Healing A Broken Heart Through Ifa And Orisa

Many people have lose the focus of their life just because their heart has once be broken by one person. They allow the past ugly experience to stay with them all their life, as a result they become unhappy and imbalance In any other life pursuit. This ought not to be the case. You just have to learn to forgive yourself of your own mistake as well as learn how to forgive other who has wronged you. In  this short article I will explain step by step behavioral and spiritual techniques that you can adopt to heal your broken heart, and start your life afresh and be happy once again. Divorce, separation, deceiption, jilting is not the end of life . It is just a lesson to you that certain things does not work with some people. It doesn't mean you are not beautiful or handsome, it doesn't mean you are not intelligent or perfect enough. It mean you need to learn from your past and use it to shape your future. Regret will not make you rather destroy you. Stop focusing on what doesn't work, focus on what will work, what you focus on magnify. In my years of practicing experience as a Babalawo I have be able to learn that some people need more of psychological and behavioral awakening to reshape and revitalize their life than they need divination reading or sacrifice. This prompt me to put this up for purposes of healing the broken heart. But through out this article what you will learn most is the act of forgiveness. Forgiving yourself as well as learning to forgive other who has wrong you that is the foundation for you to heal your broken heart. This is a universal principles for healing a broken heart, it has work in the past it is still working, and it will always work in future . even principles I will explain here is universal, it has been use by spiritualist, diviner, spiritual awakener, spiritual counsellor over the year it has never fails, you too should give what I will explain here a trial, your life will never remain the same again

It is a trite universal spiritual truth has laid down by spiritualist and psychologist over thousands of years that the  path of spiritual healing is a powerful one, and in few places is healing so sorely needed as in the realm of our hearts.

It's a sad truth that many people live their lives feeling broken-hearted after some major event with a significant other or close relationship. But you can't open fully into spiritual awakening and live a happy life as much as the world can offer you unless you have uncluttered heart or a healing heart.

The Million of Naira questions is how Do you start to heal your broken heart? It isn't that easy as Babalawo Obanifa as postulated or suggested. The answer is straight it is easy it all depends on you. As I said earlier it all starts with your ability or decision to stop regretting but learn to forgive yourself of any mistakes on your path as well as Forgiving other who have wrong you. It all started with the word forgiveness.

Forgiveness and Letting Go

In many ways, the reason that your heart continues to feel broken and so very tender is that you're holding on to the experience. In your mind, you are replaying the events that transpired and repeatedly breaking your own heart. It is important to feel through and accept what has happened. But the next step after that is learning to forgive and let go.

Forgiveness is one of the most powerful tools on the spiritual path. It can transform your life. And you need to forgive the person who broke your heart. Many people don't even really understand how their actions affect others, so letting them know how you felt can potentially be healing for them too. If this person did it intentionally, then let them now carry the full burden of that crime and broken trust. Forgive them. Let them go, and your part of the relationship can complete and heal.

Facing Yourself and Your Complicity in Breaking Your Heart

After learning on how to forgive other who have wrong you, the next is learning to forgive yourself of your own mistake if there is any. A  lot of times, forgiving someone else is actually the easy part. The harder part can be forgiving ourselves. Some of you may be saying, "What did I do?" But you know. You let it happen, and a part of you hasn't forgiven yourself for letting it happen, not seeing it coming, not preparing, and for half a dozen other things that the mind thinks it can predict but actually cannot. Your heart was broken. An event happened. You did the best you could at the time with the tools that you had. It's now time to forgive yourself . if you dwell so much on the past how will you prepare for the future. Forget the rain that drench your clothes, why can't you go to the sun and bask the sun.

 Stop Breaking Your Heart Again and Again

You to stop sticking or holding to the ugly incidents in your life. As I  said earlier what you focus on magnify, if you focus on what doesn't work well in your life, then it becomes it becomes to magnify. If you focus on what can work well for you, it will also magnify. But if disposition is to focus on the worse side of your life, then it gets worse. You had the event, and then you replayed it over and over in your mind. You turned it into a thought pattern. You replayed the whole set of scenarios over and over. You told it to your mother, your brothers, close friends, and everyone else who'd listen to try and find a mental way out of it. But at night when you'd close your eyes, the mental movie was still playing. In this way, you continued to break your own heart again and again. What was probably a relatively short time period in your life got a long, long extension. So along with forgiving yourself in the moment, you need to forgive yourself for all the moments that you replayed and mentally re-lived the pain. Because each time you did, you shrunk a little more. You closed off your heart from others a little bit further until your heart started to have almost nothing left to give to anyone lest yourself.

Keep Your Love At Home, Stop Giving Your Love Away

The problem with majority of people with broken mind over the years and which was in line with the universal principles stated above is that people don't keep their love at home,, but instead they give their love away. By this I simply mean that they believe their happiness depends on what other think of them or how  other person react to them. They never believe the can begin to show love for their self from within. The idea of giving your love away is sitting down at the root of the problem. You can't give your love away. Not like people have been thinking, anyway. There's a wonderful story in Don Miguel Ruiz's The Mastery of Love. In this story, a man finds a beautiful jewel that descends from the sky. It's so perfect and pure that he has to go show his love this jewel. He finds her and gives it to her, whereupon she drops it. The jewel shatters.

In this story, we have the allegory of giving love away. Initially, we all want to blame the woman for breaking the jewel, breaking his love (you can switch the roles and have the man drop the jewel just as easily). But the problem that Ruiz points out is this issue of giving love away. When we try and make someone else responsible for our happiness and love, we give up our accountability to our hearts. We make ourselves dependent on someone else, and if they have a bad day, then we're angry that they aren't giving us what we need. And if they drop the jewel and break our love, then we're angry at them for hurting us. But you can never expect someone else to make you happy and fill you with love. That love is always within you. You have to learn to own it.

The Healing Power of Owning Your Love

When your loves, partners, and external experiences are no longer necessary for your love, you have started to free and awaken your heart. The bondage and the pain of the heart in this world come from placing this love in other things and people. Take back your heart. Own all the pain and feelings there, and then let them wash away. You can shine your love in fullness on others, but do not give it away or expect it to be returned. When you begin to take actions and do things that align with your heart and what you love, your world starts to shift. People will be drawn to you who can reflect you in this higher way, although it will take some work at first. You probably haven't been resonating at this level before and have attracted other people with broken hearts and victim stories around you. Don't worry. The best way to heal is often letting go, and in letting go, you may find that the people around you will have more permission to heal as well.

Clearing Heart Wounds

As you own what you love and what nourishes you, you'll begin to have more energy to clear the wounds in your heart. If you have to confront someone who hurt you, then your heart will guide you to do that. Learning to love yourself is a big piece in healing a broken heart. It rebuilds your foundation in your heart, shifting it from an outward focus to an inward focus. Keep in mind that this is authentic self-love. This is about total acceptance of you in this moment. It's not about saying how great you are. That's the ego trying to create love, and it doesn't work. You are already great and amazing in this moment. As you come to appreciate that, you'll also see very clearly what darkness and things that don't serve you are in your life. You will need to fix them.

There are a lot of wounded hearts in this world. It is time to let go of the pain. It's the only way we can stop perpetuating cycles of pain, hurting ourselves and others. In doing so, you clear the way for more love to enter your heart and to fill your life and all those dear to you.

Having through with the psychological and behavioral techniques of healing your broken heart. It is essential for wholistic approach that I also discuss the spiritual aspects of healing your broken heart.

Having A  Divination Reading

After you discover that your relationship or marital life is experiencing difficulty. And you are experiencing heart breaking over and over. The first step for you to do spiritualy us to have a divination reading to know what is the source of your problems and any appropriate ritual to remedy will be prescribed.

Prayer To Olodumare And Your Guidance Orisa

It is not enough to know what to do psychological and spiritualy through reading. You need to also be making  frequent appeasement and libations to unseen forces that controls the universe to emit positive energy to your world.
Copyright :Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, +2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

IMPORTANT NOTICE : As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission from the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract legal consequences.

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