In this article babalawo Obanifa will be explaining some of the potent herbal remedies available to cure female infertility. Some ifa spiritual prayers need if the infertility problem is spiritual not biological. At least 6 to 9 different herbal remedies to cure female infertility will be explain in detail. The  simple effective herbal remedies  I will recommend here will cure infertility in woman if the infertility is as a result of biological not spiritual issue, however any body with spiritual issue may consult  ifa for  divination  reading to resolve such through appropriate sacrifice that may be prescribed by ifa.
Infertility in women simply mean the inability of women to get pregnant. That's is if a woman for one reason or the other is unable to get pregnant after years of unprotected sexual Intercourse with her partner. Some time if woman was unable to sustain pregnancy and continue to have miscarriage such woman can be said to be infertile as well. In this short post I will briefly explain the causes, the symptoms as well as herbal cure for infertility.As regards the causes some of well known causes of infertility range from genetic problems from parents, smoking and drinking of hard alcoholic drinks, menopause (when women fail to see their menstruation again) aging(advancing in years which tell on the body system)  fibroid (this is a disease that affect the womb it grows like tumor in the womb) damage or block of fallopian tube, some time as a result of operation or taking harmful medication, ovulation problem, harsh or unfavorable environmental factors, taking some medication like contraceptive which sometimes have adverse effects when the person is ready to get pregnant etc.
The symptoms of infertility can be one or more of the following : one noticeable symptoms is that of inability to get pregnant, frequent miscarriages, abnormal ovulation ulation, the woman can be experiencing pain during sex, some time blood unnecessarily, pain during menstruation, having irregular menstrual period, some time the period may ceased totally that is the women will not see her menstruation at all. Unnecessary loss of hair, the woman may develop low sexual drive, etc.
1.Ewe Akoko tutu(fresh leaves of fertility leaves with scientific name Newbouldia laeveis). Boil the leaves with water, allow it to settle for 24 hours, get oyin igan ogidi (original natural wild honey) mix it with the cook leave water extract in adequate propotion. An infertile woman will be drinking it a full cup two times a day. Notice this kind of mixture can make the women purge some times. If this happens, she will reduce the quantity he takes.
2.Ewa ikakure (beans of Vigna sinensi), ewe patanmon (leaves of Biophytum petersianum) odu atare kan (one full fruit of Alligator pepper with scientific name Aframomum melegueta). The three items will be burn
together,and blend into fine powder after burning. At the second day your menstruation stop you will start using it. Uses :add  to a cold palm, and use it for seven day after menstruation. You will get pregnant, if your fertility issue is pure Biological, if not some other spiritual ritual may be needed to complement it.
3.Eso pandoro (fruit of kigelia Africana), alubosa elewe (leafy onion with scientific name Allium ascalonicum ) cut the kigelia fruit into small small pieces, put it inside pot, put the leafy onions on top. Add water boil it. An infertile woman will be drinking the decotion one cup a day.
4. epo igi akoko (bark stem of fertility plant with scientific name Newbouldia laeveis), atale (ginger with scientific name Zingiber officinale) grind it together well and sundry and blend it into powder format. Uses :an infertile woman will be using full table spoon of it for 15 days, starting from the day he he finished her menstruation period.
5.ododo enupekure (Ekiti people) oyo people call it Enukopire (fresh  tips of Euphorbia laterifolia) oro alagogo tutu (Ekiti) Oyo people call it Oro Agogo ((fresh leaves of Euphorbia deightonii), kahun Bilala (Trona) ose dudu (black soap). Every thing will be pounds together with herbal pestle and mortal. An infertile woman will be using the soap to wash her vagina.
6.ewe emimmon aberodufe (Ekiti) Oyo people call it Eemon aberodufe) (leaves of Desmodium velutinum) ewe patanmon (leaves of Biophytum petersianum) odi atare kan (one full of Alligator pepper with scientific name Aframomum melegueta) blend these item into fine powder. An infertile woman will be taking it one table spoon with water every day.
1.Egbo sagere (root of Cussonia bancoenesis), Isu ara aidan ogoji (soft tissue sides of Tetrapleura fruits), baaka mewa (Glasdiolus pisttacinus 10) ,atare (Aframomum melegueta), Ako kahun Bilala (Trona) epa ikun meje (seven beans of Culculigo pilosa) foofo - okun mejila (12 Sepia offinalist) eso iyere ekun owo kan (one handful of pipper guineesis. all items should be blended into fine powder. Uses :an infertile  women will start to use it one full table spoon a day before eight days before her menstruation start, and she will continue the herbs until 8 days after her menstruation.
2.efo amunututu ( water leaves with scientific name Basela Alba) ewe odundun e leti(kalanchoe Genata) Agbon ti ko gbo (immature coconut fruit). Extract the juice of this two leaves, blend the inner fruit of immature coconut and it water. Mix everything together. Mix it with original wild honey. Uses :2table spoon of it should be taken by an infertile woman morning and night.
3.ewe alatapara (Ekiti) Oyo people call it tapara (leaves Cissus populnea. squeeze the fresh leave the leave with water. An infertile woman who is experiencing internal heat that prevents pregnancy will be taking the decotion one cup every morning. #ifa#orisa#babalawoobanifa# herbalremediesforfemaleinfertility####
Copyright :Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone and whatsapp contact +2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.©www.babalawoobanifa.com 2016.

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