Herbal Cure For Goiter.

Herbal Cure For Goiter

In this article, I am going to examine treatment available for goiter in yoruba herbal medicine as well as home remedies both in Africa and western culture available to cure goiter. The spiritual perspective to goiter is very rear. So as a result scientific approach on
the causes and treatment, symptoms and treatment of goiter will be the major focus of this article. If you are interested in the herbal and home remedies for goiter alone you can easily stroll to the last part of this article. But if you want to have deep knowledge of the causes, symptoms and treatment of goiter then read the full article in detail. In an attempt to give vivid explainatoin of what goiter is from the orthodox perspective . The work of the medical author :Melissa Conrad Stoppler Md. Title 'Goiter :Causes, symptoms And Treatment' her work has been medically reveiw by Medical Editor William. Shell. Jr and published on www.medicinenet.com.her work shed more light or what goiter is from orthodox perspective. Another person who have provide most valuable information so far on goiter is Markus MacGill work title 'Goiter causes, Symptoms  And Treatment' His work has been medically reveiw by Dr Helen Webberly And published on www.medicalnewstoday.com.I found the work of Markus MacGill most self explanatory and Authoritative so most of his explanation on goiter will be adopted as mine in this article when I am ready rendering explanation on goiter from orthodox perspective.
According to Markus. Goiter is the name given to a neck swelling produced by an abnormally enlarged thyroid gland, which has a number of causes. (The spelling used in British English is goitre.
Goiter is a swelling (hypertrophy) of a gland in the neck called the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland is situated in front of the windpipe and is responsible for producing and secreting hormones that regulate growth and metabolism.

In rare cases, enlargement of the thyroid gland is caused by cancer, leading to a diagnosis of thyroid cancer rather than goiter.

The degree of swelling, and the severity of symptoms produced by the goiter depend on the individual. Some cases involve a small amount of swelling, and others can involve considerable swelling that actually constricts the trachea and causes breathing problems.

Most cases are categorized as 'simple' goiters that do not involve inflammation or any detriment to thyroid function, produce no symptoms, and often have no obvious cause.

What causes goiter?

Iodine deficiency is the major cause of goiter worldwide, but this is rarely a cause in more economically developed countries that add iodine to salt. As iodine is inconsistently present in plant foods, vegan diets may lack sufficient iodine; this is less of a problem for vegans who live in countries such as the US that add iodine to salt).

Rates of goiter are higher in areas where there is a deficiency of the trace mineral, which is found in seafood, plant food grown in iodine-rich soil, and cow's milk.
In some parts of the world, the prevalence of the condition can beCura herbaria para el bocio

En este artículo, voy a examinar el tratamiento disponible para el bocio en la medicina herbaria yoruba, así como remedios caseros tanto en África y la cultura occidental disponibles para curar el bocio. La perspectiva espiritual del bocio es muy posterior. Así, como resultado, el enfoque

Las causas y el tratamiento, los síntomas y el tratamiento del bocio serán el foco principal de este artículo. Si usted está interesado en los remedios herbarios y caseros para el bocio solo usted puede pasear fácilmente a la última parte de este artículo. Pero si desea tener un profundo conocimiento de las causas, los síntomas y el tratamiento del bocio, a continuación, leer el artículo completo en detalle. En un intento por dar una explicación viva de lo que el bocio es desde la perspectiva ortodoxa. El trabajo de la autora médica: Melissa Conrad Stoppler Md. Título 'Bocio: Causas, síntomas y tratamiento' su trabajo ha sido médicamente revelado por el Editor Médico William. Cáscara. Jr y publicado en www.medicinenet.com.her trabajo arrojar más luz o lo que el bocio es desde la perspectiva ortodoxa. Otra persona que ha proporcionado la información más valiosa hasta el momento en el bocio es Markus MacGill trabajo título 'Goiter causas, síntomas y tratamiento' Su trabajo ha sido médicamente revelado por la Dra. Helen Webberly Y publicado en www.medicalnewstoday.com.I encontró el trabajo de Markus MacGill más autoexplicativo y autoritario así que la mayor parte de su explicación sobre el bocio será adoptado como mío en este artículo cuando esté listo explicando el bocio desde la perspectiva ortodoxa.

Según Markus. Goiter es el nombre dado a una inflamación del cuello producida por una glándula tiroides anormalmente agrandada, que tiene una serie de causas. (La ortografía usada en inglés británico es bocio.

El bocio es una inflamación (hipertrofia) de una glándula en el cuello llamada glándula tiroides. La glándula tiroides está situada en frente de la tráquea y es responsable de producir y secretar hormonas que regulan el crecimiento y el metabolismo.

En casos raros, la ampliación de la glándula tiroides es causada por el cáncer, lo que lleva a un diagnóstico de cáncer de tiroides en lugar de bocio.

El grado de hinchazón y la gravedad de los síntomas producidos por el bocio dependen del individuo. Algunos casos implican una pequeña cantidad de hinchazón, y otros pueden implicar una hinchazón considerable que realmente constriñe la tráquea y causa problemas respiratorios.

La mayoría de los casos se clasifican como "simples" goiters que no implican inflamación o cualquier detrimento a la función tiroidea, no producen síntomas y, a menudo no tienen causa evidente.

¿Qué causa el bocio?

La deficiencia de yodo es la principal causa de bocio en todo el mundo, pero esto rara vez es una causa en los países económicamente más desarrollados que agregan yodo a la sal. Como el yodo está presente de manera incoherente en los alimentos vegetales, las dietas veganas pueden carecer de suficiente yodo; Esto es menos un problema para los veganos que viven en países como los EE.UU. que añaden yodo a la sal). as high as 80 per cent - such populations tend to be in remotely mountainous areas of southeast Asia, Latin America and central Africa, where daily intake of iodine can fall below 25 micrograms a day and children are often born with hypothyroidism.

The thyroid gland needs iodine in order to manufacture thyroid hormones, which regulate the body's rate of metabolism.

The main cause of goiter in developed countries is autoimmune disease.4 Women over the age of 40 are at greater risk of goiter, as are people with a family history of the condition.

Hypothyroidism is the result of an underactive thyroid gland, and this causes goiter. Because the gland produces too little thyroid hormone, it is stimulated to produce more, leading to the swelling.3 This usually results from Hashimoto's thyroiditis/disease, a condition in which the body's immune system turns on itself and causes inflammation within the thyroid gland.

Hyperthyroidism is also a cause of goiter - from an overactive thyroid gland, which produces too much thyroid hormone. This usually happens as a result of Graves' disease, also an autoimmune disorder in which the body's immunity turns on itself and attacks the thyroid gland, causing it to swell.

Less common causes of goiter include the following:o

Nodules - benign lumps, single or multiple
Smoking - thiocyanate in tobacco smoke interferes with iodine absorption
Hormonal changes - pregnancy, puberty and the menopause can affect thyroid function
Thyroiditis - inflammation caused by infection, for example
Lithium - the psychiatric drug can interfere with thyroid function
Overconsumption of iodine - too much iodine can cause goiter, just as too little does
Radiation therapy - particularly if to the neck.

Signs and symptoms of goiter

Most goiters are asymptomatic (produce no symptoms). The following are the most common symptoms that are seen with goiter:

Throat symptoms of tightness, cough, and hoarseness
Trouble swallowing (dysphagia)
In severe cases, difficulty breathing (possibly with a high-pitch sound).
Other symptoms may be present because of the underlying cause of the goiter, but they are not symptomatic of the goiter itself.

For example, if the cause is hyperthyroidism, the overactive thyroid can cause symptoms such as nervousness, palpitations, hyperactivity, increased sweating, heat hypersensitivity, fatigue, increased appetite, hair loss and weight loss.

In cases where goiter is a result of hypothyroidism, the underactive thyroid can cause symptoms such as cold intolerance, constipation, forgetfulness, personality changes, hair loss and weight gain.

Aside from the swelling itself, many cases of goiter present no symptoms or signs at all.

Most cases are classified as simple diffuse and therefore smooth to the touch; others, classified as nodular, feel lumpy because of solid or fluid-filled lumps.

Diagnosis of goiter

The diagnosis of goiter is possible simply by physical examination of the neck, palpating for the swelling. The doctor may ask you to swallow while feeling for the goiter.

Once goiter is diagnosed, the doctor may wish to uncover any underlying problem with thyroid function, for example because of hyper- or hypothyroidism.

Thyroid function tests are blood tests that measure levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), and thyroxine (T4). A carefully controlled feedback mechanism means that TSH stimulates the thyroid to produce more thyroxine, while T4 tells the thyroid to stop producing as much thyroxine.

In overactive thyroid, TSH levels are low or non-existent, and T4 levels are high. In underactive thyroid, the reverse is true, TSH levels are high, and T4 low.

A further hormone - triiodothyronine - is measured in some cases of overactive gland, such as suspected Graves' disease.

In some cases of goiter, specialist tests may be arranged, such as:

Radioactive iodine scan - to provide a detailed picture of the gland following an injection of radioactive iodine
Ultrasound scan - to assess the gland and the size of the goiter (standard ultrasound is ineffective as a general screening tool as it picks up normal swelling)
Fine-needle aspiration - a biopsy to remove a sample of cells from within the gland (this may be performed if, for example, cancer is suspected).

Treatments for goiter

Most simple goiters are preventable through the adequate dietary intake of iodine, which is added to table salt in many countries. Iodine deficiency is not a concern for most people in developed countries, although vegan diets may lack enough of the trace mineral.

Active treatment of goiter is reserved for cases that cause symptoms - otherwise, no action is taken, and some simple goiters resolve on their own.

If the goiter is small and thyroid function is normal, treatment is not usually offered.

In cases caused by underactive thyroid/hypothyroidism, treatment is with a synthetic replacement of thyroid hormone.The dosage of synthetic thyroxine is stepped up until measurements indicate normal thyroid function has been restored.

Synthetic preparations of T4 (l-thyroxine) are preferred, but preparations of T3 (liothyronine) and combinations of both these synthetic hormones may be tried, as may desiccated animal thyroid extract.

In cases caused by overactive thyroid/hyperthyroidism, treatment is with medication to counter the excess hormone production, in the form of anti-thyroid drugs such as thionamide tablets that gradually reduce the hormone levels.

Radioactive iodine to stop excess hormone production is also a treatment option for hyperthyroidism.

Surgery to reduce the size of the swelling is reserved for cases where goiter is causing troublesome symptoms such as difficulty breathing or swallowing.Thyroidectomies are performed under general anesthetic to remove part of the thyroid gland.

Yoruba Herbal Cure For Goiter By Babalawo Obanifa

*. Ewe bomubomu (leave of Calotropis Procera) Ewe orira (Ekiti) Oyo people called it Oora (leave of Dicliptera alternans) grind together very well the two leaves mix it with ori (shea butter. Uses :apply it as an ointment to the goiter three times a day.

Now let goes to traditional home remedies available to cure goiter . in attempt to do this the work of Manna Radhakrishan  shall receive much accolades her work . It is 25 home remedies to cure goiter. Let examine them in turn.

1. Dandelion Leaves:

Make a paste of dandelion leaves. Mix clarified butter (ghee) into the leaves and heat the mixture until it becomes lukewarm. Apply the paste on your neck and let it stand for 15 to 20 minutes before washing it off. Use this home remedy every day for about 2 weeks and you will notice a marked difference in the size of the goiter.

2. Flaxseeds:

Grind flaxseeds and make a paste with a little bit of water. Apply the paste on your neck and let it stand for 20 to 25 minutes. Wash and pat the area dry. It will help reduce the swelling, thanks to the anti-inflammatory properties contained in flaxseeds.

3. Neck Exercise:

Stretching exercises for the neck are also known to help treat goiter. If you do these exercises, they will help stretch the muscles that are connected to the thyroid gland and help to reduce the swelling.

4. Barley Water:

Drink barley water once a day to reduce the swelling and alleviate other symptoms. Barley is rich in phytonutrients and antioxidants that build up the body’s immunity and help fight diseases. Barley water also cleanses toxins from the body.

5. Kachna (Bauhinia variegate):

Also known as Kanchanara, Kachna is indigenous to India and is one of the herbal remedies for goiter and also treats several other ailments. Take 2 tablespoons of Kachna bark powder and dissolve it in 160 ml water. Boil the concoction until it reduces by 40 percent. Strain and divide the concoction into two and add ginger powder. Drink one portion early in the morning, before breakfast and drink the second part in the evening.

6. Cold Shower:

Take a cold shower twice a day. This is supposed to stimulate the thyroid gland and help it work properly. This is one of the most effective home remedies for goiter.

7. Watercress:

Watercress is high in iodine and also contains many other vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that help in curing goiter. Make a paste of watercress and apply it on your neck. Let the paste stand for about 15 to 20 minutes before washing it off. You can also crush the leaves to extract the juice. Dilute the juice with a little bit of water and drink it three times a day for about six weeks.

8. Pineapple:

Pineapple is rich in vitamins and minerals. It can help with the symptoms of goiter, particularly the coughing. Make pineapples a part of your everyday diet and you’ll see a difference pretty soon.

9. Sorrel Leaves:

Make a paste of sorrel leaves and add a little olive oil to it. Apply the paste on your neck and let it stay for 15 to 20 minutes. Be sure to lie down while applying the paste!

10. Garlic:

Garlic is known for its many medicinal properties and is used to treat several health conditions. Garlic stimulates the production of glutathione in the body, which is required for the healthy functioning of the thyroid. Chew 3 to 4 cloves of garlic every day in the morning. If you do not want to have a garlicky breathe, you can also make a salsa with raw garlic, tomatoes, onions and olive oil.

11. Green Tea:

We all know that green tea is replete with antioxidants and that is why it is considered extremely healthy. Daily consumption of green tea can not only cure goiter, but it can also prevent it. Green tea also contains high amount of natural fluoride, which helps in supporting the healthy functioning of the thyroid. If you find the taste of green tea too bland, you can alwaysf spruce it up with some honey.

12. Kelp:

There is a reason why the Japanese are mostly goiter free! Kelp is a seaweed and helps to normalize the functioning the thyroid gland, thanks to its high iodine content. You can buy kelp from a Japanese food store. It can be dry or pickled. As kelp is naturally salty, you can use it instead of salt in your meals. You also can add a tablespoon of dried kelp powder to smoothies and consume. Kelp is used in many Japanese dishes, such as sushi and dashi. So learn these dishes to give yourself some variety.

13. Bugleweed:

Bugleweed (Lycopus virginicus) is indigenous to North America and has been used since time immemorial to treat hyperthyroidism, breast pain, weak heart and edema. It is high in flavonoid, phenolic acids and tannins. It can inhibit thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), but be sure to consult your doctor before you start using it to treat goiter. You can make bugleweed tea and consume it with honey. Drink the tea three times a day for best results.

14. Lemon Balm:

Another best herbal remedies for goiter, lemon balm tea is known to help treat goiter by slowing down the functioning of the pituitary gland and lowering the levels of TSH. It is available in the form of a tincture and can be brewed into a tea and consumed three times a day. Be sure to keep the lid on while making the tea, as it will prevent the aromatic oils of the balm from escaping with the steam.

15. Motherwort:

Many people suffer from palpitations and fast heartbeat because of hyperthyroidism. These symptoms can be alleviated with motherwort. It is rich is flavonoid, tannins and alkaloids and can help reduce the size of your goiter. Motherwort is available dry and can be brewed into a tea and consumed with a little bit of honey. Drink motherwort tea twice a day for best results.

16. Coconut Oil:

Coconut oil contains high levels of lauric acid and when you consume it, this acid is converted into monolaurin, which has antibacterial, antiviral and anti-protozoa properties. You can use coconut oil for cooking to help treat goiter. Alternatively, add a little bit of coconut oil into your smoothies and consume every day.

17. Water Spinach and Almonds:

This Indonesian and Malay vegetable goes by many names, including water morning glory, swamp cabbage and kangkong. Extract one tablespoon juice from water cabbage. Boil 2 almonds in about a cup of water and strain. Grind the almonds and add the water cabbage juice to it. Consume this paste every day for about a month to help reduce goiter.

18. Bentonite Clay:

As strange as it may sound, bentonite clay can help treat goiter. Make a paste with the clay and apply it on your neck. Let the paste dry before washing it off. This will help to suck out the toxins and reduce the swelling.

19. Iodine-rich Diet:

If your goiter is caused due to iodine deficiency, you need to replenish your body with an iodine rich diet. Try using iodized salt or consume more cabbage, kale, seafood, cod fish, tuna, eggs, natural yogurt, milk, navy beans, baked potato with skin and cranberries. Adults should consume about 150 micrograms of iodine every day to keep goiter away.

20. Selenium-rich Food:

Your thyroid gland requires selenium to function at its optimal. There are some foods that are naturally rich in this mineral like kidney, liver, Brazil nuts, sunflower seeds, shellfish, onions, mushrooms wheat germ, barley, meats, poultry, eggs and fatty fish. Make these foods a part of your daily diet to help cure goiter.

21. Bladderwrack:

This seaweed is rich in iodine and another best goiter remedies. You can brew a tea with dried bladderwrack or check with a health food store, as bladderwrack is also available in the form of capsules. Take the capsules as recommended on the label.

22. Oak Bark:

Make a paste of dried oak bark with some water. Apply it on your neck and let it stay overnight. This will help reduce the size of your goiter and alleviate many of the symptoms.

23. Limit Goitrogenic Foods:

Goitrogenic foods are those foods that hinder normal functioning of the thyroid gland. As a result, the gland is unable to synthesize iodine properly. So, there are some foods that you should be looking to eat in moderation and these include:

Brussels sprouts
Mustard greens
Soy beans
Sweet potatoes
You can cook goitrogenic foods to negate their effect on your thyroid. While it is not necessary to eliminate them from your diet completely, you should be looking to consume goitrogenic foods in limited quantities.

24. Coleus Leaves:

Though coleus is an ornamental plant, its leaves are also used in salads in Asia. You can consume coleus leaves in salads to help reduce the size of your goiter and ease the symptoms that come with it.

25. Self-Heal Herb:

Self-heal’s botanical name is Prunella vulgaris. This is a perennial plant that has anti-inflammatory properties. It also is known to regulate the functioning of the thyroid gland. Self-heal is available as a tincture, which can be brewed into a tea and consumed to reduce the swelling of the thyroid gland.

Spiritual Solutions To Goiter By Babalawo Obanifa as we all know that biological problem demand biological solution, why spiritual problems as well demand spiritual remedies. There are some goiter case that arise as a result of attack of the victims. The evil people may plant seed in the neck of the victims. These type of goiter don't yield to any medical or herbal remedies because it is not as a result of any iodine deficiency. So this is the case spiritual solution is necessary. Firstly is to have IFA divination reading to know what to do. Alternatively you can go straight and do this.

*. Eso bomubomu (fruit of Calotropis Procera) Ewe gbogbonise (Uvaria afzeli) lemulemu (pennisetum subangustum) obi edun (Cola Laurifolia) ewe orira (leave of Dicliptera alternans) Odidi atare (one full Alligator pepper aframomum melegueta).
Burn every thing and mix it it with ora ekun (no English name available) use :always apply it to the goiter as ointment.
Courtesy :Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone and whatsapp contact +2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state.

Spanish Version

Cura herbaria para el bocio

En este artículo, voy a examinar el tratamiento disponible para el bocio en la medicina herbaria yoruba, así como remedios caseros tanto en África y la cultura occidental disponibles para curar el bocio. La perspectiva espiritual del bocio es muy posterior. Así, como resultado, el enfoque

Las causas y el tratamiento, los síntomas y el tratamiento del bocio serán el foco principal de este artículo. Si usted está interesado en los remedios herbarios y caseros para el bocio solo usted puede pasear fácilmente a la última parte de este artículo. Pero si desea tener un profundo conocimiento de las causas, los síntomas y el tratamiento del bocio, a continuación, leer el artículo completo en detalle. En un intento por dar una explicación viva de lo que el bocio es desde la perspectiva ortodoxa. El trabajo de la autora médica: Melissa Conrad Stoppler Md. Título 'Bocio: Causas, síntomas y tratamiento' su trabajo ha sido médicamente revelado por el Editor Médico William. Cáscara. Jr y publicado en www.medicinenet.com.her trabajo arrojar más luz o lo que el bocio es desde la perspectiva ortodoxa. Otra persona que ha proporcionado la información más valiosa hasta el momento en el bocio es Markus MacGill trabajo título 'Goiter causas, síntomas y tratamiento' Su trabajo ha sido médicamente revelado por la Dra. Helen Webberly Y publicado en www.medicalnewstoday.com.I encontró el trabajo de Markus MacGill más autoexplicativo y autoritario así que la mayor parte de su explicación sobre el bocio será adoptado como mío en este artículo cuando esté listo explicando el bocio desde la perspectiva ortodoxa.

Según Markus. Goiter es el nombre dado a una inflamación del cuello producida por una glándula tiroides anormalmente agrandada, que tiene una serie de causas. (La ortografía usada en inglés británico es bocio.

El bocio es una inflamación (hipertrofia) de una glándula en el cuello llamada glándula tiroides. La glándula tiroides está situada en frente de la tráquea y es responsable de producir y secretar hormonas que regulan el crecimiento y el metabolismo.

En casos raros, la ampliación de la glándula tiroides es causada por el cáncer, lo que lleva a un diagnóstico de cáncer de tiroides en lugar de bocio.

El grado de hinchazón y la gravedad de los síntomas producidos por el bocio dependen del individuo. Algunos casos implican una pequeña cantidad de hinchazón, y otros pueden implicar una hinchazón considerable que realmente constriñe la tráquea y causa problemas respiratorios.

La mayoría de los casos se clasifican como "simples" goiters que no implican inflamación o cualquier detrimento a la función tiroidea, no producen síntomas y, a menudo no tienen causa evidente.

¿Qué causa el bocio?

La deficiencia de yodo es la principal causa de bocio en todo el mundo, pero esto rara vez es una causa en los países económicamente más desarrollados que agregan yodo a la sal. Como el yodo está presente de manera incoherente en los alimentos vegetales, las dietas veganas pueden carecer de suficiente yodo; Esto es menos un problema para los veganos que viven en países como los EE.UU. que añaden yodo a la sal).

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