Cure for Ulcer (ogbe inu)

In this article babalawo Obanifa will explain different types of Natura herbal remedies available to cure different type of ulcers. Cure for peptic ulcer, duodenal ulcer and intestinal ulcer. Traditionally we know less on on the orthodox classification of ulcers,rather than we are certain of the cure been use over the years for Ulcer wish actually work.
The doctors  in orthodox medicine has define ulcer has 'open sore that forms on the liner of the stomach that increase the gastric acid in the digestive tract,when there is excess acid in the stomach, which eat away mucus lining which lead to sore . it is caused by bacteria called Helicobacter pylori. But for herbal practioner and a  spiritualist like me that definition is of little importance, what matters is certainty in cure. Ogbe inu  ulceris simply a sore in the stomach, and usually cause pain in the stomach, especially when person suffering from uclcer fail to eat early. Some time it may lead to bleeding of blood from stomach.
This explainatoin will not be completed if we don't branch and discuss different types of ulcer known.I  have studied intensively the orthodox analysis and classification of ulcers by www.ulcercure. com. I find their explanation very comprehensive with what I have heard over the years with ulcer patients. I will prefer to adopt some of their explanation as mine, before I delve in herbal remedies for Ulcer available.
Most people know about two types of ulcers before they get diagnosed with a more specific type of ulcer. Generally, people refer only to stomach ulcers and peptic ulcers. We  will  explain what the difference is between these two, and we  will also explain more about the lesser known stomach ulcers.
The term 'stomach ulcer' is a pretty broad term that includes quite a few different types of ulcers. It gets a little confusing when you really start looking deeper into figuring out the 7 different types of ulcers found in the digestive system.
Mostly, ulcers are named after the location where they are found but, as with most things in life, there is an exception - the peptic ulcer. For instance a peptic ulcer can be found anywhere in your esophagus, stomach or duodenum.
So, therefore a peptic ulcer can also a be an esophageal, or gastric, or duodenal ulcer....confused? Let's try and simplify this for you!.
Peptic Ulcer:
Any ulcer that is exposed to pepsin is referred to as peptic ulcers. Peptic ulcers are foundin the lining of your stomach or duodenum. Pepsin is normally present along with hydrochloric acid in the stomach lining. The symptoms of peptic ulcer are:
The basic symptoms of peptic ulcers.
These are almost the same as the basic symptoms of stomach ulcers, but with a few small differences due to exposure to gastric acids;
*.The most common symptoms of  a peptic ulcer is a gnawing or burning pain in your stomach just below your sternum
*.Stomach pains are triggered by hunger and occur between meals and in the early hours of the morning
*.Pains can be sharp or dull
*.Taking aspirin, or drinking orange juice or coffee can cause pain
*.Antacid medication offers short term relief
*.Pain can occur when your stomach is empty, or after you have eaten. The type of ulcer you have will determine this.
*.Pain may be relieved by food intake or with antacids, again depending  on the type of ulcer you have
*.Frequent burping
*.Bloating of the stomach
*.Ulcer pain can come and go over long periods of time.
Less common symptoms may include;
*.Evidence of bleeding
*.Loss of appetite
*.Nausea and dizziness.
Gastric Ulcer:
When a peptic ulcer is in your stomach, it is called agastric ulcer. The symptoms of gastric ulcers are more specific than peptic ulcer symptoms.
The signs and symptoms of a gastric ulcer are almost opposite to the signs and symptoms of duodenal ulcers - the main differences are noticed in the timing and severity of the pain.
*.Gastric ulcers generally cause a dull aching pain, often right after eating
.*.Making a meal can often cause an increase in pain
*.Eating will not relieve pain asis the case with other types of ulcers
*.Indigestion and heartburn, or acid reflux
*.Nagging pain in the upper abdomen area below your breastbone
*.Episodes of nausea
*.A noticeable loss of appetite
*.Unplanned weight loss
*.Another less common symptom of a gastric ulcer isthat about 3 in every 10 people are woken up at night by dull ulcer pains – this usually happens 3- 4 hours after eating.
Duodenal Ulcer:
When a peptic ulcer is in your duodenum, it is called a duodenal ulcer. This type of peptic ulcer develops in the first part of the small intestine.Some of the symptoms of a duodenal ulcer are interestingly quite opposite to those of gastric ulcers.
These are identifiable symptoms of duodenal ulcer :
*.Heartburn/GERD is a one of the most noticeable signs of a duodenal ulcer.
*.You will also feel a burning or gnawing sensation in the top of your stomach.
*.The symptoms of a duodenal ulcer are felt mostly before a meal. This happens when excess acid produced by hunger stimulation, is passed into the duodenum.
*.Pain will be felt after taking aspirin or drinking orange juice or coffee.
*.Another symptom of a duodenal ulcer is that about 5 in every 10 people are woken from their sleep during the night by sharp ulcer pains.
*.With duodenal ulcers, taking a meal or an antacid usually results in a decrease in pain levels.
Lesser Known types of Ulcers:
Esophageal Ulcer
This type of ulcer occurs in the lower end of your esophagus.Esophageal ulcers are often associated with a bad case of acid reflux, or GERD as it is commonly called (short for Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease).
Esophageal Ulcers are defined as open sores or lesions in the lining of the esophagus (the tube that carries food from your throat to your stomach).
These ulcers usually cause pain that is felt behind or just below your breastbone, similar to the area where you would feel heartburn symptoms.Healing is slow and these ulcers can recur quite often. Chronic and severe recurrences can result in a narrowing of your esophagus after healing.
Bleeding Ulcer
Internal bleeding is caused by a peptic ulcer which has been left untreated. When this happens, it is now referred to as ableeding ulcer- this is themost dangerous type of ulcer. See your doctor immediately ifyou are showing symptoms.
The symptoms of a bleeding ulcer:
If any of the following symptoms of a bleeding ulcer present themselves, we urge you to move swiftly towards getting treatment, and make sure you tell your doctor aboutall the symptoms you have.
*.The passing of foul smelling black, tarry stools could be one of the first symptoms of agastric ulceror aduodenal ulcerthat has started bleeding
*.The presence of dark red blood in your stools
*.If your ulcer is already at an advanced stage then repeated and different signs of bleeding can be identified.
*.Vomiting of new blood whichis bright red in color - this indicates that a gastric ulcer has started bleeding. This will be accompanied by repeated episodes of nausea.
*.Unplanned or unexplained weight loss
*.Intense and more localized pain in people with penetrating ulcers - the pain may also radiate to your back
*.Faintness and dizziness when standing up - this is due to loss of blood. Over a long period of time, you may become anemic and feel weak, dizzy, or tired all the time. This is typical of a slowbleed left untreated.
Refractory Ulcer:
Refractory ulcers are simply peptic ulcers that have not healed after at least 3 months of treatment.
Stress Ulcer:
Stress ulcers are a group of lesions (or lacerations) found in the esophagus, stomach or duodenum. These are normally only found in critically ill or severely stressed patients.
Herbal Cure For Different Types Of Ulcers By Babalawo Obanifa.
1.Boil fresh pear leaves(Avoca pear)  and fresh leaves of Africa marigold together with water. Uses:add three table spoon of honey to a cup of it, take it three times a day.
2. If you boil only the fresh leave of pear (Avoca pear) with water.  Uses
:add one table spoon of original wild honey to a cup of it, to be taking three times a day.
3.sundry unripe banana and plantain (musa paradisiaca and musa sapientum). Then blend or grind them together  into powder. Uses :add one full spoon of this powder into Three spoon of honey. To be use three times per day.
4.eso oyoyo tabi ewedu (seeds of Corchorus olutorius) blend it into fine powder, take it with palp every morning.
*Peel unripe plantains, dry the peels, blend it into a fine powder. Uses one tea spoon of it per day with it a full spoon of wild honey. Take it along with a cup of water three time per day.
*get unripe pawpaw (carica papaya) don't peel, don't remove it seed. Just cut it into pieces. Soak it in water. Uses :take it one cup two times a day.
*if you pound the trunk of plantain (musa paradisiaca) obtain it juice and seive it, you taking it half a cup once a day.
*Ewe ewuro tutu (fresh bitter leave with scientific name Vernonia Amygdalina) orogbo (bitter kola with scientific name Garcina kola) alubosa elewe (Allium escalonicum), grind or blend all of it together into paste, sundry it well. Then grind it into fine powder. Uses :take one spoon of it with water once in the morning.
*epo igi oganwo tutu (fresh stem bark of Entandrophiagina Angolense) cut it into pieces. Soak it in water and add Tom Tom flavor to it. Leave it for three days. Small cup of it to be taking morning and night every day. © 2016. Copyright :Babalawo Pele Obasa Obanifa, phone and whatsapp contact +2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

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