Ejiogbe : Ayajo Ifa & Eewo (prayers and Taboo) Of Odu ifa Ejiogbe

In this article babalawo Obanifa will explain in brief details some the Eewo taboo that people whose Odu ifa that they imprint during their itefa (ifa initiation) is odu ifa ejiogbe. Some of the Ayajo ifa or Egbe ifa (Ifa Spiritual preparation and prayers) available in odu ifa ejiogbe that can be use as akose ifa by ejiogbe initiate or general public or any body will also be examine. It is one thing to be initiated to ifa, it is another thing to know the taboo of your odu and other akose ifa (Ifa Spiritual preparation or prayers) available in your odu ifa to make your Ifa work for you as well to know how to handle your IFA to work for you . I think the later is very essential, because without the later, all the money, long journey travel, time spent will be deemed as wasted effort and adventure. Our efforts will not be waster in life by grace of all OLODUMARE and all the irumonle ase. Then follow me in this work to know about some Taboo of odu ifa ejiogbe and ifa Spiritual preparation and prayers available in odu ifa ejiogbe.

What Is Odu Ifa Ejiogbe?

Ejiogbe is the number one odu ifa (Ifa corpus)  out of the two hundred fifty six odu ifa available to human being. Ejiogbe is deem as Baba ifa (father of all other odu)  hence they saying in Ifa and orisa circle that Ejiogbe baba ifa (that Ejiogbe father of all ifa). The gender of Ejiogbe in relation to other odu ifa. Ejiogbe is a male in gender. That the gender of odu ifa Ejiogbe is absolutely masculine. The physical earth Element of odu ifa Ejiogbe is believed to be Omi ati Afefe (water and air), but Omi (water) is believed to be the physical earth earth dominanting elements of odu ifa ejiogbe. Ejiogbe rule over the
ori (head of human beings) the part of the entity of human beings that Ejiogbe is interested in is ori (head)  hence it is believed by people before us that the part of the body that belong to Ejiogbe is head, brain, and other thinking faculties of human beings. Ejiogbe have omnipresence sphere of influence range from South, East to west and North. With due respect and humility the view held by some babalawo and orisa devotee that Ejiogbe sphere of influence is only restricted to the East is erroneous and must be correct Ejiogbe are spiritual and physical Problems solver.

What Are The Taboo Of Ejiogbe?
One or more of the following things are Taboo for Ejiogbe. They are :

*. Obirin pupa /tabi Oko pupa (Fair Complexion spouse) : one of the taboo of odu Ifa Ejiogbe is a fair Complexion spouse. Because such spouse will bring trouble to the partner especially if the person is a man. If a person cast Ejiogbe or imprint odu ifa Ejiogbe in igbodu has already married or engage in relationships with a fair Complexion spouse. He or she must offer gigantic sacrifice with Elu so that such spouse will not be killed by iku ojiji (sudden death through his or her own wayward character to people powerful that him or her), or bring trouble or problems upon the household. The ejiogbe scriptural authority for this Eewo (taboo) goes thus :

Difa fun obirin pupa rororo ti se iyawo orunmila
Lojo ti o lo na iya iku loja Ejigbomẹkun
Ebo ni won  ko se

Sinimọ(mistake of identity)
Sinimọ(mistake of identity)
Cast ifa divination for very fair complexion women who is a wife of orunmila
On the day she was going to Ejigbomẹkun market, to beat the mother of death.

What actually transpired in the odu ifa above is that among the wives of Orunmila, there is one of them who is very fair in complexion. She was a very rude women and have respect for no one, it is only orunmila she respect. One day she went to Ejigbomẹkun market, she saw one extremely old woman and they have altercation,she beat the old woman mercilessly,despite the fact that every one in the market is bringing it to her notice that the old woman was a biological mother of iku (death) she said she less concern. That is how she went. She told orunmila that she iku mother in the market today. Orunmila know that iku will definitely come back for her. Orunmila cast ifa divination reading and ejiogbe appear on the divination tray. Ifa instruct orunmila to use elu to turn the complexion of the fair complexion wife to dark complexion orunmila did as instructed. When the old women got home she report the incident at oja Ejigbomẹkun to her son iku (death)  who promise to Avenge by killing the woman who beat her mother. He ask her mother for identity and descriptions of the woman in question. The old woman say it is the wife of orunmila, the one with very fair complexion among them. That is how iku (death)  proceed to the house of orunmila. He demanded from orunmila to bring out the fair  complexion woman among his wives who beat his mother so that he can kill her, Orunmila reply I don't have any fair complexion woman as a wife, all my wife are dark in complexion. Iku then demand that Orunmila should bring out all his wives so that he can cross examine them. Orunmila does. Iku could not find any fair complexion woman among them. This is how orunmila escape himself and the wife in question from trouble of iku (death)  so this is the basis for this number one taboo.

*.IFOWOSOPO OKO ATI AYA (COOPERATION BETWEEN SPOUSE AND FREINDS)  :Ejiogbe children must alway seek cooperation of their wife or husband for success. Because their partner support is usually the instrument to accelerate their achievement.

*. Epa (ground nut) :Eating a ground nut is a taboo for Ejiogbe

*. Eke sise tabi Iro pipa (lying or dishonesty) :Ejiogbe as a odu hate liars. So children of Ejiogbe must alway be endeavor to be honest and avoid lying in their daily life that is how success and peace of mind can be theirs.

*. Sora fun ohunje jije lode (avoid eating any how in public) :it is important for them to avoid eating any how in public place or ceremonies so they don't get poison.

Some Of The Akose Or Spiritual Prayers Available in Odu Ifa Ejiogbe  by babalawo Obanifa


Eso Ewedu  tabi oyoyo (seed of of Corchorus Olitorium) Epa ikun(Hypoxidascees with scientific name Curclugo pilosa),egbo ijokun (roots of Mucuna Flagellipes) obotonyo die, ewe taba gidi (tobacco leave with scientific Nicotiana tobbacum) ipeta (barck of Violet tree or Polgalacees with scientific name Securiadaca longepedunculata) kanhun Bila die (little Trona)  grind everything together to for a powder or paste.  Use iyerosun to imprint odu ifa Ejiogbe thus :

 I I
 I I
 I I
 I I
You will then say the following words
Ohun ti Enu ba ri ni Enu je
 A difa fun igbin
Ti yi o je Ile  ti ko  ni ku mon
Igbin je Ile o omo Awo
Igbin je Ile e ku mon , Igbin je Ile o omo Awo


The mouth eat whatever he  see
Cast ifa divination reading for snail  one who eat soil and live in longevity
Igbin eat soil initiate
Igbin eat soil, Igbin live long.

Then you will mix the iyerosun with the herbal powder already prepare. Then mix it with pure oyin Igan (original wild honey). Use : one shot three times per day for person who eat poison. Occasionally taking of it by any body can prevent poison from having effects on such person body system.

There are host of others akose ifa prayer and preparation from odu ifa ejiogbe for wealth, love, prosperity, gaining position or title etc that space and time will not allow me to discuss in this work today. Blessings OLODUMARE bless you ase #Ejiogbe#ifa#
 Copyright :Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone and whatsapp contact :+2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

IMPORTANT NOTICE : As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission from the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract legal consequences.

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