Ifa preparation To Overcome Aje ( Witches and wizards) or seek their favours

In yoruba ifa spirituality,Aje (Witches) or better put Iyami Osoronga (mysterious mother) is a spiritual entity,.  Their female species is known as Aje(Witches) , why their male counterparts is call Oso (wizards) but the most rampant species of it this force is aje (Witches). These entity in question can make life of human prosperous if their favour is rightly bestowed on some one life.But this entity as well as been source of affliction to many people's lives. In this present work babalawo Obanifa will examine in detail different spiritual Preparation available in Ifa spirituality that can be use to attract the favor of iyami or awon Agba (Witches and wizards). The article will also critically examine different spiritual Preparation available in Ifa and orisa spirituality that can be use to forcefully overcome  aje and Oso (Witches and wizards)  if they are afflicting people's life negatively. The approach of dealing with Aje ati Oso (Witches and Wizards)  in Ifa and orisa spirituality is usually base on
carrot and stick approach. The carrots aspects of it is using spiritual preparations and mechanism like eyonu Agba (spiritual Preparation To seek favour of witches and wizards). The stick approach aspects of it is using ifa Spiritual preparation such as Apaje (spiritual Preparation to forcefully overcome witches and wizards). This approach is last resort normally use by babalawo to forcefully overcome evil witches and wizards. So in this work I will explore these two mechanism in detail.


*.Odidi ori ologbo kan (a head of a cat) Odidi Oloyonbere kan ( fire skink with scientific name Lepidothyris Fernandi) Odidi atare kan (a whole alligator pepper with scientific name Aframomum melegueta)ewe Ejinrin wewe (Africa Cucumber leaves or Balsam pear with scientific name Mormordica Charantia). The alligator pepper should be place in the mountains of the head of the cat, and the fire skink will be place in the mouth of the the cat as well. You will then wrapp it up with the fresh leave of Mormordica charantia. Add little menumon. Burn every thing together to black powder. Use it can be mix with soap or mix with gin for use. The user of this work will be immensely favour by terrestrial power in terms of Making  wealth and luck and will be able to avoid the wreaths or afflictions of witches or wizard of any sort.

.*.ewe ewuro tutu lopo (plenty fresh bitter leaves with scientific name Verlonia amygdalina, odindin oga tabi Alagemon kan (a whole chameleon) eye Ologesa (Sparrow bird)  Odidi atare kan (one full Alligator pepper). Burn it into black powder form. You will be using it to take palp or wine. This can make you get favour and go scothfree with the wrath of witches and wizards. There are wide of spiritual Preparation for this purpose in this category. But I will only explain the two above.

 The second approach in dealing with the terrestrial power of Iyami aje and Oso (The Witches And Wizards) is by using spiritual preparations know as Ikapa Aje or Apaje to forcefully overcome evil witches. Because when carrot approach fail stick Approach is inevitable. this is  what will make make me reveal some of the spiritual Preparation use by our forefathers to forcefully overcome the evil witches and wizards. What the people that exist before us normally use to forcefully overcome witches and wizards, is by using some of the taboo  of the witches and wizards in spiritual Preparation to counter them or forcefully overcome them.
Some list of items that are taboo for witches and wizards are :ewe ajekofole, Eye Oba, ajekobale, Agemokun oyiyi, Akaoroju (leave of Euphorbiacees or stercuiliacees  with scientific name Croton Zambescius), Epo Obo ( stem bark of Erythrophleum Ivorense),Ewe laraa (Castor oil plant scientifically know as Ricinus communis),  Ewe Bobo awodi, Mafowo kan omomi, tabi Ekaekanan Ekun, lajamu, Egele, ahon Ekun (Piclky Puppy, Acanthusmonthanus, Leopard's tongue with scientific name Acanthospermum or Hispidium), Logbokiyan (Euadenia Tripoliata)   igbin (snail) Eku Asin (Smelling rat), Alagemon (chameleon) opolo (Frog) Adiye Opipi (this type of hen with very short feather and wing) adiye asa (hen with a very scanty feather in her body) etc one or more of these aforementioned items are taboo for Iyaami aje and Oso (the witches and wizards) it is from the combination of one or more of the items listed above and some other items that we babalawo usually put together to subdued and overpower the witches and wizards when diplomatic approach seem in effective handling their affliction on people's life. It is instructive to note that it is not every witches that are evil. We are dealing with evil witches and wizards here. So let me quickly put you through some of the ifa preparation available for this purpose.

*.ikori igbale igba ti won ti fi gba Ile dara dara  (two hundred pieces of broom top, the broom must be a used broom not new broom ) ewe ajekofole tabi afeloru(leave of croton Zambescius) ewe Egele ( leave of Acanthospermum) epo obo (stem bark of Erithrophelium) Odidi Alagemon kan (one chameleon, apa adiye opipi mejiji (two wing of opipi hen, supra) this item should be burnt and rings  can be put inside. When it is on fire imprint odu ifa  ejiogbe with iyerosun on opon ifa (Ifa divination tray)  thus:

 I  I
 I  I
 I  I
 I  I

Thereafter recite the following incantation

Ogbologbo iye
Idi Ogbingbin
Igba ti e de Ile Alara, e  pa won Nile Alara
Igba de Ile Ajero, E se iku pa Ajero
Igba te de Ile Owarangun aga
E pa won Nile Owarangun aga
Eyin logboju ti ti n pa leboralebora
Eyin logboju ti n pa Abuledo Ilu sarasara
Igba ti e de Ile Ejio, E ka ila  Ejio
Igba E de Ile Aloran, E fa Osun Aloran
Won ba le yin Nile Aloran
E ba kori sotu Ife
Igba ti E de Ile Ife
E fi awon omo kerekere Ife gbin Isu je
Won ba tun le yin Nile  Ife
E si odi Oke Igeti Nile Orunmila
Orunmila ba dide o nipe
Ogbologbo iye
Idi  Ogbingbin
Eyin ree kilode?
Eyin to je pe Igba ti e de Ile Alara,
e pa won Nile Alara
Igba ti e de Ile Ajero
E pa won Nile Ajero
Igba ti e de Ile Owarangun Aga
E pa won Nile Owarangun aga
Eyin le n pa lojaloja
Eyin le n pa leboralebora
Eyin  kan hi naa lo pa Abuledo Ilu sarasara
Igba ti e de Ile Ife
E wa ro pe ibo ni o kan E wa n bo ni Oke Igeti Ile Orunmila
Orunmila ni ohun o fe ri yin
Orunmila leyin Leyin
E fi Ake kori e lo
Orunmila ni e ti se?
Eni e ti se si oko
E ni e ti to si Aso Ala
E ni en n jo perepere ni Idi
E be orunmila ki o ma je ki e lo
Orunmila ni odara ohun agba fun yin
Sugbon e  rinso sodo OLODUMARE fun adehun
E wa ba ifa se asegun wipe
Ile aye ti e n lo yii oo
Enikeni ninu yin
Ti o ba fowo kan Igba Ile Orunmila
Ki owo  Iru enibe o   wo
Ki ese Iru eni be o wo
Ki Iru eni be o ma gbe bi igi ti n gbe
Ki ebi inu pa Iru eni be
Ki ohungbe ofun o ma gbe Iru eni be
Ki Iru Iru eni be rinrin ko na logedengbe
Ki oju mejeji iru eni be ko fo
A Ki je Olabahun ka je Igba e
Enikan Ki je ire, ko je ipe ire
A ki je Agbo ka je iwo e
Aki je adiye, ka je ihu re mon
Ti a ba je Eko tan se ni a n dariji ewe
Emi babalawo Obanifa di omo Ile orunmila loni
Aje aye, Oso aye e ma le semi ni nkankan
Aje ko ni je pa omo Awo
Aje ti o ba pa Omo Awo Ile lo da
Be sini aje Ki da Ile Awo.


The one with mature strong feathers
One with big bottom like Ogbingbin
When you visited Alara's Palace
You killed people in Alara's household
When you visited Ajero's Palace
You killed people in Ajero's household
When you visited Owarangun Aga's  Palace
You killed people in Owarangun Aga's household
It is you who kill the Kings, the royal head
You killed spiritual Cheitans
You kill the village heads
When you reach the Ejio abode, you killed and harvest Ejio's Okra
When you reach Aloran's abode, you killed him and harvest all his vegetables
As a result you were chase away from Aloran abode
Then you run to Ile Ife
When you get to Ile Ife
You kill the youth of Ife and eat
As if you are eating yam
The people of Ile Ife forcefully eject you and prevent your futher entrance to ife city
You thought which haven to run to
Then you come to Oke Igeti Orunmila household
When Orunmila saw you
He said
One with mature strong feathers
Is it not you?
One with big buttocks like Ogbingbin
Is it not you?
You that visited Alara's Palace, and killed people in his household
You that visited Ajero's Palace, and killed people in his household
You that visited Owarangun Aga's Palace, and killed people in his household
You that killed the Royal heads and dignitaries
You that killed the village heads
You visit Ejio abode, only to killed him and harvest his okra
You visited Aloran abode, only to kill him and harvest his vegetables
When you were chase away from Aloran abode
You proceed to Ile Ife, where you you kill their youth and ate them like yam
When you were ejected from Ile Ife
You then run to safety in Oke Igeti Orunmila household
Orunmila said he will never accommodate you, that you you take your leave
You beg  and you refuse to go
Orunmila insisted that he will never accommodate you
You said orunmila should forgive you and let you stay
You said you have offended the hoe
You have urinated on a clean plain white apparel
You said your bottom is leaking
Orunmila said OK no problem
I  will accommodate you
But you will need to follow me to court yard of Olodumare, to seal our agreement
You agree
You make the following agreement there with orunmila
You said
As you are going to the world
Any one of you witches or wizard that touch any items or person in Orunmila's household
The hand of such person should paralyze
The long of such person should paralyze
The stomach of such person will suffer from extreme hunger
The throat of such person will suffer from extreme thirst
Such person should go dry the way wood, grow dry
The two eye of such person should go blind
May such person trek with trouble until he fall and faint
OLODUMARE said so shat it be (ase)
Orunmila said so shall it be ase
Because nobody eat tortoise and eat it's shell along
No body eat porcupine and eat it shell along
No body eat ram and eat it's horn along
No body eat chicken and eat it's feathers along
I Babalawo Obanifa have become members of Orunmila household today
The witches and wizards of this world should not be able to do me any harm
Witches never killed a member of orunmila house hold
Such act is deem to be a betrayer of convenant
And witches don't betray the enternal convenant.
 Copyright :Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone and whatsapp contact :+2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

IMPORTANT NOTICE : As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission from the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract legal consequences.

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