Casting Different Types Of Magical spells According to different Tradition

Casting Different Types Of Magical spells According to different Tradition

In this article Babalawo obanifa will explain in details casting of magical spells for various purposes according to different tradition they belong to.especially the using of spell outside the context of Africa spirituality and within. You Will learn how to cast various spells according to tradition familiar to you after reading through this work carefully.the variety of spell I will explain here I extract from different tradition, the resources I use are :6th to 14 books of Moses author by Delawrence,the books of Seal and Magic,Wicca for the beginner,some voodoo spells books. Feel Free to learn as  I have experiments some of the spell to be perfect. Majoly I will deals will love spells here.
It is a truth from every observable evidences and experiences over the years that  impovements in Life can be achieved through casting spells. There are many ways that you can do this. The reason is because spells can be used for many purposes based on the various traditions that use magical influence such as conjuration,Wicca,Egyptian Witchcraft,Obeah,WitchcraftandVoodoo and IFA an orisa tradition. Basically,the form or magic you select will depend on the beliefs you follow.

Now that you are aware of the fact that there are different magical paths you can choose, below is a basic idea of the help you can achieve through spells. Magic spells can help you physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.  There are many spiritual paths that you can choosethrough different types of magic. Every path usually specializes in a certain category of magic.  Such types of spells include red magic,
green magic, purple magic, white magic and black magic.  Every type of magic spell can do something different for you. To make it less complicated, the most common types of spells used will be split up into five magic colours categories.

They are as follows:

1. Red Magic
Red magic consist of spells that are used for the purpose of finding love; drawing a loved one closer to you; celebrating your relationship; improving sex life; increasing fertility and so on. Essentially, the spiritual help these spells provide has to do with promoting love, fertility and sexuality. The can be used for both positive and manipulative purposes. Any spell that has to do with love, fertility and sex is considered to be red magic.  If you are searching for love then you can use red magic.  Red magic spells include attraction spells, reuniting love spells, mending a broken heart spells and fidelity spells.

These spells typically include:

*.Love spellsCasting Diferentes tipos de hechizos mágicos según diferentes tradiciones

En este artículo Babalawo obanifa explicará en detalles el casting de hechizos mágicos para diversos propósitos de acuerdo a la tradición diferente a la que pertenecen. Especialmente el uso de hechizo fuera del contexto de la espiritualidad de África y dentro. Usted aprenderá a lanzar varios hechizos de acuerdo a la tradición familiar a usted después de leer a través de este trabajo cuidadosamente. La variedad de hechizo voy a explicar aquí extrao de diferentes tradiciones, los recursos que uso son: 6 a 14 libros de Moisés autor por Delawrence , Los libros de Sello y Magia, Wicca para el principiante, algunos libros de hechizos vudú. Siéntase libre de aprender como he experimentado algunos de los hechizos para ser perfecto. Majoly Voy a tratar encantará hechizos aquí.

Es una verdad de todas las evidencias y experiencias observables a lo largo de los años que las mejoras en la Vida pueden lograrse a través de lanzamientos de hechizos. Hay muchas maneras de hacer esto. La razón es porque los hechizos se pueden utilizar para muchos propósitos basados ​​en las diversas tradiciones que usan la influencia mágica como conjuración, Wicca, brujería egipcia, Obeah, WitchcraftandVoodoo e IFA una tradición orisa. Básicamente, la forma o magia que seleccione dependerá de las creencias que siga.

Ahora que usted es consciente del hecho de que hay diferentes caminos mágicos que puede elegir, a continuación se muestra una idea básica de la ayuda que puede lograr a través de hechizos. Los hechizos mágicos pueden ayudarle físicamente, mentalmente, emocionalmente y espiritualmente. Hay muchos caminos espirituales que puedes escoger a través de diferentes tipos de magia. Cada trayectoria se especializa generalmente en una cierta categoría de magia. Tales tipos de hechizos incluyen magia roja,

Magia verde, magia púrpura, magia blanca y magia negra. Cada tipo de hechizo mágico puede hacer algo diferente para usted. Para hacerla menos complicada, los tipos más comunes de hechizos usados ​​se dividirán en cinco categorías de colores mágicos.

Son los siguientes:

1. Magia Roja

La magia roja consiste en hechizos que se usan con el propósito de encontrar amor; Dibujar a un ser querido más cerca de usted; Celebrar su relación; Mejorar la vida sexual; Aumento de la fertilidad y así sucesivamente. Esencialmente, la ayuda espiritual que proporcionan estos hechizos tiene que ver con la promoción del amor, la fertilidad y la sexualidad. El puede ser utilizado para fines positivos y manipuladores. Cualquier hechizo que tenga que ver con el amor, la fertilidad y el sexo se considera como magia roja. Si estás buscando amor entonces puedes usar magia roja. Los hechizos de magia roja incluyen hechizos
*.Fertility spells
*.Sexual spells

Now I will proceed to explain each of the type of Red Magic in turn and explain how it can be casted.

      Casting Love Spells

Naturally because of the selfish nature of human beings true love may sometimes be hard to find. On the other hand, you may have let love slip away from you. No matter what problem you face in your relationship you can count on love spells to guide you. Yes, love is a magical feeling and you can use magic to your advantage and bring back that good old feeling into your life once again. Do you have to indulge in evil to cast spells? No, in fact, you can’t cast a love spell if you intend to cause harm to anyone.

I will explain some of the free common use love spells below according to different traditions.Whether or not these spells will work for you depends on your magical beliefs. Furthermore, you will also need the necessary experience to perform them. Even if you have the tools, and follow all of the instructions, without the experience or magical knowledge, casting these rituals won’t work.

Below you will find many different love spells that address a very wide array of problems. I wish you best of luck with your spell casting and if you have any questions or concerns free to contact us through our contact form or phone contact provided you most welcome.

Spells To Bring Back A Loss Lover

If the person who you’ve loved completely has walked away, but does that mean the love is over? Just like any energy which is created in the world, it does not disappear. That love energy is still there and when the love was true, these spells can help you to fix the love and restore it to the way it was.

No matter what the problems may have been, you can rejuvenate the love without affecting free will with love spells that bring back a lost loverYour Ex can come back to you and you to them, sometimes more quickly than you might anticipate or dream.

How to Bring back your Ex with Love Spells

With spells to bring back an ex, you will find the old problems of the relationship are no longer problems.  You will find that you can fall in love with this person once more.  This will connect you to them in a new way, though based on the love you’ve already felt.
These reunite lovers spells are powerful and long lasting, so the love you choose to attract back to you must be a love which is pure and true.  You can finally create a new ending for your love story, a happy one.

Heal the Pain of Breaking-up with the help of Magic

Breaking-up with a lover is the most difficult situation to face. Many of us have faced this situation and have felt heart-broken. Often times you are trying anythingto bring back your lost love and unfortunately you are not successful. However, it is possible to do so by using magic love spells. The spells to return a lover or bring back an ex can be cast by yourself or by a real professional spell caster. Whoever does it has to do it properly so the spell can work and you get the results you want.

Many times situations in life are not always favorable. Many incidents occur without any reason, but they leave a deep impact on our life. You feel totally crushed when faced with such situations and the situations are impermeable to one’s heartiest wishes and heartfelt desires. You cannot lose hope at such times and should try a spell so your lover can be returned to you. These powerful spells can return your lost lover, bring back an ex or reunite you with an ex-boyfriend and ex-girlfriend.The magic always works for your advantage. They make the lost partner think of you in a positive manner and open their heart and soul for your true love.

They also cleanse the foundation of your relationship and remove the blockages and negative energies that were created throughout the break-up.

Now I will proceed to How you can cast different love spells by your self.

Cast A spells To Return A lost Lover

This is a black magic controlling spell to return a lost lover. The seashell in the spell acts like a psychic telephone. You are contacting your loved one in an astral way through the movement of the water. Water, in magic, symbolizes psychic contact and connections between people. The seashell that you use should be shaped like a clam as you are going to close it shut.

If your lover has left you and all of your attempts at reconciliation have failed, then you can use this black magic spell to win your lover back.  Black magic allows you to bend another person’s will to your own and to override their desires with your own desires.

Ingredients for the Returning a lost lover Spell

*.A lock of your hair
*.A paper with both your names written on it
*.A sprig of rosemary
*.A seashell
*.Red ribbon

How to Cast the Return a Lost Lover Spell

Do this spell on the night of a new moon.

Go to the seashore or the nearest large body of water and meditate on the message you would like to send to your lost lover.  Find the perfect seashell on the shore. Place a lock of your hair, the sprig of rosemary and a piece of paper upon which is written both of your names between two halves of a seashell.

Tie the seashell shut with a red ribbon and let the waves take your astral message to your lover.

What to Consider before Casting this Spell

Black magic can enable you to get what you want, but there are many dangers involved when you work with dark powers that you can never fully control orunderstand.  The consequences of black magic can be far-reaching and terrible, as this form of magic can be used to deliberately harm others, but even in cases where you do not intend to cause harm you may still do so inadvertently.

Before casting  black magic love spells, you must first ask yourself if you are willing to risk any unintended consequences that may result from the spell to return a lost lover.  If you must use black magic, please do so only as a last resort.  If you have explored all other solutions to your problem and you continue to believe that black magic is the best way to make your lover return to you, then use this spell.

Make sure to follow up with aspiritual cleansing after the completion of the ritual.

As always when using black magic, please be aware that although you might get what you want it might not come to you in the way that you expected.  Once you have unleashed the power of black magic on the world, there is no way to take it back, so always use extreme caution when working with spells like this one.

Spells To Bring Back Your Ex

This spell will allow you to bring back your ex to your side using witchcraft. You may also use it on behalf of a friend or loved one. You need not worry that this spell will work by manipulating your lover, or that any harm will come to anyone as a result of using this ritual. White Magic is deeply intervened with Wicca, so this spell to bring back an ex recognizes and appreciates the divinity that surrounds us and dwells within everything and all people.

You cannot harm or manipulate divinity, so anyone attempting to use a this spell for negative purposes will be disappointed to learn that it simply does not work in this way.  In those cases you will need to use one of our other spells tor eturn a lost lover back to you. When working with witchcraft you must use the power of your own mind in alignment with both natural and spiritual forces.

This love spell utilizes the power of thoughts, actions, and natural elements to bring back you Ex partner and it is not manipulative or negative because it doesnot attempt to create thoughts or feelings that do not already exist within your Ex partner.  Instead, it makes him or her aware of thoughts and feelings that they already possess. Sometimes we ignore our true thoughts and feelings or we somehow repress them so that we live in ignorance of what we truly want and need for our own happiness.  If this is the case with your lover, then this spellwill make your lover aware of his or her true feelings for you.

What you will need for the Spell to Bring Back an Ex

*.A photo of your loved one
*.7 teaspoons chamomile (from the health food store)
*.A cooking pot
*.3 Quarts water
*.A wooden cooking spoon
*.7 teaspoons baking soda
*.14 tea lights

How to Cast the Spell to Bring back an Ex

This love spell to bring back an ex is done in the bathroom. You need a sink in which you can collect water in (one with a plug). The love spell will be more effective during a time when the loved one is probably sleeping. Light 7 candles each in the kitchen and in the bathroom and eliminate all background noises such as television or music since you must fully concentrate.

Fasten the picture of your loved one at eye-height over the sink.

Bring 3 quarts of water to a boil, add

After 30 minutes, pour the contents of the cauldron or pot into the plugged sink and add 7 teaspoons baking soda.

Stand in front of the sink and hold your hands out, palms down, over the water. Look at the picture of your loved one (which you have fastened over the sink) and bring this picture into your thoughts. Close your eyes and let energy build up in your body. This energy builds in your solar plexus, just under your sternum. Wish very strongly that your lost partner finds his/her way back to you. Find words for your wishes and say them to yourself over and over. Imagine how this energy penetrates the aura of your sleeping loved one and transmits your desires. You will notice after a while that you are in a meditating trance. There is no definite time for this spell, and you will feel by yourself when the right time has come to open the plug in the sink. Asthe water drains from the sink, your energy transmits into the aura of your loved one. Keep raising the energy in your solar plexus especially while the water drains, concentrate on your desire and keep your eyes closed.

Open your eyes and rinse the sink with clear water. Visualize your loved one and how the energy is penetrating his or her soul, aura and entire existence.

Important Note: As you extinguish the candle, also extinguish all thoughts towards your loved one, the spell and all related thoughts. It is very important to not talk to any one else about your thoughts and let your thoughts rest after the completion of the spell.

Do not try to contact your loved one to see if the Spell to Bring Back an Ex is already effective (this is very important). Allow time for the spell to work and you will see how your lost partner returns by themselves.

Casting Love Spells To Force Some One To Love You

This black magic love spell will seduce, enchant and help you capture the one you want in a web of desire. They will not be able to sleep and will toss and turn at night thinking of you until they hold you in their arms. This black spell will break your loved ones will and make them yours no matter what.

This spell can be used to reunite you with your loved one, make someone fall deeply in love with you or fix all you relationship or marriage problems. Please use this spell responsibly

Items You will need to Cast the Spell to Force Someone to Love You

*.13 small black candles
*.Something personal from the person you want to cast the love spell upon (a lock of hair, a picture, a piece of clothing, their name written on a piece) The item must be preferably small.
*.1 chicken heart
*.Needle or Knife
*.Sheet of Parchment Paper

How to Cast the Black Magic Love Spell

*.Put the sheet of parchment paper on a flat surface (such as a table) in front of you.

*.Write the following in the center of the parchment paper using the pencil:

Greatest God of the Rivers, the Sky, the Soil and the Air.I summon your energies to break “lovers name” will and make him/her love me for eternity no matter what

*.Surround the Parchment Paper with the13 candles

*.Light the candles using matches

*.Stand over the parchment paper/candles and place the personal item from the person you want to cast the spell upon on top of the words you have previously written on it.

*.Using each of the 13 candles drop 13 drops of wax on the item saying the following when you pick up each candle:

Purica Belundo

*.While you are dropping the wax focus intensely on the love spells and feelings you want the person to feel, the thoughts you want them to think and the actions you want them to take.

*.Cut yourself with the knife or needle. You will need 3 drops of your own blood (from your hand) and drop it on top of the wax.

*.Add the chicken heart

*.Wrap the parchment paper and make a package containing all the items. Use the twine to hold the package together.

*.Blow out each candle saying:

Purica Belundo Pec

*.Bury the package under a tree

*.On the night of the following full moon light the 13 candles and let them burn out.

Casting Voodoo Spells To Return Love One

Anyone can use the Voodoo Spell to Return a Lost Lover  to help bring a past lover into their life once more.  However, their free will is going to be manipulated with this spell.  As a result, you will find that only when you focus on the affection of the truest love will your spell work.  You need to connect to a person who you loved and who loved you.  Then, this Voodoo Love Spell will help you to create a situation of true commitment and powerful love.  This is the time to bring your love back to love as true love will never die.  It will live on, but it might simply started.

Ingredients for the Voodoo Spell to Return a Lost Lover

3 small red candles
1 Coconut (you only need half of the hardshell)
1 ts poppy seed
1 ts ginseng powder
1 ts juniper berries
3 star anise
1 ts lemon balm
1 Banana Leaf
A piece of orange peel from a fresh orange
Picture of your loved one or a piece of something that your loved one has touched
Matches, made out of wood
1 large bowl of water

How to Cast the Voodoo Spell to Return a Lost Lover

*.Lay the banana leaf in front of you and use it as your altar.

*.Put the Coconut shell on top of it

*.Place the candles behind the coconut shell

*.Put your lovers picture or item that he or she has touched in front of the coconut shell bowl

*.Light the candles with 1 match and invite positivity into your life

*.Put the poppy seed, ginseng powder, juniper berries, star anise, lemon balm, orange peel into the coconut shell

*.Take the first candle into your right hand

*.Drop 13 drops of wax on the picture/item while focusing on your wish and calling upon Erzulies.

*.Using the same candle drop 7 drops of wax into the coconut shell bowl on top of the ingredients. Put the candle back.

*Take the 3 chicken feet and lay them ontop of the ingredients into the coconut shell bowl

*.Take the second candle into your right hand and repeat step 8 and 9.

*.Take the third candle and repeat step 8 and 9.

*.Use one match and put it into the coconut shell bowl (while it is burning). Nature will decide if the ingredients willburn or not… let nature take it’s course but make sure you are not causing a fire, extinguish the flames if necessary with water from the water bowl)

*.Let the candles burn itself out

*.Add the candle left overs to the coconut shell bowl

*.Put your lovers picture or them he/she has touched on top of it

*.Wrap everything into the banana leaf and close it with the thread*.Bury the Package under a tree after sunset

Casting Reuniting Love Spells

This is a reuniting spell for bringing two estranged lovers back together.  It is a very simple ritual that is ancient. It used to be done with tall blades of grass. If you want to be “old school” you can still use blades of grass.  Red ribbon is used today because the red symbolizes love.

As you do this spell it makes it hard for your departed lover to ever forget you. Heor she will feel mysteriously compelled to return.

This white magic reuniting spell relies upon the benevolent aid of higher powers to bring about positive changes in your life. During the ritual focus upon the feelings that you wish to kindle in your lover’s heart and mind, the feelings that will draw this person back into your life.

Ingredients needed for the Reuniting Love Spell

*.One yard of red ribbon

*.1 Pink Candle

*.1 White Candle

*.1 Red Candle

*.Jasmine Oil

*.Rose Quartz

How To Cast the Reuniting spell

For three consecutive days, go to a quite place where you can meditate.

Anoint your candles with Jasmine Oil and place them in a triangle position. Thewhite candle on top, the pink candle at the bottom left and the red candle on the bottom right. Place the Rose Quartz in the Center.

Take one yard of red ribbon and wrap it around and around your index finger while stating your desires or your lover’s name.

Focus intensely on your wish and build up strong positive energies. Focus on the flames of the candles and visualize your partner returning back to you.

Let the candles burn out completely.

The Benefits of the Reuniting Spell

Not all fighting relationships have to end up breaking up.  You can reunite with your partner through love magic.  Couples break up for many reasons.  These reasons can include infidelity, lack of trust, distance, no common interests, etc.  The most common reason, which may be related to the previously stated reasons is communication.  Once the communication in a relationship ceases to exist, partners find it extremely difficult to find common ground or even remember how they got to this point in their relationship.

Why Use a Reuniting Spell

Magic and spell casting can help to lighten the air and absorb the negative energy surrounding the couple.  This wayboth sides can look back, see their errorsand begin to repair their relationship.  Once you see that your relationship is going downhill, you should cast this spellimmediately.  There is no need to throw away a perfectly good relationship over petty fights or miscommunication

How To Cast A Voodoo Spell To Stop Marriage Divorce

If  you wish to stop a divorce you will need to bless a charm in the smoke of an anointed candle.  The charm will be an anchor to attach your lover so he or she will be by your side forever.  The symbolism of the anchor is more important than what it is made of but a silver anchor charm will likely work best.

This ritual, based on old Voodoo habits, is said to be so powerful that it can also banish a third party that might be causing your partner to be unfaithful.

This Spell to Stop a Divorce is designed to halt an unwanted divorce or separation.  Perhaps it is your own relationship that is in danger of coming to an end, or perhaps you are using this spell on behalf of a loved one.  Whatever the case, you can use this Voodoo spell to stop a divorce or separation if you feelthat the threatened relationship is not yetmeant to end.

For the Spell to Stop a Divorce you will need:

*.A blue candle

*.Gardenia oil

*.Metal or plastic toy anchor charm

*.Your original marriage vows

How to Cast the Voodoo Spell to Stop a Divorce

Anoint the blue candle with gardenia oil. Light the candle with the lighter. Take theanchor charm and recite whatever your original marriage vows were out loud.You must then plant this charm somewhere on or near your partner where he will not find it but will end up carrying it with him day and night.

 This could be inside the lining of a jacket, inside a brief case or inside a hat.  The idea is that the energy of the anchor reminds him that he belongs to you.

Casting Family Unity Love Spells

The family unity spell comes out  AfricanAmerican traditions to do with celebrating the Kwanzaa. This spell entails creating a space in your home that is devoted specifically to ancestors.

The best place to put it is above the hearth. If this is not handy because you do not happen to have a fireplace then put the pictures in a cluster on the East wall of your home.  The east wall of a home symbolizes relationships.

The spell is best suited if your family suffers from problems such as separation, unfaithfulness, divorce, cheating, or third party interferences. Youcan do this spell any time but it really works well done at Christmas or Kwanzaaa.

Materials needed for the Family Unity Spell

*.Assorted framed photos of friends, family and pets

*.A white candle

How to Cast the Family Unity Spell

Assume that the arrangement of your photographs is a type of altar celebratingthe concept of Family Unity.  Light a white candle beneath the hung or displayed photos and say the following:

Family, pets and Friend's we have a bond that never ends our bond is strong and true with loved ones old and new we stand together no matter whatBecause we love each othera lot.

Let the candle burn down and enjoy the renewed sense of peace and joy that will seem to enter your life.

Spells To Retrieve A Lost Friend Or Lover

When you have lost a friend or lover you can feel very lost and alone. This spell works its magic by returning a lost friendor a lost lover into your life. The energies released by this ritual will draw your friend back to you and create harmony and positive feelings between you.

The remedy for this and for raising your vibration so they will come back to you isto carry a blood root on your person. Blood root is the ingredient in many magical preparations and powerful oils. You can buy blood root in metaphysical apothecaries.

For this Spell You will need:

*.A piece of blood root

*.A Bible

How to Perform the Ritual to Retrieve a Lost Friend or Lover

Hold the blood root between your two palms as if your hands are in the prayer position.

You must then say the 23rd Psalm from the Bible –

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures.

He leadeth me beside the still waters.

He restoreth my soul.

He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,I will fear no evil for thou artwith me.

Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me.

Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies.Thou anointest my head with oil.

My cup runneth over.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life,and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.


Do this whenever you think of your friendor lover.

The humble resignation that is the tone of this psalm will help you find your friend or lover again.
Spells To Heal Broken Relationship

There is nothing worse than breaking up, especially when there is no real reason to end a relationship.  However, there are times where couples simply cannot find common ground and eventually break up.  By casting love spells to heal a broken relationship, the couple should feel relieved of multiple negative emotions which led to the break up.  Once these negative feelings have been released, the couple will be able to clear the air and start again.

The point behind this spell is to sweeten somebody’s relationship to you.  It is an old Slavic spell that uses liquid honey to make somebody think of you fondly. It is the perfect spell to use on a lover that is thinking of you with great resentment. It is best to do this spell while the moon is growing from New to Full.  That is because you want love to grow full between the two of you.

Ingredients needed for the Spell to Fix a Broken Relationship

A piece of paper
Pink ribbon
Red pen
Small jar
Liquid honey

How to Cast the Spell to Heal a Broken Relationship

Write your names on a piece of paper and fold them so they are facing each other.

Tie with a pink ribbon.

Place in a small jar and fill with honey.

Hide the jar in a dark place.  Do not let anybody see it.

The minute anyone sees the jar the spell will be broken.

How this Spell can Work for You
Many times we wish we could start a relationship over again.  If we had just paid more attention to our partner or loved them a little bit more, we believe in our hearts that the relationship could have resulted completely differently.  With love spells to fix a broken relationship, you can get the second happy chance to open the couples’ hearts and begin a new.  There are a lot of negative feelings that surround broken relationships.  This type of love spell helps to eliminate those negative feelings so that you can start on the same fair playing field without any field advantages.

The effects of this spell vary.  You will need to learn how to build up magical energy so the spell can work accurately and effectively.  If the spell is done properly both will feel a sigh of relief where the negative emotions will subside.  This sigh will give each party the chance to remember each other and how they felt before all of the negative feelings started to corrupt their relationship.  At this time, either party will be able to win back their lost love and heal their broken relationship.  The couple will be able to renew their commitment to each other and start over again.

Casting Spell To Resolve A Love Triangle

One of the most famous spells to resolve a love triangle is known as “The Gingerbread Man” Spell. This spell uses sympathetic magic to enact what could come to be in real life. You can use this ritual to return a lost lover as it will successfully resolve a love triangle without bringing harm or pain to the people that are involved. It also serves as a break-up spell. Gingerbread men and ladies are placed on a platter and moved around over the space of a few days during the waning to new moon phase to break them up. You can use this spell to break-up a couple and to return your lost love.

Ingredients for the Spell to Resolve a Love Triangle

Two male gingerbread people
Two female gingerbread people
Mustard Seeds

How to Cast the Spell to Resolve a Love Triangle

How these gingerbread people are arranged depends on the situation.  You arrange the cookie figures in terms of their proximity.

On the day after a full moon arrange the couple to be split up together and the third person on the side.  Or if you want the married couple to stay together then you place the interloper further away. Near the person that is supposed to be on the outs when the spell is done you place a new mate. This prevents the spell from being complete black magic as you are encouraging him or her to meet a new mate.

Between the blank moon and the new moon you will be moving certain figures away from each other and then closer to others as you see fit.  For the pair that is splitting you place mustard seeds, pins, ashes and horse radishes. You place more of these vile objects between them every day as you move the gingerbread people towards their respective new loves.  To attract the person in the relationship to the right partner you make trails of rosebuds, vanilla and honey.

By the end of the spell the Gingerbread people should be with whom they are supposed to be and these results should be reflected in real life as well.  The gingerbread people should be with their new partner or close to meeting that new person in the near future.

When you are done with this break-up spell be sure to dispose of the remains of it in a bag that you have crushed.  Dispose of it in running water as far away as possible from your home to prevent any bad energy from reaching you that might be the karmic result of doing black magic.

The pink candle in this Forgiveness Spell stands for unconditional love. The blue candle stands for peace and forgiveness.  To make the spell more powerfully you can put a picture of the two of you together in front of the two candles to enhance it’s impact.

Casting Of Forgiveness Spell

The Forgiveness Spell can be used for lovers, friends, family members, or business collegues. It has its roots in the Obeah religion and is not only 100% safe but also highly effective. It will heal and remove any obstacles and pain between you and the other person, leading to harmony and forgiveness.

The Lily-of-the-Valley oil stands for peace and love that can manifest even if the situation seems so bad that it can never ever be healed.

Ingredients for the Forgiveness Spell

One pink candle
One blue candle
Lily of the Valley oil

How to Cast the Obeah Forgiveness Spell

Anoint both candles with the Lily-of-the-Valley oil. If you are using a picture place it in front of the candles.

Light the candles and recite this:

It is time to forgive and forget

You will once again be glad

You will never be sad

You will be grateful that we met

Let both candles burn all the way to the bottom undisturbed.  Gather the ashes and the candle stubs and bury them beneath a willow tree.

Let proceede to how you can use 'break up spells to maintain and sustain your marriage and relationship

Using Break Up Spells

If you know that your partner is cheating on you, it might be tempting to simply let them go and to believe that your love wasn’t worth your time. But when you know your love is deep and true – and they feel it too – it’s worth it to try to fight harder to keep your relationship in tact.

By using our free break up spells, you will be able to strengthen your relationship and you will begin to change the way that your partner acts within it and outside of it. These rituals will make them feel less desiring of the other person, while the other person with whom they cheated will begin to lose interest as well.

What Break-up Spells Can Do For You
Without harming free will, these spells will allow you to change the course of your relationship. You will begin to see that your partner is the loving person they always were before and they are even more devoted to you than they were before the affair. Though you might think that love is perfect, it can have its ups and downs. With free break-up spells, you can protect the beauty and the purity of your love and remove the obstacles which cause you pain.

When to Use Break-up Spells

The break-up spells come also in handy when your lover or friend is in a relationship with the wrong person. These types of spells are also very effective in ending unhealthy relationships. Once they’ve been cast you can see the relationship fall apart.

We’ve all been there when we want to help but do not know how. Unfortunately we can’t change their attraction to one another. We feel frustrated when we see our friend or lover (or even ourselves) in a wrong relationship.

Remember to use the break-up spells only when it is absolutely necessary. Some forms of magic do not agree with separating other people and consider it an unethical use of magic. You should always do as your own tradition permits.
Now you can try one or more of the following

Casting Spell To End Adultery

If you suspect adultery it is time to break up the couple. This is a form of black magic as it is considered to be a controlling spell.  You use certain food and ingredients to drive away the third party that is ruining your marriage or relationship.  A lemon is used to make the relationship go sour.

As you use this spell, ask the higher powers to guide you to these resources and to aid you as you use the tools that they have provided to allow you and your partner to experience a deep and meaningful commitment that is free from the threat of infidelity.

For the End Adultery Spell You will need:

A lemon
Chili pepper

How to Cast the Black Magic Spell to End Adultery

Write the names of the two people you want separated on two pieces of paper.

Slice the lemon in half. Pin the two names inside the lemon.

Add dirt, cigarette ashes, vinegar, chili pepper and mustard to the inside of the lemon.  Smush the lemon halves together and pin them.

Take the lemon far away from your home and dispose of it where it is sure to rot in the sun.

It helps to take it to a place that has a bit of a stench to cause immediate mistrust in the relationship or affair.

When to Use this Black Magic Spell to End Adultery

The End Adultery Spell works by banishing the negative energies that sometimes invade our lives and our relationships and replacing these with positive earth energies.  You can use this spell to keep your lover completely faithful to you. Whether you are simply guarding against future temptations, or feeling the threat of a more immediate temptation, this spell will prevent your lover from straying.  Even if your partner has already proven unfaithful, this spell will break-up the affair and help to restore balance, harmony, and fidelity to your most important relationship.

This black magic spell does not work through manipulation or coercion, and neither you nor your partner will suffer any harm or ill effects as a result of this break-up spell, so you need not fear such things.  Instead, it works to bring to light a person’s true feelings and motivations, thereby allowing them to realize what it is that they truly want in a given situation.  If you want your partner to be truly faithful to you, then this End Adultery Spell will lead him or her to a realization of this fact and will remove any interfering third parties from your lives.

Casting Whites Magic Break Up Spells

Use this white magic spell if you wish to bring about the break-up of a couple.

A word of caution, however, when working with spells such as this one: white magic is not intended to be hurtful or manipulative.  Instead, the purpose of white magic is to utilize the positive energies of the universe in order to bring about positive changes in our own lives and the lives of others.

Before using this spell, you should think carefully about what it is that you are doing and why.

Ingredients needed for the White Magic Break-up Spell

3 blue candles
3 drops clove oil
1 envelope
Blue ink
3 pieces of paper
Jasmine Oil
Cauldron or fireproof Bowl
How to Cast the White Magic Break-Up Spell

Cast your circle and anoint the candles with the Jasmine Oil.

Light the candles and write your loved one’s name and your name on one piece of paper. Focus intensely on your loved one.

Write the name of your competition or third-party on the second piece of paper

Take the third piece of paper and write down at least 3 positive wishes for your rival, also with blue ink, e.g. that they find their love and happiness, just not with your loved one, that they will be happy with another man or woman, that they’ll fall in love with someone, etc. It is imperative to send them positive wishes, the energies of this white magic spell will be most effective of pulling this person away from your loved one, when they too will find happiness. This way you also ensure that you do not attract any negative vibrations to you, as these will come back to you 3 times.

Now you use the clove oil and add one drop of the oil to each of the piece of papers.

Fold the papers and put them in the envelope.

Keep this envelope under your pillow or under your mattress for 7 nights.

On the 8th night, burn the envelope in a cauldron or bowl and spread the ashes out in nature.

How this White Magic Break-up Spell can help you
Do you have your eye on someone who just happens to be ever-so-happily married?

If this is the case, perhaps you should adopt a watch-and-wait approach to the situation before attempting this break-up spell.  If a couple’s love is meant to be, there is not much that you can do about it and this spell will probably not work for your intended purpose.  You can’t use white magic to alter the threads that destiny has woven, no matter how badly you want something or someone.

If, however, you believe that you are truly meant to be with someone who just happens to be one-half of a seemingly happy couple at present, be patient and trust that the higher powers will guide you to your best possible romantic future.  Alternatively, if you know someone who is in a unhappy or an abusive relationship but does not have the courage to leave, then you could use this free break-up spell in an effort to bring about a change in this troubled relationship.

Casting Spell To Send Some One Away

This is a very powerful Italian spell dedicated to Aradia, Queen of the Witches. She was the ultimate metaphysical expert when it came to turning unwanted suitors away.  This spell gets rid of stalkers and obsessed people. It can also get rid of unwanted gossip and third person interferences from jealous people. If a woman or man is trying to steal your partner, you can send them away by casting this easy spell that can also be used as a break-up spell.

Make sure that when you use this spell that you want the person to go away forever and to never return.

You will need for the Spell to Send Someone Away:

A black candle (an image candle of a man or woman is even better)
Parchment paper
Black pen

How to Cast the Spell to Make Someone Go Away

This spell must be done during the fourteen-day period when the moon is shrinking from Full to New.

Write the person’s name on the front and back of the candle with the pin

On a small piece of parchment paper use the black pen to write:

From now on, (name) will say nothing but sweet words about me and to me. By the power of Aradia, so mote it be!’

Put a drop of honey in the middle of the paper and roll it into a ball.

Heat a knife, pin or athame and, make a gash in the candle (in its mouth, if it’s an image candle) and stuff the paper ball into it.

Let the candle burn for nine minutes for of nine nights. Throw the remnants into flowing water, but save some candle drippings or ash to sprinkle in the path of the person you wan to go and send away.

Casting Back Magic Breaks up spell

This break-up spell is black magic and should only be used under extreme circumstances. This is also a spell that involves burning belongings from both the male and the female in the love equation.

One of the easiest things to burn is a piece of paper that was in their possession as it is much harder to burn a piece of clothing or jewelry. However even if the objects only partially burn the spell will still work.

If you are unable to find black figure candles you can also use regular black taper candles.

Items needed for the Black Magic Break-up Spell

Silver platter
Black velvet fabric.
Black male figure candle
Black female figure candle
Item belonging to male
Item belonging to female

How to Cast the Black Magic Break-up Spell

Arrange the black velvet fabric on the silver platter.  Place the items belonging to the couple in question in the center of the platter on the black fabric. On either side of the belonging place the female figure black candle on the left and the male on the right.  Place them so their backs are facing away form each other.

Light both candles and burn them for nine minutes all the while visualizing the real life couple breaking up. Build up enough magical energy while you focus on your wishes. There is no time limit, make sure to build up as much energy as possible.

Blow the candles out and toss the hot stubs on the items.  Fold the items up in the black fabric and then go to a cross roads far away from your home.  Dispose of the spell remints down a gutter grate that has running water.

What the Black Magic Break-up Spell can do for you
Black magic can be a dangerous yet powerful form of magic that can enable you to control, manipulate, or harm others.  Black magic should be used sparingly, and you must consider all of the possible repercussions as well as more positive alternatives before resorting to black magic to solve your problems. This Break-up spell works by bending the wills of others to your own will, therefore you can use this spell if you want to cause a couple’s breakup by imposing your own will on their relationship and overpowering their own desires with your own.

Say, for example, you want your neighbor and her husband to break up because you want him for yourself.  You could cast this spell with the intention of destroying their relationship, thereby enabling you to step in and get what you want: namely, your neighbor’s husband.

Always beware, however, when you work with black magic.  The outcome will probably not be the positive thing that you may have been hoping for.  You can never foresee all of the unintended consequences of black magic.  The dark powers may grant your desire, but at what cost? Before using black magic, ask yourself if you are prepared to deal with all of the consequences of your spell.

True Love Spells

You know that true love is out there. You feel it in your bones that someone who is just perfect for you is out in the world. But you haven’t been able to find him or her. With true love spells, you will be able to connect with this perfect person in order to draw them into your life and to keep them in your life. Once you find your soulmate, things will never be the same. And why should they be?

Finding true love seems like a process of luck. If you can hopefully find someone to love, then it’s great. But it doesn’t seem to be something which is guaranteed.

Casting White Magic True Love Spells

This spell will enable you to attract true love using the divine guidance of white magic. As you begin to utilize the powerful energies of this True Love Spell to find your perfect love, ask yourself what 3 characteristics you most value in a mate.  Kindness?  Passion?  Generosity?

As you do this, remember that white magic is about utilizing the resources that the divine powers guiding your life have made available for you to work with.  It should not be used to hurt or manipulate others or to get what you want at any cost.

Sometimes, in fact, white magic will not produce the result that we anticipated or intended, but something that surpasses what we have asked for.

Ingredients needed for the White Magic True Love Spell

13 feathers from a white dove (pet shop)
13 plucked out hairs
1 fly
1 raw egg
1 green candle
1 syringe
Mint Oil
Bowl or Cauldron
10 teaspoons green ink
1 teaspoon rose oil
1 teaspoon jasmine oil
1 small mint leaf

How to Cast the True Love Spell

Anoint the candle with mint oil and then light the candle.

Prepare the mint by tearing the leaf into 7 small pieces

Blow out the egg by piercing a hole with a needle in each end and blowing firmly into one of the holes until the raw egg innards flow out.

Drip candle wax from the green candle onto one end of the egg until the wax seals the hole.

Mix the following ingredients in the bowl or cauldron: 10 teaspoons green ink, the pieces of the mint leaf, 1 teaspoon rose oil, and 1 teaspoon jasmine oil. Inject the mixture through the open hole into the egg with the syringe.

You must now seal the second hole with green candle wax.

Find a place where you can bury something. The place should be near an address of 3, 13 or 33.

Dig a 4 inch hole and bury 3 feathers and the fly. Close the hole.

Walk 7 steps and dig a second hole. Put the remaining 10 feathers into the second hole. Place the egg on top of the feathers and cover it with the 13 plucked out hairs. Close this hole also.

Step back 6 steps and jump over the first hole you dug.

Keep going and do not turn around. Forget everything you have done and do not tell anyone about your magic, and your prince will appears soon.

To be continued.copyright: Babalawo obanifa, phones and WhatsApp contact+2348166343145,location Ile Ife Osun state Nigeria.

IMPORTANT NOTICE : As regards the article above, all rights reserved, no part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission from the copyright holder and the author Babalawo Obanifa, doing so is considered unlawful and will attract legal consequences.

Spanish Version

Casting Diferentes tipos de hechizos mágicos según diferentes tradiciones

En este artículo Babalawo obanifa explicará en detalles el casting de hechizos mágicos para diversos propósitos de acuerdo a la tradición diferente a la que pertenecen. Especialmente el uso de hechizo fuera del contexto de la espiritualidad de África y dentro. Usted aprenderá a lanzar varios hechizos de acuerdo a la tradición familiar a usted después de leer a través de este trabajo cuidadosamente. La variedad de hechizo voy a explicar aquí extrao de diferentes tradiciones, los recursos que uso son: 6 a 14 libros de Moisés autor por Delawrence , Los libros de Sello y Magia, Wicca para el principiante, algunos libros de hechizos vudú. Siéntase libre de aprender como he experimentado algunos de los hechizos para ser perfecto. Majoly Voy a tratar encantará hechizos aquí.

Es una verdad de todas las evidencias y experiencias observables a lo largo de los años que las mejoras en la Vida pueden lograrse a través de lanzamientos de hechizos. Hay muchas maneras de hacer esto. La razón es porque los hechizos se pueden utilizar para muchos propósitos basados ​​en las diversas tradiciones que usan la influencia mágica como conjuración, Wicca, brujería egipcia, Obeah, WitchcraftandVoodoo e IFA una tradición orisa. Básicamente, la forma o magia que seleccione dependerá de las creencias que siga.

Ahora que usted es consciente del hecho de que hay diferentes caminos mágicos que puede elegir, a continuación se muestra una idea básica de la ayuda que puede lograr a través de hechizos. Los hechizos mágicos pueden ayudarle físicamente, mentalmente, emocionalmente y espiritualmente. Hay muchos caminos espirituales que puedes escoger a través de diferentes tipos de magia. Cada trayectoria se especializa generalmente en una cierta categoría de magia. Tales tipos de hechizos incluyen magia roja,

Magia verde, magia púrpura, magia blanca y magia negra. Cada tipo de hechizo mágico puede hacer algo diferente para usted. Para hacerla menos complicada, los tipos más comunes de hechizos usados ​​se dividirán en cinco categorías de colores mágicos.

Son los siguientes:

1. Magia Roja

La magia roja consiste en hechizos que se usan con el propósito de encontrar amor; Dibujar a un ser querido más cerca de usted; Celebrar su relación; Mejorar la vida sexual; Aumento de la fertilidad y así sucesivamente. Esencialmente, la ayuda espiritual que proporcionan estos hechizos tiene que ver con la promoción del amor, la fertilidad y la sexualidad. El puede ser utilizado para fines positivos y manipuladores. Cualquier hechizo que tenga que ver con el amor, la fertilidad y el sexo se considera como magia roja. Si estás buscando amor entonces puedes usar magia roja. Los hechizos de magia roja incluyen hechizos de atracción, reunir hechizos de amor, reparar hechizos de corazón roto y hechizos de fidelidad

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