Water, Fruits, Seeds And Their Uses For Human Health.

Secrets of Water Therapy (uses of water for human health)

Secrets of Water Therapy (uses of water for human health)

As the saying goes, a stitch in time save nine, that Mean prevention is better than cure. People in modern day look for cure of diseases instead of preventing the occurrence of disease. They look for anti aging cream or herbs instead of preventing aging naturally. Water is the number one remedy to prevent diseases and aging process if one knows how to use it well. This article is mailing concerned on how ordinary water taking or drinking habits of water in moderate sufficient quantity daily can be use to prevent diseases and aging. With proper use of water prevention of diseases and everlasting youthful look can be achieved and maintain by any body either male or female. What babalawo Obanifa will explain here is not a test of theory it a daily practice that this writer himself has put to use over the years and have proven to be effective to achieve the aforementioned results of prevention of diseases  and reduce of aging process to maintain youthful look. I know many readers will underestimate what I will explain below because they will think how will daily water taking therapy achieve such a great results, ordinary water that is water they will think,but I can assure you  if you religious follow this water taking routine that I will explain below it will be of immense benefits to prevention of diseases for you and I can guarantee you it is one of the number one anti aging natural therapy.
*when you wake in the morning around 6 a.m.,before you use your pako (chewing stick) or before you brush your teeth. Try to drink 4 glasses of water. I glass of water will be of 160 ml in measures. Make this your daily
ritual. This form of therapy is an age long ancient therapy use by our forefathers. It function mainly in cleaning up your digestive colon, it will prevent any form of constipation. It wash the kidney and prevent kidney stones. It prevents other diseases in the body and reduce acidity level in body system. But note water to be use for this purpose every day is not water from the fridge. Or cold water. You drink ordinary potable water for this purpose.
*if you are a type that can not drink ordinary water as I explained above. You can take a full glass of warm water with half of a lemon orange squeeze to it. First thing in the morning too before brushing your teeth. This will also clean up your body system. This also must be daily ritual.
*if you are a type that can not take execess water, avoid taking process juice. Instead eat juicy fruits and vegetables :eat water melon, eat apple, oranges. People who have access to broccoli and lettuce can also take it. All this aforementioned fruit and vegetables can keep you hydrated (that is maintained water balance in your body)
*did you know it is wrong for you to wait until you become thirsty before you take water, imagine what will happen to engine of a car or machine if you allow the engine oil or fuel to dry up before you refill it, yes same thing applicable to your body. Don't wait till you become thirsty before you drink water. Drink water at least ever 4 or 5 hours interval.
* when ever you are hungry, instead of waiting for long hours or many minutes before you eat, apply first aid to hunger drink two glasses of water. Immediately you will feel less hungry. If you also  a type that is trying to lose weight take two glasses of water to replace food in some occasion is one of natural remedies to weight loss.
* do you know each junks or process and fast food you eat accelerate your aging process and increase your risk of health issues. So it is good you take very sufficient water when you eat this kind of food to flush and clean your body system of excess you get from such fast food.
*if you take sufficient water during the day it will reduce skin disease, you skin will have youthful glow I can assure you your age can not be discover fro
from your physical outlook, you will have less stress face, less wrinkle in short you will two  times younger than your mate only if you observe this daily water therapy ritual.
*before you go to bed in the night you need a glass of water to drink.
On each meal water must take one one third of the meal. Take water instead of soft drinks or any hard drinks (this has nothing to do with your religion it just a natural in wish you can use water to prevent diseases and reduce aging.)now I will move to function of water to human being.
*if  you drink enough water per day, water produce lymph. Orthodox people have prove it that it is the lymph that assists the white blood cells and other immune cells to fight diseases. So it is the level of one water intake that determines the level of the lymph.
*it is water that is use in the transportation of oxygen through the body. The blood oxygen that carry red cell need the water to actually move well.
*it is sufficient water in body system that removes waste products and toxin from the body. So an average human being must take at least 8 glasses of water per day. This can help to relieve the body of tiredness, low energy and frequent head ache.
*the best natural remedies to avoid diseases of kidney stones or others is to drink a lot of water.
*drinking much water serve as a remedy for people with bad mouth odour. The more water you drink the less the bacteria you have in your mouth. And the less odour your mouth get.
*since water is the natural tool to regulate body temperature. Drinking much water perday will regulate the temperature of your body and moisturize your skin to look fresh and young.
*to tell you the importance of water the orthodox people has firmly established that an average human being can only survive for 11 days without water. Why he he can survive longer than that without food if he still have access to water.
I will not go much on this water therapy today than this. But if you use water properly as instructed you will see amazing results you will get after some mount of use. #ifa#orisa#babalawoobanifa#
Copyright :Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa,phone and whatsapp contact +2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.


In this work will examine how Water, fruit and vegetable  can be used as natural cure for diabetes , high blood pressure, Constipation, Menopause, and Prostate Enlargement. It is instructive to note that Babalawo obanifa presentation in this work is derived from extensive research in the field of natural healing, most of the information gather and present in this work are factual information obtain from health practitioners in the field of natural healing as well as health practitioners in the field of orthodox medicine. It is how ever instructive to not note that information in this presentation is not meant to substitute the service of a medical doctor or a qualified medical practitioners where it is require. You are therefore advice to see your doctor as demand. But as regard this natural remedy is of no side effect and it can be used by anybody or individual to improve and maintain their healthy life. This chronology of this presentation shall start with how to use water, fruit, and vegetable to cure diabetes, high blood pressure, constipation, menopause, prostate enlargement.



If water is in short supply, the watery bicarbonate /solution which are secreted into the intestine cells may not be enough to neutralize all the acid that enters the intestine to begin the cycle of food digestion.

At this point, one or the other process has to stop.

a)     Either the acid has to stop coming into the intestine.

b)     Or water has to be delivered to the pancreas to perform at least one of its functions, namely to make its watery bicarbonate solution.

When the insulin- stimulated gates are not efficient in delivering water and raw materials into the cells, they begin to whither, and die. This is the mechanism behind the degenerative process usually associated with diabetes.

When the insulin-making cells are destroyed, they become ineffective as insulinproducers. This is insulin dependent diabetes.

When insulin secretion is prevented from the cells that
manufacture it, you have insulin independent diabetes.

When sugar level in the blood is less than 5 but not lower than 2.5, it is normal: when it rises above 5, there is diabetes.

i.                    Water treatment: insulin independent diabetes is easier to cure than insulin-dependent diabetes. Both of them are however caused by chronic dehydration. With time, the more difficult diabetes will also be cured. Hydration (taking plenty of water) is the best treatment for insulin independent diabetes: 41/2 litres of water (3 Eva bottles) daily will cure diabetes in two months if taken as follows:

a.      One Eva bottle of water upon rising. See the chart on daily minimum water requirement.

b.      1/3 bottle 30 minutes before and 21/2 hours after each meal.

c.      Do not reduce salt intake.

d.      If on medication, do not stop it until you see your doctor.

e.      Avoid or reduce carbohydrates, coffee, tea, beverages, soft drinks, alcohol, tobacco, etc.

ii.                 Tomato juice: drink tomato juice for 3 weeks. It has a blood thinning effect in people with insulin-independent diabetes. Drink 250 milliliters of tomato juice everyday on an empty stomach for 3 weeks.


Water, salt, calcium, magnesium and potassium are involved in energy regulations inside the cells.

                        Take them as follows:

a.      Water: 41/2 litres or 3 Eva bottles daily

                                                        i.            upon rising take 11/2 litres or 1 Eva bottle

                                                     ii.            30 minutes before and 21/2 hours after each meal, take 1/3 Eva bottle.

                                                   iii.            Avoid taking water during meals.

b.      Salt: 3 grams or 4 grams or ½ teaspoon daily in stew or vegetables etc.

c.      Calcium: I gram daily supplement or eat beans, almonds, plain yoghurt, milk.

d.      Magnesium: 400-800 milligrams food supplement or green leafy vegetables, almond and other nuts.

e.      Potassium: 2000-4000 milligrams food supplement or potatoes, bananas, oranges, pear, tomatoes, beans, eggs, milk.


1.      It is not true that salt intake causes or aggravates high blood pressure. On the contrary, with less salt in the body, a person can have heart attack.

2.      Water, itself is a diuretic and it will increase urine production if taken in large amount.

3.      Avoid alcohol, coffee, tea, beverages and soft drinks:  instead, drink more water.

4.      If you are on medication, continue it until you see your doctor for a check-up.


Garlic is the best antibiotic in the world and it is regarded as most effective remedy for high blood pressure because it has the power to ease the spasm of the small arteries. It lowers blood cholesterol and prevents blood clotting.it also slows the pulse and modifies the heart rhythm. It relieves the symptoms of dizziness, shortness of breath and the formation of gas within the digestive track. It makes the blood vessels wider, thereby reducing the pressure.

Dosage: 3 cloves of garlic three times daily. You can cut into smaller pieces and swallow with water. You can also take them with pure honey.


Rice has low fat, low cholesterol content. It thus makes a perfect diet for hypertensive persons.

Calcium in brown rice, in particular, soothes and relaxes the nervous system and helps relieve the symptoms of high blood pressure. Each fresh fruits such as oranges, mangoes, pineapples, pears and fresh vegetables such as cabbage, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, carrots and avoid or reduce carbohydrates like yam and cassava products.



When the body is dehydrated, the movement of the lower intestine is slow in the reabsorption of water I the refuse that is being sent out. In this process, the faeces becomes hard and not fluid enough to flow. The act of elimination of the solid faeces becomes difficult.

Chronic constipation leads to hemorrhoids (piles) and they can lead to cancer formation in the large intestine and the rectum.


The body needs half its weight in fluid ounces of water. Do not allow your body to become dehydrated before you drink water.

Drink 41/2 litre3s of water daily, if 70kg in weight and take at least ½ teaspoon of salt daily. Eat fruits and vegetables generously. Eat slowly and chew thoroughly.



Normal reading is 90/60 to 130/90; less than 90/60 is low blood pressure; more than 130/90 is high blood pressure.

a.      Wrong feeding habit – too much waste matter in the body leading to blocking of an artery – ARTERIOSCLEROSIS

b.      High cholesterol level in the body

c.      Poor feeding habits

d.      Eating of devitalized foods such as sweet drinks, cookies, candies, cakes, bread, sugar etc.

e.      Poor ventilation, leading to poor blood circulation and poor metabolism

f.       Lack of outdoor exercise

g.      Excess fat

h.      Stress – unhappiness, worries, jealousy, envy, normal strain, poverty.

i.        Chronic dehydration: hypertension that results from chronic dehydration is referred to as essential (unavoidable) hypertension because people think that it must come with old age.  But the truth of the matter is that the thirst perception suffers a gradual loss as we age. Older people do not easily know when they are thirsty and if they do not drink enough water over a period of time, hypertension sets in.


Occurs in women from 45 to 55 years. It is not a disease; it is an ageing process


Hot flashes; heat, irritation, aches and pains


1.      Adequate water intake and salt and minerals.

2.      Bitter leaf that helps the body produces oestrogen. Take a glass of squeezed bitter leaf morning and night.

3.      Honey: four tablespoonful of honey with ½ a glass water two-three times daily

4.      Garlic and ginger: in hot water as tea

5.      Water cure

·        41/2 litres of water daily

·        Balanced amino acid diet

·        Vitamin B6 (100 mg) which is directly involved in the conversion of the amino acids.



a.      Vitamin or mineral defiency, especially zinc

b.      Lack of alkaline salts present in green vegetable.

c.      Too little sex, which causes fluid to collect, coagulates and irritate.

d.      Too much sex, which irritates the gland

e.      Too little exercise, which causes fluid to collect in the prostate, causing enlargement, even prostate stones.

f.       Stones travel from kidneys or bladder.

g.      Overweight, which causes congestion pressure in the pelvic organs.

h.      Wrong food combination that constipate.

i.        Germs, including veberal germs, which travel up the male reproductive organ.

j.        The habit of lingering in bed with a full bladder in the morning: when the bladder is filled with urine, it presses against the base of the male reproductive organ, causing a very hard erection that will go down until the urine is voided; this is somewhat awkward and painful.

k.      Delaying urination for long periods of time.

l.        Deliberate with-holding or delaying of orgasm during sex, to prolong pleasure. This can cause uremic poisoning.

m.    Urine delayed is highly acidic and burns, causing irritation.

n.      The swollen prostate, choking off the urine, causes a feeling of fullness, difficulty starting and the need to squeeze in order to start urinating and a feeling that you have more left that will not come out!!

o.      Frequent night rising to urinate, without result, increased sexual desire.

p.      Complete stoppage of urine. Repeated irritation causing the gland to swell, choking off the urinary tube that it literally surrounds. The bladder swells to enormous size; the kidneys are overloaded; uremic poisoning occurs, with fever, chills, and death if the bladder is not drained immediately.


a.      Water treatment

41/2 litres (3 Eva bottles) of water daily

11/2 litres on rising, 1/3 Eva bottle 30 minutes before and 21/2 hrs. after each meal

b.      Tomatoes

Eat at least 3 fresh tomatoes a week

c.      Pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds

Eat pumpkin and sunflower seeds generously to stimulate male potency and delay ageing and to cure or relieve prostate trouble. Pumpkin seeds are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which are essential to health of the prostate. Take 60 to 90 grams of pumpkin seeds daily. The seeds may be taking in the form of powder, sprinkled over cooked vegetables or mixed with wheat flour.

They can be taken in form of paste made with honey or as a drink with diluted milk and honey to taste.

d.      Vegetable juices

The juice of carrots taken separately in a 500ml quantity or in combination with spinach juice is valuable.

e.      Vitamin E

600 I.U daily or vitamin E rich foods like green leafy vegetables, sweet potatoes, whole grains, milk and eggs

f.       Cabbage

Cabbage contains several elements and factors which enhance the immunity of the human body and arrests its premature ageing.

g.      Water and lemon

Subsist on water mixed with a little lemon juice for 2 or 3 days. Take water every waking hour for the 2-3 days. Then after the 2nd or 3rd day, go on all-fruit diet for 3 days. Then take 2 meals of fruits and one meal of cooked vegetables for 7 days. Thereafter, drink 41/2 litres of water daily. Eat a balanced diet with emphasis on seeds, nuts, grains, vegetables, fruits.


     Heavy starches

     Sweet stimulants

     Highly seasoned foods



     Excess sauces


     Red meat

     Greasy foods

     Fried foods




     Hurried meals


     Chew food thoroughly

     Water to be taken between, not with meals

     Eat food slowly

h.      Corn silk

Dry in the house; take as tea.

i.        Bitter leaf

Drink a glassful of the squeezed juice of bitter leaf 4 times daily.

It will increase the flow of urine and reduce the pain.

It will regulate the spread of the cell. Bitter leaf extract is part of the general cleansing and healing process for the body.

j.       Selenium (found in corn) oats, brown rice, fish

Eat these generously; they are anti-cancer foods. Selenium is also found in fruits and vegetables. Eat them generously daily.

h. Tomatoes

      Tomato has a blood thinning effect in the treatment of many ailments. Lycopene content of tomato reduces the blood’s ability to clot.

      Tomato is useful in managing colon, breast, prostate and cervical cancers.

      Eat raw tomatoes three times a week or drink the juice of tomatoes on empty stomach. About a glass of tomato juice, three times a week is enough for the prevention of prostate enlargement.

Copyright :Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone whatsapp contact :+2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

7 amazing health benefits of bitter kola

Bitter Kola also known as Garcinia kola is a tropical flowering plant found in western and central Africa and it produces brown, nut-like seeds.

The nut which is about 3-5 cm in length has an ellipsoid shape. A brown to deep brown peel covers it. This peel is removed before it is eaten. It leaves a bitter taste in the mouth when it is eaten. It is this bitterness that its name is derived.

It has been used in African culture for centuries for both traditional and medicinal purposes. It contains dimeric flavonoid, lipase inhibitor which is believed to have many healing benefits.In Yoruba land it is called Orogbo. The Hausas call it Miji-goro, while it is called Akiilu by the Igbos.
Health benefits of bitter kola

Bitter Kola was eaten mostly by the elderly people because of their belief that it could prolong life. But the truth is that researches in modern science have revealed that bitter kola contains chemical compounds that will help the breakdown of glycogen in the liver and has other medicinal uses which account for its longevity property in man.

“Bitter kola is anti-poison too, it has the ability to repel evil men and spirits, it could sound superstitious but it works.

The naturalist even said that the seed and the bark of bitter kola should be eaten together in cases where food poisoning is suspected, “it helps to detoxify the system”. Indeed, it really works!

This write-up highlights seven health values of bitter kola and why eating it should be encouraged:

1. Bitter kola and malaria

Considerable experimental studies found that chemical constituents in bitter kola have anti-malaria properties. That aside, traditional healers have for many years prescribed bitter kola for the treatment of malaria infections.

Researchers who reported that bitter kola had anti-malaria effect in the 2010 issue of Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, from a survey of plants used by traditional healers in the Democratic Republic of Congo, attributed this to its quinones content.

Further more, kolaviron, the powerful chemical compound found in bitter kola, was reportedly tested on a malaria parasite and found to inhibit malarial activity.
2. Bitter kola and lung functions

Bitter kola (Garcinia kola) has been used for centuries to treat chest colds in traditional medicine, but research has taken a look and found out why it is effective. A study in the 2009 issue of The Internet Journal of Pulmonary Medicine, performed on mice, reports that Garcinia kola improved respiratory function after 28 days of use of a Garcinia extract.

Written by Simon Adekunle of the Ekiti State University in Nigeria, the study shows that Garcinia kola works by dilating the alveolar ducts and sacs in the lungs by improving the strength of the fibers in the lung tissue. Bitter kola’s beneficial lung properties are attributed to its high antioxidant content.

3. Bitter kola and eye pressure (Glaucoma) 

An increase in eye pressure can lead to glaucoma, according to a report from The New York Times Health Guide. Researchers at Lagos University Teaching Hospital in Nigeria tested the effectiveness of eye drops that contained 0.5 percent extract of Garcinia kola. The results of their study, published in the January 2010 issue of Middle East African Journal of Opthamology, showed that the opthamolic solution that contained the Garcinia significantly reduced eye pressure when used twice a day.
4. Bitter kola and weight loss

Bitter Kola has been known to be a natural hunger suppressant and also increases the urge to drink more water.

5. Bitter kola and HIV/AIDS

Bitter kola is a potent antibiotic which could be efficacious in the treatment of HIV and AIDS. A researcher with the Nigeria Natural Medicine Development Agency (NNMDA), Mrs. Chinyere Nwokeke said that bitter kola could be used in treating opportunistic infections associated with HIV.

She said: “Bitter kola is highly recommended in the treatment of HIV and AIDS because of its antibacterial, detoxification, and cleansing properties”. She also said that the chemical, Saponin, in bitter kola is responsible for its cleansing effect. Saponin is mainly used as tonic for the liver, it enhances the functions of the liver and gall bladder.

6. Bitter kola and male fertility

Garcinia kola, also called bitter kola is sometimes believed to cure impotence. Frequent taking of bitter kola boosts a man’s performance in bed with a woman.
7. Remedy and osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis, characterised by pain, inflammation and limited movement in the joints, according to the National Institutes of Health. Causes of osteoarthritis can include joint injury, obesity and aging.

Since many arthritis sufferers prefer natural herbal medicines to other pain relievers and medications, researchers at Obafemi Awolowo University in Nigeria tested the effects of Garcinia kola against arthritis symptoms. The results of the study, written by Olayinka O. Adegbehingbe and published in the July 2008 issue of the Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research, conclude that Garcinia kola significantly reduced inflammation and pain and increased joint movement in subjects that had osteoarthritis symptoms.

Another importance of bitter kola is that its repels snakes. It can be used to chase snakes away. For snake prevention, spread it around the building.

It would be recalled that Nigeria’s world renowned Professor, Maurice Iwu during the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) said bitter kola could be used to prevent EVD.

Effect of bitter kola on sperm

Do you know that bitter kola is one of the easiest ways to increase your sperm without going through any medical means? The examination has shown that individuals that have the practice of chewing two slices in a day hardly suffer little sperm court. Both men and women can gain a lot of benefits of bitter kola when they chew it.
Effect of bitter kola on man's sperm

People drench the cola for 2 days, mix the cola with heated water to take out the extract, after which it is filtered so the unmixed and plain solution is obtained.

Some people like better to take off the back that is the outer layer but it is more effective when you mix it together, by doing this you grow the level of the vigorous effect of bitter kola on sperm. It is believed to cure male impotence.

How is it prepared?
Get like 6-7 pieces of the bitter cola and mix until you get a smooth structure, add water to the blended mix, stir it up and drink.

But it is passable when this blended mix is connected with honey, it tends to grow the potency and it is perfect for the individuals who cannot tolerate the bitter taste of the kola.

Side effects of bitter kola for men
Bitter kola can be unsafe because of its caffeine content. If you have any problems with using caffeine, forget about bitter kola. As you can get anxiety, bleeding disorders, diabetes, diarrhea, etc.

Medicinal value of bitter kola is already proven. It has a lot of benefits! Try it to improve your sperm quality and checkup the results!

What are the side effects of bitter kola?
What health benefits and side effects of bitter kola everyone should know about? Did you know that eating too much bitter kola is not good for you? Learn this and many other facts here!
Many Nigerians are adding cola nuts to their daily ration on a regular basis. They mention that thanks to all the useful components of this amazing nut, the significance and use of this nut for one’s health are hard to overestimate despite side effects of bitter kola nut.

However, despite its many health benefits, you need to remember when eaten in the excessive amount, it can also be bad for your health. However, let’s first explore bitter kola nut benefits and then proceed to its side effects.

Health benefits of bitter kola nut

For years people inhabiting areas where bitter kola nuts grow, knew that this nut is useful when it comes to diseases prevention, immunity improvement, etc. The previous generation used to have it on a regular basis and so should we only in moderation.

Here is how exactly this nut can boost your health and improve the general condition of a person.

It’s useful for weight loss.
People claim that when eating kola nuts, you feel fewer cravings. Thus, if you know that you often feel hungry in the middle of the day, have a few kola nuts to decrease your hunger.

So, this way, you won’t feel hungry and lose weight naturally after some time.
It can cure infertility.
Some people say that when eaten on a regular basis, this nut can help cure infertility. This only works for men, allegedly. However, as other people say it might also imply for those men who have impotence, as its components improve this function.
It can heal glaucoma.
What we mean here is that it can decrease the eye pressure which results in glaucoma if not treated timely. That’s why people who have problems with their eye pressure as well as those spending too much time in the dark areas, should consider adding this nut to their diet.

It helps cure diseases in lungs.
Thanks to another useful component in it, this nut helps improve the function of your lungs. So, if you seem to catch colds very frequently during the cold seasons, then eating bitter kola nuts is something you should consider.
It prevents malaria.
Given the studies performed in the area, people who ate bitter cola nut were less likely to get malaria. The bitter kola nut benefits are in the protection of people eating them from developing this health condition.

Now, as you know how you can benefit from eating this nut, make sure you do not consume too much of it. That’s the reason why we have crafted a list of possible side effect bitter kola can have on you, especially for women during pregnancy as they are more vulnerable during this time.
Side effects of bitter kola

It can lead to mouth cancer.
Not all people know that chewing bitter kola nuts can lead to developing cancer of the mouth or gastrointestinal cancer.

Too much caffeine can cause death.
As you know the excessive amount of caffeine can lead to death. Thus, eating too much kola nuts can be dangerous. So, one should be very careful with the doses he chooses.
It can damage the heart.
Again, the caffeine which can be found in the bitter kola nuts can lead to severe heart issues. So, people with the cardio problem should keep this side effect of eating bitter kola in mind all the time.
It can lead to glaucoma.
Even though when in moderation, these nuts can prevent glaucoma, they can also develop it when eaten in an excessive amount. So, one has to be very careful with these nuts.

It is not good for people with diabetes.
Individuals who suffer from diabetes state that when too much caffeine gets into their body, it starts behaving in a different way. Thus, the sugar is not digested as usually. So, the problems can lead to incorrect sugar levels in one’s body which is not good for diabetes.

It can worsen diarrhea.
When eaten in excessive amounts these nuts can worsen one’s diarrhoea and turn into a real problem. So, be careful with it and don’t underestimate the possible disaster which can come out of it.

It slows blood clotting.
When eaten in excessive amounts, kola nuts can lead to another trouble: the blood clotting will be worse than ever. Therefore, if you had bleedings, this nuts can worsen them and make them bigger than ever.
It can cause anxiety.
People who had problems with the level of stress they experience as well as with the anxiety attacks should stay away from this nut, as it can make everything even worse given the number of components which promote such an effect.

It’s not healthy to have it after surgeries.
Since this nuts can worsen blood clotting processes, people who underwent some surgeries or other operations should stay away from bitter kola nuts not to add up such of their side effects to the general health condition.

So, as you see, this nut can be a real treasure to all of you for many reasons. It can help you lose weight or improve respiratory functions. However, you should better consult your doctor first to make sure that you can have it as well as in what amount having it is okay.

Unripe Pawpaw Heals Ulcer - Nutritionist

A new medical report has revealed how unripe pawpaws can heal both external and internal ulcers alongside increase your libido when cooked and eaten.
a recent interview with News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Abuja, a Nigerian nutritionist, Aisha Abdullahi, revealed how unripe pawpaw can be very beneficial to those with ulcer.
According to her, unripe pawpaw contains high percentage of papain, which makes it a wonderful food that helps the digestive system function better. Aside form that, unripe pawpaws have numerous benefits because of its generous contents of vitamins A, B and C, fibre and protein, and others.

She said that when an unripe pawpaw is consumed on an empty stomach, it helps protein to digest quite fast, reduces inflammation, improves immune system and also fight bacteria and viruses. She also noted that unripe pawpaw was an anti-inflammatory supplement which helps in reducing inflammation, including osteoarthritis and asthma, among others.
“It also reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes and also binds toxins that cause cancer in the colon. Consuming the fruit also helps with digestive problems such as bleeding piles, chronic diarrheoa as well as constipation. Pawpaw consumed in juice form helps reduce inflammation in the lungs especially to those who smoke and those that are exposed to secondhand smoke.

“It is also a remedy for cough, worms, bladder problems, jaundice, gastric fermentation and gastritis. The unripe pawpaw in juice form also helps regulate the menstrual cycle especially for those with irregular menstrual cycle,’’ she stated.
Abdullahi went further to reveal that the consumption of boiled unripe pawpaw fruit increases libido in men. According to her, pawpaw leaves from way back, was the things to use in curing epilepsy, stomach ache and constipation. Pawpaw has been scientifically proven as a cure for many chronic diseases such as pile, among others.

The nutritionist also stated that pawpaw leaves helps in the treatment of convulsion, malaria, diabetes, stomach ulcer and piles. Abdullahi enjoined patients suffering from conditions such as diabetes, stomach ulcer as well as gastric ulcer to include pawpaw in their daily foods. She however cautioned women to desist from the consumption of unripe pawpaw juice as it may may cause loss of pregnancy.

10 reasons why you should onions, garlic and ginger

The efficacy and potency of the trio of onions (Allium cepa), garlic (Allium sativum) and ginger (Zingiber officinale) should be known by everybody

- A person could take a long vacation from the hospital or consulting a physician if he or she eats more of natural foods containing vegetables and spices

- The foods which go down into the digestive system should be of high nutritional value

- It is medically advised to dwell more on non-preserved foods than eating junks and too much sugary foods

Poor feeding should be corrected by eating balanced diet and ensuring spices and vegetables rich in minerals and vitamins are in the menu. The triplet wonder food of onions, garlic and ginger have been found to have so much medicinal values.

It is highly necessary for an individual to know why these three spice-related food items should be included in at least one of each of breakfast, lunch or dinner. Eating these trio foods or one of the three will go a long way in preventing some diseases, preventing someone from visiting the hospital for treatment, thereby spending thousands of naira on treating diseases.
1. Proper breathing

Garlic is good for respiratory challenges especially if a person has asthma. Garlic could be used with avocado leaves and grinded kola nut, which are then mixed together with honey and water.

2. Cure for pneumonia

Pneumonia is a disease often caused by the micro-organisms called bacteria. Bacteria have different shapes and forms like rod, cocci or bacilli. Pneumonia leads to high fever, intense chest pain, fast and shallow breathing, painful, short and dry cough.
Grinding some quantities of garlic and mixing it with honey helps cure the disease.

3. Cancer

The efficacy of garlic is so much that it helps to reduce the emergence of cancers (either sarcomas or carcinomas). There is a saying that, “eat a garlic a day and keep the doctor away.”

4. Better eye vision

Onions produce the chemical irritant known as syn-propanethial-S-oxide. This substance stimulates the eyes' lachrymal glands so they release tears. Scientists used to blame the enzyme allinase for the instability of substances in a cut onion. Syn-propanethial-S-oxide helps to give a better vision to the eyes, as the tears come out of the eyes.

5. Anti-high blood pressure

A good number of Nigerians suffer from high blood pressure and related diseases leading to hypertension or even stroke. The component of someone's daily food should contain some garlic, either in cooked form, or grinded form or even if it could be chewed. This is because, garlic is a very good anti-high blood pressure spice.

6. Ginger and onions better than vinegar

Someone could decide to cook raw meat with vinegar. It is safer to cook with raw onions and ginger and even with garlic. They make the meat tender, just like vinegar, but they are not processed chemicals like vinegar, since they are in their natural forms. The also help to spice up the meat and give it a nice taste.

7. Cure for diabetes

There have been reported cases of diabetic patients, whose condition became better, when they started eating garlic on a daily basis. Some of these people, who were hyperglycaemic before they started eating garlic, in no time, had the sugar content in their blood reduced, as a result of consumption of garlic.

8. Cure for incessant cold and catarrh

Continuous cold, cough and catarrh could be cured by soaking some quantity of sliced onions in a bottle containing some amount of honey. This is then left for at least 8-10 hours in order for it to ferment a bit. The resulting product is very ideal for cough.

9. After meal medicine

Eating ginger after each meal is ideal, as it also reduces the possibility of someone coming up with cold, cough and catarrh.

10. Effective purgative

The trio of onions, garlic and ginger could be grinded together and then mixed with some quantity of water, and drunk once in a day. They help to purge or cleanse the digestive system, especially by causing easy evacuation of the bowels.
15 foods that make you look younger than your age (photos)
Compounds known as free radicals are responsible for aging process in human beings

- There are certain foods when eaten consistently that help to reduce these anti-oxidants

- A person could be close to becoming rejuvenated if he or she knows about these not too expensive foods

Food is necessary to sustain life. Food is eaten basically to provide the money with energy for the day-to-day activities. As some foods supply the body system with so much nutrients, so also, some classes of foods cause allergy and are deleterious to someone's health.
Below are some of the foods that could make a person look much younger than his or her age, if eaten especially when someone is getting to advance age in life. It is also advisable you meet a nutritionist or a dietician for more expert and medical advice on how these foods could help you cut down aging and wrinkling of your skin.

1. Lettuce

Lettuce is often added to vegetable delicacies. It contains the element iron which is need during aerobic respiration. Iron is found in haemoglobin which reacts with oxygen to give oxy-haemoglobin, which acts as anti-free radicals. Lettuce is known as fresh breath freshener. This is because, it helps to prevent halitosis. Halitosis is known as bad breath.
2. Guavas

Some people stay away from eating guavas just because of their seeds. These set of people believe the seeds of guavas are one of the reasons for appendicitis. However, this not so. The cause of appendicitis is something else. It is advisable someone grinds the seeds very well when guava is being eaten. Guavas are called free radical fighters, because of their anti-aging properties
3. Spinach

Apart from the rejuvenating qualities of spinach, it helps to magnify the muscles.
How to get rid of dark spots in 10 easy natural ways
Nobody prays for dark spots on the face. Everybody loves a smooth, flawless and even skin but, that is not always the case.

Hyper-pigmentation or “dark spots,” may be due to acne scars, excessive sun exposure, excess secretion of melanin on the skin, hormonal changes, vitamin deficiencies, lack of sleep and too much stress.

Dark spots, patches and other marks on the face can be embarrassing at times and some people try to cover it up with make-up.

You do not have to cover your face with heavy makeup or subject your delicate skin to harsh chemical treatments as there are simple and natural homemade remedies which can help reduce the appearance of dark spots and patches on the face.

Here are 10 ways to get rid of dark spots.

1. Lemon:
Slice the lemon and squeeze out the juice into a bowl. Dip a cotton swab into the bowl, then apply a few drops of lemon juice directly on the affected skin area. Let it dry, then rinse your face with cool water.

2. Oatmeal:
This is good for skin exfoliation. Make a paste of oatmeal and warm water. Apply all over the face and let it stay for some minutes. Wash it off with warm water. Do this once or twice a week.

3. Potato:
Slice up a potato and place one slice directly on the black spots; leave on for a few minutes and then wash your face with lukewarm water.

4. Aloe Vera:
This is an effective remedy for healing skin stings, burns and brown spots. If you have an aloe plant at home, break off a small piece, squeeze the pulp into your hand and apply it directly to your dark spots.

5. Tomato:
Scrub a slice of tomato on your face daily or apply tomato juice directly on your face. Leave it on for 20 minutes. Thereafter wash off with cold water and use this recipe daily.

Also, honey mixed with tomato juice works wonders.

6. Onions:

Onions have acidic properties that act to lighten dark spots on skin. Peel a red onion and process it in either a juicer or a blender. Use a cotton ball to dab some of the onion on your dark spots, and let it sit for 15 minutes, then rinse it off.
7. Milk and honey paste:

Milk is known as a natural lightening agent and honey works as a very good moisturizer. Mix some milk and honey in a bowl and apply on your dark spots. Leave it on for about 5-10 minutes and wash off. This will help lighten the spots completely.
8. Coconut oil:

This has a number of powerful anti-oxidants which makes it such a powerful dark spot remover. Regular application of this oil on the spots over a period of time reduces the spots and also prevents it from coming back.
9. Coconut water:

Coconut water contains cytokines and lauric acid that eliminates stubborn dark spots. Cut a fresh green coconut and pour the water into a bowl. Dip a cotton ball into the water and gently wipe all over the affected area. Rinse using lukewarm water.

10. Cucumber:
A fresh slice of cucumber can help get rid of acne scars and pimples spots. Gently rub this cucumber piece on your skin and wash off after 20 to 30 minutes.

Drinking of plenty of water is also good for the skin and can help in removing dark spots on face. The water helps throw out the extra toxins from the body and gives the skin moisture, and fades the dark spots.

How to remove pimples naturally and permanently at home?
A pimple is an inflammatory swelling of the skin that you will like to remove forever. How to remove pimples forever? It`s also contamination of microbes that may cause the formation of reddish pop-ups. This painful formation can destroy your natural beauty! That`s why you should remove pimples immediately! This guide will answer the Top 15 FAQ about how to remove pimples!

How to remove pimples from face?

There are a lot of lotions and medicines that can help you to remove pimples. They occur on shoulders, back, neck and face. Nevertheless, it`s not a critical condition for your skin, but it may cause some troubles. Still, what are the main causes of pimples?

There are a lot of different option that may cause the skin to break out. The inflammation of the skin happens when sebaceous organs make skin to get more oil. Therefore, this oil is delivered to the upper layers of the skin to prevent it from damage.
Alongside the oil, you will get the quickening development of the skin cells. Therefore, they form around the pores and other openings that help various bacteria to get under the skin. The causes of overall skin inflammation include:

Hereditary. Your family may be the reason of constant arriving of pimples into your life;
Beautifying Agents. You won`t believe it, but some beauty agents may actually cause pimples. The reason for that may be quite various. One of it is the stopping of pores from breathing;
Medicines. Intake of specific pills may cause an allergic reaction on your skin. It can also be a part of side effects of different medicine pills;
Dirt. The most obvious reasons for getting pimples are dirt. The absences of cleanliness may lead to various irritations on your skin. Therefore, following the general rules of hygiene is a pretty obvious solution to reduce the outbreak of pimples;
Stress. It`s another big reason for pimples to come out of your skin. The hormonal imbalance caused by stress creates the outbreak of oil into your skin. The extreme anxiety increases the heartbeat, sweat and leads to possible pimple outbreak.
Diet. In general, your diet may get your skin too much fat and oil. If you prefer to eat junk food, then you should expect the major misbalance in your hormones. Junk food does not provide enough vitamins and minerals for your skin. Moreover, it brings the excess of oil and fats that create pimples. That`s how you can get obesity together with oily pimpled skin!
Top 15 Frequently asked questions about how to remove pimples home remedies!

1. How to remove pimples with ice?
Ice can be a perfect way to reduce the inflammation, redness, and swelling of the pimples. Ice can increase blood circulation to the damaged area and tighten the skin pores. That`s how you can reduce skin oil and dirt. Use ice cubes or crushed ice on the affected area to remove pimples. You may need to wrap it in a piece of cloth for your convenience.

2. How to remove pimples with honey?
Honey is rich in antioxidants that may reduce the oily skin from pimples. Moreover, the raw honey that you get from bees is extremely helpful for your skin. The Antimicrobial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties create a wonderful effect of treating swelling and pimples. The enzymes and hydrogen peroxide is the main players of getting your pimples reduced. You can apply the raw honey on your pimples for several times a day and get almost instant results from the treatment!

3. How to remove pimples with baking soda?
One of the best features for baking soda is its ability to dry the skin, which reduces the overall problem with excess oil! It also has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties that can help you to get rid of any dirt. Nonetheless, you have to be extremely cautious if you have sensitive skin. Baking soda can bring some negative side effects for people with sensitive skin.

Moreover, you should avoid using soda on a regular basis. Twice per week is more than enough! If you need to use baking soda, then you will need to mix it with water. The ideal proportion would be two tablespoons of soda and two tablespoons of water. Mix them until you get a smooth paste. After that, you can apply this paste on your pimples.

4. How to remove pimples using Aloe Vera?
Aloe Vera is a super remedy that can get your skin clean and healthy with no problems. Aloe Vera has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anti-acne properties that get your pimples reduced. How to reduce pimples from oily skin? Apply pure aloe vera on the spot with your pimples.

Aloe Vera will boost your blood circulation, and it can be applied overall on your face. This remedy may also be mixed with honey and lemon to improve the overall effect on your skin.

5. How to remove pimples using egg white?
Egg white has been long used as a natural remedy to keep your skin fresh and clean. Egg white dry on the face and help you to clean the pores and lift the dirt from the face. You will need to secure your hair from egg white. Your hair may create additional discomfort to your face if it gets stuck to your skin.

You may mix egg white and apply on the spot to your pimples. Egg white is a fantastic natural remedy that you can use to clear your skin almost every day!

6. Does lime remove pimples?
The short answer is "yes." Lime is also filled with various nutrients and provides anti-bacterial properties. Therefore, you can just apply lime juice on your skin to make it a little bit dryer. Nevertheless, do not apply lime juice to often!

Lime juice contains the citric acid which helps safely peel off the upper layer of the skin. You can also improve its properties by mixing with milk. Lime juice and milk together create an ultimate weapon against pimples! Just apply this mixture a few times a day and you will get a perfect skin in three days!

If you want to keep your face clear, you may also try to drink lime juice! It`s filled with vitamin C and fiber that will boost up your immune system. Therefore, you will get less problems with acne, scars and pimples.

7. Does steaming remove pimples?
Steaming is the most natural way of clearing your pores. It helps to clear the dirt on your skin and increases your blood circulation. Therefore, a good steaming bath can be quite a good option for removing pimples!

When stream is applied to a face, it helps you to soften your skin. Therefore, the pores become more loose and it allows the dirt to go away easily. This process may also help people who suffer from severe acne condition.

8. Does garlic remove pimples?
If you have a sensitive skin, then it`s not recommended to use garlic to remove pimples. Garlic can develop rashes and additional irritation in the pimple area. Therefore, it`s not recommended for people with a sensitive skin as marks from garlic may not be easy to eliminate!

Marie Leger, an assistant professor of dermatology in New-York University, provides the idea that Garlic can be pretty damaging for a skin. Moreover, garlic has a distinctive odor that can surely destroy any desire to use it several times.

Still, some beauty vloggers, like Farah Dhukai, recommend Garlic as another remedy that can save your skin from scars and pimples. Still, it`s up to you to decide whether you want to crash garlic into your skin. Nonetheless, it`s better to ask a dermatologist first. If you have some kind of allergy to garlic, then you shouldn't apply garlic on your skin.

9. Does Vaseline remove pimples?
Vaseline is an incredible way to soften your skin. Moreover, dermatologists recommend to use Vaseline for people with eczema. Nonetheless, Vaseline may not be as effective against acne or pimples. Petroleum jelly is comedogenic by its nature. What does it mean? It means that it will clog your pores. Therefore, it will provide less space for your skin to breath.

Dr. Ted Lain, a dermatologist from Austin, Texas, informs that Vaseline will not help you to reduce the pimples problem. Moreover, it can cause pimples. Therefore, it's not recommended to apply Vaseline on your face!

10. Does alcohol remove pimples?

A lot of experts may ask you to be cautious about rubbing your face with alcohol to remove pimples. Rubbing alcohol will provide you a dry effect on the skin. Alcohol may seem to reduce the oiliness of your skin, but at the same time it shrinks the pores. The effect of using alcohol on your skin may be quite temporarily.

That`s how you can only postpone the problem, but not treat it! Rubbing alcohol may be to drying for your skin. Therefore, you will cause more damage than good. Your skin will try to fight with the effect of alcohol. It means more oil to your pores and more pimples.

Most dermatologist will tell you that treating skin with alcohol is a no go. It can be a temporarily solution when you need to quickly get rid of pimples. Nonetheless, if you use alcohol too much you can make your skin to dry and even damage it!

11. Does mouthwash remove pimples?
Mouthwash has antiseptic properties that can help you to clean your wound or popped out pimple. Nevertheless, the reason for the antiseptic properties is alcohol which can significantly dry your skin. That`s why it`s not totally recommended to use mouthwash as an everyday remedy for your pimples.

12. Can tomato remove pimples?

Tomatoes are filled with vitamins and antioxidants which can help you to destroy your pimples. You will need to use only fresh fully grown tomatoes on your skin to get rid of pimples. They will increase the protection factor of your skin and reduce the redness in the affected area.

You will need to smash a fresh tomato and mix it with some water. After that, you can apply it to your face. Repeat this procedure once in a day to get the maximum effect from it.

13. Does toothpaste remove pimples?

Toothpaste can be another good remedy to quickly remove your pimple. If you are in a hurry – you can wash your face with some warm water. After that, you will need to clean your face dry and apply a small portion of toothpaste on your pimple. Wait for at least two hours to let the pimple dry. If everything is ok, you can remove the pimple using a damp washcloth!

14. Which food removes pimples?

You can also regulate your pimple outburst if you stick to a certain diet. It`s proven that eating low-glycemic foods may simply reduce the risk of developing acne. Moreover, complex carbohydrates may also be a perfect solution if you want to get rid of acne! You can find complex cabs in food, like:

Whole grains.
It`s also perfect for your skin to eat food with Zinc, antioxidants and filled with vitamin A & E. It provides the greatest benefits onto your skin. You can find the necessary minerals and vitamins in tomatoes, oranges, limes, carrots, apricots, spinach, sweet potatoes and green vegetables.

15. How to remove pimples marks/scars?

If you manage to destroy your pimple, you will certainly have another problem – it`s mark from this pimple. Fortunately, you can remove this mark with the same remedies for removing pimples. For instance, Aloe Vera can soften your skin and help you to reduce the area of the scar. You can also use lime to ease up the pain from a pimple scar.

In general, you will need to soften and clear your skin after removing a pimple. It`s possible to do that using vegetables and fruits filled with antioxidant and antibacterial properties.

Natural remedies may not be as effective as medical pills, but they certainly have a positive effect on your skin. Moreover, natural remedies provide fewer side effects and almost no possibility for an allergic reaction.

Top-5 Cheap Products To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are always annoying. Who would like these disgusting colored lines on their bodies? But there are several natural ways to reduce or even remove stretch marks from your body, which cost not so much.

There can be several reasons on why stretch marks are occurring. Usually they line our bodies after pregnancy or after losing/gaining some weight. Of course they often make any woman feel conscious and uncomfortable about her appearance. You can start wear some clothes you don’t like just because you have to cover them up. You can spend the whole fortune on some creams, but they can be useless… So lets speak about some cheap and natural remedies that can help:

1. Water

Skin should be kept hydrated. It will protect it from a lot of problems. Drink from 5 to 10 glasses of pure water every day. It helps keep body well hydrated. Also this increases elasticity of skin, which is necessary for avoiding stretch marks. Try to drink less tea, coffee and soda.

2. Sugar
Yes, sugar can be a natural remedy for getting rid of stretch marks. You can mix one tablespoon of almond oil and a sppon of sugar with a few drops of lemon juice. Mix it nicely and put on the areas of stretch marks. Then gently massage them into skin for nearly 5-10 minutes every day before bath taking. After a month you will notice that your stretch marks became lighter.
Aloe vera is highly effective when you are dealing with skin problems. Aloe gel can be applied directly on damaged skin area. Then leave it for several minutes. Then rinse it with lukewarm water.

4. Potato juice
Potatoes contain a lot of minerals and vitamins. They make your skin cells grow faster. So you can take a potato, cut it into thick slices and rub once slice on the affected area for several minutes. Allow the potato juice to dry, and then gently rinse it.
Carefully rub some amount of lemon juice onto the stretch marks with circular moves. Then allow it to soak into your skin for 5-10 minutes. Then rinse it with warm water. The other recipe: mix equal amounts of lemon and cucumber juice and do the same.

There are also other natural remedies which can help: cocoa butter, castor oil, olive oil and egg whites. They can help not only with stretch marks, but also with cuts, acne, burns and other skin problems. They are more safe and cheaper than chemically made removal creams and gels.

Turmeric for skin whitening
What are the benefits of turmeric for skin whitening? How can one use it when trying to change his skin tone? Learn more about the secrets professionals kept from you here.
Turmeric has been a popular spice for years now among those who want to lighten their skin tone or at least make it even. It is often listed among the best natural skin lighteners, and no wonder given all its good properties and benefits it has for the general skin health condition.

People can not only use it to lighten their dark skin but also to prevent pigmentation and treat dark spots on one’s skin. However, one will have to learn how to use turmeric for such purposes to make it all happen. So, let’s see what skin bleaching practices you can try today to lighten your skin with turmeric.
Ways to lighten your skin with turmeric

Turmeric and kefir.
Mix a little bit of kefir (about 2 tbsp.) with turmeric powder (about a pinch). Mix it all up and make the paste out of it. Put it on those areas of skin which you want to lighten. Leave it there for twenty minutes. The paste will remove the oil on the skin and will lighten it.
Later wash it off with warm water and dry the skin. Then wash it again with cold water. They say it works better when used on a regular basis. Professionals say that this is an amazing natural skin lightener which will not only change your skin tone but also make it healthier and younger-looking.

Turmeric and milk.
Mix milk and turmeric powder in the ration of ½ to 1. Then take this paste and put it on your skin. Leave it there for an hour to let it absorb and have some effect. For people who stay away from milk product, there is a possibility of using regular water for the same purpose. When used regularly, this might make your skin tone lighter.

Turmeric and honey.
The ratio for this for this skin would be 2 to 0.25. Take some natural honey, preferably made by people you know and trust rather than regular store product, as it might damage your skin. Then add some spice powder and mix it up until it becomes a homogenous mixture. Then out it on areas, you want lighter and leave there for at least half an hour. They say that it can also be very useful and helpful if you add some juice of a fresh cucumber to it given the good properties of all these three components. To get some proper effect, do the same procedure at least a couple time a week or every other day. This mixture is known as a perfect skin bleaching method, so don’t lose a chance of trying it out.
Turmeric and lemon.
To make the most out of this mixture, you will need to squeeze some juice out of one lemon, then mix it with half the same amount of the spice and make the paste out of it. Then apply it to your skin and leave there for the quarter an hour for the better result. Wash it off with warm water and dry the skin. Make sure no paste is left on the skin, as it can burn. For the better effect repeat the same procedure several times a week. You will not regret applying this paste to your skin, as it is truly an excellent skin whitening paste you should definitely try out.
This spice and bananas.
It might sound impossible, but the practice shows that banana puree can be of much help with skin whitening especially when combined with the turmeric spice. All one has to do is get bananas (again it’s better to look for ones which are 100% organic not to cause any damage to your skin) and mix it with one tablespoon of the spice in question. Then take some of this mixture and apply to your skin for half an hour. Once everything stayed on your skin for half an hour, wash it off with lukewarm water. Enjoy the brilliant results. Apply this paste to your skin several times a week for better results.

The spice in question and oil.
Use any cosmetic oil for this purpose. Take this oil (not too much, only 1 tbsp.) and mix it up with some turmeric. Make an even layer of this mixture on your face and leave for half an hour. Once the time is up, wash everything off with warm water. It is an excellent example of natural skin lighteners. It works especially well when used every other day.
Turmeric and potato.
Get the juice out of one potato. Add some spice to this juice and apply it to your skin. Only let it stay on your skin until it dries out and then wash it all off with warm water. It works better when used at least once every three days. It’s not too healthy for the skin when it is used more frequently. However, it won’t have much effect when only used from time to time.

Turmeric with yogurt.
Experts also claim that if you mix one tsp of this spice and yogurt and mix it into a homogenous mixture and then apply it to your skin for at least quarter an hour, you will enjoy the great effect this procedure might have on your skin right after you wash it off with warm water. It is even better if you add some avocado in this paste to increase the strong effect and make your skin look lighter and younger.

This powder and cucumbers.
Go to a farm market and get a couple of fresh and organic cucumbers. Wash them, peel them and squeeze the juice out of them. Then take some powder of turmeric and mix into the juice. If it appears to be too thick, then add some drinking water into it to make it smoother. Once mixed up, it can be all applied to your skin. Leave it there for at least forty-five minutes, or even longer for a better effect and then wash off with cold water. However, some people recommend taking some yogurt on a cotton ball and applying it on your skin after using this mixture to make the skin milder and less affected with the juice and powder. If you repeat the same procedure several times a week, you can enjoy the skin bleaching effect in no time!
Turmeric and strawberries.
This might sound weird, but the puree out of the berries in question combined with the powder of turmeric can have an excellent effect on your skin. So, just mash them until one homogenous paste with the spice in question. Add some starch in the paste to make it thicker as well as increase the general effect. Then apply it to your skin and leave there for the quarter an hour. Finally, when everything is done, wash it off and moisturize the skin. It will be an especially great natural skin whitener if you repeat the same procedure every now and then. However, do it when it’s the season for strawberries. Otherwise, the berries will lack important properties and will have the less healthy effect on your skin. So, it is a seasonal mask for your skin.
All in all, turmeric powder can be used in different combinations. It works perfectly well with almost everything especially in used on a regular basis. So, don’t lose a chance of taking the most out of the spice you most likely have in your kitchen. Enjoy the healthier and lighter tone of skin after several times of using such masks.

10 health benefits of turmeric you need to know

Turmeric came to us from South-East India. Turmeric is a plant of the ginger family, and it is extremely useful both as a standalone condiment and as an ingredient in various sauces. By the way, even Ayurveda describes the beneficial properties of
Turmeric is a herb that can reach about 2 meters at length. It has oval leaves with the light and dark green color. The composition of roots and leaves of this plant includes yellow dye called curcumin, as well as many essential oils. Usually, turmeric spice with an incredibly strong aroma of orange is made of turmeric plant. The special handling of the tubers and roots of turmeric is required to obtain the spice. Because there is curcumin is the root of the turmeric, it is often used as a red-yellow dye.

The most common type of turmeric is Curcuma longa (domestic), used as a spice.

The useful properties of turmeric
The composition of turmeric contains the following vitamins and minerals: K, B3, B2, C, calcium, iodine, phosphorus and iron.

Useful properties of turmeric were famous in ancient times. For example, in India turmeric was used as a means to cleanse the body

Benefits the digestion
Turmeric has an extremely beneficial effect on the digestive processes and the activity of the intestinal flora. There is a perception that turmeric copes with many diseases much better than antibiotics, which have a number of side effects apart curing the disease, such as deterioration of the gastrointestinal tract or the liver damage. Turmeric is very useful in fighting diseases and devoid of side effects of antibiotics. It relieves inflammation, has a detoxifying and choleretic effect and is a powerful antioxidant.

Prevents Alzheimer’s disease
Senile dementia (Alzheimer's disease) will not ever affect you if you consume turmeric because it is an excellent prophylactic against this disease.

Makes the skin better
Turmeric has a positive effect on the skin, both for internal use and for external.

Enhances the rehabilitation
Turmeric helps to rehabilitate after severe diseases from which the human body is weak and devoid of any forces. It supports the body in a satisfactory condition and it is believed that it provides a cleansing and warming effect on the blood.

Cures diabetes and obesity
People suffering from diabetes or obesity should definitely eat turmeric. Besides the fact that it is used for weight loss and can be added to diet drinks, it normalizes metabolism, cleanses the body from cholesterol and is a prophylactic against obesity and diabetes.  If you regularly add a half teaspoon of turmeric to your food, then it will be a great aid in the treatment of arthritis.

Can be used in some other diseases
Useful properties of turmeric will help in the treatment of a migraine, chronic diarrhea, atherosclerosis, ulcerative colitis, flatulence, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and cholelithiasis. Used as a prophylactic agent against cancer, turmeric inhibits the development of tumors. For the treatment of bloating and diarrhea is enough to dilute one teaspoon of turmeric powder in one glass of water. This recipe is also suitable for the treatment of bleeding and inflamed gums.

Heals burns
You can make turmeric paste with the addition of aloe vera, which is used as a tool for healing wounds.

Turmeric is also widely used for treating colds
Mix turmeric powder with warm milk to help your sore throat and cough. If you suffer from strep throat, mix half a teaspoon of turmeric with a spoon of honey and to keep the mixture in your mouth for a few minutes three times a day.

Turmeric has a very strong effect on the body. So if you are taking any medications, it is best to consult with your doctor to avoid adverse effects. Turmeric is contraindicated if you have gallstones or a clogged bile duct.

Remember that everything is good in moderation. And if small quantities of turmeric can bring you many benefits, an overdose may give you adverse effects.

How to make your hair grow faster? - Top 10 tips

It is not difficult to find a natural hair growth remedy -, you just need to know the appropriate ways and use them correctly. The following tips will help you to get the desired hair growth very fast.

How to grow hair fast?

1. Cut your hair at least once in 6-8 weeks

Having the goal to make your hair longer it may seem strange, but you should periodically cut off the tips of the hair. Otherwise, your hair will lose its healthy appearance. Ruthlessly cut 0.5-1 cm every 1.5-2 months.

2. Use egg whites

Egg whites have long been known for their healing properties. In particular, they return hair its former softness and shine! Break a few eggs, whip the whites and apply the resulting mask on your head. The effect is immediate: the hair looks 10 times healthier! Such masks eventually promote hair growth.

3. Drink plenty of water
Hair growth rate depends, in part, on the body processing of toxins. In turn, the latter depends on the amount of consumed liquid. Drink 8 cups of water a day and you will not only add benefits to the overall health and vitality itself but also make your hair stronger. And if you have strong hair, it grows faster.

4. Comb regularly

At least 2 times per day. This stimulates blood circulation in the scalp, nourishing hair roots and thus promotes the growth of the latter. If you ever wonder how to grow long hair, you will probably see a lot of special combs that do not harm your hair.

5. Use a hairdryer as little as possible

Due to this, your hair will become much healthier. In particular, the split ends will start to disappear. If you dry your hair using dryer every day, try to do once in 2 days - the difference will be seen very soon.

6. Essential oils
Mix 3 drops of lavender, 3 drops of rosemary and 2 drops of thyme and cedar oil with a small amount of jojoba oil, and then apply the mixture on your head. The effect of hair growth oil will surprise you!

7. Hair growth foods
How to make your hair grow faster? - Top 10 tips
Regularly eat foods that are rich in protein and you will see a significant improvement in the quality and speed of hair growth! Fish, eggs, and in sparing quantities of meat must be present in your diet. The best fish, in this case, is a salmon, mackerel, sardines.

The useful food for hair: cereal porridge, nuts, herbs, and, of course, vegetables, especially carrots. Indeed, the phrase ‘We are composed of what we eat’ is relevant for hair too: the more nutrients your body gets, the faster your hair grows.

8. Potato mask

Absurd? It really works. Squeeze the juice of 3 potatoes, add the yolk of one egg, a little honey, and an amazing hair mask is ready! It will make your hair grow faster. And this is without any chemical products!

9. Onion for hair growth

Yes, the onions can be used not only in cooking. Boil some onions in water and rinse received fluid on your head. Do this regularly and your hair will grow super-fast and get significant brilliance.

10. Apple cider vinegar
How to make your hair grow faster? - Top 10 tips
Mix apple vinegar with water and wash your hair with the resulting mix after each use of shampoo. This will stimulate the hair follicles and make your curls chic!

11. Do not use silicone-based tools

However, the funds for hair made of silicone, give the illusion of more healthy and more smooth hair, in the long run, they are very harmful. Such ‘hair care’ means provide the hair layer that does not allow moisture to penetrate. They lock follicles and it, in turn, leads to the fact that the hair becomes sluggish and grow slowly. This is true even for the best and most expensive funds on the basis of silicone!

12. Do not use the air conditioning
Often this is recommendation №1, which hairdressers give their clients. Never use the air conditioner for the hair! The fact is that it ‘pulls out’ the individual strands of hair, so eventually, you start to look like a scarecrow. Moreover, it inhibits the hair and can be the cause of dandruff. It is important to remember that healthy hair begins with the health of the scalp.

13. Do not wash your hair every day

If you wash your hair every day - forget about the fast growth of your hair. You should not subject your precious hair to stress so often - it's bad, though some believe the opposite. The normal frequency of shampooing is 2-3 times a week. If you want to do it more often - use the dry shampoo: in this case, the hair will produce its natural oils and its growth will not stop.

14. Use the palm oil as often as possible
Palm oil is an excellent source of tocotrienols (which, in particular, is the vitamin ‘E’), and it accelerates the growth of hair very well! Apply this oil on the hair (but not on the scalp!) for 10 minutes before you wash your hair once or twice a week.

Palm oil also protects against the harmful effects of sun, salt, and chlorinated water, which make hair weak, dry, brittle, and as a result, unable to grow. Vitamins for hair growth often include palm oil as it is a very effective mean.

Speaking of the sun. The less your hair is exposed to direct sunlight, the better it is. Do not forget to wear a hat in the heat. It is recommended to apply the palm oil on the hair before a visit to the swimming pool.

15. Never comb wet hair
The worst thing you can do with your hair is combing them when they are wet. In this condition, the hair is more exposed to the external factors, including negative ones, and as a result, they can be easily broken. ‘And how about combing after shampooing at the hairdresser?’ - You may ask. In this case, it is the only way to determine the length of your hair and the way in which it should be better cut. In all other situations, let your head of hair get dry before you start brushing it.

16. Massage your scalp

Do this every time you wash your hair. Movement of the fingers should not be too fast, but gentle and strong enough. Duration of massage - 30-60 seconds. The result of this regular self-massage is a faster hair growth. You will notice a difference in 4-6 weeks.

A great option is a massage of the scalp with the addition of warm vegetable oil. Due to it, hair becomes thick and silky.

17. Sleep in a right way

During sleep, the hair should be free or nearly free from anything. If you sleep with tightly braided hair, they gradually break down and we cannot speak about any hair growth anymore. In addition to the weak gum for hair, you can use a satin or silk scarf while you sleep. The satin or silk pillowcase is also very useful for your hair. As it, unlike cotton one, provides less friction on your hair.
If you have already asked yourself a question ‘how to make my hair grow’, then these tips will be priceless for you! You can always buy expensive hair growth vitamins or hair growth supplements, but isn’t it better to try free natural remedies? Especially, if they really work!

Coconut oil for hair growth - Top 3 homemade recipes

Comparing the coconut oil with any other oil it should be noted that it is more often used for rapid hair growth in numerous recipes. Coconut oil for hair growth must not necessarily be diluted; you can use it in its pure form. Coconut oil which is derived from the pulp brings only benefits to your hair.

Do any special mask for hair and let coconut oil play a major role in it. After it, your curls become stronger, shiny, silky and healthy. It's no secret that any impact on the hair causes harm. This oil is ideal for regeneration of hair after coloring, exposure to high temperatures and styling.
 Is coconut oil good for your hair growth? The use of coconut oil for hair becomes the prevention of hair loss. While working on the hair bulbs, coconut oil prevents protein loss during shampooing, prevents hair breakage, increasing its elasticity and softness, and prevents split ends. As a mean for massaging the scalp, it prevents the appearance of dandruff. The next coconut oil hair mask will give you the greatest benefit melt (small amount) of oil in a water bath and rub into the scalp. Then put on warming cap (polyethylene + towel) and leave for 1.5-2 hours. This mask will save you from dry, damaged and brittle hair.

Coconut oil is especially useful for extremely dry hair, as well as damaged and brittle hair. It has such benefits for your hair:
It improves total hair appearance;
It makes hair more smooth and shiny;
It improves elasticity and softness;
It strengthening the hair bulb, what prevents the hair loss;
It restores hair;
It reduces breakage;
It protects against all harmful external influence;
It prevents splitting of the ends;
It prevents the appearance of dandruff.
As the good hair care product coconut oil can be used with no additional components. If you rub a little oil in your curly hair, it will really facilitate the hair-dressing. To improve the condition of the curls it is enough to put coconut oil on hair and head area for thirty minutes and then wash it off using a conventional shampoo. Rubbing is recommended using warm, light massage movements. Regular application of coconut oil is useful for hair. It allows you to get rid of the section quickly. You can cook all kinds of masks with oil.

How to make coconut oil mask for hair growth?
Oil masks. Coconut oil works well with other oils. Mustard, castor, burdock, peach, etc are most commonly used for hair. To prepare these masks simply add a teaspoon of three different types of oils, and then heat them in a water bath or in the microwave.

Firming mask. Half of a spoon of glycerin is added to 40 grams of oil, egg yolk and about 10 ml of wine vinegar.

Nourishing mask. Get a suitable container and mash the banana there, then add one and a half tablespoons of cream or fat sour cream and 40 grams of oil. Also, this coconut oil mask can be used for hair growth.
Each of the first masks is recommended to be applied on the roots, and then on the hair. You should leave it for about an hour. Your hairy head area must be wrapped with polyethylene and a towel.

Coconut oil is very difficult to wash off the hair. To make things easier, do not apply it on the strand in large quantities, as well as use it in combination with less fatty oils or with warm milk products.

Despite the fact that the benefits of coconut oil are enormous, it can harm the organism. And it becomes harmful because of the possible occurrence of food poisoning and allergic reactions. But note that harm of coconut oil will only appear when the product will be consumed in an uncontrolled, ie the prescriptions are not taken into account, amount. In all other cases, you will get only benefits. So if you want to use it in the food you need to consult an expert, who will choose the right treatment and talk about how to apply this oil, as well as the dosage.

Summing up, we can say that benefits of coconut oil for hair growth are numerous.

How to steam hair with egg and mayonnaise?
One of the best assets every woman has is her hair; however, it could sometimes be really difficult to keep one’s hair in the best shape possible, and every woman can attest to this. This post can help you address this annoying problem by teaching you how to steam and treat your hair! You will also learn the top 3 best recipes for your hair!
Hair Care

Conditioning hair with eggs is not something new, and it is quite amazing that such a simple and cheap item can provide so much benefit to your hair. A lot of people find eggs pretty useful as a conditioning agent; this is due to the fact that it contains a high number of proteins and vitamins. It is also a very good remedy for those who need to repair their hair.

How to steam my hair with eggs?
Eggs are rich in vitamins A, D and E; they are also a great source of sulfur, fatty acids and proteins. All these properties combined makes eggs perfect for your hair woes. It is also a natural hair conditioner. Take a look at the list of health benefits eggs provide for your hair!

One of the main reasons why your hair is dry is the lack of moisture! Therefore, when you treat your hair with eggs, it gives you the necessary moisture boost. Therefore, the moisturization properties of eggs will make your hair soft and smooth like.
Another great benefit of eggs is they they strengthen the hair shaft and help prevent breakage. If your hair is damaged and weak, you can simply apply egg to it and let the nutrients do the rest.
You can use egg to restore the natural shine and luster to your hair; this is possible because of the fatty acids contained in eggs. So you can say goodbye to dull hair with this remedy.
What is a good way to manage hair loss? The answer is pretty simple – the vitamin E and A present in eggs can help you with this! Moreover, the yolk of eggs will help to make the roots of your hair stronger.
If you want to speed up hair growth, then vitamin B12 is your best remedy for that; this important vitamin also happens to be very abundant in egg yolks. Therefore, applying egg to your hair is a good way to make it thicker.
The vitamins and minerals contained in eggs will help your hair to grow strong and healthy! Let`s take a look at the top 3 most popular recipes for hair growth using eggs and mayonnaise!

Top 3 recipes on how to steam hair at home
1. Egg for hair growth!

You can condition your hair with eggs to increase its growth and health! 70% of your hair consists of keratin protein, and the protein in egg can help you build up this protein. Egg contain a large amount of protein – somewhere around 3.6g to 6.5 g per egg. Therefore, you will be able to promote the growth of your hair and condition it using eggs.

Start with breaking an egg and placing the yolk and white into a bowl! You will need to remove the cord-like structure of the egg so it will not get tangled in your hair!
Mix one tablespoon of oil into the egg.
You will need to cover up the bowl until you are ready to use it!
Take the bowl with the egg mixture to the bathroom; shampoo and rinse your hair.
Squeeze your hair with a towel to remove excess water.
Apply the egg conditioner evenly to your hair! Do not forget to apply it on every single strand, concentrating on the ends.
Cover your hair with a shower cap and let the egg conditioner sit for at least twenty minutes.
Rinse off the egg conditioner from your hair with water. Follow up with a moisturizing cream or conditioner, let it sit for five more minutes and rinse off. Style your hair as usual.
2. Egg and Mayonnaise

You can try this mixture to take advantage of three main ingredients that provide great benefits for your hair. These essential ingredients are oil, vinegar and mayonnaise. Vinegar will help boost up the pH balance in your hair and mayonnaise is very rich in eggs to perfectly condition your hair.

To use this hair treatments, all you have to do is mix up the two ingredients. Use one egg and one-third cup of mayonnaise to achieve your egg, vinegar and oil mixture. Spread the mixture on your dry hair, cover the hair with a shower cup and let it sit for 30 minutes. Wash your hair with a mild shampoo to take off the conditioner, rinse and dry your hair.
3. Eggs, Oil, and Mayonnaise

This is another pretty simple recipe that can help you deal with damaged hair. You will need to mix three main ingredients together – one egg, one-third cup of mayonnaise and a few spoons of oil (olive oil will give the best result). Mix all three ingredients in a bowl and get ready to treat your hair.

First use a gentle shampoo to wash your hair and squeeze it gently to remove excess water. Apply the mixture to your hair evenly and massage it into your scalp. Cover your hair with a shower cap and let the mixture sit for 20 minutes or more. Rinse your hair thoroughly and dry it off. Style as usual.

Please note that people who are allergic to eggs should not use any of these mixtures. But if you have no problem with eggs, then you may try to apply any of the three options mentioned above. Eggs will give your hair the bounce it deserves and you will notice real changes if you repeat these treatments every other week.

Do not forget that good hair is pride of every woman; don’t hesitate to use egg and mayonnaise every time you need to repair damaged hair or want to help your hair grow beautifully.

How to use black seed oil for hair growth?

Every woman dreams of having a beautiful hair, but only few are that lucky. However, there is one secret which originated from the Eastern counties, that can fix this problem. It is called black seed oil. This oil has been used for many centuries as an effective medicinal and beauty product. There is an old Eastern saying: "Black seeds are capable of treating anything except for death". Black seeds are indeed useful for the human body, they help the internal organs work better, stimulate the heart and liver and makes your skin and hair healthy.

Black seed oil for hair

It consists of minerals that are crucial for having nice and healthy hair: sodium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, brass, potassium, zinc and vitamins C, E, K, D, P, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, A.
It is a magical elixir for treating scaly scalp, dandruff, hair loss, baldness and gray hair. It also makes your hair grow faster.
Black seed oil has an anti-inflammatory effect which fights various fungus diseases, regenerates skin cells and strengthens hair bulbs.
Black seed oil cleanses the scalp pores, makes hair silky and soft by moisturizing it.
It prevents hair breakage.
Black seed oil also produces natural collagen.
Other positive effects of black seed oil

It fights liver cirrhosis.
It normalizes the level of cholesterol.
It prevents blood clots.
It is useful to treat the flu, cough and bronchitis.
How to use black seed oil
Mix black seed oil and olive oil together and apply it onto your hair and scalp, massaging gently. Wash your hair after 10 minutes. Do this procedure twice a week.
Doctors and beauticians advise you to take two teaspoons of black seed oil in the morning and in the evening. This way, the oil not only has a positive impact on your system but it also makes your hair silkier and thicker treating the invisible problems which cause hair loss.
How to use black seed oil for hair loss?

You can create different types of hair mask using black seed oil. Just combine it with honey, aroma oils, yogurt and see which one works the best for your hair. Black seed oil is rather thick which is why it is necessary to combine it with something lighter to make it easier to apply.

As we can see, black seed oil has a lot of advantages, but like any product, there might be some risks, so it is advisable to consult your doctor before using it. You can also test a small amount on your skin before applying it on your head or ingesting it.

Palm kernel oil for hair growth: easy tricks every lady should know

Palm Kernel oil has a lot of benefits. It is full of vitamins and is good for our body. But how about the hair? If you are looking for a great way to keep you hair moisturized and healthy then today is your lucky day. We have some great tricks that every lady should know. Continue reading to learn more about the benefits of palm kernel oil for hair.

What is Kernel Oil?
There are many people that are skeptical when it comes to palm oil. They believe it's not good for our health and therefore it should not be used. But the truth is that the regular palm oil is usually made from the pulp of the palm fruit.

On the other hand, the kernel oil is made from the seed that is inside of the African Oil palm. The oil is quite valuable, because in order to get it, you need to roast a lot of seeds. And this oil is great for our health! Let’s quickly cover the main benefits for our body and after that we will talk more about the benefits for our hair.

1. It's a source of unsaturated fats and no trans-fat!

Great for skin, bones and joints and also good for cooking!

2. No cholesterol

That’s why you can use it instead of butter while cooking. People who have high cholesterol will really appreciate palm oil.

3. It is rich in vitamins K, A and E
There are many people that are skeptical when it comes to palm oil. They believe it's not good for our health and therefore it should not be used. But the truth is that the regular palm oil is usually made from the pulp of the palm fruit.

On the other hand, the kernel oil is made from the seed that is inside of the African Oil palm. The oil is quite valuable, because in order to get it, you need to roast a lot of seeds. And this oil is great for our health! Let’s quickly cover the main benefits for our body and after that we will talk more about the benefits for our hair.

1. It's a source of unsaturated fats and no trans-fat!

Great for skin, bones and joints and also good for cooking!

2. No cholesterol

That’s why you can use it instead of butter while cooking. People who have high cholesterol will really appreciate palm oil.

3. It is rich in vitamins K, A and E
It helps the body get rid of the toxins, keeps your skin healthy (vitamin A), help your bones (vitamin K) and also prevents eye disorders (vitamin E).

4. It is filled with antioxidants

It has great anti-aging benefits so you don't have to worry about wrinkles on your face for a long time.

As you can see, the kernel oil is something you should add to your daily routine! Now it is time to talk about the benefits that it brings to your hair.

Palm kernel oil for hair growth
Palm Kernel oil is full of various nutrients that are very valuable in when it comes to your health. It has the palmitic acid and already mentioned vitamins K, A, E, and antioxidants. The mix of nutrients help the hair to grow faster and stay healthy. The antioxidants that are found in kernel oil maintain the collagen in the hairs, keeping together the follicles and preventing hair loss.

Palm kernel oil is a great option for those who suffer from thinning, dry or dull hair. It acts as a conditioner and softens the hair. Besides softening, the palm kernel oil improves hair growth. It moisturizes the hair’s shaft which can help the hair to grow longer and shinier.

The palm kernel oil makes your hair stronger and thicker if you use it regularly. Your hair will be soft, shiny and bouncy. The oil also moisturises the skin of your scalp, so you no longer have to suffer from itchy hair.

It is a great choice for those who have curly natural hair. The palm kernel oil is non-greasy and very light, so it is easy to use and provides the best moisture for your hair!

How to make palm kernel oil at home?
Since it is great for your hair and skin, many people will want to make the palm kernel oil at home. You can skip this step and just use the products that already have kernel oil in them. For instance, there are shampoos and conditioners with kernel oil as an ingredient. You can also buy the kernel oil itself. If you are still willing to make the palm kernel oil at home, then you will need palm fruits, water, hammer and a lot of will and strength! Ready? Let’s get started then.

1. Place the palm fruits into a pot and add water to cover the fruits.

2. Cook them until all of them are soft. It will take about 20-25 minutes.

3. Sieve the water and pour the fruits into a mortar.

4. Use the pestle and pound the fruits until the skin separates from the kernel.

5. Take the kernel and spread them on a tray.

6. Leave the kernel under the sun to dry, it will take some time.
7. Take the kernel and, using your hammer (and strength!) smash the kernel, separating the nuts from the shell.

8. Place the nuts on a tray and leave them under the sun to dry for at least one hour.

9. Pour the dried nuts into a pot and leave them on a medium heat.

10. Stir from time to time with a spoon. Eventually it will become oily. When it’s oily, cover the pot and reduce the heat to minimum.

11. In a few minutes, the oils that are in the nuts will separate.

12. Scoop the hot oil into a ceramic bowl and leave to cool.

Remember, this may not be safe and you have to be careful - the oil is quite flammable so maybe it is better to buy the palm kernel oil instead of making it on your own unless you know what you're doing.

As you can see, palm kernel oil is great not just for your skin and body but for your hair too. Try it out and you will see the results in no time!

This wonderful fruit will make your tummy flat and your skin glow in 2 weeks

Who doesn't love and want a flat tummy?

I am guessing nobody.

Nobody wants that excess fat in the abdominal region getting in the way of a perfect look all the time.

We all want to be able to fit into that special dress. So, in other to achieve that, you need to start consuming this wonder-food known as cucumber.
Cucumber is an awesome vegetable; it is loaded with a lot of nutrients, including vitamin A, C, potassium, magnesium, folic acid and fiber. Due to its low calories and low carbs cucumber makes for an ideal food and snack.

Cucumber is also packed with dietary fiber. Cucumbers can fill you up and help your metabolism, helping to speed up weight loss without contributing any unwanted fats to the body.
So, start eating cucumber every night, try it for two weeks, and see the difference.

Top 10 homemade hair loss treatments

There is nothing more attractive for women then having thick hair. It represents the natural health of women. Therefore, hair loss treatment for women is an extremely crucial question. Nevertheless, hair loss treatment for men is also quite an idea to follow. Having strong hair qualities is connected with different characteristics, like ageing, environmental effects, smoking, stress, genetic factors, harmonic misbalance and using of medical products. Still, if you have a desire that your hair be strong and vitally full, then you need to get more vitamins to the hair. You can count more than 100 000 strands on your scalp and you can loss about one hundred of them per day, but if it`s more, then you need to be ready to treat your hair carefully.

Coconut milk

What can be the best hair loss treatment if not coconut milk? Coconut milk is a rich protein product that can surely make your hair stronger. You can make some good uses with coconut milk, here is one of the recipes for your healthy hair growth.

Get some fresh coconut milk with grating coconut to a pan of water.
Let it flow from coconut for five minutes and then strain it.
When it`s cool, you apply the coconut milk to your scalp. Leave this substance for twenty minutes on your scalp and then wash it with shampoo.
It`s one of the most welcomed hair loss treatment products that you can use at home.

If you have a desire to know which product is filled with omega-3 fatty acids, then flaxseeds can be your answer. They can prevent hair loss and provide a flexible option for hair growth. If you want to have maximum effect for hair loss treatment, then you need to do next:

Consume at least one tablespoon of ground flaxseeds. You can consume it with water or milk. Try to do this procedure in the morning. Moreover, you can also add flaxes seeds to your dishes, to smoothies or salads.
You may also take flaxseed oil and apply it to your hair. If you manage to apply flaxseeds oil to your hair, then you might expect that they get much stronger and healthier.

Licorice Root

It`s one of the best hair loss treatment remedies that you can find on the internet. Liquorice roots have mollifying properties, which helps to open pores and gets of irritation and dry skin. This hair loss treatment is good for baldness, hair loss and dandruff.

Get one cup of milk, then add a quarter teaspoon saffron and a tablespoon of ground liquorice root. Mix the substance thoroughly.
Apply this mixture to your head and leave it for one night.
Wash your head in the morning.
Follow this remedy twice a week to keep your hair loss treatment process.
Get some vitamins with adding licorice root into your tea.

Aloe Vera
If you want to find a good hair loss treatments product at home with enzymes, then you might need to stick to Aloe Vera. It has alkalizing properties, that can help your hear to bring pH with a more desirable level. This promotes grater hair growth. Aloe Vera can be used on a regular purpose for reducing scalp inflammation and redness, give some strength to the hair and alleviate dandruff. Try to use Aloe Vera gel and juice.

Apply Aloe Vera juice or gel to your scalp.
Leave this substance for few hours on your head. Then wash it with lukewarm water.
Repeat this process for few times per week.

Onion Juice

One of the best components for Onion is high sulfur content. It greatly helps to improve blood circulation in your head. Therefore, it reduces inflammation and redness processes on your head. It should be also mentioned that onion has antibacterial properties that can help you to deal with parasites and infections on your scalp. If you want to have maximum effect from onion juice in the hair loss treatment, then you would need:

Extract the juice from onion. You may get it by simply grating and strain onions. You will need to apply juice directly to the scalp. Leave the juice for thirty minutes and then wash it off. Do not forget to shampoo your hair after this procedure.
You might get quite a fascinating hair loss treatment by mixing Aloe Vera gel and Onion Juice. Maybe you can add at least one tablespoon of olive oil for greater effect. Apply this mixture onto your scalp and leave it for thirty minutes. Then wash this mixture off and do not forget to shampoo your head afterwards.
Repeat these procedures twice a week, and with time you can see the effect.


It`s another great hair loss treatment product that you can use. Fenugreek seeds are filled with antecedents that can surely affect your hair growth. Therefore, it can perfectly help you to rebuild hair follicles. It should be mentioned that they contain nicotinic acid and proteins that helps hair growth.

Soak one cup of fenugreek seeds. Leave it in water overnight.
Grind them in the morning to make a paste.
Apply the paste onto your hair and cover your hair with it. You would need to wash this substance from your hair after forty minutes.
Use this remedy every morning for at least a month.

Indian Gooseberry

Indians provided people with a new idea of fast hair grows. This all can happen with the use of Indian gooseberry. The other name for this hair loss treatment product is amla. Indian Gooseberry is rich for vitamin C. It means that it can fill you with the vitamin which you need to consume for good hair growth. Moreover, the gooseberry is provided with exfoliating, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. They can provide a good use to your head and scalp.

Mix a tablespoon of Indian gooseberry and lemon juice together. Mix it until you get completely undividable substance.
Massage this mixture into your scalp thoroughly. You would need to cover your head with a shower cap.
You will need to sleep with this substance overnight.
Do not forget to wash off the substance in the morning.
Indian gooseberry might be a good idea for your scalp and head in the question of hair loss treatment products.

Hair Oil Massage
It might be one of the first steps that you need to get in the question of hair loss treatment. Try to massage your scalp with appropriate hair oil. If you manage to do that properly, then you might increase the blood flow to your hair follicles. Moreover, it can increase your chances of getting strength hair and get your scalp condition better. It can also give you some point of relaxation and releasing stress.

Try to check amla oil, castor oil, olive oil, almond or coconut oil. Try to add a few drops of rosemary essential oil to increase your chances of getting faster results. You might need to check other oils, like wheat germ oil, argan oil and emu oil.

Choose one of the oils mentioned above and massage it into your scalp and hair.
You will need to do this at least once a week.

If want to find a juice saturated with carbohydrates, then you might need to check the beetroot juice. This plant is filled with vitamins C and B, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, protein and carbohydrates. All these nutrients are good for hair loss treatment.

Include some fresh juice from beetroot into your diet. You might also be fancy of carrot juice, lettuce juice, alfalfa juice, spinach juice that can be a good arsenal for your hair loss treatment.
You can use alternative variant of hair growth, like grinding few beetroot leaves into the boiled water and add some henna in it. Apply this paste mixture into your scalp. You will need to leave it for twenty minutes, then wash it off. Repeat this procedure several times per week to get results

Chinese Hibiscus

The Chinese hibiscus can be another great element for your hair loss treatment procedures. It can also provide addition hair growth. The Chinese Hibiscus can be a perfect cure for dandruff. If you have a desire to get your hair loss treatment with the Chinese hibiscus, you would need to do next:

Mix two cups of coconut oil and 10 Chinese Hibiscus.
Heat this mixture, then try to strain it into the oil.
Use this mixture to apply into your hair before going to bed. Wash this mixture in the morning.
Repeat this procedure few times per week.
You might also use this flower in your tea as it`s filled with nutrient elements that can surely fill your body.


As it was mentioned. If you have a desire to have strong and healthy hair, then you need to make some efforts to make it. Surely, your genes might have given you an advantage regarding good and healthy hair. Still, you might also need to pay attention to the hair loss treatment products.

Still, there are other elements of the earth that can surely help your hair loss treatments. You might also need to pay attention to the environment. It`s also necessary to eat well and as our body response accurately to not healthy eating. Moreover, you would need to avoid stress and anxiety if you want to keep your hair.

How to make bleaching cream at home?

Do you want to make some changes to your skin? Naij.com will give you top 3 best bleaching solutions for your skin! In addition, we will also give you top 10 products for bleaching! How to make bleach in Nigeria? Continue reading to know all the secrets!

Top 3 Bleaching Skin Remedies!
. How to make bleach cream?
Bleach cream can be the perfect remedy for dark skin! You can find a lot of cosmetic creams and other products in the market. Still, these creams can be very expensive. Don`t you think that you can make this cream at home? Let`s take a look at the recipes!

Recipe 1

- Rose Water;

- Lemon Juice (one cup).


- Take a cup of lemon juice;

- Add rose water to it (few drops are enough);

- Mix the ingredients until you get a creamy mixture;

- Take a cotton ball;

- Dip the ball into the mixture;

- Rub the ball with the mixture onto your body;

- Let the mixture stay on your body for 15 minutes;

- Wash off the mixture with warm water

Recipe 2

- Turmeric (one pinch);

- Lemon Juice;

- Gram Flour (two teaspoons);

- Heavy cream.


- Mix the gram flour and turmeric in a bowl;

- Add ten lemon juice drops to the mixture;

- Stir the mixture;

- Add the heavy cream;

- Stir the mixture thoroughly;

- Now you can apply the mixture to your body for bleaching.

Recipe 3

- Organic yogurt (two cups);

- Honey (one tablespoon);

- Turmeric (one pinch);

- Almonds (four);

- Lemon Juice (two tablespoons).


- Take a food processor and ground the almonds;

- Mix all the ingredients together;

- Stir the ingredients until you get a creamy substance;

- Apply this substance onto your skin;

- You may need to apply it every day before you go to bed.

2. Bleach Soap
Now it`s time to make skin whitening soap! How to make a bleach? You just need to follow our instructions, and everything will be fine! Everything you need to know is right here!

How to make bleaching soap?

- Glycerin soap base (it should be melted already);

- Lemon Juice (two tablespoons);

- Honey (one tablespoon);

- Turmeric (one pinch);


- You just need to mix the base of your soap with other ingredients;

- Pour the mixture into molds (any kind of container you wish);

- Cool the mixture in a fridge;

- Now you can use the soap in your bathroom.

In this very recipe, the main ingredient is the glycerin soap base. You can also mix the base with the elements from our top 10 products for bleaching! Do not mix too many products!

3. Bleach Paste

- Yogurt;

- Honey;

- Cream paste;

- Lemon Juice.


- Just mix the ingredients into one smooth paste. After that, you can apply this bleach onto every part of your body.

Top 10 products for bleaching and whitening effect!

How to make bleach solution? The following products will certainly help you with this task! You can mix them together like in the recipes above. All these products can be treated as natural remedies for bleaching your skin, reducing wrinkles and anti-aging effect!

1. Aloe Vera
If you want to reduce hyperpigmentation, then you may choose Aloe Vera as your cream bleaching basis. Aloe Vera is a natural remedy for your skin. Also, it can help you to clear dirt and pollution from your skin. You can buy Aloe Vera gel at the market and mix it with other ingredients to make bleaching products.

2. Lemons
Have you noticed that almost every bleaching recipe has lemon juice? Any lemon can be a great source of Vitamin C. In addition, it`s constantly used in beauty products due to its antioxidants. It can also encourage cell growth.

3. Honey
Didn`t you know that honey can act as a perfect bleaching agent! You can literally add honey to any cream base, and you will get a perfect anti-aging effect. It`s also possible to use pure honey as a whitening agent. Just apply it on the skin and wash off after 15 minutes.

4. Gram Flour
Another usable ingredient for bleaching effect is gram flour. You may have noticed that this element is used in almost all recipes! You can mix this element with almost everything! If you want to make a bleach soap or cream – just use gram flour!

5. Oranges
Another great source of vitamin C is oranges! Orange is also known for its skin remedy properties! Oranges are also a useful bleaching ingredient. You can also use orange juice to improve the texture of your skin.

6. Yogurt

Yogurt can provide a lot of properties that are essential for your skin health. Even plain yogurt can be an excellent way to bleach your skin The lactic acids in the Yogurt can provide a bleaching effect within several weeks. Just try to use it every day, and in two weeks you will notice the results.

7. Papaya

Asian women have been using papaya for centuries! It has a lot of healthy properties for your skin. One of these properties is the bleaching effect. You can see that papaya is an aspect of various beauty products. You can also eat papaya regularly for a healthy skin. The nutrients in papaya will get rid of impurities from your skin.

8. Turmeric
It`s another element that has been mentioned in this article. Turmeric is widely used in various beauty products to improve the skin complexion.

9. Cucumber

This simple vegetable is a source of collagen and can be used on your skin. It helps your skin retain elasticity and make it lighter.

10. Oatmeal

It`s the best way to get a new and lighter skin! Even regular consumption of oatmeal will aid your skin health.

Shea butter for skin lightening

Essential oils are integral components of any means for face and body care. So, today, we are going to tell about such popular and effective component of creams and masks for face and body as Shea butter. It is extracted from the kernels of the nut of the Karite tree, which grows in some parts of Africa.

The local people call this plant – "tree of life", and it is not accidental because it is quite often used in cooking, medicines and soap production. Nut seed contains 50% of oil, which even retains quite dense (solid) composition at room temperature (as, for example, coconut oil or melted butter).

The Shea butter begins to melt at a temperature of 42 degrees. So, when applied to the skin it gradually melts and is easily absorbed without leaving a greasy trace. The smell of Shea is light, something between the aroma of coconut and walnuts.

Depending on the color, you can determine how it was received. Oil if it is grayish, yellowish, khaki or mixed shades, means it's got due to manual methods by the cold pressing method, and if it's white — so, it’s industrial with hydrocarbon hexane.

Health Benefits of Shea Butter

Shea butter, obtained by a chemical process, which involves bleaching, deodorizing and overheating — loses much of useful properties, including the possibility of deep moisture, nutrition, and protection from aging. As for the use of Shea butter which is obtained manually (cold pressed or refined), it retains all the healing properties, including a deep rejuvenation and hydration of the skin.

Therefore, choosing the Shea butter, pay attention to the smell (it should be) and color. The composition of Shea butter consists of various acids, triglyceride, christerode, unsaponifiable fats, vitamins, micro and macro elements, in particular:

Triglyceride: oleic, linoleic, stearic, palmitic, and other fatty acids. They moisturize the skin, protects against aggressive environmental influences.
Karisterol — stimulate the cell activity and promote the production of collagen.
Vitamins A, E and F. Vitamin A renews and regenerates cells, nourishes dry skin, moisturizes and haggard and flaky skin. Vitamin E rejuvenates, slows down aging processes, prevents the action of free radicals, has strong antioxidant properties, improves microcirculation and the membrane exchange. Vitamin F eliminates toxins, soothes inflammation and accelerates the healing of wounds.
Shea butter can be applied both in pure form and in the various masks and creams for skin care. The only thing doctors recommend to refrain (or at least be careful) from the use of Shea butter for those who are allergic to nuts.

Therefore, Shea butter, pure or in a cream composition is recommended in the following cases:

psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, rosacea;
burns, bruises, wounds, muscle pain;
inflammation and swelling of the skin;
dry, mature, flaky and parched skin;
frostbitten or burned skin due to exposure to UV rays.
Shea Butter for face
Thankfully to the record-high proportion of unsaponifiable fats, which are contained in Shea butter (much less unsaponifiable fats contained in avocado oil) it is well absorbed, stimulates collagen synthesis, restores natural color and moisture balance of the skin, protects from UV rays, prevents skin aging (fights fine lines and age-related changes). That’s why Shea butter is recommended to be applied not only on the face and sensitive area around the eyes eyeshadow — for smoothing and preventing wrinkles under the eyes.

Shea butter is suitable for all skin types, including those prone to peeling and irritation. Please, note that Shea butter is suitable for dry skin and for oily (in this case, it acts as a natural moisturizer), including those prone to acne. It softens, cleanses and even slightly discolors blemishes that arose after the acne.
In the case if Shea butter is used for the treatment of diseases of the skin, don't expect miracles — it is not a cure, but only softens hardened areas, moisturizes and prevents progression of the disease, so is shouldn’t be applied as main but auxiliary mean.

The use of Shea butter provides complete recovery of the skin. It heals cracks on lips, heels, softens the skin of body and hands. The Shea oil is recommended as an emollient with diaper rash in infants and to prevent scars, soothe the skin after insect bites or irritation (even after shaving), for the prevention of stretch marks resulting from pregnancy as well.

Cream and mask for face with Shea butter
As mentioned above, it can be used in pure form — that is, apply as needed on areas of the skin, in combination with other components, which can be both homemade and of industrial production. Below we will tell about the first, and about the others.

The rules of applying Shea butter in its pure form are the following:

clean the skin (it can be normal washing as well as a steam bath that deeply cleanses dirty pores).
take a little piece of Shea butter and gently mash it, apply to the skin (including eye area, neck, décolleté, lips, hands and other body parts).
massage these zones (in the same way as a regular cream).
Within 10-15 minutes the oil is fully absorbed into the skin. It is also possible to apply Shea butter in cold or hot weather. To do this, before going outdoors lubricate the exposed areas of the body with Shea butter and avoid greasiness (for example, if you use too much) — gently eliminate the remnants with the help of a paper towel.

Excellent absorbent features of Shea butter help to provide skin cells with useful macro- and micro-elements which contain other cosmetic components. Therefore, Shea butter, along with coconut is used for making cream at home.

Shea butter for skin lightening
Take equal proportions of oils: Shea, coconut, grape seed. Mix them and heat on a steam bath (double boiler) until it liquefies (do not overheat, 40-42 degrees will be enough). Then let harden and mix it using a mixer or a blender. The result is a light and airy cream, now it is ready to use. It is recommended to use it in winter and in summer.

For a warm period, it is recommended to add to oil mixture in equal parts a sea buckthorn (provides light tan and protects against UV rays) and oil of aloe Vera (it is sold in capsules at the chemists shop). The preparing process is exactly the same as in the first example, however in this case you get a lightweight cream that can be used as a body lotion, and as means for protecting from tan and also for softening and healing cracked lips or hands.
For some kind of diversity, you can add to the obtained cream a few drops of your favorite essential oil (lavender for calming, peppermint for stress relief, tea tree — for oily skin with acne but do not overdo it, just a few drops).

The cream can be done with other components, by adding Shea butter and others, which are most suitable for you (e.g., olive, wheat germ, avocado — everything depends on what problem needs to be resolved). Just try not to add heavy fatty oils or decrease their proportion.

Face mask with Shea butter
Shea butter can be added to almost any masks’ recipe for skin care that will provide better absorption of other ingredients into the deeper layers of the skin. Very useful is the following recipe:

1 tsp honey;
1 tsp of aloe juice;
1 egg white;
1 tsp of Shea butter.
Mix, apply on clean skin for 15-20 minutes. The mask is applied not only on the face but also the neck, décolleté, and if you want or need on hands. After 20 minutes rinse oil with warm water or tea. The use of the cream is not required. This mask nourishes, moisturizes, tightens the skin, eliminating fine wrinkles.

Shea butter is recommended for tired, aging skin with the first signs of aging. Also, benefits of Shea butter are in the prevention of first wrinkles. In addition, you can purchase cosmetic products, Shea butter soap, scrub or body cream for the face, body, hands, feet, lip balm and others. The value of Shea butter is so high that it is present in almost all cosmetic preparations.

Camwood powder for skin: benefits

Many of us want to have a well-groomed and beautiful skin. Black soap for skin lighting with the use of camwood powder is possible to make at home with your own hands. But what are other benefits of camwood?
What is camwood?

Camwood is a dyeing tree of Baphia nitida delivered to Europe from Africa in the shape of small crimson pieces and it is very close to sandalwood by its properties. It contains about 20% of santalin and is valued even more than the real sandalwood. Different cosmetics that are based on the camwood are wodely used by women all over West Africa for common skin problems such as Acne, Eczema, blemishes or extreme dry skin.

Camwood for skin lightening

Every woman dreams of a clean skin without pigment spots and sometimes we need to lighten the skin and for that purpose, powder made of camwood can help us out. By lightening skin, we mean reducing skin tone to get brighter. How does camwood powder contributes in making our skin soft without any dermal alterations?

Camwood powder contains amazing antioxidants that help to improve blood circulation to your face, get rid of toxins and create a powerful skin protection from wrinkle formation. Various camwood powder masks are also good for sun damaged skin and help teens to cope with pimples.

Lightening black soap
This black soap helps to manage such skin problems, as greasy luster, acne, black dots, pigmental spots, psoriasis, eczema. It clears, nourishes, protects and refreshes skin. It is good for any type of skin, including child’s skin and sensitive skin. This type of soap can be applied both for the care of skin and hair.

How to make lightening black soap at home?
Apart from camwood powder we need to add some other ingredients. For instance, shea butter which is the natural filter of ultraviolet and vegetable glycerin that provides softening of skin. The black soap has to boil for a whole day, the mixture must be stirred constantly.

There are plenty of camwood powder benefits which you can try on yourself. Tell us your opinion on camwood benefits for skin!

Benefits of soya beans to babies

The food for babies is a special topic that requires a careful approach. The benefits of soya beans to babies are proven and confirmed by science. This time we will discuss all the details and features of this unique product.
Soya beans for babies

These beans contain a lot of sugars, which help to maintain the vital functions of the intestinal bacteria. The vitamin F of soybeans is merely indispensable for the growing baby.

Soya is actively used by the producers of baby food while creating products for babies suffering from laccase insufficiency. Also, you can find soya products for children with diabetes. There are a lot of baby food based on soybeans, read on, and you will find out why.

Features and effects of soya beans

The list of soya bean benefits is long, so let's see the main points:

Soya proteins are digested better than animal proteins, they do not form slags and contain almost all kinds of amino acids. The vitamins of B type are necessary for the normal state of skin, hair, nails, and functions of the nervous system. Vitamins E and C are needed to protect the body from infections.
An important component of the nervous system is lecithin, which protects nerve cells from damage. Lecithin is responsible for logical thinking, memory, it is needed to provide the normal function of the nervous system.

Soybean lecithin (a constituent of soybean oil) promotes the synthesis of red blood cells and hemoglobin, the assimilation of vitamins A, E, K, D, participates in fat metabolism, prevents retinal damage, and respiratory disease. Soybean lecithin contributes to the production of energy and normalizes the consistency of bile.

Pediatricians often prescribe soya milk at the first year of child's life. According to the regulated rules, GMO-soy is not used in the manufacturing of a baby meal.
Soya milk mixtures have been used for more than 100 years. The composition of modern mixtures is significantly improved. Earlier they were prepared from soya flour. Currently, all mixtures are prepared from a soya protein isolate - a purified protein that has a high biological value. In addition, proteins are enriched with biologically active substances: taurine, L-carnitine, L-methionine.

Fats in soya mixtures are represented by vegetable oils: palm, olive, soya beans, sunflower, coconut. The fatty component is similar to the composition of the milk mixtures. The soya mixtures are enriched with phosphorus, calcium, zinc, and iron.

Soya beans powder for babies

This kind of powder is very nutritious, rich in minerals, omega-3 fats, vitamins, and other beneficial elements for a child. You can grind the Soya beans combining it with other products. One of the best child's products of soya beans powder is soya milk.
To make this kind of milk you need: two Unripe plantains, five cups of soybeans and one cup of groundnuts. The soybeans should be frayed and ground together with other ingredients. Remember that soya powder should be used for two weeks. You can add it to smoothies or desserts.

As you see, the benefits of soya beans make this product almost indispensable.

Moringa seed benefits and side effects

Herbs are widely used in medicine production. Different plants are not only good for making pills and syrups but also work as home remedies. You probably have heard about such plant as moringa. It is collected in tropical and sub-Himalayan regions. This plant can be very useful for your health. But does it has side effects too. Broaden your knowledge about this plant and to learn what moringa seed benefits and side effects are.
Moringa oleifera

There are different types of the plant and this one is the most popular to cultivate. People refer to it as to the ‘drumstick’ plant due to the form of the seedpods. Since many people use moringa oleifera for herbal medicine needs, you can also enjoy the health benefits of moringa seed which contains many minerals and vitamins.
Moringa oleifera

There are different types of the plant and this one is the most popular to cultivate. People refer to it as to the ‘drumstick’ plant due to the form of the seedpods. Since many people use moringa oleifera for herbal medicine needs, you can also enjoy the health benefits of moringa seed which contains many minerals and vitamins.
Health benefits of moringa seeds

The long list of benefits of moringa seeds looks amazing.

Better digestion
The plant contains fiber that can improve your digestion and is another health benefit of moringa seed. It is a great way to boost food moving in your system. Fiber wouldn’t hurt, this is for sure.

Healthier joints
It is said that taking the seeds is good for joints. The plant has anti-inflammatory and other components that are good for treating arthritis (remember about consulting a doctor before treating any joint issues).

Healthier skin
Who doesn’t want to have healthy skin? Healthy skin looks amazing and pleasing to the eye. The seeds contain oil and antioxidants. They are rich on Vitamin A. Oils and vitamins help to fight with acne and the cleansing effect will make the skin beautifully looking and moisturized.
Losing weight
Different diet plans include herbs to help to break down body fats. Seeds from moringa contain the important oil and can be a good addition to the menu of people who want to lose extra weight.

Lowing blood pressure
Moringa seed is believed to low down high blood pressure. People who experience issues with high blood pressure could try it (but only after talking to their doctor). Seeds are not the only method of fixing the problem. In addition, you can exercise and eat healthy food.

Lowing cholesterol levels
Many people eat meat to get important fats. You can replace this with plant seeds that are rich on acid. It will help with lowing down the levels of high cholesterol in your blood.

Managing sugar level in blood
Those who experience issues with normalizing their blood sugar levels can try taking moringa seeds to lower these levels. Just don’t think that it’s a real treatment for patients with diabetes. It is always important to consult your doctor before taking the seeds to control the sugar level in your blood.

Better hair
The vitamins A and C contained in the moringa seed are good for making your hair stronger and growing faster. Having healthy hair is great for both women and men. The natural herbs work great on helping the hair cells to repair and feeding your follicles with ‘food’ (nutrients) they require.

Stronger teeth & other benefits
The vitamins, minerals, and other components (calcium, iron, zinc etc.) are good for your tooth system.

This plant’s seeds are also believed to improve eyesight, make your immune system stronger, and even be a preventive measure for colon cancer.
Moringa seed side effects

With all the benefits, there are still negative sides of taking these seeds on a regular basis or in big quantities.

Possibility of constipation
Taking too many moringa seeds can hurt your stomach and prevent the body from absorbing the important nutrients you need for healthy life. Dietary plants are only good in moderate quantity and with enough water drunk throughout the day.

Possibility of hypoglycemia
People with diabetes should be careful with what they eat. Moderate amount of moringa seed can be good, but excess amounts can be dangerous and extremely low down the blood sugar levels causing hypoglycemia.

Too many seeds could lead to allergies. Besides, some people might face allergic reaction to particular plants (moringa among them). Make sure you don’t get this side effect before starting to consume the seeds on a regular basis.
Extremely low blood pressure
Once again, taking too many seeds could bring your blood pressure to the bottom and lead to hypotension which, in its turn, causes depressive mood, dizziness, fatigue etc.

Unhealthy cells
Taking too many seeds can lead to cell damage. Antioxidants are only good in moderate amounts.

Not the food for pregnancy
Women who are expecting a baby or are nursing a child should avoid eating moringa seeds because this plant (that has many vitamins and important elements) could cause allergic in some individuals. It is better to not take this risk while the little baby depends on your body or milk.

The plant’s seeds have a big number of components that could be great for your health or cause some unpleasant side effects. Be smart while taking any herbs and plants and you will improve your skin, bones, hair, and overall state of health.

How to make moringa tea from dried leaves?
Moringa is one of the best sources of vitamins and nutrients. It`s also a good source of iron, Vitamin C, beta-carotene, potassium, and calcium. If you are looking for an energy drink, then take a look at Moringa! Dried or Fresh Moringa tea can be a perfect energy boost for you in the morning! How to make Moringa tea right? Continue reading to find out!
How to make Morinaga Tea from fresh leaves?
Let`s take a look at the following guide on how to make Moringa dried leaves out of fresh leaves. Just follow this simple recipe!

- Get Moringa Leaves. You will need at least four stalks of leaves. Harvest the Moringa leaves from the Moringa tree. Choose the stalks with mature leaves as they can dry much faster. Tear off the stalks if you want to make more Moringa tea;
Air drying. Dry up Moringa tree leaves together with the stalks. You need to dry them at room temperature. Then, put the leaves in a paper bag and make few holes in it. After that, place the bags in a cool area. You can dry them together and then separate stalks and leaves. However, some people like to add stalks into the tea due to the fiber content;
- Grinding. Now you need to grind Moringa tree leaves (if you do not want to grind the stalks, then you have to separate them from leaves). After two weeks in a cold place, Moringa tea leaves are ready for grinding. The leaves should be dry enough to be separated from the stalks with no problems. You can leave stalks for grinding as they are a good source of fiber;
- Storage! Now you should put the grinded Moringa tea leaves into bags to store. An open moist place is very dangerous for the leaves! Do not leave them there!
- How to prepare your Moringa? It`s in the same way as with any tea! Just pour some hot water in a cup with grinded Moringa leaves. You can also add some ginger to your tea or honey to taste.

- You can choose to make Iced Moringa tea. You just need to mix hot Moringa tea with little honey and fresh ginger. Then just add ice and place it into the refrigerator for eight hours.

Moringa Tea Benefits
It`s certain that Moringa the weight loss tea is good for your health! Just take a look at the top 10 Moringa tea leaves benefits!

- Nutrient-pack. Moringa tea is packed with vitamins E, C and A and elements, like protein, potassium, and calcium.

- It can fight radicals. The antioxidants in the tea can fight free radicals in your body.

- It can fight inflammation.

- It can help reduce the chances of diabetes and keep you from being stressed.

- It can protect your cardiovascular system. Moringa tea prevents plaques formation and reduces the cholesterol level.
- Moringa tea supports your brain health. The vitamins C and E can prevent the neuron degeneration in your brains.

- Moringa tea protects your liver

- Moringa tea has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties.

- It can enhance wound healing.

- It improves your overall mood.

Moringa tree tea recipe
Now you know how to make Moringa tea and what the main benefits of this tea are. You can surprise your friends and relatives by serving them a good cup of Moringa tea. They will certainly appreciate it.

How to use moringa leaves for skin care

Unfortunately, not all people are blessed with perfect skin. However, there are natural remedies that can make the situation much better. Today, we are going to tell you how to use moringa leaves to improve your skin’s condition. You might be surprised by the results!

What is moringa?

In case you do not know, moringa is a plant native to the tropics and the sub-Himalayan areas. All parts of this plant have incredible medicinal qualities, which makes it very useful for treating various ailments. However, the most used one is probably the moringa leaf.

While it is often used as a part of the meal, moringa leaf is actually great for your skin. Not only does it have amazing cleansing abilities that can make your skin feel clean and smooth, but it is also full of antioxidants that can improve your skin from within. Do you want to know how you can use it for your benefit? Then let’s go!

How to use moringa?
There are many moringa uses for skin, and we are going to outline four best recipes we could find. If you do not have access to fresh moringa leaves, do not fret, as most of them involve using moringa powder, which is more easily accessible. So strap in and check out these moringa recipes that can improve the state of your skin.

Nutritional face mask with avocado and moringa
While you might think that this mask will make you look like Shrek, as you will be combining green with green, the result will be totally worth it, trust us. To make this rejuvenating mask, you will need:

One mashed ripe avocado;
One tablespoon of moringa powder;
One teaspoon of honey;
One teaspoon of water or lemon juice.

Mix everything together in a bowl.
Apply the mixture to your face. Make sure you spread it nice and even, and avoid the area around the eyes.
Leave the mask for about 15-20 minutes.
Afterwards, wash off with warm water and enjoy the fresh feel of your skin.
Pro tip: if you are using lemon juice for this mask, it is not recommended to expose the skin to direct sunlight right afterwards, as it can do more harm than good. So either do it in the evening, or do not leave the house afterwards for at least a few hours.

Anti-blemish face mask with moringa and banana
Even though the name of this mask might sound delicious, your skin will definitely enjoy it much more than your stomach. For this recipe, you are going to need:

Half of a mashed banana;
One tablespoon (one serving packet) of moringa powder;
One tablespoon of honey;
Two tablespoons of tea tree oil.

Mix everything together in a bowl.
Apply the mixture to your problem spots. Do not be afraid to use a lot of it.
Leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes.
When the time is up, use warm water to wash the mask off. Use this remedy as often as you need to get rid of blemishes.
This DIY mask can help you take care of the blemishes without drying your skin too much thanks to the presence of the banana. And it makes the mask smell really good, too!

Body scrub with oatmeal and moringa

If the skin on the face is not your biggest concern, and instead you want to take care of the rest of the skin on your body, then you should try this exfoliating scrub, which can help with dryness and sensitivity. To make this scrub, you will need:

One cup of old-fashioned oats;
Two tablespoons (2 serving packets) of moringa powder;
Once cup of granulated sugar;
Half a cup of coconut oil.

Put the oats in the blender/food processor and process them until they have a flour-like consistency.
Mix the oats with sugar and moringa powder in a bowl.
Add the coconut oil to the mixture and stir until it is well combined.
Apply the scrub to clean moist skin with soft massaging motions.
Thoroughly rinse it off with water.
You can store this scrub for up to a month in an airtight container.

Simple anti-acne moringa face mask

If you want the purest moringa experience, you should try this face mask. There is nothing simpler than this. All you are going to need for it is:

Moringa leaves;
Some water.
To make the mask, follow these steps:

Grab some moringa leaves and grind them with a little bit of water.
Continue grinding until you get a smooth paste. You can gradually add more water while you are grinding to achieve the correct consistency.
Apply the mixture all over your face in an even layer.
Leave it on for the usual 15-20 minutes.
After the time has passed, use warm water to wash the mask off and enjoy your glowing skin.
Even though this is the simplest recipe out of the four, it can still give you some great results, and you do not need to worry about getting all the extra ingredients. You can also add a little bit of lemon juice if you want, but remember not to go into the sun right after using the mask.

Moringa benefits

After you have learned how to use the wonderful qualities of moringa leaves to your advantage, take some time to read about the benefits of moringa for the skin, which you can expect from your DIY creations. Here are seven benefits you should definitely know about:

Anti-inflammatory properties. If you have easily irritated skin, moringa can help you with that by lowering your skin’s sensitivity and making it less red.
Purifying properties. Moringa leaves are known for their cleansing properties, which makes them a great ingredient for skincare products.
Natural acne treatment. Due to their antiseptic properties, moringa leaves can help you get rid of acne, as they remove the root of the problem, which is bacteria.
Healing properties. You might not be aware of this, but moringa leaves are very effective for healing wounds, so you can use them if you want your wounds to heal faster.
Anti-aging properties. As these magical leaves are full of antioxidants, they can be a great tool in fighting the effects of aging and skin cell degeneration.
Protection against the UV rays. Thanks to the high content of Beta-carotene, moringa leaves provide protection from the harmful effects of the sun.
Scalp treatment. It is easy to forget that the scalp is also skin, which needs to be taken care of. Moringa leaves have many microelements and vitamins that help to nourish the scalp, thus getting rid of dandruff and improving the condition of the hair.
Now you know all about the moringa leaves benefits, as well as the ways you can use them to your advantage. Have you tried any of these recipes? What do you think? Let us know in the comments. We would love to know whether you have been able to achieve the desired results.

How to make Moringa oil without a machine?

Moringa oil is a very rich oil gotten from the seeds of Moringa oleifera. This magic plant's seeds and oil are highly appreciated by many people. This is because this oil has a lot of benefits including health and cosmetic. Learn how to make Moringa oil without a machine at home.
Moringa oil is also known as Ben oil. It is gotten from the seeds of Moringa oleifera. Moringa oleifera is the most common type of Moringa tree (there are other species of Moringa tree). It is also known as drumstick tree. Moringa tree is cultivated majorly in tropical areas, and it is now popular in Nigeria. It grows fast and can resist extended period of drought. Moringa tree is majorly grown for its pods and leaves. It produces long slender pods that contain seeds. These seeds are very nutritious. They are rich in vitamins B and C. The leaves of the Moringa tree is also highly nutritious. Some people eat the leaves raw because of its high medicinal value. You can consider planting miracle tree Moringa in your garden because it is easy to plant and has great value.

Moringa oil benefits

Before we explain the extraction process, let us highlight some of the properties and benefits of Moringa oil.

Moringa oil has the following properties;

● Antioxidant

● Antimicrobial

● Anti-inflammatory

● Disinfectant

● Anti-aging

● Emollient (skin moisturizing properties)

● Exfoliate (removes dead skin cells)
Some of it uses includes:

● Making of soaps, shampoos and body washes (excellent skin cleansing and moisturizing effect).

● It can be utilised for cooking e.g. stir-fried dishes and marinades.

● Lubrication of small machine parts.

● Making of perfumes and fragrances.

● Also, it is used on the skin for treating some skin conditions like acne.

Moringa oil has a lot of numerous applications. You can read more about them in details later.

Moringa oil extraction

Moringa oil extraction can be done either by cold press method or by solvent extraction. Cold press method is the use of electrical extraction machine or manual hand press machine. Solvent extraction is a method applied based on the different solubility properties of two compounds.

There are different ways of making Moringa oil by solvent extraction. But here is one simple way you can make Moringa oil at home quickly:

● After harvesting your seeds or buying them, put it in a pan and stir fry it till they turn dark brown.

● Remove it from the fire and pour it into a blender or grinder to crush the seeds.

● Pour the crushed Moringa seeds into a pot of hot water and boil them. Boil until the oil is visible on top. When you see the oil on top, you should cook it a little longer. You can cook for about 20 more minutes.

● After boiling, you can now skim off the oil and allow it to cool before you pour it into a container. Voila! Your oil is ready for use.

There are other ways of solvent extraction that can be carried out. They are mostly used for commercial purposes. The crushed Moringa oleifera seeds are heated in a flask containing hexane. After heating it, the hexane solvent is separated from the oil by distillation and then washing the mixture with saturated NaCl. If you are interested in the commercial way of solvent extraction, you will need to learn about it in details.

Just follow the simple process above if you want to extract your oil at home and you don’t have a pressing machine. Enjoy the result!

Moringa and fertility: Does it work?

What are Moringa leaf and Moringa seed health benefits? What is it known about Moringa and fertility?

It is little known about Moringa Oleifera or Moringa tree, which grows in arid areas on sandy soils. It’s country of origin is India, a place where are the foothills of Himalayas. It is also found in Thailand, Africa, Taiwan and Philippines. According to the researches, Moringa leaf contains vitamins, minerals, amino acids and much more.

Moringa leaves are rich in antioxidants, vitamin C, beta-carotene and chlorogenic acid which slows the absorption of sugars at the cellular level. As reported, Moringa leaf has a powerful antioxidant effect, it can fight free radicals, damaging key biomolecules, and protect from oxidation.
A group of Tanzanian researchers has proven that taking 25 g of Moringa powder covers daily requirement of 42% protein, 125% calcium, 61% magnesium, 41% potassium, 71% iron, 272% vitamin A, 22% vitamin C.

Despite the incredible moringa leaf benefits, it was found out that main Moringa Oleifera advantages are root and its bark. They are used not only for food but also for medical purposes: against asthma and for diseases of kidneys.
Moringa leaf powder is used for:

1. stimulation of metabolic processes;

2. maintenance of an optimal level of glucose in the blood (diabetes mellitus);

3. improving memory;

4. maintenance of visual acuity;

5. reducing the level of anxiety and depression;

6. easing insomnia;

7. enhancing the effectiveness of antihypertensive therapy;

8. food supplements.

9. fighting skin aging;


Moringa and fertility

So, the powder of the Moringa leaves is used to increase lactation and prevent nursing mothers from anemia.

One 100 g portion of Moringa leaves could give a woman more than 1|3 of her need of calcium every day and provide her with needed amount of iron, protein, copper and vitamins.
Menopause benefits
During menopause the body needs additional amounts of iron and calcium to compensate for excessive bleeding. Due to irregular menstruation and hormonal changes women experience fatigue and sometimes stress. The Moringa leaf powder helps to alleviate the symptoms of menopause.
In addition to this, Moringa leaf and seeds can help you fight infertility – both for men and women. If to speak of men, it is advised to mix Moringa with pepper and ginger.

Even after brewing, Moringa leaf still has a large amount of nutrients, so after you finish with the tea, it is useful to eat the leaves.

Dry leaves can also be added to soups, omelettes or rice. It is advisable to add them at the end of cooking to preserve the maximum amount of nutrients (as in the case with other vegetables or herbs).
Dry leaves can be ground into powder and added to milk and other cocktails. You need to consider that the powder has a much higher concentration, and it should be used with caution.

Terms and conditions storage: 24 months, without access to direct sunlight. Dried Moringa leaf powder has a long shelf life without losing its nutritional value and properties.

So, this way hope that you understood that Moringa leaf and seeds are extremely beneficial for your health especially if you want to get pregnant, but you have some problems with fertility, and it doesn’t matter whether you are a man or a woman.

Benefits of dates for men

If you are a man that cares about his health, check out our article on seven important health benefits of dates for men. We will tell you all you need to know about the dates fruit benefits so that you can lead a healthier life!

Health benefits of dates

Dates are, undoubtedly, some of the most delicious fruits out there. It is hard to find a person who does not like dates. However, in addition to being incredibly tasty, dates have many health benefits. Research has shown that eating dates can improve almost everything in a person’s body: from aiding digestion to lowering the risk of abdominal cancer.

Nevertheless, we can only fit so much in one article. Therefore, we decided to focus on seven most important benefits of eating dates for male health. Let’s check them out!

Benefits of dates for reproductive health and libido
There are so many ways that dates can improve your intimate life and reproductive health! For starters, they do wonders to men’s libidos. Dates are natural aphrodisiacs, which means that they can boost the feelings of attraction and desire.

Another great benefit of dates is their effect on the stamina in bed. And we have a secret recipe that we want to share with you. Here is what you need to do:

Soak some dates in goat’s milk and leave them overnight. In the morning, add some honey and cardamom to the mix and grind it all together. Consume this mixture every day, and your endurance will improve greatly. Your partner will definitely not be disappointed!

But wait, there is more:

Dates have incredible effect on the male reproductive health. It has been scientifically proven that the pollen from a date palm works wonders for the male reproductive organs and fertility. Therefore, if you have any troubles with that, consider adding dates to your diet, if you haven’t already.

Dates as hangover cure

Who does not love to let loose every once in a while? Most of the time, this means consuming copious amounts of alcohol without thinking about consequences and then feeling horrible in the morning.

Curing terrible hangover is one of the benefits of eating dates on an empty stomach. Before you have a chance to stuff yourself silly with fat foods (that, by the way, do nothing for curing hangovers), consider eating some dates first.

If you want to avoid hangover altogether and drink smart, you can try this interesting Nigerian method. There is no actual science behind it, but it has saved many poor souls from getting too intoxicated. Just add some pepper and dates to your beer, and you will end up less drunk than everyone around you.

Benefits of eating dates for heart health

Dates are very low in fat and high in fibres and potassium, which makes them the perfect food for your heart. Eating dates lowers the risk of cardiovascular diseases, reduces the LDL cholesterol levels and even prevents strokes.

If you have a weak heart, consider this helpful recipe: soak some dates in drinking water overnight, then mush them in the morning and consume the mixture. Do this two times a week to make your heart stronger.

Health benefits of dates fruit for the nervous system
The potassium found in dates is not only good for the heart. It also helps the nervous system to be more responsive and healthy. A nervous system that works properly is one of the most important things in human health.

In addition to that, potassium can also help regulate your sleeping schedule. So if you have trouble sleeping, add some dates to your menu.

Dates as the means of improving brain health

These days, many people think that brains can make a person more attractive. This means that, if you want to show off your intelligent side, your grey matter needs regular workouts to stay in good shape. In order to help with this, eat dates regularly. Scientists say that dates can significantly improve brain functions, especially its cognitive performance.

In addition, several studies have shown that eating dates can prevent any possible inflammation in the brain, as well as reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s. Is there anything that dates cannot do?

Dates for treating allergies

Not all of us have been blessed with allergy-free lives. While most people enjoy all kinds of weather, some of us have to suffer through months of blocked sinuses and red teary eyes. Of course, there is special medicine for that, but what if does not have the desired effect?

Well, you can slightly improve the situation by eating dates! Studies have shown that dates can reduce the effects of allergies due to the high content of sulphur. Now, if you ever feel like you would not be able to survive another sneeze, eat some dates. Unless you are allergic to them too.

Importance of dates for a healthy body

What we have talked about above mostly concerns the things inside our bodies. But what about the body itself? It turns out that dates can improve this too! For example, they help with alleviating fatigue after an illness or a prolonged workout.

In addition to that, they can also help if you are trying to lose extra kilograms and gain extra muscles. As dates are considered a low-calorie fruit, you can munch on them and not worry about gaining any weight. They also aid digestion, which is very important for maintaining a healthy weight.

Nutritional value of dates

As you have probably gathered from all the mentioned benefits, dates are very nutritious and full of important elements. Nevertheless, take an extra minute to learn about the nutritional value of dates. The following numbers are for the 100 g portion of dates.

Calories: 282 kcal
Protein: 2.45 grams
Dietary fibre: 8 grams
Sugars: 63.35 grams
Calcium: 39 mg
Potassium: 656 mg
Magnesium: 43 mg
Phosphorus: 62 mg
If you want to see the full breakdown, click here.

All that being said, you can get the most benefits of eating dates in the morning. All of the benefits that we have mentioned will be more noticeable if you eat dates for breakfast. Therefore, consider starting your day with at least a handful of dates to improve your well-being. We hope that this article has been helpful, and that you have been able to learn something new. Have a nice day!

8 reasons why you should eat watermelon often

There is nothing as refreshing as having a chilled slice of watermelon on a sunny afternoon. About ninety-two percent of this fruit is mostly water and is filled with nutrients, vitamins, organic compounds and minerals.

This means that every juicy intake of this fruit has significant amounts of calcium, vitamin C, protein, fiber, magnesium and large amounts of potassium.

While we would be looking at the health benefits of consuming water melon, we also have to consider the seeds found within the fruit. This fruit contains lots of lycopene, antioxidants and amino acids. Lycophene is a phytonutrient that is a naturally occurring compound in fruits and vegetables that produces healthy reactions in the human body. It is the red pigment which gives watermelons, guavas, tomatoes and red grapefruits their color.

Find below some of the amazing health benefits accrued to the intake of watermelon:

1. Prevention of kidney disorder

Watermelon has a considerable amount of potassium in it. This is very helpful in the cleansing and washing off of toxic depositions in the kidneys. It also helps to reduce the concentration of uric acid in the blood.

The reduction of uric acid in the blood will also reduce the formation or renal calculi in that organ. Constant intake of this fruit would lead to frequent urination which is also a way of flushing the kidneys.

2. It reduces signs of aging

Water melon contains anti- oxidants which reduce aging signs like wrinkles and spots on the skin.  Like every other fruits, eating watermelons will make you look younger and healthier.

3. Regulation of blood pressure

Due to the amounts of potassium and magnesium contained in watermelons, it is quite possible to regulate one’s blood pressure. Potassium releases the tension of blood vessels and arteries; this reduces the stress of the cardiovascular system while there is an increased blood flow.

The presence of carotenoids present in the watermelons also prevents the hardening of the artery walls and veins; this in turn helps to reduce blood pressure and prevent the clotting of blood, strokes and heart attacks.

4. Prevention of cancer

Watermelon contains Lycophene; this compound has been linked with heart health, bone health and the prevention of prostate cancer. Lycophene significantly reduces the risks of prostate, breast, colon, endometrial and lung cancer.

The anti-oxidant potential of vitamin C coupled with the presence of lycophene makes watermelon a great fruit that could be taken in order to prevent cancer.

5. A cure for erectile dysfunction

Watermelon is a fruit that can enhance fertility by boosting libido. The fruit contains Arginine which is quite beneficial in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Eating more of this fruit would reduce frigidity give your love life a new spark.

6. Hydration

Eating watermelon would no doubt keep you hydrated since this fruit is basically nutrient rich water. The juice also contains a good amount of electrolyte. Watermelon will keep you fresh and healthy if you take it regularly. Watermelon also aids digestion as it contains fiber.

7. A healthy supplement for diabetic patients

Most diabetic patients feel like unsatisfied after eating because of their kind of diets; they run a low sugar and energy kind of diet. Watermelons could be taken as a supplement which would give them a satisfied filling. Since more than 90 percent of this fruit is basically water, they have nothing to worry about.

The vitamins and minerals like potassium and magnesium would improve the proper functioning of the insulin in the body. This would lower their blood sugar level and help them live healthy lives.

8. Prevention of heat stroke

Consuming watermelon helps to reduce the temperature of the body and blood pressure. This fruit is being consumed everyday by people in the tropical regions in order to protect themselves from heat strokes. The high amount of water contained in the fruit makes up for the water lost as sweat when the temperature is high.

7 Facts About Garlic That Will Shock You!

Surely, the saying which says "Let food be thy medicine", knew beforehand the unknown great benefits of garlic, a specie in the onion genus, Allium.

Aside being a taste enhancer for recipes, garlic, which has been around for quite a while is of unbelievable benefits. While some countries believe garlic can be used to ward off vampires and evil spirits, it has been classified among the world healthiest food.

With a history of human use of over 7,000 years, garlic is native to central Asia, and has long been a staple in the Mediterranean region, as well as a frequent seasoning in Asia, Africa, and Europe. It was known to Ancient Egyptians, and has been used for both culinary and medicinal purposes.

In fact this wonder food has more uses than you can think of, and some really interesting ones.

1. Garlic has been used over the years to make evil spirits and vampires run away. It is said to be the flag-bearer of white magic in Europe. Central European legends describe garlic as a powerful ward against evil spirits and vampires.

2. The great smell of garlic has made Muslims to be advised against taking it before prayer time. This is because its smell is distracting. Quite a lot of Hindus do not eat it for a similar reason. For them it is a taboo because it increases carnal desires and destroys piousness. For same reason also, followers of Jainism and some sections of Buddhism completely run away from garlic.

3. Fear of garlic is medically defined as Alliumphobia.

4. If you forgot to buy insecticides, burning garlic with camphor keeps away mosquitoes, insects and flies. Crushed garlic mixed with water is a green alternative to insecticides.

5. Garlic has been said to be one of the world healthiest foods, no wonder it contains 17 amino acids. Amino acids are essential to nearly every bodily function, and make up 75% of the human body.

6. Garlic not just is good for heart as it brings down cholesterol levels. It also fights cough and cold and is a pro-biotic and keeps the gut healthy.

7. To remove the odour of garlic from hands, rub them on a stainless steel object under cold water.

5 Health Benefits Of Garlic

Garlic is an herb widely used as a flavoring in cooking. It has also been used as a medicine throughout ancient and modern history to prevent and treat a wide range of conditions and diseases.

The key medicinal compound in garlic is allicin, which has antibacterial, antiviral, anti fungal and antioxidant properties. Garlic is packed with vitamins and nutrients and some of these include vitamins B1, B6, C, as well as manganese calcium, copper, selenium and many others.

A little garlic every day can go a long way in helping you to protect, as well as boost, your health. To reap the most health benefits from garlic, eat it in its raw taste as cooked garlic loses a significant amount of its medicinal qualities.

Below are the five ways your body benefits from garlic:

Fights Fungal Infection

Garlic has powerful anti fungal properties that help fight fungal infections causing ringworm, athlete’s foot and jock itch. It also helps fight candida. Apply garlic gel or oil on the affected skin areas. When dealing with oral thrush, apply garlic paste on the affected areas of the mouth. Learn to include fresh, raw garlic in your diet.

Boost Immune System
Garlic is surprisingly a good source of vitamins C, B6, selenium minerals and manganese all of which help boost the immune system. It also enhances mineral absorption in the body. However, garlic has antioxidant and antimicrobial properties that strengthen the body’s defense mechanism and fights infections.

Controls Hypertension

Garlic helps reduce high blood pressure, especially systolic blood pressure. It acts as a vasodilator which helps to widen the blood vessels, making blood flow smoother. People with high blood pressure must eat a few raw garlic cloves daily on an empty stomach. If you do not like the taste of garlic, drink a glass of milk after eating it.

Fights Cancer

Garlic helps to prevent cancer, especially the digestive system and lungs. The presence of allyl sulfur compounds in garlic can slow down the progress of cancerous cell growth. The regular intake of garlic is important for those who have a family history of cancer to lower their risk of many types of cancer.

Aids Digestion

Garlic regulates the functioning of the stomach, as its aid promote digestion. It stimulates the mucous membranes of the stomach to produce gastric juices that aid digestion. Garlic also triggers the liver to release toxins from the body, while at the same time protects the liver from harm.

How To Prevent Cancer In 7 Simple Steps
Half of us will be given a devastating diagnosis of cancer at some point in our lives. But despite the gloomy predictions, there are many simple steps we can adopt to reduce our risk!

A new guide, compiled by the World Cancer Research Fund, sets out the everyday changes that could dramatically help stave off the disease. Here is a selection of the team's recommendations, from the types of snack you eat, to swapping salt for spices.

Scrub the house

Even something as mundane as housework can help prevent cancer. Research shows being regularly active or doing exercise has a direct role in preventing some cancers such as bowel and breast. Scientists are still investigating exactly how physical activity reduces cancer risk, but studies show regular activity can help keep hormone levels healthy.

Munch on carrots

Ginger and garlic for weight loss: Do they work?

There are many recipes that tell you how to eat ginger most effectively. One of them is ginger and garlic for weight loss. This combination of natural products helps you to keep your youth, freshness, and health as long as possible. You can be slim without following rigid diets and taking medications.

How to reduce weight?

Even our ancestors knew about the importance of ginger. At all times, excess weight was one of the most important problems of women who aspired to be as young, slender, and just as beautiful as they were in youth. But as time goes on, extra pounds are stubbornly laid on the waist, hiding the feminine contours of the body, which every woman dreams about.

Many methods were invented in order to get rid of the hated fat. Sometimes cruel diets, debilitating exercises in gyms, diet pills that poison the body, acupuncture, plastic surgeries, and laser liposuction are used. In general, in pursuit of beauty, women are ready to torment their bodies in the most terrible ways, only to achieve the desired result.
If you're tired of this struggle and are thinking of how to reduce weight without harming your body, then you might want to consider this simple method. Do this and the fat will melt away gradually. Slowly but surely, you will lose weight without returning to your fatter days.

One of such way has been used for centuries, but many have forgotten about it, so let's talk about this miracle. Perhaps, you might have heard that in some regions, ginger teas are very popular. They help maintain freshness and protect people from many diseases. The same teas are successfully used for weight loss.

The recipe for tea with ginger and garlic for weight loss

The very first question that people ask: what is the work of ginger and garlic in a human body? The fact is that garlic can significantly enhance the effect of ginger, which is used to reduce weight. It's also important to know that ginger should be used only when fresh, not dried or ground, otherwise many useful properties will evaporate.

The root of ginger should be chosen correctly. It should have a smooth surface without fibers and traces of damage because these are signs of old age and loss of many useful substances.

There are dozens of recipes with ginger and garlic for weight loss, but we will consider the simplest and most convenient ones for use. These products only need to be placed in boiling water.

1. First, you need to take a small piece of ginger root and two times smaller one of garlic.

2. All this should be chopped and placed in 1 liter of boiling water.

3. When the tea is well soaked it's ready for drinking.

4. It is desirable to drink 100 grams of this drink for 15-20 minutes before each meal.

By the way, such complex mix is an excellent spicy addition to your daily diet especially if you are fond of sweet things.

Useful and unique properties of ginger

According to some experts, ginger helps to heat the body, burn fat, and disperse blood. Science found many useful properties and proved that ancient people were right when they advised ginger for weight loss. The whole secret lies in the essential oil, which is contained in ginger. This oil allows you to significantly speed up the metabolism, and then calories and excess fat are burnt faster.

Ginger comprises many useful substances, microelements, and vitamins, for example, ascorbic acid, thiamine, riboflavin, zinc, magnesium, iron, potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus. The essential oils mentioned above can tone your body¸ eliminate inflammatory reactions, and elevate mood.

No wonder ginger has been used in medical practice for more than 2000 years. Scientists have revealed the following beneficial properties of ginger:

● It improves health, mobility of bones and joints, eliminates pain and muscle tension.

● Ginger stimulates digestion, improves intestinal motility, relieves stomach cramps, and eliminates diarrhea.

● It normalizes blood glucose level.

● Ginger activates the immune system.

● It eliminates headaches, pain during periods, improves women's health.

● Ginger helps protect pregnant women for anything toxic in the body.

● It is a natural adsorbent, which gets rid of feeling of of intoxication after chemotherapy and taking pills.

● Ginger treats colds and other respiratory illnesses.

● It helps with intimacy and potency, being a natural aphrodisiac.

● Ginger increases metabolism, burns fat.

● It is used for the prevention of cancer.

With all the complex of useful properties, ginger can be called a unique find. Although certain negative effects are not excluded. It's can cause you to feel a little too active so it shouldn't be used at night. Otherwise, drinking of ginger tea might lead to insomnia.

Contraindications to the use of ginger tea with garlic

Before starting treatment with this tea, you need to consult with a doctor, because their might be contraindication if you are taken other medicines. For ginger tea with garlic they are listed below:

● Allergic reactions to garlic or ginger.

● Increased body temperature or fever.

● Chronic skin diseases can be exacerbated.

● Be careful if you have ulcerative diseases of the digestive tract: stomach, 12 duodenum, small intestine, and colon.

● Diverticulitis or diverticulosis of bowel, Crohn's disease.

● Decreased blood clotting, bleeding, predisposition to them.

● Nutritional reflex.

Pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding also can be contraindications for use of ginger tea with garlic. Garlic can negatively influence milk production. If a pregnant woman has problems with high blood pressure then it is highly recommended not to drink ginger tea, because ginger can increase blood pressure.

It's also good to know that ginger shouldn't be used simultaneously with antihypertensive, antiarrhythmic and stimulating cardiac activity substance. If you take ginger along with these meds there is a risk of ending up with an increased dose. Although ginger stabilizes the blood sugar level, it shouldn't be used under difficult diabetes conditions.

If you have none of the above-mentioned contraindications, use the magic recipe of ginger tea with garlic! This useful drink will help you to feel reborn, keep your delightful figure and makes you healthier.

Unripe plantain for weight loss
What is Unripe Plantain if not your next fruit to be healthy. It has many benefits for your health as it can lower risks of heart diseases and its enrich on potassium. Sexologists also might say that unripe plantain can boost up your sexual energy and give you an unforgettable night. Is unripe plantain fattening? Certainly not! It`s one of the best things for weight loss!

Nutritional Value of Unripe Plantain

How many calories in unripe plantain? What can you get from eating this fruit?

0,9 milligrams of iron
55 milligrams of magnesium
47 grams carbohydrates
0.5 grams fat
1.9 grams protein
27.2 milligrams vitamin C
0.4 milligrams vitamin B6
1,6 milligrams of vitamin A
Only 181 calories!

What are the benefits of unripe plantain for weight loss?

Unripe plantain and weight loss work perfectly together. Unripe plantain contains a moderate amount of calories. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. If you want to lose some weight safely for your health, then you need to lose no more than 3-5 kg per week. It means to strict your diet up to 1000 calories per day. One unripe plantain contains 181 calories, so it can help you to calculate easily.
Fiber and Resistant Starch of unripe plantain. One large unripe plantain contains 4 grams of dietary fiber, which makes it a perfect fruit for weight loss. Dietary fiber helps you to burn fat. Starch provides glucose for energy which burns fat. Unripe plantain has the resistant starch which works way better than simple starch. It can be completely digested and give you no gram of overweight.
Carbohydrates in unripe plantain. It can work against weight loss for you. Carbs without starch or fiber can increase blood in sugar. It`s not healthy for people with diabetes. Moreover, you wouldn`t additional sugar as the energy for your body. Therefore, it may be stored as fat.

8 Proven Home Remedies For Belly Fat

The aftermath of unhealthy lifestyle and wrong eating habits is belly fat.

It does not only tamper with the self being of your image but also increases your risk to many health ailments. Here are few home remedies by Ayurveda to lose the fat deposits around your belly.

1. Start your day with lemon juice

This is one of the best therapies to remove belly fat. You can try this regularly and you will be surprised at what the result will be if consistent. Pinch some yellow juice into a glass of warm water and add some salt to it. Continue drinking this every morning to boost your metabolism and to get rid of that belly fat.

2. Stay off from white rice

White rice is a major one when it comes to dealing with belly fat. Try replace consumption of white rice in your diet with other various wheat products. Include brown rice, brown bread, wholegrains, oats and all in your diet.


3. Avoid sugary substances

Staying away from sweets, sweetened drinks and foods rich in oil will be of great benefits to you and your belly. These foods have the capacity to increase body fat around various areas of your body like abdomen and thighs.

4. Drink plenty of water

Drinking sufficient amount of water every day is one of the best decisions you can take as someone who wants to get rid of belly fat. It has been revealed that drinking water, after regular intervals will help to boost your metabolism and remove toxins from your body.

5. Eat raw garlic

Chew two to three cloves of garlic every morning, and drink a glass of lemon water after that. This treatment will double up your weight loss process and make your blood circulation smooth in your body.

6. Avoid non-veg food

To eliminate belly fat, it is recommended that one should avoid non-vegetarian food as far as possible.

7. Load up on fruits and vegetables

Eat a bowl of fruits daily in the morning and evening. This will fill you up with many antioxidants, minerals and vitamins.

8. Spice up your cooking

Use spices like cinnamon, ginger and black pepper in your cooking. These spices are loaded with health benefits. They help to improve your insulin resistance and reduce levels of sugar in your blood.

These 5 Fruits Will Help To Cleanse Your Kidneys

The kidneys are bean-shaped organs that serve several essential regulatory roles in the body.

These organs, though small, are an incredibly important part of our body.

They remove excess organic molecules from the blood, and it is by this action that their best-known function is performed which is the removal of waste products of metabolism.

That is why keeping the kidneys healthy is so important. The best thing you can do for your kidneys is to stay hydrated and aim to drink 6-8 glasses of water a day.

Below is a list of fruits to help cleanse your kidneys:

1. Watermelon: It is mostly water, and also has diuretic properties. Diuretics cause you to urinate more and this is healthy for the kidneys and your entire urinary tract as it keeps it flushed out and therefore less likely to harbor bacterial growth that can lead to bladder or kidney infections.

2. Apples: They are great for the kidney and the body in general because they have high levels of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds which can improve kidney function, reduce inflammation in and around the kidneys and protect the kidneys from oxidative damage.

3. Pumpkin seeds: They are very good for the kidneys as they are rich in a number of antioxidants, minerals and vitamins. Pumpkin seeds can promote healthy kidney function by reducing the risk of kidney stones.
4. Berries: Berries are very rich in antioxidants and contains many disease fighting qualities. They help to flush out uric acid from the kidneys thus keeping them healthier. Cranberries and blueberries are the best choice among all the berries, as they contain a substance that washes away the urea and uric acid from the kidneys.

5. Lemon Juice: Regular consumption of lemon juice in water is great for the kidneys, not only help to purify and cleanse them but to prevent kidney stones. The formation of this painful stones is one of the most difficult kidney problems to deal with, but the addition of lemon water to the diet makes the urine more acidic and thus dissolves the minerals before they can form a stone.

Cucumber benefits for men
Let’s talk about health. Do you know what kinds of vegetables are beneficial for a man's body? Today we will talk about cucumbers. Let’s learn more about the cucumber benefits for men!

There are a lot of benefits of cucumber when it comes to a person's health. Many people are of the belief that cucumber consists only of water. No, actually this is not so. Cucumber is 95% water, and the rest is fiber, vitamins, minerals and salt.

The value of water in cucumber is enormous. This makes it even more beneficial as water is an element that detoxify the body. If you happen to suffer food poisoning, cucumbers can come in very useful as it contains a lot of water saturated with potassium. As you know, potassium has the ability to remove excess water from the human body. This is exactly what is needed to wash away the harmful and poison elements in the body.

It is known that eating cucumbers helps with the health of your pancreas. This is because cucumber is easily digested in the digestive tract without the help of the pancreas so this vegetable gives that body part a break. It has already been said that the cucumber contains potassium which removes water from the body. But this is not its only feature. It lowers blood pressure, relieves swelling, and helps with cardiac arrhythmia.

Cucumbers are also useful because they contain iodine. It is absorbed in the body and helps to prevent thyroid disease. In addition to iodine, this vegetable contains phosphorus, iron, magnesium, silicon, and chlorine. Cucumber takes one of the leading positions among vegetables when it comes to how much Vitamin B it has. It also contains vitamin C.

If you eat cucumber along with other protein substances like meat, the vegetable will help with the meat digestion. It will break down the protein better and improve the metabolic process. It will also reduce appetite, and blood sugar.

There are only mainly advantages when it comes to cucumbers. But if you have gallstones you should be careful not to eat too much of it.

Medicinal value of cucumber

Cucumbers contain anti-inflammatory flavonol (fisetin) which plays a huge role in brain health. Cucumber also consists of polyphenols which are called lignans. They help to reduce the risk of developing breast, ovarian, uterus, and prostate cancer. Moreover, cucumber extract helps to reduce inflammation.

Cucumbers have little calories, but a lot of fiber. This makes them useful for digestive health and is helpful if you want to lose weight.

So you must know the main reasons why you should eat cucumbers:

1. Cucumber protects our brain.

2. It reduces the risk of cancer.

3. It helps to fight inflammation.

4. It has antioxidant properties.

5. It refreshes the breath.

6. It reduces stress.

7. It supports the digestive health.

8. It helps to keep the body at a healthy weight.

9. It improves your heart health.

But what about men? Cucumbers have benefits specifically for their health. For example, cucumber strengthens joints, relieves the pain of gout and arthritis. If taken along with carrot juice, cucumber alleviates gout pain and arthritis by reducing the level of uric acid in the body.
Want to know the best part?

Cucumber treats a hangover! To avoid a morning headache after a night of binge drinking, eat some cucumbers before going to bed. It really helps! Cucumber has enough vitamin B, sugar, and electrolytes to replenish lost nutrients. It will reduce the severity of hangover in the morning.

One more benefit, cucumbers lower cholesterol and control blood pressure. The hormone contained in the cucumber juice is needed for pancreatic cells to produce insulin. The level of cholesterol is influenced by so-called sterols. They are natural biochemically important substances of the group of steroids. A cucumber is useful for low and high blood pressure.

One more fact you should know is that cucumbers support the kidneys. Kidney health is maintained due to a decrease in the level of uric acid. In addition, cucumbers also strengthen teeth and gums.

So you can see that cucumbers have an infinite number of benefits. They are useful for both women and men. Cucumbers strengthen health, protect you from pain, and help to prevent diseases. Just know that there is no harm in enjoying cucumber. Eat them every day and feel great!

Guinea corn health benefits for babies

Have you ever heard about Guinea corn? Do you know this plant is very useful especially for babies? Here you will find all the necessary information about Guinea corn health benefits!

Health benefits of Guinea corn for babies

This cereal grain has another name - Sorghum. Although it appeared first of all in Africa, people know it all over the world. Guinea corn has many nutrients. It can be ground into flour for baking bread, pancakes, and porridge. If you add Guinea corn to your diet, you will certainly get a lot of useful substances and vitamins. This grain is rich in minerals, carbohydrates, and protein.

Guinea corn is a nutritional energy inducer because it contains cellulose and protein. Besides, it is rich in micro nutrients such as:

- B-vitamins;

- copper;

- iron;

- potassium;

- calcium.

But the biggest plus of Sorghum is that it prevents cancer. Guinea corn is a rich source of three-deoxy anthocyanidins and tannins. These phenolic compounds inhibit the growth of colon cells and breast cancer.

One more benefits of Guinea corn is that it promotes the health of the digestive tract. So with its help, you can get rid of common problems with digestion.

A lot of people know that Guinea corn helps a baby to gain weight. A mother always cares about her kid's health and wants to do all she can to improve it. The best and most effective way to help is to increase the consumption of calories.

There is a food known as Kunu Geida. It is a baby food which is cooked from Guinea corn (millet) and dried nuts. A baby will begin to grow faster and gain weight if he/she eats Kunu Geida regularly. This food is rich in protein, fats and carbohydrate which is needed for child's growth. You must remember that this food is recommended for babies from six months.

Guinea corn is also added to some Babies' Brown Pap. It is another example of nutritious food. This Pap is very popular in the whole of Nigeria. Every mother knows how to prepare it. We can say that this food is a Nigerian version of English custard. It is useful for infants.

The presence of Guinea corn in Babies' Brown Pap provides the necessary amount of carbohydrate, proteins, and vitamins for the baby's growth. Of course, this food is not used alone. It is fortified with milk, fruit purees, and even crayfish!

Guinea corn and Millet for babies

Millet is a very nutritious grain for babies. It, as well as Guinea corn, is useful for babies' growth. Millet is rich in potassium, B-vitamins, phosphorus, iron, magnesium. In addition, it is a good protein source.

You can feed your baby with such food from six or eight months. It is an amazing corn for the baby. It has no gluten! In fact, like Guinea corn, Millet is very nutritious, easily digestible and has least allergenic grain.

When a mother prepares a meal to feed her child she might feel the need to add Guinea corn and Millet to it. These two kinds of grain are rich in all nutrients. That is why it is so popular in Nigeria and other countries.

Health Benefits of Watermelon Seeds

Watermelon is a delicious fruit! While you enjoy its sweetness, you can also take advantage of the health benefits of watermelon seeds. These seeds are not only a source of energy, they are also healthy. Take a look at the top 10 benefits of watermelon seeds!

Top 10 Benefits of Seeds

1. Amino Acid Source

What health benefits do watermelon seeds have? It's rich in amino acids. Watermelon seeds are rich in glutamic and tryptophan acids. They help the formation of collagen and arginine which make your hair shiny and healthy!

2. Magnesium Source

Doctors recommend eating watermelon seeds as they are a good source of magnesium. Only 100 grams of seeds can give you 139% of your daily magnesium requirement. Your heart can`t function properly without magnesium. So, if you want to avoid cardiovascular diseases – keep in mind this health benefits of watermelon seeds.

3. Lycopene

If you want to improve male fertility, then you need to eat products with lycopene. It`s proven that lycopene increases the number of spermatozoids. It`s one of the main factors of male fertility. That`s why you should not forget about this watermelon seeds health benefit.

4. Vitamin B Source

Vitamin B is also one of the watermelon seeds benefits. Vitamin B in watermelon includes pantothenic acid, riboflavin, thiamine, vitamin B6, and folate. If you want your blood to be in the healthy condition, then vitamin B is your savior!

5.Youthful Skin

Watermelon seeds are essential parts of scrubs. It prevents signs of skin aging. One of the health benefits of watermelon seeds is its antioxidant effect. It helps to heal your skin. Watermelon seeds can help to keep the skin firm, well-toned, soft and moisturized!

6. Watermelon Fats

Healthy fats are the main advantage and health benefits of watermelon seeds. Omega 6 fat helps to reduce LDL cholesterol in your body. In the long run, it will help you to reduce risks of heart diseases.

7. Watermelon Seeds Oil

Other names for watermelon seed oil are Kalahari Oil or Ootanga Oil. They are very beneficial for your skin. They can help to clean skin pores and moisturize your skin. This super seed is an essential ingredient for various baby oils.

8. Watermelon: Oil and Hair

Skin is not the only part of your body which can enjoy the advantages of watermelon seeds. The light texture of the seed oil can also help you to clear the pores of your scalp. Moisturizing benefits will keep your hair growing strong and healthy as well.

9. Watermelon Seeds Tea

Another good usage of the seeds is watermelon tea. If you drink at least one cup of tea per week, you can decrease risks of cardiac ailments. The minerals in the tea can also help to stabilize the metabolic processes.

10. Kidney Cleansing

Watermelon tea and seeds can be used for kidney cleansing. This effect was described by Edward Cayce. He was the first man who showed the world this tea. This was seventy-seven years ago. Modern Scientists have proven that this man was right. Watermelon seeds tea can help with the elimination of kidney stones and urinary infections.

Keep in Mind!
Health Benefits of Watermelon seeds are enormous, but do not overuse them! Even Edward Cayce did not recommend you drink this tea too often. If you take medications, please, consult with your doctor about drinking the tea. Do not go overboard when it comes to enjoying the benefits of watermelon seeds.

Effect of drinking bitter leaf juice

More and more people today prefer "sweet medicine" to bitter, but how good is sweet for the health? Some medical experts belong to the school of thought that the longest life span in this century happens to be found in Asian countries like China because the people relish less sweet substances. Here we will present you with the unusual herb medicine that consists of bitter leaf. We will introduce you to the benefits of the scent leaf below.

Health benefits of bitter leaf

Bitter leaf is rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals.
Due to the presence of nutrients especially ß-carotene, it controls the synthesis of female gender hormones. This allows women to stay young and healthy for a longer duration of time.
The wood ash of Bitter leaf can be used to treat fungal infections.
It improves appetite.
It is helpful in treating skin infections such as Ringworm.
It increases the milk production in Lactating mothers.
It cures a cough.
It helps in treating itching and rashes.

It detoxifies the whole body.
It is helpful in treating Hepatitis B.
It tones ups the liver and the kidney.
It provides instant relief from fatigue.
It cures intestinal parasitic infections.
It can be used for the contraction of the uterus during labour.
It is a potent herb for STD.
It cures a toothache.

It is used in pharmaceutic medicines as anti-helminths, laxative and as fertility inducers for barren women.
It helps to build up the immune system.
It is a useful herb for treating the problem of Memory Loss.
It is helpful in curing Insomnia.
Bitter Leaf is an excellent herbal treatment for combating Cancer. It does not allow cancer to spread to the different organs of the body.
It is an effective cure for stomach ache and indigestion.

It curbs the problem of Piles.
Its leaf juice is effective for treatment of Malaria.
A concoction prepared from its leaf is an excellent herbal remedy for treating Skin Ailments like Eczema and Rashes.
Scientific researches on benefits of bitter leaf

A scientific study that substantiates these claims. A clinical trial of the traditional medicine Vernonia Amygdalina in the treatment of uncomplicated malaria was carried out in 2009 and published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine.

The study stated that leaves of Vernonia amygdalina were widely used in Africa to treat malaria and could be so because it was widely available, accessible and affordable in many remote areas that did not have ready access to modern medicines.

As bitter as it may taste, the health benefits of bitter leaf and bitter leaf juice go far above its bitter taste. It speeds up metabolism thereby reducing the chances of any consumer developing constipation and increasing the usage of the stored fat. It can be of great use to those who desire weight loss.

Bitter leaf juice relieves fever and feverish conditions as it has been stated earlier. It also helps to reduce high blood sugar level because it speeds up the rate of metabolism and glucose uptake by the cells of the body. This is good news for diabetic patients.

Bitter leaf juice works on skin rashes, eczema, ringworms and any superficial skin ailments; this is possible because bitter leaf has antibiotic and antifungal properties. It is also said to soothe and cure pile by experts.

To sum up, we will remind you that before using any herb, please consult your own doctor. If he agrees that this juice is good for you, so confidently use it. Hope you now have more knowledge about this magic bitterleaf juice. Best wishes in improving your health!

Bitter leaf side effects

Bitter leaf is a long-term grass, which can reach the height of 30 centimeters. It differs in a creeping stalk, has the uniform trimmed surface, which can take roots in knots. Bitter leaf flowers medicinal gather in a group with a large number of blossoming, which grow at the top of leaves.

Bitter leaf useful properties

Healers use an elevated part of a plant. The stalk, flowers, and leaves are rich in ascorbic acid and Carotene. By means of the plant, it is possible to destroy microbes. It is one of the best disinfectants. Also, it is proved scientifically that bitter leaf is one of the best agents, helping at adhesion of wounds.

The plant contains a large number of different trace substances, lemon, apple, milk acids. An elevated part is rich with a fat and essential oil, vitamins, aromatic bonds.

The broth of bitter leaf is recommended to use as an agent of cramps and a severe cough.

By means of a grass, it is possible to cure wounds and a disease of a skin. If ulcers, purulent rashes don't heal a long time, the skin itch disturbs, it is recommended to do lavages or take a bath with this grass. Bitter leaf infusion helps to get rid of a fungus. Also, it is used if legs strongly sweat.

The homeopathy appreciates the bile-expelling action of the bitter leaf. Also, it is recommended to use if the person has bronchial asthma, also at dry coach and problems with the top respiratory tracts.

Bitter leaf is one from the best agents for the treatment of diseases of an intestine, a stomach; it helps at gastritis with low acidity.

For a long time, people use such prescription of broth. It will require two tablespoons of bitter leaf filled with 400 ml of boiled water.

Because of bitter leaf diuretic action, by means of it, people treat urinary diseases. Also, it is recommended to use drugs on the basis of this species of a plant at a sleeplessness, if the person is strongly overexcited and he has a nervous attrition. By means of bitter leaf, it is possible to stop bleeding. It is taken both outwardly, and inside.

The fresh broth of a plant will help to avoid serious consequences after stings of snakes and a toxicant spider. It is the best of all to put bitter leaf grass in the steamed-out look to the struck place.

Home healers use broths and infusions for the treatment of cold, tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, bronchitis. It is also good to use them at hepatic, renal, gastric diseases, problems with a bladder. By means of a grass, it is possible to cure a rheumatic disease, to stop internal bleeding, to improve a condition of the woman during climacteric period, to restore an organism after attrition and to get rid of sleeplessness.

Outwardly, the better leaf is used for the treatment of combustions and wounds.

Bitter leaf side effects

It is impossible to use this species of a plant when the person has an allergic reaction.

If not to keep a dosage and to self-medicate, there can be such side effects of bitter leaf juice as blood pressure, serious heart troubles, the increase of glucose level in a blood. Therefore, it is important to use bitter leaf only after the advice of the doctor.

Bitter leaf and pregnancy

There are no additional side effects of bitter leaf at pregnancy; therefore, you can use it. Moreover, it helps with problems with conception.


As you can see, the bitter leaf has a set of useful properties. At the same time, there are very few side effects that make this useful grass available for everyone.

How To Make Delicious Bitter leaf Soup

Bitter leaf soup is one of the most traditional soups in Nigeria. It is mostly eaten by the Igbos of Eastern Nigeria.

Bitter leaf soup is prepared with the freshly squeezed or dried leaves of the ever green plant called Vernonia amygdaline.

Bitter leaf soup is popularly eaten by the Igbo speaking people of Eastern Nigeria, and the people of Cameroon. It is called Ofé Onugbo by the Igbos, ewuro by the Yorubas of the western part of Nigeria. While the Hausas of the Northern Nigeria call it “ Shiwaka’’ the Cameroonians call it Ndolé. There are regional differences in how this soup is prepared.

In African context, the soups are prepared with fish, meat, snail, either in combination or singly, with added spices and other condiments. Apart from the delicious taste, it has some medicinal properties as added values.

Nigeria born professor of Biology, patent for bitter leaf-based anti-diabetics and cancer medication in United State. The evidently achieved as a result of some chemical properties it contains. These chemical substances found in bitter leaf also possess a potent anti-parasitic and anti-tumor and bacteria effects. It contains some substances in treating schistosomiasis. Which is a disease caused by parasitic worms. Bitter leaf also helps relief the problems of diarrhea.

In Africa preparation from the bitter leaf are used for treatment . These include common problems as fever as well as parasitic induced disease like malaria and other vector born diseases.

From a personal experience as well, some years ago I suffered from constantly malaria on a monthly basis, I was tired of using drugs. So I resulted to taking of squeezed bitter leaf water once a week. I must tell it actually worked wonder. Experts advised to take raw organic food with cautious as they contain many unprocessed and in separated compounds. Bitter-leaf can be helpful to maintain and tone liver, kidney optimum health. In diabetic patient it can prevent high sugar level in the blood and repairs the pancreas. For skin infections such as ringworm itching, rashes and eczema, the pure, undiluted extract of bitter leaf can be applied on the affected part daily.

For diabetes, pick about ten handful of the leaves, rinse the leaves to wash away the dirt. Squeeze the leaves in ten liters of water and take two glasses , three time daily.

Bitter leaf Soup Recipe – Ofé Onugbo


- 1kg of assorted meat (Beef, ox tail, shaki, cow leg, goat meat)

- I medium smoked fish

- I big size stock fish

- 100grams grounded Crayfish

- 2 seasoning cubes

- 1 big sized onion

- 2 tablespoonfuls dried grounded red hot chilli pepper

- 10 tablespoonful of red palm oil

- 2 medium sized white cocoyam

- Freshly squeezed or dried bitter leaf

- Salt – ½ teaspoonfuls

- 1 tablespoonful of dried curry powder

- ½ teaspoonfuls of dried thyme leaves

- 10 cups of water

Cooking Time : 90 minutes

Method :

1.Wash the assorted meat in clean warm water. Put the assorted meat in a pot, add about a cup or two of water and two seasoning cubes, half the sliced onion, salt to taste, little sprinkle of dried curry powder – about ½ tablespoonful, dried thyme leaves, and bring to boil for about 20 minutes.

2. Wash the stock fish with sponge to remove sand and allow running under plenty of tap water. The stock fish is best soaked overnight to allow it absorbs water and become tender. Cut the stock fish into servable bits and add it to the boiling meat. Allow to boil for 5 – 10 minutes.

3. Then add washed smoked fish in the whole mixture of assorted meat, stock fish and boil for another 5 minutes.

4. Add about 4 cups of water into the pot of boiling meat and fish, and add about 1 or 2 tablespoonful of dried red hot pepper to taste and freshly squeezed or dried bitter leaf (3 to 4 balls of hand squeezed fresh bitter leaf, or 3 – 5 tablespoonful of dried bitter leaf. Allow to boil for 3 – 5 minutes.

5. Then add palm oil and already cooked and mashed cocoyam to thicken the soup. If there is no access to cocoyam you can sprinkle some garri which can do the same wonder as cocoyam. Add salt, and pepper to taste and allow to cook for 10 minutes.

Bitter leaf soup can be eaten with pounded yam or semolina or eba.

Amazing health benefits of bitter leaf

Bitter leaf is a leafy green plant that contains high amounts of iron and is used in cooking different types of soups and stews in Nigeria. This leaf thereby functions as a vegetable when it is being cooked and eaten as food.

The scientific name of this plant is Vernonia amygdalina, it is known as Ewuro to the Yorubas, Onugbu by the Igbos and Chusa-doki by the Hausas.

It is known for its characteristic bitter taste which turns sweet after a while. Every part of this plant is bitter even though its bitterness is highly beneficial to the body. It is also known for its medicinal purposes and is often used as a home remedy in the treatment of certain ailments.

There are so many health benefits accrued to bitter leaf and it would be awesome for people to include it more in their diets in order to promote healthy living. Luckily for Nigerians, this plant grows almost everywhere; some people have it in their compounds as weeds while some plant it.

Bitter leaf could also be used in giving life lessons; the bitter-sweet taste of the plant shows the amount of hard work and toil people have to put into their dreams in order for them to reap a bounty harvest. This means that bitterness comes before sweetness.

Find below some of the health benefits of taking bitter leaf:

1. Useful in toning vital organs

The liver is one of the most important organs in the body, there are many vital functions that it performs. It is the largest organ in the body and it helps in the production of bile acid which is important for fat metabolism.

Bitter leaf helps in maintaining the liver as it helps it to function properly. The liver is a delicate organ that should not be damaged, it is healthy for people with liver problems to drink water boiled with the bitter leaf.

2. Helps in the control of cholesterol

Including bitter leaf in your diet would help you reduce the cholesterol in your body. High level of cholesterol promotes Alzheimer, stroke and heart attack.

This means consuming bitter leaf would help reduce the bad cholesterol (LDL) while increasing the good cholesterol.

3. Helps to fight breast cancer

Ten out of hundred women are at risk of having breast cancer; in order to reduce the chances of developing breast cancer, it is important to maintain a healthy weight and be physically active.

Including bitter leaf in your diet can help lessen the risk of breast cancer. Bitter leaf also increases breast milk production in nursing mothers.

4. High in antioxidants

There are some antioxidant properties contained in bitter leaf. When this plant is being cooked and eaten, it helps fight diseases. It would also help reduce the growth of precancerous cells that may be found due to oxidation.

5. It aids digestion

Bitter leaf (like every other vegetable) can assist the body with digestion as it contains fibre. It could also be used as a purgative when stomach problems like constipation are being experienced. It also helps the body to get rid of worms.

6. Helps in the treatment of fever

Bitter leaf can help in the treatment of fever; the juice is being extracted by squeezing the leaves. Taking this would help reduce pain and help the body to function well.

7. Essential for skin treatment

Bitter leaf contains some antibiotic and anti-fungal properties that could help cure skin diseases. Skin reactions like ringworm, eczema could be treated using bitter leaf.

8. Helps in detoxifying the body

Another importance of bitter leaf lies in its cleansing ability. It could be used to cleanse the body and also as a cure for piles.

9. Regulation of sugar level

Diabetic patients can take bitter leaf as it helps in the regulation of sugar level in the blood. It also helps repair impaired pancreas as it helps the pancreas to release the right amount of insulin needed to maintain the right sugar level in the blood. The juice from this leaf is highly beneficial to the body.
10. Helps in weight loss

Those who are interested in shedding weight can take bitter leaf as it helps in increasing metabolism which is highly helpful in maintaining a healthy weight.

Unripe plantain for ulcer treatment

At first glance, unripe plantain is the most common banana, but upon closer inspection, it turns out that it doesn’t resemble this fruit. Banana-vegetable has a hard rind, which is extremely difficult to remove.

The fruit is straight and oval, with a skin from light to dark brown in color, with white flesh. The taste of plantain significantly differs from the popular taste of its yellow counterpart. It is slightly sweet, very starchy, and somewhat reminiscent of zucchini.

In many countries they play a role of potatoes and act as a main source of staple food for the common people. Unripe plantains can show their real taste only when they are yellow.

Benefits of unripe plantain for stomach

Unripe plantain is rich in so many vitamins E, B2, PP, pectin, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, serotonin and starch. It is useful for those, who are suffering from ulcer and other diseases connected with gastrointestinal tract, as well as for diabetics, people who have atheroscleosis, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, anemia, nervous disorders and kidney disease.

Unripe plantain for ulcer treatment

Plantains subjected to heat treatment, significantly lose in calories and sugar, so that you can eat them if you suffer from excess weight and diabetes.

Plantain contains substances that kill bacteria that cause stomach ulcer. Antacid properties of the fruit are released if you consume it with milk. In general, antacids are intended for the treatment of acid-related diseases of the gastrointestinal tract by neutralization of the hydrochloric acid included in the composition of gastric juice.

Plantain flour

Due to the fact that the taste of green fruit doesn’t suit every person, as the alternative you can taste the meal that is much tastier, sweeter and softer. You can opt for plantain flour. Moreover, it is a great source of phosphorus, iron, magnesium, calcium, healthy protein and soluble plant fibers.

The composition of plantain flour includes starch which can reduce the risk of diabetes, as this type of starch does not transform into glucose. Thanks to the large amount of fiber it is good for the prevention of colon cancer. Due to the large number of nutrients it strengthens the immune system.

Banana flour contains a lot of vitamin B6, which plays an important role in the body's enzymatic reactions. This vitamin is important for formation of protein and hemoglobin, which helps to supply oxygen to the body and to stabilize the level of glucose in the blood.

Unlike other types of flour, banana flour is gluten free. Therefore, it is recommended for patients with celiac disease. Besides, it helps the body to absorb calcium and for this reason it is useful for strengthening of bone tissues.

In Brazil banana flour is used for pasta production. The taste of green pasta is virtually indistinguishable from the taste of usual macaroni. They are of very high quality, have good aroma, taste and texture. This product contains almost no fat and is cheaper for manufacture.

How to cook plantain flour?

Plantain flour can be bought in health food stores and you can prepare it by yourself at home. But it is necessary to use only green unripe plantains.

First of all you need to clean your plantains (though sometimes we use the peel to add more fiber to the flour), then you need to cut plantains into slices and place in a preheated oven with the temperature of about 160 C. Use this method to dry them up until they are completely dry out and firm.
Then, let them stay cool and grind them in a blender or coffee grinder to a powder.
Sift them through a fine sieve.
Cooked product can be stored up to two weeks in a tightly sealed container.
Dosage and application

During the diet, the dosage should be not more than two tablespoons a day (about thirty grams). This amount is divided into three stages. Eat one dose of the flour for thirty minutes before meal, spreading it with water, juice, yogurt or low-fat natural yoghurt.

It can be also added to soups, cakes, salads. If you want to lose weight, it is better to take it before meals with beverage to reduce appetite.

You should not eat more than the specified dose of plantain, as this can provide you with unwanted calories. While eating, large amounts of available resistant starch may cause constipation.


You should taste banana flour with caution if you have high levels of potassium in blood, as there is quite a lot of it in this product.

Unripe plantain for ulcer

If you still have doubts how to cook it right, then read this guide.

Peel and wash your plantain;
Slice it and cut for small pieces;
Find big plastic container, get it dry;
Fill it with water – half of it or even more;
Put here your sliced plantain;
Shake the container and let it stay for fermentation for 2-3 days.
After this time it is ready for eating.
How to cure ulcer with unripe plantain?

The answer is quite simple – eat unripe plantain porridge. If you don’t know how to cook unripe plantain porridge, follow these steps:

Take several plantains, 1-2 onions, dried crawfish, spinach leaves or pumpkin leaves, salt or pepper, some water or broth, red palm oil.
Put all these ingredients into a large pot and make it boil. Reduce the heat to low-medium after 20-25 minutes of cooking. Check the plantains – they should be soft.
Mash this mixture and add the greens. Don’t forget to let it simmer for some minutes.
Add salt and pepper. Ready!

Banana rice

Boil one cup of rice in plenty of salted water so that it is not mushy. Pour off the water and make the rice dry;
Take 3 bananas and cut them into slices of medium size;
Fry them on both sides using 2 tbsp of butter;
Gently mix with rice;
Before serving, sprinkle black pepper and finely chopped parsley.

Now you know that plantain is extremely beneficial for your health, especially for ulcer treatment. All the recipes written here will help you cure ulcer and other gastrointestinal act related diseases.

How to cure stomach ulcer permanently - home remedies

Stomach ulcers are a painful disease that brings suffering to millions of people around the world. According to medical statistics, one in every ten people experiences this infection at least once in their lifetime. Luckily for you, we have prepared a list of ways for how to cure your stomach ulcer permanently.

Before we begin explaining how to cure stomach ulcer, let us remind ourselves what this illness is. A stomach ulcer is a peptic ulcer that forms pain-causing sores in the lining of your stomach. While at first, this disease seems nonthreatening, but if it is left unchecked for an extended period of time, it can lead to bleeding in your digestive system and even death.

Quick ulcer pain relief

Imagine a scenario in which your stomach starts to hurt like crazy, and then you find out that you have a stomach ulcer. The first thing most people want to know is to how get rid of the painful feeling caused by the ulcer. Below you will find a number of ways to free yourself from the pain.

- Use Painkillers;

This option comes with a disclaimer. Despite the universal instinct to grab a sachet of painkillers every time you’re in pain, you have to approach this disease differently. Quite a lot of standard issued medications can make the pain even worse. Aspirin, Aleve or Advil and other brands of painkillers can irritate the stomach further, leading to additional damages to your body. Before using this option, you are advised to check with a doctor to know which painkillers work and which will only increase your pain.

- Use Antacids;

Antacids bring pain relief and pacify most symptoms developed as a result of the ulcer. But be warned that antacids are only a short-term solution, and they don’t cure your stomach ulcer permanently.

- Change Your Diet;

Even though changing what you eat won’t cure your ulcer disease, avoiding spicy and fat-rich food will help you to get rid of the pain. Here’s a summary of the foods you should aim to avoid if you’re suffering from stomach ulcer: chocolate, cola drink, coffee, lemons and other similar fruits, tomatoes and most kinds of peppers.

- Don’t overeat;

It’s best to have five to seven small meals a day than to overload your digestive system and your stomach with three large ones.

Tip: Take little snacks with carrots or whole-wheat crackers to avoid feeling hungry.

- Eliminate Alcohol and Tobacco;

Alcoholic drinks and various tobacco products can be a possible cause of stomach ulcer. What’s even worse, they also increase the pain you suffer and slow down the healing process. At the very least, we recommend moderate consumption.

- Drink cranberry juice;

- Subscribe to a stress-free lifestyle;

We admit that it’s hard to stay calm while being surrounded by the chaos of the modern world. Nonetheless, you must do your absolute best to avoid stressful situations. We recommend yoga or an exercise routine.

Now that you know how to ease the pain let’s talk about which natural remedies can help you cure this illness.

Home remedies for ulcers

In this day and age, it’s becoming more and more common for people to seek ways to recover from diseases at home. Understandably, they want to avoid visiting the doctor every time they have a headache or a sore throat. People diagnosed with stomach ulcer also have a lot of things they can do to alleviate it without having to go to a hospital. Usually, there’s always one or two home remedies that are just lying in your fridge or your nearby store.

Here are the most efficient natural remedies for ulcers:

Wood apples.
Plums and berries.

Tip: It is recommended to eat no less than three bananas every day.

All of the listed above food products can help you cure a stomach ulcer and greatly boost your immune system. Cabbages produce amino acid that improves the blood flow in your stomach area. Research shows that people that consume one quart of raw cabbage juice every day have a higher chance of curing their stomach ulcers within a week.

Ripe and unripe bananas stop the development of the ulcer-causing H. pylori. By eating coconuts and consuming honey, you can kill the bacteria that cause this disease. Garlic can wipe out any remaining gastric juices from you digestive system. Eat a pair of crushed garlic cloves with some water during the day to boost your system.

Interesting Fact:

You can combine two of these home remedies into one by making banana powder. First, you slice the bananas into little pieces and then use an oven to dry them slowly. Next, grind them up into powder and add one tablespoon of honey to every two spoons of the banana powder. It’s highly advised to take this tasty medicine three times a day, and you will cure your stomach ulcer much sooner.

The next step we have to discuss is the professional doctor’s treatment of this illness.

Stomach ulcer treatment

If you are diagnosed withstomach ulcer, the kind of treatment you will receive is largely dictated by what caused the disease. With the right approach, the majority of stomach ulcers heal within two months.

Most commonly, stomach ulcers are a result of an H. pylori bacterial infection. In this case, the patient is prescribed a treatment that includes a PPI remedy. This type of aid is also often used if the root of the disease lies in NSAID usage. The second option in curing stomach ulcer is the H2-receptor antagonists, occasionally combined with antacids. Worst case scenarios include situations when the ulcer has progressed and opened a hole in the wall of your stomach. In this case, you will need to undergo a surgical operation to save your life.


If you were prescribed antibiotics be ready to suffer from a couple of possible side effects – headaches, sickness, dizziness, and diarrhea.

Note: PPI = Proton Pump Inhibitor.

In addition to the doctor-prescribed treatment, you also have to remember the tips we've shown you above: avoid stress, alcohol, and tobacco. Stop consuming spicy and fat-rich food and eat all the home remedies you can get your hands on. Use these types of treatment combined, and you will cure your stomach ulcer.

Goodness! These things will happen to you if you ever eat 3 eggs in a day

Contrary to the wide spread thought about not consuming more than one egg in a day, we have found new claims which does not support this.

Eating more than 2 eggs in a day has more benefits than you can imagine. Health experts often warn about the intake of more than one egg in a day because of cholesterol. The truth is that most of the foods we consume on a daily basis contain cholesterol just like eggs.

According to health experts, when foods that contain cholesterol are being eaten, the liver adjusts in such a way that its production is reduced. Taking more than 2 eggs does not necessarily increase the existing amount of cholesterol in your body.

Consuming whole eggs has wonderful benefits; the yoke is filled with numerous nutrients which are highly beneficial to the body. The egg yolk contains more than half of the calcium and iron contained in the whole egg. The egg white on the other hand contains about half of the total protein contained in the egg.

Find below some of the things that will happen to your body if you eat more eggs:

1. Assists in weight loss

Eating eggs with toast is recommended for those who are interested in losing weight. Having this for breakfast when working on your diet and weight is better as it is highly filling. The satiety index recorded in eating this is higher than what is being obtained in the consumption of cereals.

2. Improves vision and the eye health

Consuming more eggs have the ability to prevent cataracts and retina degeneration. Most times, these are the causes of blindness in older people.

Eggs in addition to the consumption of spinach will help improve eyesight in the elderly. Eggs contain antioxidants and numerous nutrients that will help the body function well.

They contain lutein, zeaxanthin and carotenoid vitamins that support good vision and eye health. The presence of carotenoid limits the effect of sunlight on the eyes.

3. A rich source of iron

Iron is the carrier of oxygen in the blood. It is also useful for boosting the immune system and for energy metabolism.

The iron found in eggs in easy to absorb in addition to it being more usable. This iron exists in the form of heme iron and is good for the body; the body can get the needed amount of iron faster than when iron supplements are being taken.

Those who suffer from a deficiency of iron can eat more eggs in order to get the required amount of iron. The moment you start to have headaches and become irritated, you should eat more eggs.

4. Improves the adequacy of diets

Food eaten with eggs are usually more palatable than when they are eaten alone.

Most of the foods eaten can become balanced diet when eggs are being added to them. Those who do not eat eggs may not get as much vitamins as those who eat eggs regularly.

5. A rich source of protein

Since most of the foods eaten are basically carbohydrates, adding eggs to our diet can improve our health status. Eggs are rich sources of proteins which are highly important for the formation and repair of old and worn out tissues in the body.

Unlike carbohydrates, proteins cannot be stored in the body, thus, eating eggs regularly will supply the body with enough proteins.

An average size of egg contains about the same amount of protein contained in a 30g cooked meat. Egg proteins are the best in addition to the eggs being affordable.

6. Protection of bones

Eggs contain calcium which is very good for bone health. An appreciable amount of vitamin D can be gotten in eggs. This vitamin is good for the absorption of calcium. This means that osteoporosis can be prevented if more eggs are eaten.

Also, the health of your hair and nails gets improved when eggs are being added to your diet, This translates into faster growing hair and nails.regular basis.

7. It helps improve the brain health

Ever wondered why nursing mothers prefer feeding their babies with eggs the moment they start to eat? It is because eggs contain choline; a nutrient that helps improve the development of the brain in fetus and new born babies.

This nutrient improves memory retention in kids as well as in adults. Eating more eggs during pregnancy is good for your unborn child as it contributes to memory retention.

See the video below to see how many eggs you can eat in a day:

12 awesome uses of banana peel that you should know

Bananas are a dining table regular all over the world. Because they is available all year round, they have become a dessert favourite among other fruits. Not only are they delicious, they also have a lot of nutritional benefits to offer.

When we eat a banana, we often disregard its peel and throw it away, having no use for it. However, do you know that instead of throwing them in the trash, there are a lot of uses for a banana peel? Read on.

1. Wart remover

Are you sick of your annoying warts? Sure, there are home remedies to remove warts, but do you know that a banana peel works just the same? All you need to do is cut a portion of the peel and cover the area with warts. Secure it with adhesive tape and leave overnight. Repeat this until the warts are gone.

2. Whitens teeth

If you want to have whiter teeth, rub the inside of a banana peel to your teeth for two minutes and leave for 10 minutes. Do this before brushing your teeth. Make sure to choose a banana with the right level of ripeness.

3. Meat tenderizer

Put banana peels together with the meat you cook to help tenderize it.

4. Rose fertilizer

Since banana peels are good for compost, they can be also fertilize roses.

5. Relieves mosquito bite

Even though there is no scientific study to back this up, people claim that using a banana peel on mosquito bites can help relieve the swelling and itchiness.

4. Rose fertilizer

Since banana peels are good for compost, they can be also fertilize roses.

5. Relieves mosquito bite

Even though there is no scientific study to back this up, people claim that using a banana peel on mosquito bites can help relieve the swelling and itchiness.

The next time you take oranges and want to discard the peels, you should think of the amazing benefits you are about to put to waste.

The orange peels that are often thrown away are packed with nutrients and beneficial compounds that will do your body a whole lot of good.

Apart from the loaded dose of vitamin C that we get to obtain from oranges, the peels have the ability to cleanse the lungs and help us fight the toxins that may irritate the tissues in the lung.

Oranges contain lots of nutrients and enzymes that help the body function properly. The orange peels contain a powerful antioxidant called flavanones; they help in fighting free radicals and also help to reduce the damage that may be caused by oxidation.

Orange peels are naturally loaded with histamine suppressing compounds. This is quite useful for those who have sleeping disorders. There are numerous reasons why you should not discard your orange peels.

Since it has been established that the orange peels are good for you, you can either use them in their fresh or dried form. The dried orange peels last longer.

Find some of the amazing benefits you can derive from orange peels below:

1. Support against respiratory distress

Orange peels have cleansing effect; they help break down and expel congestion. They contain enzymes, fiber, pectin and vitamin C. Vitamin C is an immunity booster as it helps prevent cold and flu.

Although the taste of peel is somewhat bitter, some people eat it because they focus more on the benefits they tend to derive from it. The peel can be added to a smoothie or other recipes if you cannot eat it raw.
2. Helps to improve the skin tone

The vitamin C present in orange peels does amazing things for the skin. It gives the skin a healthy glow and adds to its suppleness.

Orange peels can be dried and made into powder. The powder is made into a paste by adding honey and yogurt to it. This can be applied on the face and neck for about twenty minutes before rinsing off.

Using orange peels on the skin help get rid of dark spots and blemishes. Harmful ultraviolet rays can be blocked when this is applied on the skin.

3. For whitening the teeth

Orange peels contain d-limonene, this is a compound that helps reduce the stains on the teeth. Stains gotten from smoking can also be removed with the peels obtained from oranges.

The inside of an orange peel can be rubbed over the teeth for about three minutes, rinse your mouth afterwards. Alternatively, you can make a paste from the orange peel powder. Using this paste will whiten your teeth.

4. A natural sponge

Orange peels have other uses apart from the health benefits we derive from them. They can be used as a sponge. These peels contain essential oils that can help remove grease from surfaces if they are not completely dried. An orange peel can be used to clean the sink.

5. They help get rid of putrid smells

When orange peels are boiled, they help freshen the air in the kitchen. Adding a cinnamon stick or mint in the mix will help freshen the air. Burning dried orange peels in the house will also release a wonderful smell into your space.

6. For preventing itchy scalp

Adding the peels gotten from orange to homemade shampoo will give your hair a nice citrus smell. It will also help to prevent itchy scalp.

7. Homemade refrigerator deodorizer

Orange peels can be used as deodorizers for the refrigerator. To do this, you need to eat the fruit from the inside; add salt to half of the peel and place it in a bowl in the fridge for about a week or two.

8. Aids digestion

Orange peel tea can be made by adding dried orange peels to boiled water. You can add honey to it if you want to sweeten it. Taking this tea aids digestion.

9. They help get rid of cats

If you are not a lover of cats and worry about them being around your space, you should spread some orange peels around your house. Cats will stay away because they do not like the smell of oranges.

10. Assists in weight loss

If you are keen on shedding some weight, you can take orange peel tea often. Organic orange peels are simply the best if a positive result is to be gotten from this.

Dry the peels obtained from organic oranges and add a tablespoon of it to hot water. This should be covered and left for about ten minutes. Honey could be added to sweeten the tea.

What are the benefits of lemon?

You probably heard that lemons are very helpful for people, but probably you cannot even imagine how big this advantage is. Read the article about the main benefits of the lemon.

In the modern violent and suffering from environmental disasters world, it is very important for us to take care of our own health. Because the contemporary pace of life is incredibly fast, we have to do our best to keep pace with all the changes and innovations in different spheres of our life.

In this crazy rush, aimed at earning as much money as possible, we often forget to take care of our health. We do not pay attention to what we eat, how much water we drink, how much time we sleep and do not even try to avoid the huge amount of stress. It all causes serious problems with our inward parts of the body, nervous system and the state of our skin and hair.

We regain consciousness only when we turn out to be on a hospital bed with serious illnesses or something like that. But it can already be too late to do something to return our health and beauty. So it is important to do everything possible to prevent and avoid any problems.
Since the early childhood our parents are teaching us that our health is a very important thing for each person, and to protect it, it is necessary to eat fruits and vegetables.

It may be surprising, but lemon is one of the best and the richest in vitamins fruits. Moreover, it has a huge number of other benefits.

India, China, Indonesia, and the Pacific tropical islands lay claim to being called the motherland of lemons. It is actually impossible to say exactly whence this sunny fruit comes. We only know that it is the army of Alexander the Great, who brought lemons from India to Greece and Palestine.

Then lemon was called an "Indian apple" or the "citron". In the XIII century, the Crusaders brought lemons to Italy, and from there the fruit has got to France, where it immediately won popularity among the fashionistas - ladies believed that the acidic lemon juice makes their lips much brighter. Well, then this kind of citrus began its triumphal procession through the Europe.

The Spanish folklore supposes the lemon to be a symbol of bitter, betrayed love.

Perhaps, even children know that all the citrus, including lemon, contain vitamin C in a large quantity. Therefore, regular consumption of lemon is an excellent opportunity to strengthen your organism s defence system.

Scientists claim that no herbal remedy can compete with the pome for its antiseptic and antibacterial properties of lemon. And indeed it is true. Lemon fruits are rich in alkaline elements, contain organic acids, nitrogen and minerals (including copper and potassium salts), vitamins A, B, B2, P, C and volatile. Peel of the pome and its leaves are rich in essential oils.

This orange is used for the treatment and prevention of hypovitaminosis, avitaminosis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, serious problems of mineral metabolism, atherosclerosis, scurvy, flu, and hypertension. Moreover, the fruit is often used for cosmetic purposes. It can help you get rid of freckles, age spots and rejuvenate the skin.

You should always remember about two important points.

Firstly, many people make the huge mistake of beginning taking lemons in large number at the time when they already get the flu or a cold. It is important to use this growth as a preventive measure, so you should start eating citrus in advance to stay healthy.

Secondly, you should not throw this fruit in a hot tea, because the main its value, factor C, as well as other useful substances will be destroyed. It is much better to wait for the tea to cool slightly, and squeeze the juice into it. Also, it is very good if you try to eat slices of lemon, even with sugar.

The other part of the fruit, which we usually cut away, and which is actually very helpful, is a zest. Zest is a powerful antibacterial agent, it should be chewed in the case of serious inflammatory processes in the throat or breathing apparatus, especially when purulent tonsillitis appears.

It has a very good influence on the cardiovascular system of a person. Only a few kinds of fruits and vegetables contain very useful vitamin P, lemon is not an exception and is very rich in it. This substance is essential for the prevention of thrombosis, as it is responsible for the elasticity of blood vessels and capillaries, strengthens and protects them from breakage. Also, it is a good prevention of anaemia, especially in children.

Lemon gives the impetus to the pathway of enzymes and digestive juices in the gastric mucosa, which leads to an increase in absorption by the body of iron and calcium.

Also, this fruit reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood, relieves spasms and cramps, has a tonic effect.

In folk medicine, lemon is valued as an anti-aging agent. The drink, which is made from 1/3 of fresh lemon juice and 2/3 of green tea without sugar, is considered to be one of the most effective anti-aging means. In addition, the citrus, as well as the unfermented tea protect the body from free radicals, toxins and are the real prevention of cancer.

Juice of one lemon contains 33% of the daily norm of factor C, and 1 tablespoon of its peel - 13%.

For whom the lemon is forbidden?

Of course, it is especially dangerous for those people, suffering from chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. You should totally abandon the lemon if you have ulcer or gastritis, and particularly during exacerbations because citrus quickly provokes deterioration. The acidity of the lemon juice often causes heartburn. You also cannot use a lemon, if you have a complex process of angriness of the throat or mouth: the juice will cause irritation, pain, possibly bleeding and prolongation of healing.

Despite the fact that lemon effectively cleanses the liver, for human beings suffering from pancreatitis, this citrus is contraindicated. You should be careful with the fruit if you have a high blood pressure because lemon is recommended by doctors for people with under pressure.

For good health:

1) If you go in for sport, the juice of this pome helps to balance fluid and electrolyte balance in your body. You just need to drink it daily.

2) If you are trying to grow your meager as fast as possible, lemon is the best thing for doing it.

3) The orange also prevents the appearance different unpleasant skin problems and is very useful for the skin in a whole.

4) The fruit is well known for its therapeutic properties. It can help your defence system to fight off most infections.

5)The water with the juice of the citrus works wonders for those people suffering from heart problems due to the high content of potassium.

6) Potassium also nourishes the brain and ganglion cells.

7) Lemon helps to enhance digestion.

8) It also helps to reduce pain and rankling in your joints, as well as to dissolve uric acid.

9) Achaser of frown contains less than 25 calories. It is a rich source of nutrients such as fragments A and C, calcium, iron, fibre pectin.

10) Water with lime-juice removes toxins and wastes from the liver.

11) A warm juice helps to remove toxins from the whole human s body.

12) Lemon is a great antiseptic. You were wounded? Treat the wound with the frown!

13) Lemon helps to fight colds.

14) They contain pectin fiber, so they serve as a powerful antibacterial agent.

15) Lemon drink leads to the normalisation of pH balance in the body.

16) If you have heartburn, outdrink a splash lemon juice concentrate. This will help to relieve the pain and discomfort.

17) If you drink tea with the pome it will help you to avoid asthma.

18) If you add the juice of this orange to your salads, you can forget about such dangerous problem as anaemia.

19) If you cannot imagine what to do with an incredible toothache, you should try to drink a glass of water with the addition of lemon juice. Also, you can daily add a couple of drops of it to your paste for improving the state of your tooth and their whitening.

20) In the case of some problems with your digestive system, you can drink a glass of water with juice after each eating occasion and you will probably forget about coprostasia forever.

For the beauty:

If you want to get rid of freckles, you need to tissue your face daily with a lemon juice. But be careful, do not walk in the sun for hours after that.

If you want your skin to be glabrous and gentle, you should try a miraculous mask from lemon juice and olive oil. And if you have a calloused skin on your heels and elbows, you can try to tissue it with the piece of lemon. We are sure that you would be surprised.

If you want to add more shine to your hair, you should add some juice of this fruit to water, while hairwashing.

So, you can see that this pome is a real panacea. But you should be careful and remember that it is important not to over-indulge in your actions and do the best to stay healthy.

Difference between lime and lemon

Lemon and lime are often confused because they are considered to be the closest relatives. What is the difference between lime and lemon? They both contain ascorbic acid in large quantities and are frequently used in cooking. Both fruits belong to Citrus family. Perhaps, lime and lemon - are completely different fruits, and often - not interchangeable.

What is the difference between lime and lemon fruits?

the color of the fruit;
size and shape of the fruit;
the thickness of the rind;
fruits main uses;
amount of vitamins.
Lime and lemon origin

Lemon is an evergreen tree 6-8 meters tall. The most comfortable climate for its growth is subtropical. Lemon homeland is called India, China and tropical islands in the Pacific Ocean.

Lime, most often, is a shrub from half a meter to two meters, rarely it is a tree up to five meters in height. The birthplace of lime – Malacca Peninsula in Southeast Asia.

Lime fruit and lemon fruit

Despite the diversity of varieties of lemon and lime, the similarity between the fruits still exists. They have almost same shape and greenish-yellow color. Lime, compared with lemon, is even more juicy with soft, granular, and certainly green flesh, while the lemon pulp is transparent, with a yellowish tinge. In addition, the size of a lemon prevails over the size of lime.

Lime tree gives fruits all year round, and lemon only once a year.

Lime and Lemon taste qualities
Lemon Benefits and Lime Benefits

Vitamin C amount. Lemon, like lime, is widespread in medicine as a storehouse of vitamin C. Lime contains more amount of vitamin, but it should be borne in mind that in case of heat treatment - 60 percent of vitamins are lost.

Lemon benefits

Lemon is considered to be a natural sedative.
It can normalize your heart work and strengthen blood vessels, prevent the development of atherosclerosis and treat diseases of the lungs, strengthening the immune system.
In addition to vitamin C, Lemon is known for the large amount of vitamin P.
Lemon improves digestion and stimulates your appetite. It is believed that it can reduce the level of cholesterol in blood. Also it helps the body to absorb calcium and iron much better.
If you drink a glass of water with a slice of lemon every morning, this will help you to remove toxins from your body. Also it can accelerate the process of losing weight, which is important for those who are on a diet.

Lime advantages

In comparison with lemon, lime has more vitamin C - about five times more.
Lime is characterized by the presence of folic acid (vitamin M). Folic acid is necessary for the rapid development of the body. Lime is especially useful to be used by pregnant women at the time of developing and growing fetus.
Lime is rich in vitamin B and fruit acids.
This green citrus positively affects nervous system, helps to overcome fatigue, irritability and nervousness.

Ascorbic acid, present there in abundance, is a good way to burn fat. Freshly squeezed lime juice should be diluted with a cup of warm water. You can drink about two glasses of the beverage at any time of the day.

o, you have realized that despite the visual similarity of both of these fruits, it is clear that they are a little bit different, in particular, in their benefits and healing properties. By the way, I think that you understood that lime has more healing and beneficial properties.

Lemon and fertility: Does it work?

Numerous doctors advise men to eat citrus, and especially - lemons. What is special about it, excepting vitamin C, even a child knows the benefits of which? How are lemon and fertility connected? Find out now!

Lemon and male fertility

It turns out that lemon juice has a strong positive effect on the male ability of conception - it usually speeds up the sperm movement and also improves sperm quality. Vitamin C and thiamine substance which are present in lemons, enhance virility and fertility.

But at the same moment, you should use the product in a right way and not overdo it, otherwise, it can easily work against you. And getting enough vitamin C can improve male function. If a man cannot conceive a kid for a long time, be sure to include fresh lemon juice in your diet. The studies have shown that lemon boost fertility. It increases the amount of testosterone and reduces the percentage of infertility of men.

100 gram of lemon contains 77% of the RDA of vitamin C. If you cannot stand the taste of lemon and you cannot make yourself to use it, replace it with vitamin C tablets. Also, vitamin C contains thiamine, which it prevents the male disease. The researches have pleasantly surprised the doctors: in combination with vitamin C, thiamine can increase sperm motility and increases fertility.

How should men use lemon to boost fertility?

The main condition is that lemon juice must be fresh. You can also add it to the water or salads, mix with cinnamon and honey, or just drink it. Mix a glass of water with 1 tsp of lemon juice, if you want, add a little honey. Drink it in a half an hour before breakfast. Sip this drink on an empty stomach and repeat the procedure 2-3 times a week. Such lemon drink and fertility are tightly connected. It can improve the condition of women’s health.

Lemon drink for men

The main condition is that lemon juice must be fresh. You can also add it to the water or salads, mix with cinnamon and honey, or just drink it. Mix a glass of water with 1 tsp of lemon juice, if you want, add a little honey. Drink it in a half an hour before breakfast. Sip this drink on an empty stomach and repeat the procedure 2-3 times a week. Such lemon drink and fertility are tightly connected. It can improve the condition of women’s health.

Lemon drink for men

Lemon and fertility: Does it work?
When a man has the prostate adenoma it is recommended to use the course of treatment with the following mixture:

• the juice of 3 lemons;

• 3 fresh chicken egg yolk;

• 200 g of honey;

• 200 grams of cognac or red wine.

The ingredients are mixed thoroughly and take 1 tablespoon of a mixture 3 times a day in 20 minutes before eating. The duration of the first part of the course is 1 month; then take a break for 2 weeks. The second part of the course is also carried out within 1 month. You should take 100 g of a decoction of licorice root 3 times a day. Pour 1 tablespoon of dried roots in 0.5 liters of water, cook for 10 minutes and leave it for a while. You can slowly chew dry licorice root during the day. After the course, you should make a break for 2 weeks again, and then return to the first recipe.

Lemon against alcohol and nicotine

Coffee or tea with lemon helps to neutralize the alcohol in the body. It helps to get sober quickly. Regular use of lemon juice facilitates weaning from alcohol and tobacco, and also helps to treat the catarrh of the nose and throat of smokers and alcoholics. It also contributes to better fertility.

Doctors often see the connection between lemon fruit and fertility. So you should try it too and check up the results yourself!

Zobo drink and fertility: Does it work?

Zobo drink – what are Zobo drink health benefits? Zobo drink and fertility – what is the connection?

Coffee and tea in Nigeria are quite non-popular drinks. In abundance you can find them only in tourist areas. Coconut milk and Zobo drink are favorite drinks of local residents of Nigeria.

Zobo drink recipe

Rich red drink is prepared by adding a generous handful of buds of hibiscus and sugar in boiling water (so it becomes safe to drink) and cooking about 10 or 15 minutes. Further, you need to add pineapple juice and sometimes ginger. It turns out that soft drink tastes like tart herbal teas and spicy juice. It is very original and tasty. This drink is easy to prepare at home.

Zobo drink tastes just like fruit punch. Initially the leaves are cooked so that it turns into a sort of concentrate with flavorings (strawberry, raspberry, vanilla, banana) and water.

Benefit of Zobo drink to the body

You know that Zobo drink has sweet taste, this way you may not add sugar to it, this is very beneficial for those people who suffer from excess weight and want to lose weight. So if you are fond of sweet beverages, you may choose this one as the main in your health menu.

Zobo drink and pregnancy

It isn’t as helpful for pregnant as it is beneficial for common men and women. It is true due to the fact that drinking Zobo while pregnancy can influence your blood stream and bring about menstruation which is a direct way to abortion. What’s more, it isn’t recommended to taste it during breastfeeding.

7 health benefits of lime
Lime is not a lemon. Though these are two different citrus fruits, many of us see no difference between them. Lime is used not only with tequila. Health benefits of lime cannot be overestimated. This green fruit is full of vitamins and minerals, which are very beneficial for our health and immune system. What are top seven health benefits of lime? Continue reading to know the answer.

What is lime?

Lime is a citrus fruit from India. It is genetically similar to lemon. Lime is a small tree or shrub 1.4 to 5.5 meters in height. It has a dense crown. Its branches are covered with short spines. The fruits of lime are small – 3.3 – 6.5 cm in diameter. The pulp of the fruit is very juicy and sour with a bitter taste. Lime has a green, yellowish-green or yellow peel.

The homeland of lime is Southeast Asia – Malay Archipelago. Currently, this fruit is grown in West Africa, Sri Lanka, India, Brazil, Indonesia, Mexico, the United States, Egypt, Cuba, the Caribbean islands.

Health benefits of lime

Health benefits of limes have been known for ages. Traditionally, people use lime juice as an antiseptic, antiviral and healing means.
Lime contains plenty of vitamin C, vitamin B, vitamin A, riboflavin, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, thiamine, and pectin. This bitter fruit is recommended for prevention of heart disease and blood vessels. Owing to the content of ascorbic acid and potassium, lime can strengthen the walls of blood vessels quickly.

Limes boost your immune system
Essential oils that are contained in this green fruit increase appetite and enhance the production of gastric juice, thereby stimulating digestion and bowel movements.

Therefore, Eastern cuisine always offers a slice of lime instead of different sauces for lunch and dinner. Essential oil contained in lime helps to fight cold.
Lime reduces cholesterol
Due to the high content of vitamin C, lime reduces the level of bad cholesterol, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, and slows the aging process. This fruit also stimulates the production of the special protein called collagen, which determines the elasticity and firmness of the skin. Moreover, lime contains plenty of pectins, which helps to prevent constipation and excrete toxic products.

Lime calms the nervous system
Lime is an excellent natural tranquilizer. It has a calming effect on the nervous system, improves overall health, and mood. Recent studies have proved that lime can overcome any fatigue, tearfulness, depression, increased irritability, and nervousness.

Side effects of lime in the body
The Internet is full of information about how drinking lime juice is good for your health. But today we find out all the side effects of lime.

Is lime juice good for you?

First of all, it is important to remember anything can be bad if you take them too much. Limes, like many other citrus fruits, can cause allergies. The second danger is that it softens the tooth enamel and caries.

Acidic products, including citrus juice affect the teeth in a destructive way. After eating lime or drinking lime juice, it is advisable to rinse the mouth with clean water.

Despite the fact that lime juice can be beneficial for your health, there are some limitations. For example, the high content of citric acid can cause peptic ulcer, pancreatitis, and gastritis.

wLime juice side effects cause damage mainly to the stomach and teeth. One of its biggest dangers lies in its poisonous seeds, which are forbidden to eat.

Lime juice on face side effects

Lime side effects do not only occur in the internal part of the body. Lime juice and its natural oils are very beneficial for skin. But when you take it too much, it can cause rash and skin irritation.

Side effects of lime water in morning

Do not drink lime water on an empty stomach. Side effects of lime water often take time to manifest. Lime juice acid can corrode the walls of the stomach, it can cause a variety of diseases.

Side effects of lime and honey in warm water

This is one more combination that is not always beneficial for your health. The fact is that honey in warm water turns the mixture into a carcinogenic substance.

At a temperature of 40°C, honey releases oxymethylfurfural which belongs to the group of poisons and is not excreted from the body.

Drinking lime juice side effects

Side effects of drinking lime juice may occur if you drink undiluted juice. It is better to dilute lime with water, and do not drink it too much or on an empty stomach.

lime tea side effects

If you have some problems with your kidneys, it is better not to drink lime tea. And if you have gastritis, increased acidity of the stomach, peptic ulcer, pancreatitis, caries or allergy to citrus fruits then drinking lime juice is not a good idea.

As you can see, lime can be good or bad for your health, depending on how you take it. Remember that even lime water side effects can lead to stomach problems. But do not be afraid of this fruit. Consume it in small quantities so as to only get the healthy and safe benefits.

Effect of lime on early pregnancy

Health benefits of eating ewedu soup

Ewedu soup is the green slimy soup obtained from cooking the ewedu leaves; the English name of this plant is jute mallow with the botanical name Corchorus olitorius. This soup is usually cooked by Yoruba people in Nigeria.
The ewedu soup is mainly eaten with amala and can be combined with local bean soup which is locally known as gbegiri. Most people prefer combining it this way when they want to eat this soup. Apart from ewedu being one of the most important vegetables to the Yoruba people, there are so many health benefits attached to eating this soup.

Find below some of the health benefits attached to eating ewedu soup:

1. For the beautification of the skin

Ewedu leaves contain vitamins that increase the production of collagen in the body. This makes the skin more firm and beautiful. You should take this soup more often in order to have and maintain a beautiful skin.

2. It enhances bowel movement

Ewedu soup is an adequate source of fibre. This means that the soup is quite helpful in controlling weight. It also eases bowel movement and promotes the intestinal health.

3. It contains anti-oxidants

Ewedu soup contains anti-oxidants that are highly beneficial to the body. These anti-oxidants contained in the leaves protect the body from certain medical conditions and chronic diseases.

4. It contains beneficial micronutrients

Ewedu contains micronutrients that play important roles in the well-being of humans. They also help in the regulation of metabolism, heartbeat, and bone density. Generally, this reduces one chances of becoming ill as micro-nutrients and vitamins see to the well-being of the consumers.

5. Home remedy in the treatment of certain illness

Ewedu can also be used locally as it could be taken as a home remedy to ease certain illnesses that involve constipation, dysentery, and related stomach conditions.

6. It contains beta-carotene

Ewedu soup contains beta-carotene which is the main safe source of dietary vitamin A. This is important for normal  growth and development in the body.

It also strengthens the immune system and helps to improve vision. This means that consuming more ewedu soup could improve your eyesight and nourish your body at the same time.

7. Protection against degenerative diseases

Ewedu leaves contain vitamins A, C and E. These vitamins play a major role in the protection of the body from degenerative diseases. Vitamin A is essential for normal vision, immune system, and reproduction. It also promotes the proper functioning of organs like lungs, heart, and kidney.

The vitamin C obtained in ewedu leaves is essential for the proper of healing of wounds, it also works for the repair and maintenance of bones and teeth.

This vitamin also helps the body produce collagen; an important protein that is key in the formation of skin, tendons, cartilage, ligaments and blood vessels.

How to cook vegetable soup with ugu and waterleaf?

According to the culinary traditions, the first dish is the most important. Everyone knows that having a hot soup is very crucial for health. Cooks around the world create delicious recipes of varying complexity. The easiest way is to cook food from those products that are easily available in your area. So use the secrets of the national Nigerian cuisine. From this article, you’ll find out how to cook vegetable soup with ugu and waterleaf.

Useful properties of vegetable soups

This dish is very nutritious but at the same time, light. It is quickly absorbed and improves digestion. Vegetable soup ingredients come with a lot of useful substances. In addition, the soups are usually less caloric than most dishes.

Filling and tasty vegetable soups are very necessary for people who care about their health. They are incomparable when it comes to their properties. Soups like this have an exquisite and gentle consistency, so they are very easily and quickly absorbed by the body. In addition, they are very beneficial since vegetables contain a lot of the vitamins and microelements we need.

Vegetable soups are ideal for those who prefer nutritional native dishes. These Nigerian cuisine are considered a favourite for most people.

Let’s take a close look at the traditional Nigerian food. For many years, one of the most popular dishes in our country is the edikaikong soup. It's not too difficult to prepare You will get great health benefits. Efiks were the first tribes to begin preparing this dish. The name edikaikong is translated as "vegetable soup". It's an excellent source of vitamins, strength, and fibre.

If you want to try it stock up with these ingredients:

0,5 kilos of roasted/dried fish;
1 cup of crayfish;
from 10 to 12 cups of waterleaf;
6 cups of ugu leaf;
1 cup of palm oil;
average stock fish head;
meat you prefer (assorted is the best);
salt and pepper according to your taste;
3-4 cubes of Maggi or Knorr;
1 cup of periwinkles (may be not added if you don't like it);
ofor or achi (2 spoons);
onion (half cup).
The measurement may be adjusted if you would like to cook more or less food.

If you haven’t eaten periwinkles before be sure to try it out. In most Nigerian markets, it is sold in ready-made form.

The preparation is quite easy. You just have to follow few simple instructions:

Rinse the meat under water and put it in a large pot. Add the onion, spices, and cook the mixture for half an hour.
Wash the seafood and periwinkle under cool water and add them to the pan. Wait until the meat is about 3/4 soft compared to full readiness.
Rinse fish in hot water to get rid of dirt and sand, mix it with the rest of ingredients. If the fish is very dry, add it at the very beginning.
Slice ugu and waterleaves into small pieces. It’s convenient to buy already sliced leaves. Sellers often do it themselves. If you need to cut the leaves yourself, use a plate and a sharp knife.
Put the leaves in separate dishes and rinse with water to get rid of sand. It is recommended to do it very carefully. It's better to wash them before cutting, so this is an important reason to buy them unprepared. The fluted pumpkin can be washed before slicing, but you have to wash waterleaves after cutting.

Add 1 cup of palm oil (250 milliliters) to the boiling ingredients. In this recipe, you have to use a lot of oil.
Add spices according to your taste. Then the dish should be cooked for another 10 minutes. Make sure all ingredients boil with a little water.
Mix the soup, taste a little and decide whether it is worth adding spices before putting waterleaves in.
Stir, wait for 3 more minutes before using the leaves.
Mix and add seafood, periwinkle, Knorr or Maggi.
If desired, add ground ofor or achi (1 big spoon). Then add your ugu leaves.
Cover pan with lid, leaving a small opening for steam and let the soup boil for another 5 minutes.
That's all! You just cooked a mouth-watering soup. Enjoy its special taste. Invite relatives and friends to dinner. They are guaranteed to appreciate your cooking skills. Complement the feast with a second dish like fufu or semovita.

For many people find it easier to learn recipes from video lessons. Below you can see how to make the delicious vegetable soup. The video is made in the usual Nigerian kitchen, not in a restaurant or hotel. So any person can repeat the process described at home.

It's a good illustration for the article above. Closely follow the process, take into account all recommendations and you will definitely get a tasty meal.

Tiger nuts and sperm count

The importance of tiger nuts cannot be overestimated. This food is very healthy. It prevents plenty of diseases. Tiger nuts improve fertility and affect sperm count. Is it really so? Continue reading the article to get to know whether tiger nuts influence sperm count.

What are tiger nuts?

Tiger nut is a nut that belongs to the crop of the sedge family. It is commonly spread on the whole planet. These are such regions as and Africa, Madagascar, Southern Europe, the Middle East, and Indian Subcontinent.
People cultivate this crop owing to its tasty tubers. They are widely known as almonds or tiger nuts for the preparation of “horchata de chufa,” a sweet milk-like beverage. Benefits of tiger nuts milk are broadly used in most countries.

Tiger nuts and fertility

Tiger nuts and fertility are closely connected. According to the recent investigations, which were carried out by the most reputable scientists, tiger nuts provide the novel treatment for infertility in men and women. It was proven that they boost sperm count and egg quality.
Researchers emphasize that tiger nuts play a significant role in the improvement of fertility. The methanolic extract of tiger nuts has a very positive effect on reproductive hormones, sperm motility, and sperm count. The same researchers have also confirmed how tiger nuts increase fertility parameters in females.

Tiger nuts and sexuality

According to traditional healers in Africa, tiger nuts and sexuality are intimately connected. These crops enhance libido very much. The recent medical studies have proved that tiger nuts have a pro-sexual effect. Their hypothesis was that tiger nuts raise the concentration of testosterone in the body.
Tiger nuts are rich in zinc. It helps the body to produce testosterone. They also influence sperm count very much. Tiger nuts are a perfect source of aforementioned omega-3 fatty acids. In most cases, they help to prevent plaque accumulation in the arteries and improve blood flow to the genitals.
Below you will find the best benefits of tiger nuts.

It contains much fiber. These almonds contain much more fiber than cabbage, oats, Chia seeds, carrot, or plums. The fiber helps the organism to stop constipation. Moreover, tiger nut is a perfect appetite suppressant, which contributes to controlling your weight.
It controls blood pressure. Tiger nuts help to monitor the blood pressure of a human body. These nuts contain plenty of amino acids. Arginine is the most commonly amino acid found in tiger nuts.
It helps to regulate blood sugar levels. The greatest health benefit of tiger nuts is that they help to manage blood sugar levels. They have inexplicable fiber in them, which is very useful for diabetic patients. Insoluble fiber is an essential for diabetic patients because it causes no difficulties in the blood sugar levels.
It is rich in vitamins. Tiger nuts are incredibly rich in minerals and vitamins. They have the high content of vitamin E and C in them as well as such essential minerals as potassium and phosphorous. Additionally, tiger nuts contain more iron than cow milk, red meat, or liver. Therefore, eating tiger nuts will give you plenty of vitamins, which will definitely strengthen your whole body.
It is magnificent for digestion. Tiger nuts are treasured for the digestive system. They help to treat irritable bowels, stomach cramps, and other stomach problems. Traditional medicine uses them flatulence, dysentery, and diarrhea.
It protects against cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Tiger nuts have a rich content of vitamin E. It belongs to a group of fat-soluble compounds with exceptional antioxidant assets. They guard the body against free radicals. Moreover, vitamin E stops the development of reactive oxygen species. According to numerous researches, vitamin E has many properties that prevent colorectal cancer.

Tiger nuts is used in desserts
If you adore creating delightful gluten-free desserts, make use of tiger nut flour. Since the flour alternative is, of course, nutty and sweet, you can as well think of the recipe by using a bit less sugar than most recipes calls for. Try tiger nut flour in various pies, brownies, or cookies cakes. Thus, you will cook delicious desserts!

Tiger nut is an excellent topping
Just use chopped tiger nuts, your favorite unsweetened dried fruit, shredded unsweetened coconut, oil, honey, cinnamon and make your favorite healthy granola. Tiger nuts are the perfect crunchy topper. It is an ideal for grab-and-go breakfast. It tastes great sprinkled on top of overnight oats or Greek yogurt. Using this crop is a perfect way to gain the health benefits of tiger nuts without making any main alterations to your favorite dinner recipes.

Tiger nut is a perfect drink
Health benefits of tiger nut milk are known worldwide. It is very easy to make a tiger nut milk. Below you will find the recipe on how to make a tiger nut milk.


Tiger nuts have plenty of health benefits. Moreover, you can always eat them dried, roasted, raw, or baked. You can also make a fantastic tiger nut milk. This crop helps to prevent thrombosis and activates blood circulation. Tiger nuts are responsible for treating urinary tract and bacterial infection. They also reduce the risk of colon cancer. Tiger nuts play a vital role in the enhancement of fertility and sperm count.

If you know some additional uses of tiger nuts, please share them in the comments below.

What are health benefits of parsley?

Parsley is widely used in traditional medicine on the whole planet. It helps to get rid of many diseases. This plant is extremely rich in nutrients and minerals. What are health benefits of parsley? Are there any secrets we did not know? Continue reading to get all the essential information on this issue.

Health benefits of parsley

All parts of parsley are beneficial for a human body. They are actively used for maintaining health and restoring its functioning.

Health benefits of parsley are in its biologically active compounds and minerals. All parts of this plant are rich in bioflavonoids and pectin. A large number of essential oils causes spicy aroma of this plant.

Top health benefits of parsley for our body consist of the following:

Immunity increase. It helps to produce more collagen (the main protein of connective tissue). Moreover, parsley accelerates the absorption of nutrients and the regeneration of damaged tissues, stimulates the functioning of the endocrine system, and protects the body from various infections

Treatment and prevention of arthritis. The essential oil of parsley makes an anti-inflammatory effect for pain and swelling in the affected joints
Improvement of metabolic processes. Parsley contains plenty of vitamins. They stimulate the production of red blood cells, synthesize protein and normalize hemoglobin levels. Folic acid has a positive effect on the prevention of anemia and the formation of healthy cells

Lowering of blood pressure. The high content of potassium normalizes high blood pressure and heart rate
Prevention of respiratory and allergic rhinitis. This very health benefit of parsley is indispensable during the flowering plants and the emergence of seasonal allergies
Acidity adjustment. Parsley improves the digestive tract functioning and reduces the gastric juice acidity
Treatment of inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system. Parsley relieves all foci of inflammation

Detoxification of the body. Parsley removes toxins, stimulates the formation of apigenin in the liver. This important substance significantly increases the effect of medicines against colon cancer
Remediation of the oral cavity. Parsley chlorophyll is an excellent tool for the prevention of inflammation of the mouth. Moreover, it eliminates bad breath
Treatment of pyelonephritis. Parsley neutralizes all the viruses and bacteria that cause inflammation of the kidneys
Blood sugar lowering. The constant use of parsley helps to control blood glucose levels of diabetics

A perfect diuretic means. Parsley diuretic properties increase the excretion of toxins and salts thereof, reduces the amount of fluid in the intercellular space
Eyesight improvement. A comprehensive set of microelements, vitamin A and beta-carotene contributes to the normalization of eyesight. Parsley also protects the optic nerve from overwork
Regeneration of tissue. Histidine helps to the relief of infectious processes in the skin after injury and various surgeries.
Health benefits of parsley for women

Parsley contains a particular chemical compound - apiol. This plant is an analogue of the female hormone estrogen. It normalizes the menstrual cycle, improves the health of the pathological course of menopause, and eliminates pain during menstruation
Parsley is indispensable for the female beauty. It helps to look good, avoid unnecessary pigmentation of skin during pregnancy and menopause, maintain ageing skin, and cure acne

The balance of essential macro- and microelements stimulates digestion. Moreover, parsley helps to get rid of fat and suppress the feeling of hunger effectively. The use of parsley in the diet makes up for the lack of enzymes and bioactive substances necessary for digestion
If nursing mothers add some parsley in the first and second courses, they will significantly improve the quality of breast milk.

Health benefits of parsley for men:

Increases potency
Enhances the functioning of the prostate gland
Improves blood circulation in the pelvis, which improves the health of the genitourinary system
Health benefits of parsley for men are mainly based on the content of chemical compound apigenin. This substance reduces the estrogen content in the male body, allowing the testosterone showing its best qualities.

Health benefits of parsley root

For therapeutic purposes, parsley root is often used. Parsley root contains many vitamins, essential oils, organic acids, and minerals. In particular, the main health benefits of parsley leaf are:

Correction of the liver and biliary tract
Strengthening of immune system
Oral disinfection
Excretion of toxins and excess fluid
Improvement of the genitourinary system, the treatment of prostatitis and urolithiasis

Normalization of the digestive tract, stimulation the production of enzymes for better digestion
Constipation prevention
Glucose level reducing in diabetes
Elimination of pigmentation, puffiness, dark circles under the eyes
The treatment of rheumatism and arthritis
Parsley root is commonly used in combined treatment of obesity

Undoubtedly, parsley can benefit to the human body. It perfectly strengthens the immune system and cares about high-quality prevention of various diseases. This plant is useful for both women and men. Parsley actively helps in solving specific problems of male and female health.

Eat parsley and stay healthy!

Side effects of tiger nuts

What is tiger nut? If you still have doubts whether to use tiger nuts, then there is a must to read the article in order to find out about tiger nuts benefits and tiger nuts side effects.
So, what is tiger nut? – you will ask me

Tiger nut is a plant that grows on the territory of Northern Hemisphere where there are different climate conditions – from moderate to subtropical. However, nowadays they have already gained popularity in Europe. It has magical properties, and today we will tell you how it grows and what are tiger nuts benefits and tiger nuts side effects. Tiger nuts have a nutty flavor and it is somewhat similar to coconuts, but a little sweeter.

The advantage of the cultivation of tiger nuts is that with proper care, they give a good harvest, besides, it enriches the soil on which it grows.

Tiger nut benefits

It includes magnesium, calcium and iron, it supplies the body with protein and healthy fats. It includes vitamin B that is beneficial for skin, hair and nails.

To provide the body with essential vitamins and minerals, it is recommended to eat 50-70 grams of tiger nut daily.

Tiger nut is useful because it strengthens the immune system. With regular use you will notice that you almost do not get sick and feel great. This product improves mood, prolongs youth, strengthens cardiovascular system and increases mental and physical performance.

Also the nut has a positive effect on the gastro-intestinal tract, it contains beneficial fatty acids that prevent constipation, bloating and abdominal pain.

Chufa also helps to lower "bad" cholesterol in the blood, not allowing to form blood clots, thereby preventing the development of atherosclerosis.Another advantage is a unique ability to prevent aging of the organism at all levels. On condition of tiger nuts daily eating, you will permanently save your health, youth and beauty.

Side effects of tiger nuts

Not everyone can consume this product.

First of all, it is suggested to eat tiger nuts in small quantities for those who have excess weight because it has a large number of calories.

Tiger nut and diabetes

If you suffer from diabetes or problems with liver, you need to use tiger nut with caution.

Tiger nut and allergy

It is necessary to pay attention to the usage of tiger nut if you know that you are allergic to it.

What nuts are most suitable for usage?

You can have both young and mature nuts. They can be eaten raw, fried, and even grind. The crushed nuts are used to prepare the beverage, which soothes and gives energy.

Tiger nut calories content and applicationTiger nut calories content is about 480 calories per 100 grams, of which 54 grams are fats, 18 grams protein and 13 grams - carbohydrates.

As fresh fruit is harsh, before use, it is recommended to soak it for 1-2 hours in water. In food industry they are first roasted, then crushed. Crushed tiger nuts are used in preparation of confectionery, coffee and other beverages.

They are also added to the pastry. Spain residents are preparing sweet drink — horchata or almond milk. Toasted crushed tiger nuts used as a coffee substitute.

Tiger nut oil chemical composition is close to olive one. It has golden color and pleasant taste. It is used in the manufacture of high quality soap. Green part of tiger nuts is pretty decorative, it can be grown on beds.

Avoiding tiger nut side effects: true rules of tiger nuts appliance

Tiger nut can be stored for about 2 years, but they should be regularly ventilated and protected from insects, some of them can seriously damage the nuts. It is therefore advisable to use them as early as possible.

Tiger nuts correct cooking

You need to soak them for 1 day, after that they are to be boiled for half an hour, then you need to store them in water where they were boiled for 2 days. Don't forget that the box where they were stored, must be hermetic. Sometimes it is needed to add sugar, but this is not a required procedure. Tea from tiger nuts leaves and raw nuts clear the body from radionuclides.

When you have toothache, you should rinse your mouth with a decoction of tiger nuts roots, a powder can be rubbed into the gums. Tiger nuts boost and strengthen the immune system, stimulate brains, reduce stress, improve mood, energize.

All in all, before its usage you need to pay attention to its possible benefits and side effects. Take care of your health and body.

Banana benefits and side effects

What do we know about banana benefits and side effects? How can a banana be beneficial for our health if we compare it to other products? Still, banana has many exclusive effects on the health which you can`t see in the regular taking products and fruits. Nevertheless, many people just love this yellow-skinned fruit, and that`s why they eat it.

Banana benefits

It can be quite easy to implement banana into your daily diet. Moreover, you can take banana in any place you like as it`s very comfortable to place it into your bag. If you get to know some other health benefits connected to the banana, then you can quite make a history with this fruit.

One banana per dayInstead of eating an apple per day try to stick to the banana. It will keep you from a doctor for the very long period. The banana health benefits can perfectly outweigh any Apple regarding nutrient elements and vitamins. Bananas can overweigh any Apple by two times in carbohydrates, in three times phosphorus and five times Vitamin A. it should also be mentioned that bananas are enriched with natural sugar and potassium. All these factors provide supremacy over any apple.

Energy supply

Bananas can be named a great source of the natural energy due to an abundance of minerals and vitamins. If you eat only two bananas before exercises, then you may expect enough energy for more than one hour. Bananas can be quite a fuel if you feel sluggish and tired during the day. Instead of having some coffee, try to use banana, it can provide much more energy without a sudden crash of it.

Potassium supply

Potassium provides better performance in our oxygen circulation and bananas are rich in potassium. Therefore, it helps our body to maintain circulation and gives the proper balance of water and keeps the rhythm of the heartbeat. It can be a good helper in decreasing the risk of strokes and high blood pressure.

Constipation treatment

Bananas can provide the best assistance in stopping constipations. The regular bowel function can be provided with a certain type of fiber concentrated in bananas. Instead of using laxatives that can contain synthetic chemical substances, try to use bananas. It can certainly maintain in good health any part of your digestive system and keep distance with diarrhea.

Mood improvement

One banana a day can certainly help you working out any bad spirit as bananas are enriched on tryptophan. It`s a mood fixing substance that provides you with proteins and minerals to get your mind fixed and relaxed. Therefore, it will make you feel happy. If you feel depressed and everything goes out of the control, then one banana can help you to illuminate the depression.

Banana in “these days”

Instead of taking pills that provide chemical help to the dealing with menstruation pain, try to use a banana. Bananas contain Vitamin B6 that can perfectly help you with glucose level and speed up your mood.

Brain power increase

Potassium contained in bananas can perfectly increase your brain activity. In one of the researches, it was showed that students who took bananas for three times a day, showed much greater results in alert tasks during their classes.

Banana for Party

If you desire to illuminate effects of the hangover, then try to stick to bananas. They have natural abilities to replenish body`s vitamins and provide a relaxing effect to your brains. The simplest cocktail with banana if you desire to destroy hangover presence is next:

-    Put few bananas in blender

-    Put some yogurt blender

-    Put some honey in blender

-    Mix everything

-    Drink this mix

The fruits restore your stomach health and help it to calm, where honey will play its part in restoring sugar level in your blood. Bananas vitamin B can perfectly illuminate any sign of psychological and physical stress.

Pregnant women and bananas

Bananas have a calming effect on the body. Pregnant women can eat bananas to help with their morning problems. It also helps to restore a healthy level of glucose in the blood. Bananas also help regulate a temperature of women`s body. It can be a perfect fruit to cheer up a pregnant woman.

Banana for skin

If you have some mosquitoes that bite you every time you sleep, and you can illuminate mosquito bites from your skin, then try to rub your place of bite with inside part of the banana`s peel. It can help you to illuminate the swelling and itching effect of the mosquito bite. You might also take notice that it works better than any creams or medication that you find in a drugstore.

Ulcers treatment

Bananas can be perfect helpers in treating your stomach. It can reduce the acidity in the stomach that can leave other food. They can perfectly help with treating the irritation of the digestive system.

Iron supply
If you suffer from a deficiency of iron in your body, then bananas can be quite a welcome decision regarding helping you to get the Iron level in normal. They can contribute to producing hemoglobin. Therefore, your blood will clot much faster.

Banana peels as fertilizers
Bananas peels can be perfect fertilizers for your garden. Try to use them for fertilizing your soil and garden. Your roses will certainly benefit from having banana peels in their custody. If you desire your flowers to blossom, then try to use some banana peels.

Banana side effects

Bananas can be quite beneficial for your health as they are filled with nutrients and minerals. Nevertheless, if you eat too much of them, then you might have some problems with your health connected to the bananas. If you understand the negative potential of eating too much of the fruit, you may handle the problem.

Heart problems
Bananas can be quite beneficial for your health as they are filled with nutrients and minerals. Nevertheless, if you eat too much of them, then you might have some problems with your health connected to the bananas. If you understand the negative potential of eating too much of the fruit, you may handle the problem.

Heart problems

One large banana is considerably estimated with five hundred milligrams of potassium. The normal recommended intake of potassium is 2000 mg per day. The excess of potassium may lead to heart problems. Nevertheless, our healthy body can figure out how to help with potassium where it`s needed.

Try to eat no more than seven bananas per day, as eating too much may cause some problems with your heart. 3-4 bananas per day are quite enough to feel well.


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