cocoyam plant leaves with comfort at backyard
The house of snail is found of cool temperature
My Ori should not allow me  to experience discomfort
My Ori should not allow me to come across disaster
Neither did disaster need to come across me
It is  Ori that help trader to amass  profit in in his trade
My Ori should aid me to make profit in my choosing calling
Ori aid me to success
Don’t let me engage in unprofitable endeavor
Don’t let unprofitability be my portion
Don’t allow my effort in life to be futile
My Ori, please accompany me to and fro
As cutlass go to and fro from the farm
Farm will always remain in the farm
While cutlass will always comes home
It is one’s Ori that accompany one to this world
My Ori  please don’t turn back from me
My ori please, help shoulder my life responsibility
Don’t let me eat taboo
Don’t let me drink taboo
Don’t let me step my toe on wrong soil
Ori mi Apere
Let me be fortunate in life
Teach me, save me
Let me be in control of my destiny
Don’t let my joy turn to sorrow
Ori Apere,You are  a great mountain that one can lean on as a pillar
Make my path easy in life
Ori in implore you
Don’t leave me to shoulder my responsibility alone
Help lift my life to port of success in life

Ifa Good Night Prayer (Ifa Prayers Before Sleeping In  The Evening /Night)
In this work Babalawo Obanifa shall explain IFA prayer that Ifa and Orisa devotee can recite as night prayer Before going to bed every night. It is essential part of our daily life  to pray before we sleep, Ifa And Orisa Tradition is not an exception. Ifa night prayer is useful in guarantee Olodumare's protection Over the devotee during their sleep at night. .One of the effective prayers normaly use for this purpose can be found in Odu Ifa Otura Ogunda. The prayers goes thus :
Ori kunkun aponran
Dia fun won ni ode Iwaku
Ori kunkun aponran
A dia fun won ni Ode Iwasun
Atiwa to ku o, atiwa to sun
Etu ni o jiwa wa
Ojiji de molopere o
Ifa bo sile o ji mi
Iwo lo  n soku ale ana di alaye
Ki sun layo, ki ji layo
Strongheadedness is that of the axe
These were Ifa declaration of ifa for people Of Iwaku (place where people die)
Strongheadedness is that of the axe
These were Ifa declaration for people Of Iwasun (where people sleep)
It is Etu that will regenerate our life
Here comes Ojiji, a life generating force
Ifa, please come to me and regenerate my life
You are the one who resurrects yesternight corpse
Let me sleep safely and wake up safely

Ifa prayer Before meals (blessings of food in Ifa tradition

Blessings of food before eating is a universal concept to all religion and culture. Ifa Tradition is not an Exception. Blessings of food in in tradition as prescribed by holy odu ifa ejiogbe is recommended for two major purpose :firstly to thank OLODUMARE (God) and all Irumonle (deities) for providing us with food to eat, secondly is to bless the food so that it work for our Biological benefits and not against our body.
It is advisable that before meal you recited or say the following  version of ejiogbe I will explain below at dining table or  before meal.  The prayer goes thus :
Olodumare a dupe fun Ile ati ojo
Ile ohun ojo adupe ti e mu igi ati eruwa jade wa
Igi ati Eruwa adupe ti e mu eso ati jije mimu wa
Sebi ohun enu ri lenu je
A difa fun igbin
Ti yo jere ti ko ni ku
Igbin jele omo Awo
Igbin jele e ku mo
Igbin je Ile o omo Awo
Eyi a ba je loni odi ajegbe


Olodumare we give thanks to you for provision of soil and rain

Soil and rain we thank you for provision of  Tree and Bushes

Tree and Bushes we thank you for provision of foods and drinks

It is what mouth sees that mouth eats
Cast ifa divination reading for snail

Who will eat soil and live long
Look, snail eat soil, ho initiate!

Snail eat soil and snail doesn't die
Look, snail eat soil, ho initiate
Everything we eat today we work for our body benefits and not against us, Ase. 
These are prayer that is designated for making request to Olodumare. Below are some of the prayers for such purpose.

Ayajo Awise is an ifa incantations that an astute babalawo or Orisa devotee usually recited before or after a prayer requests or during the prayer to make everything he or she ask for during the prayer or ritual and sacrifice come to pass quickly for his or her clients or him or herself. The odu ifa  Osetura has the leading authority of wide variety of these kind of incantations in Ifa spirituality. In this work babalawo Obanifa will explain one of the incantations use for this purpose by babalawo over the years. Before or after prayer or even during prayers. Whether you are a Babalawo offering sacrifice for your clients or you are  individual praying for your self. You can recited the incantations below to make your wishes come to pass quickly. The incantations goes thus :

Ela ro waa 3time
Ifa lo di ire,
Emi naa lo dire,
Oni eyi ti mo ba wi,
Ko mon see.

Baba oka loku,
Oka jogun oro,
Baba ere ku,
Ere jogun ohun,
Baba Gunntere ku,
Gunntere jogun ka rin ka yan.
Ekolo nikan ni se omo ikehin won lenjelenje.

won pin ogun baba tan,
Won fun Ekolo ni nkankan,
Ekolo ba bo sile o gbe iwo ase baba won,
Lo ba Salo si isale abata.

O buse gada, o buse gede,,
Laye o ba roju mon,
Ojo kata kata  kan sile,  adiye sa a mi.
A pon obe sile,
Ewure mu n je.
Aye wa di olodi kodi.

Won wa be orunmila,
Ko ba won gba iwo ase lowo Ekolo,
Won ni ki orunmila ma lo lowo otun,
O pade ila lowo otun,
O bi o ni ibi lo pade Ekolo fun mi?
Ila ni ko ma lo lowo osi,
Igba to de owo osi tan,
O pade ikan loju ona,
Orunmila tun bi ikan ibo lo gbe pade Ekolo fun mi?
Ikan ni ko ma lo ni maarin - maarin Okee - itase,
Nigba ti orunmila de Ibe,
Orunmila wa fi oju rinju pelu Ekolo.

Agbegbe Orun ran firi - firi - firi,
Ekolo fi Enu sole,

Orunmila wa ni pe,
Gbogbo ara Ile Ife e nle oo,
Bi Ekolo ba file wo Ile Nile yii,
O ni egba pe gbogbo yin le gbe,
Oni ohun o sokoo Ife di pasan,
Ohun o so obo Ibe di laba,
Ohun o so ope kan segisegi,
Ti n be niha awinrinmogun,
Ohun o so di janmurangun,
Awon ara Ife ni se bi o ti fi oju rinju pelu Ekolo,
Won ni ki o sare ki o gba ase lowo re ni.

Orunmila ba sare o gba ase lowo Ekolo,
Ila to ko lowo otun,
Oni kila ma so ogun,
Ikan to ko lowo osi,
O ni ki ikan ma so ogbon ,
ko ma bi ogboni
O ni ki won Pa oka lapadari,
O ni ki won pa ere ni apalado,

Okasakasa, Olomon apewure
Eyi ti mo wi fun Ila
Ila n so ogun
Okasakasa, Olomon apewure
Eyi ti mo wi fun ikan
Ikan wewu eje
Okasakasa, Olomon apewure
Biree mi o ja,
Biree mi o mu,
MA foribale,
MA maa ke tan-tan
Ayafi ti ki ba se Olusole lo bi oka
Iree ko saigba
Ayafi ti ki ba se Olusole lo bi ere
Iree mi ko sai gba
Ayafi ti ki ba se Olusole lo bi Gunntere Lomo
Iree mi ko saigba
Eyi mo wii lonii
Aro ti ro mon ase.

Ela decend here 3 times
Ifa said it has become blessings,
I said it has become blessings too,
Ifa said anything I says,
Should come to pass.

When Oka's father died,
Oka inherited  Oro.
When Ere 's father died,
Ere inherited  ohun.
When Gunntere' s father died,
Gunntere inherited karin ka yan.
Ekolo is their last born who a very small child.

They share their fathers properties completely,
Without giving anything out of it to Ekolo.
Ekolo enter the house and too the horn of ase of their father,
He run to isale abata.

Not quite long, thereafter,
Things begin to fall apart.
There was farmine to the extent that when an hen hear the spatter of rain she will try to eat it,
Even if a knife is sharp and place on the ground,
Goat will eat it.
The word is in state of chaos.

This make them to went to orunmila to implore him,
To help them to take the horn of ase from Ekolo.
They told Orunmila to take the right hand path.
He met Ila on the rights path
He demanded from Ila where is Ekolo?
Ila told him to go to the left hand path
When he get to the left.
He met Ikan on left.
Orunmila demand from ikan, where did come across Ekolo?
Ikan told him to go to Maarin - maarin Okee - itase.
When Orunmila reach there,
He see eye ball to eye ball with Ekolo.

The atmosphere become strange and terrific,
Ekolo use his mouth to touch the ground in attempt to escape.
Orunmila not said,
You people of Ile Ife,
If Ekolo can escape mysteriously here,
All of you are in trouble,
He said I will make your men suffer,
I will render your women useless.
I will make the palm that brings you fresh wine
To begin to bring you sour one
Or even no wine at all.
So the people of Ife answer him but you have seen eye ball to eye ball with Ekolo,
Run after him and take the horn of the ase from him.

Orunmila run quickly to Ekolo and took away the horn of Ase from Ekolo,
On his way back
The Ila that Orunmila met on the right hand, he pray for her to be bringing forth fruits in twenty fold.
The ikan he met on the left hand path, he pray for her to be bringing forth fruits in thirty folds.
He curse oka that oka will be killed mercilessly henceforth
He curse Ere that will be killed brutally henceforth.
Okasakasa, Olomon apewure
The prayer I do for Ila that make Ila to bring forth fruit in twenty folds
The prayer I do for ikan, that ikan begin to wear apparel red as that of blood.
Okasakasa, Olomon apewure
Ifa my prayers or request is not granted,
If my prayers or request is not accepted,
I bow down my head to touch the ground
I will shout at the top of my voice.
Unless if it is not Olusole that beget Oka
My prayer and requests will always be granted.
Unless if it is not Olusole that beget Ere,
My Pray and requests will always be accepted.
Unless if it is not Olusole that beget Gunntere,
My prayers and requests shall always be accepted and granted.

Ifa prayer for forgiveness of sin (iwure idariji ese)

In this article babalawo Obanifa will examine traditional ifa prayer use in Africa Ifa and orisa spirituality to seek Forgiveness of sin from OLODUMARE (God) and deities. Human being by nature are sinful,sin by definition is simply the act of breaking religion or moral law. Be sinful by nature have constitute impediment to the progress of many. Many  got wealth that they can not enjoy because of the sin they committed to acquire them. Many people prayer in whatever ever religion they practice are not answer because of their sinful nature. Hence the need for seek Forgiveness every day or before or after any important prayer or sacrifice either they feel the have committed any sin or not. Many babalawo or pastor or spiritual teacher and practitioners carry our sacrifice or ritual without praying for forgiveness on behalf of the prospective clients or their self as a spiritualist. Hence most of their ritual and sacrifice prove abortive. Ifa prescribed it whether you are holy or unholy you must seek for forgiveness of sin always to have great spiritual life. Sin range from murder, fraud, adultery, doing illegal business, etc doing anything that is detrimental to the society or your fellow human beings and OLODUMARE (God) hence ifa prescribed the act of seeking forgiveness of sin  daily both, during special prayer, rituals and sacrifice. One of the most Efficacious ifa prayer to seek Forgiveness of sin to have a balanced life can be found in odu ifa iwori ose also known as iwori awesedanu (that is iwori that wash sin away). The prayer goes thus :
Ifa ni oro ohun di oro ebe
Ifa mo ni odi era jeeje
Ifa ni ti aworo orisa  ba ji ni kutukutu owuro
Bi o dese, bi ko dese
Ko kunle ko rawo ebe
Ko maa bebe
Ifa ni orisa yo gbo ebe re yi o da lohun ire ti ohun toro
Jiji ti mo ji loni
Hin Hin
Ifa mi ti di iwori awese danu
Hin Hin
Ijo ti ode ti pa eran ninu igbo
Ode papa n dariji olu igbo
Aba pa isin pa arogidigba lodo
Agbomi a papa dariji Oluweri
Ogun O le ja ilu titi
Ki awon jagun ko yepe Ibe sori gbe lo
Ontafa to ta to ta orun n ko
Ti o ba ranti OLODUMARE a monju tai
A difa fun abejide iwori awesedanu igba iwase
Oni ti mo ba se ohun gbogbo leso leso
E ka sai gba temi
Bi mo ba sehun gbogbo lodi lodi
E ka sai forijimi
Won ni nitori kini
Oni lojo ti Eji ti n pa ni bo oko
Seni ni won dariji erin
Ijo orun ti pa atari bo lati oja
Se ni  a papa n dariji Orun
Pau yagada ko ma si ohun ti enikan o fi olodumare se, asemolu
Ewe oriji lo ni ki e fi gbogbo asise ji mi
Nje ebure de loni
Awo olugbebe
Bi a ba ri Awo rere beni
A gbo ebe ni
Ki Eleda dari gbogbo asise mi ji mi


Ifa said the matter is a pleading one
I says ifa it is completely pleading matter
Ifa says if an adent orisa devotee wakes up early in the morning
Whether he has committed any sin or not
He must goe on his kneels
Making supplication
He must plead humbly
Ifa said orisa will hearken to his plea and answer him by granting his request
As I wake up today
Hin Hin (no translation available for this)
My ifa has turn out to be iwori awesedanu
Hin Hin
Since hunters have been killing game in the forest
He alway forgive and spare olu igbo
If we catch fingerlings and mature fish in the river
The fishermen will still forgive and spare Oluweri (river goddess)
No matter how war besieged a town
The soldiers will still forgive and spare the sand of the town
The archer that shot birds in the sky
When he remembered Olodumare (God) He will deem him as a sacred cow
Cast ifa divination reading for Abejide iwori awesedanu of the ancient time
She says if I do everything rightfully
You  must  accept me the way I am
She said if I do my things wrongfully
People must forgive me
People say because of what
No matter how rain drench one's cloth on the way from farm
One will usually forgive the rain
From ancient time the sun has usually scorch the head when one goes to the market
One usually forgive  the sun
Alas, OLODUMARE is untouchable, a sacred cow
It is oriji that will compelled you to forgive me of all my wrong doing
Ebure is here  today
An Awo who can convincingly plead for sin
If we see a sage Awo to plead and beg one
It is mandatory for one to hearken to the pleading and show mercy
The creator should forgive me of my wrong doing.

It is advisable for babalawo to recite this ifa verse as part of sacrifice for himself or on behalf of clients. Individuals human being can also be reciting this verse as prayer to seek Forgiveness of. But it good to avoid wrong doing, than to be seeking forgiveness alway.

In life when everything thing seem not working. And no helper to turn to. Your responsibilities and burden is too much heavy to bear. You are under intense pressure for divination intervention. The  force to run to at that moment is your creator OLODUMARE (God). And you can only achieve this through power of iwure (prayer). It for this reason that babalawo Obanifa will explain in this work one of the  foremost traditional prayer use in Ifa and Orisa to seek OLODUMARE (God) favour to shoulder one's responsibilities and burden on one's behalf. When you have no one to support you. OLODUMARE is always there to support you only if you can just call on him in humble and proper manner. One of the leading Ifa  scriptural authority for this purpose can be found in Odu ifa Osa Irete. The prayer therein goes thus :
Ti o ba sun Orun aburadi
OLODUMARE nikan ni ji iru won loju orun
Difa fun Ajoji godogbo
Nijo ti n lo si eniju lo tedo
Ebo ni won ni ko se
Ko le ri Eni baa gberu re dori
O gbo ebo nbe o ru bo
Igba Ajoji de eniju o di eru kale
O wo iwaju ko ri enikan
O wo eyin wo ko ri enikan
Ko beru begba
O ni eru yi ma di eru OLODUMARE
Efufulele ba mi gbe eru temi de ori
Nitori Eni ti ko lara
OLODUMARE nikan ni agboju le won
Efufulele ba mi gbe eru mi dori
Eru aye mi di eru OLODUMARE
Eleda ba mi gbe eru mi de ori


He who wake up alone
He who sleep alone
If evil of any kind befall on him during the sleep
It is Olodumare that often prompt him to wake up
Cast ifa divination reading for Ajoji godogbo (a complete stranger)
Who want to embark on a journey to settle in the forest
He was instructed to offer sacrifice
So that helper can come across his way
He heard of the sacrifice and perform it accordingly
When he got to the forest
He gather an heavy loads
He look forward but no helper to help him lift his load
He look backward but no one to help him to lift his load
He did not entertain any fear
He said my load and burden has become that of Olodumare (God)
Efufulele (wind) help me to lift my load up on my head
Because those without relative or friends
It is OLODUMARE (God) that is their only source of reliance, Confidence and hope
All the responsibilities of my life and burdens become that of Olodumare
My creator assist me in shouldering my responsibilities. Ase

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Babalawo Obanifa will through the medium of this work document a traditional Ifa prayers that can be used to ask for the good things of life. This prayer can be used by any individual in their private capacity. The prayer is usually part of the prayer  use by competent Babalawo to pray for their clients during Ebo or Ibofa( sacrifice or other Ifa ritual).This prayers is derive from holy Odu Ifa Ejiogbe. The prayer goes thus:
Olu-ola  ni oruko ti a n pe iwo Ifa
Olu –ola ni oruko ti a n pe iwo Esu odara
Obatala ni Oruko ti a n pe iwo Orisa nla
Adabadase ni oruko ti an pe iwo Olodumare
Eniyan kan ki mon Oruko eyin mererin ki aba ti e ko mase
Eyin mererin  ki e gbemi gegege
Ki e je  ki  aba tie mi Babalawo Obanifa ba ti da ki o se
Mo daba Ilera, e je ko se
 Mo daba owo ,e je ki o se
Mo daba ile .e je ki o se
Mo daba Esin , e je ki o se
Mo daba omo  gidi e je ki o se
Mo daba ire gbogbo , e je ki o se
Gbogbo aba ire ti mo da ni ko se
Ti akese ni se lawujo Owu
Abamonda ki da tire ki o ma se
Bi a yan ebo tan Osetura ni gba
Osetura gba ohun mi se Ase
Oro ti okete ba ba ile so nile gbo
Gbogbo aba ti mo da , e je ko se si rere
Olu –ola ( The lord of honor) is the name of Ifa
Olu-ola ( The lord of wealth) is the name of Esu Odara
Obatala is the name of Orisa nla
Adabadase ( one whose wishes come to instant manifestation) is the name  of Olodumare
Anyone who know the name of four of you will usually have their wishes come to manifestation
The four of you should act in unison and bring the wishes of I Babalawo Obanifa to manifestation
I wishes for sound health, let it come to manifestation
I wishes for plenty of money, let it come to manifestation
I wishes for good house, let it come to manifestation
I wishes for good horses(cars) let it come to pass
I wishes for good child, let it come to manifestation
I wish for all the good things of life, let it come to manifestation
All the good wishes I had make ,let it come to manifestation
It is the wishes of Akese that manifest among the cotton plants
Abamonda donsnt make wishes ,without  coming to manifestation
When sacrifice is make, it is Osetura that bring it to manifestation
The land is fond of heeding to the wishes of the bush rat
Let all the good wishes I have make come to manifestation

This work will document traditional Ifa prayers to have a good and positive and impactful life. This prayer is derive from Odu Ifa Ika Meji.This prayer can be used daily or on special occasion and ceremony. The prayers go thus:
Afefe n fe loke ihin
Afefe n fe loke ohun
Orun n mi tititi
A o mon ibi ti yoo sole si
Gbogbo wa n sa kijokijo
Orun iha –ihin kii wo
Ko lo si iha-ohun
Orun iha –ohun kii wo
Ko lo si iha –ihin
Awon  ni won difa fun Akapo Ope
Ti yoo ma jise Edu kiri aye
Ifa oo ri owo mi
Ise re ni mo n se kiri
Atelewo mi re Ifa
Emi o jehun
Ti mo fi dele Olu
Ifa o rowo mi
Ise re ni mo n se e kiri
Atelewo mi re Ifa
Emi o mu
Ti mo fi de Oke Ora
Ifa o ri owo mi
Ise re ni mo n se kiri
Atelewo mi ree Ifa
Emi o je
Emi o mu
Ti mo fi de Oke  Igeti ,Ile barami Agboniregun
Ifa o ri owo mi
Ise re ni mo n se kiri
Atelewo mi re Ifa
Ifa mo gbo pe tutu lo n se fun Awo
Ifa wa se tutu si Aye emi Babalawo Obanifa
Ifa mo gbo pe ,Aku-fowo-rori lo n se fun Owa –Oga Owa-Ogiri gbedu
Omo Okun yeye
A ja fibi korokoro la ile
Ifa wa  se Aku-fowo-rori si igbeyin aye emi Babalawo Obanifa
Lojo ti mob a ku
Omo ni ki o je ko fi Esin ro mi lori
The wind is blowing from this side
The wind is blowing from that side
The sky is shaking with great turbulence
We do not know where the rain will fall
We are all running helter-Skelter
Rainfall cannot start at this side
And suddenly shift to the other side
Rainfall cannot start at the other side and suddenly shift to this side
This was Ifa revelation make  for Akapo  Ope
When he was on Ifa mission across the globe
Ifa , don’t you see my hands?
I have been suffering everywhere because Of you
Here are my palms, Ifa
I do not eat until I reach the home of Olu
Ifa , don’t you see my hands?
I have been suffering everywhere because of you
Here are my palms, Ifa
I do not drink
Until I reach Oke Ora
Ifa , don’t you see my hands?
I have been suffering everywhere because of you
Here are my palms Ifa
I neither eat nor drink
Until I got to Oke Igeti, the home of Barami Agboniregun
Ifa , don’t you see my hands?
Here are my palms Ifa
I have been suffering everywhere because of you
Ifa I have been informed that you put peace into the life of an Awo
Ifa put peace into the life I Babalawo Obanifa
I have been informed that 
You grant peaceful death to Owa-Oga also known as  Owa-giri-gbedu
The offspring of who greet one another with Okunyeeye
One who fight and use the base part of the base part of the sword to strike the ground
Ifa , grant me a peaceful end in life
On the day that I will die
Let me have good children that will continue my legacy after my departure
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Ifa prayer To get out of Life difficulties and become
If you are going through life difficulties as a result of spiritual problems, using this verse of Ifa with morning dew and water can do wonders to your life. This prayer work for you irrespective of your race or religion. The prayer preparation do wonder for people who have marital challenges, financial struggling and inability to get good luck. Consistent use of it as I will explain below will bring you out of life difficulties and make you gain favour from OLODUMARE (God) and human beings.

Get a water in a clean white bowl or cup, take small amount of salt , put it on your left palm. Use it to imprint odu ifa ogbe ogunda (aslo know as  ogbeyonu)  imprint it thus :
    I  I
    I  I
    I  I
   II I
 Put it inside the water. Then go on to recite this verse of Ifa from odu Ifa ogbe ogunda. It  goes thus

Oni le n  wo
Igbeyin mi  kasai Toro
 Difa fun makanjuola
Ti somo  Elerin  - Sajeje

Nijo ti fi omi oju sogbere ire gbogbo
Ebo ni won ni ko se oo
O gbebo nibe  o  rubo
 Pele o makanjuola, omo Elerin - in  sajeje
 Iwo si tun pada di olowo
Aye re tutu  ju omi lo
N o ba o  derin - in Sajeje
Makanjuola, omo Elerin - in  sajeje
Iwo si tun pada, o  dalaya
Aye e re tutu ju omi lo
N o ba o  derin - in  sajeje
Iwo si tun pada di olomo
Aye re tutu ju omi lo
N o ba o derin - in Sajeje
Iwo si tun pada o di onire gbogbo
Aye e re tutu ju omi lo
N o ba o derin - in Sajeje


It is my present conditions today you are considering
The end of my life shall be very successful
Cast ifa divination reading for Makanjuola
Who is the offspring of Elerin - in  sajeje
On the day he was crying and lamenting his inability to get all the good things of life
He was instructed to offer sacrifice
He complied and offer the required sacrifice
Makanjuola I greet you oo, your life have transformed, you have now become a successful person
Your life has become more cooler than water
I  will follow you to your town Elerin - in  Sajeje
Makanjuola the offspring of Elerin - in Sajeje
Your life have transformed, you become a married man with wife
Your life has become cooler than water
I  will follow you to Your town Elerin - in Sajeje
Makanjuola the the offspring of Elerin - in Sajeje
Your life has now transformed you have become a father of many children
Your life has become cooler than water
I  will follow you to your town in Elerin - in Sajeje
Makanjuola the offspring of Elerin - in Sajeje
Your life has now transformed you have gain and acquired all good things of life
Your life has become cooler than water
Your life has become cooler than water
I will follow you to your town of Elerin - in Sajeje.
You will pray on you want to overcome your challenges.
Place the water in the from that nigh till morning, take the water in the morning before talking to any one. Pour the rest of the water to your bathing water. Your life will experience positive turn around.
Babalawo  Obanifa will through the medium of this current work document tradition Ifa prayer that can be used for protection during any perceive dangerous daylight and night journey. Sometime situation of life may occasion you to undertake some perceive dangerous journey during daylight or at night. Whatever the situation is ,this simple Ifa prayer for safe travel will help you to make it to your destination and be worry –free.  To make this prayer you will need:
Omo ataare meta (three seed of alligator pepper with scientific name Aframomum melegueta).
You will chew the seed of alligator pepper in your mouth. You will then chant the following Ifa incantation thus:
Osan pan ganrin-ganrin    3 times
Orunkantari gbongbon     3 times
Okunkun birikun-birikun, 3 times
Osan pan ganrin-ganrin    ni oruko ti a n pe  Oso
Ti o ba se wipe eyin ni eni ode loni
E fi owo temi wo mi, E fi ode bun mi
Orunkantari gbongbon  ni oruko ti a n pee yin aje
Ti o ba se wipe eyin leni ode loni
E fi owo temi wo mi, E fi ode jimi
Okunkun birikun-birikun ni oruko ti a n pe eyin Ogboni
Ti o ba se wipe eyin ni eni Ode loni
E fi owo temi wo mi ,  e fi ode jimi
Ewu ti n ba be lona  e yago fun omo awo
Osan pan ganrin-ganrin(sunny broad daylight)    3 times
Orunkantari gbongbon (Scorching sun that heat the head)    3 times
Okunkun birikun-biriku( utter darkness) 3 times
Osan pan ganrin-ganrin is the name of Oso(Wizard)
If you are in possession of the street today
Accord me my due honor; grant me safety of  movement in the street
Orunkantari gbongbon is the name of Aje(witches)
If you are in possession of the street today
Accord me my due honor; grant me safety of  movement in the street
Okunkun birikun-birikun is the name of ogboni cult
If you are in possession of the street today
Accord me my due honor; grant me safety of  movement in the street
Any danger on the way should step aside for an initiate.
You will spill out the chewed alligator pepper in your mouth into open space in direction of where you are heading and continue your movement.
This work will document traditional Ifa prayer for protection and physical safety. This kind of prayer is usually regarded as Ayajo Owo In Yoruba Ifa spirituality. The Ayajo owo that will be document in this current work is derived from Odu Ifa Ejiogbe. This prayer can be use whenever you are in need of protection for your physical safety. If you sense that your life is at risk and you are in need of divine help to shield you from physical harm. You can say this prayer for physical protection. To make this prayer, you will need the following:

Iyerosun(Ifa consultation powder)
Omi Iwe( A bowl of water).
You will use Iyerosun to imprint Odu Ifa  Ejiogbe thus:
I   I
I   I
I   I
I   I.

You will chant the following Ifa incantation on it thus:
Olugbotaro 3times
A-ja- birabira wo inu Igbo
Igba ti o ma koo-ko  si ogun
Ori ota lo ko-ko si’gun si
Ogun yi jajaaja
O pa Adebiyi tii se yeye Ogun
Igbati ti Ogun gbo, Ogun ko hanyan
O ko wonronkonjikan
Ogun bere si won ni pipa
Ogun pa won titi-titi
Won sa pade Orunmila lona
Orunmila wa ko hanyan
O ko wonronkonjikan
Ogun ni ki lo de
Ti iwo Orunmila to fi  ko hanyan
To ko wonrankanijikan
Orunmila da lohun pe ija iwo Adebiyi tii se yeye iwo Ogun  ni ohun gbe
Ogun  ba  fa oro  oun  le Orunmila lowo patapata
Ogun ni o di to abawon Esu
Ito ki ba ile ,ko pada si enu
Emi Babalawo Obanifa ni omo Orunmila  ojo kini anaa ohun ree o
Ki n ma lo ire, ki n ma bo ire
Ki o da aabo bo mi o
Olugbotaro 3 times
One who fights and struggle in the bush
The first time you will wage war
You wage the war on the hilltop
It is a prolong fierce war
It is this war that kill Adebiyi  the mother of Ogun
When Ogun heard of this
 He cries loudly
He makes the yell of war
Ogun begin to kill people
Ogun killed and killed them to a degree
That the remaining people run to meet Orunmila on the way
Orunmila too cries loudly
He also make the yell of war
Ogun demanded from him(Orunmila) why he was yelling
Orunmila replied him that, he was doing that in support of Adebiyi ,the mother of Ogun
Ogun then handed over the matter to Orunmila  to be settle amicably
He said the crisis have end

When saliva is spit out of the mouth, it never returns to the mouth
I  Babalawo Obanifa (the user will insert his/her name) is the descendant of Orunmila from That day In question
I should be going out and returning safely
I should grant protection anywhere I go.
You will add the powder so imprinted with Odu Ejiogb to water. You can drink out of it or bath with it.  It is instructive to note that this prayer can be chant alone without any materials mentioned and same potency and efficacy will still be achieved.
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In this work  Babalawo Obanifa will make available traditional Ifa prayer that can be used to facilitate getting a new car for your private use or business. The prayer also aid nature in blessing you with other Ire (blessings) of life. This powerful traditional Ifa Prayer is derive from holy Odu Ifa Ejiogbe. To use this prayer, you will use Iyerosun (Ifa consultation) powder to imprint Odu Ifa Ejiogbe on any flat board or sheet of paper t thus:
I    I
I    I
I    I
I    I.
You will then chant the following Ifa prayer on it thus;
Agbon bi Iko
Ago bi Iko
Iko gbon-gbon-gbon,  Iko ko le wale
Iko go-go-go, enikan ko le gbe Iko ta
Agba to ba fi Ile re sile
To nkiri ile onile kiri oun la ape ni Iko
E so fun onile, pe ki Onile o huwa gbodo
Ki onile se pele-pele
Bi onile ko ba huwa gbodo
Bi onile O ba se pele-pele
Ako yo ko relee miran-an
Mo sipa mo yan gede
Mo yan gede ,Mo sipa
Difa fun Oninaja-Agunyin
Omo eri kan beri owo je
Omo ori ti sunkun ate
Omo bebe –idi ti nsunkun  wipe ohun
Ohun yoo gun ibaka ni Esin
O na Oja Ile kile titi Ko ri ere je
Won ni se ni ki o ba Orunmila na oja po
A kii ba Orunmila sowo ,keni o ma ri ere je
Ki eni o ma ri  ere Aje
Aje nii bani peena aya
Aya nii bani peena omo
Omo ni baani  peena Ile
Ile ni banni peena Esin
Esin la o ma gun se Awo
Ayabi  ti ki ba se Ejiogbe ko lo laye
Olowo , Esin la o ma gun se Awo
He is as wise as Iko( palm tree branch)
He is as foolish as Iko(palm tree branch)
With all its wisdom, Iko cannot be brought into the house
With all its folly, no one can sold Iko off
The elder who leave his home
And wander from one house to another is called Iko
Tell the landlord, to behave meekly
He should allow peace to reign
If he did not behave meekly
If he did not allow peace to reign
Iko will leave his house and go to other places
I unfold my arm I stand akimbo, I walk majestically
I walk majestically, I stand akimbo
This was Ifa divination for the trader from Agunyin city
The child of the head that is crying to get a befitting cap
Owner of Bebe-idi(waist bead and buttock) crying for
A mule to mount as horse
He had traded in many places without gains
He was advised to enter into partnership with Orunmila
No one will be in business partnership with Orunmila that will not make profit
Such person will make a profit of wealth
The profit make in the process will pave way for good spouse
Good spouse will pave way for good children
Good children will pave way for good home
Good home will pave way for good horse
It is horse we shall be using in conducting our Ifa business
Unless Ejiogbe is not the owner of this world
We will be wealthy; It is horse we will be riding to carry out Ifa mission.
The Iyerosun will be pour inside an Oyin Igan (wild  honey). This prayer will always be recited
On the honey before you lick it on each occasion of use.This prayer have the ability to spiritually  
facilitate blessing of new car and other Ire of life ,If use persistently
This work will document Iwure Igbega(Ifa Prayer for Divine Promotion).The traditional Ifa prayer that will be explain in this work is useful to anybody who want to spiritually facilitate his/her promotion to certain position of honor and authority either in place of work,community,town,city or nation. Such position may either be administrative ,political either appointed or elected, traditional hereditary title such as king,cheiftancy title etc. Using this prayer will facilitate the ascendancy of such person to such aim and deserved position. This Ifa prayer for this purpose is derive from holy Odu Ifa Irosun Irete. To make this prayer. You will need the following materials. They are:
Omi okun(Water from the Ocean)
Omi Osa (Water from the Lagoon)
Iyerosun( Ifa consultation powder)
Awo funfun Olomori(White bowl ceramic plate with it cover).
After all the aforementioned material have been obtain, You will pour Iyerosun(Ifa consultation powder) on the Opon Ifa (Carved wooden Ifa divination tray),You will use the Iyerosun you spread to imprint the Odu Ifa Irosun Irete thus:
I    I
I    I
I    II.
The Babalawo will then use the Iroke Ifa (Ifa divination tapper) to mix the Iyerosun together. The Babalawo will then use the Iroke Ifa (Ifa divination tapper) to mix the Iyerosun together. You will then pack it inside the white plate. You will pour omi okun(water obtain from the Ocean on it),You will then pour the omi Osa (water obtain from the lagoon),You will use the head tip of the Iroke Ifa (Ifa divination tapper to be mixing it.During the process of mixing ,you will be chanting this Ifa incantation from Odu Ifa Irosun Irete.The Ifa incantation goes thus:
Iroke mi ni iroke ide
Irukere mi ni irukere oye
Ibonboju mi ni iboju oje
Ajere ti mo fi n da Ifa Olodumare lo fi le mi lowo
Dia fun Okun
Okun ni ohun o je Olori omi
A bu fun Osa
Osa ni ohun yoo je Olori gbogbo Odo ti n san
Dia fun Orunmila
Ifa ni ohun yoo je Baba Isale won
Won ni ki gbogbo won rubo ni igba ni igba
Won rubo ni igba ni igba
Nje e ri Okun bo ti n ho yee-yee
Okun je Olori gbogbo omi patapata
Nje e ri Osa bo ti n mi gbada-gbada
Osa ni Olori gbogbo odokodo
Eyin o ri bi Ifa ti n gbaye lo
E rip e ile Barapetu la n gbo’sin ire
Ki emi lagbaja di araba ki di iti
My Iroke Ifa (Ifa divination tapper is produce) with bronze
My Irukere( king  horse hair fly whisk) is that of the title holder
My Ibonboju(face mask) is made of lead
My Ajere Ifa is handed over to me by OLodumare
This was Ifa consultation made for Olokun(the Ocean)
When Ocean is going to become the head of all water sources
And also to Olosa(the Lagoon)
When Olosa is going to become the head of all flowing rivers
Same consultation was make to Orunmila
When Ifa is going to become their Godfather
They were all advised to offer ebo
They complied
The ocean is roaring with merriment
The lagoon is moving gently to sideway with joy
Don’t  you  see that, it is in the house of Barapetu that we  hears good reports
I should become elevated and force to reckoned with
The water of the preparation will be place the under the morning dew. You will mix it with your bath water the following morning and bath with it.

This work shall document Ayajo Ifa Iranugba (Ifa prayers for compassion).  Life become more comfortable for you to live, when people around you can shower you with  genuine sympathy, pity, love, attention and show genuine concern for your needs when you  are in  condition that demand such degree  of compassion. When people show emotional response of sympathy to your need, they have shown you compassion. It is one of the traditional Ifa prayer that you can used to facilitate this, that we are concern with in this work. This Ifa prayers for compassion is derived from Odu Ifa Obara Ika . To make this prayer you will need the following:
Iyerosun( Ifa consultation powder)
Oyin Igan (Original wild honey).
You will imprint Odu Ifa Obara Ika with the Iyerosun ,Obara ika is imprinted thus:
II   I
I   II
II   II.
You will then chant the following Ifa prayers on it thus:
Akinlodun n se Awo lo si Ode Ilobodun
Esin lo gun lo
Akinfala n lo si Ode Ifala
Esin lo gun lo
Ope segisegi n lo si ilu Makunyun
Esin lo mu lo
Ati ara ilu Makunyun
Ati ara ilu Mapaasa
Eda lo ni ki e da ire temi lemi lowo
 Abi aannu mi ko se yin ni danhin?
Ohun rere ni akere fi n pe ojo
Ti Olodumare n gba mu
Nje gbogbo eni mu omu
E saanu mi o
Aanu epo ni ki je ki a so akara nu
Oyin o, mado meyen
Bi omode bar i oyin , a so akara danu
Anu oju ki je ki a ti owo bo oju
Tewetagba e saanu mi o
Akinlodun travelled on Ifa mission to the city Of Ilodun
He rode horse to get there
Akinfala travelled on Ifa mission to the city of Ifala
He rode on a horse to get there
Opesegisegi( the mature big palm tree) travelled on Ifa mission to the town of Makunyun
He rode a horse to get there
Both the inhabitants Of Makunyun
And the inhabitants of Mapaasa
It is Eda rat that says you should put all my blessing into my hand
Or don’t you have sympathy for me ?
It is with sympathetic voice that frog summons the rain
And Olodumare(God) always upheld his request
Anyone who have tasted breast milk

Come and have compassion on me
The sympathy we have for  palm oil will not allow us to throw away the beans cake
Sweet and sticky honey
If a child see an honey, he will let go of beans cake
The compassion for the eyeballs, is what prevent people from insert finger in the eye
Both young and old should show me compassion.
You will mix the Odu imprinted with Iyerosun inside the honey.
Use: eat out of the honey occasionally. This prayer has ability of making people  shown you compassion when required.
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We all desire to prosper not only in wealth, but in all aspect of our lives. Spirituality is one of the tools to buttress our mental and physical effort to bring such desire to manifestation. This work will document one of the prayers available for such purpose in Yoruba spirituality. One of the powerful prayers for this aforementioned purpose can be found in Odu Ifa Ika Meji.   To make this prayer, the intended user will get the following items;
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  • Iyerosun( ifa consultation powder)
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  • Aadun( morsel of fried corn, grind into powder and mix with red palm oil).
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The intended user will use the Iyerosun to imprint Odu Ifa Ika meji thus:
Description: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh5bcL4H-OuAaB210mdfNI0_oE-yQxUCZk5vRq6LKop5h_JeqbbrMWg0hS3zjOwBWpM87ofo6exd4eTWVw6EVagiRZz4mwe37cUmjb1m7jg7H_8LcS-g4-tX_LC-Nk9Ml0-Joz_TF10oW2k/s320/images%2528300%2529.jpg
I   I
You will then chant the following  Ifa prayers on it thus;
Ese kaja
Ogigi lege ti n se Iko olorun
Olakaye ni oruko ti a n pe  Ifa
Ese kaja ni a n pe Esu odara
Ogigilegelege ti n se iko olorun  ni oruko ti a n pee yin Aje
Esu odara ni se aadun
Ifa ni se elekute
Awon iyami Osronga ni be leku ti n se epo
Won pa won po won di imule
 Won ni enikeni to ba mon idi re ni won o ko kun okun aje le wo
Emi Babalawo Obanifa mon  idi re loni
E wa ko okun aje temi le mi lowo
Aadun lo ni ki oro temi dun nile aye
Olakaye( the honor that cover the whole world)
Esekaja (legs that rule over the market)
The slender shadow, the emissary of Olodumare
The honor that covers the whole world is the name we call Ifa
The one who rule over every market is the name we call Esu Odara
The slender shadow, the emissary of Olodumare is the name of Iyami Aje
Esu odara is the one who make Aadun
Ifa is the one who make Elekute
Iyami osoronga  is the one who refine palm oil
You come together and make this a secret
You say blessing of wealth will be handed to whosoever can unravel this secret
I  Babalawo Obanifa have known the secret today, come and give me my own wealth
It is Aadun that say my life should be pleasant in this world.

After this this prayer has been chant as explain on the Iyerosun you imprint in Odu Ifa Ika meji.You will now mix it with the Aadun( morsel of fried corn, grind into powder and mix with red palm oil).You will be eating it occasionally. This prayer if use as explain has a proven efficacy of opening door of prosperity for the user
 In this work Babalwo Obanifa will document traditional Ifa prayer that can be used to subdue, overcome and outshine enemies or competitors. If you want to go somewhere or on certain mission which is competitive in nature, or per adventure you find yourself in any setting which may make you be the envy of others as a result of certain qualities or ability you possess, in such situation, saying this prayer as it will be explain in this work have the ability to make you subdue and outshine your enemies or competitors who may have ill feeling against you. To make this prayer, Use Iyerosun ( Ifa consultation) powder to imprint Odu Ifa Irete Owonrin Also known as Irete Olota thus:
II   I
II   I
I   II
I    I.
You will then chant the following Ifa Incantation thus:
Awon a ja eegbon loju oka  je iyan
Awon ni won ti n wo Ifa Olota tit i laiai
Awon a pa amukuru loju olufa je oka
Awon a gun gagaga ki o ba ke se egbera
Awon ni won ti n wo Ifa Olota odo lailai
Dia fun Orunmila
Ifa n lo wo Ifa Olota odo
Ebo ni won ko se
O rubo
Orunmila ni Awo ile Olota Odo
Baba se ifa fun Olota Odo
Ewure n bi bi ewure
Aguntan n bi bi Aguntan
Agan n ti owo al abo osun
Won  di ote mon Orunmila
Won woni Orunmila o nile pada sile mon
Ifa ni  iron i won pa
Iran ni obinrin n fi opolo wo k o le fi se be
Yi o bale yio bale ni labalaba fi n wo igbo
Ifa ni ohun ni yio bori Iran ni awon olote yoo ma wo
Nje  a ja eegbon loju ewure je iyan, e wa  woran o
Eyin omuwe , e wa woran
Eyin omuwe
A pa amukuru loju olufa je oka , e wa woran o
Eyin omuwe , e wa woran o
Eyin omuwe
A gun gaga ki o ba oke se gbera, e wa woran o
Eyin omuwe
Emi ki reyin ote . iran lasan niti won.
Those who removes the bugs from the eyes of a cobra and uses them to eat pounded yam
They are the practicing diviners for Olota Odo for a very long time
Those who kills the leeches on a Boa Constrictor and uses to eat cassava meal
They are also the practicing Awo of Olota Odo for a long time
Those who are as tall as mountain in terms of height
They are also the practicing Awo for Olota Odo for a very long time
These were Ifa declaration for Orunmila
When he was going On Ifa spiritual mission To Olota Odo
He was advised to offer sacrifice
He complied

Orunmila is the resident Awo Of Olota Odo
He  carry out Ifa work For Them at Olota-Odo
The she-goat begin to deliver safely like normal she –goat
Ewe began to deliver safely like normal ewes
The sterile woman begin give birth to babies
The three residents Awo of Olota-odo conspire and say that Orunmila will not return to his home base alive
Ifa says that their evil plans will amount to noting
It is a futile glance that woman take at frog, she cannot use it prepare soup
The butterfly escapes to the bush with dashing hope of falling by their assailant
Ifa says I will be the one to overcome the entire conspirators
Now, those who remove the bug from the eyes of a cobra and use them to eat pounded yam, come and watch me display
All the swimmers come and watch display
Those that kill the leeches a Boa Constrictor and uses them to eat yam flower food, come and watch me display
All the swimmers come and watch me display
All the swimmers
Those who are as tall as the mountain in terms of height come and watch me display
The entire swimmers come and watch me display
I will be the one to outshine the rebels, they are mere onlooker.
 You will  use air from your mouth to blow away the Iyerosun so imprinted. This prayer can be use by anybody who is in the mist of competitors, rebels or enemies.

This work will reveals and document the usage of one of the powerful traditional prayer that can be used to increase sales and patronage in business. The Ifá prayer that will be explain here, if used as instructed have the ability to  attract customer to your business and make your business enjoy a wide range of patronage that will guarantee success and breakthrough for your business. This prayer is simple but highly efficacious.  It mainly works for provider of goods and service. This prayer is derive from Odù  Ifá Ọ̀wọ́nrín  mejì . To make this prayer use sea salt to imprint Odù  Ifá Ọ̀wọ́nrín  mejì thus:
I  I
I  I.
Pour it in clean water inside a white bowl. Then chant the following Ifá Incantation on it thus:
Ọ̀wọ́n owó láa náá owó nini
Ọ̀wọ́n oúnje láa pè ní ìyàn
Ọ̀wọ́n Omi la un náá dé ìsun omi,
Díá fún Oòyọ́wọ́n
Tíí s"ọmọ Ọba lẹ́yọ ajọri
W ọ́n ní kíí ó rúbọ
Kí ọja rẹ̀ ma báa kùtà
Ooyọ́wọ́n rúbọ,
Gbogbo nkan rẹ̀ wá bẹ̀rẹ̀sí dára
Ïjẹ: ẹ sáré wá kí ẹ wá raja ọmọ ọba
 pọ̀ṣẹ̀ṣẹ̀ wá ẹ rájà ounyọ̀wọ́n,
ẹ sáré wá,
ẹ wá rajà ọmọ-Awo
àt"Èwe àt"Àgbà ní rajà ounyọ̀wọ́n.
ẹ  pọ̀ṣẹ̀ṣẹ̀ wá ẹ raja temi
It is when money is scarce, that we spend lowest denomination
 It is when there is no food, that we say there is famine.
It is when there is no water, that we say there is drought.
These were Ifá divination for Ooyọ́wọ́n
Who was the princess of the town called Lẹ́yọ ajọri
Who will establish the market place and prosper
She was advised to offer ẹbọ
She complied
Her business begin to prosper
Hurry, come and buy from the princess.
It is both the old and the young, who
Come to buy from the princess
Hurry come and buy from Ooyọ́wọ́n
People should come quickly to buy from me.
After this prayer has been chant on the water. You can drink the water. You can add it to other water to bath; you can sprinkle the water in your office or place of business. This prayer can be used by anybody male or female, young or old initiate and uninitiated. It has great power to improve sale or patronage in business.

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