In this article babalawo Obanifa will explain in full details conglomerates of various herbal remedies use in yoruba by our forefathers to cure IBA JEDO JEDO (JAUNDICE). Any details reavel by Obanifa in this article is valid and test and proof remedies for  jaundice (iba jedo jedo)  over the year, the knowledge I will share for this generation and future in this article on yoruba herbal remedies for iba jedo jedo(jaundice)  is gather from my lengthy year of learning and practicing experience as a diviner and herbalist . Before I proced to the herbal cure, I will quickly make reference to webmed on details description on what jaundice is really is.
Someone with jaundiceis likely to have a yellow look to their skin and the whites of the eyes . many newborn babies develop jaundice, but the condition can affect people of all ages. This article looks at older children and adults.Jaundice is caused by a build-up of bilirubin in  the blood and body tissue. That build-up is often due to conditions affecting the liver, such as cirrhosis,hepatitis or gallstones.If someone shows signs of jaundice, doctors will look to treat the condition that's causing it rather than jaundice itself.If you have signs of jaundice,seek medical advice.Symptoms of jaundiceAs well as the classic yellow tinge to the skin and whites of the eyes, someone with jaundice may also have yellowing of mucous membranes in the mouth and nose.Stools (faeces or poo) can be pale in colour and urine dark in colour.Some underlying conditions, which lead to jaundice, may feel like flu, and may also result in fever,chills,stomach pain, itching or weight-loss or be without an explanation such as adiet.Causes of jaundiceWhen red blood cells break down naturally in a 120-day cycle, bilirubin is produced as a waste by-product.The journey bilirubin takes out of the body's waste disposal systems sees it carried by blood to theliver. There is it combined with bile (digestive fluid) from thegallbladder.This mixture exits the body through faeces and urine. If everything is working well, faeces should be brown and urine light yellow.Infections or damage can disrupt this process, leading to jaundice.Pre-hepatic jaundiceIf an infection or medical condition makes the redblood cells break down sooner than usual, bilirubin levels rise. This is known as pre-hepatic jaundice.Conditions that may trigger this includemalaria,sickle cell anaemia,thalassaemia, Gilbert's syndrome, hereditary spherocytosis and Crigler-Najjar syndrome.Intra-hepatic jaundiceIf the liver is damaged, it may be less able to process bilirubin. This causes what doctors call intra-hepatic jaundice.The liver damage may be a result of causes that include hepatitis,alcoholic liver disease,glandular fever,liver cancer, illegal drug use including ecstasy, and paracetamol overdose.Obesityand non-alcoholic fattyliJaundiceSomeone withjaundiceis likely to have a yellow look to theirskinand the whites of theeyes.Manynewbornbabies develop jaundice, but the condition can affect people of all ages. This article looks at olderchildrenand adults.Jaundice is caused by a build-up ofbilirubinin thebloodand body tissue. That build-up is often due to conditions affecting theliver, such as cirrhosis,hepatitisorgallstones.If someone shows signs of jaundice, doctors will look to treat the condition that's causing it rather than jaundice itself.If you have signs of jaundice,seek medical advice.Symptoms of jaundiceAs well as the classic yellow tinge to theskinand whites of theeyes, someone with jaundice may also have yellowing ofmucousmembranes in themouthand nose.Stools (faeces or poo) can be pale in colour and urine dark in colour.Some underlying conditions, which lead to jaundice, may feel likeflu, and may also result in fever,chills,stomach pain, itching or weight-loss or be without an explanation such as adiet.Causes of jaundiceWhen red blood cells break down naturally in a 120-day cycle, bilirubin is produced as a waste by-product.The journey bilirubin takes out of the body's waste disposal systems sees it carried by blood to theliver. There is it combined with bile (digestive fluid) from thegallbladder.This mixture exits the body through faeces and urine. If everything is working well, faeces should be brown and urine light yellow.Infections or damage can disrupt this process, leading to jaundice.Pre-hepatic jaundiceIf an infection or medical condition makes the redblood cells break down sooner than usual, bilirubin levels rise. This is known as pre-hepatic jaundice.Conditions that may trigger this includemalaria,sickle cell anaemia,thalassaemia, Gilbert's syndrome, hereditary spherocytosis and Crigler-Najjar syndrome.Intra-hepatic jaundiceIf the liver is damaged, it may be less able to process bilirubin. This causes what doctors call intra-hepatic jaundice.The liver damage may be a result of causes that include hepatitis,alcoholic liver disease,glandular fever,liver cancer, illegal drug use including ecstasy, andparacetamoloverdose.Obesityand non-alcoholicfattyliver diseasecan be a cause ofcirrhosis of the liverand jaundice.Post-hepatic jaundiceGallstones,pancreatitis,pancreatic cancerand cancers of the gallbladder or bile duct may also disrupt the bilirubin removal process leading to jaundice. This is called post-hepatic jaundice.Eating a high-fatdietcan raise yourcholesterol levelsand increase the risk of having gallstones.Jaundice diagnosisThe yellowing of skin andeyesare likely to be the main clues a doctor will use before confirming a jaundice diagnosis.A person will be asked about other symptoms and risks, such as foreigntravelor drug misuse.A physical examination will be carried out to look for signs ofswellingof the liver and legs,anklesorfeet, which might indicate cirrhosis of the liver.Urine can be tested for urobilinogen, which is produced when bilirubin is broken down. Finding high or low levels can help pinpoint the type of jaundice.Blood tests may be used to check for conditions like malaria or hepatitis.A liver function blood test may indicate hepatitis, cirrhosis or alcoholic liver disease. Sometimes aliver biopsy- removal of small tissue sample - is needed to confirm or rule out conditions such as cirrhosis or liver cancer.ver disease can be a cause ofcirrhosis of the liverand jaundice.Post-hepatic jaundice Gallstones,pancreatitis,pancreatic cancerand cancers of the gallbladder or bile duct may also disrupt the bilirubin removal process leading to jaundice. This is called post-hepatic jaundice.Eating a high-fatdietcan raise yourcholesterol levelsand increase the risk of having gallstones.Jaundice diagnosisThe yellowing of skin andeyesare likely to be the main clues a doctor will use before confirming a jaundice diagnosis.A person will be asked about other symptoms and risks, such as foreign  travel or drug misuse.A physical examination will be carried out to look for signs of swelling of the liver and legs,ankles or feet, which might indicate cirrhosis of the liver.Urine can be tested for urobilinogen, which is produced when bilirubin is broken down. Finding high or low levels can help pinpoint the type of jaundice.Blood tests may be used to check for conditions like malaria or hepatitis.A liver function blood test may indicate hepatitis, cirrhosis or alcoholic liver disease. Sometimes aliver biopsy- removal of small tissue sample - is needed to confirm or rule out conditions such as cirrhosis or liver cancer . now having given details description of what jaundice is from arthodox perspective. I will dig into yoruba herbal medicine and explain potent herbal remedies available.
1. Epo mangoro (bark of mango tree with scientific name mangnifera indica), epo igi egbesi (Nauclea latifolia) epo igi awopa (bark of Enantia chlorantha). You will cut it into pieces, put it inside bottle add water. soak it for 24 hours.this herbal remedies is use  for two purpose : preventive and cure. Uses:a jaundice patients can take one quarter of a cup of it per day to prevent jaundice. he or she can take one quarter of a glass cup 3 times per day to cure jaundice.
2. A ge egbo agbon a o gun leuleu (you will pound coconut root with scientific name coco nucifera  into powder, size equivalent of ten table spoon) a o lo orogbo gbigbe po(grind dry bitter kola with scientific name Garcina kola  into powder,  equivalent of of ten table spoon,a o lo ata ijosin bi sibi meji (grind dry bird's pepper  with scientific name Capiscum annuum into powder, equivalent of two table spoon). Mix everything together. Pour it inside a litre of oyin igan (original wide honey). Uses take  two table spoon of it per day. This remedy also cure Hepatitis.
3. a o be ibepe dudu, a ko epo ati eso re danu (we peel unripe pawpaw with scientific name carica papaya), we we remove the peel and seed inside it. We not cut it flesh or pulp (meso carp)  into small pieces. You will then soak it in water for a day. Uses: children will take it  one full tea spoon two times daily. Adult will take it half of glass cup two times daily.
4.Ewe own ilorin tutu (fresh leave of Gossypium barnadense. Add little water. Add little cooking iodine salt,extract the liquid. drink it every day till the color of the eyes of the patient turn from yellow to white.
5. A o wa ewe ati egbo oruwo tutu (get fresh leave and root of brim stone tree with scientific name Morinda lucida), ewe ati egbo ibepe (fresh leave and root of pawpaw tree with scientific name Carica papaya) Epo osan lemon (peel  of  lemon orange). Cut them into small pieces. Cover it up with water. Jaundice patients will drink half glass of water 3 time a day for 12 days.
6.Ewe gurofa (leaves of psidium guajava). A o get osan wewe si (you will slice some lime orange into it. squeeze it with water. Drink it full glass cup per day.
7.Eso Koro owu(Gossypium spp seed), ekunkun tabi ope oyinbo ti ko pon (unripe  pineapple with scientific name Anana comsus) ewe kasu (cashew leaves) ewe ewuro ( fresh bitter leaves with scientific name Vernonia  amygdalina). Cut them to pieces and soak it inside alcohol for 8 days. Then proceed to add it to one quarter of water  of it equivalent before use. Alternatively all these things can be be put into a pot, cover it with water,boil it for 30 minutes. Uses :Jaundice patients will take it  half of a glass cup three times a day for 15 days. This herbal remedy can also use to cure Hepatites.
8.orogbo tutu ti a gun (pulverize or crush a fresh bitter kola with scientific name Garcina kola) soak it inside water, soak it inside clean water for six days. Jaundice patients will be taking it half of glass cup 3 times per day.
9. A o fi iyo gbo ewe epinpin mu. We will extract the liquid of leaves of Ficus exasperated. With water and salt. Jaundice patients will be taking one spoon of the extract  3 times a day.
10. A o gun atale leu leu (turn ginger into powder, I mean ginger with scientific name zigiber officinale) orogbo gbigbe ti a ku bi Elubo(dry bitter kola powder with scientific name Garcina kola). The two aforementioned item should be of equal quantity. Mix it inside oyin igan (original wide honey. It can also be mix with ordinary water or lime orange juice. Uses :taking it with a very small cup,3 times per day for a week.
11.iresile ewe aje (gather the fallen dead leaves of  Myrianthus arboreus),
omi ekan tabi omidun (fermented maize water). Use this water to boil this leaves for just five minutes. Uses :drink it full glass cup per three times per day.
12.ewe ibepe tutu to ti pon lara, yellow fresh leave of pawpaw with scientific name carica papaya. We will put it inside mortal and pound it well to extract it liquid. Uses :a small cup of it should be taking three times per day.
12:epo igi okuku (fresh bark of pteleopsis suberosa) epo igi oganwo (fresh bark of khaya grabdifoliola) epo igi pandoro (fresh bark of kigela Africana) epo igi emi (fresh bark of Buryrospsrmum paradoxum. Boil it together with water. Jaundice patients will be drinking it one glass cup two times a day, morning and evening.
13. A lo ewe  igi emile  tutu(grind fresh shoot of Euphoria hirta. Omi osan ganyin gayin (citrus aurantifolia juice) mix the two together. filter it with sieve. Uses :take it two  full table spoon. Three times per day.
14. Ewe oyale also know as adele (fresh leave of Thonninga sanguinea) grind the leaves and mix it with alcoholic content. Uses :take it a short early in the morning once per day.
15.Epo igi ahun (fresh bark of Alstonia boonei) popooro oka baba (leaf and sheat of sorghum bicolor) atale pupa) get rhizome of curcuma domestica) epo igi awopa (fresh bark of Enanthia  chlorantha  cut it into pieces. And cover it up with gaseous 7 up drinks. Use it can be take in any quantity at any time you want.
16 epo igi oruwo gbigbe (back cover of brimstone plant with scientific name Morinda lucida) epo eyin agbon (shell cover of cover of coconut seed with scientific name coco nucifera). Pulverize it to fine powder . Cook it with cow meat (beef) with stew. Eat it regularly. Mix part with soap bath with soap regularly.
17 epo obo (bark of Erythrophleum guineeze) ewe ejirin (fresh leave of mormordica charatia) ewe iranje (fresh leave of securinegavirosa) put it in containers. Cover it up with water. For some glass cup three times per day.#ifa#orisa#babalawoobanifa.
Copyright babalawo Pele obasa obanifa, phone and whatsapp contact +2348166343145, location Ile Ife osun state Nigeria.

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