A peep to comparative necromancy, post by Admin.

Necromantic Scrying: Stagnant water.
This method requires:
*A still/stagnant body of water
*a pure oil
*The blood of your left palm.
Begin by mixing the oil and blood until they are well blende
d. Approach the pool of water and drop a single drop of the blood/oil mixture into the water.
Next, starting just below your chin, draw a line leading down to your heart.
At this point, gazing into the water should reveal a number of spirits. Do what you wish and end the ritual. To end the ritual swipe down on the floating drop of oil, using that hand wash away the line from your chin. Lastly, dump all the oil into the water as an offering and leave.
This ritual was created by sorceress Cagliastro.
Greek Necromantic Scrying
Fill a large bronze vessel with two parts spring water to one part blood. Light a single candle and extinguish all other light. Sit so that the flame illuminates your face in the bowl, but only to the point it is recognizable as a face, ensure your attributes are hidden. Gaze deep and invoke the spirit you wish to speak with. Alternatively you can reflect with this basin at any pit and flame ritual to assist in seeing the called upon spirits. To end this ritual take the blood-water and wash your face with it. Proceed to grab the vessel and empty it into your pit.
Pop culture and necromancy.
Unfortunately for pop culture witches, you can not apply pop culture to necromancy.
You are dealing with entities that care little about humans and their actions; words that have meaning to you have no power over them.
Attempting to mix pop culture and necromancy is disrespectful to both necromancy and the spirits you are working with. You will find little to no results and, most importantly, fail.

Necromantic theory, as accepted by prominent practitioners.
The commonly accepted theory behind how necromancy works is: when we die our spirit leaves our body. This separation along with the release of all our bodies energy creates what we call “death energy”. this energy spreads out into it’s surroundings, first into the flesh and bones of the deceased, then into it’s immediate area (the bed the person or animal dies on, the sheets, ring the person has on, the clothing. etcetera)
And lastly into the atmosphere or room the death happened in. The amount of energy is dispersed with the highest amount being in the flesh and the least being far away from the body.
This energy is still linked to the spirit even though the spirit has crossed over which can be used to pull the back over to us or vice versa.
Pop culture and necromancy.
Unfortunately for pop culture witches, you can not apply pop culture to necromancy.
You are dealing with entities that care little about humans and their actions; words that have meaning to you have no power over them.
Attempting to mix pop culture and necromancy is disrespectful to both necromancy and the spirits you are working with. You will find little to no results and, most importantly, fail.
necromancyThese posts will teach you how to lay the foundations for Necromancy and develop the basic abilities needed. They will be released weekly for a month for a total of 4 posts. By the end of this the mage-in-training will have all the abilities they will need to begin the practice of Necromancy.
Exercise 1: Death-like stillness.
What you will need:
+ A small, coloured stone.
+ A chair.
+ A timer.
Sit in the chair facing towards the stone, back straight, feet flat to the floor and hands on your lap. Start the timer and stare at the stone. stay motionless for as long as you can, look at nothing but the stone. As soon as you move or shift your gaze, stop the timer. Your goal should be two minutes by the end of the week. Ensure you continue to practice this as your ability will lessen without practice. Try you’re far from home, practice on trees, rocks, pens and pencils to keep your ability sharp.
NOTE: DO NOT practice this in silence as it will cause you to depend on silence to focus, which is much to the mages disadvantage.
Exercise 2: Meditation.
Many methods to meditation can be found with a quick google search. Here’s my personal method:
Sit, back erect and head tilted up. Close your eyes and imagine only darkness. Hold this thought and count back from 9 to 1.
Experiment and see what works for you.
Exercise 3: Light trance.
Combine your stillness and meditative ability to induce a light trance: stay motionless and gaze at an object, take note of all it’s features. Notice your body get heavy; allow this. Slowly your body will get heavier and heavier and your eyelids will fall. Your mind will drift off and you will be free of your thoughts. This is the light trance state and it is quite helpful in Necromancy.
- Sage
Wands Of Necromantic Evocation: A Most Approved Methods + Creation and Consecration
The wand, or magical rod is truly a staple and vital part of the necromantic art, it’s uses range from the conjuring, constraining, commanding, exorcism of spirits to the casting of spells. Truly every necromancer should wield one, and posses some lore on the tool. Sources: The Book of Black Magic (Waite, 1972), A New and complete illustration of the occult sciences Vol.4 (Sibly, 1751), Introduction into Hermetics (Bardon, 1971), De Nigromancia (Bacon, 1988)
The wand was picked up by necromancers as a substitute or supplement to the magical stave, likely adopted from renaissance era ceremonial magic and NOT from classical witchcraft, evident in the lack of phallic symbolism on even the earliest depictions of the necromantic rod (being forked, curved or capped as opposed to “headed”). The rod is an extension and focus of the necromancer; not a symbol of growth and development, but an extension of the body.
The Methods :

In the Late times of October and November, having stowed away a new axe or good blade, the magus must search for wood of Cypress, Yew, Willow or should none be available, Oak or Poplar would suffice. The branch should be made 13inches in length and straight, with no tapers or large scaring, and require no climbing or tools to reach.
Taking the blade, the magus must walk thrice around the tree, starting and finishing in the north. This done, the magus approaches, raises the blade, and strikes the branch, making quite sure that he cleaves it in a single strike, that no essence may escape from the branch.
Creation and Consecration :

Having taken the branch, the magus retires to their workplace and begins to cut offshoots and stems. peel the bark and shape the rod. Without bargaining, the magus should then go out to the markets and buy two caps of pure copper, which fit both ends of the rod. going then on a Wednesday and in the hour of saturn to the cemetery with a shovel, pull some earth from the grave of a child and bury the rod and caps therein saying these words.
“By the virtue of mercury, Pluto and Saturn, of magic and necromancy, vouchsafe child in the dark, to consecrate and enchant this rod, that they may carry the dreaded Powers to raise thee up from thy sleep, do this for me and rest evermore.”
Having done this, cover the grave and return again the next Wednesday, digging back up the rod and caps before filling the pit half full with Sulphur, Quicklime and good Salts, and the rest in earth.
Kneel at the grave and face the moon before raising it up and capping it, saying then this conjuration:
“I conjure thee, spirit in the rod, by Pluto, Saturn, Luna, Mercury, Terra and by the virtues of Emptiness, the void, that thou may rise up from within and assist me to accomplish my works as i will, that i may rule and compel the dead by my authority through your own”
Stain you rod with oil of Myrrh, Mullein and Lavender and wrap it in a black cloth.
Best of Luck
-S.The Laws of Necromancy
Although they could be stated different, with more or less rules than the ones provided, the universal laws all agree on three things.
1. Do not rape death.
Forcing entry into her house, toying with the balance of life and death or abusing her power are all examples of this grotesque act.
2. Never interfere with the will of death.
If someone is in deaths grasp we are not to intervene. She will reap her harvest one way or another, it is wrong to attempt to stop her.
3. The dead are to remain dead.
Reanimation, desecration or in anyway disturbing the rest of the dead without consent is wrong and forbidden.Pop culture and necromancy.
Unfortunately for pop culture witches, you can not apply pop culture to necromancy.
You are dealing with entities that care little about humans and their actions; words that have meaning to you have no power over them.
Attempting to mix pop culture and necromancy is disrespectful to both necromancy and the spirits you are working with. You will find little to no results and, most importantly, fail.
Odu and the Ifa Concept of HistoryOne can ask a favor of a spirit and in return grant the spirit something it wishes. Grab clay, stone or a copper sheet and create a blank spell tablet. Once this is done meditate deeply on it and the intentions your spell has. On a blank sheet of paper begin to draft out your spell (or rather the words you will write in the tablet.) Once you are happy with it cast a small circle, sit within it and softly sing out the words. Do this and visualize the success of your spell. Go to a cemetery or ask a family member for names of the deceased, find one you feel drawn to and return to meditation, this time focus on the spirit. If the spirit is foreign to you (meaning you did not know the person in life nor do you know what they looked like) focus on their name. Go back to your tablet and state the full name of the spirit and propose a reward, either in the form of offerings or something that you feel drawn to do (contact their next of kin, clean their tombstone, remove weeds from the grave, clean the dead if you have access to the corpse or cleansing their grave.) If the cemetery is open at night this next part is to be done then, if not choose the latest time you can enter. Approach the grave and place your tablet and an offering at the tombstone or sarcophagus, place a note nearby to tell others not to remove it if you fear it will get thrown out. Get on your knees and place both hands on the tombstone or sarcophagus and say the words on the tablet loudly and begin a deep breathing cycle, every breath out being energy you give to fuel the spell. When you feel you are done, get up and walk away without looking back, keep your head down and avoid eye contact or speaking if possible. Wait as long as you need to for the effects of the spell to kick in. Alternatively you can come back the next day and retrieve the spell tablet and proceed with the next part. Grab an iron nail if you choose a copper plate or a small spade if you chose clay or stone. Find a tree that will not be felled in your life time and procede to fold the plate into a square and nail it deeply into the tree, driving the nail deep into the center or dig down to the roots and place the tablet down and cover it in soil. This represents an end to the spell, never can you go back on your actions. The deed is done and the spell has run its course. The tree will protect the spell tablet by growing around it.HumanHuman/spirit relations
It is entirely possible for a human and spirit to have a mutually beneficial relationship in which the spirit guides and protects the necromancer and the necromancer gives something in exchange. Say a sacrifice or service for the dead. This is not a master/servant relationship, this is more of a “business partner.” Someone who gives a service in return for one. No greater. No lesser. Equality and balance/spirit relations

It is entirely possible for a human and spirit to have a mutually beneficial relationship in which the spirit guides and protects the necromancer and the necromancer gives something in exchange. Say a sacrifice or service for the dead. This is not a master/servant relationship, this is more of a “business partner.” Someone who gives a service in return for one. No greater. No lesser. Equality and balanceDeath energy is of course produced by the separation of spirit and body. However, This energy is also produced by non living things. More so by the process of decay they go through. This only happens with organic material. Wood, plant life, animal carcasses, etcetera. When it comes to a deceased creature the body will constantly put out death energy, sort of like a generator. As it eats away at fuel (the body) it produces energy, but, when it comes to organic matter like wood and plant life we encounter a different system. Rather than putting out energy, they can channel and hold energy, meaning, they can not create energy but simply transfer and hold it. This is why wands for necromancy are created of dead/rotted branches, the can move our energy and help manipulate the energy around us. This is Decay. In essence, decomposing organic matter puts out energy, dead organic matter can move and hold energy. Now, this is where it gets complicated. Along with death energy comes decayed energy, not death energy and not any other energy. Think of it as “stale.” This energy is then converted into death energy over time. This can allow for interesting ways of “growing” death energy. This decayed energy is created during decomposition. The energy stored in a physical object becomes consumed by carrion or bacteria and is released into the surrounding area. However, this energy is also produced when a wave hits a rock, slowly tearing at both the Physical object and the energy in every grain, and many of natures acts. This energy is then converted back into the energy surrounding it, and thus we see rebirth. This isn’t too far from the half life theory, as well as the law that energy can not be destroyed or created, simply transform into another form. The energy has a half life and the initial amount or value of said energy decays from the object however it does not cease to exist, only change into decayed/dead/null energy.

-Find a member of your family whom is seen as “wise” and who knows much of your family tree. It is a good idea to buy a note book and use it only for the names (and characteristics) of the dead.
It is also wise to get both sides of the family, so you may maximize the amount of spirits at your disposal.
If you are “in the closet” about necromancy you can rest assured that all you are doing is collecting names and dates as well as taking notes of what they were like in life. Nothing wrong with that.
You’ll need to mark down their birthdate, date and (if possible) time of death. Ask about stories and take notes on their personality. Ask for photographs of them and ask about their favorite food and drink.
Once you’ve written down all that you can, its time to divide them.
First make two lists,
One female and one male.
Next divide those lists into:
greater (spirits you know the most about) and lesser (spirits you know very little about).
Those lists will themselves be scaling from greater to lesser. The less you know of a spirit the less capable you will be to summon them. Knowing the favorites of the deceased will allow you to create more appealing altars and give your give better offerings during a ritual and knowing the personalities helps you choose what spirit you’d want to work and what to expect.
You should now have four lists, and a notebook full of names and knowledge of the dead. By doing this you have taken the first step into summoning a spirit.
Find a member of your family whom is seen as “wise” and who knows much of your family tree. It is a good idea to buy a note book and use it only for the names (and characteristics) of the dead.
It is also wise to get both sides of the family, so you may maximize the amount of spirits at your disposal.
If you are “in the closet” about necromancy you can rest assured that all you are doing is collecting names and dates as well as taking notes of what they were like in life. Nothing wrong with that.
You’ll need to mark down their birthdate, date and (if possible) time of death. Ask about stories and take notes on their personality. Ask for photographs of them and ask about their favorite food and drink.
Once you’ve written down all that you can, its time to divide them.
First make two lists,
One female and one male.
Next divide those lists into:
greater (spirits you know the most about) and lesser (spirits you know very little about).
Those lists will themselves be scaling from greater to lesser. The less you know of a spirit the less capable you will be to summon them. Knowing the favorites of the deceased will allow you to create more appealing altars and give your give better offerings during a ritual and knowing the personalities helps you choose what spirit you’d want to work and what to expect.
You should now have four lists, and a notebook full of names and knowledge of the dead. By doing this you have taken the first step into summoning a spirit.

On real Necromancy
Necromany does NOT involve reanimated dead.
Necromancy does NOT require one to defile the dead.
In fact, it’s quite the opposite.
We despise those who attempt either one of those things.
We are necromancers. We see the balance of life and death. We see decay as the gear that moves the wheel of change. We honor the dead and treat them with the utmost respect.
The Historical Record
by Awo Fa'lokunWhat “Black” magic really means.
“Black magic” is a term coined for the tribal rites and rituals used by africans.
That’s right. In fact the original phrasing of it was “magic of the blacks” which was then slowly turned to “black magic”. So before you open your mouth and say “i practice the black arts” or “the black arts are evil” do a little digging and realize your idiocy.
black magic Fatunmbi
A Yoruba proverb says we become who we are bystanding on the shoulders of those who come beforeus. From the perspective of traditional Yoruba culture,remembering those who come before us is a sacredobligation. Each generation takes responsibility for passing foreword the wisdom of the past. In mostearth-centered cultures, meaning those cultures thatmake an effort to live in harmony with nature,dissemination of ancestral wisdom is the foundation of the methodology used to guide children along the pathleading to maturity and self-understanding. Inpsychological terms, modeling heroic behavior initiatesthe journey towards self-discovery andindividualization. The effective completion of this journey carries the possibility of making each one of usa revered ancestor in the collective memory of our descendants. This potential is reflected in the bond of between grandparents and grandchildren. In Yorubathis bond is called ife, which is commonly translated tomean love. I suspect the word has a broader connotation related to the word ifa. If ifa means thewisdom inherent in Nature, the word ife suggests theexpression of that wisdom in everyday life. Ifa teachesthat everyone is born a good and blessed person (omorere). As elders we make sure our dependantsinternalize this message so it continues to informfuture generations.Ifa says we come to earth to make it a better place for those who follow us (ire aye). Based on the Yorubabelief in atunwa (reincarnation), future generationsinclude our own return to the earth we have previouslyhelped shape. This cyclical process is the foundationfor both Ifa ethics and the Ifa view of history. Thecycles of birth and rebirth on a personal level arereflected in the movement between creative expansionand destructive contraction that characterizes thetraditional African view of history.Prior to the emergence of colonialism, historicalaccounts of past events were expressed in mythicterms. Myth views history as a cycle of re-occurringevents based on universal principles that forever appear, disappear and re-appear. Myth teachestranscendent spiritual principles that can be applied tothe unique challenges of each succeeding generation.Earth-centered myth is based on the belief that all of humanity is inter-connected and inter-related. Itexpresses the metaphysical idea that living in harmonywith Nature results in benefit for the individual, thecommunity, the global village and the environment.Post-colonial myth is rooted in the idea of linear progression and is deeply influenced by the Darwinianconcept of "survival of the fittest". In this world-viewhistory is a sequential progression of events leading togreater degrees of "progress". The idea of progress isdefined as the increased ability to use technology to"control" nature. Those who create the most effectivetechnology for exploiting natural resources areconsidered the "fittest" from the Darwinian perspective.According to this world-view the fittest are entitled to"privilege" to ensure the continued linear progressionof history. Myth based on this perspective supports thenotion that some people are "better" than others.Consequently there is little attention given to the ideaof personal growth and development. History writtenfrom a linear perspective places emphasis on "Divine justification" for acts of greed, exploitation, andconquest. In Western academia the Darwinianapproach to history is described as "objective"because it tends to exclude references to God. The re-occurring message of Divine justification becomes anunspoken assumption and remains fixed in theconsciousness of Western culture as long as itremains effectively unchallenged.In 1912 the major European colonial powers met inBerlin to create virtually all the boundaries nowrecognized as sovereign states on the continent of Africa. The purpose for creating these boundaries wasto establish spheres of influence for the exploitation of natural resources. Frequently the newly createdboarders cut across long established culturallyidentified geographical boundaries. In order to sanctionthe largest expropriation of land since the rise of theRoman Empire, European historians needed to justifytheir political conquest. The Western academic versionof this period of history is based on the premise thatEuropean industrial nations brought "progress" and"civilization" to a "backward", "underdeveloped" regionthat was otherwise devoidof the intelligence needed todevelop technological resources. Because this world-view has no basis in fact it was necessary to stifle anddestroy opposing points of view. The indigenoushistory of Africa is both written and oral. The writtenhistory was brutalized by deliberately distortingtranslations of Egyptian hieroglyphics and the oralhistory was destroyed by systematic genocide againstthose elders who were the keepers of cultural history.From an Ifa perspective the distortion of history makesit difficult if not impossible to stand on the shoulders of those who have come before us.Credo Mutwa is one of two remaining keepers of theoral history of the Zulu Nation in South Africa. In aninterview with David Icke (www.davidicke.com) CredoMutwa speaks passionately about the systematicgenocide committed against his elders by the British ina deliberate attempt to destroy any record of Zuluhistory. The occupying British administration passedlaws making it illegal to claim Africans lived in SouthAfrica prior to European immigration. These lawsremained in effect until Apartheid was abolishedthrough the efforts of Nelson Mandela and the ANC.Mutwa states very clearly that similar acts of suppression occurred across the continent during theearly stages of colonial conquest.Colonialization of Africa was based on deliberate four-step process of convert, corrupt, conquer and control.The vanguard of European imperialism was theChristian missionary movement. Explorers like Dr.Livingston and the Jesuits mapped remote regions of the African continent setting up trading ports andchurches along their route. The task of these earlyclerics was to study the language and beliefs of previously unknown cultures. This was followed by thecreation of dictionaries used to translate the Bible intolocal dialects. These dictionaries typically tookindigenous earth-centered cyclical words and replacedthem with linear, control-centered Christian baseddefinitions. For example the Yoruba dictionary createdby the International Bible society includes the wordIfayabale. In traditional Yoruba culture Ifayabaledescribes an Ifa ritual used for settling disputes. Itcomes from the elision ifa iya baba ile meaning thewisdom of the fathers and mothers of the earth. It istranslated in the Bible society dictionary to mean theascension of our Lord and Master Jesus Christ.Because Ifa is clearly many thousands of years older than Christianity the definition is either deliberatedmanipulated or profoundly uniformed.During the early period of European exploration,Africans who showed interest in learning Westernforms of religion were given positions of responsibilityat the trading posts and given training leading towardsordination. If there was no interest in conversion,harsher methods where employed. Malidoma Some inhis book Of Water and Spirit tells of being takenagainst his will from his village in Burkina Faso whenhe was four years old and forced to attend seminary.After constant physical abuse and sexual assault fromthe priests, Malidoma escaped and walked twohundred miles to his home having forgotten hisindigenous language and only remembering he wasborn somewhere in the east. The reason for his harshtreatment was the inability of the Church to convertmembers of his culture to Catholicism.Once a significant number of conversions occurred ina given area and interest was generated in foreigntrade, the colonialists would accuse the traditionalleaders of "corruption" based on their failure toconform to Western values. The allegations of corruption were used as justification for militaryincursions. Once troops were in place new leaderswere chosen from among those who converted toChristianity. Typically a certain amount of blending of tradition and imperialism was allowed to facilitate theprocess. For example in Nigeria the early missionariesrealized that the elders of Ogboni and Iyaami enforcedtraditional Yoruba moral values and had the power todepose the regional kings (Oba). The British colonialadministration allowed the Yoruba's to continue their earth-centered religious traditions (orisa) whileoutlawing Ogboni and Iyaami. This was an essentialstep in the process of replacing elders with traditionalbeliefs with elders who embraced Western notions of progress. Once this council of elders was removed,Yoruba culture could maintain the appearance of tradition while being easily manipulated. The Britishthen went on to accuse traditional Yoruba culture of extreme immorality after they banished the guardiansof ethical behavior. The insidiousness of the campaignagainst Yoruba elders was too precise and effective tohave been anything other than deliberate and wellinformed.Following World War II the European trained politicalleaders of Africa demanded independence. With multi-national corporations firmly in place exploiting thenatural resources on the continent, the colonial powersmade a show of removing political power whilemaintaining economic control. The example of whatoccurred in Nigeria demonstrates the pattern. Theprimary economic force in Nigeria is British Petroleum.Executives of the British oil industry are members of asecret fraternity called the Skull and Crossbones.Membership in the fraternity is an unspokenrequirement for participation in Nigerian politics.Membership in the fraternity is contingent on supportof British economic policies. Generally unknown in theWest is the fact that Nigeria has the highest grade of oil on the earth. The price of oil on the global marketkeys off of the price of oil form Nigeria. Under ademocratic government Nigeria historically reduces theprice of oil to increase production and stimulate thedomestic economy. This has the effect of depressingthe price of oil in the rest of the world markets.Whenever the price drops too low there is a militarycoup and the price goes back up. Successful coupesin Nigeria are always supported by covert operationsfrom British oil interests who exploit traditional ethnicrivalries. The security forces attached to the Britishcontrolled oil fields in Nigeria are staffed by former British SAS personnel and are better equipped thanany standing army on the continent. Rather than reportthe true story about Nigerian oil, Western mediapromotes the lie that Africans are unable to self-govern. Because there are no environmental controlson oil production in Nigeria, the pollution has reachedthe point where wide spread birth defects are thedemonstrable effect of irresponsible drilling methods.In a country where all the divergent cultures have along history of living in harmony with the environmentthe effects of "progress" have become fatal.One of the most blatant examples of politicalmanipulation in Africa occurred in Rwanda. When theBelgians first arrived in the area they were dismayed todiscover the entire country was populated by a singleculture, making it impossible to implement a policy ofdivide and conquer. The Belgians issued identity cardsdesignating everyone who lived in the city as Tutsi andeveryone who lived in the country as Hutu. Thesearbitrary designations were solidified and exploitedleading to the horrendous genocide that hasdecimated the country. South African journalist Mr.Dishengo has described this conflict based oninterview with Rwandans in his article Rwanda: TheTrue Forces Behind Genocide in Africa. (http://www.davidicke.com/icke/index1c.html)"These are the same people who are funding thegenocide in Rwanda for their own selfish and demonicends. What is interesting is that these same peoplenow turn around and write and broadcast in the media,which they control worldwide, that the genocide that istaking place in Rwanda is "tribalism between the Hutuand the Tutsi." Well, the Hutu and the Tutsi say the war in Rwanda has got nothing to do with them. This iswhat they told other Africans in the United States."They say the war in Rwanda is political; it is betweenBelgium and France. They are either fighting for theturf or are deliberately arming the two sides to createinstability so they can go on exploiting the region'sresources. The western countries' industries andeconomics are based on raw materials from Africa. For instance, Belgium exports heavy machinery but thereis not even a single mine in Belgium. Where do theyget raw materials to manufacture the heavy machinerythey are exporting? From Africa. Jesse Helms wrote in1978 that the United States industry would halt withoutSouth African minerals. Zbigniew Brzezinski's 1978National Security Council Memorandum (NSCM-46)also mentions U.S. dependence on African mineralwealthand also calls on theFBI and CIA to make surethat "radical" African Nationalist Movements do not gettogether with Black Nationalist Movements in theUnited States of America.According to a transcript of Network 23 Program in LosAngeles, Henry Kissinger's National SecurityMemorandum 200 ("NSM 200") which was quietlydeclassified in 1990 says among other things that:"The U.S. economy will require large and increasingamounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less-developed countries. That fact gives the U.S.enhanced interests in the political, economic andsocial stability of the supplying countries. Wherever alessening of population can increase the prospects for such stability, population policy becomes relevant toresources, supplies and to the "economic interests of the United States." Of course, we know that the"economic interests of the United States" means theinterest of U.S. corporations and Multinationals. NSM200 is available at the U.S. National Archives.[andhere atwww.davidicke.com-National Security StudyMemorandum 200 - Report for Global Control}The reason for some of the atrocities in Central Africais the desire to control the diamond industry. The warsin Liberia and the Congo are pointless conflicts fueledby massive amounts of drugs smuggled into Africafrom Europe. The chaos created by unrelentingviolence allows for the uncontrolled exploitation of theraw diamonds with no benefit given to the people wholive in the areas where the diamonds are mined. Oneof the main diamond exporters in the region funds amajor Christian Broadcast network. His involvement inthe economics of the region is a seldom-reportedglimpse into the African missionary movement.It is clear to me that African history has beensystematically denigrated for purposes of politicalcontrol. Even the most cursory examination of recentAfrican history should make the existence of propaganda posing as history painfully apparent. Whatis not as easily discernable is the fact that Africanhistory is being deliberately distorted to suppress aspiritual secret that if revealed would change the waythe entire planet perceives human history and alter theway we relate to our physical enviornment. It wouldalso provide the foundation for creating alternativeenergy sources that have the potential for reversingthe mass destruction of the natural resources thatthreatens human extinction. For example the ancientEgyptians knew how to extract electricity directly fromthe earth through the use of metal coils. This source of energy was used to electro-plate gold onto stonestatues. The coffin of King Tut is clearly electro-platedand yet the guardians of the Western historicalworldview consistently ignore the obvious.An examination of the Yoruba Creation Myth is a key tounderstanding traditional African sacred technologyand a key to understanding why such effort has beendirected towards denigrating African history. Accordingto Ifa oral scripture the earth was once covered withwater. Obatala descended from Orun on a long chaincarrying with him a snail, a hen and palm nuts. Hesprinkled the sand on the water and dropped the henon the sand to scratch the dirt and create land onearth. The chain was not long enough for Obatala toreach the ground so he dropped a palm nut into thesand that grew into a palm tree. While waiting for thetree to grow Obatala got drunk and the task of completing Creation is given to Oduwa.This part of the Creation story is well known in theDiaspora. Less well known is the continuation of thestory. Obatala is able to reach the top of the tree andarrives on earth to create humans from mud who aregiven the breath of life by Olodumare. Obatala carriesa silver sword to complete the task of shaping life onearth. His sword proves to be too soft and ineffective.At this point the process of completing Creation isgiven to Ogun who initiates the use of iron as a tool tofacilitate farming and the construction of cities.Eventually Ogun's tool's become used as instrumentsof war and the planet is again covered with water dueto the inability of humans to live in harmony with thenatural environment. In response Orunmila repeatsObatala's journey from Orun to earth without gettingdrunk. Orunmila organizes the people of earth aroundthe principle of developing good character andsustains a period of peace and fertility. This period of abundance and harmony is disrupted by the arroganceof his Orunmila's children and Orunmila returns toOrun while the earth suffers from feminine, infertility,chaos and war. The children of Orunmila plead withhim to return and he tells them he will not leave Orun.He does feel compassion for the condition of thepeople of the earth and tells them they cancommunicate with him by using the ikin (sacred palmnuts) for divination.This seemingly simple story alludes to a wealth of information that only becomes clear in light of someunderstanding of African history and the inner workingsof Ifa ritual. Unfortunately there are very few writtenhistories of Yoruba culture. The limited sources thatexist were primarily written by Yoruba's after convertingto Christianity and seem to miss the deeper metaphysical implications of traditional Yoruba spiritualtradition. All the written accounts of Yoruba history takea narrow view that the genesis of Yoruba culture datesback to a migration from east Africa that occurredapproximately fifteen hundred years ago. Just oneexample of why this is unlikely is the Obelisk of Oranmiyan in Ile Ife. There is the image of a tridentmade from iron spikes on the obelisk. The iron in thespikes has never rusted. The only other place whereyou can find iron that does not rust is in templeslocated in northern India. These temples are dated asbeing 9,000 years old. The kindest thing that can besaid about the academic attempt at dating Yorubaculture is that it is sadly myopic.A closer look at the Creation myth gives us clues for dating Yoruba culture and gives us a glimpse of thesacred secret that has caused so much deception inthe chronicles of Western historians. The word Obatalais an elision of the phrase Oba ta ala meaning King of White Light. Translating the phrase as an expressionof natural phenomena the name King of the WhiteLight can be understood as a symbolic reference to theSource of White Light. The word Oba is typicallytranslated to mean King but it is actually an elision of omeaning spirit and ba meaning male energy or inmetaphysical terms expansive energy. Ancient Africansas well as modern scientist both recognize therelationship between sunlight and matter. Firstgeneration stars are essentially hydrogen furnaces. Atsome point in the life of every star the supply of hydrogen diminishes to the point where the star collapses in on itself. The implosion causes a fusionreaction creation a supernova sending second-generation elements across huge distances of emptyspace. When forces of gravity trap these elementsthey form a sphere. The sphere may become either asecond-generation star or a planet. This is a re-occurring phenomena based on universal principlescarried by sub-atomic particles that create light. Ifarefers to this invisible organizing principles as Ori andteaches that everything in Nature has Ori.A literal translation of Ori is head, but the inference of the word is consciousness, suggesting everything inNature has some form of awareness. The entirescience of quantum physics is based on the samebelief. Observation of sub-atomic particles indicatesthey do not behave in a mechanistic manner. Insteadthey respond to stimuli along a range of reactions thatscience refers to as a probability curve. The unspokeninference of the existence of a probability curve is thatsub-atomic particles are capable of making choices,which is reflected in their range of response. Theability to make choices is the classic definition of consciousness using the scientific model.To say Obatala spread sand on the surface of theearth is to describe the cooling process of lightparticles formed into a sphere by gravity. The coolingof particles fused together during the explosion of asuper-nova creates what we call the "material" world or "aye" in Yoruba. The earth is not a rare isolatedphenomenon; planets are the result of the inherentpotential found in light throughout the universe.Obatala as a Spiritual Force in Nature casts sandsupon the water in every corner of every galaxy in thematerial world. This cooling process is called ori tutu inYoruba and is a fundamental concept in Ifa cosmology.Placing a used in the Creation Myth has five toes; five is thesacred number of Osun the Yoruba Goddess of love,fertility and abundance. In the early stages of evolutiondiversity is created on the surface of the earth throughthe interaction, combination and re-creation of thebasic elements. This diversity is an expression of thefertility and abundance manifested through the power of Osun. In primal terms Osun is the allure of theerotic, which can be understood as the power of attraction leading to procreation, a power that exists inboth organic and inorganic matter. Without thiscomponent life becomes stagnant leading to quickextinction.Planting a tree is a reference to the emergence of thecycle of life, death, transformation and rebirth thatcomes into being with the Creation of time and space.The eternal essence of Creation is called Odu inYoruba and Odu exists outside the boundaries of timeand space. In Western science the concept expressedby the word Odu is called zero point energy. If you lookat a chart showing wave and frequency used tomeasure sound and light, the zero point represents theabsence of both wave and frequency. There is anasterisk on these charts with a footnote indicating themathematics associated with zero point energy isclassified by the United States Government for purposes of national security. Accessing the zero pointor accessing Odu is the ability to access raw energy(ase) as it passes from the invisible to the visible realmused in the Creation Myth has five toes; five is thesacred number of Osun the Yoruba Goddess of love,fertility and abundance. In the early stages of evolutiondiversity is created on the surface of the earth throughthe interaction, combination and re-creation of thebasic elements. This diversity is an expression of thefertility and abundance manifested through the power of Osun. In primal terms Osun is the allure of theerotic, which can be understood as the power of attraction leading to procreation, a power that exists inboth organic and inorganic matter. Without thiscomponent life becomes stagnant leading to quickextinction.Planting a tree is a reference to the emergence of thecycle of life, death, transformation and rebirth thatcomes into being with the Creation of time and space.The eternal essence of Creation is called Odu inYoruba and Odu exists outside the boundaries of timeand space. In Western science the concept expressedby the word Odu is called zero point energy. If you lookat a chart showing wave and frequency used tomeasure sound and light, the zero point represents theabsence of both wave and frequency. There is anasterisk on these charts with a footnote indicating themathematics associated with zero point energy isclassified by the United States Government for purposes of national security. Accessing the zero pointor accessing Odu is the ability to access raw energy(ase) as it passes from the invisible to the visible realmhen on the earth to spread land is a symbolicreference to the spiritual power (ase) of Osun. The henused in the Creation Myth has five toes; five is thesacred number of Osun the Yoruba Goddess of love,fertility and abundance. In the early stages of evolutiondiversity is created on the surface of the earth throughthe interaction, combination and re-creation of thebasic elements. This diversity is an expression of thefertility and abundance manifested through the power of Osun. In primal terms Osun is the allure of theerotic, which can be understood as the power of attraction leading to procreation, a power that exists inboth organic and inorganic matter. Without thiscomponent life becomes stagnant leading to quickextinction.Planting a tree is a reference to the emergence of thecycle of life, death, transformation and rebirth thatcomes into being with the Creation of time and space.The eternal essence of Creation is called Odu inYoruba and Odu exists outside the boundaries of timeand space. In Western science the concept expressedby the word Odu is called zero point energy. If you lookat a chart showing wave and frequency used tomeasure sound and light, the zero point represents theabsence of both wave and frequency. There is anasterisk on these charts with a footnote indicating themathematics associated with zero point energy isclassified by the United States Government for purposes of national security. Accessing the zero pointor accessing Odu is the ability to access raw energy(ase) as it passes from the invisible to the visible realm
of Creation. Anyone who has this ability can shapephysical reality. In Africa Odu is invoked every ninety-one days to insure fertility and abundance, or in simplyterms to shape physical reality. The ability to shapephysical reality on the planet is the great Africanspiritual secret (awo) suppressed by Westernacademia. (In the next installment of this series I willtrace the history of the suppression of the technicaldata associated with this secret.)The image of Obatala bringing form and substance tothe earth is an expression of the Ifa concept of thedescent of ase through Odu where it becomesmanifest in multiple arenas of Creation. In sampler terms the structure of light has an eternal foundationreferred to as Odu Iwori. The manifestation of Iworifrom Odu leaves the eternal realm (Orun) and entersthe temporal realm (aye) where it expresses itself assunlight, the fire at the core of the earth, lightning, firein the stove, and the fire of passion in the heart of aperson pushing them towards internal transformation.This is one phenomenon from one source expressingitself in different dimensions of Creation. The ability toinvoke Odu is the ability to bring the power of aparticular force in Nature to play in the resolution of aparticular problem. This ability is not encouraged inany political system that depends on manipulation andcontrol to support the privilege of the few over themany.of Creation. Anyone who has this ability can shapephysical reality. In Africa Odu is invoked every ninety-one days to insure fertility and abundance, or in simplyterms to shape physical reality. The ability to shapephysical reality on the planet is the great Africanspiritual secret (awo) suppressed by Westernacademia. (In the next installment of this series I willtrace the history of the suppression of the technicaldata associated with this secret.)The image of Obatala bringing form and substance tothe earth is an expression of the Ifa concept of thedescent of ase through Odu where it becomesmanifest in multiple arenas of Creation. In sampler terms the structure of light has an eternal foundationreferred to as Odu Iwori. The manifestation of Iworifrom Odu leaves the eternal realm (Orun) and entersthe temporal realm (aye) where it expresses itself assunlight, the fire at the core of the earth, lightning, firein the stove, and the fire of passion in the heart of aperson pushing them towards internal transformation.This is one phenomenon from one source expressingitself in different dimensions of Creation. The ability toinvoke Odu is the ability to bring the power of aparticular force in Nature to play in the resolution of aparticular problem. This ability is not encouraged inany political system that depends on manipulation andcontrol to support the privilege of the few over themany.To say Obatala got drunk during the unfolding of Creation is to acknowledge the existence of chaos asa component of every eco-system. Nothing in thematerial world exists in a state of perfection. Everyphysical structure on earth carries the seeds of its ownself-destruction. These seeds often sprout inseemingly random and unexpected ways. Mutationand extinction forever remains an inherent ingredientin the life cycle of all things.The appearance of Oduwa refers to the existence of form in the universe. The word Oduwa is from theelision Odu iwa that literally means womb of Creation Igreet or I arrive. In better English Oduwa means thearrival of form and structure. The appearance of Oduwa in the story is an affirmation of the idea thatform sustains itself throughout Creation. From ametaphysical point of view form is feminine or contractive power. In very simple terms an elephantnever gives birth to a rat. Oduwa is a primalexpression of the structures of the Laws of Nature asthey manifests on earth.Obatala is described as molding life from clay. Labtests have proven that when lightning gets certaintypes of soil it can stimulate the growth of bacterialeading to the development of more evolved life forms.The oral teachings of Ifa include the belief that primalforms of bacteria arrived on earth buried in the core of meteors. Throughout Africa meteors are consideredsacred symbols of the seed of life. In Egypt theseTo say Obatala got drunk during the unfolding of Creation is to acknowledge the existence of chaos asa component of every eco-system. Nothing in thematerial world exists in a state of perfection. Everyphysical structure on earth carries the seeds of its ownself-destruction. These seeds often sprout inseemingly random and unexpected ways. Mutationand extinction forever remains an inherent ingredientin the life cycle of all things.The appearance of Oduwa refers to the existence of form in the universe. The word Oduwa is from theelision Odu iwa that literally means womb of Creation Igreet or I arrive. In better English Oduwa means thearrival of form and structure. The appearance of Oduwa in the story is an affirmation of the idea thatform sustains itself throughout Creation. From ametaphysical point of view form is feminine or contractive power. In very simple terms an elephantnever gives birth to a rat. Oduwa is a primalexpression of the structures of the Laws of Nature asthey manifests on earth.Obatala is described as molding life from clay. Labtests have proven that when lightning gets certaintypes of soil it can stimulate the growth of bacterialeading to the development of more evolved life forms.The oral teachings of Ifa include the belief that primalforms of bacteria arrived on earth buried in the core of meteors. Throughout Africa meteors are consideredsacred symbols of the seed of life. In Egypt thesestones were called benben stones and were traditionalplaced on the top of large obelisks as a shrine to theMother of human life. One of the largest of thesebenben stones was used as an ancestor shrine for cross-cultural groups who traded throughout the FertileCrescent. Following the creation of Islam the stonewas appropriated by Muslims who use it as a templefor the Goddess Allat located at the Mosque in Mecca.Ifa scripture says that when Islam desecrated theancestral shrine in Mecca only the symbols of Ifa wereallowed to remain on the altar. The altar to Ogun at theOba's palace in Ile Ife appeared to me to be classicexamples of a benben stone that have a pyramidalshape due to the burning that occurs when the stonefalls through the earth's atmosphere. In South Africathe largest cultural group is the Kwa Zulu. The wordsKwa Zulu means we come from Mars. This suggests tome a possible reference to the life supporting essenceof the benben stone.To say Olodumare breathed the breath of life into theliving world is to say the reasons for the miraculousappearance of life remains a mystery known only tothe Creator.At this point the Ifa Creation Myth is a fairlystraightforward description of natural phenomena. Theappearance of Ogun and Orunmila in the Yorubacreation myth is a key to the historical development of Yoruba culture and will be considered in the nextsegment of this series

Odu and the Ifa Concept of History -Part IIThe Journey from Orun
by Awo Fa'lokun Fatunmbi
In the Yoruba Creation Myth, Obatala makes the journey from Orun (invisible realm) to aye (earth).Obatala drops sand on a planet covered with water and drops a hen on the sand to spread the solidground surrounding the city of Ile Ife. Geologistsidentify Nigeria as one of the three oldest landmasseson the earth. It is a general rule of geology that theflatter the terrain the older the land, the higher themountains the younger the land development. The rainforest surrounding Ile Ife is flat to the horizon in everydirection.This may seem like a simple and highly unlikely story.An exploration of the meaning of the symboliclanguage used in the Yoruba Creation myth illuminatesa number of mysteries (awo) related to the creationprocess giving the story remarkable depth.Astrophysics (the study of the creation of the universe)has calculated the amount of matter needed to bepresent in the universe to have effectively generatedthe galaxies created by the “Big Bang” (the explosiongiving birth to the visible universe). For decades
astrophysicists were perplexed by the observation that90% of the physical matter expected to be present inthe universe cannot be located. In the scientific worldthis was considered a big problem.Astrophysics was provided a solution to the quandaryby the science of quantum physics (the study of sub-atomic structure). Studies of the patterns created bycolliding sub-atomic particles clearly showed thebuilding blocks of physical matter appear anddisappear under a variety of circumstances. Currentscientific theory explains this phenomena bypostulating the existence of a ten dimensional universein and around the four dimensional (three physicaldimensions + time) universe visible by humanperception. According to quantum physics matter flowsbetween these ten dimensions making theoverwhelming mass created by the Big Bang invisiblein the arena occupied by human life and visible byhuman perception. Ifa says Orun (the invisible realm)has seven dimensions. The number is different theconcept is the same.To understand the concept of a multi-dimensionaluniverse requires some understanding of the structureof matter. In the Western world matter was considereda solid grouping of atoms based on ideas developedby early Greek philosophers. Isaac Newton formalizedthis idea into a scientific theory. In 1867 WilliamThompson rejected the Newtonian description of atoms as infinitesimally small hard bodies with physicalmass. Thompson postulated the theory of the “vortexatom” which he described as a “whirlpool” of “aether”,meaning patterns of energy having no solid mass.Thompson’s vision is based on the premise thateverything in the universe is a manifestation of theessential components of light. This became thefoundation for Einstein’s theory of the conservation of matter, the idea that nothing in the universe is createdor destroyed, simply transformed. In Ifa the idea of theconservation of matter is expressed in the single (I)and double (II) lines used to mark the verses of Odu(sacred scripture) used in Ifa divination. In Ifa thesingle lines symbolize light and the double linessymbolize dark. This is not a polarity between “good”and “evil”, it is a polarity between expansive ase called“light” or “radiation” and contractive ase called “matter”.The tendency in the Diaspora to associate darknesswith “evil” is the result of a non – African, Christiantheological influence. In Christian cosmology the earthis tainted by the fall and original sin. In Ifa cosmologythe earth is the Mother of human evolution and thesource of nourishment and compassion.In 1873 James Clark Maxwell used the Thompsonmodel of the atom to unite the available data on lightand magnetism into an electromagnetic theory of lightvibrations based on the premise that three-dimensionalphysical phenomena including human consciousnessis dependant on higher dimensions of reality. Hecreated a mathematical model of the universe basedon the theory that light and gravity were untied as asingle form of energy in the invisible fifth dimension(outside of time and space). He referred to thisinvisible energy source as “aether”. In Ifa this invisibleenergy source is called ase.Maxwell called the invisible fifth dimension hyper-dimensional space. In Ifa the invisible fifth dimension iscalled Orun. In a book titled “The Aether” published in1876, Maxwell summarizes the implications of histheory.Whether this vast homogeneous expanse of isotropicmatter [the aether] is fitted not only to be a medium of physical Interaction between distant bodies, and tofulfill other physical functions of which, perhaps wehave as yet no conception, but also as the authors of The Unseen Universe seem to suggest, to constitutethe material organism of beings exercising functions of life and mind as high or higher than ours are at resent,is a question far transcending the limits of physicalspeculation . . .In somewhat convoluted language Maxwell issuggesting that the condition of the visible physicaluniverse is dependant on the influence of consciousbeings existing in invisible dimensions of the universe.Ifa calls these beings Orisa. He is also saying theinvisible dimension is the source of all forms of consciousness. In Ifa cosmology (theory of thestructure of the universe) the source or Spirit of consciousness is called Obatala. The idea of spiritualbeings influencing the shape and development of thephysical world is not popular inthe Western scientificcommunity. Once you introduce the idea of Spirit intothe scientific equation you undermine the vision of being able to dominate and controlNature and this in turn demolishes the concept of privilege based on thechanges," as some have termed them. These may bedriven, not by rising solar interactions or by-products of terrestrial civilization (accumulating "greenhousegases" from burning fossil fuels), but by this same"hyper-dimensional physics." If so, then learning a lotmore about the mechanisms of this physics -- andquickly! -- is a critical step toward intervening andeventually controlling our future well being, if not our destiny, on (and off!) this planet ...In another words an understanding of hyper-dimensional physics would eliminate the world’sdependency on petroleum and could be used as alimitless source of free electrical energy (as proposedby Nicolas Tesla based on Maxwell’s equations).Hoagland’s article went on to describe what happenedto Maxwell’s theoretical work when a man Oliver Heaviside presented it to academia.Heavside actually felt that Maxwell’s use of quaternions and their description of the “potentials” of space was “. . . mystical and should be murdered fromthe theory . . .” which – by drastically editing Maxwell’soriginal work after the latter’s untimely death (fromcancer) excising the scalar component of thequaternions and eliminating the hyperspatialcharacteristic of the directional (vector components –Oliver Heaviside effectively accomplished singlehanded. belief in the intrinsic value of survival of the fittest. Maxwell’s theory was a threat tothe entire Euro-centric worldview.Maxwell passed away at an early age and one of hispeers; Oliver Heaviside re-wrote all of his equationseliminating the references to a fifth dimensional reality.Current academic references to Maxwell’s work arebased on Heaviside’s re-write and the originalmathematical formula’s have largely been ignored andare extremely difficult to locate. Richard Hoagland inan article on his website (http://www.enterprisemission.com/hyper1.html) summarizesthe implications of Maxwell’s original theory.This discovery contains major implications, not only for past geophysics and terrestrial evolution ... but for future geological and climatological events -- "Earthchanges," as some have termed them. These may bedriven, not by rising solar interactions or by-products of terrestrial civilization (accumulating "greenhousegases" from burning fossil fuels), but by this same"hyper-dimensional physics." If so, then learning a lotmore about the mechanisms of this physics -- andquickly! -- is a critical step toward intervening andeventually controlling our future well being, if not our destiny, on (and off!) this planet ...In another words an understanding of hyper-dimensional physics would eliminate the world’sdependency on petroleum and could be used as alimitless source of free electrical energy (as proposedby Nicolas Tesla based on Maxwell’s equations).Hoagland’s article went on to describe what happenedto Maxwell’s theoretical work when a man Oliver Heaviside presented it to academia.Heavside actually felt that Maxwell’s use of quaternions and their description of the “potentials” of space was “. . . mystical and should be murdered fromthe theory . . .” which – by drastically editing Maxwell’soriginal work after the latter’s untimely death (fromcancer) excising the scalar component of thequaternions and eliminating the hyperspatialcharacteristic of the directional (vector components –Oliver Heaviside effectively accomplished singlehanded.This means, of course, that the four surviving “classic”Maxwell’s Equations – which appear in every electricaland physics text the world over, as the underpinningsof all – 20th Century electrical and electromagneticengineering, from radiation to radar, from television tocomputer science, if not inclusive of every “hard”science from physics to chemistry to astrophysics thatdeals with electromagnetic radioactive processes –never appeared in any original Maxwell paper or treatiseIn simple terms Hoagland is suggesting the self-described objectivity of Western science is both self-serving and untrue. The censorship of ideas is contraryto the inherent inquisitive nature of the human spirit.Censorship is always based on a political agenda.The journey of Obatala is a symbolic reference to theprocess described by Maxwell and suggests our ancient African ancestors embraced a profoundunderstanding of the inner workings of Nature. Anunderstanding of the concepts developed by Maxwellwould lead to the ability to manipulate gravity. Some of the blocks used to build structures in Africa weigh athousand tons. That is the equivalent mass of two 747airplanes. The pulling stones with ropes using humanlabor model does not work because no rope inventedin the history of life on earth can pull a thousandstones without snapping. The evidence suggestingancient Africans were able to manipulate gravityThis means, of course, that the four surviving “classic”Maxwell’s Equations – which appear in every electricaland physics text the world over, as the underpinningsof all – 20th Century electrical and electromagneticengineering, from radiation to radar, from television tocomputer science, if not inclusive of every “hard”science from physics to chemistry to astrophysics thatdeals with electromagnetic radioactive processes –never appeared in any original Maxwell paper or treatiseIn simple terms Hoagland is suggesting the self-described objectivity of Western science is both self-serving and untrue. The censorship of ideas is contraryto the inherent inquisitive nature of the human spirit.Censorship is always based on a political agenda.The journey of Obatala is a symbolic reference to theprocess described by Maxwell and suggests our ancient African ancestors embraced a profoundunderstanding of the inner workings of Nature. Anunderstanding of the concepts developed by Maxwellwould lead to the ability to manipulate gravity. Some of the blocks used to build structures in Africa weigh athousand tons. That is the equivalent mass of two 747airplanes. The pulling stones with ropes using humanlabor model does not work because no rope inventedin the history of life on earth can pull a thousandstones without snapping. The evidence suggestingancient Africans were able to manipulate gravity is isextensive to the point where it is useless to argue withthose who cannot see the obvious. If Westernacademia is willing to suppress earth-centered ideasexpressed by one of their own, how hard is to imagethe notion of suppressing similar ideas expressed byAncient Africans who have typically been regarded as“primitive,” “pagan” and “illiterate”.In the 1960’s science developed highly sophisticatedtelescopes and discovered that planets in our solar system reflected light in the infrared spectrum frominternal energy sources. Anomalous internal infraredradiation coming from Jupiter, Uranus and Neptunecannot be explained as reflections of solar energy andcannot be explained as heat generated by internalnuclear fusion. The data shows these planets clearlyradiate more energy into space than they absorb fromthe sun. For Western science this is another bigproblem. In the language of Ifa all the planets in our solar system are producing ase from an invisible linkwith Orun.Hyper-dimensional physics as currently explained byRichard Hoagland describes inter-dimensionalopenings that exist at specific places in the structure of every solar and planetary sphere. In Hoagland’s modeltwo invisible three sided pyramids support everycircular mass in the visible universe. One pyramid hasits apex at the north pole, and the foundation is at19.47 Latitude, below the equator, the other pyramidhas its apex at the south pole with its base is at 19.47Latitude, above the equator. Approximately half themass of each pyramid overlap. A two dimensionaldrawing of this formation creates what is commonlyreferred to as the either the Seal of Salomon or theStar of David. An older version of this same symbol isfound on some of the stone structures in Luxor Egypt.There are eight points where the edges of these twopyramids touch the surface of the sphere.Hoagland identifies these eight points as inter-dimensional windows and the source of the otherwiseunexplained energy coming from the planets in thesolar system. The amount of energy generated bythese openings is regulated by the relationshipbetween various planets and moons in our solar system. The gravitational pull coupled with the spiralmomentum of the planets affects the inter-dimensionalopenings. This means the ecology of the earth isaffected by its relationship to the other planets. It iswell known that ancient earth centered cultures all over the planets were extremely sophisticated in their observation of planetary movement in the night sky.What is less well known is the fundamental reason for this interest. Ase, or inter-dimensional radiationscoming from the eight contact points of the internal gridcover the surface of the earth in a grid pattern calledDragon lines, Serpent lines, Ley lines and variousother names. The place where these lines cross,especially where they cross over underground water systems, where identified by the ancients as power spots, scared places used for regeneration, healing,and spiritual elevation. An understanding of astronomyis the indicator of when and where these power spotsbecome activated in the course of various planetarycycles. In Ifa these power spots are called igbodumeaning womb of the forest. The Yoruba word thatdescribes the process of understanding the activationof igbodu is called gede. The word gede is an elision of ge meaning female power and de to stand up or arise.Gede is a reference to the out powering of primalenergy from the womb of Creation. The selection of times for seasonal celebrations for specific Orisa inNigeria is determined by when the igbodu associatedwith a particular Orisa is activated. Perhaps the mostwell know example is the annual appearance of theSpirit of Osun at the bend in the river near the Osunshrine in Oshogbo.There is a Mosque in Iraq with a mechanicalplanetarium attached to a wall. The planets on the wallmove to mirror the actual position of the planets in thenight sky on any given day. Next to the planetariumand attached to it by a series of gears are eight squarewindows in to vertical rows of four. The windowsexpose either a single line (I) or a double line (II) inrelationship to the movement of the planets. Thismechanical model produces the eight marks used inIfa divination. These marks are used throughout Africaand were preserved in Egypt by the Essenes and theSufi. Both the Essenes and the Sufi use these patternsfor systems of divination related to their own sacredscriptures. The Mosque in Iraq is a glimpse into thepast and the cosmological principles at the foundationof the symbolism found in African based systems of divination.The transference of ase is not limited to large sphericalstars and planets, it also occurs on the sub-atomiclevel. A clear example of the movement betweendimensions occurs when iridium is subjected toextremely high temperatures in a furnace. Atpredictable temperatures 56% of the mass weight of any given sample of iridium disappears. When theiridium cools it returns to its original physical weight.This can only be explained as an inter-dimensionaltransference of physical matter. Western sciencebecame aware of this phenomenon at the turn of thelast century and quickly suppressed the data. In thepast decade some scientist have cautiously takenanother look at the phenomena.The spiritual technology of Africa has preserved anunderstanding of the process of inter-dimensionaltransference of physical matter for many thousands of years. The original name for the mechanical model produces the eight marks used inIfa divination. These marks are used throughout Africaand were preserved in Egypt by the Essenes and theSufi. Both the Essenes and the Sufi use these patternsfor systems of divination related to their own sacredscriptures. The Mosque in Iraq is a glimpse into thepast and the cosmological principles at the foundationof the symbolism found in African based systems of divination.The transference of ase is not limited to large sphericalstars and planets, it also occurs on the sub-atomiclevel. A clear example of the movement betweendimensions occurs when iridium is subjected toextremely high temperatures in a furnace. Atpredictable temperatures 56% of the mass weight of any given sample of iridium disappears. When theiridium cools it returns to its original physical weight.This can only be explained as an inter-dimensionaltransference of physical matter. Western sciencebecame aware of this phenomenon at the turn of thelast century and quickly suppressed the data. In thepast decade some scientist have cautiously takenanother look at the phenomena.The spiritual technology of Africa has preserved anunderstanding of the process of inter-dimensionaltransference of physical matter for many thousands of years. The original name for the region now known as now known asEgypt was Khemit meaning the Black Land, areference to the fertile soil deposited by the Nile River.This soil is rich in iridium. When Akhenaten wasdeposed as Pharaoh of Egypt he took his family andsupporters to live at the base of Mt Sinai where he builta huge furnace to process iridium into white powder.The powder was used as medicine to elevate humanconsciousness and was used as a key element in thetransformation of precious metals. Historically theprocess of making white powder from iridium is calledAlchemy from the root words Al Khemit meaning Lightfrom the Black land. In traditional Egyptian religion thewhite power made from iridium was ingested for thirtydays followed by a ten day fast as part of an initiationprocess. At the end of the forty-day ordeal, the novicewas described as having the ability to see God in aburning bush. The reference to a burning bush is asymbolic description of the bright light that emanatesfrom an inter-dimensional opening. The ability tocreate these openings is an integral part of theinitiation process in virtually every earth-centeredculture on the continent of Africa. Discussingphenomena that occurs during initiation is not divulgingsecrets (awo) because the phenomenon has alreadybeen described by a number of authors. Discussinghow to produce the phenomena is (awo) and remainsa closely guarded secret.

Anyone with a Western education was taught tobelieve that Alchemy was “occult foolishness”.Egyptologists know that most of the gold found inEgypt was artificially produced and carries a differentatomic signature than gold found in nature. TheRussians have perfected the process of using alchemytechniques for making gold from base metals. Thereason the price of gold remains stable is to keep thecost under the price of artificial production, another example of objective science subordinating itself to apolitical agenda.The Egyptian Book of the Death translated by Budgecontains the following passages:
It says, I am purified of all imperfections, what is it? I sin like the golden hawk of Horus, what is it? I pass by the immortals without dying, what is it? I come beforemy father in heaven, what is it?
The Hebrew word Mana means what is it? Mana is thewhite powder produced from iridium. The historianLaurence Gardner makes a convincing case thatAhkenaton was the model for the mythical figure of Moses. Maybe, maybe not, the fact remains alchemyis one of many technological gifts from Africa thathistorians attempt to denigrate for political reasonshaving nothing to do with available information. Theimportant point related to the Yoruba Creation Myth isthat inter-dimensional openings can be createdthrough the use of ritual. They also occur spontaneously at certain places at specific times of theyear. In Yoruba these power spots are called Igbodufrom the elision igbo odu meaning womb of the forest.The timing of annual festivals marks the window whenthese power centers are activated. Some Igbodu makeuse of meteorites (benben stones) as sacred symbolsof spiritual power (ase), iridium is a major componentof most meteorites.Some readers will find the material in this articledifficult to believe and possible unfamiliar to their understanding of Ifa. There is an unfortunate tendencyin the rapidly growing Ifa community in the UnitedStates to believe the notion that initiation makes aperson wise. Initiation is merely permission to study,the integration of information and experience is thefoundation of wisdom. There is also a tendency in thiscountry to dismiss the value of elders and to dismissthe need for formal training. There are even Ifacommunities who negate the value of Yoruba cultureand the need to integrate formal prayers and traditionalsongs into the Ifa ritual process. This painfulmanifestation of ignorance seems to be predicated ona lack of understanding of the purpose and function of traditional African spiritual training. It also reflects atotal lack of understanding of the tools needed toaccess Orun.Malidoma Some in his book Of Water and the Spirit(page 225-226) states clearly the reasons for embracing the wisdom of the ancestors.What we see in everyday life in not nature lying to us,but nature encoding reality in ways we can come toterms with under ordinary circumstances. Nature looksthe way it looks because of the way we are. We couldnot live our whole lives on the ecstatic level of thesacred. Our senses would soon become exhaustedand the daily business of living would never get done.There does, however, come a time when one mustlearn to move between the two ways of “seeing” realityin order to become a whole person.Traditional education consists of three parts;enlargement of one’s ability to see, destabilization of the body’s habit of being bound to one plane of being,and the ability to voyage transdimensionally andreturn. Enlarging one’s vision and abilities has nothingsupernatural about it, rather it is “natural” to be a partof nature and to participate in a wider understanding of reality.Overcoming the fixity of the body is the hardest part of initiation. As with the seeing exercise, there is a lot of unconscious resistance taking place. There is also agreat deal of fear to be overcome. One must travel tothe other side of fear, crossing the great plains of terror and panic to arrive at the quiet one feels in theabsence of fear. Only then does true transformation(page 225-226) states clearly the reasons for embracing the wisdom of the ancestors.What we see in everyday life in not nature lying to us,but nature encoding reality in ways we can come toterms with under ordinary circumstances. Nature looksthe way it looks because of the way we are. We couldnot live our whole lives on the ecstatic level of thesacred. Our senses would soon become exhaustedand the daily business of living would never get done.There does, however, come a time when one mustlearn to move between the two ways of “seeing” realityin order to become a whole person.Traditional education consists of three parts;enlargement of one’s ability to see, destabilization of the body’s habit of being bound to one plane of being,and the ability to voyage transdimensionally andreturn. Enlarging one’s vision and abilities has nothingsupernatural about it, rather it is “natural” to be a partof nature and to participate in a wider understanding of reality.Overcoming the fixity of the body is the hardest part of initiation. As with the seeing exercise, there is a lot of unconscious resistance taking place. There is also agreat deal of fear to be overcome. One must travel tothe other side of fear, crossing the great plains of terror and panic to arrive at the quiet one feels in theabsence of fear. Only then does true transformationreally begin to happen. It feels strange to not be afraidwhen one thinks one should be; but this is thecondition for the voyage to other worlds. Thismetamorphosis cannot happen as long as the body isweighed down by heaviness. One must go through aprocess of relearning, enforcement of these lessons,and the consolidation of new knowledge. This kind of education is nothing less than a return to one’s trueself, that is, to the divine within us.American culture makes a serious and vicious attackon notions of pride, self-esteem and the idea that eachand every one of us is a good and blessed person byvirtue of our undeniable connection with the Source of Creation. Too often initiation is seen as a way to buy aquick fix to complex and deeply painful social andpersonal wounds. When a person goes through theinitiation process and fails to look these wounds in theeye, there is a subsequent feeling of disappointment, afeeling of being cheated by the process and a need to justify the sacrifice and expense involved in goingthrough initiation. Instead of understanding initiation aspermission to begin the process of learning, there is afalse assumption that initiation will eliminate allpersonal problems in the future. The consequence of this false premise is the creation of elders who tend todeify their problems and who use bully tactics toconvince others they are “all knowing” and “allpowerful”.Malidoma presents an alternative view (ibid, page 277)In that moment of awareness, (during initiation) I hadan epiphany that the light we en-counter on the road of death is our being in the act of coming home to itself. Iunderstood that light is our natural state, but that wehuman beings must help each other as we movetoward the shores of light. We must be born and diemany times symbolic reference to a concept that is known inEnglish as courage. reach the light, and ten thousand yearscan pass in a flash. Being in the light is knowing wemust get others into it. The soul that has alreadyattained perfect enlightenment returns to life incompassion to help others along their journey.The light is where we belong. Everyone who is not inthe light is looking forward to being there. So we leavethe light to go and experience the need for light, andthus come back to it anew.In Ifa the Spirit who brings light to the world is calledObatala. The place where Obatala enters the world iscalled igbodu. When we enter igbodu we have anopportunity to travel back to that place from which wecame. In order to place both feet on the road back toSource we need a key to open the door blocking our access to Orun. The key is called egbe meaning theheart of our ancestors. The heart of our ancestors is asymbolic reference to a concept that is known inEnglish as courage.

Odu and the Ifa Concept of History,Part III -The Archeological Dilemma
by Awo Fa'lokun Fatunmbi
In the Ifa Creation story Obatala creates land on aplanet (aye) that is covered with water. After the land(Ile Ife) is formed Obatala climbs down a chain to liveon earth. In Ifa sacred scripture the Orisa (Force inNature) always have a range of incarnations (atunwa)giving them different functions as the cycles of evolution unfold. The most distant incarnationsmanifest as natural phenomena the most immediateincarnations manifest as human behavior reflecting aspecific mode of behavior represented by deifiedancestors. During the earliest incarnation of Obataladescribed in the Ifa Creation Myth the Orisa (Force of Nature) symbolizes the transformation of light intomatter. This transformation is represented on the Ifadivination tray by the contrast between a single lineand a double line. The chain used to climb from Orunto Aye symbolizes the holographic blueprint for Creation contained within light, meaning the seeds of evolution are present at the beginning of time at themoment of cosmic inception. Information hidden withina Force of Nature, as latent potential, can be describedas the Spirit of a particular aspect of Creation. For example the inner essence of the Spirit of Light is toilluminate that which it encounters. The Spirit of Light

Odu and the Ifa Concept of History,Part III -The Archeological Dilemma
by Awo Fa'lokun Fatunmbi
In the Ifa Creation story Obatala creates land on aplanet (aye) that is covered with water. After the land(Ile Ife) is formed Obatala climbs down a chain to liveon earth. In Ifa sacred scripture the Orisa (Force inNature) always have a range of incarnations (atunwa)giving them different functions as the cycles of evolution unfold. The most distant incarnationsmanifest as natural phenomena the most immediateincarnations manifest as human behavior reflecting aspecific mode of behavior represented by deifiedancestors. During the earliest incarnation of Obataladescribed in the Ifa Creation Myth the Orisa (Force of Nature) symbolizes the transformation of light intomatter. This transformation is represented on the Ifadivination tray by the contrast between a single lineand a double line. The chain used to climb from Orunto Aye symbolizes the holographic blueprint for Creation contained within light, meaning the seeds of evolution are present at the beginning of time at themoment of cosmic inception. Information hidden withina Force of Nature, as latent potential, can be describedas the Spirit of a particular aspect of Creation. For example the inner essence of the Spirit of Light is toilluminate that which it encounters. The Spirit of Lightis manifestation of Nature that generates illumination.In the Ifa Creation Myth, Obatala illuminates theprocess of evolution that occurs as the planet coolsand becomes compatible with the development of life.This illumination can be described as ori ala meaningthe consciousness of light as the root word of Obatala's praise name Orisanla meaningconsciousness brings light.Traditionally Obatala is described as androgynousmeaning the Spirit or essence of Light has both maleand female attributes. In the symbolic language of Ifametaphysics male attributes are expansive(symbolized by a single vertical line) and femaleattributes are contractive (symbolized by a doublevertical line). In the language of physicselectromagnetism is male; gravity is femalerepresenting the fundamental polarity betweendynamics and form. Gravity allows matter to hold aconsistent shape, while electromagnetism is the forceof decay and regeneration. In Western scientificlanguage light (ala) can be characterized as both wave(male) and particle (female) giving it an androgynousquality using the symbolic language of Ifa. The awo(secret wisdom) associated with Obatala clearlyexpresses an understanding of the dual nature of light.This is a remarkable observation pre-dating similar observations in Western science by thousands of years. The traditions of our distant ancestors used

myth to integrate science, history and to provide atemplate for spiritual growth. Myth was able tointegrate these elements because they emerged at atime when spirituality was understood as an effort tolive in harmony with nature and the only way to do thatis to understand the multiple environments we live in.When Western culture started to engage in theprocess of controlling Nature the function of myth wasrelegated to obscurity and the ability to understandmyth was lost. In ancient times every aspect of culturewas a coded reference to Natural Law. Obatala's staff symbolizes the polarity between light as wave and lightas particle. The stick is cut in the form of a serpentsymbolizing the ase (spiritual power of the earth) or theability of light to form a particle and the serpent iscrowned by a bird symbolizing the ase (spiritual power of the sky) or the ability of light to form a wave asgenerated by the sun. The integration of these twoforces, or the creation of harmony and balancebetween them, is at the heart of awo Obatala (Themystery of the Spirit of Light).In Ifa cosmology Odu is described as the womb or source of all the various manifestations of light in thematerial world. Odu exists in Orun (the invisible realm)where the male aspect of Obatala is called Eji Ogbeand the female aspect is called Ofun Meji. In simpleterms Obatala is born of Odu because form precedesmanifestation. The understanding of the meaning ofmyth to integrate science, history and to provide atemplate for spiritual growth. Myth was able tointegrate these elements because they emerged at atime when spirituality was understood as an effort tolive in harmony with nature and the only way to do thatis to understand the multiple environments we live in.When Western culture started to engage in theprocess of controlling Nature the function of myth wasrelegated to obscurity and the ability to understandmyth was lost. In ancient times every aspect of culturewas a coded reference to Natural Law. Obatala's staff symbolizes the polarity between light as wave and lightas particle. The stick is cut in the form of a serpentsymbolizing the ase (spiritual power of the earth) or theability of light to form a particle and the serpent iscrowned by a bird symbolizing the ase (spiritual power of the sky) or the ability of light to form a wave asgenerated by the sun. The integration of these twoforces, or the creation of harmony and balancebetween them, is at the heart of awo Obatala (Themystery of the Spirit of Light).In Ifa cosmology Odu is described as the womb or source of all the various manifestations of light in thematerial world. Odu exists in Orun (the invisible realm)where the male aspect of Obatala is called Eji Ogbeand the female aspect is called Ofun Meji. In simpleterms Obatala is born of Odu because form precedesmanifestation. The understanding of the meaning othe word Odu is an important key to understanding theIfa worldview. Every Odu (womb) is considered aninter-dimensional portal linking Orun and Aye includingthe female reproductive organs which function as aninter-dimensional portal for the manifestation of egun(ancestors) who become omo (children) in the processof atunwa (reincarnation). Women as guardians of thisportal in both the physical and spiritual realm are thetraditional sources of prophetic wisdom (Gelede) andthe source of ase for the installation of Oba (YorubaKings). It is the voice of the Mothers (IyaamiOsoronga) that makes the final judgment concerningthe level of cultural harmony existing betweencommunity and spirit.To say light travels to earth on a chain is to say theholographic blueprint of Creation exists in everyparticle of light potentially manifesting as the proteindouble helix Ifa calls ase oka (serpent power) andscience calls DNA. Ifa expresses the idea of aholographic blueprint by saying everything in Creationhas Ori (consciousness) and the light of Obatala existsin all Ori. The development of quantum physics isbased on the observation that sub-atomic particles dono behave in a mechanistic way. Sub-atomic particlesrespond to stimuli with a range of options that aremapped in a cyclotron and referred to as theprobability curve of a particular element. This is anindirect way of saying that sub-atomic particles makeschoices and the ability to make choices is thefundamental definition of consciousness.In both academia and the mass media Africanspirituality is typically characterized as "primitivesuperstition". A close examination of the meaning of Ifasymbolism clearly reveals the existence of a paleo-physics (ancient science of the structure of reality).Hermeneutics is the name given to the academic studyof religious symbols. As a discipline the study of African religious hermeneutics is generally ignored byWestern academia raising the question of whether thisexclusion is unconscious racism or the deliberatesuppression of what might be considered threateninginformation about the basic structure of reality. Even arudimentary study of the literature on African spiritualityreveals the influence of both agendas on anydiscussion of the topic. If some effort is not made toidentify these negative influences those who areinterested in learning about African spirituality throughthe use of the written word are often given distortedinformation without realizing it. These distortions arere-written and passed on as fact in a painful movementaway from source. For example, every version of Ifascripture written in English has censored and removedmost references to female ase. There seems to be nodiscernable reason for this other than the influence of Christian theology that identifies woman of power withevil. This identification is incompatible with both Ifascripture and with Ifa practice outside the Diaspora.The African symbolic language that describes thepolarity between male and female is sometimesexpressed as the polarity between darkness and light.Any association between darkness and evil is aWestern convention that does not reflect the originalmeaning of the symbol. In symbolic language,darkness means hidden. All awo (mystery) is hiddenuntil it becomes revealed, all mystery is unrevealedtruth and truth by definition is life affirming.When Obatala arrives on earth he is described asruling the land with a silver sword. In symboliclanguage a sword represents Christian theology refers to this process as exploringthe "occult" and judges it to be a "sin". To refer to self-understanding as a "sin" is to deify ignorance.References to a Golden Age exist in virtually everyearth-centered tradition on the planet and appear to bea universally held ancestral memory. To understandthis aspect of the Ifa Creation Myth requires someunderstanding of Yoruba history. According to Ifa oraltradition the first Oba (king) of the Yoruba Nation wasOduduwa from the elision Odu (womb) dudu (black)iwa (character) meaning the Invisible Source of Character. The word black in relationship to the wordwomb is a reference to the invisible or hidden mysteryof Creation. The name Oduduwa suggests someonewho manifests the essential nature of Creation. The IfaCreation Myth says Oduduwa came from the east andsettled in the country now called Nigeria. At this pointthe narrative has two distinct components. FirstObatala arrives at Ile Ife and becomes the progenitor of the indigenous people of the earth. The reference toOduduwa appears to suggest settlers from another part of Africa joined the original people who lived inand around Ile Ife. Migration, immigration andassimilation are natural cycles of any culture that isthousands of years old. A simple study of Yorubalinguistics shows a wide range of cultural influencesfrom across the continent and in the Middle East. thought. In Ifasilver is used for abori, which is a ritual cleansing usedto elevate consciousness. Ifa describes the era of Obatala as a time when the distance between Orunand Aye was short and humans walked among theOrisa. Western occult traditions describe this as the"Golden Age", a time when humans inhabited the earthin a state of peace and harmony with each other andthe environment. Living in harmony with our environment includes an understanding that we live ina multi-dimensional universe. This means we share lifeon the planet with life forms that are not visible to thenormal range of human perception. The more a personis able to access a state of harmony the broader their perception becomes opening an expanded awarenessof the unseen influences that help shape life on earChristian theology refers to this process as exploringthe "occult" and judges it to be a "sin". To refer to self-understanding as a "sin" is to deify ignorance.References to a Golden Age exist in virtually everyearth-centered tradition on the planet and appear to bea universally held ancestral memory. To understandthis aspect of the Ifa Creation Myth requires someunderstanding of Yoruba history. According to Ifa oraltradition the first Oba (king) of the Yoruba Nation wasOduduwa from the elision Odu (womb) dudu (black)iwa (character) meaning the Invisible Source of Character. The word black in relationship to the wordwomb is a reference to the invisible or hidden mysteryof Creation. The name Oduduwa suggests someonewho manifests the essential nature of Creation. The IfaCreation Myth says Oduduwa came from the east andsettled in the country now called Nigeria. At this pointthe narrative has two distinct components. FirstObatala arrives at Ile Ife and becomes the progenitor of the indigenous people of the earth. The reference toOduduwa appears to suggest settlers from another part of Africa joined the original people who lived inand around Ile Ife. Migration, immigration andassimilation are natural cycles of any culture that isthousands of years old. A simple study of Yorubalinguistics shows a wide range of cultural influencesfrom across the continent and in the Middle East.I have visited the shrine of Oduduwa in Aleketu. It is inthe home of the Oba of Aleketu who is a directdescendant of Oduduwa. The oral tradition of theshrine in Aleketu says that Oduduwa migrated to thewest from Egypt after becoming initiated as Pharaoh.The association between Egyptian culture and Yorubaculture is controversial for a number of reasonsincluding the inference that any such associationdiminishes the contribution made to African culture byAfricans. Some of this controversy is, I believe, theresult of the deliberate denigration of African history ingeneral and Egyptian history in particular by thosehistorians who use political agendas to distort thehistorical record. An examination of this record shadeslight on some of the reasons for the controversy andgives some background on the confusion andcontradictions that make any understanding of Africanhistory a challenge.One of the first European archeological studies of ancient Africa occurred when Napoleon invaded Egyptin 1798. He brought with him a team of scholars whomade a detailed study of the stone structures near Cairo and started the European tradition of lootingartifacts without regard to the sentiments of thecolonized culture. At the time of the French incursionEuropean scholars believed European cultureoriginated in Greece. The French scholars whotraveled with Napoleon came to the conclusion thatGreek culture originated in Egypt. This expeditiondiscovered the now famous Rosetta Stone thatbecame the basis for later translations of Egyptianhieroglyphics. It would take at least another hundredyears before the information from the Rosetta Stonecould be put to practical use. Without the burden of having to rely on Egyptian written sources, the Frenchwere free to describe Egyptian history in a way thatwas consistent with their own worldview. They decidedthe pyramids at Giza were built by Joseph to storegrain during the biblical era of Jewish captivity. Theybelieved the significant contributions to Egyptianculture came as a result of the migration of non-Africans to the Nile basin for no objective reason other than the fact that they didn't want to believe Africanswere the ultimate source of European culture.Unfortunately the theory was not consistent with theAfrican features on the face of the Sphinx so Napoleonordered his troops to destroy the face with cannon fire.At the time of this desecration the Sphinx was buriedup to its neck in sand and the face was an easy target.To this day the grain storage theory is the prominentbelief about the purpose of the pyramids amongfundamentalist Christians. Prejudice becomesintractable once it is promoted as the "Word of God".The French effort to date Egyptian culture wasinfluenced by a meeting of London booksellers thatoccurred in 1779, twenty-one years prior to Napoleon'sexpedition. Collectively the British cabal raised fundsto publish a forty-two-volume compendium titledUniversal History. After consultation with the prominenttheologians of the day the publishers determined that"God's Creation" began on August 21st 4004 BC. Themeeting was contentious because some of thetheologians argued in favor of a March 21st date asthe first day of Genesis. All subsequent Europeaninterpretations of history were obliged to conform tothis time line. The sciences of biology and geologyhave pushed back the actual date of Creation bythirteen billion years, but historians and Egyptologistcontinue to frame the time line of written history in away that makes it consistent with the early British timeline generated by the Christian Bible and by theauthors of Universal History. This is an earlymanifestation of one of the most prevailing attitudesguiding academic historical research; not annoyingJerry Farwell is more important than being objectivebecause Jerry is an advisor to the President and theFederal Government is the source of 80% of allresearch funding for universities in the United States.The British were skeptical of the grain storage theorypromoted by the French. It seemed a bit excessive tomove three and half million stones to support two smallrooms that would only hold a minimal amount of food.Contemporary Egyptologists link the Pyramid at Gizato the Pharaoh Khufu sometimes called Cheops. Theybase their conclusions on the archeological evidenceprovided by a British solider named Colonel RichardHoward-Vyse. In 1836 the Colonel hired 700 laborersto dig through the floor of the Queens Chamber insidethe Giza Pyramid. Finding nothing, he decided to blastthrough the roof of the King's Chamber usinggunpowder. After blowing holes through three layers of crossbeams, the Colonel claims to have discovered ahand painted cartouche (royal insignia) in a smallspace between the granite cross beams. They are theonly inscriptions of any kind found either inside or outside the Giza Pyramid. An analysis of the writingindicated it used hieroglyphics from three differenthistorical periods all dating from a time after the reignof Khufu. The original reaction to the Howard-Vysediscovery concluded the hieroglyphics were fakes andsuggested the Colonel was the person most likely tohave committed the fraud. Despite his total lack of credibility, the Colonel's discovery was embraced byacademia because it met the important requirement of fitting within the Biblical time line.Ignoring the obvious problems with the inscription,Egyptologists continue to associate the Giza Pyramidwith Pharaoh Khufu. The orthodox theory is that Khufubuilt the structure as a tomb. There are approximatelyeighty pyramids in Egypt, less than a dozen mummieshave been discovered in and around any of thesepyramids, and those were clearly placed under ground

long after the original construction. Pharaohs areburied in subterranean tombs most notably in theValley of the Kings. There is absolutely no Egyptiantext that identifies the pyramid at Giza as a tomb,none, anywhere. Egyptologists as a group tend tobelieve their own analysis of artifacts is superior to thehistory recorded by the Egyptians themselves.Italian Egyptologists with access to material hidden inthe Vatican basement claimed the Egyptians hadknowledge of the exact dimensions of the planet andused this knowledge as the basis for their system of measurement. In the nineteenth century the Britishwere obsessed in their effoknowledge of the distance of the equator. He alsodiscovered the Egyptian unit of measurement wasremarkably similar to the British system suggesting anancient influence based on previously unknowninteraction between the two cultures.While taking his measurements Petrie noticed thatmany of the stones inside the pyramid appeared tohave saw marks and drill marks. The depth of spin ona drilled hole can be measured and the depth of eachrotation determines the amount pressure coming fromthe bit. Petrie's measurements indicated the drillswhere using in excess of two tons of pressure which isabsolutely and physically impossible with handpowered tools. The saw marks cut through graniteleaving a surface as flat as glass. There are no handheld saws in existence that can duplicate the samelevel of precision. Petrie's obvious conclusion was thestones were dressed with powered tools. Theresponse from Egyptologists to his discoveries aboutstone cutting was a thunderous silence. Their logic issimple, they have no artifacts that appear to be power tools; therefore Petrie's observations are wrong. Theorthodox response to his measurements is that anycorrelation between the size and shape of the pyramidand the planet is a "coincidence". Scholars whorefused to let go of antiquated ideas are greatbelievers in coincidence.rt to find the dimensions of the earth as an aid to navigation in shipping. In 1882,forty years after the dubious discoveries of Howard-Vyse, Sir William Flinders Petrie traveled to Cairo tomeasure the ancient stone monuments in hopes of unlocking the mysteries related to the size of the earth.To his astonishment the thirteen-acre base of thepyramid was flat to a tolerance of
inch across theentire surface, a level of precision not possible at thetime and not possible today. He also discovered thedimensions of the pyramid incorporated anunderstanding the properties of pi a mathematicalformula believed to have been discovered by theGreeks. His analysis of the data he collectedsuggested the scale of the pyramid was in directproportion to the size of the earth indicating a preciseknowledge of the distance of the equator. He alsodiscovered the Egyptian unit of measurement wasremarkably similar to the British system suggesting anancient influence based on previously unknowninteraction between the two cultures.While taking his measurements Petrie noticed thatmany of the stones inside the pyramid appeared tohave saw marks and drill marks. The depth of spinOutside of academia Petrie's detailed report inspiredthe theory that the pyramids were built by an"advanced race" from "Atlantis". This popular premisewas based largely on the writings of Plato whodescribed the continent of Atlantis in two of hisdialogues the Critias and the Timaeus. Plato states hereceived the information on Atlantis from an Egyptianpriest and presents the story as a true historicalaccount. Since no one knows what an Atlantian lookslike the British writers in Petrie's day assumed theywere fair skinned with blue eyes and blond hair eliminating the trauma of having to attribute anythingEgyptian to Africans. Psychologists call this projection.At about the same time British anthropologists weretrying to prove human evolution originated in England.The one piece of hard physical evidence used tosupport their theory turned out to be the skull of ahuman fitted with the jawbone of an ape. The obviousforgery remained undetected for fifty years.Shirley Andrews in her book Atlantis Insights from alost Civilization makes a through review of theliterature on Atlantis including a summary of theEgyptian texts on the subject. According to Andrewsthe Egyptians do describe an ancient civilization thatonce existed on a now submerged Atlantic island.Recent discoveries of stone buildings off the coast of Bermuda and more recently off the coast of Cuba tendto confirm the possibility such an island once existed. ona drilled hole can be measured and the depth of eachrotation determines the amount pressure coming fromthe bit. Petrie's measurements indicated the drillswheOutside of academia Petrie's detailed report inspiredthe theory that the pyramids were built by an"advanced race" from "Atlantis". This popular premisewas based largely on the writings of Plato whodescribed the continent of Atlantis in two of hisdialogues the Critias and the Timaeus. Plato states hereceived the information on Atlantis from an Egyptianpriest and presents the story as a true historicalaccount. Since no one knows what an Atlantian lookslike the British writers in Petrie's day assumed theywere fair skinned with blue eyes and blond hair eliminating the trauma of having to attribute anythingEgyptian to Africans. Psychologists call this projection.At about the same time British anthropologists weretrying to prove human evolution originated in England.The one piece of hard physical evidence used tosupport their theory turned out to be the skull of ahuman fitted with the jawbone of an ape. The obviousforgery remained undetected for fifty years.Shirley Andrews in her book Atlantis Insights from alost Civilization makes a through review of theliterature on Atlantis including a summary of theEgyptian texts on the subject. According to Andrewsthe Egyptians do describe an ancient civilization thatonce existed on  now submerged Atlantic island.Recent discoveries of stone buildings off the coast of Bermuda and more recently off the coast of Cuba tendto confirm the possibility such an island once existed.re using in excess of two tons of pressure which isabsolutely and physically impossible with handpowered tools. The saw marks cut through graniteleaving a surface as flat as glass. There are no handheld saws in existence that can duplicate the samelevel of precision. Petrie's obvious conclusion was thestones were dressed with powered tools. Theresponse from Egyptologists to his discoveries aboutstone cutting was a thunderous silence. Their logic issimple, they have no artifacts that appear to be power tools; therefore Petrie's observations are wrong. Theorthodox response to his measurements is that anycorrelation between the size and shape of the pyramidand the planet is a "coincidence". Scholars whorefused to let go of antiquated ideas are greatbelievers in coincidence.Outside of academia Petrie's detailed report inspiredthe theory that the pyramids were built by an"advanced race" from "Atlantis". This popular premisewas based largely on the writings of Plato whodescribed the continent of Atlantis in two of hisdialogues the Critias and the Timaeus. Plato states hereceived the information on Atlantis from an Egyptianpriest and presents the story as a true historicalaccount. Since no one knows what an Atlantian lookslike the British writers in Petrie's day assumed theywere fair skinned with blue eyes and blond hair eliminating the trauma of having to attribute anythingEgyptian Andrews says the Egyptians considered the Atlantiansto be a hostile culture in no way associated with thedevelopment of their own culture. There are evenEgyptian texts describing a settlement of Atlantianrefuges that survived the destruction of their islandkingdom and settled in Egypt for a short time beforemigrating west. The proponents of the theory thatAtlantis is the source of Egyptian technology want usto believe Egyptians did not honor the memory of theancestors who were responsible for the developmentof their technology. Egyptian culture, like virtually alltraditional cultures in Africa, is deeply rooted in theveneration of ancestors. The idea that any significantancestors would be ignored for any reason is notcredible from a cultural perspective. The Atlantagenesis story simply does not work.At the turn of the twentieth century Germanyarcheologists were uncomfortable with the idea thatEuropean culture was in any way related to Africa. Thepolitically correct German theory of cultural genesiswas that a super human race of superior beings livedin the center of the earth under the illumination of ablack sun. This race emerged on to the surface of theearth in Tibet, migrated to Mesopotamia, created amigratory culture known as the Acadians who settled inGreece before reaching their final destination insouthern Europe. One of the most prominent Germanarcheologists of this era was R.A Schwaller de Lubicz Africans. Psychologists call this projection.At about the same time British anthropologists weretrying to prove human evolution originated in England.The one piece of hard physical evidence used tosupport their theory turned out to be the skull of ahuman fitted with the jawbone of an ape. The obviousforgery remained undetected for fifty years.Shirley Andrews in her book Atlantis Insights from alost Civilization makes a through review of theliterature on Atlantis including a summary of theEgyptian texts on the subject. According to Andrewsthe Egyptians do describe an ancient civilization thatonce existed on a now submerged Atlantic island.Recent discoveries of stone buildings off the coast of Bermuda and more recently off the coast of Cuba tendto confirm the possibility such an island once existed.Andrews says the Egyptians considered the Atlantiansto be a hostile culture in no way associated with thedevelopment of their own culture. There are evenEgyptian texts describing a settlement of Atlantianrefuges that survived the destruction of their islandkingdom and settled in Egypt for a short time beforemigrating west. The proponents of the theory thatAtlantis is the source of Egyptian technology want usto believe Egyptians did not honor the memory of theancestors who were responsible for the developmentof their technology. Egyptian culture, like virtually alltraditional cultures in Africa, is deeply rooted in theveneration of ancestors. The idea that any significantancestors would be ignored for any reason is notcredible from a cultural perspective. The Atlantagenesis story simply does not work.At the turn of the twentieth century Germanyarcheologists were uncomfortable with the idea thatEuropean culture was in any way related to Africa. Thepolitically correct German theory of cultural genesiswas that a super human race of superior beings livedin the center of the earth under the illumination of ablack sun. This race emerged on to the surface of theearth in Tibet, migrated to Mesopotamia, created amigratory culture known as the Acadians who settled inGreece before reaching their final destination insouthern Europe. One of the most prominent Germanarcheologists of this era was R.A Schwaller de Lubiczwho, to his credit, managed to rise above his politicalbias. In the course of Lubicz's explorations he noticedthat most Egyptian temples faced south. Hisexamination of temple texts indicated the orientationwas based on the desire to honor the ancestors of theNile culture. To the dismay of his colleagues Lubiczwas saying the Sudan and Ethiopia was the ancestralhome of those who built the pyramids. This meantAfricans created indigenous Egyptian culture. If welook at a map we see Ethiopia is bisected by the riftvalley. This region is the richest source of ancient fossilhuman remains on the planet. Not only was this regionthe ancestral home of the Egyptians it is likely theancestral home of everyone alive on the planet.Despite the obvious global implications of Lubicz'sobservation, Egyptologists treat the idea as if it wasthe source of some deadly viral infection.To add insult to injury Lubicz was the first to notice thatthe weathering pattern on the Sphinx was caused byrain not wind. This was a serious problem because theSphinx was supposed to be five thousand years oldand the most recent period of flooding around the Gizaplain occurred ten thousand years ago. Hisobservation was all but ignored until a tourist guidenamed Jonathan West invited geologist Robert Schochto examine the evidence first hand. When Schockpresented his findings to a gathering of Egyptologistshe was told the water erosion was caused by waterwho, to his credit, managed to rise above his politicalbias. In the course of Lubicz's explorations he noticedthat most Egyptian temples faced south. Hisexamination of temple texts indicated the orientationwas based on the desire to honor the ancestors of theNile culture. To the dismay of his colleagues Lubiczwas saying the Sudan and Ethiopia was the ancestralhome of those who built the pyramids. This meantAfricans created indigenous Egyptian culture. If welook at a map we see Ethiopia is bisected by the riftvalley. This region is the richest source of ancient fossilhuman remains on the planet. Not only was this regionthe ancestral home of the Egyptians it is likely theancestral home of everyone alive on the planet.Despite the obvious global implications of Lubicz'sobservation, Egyptologists treat the idea as if it wasthe source of some deadly viral infection.To add insult to injury Lubicz was the first to notice thatthe weathering pattern on the Sphinx was caused byrain not wind. This was a serious problem because theSphinx was supposed to be five thousand years oldand the most recent period of flooding around the Gizaplain occurred ten thousand years ago. Hisobservation was all but ignored until a tourist guidenamed Jonathan West invited geologist Robert Schochto examine the evidence first hand. When Schockpresented his findings to a gathering of Egyptologistshe was told the water erosion was caused by waterseeping up out of the ground and into the stones at thefoundation of the Sphinx in what must be the onlyrecorded instance of water defying the laws of gravity.For the past twenty years there has been a vigorouseffort by Egyptologist to prove the pyramids could havebeen built using simple tools and simple methods.They have gone so far as to film a

 documentarybuilding a "mini" pyramid in Egypt based on thepremise they could use simple technology toaccomplish the task. The initial efforts failed so thepyramid was built using modern equipment, as "proof"the ancient Egyptians needed no extraordinarytechnology to accomplish the task. The largest stoneinvolved in the experiment weighed two tones and wasmoved with trucks and cranes. None of the footageinvolving the use of modern equipment was included inthe final cut of the film. The issue of moving stonesweighing in excess of one hundred tons wasconveniently ignored. (That is the weight of two 747 jetliners, the obvious problem being what kind of ropecan pull that weight without braking?)Most of the history of Egyptology appears to be areflection of the resistance by self-proclaimed expertsto accept obvious evidence due to a difficulty inaccepting the accomplishments of ancient Africanculture. It does not seem to be unfair to attribute muchof this difficulty to an ethno-centric bias that has no
seeping up out of the ground and into the stones at thefoundation of the Sphinx in what must be the onlyrecorded instance of water defying the laws of gravity.For the past twenty years there has been a vigorouseffort by Egyptologist to prove the pyramids could havebeen built using simple tools and simple methods.They have gone so far as to film a documentarybuilding a "mini" pyramid in Egypt based on thepremise they could use simple technology toaccomplish the task. The initial efforts failed so thepyramid was built using modern equipment, as "proof"the ancient Egyptians needed no extraordinarytechnology to accomplish the task. The largest stoneinvolved in the experiment weighed two tones and wasmoved with trucks and cranes. None of the footageinvolving the use of modern equipment was included inthe final cut of the film. The issue of moving stonesweighing in excess of one hundred tons wasconveniently ignored. (That is the weight of two 747 jetliners, the obvious problem being what kind of ropecan pull that weight without braking?)Most of the history of Egyptology appears to be areflection of the resistance by self-proclaimed expertsto accept obvious evidence due to a difficulty inaccepting the accomplishments of ancient Africanculture. It does not seem to be unfair to attribute muchof this difficulty to an ethno-centric bias that has nofoundation in reality. The deliberate distortion of thehistorical record seems to have reached an all timehigh during a recent Fox documentary showingexploration of the one of the four shafts inside the Gizapyramid. The special featured a robotic cameratraveling up the shaft to a stone door that was drilledopen before a camera was inserted through the hole toreveal another door. Dr. Hawass the director of Egyptian antiquities explained the shaft was added tothe tomb of Khufu long after it was originally built. Heclaims the shafts were chiseled through the stone toprovide an escape for the Pharaoh's soul. That'spossible, the problem is the shaft is approximatelyeight inches square and travels for one hundred andfifty feet before making a sharp right angle. The entireshaft inclines at a consistent angle with tolerancessimilar to those measured by Petrie. In order toaccomplish the task as described by Dr. Hawass astonemason would either have to use a chisel onehundred and fifty feet in length or the mason had anextraordinarily long arms. I cannot imagine how Dr.Hawass could make such a statement to reporterswithout everyone in the room dropping to the floor howling in laughter.It would appear Fox Television is spending a largeamount of time and resources in an effort to obscurethe truth. Rupert Murdock owns Fox network. Heimmigrated to the United States from Australia when itwas discovered his bank funneled money from theCIA to an opposition candidate who toppled theAustralia incumbent. If you remember the movieFalcon and the Snowman based on a real incident,you will remember the Timothy Hutton character playsa CIA radio operator who discovers the manipulation of an Australian election and sells the information to theSoviet Union. That's when Murdock decided to moveto America. It is against the law for a foreign bornnational to own a television network in the UnitedStates. Congress passed a special exemption for Murdock allowing him to make the purchase. All of thisbegs the question why the deception, what is it thateveryone is afraid of, and what does any of this haveto do with the Ifa Creation Myth?Egyptian historical records carved on the walls of theTemple at Luxor include a list of dynasties that pushthe date of early Egyptian culture back by 45,000years. Academic Egyptology deals with thecontradiction by describing all dynasties listed asexisting prior to 6,000 years ago as "mythic," meaninghaving no basis in the objective historical record. Oneof many problems with this analysis is that clay tabletsdiscovered in Mesopotamia (Iraq) at the turn of the lastcentury include king lists that are nearly identical to theEgyptian records found in Luxor. Why would twodifferent countries make up the same fantasy aboutthe origins of their cultures? The obvious answer isthey wouldn't. The reason for the academic dismissalof these older dates is very simple; modern HomoSapiens reportedly first walked the earth some 30,000years ago. The predecessor of Homo Sapiens is calledCro Magnum and is described by anthropologists as asmall brained, hairy, proto-human who wore animalskins and survived by scrapping the bones of deadanimals and picking wild fruit. If the Egyptian time lineon the Temple inscriptions is correct, Cro Magnumcommunities built the pyramids, developed asophisticated system of geometry, invented a complexsystem of writing and made accurate measurements of the size of the earth and charted the relationshipbetween the planets and the sun.Carl Sagan a great defender of academic orthodoxyadmitted there were books in the Library at Alexandria(Egypt) that traced human history back 100,000 years.Those books were supposedly destroyed in a fire. Thisseemingly innocent statement by the late Dr. Saganappears to be confirmation of the possibility thatorthodox history is a deliberate deception. If the bookswere all destroyed where was Carl getting hisinformation?The apparent problem with letting go of the hairy proto-human Cro Magnum theory is that it completelyundercuts the Darwinian theory of evolution. WithoutDarwin and the notion of survival of the fittest there isno justification for elitism, imperialism, colonialization,prostelization and the exploitation of resources in non-western countries. It is not hard to imagine that thefoundations that fund historical and scientific researchmight find the subversion of these ideas to beunworthy of funding.If it is true that Yoruba culture interacted with Egyptianculture an examination of Egyptian history should helpilluminate the Ifa Creation Myth. If it is also true thatWestern academic accounts of Egyptian history arepolitically and racially biased the best alternativesource is clearly the oral accounts of the Egyptiansthemselves. The pre-Islamic, pre-Christian, and pre-Judaic religious traditions of Egypt still exist.Indigenous Egyptian religion has survived in Egypt inmuch the same way that Yoruba religion survived inthe Diaspora, by going underground. In the past tenyears a small number of indigenous Egyptian religiouselders have started to speak publicly about the orallegacy left by their ancestors. Among them is Abd'ElHakim Awyan who has assisted in the preparation of aseveral books that provide a glimpse into traditionalEgyptian oral history.In The Land of Osiris by Stephen S. Mehler, HakimAwyan makes it clear that Dynastic Egypt was basedon the culture of Khemit and he says the culture of Khemit is of unmistakable African origin. The

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