Dream Interpretations - Interpretation of Death in dreams (itumon ala iku) by babalawo Obanifa

Death in dreams is one of the most scary dream ever, especially when you dreams you are death or some one very close to you die in dreams. What usually come to mind after this kind of dream is to be thinking that you or the person will actually die in real life. But the truth about death in dreams in most cases doesn't actually mean death of human body, it usually mean an end or change in certain sphere of the life of the dreamer. As we all know that death mean permanent cessation of functions, of all the biological organs that sustain the living of an organism. So death in dreams symbolise the end of certain areas of dreamer life sphere like : profession, relationship, friendship, career, health wellbeing etc. So in this work I will consider some of interpretation of dream about death from the perspective of Africa spirituality.


*. TI O BA LALA PE IWO FUNRARE KU (IF YOU DREAMS THAT  YOU DIE IN YOUR DREAMS) :This type of dream usually have two meanings. Firstly it mean the dreamer is about to experience some sudden
end or changes in his or her relationship or career etc . He or she is bound. Secondly from the Concept of Yoruba spirituality this dreams is telling the dreamer that he or she will have a long life.

*. LILA RI OKU TI AWON ENIYAN N  SE OFO RE(IF YOU DREAMS AND SEE A DEAD BODY SORRUNDED BY MOURNERS) :This type of dream is a warning dreams telling thee dreamer that he or she is vulnerable to attack that. May lead to his or her death. He should be very vigilant and don't trust any body for a while include his family, friends or Co worker. Some people are trying to attack and kill him.

*. TI O BA LALA PE OBI TABI ALAGBATO RE KU (IF YOU  SEE THAT YOUR PARENT OR GUARDIAN DIE IN DREAMS) :This type of dream usually have two meanings. Firstly this type of dream usually mean that dreams will soon loss his or her source of support and dependency. This mean that the dreamer is about to start shouldering his or responsibilities on his own. Secondly this type of dream the good relationship between the person and his or parents or guardian is about to change from good to bad or even end. It is a warning dream.

*. TI A BA LALA PE A WO OKU ARA WA NILE LOJU ALA (IF YOU DREAMS YOU ARE STARERING AT YOUR OWN DEAD BODY IN DREAMS) :This type of dream is telling the dreamer to seek physical and spiritual guidance on his or her life pursuit. because he or she is in state of utter confusion.

*. TI A BA LALA PE OHUN OSIN WA KU (IF SEE  THAT YOUR DOMESTIC ANIMAL OR PETS DIE IN YOUR DREAMS) :This type of dream is telling the dreamer that he or she is about to suffer a loss in business, career, relationship or loss other things valuable to him or her. This dreams is a warning dreams.

*. LILA PE ENI TI A FERAN KU (IF YOU DREAMS THAT THE PERSON YOU LOVE DIE) :If you loss your love one in dreams to death. This kind of dream is telling the dreamer that he or she is going to have strains relationship like divorce, loss of friendship, separation etc with such person. But this kind of dream don't mean the person will die in real life. It even mean he or she will live long.

*. LILA RI ARA ENI NI ITE OKU (IF YOU DREAMS AND SEE YOUR SELF IN BURIAL GROUND OR AMONG GRAVES OR TOMBS)  this kind of Dreams mean adversity in which some of your close friends and relatives and love one will leave you to it and abandoned you. It's  a warning dreams of future adversity. Necessary spiritual intervention should be sought on it as necessary.

*. TI A BA LALA RI OKU ENI MIMO TO WO AKISA TI INU RE SI BAJE (IF YOU DREAMS AND SEE A DEATH RELATIVE, FRIEND OR ANY KNOW PERSON TO YOU THAT HAVE DIED, AND HE OR SHE DRESS IN RAG AND LOOK SAD) :This is an instruction dreams that some of the property or children or business of the deceased is not been cater for properly, and the dreamer is part of people expressly or impliedly entrusted with such responsibilities. It is a warning dreams
Copyright :Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone and whatsapp contact :+2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

IMPORTANT NOTICE : As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission from the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract legal consequences.

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