Toothache-Herber Cure For Toothache (Oogun Akokoro)

In this article babalawo Obanifa will explain variety of African herbal remedies to cure Toothache, which we  popularly know as Akokoro in yoruba land . But before I explain the herbal remedies I  will shed more light on what is tooth ache, it symptoms and causes and how it can be prevented. In attempt to do this I will prefer to adopt Web med explanation on tooth ache. According to Web med:
A Toothache is  a pain in or around a tooth that  may be caused by:
*.Tooth decay
*.Abscessed tooth
*.A damagedfilling
*.Repetitive motions, such as chewing gum orgrinding teeth
*.Infected gums

Symptoms of a Toothache may include:

*.Toothpain that may be sharp, throbbing, or constant. In some people, pain results onlywhen pressure is applied to the tooth.
*.Swelling around the tooth
*.Fever orheadache
*.Foul-tasting drainage from the infected tooth

When Should I See a DentistAbout a Toothache?

See your dentist as soon as possible about your toothache if:
*.You have a toothache that lasts longer than 1 or 2 days
*.Your toothache is severe
*.You have a fever,earache, or pain upon opening your mouth wide
Proper  identification and treatment of dental infections is important to prevent its spread to other parts of the face and skull and possibly even to the bloodstream.

What Happens When I Go tothe Dentist for a Toothache?
To treat your toothache, your dentist will first obtain your medical history and conduct a physical  exam. He or she will ask you questions about the pain, such as when the pain started, how severe it is, where the pain is located, what makes the pain worse,and what makes it better. Your dentist will examine your mouth, teeth, gums, jaws,tongue, throat,sinuses, ears, nose, and neck.
X-raysmay be taken as well as  other tests, depending on what your dentist suspects is causing your toothache.

What Treatments Are Available for a Toothache?
Treatment for a toothache depends on the cause. If a cavity is causing the toothache, your dentist will fill the cavity or possibly extract the tooth, if necessary. A root canal might  be needed if the cause of the toothache is determined to be an infection of the tooth's nerve. Bacteria that have worked their way into the inner aspects of the tooth cause such an infection.
An antibiotic may be prescribed if there is fever or swelling of the jaw. Occasionally, phototherapy with a cold laser, usually in conjunction with another treatment, may be used to reduce the pain and inflammation associated  with the toothache.

How Can Toothaches Be Prevented?

Since most toothaches are the result of tooth  decay, following good oral hygiene practices can prevent toothaches. Good oral hygiene practices consist of brushing  regularly with a fluoride-containing toothpaste   , flossing once daily, rinsing once or twice a day with an antiseptic mouthwash, and seeing your dentist twice a year for professional  cleaning. In addition to these practices, eat foods low in sugar and ask your dentist about sealants and  fluoride applications.
Now after we have considered scientific orthodox meanings and causes of Toothache, we will go straight to different Africa herbal remedies available to cure Toothache.
1.Egbo iyere (roots of Piper Guineense) egbo igi ata(roots of Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides) ata wewe (capsicum frutescence) eso osan wewe (lime orange, citrus aurantifolia)omi ori ogi tabi omi ekan(supernatant of corn paste) . You will cut the the first two roots into pieces. You will put it inside the pot, then you will add the pepper on top. Cut the lime orange into two and put it inside the pot, then the supernatant of corn paste will then be added on top. You will boil it for few minutes, you will be careful not to allow its effervescence to extinguishe the fire. Uses :Toothache patients will warm it and hold some content of the decotion in his mouth when it is still hot. He will also drink little. It is a continuous treatment every day until he or she get cured.
2.egbo igi iyere(roots of Piper Guineense), Egbo inabiri (roots of Plumbago zeylanica) Egbo igi Elu (roots of Lonchocarpus cynescens) okofee (Vetiveria nigritana) eso Agunmona (seeds of Culcasia scandens) kanafuru (Syzgium aromaticum) etu ibon (gun powder) otin ogogoro (dry gin). Cut the roots into small pieces. Then grind the Syzigium aromaticum and Vetiveria nigritana, and the gun powder together to form a fine powder, put everything thing inside a clean bottle including the roots you have already cut to pieces. Add sufficient dry gin on it, to fill it up. Then leave it for 72 hours. Uses :Toothache patients will be using the decotion to wash his mouth.
3. Egbo senifiran (roots of Sesbania pachycarpa) Odidi atare (seeds of a whole Aframomum melegueta) Iyo (table salt) opolopo iyere (Piper Guineense). the seed of Aframomum melegueta, Piper Guineense and salt should be grind together. To form a paste. The root of Sesbania pachycarpa will be using as chewing stick to brush the teeth. The Toothache patients can always dip the chewing stick into paste to brush his or her teeth.
4.Egbo igi ata (roots of Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides) egbo igi Ifon (Roots of Olax subscorpiodea) alubosa elewe (Allium aescalonicum) kahun (Potash or Trona) ata wewe jije (Capiscum annum) egbo agbosa (roots of Clausena anisata) Eeru alamon (xylopia aethiopica) egbo tude (roots of Calliandra portoricencsis). Put everything together in a pot, boil it. Uses :tooth ache patients will be using it hot, to wash his or her mouth and also drink little out of it. He must repeat the treatment thee times every day until he get cured.
5.A Toothache patients could adopt egbo igi Elu (roots of Lonchocarpus cynescens) as chewing to be using to brush his or her mouth consistently.
6.Isu egun esusu (Dioscorea togoensis) Eeru alamon (xylopia species) Egbo itakun okan (Combretum smeathmanni) ata wewe pupa (ripe Capiscum frutescence). Put everything in a pot. Tooth ache patients will be using the decotion when it  the hot little to warm mouthwash often.
7.egbo igi ata tutu (fresh roots of Fagara Xanthoxyloides) ata wewe pupa (mature ripe Capiscum frutescence) kahun Bilala (Trona) omi osan ganyin ganyin (juice obtain from citrus medica). The juice obtain from
the citrus medical should be pour inside a clean bottle. The roots of Fagara Xanthoxyloides should be cut into pieces. The ripe Capiscum frutescence will be added in sufficient moderate quantity. Then the Trona will be use to top it. the bottle must be big enough, so that effervescence that will be followed after you have add the Trona will not affect the potency of the herbs.. Uses :Toothache patients will be using to wash their mouth often.
8.Egbo tude (roots of Calliandra portoricencsis) Egbo ewon agogo tutu (fresh roots of Lantana camara) egbo ipeta (roots of Securidaca longipeduncunlata) egbo laali (lawsonia inermis), ata wewe (capsicum frutescence) eso igi booni (fruits of accaia farnesiana), Egbo ewuro odan (roots of vernonia adoensis), Eeru alamon (xylopia aethiopica) omi osan wewe (juice of citrus aurantifolia). Put the sufficient quantity of juice of citrus aurantifolia. Put put all other items mentioned inside. Boil well. Toothache patients will be using it to warm mouthwash every day at least two to three times. It must be allowed to touch the foundation or gum of the teeth well for proper efficacy.
9.Egbo amureju (roots of Sesbania pachycarpa) Eeru awonka (xylopia villosa) egbo Elu (roots of Lonchocarpus cynescens) ata wewe (capsicum frutescence) omi osan wewe (juice obtain from citrus aurantifolia) egbo iyere (roots of Piper Guineense). Put the roots at the bottom of the pot, then add all other aforementioned items on them. Boil it thoroughly. Toothache patients will be using it to wash his mouth when it is still hot. He will hold the quantity of the decotion in his mouth for like five minutes.. He can apply the treatment morning and night.
10.Egbo igi egbesi (Sarcocephalus latifolius) egbo igi logunloko (roots of Psorospernum febrifugum) eepo igi igbaru wewe(bark of Parkia biglobosa) egbo eeru iju (Uvaria chamae) ewe taba ogidi (leave of nicotiana tobacum) Eeru Alamo (xylopia aethiopica) ata wewe pupa (ripe Capiscum frutescence) kahun Bilala (Trona or Potash) omi osan ganyin ganyin (juice obtain from citrus medica). Put all the aforementioned item in the juice obtain from citrus medical. Boil it well. Toothache patients will be using it to warm mouthwash. And hold small quantity of it to be retained in their mouth for like five minutes.
11.ewe sawerepepe tutu (fresh leaves of Cythula prostrata) Eepo igi osan Agbalumon (bark of Chrysophyllum Albidum) eepo igi asofeyeje (bark of Rauvolfia vomitoria) osan wewe dudu (unripe citrus aurantifolia) ata wewe pupa (ripe Capiscum frutescence) omi ori ogi tabi omi ekan (supernatant of fermented corn paste) put the aforementioned barks of the tree in a pot, cut the unripe citrus aurantifolia into two, add it to it, put the leaves of Cythula over them. Put the pepper over them. And the supernatant of corn of fermented corn past on it.. It will be Boil for like 30 minutes. Uses :Toothache patients will using it to warm mouth wash their mouth every day, at least three times.
11.Egun igi ata (thorn of Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides) iyere (Piper Guineense) kanafuru (Syzigium aromaticum) eso sawerepepe (Cyathula Prostrata seeds) iresile ewe igi erigiesi (tender leaves of Diospyros monbuttensis Guriee) kahun Bilala(Trona) Iyo (table salt). Grind all this item together to form a fine paste, it is instructive to note that Trona and salt should only be added in moderate quantity. It should be soak with clean cotton wool and it will then be apply to the aching set of teeth in question..
12.egbo  Eeru iju (Roots of Uvaria chamae) Egbo itakun okan (roots of Combretum smeathmanni) baaka (Chrysophyllum delevoyi) egbo ipeta (roots of Securidaca longipeduncunlata) etu ibon oyinbo (original gun powder) Oti oyinbo (dry gin). All the aforementioned items will be grind together, but the baka (Chrysophyllum delevoyi and etu ibon (gun powder should only be added in little moderate quantity). Sundry afterwards. Add five full teas spoon of it into 1liter of dry gin. Uses :Toothache patients will be taking a shot of the decotion, he will hold it in his mouth for like ten minutes, he will wash his mouth well with it. He drink little out of it . there are others myriad of herbal remedies available for this purpose that space and time will not permit me to discuss today.
Copyright :Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone and whatsapp contact +2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria. ©WWW.BABALAWOOBANIFA.COM. Jan 2017. 

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