In this work Babalawo Obanifa will document different items use for prayer in Yoruba culture and spirituality and their usage. In Yoruba spirituality almost 90% of prayers do require that certain items must be used for quick efficacy of such prayer. Sometime this items of prayer can be ones to eat or inedible depend on the items in question or purpose of the prayer. By prayer in this sense, we are referring to a solemn request for help or expression of thanks to God or another deity, wish may take forms of invocation, intercession or devotion. In Yoruba tradition, when you want offer a prayer, you will get all the items prescribe for such prayer through Ifa consultation, or conventional items needed for such prayers if it is meant for ceremony like, marriage, naming ceremony, coronation or prayer to certain Orisa/Irunmole etc. And when those items are available depending on the purpose of the prayer as explain earlier or the orisa/irunmole  the prayer is meant for. Then we will be taking the items one after the other and pray with it using the compatible Ifa verses or stanza that tally with the purpose of the prayers and the items in question. Anything said during prayer in Yoruba culture and traditions are all from Ifa verses. Effective words that can be used during prayer range from Ayajo ifa,Ofo,Ogede,Aasan. The foregoing aforementioned need detail explanation. Ayajo Ifa  is a complete quotation of certain Ifa verses with some incantatory interpolation that give complete detail of what give birth to a particular miraculous event in history scripturally. It is  the Ayajo Ifa that give birth Aasan,Ogede and Ofo.Aasan is incomplete quotation Of an Ayajo Ifa often for negative purpose or some time as a defense against spiritual attack. While Ofo is also an incomplete quoting of ifa verses without given attention to full detail of event in such verse , but mere taking out of the  part you need for your purpose, ofo is a reduce form of ayajo Ifa.  It is instructive to not that Ofo and Ogede can be have same definition, but Ogede can stand on its own and can be use ordinarily without any attach to any spiritual preparations such as oogun, but Ofo usually depend on spiritual preparation for it efficacy, It is when you want to use certain spiritual preparations you will then say its ofo to it. So in short whether you are using Ayajo ,Aasan , ogede or ofo , all you are doing is quoting from an ifa verse  wish you can either do intentionally or unintentionally, it can be in complete comprehensive form or incomplete comprehensive form.
The items for prayer in Yoruba tradition range from both animate and inanimate object such as plant and animals and other commondities. The most commonly identifiable one are :Omi(water), Oti(wine), Obi (kolanut),Orogbo (bitter kola),Atare(Alligator pepper),Oyin igan(wild honey),Iyo(salt),Ireke (Sugar cane),Ogede(banana),Ori (shea butter), Eyin (egg),Adiye(fowl),Igbin( snail) Konko (toad),Eyele(pegion) Obuko(he-goat),Elede ( Pig), Agbo ( ram)etc. Having list some of these commonly used items of prayers, shall go deep by taking them one after the other and explain how it can be used, ifa stanza and ofo that is compatible with each items and occasions of used will also be explain.
Water is one of the most commonly used item during sacrifice and prayers and during marriage and naming ceremonies or when you want to pray in front of any Orisa/Irunmole symbol or before any prayer at all
General Usage:
You will hold the water and say :
 Omi re oo
Omi la bu we
Omi la bu mu
Ati ewe ati agba won ki ba omi se ote
Ati ewe ati agba won ki ba omi se ota
Ki omo araaye ma ba emi babalawo obanifa se ota
This is water
It the water we drinks
It is the water we bathe with
Both young and old don’t conspire against water
Both young and old dot make enemies with water
The people of this world should not turn to my enemies.
Using Water In Front Of Any Orisa Or Irumonle
It is one of the first things to do when you are in front of any Orisa or Irumonle temple or symbol and you want to offer prayer. The first thing you need to do is to pour water on the ground or the floor or even on such symbol itself before you offer your prayer. You will  then  say the following Ofo thus;
 Ka ta sile
Ka ta senu
Ka ma je kitile o po jut i enu lo
 Dia fun omi
Ti se egbon ire
 Kin la n ta sile ka to wure ?
Omi la n ta sile ka to wure
Let us pour on the ground
Let us pour in the mouth
Don’t let the one on the ground surpass the one in the mouth
This was Ifa declaration for water 
That normally precedes prayers
What do will pour down before observing prayers?
It is the water will pour down before observing prayers.
Using water For Prayer during
Naming Ceremony
The moderator of the naming ceremony or the Babalawo presiding, will take the water, pour little of it on the ground and says the following;

Omi aye re o

Omi labu we

Omi labu mu

Enikan ki ba Omi sota

Omi ki bale ko ma nipa rere

Ki o nipa rere nile aye

Ki aye mafe iwo omo tuntun,ki iwo na si ma fe ti aye.



This is water will use here on earth

Water is needed to take bath

Water is needed to drink

No one make himself an enemy of water

Mother does not spill on land without mark or impact

You(The new born baby) will have positive impact in this world

 The people of the world will shower you with love and affection, you will also do same in return

Ase (So may it be or so it shall be)

The people in attendant at the name ceremony, will also chorus  Ase

If the moderator is a Babalawo, he can go ahead and recite the prayer related to water along with this prayer. The leading authoritative common prayers for blessing water in Ifa can be seen in odu ifa Ejiogbe.where ifa says:

Alolo omi

Alolo omi

Ati waye Igun

Ati rorun Akala

Oju ro igunnugun toki

Dia fun Olomi tutu

Ti se aya agboniregun

Orunmila ni o di eke eku

Mo ni eewo Ife

Erigialo ko ni fi Olomi tutu  aya fun iku pa

Ohun re mati di Imule


 Extremely clean water

Extremely pure water

The coming to the world of the vulture

The going to the sky of the hornbill

The vulture feels unwholesome

These was ifa reveal for Olomitutu( the owner of cool water)

The wife of Agboniregun (Orunmila)

Orunmila says until a big chunk of rat

I say taboo of Ife

Erigialo (Orunmila) will not allow death to
kill  his wife Olomitutu (the owner of cool water)

They have indeed made a pact

After this has prayer has been done the officiating priest or moderator of the naming ceremony will use little of the water to touch the baby head. Give some to the mother of the baby to drink and share the rest with people sitting to touch their head too in prayer.
Wine, especially alcoholics wine is one of the items needed for prayers in Yoruba spirituality.
It is normally use during prayer and it aid in activation of tongue for Ase.
General  Usage
The gin will be pour inside a cup, little out of it will be pour on ground. The following word can be used;
Oti kit ii
Oti kit e
Ki o ma ti
Gin never go insipid

Wine don’t suffer rejection
You will never go insipid
Usage of Wine for Prayer during Marriage Ceremony.
IF it is during marriage ceremony that the wine is about to be use. The wine will be open  and be pour in a cup. The Ifa stanza that can be use for this purpose is  derive from  Odu Ifa Ose – orogbe . The ifa stanza goe thus :
Asegbe awo oti
Dia fun oti
Oti n loo joye apenijoo
Ebon i won ni ko wa se
O gbo ebon be
O rubo
Nje Oti lo joye apenijo
Eyin omo pe Oti lo joye Apeluuwa
Oti lo joye apenijo
Ki omo arye gbarijo ba o re
Asegbe the awo of Oti
Was the Awo who make Ifa consultation for oti
When he was going to be honor with tile of crowd puller
Don’t you know that Oti is the Apeluuwa ( that wish is used to summon a whole community)
Oti has been given the title of crowd gatherer
May  people of this world gather to relate with you.
Usage of wine  For prayer During Naming Ceremony

The presiding person over the naming ceremony will also open the gin.pour little on land or floor. Put little on his mouth and say the following:

Oti ki ti

Oti ki te

Ki iwo omo tuntun yi ki o ma ti

Ki o ma te laye



Gin never go insipid

Wine don’t suffer rejection

The life of this child will never be insipid

He will not be humiliated in life


Little out of the gin can use to touch the child forehead.
The kolanut that is normally use for prayers in Yoruba tradition is kolanut with four lobes. The kolanut is usually put in a bowl of water. It will be remove and  , prayer will be offer on it and it will then be split for throwing:
General Usage. You will hold the Obi and say ;
Obi ni bi iku
Obi ni bi arun
Obi ni bi ibi gbogbo
Ki o bi ibi gbogbo danu fun o
It is kolanut that pushes away dearth
It is kolanut that pushes away diseases
It is kolanut tht pushes away all bad forces
It should pull away all bad forces away from you.
 Usage Of kolanut For prayer During marriage Ceremony:
In Yoruba Culture it is generally in the habit of the bride family to demand certain number of kolanut during traditional marriage ceremony .it is normally use to pray for the aspiring couple for longevity of life. In observing such prayer one of the prayer that can be used for such purpose is odu ifa Ogbe ogunda also known as Ogbe Yonu. You will hold the kola nut and say the following prayer;
Ki a teni wekle-wele
Ki a sun wele
Ki omo eni  o le ban a owo woroworo
Ki o fi gbe ni sin
Ki o le ba juko obi obi luni ni poroporo
Dia fun Iyawo oju ona
Ti n re ile oko re
Ni afemojumon
Ti n lo re gba ase nile oko
Tio lo gba ase nile Ifa
Ebon i won ni ko se
O gbbo n be o rub o

Won ni a ri ohun fun Iyawo a fi Omo
Ero ona e gba obi Fun Ifa yemi
Let us spread the mat well
And sleep comfortably
So that one’s  children can spread their hand gently
And honor one with decent Burial after death
This was ifa divination for the betrothed woman
When going to her husband home early in the morning
And going to receive the blessing of her husband family
And the blessing of Ifa
She was advice to offer ebo she complied
They said will have nothing to give our wife expect good children
All the traveller please help us give obi to Ifayemi.

Using Kolanut For Prayer During Naming Ceremony
 kola nut will also be blessed and use to pray for the child the following way;

Obi ree o

Obi ni bi iku danu

Obi ni bi arun danu

Ki obi bi iku danu fun o

Ki obi bi arun danu fun o

Ki o bi gbogbo ajogun ibi danu fun o



This is kolanut

It push away death

It push away sickness

It will push away death for you

It will push away sickness for you

It will push away all malevolence forces for you


The person will chew little, give little to the mother of the new born child to chew little.

If the person presiding over the naming ceremony is a babalawo, He will go ahead to chant this to bless the obi an the child thus:

Adegunju Lawo Alaran

Itamuje lawo Itamupo

Oko lo ko obi wa sile aye

Gbagi lo ko Obi loju ona

Dia fun Okanleniwo Irunmole

Nijo ti won darijo ,won ni awon o ran obi nise

Adegunju fo soke o beju merin

Obi naa fo soke ,o beju merin

Alaraan fo soke, o be oju merinl

Ase obi nikan ni o mon ise ohun je

Nje ise ti a ran obi

Ki obi o jiyin

Ise ti a ran obi

Obi ki o ba omo tuntun lo bi gbogbo ajogun danu



Adegunju is the Babalawo of Alaraan

Itamuje is the Awo of Itamupo

Oko convey obi to the world

Gbagi is the one that met obi on the way

These were ifa declaration for 401 irunmole

On the day they all agree to send obi on errand

Adegunju jump up and split itself to four

Obi also jump up and split itself to four

Alaraan jump up and split itself to four

Obi also jump up and split itself to four

It is the only obi that will relay the message sent it, without error

Obi the errands we sent you

Let obi deliver the message well

The message we sent Obi

Obi should push away all the malevolence forces away from this child
Bitter kola is also one of the important items of prayers. It symbolizes longevity, sound health and fertility. Whenever it an items of prayer, it will use to pray for longevity and sound health such as saying, Orogbo lo ni ki o gbo nile aye( that is it orogbo that say you should live long in the world).
 Generally one of the Ifa stanza that can be used to pray with orogbo for any purpose either marriage, naming ceremony etc is  a stanza from ejiogbe wish say :
Orogbo gbo
Osu gbo
Aja ni mo ro gbo tipe –tipe
Dia fun Igunungun
Ti se omo Olojongboro
Omo Alaafinn ti n ba won gbe ode ora
Igba ti n raye Alainiku
Ebon i won ni ko wa se
O gbebo < o rubo
A ki ri Opepe Igun
Arugbo Igun kangere
Orogbo lo ni ki o go sile aye
The strong matured Orogbo
And the aja make oro cult last long
These were ifa divination for Gunnugun
The offspring of Olojongboro
Ofsping Of Alaafin  living in the land of Ora
When going to be blessed with longevity of life
He was advised to oferr ebo
He complied
We can not see a youthful vulture
Only Old and feeble vulture
Old and cautious vulture
Orogbo, will let me live long on earth.
Ataare like orogbo is also a symbol of sound health and fertility. It is also one of spiritual item to activate tongue during prayer or before incantation. One of the leading Odu Ifa that can be used when using Atare during prayer is in any setting is Odu Ifa Ogbe – irete .  it goes thus:
Eekananna owo mi  mi n ja ta
Ergi mi n jobi
Erigi jobi jatan tan
Ko to fi oti yonu
Inu ofifo lodun
Inu ofifo lagba
Inu felefele bi eni ebi n pa
 Di fun olofin Oribodeku
Igba tit i n raye alainiku
Ebo ni won ni ko se
 O rubo
 Orunmila elasode
If ma je ki bode ku ninu Awo
My fingers are use to tear alligator pepper for eating
My gums are for eating obi
Let the gum eat obi and ataare before mouth washing with liquor
Liquor on an empty stomach is unacceptable
An empty stomach sound like drum
Like the flat belly of an hungry man This was ifa divination for Orinbodeku
When he is going to spent his live in longevity
 He was advised to offer ebo He complied
Orunmila elasode
Don’t let  me die wretched among the fellow awo

 Alligator Pepper Usage during Naming ceremony
the moderator of the naming ceremony or the presiding Babalawo will then proceed to Atare(Allugator pepper) he can even chewing some seed out of it .He or she will offer the prayer with it for the new born baby thus:

Soso nile atare kun

Atare ki di tire laabo

A ki ba ile atare laabo

Ki ile iwo omo tuntun kun fun owo

Ki o kun fun ire gbogbo nile aye

Ara yiya niti atare

Ki aisan mafi ago ara re se ibugbe



The pods of atare (alligator) pepper is always full to the brim

Atare is never half-filled

No one met the pod of ataare half -filled

May the house of this new born baby filled with money

May his house full of all the good fortunes of life

Atare is alway found healthy

May the body of this new born baby, not  habour Diseases

Ase(So may it be or so it shall be)

The peoples in attendance will also say Ase.

If the moderator or the presiding person over the naming ceremony is a  babalawo,he can go further to bless the atare(alligator pepper ) with the following verse of ifa. Odu Irete meji  to bless the atare thus:

Mimo yereyere ni Oruko atare

Dia fun Odunjingi lojo ti se Ogbogbo  arun

Ebo ni woni ko se

Ogbebo nbe o ru bo.

Ko pe o, ko jina

E wa bani laiku kangiri

Aiku kangiri la bani lese orisa

Ki omo tuntun fi ilera lo ile aye


Extremely clean and plain is that of atare(Alligator pepper)

Make ifa for Odunjingi ,when he was terribly sick

He was advise to offer ebo

He obeyed

In not too distant future

Come and meet us sound health

This new born baby should enjoy his life with sound health

Honey is one of the important items of prayer in Yoruba tradition. It can be used to pray in any setting such as marriage, naming ceremony, Graduations, coronation or daily spiritual prayers. Because of the sweetness nature of this item, it is believe that if it is used for prayer. The life of the person that honey is used to pray for will be pleasant. Hence thy  ‘ didun didun ni  ti oyin, bi omode bar i oyin a so akara nu , ki aya re ki o loyin0 that is Hone is always sweet, when children see honey ,they throw away beans cake, your life should be as sweet as honey.’ . one of the leading ifa stanza that can be used to pray along with honey on any occasion is odu ifa  Ogbe – Oyeku where Ifa says :
Ogbe yeku baba amulu
Ori ogbo, ori ato ni babab edan
Ososro ni babab ojo
Dia fun gbatola
A bu fun gbatowo
Ebo ni won ni ki won se
Won rubo
Aye ye won  Aye ye Gbatola Aye ye gbatowo
Aye oyin ki koro
Ki aye re mas e koro
Ogbeyeku is the father of all combination
Longevity is the father of Edan
The torrent is the father of all rainfall
These were Ifa divination for  Gbatola ( take and lick )
And Gbatowo ( take and taste)
They were advised  to offer ebo
They both complied
Life pleased then both
The life of Gbatola is sweet and joyful
The life of Gbatowo is Is full of happiness
They life of honey is never bitter
Your life will be as sweet as honey.
Usage Of Honey During Naming Ceremony
The presiding person for the naming ceremony either Babalawo or any body designated for that purpose. He will go ahead and take the bowl or bottle of the Oyin (honey) .He will offer the prayer the following way.

Didun didun laa bale oyin

Ti omode ba ri Oyin a so Akara danu

A ki fi oyin senu tuto

Ki aye iwo omo tuntun o dun bi Oyin

Ki omo araye ma fe bi won se n fe ti Oyin


Honeycomb is always sweet

When a child taste honey , he discard Akara (Beans Cake)

No one taste honey and spite it away

May the life of this new born baby be sweet as honey

May the people of this world love you and find you ,the way they love honey


The people or attendee at the naming ceremony will also chorus Ase.

If the presiding person over the naming ceremony is a Babalawo,he can chant the stanza of Ejiogbe that was explained earliar in blessing the sallt it can also be use for honey.

After the iwure(prayer) with this item is complete .He will use his finger to touch the honey and use it to touch the head of the baby, he can taste the honey as well and pass the rest to the other attendee.Altenatively the honey  can be given to the mother of the new born baby to chew. And she will use little out of her saliva to touch the head of the new born baby.
 Table salt is one of the items for prayer in Yoruba tradition, because of it ability to season food, it is believe that using salt for prayer can turn sadness to happiness in the life of the user. It can be used to bring societal acceptability for the user. Hence the prayers,  Didun ni iyo n dun, atewe atagba  won ki ko iyo lobe , yoyo la ba oyi yo yo ki araye ba e yo 9 salt is always  both young and old don’t reject or object to salt in cooking, people should rejoice with you. One of the leading ifa prayer that can be use when praying with salt on any occasion is odu Ifa   Irete Iwori. Here ifa says :
 Beruberu ni Awo Ilaberu
Sdunko – sodungba  awo ilu ka
afomidan werewere se ile Awo ile alakole o mesin
Dia fun Orunmila baba nasawo lo si ife ajate
Ebo ni won ni ko se
O rubo
Ifa ni yio bu iyo si
Open i yio bu iyo si
 Gbogbo oro ti ko ladun Ifa ni yoo bu Iyo si
Beruberu, the awo of beru land
Sodunk-sodungba Awo of Iluka
He who adorn his home with beautiful damsel is the resident Awo Of Alakole omesin
This was Ifa divination for Orunmila
When going to Ife Where their life has become tasteless without salt
He was advised to offer ebo .
He complied
Ifa will season then with salt
Ope ( sacred palm) will season them with salt
All the sour in our life Ifa will season them with salt.
Usage of salt for prayer during naming ceremony
The presiding moderator of the naming ceremony will also take Iyo (table salt) and  pray with it this way;

Iyo ree o

Iyo ni adun obe

Ki aye iwo omo tuntun dun ju iyo lo

Ki omo araye ma fi ire wa o ri bi won se n wa ti iyo


This is salt

Without salt, soup will not have sweet taste

The life of this newborn baby should be suitable than salt

The people of this world should shower with blessing of life the way they search for salt.

If the presiding moderator of the naming ceremony is a Babalawo, he can go ahead and chant a stanza of Ifa from Ejiogbe to bless the salt thus:

Eku keku ki run ko bori Asin

Eera keera ki run ko bori Ikamudu

Igikigi ki run ko bori ifon

Itakun kitakun ki fa ko bori Torokunbojo

Torokunbojo ni baba igi

Torokunbojo ni baba eeyan

Dia fun aye iyo

A bu fun aye Oyin

Ebo ni woni ki won o se

Ki ayee won o le loyin

Awon mejeeji si gbebo nbe

Orunmila je ki aye mi dun momo

Bi aye iyo ati oyin

Ki aye omo tuntun yi dun momo

Bi aye iyo ati oyin


No rat can smell more than the Asin rat

Not ant can overpower that of Ikamudu ant

No tree can emit odour that will be stronger than that of Ifon tree

There creeper that is greater than that of Torokunbojo

Torokunbojo is the father of all  trees

Torokunbojo is the father of all humans

These were ifa declaration for the life of salt

And life of honey

They were both advise to offer ebo

So that the life on earth can be sweet

So that it will be enjoyable

Both of them heard about the ebo

They performed it

Orunmila let my life be sweet

Like life of the salt and honey

Let the life of the new born baby be sweet

Like  life of Salt and honey


After this prayer has been offer by the moderator or presiding babalawo,He will use finger to touch the salt, and also  use it to touch the head of the new born baby, the same salt will be pass round.
 This item of prayer is usually during marriage or naming ceremony. Because of the natural sweetness of Ireke it is believe using it for prayer will bring sweetness to the life of such person.  The leading ifa verse that can be chant when using sugar cane for prayer on any occasion is Odu Ifa Ogundameji .It goes thus;
Pankere wonjonwonjon Awo inu Igbo

Dia fun Oosanla Oseeremagbo

Ti yoo fadun fun Ireke

Ebo ni won ni ko se

O gbebo ,o rubo

Bi aba ni ire gbogbo lowo

Sebi bi aladun ara eni ni

Oosanla Oseeremagbo lo fadun fun Ireke

Ifa je ki ri adun ara mi je



The slender cane plant,is their Awo in the forest

He was the Awo who make ifa for Oosanla Ooseermagbo

Who shall give sweetner to Ireke (the sugar cane)

He was advise to offer ebo

He complied

If we have all good things of life in our possesion

Definetely it is our life sweetner

Oosala Oseeremagbo is the one who give sweetner to Ireke(sugar cane)

Ifa,I implore thy, let me enjoy the sweetness of my life

Usage of sugar cane for prayer Durin naming Ceremony

The moderator or the presiding Babalawo of the naming ceremony will take ireke(Sugar cane) and use  to bless the baby this way:

Ni agbo ni agbo ,ni ti ireke

Ti adun ,ti adun ni a n ba Ireke

Ki aye omo  tuntun yi dun ju ti ireke



Sugar always exit in group

May this newborn child never lead a solitary life

Sugar cane is always sweet

May this new born baby life always sweet


The peopl in attendance at the naming ceremony will say ase as well.

If the presiding person over the ceremony is a Babalawo or Ifa devotees, He can go on to chant Ogunda meji to invoke the blessing of Obatala for the child.the Babalawo can chant the a stanza of ogunda meji to blessbthe sugar cane and the baby,thus:

Pankere wonjonwonjon Awo inu Igbo

Dia fun Oosanla Oseeremagbo

Ti yoo fadun fun Ireke

Ebo ni won ni ko se

O gbebo ,o rubo

Bi aba ni ire gbogbo lowo

Sebi bi aladun ara eni ni

Oosanla Oseeremagbo lo fadun fun Ireke

Ifa je ki ri adun ara mi je

Olodumare je ki omo tuntun yi
ri adun aye je



The slender cane plant,is their Awo in the forest

He was the Awo who make ifa for Oosanla Ooseermagbo

Who shall give sweetener to Ireke (the sugar cane)

He was advise to offer ebo

He complied

If we have all good things of life in our possession

Definitely it is our life sweetener

Oosala Oseeremagbo is the one who give sweetener to Ireke(sugar cane)

Ifa,I implore thy, let me enjoy the sweetness of my life

Let this new born child enjoy the sweetness of life

To be continue in volume two of this work.
Copyright: Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone whatsapp contact : +2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission from the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract legal consequences

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