synopsis of Odu Ifa Irete Ogbe

Odu: Irete Ogbe
Alias: Irete Adan

1. Ifa foresees ire of wealth for the person for whom this Odu is revealed. Ifa says that there is the need for this person to propitiate Ifa with honey so as not to experience bitterness in her life and for her to achieve all the good things of life. she also needs to offer ebo with two guinea fowls, two pigeons and money. On this, Ifa says:

Irentegbe awo Alakisa
Dia fun Alakisa
Eyi ti won ni da Ifaa re moyin bo
O gb’ebo, O ru’bo
Ko pe, Ko jinna
E wa ba ni bayo, e wa wo ire

Irentegbe, the awo of Alakisa
Cast Ifa for Alakisa
The one who was advised to propritiate Ifa with honey (for the achievement of all the good things of life)
She complied
Not too far, soon after
Come and meet us in joyful celebration and success.

2.              Ifa says that the person for whom this Odu is revealed shall have good legacies to always refer to while on earth. Ifa says that her coming to this world shall not be in vain. There shall be a lot of remarkable achievements for this person of which shall always be sources of reference and joy in her life. In this wise, there is the need for her to offer ebo with four guinea fowls, four pigeons, and money. She also needs to propitiate Ifa with eight rats, eight fish and lots of coconuts. On these, Ifa says:
Agbon ma niwa
Awo ile Orunmila
Dia fun Orunmila
Baba ji, baba o ri iregun so
Won ni o kara nle ebo ni sise
O gb’ebo, O ru’bo
Iregun aje, Iregun ma ni o
Agbon ma niwa
Ifa je n ri Iregun so o
Iregun aya, Iregun ma ni o
Agbon ma niwa
Ifa je n ri Iregun so o
Iregun omo, Iregun ma ni o
Agbon ma niwa
Ifa je n ri Iregun so o
Iregun Ile, Iregun ma ni o
Agbon ma niwa
Ifa je n ri Iregun so o
Iregun Ire gbogbo, Iregun ma ni o
Agbon ma niwa
Ifa je n ri Iregun so o

Agbon ma niwa (Destiny is like a coconut)-alias
Cast Ifa for Orunmila
When he woke up, he had nothing to show for his hardwork in life
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
If we have wealth, we will have something worthwhile to show for being on earth
Agbon ma niwa
Ifa, please let me have something worthwhile to show for being on this earth
If we have good spouse, it is something  worthwhile to refer to for being on earth
Agbon ma niwa
Ifa, please let me have something worthwhile to refer to for being on earth
If we have children, we’ll have something worthwhile to show for being on earth
Agbon ma niwa
Ifa, please let me have something worthwhile to refer to for being on earth
If we have properties, longlife and all Ire in life, we will have something worthwhile to show for being on earth
Agbon ma niwa
Ifa, please let me have something worthwhile to refer to for being on earth

3.              Ifa foresees Ire of success and accomplishments  for the person for whom this Odu is revealed  especially from abroad. Ifa says that this person shall travel far and wide and from where she shall become successful. Ifa says that her achievements shall go from heights to greater heights. However, there is the need for her to uphold Ifa and offer ebo with three pigeons and money. Through this, she shall receive the support of Ifa from time to time. On this, Ifa says:

Alayonnbere ori okiti abenu sinmini
Dia fun Orunmila
Ifa nrebi atoke-doke
Ifa nrebi ona to jin gbooro bi ojo
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, O ru’bo
Nje laye nmowa, mi o ku o
Ewe gbegbe moniye
Agbigbo hannhan
Laye mo wa, mi o ku o

The monitor on ant-hill top with its pointed mouth (alias )
Cast Ifa for Orunmila
When he was going from heights to greater heights
And was going to a far away distance as the sun is from the earth
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
This world that i have come, i will not die prematurely
The efficacy and power of the leaf of gbegbe moniye
The power of Agbigbo, Hoopoe will all assist me
In this world that i have come, i will not die young

4.              Ifa foresees the ire of financial success for the person for whom this Odu is revealed. Ifa says that with the Itenifa that this person had done, all good things of life shall be at her disposal. There shall be Ire of free gifts for her. Ifa says that all what has been eluding her in the past shall be achieved and possessed like a hook catching a fish. There is however the need for her to offer ebo and propitiate Ifa with three pigeons, three guinea fowls, three hens, three fish, three rats and money. Thereafter, illusion, mirage or hopelessness shall be a thing of the past. On these, Ifa says:

Irin mi o seni ire
Ebiti mi o seeyan
Iwo nikan ni nbe nile ti nse Olubusi Awo
Dia fun Orunmila
Ifa nmenu sungbere ire gbogbo
Won ni ko rubo
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ire aje towo o mi o to Ifa
Iwo deere
Pelu ori i mi o faa fum mi o
Iwo deere
Ire aya, omo towo o mi o to Ifa
Iwo deere
Pelu ori i mi o faa fun mi
Iwo deere
Ire gbogbo towo o mi o to Ifa
Iwo deere
Pelu ori i mi o faa fun mi
Iwo deere

My snare trap is not merciful
And my deadfall trap is without compassion
Only the hook is considerate of an Awo
These were Ifa’s messages to Orunmila
When lamenting for all good things of life
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
The Ire of wealth which i have no yet achieved, Ifa
Iwo deere, the hook
With my Ori, let it be made possible
The Ire of good spouse and children which i have not yet achieved, Ifa
Iwo deere, the hook
With my Ori, let it be made possible
All the good things of life which i have not yet achieved
Iwo deere, the hook
With the Ori, let it be made possible
Iwo deere, the hook

5.              Ifa says that there is the need for this person for whom this Odu is revealed to propitiate Esu for lifting embargo on her success. Ifa advises the person to always propitiate Esu in case she experiences failures, and unaccomplishment in her undertakings. Ifa says that as soon as she offers ebo and propitiates Esu, all her goodies that have been hanging in the air will be let loose and be in his possession. On this, Ifa says:

Atee buye, o tu yanga
Dia fun Orunmila
Ifa n lo tooro ire merin lowo Olodumare agotun
Ebo ni won ni o waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Bi un o ba lowo lowo o dowoo re o
Esu odara, o dowo o re o
Bi un o ba laya o dowo re o
Esu Odara o dowo re o
Bi un o ba bimo o dowo o re o
Esu Odara o dowo re o
Bi un o ba nire gbogbo o dowoo re o
Esu Odara o dowo re o

Atee scoops iyerosun powder and it scatters
This was the Ifa cast for Orunmila
When going to request for four goodies from Olodumare
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
If l’m not blessed with money, it is in your hands
Esu Odara, it is in your hands and I hand everything over to you
If l’m not blessed with good spouse, it is in your hands
Esu Odara, it is in your hands and I hand everything over to you
If l’m not blessed with children, it is in your hands
Esu Odara, it is in your hands and I hand everything over to you
If l’m not blessed with good things of life, it is in your hands
Esu Odara, it is in your hands and I hand everything over to you

6.              Ifa foresees Ire of victory for the person for whom this Odu is revealed. Ifa says that this person shall be confronted with six battles from different fronts but she shall be victorious. She is advised to offer ebo with a matured he-goat and to always pray to Ifa for victory. A special preparations (akose) also needs to prepared for this person in order to complement the efficacy of the ebo. On this, Ifa says:

Gbe mi lori
Ki n kifa ipa
So mi kale
Ki n k’ero
Ifa ero le mi ko
Emi o kofa ele o
Dia fun Orunmila
Ifa n be laarin ota
Ifa ji, Ifa n fojoojumo kominu ogun
Orunmila ni to ba se bi ise towun ba ni
O ni agbon ile o nii roju lo oko
Toko o nii roju wale
Ewee deyin-korun kii yun orun
Iro ni won n pa
Eke ni won n se
Iku o nii mona

If you aggravate me
I will recite malevolent Ifa verses
But if you pacify me
I will recite benevolent Ifa verses
I was taught to recite benevolent Ifa verses only
I was not taught to recite malevolent ones
These were Ifa’s declarations to Orunmila
When he was in the midst of adversaries
Orunmila said if it were according to his practice
That domestic hornet will not have the time to go to the farm
And the one in the farm(wild) will neither have the time to come home
The leaves of deyin-korun (turn its back on heaven) can never go to heaven
He said that it was all lies
And was mere gossiping
That Death will never find his way (to his home)

7.              Ifa foresees the ire of wealth for the person for whom this Odu is revealed. Ifa says that this person has the potentials to succeed outside his place of residence. Ifa says that there will be an avenue that will afford her the opportunity of travelling to a far distance for economic goals and of which she will bring home abundant profits. However, there is the need for her to offer ebo and to propitiate Ogun agbede. She also needs to propitiate the Ori of her mother. On these, Irete Ogbe says:

Eji woroworo meji
Dia fun yindinyindin
Ti nlo oko alero lodun
Ti yoo kere yinyin aje wale
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Iwaju-iwaju lakere nbe si
Oruku gbaa, oruku
Iwaju-iwaju laaya nbe si
Oruku gbaa, oruku

Eji woroworo meji (alias of Awo)
Cast Ifa for Yindinyindin
When going for his annual farming
And would come home with huge profits
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
A frog always jumps forward
Forward ever shall I go
An Ape too jumps forwards
Forward ever shall I go

8.              Ifa reiterates further on the potentials of the person for whom this Odu is revealed with regard to success chances abroad. Ifa advises her to offer ebo with four pigeons and money. Ifa says that whatever she lays her hand on especially in the foreign environment or country, shall always turn out to be successful. On this, Ifa says:

Owo taara
Ese taara
Dia fun Ookun
Ti ngbogun lo siluu Ilaje
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ookun koo ma diyin aje mo
Ara a re lokun
Ara a re laye ti nso
Ookun koo ma diyin aya, omo, ire gbogbo

Owo taara
Ese taara
Cast Ifa for Ookun, the date palm
When going to the land of riches
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
Ookun, do not complain of lack of riches anymore
It is from your body that wealth and beads are derived
Ookun, do not complain of lack of good spouse, children and all good things of life

9.              Ifa  foresees ire of wealth and victory for the person for whom this Odu is revealed. Ifa says that this person will survive all odds and evil designs of the enemies. Apart from being victorious, Ifa says that she will be blessed with a good and understanding spouse and bountiful gifts. However, she need to offer ebo with three pigeons, four brooms and money. One of the brooms will be offered to Esu, two of the brooms will be taken by the Awo, while the remaining one is given to the owner of this Ifa. The significance of the broom is to help rid off all the odds which may act as impediments to her progress. On this, Irete Ogbe says:

O di rere
O di rara
Dia fun Orunmila
Ifa nsawo lo Ilu Egbo
Ebo ni won ni o waa se
O gb’ebo, O ru’bo
O di rere
O ma di rara
Yanmu-yanmu Ilu Egbo
O di rere

O di rere (it’s a good riddance)
O di rara (it’s an eternal riddance)
This was the Ifa cast for Orunmila
When going on spiritual expedition to the land of Egbo
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
It was a riddance
A good riddance indeed to
Yanmu-yanmu (killer mosquitoes) of the land of Egbo

10.              Ifa says that the person for whom this Odu is revealed needs to be propitiating her Ori at all times. Ifa says that this person shall always receive the support of her Ori in the attempt to achieve all good things of life. With the support of her Ori, she shall become successful. In addition, she needs to propitiate Ifa in order to complement the support of her Ori. On this, Ifa says:

Ategbe, ategbe
Dia fun Orunmila
Ifa yoo se alatileyin Ori
Ire aje ti owoo mi o to
Iwo-deere, pelu orii mi o faa fun mi
Ire gbogbo ti owoo mi o to
Pelu orii mi e faa fun mi

Ategbe, ategbe ( To imprint Ifa for support)
Cast Ifa for Orunmila
When Ifa would become a supporter of Ori
The financial success that I have not achieved
Iwo-deere, the hook, and my Ori
Please draw it to me
All goodies that I have not yet achieved
Iwo-deere, the hook, and my Ori
Please draw them closer to me for me to achieve them
Iwo-deere, the great hook

11.              Ifa advises the person for whom this Odu is revealed to be contented with what her destiny has chosen for her. Ifa says that she should not use other people’s success and achievement as yard sticks for her success. She should work harder and avoid coveting another people’s achievement in order not to meet with unhealthy consequences. Ifa says that all her heart desires shall be fulfilled. There is however the need for her to offer ebo with three guinea fowls, three hens, three pigeons, hook and money. She also needs to feed Esu with a rooster. On this, Ifa says:

Eni abini bi kii wu won
Eni eleni nii ya won lara
Dia fun Iwo-deere
Ti yoo se alabaarin eja
Won ni ko sakaale ebo ni sise
O gb’ebo, O ru’bo
Nje ire gbogbo ti owo awa o to
Pelu orii mi o faa fun mi

They are never fascinated by their kinsmen
But become fascinated by people from strange land
These were Ifa’s declaration to Iwo-deere, the Hook
Who would become the fish’s companion
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
The goodies that we have not yet achieved
Iwo-deere, the Hook
And my Ori please make it possible for me

12.              Ifa then advised the owner of this Ifa to be beneficient to people at all times. Ifa says that there is the tendency for people to give her problems but she should not be deterred by this. Ifa says that she shall prosper by doing good to people at all times. She shall achieve greatness even more than her detractors. However, there is the need for her to offer ebo with two guinea fowls, two hens and money. On this, Ifa says

Oore kii gbe
Bee ni Ika kii re danu
Asoore ijeere edo
Bi eni padanu ohun gbogbo ni
Dia fun Aganna
Ti yoo je Oloko leyin Iku Oba
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, O ru’bo
Kilo f’Aganna j’Oloko
Lo f’Aganna j’Oloko

Kindness is never done in vain
Likewise wickedness will never go unrewarded
Kindness without appreciation
Is like one has made a loss
These were the declarations of Ifa to Aganna
The one who would be enthroned as the Oba of Oko land
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
What was responsible for Aganna to become the king?
That was what made Aganna to become the kind

13.              Ifa says that the Itenifa (Ifa initiation ) that this person has done is the right step for her problems to be solved. This initiation will surely bring forth abundant blessings from Olodumare and of which will continue as long as she lives. In this wise, there is the need for her to offer ebo. On this, Ifa says:

Ire n tegbe lodo
Ariwo n ta laalaa
Dia fun Orunmila
Ti n loo te omo Olokun Seniade nifa
A ti reni ola, a se loore
Orunmila lo te omo Olokun Seniade nifa
A ti reni ola, a se loore o

Ire was initiating Ogbe at the river side
Noise filled the whole atmosphere
This was the Ifa cast for Orunmila
When going to officiate Itenifa for Olokun Seniade’s child
We have shown beneficience to a wealthy person
Orunmila was the one who initiated Olokun Seniade’s child
We have shown beneficience to a wealth person

14.              Ifa goes further that with this initiation, the person for whom this Odu is revealed will not experience a situation whereby her wealth will start to dwindle and her life taking a downward turn. Ifa foresees victory for this person in this regard. There is however the need for her to offer ebo with a matured he-goat and money. She also needs to propitiate Ifa with a she-goat. On this, Ifa says:

Erin lo koja lori ota
Bee la o rese erin
Efon lo koja lori ota
Bee la o rese efon
Awon ojo patapata lo koja lori apata agbaransala
Bee la o rese ojo patapata lori ota agbaransala
Dia fun Orunmila
Nijo o won laye Ifa womi o
Ebo ni won ni o waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Aye Ifa o nii womi o
Erigi Alo, Ifa ba mi taye e mi se o
Aye Ifa o nii womi o

An elephant passes over the rock
But its foot print can not be found
A buffalo passes over the rock
But its footprint can not be noticed
The heavy downpour passes over the rock of Agbaransala
Yet, the traces of the down pour cannot be found
These were Ifa’s declarations to Orunmila
When the enemies wished for the life of Ifa to be totally submerged in water
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
The life of Ifa can never be submerged (in ruins)
Erigi alo, Ifa please turn my life around for better
The life of Ifa cannot be immersed in water

15.              Success awaits the person for whom this Odu is revealed through the support and blessing of Ifa. This person needs to propitiate Ifa with a matured she-goat and to complement it with the offering of ebo with Sekere (beaded calabash), pigeon, hen and money. On this, Ifa says:

Ategbe ategbe lomode n te yanrin
Dia fun Sekere
Ti n lo sife Akelubebe
Won ni o sakaale ebo ni sise
O gb’ebo, O ru’bo
Omode wonyin ta le o gbe
Baba alakeregbe la o gbe

A child marches on the sand with impunity for support
This was the message of Ifa for Sekere (the beaded calabash)
When going to the town of Ife Akelubebe
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Whom will these children support?
The man with akeregbe (Sekere) is the one we will support

16.              Ifa says that three people are likely to have their breakthrough at the same time. They must not eat dried okra but if they do, the breakthrough may not be possible. Ifa however advises the person for whom this Odu is revealed to offer ebo and to avoid eating dried okra in order for her breakthrough to happen. She must be careful of advice from her spouse that may not be in her best interest. Heeding bad advice may have serious adverse effect and the person may not measure up to standard even among his colleagues.

Ategbe ategbe, Awo Olokun
Dia fun Olokun
Nigbati omi Olokun o too bu boju
Ategbe ategbe awo Olosa
Lo dia fun Olosa
Nijo omi Osa o too bu sanse
Ategbe ategbe Awo Atan
Lo dia fun Atan
Nigbati ko lojo ale ti ko lojo aaro
Won ni ki won ru’bo
Olokun ati Olosa lo gb’ebo, ti won ru’bo
Atan nikan lo nbe leyin ti ko rubo
Okun kun leri-leri o
Osa n lu gbada
Akintekun o fowo Atan je Orunla

Ategbe ategbe, the awo of Olokun
Cast Ifa for Olokun
When the water in the sea was not enough to wash one’s face
Ategbe ategbe, the awo of Olosa
Cast Ifa for Olosa
When the water in the lagoon was not enough to wash one’s leg
Ategbe ategbe, the awo of Atan
Cast Ifa for Atan
When he could neither rest in the day nor night
They were advised to offer ebo
It was only Olokun and Olosa that complied and became great
Atan refused to comply and failed to become a successful person
The sea of Olokun then became full to the brim
While the lagoon also resurge fully
Akintekun (Atan’s wife) has spent Atan’s money on dried okra

Aboru Aboye


1. Ifa - for overall success elevation, companionship and long
2. Ori - for elevation and fulfilment of destiny
3. Osoosi – for progress, success and victory
4. Obatala - for fulfilment of destiny and elevation
5. Esu– Odara - for victory and success
6. Ogun - for victory over enemies
7. Egbe - for companionship and success


1. Must not engage in two love relationships at the same time – to avoid emotional instability and matrimonial problems
1. Must never eat or keep snails- to avoid unconsummated fortune
2. Must never eat kolanuts and- to avoid a situation that will lead to untimely death of your spouse
3. Must never eat coconuts- to avoid unconsummated fortune
4. Must never marry a stranger whose background is not well known- to avoid matrimonial problems and disaster
5. Must not take more interest in what concerns others at the expense of him/herself – to avoid misfortunes
6. Must never eat cat or cat family –to avoid unconsummated fortune
7. Must take advices from his kith and kins more than from strangers – to avoid misfortune


1. Priestess
2. Doctor
3. Oceanography or water related job
4. Soldier, Police, Customs/Immigration or any other para-military forces.


1. Ayeleso – World needs meekness
2. Fakorede – Ifa ushers in ire of life
3. Ogo Oluwa – The glory of God

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