Implements Of Ifa Divination (Awon ohun Elo Idafa)

In this work babalawo Obanifa will explain in detail various implements or tools use in Ifa divination system. Ifa is a sacred message of Olodumare. The tools or implements use by ifa practional in unveiling this message range from the following :Ikin ifa (Ifa sacred palm nut), opele (ifa divination chain) ibo (ifa clips of cowries  and a dry bone, for narrow divination results to yes or no, positive or negative) Iroke ifa (Ifa ifa tapping divination stick) opon ifa (Ifa divination tray), Ajere tabi Awo ifa (Ifa carving wood or bowl plate with cover to house Ikin ifa), Apo ifa tabi jerugbe (sacred ifa sack) ilu ifa (Ifa drum) Opa Orere tabi Osun (Ifa sacred staff). I will discuss each of these aforementioned item in detail, if possible with the aid of pictures.


Ikin ifa (Sacred Ifa PALMNUT) is the number one most essential instruments or implement of
Ifa in the whole world. Because it is Ikin ifa that Orunmila use to replace himself when he left this world and go to heaven. It Ikin that is symbol of Ifa. It is the item use during initiation, Ikin ifa is what is contain in Ajere/Agere /Awo ifa (carving wood image or plate with cover to house ifa). When we are taking of Ikin ifa (Sacred Ifa PALMNUT) in this sense. We are not talking of ordinary palmnut from common palm nut tree. It must me stress that common palmnut usually have eyes at the bottom. But Ikin ifa (Sacred palmnut is different) because it range three to six eyes at the bottom. This is what distinguished Ikin ifa from ordinary palmnut. Let me quickly exappantiate. There are four variety of Ikin ifa. They are :

*. Osa :Ikin ifa Oloju meta (this is sacred palmnut with three eyes)

*. Awinrin :Ikin ifa Oloju merin (this is a sacred ifa palmnut with four eyes)

*. Ikin ifa Oloju marun (this is sacred palmnut with five eyes)

*Oduso :Ikin ifa Oloju mefa (This is a sacred palmnut with six eyes)

These are recognized palmnut to be use as Ikin ifa in Ifa and orisa spirituality. Two eyes palmnut is not allowed or accepted to be use as Ikin ifa. Ikin ifa is what replace the oke iponri orunmila for ifa devotee. Prior to the departure of Orunmila from this world Ikin is not in use, orunmila have his own oke iponri he do use for consultation. It is Ikin ifa that replace this oke iponri. Let me quickly make reference to one of my previous work title 'original facts about Orunmila' by babalawo Obanifa. In that work I account of how Ikin usage come into existence in Ifa and orisa tradition.
History have it that Orunmila live for many years in Oke Itase in Ife Oodaye (which is known as current Ile Ife osun state Nigeria), before he  decided to leave Ile Ife to Ado Ekiti (which is current Ado Ekiti, Ekiti state Nigeria). But it is made known that Orunmila stay longer in Ado Ekiti than any place on earth. HE lived most of his life in a place called Oke Olota in Ado Ekiti. History have it that he becomes more  prosperous and succefull in Ado Ekiti than he was in Ife Oodaye, hence he decided to live substantial part of his life time in Ado. The elder as they handle the tradition down to us make it clear that this is why they popular saying in :
     'Ado  Nile Ifa'
   'Ado is the home of Ifa'

In one one of his praises
Ara ule Ado
Citizens of Ado.

But it is instructive to note that it is not only the Ife Oodaye and Ado Ekiti that Orunmila lived why he was on earth. But history have that he lived in Ile Ife Oodaye where he has his eighth children.history have it that he also beget Alara, Ajero, Owarangun Aga, Oloyemonyin, Onitagi Olele, Elejelu mope and Olowo.Orunmila also temporarily reside in Onko where he beget Amosunlonkoegi. He also temporarily reside in Oyan where he beget Amukanlode Oyan.

But all is said and done. The history handle to us by people before us also reveal that Orunmila despite all the sojourn, he finally returned to Ife Oodaye. It is Ife Oodaye he lived before he finally ascend back to heaven. It said that it is as a result of insult and humiliation he suffered from one of his son title Olowo who is a king that make orunmila get angry and go back to heaven. Olowo accordingly to yoruba mythology and history is said to be the last born of Orunmila.
It happens Orunmila was celebrating his annual ifa festival in Ife Oodaye. He then invite all his eight children, each of them has become a crown king in their respective domain. When they arrive in otu Ife. Each of them are is coming forward one by one to bow down their head and pay homage to Orunmila. But when it comes to the turn of Olowo the last born of Orunmila He refuses to bow down his head, rather he greet orunmila while standing. Orunmila was forced to ask him.?Olowo can you say Aboruboye aboye bosise and greet me in proper respectful manner due to me. Olowo insolently reply my father I can not.
Orunmila now ask Olowo why all these disrespect?
Olowo retort thus:

'Iwo orunmila sodun, o  sodunko,
Emi Olowo na sodun, mo sodunko.
Iwo Orunmila fi Osun ide sowo ,
Emi Olowo na fi Osun ide sowo.
Iwo Orunmila wo Salubata Ide
Emi Olowo na wo Salubata ide.
Iwo Orunmila de Ade ,
Emi Olowo na de Ade.
Won sini enikan ki fi ori Ade bale fun enikan. '
You Orunmila you celebrating and you are in celebrating regalia,
I Olowo too I was celebrating and I was in celebrating regalia.
You Orunmila was holding a golden paraphernalia in your hand,
I Olowo too is holding a golden paraphernalia in my hand.
You Orunmila wear a golden sandals,
I Olowo too wear a golden sandals.
You Orunmila wear a crown
I Olowo too wear a crown.
And they says going thus that the head that wear crown thus not pay homage to fellow human beings.
So base on the following reasons, Olowo refuse to pay homage deserve to Orunmila his father. Tho get Orunmila infuriated and decided that it time he goes back to heaven where he come from. he went to a sacred palm trees call 'ope agunka' this palm trees route lead to heaven. That is how Orunmila goes back to heaven.

When orunmila left the world world. Everything was in state of Topsy-turvy. The is lack of easy delivery for pregnant women. Lack of rain, sickness, and host of others issue that demand for knowledge of orunmila. Then all other irumonle implore the eight children of orunmila,to help them beg orunmila to come back to the world so that life will be peaceful.

The children went to the sacred palm trees and start to implore orunmila thus to come back to the world :
Ifa ka rele
Omo enire
Omo enire
Omo enikan saba bi Agbon
Ifa ka rele o
Ewi nle Ado
Erimi lode owo
Ifa ka rele oo
Mapo Elere
Maba otun
Mapo Elejelu
Gbolajoko omo okinkin ti merin fon
All these are praise to orunmila to implore him to come back to Earth.
But orunmila retort 'I am not coming back to the world again, stretching your hands' and he gave them sixteen sacrifice palm nut know as Ikin ifa. He said thus :
Be e ba dele,
Be e ba  fe owo
Eni ti e  mon  binu
Bi e ba  de le
Bi e  fe aya
Eni ti e mon  bi  nu
Bi  e  ba  dele  bi  e fe  omo
Eni ti e  mon  bi  nu
Ile le  ba  fe  ko  laye
Eni ti  e mon  bi  nu
Aso  le ba fe ni aye
Eni ti e mon bi  nu n
Ire gbogbo ti e ba fe Nile aye Eni ti e mon bi nun.
Igba ti won dele, gbogbo ire na ni won ri
Orunmila afede feyo
Ifa rele olokun ko de mon
On ni Eni ti e ba ri
E sa mon pe ni baba
If you get home
If you want money
It is these sacred palm nut you will ask.
If you get home
If you want wife
It is these scared palm nut you will ask
If you get home if you want children
It is this sacred palm nut you will ask
If it is house you want to build in life
It is these sacred palm nut you will ask
If it is clothes you want in life
It is this sacred palm nut you will ask
Any good things of life you want
It is is this sacred palm nut
You will ask
When they got home
They are getting all the good things they want
Orunmila the genius
Ifa have went to Olokun home he doesn't return
He said any body you see
Just address him as father.

In short this is how orunmila journey back to heaven, and Ikin merindinlogun (sixteen sacred palm nut replace him. That is how the using of Ikin ifa for divination reading or consul started. So any time you divine with divination chain or sacred palm nut you are actually communicating with orunmila directly, seeking right answer.
From my explanation above you can see how Ikin (Sacred palmnut usage come into existence. When ever ope Ikin (Sacred palm nut tree is discover b babalawo or any ifa devotee. The Tree will be wrap in white cloth and be Propitiate with ifa sacrificial item.
Ikin too is usually Propitiate every ose ifa days. Know as ose ifa which is usually five - five days interval it usually fall on the market day,if the babalawo or the ifa devotee deem it feet he can can cast it . but it is instructive to note that even though Ikin is an implement of divination given by orunmila it self. It can not be use any how for ifa divination, they way opele is used. Because it is good to offer the sacrifice demand by Ikin the same day it was cast.


Ope!e(ifa divination chain) is the second divination implement, that is use to conduct ifa divination reading in Ifa and orisa spirituality. It is junior in rank to Ikin (Sacred palm nut) .Opele (ifa divination chain) is the most easy and fastest way to conduct ifa divination reading. The chain consists of eight lobes in string of beads, four at the right side and four at the left side. Each lobe have front and back view Making it sixteen equivalent of Ikin merindinlogun (sixteen sacred palm nut) when divination chain is the or cast some lobe may show front view while others show back view, it is the back view that is use by babalawo or diviner to recognize which odu appear on divination mat or tray. Let me quickly explain how the use of opele come into existence. I will make reference to my previous work on opele,title how opele become a divination instrument by babalawo Obanifa ' my previous elaborate explanation on opele goes thus :
One of the commonly used divination tools,  other than Ikin Ifa is opele (divination chain).   Today,  many people use opele without knowing how or why it is used as a divination tool,how opele become a divination tool is vividly explain by ejiogbe. In the ancient the opele will use for divination today was a human being then, he was a slave in household of orunmila.the ancient name of opele when he was still a human being was ireree. Orunmila bought ireree as a from.  Ejigbomekun market  to serve as a gardener that will be cleaning orunmila house hold. His main duty is to clear the bushes around and remove refuse from ifa divination mat,but opele was a very gifted in act of divination reading,  he everything that clients that visit orunmila want even before orunmila  consult Ikin ifa for the client. More over opele can not go to farm for orunmila because opele is suffering from left leg limb problem that prevents him from working properly,orunmila now  because of opele knowledge grant him favour to be divining for the the client that come when ever orunmila is not at home but opele abuse this privileged that orunmila gave him that is how opele become a ifa divination tool up till today, let me quickly explain everything in full as explained in odu ifa ejiogbe.  In ancient  time the only divination tool was Ikin ifa aka oke iponri.  Previously,  in the ancient time, opele was a human being known as irere.  He was a slave of orunmila.  Orunmila purchased him from a market called Ejigbomekun.   However,  irere was very  knowledgeable in the act of divination.  The story of how orunmila obtained opele can be found  in holy odu Eji Ogbe.  On the day that orunmila obtained opele,  he wanted to purchase ebo materials from oja Ejigbomekun,  the odu casted  on that day was Eji Ogbe.  Ifa advised orunmila that when he arrives at the market,  he should buy items,  which he doesn't  need; prior to buying the ebo materials.   He was advised that whatever he bought on that particular  day will become of particular lifelong benefit to him.  Prior,  to orunmila  going to the market,  Orunmila offered Ebo.  On the said day Orunmila bought irere from the market first.  Below is the stanza-
Oye ni bori oru
Omi ni bori ina
Imole ni leke okunkun
Ikeke ni leke eru
Gborogboro ni owo yo  ju ori
Gbogboro ni umo yoju Ogomo, difa fun orunmila
Baba re oja Ejigbomekun Lora ohun ebo.  Won ni ki Baba ra ohun ti ko wulo fun, ko to ra ohun ebo.  Baba rubo Baba ra ireree amese osi gbaluko.
it is harmmatan that overcome the heat
It is water that overcome water if they compete
It is light that overcome darkness
It's baton use to tie load that is usually above the load
It's  with absolute certainty that one's arm if raise up is usually above the head
A new palm frond is usually above the mature ones on the palm-tree
Cast ifa divination for orunmila  on the day he was going to  ejigbomekun market to buy ingredients for ebo (sacrifice). Ifa instructed him to buy one thing he didn't need before he buy the other items he needs. Orunmila make sacrifice before he goes. He bought ireree a slave that is suffering from left leg limb problems.
That's how orunmila bought ireree also known as opele today as a slave from  ejigbomekun market. But because of the left limbs problems of ireree orunmila prefer him to walk at home unlike other who go to farm for orunmila. He only clear bushes in the compound and clear refuse on divination mat. But when ever a visitor come to visit orunmila ireree because of his Natural divination gift will have tell them all their problems and solutions by the door way even before the reach orunmila to cast oke iponri for them (oke iponri mean Ikin ifa).

 When orunmila notice this he promote opele from Gardner and slave to a diviner in his house hold. Opele do divine for people when ever orunmila is not at home. Subsequently opele begin to say ill of orunmila. He said he is above orunmila. He begin to claim that he is far far more knowledgeable than orunmila in IFA divination. It happens one day that orunmila was on his itinerant divination tour, so king olofin send for opele to make divination for him since orunmila his master is not around opele begin to boost as usual, because opele was proud because of his knowledge. He didn't pay homage to the king and cheifs as orunmila usually do when ever orunmila come for ifa divination. The king was angry because of opele rudeness, opele don't even apologize. He left the palace of olofin without doing the divination for him. But when orunmila came back from his journey, king olofin  sent for orunmila and report opele to him.orunmila quickly pay homage to the king and the cheifs an he tender abject apologies on behalf of opele, he then do the ifa divination and sacrifice for the king as required.
When  orunmila got to he called opele, he try to rebuke him, but opele was too proud and not remorseful. Orunmila get angry and he use iroke ifa (divination stick  consecrated one) to knock opele on head and opele break into eight pieces of equal sizes. Instead of orunmila to throw it away orunmila consider is usefulness he then use thread and beads to make the eight pieces to ifa divination chain. That's is how opele arrive as instrument of IFA divination up till to day. Different types of opele that emerge after like opele  egbere, opele igba, opele eso opele, the one that is controversial is agbigba because of it efficiency it takes blood on itself unlike other opele, it is been divine with ase (do as say charm) but non  the less Ikin is above them. All opele are slave to Ikin. Ikin  and opele  can be propitiate with food. But Ikin must be feed first and he must be feed separately from opele. Because opele is a slave. Slave don't eat along with their master. This can also be found in odu ifa ejiogbe where agbigba (this is a form of divination chain) compete with Ikin but it is the Ikin that overcome olodumare said ERU KI BE OLUWA GUN ESIN PAPO(A SLAVE DOES NOT RIDE ON SAME HORSE  WITH HIS MASTER)
1:HUMILITY: it can be deduce from the odu ifa above as I explained that man need to be humble no matter your God giving talent, no matter your wealth, no matter your status in life if you are not humble you on your way to doom. As see in the case of opele above.
2:RESPECT FOR PEOPLE ABOVE YOU: people that olodumare place in position of authority above you you must respect them. Don't speak ill of your oluwo, or your boss at places where you work or at your place of worship whether is ifa temple, mosque or church, respect people that are above you in age and status. You see what happens to opele when he disrespect the king and his master .
3:OBEDIENCE : obey  ifa instructions when you do reading. You see when  orunmila obey ifa instructions as explained above. He buy a opele as a slave because he has left limb problem, no one will want to buy such slave  but orunmila heed ifa instructions and bought see how useful opele become useful to orunmila and ifa devotee up till today.


Ibo is usually a pair of cowries shell tied together. And a piece of animals bone, some people prefer human or animal teeth. The cowries she mean beeni tabi ire (yes or good), the bone or teeth mean beeko tabi Ibi (No or bad). Although items use as ibo go beyond this two we have ota (stone which indicates conflict or fight, we afoku Awo (broken plate) which indicates loss. But the essential part of ibo is the Tied Cowries and a piece of bone, it is most widely used and acceptable Ibo. This implementation is use during ifa divination either Ikin or opele to interpret and narrow the message of the odu to either yes or no good or bad.the using of Ibo during divination reading is called Ibo gbigba (reception of Ibo). The tied cowries and the bone will be use touch the Ikin or opele after a particular odu ifa have appear. The babalawo or the diviner will tell his clients to hold it in different hand. The preist will cast the Ikin or ifa back and he will use order of seniority of each odu that appear to ask for what is in the right hand or left hand of the client. If cowries is accepted first it indicates yes or good but if it is bone it mean no or bad. The process will be continue to ask what ever questions they want until they arrive at satisfactory end. So Ibo can be use to narrow divination reading results to yes or no, good or bad, it may be use to ascertain the person that odu ifa that appear on the divination tray is all about. It may be use to  choose and ascertain the sacrificial item required, or ritual needed to solve the problem of the client or purpose of idafa (ifa divination reading). If divination come out with good(ire) Ibo can be use further to ascertain the kind of ire may be is ire aiku (long life) ire aje (wealth) ire aya (wives) omo (children) isegun ota) ire gbogbo ayika iwa (blessings all round). If it come out negative Ibo can also  e use to narrow divination reading to ascertain wich kind of ibi whether is iku (death) Aisan (sickness) ija (conflict) ofo (loss) oro jowojowo etc. It will also be use to ascertain necessary solution ritual and sacrifice.


Iroke ifa also known as Irona or Irofa is a divination tapper usually made from caving wood, ivory, or brass it can even be made of gold if you are capable. It is use to tap the divination tray (opon) ifa to invoke orunmila presence before divination. It is use during ise opon (touching of divination tray) to invoke orunmila before sacrifice is carrying out,. During ifa divination reading if a client confirm the veracity of babalawo interpretation of the odu. The babalawo will use the top end of the iroke ifa (divination tapper) to tap the ground or divination tray or chain to show appreciation and acknowledgement to orunmila for his presence during the divination. Babalawo usually carry iroke ifa around as well as a symbol of authority and identification.
As I said earlier that Iroke ifa can be made of ivory, wood, brass even gold, and we can beautify and cover it with bead if you want. The bottom end of Iroke ifa is usually big while it top is usually point ended. The body of iroke ifa can be in form of different design of art or art work. The most common one is art work of a woman with pointed bare breast that kneel down and carry pot of sacrifice in her hand. Some can be picture of cowry, Hunter etc. I love how adenike described iroke features, I observed it and scrutinize it it is accurate and acceptable to a reasonable extent. She opinion that the distinguish features of iroke ifa are :

*. Hollowed cylindrical form
*. Length = 8 - 16 inches
*. Usually carved in ivory (in Yorubaland, ivory is treasured for its durability, scarcity and association with the elephant - a symbol of prestige and sovereignty)
Sometimes found in brass or wood
*. Topmost pointed end:
*. Conical projection without any design or decoration
*. Shaped like an elephant tusk
Middle section:
*. Human head
*. Kneeling nude female figure sometimes holding breasts or carrying a baby on her back ('the kneeling position of the female figure signifies both the babalawo's greeting to Ifa and his submission to the authority of the gods of fate')1
*. Bottom Section:
Varied subject matter that emphasise material success (most common is equestrian figure)
NOTE: Not all iroke Ifa tappers have a conical projection or bird motif on the figure’s head. Some have the projection under the female figure so that 'she' becomes the handle

If you spend a reasonable time to observe iroke ifa you will know that all this description are accurate.


Opon Ifa (Ifa divination tray or board) is a carving wooden tray usually in circular or semi circular shape, the shape can also be square or rectangular in shape. The size range from six to eighteen inches in diameter,but the size can be smaller or even bigger than the aforementioned. Wood is the acceptable items to carve opon ifa, even though some people do use brass or silver. Wood is the item recognise. The opon ifa must be carve in a flat way so that it will be able to accommodate iyerosun (ifa divination powder) and other sacrificial item) the opon ifa is carve with design and patterns. But one essential thing out of the designs is the symbol of human head. This symbo can be one at the to of the tray. It can be two, it can be four or more. What this head symbol represent is Esu. It is believed that esu is the bridge and messenger between human beings and the spirit world. It is Esu that will carry the sacrificial message made on the divination tray to the spirit world. Hence the head is used to represent him on the divination tray. They flat nature of the tray itself represent the entire universe. Other pattern like cowries design etc are for aesthetic value.
Opon ifa is used mainly for sacrifice and preparation of other akose ifa and ogun. How ever babalawo do consecrate them before use.

AJere Ifa also known as Ajere Ifa (Ifa divination bowl) is a wooden effigy carved by wood carver usually in form of human image or animals, the effigy will be carved in such a way that it will bear or wooden bowl with cover. It is this wooden that serve as a container for storing Ikin ifa (Ifa sacred palm nut) in short ajere is the house of Ifa. Ikin whish is a symbol and representation of Ifa and orunmila on earth is been house by Ajere.. In Ifa Spirituality it believe been house of Ifa hols a lot of blessings. Part of the sacrificial blood is normally use to consecrate Ajere, each time Propitiation to ifa is made. Some people use ordinary white bowl plate call Awo ifa for same purpose. Some even house their Ikin in plain white clothes.


Apo Ifa also known as apo abira or apo jerugbe (ifa divination implemens' bag). This is usually a bag that can made of goods quality fabric, hide or weave expensive beads. It is usually a bag use by babalawo to keep his divination material like Ikin, opele ibo and other spiritual items especially when on itinerant divination trip. Some times ifa Spiritual preparation and medicine is also kept there. Some proceed of sacrifice like money, foods etc that babalawo earn on sacrifice when on ifa visitation is also put there. That is why the bag is also nickname as Jerugbe (bag that eat booties of sacrifice with impunity). Babalawo usually carry this bag on their left arm. But due to spate of modernity most babalawo don't carry this bag around as they prefer to put it inside their temple or home. Apo ifa, apo abira and apo jerugbe is referring to same thing. The term use in Ifa spirituality by calling ifa devotee or babalawo Akapo Orunmila us derive from compulsory use by babalawo of this bag in the ancient time.

This range from ilu Agba (Agba drum) Ile aran, ilu ipese) :it is drum consecrated for purposes of merriment and ifa ritual.


Opa orere tabi osun (is design staff made from iron or brass. Blacksmith will make it before consecration, it can be cons or ordinary. It is normally use by babalawo who own title. They  use it around as a symbol of authority. And it must always remain standing it must never fall. It is normally place beside a wall in the temple. It must alway remain standing (osun duro ko ma dubule, Oro gangan ni la boosun Awo '. It is believed that it is this staff that orunmila take away from Olowo his son before he depart to heaven. It have it own ritual as well.

Iyerosun (ifa divination powder) is a yellowish colour powder obtain from Irosun tree. When the tree is dry and have been adversely affected by weather on insects. The dust powder from it is use as iyerosun. Some people do obtain dust from iroko tree and other tree like bamboo, agunminiye etc. But one from iyerosun tree is the best and acceptable. It is use during sacrifice, divination reading and other ifa Spiritual preparation.
Copyright :Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone and whatsapp contact :+2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

IMPORTANT NOTICE : As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission from the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract legal consequences..

Spanish Version

Implementos De La Adivinación Ifa (Awon ohun Elo Idafa)

En este trabajo Babalawo Obanifa explicará en detalle diversos implementos o herramientas de uso en el sistema de adivinación Ifa. Ifa es un mensaje sagrado de Olodumare. Las herramientas o utensilios utilizados por ifa practional en desvelar este mensaje van de los siguientes: Ikin ifa (Ifa sagrada palma de nuez), opele (si una cadena de adivinación) ibo (ifa clips de cauris y un hueso seco, para los resultados adivinación estrecha a sí o (Ifa si es un palo de adivinación) opon ifa (Ifa tablero de adivinación), Ajere tabi Awo ifa (Ifa talla de madera o tazón de fuente con la cubierta de la casa Ikin ifa), Apo ifa tabi jerugbe ) Ilu ifa (Ifa tambor) Opa Orere tabi Osun (Ifa sagrado personal). Discutiré cada uno de estos artículos antes mencionados en detalle, si es posible con la ayuda de imágenes.


Ikin ifa (Sagrado Ifa PALMNUT) es el número uno de los instrumentos o instrumentos más esenciales de

Ifa en el mundo entero. Porque es Ikin ifa que Orunmila usa para reemplazarse cuando dejó este mundo e ir al cielo. Es Ikin que es símbolo de Ifa. Es el uso del artículo durante la iniciación, Ikin ifa es lo que contiene en Ajere / Agere / Awo ifa (imagen de madera tallada o placa con cubierta para albergar ifa). Cuando estamos tomando de Ikin ifa (Sagrado Ifa PALMNUT) en este sentido. No estamos hablando de palmera ordinaria del árbol común de la palma. Debo hacer hincapié en que común palmnut suelen tener ojos en la parte inferior. Pero Ikin ifa (Sagrado palmnut es diferente), ya que el rango de tres a seis ojos en la parte inferior. Esto es lo que distingue Ikin ifa de palmnut ordinaria. Déjeme explayar rápidamente. Hay cuatro variedades de Ikin ifa. Son :

*. Osa: Ikin ifa Oloju meta (esto es sagrado palma con tres ojos)

*. Awinrin: Ikin ifa Oloju merin (esto es un sagrado ifa palmnut con cuatro ojos)

*. Ikin ifa Oloju marun (esto es sagrado palmnut con cinco ojos)

* Oduso: Ikin ifa Oloju mefa (Esta es una palmera sagrada con seis ojos)

Estos son reconocidos palmnut para ser uso como Ikin ifa en Ifa y orisa espiritualidad. Dos ojos palmnut no se permite o se acepta para ser utilizado como Ikin ifa. Ikin ifa es lo que reemplaza el oke iponri orunmila por ifa devoto. Antes de la salida de Orunmila de este mundo, Ikin no está en uso, orunila tiene su propio oon iponri que usa para la consulta. Es Ikin ifa que reemplazan este oke iponri. Permítanme referirme rápidamente a uno de mi anterior título de trabajo 'hechos originales sobre Orunmila' de babalawo Obanifa. En ese trabajo expongo cómo el uso de Ikín aparece en la tradición ifa y orisa.

La historia lo dice que Orunmila vive por muchos años en Oke Itase en Ife Oodaye (que se conoce como actual Ile Ife osun estado Nigeria), antes de que él decidiera dejar Ile Ife a Ado Ekiti (que es actual Ado Ekiti, Ekiti estado Nigeria). Pero se da a conocer que Orunmila permanecer más tiempo en Ado Ekiti que cualquier lugar en la tierra. Él vivió la mayor parte de su vida en un lugar llamado Oke Olota en Ado Ekiti. La historia lo dice que él se vuelve más próspero y más exitoso en Ado Ekiti que en Ife Oodaye, por lo que decidió vivir parte sustancial de su vida en Ado. Los ancianos que manejan la tradición hasta nosotros aclaran que por eso dicen popular en:

'Ado Nile Ifa'


'Ado es el hogar de Ifa'

En uno de sus elogios

Ara ule Ado


Ciudadanos de Ado.

Pero es instructivo notar que no es sólo el Ife Oodaye y Ado Ekiti que Orunmila vivió por qué estaba en la tierra. Pero la historia tiene que vivió en Ile Ife Oodaye donde él tiene sus octavos niños. La historia lo tiene que también engendra Alara, Ajero, Owarangun Aga, Oloyemonyin, Onitagi Olele, Elejelu mope y Olowo.Orunmila también residen temporalmente en Onko donde él engendra Amosunlonkoegi. También reside temporalmente en Oyan donde engendra a Amukanlode Oyan.

Pero todo está dicho y hecho. La historia que nos maneja la gente antes de nosotros también revela que Orunmila a pesar de toda la estancia, finalmente regresó a Ife Oodaye. Es Ife Oodaye que vivió antes de que finalmente volviera al cielo. Dijo que es como resultado del insulto y la humillación que sufrió de uno de su hijo título Olowo, que es un rey que hacen orunmila enojarse y volver al cielo. Olowo de acuerdo con la mitología yoruba y la historia se dice que es el último nacido de Orunmila.

Sucede Orunmila estaba celebrando su festival anual de ifa en Ife Oodaye. A continuación, invitar a todos sus ocho hijos, cada uno de ellos se ha convertido en un rey de la corona en su respectivo dominio. Cuando llegan en otu Ife. Cada uno de ellos está avanzando uno por uno para inclinarse la cabeza y rendir homenaje a Orunmila. Pero cuando se trata del turno de Olowo el último nacido de Orunmila se niega a inclinarse la cabeza, más bien saludar orunmila mientras está de pie. Orunmila se vio obligado a preguntarle. "Olowo puede decir Aboruboye aboye bosise y me saludan de manera respetuosa debido a mí. Olowo responde insolentemente a mi padre que no puedo.

Orunmila ahora le pregunta a Olowo por qué todas estas faltas de respeto?

Olowo replica así:

'Iwo orunmila sodun, o sodunko,

Emi Olowo no sodun, mo sodunko.

Iwo Orunmila fi Osun ide sowo,

Emi Olowo na fi Osun ide sowo.

Iwo Orunmila con Salubata Ide

Emi Olowo na wo Salubata ide.

Iwo Orunmila de Ade,

Emi Olowo na de Ade.

Ganó sini enikan ki fi ori En juego Ade bale fun enikan. '


Usted Orunmila que usted celebra y usted está en celebrar regalia,

Yo también Olowo estaba celebrando y yo estaba en la celebración de Regalia.

Usted Orunmila estaba sosteniendo una parafernalia de oro en su mano,

I Olowo también está sosteniendo una parafernalia de oro en mi mano.

Usted orunmila llevar una sandalias de oro,

I Olowo también llevan sandalias doradas.

Usted Orunmila lleva una corona

I Olowo también lleva una corona.

Y dice así que así la cabeza que lleva corona no rinde homenaje a los demás seres humanos.

Así que basándose en las siguientes razones, Olowo se niega a rendir homenaje merece a Orunmila su padre. Tho consigue Orunmila enfurecido y decidió que es hora de que vuelva al cielo de donde viene. Él fue a una palmera sagrada llamada 'ope agunka' esta ruta de las palmeras conduce al cielo. Así es como Orunmila vuelve al cielo.

Cuando orunmila dejó el mundo. Todo estaba en estado de Topsy-turvy. La falta de entrega fácil para las mujeres embarazadas. La falta de lluvia, la enfermedad, y el anfitrión de otros emiten esa demanda para el conocimiento de orunmila. Entonces todos los otros irumonle imploran a los ocho hijos de orunmila, para ayudarles a rogar orunmila para que vuelvan al mundo para que la vida sea pacífica.

Los niños fueron a las sagradas palmeras y comenzaron a implorar orunmila para así volver al mundo:

Ifa ka rele

Omo enire

Omo enire

Omo enikan saba bi Agbon

Ifa ka rele o

Ewi nle Ado

Erimi lode owo

Ifa ka rele oo

Mapo Elere

Maba otun

Mapo Elejelu

Gbolajoko omo okinkin ti merin fon

Todo esto es alabanza a orunmila para implorarle que regrese a la Tierra.

Pero orunmila replicó: "No voy a volver al mundo otra vez, estirando las manos" y les dio dieciséis frutos de palma de sacrificio como Ikin ifa. Él dijo así:

Be e ba dele

Ser feliz

Eni ti e mon binu


Bi e fe aya

Eni ti e mon bi nu

Bisabio bi dele

Eni ti e mon bi nu

Ile le ba fe ko laye

Eni ti e mon bi nu

Aso le ba fe ni aye

Eni ti e mon bi nu n

Ire gbogbo ti e ba fe Nilo aye Eni ti e mon bi nun.

Igba ti ganó dele, gbogbo ire na ni ganó ri

Orunmila afede feyo

Ifa rele olokun ko de mon

En la niñez

E sa mon ni baba


Si llegas a casa

Si quieres dinero

Es esta sagrada nuez de palma que preguntarás.

Si llegas a casa

Si quieres esposa

Es esta nuez de palma asustada que usted pedirá

Si llegas a casa si quieres hijos

Es esta sagrada nuez de palma que preguntarás

Si es la casa que desea construir en la vida

Es esta sagrada nuez de palma que pedirá

Si es la ropa que quieres en la vida

Es esta sagrada nuez de palma que preguntarás

Cualquier cosa buena de la vida que quieras

Se trata de esta palma sagrada

Usted preguntará

Cuando llegaron a casa

Están recibiendo todas las cosas buenas que quieren

Orunmila el genio


Ifa han ido a casa de Olokun no vuelve

Dijo que cualquier cuerpo que veas

Sólo habla con él como padre.
En resumen, esto es cómo el viaje de orunmila de nuevo al cielo, y el merindinlogun de Ikin (la nuez de palma sagrada de dieciséis lo substituye, así es como el uso de Ikin ifa para la lectura de la adivinación o el cónsul comenzó. Se comunican realmente con orunmila directamente, buscando la respuesta correcta.

De mi explicación anterior se puede ver cómo Ikin (Sacred palmnut uso vienen a la existencia.Cuando alguna vez Ikin (Árbol de palma sagrada es descubrir b babalawo o cualquier ifa devoto. El árbol será envolver en tela blanca y ser Propiciate with ifa item de sacrificio .

Ikin también suele ser Propicia todos los días. Conozca como ose ifa que normalmente es de cinco a cinco días de intervalo por lo general caen en el día de mercado, si el babalawo o el devoto ifa lo consideran los pies que puede puede lanzarlo. Pero es instructivo notar que aunque Ikin es un instrumento de adivinación dado por orunmila sí mismo. No se puede utilizar ninguna forma de adivinación ifa, que opele manera se utiliza. Porque es bueno ofrecer la demanda de sacrificio de Ikin el mismo día en que fue lanzado.


Ope! E (ifa cadena de adivinación) es el segundo instrumento de adivinación, que se usa para realizar una lectura de adivinación en Ifa y la espiritualidad de orisa. Es menor en el rango de Ikin (Sagrado palma de la nuez). Opele (ifa cadena de adivinación) es la forma más fácil y más rápida para llevar a cabo una lectura divinación. La cadena consiste en ocho lóbulos en la secuencia de granos, cuatro en el lado derecho y cuatro en el lado izquierdo. Cada lóbulo tiene vista delantera y trasera. Haciendo que dieciséis equivalentes de merindinlogun Ikin (dieciséis sagrado palma de la nuez), cuando la cadena de adivinación es el o el molde de algún lóbulo puede mostrar la vista frontal, mientras que otros muestran la vista posterior, es la vista posterior que es el uso de babalawo o Adivinador para reconocer qué odu aparecen en la alfombra o bandeja de adivinación. Permítanme explicar rápidamente cómo el uso del opele entra en existencia. Voy a hacer referencia a mi trabajo anterior sobre el opele, título de cómo opele convertirse en un instrumento de adivinación por babalawo Obanifa 'mi anterior explicación elaborada sobre opele va así:

Una de las herramientas de adivinación comúnmente usadas, aparte de Ikin Ifa es opele (cadena de adivinación). Hoy en día, muchas personas utilizan opele sin saber cómo o por qué se utiliza como una herramienta de adivinación, cómo opele convertido en una herramienta de adivinación es vívidamente explicar por ejiogbe. En el antiguo el opele utilizará para la adivinación hoy era un ser humano entonces, él era un esclavo en casa de orunmila. El nombre antiguo de opele cuando todavía era un ser humano era ireree. Orunmila compró ireree como una de. Ejigbomekun mercado para servir como un jardinero que será la limpieza orunmila casa mantener. Su principal deber es limpiar los arbustos alrededor y quitar basura de una alfombra de adivinación, pero opele era un muy dotado en ley de adivinación leyendo, todo lo que los clientes que visitan orunmila quieren incluso antes de orunmila consultar Ikin ifa para el cliente. Más sobre opele no puede ir a la granja para orunmila porque opele está sufriendo de pierna izquierda problema de la extremidad que le impide trabajar correctamente, orunila ahora debido a conocimiento opele le concede el favor de ser adivinar para el cliente que vienen cuando nunca orunmila no está en Hogar pero abuso del opele este privilegiado que orunmila le dio que es cómo opele se convierte en una herramienta de la adivinación del ifa hasta hoy, déjeme explicar rápidamente todo en la llena como explicado en odu ifa ejiogbe. En la antigüedad la única herramienta de adivinación era Ikin ifa aka oke iponri. Anteriormente, en la antigüedad, opele era un ser humano conocido como irere. Era un esclavo de orunmila. Orunmila lo compró de un mercado llamado Ejigbomekun. Sin embargo, irere estaba muy bien informado en el acto de adivinación. La historia de cómo orunmila obtuvo opele se puede encontrar en el santo odu Eji Ogbe. En el día que orunmila obtuvo el opele, él quiso comprar ebo materiales de oja Ejigbomekun, el odu encendido ese día era Eji Ogbe. Ifa aconsejó a orunmila que cuando llegue al mercado, debería comprar artículos que no necesita; Antes de comprar los materiales ebo. Se le aconsejó que todo lo que compró en ese día en particular se convertirá en beneficio de toda la vida para él. Antes, para orunmila ir al mercado, Orunmila ofreció Ebo. En el día dicho Orunmila compró irere del mercado primero. A continuación se muestra la estrofa

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