Babalawo Obanifa Commentaries On Odu Ifa Edi meji /Odi Meji

In this work  babalawo Obanifa will give comprehensive Commentaries On Odu Ifa Edi meji/Odi Meji . The work will be very useful for any practicing babalawo who want to have an in depth knowledge of odu ifa Edi meji/Odi Meji . It will also be useful for people who imprint odu ifa Edi meji /Odi Meji, as their odu in igbodu (initiation grove) during their initiation. This work will be useful for any researcher in field of IFA and orisa spirituality who want full knowledge of what odu ifa Edi meji /Odi Meji is all about. The work will be one of the foremost authority on odu ifa Edi meji /Odi Meji documentation in Ifa tradition for purposes of consultation and references in future. Let go straight to business.


Odu ifa Edi meji /Odi Meji is the fourth position in the
arrangements of Oju odu merindinlogun (the sixteen major odu ifa) and the whole arrangements of the whole 256 odu ifa. In Ife and Ekiti tradition it is called Edi meji,while Oyo Tradition prefer to call it Odi meji. Both are correct. The act of calling it Idi meji by some babalawo or ifa practional is not accepted because that is not traceable to any of the established ifa tradition. Odu Ifa Edi meji is an odu ifa that hold a lot of blessings of wealth, money, opportunities, blessings Of children and any fortune  you may think of. Albeit it has some of it negatives. But odu ifa Edi meji is great odu ifa that holds blessings. It belongs to Elements Ile (Mother Earth).is home town is Eju.

The associate or affiliated orisa that work Hand in hand with odu ifa Edi meji are :Esu,Egungun, Olokun, Ori, Egbe,  Ogun, Odu, the work of this affiliated orisa to people who cast odu Ifa Edi meji or Edimeji children are : Olokun and Aje should be propitiated for prosperity, Egbe and Odu should be Propitiate to avoid barrineess or infertility and happy marriage life. OGUN AND ESU should be Propitiate for Protection and victory over all the enemies. Ori should be propitiated to receive favour and help needed to live a successful life.



 By taboo of Odu Ifa Edi meji. I mean the dos and don't or items  that the children of Edi meji must avoid to eat or use either through feeding, spiritual or herbal preparation. Or certain conduct or behavior they should avoid. The following are taboo of odu ifa Edi meji. They are :Adin (palm kernel oil) Alakan (crab) Eran erin (Elephant meat) Eran Efon (buffalo meat) (Oloburo)Isawuru (slug), Ogede omini (it is a variety of banana here in Yoruba land)  There are reasons in different ifa verse in Edi meji while the aforementioned items are you will see later for example
 Adin (palm kernel oil) must be avoided for use by Edi meji children. It Odi that make  ifa for Adin in ancient times. It is Adin that gives birth to Esu. That is while Esu do avoid Adin as his taboo. Adin is the name of his mother.

Edi meji children should not eat or use medication or charm prepare with Elephant or buffalo meat the reason is to avoid diseases outbreaks. The should not eat slug or  crab also for the purpose stated.

The Behavioral taboo for Edi meji are :

Edi meji children should be stable in one place or at their own home town or country to achieve success. They should not be the type who move from one place to others in search for greener pasture for they can meet with disappointment on such mission.

There must be mutual respect in marriage between husband and wife for Edi meji children. Wife must respect the husband and, husband must also reciprocate it. There must be faithfulness between the spouse to avoid marital instability and infertility.

They must not seek down fall of their spouse.


there is no profession or career where Edi meji children can not become successful. Edi meji children can be prosperous and successful in any choosing CARREER once they observe all their taboo to the letter . but to be specific the are best fit in medicine, spiritual worker, health practiconals, building construction, catering and cooking.






The first four principles oju odu stating from Ejiogbe, Oyeku meji, iwori meji, and edi meji. Are guidance angel and protector of EDI meji children. If they can observe all the taboo of Edi meji and ifa does and don't  they tend to grow and have grey hair before they died. They leave long.

apart from leaving long, edi meji children have the ability to get blessings from all the four corners of the world. Either North, East, West And South. They can have all the fortune of life four four in number, such as having four children, four wives, four houses, four cars etc. The are usually bless with wealth and prosperity to enjoy their long life.

The Fortune and blessings or success of Ejiodi children is an home base success. They don't need to wander around foreign land. Doing such will not bring them any peace.

All tough there is profession in which edi meji children will not be successful, but there are more successful as a diviner, spiritualist, teacher and health practional

EDI meji children are problem solver, they can solve variety of problems, they are kind, some of them are philanthropist. They usually end up been immortalised for their good deed.

Unfaithfulness in marriage or relationship lead to catastrophous relationship to Edi meji children.

Eji odi children need to be extrovert, outspoken, bold and fearless for them to over enemies.

In terms of marriage they may be in delima I'm time to marry. Because they can have two competitive spouse try to gain their attention at same time.

There are usually rebellion, conspiracy and gossiping against edi meji children. But they usually overcome.

Odi meji children do got fortune of inheritance from where they least expected.


It is instructive that these names are all extracted from  different verses Of Odu ifa Edi meji.
The names that can be giving to male are :
Esutomi (Esu is a reliable support for me), Mayami (don't leave me) Ajaka (one of the children of Ancient Alaafin of Oyo) Olokun) fadamilare (my ifa has vindicate me) Ajigunwa (one who sit in honor) Ifatomi.

Edi meji children that are female can be given some of these :Ifatomi (ifa is sufficient for me) Mayami (don't leave me).


*. Edi meji make it clear that there is blessings and fortune from a short trip. Ifa says this person will inherit fortune or Jam luck where he or she least expected. He or she should have courtesy of Greetings. See what ifa says.

Mo deere
Mo riinre
Emi nikan ni mo mOrín arenkoorín
A sese nkohun oro sile
Ni mom wole were bi omo olohun
Emi ki somo olohun
Irin arinko ni mo moo rin
A dia Fajogi godogbo
Eyi ti o wole were
Nijo ti won npinro obaa Bini
Ajogi godogbo nsawoo rodee Bini
Lo ba meeji keeta
O looko Alawo
Won ni ajo yoo dara fun un
Sugbon ko rubo
Igba o rubo tan
Lo ba kOrí sona Ibini
Wiwo to wo Bini
O sakoko iku obaa won
O ni nje o ye ki oun agba awo
O mo loo ki won bayii
Bi won se npinro oba ni ajogi wole de
Bee ni bi won ba pinro naa tan
Apa kan re Ajogi ni won ko o fun
Ni awon ara ode Ibini
Ba ko apa kan ohun oro naa

fun Ajogi godogbo
Riro tajogi ro gbogbo nkan oro tan
Ile lo kOrí si
O waa nyin awon awoo re
Awon awo re naa nyin Ifá
Won sopa saran
O mu tinuu re jade
Ese ti yo na
Ijo fa a
O ya enu koto

Orín awo lo bo si I lenu.
O ni bee gege ni awon awo oun wi
Mo deere
Mo rinre
Emi nikan ni mo mOrín arinkoo rin
A sese nkohun oro sile
Ni mo wole were bi omo olohun
Emi ee somo olohun
Irin arinko ni mo mo rin
A dia Fajogi godogbo
Eyi ti o wole were
Nijo ti won npinro obaa Ibini
Ta ni o waa ba ni tun ile yi se
Ajogi godogbo
Ni o waa ba ni tun ile yi se
Ajogi godogbo.


I arrived well

I travel well

I'm the one who usually travels

And meets with the fortune

Just as they were spreading  the riches

I entered without notice

As the owner's son

I am not the owner's son

I only know how to travel and find the fortune

 Cast Ifa divination for
 The illustrious stranger

Who would enter the city

without prior notice

On the day they were Sharing

The wealth of the king of


The illustrious stranger

was going to the city of Benin

He added two cowries to three

And he went to consult Babalawo

He was told that the trip

Would be  good for him

But the Babalawos told him

To offer  a sacrifice
He offer the sacrifice

He went on the road to Benin

 As soon as Soon he entered the city

That is the time  when

The king died

He wondered if he,

An experienced Ifa priest,

Should not sympathize with them

The illustrious stranger

came in when they were


The properties of the dead king

And after they finished

A part of the properties goes to

The citizens of Benin

Therefore they gave

A portion of the riches to the

Illustrious alien

As soon as

The illustrious stranger gathered all


He returned to his own people

He started to praise

And  dance

When he opened his mouth

Ifa song came out of it

He said that what happened

Was exactly what his babalawo has predicted

I arrived well

I traveled well

I am normally

Travels and meets with fortune

Just as they were

Sharing the riches

I entered without notice

As the owner's son

I am not the owner's son

I only know how to travel to bring

the Fortune

Cast ifa divination

 For  the illustrious stranger

Who would have entered the city

Without being announced

On the day that they were Sharing

The wealth of the king of


So Who
Will help us to improve the city

It is the illustrious alien

Who will help us

To improve the city

It is the illustrious alien.

It is good to seek divine guidance on anything thing wee want to embark upon. So that we can secure the blessings we deserve.

It is good to obey instructions prescribed by reading. An illustrious stranger obey the instructions and he earned please plenty of wealth.

It is good to show appreciation after we have received the blessing as prescribed by ifa or Orisa.

*. Ifa says this person should not run around. It is at the same spot where he or she was that is where all fortune and blessings of life will come and meet him or her. He should offer okurkuru ihunaso as part of sacrificial items.

Idi-mejeji tolu- ware joko,

a dIfá fun
onibode Ájégberemogun

ti o ma gbe ojukan mari ire.

Nje ire gbogbo foro ni bode,

nibode nile ire ire gbogbo
foro ni bode.


The two buttock are sufficient for sitting
Cast ifa divination reading
For  Olubode Ájégberemogun,

Will sit in a place

And receive all fortune of life.

Where is abode of all fortunes
All Luck should stay at the entrance.


this is one of the verse of odu emphasizing the taboo that Edi meji children should concentrate at home and stop wandering. That their fortune will come and meet them.

*.  Odu Ifa Edi meji make it clear that this person will live long, because this person is under the angelic watch of the four principal Odu, the odu ifa Ejiogbe, Oyeku meji, iwori meji and Edi meji. This person will live long. If he or she can follow all ifa instructions and carry out required sacrifice. He will need to use a she goat as part of sacrificial items. He or she will not died prematurely.

Agbinkingbinkin inu erin

Nnkan jobojobo lorun efon

Alamo-ede, bi ko ba bo kiife

Difa  fun Mayami

Tii somo odu mereerin

Igbati o ntorun bo wale aye

Ebo ni won ni kowaa se

O gb’ebo, o ru’bo

Eji-Ogbe o nii fi Mayami tire fun Iku pa

Oyeku-Meji o nii fi Mayami tire fun Iku pa

Iwori-Meji o nii fi Mayami tire fun Iku pa

Odi-Meji o nii fi Mayami tire fun Iku pa

Gbogbo iworo-ope


The massive belly of an elephant

And the thick fleshy part of the Buffalo 'S neck

A guess-work, if not understood fully, is not satisfactory
Cast ifa divination reading  for  Mayami

Who was the child of the four principal Odu

When coming from Heaven to Earth

He was advised to offer ebo

He complied

Eji-Ogbe will never desert Mayami for Death to kill

Oyeku-Meji will never desert Mayami for Death to kill

Iwori-Meji will never desert Mayami for Death to kill

Odi-Meji will never desert Mayami for Death to kill

All followers of Ifa

I am the Mayami of Ifa

All followers of Ope!

What actually happened in the verse of Edi meji above. Is about Mayami. When Mayami was coming from Heaven to Earth. He went to meet the babalawo mentioned above in the ifa verse above. He was instructed to offer sacrifice. He performed the sacrifice. when he get to the world. He live long, he overcome all enemies. Because the four principal Odu do serve as his cover Angeles.


Seeking divine guidance and obedience to instructions is a key to longevity of life.

*.There is a blessing of wealth and prosperity. He should offer sacrifice. Success is certain. He should always venerate orisa Aje.

Osiponpon le ponpon

A dia fun Olaiito

Omo Olofin

Nwon ni o rubo
NitOrí Ájé

Igba ti o rubo tan

Lo ba bere sii lÁjé
Ijo ni njo

Ayo ni nyo

O ni bee gege

Ni awon awo oun nsenu reree pe Ifá

Osiponpon le ponpon

A dia fun Olaiito

Omo Olofin

Nwon ni o rubo nitOrí Ájé

Mo lÁjé lÁjé
Ájée mi o to

Hiin hiin

Titi lÁjée mi nlo

Mo laya titi

Ayaa mi o to

Hiin hiin

Titi layaa mi nlo

Mo bimo titi

Omoo mi o to
Hiin hiin

Titi lomo mi nlo.


Load after load

Cast ifa divination for Olaito

The child of Olofín

They asked him to offer the sacrifice

To be wealthy

He offered the sacrific
He started to be successful

He was dancing and

Full of happiness

He said that it is exact what his babalawo has predicted

Load upon load

Cast ifa divination for Olaiito
He was advised to sacrifice

To get wealth

I have the money

My money is not enough

Yes I will forever get money

I have wives

They are not enough


I will forever get wives

I have children

My children is not enough


I will forever get children.

What actually happened in the odu ifa above is about Olaiito who is longing for wealth. He went for divination he was advise to offer sacrifice and veneration aje. He complied and become extremely wealthy.


If you seek any material things,, proper veneration of Ifa other affiliated orisa will make you achieve your desired objective.

*. Ifa say there is victory over enemies for this person. He should be try and be outspoken. All his or her enemies will tremble before him. He should venerate orisa sango with red clothes, 200 pieces of peace of stone. 2000 snail or the monenatary equivalent. He should be very assertive and vociferous. He will overcome all the enemies. See what ifa says :

Odi nii fenu ara re digun

Owawa nii fohun ara re bu yeri

Eni gbohun oloburo lokeere

A ni bi o terin

O po ju efon lo o

Ibi ki oloburo ba si

Ko ma to adie o

Dia fun Arira-gaga

Tii s’omokurin Orun

Igbati nbe laarin ota

Ebo ni won ni ko se

O gb’ebo, o ru’bo

Bi n o l’ebo

Bi n o l’oogun

Arira-gaga ti mo gb’okan le ti to mi nitemi.


The  cork uses its mouth as a seal against the uprising

Owawa, the hyrax tree uses its voice as a weapon against its enemies

He who hears the voice of the of Oloburo

He will think if the bird is not as  big as an elephant

He will certainly be bigger than a buffalo

Where Oloburo rests, it is not as big as a hen

Cast Ifa divination  for Arira-gaga

The Son of Heaven

When he was in the midst of enemies

He was advised to offer ebo

He obeyed

Even if I am not sure of the efficacy of offering ebo

Or even the power of a strong enchantment

Sango that I trust is enough for me.

What actually happened in this verse of Edi meji is that Arira gaga, that's  sango god of thunder is the one in mist of enemies.. He went to have IFA divination reading. He was advised to offer ebo and be very outspoken or vociferous. That a lot of his enemies will tremble. He complied. That is why we ever sango srike. Every body will be in awe.


Ifa make it clear that to overcome intimidation from enemies, you need to be outspoken. You don't need to be timid because of your enemies.

*. Ifa said Enemy will not be able to overcome this person, there is no for of evils spells or Ajogun from enemies that will have effects over the life of this person. No matter how enemies try he or she will always be Victorious. He should offer Esuru yam as part of sacrificial item. And also get akose ifa to that effect. See where ifa reveal this message. Ifa says :

A di ndi Òdí,a di ndi Òdí,

adIfá fun eji-Òdí
ti won gbe orun di,

ti won o ma gbe ile aye tu,won ni
eti se o. ti won fi gbe orun di o,

ti won fi gbe ile
aiye tu, O ni won ko mo pe

aya Èsúru ki wo odo, aya
emina ki wo olo.

epo ti a fi din akara ki wo akara
ninu, ebo ti a ru ti iroko,

ara ni oluwere fi san, ki
ni a o fi ose se pataki ni ose.

ose ko se gbe odo


Adi Òdí ndi, Adi Òdí ndi,

Cast ifa divination reading for ejoodi

Who they will bind with spells in the sky

And he will will be liberating himself on earth.
The Inquire how did you do it
That when ever they bind you will spell in heaven
You get yourself liberated on  earth.

He replied that they did not know

That the yam called Èsúru

Will never be pounds in mortal as pounded yam

And the yam called Emina

would never be ground on

Grinding stone as soup recipe

The palm oil we use

To fry the beans

Never goes inside

Of the bean cake.

The sacrifice made to the iroko,

Makes Iroko tree become great

There is nothing one can do to igi Ose
No matter how important it is
It can't be used to make mortal.

What actually happened in the odu ifa above is that Ejoodi is the one who has many enemies. Those enemies do use evil spells on him from far distance heaven. But no matter how they try when ejoodi have offered sacrifice with cock, esuru, emina and money. He will always overcome.


There is no form of spells that can not be overcome by ifa through proper sacrifice and akose.
Obedience to ifa instructions do ensure victory over all the enemies

*. Ifa said that this person will live long both in happiness and peace of mind, but he should offer require sacrifice so that he can overcome untimely death.

Igbin ko pile aro,
Afebojo ko pile arun,
Aki gb’oju fifo le adie agbada,
Tani gbogun yiyan ti alagemo,
A dia fun Eju oko mi,

omo oniye ni ire,
Nwon ni ki o rubo aiku,
Ogbo ebo osi ruu,
Orín ni o fi bo enu,
Oni nba ri ogbo ma fi ara
Mba d’gba bi eluju

ma yo sese.


Igbin ko pile aro

Aferibojo ko pile Arun
A ki gbe oju fifo le adiye inu agbada

No one do attempt to fry Alagemon

Cast ifa divination  for Eju oko mi

They asked him to make the sacrifice

To prevent death.

He did it

He began to sing like this;

If I can become very old,

I will be happy.

If I can grow old like Eleju,

I will be happy.

If I can grow old like Eleju,

I will be glad

It is related to fertility,

Riches, longevity and

the Fortune.

What actually happened in this verse of Edi meji is that there were actually the Prince of Eju. Who is longing for and get all the blessing of life, but he was smart enough to go for ifa divination reading to discover how can enjoy his wealth. He was advise to offer sacrifice against untimely death. He offer the ebo and he live long life in prosperity and happiness.


obedience to ifa instructions and offering of ebo prescribed by ifa can guarantee long life and prosperity.

*. Ifa Edi meji says that the person who cast this odu ifa should offer sacrifice, and all his or her sacrificial items will four four in number, he or she should offer four hen, four pegion, for obi, four dry fishes, four rat, four guinea fowl. Everything is four. Four hundred unit of money. This person will gain Wealth And all blessings of life in four fold from the four corner of the world. All his or her ire (blessings) will come to him in four folds. This where ifa says so. Ifa says :



Ogiri totoo hunhun

Dia fun Orunmila

Baba yoo nire gbogbo

Nigba to gberin gberin

Ebo ni won ni won ni ko se

O gb’ebo, o ru’bo

Nigbati o gberin-gberin

Tepele, laa bewe eleyo-oka lodo

Aya je nni o

Nigba to gberin gberin

Tepele, laa bewe eleyo-oka lodo

Omo je n ni o

Nigba to gberin gberin

Tepele, laa bewe eleyo-oka lodo

Ire gbogbo je nni o

Nigba to gberin gberin

Tepele, laa bewe eleyo-oka lodo

Ko pe, ko jinna

E wa ba ni wowo ire gbogbo.




Ogiri totoo hunhun

Cast ifa divination reading for Orunmila

Who will  acquire all the Ire(fortune)  of life

By the time they would come in four four

He was advised to offer ebo

He obeyed

Riches of Aje, let me have you

When you come in four four

It is in piles we know the leaves of Eleyo-oka in the river

Children  let me have them

When they come in four four

In lots we know the leaves of Eleyo-oka in the river?

All ire (the Fortunes) let me have you

When you come in four four

In piles we know the leaves of Eleyo-oka in the river.

What actually happened in the odu ifa Edi verse above, is about Orunmila barami agboniregun. Orunmila is longing to get all the blessing of life. He needs money, wife, house horses. Yet there is no visibility of getting them. He want to consult the aforementioned ifa preist in the odu ifa above. They advise him to offer ebo, and all the items for the sacrifice must be four four, they told him that within span of four years he will be able to gain enormous ire blessings. And they will all come in four. Four houses, four wives, four children, four horses etc. He offered the prescribed ebo and dedicate himself serve to his work. Within the span of four years he was able to achieve all the blessing as foresee.


The ifa verse above teach us to alway seek divine guidance, and always obey ifa instructions as regard performing ebo and also remain dedicated to our work, then all blessings will follow in multiple fold.

*. Ifa is saying it clearly in this verse of Edi meji that the person who imprint this odu or who this odu ifa appear for to stay or go back to his home land. He or she should not wander around. If he or she is already in foreign land. He should go back to his home land. He will receive blessings. Blessings await him. He should offer sacrifice with hen, salt, pegion. In venerating ifa Palm oil should be inclusive. Ifa say you will stay at your home money will come to you and all ire of life. This is where ifa says so

Ile ni mo jokoo si

Ni gbogbo ire n wo tuurutu wa ba mi

Mo jokoo ainaro

Mo rire oro to  wole tomi wa

Dia fun Odi

Ebo  ni won ni ko waa se

Won si ni ko ma lo sehin odi

O gb’ebo, o ru’bo


Ire Aje n da wa o


Nire gbogbo a maa da wa ba mi


Ire aya a maa da wa o


Nire gbogbo a maa da wa ba mi


Ire omo a maa da wa o


Nire gbogbo a maa da wa ba mi


Ire ile a maa da wa o


Nire gbogbo a maa da wa ba mi


Ibi a fi iyo si

Ibe naa niyo nsomi i si


Nire gbogbo a maa da wa ba mi


Oke kii ye

Tii fii gb’ebo tire


Nire gbogbo a maa da wa ba mi



I sit down at home

When all Ire came in and gravitate towards  my direction

I was sitting without trying to get up

I saw prosperity move towards me

Cast ifa divination reading for  Odi

He was advised to offer ebo

And must not wander in foreign soil

He obeyed

He sits and rests his back against the Akoko  tree

And wealth rushed towards me

Like a swarm

All Ire rushed towards me

Just like a swarm
The blessing of wive gravitate
Towards  me

Like a swarm

All Ire gravitate towards me

The  rushed towards me

Like a swarm

All Ire of good home rushed towards me

Like a swarm

All Ire rushed towards me

Just like a swarm

The activity where the salt is stored

It is where it becomes water

Like a swarm

All Ire rushed towards me

Just like a swarm

The mountains don't become level ground

Before he is given his own ebo

Like a swarm

Everything Ire move  towards me

Just like a swarm

What actually happened in this verse if Edi meji is that when odi is still alive. He was an indigine of a town call eju.but his divination business his not moving fine and he was poor, so he decided to try his luck in another town called Oko. He went for ifa divination that if he get to Oko will he be successful. They told him that he should try and offer sacrifice and not leave his home town Eju. But he failed to listen  he went to Oko. When he get to Oko it is like jumping from fry pan to fire. Thing become worse for him. He suffered more than when he was in Eju. When the suffering is much he returned to Eju his home town. He went back to his babalawo, he offer the prescribed sacrifice, then he becomes successful in his ifa divination practice.people come from far and wide to meet him in his home town. He becomes exceedingly successful and rich.


Obedience is better than sacrifice.

*. Ifa said this person have poor memory and in most cases he lost focus of administrative ability. If he is a king. He should offer sacrifice with a lot of wine. He should drink from that wine too. Brewing and dying business is good for him. See what ifa says.

Edu lalaro
Edu lonipon
DIfá foba Alade
Won ni o kaaki mole
O jare
Ebo ni ko se
Won ni ko ru opolopo oti
Won ni ki oun naa o bu mu nibe
Ijo ni njo
Ayo ni nyo
O nyin awon awo re
Awon awo re nyin ‘Fa

O ya enu koto
Orín awo ni nko
O ni oba alade gbagba oti kan
Iye Edu la waa


Odi meji

Edu the dyer

The brewer

Cast if divination for a royal crown

He was asked to make a sacrifice with

Lots of local wine

He was asked to drink part of the wine too

He was dancing

Full of happiness

Full of happiness

He praises his priests

The priests praise Ifá

He started to sing the Iyere Ifá

He said that the King drank wine

Edu won consciously.

What actually happened in this verse of Edi meji is that Oba alade usually forget thing because of poor memory. And lose focus of his administrative. He was advise to offer sacrifice with wine. And he too must drink some part of the wine. And must drink wine occasionally. When he obliged. Life please him and his everything began to move fine.


some time it is good to take wine in moderation to alert the body and give it the normal operation needed.

*. Ifa is taking to two people. The should offer ebo because of Ajogun (malevolence forces). They should start small with what they have in mind they will always be successful. Ifa will block all evil for them and open their way for success. Ifa said the duo should offer sacrifice so that their business partnership can be acceptable to their clients,the door of Fortune can be open to them. Look at what ifa say

A kole birikoto
A lOosa o gba a
Boosa o ba gba a
Ko regbe ree sake
Ko rodan ree hokun
Ko ri i bagara see da ni
A dia fun Asamoo
Nijo tawon mejeeji ntorun bo waye
Won ni kAsamo o rubo
KÒdímo naa o ru
Won si ru u
Won rubo tan ni ajogun gbogbo
Ko ba le dodoo won mo
Won ni a kole birikoto
A lOosa o gba a
Boosa o ba gba a
Ko regbe ree sake
Ko rodan ree hokun
Ko ri I bagara see da ni
A dia fun Asamo
A bu fÒdímo
Nijo tawon mejeeji ntorun bo waye
Òdímo dimo rere o
Òdímo dimo rere
O ba dimo funku
Ko o dimo farun
Òdímo dimo rere
Osina sina rere o
Osina, sina rere
O ba sina fÁjé

Ko o sina faya
Osina sina rere.


We built a tiny house

And we ask a divinity

To accept it as his abode

If the divinity refuses to accept it

Let her in the woods.

To cut the building posts

Allow her to enter the meadow

To remove the ropes for  the building

She will see for her self the suffering and difficulty involved

Cast ifa divination

For the one who cuts

The leafy palms

Ifa divination was performed as well

For one who ties together

The leafy palms

On the day that both of them

T were coming from heaven to

the earth

To the leafy cutter palms

He was told to do

The sacrifices

The tester was also told

Of the leafy palms together

To make sacrifices

Both made the sacrifice

After they

Had made the sacrifice,

Nothing bad anymore

Can happen to them.

They said, we build

A tiny house

And we ask a divinity

To accept it as his abode

If the divinity refuses to accept it

Let her in the woods.

To cut the building posts

Allow her to enter the meadow

To remove the ropes from the building

And you will see for yourself

The difficulties that surround her

Ifa divination was performed

For the one who cuts

The leafy palm,

Ifa divination was performed

For the one who ties the leafy palm

On the day the two

They were coming from heaven

to the earth

You who binds together the leafy palms,


Tether them firmly against death

Tether them firmly against the disease

You, who binds together the leafy palms,


Tether them firmly against death

Tether them firmly against the disease

You, tie the leafy palms, tie them together

Doorman, open the door smartly

Open the for money

Open the door for blessings of  wife

Open the door for all blessings of life.

What actually happened in the verse of Edi meji above is that Asamo and Odimon who are into building contractor business were advises to offer sacrifice so that they can overcome all Ajogun and can be able to secure all the blessing of life. The obliges. Their work was appreciated. And accepted.

*.Ifa say this person will live a solitary life. He or she will have good affectionate companionship. He or she will be surrounded by good people. His life will be blessed he should appease Ori with obi (kolanut) otin (gin) eyele(pegion (and eja (FISH) , his or her ori will gravitate great supporter toward him. He should offer his o her sacrificial items four four, four rat, four fit, four dock, four hen and four hundred unit of money. Ifa says :
Yimiyimi abeyin paali

Dia fun Ori

Tii nbe logbere oun nikan soso girogiro

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se

O gb’ebo, o ru’bo


Ori mi kasai d’eleni


Imu wa, Imu bori do

Ori mi kasai d’eleni


Oju wa, ujo bori do


Ori mi kasai d’eleni


Enu wa, Enu bori do


Ori mi kasai d’eleni


Ahon wa, Ahon bori do


Ori mi kasai d’eleni


Gbogbo ara wa Gbogbo ara bori do



Yimiyimi,( beetle)  with its hard back

Cast ifa  divination for Ori

When he was alone without a partner

He was advised to offer ebo

He obeyed

Eti, t(Ear) and kept his company to Ori


My Ori will be blessed with companions gradually


Imu, (nose) , came and kept his company to Ori


My Ori will be blessed with companions gradually


Oju, (eyes)  came and kept his company to Ori


My Ori will be blessed with companions gradually


Enu, (mouth)  came and kept his company to Ori


My Ori will be blessed with companions gradually


Ahon, (tongue) came and kept his company to Ori


My Ori will be blessed with companions gradually


The whole body and kept his company to Ori


My Ori will be blessed with companions gradually


What actually happened in the verse of Edi meji above is about ori. When ori is coming from heaven to earth. He was giving myriad of responsibilities to perform. He needs to perform function of Smelling, tasting, eating, hearing, sight (seeing). etc. Ori give it a thought that he cannot singlehandedly perform this functions. He went  for ifa divination, he was advise to offer sacrifice that he get required supporter that will assist him to perform the myriad functions. Oju (eyes) came to support ori to perform the function of Seeing,Imu ( nose) come to perform the function of Smelling, Eti (ear) come to assist ori to perform the function of hearing, Ahon (tongue) accompany ori to perform function of taste. That is how ori have myriad of supporter. Ifa said if this person can do his ebo and venerate Ori he will gain maximum support in his life.

Ifa make it clear that unison, Division of labour and companionship is essential for success in life.


*ifa in edi meji warn a woman to treat her husband with respect. If a woman or man mistreat or maltreatment their spouse this can bring calamities upon the whole sphere of their existence. Woman should offer sacrifice to ifa  with she goat, and also offer sacrifice to esu.

If this odu appear for a company, association or a town, the should offer sacrifice with esunsu (roasted yam and corn)) ogidi emu (palm wine) and other sacrificial items as may prescribe by ifa to avoid outbreaks of diseases or epidemics.

See what ifa says.

Winwon edun mo ni pa

Aiwon edun mo ni pa

Ero Iloko lo di’ru kale

Lo fi sonso abe gun lori

Dia fun Orunmila

Baba ji ni kutukutu

Baba o lowo kan a a yo o na

Ebo ni won ni ko se

O gb’ebo,

o ru’bo

Dia fun Yungba

Tii somo Eleju-ni


Tii saya Orunmila

To loun o f’Awo


Ebo ni won ni ko


O koti ogbonhin sebo

O loun o f’Awo


O fira re fun Iku


Yungba, ara a re lo



Kin la o sun o

Ekun Yungba la o

Sun o

Ekun Yungba la o



A sharp ax has its


A boring ax has its impact

The traveler of Iloko was the one who after

Parking his load

He put the tip of the knife into the load

Cast ifa divination for Orunmila

When he woke up in the early morning

No money to spend

He was advised to offer ebo

He obeyed

The same was declared to Yungba

The daughter of Eleju, the Oba of Eju

The wife of Orunmila

When she planned to humiliate an Awo

She was advised to offer ebo

She refused to obey

Yungba who planned to humiliate an Awo

She brought herself to Death


What are we crying about?

It is the misfortune that has fallen on Yungba

We must mourn over Yungba's

What actually happened in the verse of Edi meji above is about Orunmila. Orunmila was in debt. He own huge some of money on eko (wrap maize palp) that he used to buy on credit to feed people of his household. His debtor came to ask for the payment. But orunmila doesn't have any money to pay. His wife Yungba who is a princess know of this but refuse to help. She planned to humiliate Orunmila her husband. He overheard when Orunmila is telling his creditor that he is going to conduct divination for the king, and he will charge One thousand snail as part of sacrificial which he will in turn use to payoff his debt. When her wife heard this.she out ran him to the palace revealing to the king that her husband is going to charge one thousand snail as part of sacrificial item that Orunmila her father Oba Eleju should not obliged.

When orunmila get to the palace he cast divination and put one thousand cowries as part of sacrificial items. The king refuses. Orunmila said sacrifice should be made to Obaluaye to avoid pestilence. The king refuses.

Orunmila wife further goes to other babalawo to make sure that she humiliate orunmila that what he said about the securing one thousand snails. But the preist add one thousand snails as part of her sacrificial items. She refuses to offer the sacrifice, thinking that Orunmila has colluded with the Awo before her coming.

In the evening of same day Obaluaye struck the Oba Eluju Palace with pestilence. It is Yungba that first die.


women should not seek downfall of their husband for they can end up been the victims as the in case of Yungba and Oba Eluju her father.

The disobedience of an individual can bring calamities of a whole communities.

*. Ifa said a woman or man suffering from infertility should offer sacrifice and use herbs. They should also venerate Odu. Ifa said they will beget a  female child and should name her Okunto. Ifa make it clear that if this female two suffer from infertility the same process should be repeated. Ifa said ebo should be make against premature death. Ifa foresee blessings for the barren. Bother child from circumstances should be dedicated to ifa. See what ifa says.

Bi ba ndun’ni

Ka mo pe ndun’ni

Oro dunni-dunni larankan eni

Oro to ndun Babalawo

Nii dun Ifa

Oro to ndun Onisegun

Nii dun Osanyin

Ohun to ndun Aje

Nii dun Omusu idii re

Dia fun Orunmila

Ifa nsawo rele Eleju

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se

O gbebo, o rubo

Orunmila Awo ile Eleju

Dia fun Eleju

Eyi ti nsunkun alai bimo

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se

O gbebo, o rubo

Igbati yoo bii

O bi Okunto

Okunto nfosan dagba

O nfuru dide

Won faa le Orunmila lowo

Won ni ki won lo ree bo Odu

Won gb’ebo, won ru’bo

Okunto naa finu soyun

O foyun re bi Okunrin

Omo ti a bo Odu ka too bi

Kaa maa pee ni Apere-o-dagba

Awon igbin o pile aro ni dida

Afeebojo o pile aran ni wiwa

Ta nii gboju u fifo laide agada

Ko s’eni tii gboju u yiyan le alagemo

Dia fun Apere-o-dagba

Ti nsawo rele Eleju

Tii se baba iya a re

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se

O gbebo o rubo

Apere-o-dagba, awon ile Eleju

Dia fun Eleju

Ti nsunkun ogbo gbuurugbu

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se

O gbebo o rubo

Ko pe ko jinna

Ire gbogbo waa ya de tuturu

Nje Eleju-ni-pee

Omo owo kunle, owo ya doko

Nba ma ma r’ogbo Eleju ma ra

Eyin o mo wipe

Aiku Ifa dun, o j’oyin lo o?


If  one is injured

We must recognize that we are hurt

A matter that hurts one is what one considers as an evil one

A matter that injures a Babalawo

It is the one that hurts Ifa

An affair that injures Onisegun,

It is the one that hurts Osanyin

The one who an  an Aje( witches)

It is that! Which hurt Omosu Idi re

Cast ifa divination  for Orunmila

When he was going on a spiritual mission to the house of Eleju the king of Eju

He was advised to offer ebo

He obeyed

Orunmila the resident Awo of Eleju

He was the one who divined Ifa for Eleju

When he was in menace  by his inability to produce children

He was advised to offer ebo

He obeyed

When he had a son

His wife gave birth to a female

The girl was named Okunto

Okunto grew by day

And it developed quickly at night

She was entranced to Orunmila as wife

They were advised to feed Odu

They met

She became pregnant and gave birth to a child (male)

The child born after feeding Odu

That child must be named Apere-o-dagba

Now, the slug did not originate the art of the elaboration of the tincture

The Afeebojo rat did not originate the art of digging a hole in the ground

Who dares to trust the flight of a tied hen?

No one can ever trust a chameleon to make a quick competition

Those were the declarations of Ifa for Apere-o-dagba

When he was going to a spiritual mission to the palace of Eleju

His maternal grandfather

He was advised to offer ebo

He obeyed

Apere-o-dagba, the resident Awo of Eleju

He was the one who divined Ifa for Eleju

When he was worried about the matter of longevity

He was advised to offer ebo

He obeyed

Before long, not too far

All Ire will come in abundance

Now Eleju-ni-pee

The one who after filling his home to the top with money, the overflow reached the farm

If I could be as old as Eleju, I am prepared to pay for it

If I could be that old, I'm ready to pay for it

You did not know that

Is the longevity guaranteed by Ifa is sweeter than honey

What actually happened in the odu ifa above us that there is king called Eleju who was infertile. His wives failed to give him children. He sent for Orunmila for ifa consultation. When orunmila do the idafa. Orunmila told him to offer sacrificial items in sixteen sixteen item, hen, she goat, slug etc are item of sacrifice. He  performed the sacrifice. Orunmila said when the child is born, the chill will be a female and must be given to ifa as a wives . the Eleju begot a female child and name her Okunto. When Okunto grow up and become a woman he was given to orunmila as a wife. When Okunto too face infertility problem, Odu was venerate for her after ifa consultation. She gave birth to a friend a male called Apere O dagba. After left Eluju to his base. When Apere O dagba become terminally sick. Sacrifice was perform for him to have longevity of life.

*.In this verse of Edi meji, ifa says lack of cooperation between a couple has account for their lack of success, and if they are infertile, their inability to have children. Ifa said couple should be honest to each other and have regular sexual Intercourse they will succeed and have children.ifa said the couple each of them should offer ebo. They should offer four rats, two fishes, two hen, two Guinea fowl, two hundred unit of money.

If it is an association or society that Edi meji appear to. Ifa says they should offer sacrifice and imbibe the spirit of love and cooperation that is when they can achieve success in what ever they do.

Koko aso gurukan

Ogedegede nigede

Eyin-eyin laa jijo Orisa si

Dia fun won ni idi-kunrin

A bu fun won ni Idi-binrin

Awon mejeeji nmomi oju sungbere omo

Ebo ni won ni ki won waa se

Won gb’ebo, won ru’bo

Igba idi ti je okan la o r’omo bi

Igba idi di meji la to n bi’mo o


oko aso gurukan

Ogedegede nigede

Makes one take from back to front the dance steps of Orisa

Cast Ifa divination  for them in Idi-kunrin (the masculine genital organs)

And to them in Idi-birin

The two are regretting their inability to have children

They were advised to offer ebo

They obeyed

When the genitals were singular, there were no children

Peron when the genitals became a couple, we were blessed with children.

what actually happened in the odu ifa above is about a newly married couple name Idi-biriin and  Idi-kurin,who after a lot of trial was unable to get a child. They went for ifa divination. Ifa instructed them to offer sacrifice. But apart from the sacrifice they should be endeavor to be faithful and sincere to each other, they should cooperate with each other. They perform the ebo prescribed by the babalawo but they didn't follow the warning of been faithful, sincere, and follow  each other. Yet they were unable get a child.

After a lot of other trial. They decided to follow the babalawo instructions that they should be be sincere and honest with each other and as well cooperate with each other. They did. Within few month the wife become pregnant.


cooperation between husband and wife, or within society or community is what can produce desire success. Separate or isolation will only bring struggle.

*. Ifa says in Edi meji, that a woman should offer sacrifice with Four fishes, four rat, four hen, four hundred unit, so that she can have marital stability. This woman if  proper sacrifice is not make she may be moving from one matrimonial home to another giving children to different husbands. Ifa say she should offer sacrifice so that life can please her and her children. This is where ifa says this in odu ifa Edi meji

Fonrankun kan owu lo so ile aye ro

Dia fun Oniki-Ola

Ti nw’oko imoran-an yan kiri

Ebo ni won ni ko se

O ko’ti ogbonyin s’ebo

O bi Eji-Ogbe fun won l’ode Otun

O bi Oyeku-Meji fun won l’ode Apa

O bi Iwori-Meji won l’ode Igodo

O bi Odi-Meji won l’ode Eju

Riru ebo nii gbe’ni

Eru atukesu a da ladaju

Oniki-Ola I ba tete mo

I ba waa f’owo s’arufin ebo o


Only one strand of  thread  was what was used to suspend the earth

 Cast Ifa divination  for Oniki-Ola

When she  was looking for an Ideal husband

She was advised to offer ebo

She refused

She then gave birth to Eji-Ogbe for them in the city of Otun

And to Oyeku-Meji for them in the city of Apa

And to Iwori-Meji for them in the city of Igodo

And to Odi-Meji for them in the city of Eju

Offering ebo is very encouraging

Esu is very rewarding.

If Oniki-Ola had known that before it was too late

She would have spent her money to offer ebo so that her life would have been more fruitful.

What actually happened in the verse of Edi meji above is that this woman called Oniki - ola. She want to be a good and ideal wife when it time for her to marry. She went for ifa divination, they told her to that she will have four children. And that all the four children will be very successful and prosperous. But she should offer sacrifice so that she can have all the children for one father. She should offer sacrifice with apoti (sitting box) with a lot of money. But she refuses. She said the babalawo are in need of money.

Not quite long she travel to Ode otun where she fall in love with one man and they get married. She gives birth to Ejiogbe. They were only be able to live together for just a while, dispute occurs that lead to their separation.

She leave Otun for Ode Apa where she remarried and give birth to Oyeku meji. But dispute occurs as well she divorce and leave Apa to Ode Igodo.

She remarry in Igando and give birth to Iwori meji, same issue re occurs, she divorce and leave Ode Igando To Eju

It is from Eju she give birth to Odi meji.

All her children were successful. But she never have stability of marriage.


Disobedience to Ifa instructions only bring catastrophe. Obedience and sacrifice pave way for success.

*. The Edi meji is saying in this verse that  this person is under suffering and captivity of one person above him. She should offer sacrifice life will please him or her. Ifa said if there is any body under the captivity of this person or servitude, he or she should release such person to avoid calamities. Ifa said this person is a great person, but he or she is currently facing some hardship. He should offer sacrifice to Esu with hen, he should also use she goat for ifa, Palm oil and part of the goat should also be use to offer etutu eyonu for iyami osoronga. Ifa said this person will be great and become independent in life.
Space and time will not allow to continue this aspect of Edi meji today. Babalawo Obanifa Commentaries odu ifa Edi meji will continue in my next discussion.
Copyright :Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone and whatsapp contact :+2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.
IMPORTANT NOTICE :As regards the article above no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission from the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so will be deem unlawful and will attract legal consequences.

Spanish Version

Protección de Ogun y Rituales de Apertura de Caminos.

Babalawo Obanifa examinará en este trabajo, la protección de Ogun y los rituales de apertura de carreteras. Ogun es un dios del hierro, que atribuye es es creer en Yoruba IFA cosmogonia que Ogun pavimentar camino para igba irumonle en su camino desde el cielo. Ogun onija olee.ejemu oluwonron adigirigiri rebija.Ogun es la divinidad a cargo de iron.Ogun es el espíritu detrás de todos los motores de objetos hechos de hierro son inclusive.he es también un gran pathfinder y custodio de la riqueza.
Ogun es un feroz guerrero y protector de sus seguidores. El ritual de Ogun puede ser recetado a través de una adivinación. Pero en la mayoría de los casos los rituales a Orisa ogun no necesitan necesariamente ser prescritos vía una lectura de la adivinación. Ritual a Ogun se lleva a cabo generalmente sobre una base semanal o mensual o anual dependiendo de la necesidad individual y el interés.
El ritual de Ogun normalmente se usa para obtener protección física y espiritual de los enemigos. También se puede utilizar para exponer a la gama maligna mediante el uso del ritual ogun para instigar a Ogun a otorgar merecen castigo a malvado. Los que están en busca de la justicia por lo general buscan la intervención ogun a través del ritual ogun. Hunter, Smith negro, el transporte como conductor, soldado, miembros de la policía o la fuerza del brazo por lo general se dedican a hacer la protección Ogun y el ritual de apertura de carreteras con frecuencia. Para asegurarse de que el espíritu de Ogun suele protegerlos. Aunque Ogun Protection Ritual también ha sido abusado por bandidos de brazos, los traficantes de drogas y personas que por naturaleza de su trabajo son rápidos para exponerse al riesgo suelen participar en frecuentes Ogun Protection y el ritual de apertura de carreteras para obtener protección espiritual y evitar gravámenes. Pero es aconsejable que esto debe ser frenar y hacer con moderación por el bien de la seguridad de la sociedad y la cordura. Astute Business persona demasiado suelen participar en frecuentes Ogun Protección Ritual, incluso cuando no la adivinación lo han prescrito. Porque lo saben abrir puertas para el éxito de su negocio.

Ir al santuario de Ogun con uno o más de los siguientes elementos o como puede prescribir por ifa adivinación es el comienzo de los rituales. Estos artículos van desde: Otin schnapps (ginebra seca) emu Oguro (palma) epo pupa (aceite de palma roja), Aja (perro), Agbo (espolón), Akukodiye (gallo) Ijapa
(Toroise) igin ero (caracol, ian (ñame), Ekuru (ronda y hervir) frijoles,) Esunsu (ñame asado), Eyan eree (habas tostadas), Atare (caimanes pimienta) y Orogbo Oloju merin (kolanut con cuatro lóbulos).

Después de ijuba necesario y homenaje hecho por el babalawo o Aworo Ogun.
Procederá a invocar el espíritu de ogun a fondo alguno de su panegírico para llevarle presencia al ritual para la persona en cuestión. El nombre de la persona para el hogar del ritual se hace será mencionado. Si la persona para quien el ritual debe ser hecho no es presencia, el nombre de la persona y el nombre de su madre es todo lo que se requiere. Algunas personas tratan de obtener imágenes de la persona involucrada, pero esto es irrelevante que el nombre que importa. Entonces usted puede proceder con el versículo siguiente para invocar ogun para la protección y el camino Apertura

Ogun lakaaye
Osin imole
Onile owo
Olona ola
Ejemu Oluwonron
Adigirigiri re ibi ija
Eni a lona a waye
Ogun alada meji
O n ikikan San oko
O n ikikan yena
Ọjo ogun n ti ori oke bo
Aso ina lo fi bora
Ewu eje lowo
Ogun onile owo
Olona ola
Ogun onile Kongun kongun ode orun
Olomi ni fe fe nosotros
Olaso nilo fimo kimo bora
Ogun apon leyin iju
Egbe lehin omo orukan
Ogun meje logun mi
Ogun alara ni n gba aja
Oguno en un gba agbo
Ogun onikola a gba igbin
Ogun Elemona a gba Esunsu
Ogun Akiran a gba Iwo agbo
Ogun onigbajamon a je ekuru funfun
Ogun gbenagbena Eran ahun ni je
Ogun makinde ti dogun leyin odi
A lo largo de la noche
A gba ukuuku a gba kemberi
Nje nibo lati gbe pade ogun?
A pade ogun nibi ija
A pade ogun nibi ita
A pade ogun nibi agbara eje ti nsan
Agbara eje ti ndeni lorun
Bi omi hace
Bomode ba ndale
Ki o mase da Ogun
Oro Ogun leewoo
Ara Ogun kan ir a ir a ir
Orisa ti n gba Ile, gba oko
Alaimokan eniyan ni wipe bi ogun ba gba Ile
Ohun a si gba oko

Alaimokan eniyan ni wipe bi ogun ba gba Ile
Ohun a si gba oko lo
Tani ko sai mon limpiar Orisa a gba Ile
Le gba oko, gba odo lowo eni
Ogun ma je ki ri ija re oo
Bi e gun iyan Nile, bi e ro oka lodede
E dabo e toju ti ogun sile
Nitori ogun loroko, ogun a pa ajuba
Ogun dakun dabo
Lana aje imi
Lana oro imi
Ma je ​​ki rin lojo ti ebi n pa ona
Plaza bursátil norteamericana


Ogun lakaaye (Ogun cuya afluencia está en todo el mundo)
El rey entre todas las cosas
Uno cuya casa está llena de dinero
Uno con camino a las riquezas
Uno quién posee el título de Cheitancy de Ejemu de la ciudad de Iworan
Uno que está inteligentemente armado y equipado con armas cuando alguna vez va a luchar mancha
Aquel que divinamente despeja el camino por el que llegamos a este mundo
Ogun que posee dos cuchillos
Utiliza uno de ellos para eliminar a Bush de las actividades agrícolas
Él usa el otro para despejar un camino
Cuando el ogun está decending del antedicho
Cubres tu cuerpo con la capa de fuego
Usas ropa de sangre
Ogun, cuya casa está llena de dinero
Cuyo camino conduce a la riqueza
Ogun que posee innumerables casas en el cielo
Uno cuya casa está llena de agua pero todavía baña con sangre
Uno cuya casa está llena de tela, pero todavía usan palmera
Uno con la bola roja del ojo
El partidario de los huérfanos
Mi ogun es de siete variedades
Es Ogun Alara que come perro
Es Ogun onire que come carnero
Es Ogun Onikola que comen caracol
Es Ogun Elemona que come ñame asado
Es Ogun Akiran que come Ram Horn
Es ogun onigbajamon que comen Ekuru funfun
Es Ogun gbenagbena que come tortuga
Ogun Makinde se ha convertido en Ogun de tierra extranjera
Si no tomó Tapa, se necesitará Aboki
Tomará Ukukuku, y toma Kemberi
¿Dónde nos encontramos con Ogun?
Usted lo encuentra en el lugar de combate
O donde hay conflictos
Usted lo encuentra cuando la piscina de sangre está fluyendo
La piscina de sangre que puede coincidir con el cuello
Como el agua dentro de un barril
Si se encuentra a un niño de traición
Nunca debería traicionar a Ogun
La materia con ogun es delicada
Ogun es extremadamente estricto y Frank
La orisa que se apoderó de la casa y del bosque
Solo soy una persona ignorante que dirá si Ogun se hace cargo de la casa
Él irá al bosque
¿Quién no sabe que una diety que asume una casa, puede tomar el bosque y el río de una posesión
Ogun no me aflija con tu ira
Si haces pampa de ñame y yam flor de alimentos en la casa
Por favor, conserva la porción de Ogun
Es Ogun que se utiliza para la agricultura
Es un ogun que se utiliza para preparar el refugio
Ogun te imploro
Abra el camino de la riqueza para mí
Camino abierto de prosperidad para mí
No me dejes viajar en un día de misharp
Plaza bursátil norteamericana.

Después de esto se ha hecho, puedes recitar otros encantamientos de ifa verso, en cada etapa de los pasos de artículos para los rituales.
Por ejemplo usted puede recitar odu ifa odi meji así en el fomento de su oración para la protección y la apertura de camino a la causa de los rituales. El odi meji va así

Odidi fenu digun
Amotekun ni gbe okeree para ohun yara
Eni gbo ohun oligburo loke
A ni bi ko terin
O simplemente acertar
Difa diversión irin wowo ti se aremon ogun
Ojo ti irin wowo ba fardo
Ijo na ni irin wowo n Segun ota
Ki emi babalawo Obanifa Segun gbogbo ota
Ki Segun osi ati afaito
Plaza bursátil norteamericana

Es Odidi quien usa su propia boca para prevenir la guerra
Es Amotekun que hacen sonidos desde lejos, como si estuviera en una habitación cercana
La persona que oye la voz de Ologburo desde lejos
Dirá si no es hasta un elefante
Debe ser bastante más grande que un búfalo
Cast ifa adivinación lectura Irinwowo que es Aremon Ogun
Es en el día que Irinwowo descender en tierra
Es ese mismo día que él conquistará enemigos
Deja que yo babalawo Obanifa conquistar enemigos
Déjame conquistar la pobreza, la carencia y todas las adversidades
Plaza bursátil norteamericana.
Tenemos un día especial para cada mes en el séptimo de cada mes que llevamos a cabo ogun Ritual de Protección para cualquier persona interesada. Usted puede reservar su ritual ogun con nosotros también.

Copyright: Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, teléfono y whatsapp contacto: +2348166343145, ubicación Ile Ife osun estado Nigeria.

AVISO IMPORTANTE: En lo que respecta al artículo anterior, todos los derechos reservados, ninguna parte de este artículo puede ser reproducida o duplicada en cualquier forma o por cualquier medio, electrónico o mecánico incluyendo fotocopia y grabación o por cualquier sistema de almacenamiento o recuperación de información sin permiso previo por escrito Del titular de los derechos de autor y del autor Babalawo Obanifa, al hacerlo se considera ilegal y atraerá consecuencias jurídicas

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